Anticipation of the apocalypse


Revolution Events 1905-1907 in its entirety showed the depth of the internal contradictions of the Russian Empire. First, Russia (with the exception of some righteous people) lost its connection with Heaven, that is, the channel of the people's spiritual feed was interrupted. The reform of Nikon and the transformation of the Romanovs church into a part of the state apparatus destroyed the project “Holy (Bright) Russia”, “Grad Kitezh”. Hence the indifference of the main part of the people to the fate of the clergy and to the destruction of churches and monasteries, turning them into economic objects after 1917.

Secondly, in the time of the Romanovs, the Russian civilization took the path of the Western powers, having fallen under the influence of Western culture. This was a consequence of the abandonment of its project ("Light Russia"). As a result, the West developed a pro-Western, cosmopolitan elite and intelligentsia in the Russian Empire, which knew German, French and English, but spoke Russian badly and reluctantly. Genuine Russian storywhich could have contributed to the emergence of a genuine elite, was replaced by Germans and their followers, like the Freemason Karamzin, with a Germanic-Romance version, where the Slavs got the place of “wild barbarians” who received statehood from the West and from Europe borrowed all the best that was in the country. Almost the entire period of the history of pre-Christian Russia was forgotten, declared “dark ages.”

It is clear that the Russian people still gave birth to the righteous, patriots, heroes, military leaders, real knights, military leaders, naval commanders, scientific geniuses and prominent statesmen. Such people have created all the good things associated with the Russian Empire. However, if you study their biographies, it is obvious that they almost always had to act in spite of and under the powerful pressure of the system and morals prevailing in the country. So, Suvorov had to push his methods almost under the guise of a holy fool. And after he left, they were buried (only some generals tried to continue the Suvorov school). Moreover, his method of creating an army of "miracle heroes" began to destroy even during his lifetime. Ushakov and Nakhimov were fighting to the death with the vicious practice of transforming sailors into serfs, and this was the system they challenged. Nevelsky and Muravyov-Amursky annexed the mouth of the Amur, the Ussuri region to Russia, against the will of the inert and pro-Western bureaucracy. And I had to personally intervene to Emperor Nicholas I: “Where the Russian flag is hoisted once and there, it should not descend.” The Russian bureaucracy pressed Rezanova and Baranov, who tried to consolidate the Russian position in Russian America and eventually “merged” our lands in America.

Thirdly, the project of the Romanovs led to the formation of two “peoples” - the pro-Western elite, the nobility, the social groups serving them and the ordinary people themselves (peasants, workers, artisans, most of the burghers). It is possible to single out the “third people” - the Old Believers. All these three "people" lived in parallel realities. Peter I though Westernized the nobility, but also forced the nobility to serve Russia, learn, fight and die. The nobility served the people. However, after his departure, the nobles gradually achieved freedom, which made the sovereign service not obligatory, but voluntary. And the mobilization unity of power, the nobility and the muzhik, necessary for the survival of Russia, which for centuries has beaten off the enemy onslaught, fell apart. The peasants did not want to bend their backs on parasites who lived for their own pleasure. The peasantry responded with the Pugachev war. Riot drowned in blood. The peasants hid, but their grievances were not forgotten. Not for nothing during the revolutions 1905-1907, 1917. peasant protest was based on a simple principle: to take away and divide. Peasants, generation after generation, remembered that the carefree world of the upper strata was based on their serfdom and bonded labor.

About 90% of the population of Russia (peasants) lived their own lives, unimaginably far from St. Petersburg and an extremely small educated stratum. Its essence was in the struggle for the harvest (any negative environmental conditions - drought, severe frosts, etc., brought huge masses of people to the brink of famine), labor from dawn to dawn without days off and deviation from the authorities, from which nothing good was expected. At the same time on the hard work of the peasant everything was built in the Russian Empire.

And the crying for “Russia that we lost” more concerns the pro-Western top, which was infinitely far from the common people. For the time being, the population rallied the doctrine of "autocracy, Orthodoxy and nationality." However, the “nationality” was finally eroded by the turbulent offensive of capitalism, which destroyed the stronghold of “old Russia” - the peasant community. "Orthodoxy" ("the glory of Truth") buried the state-run church, formal rites that had no living faith. Only "autocracy" remains. Belief in the "good king" kept to the last. "Bloody Sunday" dealt a strong blow to this faith.

Revolution 1905-1907's. showed that a significant part of the people are ready for a big distemper. The situation was on the verge. The project of the Romanovs could be saved only by a radical modernization: the solution of the land issue; accelerated industrialization with the improvement of workers' life and lifestyle; the elimination of illiteracy, universal primary education with the gradual introduction of secondary education and the development of secondary vocational and technical education; emphasis on the development of science and technology; the continuation of large-scale infrastructure projects, such as Transsib, etc. At the same time, Russia had to “concentrate”, that is, abandon any external conflicts. Following the example of the policy of Alexander III the Peacemaker. The Russian Empire could not fight with Japan and Germany. These conflicts were contrary to national interests and were in the interests of France, Britain and the United States, which set Russia against Japan and Germany.

Fourthly, tsarist Russia is completely stuck in foreign loans. No wonder some researchers believe that in the First World War, Russia worked out loans to France. The Russian Empire did not have enough capital and therefore invited foreign investors who, using rich natural resources and cheap labor, annually exported huge funds that were necessary for the development of the country. Russia lagged behind the West in almost all respects. The most important and then advanced industries were almost absent or in their infancy in our country: automotive, aviation, motor-building, chemical, heavy machine-building, radio engineering, optics, electrical equipment, instrument-making (all this will have to be created in Stalinist Russia), etc. All the backwardness of the Russian Empire will be shown by the First World War.

The situation was similar in other areas. Petersburg was unable to Russify the Kingdom of Poland, Finland and the Caucasus, with a huge temporary odds - for decades. The Jewish question has not been resolved. They were unable to create a normal security service (such as the future of the Soviet Cheka-KGB), which would eliminate the "fifth column" and cut off the channels of influence of Western special services and organizations. They undermined the empire agrarian question and working questions.

Health care was low. For example, in 1913, cholera, diphtheria, scabies, and anthrax in Russia affected 12 million people. At 10 thousand people, we had a total 1,6 doctor. That is four times less than in America, and in 2,7 times less than in Germany. In terms of child mortality, we exceeded Western countries 1,7-3,7 times.

Serious problems were in education. Expenditures on education grew, but the number of students in all educational institutions of Russia in 1913 was 9,7 million (60,6 people per 1000 citizens). In the US, where 18,3 million people studied, this figure was 190,6 people per 1000 citizens. In Russia, 1000 school teachers accounted for 1,7 residents, in the USA 5,4 accounted for. And this was a time when education became the most important condition for the power of the state and its economic power. No wonder Bismarck called the winner in the Franco-Prussian war 1870-1871. German teacher who prepared combat-ready and technically competent soldiers. In the Russian Empire there were only 8 universities, and in Germany - 22, in France - 14. Russia had a strong higher education, but mainly priests, theologians, lawyers, and philologists were trained, and engineers, doctors, and agronomists were needed. The scourge of the empire was illiteracy. We have only 1000-227 people who could read and write on 228. And this is without taking into account the Transcaucasus and Central Asia. France at that time had 93% literacy, Germany - 98%. England had 816 literate at 1000 people.

It is clear that the then Russia could not fight. The war led to the destabilization of the already dilapidated empire building. In the West, all this was seen and, realizing the project of a new world order, they planned to destroy the Russian empire, dismember it and absorb it in parts. At the same time, the masters of France, England and the USA (the so-called “financial international”, the “golden elite”, the “global backstage”, the “global predictor, etc.”) skillfully pitted civilizations that could join the strategic alliance and realize the alternative globalization project.

Western civilization was originally based on the parasitism, the exhaustion of foreign resources, energy. This is a kind of civilization-ghoul, a vampire.

By the beginning of the XX, almost all the territories on Earth were divided and mastered. In North America, the American Empire was growing rapidly, the “daughter” of the British Empire. Australia belonged to the British, like Canada. Latin America was the sphere of influence of England and the USA (they controlled finance and economy), with the residual influence of Spain and Portugal. The section of Africa is almost complete. The British settled in Persia. Southeast Asia was divided between England and France. India was a colony of England. China was turned into a semi-colony, like the Ottoman Empire, they were prepared for dismemberment and complete slavery. Japan was made dependent on Anglo-Saxon capital.

In fact, the only territory that could be mastered and absorbed was Russia. However, the Russian Empire had a powerful army, and the Russian spirit was preserved to the people, so the Russians more than once gave a turn to uninvited search. The masters of the West from ancient times used the strategy of "divide and conquer." England deftly applied the policy of etching the most powerful continental powers. Therefore, at the beginning of the 20th century, a time-tested strategy was used. First, they vented the Russians with the Japanese, and then with the Germans. What ultimately led to the collapse of the Russian and German empires.

Thus, the owners of England, France and the United States vented each other and bloodied three powers, the natural union of which could lead to the emergence of a new alternative global project in Eurasia. In Germany, Russia and Japan, the ancient tradition of a strong central authority (autocracy) and a militarized aristocracy retained based on the masses of ordinary people. By this these powers differed from the usury, trade and speculative of France, England and the USA.

Having set off Russia and Japan, the masters of the West simultaneously struck from within. On the eve of the Russian-Japanese war in the West, they knew very well that the society in the Russian Empire was not united and unstable, that the country had entered a period that could end either with a collapse or a transformation. Peasant, workers and national issues were not resolved. Everyone knew about the Russian intelligentsia, educated on Western ideals, who hated the power of some kind of irrational hatred. It must be remembered that it was the Russian intelligentsia that became one of the main factors for the emergence of a revolution in Russia. Liberals even then considered honor and loyalty to the Motherland a shameful archaism, it was believed that one should love not the Fatherland, but the abstract "people".

Against this background, in the Russian Empire, the mass of all subversive evil spirits was allowed to breed, the “rats” - the Social Revolutionaries, terrorists, bombers, anarchists, people's socialists, social democrats, Bundists (Jewish socialists), Polish, Finnish, Baltic, Transcaucasian socialists, nationalists. They all opposed the empire. At the same time, almost all movements and groups of revolutionaries received generous funding from American and European financial centers. And during the war, Japan joined the financing of the revolutionaries. The security organs of the empire were amazed at the passivity, liberalism, and doing everything, except for catching the leaders and activists of the revolutionary organizations. This was largely due to the lack of will and indecisiveness of the top of the Russian Empire. The revolutionary infection did not dare to clean out of the empire building. A brief breath of fresh air was Stolypin’s decisive struggle.

A prominent representative of Western financial circles was Jacob Schiff. Hating autocracy for the "oppression" of his fellow tribesmen, he organized the financing of revolutionaries and terrorists inside Russia. On his money, the Social Revolutionaries-terrorists lived, who launched a real hunt for Russian generals, ministers, government people, those who still resisted the revolution, the collapse of the empire. Using his influence and connections, Schiff achieved that the credit of Russia everywhere turned out to be blocked. Japan was supplied with finances without any restrictions. She was financed by the USA and England.

The enemies of Russia very skillfully conducted a provocation, which became an occasion to the Revolution, having organized the so-called. Bloody sunday. Because of the back of peaceful demonstrators, someone opened fire on the soldiers. When the first soldiers fell on the snow, angry troops opened fire. The provocation turned out nice. The king in the eyes of the people turned into a cowardly murderer, and the country began a bloody turmoil. We will see similar provocations during many revolutions, coups in the 20th century, as well as during the “color revolutions” and the “Arab spring” of the beginning of the 21st century.

The Russian empire was blown up from the inside, using its weaknesses and the illnesses of society to its own advantage. It was necessary only at the right time to organize a few provocations, throw money in - to strike at the most painful points, and introduce the shock core of revolutionaries, agitators and propagandists. At the same time, the masters of the West easily made contact with respectable masons and liberals — well-known lawyers, bankers, industrialists, aristocrats, and outspoken terrorists, murderers, parochial nationalists. All just to destroy the country-civilization that is unacceptable to the West, just to create chaos and confusion in the right place of the planet.

The first attempt to crush the Russian empire did not lead to success. Japan de facto lost the war (although it won in all significant battles, drowned and captured the Russian fleet), having exhausted all resources, and was forced to seek peace through the mediation of the United States. Russia also had internal reserves to fight the revolution. The common people (“black hundred”) came out in defense of the king. There were tough and resolute generals in the army who were not afraid to shed blood in order to stop a lot of blood. The government led a determined and intelligent Stolypin, who made a final attempt to save the empire.

Thus, the Revolution 1905-1907's. should be considered as a process provoked by the West, with the aim of destroying or weakening the Russian empire. And also as a trial balloon, which showed the internal weakness of Russia. Petersburg in conditions of external conflict could not maintain the stability of society. At the same time, this revolution is an indicator of deep-seated internal contradictions that have accumulated during the reign of the Romanovs. The Russian empire approached the bifurcation point (fork) and could either collapse or be transformed. Nicholas II regime could not do it. Attempt Stolypin failed. He was not supported by the elite. As a result, the great statesman eliminated. Russia's participation in the First World War was the death sentence of the empire. The 1917 revolution has become inevitable.

It is worth noting that the modern Russian Federation in some respects follows the path of the Russian empire, only the processes are much faster. Taking the draft of the Romanovs as a model, the top of the Russian Federation, by default, has put Russia under attack. Loss of connection with heaven (archaization in the form of the growing role of the Christian, Islamic clergy has nothing to do with the goodwill of society); the absence of a project development program; Westernization, the loss of "his"; the division of society into a small stratum of the rich and the mass of the poor; an attempt by a significant part of the “elite” to join the Western hierarchy of the New World Order; degradation of culture, education, science and medicine; dependence of the country's finance and economy on the West and the East; deindustrialization; Russia's involvement in the war in the Ukraine-Ukraine and the Middle East, the prospect of war in the Caucasus and Central Asia, the conflict with Turkey and Japan, etc., all this leads Russia to the brink of a new geopolitical catastrophe. We are again at the bifurcation point. Transformation - or collapse and death.
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  1. +13
    30 December 2015 06: 47
    That's right. They come to the strong with a proposal of friendship. The weak one is looking for her. The main question asked to the head of state is why are the liberals still leading the economy of our country?
    1. +2
      30 December 2015 07: 29
      Quote: sapper2
      . The main question asked by the head of state is why are liberalists still at the head of our country's economy?

      Are you strange? A guarantor yourself is a liberal, what do you want a government from communists to be ??
      Forever you confuse cause with effect request ..
      1. +8
        30 December 2015 12: 10
        The impression is that several different people write under the brand name "Alexander Samsonov" - a Slavophile, a Westernizer, a Stalinist, an interesting historian and a pseudo-historian, who in their essence contradict each other with their articles.
        1. +6
          30 December 2015 12: 28
          Stolypin’s attempt failed. He was not supported by the elite. As a result, the great statesman was eliminated. Russia's participation in the First World War was the death sentence of the empire. The revolution of 1917 became inevitable.

          A set of simple sentences with a pseudological conclusion about the inevitability of 1917 ... Which elite did not support Stolypin and who liquidated him? It's unclear. I explain. Stolypin killed
          BOGROV Dmitry Grigorievich (Mordechai (Mordko) Gershkovich) (1887-1911), Russian terrorist. Son of a lawyer and wealthy landowner, grandson of the famous Jewish writer G.I.Bogrov. From 1905 he was a member of various groups of revolutionaries: social democrats, anarcho-communists, maximalists, etc. Now it becomes clear and the conclusion of the pseudo-historian Samsonov about the "inevitability" of the 1917 revolution, as a result of which 90% of the new elite of the state were Jews.
          1. 0
            31 December 2015 15: 53
            90%? Uncle count it all over again, you made a big mistake. Samsonov writes correctly, Stolypin was on the verge of retirement, his reforms failed, by the way, the aforementioned Bogrov was an agent of the secret police.
            The rotten, corrupt "elite" of tsarist Russia, led by the Romanovs, made the revolution almost inevitable.
        2. +1
          30 December 2015 19: 03
          It seems the same. In fact, Samsonov is most often a plagiarist. He simply repeats other articles, hence such a vinaigrette in his views. Such an opus in the article "Japan lost the war, although it won most of the battles" is touching. But Stalin said in 45 because the older generation remembered "the zone of defeat" and dreamed of washing it off. Who is lying here, Comrade Stalin or Samsonov?
    2. +3
      30 December 2015 13: 59
      Quote: sapper2
      The main question asked by the head of state is why are liberals still at the head of our country's economy?

      No. Somewhat different. Question to the head of state:
      What criteria (principles) must leaders meet?
      How is this conformity achieved (controlled)?
      Is there anything that makes it difficult to answer openly to the first two questions?
  2. +2
    30 December 2015 06: 56
    We are at the bifurcation point again. Transformation or collapse and death.

    Wait and see. smile We will act according to the situation. Not in the first.
    1. +5
      30 December 2015 08: 42
      Or do nothing ...))) Not the first time.
  3. +3
    30 December 2015 07: 02
    A good article .. there are all kinds of parallels, perpendiculars and analogies ..
  4. +8
    30 December 2015 07: 49
    "Loss of connection with Heaven" Who had such a connection? Explain to me not literate what kind of connection this is. And what kind of project was the Romanovs, I have not heard for such, tell me.
    The war with Japan seemed to be for control of Manchuria and Korea, but who pulled us into Novorossia? There are no kind of regular units there.
    1. +4
      30 December 2015 09: 20
      It’s exactly what the situation is with the Russian Orthodox Church. The same expensive intermediaries dusting their eyes. Traders. But it is now fashionable.
      1. 0
        30 December 2015 18: 45
        Someone must fill the void after the party functionaries escaped.
    2. +5
      30 December 2015 09: 23
      And the author did not indicate the bandwidth of the communication channel. I would like to know what else is measured in righteousness - in kilo-righteous ones or what?
      1. +1
        30 December 2015 09: 28
        Yes, and at what frequencies they work, it may be possible to fix and find out everything smile
    3. +2
      30 December 2015 13: 33
      Quote: Igor39
      The war with Japan seemed to be for control of Manchuria and Korea,

      Japan seized the Chinese coast and then the Minister of Internal Affairs Witte, who proposed to the Japanese government to create an international trade port from Dalian, and to allocate water area in Port Arthur for the ships of the Russian fleet on equal terms. The Japanese agreed and Port Arthur, unexpectedly for the Japanese, became the main naval base of the Far Eastern Fleet of the Russian Empire, Dalian turned into Witte's personal property, where he began to pull a railway line with state money ... not to Port Arthur, where he remained without direct supply the empire's fleet, and in "their own" port. Actually, here I am retelling someone else's article from the Military Review. How Witte dragged Russia into the war with Germany can be read there. I will only add that Nicholas II signed a peace treaty with Germany, and Witte took out a loan to rebuild the fleet in England and France. And Witte persuaded Nikolashka to break the contract with Germany. So not a single Grishka and the Empress were playing Nikolashka, but Witte also regulated politics and wars.
    4. -1
      30 December 2015 18: 44
      Yesen stump the union of Russia and Japan flows by itself. From what is there.
  5. -2
    30 December 2015 07: 56
    Many thanks to the author. I put everything on the shelves from the perspective of today.
    That time has something in common with the present. Perhaps, with the experience of the past, it will be possible to avoid the Apocalypse.
    1. +4
      30 December 2015 12: 12
      Quote: Reptiloid
      Maybe, with the experience of the past, it will be possible to avoid the Apocalypse.

      A distinctive feature of the leaders of human herds is the inability to learn from past mistakes. Be sure to mindlessly plunge into, smash your face in the blood and then get out of the shit. Or the second option - under the leadership of "partners" deliberately lead your country and people to death for the sake of the promised personal bribe.
  6. +11
    30 December 2015 08: 28
    Western civilization was originally based on the parasitism, the exhaustion of foreign resources, energy. This is a kind of civilization-ghoul, a vampire.
    If we say that the civilization of the West is a "ghoul civilization", then only in the sense that capitalism itself, in its essence, is a ghoul system, conceived and developed primarily in the West, in Holland and England. Capitalism, on the other hand, became a natural result of the development of production, and here the whole question is who became the leader, who was eager for world domination. It is hardly correct to consider Russia separately from world processes, a kind of "Berendey kingdom", without Peter's reforms, without the development of Russia, Muscovy would have been doomed, divided, conquered. True, Russia, being self-sufficient due to its geography, was not eager to conquer the world. Who was eager, first of all England, as the birthplace of capitalism, as a leader in its development. Who then could compete with England is France, after its Great Bourgeois Revolution. France began to need new colonies, first of all, squeezing England. When Paul I became close to Napoleon, discussing an allied campaign in British India, he was killed by the conspirators, not without the influence of the British lobby. England destroyed the alliance between France and Russia, and Alexander I was already in the anti-Napoleonic coalition, when the British set up Russia, Austria and Prussia to fight Napoleon, warming up their hands on victory. Who next claimed the rule of the Anglo-Saxons, their leadership in capitalism? Germany, young and ambitious German capitalism, which became cramped and was preparing to press England. What did the smart-ass British do, once again put together, set up the allies, played off Russia and Germany. After the First World War, when the main competitor, the German Empire, was established for England, three more were brought down, the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and Russian empires. The prospects for the Anglo-Saxons were excellent, if not for one thing, not pro-Western liberals came to power in Russia, but the communists, who raised a semi-literate country ravaged by the war, industrialization, and, most importantly, giving rise to a new social system, socialism, not subject to the control of world capitalism. What are the Anglo-Saxons doing, creating an antipode country to Russia from defeated Germany, sponsoring the Nazis, allowing Hitler to take power, turning a blind eye to militarization, to the creation of the Third Reich. The Anglo-Saxons are unheard of profiting from a new war, simultaneously ending the last empire in the East, Japan, but again a discrepancy with socialism, the USSR not only survived, but became a superpower. They used a different tactic, the traitors surrendered the country. What saved Russia after 1991, power from the USSR, Soviet potential. If it had been a semi-literate Russia under Kerensky, we would have already stood a cross, but "powder in the flasks" remained. Now the salvation of Russia is the exit of their alien pole of power, from the established world capitalism, with its transnational monopolies, all sorts of ghouls like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. And, the point here is not religion, not the influence of Heaven, this is a different motivation, a different pole of the power of socialism, we must either revive the renewed Soviet Union, or there will be a murky future in an alien and rotten system.
    1. +4
      30 December 2015 09: 31
      I completely agree about the country's prospects
    2. +2
      30 December 2015 14: 14
      Quote: Per se.
      this is a different motivation

      Yes exactly. Motivation, as the direction of movement, is absolutely necessary.
      The Bolsheviks set goals - electrification, for example. What are your goals now? Abstract economy? An acceptable standard of living? All these concepts need to be specified, but not in the middle zp, but specifically what, where, how much and whom should appear? Society needs goals that are understandable and accessible. Only then the return.
      1. 0
        30 December 2015 18: 55
        Now - nanotechnology.
        Ilyich’s bulb, you’ll laugh, Ilyich didn’t invent it at all. It was before him.
    3. +1
      30 December 2015 18: 53
      A little addition.
      Before lifting the country out of ruins, the Communists first pushed the country into the abyss.
      For there were no ruins in either the 16th or the 17th, and everything worked at the very least, there weren’t even bread cards, as in many countries during the Great War.
      And only by fulfilling the slogan on the transformation of the imperialist war into a civilian communists did they gain unlimited power in the country. What did they strive for. Then, of course, everything was restored heroically, regardless of the losses, well, as is customary with them.
      1. 0
        31 December 2015 06: 38
        The October Revolution was a natural reaction to the actions of the comprador "elite" who came to power as a result of betrayal to the legitimate tsar. Moreover, at such a difficult moment for the country as the Imperialist War. It was under the Provisional Government that many national districts appeared in which leading posts were occupied by outright Russophobes (the same Ukraine, for example, which had NEVER existed before). On the wave of democratization, the Soviets of Soldiers and Workers' Deputies appeared, which supported, mainly, the October Revolution as a response to the treacherous February coup, replacing the openly pro-Western elite in the bud. The "openly pro-Western elite" took offense and staged an uprising against the Soviet Republic on Western grants, supporting the foreign interventionists. And the Bolsheviks, no matter how they were poured with slops by the liberals, became the ONLY leading Power capable of resisting foreign occupation.
        In 1991, another coup took place, when part of the Soviet elite revived "the very Russia" that was between March and October 1917. In short, there was a White Guard revenge.
  7. Riv
    30 December 2015 08: 36
    Take any speech of Hitler at the party congress of the NSDAP, replace "Reich" with "Holy Russia", "Aryans" with "Slavs", or "Rusichi", "Zhidomason" with "Western civilization" (optional, you can not change), " superman "to the" Russian spirit "- and you can post an article on the topvar.

    The main thing: more pathos! No! EVEN MORE PAPHOS !!! 111
    1. -1
      30 December 2015 08: 50
      I believe that patriotism is good thing in wartime. And in peace, like L.N. Tolstoy said: “Patriotism in its simplest, clearest and undoubted meaning is nothing but a tool for rulers, as an instrument for achieving power-hungry and selfish goals, and for those who are governed it is renunciation of human dignity, reason, conscience and slavish submission to those who are authorities. So he is preached everywhere where patriotism is preached. Patriotism is slavery "
      1. +3
        30 December 2015 13: 40
        Quote: Mangel Olys
        Patriotism is slavery "

        The lack of patriotism is the road to slavery from other governments. To be a patriot of one’s country does not mean to be a slave to the government of a country.
    2. 0
      30 December 2015 09: 32
      well yes - exclusivity is not the same, look at fs before writing nonsense
    3. 0
      30 December 2015 10: 17
      One way or another, but you have to do it. Everything that happens around us is simply forcing it.
  8. 0
    30 December 2015 09: 09
    Wonderful article! Nothing to complain about!
    Here one of two things - either strangle the fifth column, or strangle Russia. Never before has Russia-Russia sagged under an external enemy! Only "their own", internal nits are capable of destroying the state.
    1. -2
      30 December 2015 13: 54
      Quote: Volzhanin
      Nothing to complain about
      the channel of spiritual nourishment of the people was interrupted. Nikon's reform and the Romanovs' transformation of the church into a part of the state apparatus destroyed the project "Holy (Bright) Russia"
      And during the time of the Grand Dukes, the church was not part of the country? The Russian Patriarchate not only established mutually beneficial relations with the Mongols, but also established a diocese in Sarai. Sergius of Radonezh asked Dmitry Donskoy to reconcile Mamai with gifts and arrange everything in peace.
      "The enemies of Russia very skillfully carried out the provocation, which became the reason for the Revolution, organizing the so-called Bloody Sunday."
      And what cost Nikolka to accept deputies from demonstrators? By promising to consider their requirements, and not to release Cossacks with sabers into the streets of St. Petersburg? After all, not so much died in the square, as from Cossack drafts and craps.
      1. -1
        30 December 2015 18: 59
        Vovka Lenin did not accept any delegates or deputies, but simply shot dissatisfied machine guns, the guard was tired, as they say, down with the Constituent Assembly!
  9. +1
    30 December 2015 10: 07
    Because the global economy is built on their principles. At the crossing of horses do not change. The new economy needs to be grown as a small seedling, caring and fertilizing. Yes, and the allies in this matter should be more.
    Quote: sapper2
    That's right. They come to the strong with a proposal of friendship. The weak one is looking for her. The main question asked to the head of state is why are the liberals still leading the economy of our country?
  10. +1
    30 December 2015 11: 55
    Dear, I’ve read a lot of similar articles lately, think my opinion with your own head, then speak, write and then do it, be attentive to where and most importantly why are they calling or pushing you
  11. +1
    30 December 2015 12: 10
    Russia (with the exception of certain righteous people) has lost touch with Heaven

    It is clear that this is an allegory, but it sounds too pathetic, and, therefore, somewhat unconvincing ....
  12. +2
    30 December 2015 12: 56
    Dear. Why the goal of our State is not even declared declaratively? What are we striving for, what are we moving for? Some kind of tear between foreign and domestic politics in the country. The left hand does not know what the right is doing.
  13. +7
    30 December 2015 13: 28
    Genuine Russian history, which could have contributed to the emergence of a genuine elite, was replaced by Germans and their followers, like the Freemason Karamzin, on the Germanic-Romance version, where the Slavs got the place of “wild barbarians” who received statehood from the West and from Europe. country. Almost the entire period of the history of pre-Christian Russia was forgotten, declared “dark ages.”
    Firstly, being a Mason in the 18 century meant about the same thing as being an educated person in the current century. Masons were almost all tops, and often among them were people who, in general, had the most remote concept of this movement. And about the period of pre-Christian Russia and now little is known - mainly from the small remains found by archaeologists - and there were few inhabitants at that time, and little was built, and mostly from wood ...

    The peasants did not want to bend their backs on parasites who lived for their own pleasure. The peasantry responded with the Pugachev war. Riot drowned in blood.
    Unlike previous peasant wars — for example, Bolotnikov and Razin, the Pugachev war — by and large was an uprising of foreign peoples inspired by foreign money and secret supplies of foreign armaments — if we rely on actual data rather than stereotypes, then we find out that most Pugachev’s armies are not composed of Russian peasants, but Bashkirs, Kalmyks, etc.

    Because of the back of peaceful demonstrators, someone opened fire on the soldiers. When the first soldiers fell on the snow, angry troops opened fire. The provocation turned out nice.
    How really it reminds ... everything in the world repeats itself ...

    The project of the Romanovs could be saved only by a radical modernization: the solution of the land issue; accelerated industrialization with the improvement of workers' life and lifestyle; the elimination of illiteracy, universal primary education with the gradual introduction of secondary education and the development of secondary vocational and technical education; emphasis on the development of science and technology; the continuation of large-scale infrastructure projects, such as Transsib, etc. At the same time, Russia had to “concentrate”, that is, abandon any external conflicts. Following the example of the policy of Alexander III the Peacemaker. The Russian Empire could not fight with Japan and Germany. These conflicts were contrary to national interests.
    By the way, the author of the article apparently "forgets" that all of the above had already been done during the reign of Alexander II and Alexander III. And the solution of the land issue together with liberation, and industrialization - we recall that it was as good as at the beginning of the 20th century and before the First World War, the workers in Russia never lived !!! As for the wars with Japan and Germany, let us remind you that the people in wild ecstasy, in an excessive patriotic frenzy (you can minus, but I simply cannot find other words in this case) welcomed the beginning of these wars. And before they began, few people could know how it all turned out in the end - after all, after the Crimean War, Russia, which looked like an annoying failure against the background of previous victories, and up to 1905 had only 50 years of victorious wars - for example, with Turkey in 1877-78 , Conquest of Central Asia, campaigns in Afghanistan, establishment of a protectorate over North China in 1900 ...
    1. 0
      30 December 2015 19: 13
      Excuse me, where is the evidence that the peasant riots were organized with foreign money? You say that the workers lived the best. Well then, let's turn to the primary sources: from the report of the inspector of the Zemstvo Council of the Petersburg district, who, examining the living conditions of the capital's proletariat in 1878, describes in detail one of the residential basements: "Representing a deepening into the ground for at least 2 arshins, he it is filled, if not with water, then with liquid from a nearby latrine, so that the rotten boards that make up the floor literally float, despite the fact that its residents are diligently engaged in draining their apartment, daily scooping out several buckets. content of 5 1/3 cubic fathoms of deadly air itself, I found up to 10 tenants, of which 6 were minors. "
      In the encyclopedia "Moscow": "Overcrowding and dirt in the dwellings of workers often led to epidemic outbreaks of cholera, smallpox, typhus, dysentery ... The incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis was high; for example, in 1880-89 in hospitals from consumption annually more than 3 thousand people died in aged 15 to 40 ... "And it is true, why did these workers go to the revolution. Lived something super.
  14. -1
    30 December 2015 14: 37
    Again, the minus businessmen are craping around the corner, when there is nothing to present.
    1. 0
      2 January 2016 15: 55
      Excuse me, where is the evidence that peasant riots were organized with foreign money? That is for this proposal and minus. Otherwise, you're right. Tuberculosis, syphilis, in terms of morbidity, just went off scale. Workers (roughly 3% of the population) did not fare as well as described. That is, some of them were very protective of IR, they were cunning, they received 40 rubles a month, well, they were very qualified. I think about 1% of the rest of the working class. And, at the expense of "cons", believe me, yes. Pugachev, was very different from the previous peasant or Cossack leaders. Overly competent in military affairs. I enjoyed information support from abroad. There is real evidence of foreign funding for his company. Well, and indirectly. The future Empress Catherine was just prepared for changing Russia and her further enslavement. Something went wrong, apparently, "Russian World" had such an effect on a pure-blooded German woman that, under his influence, she became one hundred percent Russian Empress. Maybe everything was not the way I describe it, and "Russian World" has nothing to do with it (being the ruler of 1/6 of the land, better than an agent of influence), but the opposite, the same was observed in history. The "Pugachev revolt" is perhaps the West's response to the intractable new Empress.
  15. +1
    30 December 2015 18: 03
    Peter I, although he westernized the nobility, but also forced the nobles to serve Russia, study, fight and die. The nobility served the people. However, after his departure, the nobles gradually achieved liberty, which made the sovereign's service not mandatory, but voluntary. And the mobilization unity of power, the nobility and the peasant, necessary for the survival of Russia, which repelled the enemy onslaught for centuries, collapsed.

    Many statements are at least controversial, but this point of empire bifurcation is indicated quite accurately. Everything went wrong after the manifesto on the liberties of the nobility of Peter III. In fact, we still disentangle.
    1. 0
      2 January 2016 16: 01
      Everything went wrong after the manifesto on the liberties of the nobility of Peter III. In fact, we still disentangle.
      Are you sure? There is information that, precisely, this was done by Catherine 2.
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. 0
    4 January 2016 21: 42
    another pseudo-historical analysis. Mura.