Protection of Syrian armored vehicles

At the beginning of the conflict, experts criticized the Syrian command for not observing obvious threats and losing hundreds of units of equipment. Now the situation has changed: concrete steps have been taken in the army to enhance the protection of combat vehicles, and this work continues, writes Messenger of Mordovia.

Protection of Syrian armored vehicles

“At first, attention was paid to the defense of side projections: as a result, improvised screens appeared on the T-72 and the BMP. Then it turned out that the armored vehicles did not always withstand the hit of anti-tank ammunition - in the summer of 2014, the T-72М1 with anti-cumulative arrays, which protect the tank in all projections, were noticed in the battle formation of the Syrian army, ”writes the publication.

Experts noted that the level of modernization works was quite high - they were very different from the original handicrafts.

“True, the measures taken did not protect the tank from falling into the roof. Now, judging by the recent photographic materials, the Syrians have taken care of this. What is curious is that now the full-length kit from the lattice screens began to receive T-72, equipped with dynamic protection “Contact-1”, - the author notes.

Due to the presence of screens and dynamic protection, the tank is covered in all projections.

In his opinion, "thanks to the presence of gratings and" reactive "armor, such Tanks they must withstand even the hit of ammunition with tandem warheads. "

The same protection is installed on the BTR-80. “If the Russian BTR-82, as previously reported, move along the roads of this country completely“ naked ”, without any protection, then the Syrians began to equip the BTR-80 at their disposal with lattice protective screens and additional armored plates that will protect not only from jet grenades , then and from small bullets weapons"- concludes the publication.

ДThis modernization of the BTR-80 creates certain inconveniences for the crew and the landing party, but the protection characteristics are significantly higher than those of the BTR-82 Russian troops.
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  1. +16
    2 February 2016 10: 33
    Inconvenience can be tolerated, the life of a soldier is above all
    1. +7
      2 February 2016 10: 47
      In general, such things are called innovation.
      Smart, sensible military men are fighting there - you won’t say otherwise!
      The developers of military equipment throw interesting ideas.
      1. +23
        2 February 2016 10: 49
        We carefully read, there are also our comments (we are looking for each of our comments):

        Do not you find ... that you (indirectly appeal) have changed your mind? laughing
        1. +22
          2 February 2016 11: 21
          Bold to you plus !! Indeed, I read all the comments below, and all unanimously praise the soldiers and gunsmiths for their ingenuity, and even our designers are advised to take a closer look at them. And in the topic about Ukrainians, everyone laughed as one and mixed with d * tom over the same things. It feels as if those who comment on this herd of sheep are like all of them and they don’t care, until recently they said the very opposite
          1. +2
            2 February 2016 12: 30
            And why are we surprised at how people act in real life ... We don’t need to look far into the past, let’s take a moment when most of the people just ran to buy life. technique))))
          2. +1
            2 February 2016 19: 50
            Quote: Dangerous
            as if commenting on this flock of sheep

            There is a legend that if a person is bitten by a vampire, then this person also becomes a vampire. So I also have the opinion that many have been bitten by rams here.
          3. +2
            2 February 2016 20: 50
            Quote: Dangerous
            It feels like those who comment on this herd of sheep are like all of them and they don’t care, until recently they said the very opposite

            Two or three years ago, the site had many professionals from whom it was possible to learn a lot of interesting things. And now more than half of the members of the forum are non-professionals, they only know what to shout with a bang and to praise everything that is published by the editorial staff.

            P.S.A very shortage of the then contingent.
        2. +3
          2 February 2016 11: 38
          Quote: gray smeet
          We carefully read, there are also our comments (we are looking for each of our comments):

          I also immediately recalled these articles. And then Gray, I absolutely agree with you)))
        3. +3
          2 February 2016 11: 50
          I read my comments and remained with my opinion that human life is above all.
          1. -1
            2 February 2016 11: 54
            Well, in this case, we must pay tribute to you ... +
        4. +1
          2 February 2016 12: 05
          Quote: gray smeet
          changed your mind?

          In the photo above, quite normal screens are obviously factory-made - they can not be compared with Ukrainian handicraft.
          On the APC, handicraft is similar to Ukrainian, the grenade may be stronger than the grate.
          There is nothing much to comment on the product in the middle, apparently the design is intended for guilty tankers - they could not escape.
      2. +23
        2 February 2016 11: 01
        Quote: Tatiana
        In general, such things are called innovation.

        And when this was sculpted in the whole, then this is called the nonsense of dill thought. laughing
        1. +4
          2 February 2016 11: 09
          Syria does not declare itself "one of the leading manufacturers of armored vehicles in the world"
          1. +1
            2 February 2016 11: 12
            And it's not about Syria or Ukraine - it's about public opinion, where the wind blows, that opinion goes there. Read the comments under this article, please and the comments under the articles that I cited ..... What is a split personality? The topics raised in them are the same - but the opinions are different! winked
            1. 0
              2 February 2016 11: 15
              But I apologize, Ukrainians really, to put it mildly, are engaged in nonsense ...
              1. +2
                2 February 2016 11: 19
                Ukrainians are free to do whatever they want with their equipment (if only they are not harmful to us). Yes, and not about that ...
                1. +3
                  2 February 2016 11: 25
                  Quote: gray smeet
                  Ukrainians are free to do whatever they want with their equipment

                  So it’s like that, it’s only one thing when people hang beds in the country, who do not have a tank building school in the country, or serious enterprises for this, as they say, a fool for inventing cunning. Another is when the country has a Kharkov plant and its design bureau. You are right, of course, but if we or the Americans, for example, began to book the An-2 or AT-300, hang on it the UR, then it would look strange and funny. request
                  1. +1
                    2 February 2016 11: 35
                    Quote: Vladimirets
                    Another is when the country has a Kharkov plant and its design bureau. request

                    I think you know that in Ukraine the screens were set not by Kharkovites, but by the punishers from what was ... why engage in a substitution of concepts?

                    Quote: Vladimirets
                    but if we, or the Americans, for example, began to armor the An-2 or AT-300, hang UR on it, then it would look strange and funny. request

                    By the way, you were not far from the truth, we in the 90s really could have come to this if the 90s had been a little longer ...
                    1. +2
                      2 February 2016 11: 43
                      Quote: gray smeet
                      Why engage in a substitution of concepts?

                      Why am I doing a substitution of concepts? belay I meant that in a country with rich tank-building traditions, self-propelled guns look ridiculous. The Zulu with a spear does not look ridiculous, but the European looks.
                      Quote: gray smeet
                      in the 90s we really could have come to this

                      You know that in history there is no subjunctive mood.
                      Quote: gray smeet
                      here in Ukraine they lasted ...

                      Therefore, it is ridiculous.
              2. 0
                2 February 2016 20: 54
                Quote: Spade
                But I apologize, Ukrainians really, to put it mildly, are engaged in nonsense ...

                Ukrainians with their equipment do approximately the same thing as the Syrians. However, in one case this is nonsense, but in the other case, innovation))
          2. +1
            2 February 2016 11: 14
            Quote: Spade
            Syria does not declare itself "one of the leading manufacturers of armored vehicles in the world"

            Following your logic, Russia will not put such screens on its armored vehicles? Leading manufacturers are not worth building fences even if it saves lives?
            1. +1
              2 February 2016 11: 26
              Normal knife screens. But even they, with calculated geometry, made in the factory from a material with the necessary strength characteristics, give only a 50-60% chance of the destruction of the cumulative funnel and the abnormal operation of the cumulative charge.
              1. 0
                2 February 2016 12: 23
                Quote: Spade
                Normal knife screens. But even they, with calculated geometry, made in the factory from a material with the necessary strength characteristics, give only a 50-60% chance of the destruction of the cumulative funnel and the abnormal operation of the cumulative charge.

                I’m leading to the fact that any person, regardless of whether he is a Syrian or a right-wing man or a militia of the DNI, realizing that his armored personnel carrier can stick a bag of frozen shit on him, I want to live. It’s clear that in the whole it’s basically a samovar without any theoretical and practical research, but people I want to live and they will sculpt and bed nets with beds and logs. Kharkov put normal screens on its BTR 4.
                1. 0
                  2 February 2016 14: 12
                  The question is, does it make sense to sculpt a bag of crap or a bed net / graveyard lattice if they simply do not protect?
                  The question is, why can't a country with declared "rich tank traditions" be able to send not only ready-made kits, even blueprints to the troops?
              2. +1
                2 February 2016 12: 28
                Quote: Spade
                Normal knife screens

                Here in South Ossetia:

                1. 0
                  2 February 2016 14: 05
                  Exactly. These are the screens of the research institute Alloy. Not handicraft.
          3. 0
            2 February 2016 11: 42
            Quote: Spade
            Syria does not declare itself "one of the leading manufacturers of armored vehicles in the world"

            What can not be said about the country supplying it with equipment.
            1. -2
              2 February 2016 11: 46
              Quote: atalef
              Quote: Spade
              Syria does not declare itself "one of the leading manufacturers of armored vehicles in the world"

              What can not be said about the country supplying it with equipment.

              Why are you so immediately on the spot? +
            2. +2
              2 February 2016 14: 07
              Kicked Russia from the morning, all day in chocolate?

              Do we still have to start thinking for the Syrians? There would be an order, screens would be delivered. No special problems. From the presence of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
          4. The comment was deleted.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. The comment was deleted.
      5. -1
        2 February 2016 11: 41
        Quote: Tatiana
        In general, such things are called innovation.
        Smart, sensible military men are fighting there - you won’t say otherwise!
        The developers of military equipment throw interesting ideas.

        Due to the lack of fitness of armored vehicles to modern realities.
    2. +6
      2 February 2016 11: 07
      The main defense of armored vehicles is competent interaction with infantry and crew training!
      Administration VO, I would like to read a reasoned article by an expert on the effectiveness of these funds.
      1. 0
        2 February 2016 11: 25
        Quote: vyinemeynen

        Administration VO, I would like to read a reasoned article by an expert on the effectiveness of these funds.

        But what about srach? wassat

        I support your idea +
        1. 0
          2 February 2016 11: 32
          Quote: gray smeet
          But what about srach?

          Guarantee "sracha" topic: "Terminators must be delivered to Syria .... a lot" recourse
    3. 0
      2 February 2016 15: 29
      Quote: Arctidian
      Inconvenience can be tolerated, the life of a soldier is above all

      You would also tell how much life was allotted to a soldier who tried to penetrate this cage or leave it under enemy fire when landing.
    4. 0
      2 February 2016 20: 47
      Quote: Arctidian
      Inconvenience can be tolerated, the life of a soldier is above all

      No one disputes this. Only in the photograph it is not clear how the landing party enters and leaves the BTR-80. But as for the tank, the defense completely excludes the use of a large-caliber machine gun.
      In urban-type battles, this machine gun is so useful.
    5. 0
      2 February 2016 21: 38
      yes, in general, handsome ... Even a net like "goblin" will be covered with super protection and camouflages on the terrain and you can't see it in a thermal imager ... Javelin won't even aim at such a tank)))
  2. +5
    2 February 2016 10: 34
    Well done! They increase the survivability of technology in simple ways at a minimum cost.
  3. +2
    2 February 2016 10: 36
    Correctly, the crew must be protected, it’s not possible to train quickly.
  4. +3
    2 February 2016 10: 36
    So what? Cheap and cheerful. If only it would help to survive.
  5. +4
    2 February 2016 10: 37
    Funny "sheds" turned out. If you want to live, you will not be so uptight. '' It reminded me of bed nets against faust cartridges.
    1. 0
      2 February 2016 10: 59
      At the expense of bed nets. Hardly, they could stop the Faustpatron. Cooked from wire to frame, about 8 millimeters.
    2. 0
      2 February 2016 11: 03
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      Funny "sheds" turned out.

      And here is the BTR-4 from Urkainy. By the way, there are similar "Strikers" from Penguinostan!
    3. 0
      2 February 2016 11: 10
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      If you want to live, you’re not getting so bored.

      And here is Stryker, by the way.
      1. 0
        2 February 2016 11: 13
        It's all according to the mind. "Knife" screens, similar to the Russian ones from the Research Institute of Steel, protect against cumulative ammunition with a probability of 50-60%
        1. +3
          2 February 2016 11: 59
          Quote: Spade
          It's all according to the mind. "Knife" screens, similar to the Russian ones from the Research Institute of Steel, protect against cumulative ammunition with a probability of 50-60%

          It was smooth on paper, but forgot about the ravines ... and on them - walk ride:

          1. 0
            2 February 2016 12: 13
            What will happen to the infantry, on the BMP with these screens, if something happens "why does the infantry ride on armor, and not inside"? Not pieces of people hanging on screens?
          2. +1
            2 February 2016 13: 35
            We compared the protective REMs from the Scientific Research Institute of Steel with a scrap metal scaffold.
            1. 0
              2 February 2016 16: 53
              Quote: Vadim237
              We compared the protective REMs from the Scientific Research Institute of Steel with a scrap metal scaffold.

              This, in fact, is not a self-propelled gun, but the normal factory screens of Ukrainian armored personnel carriers. The only ones that have the right to be called "screens". smile
          3. 0
            2 February 2016 14: 15
            Removed, replaced, what problems?
            There is money, I switched to the British net with higher maintainability. There, in the field, with the help of one crew, damaged elements can be changed in 10 minutes using only a hand tool.
            1. 0
              2 February 2016 17: 00
              Quote: Spade
              Removed, replaced, what problems?

              The problem is that the screens begin to get damaged and lose their protective properties even before the battle - during the movement of the APC. It turns out that the crew should be engaged in repairs right during the battle.
  6. +1
    2 February 2016 10: 40
    That's right, you cannot learn to fight at the expense of the lives of soldiers ...
  7. 0
    2 February 2016 10: 41
    “If the Russian BTR-82, as previously reported, travel along the roads of this country

    What's this for? About "Armata" near Donetsk has already been ...
    We are not participating in Syria in ground operations, at least officially ...
    1. +5
      2 February 2016 12: 24
      Quote: engineer74
      What's this for? About "Armata" near Donetsk has already been ...

      This, for example, to the visit of journalists in the liberated city of Salma.

      Do not believe LifeNews? Well, here's the official channel:
      1. 0
        2 February 2016 13: 47
        Quote: Alexey RA
        This, for example, to the visit of journalists in the liberated city of Salma.

        so, for info
        Salma (Arabic: سلمى) is a village in northwestern Syria, located in the territory of Latakia governorate. It is part of the Huff district (English) Russian .. The population in 2014 was 2131 people
        1. 0
          2 February 2016 15: 24
          In short, an urban-type settlement. smile
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        2 February 2016 18: 04
        Quote: Alexey RA
        Quote: engineer74
        What's this for? About "Armata" near Donetsk has already been ...

        This, for example, to the visit of journalists in the liberated city of Salma.

        Do not believe LifeNews? Well, here's the official channel:

        The usual local militia on artisanal armored vehicles! wink
        Learn info war in this way!
  8. -2
    2 February 2016 10: 45
    Soldier savvy, as always, on top. Designers should look at these products, ennoble and implement.
  9. +9
    2 February 2016 10: 51
    I understand everything, and just like everything here I am worried about the Syrian soldiers, good luck to them in clearing their homeland of the black daesh! But all the same guys, about the nets you only RPG-29, don't tell the "cornet" and ATGM TOU, then he will laugh very much, sarcasm is certainly not good, but the way it is!
    1. +2
      2 February 2016 12: 35
      Quote: igorka357
      But all the same guys, about the net you only RPG-29, do not tell the "cornet" and ATGM TOU, otherwise he will laugh very much, sarcasm is certainly not good, but it is so!

      The task of the screens is not to make an invulnerable imba out of an armored personnel carrier. The objective of the screens is to reduce the likelihood of APCs being hit by the most common anti-tank weapons. That is - RPG-7 and light disposable RPGs.

      If you need to use heavy anti-tank systems designed to defeat MBT for guaranteed defeat of light APCs, this means that the screens have completed their task. Because these complexes are not cheap and require experimental calculations - that is, there can not be many of them. And the mass with dimensions is such that you don’t run around with them especially.
      Yes, these systems will carry an APC with one hit. But the probability of defeating an APC during the battle will be lower purely due to the smaller number of these complexes.
  10. +1
    2 February 2016 10: 51
    Quote: engineer74
    We are not participating in Syria in ground operations, at least officially ..

    In ground operations to ensure the security of the airbase, we can "participate" officially, in accordance with the agreement on the provision of assistance to the SAR. Sometimes the milestones for completing tasks change, but this is fixable.
    1. 0
      2 February 2016 11: 06
      Quote: Papapg
      We can officially "participate" in ground operations to ensure the security of an air base,

      And the territory of the air base is determined by its commander and his leadership! So we have the right to protect the base from morning to the fence (border)!
      1. 0
        2 February 2016 13: 00
        Quote: Tol100v
        And the territory of the air base is determined by its commander and his leadership! So we have the right to protect the base from morning to the fence (border)!

        Uh-huh ... pomnitsa, at a briefing of the Ministry of Defense, "Msty-B" were found on the map, which had left for the Mkhina area.
  11. 0
    2 February 2016 11: 00
    Interestingly, and our "defense" is making any conclusions from the confrontation between our technology and Western weapons? In the videos, the armored personnel carriers are actually "naked", although the BTT protection kits are shown at the exhibitions
  12. 0
    2 February 2016 11: 06
    the main thing is that it helps to save the lives and health of soldiers, good luck to the Syrians in the fight against igil nits and vermin
  13. 0
    2 February 2016 11: 11
    ... the Syrians began to equip the BTR-80 at their disposal with trellised protective shields and additional armor plates that would protect not only from rocket-propelled grenades, but also from small arms bullets, ”the publication concludes.

    I’m sure that our specialists were not in vain spotted there with modern samples of Russian technology, so that, based on the results of its combat use in Syria, they would create even more effective protection, while not worsening the possibility of its use and at the same time technologically advanced for organizing its mass production in Russia!
  14. +2
    2 February 2016 11: 14
    "and on the forehead, armored vehicles do not always withstand the hit of anti-tank ammunition -
    in the summer of 2014, the T-72M1 were spotted in the battle formations of the Syrian army
    with anti-cumulative lattices "////

    TOU-2 penetrates the frontal armor T-72M1. This article confirms several action movies.
    Now T-90s are fighting in Syria.
    Is it interesting to install anti-cumulative gratings on their frontal armor?
    1. -5
      2 February 2016 11: 38
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Is it interesting to install anti-cumulative gratings on their frontal armor?

      After the Asad troops drive themselves into the cells, the militia will have a TOU with a strike nucleus.
      1. +2
        2 February 2016 11: 47
        This is unlikely to be delivered to them. Missiles can capture
        whole Syrian troops.
        1. 0
          2 February 2016 11: 58
          Quote: voyaka uh
          This is unlikely to be delivered to them. Missiles can capture
          whole Syrian troops.

          AND? Secret rockets? wink
      2. +5
        2 February 2016 13: 04
        Quote: professor
        After the Asad troops drive themselves into the cells, the militia will have a TOU with a strike nucleus.

        You wanted to say - from ISISH and Al-Qaeda banned in the Russian Federation? Because, by a strange coincidence, the "moderate opposition" after the supply of something new soon begins to retreat, leaving the Islamists with weapons depots.
        1. -2
          2 February 2016 13: 43
          Quote: Alexey RA
          You wanted to say - for Daesh and al-Qaeda banned in Russia?

          I said what I wanted. TOW in Syria is not with IS (namely IS, we do not communicate in Arabic here on which IS is داعش) and not with Al-Qaida, but with those whom your Foreign Ministry now calls "patriotic opposition."

          Quote: Alexey RA
          Because, by a strange coincidence, the "moderate opposition" after the supply of something new soon begins to retreat, leaving the Islamists with weapons depots.

          These militias are hammering both Assa and the IG quite successfully. Look at the map.

          Quote: GRAY
          Do not confuse - the militias are those who are throwing knives at you in Israel, and those who are fighting with government troops in Syria are terrorists.

          Your Foreign Ministry thinks differently. Personally, I would not refuse that all these bearded men, irrespective of their drive, immediately appear before Alakh. hi
          1. +1
            2 February 2016 15: 27
            Quote: professor
            I said what I wanted. TOW in Syria is not with IS (namely IS, we do not communicate in Arabic here on which IS is داعش) and not with Al-Qaida, but with those whom your Foreign Ministry now calls "patriotic opposition."

            For the time being not at the IG. The current old versions of the TOU IG are not needed - they are already being supplied with new items from the captured warehouses of the Iraqi army. smile
            But if the latest versions of the TOU go, then they can overcome them.
            1. 0
              2 February 2016 15: 31
              Quote: Alexey RA
              Not yet at the IG. The current old versions of the TOU IS are not needed - they are already being supplied with new items from the seized warehouses of the Iraqi army.

              Not only Iraqi. Brave asodovkih fighters screeching leave the terrorists warehouses with Cornets and all sorts of other "sweets".

              Quote: Alexey RA
              But if the latest versions of the TOU go, then they can overcome them.

              What for? The militia and this themselves TOU burn Assad tanks.
              1. 0
                2 February 2016 15: 44
                Quote: professor
                What for? The militia and this themselves TOU burn Assad tanks.

                So let the Arabs kill each other, and they touch you less?
                Ai, ai-i-yy dear Professor, do not so explicitly disavow state policy.
                You are for world peace, no?

                But you are afraid of Syria, afraid more than your other well-wishers.
                And yet, maintaining such a constant state of war around you, you will sooner or later grow near by rat wolf, and to whom he will rush ...
                1. +2
                  2 February 2016 20: 08
                  Quote: Cynic
                  So let the Arabs kill each other, and they touch you less?

                  Where did I write this? I wrote that the militia burn the Assad tanks better than the Ishilov’s.

                  Quote: Cynic
                  But you are afraid of Syria, afraid more than your other well-wishers.

                  She was not very much afraid during her lifetime, and now even more so. Syria has always lost all military conflicts. Why be afraid of her?

                  Quote: Cynic
                  And yet, maintaining such a constant state of war around you, sooner or later you will grow up under the side of a rat wolf, and who it will throw at ...

                  We support exclusively peace, not war. War is bad for business.

                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  The quantity is incomparable. The Irkats left their equipment and weapons with almost divisional kits - up to the "Abrams".

                  Assad also threw and throws up to aviation and air defense systems.

                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  You know, uv. Professor, in 1992-1993 we also thought that if our enemies are at war with each other outside the Russian Federation, that’s good.

                  This is not our war, and the more bearded people kill each other the better.
                  1. 0
                    2 February 2016 22: 49
                    Quote: professor
                    Syria has always lost all military conflicts.

                    Can you tell me why suddenly everyone started talking about the possible use of nuclear weapons by Israel? It seems then, Israel once again defeated Syria?
                    Quote: professor
                    Why be afraid of her?

                    Quote: professor
                    War is bad for business.

                    Hmm, and the phrase, war is the same business?
                    Quote: professor
                    This is not our war

                    What are we talking about
                    1. +3
                      3 February 2016 07: 33
                      Quote: Cynic
                      Can you tell me why suddenly everyone started talking about the possible use of nuclear weapons by Israel? It seems then, Israel once again defeated Syria?

                      Who spoke? "Historians"? And when did Syria defeat Israel? Or even at least one conflict in which she won?

                      Quote: Cynic
                      Hmm, and the phrase, war is the same business?

                      War is not our business. We need peace. We are ready to pay a high price for it, like the one we paid to Egypt and Jordan. We have offered peace to Syria more than once, but Assad has chosen war.

                      Quote: Cynic
                      What are we talking about

                      We already got into other people's conflicts when Muslims slaughtered Christians and vice versa and remained extreme. Shiites are now slaughtering Sunnis with Alawites and vice versa. This is not our war. Let the UN withdraw 30 of its employees from Gaza and send them to Syria.
              2. 0
                2 February 2016 17: 14
                Quote: professor
                Not only Iraqi. Brave asodovkih fighters screeching leave the terrorists warehouses with Cornets and all sorts of other "sweets".

                The quantity is incomparable. The Irkats left their equipment and weapons with almost divisional kits - up to the "Abrams".
                Quote: professor
                What for? The militia and this themselves TOU burn Assad tanks.

                You know, uv. Professor, in 1992-1993 we also thought that if our enemies were at war with each other outside the Russian Federation, it would be good. Remember when the "White Fox" clashed in Abkhazia with the forces of the Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus.
                And as a result, they received the First Chechen War, when our army had to deal with the experience of combat and well armed Basayev’s fighters who had received in Abkhazia.
      3. +3
        2 February 2016 13: 08
        Quote: professor
        militias will have a TOU with a strike nucleus.

        Do not confuse - the militias are those who are throwing knives at you in Israel, and those who are fighting with government troops in Syria are terrorists. laughing
      4. +1
        2 February 2016 13: 42
        Yes, he will not be needed there - the TOW 2A with an armor penetration of 900 millimeters will penetrate all tanks in the forehead, except for the T 90A.
  15. 0
    2 February 2016 11: 23
    But is it hard for designers to think through and factory-riveted such protection that the people didn’t have to refine themselves on the ground?
    1. 0
      2 February 2016 11: 45
      Quote: Mikhail Krapivin
      But is it hard for designers to think through and factory-riveted such protection that the people didn’t have to refine themselves on the ground?

      the only thing that can protect better today is KAZ.
      1. +1
        2 February 2016 12: 28
        Quote: atalef
        Quote: Mikhail Krapivin
        But is it hard for designers to think through and factory-riveted such protection that the people didn’t have to refine themselves on the ground?

        the only thing that can protect better today is KAZ.

        From RPG-30 "Hook" KAZ will not help!
        1. 0
          2 February 2016 13: 22
          Do not be so categorical.
          "In 2012 Israel Defense reported that the Rafael weapons development
          authority has developed a defense system, "Trench Coat",
          against the RPG-30, to supplement the existing Trophy "

          In addition, 105 mm is 105 mm, not 150 like the Cornet or TOU ...
          Normal passive frontal armor holds 105 mm grenades
          1. 0
            2 February 2016 13: 46
            Just as they start shooting at tanks from RPG 30, we can find out if the armor of the tanks holds their grenade, whether it protects KAZ or not, and all other aspects - like using RPG 29.
  16. +4
    2 February 2016 11: 25
    When passing through the "brilliant green" hooks on this shed of branches, blocking the view for optics. What then? The city also has enough flying debris.
  17. 0
    2 February 2016 11: 30
    82nd ours needs to be improved. It is not clear why they did not raise the level of protection right away?
  18. PKK
    2 February 2016 12: 31
    Tankers decide whether they need protection or not. Syrian tankers have been burning for so many years and have come to the conclusion that protection is needed. They need to be believed. Ukropsk and militia tankers were on fire. They are the same for the question of laziness. You need to do and improve. What would and it was possible to get through the greenback in a body kit and in the city to climb.
  19. 0
    2 February 2016 13: 00
    Dear, I do not share your point of view, all these crafts are not from a good life and only prove the truth in the war, there are no trifles, and it’s time to work on the subject for a long time, especially since there are places to test in real conditions, this concerns not only tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, but also the possibility of application on construction, special, civil engineering
  20. 0
    2 February 2016 13: 30
    Everything is clear, everything is clear, except for one. What about a substantial number of articles in which the use of screens, let's say, is being questioned?
    In fact, the conversation is not about the need for BTT shielding, but about the approach to the essence of the reservation itself
    1. +1
      2 February 2016 13: 51
      The picture does not correspond to the actual dimensions of the T 72.
    2. +1
      2 February 2016 14: 12
  21. 0
    2 February 2016 14: 06
    There are no invulnerable armor objects. Hang around with everything than without hitting a tank or armored personnel carrier endlessly will not work. The best defense of the tank is a competent crew and infantry around.
  22. Riv
    2 February 2016 14: 15
    Amused. :)

    Without going into the ukrasrach about home-made showerheads and their benefits (although crafts of the same class), it is worth saying that for armored vehicles dynamic protection is the last chance for survival. Last, not first. They cut down the protection from the machine gun - you need to crawl away and hide if you are not tired of living. If the tank is constantly substituted for RPG shots, then sooner or later they will burn it. No lattice will help and no armor, so the path is obviously a dead end. Proved by Wehrmacht tankers, in the summer of the 43rd.

    The technique should be used not for "pushing through" the defense and not for reconnaissance in force, but for maneuvering actions in a breakthrough. This has also been proven more than once, starting in 39.
    1. 0
      2 February 2016 14: 30
      Quote: Riv
      Amused. :)

      Those in the first posts put everything in their place, however, many confuse their attitude to technical solutions with their personal attitude to those who are the initiators of the appearance of these solutions. Saying something as something new in this is generally sur.
  23. 0
    2 February 2016 14: 47
    Even Engels wrote in Anti-Duhring about the "competition" between the projectile and the armor. This is called Dialectics.
    In this regard, a bearded anecdote.
    Your education?
    25 years of commanding studies. A-ah! Write "illiterate".
  24. +1
    2 February 2016 16: 50
    If you take the last 20-25 years, how far advanced weapons of destruction of armored vehicles and protective equipment. Not so long ago, the latest T-72 modernization was very hotly discussed, in terms of crew protection there is clearly not comme il faut.
    Many copies were broken about the same BMPT. And if you imagine this thing in Syria, it immediately becomes clear that the crew will not be enough of a thermal imaging channel, and developers are not in a hurry to install an optics detector.
    In addition, an IR illumination system is needed not only for the front one. the battlefield can be quite colorful.
    1. 0
      2 February 2016 17: 36
      Quote: TOR2
      If you take the last 20-25 years, how far advanced weapons of destruction of armored vehicles and protective equipment.

      If you take the last 20-25 years, then, politely speaking, not much.
      1. +1
        2 February 2016 19: 49
        If we take domestic developments, then of course I would like more. And if the world-wide, then it turns out: ATGM Javelin the first experimental batch of 1994, "Spike" the first batch in 0x, "TOW-2B" the last upgrade is also in 0x.
        It's time for us to begin to protect our armored vehicles at a new level.
        1. 0
          2 February 2016 22: 55
          Quote: TOR2
          It's time for us to begin to protect our armored vehicles at a new level.

          After opening the nuances of booking Armata, it will be possible to talk about it, but for now, purely externally, from Abrams all the decisions. There are decisions on Merkava and even more in trend.
  25. 0
    3 February 2016 00: 13
    rather, you need to combine. passive with active means of protection of armored vehicles. It’s even possible to develop and install automatic anti-tank systems. something like air defense systems, discovered-destroyed. possible think extra. a module with such a system, uninhabited. so far it's probably fantastic.)))
    1. +1
      3 February 2016 11: 34
      Quote: wizard
      add. a module with such a system, uninhabited. so far it's probably fantastic.)))

      No, not fiction. All necessary equipment in the Russian Federation is produced. The optics detector was brought to mind after the second Caucasian company (that would not work on glare from the glasses). UV, IR sensors are produced by our military industrial complex. Of course you will need a machine gun with a different rate of fire, but for Kovrov masters this is not a problem.