Third World War: why Russia will bury the West (Russia and India Report, Russia)

Third World War: why Russia will bury the West (Russia and India Report, Russia)

The main factors that can decide the outcome in favor of Russia, if a global war begins

In June 2014, the Pentagon held a "staff" exercises - a kind of war game between Russia and NATO. The scenario was that Russia was putting pressure on NATO members Estonia and Latvia. Will NATO be able to protect these countries?

“The results were depressing,” writes Julia Ioffe in Foreign Policy. Even if all US and NATO troops stationed in Europe are deployed to the Baltic Sea - including the 82 I Airborne Division, which is believed to be ready to speak during the 24 hours - the US will lose.

“We simply do not have such forces in Europe,” explained one of the highest ranks, the US Army General. “Then, it’s also a matter of the fact that Russians have the best ground-to-air missiles in the world, and they are not afraid to use heavy artillery.”

Russia's victory was not the first and not the only one. Americans conducted such exercises 16 times, with different scenarios, favorable for NATO, and always with the same conclusion. Russians turned out to be simply invincible.

Against this background, hasty Turkish actions, when they shot down a Russian combat aircraft, carry the grim news for NATO. Since Turkey is a member of NATO, if the Russian VKS embed a clear understanding of the situation in the heads of the Turks, at least in theory, all other members of the US-led military bloc under the treaty are obliged to come to the aid of the Turks.

Although the chances that the Americans will risk New York for the sake of Istanbul are less than small - which leaves Turkey extremely nervous in a position of its own - you should never eliminate the possibility that hotheads in NATO will want to attack Russia.

An exchange of nuclear strikes without any doubt will have disastrous consequences for both sides - and, probably, for the entire planet - but there are certain factors that can shift the situation on the battlefield in favor of Russia.

Megaton features

Judging by the data exchange between Moscow and Washington 1 in October 2014, Russia has 1643 deployed strategic warheads, and the US has 1642. The minimum difference is in quantity, but Russian ground-based strategic forces have a TNT equivalent, which is an order of magnitude greater than everything the United States has at its disposal.

Main weapon Moscow’s containment is powerful SS-18, one can destroy an area the size of New York — not only the city, but also the state. To realize the destructive force of the SS-18, one has only to look at the nuclear weapons that the US used to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 1945 year. The bomb dropped on Hiroshima was a primitive charge in 15 kilotons and in a few seconds wiped out a city with a population of 70 000 from the face of the earth. SS-18 - “Satan” by NATO classification - carries 10 warheads, each 750-1000 kilotons. Some of these missiles carry only one warhead in 20 000 kilotons - this is 1333 Hiroshima.

At the same time, 80% of the American population lives on the east and west coast, so well-targeted missiles can destroy their entire lives on these densely populated coastal stripes. The population of Russia is only half American, but it is scattered throughout the vast territory, so that areas where people live can survive during the first and the second strike.

And Russia still has a trump card up its sleeve - its fleet of supersonic Tupolev Tu-160 bomber. These aircraft with a maximum speed of more than 2M can take off from well-protected air bases located in the heart of Russia, fly over the North Pole, launch nuclear cruise missiles from a safe distance over the Atlantic and return home to have time to see the destruction on CNN.

This is if CNN will be there. After all, the Russian strategic fleet of bombers can single-handedly wipe out any large city in the United States.

Precisely because the Americans know the capabilities of the Russian nuclear forces, they made every effort to destroy the Doomsday weapons, such as SS-18, through arms limitation talks.

Tactical warheads

Prior to the use of strategic weapons, Russia could damage NATO’s advanced bases with tactical - or front - line nuclear weapons. The Russian military doctrine highlights the use of small nuclear weapons as an element of warfare at the initial stage of the conflict in order to stun and confuse NATO forces, affecting their ability to think and act in an appropriate way.

After tactical nuclear artillery has destroyed the NATO-based NATO troops, Russia could strike with small warheads using medium-range missiles that would destroy the next line of military bases with a limited number of civilian casualties. At this point, the United States would face the option of retaliation with strategic weapons and bump into the crushing response of Moscow. Surely this option would not have taken advantage.

After all, no American president will risk even a single US city for a dozen European. It was precisely for this reason that John F. Kennedy in 1962 did not risk it: the loss of even one city was too high a price.

The state of US strategic forces

How reliable is the US Strategic Nuclear Command *? If you are an American, you wouldn’t be sure of this by reading that Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were both “reportedly losing launch passwords that presidents should have at any time; Clinton - for months, according to the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And Carter seemed to have sent a password card with the suit for cleaning. ”

In any conflict — especially at high stakes in a nuclear standoff — morale, preparation, and discipline are key factors. Russian officers who make decisions when and where to send nuclear missiles have advanced degrees and decisive action is required of them. On the other hand, American personnel with the same tasks are covered by alcoholism, depression and fraud.

Nothing can hide the crisis that engulfed the US strategic forces. In October, Major General Michael Carey, responsible for 2013 nuclear missiles, was dismissed for drunkenness during a visit to Russia. A few days earlier, Vice Admiral Tim Giardin, who is responsible for high level responsibility for the country's nuclear arsenal, was relieved of his duties after he was caught with fake gaming chips at a casino in Iowa.

Think it's scary? Take a look here. The US Air Force General, who was conducting a mission to provide nuclear forces for the US Strategic Command, was an alcoholic. General David K. Urih kept a bottle of vodka in the table and constantly drank on duty so that another officer told the investigators that "if he didn’t have alcohol, he would have blown the roof off."

Among the missilemen of the United States, rot has spread, they cheat on checks of competence, endangering the readiness of American ICBMs. Again, in February 2014, the US Navy reported that they were checking statements that contract sailors had cheated on inspections related to nuclear reactors of submarines and aircraft carriers.

US strategic forces also suffer from systemic neglect, with "leaking roofs" reported from ICBM bases in North Dakota and Montana. Rocket workers operating in explosion-proof bunkers located in 60 feet below the surface of the earth are forced to defecate into buckets and urinate in jugs, and take it all with them after 24 hours of work. What will be the readiness of this staff when they have to respond to the missile attacks of Russia is a big question.

On the other hand, the Russian strategic forces are considered the most elite troops. The quality of the Russian personnel can be assessed by the actions of a lieutenant colonel of the Russian strategic forces ** Stanislav Petrov. 26 September 1983 Russian satellite early warning system identified the launch of five US nuclear missiles. The tension between Washington and Moscow, after the South Korean plane was shot down, was extremely high, and Petrov had only a few minutes to react. With very little information coming in, he considered the alarm false, justifying it like this: “when people start a war, they will not start it with just five missiles.”

This is the highly qualified staff. When you are right at the sight of enemy nuclear missiles, trapped in a bunker at 60 feet below the surface of the earth, then nervousness, insomnia and depression become part of your daily life. Unable to cope with this, less educated personnel will abuse alcohol and drugs and even demonstrate criminal behavior. On the other hand, educated and motivated officers will keep cool even in the case of a thermonuclear duel.

Nuclear war does not necessarily involve the rapid exchange of ballistic missiles. According to the author of Fear of War: Russia and America on the Nuclear Edge, Peter Vincent Praia, director of the US Nuclear Strategy Forum, the Russian strategic forces are prepared to “preempt or retaliate nuclear strikes, survive the crushing blow of a massive nuclear attack of the enemy, conduct subsequent nuclear strikes and to control hostilities in a long nuclear war that can drag on for weeks or months. ”

In such a long, painful scenario, Russian nuclear warfare experts clearly have the advantage.

Reflexive control: the ultimate weapon

Misinformation, camouflage and military tricks - these are some of the methods that can affect the outcome of the war. The Russians raised this ancient art to a different level with the help of the theory of “reflexive control” (RU).

Developed by Russian military strategists in 1960, RU is aimed at transferring to the enemy such information that would influence him so that he voluntarily makes decisions that are desirable for the initiators of actions. This can be used both against people and against decisions made on the basis of computer calculations. Russia applies this not only at the strategic and tactical levels in the war, but also in the sphere of geopolitics.

Major General of the Russian Army M. D. Ionov was among the very first supporters of the RU, following this concept from the 1970's. In the 1995 article of the year, he noted that the goal of reflexive control was to force the enemy to make decisions that would lead him to defeat, influencing or controlling his decision-making process.

Ionov considers this to be a form of high art, based on the need for a deep knowledge of human thinking and psychology, military stories, the roots of a separate conflict and the capabilities of competing combat forces and assets.

Timothy L. Thomas wrote in the Journal of Slavic Studies: “In a war where reflexive control is applied, the side with the highest level of reflection (capable of best simulating the other side’s thinking or predicting its behavior) has the best chances of winning. The level of reflection depends on many factors, the most important of which are analytical skills, general erudition and the experience and scale of knowledge about the enemy. ”

If he is successfully achieved, then the reflexive control of the enemy makes it possible to influence his combat plans, his vision of the situation and how he will fight. RP methods are diverse and include camouflage (at all levels), misinformation, stimulation, force blackmail and the compromise of various officials and officers.

According to Robert K. Rasmussen from the Center for International Maritime Security, "this type of application of reflexive management was studied by Vladimir Putin during his initial work at the 401 School of the KGB and during the career of the KGB / FSB officer."

Since each battle is first conducted mentally before the first shot, the long experience of Russia in the Republic of Uzbekistan would be a key factor in its struggle with the United States for survival.


* - we are talking about the Joint Strategic Command of the US Armed Forces (USC).

** - during the events described, S. Petrov served in the anti-missile and anti-space defense forces of the USSR Defense Ministry.
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  1. +10
    23 December 2015 16: 32
    We are Russians. God with us!
    Suvorov A. V

    Do what you must, and be what happens.
    1. +80
      23 December 2015 16: 39
      So I imagine a hefty Yankee Negro throwing his chest at the embrasure somewhere under Klaipeda for their independence. Already horror! fool
      1. +28
        23 December 2015 16: 53
        Quote: Major Yurik
        So I imagine a hefty Yankee Negro throwing his chest at the embrasure somewhere under Klaipeda for their independence. Already horror!
        The notorious article 5 of the NATO charter says that NATO allies "can provide assistance that they deem possible and feasible". Well, and what kind of help to America in the battle for Klaipeda will be possible? Klaipedians did not think about it? Have you read article 5? Was it compared with the real situation? I think they have a stupid belief that America will come and protect.

        Only if there is a serious blow, there will be nothing to defend. Into the dust ... The 82nd Airborne Division, which is believed to be ready to march within 24 hours, will come, look at the radioactive ash and go home to Oklahoma ...
        1. +15
          23 December 2015 17: 06
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          The "82nd Airborne Division, which is believed to be ready to march within 24 hours" will come, look at the radioactive ash and go home to Oklahoma ...

          It is unlikely that nuclear weapons will be used against the Baltic states. The scale is not the same; its territories may suffer.
          1. +34
            23 December 2015 17: 59
            It is unlikely that nuclear weapons will be used against the Baltic states. The scale is not the same; its territories may suffer.

            Why the hell do we need their "Baltic states", beggars, hungry, with a completely absent industry. So that they can rebuild everything there again at our expense? To protect them again from their own fascists? Well, only if they themselves are very, very, asked, while kneeling and tearfully praying for forgiveness, and even then I would not want these infamies to be part of the Russian Federation again, as in other country 404. No, let them be soooo EU membership, etc. boiled in their own guan, away from the Russian Federation.
            1. +1
              24 December 2015 19: 14
              Quote: sergeybulkin
              It is unlikely that nuclear weapons will be used against the Baltic states. The scale is not the same; its territories may suffer.

              [b] Why the hell do we need their "baltics", beggars, hungry, with a completely absent industry.

              The Russians.
          2. +3
            24 December 2015 01: 51
            The use of tactical nuclear weapons does not lead to long-term radioactive contamination (1-2 years). After decontamination measures, the territory is suitable for economic activities. If expensive thermonuclear munitions are used, then infection does not occur at all due to the almost complete combustion of fuel. is the complete exclusion of the territory from any economic activity (the destruction of all living things, even plants), then it is necessary to use cobalt-coated nuclear munitions (whose half-life is about 50 thousand years, nothing with a cellular structure can survive there during these years).
          3. +2
            24 December 2015 07: 04
            Quote: aleks_29296
            It is unlikely that nuclear weapons will be used against the Baltic states.

            If missile defense bases are located there (which have an offensive rather than a defensive function), then the first blow will be delivered to them (in order not to interfere, they will come and forget). The size of the warheads will be picked up carefully. God forbid that it be necessary! But the Balts think that minke whales will shed the last drop of blood for them.
        2. +14
          23 December 2015 17: 10
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          Quote: Major Yurik
          So I imagine a hefty Yankee Negro throwing his chest at the embrasure somewhere under Klaipeda for their independence. Already horror!
          The notorious article 5 of the NATO charter says that NATO allies "can provide assistance that they deem possible and feasible". Well, and what kind of help to America in the battle for Klaipeda will be possible? Klaipedians did not think about it? Have you read article 5? Was it compared with the real situation? I think they have a stupid belief that America will come and protect.

          Only if there is a serious blow, there will be nothing to defend. Into the dust ... The 82nd Airborne Division, which is believed to be ready to march within 24 hours, will come, look at the radioactive ash and go home to Oklahoma ...

          BRAVO!!! BUTlaughing Now your post will be attacked by the liberals! They will win that you pull out of context the 5th article, treating it in your own way wink Although there is nothing to interpret. Waiting for minuses and more .. For a long time I wanted a little red))))
          1. -3
            23 December 2015 17: 34
            Quote: meriem1
            Waiting for minuses and more .. For a long time I wanted a little red))))

            Afraid of knowing the minuses)))
            1. -2
              23 December 2015 19: 04
              Quote: sssla
              Know are afraid of minuses

              And you, you know, are not afraid. Then get it. For a meaningless and off topic (without apology) comment. negative
              1. +1
                24 December 2015 13: 51
                Quote: unsinkable
                Then get it. For meaningless and off topic (no apologies) comment.

                Read Freud we can brighten in my head)))
          2. +2
            23 December 2015 18: 45
            Quote: meriem1
            They will win that you pull out of context the 5th article, treating it in your own way

            There’s nothing to howl about. Before lending feasible and possible help it is necessary to coordinate it and its size in the parliaments of their countries, then the money is popular. And just imagine, the country is already bombarded with ash from the explosions, and the allies are still just debating whether to help you or not, and how to help you. Send you a carriage of stew, or a platoon of soldiers or sacrifice three tanks?
            1. +2
              24 December 2015 00: 27
              Quote: Altona
              Send you a carriage of stew, or a platoon of soldiers or sacrifice three tanks?

              And even just an even bunch to limit, which is likely hi
          3. +1
            23 December 2015 22: 57
            Quote: meriem1
            I have long wanted a little red

            I give you a "+".
            Well, if you want a little red, pour ... wink
      2. +17
        23 December 2015 16: 58
        They do not protect their land, they enslave the lands of other peoples, therefore they will never defeat Russia.
        1. +9
          23 December 2015 18: 05
          They do not enslave lands, but minds. Earth come complete.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +19
        23 December 2015 17: 00
        Not for embrasure, they are defending themselves against Scythian hordes!
        Under a T-90 tank with a bunch of grenades shouting "For Obama"! "For Klaipeda!" "Death to the Russian invaders!"
        1. +4
          23 December 2015 18: 30
          Quote: moskowit
          Under a T-90 tank with a bunch of grenades shouting "For Obama"! "For Klaipeda!" "Death to the Russian invaders!"

          I would have looked at it :) While the Baltic states famous for its leisurelyness will pronounce all these slogans, the T-90 tank will manage to leave for several kilometers :)
      5. +15
        23 December 2015 17: 10
        Quote: Major Yurik
        So I imagine a hefty Yankee Negro throwing his chest at the embrasure somewhere under Klaipeda for their independence. Already horror! fool

        The enraged Ivanov sweeps him away with a burst of Pechenegs, but: "For Rockefeller, for Obama!" - the hero's call rushes from the weakening lips ...
      6. +5
        23 December 2015 17: 20
        Quote: Major Yurik
        So I imagine a hefty Yankee Negro throwing his chest at the embrasure somewhere under Klaipeda for their independence. Already horror!

        so he will not rush in his native Kansas
      7. +4
        23 December 2015 17: 33
        Type African American Alexander Matrosov ...
        1. +13
          23 December 2015 18: 18
          If this is Obama, then the Soviet uniform has nothing to dirty about him. Not worthy.
        2. +10
          23 December 2015 18: 41
          Quote: mishaia_23
          Type African American Alexander Matrosov ...

          Enchanting picture in its absurdity. A soldier’s hat, a tunic too, shoulder straps of the colonel and with general stars. Who is this in rank? Some kind of impostor. The bear is just not enough behind. laughing
          1. 0
            23 December 2015 19: 14
            Quote: Altona
            shoulder straps colonel and with general stars.

            Shoulder straps of a senior officer (major, lieutenant colonel, colonel). How you defined the stars as generals - I don’t know, but I know for sure that before the Mongol officers the stars were located in one line in the middle of the epaulet.
            1. 0
              23 December 2015 19: 57
              Quote: corn
              Shoulder straps of a senior officer (major, lieutenant colonel, colonel). How you defined the stars as generals - I don’t know, but I know for sure that before the Mongol officers the stars were located in one line in the middle of the epaulet.

              I did not write so long "Shoulder straps of a senior officer", or write that shoulder straps with two wide red gaps. I am not an encyclopedia, but a layman will understand. The size of the stars according to such a fancy pattern is of course also not determined, but their location corresponds to the general of the US armies. Mongolian officers are about nothing at all.
              PS By the way, the marks on the chest suspiciously resemble walking hammers from the rock opera "The Wall"
              1. -3
                23 December 2015 21: 57
                Quote: Altona
                and the average person will understand it.

                You see, while on the "Voennoye Obozreniye" site, it is wrong to adjust to "shpak" or pretend that you yourself are a "shpak". If interested, I can tell you the origin of this word, what it means. You probably understand. hi No offense
        3. +1
          23 December 2015 21: 20
          In the fool. With such an iconostasis and all the prezik of America? Schaub needs to earn such an iconostasis nights, take care of the soldiers, defend the Motherland, and this snatch of a 1 kilogram dumbbell “sneeze in her mouth” is shaking with two hands. In the toilet, head to the point, hold the top with a mop.
        4. +2
          23 December 2015 23: 27
          No need to rotten our form with rotten contents.
        5. The comment was deleted.
        6. 0
          24 December 2015 02: 06
          Che for the title? On the shoulder straps - the senior polkan, for some reason the marshal’s stars, the officer’s hat, and the soldier’s cockade, the post-war soldier’s tunic, and the modern chevron on the sleeve. and the Order of the Patriotic War has not been issued for 70 years. In short, it looks like a joke: the artist painted was not in the Russian army.
        7. 0
          26 December 2015 08: 31
          Quote: mishaia_23
          Type African American Alexander Matrosov ...

          Well ridiculed form. Wang, that this is a sergeant of the Red Army of some America. They love the stars - the main thing is that there would be more in quantity. How many do they have on the flag? Even consider reluctance.
      8. 0
        23 December 2015 17: 52
        But will they even advance? Then it will definitely not be under Klaipeda. This is their territory.
      9. +3
        23 December 2015 18: 22
        Quote: Major Yurik
        So I imagine a hefty Yankee Negro throwing his chest at the embrasure somewhere under Klaipeda for their independence. Already horror!

        but what do they think about us
      10. +4
        23 December 2015 20: 24
        Well, they’re like a WARRIOR, they will risk the last, eggs. Well, where will it end, schemers?
      11. +4
        24 December 2015 00: 19
        Quote: Major Yurik
        So I imagine a hefty Yankee Negro throwing his chest at the embrasure somewhere under Klaipeda for their independence. Already horror! fool

        exactly !!! especially if the embrasure looks something like this laughing
    2. Boos
      23 December 2015 16: 42
      This should be remembered, otherwise "dear Russians, dear Russians." There is nothing cooler than the Russian infantry, the most persistent in the world!
      Quote: Vladimir
      We are Russians. God with us!
      Suvorov A. V

      Do what you must, and be what happens.
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 20: 35
        In all wars, infantry or airborne troops put an end to it (if this is urgently needed). Not being discussed . The flag at the headquarters of the enemy, so it is and will be. Then the political bending of the slowly thinking.
    3. +12
      23 December 2015 16: 46
      Quote: Vladimir

      You would read the article first, and not write a comment with the good words of A.V. Suvorov THROUGH ONE !!! MINUTE AFTER PUBLICATION ...!
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 16: 48
        I read it on the cont ... MORE IN THE MORNING laughing Right now I will find wink
        1. +1
          23 December 2015 17: 04
 вот ссылка.
          Posted at 08:34 laughing
          PS Right now I will grab the minuses from the marshals. Well, if they read to my comment, of course laughing

          I didn’t plus that would not be offensive. laughing
          1. 0
            23 December 2015 19: 23
            Quote: Vladimir
            not I plus

            I have plus. I sent it to my browser in bookmarks, I’ll like it, I’ll go there too.
      2. +9
        23 December 2015 16: 55
        Quote: sever.56
        You would read the article first, and not write a comment with the good words of A.V. Suvorov THROUGH ONE !!! MINUTE AFTER PUBLICATION ...!

        Why read? This is not a royal affair! There are universal words of Suvorov, they, as a comment, can at least be inserted somewhere. Even to the article about the harvest of root crops in the Non-Black Earth Region.
        Still Minich should be mentioned about "Russia, ruled directly by the Lord God."
        Well, do not forget about "Caliber" - this is the current trend.
        That's how big stars are earned in VO bully
        PS Right now I will grab the minuses from the marshals. Well, if they read to my comment, of course laughing
        1. +22
          23 December 2015 17: 15
          Quote: Ami du peuple
          PS Right now I will grab the minuses from the marshals. Well, if they read to my comment, of course laughing

          Well, no offense, but you guys are just like small children! Asterisks, epaulets, marshal, not marshal, skull, not skull ...! Many here are already in their fifties, but you won’t play enough in war games!

          I didn’t want to offend anyone, just observing from the outside! love
          1. +3
            23 December 2015 17: 23
            Quote: Diana Ilyina
            I didn’t want to offend anyone, just observing from the outside!

            correct observation smile love
          2. +10
            23 December 2015 17: 24
            Quote: Diana Ilyina
            Well, no offense, but you guys are just like small children! Asterisks, epaulets, marshal, not marshal, skull, not skull ...! Many here are already in their fifties, but you won’t play enough in war games!

            Yes, here we are here fifty-year-old boys at the Military Review, accept from the boys love
            1. +9
              23 December 2015 17: 26
              Quote: vovanpain
              Yes, here we are here fifty-year-old boys at the Military Review, accept from the boys love

              Thank! Always a pleasure! love
          3. +7
            23 December 2015 17: 28
            Yes, completeness to you, ma'am. We are all children, if you look.
          4. +6
            23 December 2015 17: 42
            Dear Diana, you don’t know that men remain the same boys until old age? And this observation is not from outside, but from within. love tongue love
            1. +2
              23 December 2015 22: 14
              Quote: EvgNik
              men remain old boys to old age

              Only toys become bigger and more present.
          5. +4
            23 December 2015 18: 02
            So, she was called Diana!
            I am ashamed, Diana, God is ashamed of her! I’ll go and put my wooden horse in a corner and stick a plastic saber in a scabbard. Indeed, they really made us adversaries of the same patriots of the country, although they wanted the aspids, the opposite! It's a shame for the Power, however! laughing love
            1. +7
              23 December 2015 18: 31
              Quote: Major Yurik
              So, she was called Diana!
              I am ashamed, Diana, God is ashamed of her! I’ll go and put my wooden horse in a corner and stick a plastic saber in a scabbard. Indeed, they really made us adversaries of the same patriots of the country, although they wanted the aspids, the opposite! It's a shame for the Power, however! laughing love

              I did not quite understand your sarcasm, but I agree about patriotism! love
          6. +2
            23 December 2015 18: 26
            Quote: Diana Ilyina

            Well, no offense, but you guys are just like small children! Asterisks, epaulets, marshal, not marshal, skull, not skull ...! Many here are already in their fifties, but you won’t play enough in war games!

            I didn’t want to offend anyone, just observing from the outside! love

            Bad is the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general ...! soldier
            1. +7
              23 December 2015 18: 54
              Quote: SoboL
              Bad is the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general ...! soldier

              If I'm not mistaken, then this phrase performed by Napoleon Bonaparte sounded like this:
              "Every French soldier carries the baton of a French Marshal in his knapsack."

              Probably many VO men, it was precisely these words of Napoleon that tuned into mandatory marshal epaulettes ?! love
              1. -2
                23 December 2015 19: 35
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                Mandatory marshall epaulettes ?!

                The first time I was silent and just looked at your profile, now you are speaking unprincipledly about men.
                For a month with a little on the site 192 comments, more than 30000 points (that's me about you). And accusations of wanting someone to become a "marshal". Personally, I did not set myself the task of becoming a "marshal", and I don’t know how to do it, but I know that you can always find out on the Internet. Just a question: WHY?
                Not everything is on the site (for some reason, the site removes the word idiot). I can write - the title of Dostoevsky's novel by F.M. "". And removing the title of the novel is nonsense.
                1. +7
                  23 December 2015 20: 04
                  Quote: corn
                  Now you speak unprincipledly about men.

                  Firstly, where exactly, did you see my hostile attitude towards men ?! request Sorry, but this is a Freudian reservation! I have never written or spoken about men impartially, as people of a certain gender! In general, I am extremely positive towards men, because of my gender! Another thing is that some male individuals are allergic to me, but this is a completely different issue, it is a matter of specific personalities and preferences!

                  Secondly, everyone has their own priorities, someone wants to become a marshal, and someone wants to be a mother, so everyone chooses for himself!

                  Thirdly, why did you drag Fedor Mikhailovich with his creation ?!
                  1. -5
                    23 December 2015 21: 45
                    Quote: Diana Ilyina
                    Sorry, but this is a Freudian reservation!

                    Are you trying to piss me off? Are you probably a great specialist in psychopathology? For those who do not know what a Freudian clause is: the outward manifestation of unresolved subconscious conflicts and repressed desires. You shouldn’t be so.

                    Quote: Diana Ilyina
                    I have never written or spoken about men impartially, as people of a certain gender!

                    "Guys, just like small children! Stars, shoulder straps, a marshal, not a marshal, a skull, not a skull ...! Many people here are already over fifty, and you won't play enough war!" Your words?
                    Only your words to the article have nothing to do with the comment to which you stuck is also very small. Such a big smart mommy, but here the children are small.
                    Quote: Diana Ilyina
                    someone wants to become a marshal, and someone wants to be a mother,

                    The word and, d.iot is much closer to Dostoevsky, since is the title of his work than the marshal to the mother or the choice "to become a marshal or a mother" to the concepts of marshal and mother.
                    And maybe there were no accusations of wanting to become a marshal, having a little more than a month in the asset, more than 30000 and 192. laughing Continue our pick? Because you are a woman, I immediately warn you, picking is not only transplanting seedlings.
                    1. -2
                      23 December 2015 22: 41
                      It’s really interesting who did this defend the woman? Roughly like the Turks with our plane, from around the corner. Or Diana herself, then excusably - a If not Diana, then Diana has a thousand apologies and thousands of roses.
                    2. +9
                      23 December 2015 22: 43
                      Dear Sergey Valentinovich, judging by the way you zealously attacked my generally innocuous comment and judging by your twice repeated phrase, "having in the asset a little more than a month, more than 30000 and 192", I can make a simple but not very pleasant conclusion for you!

                      Firstly, judging by your attacks on me as a woman, we can conclude that you have problems communicating with the female sex!

                      Secondly, you have a direct jealousy that, having fewer comments than yours (on the site, for a long time, since January 2014, I just never wrote before, just read the texts), we are on the same it will be correct, level or rank relative to the forum site VO! Well, maybe you should think about why you are not supported by the population of the site ?! Maybe the matter is in you, in your aggressiveness, in relation to others ?! Note that my comment didn’t offend or offend anyone except you, because it did not carry any negative attitude towards others! You attacked me as if I had broken your whole life, maybe it’s worth looking at yourself from the outside ?!

                      P.S. The phrase about "picking" is certainly a "masterpiece" of your attempt to speak out about my mental abilities! Unfortunately, my intellectual level does not allow me to rise to the heights of your intellect and appreciate your irony! And yet, I repeat my question, what does Fyodor Mikhailovich have to do with it ?!

                      P.S. I read your comment, and so, minus is not mine!
                      1. 0
                        23 December 2015 23: 36
                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        Firstly, judging by your attacks on me as a woman, we can conclude that you have problems communicating with the female sex!

                        I always like such statements. We are not in public transport and not in front of the front door.
                        It is directly interesting to look at yourself with your eyes and hear again the attempts of a great psychoanalyst to speak out about the pathology of my psyche repeatedly. You do not need a reference from me about my mental state.

                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        my intellectual level does not allow

                        Since any woman should be a bit of a bitch, this allows it.

                        You are trying to build a dialogue at the level of "myself dsa.k", trying to prove my aggressiveness, imbalance, mental problems., And you are so white and fluffy, and I want to offend the "poor" woman due to my shortcomings ...

                        According to Fedor Mikhailovich. The site did not miss the word "idiot", of the same name to the title of Dostoevsky's novel by F.M. Don't you get it? I tried to show in a comment that this is a little wrong.

                        The time is already late, tomorrow I will leave for the cottage for a few days (I am building it) smile , if you want to continue, I'll be back, write in a personal message and "we will be happy".
                      2. 0
                        23 December 2015 23: 44
                        Funny, I do not have time to write a comment, the minus is already flying, the third. Does anyone have an unhealthy interest in my comments?
                        For some reason, I don’t put the minuses, although I can give a lot of psychoanalytic reasons and excuses why I don’t.
                      3. +7
                        23 December 2015 23: 50
                        This time, minus mine!

                        Firstly, the word "we are happy" is spelled correctlyоgive up!

                        Secondly, you have real problems with the psyche and with communication with the opposite sex!

                        Thirdly, I didn’t touch you, I didn’t enter the dialogue with you first, you didn’t be rude! Therefore, I have no desire to communicate with you!
                        Go to your cottage and preferably for the longest possible period! Communicate, dive, butting with you I do not have the slightest desire, especially in PM!

              2. +9
                23 December 2015 19: 39
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                "Every French soldier carries the baton of a French Marshal in his knapsack."

                Probably many VO men, it was precisely these words of Napoleon that tuned into mandatory marshal epaulettes ?!

                Beautiful Diana, there are a lot of marshals in VO, but first of all we are RUSSIAN people it doesn’t matter which flag and if you rephrase Napoleon in our satchels there are rods of RUSSIAN marshals, albeit sofa, but there are a lot of military on VO. With respect to the lady general, who will surely become a marshal. love love love
            2. +1
              23 December 2015 22: 16
              Quote: SoboL
              Bad is the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general ...!

              Every general dreams of becoming a soldier ...
              1. +1
                24 December 2015 09: 34
                Quote: zennon
                Every general dreams of becoming a soldier ...

                “A soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a general is bad.
                But the general is bad who, having become a general, ceases to be a soldier. "Pogossky A.F. (1855)
          7. 0
            23 December 2015 22: 13
            Quote: Diana Ilyina
            I didn’t want to offend anyone, just observing from the outside!

            I accidentally went to the women's site ... I don’t even want to continue!
        2. +9
          23 December 2015 17: 19
          Quote: Ami du peuple
          PS Right now I will grab the minuses from the marshals.

          Hold colleague +, for something? laughing
        3. 0
          23 December 2015 17: 28
          The main thing is to catch the trend and then the stars are provided to you)).
        4. +3
          23 December 2015 17: 49
          Quote: Ami du peuple
          PS Right now I will grab the minuses from the marshals. Well, if they read to my comment, of course

          Another plus, and do not be offended by the marshals, when they were first privates, and then slowly up. But the comments, if there is time, I try to read everything. They are more interesting than the article, and more informative.
      3. +3
        23 December 2015 17: 00
        Quote: sever.56
        You would read the article first

        Yeah, I’m reading the article and I feel the translation is not the best one. I looked at the author
        Author Rakesh Krishnan Simha
        Of course it’s nice to read that we have a lot of interesting things, but I don’t think that the Americans are so bad.
        1. +1
          23 December 2015 17: 05
          Yes, no one thinks that amers are all bad. Just objectively, NATO forces in Europe are not so strong. And they definitely don’t want to fight.
          1. +1
            23 December 2015 17: 37
            Quote: Kent0001
            And they definitely don’t want to fight

            They want to fight, but only according to their own rules. That is, with the wrong hands, or sitting at the remote control with a joystick in hand, smoking a cigar and drinking beer. And with a breast on an embrasure - something is not believed.
      4. +1
        23 December 2015 17: 23
        It is not necessary to read articles on VO. The main thing is to be the first to leave a comment like "Glory to the heroes of the tankmen" or "Urine of the bastards" and get the well-deserved 50-70 pluses, and in the future (in a month) - the marshal.
    4. -4
      23 December 2015 16: 51
      Quote: Vladimir
      We are Russians. God with us!

      With our government and president, God will not help. These faces are still oriented west, the West has laid on them, and they all climb into partners.
      1. +7
        23 December 2015 17: 02
        That joke was remembered ..
        Two men in the outback of Russia are talking:
        Petrovich, but the end of the world will come, what will you do?
        Petrovich: I will not do anything ...
        And why..?????
        Because the end of the world will "fly" from Russia ..
        Send potatoes to plant!
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. +10
      23 December 2015 16: 54
      I had 2 questions after reading: a). Why would "evil" Russians attack the Baltics? b) Is it worth it to be so harnessed to the Balts? NATO, of course, has its own interests, but each country individually has its own interests, and will individual countries such as the United States and Turkey want to harness for countries where there is nothing but sprats and outright Russophobia? The missiles will fly not to Estonia, but to specific addresses.
      1. +3
        23 December 2015 17: 18
        And so that the Baltic states were in good shape. And then the population is moving away, there is no industry, sprats, and we stopped buying those. So, after all, they will begin to think.
        1. +1
          23 December 2015 18: 06
          Quote: avva2012
          So, after all, they will begin to think.

          Cheeeegoooo ???
          1. +2
            23 December 2015 18: 21
            Togooooo. Nagyka, the last to die. hi
    7. +3
      23 December 2015 16: 58
      ... if we say the saying "you die first, and I will be the last" .... yes, Russia can bury the United States .... but no one will survive in this war.
      "And the living will envy the dead" ... as it is written in the apocalypse from John the Theologian.
      1. +3
        23 December 2015 17: 29
        ..but no one will survive in this war.
        "And the living will envy the dead" ... as it is written in the apocalypse from John the Theologian.

        Well, that's overkill. Yes, it sounds blasphemy, the estimated losses of 120 million for them, 140-150 for us (Soviet times), there will be no nuclear winter, depopulated territories from horror films, too (well, there will be 5-kilometer zones of continuous destruction at the epicenters of explosions in cities). People live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (actually, almost immediately after the explosions). The hostilities were planned for a month in advance in Europe (this is during the "Armageddon")
        This is scary. Someone may think that this can be tolerated. And in some Brazil or South Africa in general, they learn about the "end of the world" from local news and that's all. They are surprised and will live on.
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 17: 50
          They are surprised, and will live on.
          If there are two heads, then yes there will be. Radiation, first of all, breaks genetic chains. DNA won't adapt. So that there will be no children. Not in South Africa, not in Brazil. But you can dream up. Sit in the lotus position, "everything will be okay."
          1. +2
            23 December 2015 18: 46
            So that there will be no children. Neither in South Africa, nor in Brazil.

            Have the Japanese badly "broken chains"? The Japanese trawler "Fukuryu-Maru" was sprinkled with ashes in the truest sense - did many die? One. The harm should not be understated or exaggerated. They will die, but they are counted in those millions.
            1. 0
              23 December 2015 19: 00
              I do not exaggerate. Read medical literature on this topic. Better yet, military medics. There are interesting articles by geneticists. True, they are not as exciting as journalistic investigations, but the conclusions are clear. I won’t give links, I don’t know if there are any in the internet. I read while still studying in honey, including on the military commissar.
              Sprinkled with ashes. There are different types of radiation, different isotopes. The question is, where did this ash go? Whether respiratory organs were protected, carried out, decontamination. Are observations made? Cancer, lungs, skin, something else. After how many years. Children were born, with what defects? A lot of everything you need to know to draw conclusions like yours.
              1. +2
                23 December 2015 22: 31
                A lot of everything you need to know to draw conclusions like yours.

                I do not draw conclusions, I was taught them on the discipline "Weapons of mass destruction and the protection of troops and objects from them." The standard course of any military school (Except for "chemists" - they were more serious) For example, how many millimeters should be removed from contaminated butter in order to eat without fear smileWell, or how many planes in shelters of various types and openly standing will receive damage and what kind of character with a 20-kt explosion at a distance of 5 km.
                Believe me, the exchange of blows is not the end of the war, but the beginning. They will finish off with everything they can. And the enemy will resist until the general control can and will not be lost.
                1. +1
                  24 December 2015 04: 57
                  I do not draw conclusions, I was taught them on the discipline "Weapons of mass destruction and the protection of troops and objects from them."
                  I believe that I studied. And what is "death by ray", the same, and in what dose, in X-rays. I, I do not suspect you of ignorance (at VO, just, I often feel myself like that). As a physician, I am interested in what happened cardinal in the knowledge of radiation sickness. How, the appearance in the cell cytoplasm free radicalscan go painlessly for the body? What radically new has changed in the understanding that germ cells are particularly susceptible to radiation? First of all, this concerns the eggs, because, the girl is born already with a full set of ready-made ones. I confess, the specialty is not mine, knowledge, twenty years ago. Believe me, the exchange of blows is not the end of the war, but the beginning. I had no doubt that the beginning. I understand that the new generation of scientists, the nuclear winter, canceled the hell out of a strong-willed decision. From radiation, everything will bloom and zakolositsya. There will be universal happiness.
                  THE END OF THE FILM.
              2. 0
                24 December 2015 02: 35
                In the GHSA, the population density is uneven: the majority (300-350 million) of the inhabitants live on both coasts of America. If the conflict intensifies before the exchange of ballistic missile strikes, both coasts will be demolished in the first place, therefore, the predicted loss of the GHSA is about 400-450 million people .To the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, tsunamis and earthquakes should be added here.
    8. +9
      23 December 2015 17: 02
      An Indian citizen dashed a good article, but let them play better in staff games in nuclear war, after the application, God forbid, planet Earth simply ceases to exist. And we need not to relax after the laudatory articles, but continue to work and not throw caps in any case .
      1. +1
        24 December 2015 00: 09
        Quote: vovanpain
        God forbid these toys planet Earth will simply cease to exist

        No, the planet will remain. There is not enough strength to "cease to exist".
    9. +1
      23 December 2015 17: 15
      Quote: Vladimir
      We are Russians. God with us!

      On the Nazi badge, what was written? And on the dollar?
      In our country, Glory to God, the Holy Trinity is accompanied by Kikimors, Leshies, Brownies and Santa Claus. The latter is very selective. To whom gifts, and to whom "gifts" in the form of thugs
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 17: 54
        Quote: Tusv
        On the Nazi badge, what was written? And on the dollar?

        In my opinion, the Nazis stupidly plagiarized the inscription - believing in the help of higher forces, only they didn’t think against whom they attacked, in general they try to use the motto of the winners.
        And about the dollar - so they have a completely different phrase, as well as the meaning - In God We Trast - We believe in Godwhether the Jews came up with the Amer, or the Masons (one does not exclude the other) in the years 1860
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 18: 19
          Quote: Corsair
          In my opinion, the Nazis stupidly plagiarized the inscription - believing in the help of higher forces,

          And what is the Higher forces? If Kikimory and Leshy are sleeping, then they will wake up and whisper in Vana Susanin’s ear where to bring the heaps.
          A drop of ruin, our defeats. Napolen won the third Crimean War. As he won, even he was told: "Well, you won, just get out of the way" and was not defeated by the Germans. They also lost the Russian-Japanese one, only the Japs turned out to be wiser, they went to conquer America, and there are the same Russians only in profile
          1. 0
            28 December 2015 10: 15
            Quote: Tusv
            And what is the Higher forces? If Kikimory and Leshy are sleeping, then they will wake up and whisper in Vana Susanin’s ear where to bring the heaps.
            We’ll let it fall. Our defeats. Napoleon the third won the Crimean War.

            In defeats, the will to win is forged. Defeat is not a loss, but a time for rethinking, preparing, training the will. Russia did not always and everywhere win, but gained valuable experience.
            Well, do not forget that Russia often has to deal with multiple enemies, some of which at the same time pretend that they are friends.
    10. +2
      23 December 2015 17: 19
      Quote: Vladimir
      We are Russians. God with us!
      Suvorov A. V

      Do what you must, and be what happens.

      Interesting, for that minuses threw? what request
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 17: 55
        Quote: Lukich
        Interesting, for that minuses threw?

        I think that for the cliches, but in the comments it seems to be said about this.
        1. +2
          23 December 2015 18: 57
          Quote: EvgNik
          I think for the cliches,

          Yes, anyway, more pluses. and cliches ... yes, without them more than one discussion does not pass and do not put so many minuses smile
    11. 0
      23 December 2015 23: 32
      Quote: Vladimir
      Do what you must, and be what happens.

      Since when did the "knight without fear and reproach" Bayard du Terrail take the nickname GlavKomVverkh?
  2. +2
    23 December 2015 16: 34
    Because we have nothing to lose
  3. +2
    23 December 2015 16: 38
    you see ... there will be no winners in the third world ... there will be an end to humanity, and even to our planet in general ...
    1. +5
      23 December 2015 16: 48
      Is not a fact. The damage will certainly be colossal, but far from fatal.
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 17: 00
        Quote: dvina71
        Is not a fact. The damage will certainly be colossal, but far from fatal.

        That's right. As Putin said, the Americans will not sit outside the lawn.
    2. +1
      23 December 2015 16: 52
      Quote: _my opinion
      ... will be the end of humanity, and even of our planet in general ...

      And we have no choice! Either slaves or a scribe for everyone.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +5
      23 December 2015 16: 58
      Quote: _my opinion
      you see ... there will be no winners in the third world ... there will be an end to humanity, and even to our planet in general ...

      And there will be no third world in megatons. Under Nikita, America also developed many bombing plans of the USSR, screamed a lot, and smelled a little singed - it was blown away and bent. With pleasure.
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 18: 11
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        Under Nikita, America also developed many bombing plans of the USSR,

        Today it’s just in the news that the United States in the media revealed lists of targets for which atomic strikes were to be carried out in the USSR, China and Eastern Europe ...

        So there, over 100 bombs were planned for Moscow and Leningrad - for each ...
        And now ... And now - one rocket is enough ...

        Hmm, equipment and weapons have gone dramatically in quality ...
    5. -1
      23 December 2015 17: 06
      Quote: _my opinion
      you see ... there will be no winners in the third world

      So, you need to have time to win before World War 3. Yes, with such an army, but under reflexive control, and with academic degrees, why can't we defeat them? You see, and foreign authors (only for some reason from Russia) write what we are ... UH, there are no words! Wait their New York, together with its state ... But what is there. We and Washington, along with the state. We split their cunning long ago - they placed the city separately from the state. And we will cock the city, and then we will get a whole state, we there Agrosoyuz "Donskoy" will force the hunting farm to open. Well, my soul is delighted with the article, I have no strength. Let's go wash the victory!
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 18: 01
        Quote: 97110
        Means, it is necessary to have time to win before the 3rd World War. Yes, with such an army, but under reflexive control, and with advanced degrees, why are we not going to defeat them?

        Russia is a peace-loving country - do not meddle with us with its charter and we will not touch anyone. Our military doctrine implies offensive action only in the event of a direct attack on us.
        The Americans feel so at ease only because we have virtually no means of delivering aircraft to their territory. They believe that they can’t be reached with simple weapons, but we have the Strategic Missile Forces, the airborne forces, the submarine submarine-only this keeps them in constant tone. Plus, Americans will primarily throw Europe into the heat.
    6. +4
      23 December 2015 17: 24
      Who cares? We all will someday die!
      But we’ll take the Yankees with us!
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 17: 54
        Are you that sick? To hell, I need these Yankees. Better, let’s tolerate it completely. A hunchbacked mountain in their back.
      2. +1
        23 December 2015 18: 01
        Remember the expression - we would die if we did not die. This is the motto of courageous people who are ready to lay down their heads for their people.
      3. +1
        23 December 2015 20: 38
        Quote: Kanatbek
        We all will someday die!
        But we’ll take the Yankees with us!

        We will all die someday, but the Yankees will die sooner. "And it is right". smile
    7. 0
      23 December 2015 17: 52
      Absolutely agree. Jump mutations give nonviable individuals.
    8. 0
      24 December 2015 02: 43
      It will be, and the winners will be Brazil and South Africa, the rest will be in ruins!
  4. +6
    23 December 2015 16: 38
    Everything is great! Only danger around Russia! And it is necessary to take a sober look at the events taking place! Yes, we are strong, but "se.shy.a" is not made with a finger either. !!
    1. +2
      23 December 2015 17: 36
      Something I do not believe in the high professionalism and knowledge of the author. I had to know a significant number of officers and generals of the US Armed Forces and work with them. Of course, they have their own gadgets in their head, but I have not seen a drinker. Moreover, they are openly afraid of smoking. The chief will see - will punish, the subordinate will see - lay.
      Too much in the article is all black in the US strategic nuclear forces.
  5. +31
    23 December 2015 16: 39
    They are well aware that we certainly will not hide under the beds from fear.
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 16: 54 зато смеют сбивать Русские самолеты и убивать Русских на Украине.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +2
    23 December 2015 16: 44
    "The victory of Russia was not the first and not the only one. The Americans conducted such exercises 16 times, with different scenarios favorable for NATO, and always with the same conclusion. The Russians were simply invincible." and Patriot MANPADS, now the Germans have withdrawn their Patriot MANPADS.
  7. +16
    23 December 2015 16: 45
    So it is, otherwise they would not have lived half a century without a new world war ...
    Happy Long-Range (Strategic) Aviation Day !!!
    (In the photo: Tu-95MS, Tu-160 and Tu-22M3)
  8. +7
    23 December 2015 16: 51
    And the best thing is that everything remains at the stage of computer simulation
    1. -1
      23 December 2015 16: 56
      Quote: AIR-ZNAK
      it is best that everything remains at the stage of computer simulation
      Points over And will have to be put in real life, and not in computer modeling.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  9. +2
    23 December 2015 16: 52
    We do what should. And let there be what will be. We most likely won’t start a war, but we’ll necessarily end it. At our borders, we will definitely act tough and scare us with war in this case is pointless. The bear will not only not give up its taiga, but will also clear the clearing nearby ....
    1. -1
      23 December 2015 16: 59
      Quote: RusDV
      but be sure to finish it
      Yes? hardly ! Earth will turn into an uninhabited planet of the solar system! Allah Akbar.
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 17: 53
        Most likely, it will start all over again. Ice age, a handful of survivors, stone, copper, bronze. Etc. Look at the Indian and May epics and descriptions of the gods, it already was. Not the first time Earth mother of idiots wears.
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 18: 31
          Yes, there will be nothing. Repeat spell? Nikolai, Ivan, Khariton ... Not when, if there is a War, the planet has not encountered this. From solar radiation, several degrees of protection, for a reason. Will be the end of the film. Forever and ever.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  10. +1
    23 December 2015 16: 53
    The fact that our population is scattered over such a vast territory is a factor that should be taken into account. It’s worth destroying the entire civilization located on one dime of the earth with just one rocket. Or it’s not clear where to shoot on the whole continent covered with snow. Russia is much easier in this regard. we have everywhere and everywhere.
    1. +2
      23 December 2015 17: 11
      Quote: dchegrinec
      And we have troops everywhere and everywhere

      But snow is not.
    2. 0
      23 December 2015 18: 05
      many will die of hunger and cold, but some will undoubtedly survive.
  11. +3
    23 December 2015 16: 54
    Actually, the 3rd world war in the West is called the whole series of local wars that have passed and are going on all over the world since 1945 and in our time. And as for the 4th world nuclear war, it will not be because Russia is not Yugoslavia, but the most important thing is that just in the middle of the United States there is such an interesting and wonderful place - this is Yellowstone National Park with a valley of geysers (we have something similar far away in Kamchatka), but actually a huge supervolcano that is already ripe for an eruption (everyone can get acquainted with the characteristics of this supervolcano on the Internet). If 2-3 Russian vigorous bombs get there, America will not be right away. For the same reason, the United States and NATO countries are afraid to supply modern weapons to Bendera in Ukraine.
    1. +3
      23 December 2015 17: 06
      Quote: colotun
      just in the middle of the US there is such an interesting and wonderful place - this is Yellowstone National Park with a valley of geysers (we have something similar far away in Kamchatka), but in fact it is a huge supervolcano that is already ripe for an eruption (everyone can get acquainted with the characteristics of this supervolcano on the Internet). If 2-3 Russian vigorous bombs get there, America will not be right away.

      Oh, this Yellowstone, even scientific experts do not have a single opinion about his condition, prospects and fate, but everyone knows that in VO, if the Yankees get flashed with a vigorous bomb, it’s the end. laughing
      1. +3
        23 December 2015 17: 16
        Quote: Vladimirets
        but in VO everyone knows

        Duck we read cool Indian magazines. About a reflecting army with advanced degrees. As we shy away 1333,333 of Hiroshima with one rocket - all sorts of Yellowstone will wake up. Or they’ll wash away all of them there. From a fault in a water pipe when it clamps on its platform. Yes, everything will be the way, it's time to celebrate the victory already!
    2. +1
      23 December 2015 17: 59
      And you are the consequences of this volcano, for us, you represent those to whom the furry animal does not come right away? What crops will be several years? And what will happen to flora and fauna across the planet? Of the lesser evils, nuclear war without a super volcano will be more promising.
  12. +1
    23 December 2015 16: 54
    But there is another factor that powerfully affects the outcome of the war: the dedication of the defenders of their homeland. As our fathers and grandfathers sang before the Great Patriotic War:
    "We don't need an inch of a foreign land,
    But we won't give up our inch either! "
    1. 0
      24 December 2015 02: 56
      That's right, we were never the first to attack, but when we won, we always cut off territories from aggressors, so the question for potential aggressors is: have you already figured out which territory you will give in case of an attack?
  13. +1
    23 December 2015 16: 55
    Preventing nuclear conflict is the main task of the current and subsequent leaderships of our country. And the fact that we are stronger than doubt. Both military science and the level of training of personnel are better, but it makes no sense to talk about the moral, sacrificial advantages of our mentality. But still do not bring to use.
  14. +1
    23 December 2015 16: 56
    82 VDD, reflects how much, as I understand it, Russian aggression aimed at the Baltic states. Apparently, I don’t understand something. Since when has a landing force been used in defense? With light weapons designed for the offensive. Is this the know-how of the partners? Or a fake?
    1. +2
      23 December 2015 17: 24
      Quote: avva2012
      Since when has a landing force been used in defense?

      Well, what are you picking on. I just tuned in to the celebration of victory, here you are ... They have not read that we have an army under reflexive control, with advanced degrees. Well, it’s necessary to write about our opponents as well (cocky?). Well, the Indian heard that 82 is cool. Somewhere there are 76. Wait a little, we’ll bring heavy artillery with TNW from this one, 76, and bang - no 82. Is there anyone stronger? What, in 76 there is no heavy art? Here, damn it, got excited. It's time to celebrate anyway. Such an article!
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 17: 58
        I have not read such an analysis for a long time! Voroshilovsky shooter, however. For that, only cons, someone set, I do not understand. hiYes, I don’t understand, but the mattress flag, for what? Just that, there was the USSR!
  15. 0
    23 December 2015 16: 56
    if NATO has collapsed the USSR, then will Russia stand? and without war
  16. +10
    23 December 2015 16: 57
    And yet the best war is the one that did not take place.
  17. +3
    23 December 2015 16: 59
    Russia does not bury the West, but proposes to resolve all issues by mutual agreement. This West bury itself, not yet trying to try to live according to the option proposed by Russia. Everything is waiting for pointers from across the ocean.

    And in the Western Hemisphere, showing off among non-nuclear powers, America hopes to bury both the West and Russia, and ... to remain the sole arbiter of fate ...

    Now the question is:
    Should Russia bury itself and the West? Perhaps it is worth drinking jelly together at the wake of a star-striped empire? what
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 18: 13
      Quote: yuriy55
      Should Russia bury itself and the West? Perhaps it is worth drinking jelly together at the wake of a star-striped empire?

      laughing It's easy to say, but you need to prepare backup systems - financial, trading, etc., because the Yankees have tied up a lot for themselves, the whole world is sitting on the dollar, visa and other IMF-type buns.
  18. +3
    23 December 2015 17: 00
    In June 2014, the Pentagon held "staff" exercises - a kind of war game between Russia and NATO

    At the moment, only the lazy did not write on this topic ... Well, wait the laziest. laughing
  19. +1
    23 December 2015 17: 03
    The layout in the article seems to be calming (but there is nothing new in it). Nobody will attack us openly, they will choke us economically, if we’re compressible, then we’re really worth something .... but I think that we’ll compress.
  20. +2
    23 December 2015 17: 04
    Why think that? Many of you have already gone to Russia. Who except P.I.Z.
  21. -1
    23 December 2015 17: 04
    "Will NATO be able to defend these countries? [Baltic] Even if all the US and NATO troops,
    deployed in Europe will be transferred to the Baltic ... ... the US will lose "////

    Of course. What is so surprising here? It’s one thing to deploy troops across the ocean and
    to land them from the air and the sea - another pull over land at close range.

    NATO plans in case of widespread offensive of the Russian army to stop
    enemy (with the help of numerous American aircraft) approximately in the west of Poland.
    This is considered a normal good result. And the task of the troops of the Baltic countries
    It is believed - to delay the attack for 3-4 days.

    And the exchange of nuclear strikes is pure vanging. Exactly - the whole world will be lousy,
    I don’t want to think about it.
    1. +3
      23 December 2015 17: 15
      Quote: voyaka uh
      in case of widespread offensive of the Russian army

      Why should Russia attack? We, as it were, have just enough. request
      1. +3
        23 December 2015 17: 28
        No, they are not themselves. They come to us and always want to save something.
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 18: 04
          Quote: Siberia 9444
          No, they are not themselves. They come to us and always want to save something.

          So it’s clear from what. The territory is small - or capture a new one, and if it does not work out, then reduce its number.
    2. +1
      23 December 2015 17: 26
      NATO plans ... You write as if you believe that tomorrow, Russia, will attack. Yes, to hell, are we Baltic? We that live in the 18 century? Well, we just can’t live without going to the Baltic Sea. A horror story for Europeans, no more than that. The USSR, conducted a defensive policy, and Trotskyist statements about our aggressiveness scared the children for the night.
    3. cap
      23 December 2015 18: 21
      Quote: voyaka uh
      NATO plans in case of widespread offensive of the Russian army to stop
      enemy (with the help of numerous American aircraft) approximately in the west of Poland.
      This is considered a normal good result. And the task of the troops of the Baltic countries
      It is believed - to delay the attack for 3-4 days.

      I agree, but with three reservations:
      1 hour 30 minutes after the outbreak of hostilities by any European country (state), with Russia:
      1.-nothing (no one) will fly,
      2.-there will be no one to delay,
      3.-there is no need to conquer anyone.
      Regards to your personal opinion hi
    4. +2
      23 December 2015 18: 39
      Quote: voyaka uh
      "Will NATO be able to defend these countries? [Baltic] Even if all the US and NATO troops,
      deployed in Europe will be transferred to the Baltic ... ... the US will lose "////

      Of course. What is so surprising here? It’s one thing to deploy troops across the ocean and
      to land them from the air and the sea - another pull over land at close range.

      NATO plans in case of widespread offensive of the Russian army to stop
      enemy (with the help of numerous American aircraft) approximately in the west of Poland.
      This is considered a normal good result. And the task of the troops of the Baltic countries
      It is believed - to delay the attack for 3-4 days.
      And the exchange of nuclear strikes is pure vanging. Exactly - the whole world will be lousy,
      I don’t want to think about it.

      Indeed, what is the deep meaning of the offensive in the Baltic states and Poland to be stopped by NATO forces in western Poland? That is to surround Russia with a safety belt, in the form of scorched earth, the width of Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, etc. - that would make sense, both practical and moral-educational. And to drive troops to the slaughter with completely obscure goals ... What do we need from them? Nothing. What do they want with us? Resources. So let them come and take it. If they can.
  22. +2
    23 December 2015 17: 04
    Quote: basy66
    if NATO has collapsed the USSR, then will Russia stand? and without war

    Not NATO. Their ilites)) tried. This is what happens in the history of Russia regularly. But nothing ... we live)))
    1. +1
      23 December 2015 17: 15
      Quote: dvina71
      Not NATO. Their ilites)) tried
      I want to see the corpses of the Russian "Elite" in good coffins in the wall on Red Square!
  23. 0
    23 December 2015 17: 04
    war is not good. but they want to try to pull the fate of the eggs. well, let them chop it. I regret one thing that in the clear 13RD there is not enough Satan left
  24. 0
    23 December 2015 17: 12
    If there is no war, then how will issues with resources, a growing population and overproduction, that is, with the economy, be resolved. The West resolved these issues through the war. If a genius is not born who offers other answers to these questions, then the forecast is sad.
  25. +1
    23 December 2015 17: 13
    It will be a pity for the earth if the mind fails, people, God bless them, we know where we live and what we are going, and everything else on earth does not deserve to die from the virus "man"
    1. +1
      23 December 2015 17: 27
      So this will just cleanse a part of the earth from the "human virus", like in Chernobyl - life rushes from all cracks, but already without a person.
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 18: 09
        May there be no life, Vadim. Radiation is disastrous for everyone. I have a neighbor who went to see my relatives in the area near the zone. Riding for nishtyak. Thyroid cancer. And, I don’t think other living things are good there. In physiology, we and our smaller brothers are no different.
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 18: 21
          The Chernobyl accident shows that life will continue, and the release was there as from the explosion of 600 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima, by the way, not the fact that your neighbor’s cancer happened from radiation.
          1. 0
            23 December 2015 19: 20
            Vadim, well, are you trying to persuade yourself? That, which crashed during the Chernobyl disaster, the thyroid gland first of all fell. There were recommendations about taking specific drugs for protection. In addition, compare which isotopes occur during a nuclear explosion, and which are released into the atmosphere during a thermal explosion at a nuclear power plant. Half-life. The leading radiation is what: alpha, beta, gamma.
            1. 0
              23 December 2015 21: 21
              The most important thing is that radioactive dust, especially Iodine 131 and Strontium 90, does not get into the body, and there is protection against alpha, beta, gamma and neutron radiation, now both we and the United States are armed with thermonuclear charges - a weapon to fly "decay fragments" pure, and soon thermonuclear charges will appear without a uranium or plutonium detonator at all - the synthesis of hydrogen in Lithium 6 will occur by an electric pulse.
              1. 0
                24 December 2015 00: 22
                Quote: Vadim237
                thermonuclear charges - the weapon for the flight of "decay fragments" is clean, and soon thermonuclear charges will appear without a uranium or plutonium detonator at all - hydrogen synthesis in Lithium 6 will occur by an electric pulse

                dreamer however
                1. 0
                  24 December 2015 11: 08
                  No fantasies - all reality, fourth-generation thermonuclear weapons are on the way.
  26. 0
    23 December 2015 17: 13
    We will bury the West! And yourself too, our hero Alexander Matrosov! All the scribe and no problem.
  27. +3
    23 December 2015 17: 14
    Better not. I really hope for it.
    1. +1
      23 December 2015 18: 43
      We must, must, must. "The whole world is in dust." Something like this.
  28. -1
    23 December 2015 17: 19
    Quote: Lysik001
    Better not. I really hope for it.
    There is no hope ! The scribe and the point! that’s what the civilization created by the naglosaks deserves.
  29. +5
    23 December 2015 17: 19
    American staff with similar tasks are involved in alcoholism, depression and fraud

    Let's not go overboard. Such statements are extremely doubtful. Something akin to "Americans are stupid." It is a huge mistake to underestimate the enemy.
  30. vo3
    23 December 2015 17: 19
    Complete nonsense. We will be weakened in local confrontations, where the United States will stand behind third countries. We will be exhausted economically. Watch out for Syria. This is just the beginning. We have zero information support and we are not even ready for such a local operation. Otherwise, it would have already ended. .The article dulls vigilance and serves as a "bone" for the "URA-patriots".
    1. +3
      23 December 2015 17: 33
      How did they greatly depleted us in Syria - we still use bombs made by the USSR, we make kerosene on the spot, the Syrian government helps with food - it’s a complete hopelessness in exhaustion.
    2. 0
      23 December 2015 18: 10
      Judging by your comment, information comes to you directly from the scene and from the president’s reception. Then I pass.
  31. +2
    23 December 2015 17: 20
    "Judging by the exchange of data between Moscow and Washington on October 1, 2014, Russia has 1643 deployed strategic warheads, while the United States has 1642. The minimum difference in numbers, but Russian ground strategic forces have a TNT equivalent power, which is an order of magnitude greater than anything that is at the disposal of the United States. "- But this is a real lie - just the United States surpasses ours by the total power of thermonuclear charges by almost two times. To believe the scoundrels is the last thing. They have a lot of launch vehicles, besides the Minuteman 3 and Trident 2 D5 ICBMs, which can also be equipped with thermonuclear charges.
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 18: 47
      With so many ready-made warheads, it makes no sense to put additional thermonuclear charges on new carriers. 3000 warheads (plus China, Israel, Pakistan, Britain, France, etc., which joined in the process) are enough for the eyes and ears. It seems to me.
  32. 0
    23 December 2015 17: 27
    the article is certainly pleasant for us.
  33. 0
    23 December 2015 17: 34
    A scary little article, my hands were combing straight. Although it is hard to believe in the idiocy of nuclear madness, looking and listening to the Western "strategists" - everything can be expected.
  34. +3
    23 December 2015 17: 39
    We have already surpassed the USSR in the 40s in terms of the shapkozakidatelny mood. "The armor is strong and our tanks are fast ...", which did not prevent Hitler from reaching almost Moscow.
    Comrade officers, you know firsthand how checks were carried out in most of our units and subunits: "Tomorrow at 4 am, absolutely suddenly, an" alarm "signal will be received; I hope it has changed for the better now.
    At the beginning of the war, the crews of the latest tanks were often unable to use the potential of their vehicles, there were few Kolobanovs. It is not enough to have a decent weapon; skills and abilities to use it are necessary.
    And most importantly, the military spirit. Belief in yourself, in your comrades, in your commander, in the strength and rightness of your Motherland. "Our cause is just" should be a thorn in everyone's head, otherwise they will have to be raised to the attack under the threat of execution. And then to release the boys because of the thorn (and not only - "sorry the Germans did not conquer us" I heard from the older freaks), who with white rags will go for sneakers and Coca-Cola.
    Let this be called a rattling weapon, but the enemy must know that he will be wiped off the face of the earth at least three times, and is 200% sure that we will do this.
    There is only a small problem: people came to power in many "civilized" states who saw blood only in the blood sampling office for tests or cut themselves while shaving. It is difficult for such people to understand how a wound stinks under bandages, and that a machine gun without a magazine also sometimes shoots.
  35. +1
    23 December 2015 17: 42
    If this happens, few will know who won, and who knows, he will envy those who did not! And even then, not for long (but painfully)!
  36. +1
    23 December 2015 17: 49
    ....but still; "Russia's struggle for survival" in the event of a conflict with the United States. Priorities are set - the war will be launched by an empire of lies and deceit, world crap-makers. They have the main headache. This is the territory of Russia, therefore, by hook or by crook, these "comrades" will try to divide Russia, an experimental version of running in dill for the principle of one-divide and destroy.
  37. -3
    23 December 2015 17: 51
    ... Cheslov, how sick of this sick hysteria ... bury, soak ... damn when we live ... give birth to children ... to build houses, but not palaces, yachts ?!
    1. -1
      23 December 2015 18: 29
      Our nuclear shield is now in excellent condition and is in full combat readiness.
    2. 0
      23 December 2015 18: 56
      Quote: Shpagolom
      .. damn when we live.

      When the Anglo-Saxons will not.
      1. +1
        24 December 2015 16: 23
        ... well, what an absurdity ....?! In order to be stronger you need an enemy, he is, you need rallying, it also seems to be there, but the elite, the team that is sincerely patriotic about VICTORY, no! To beat your hats ... to kill, to destroy are ridiculous due to the fact that we are all heroes from the couch, but it is necessary to understand that in order to BURY ALL you need to have an understanding that you will suffer ........ " , they see - there are two mosk-ala. Khokhol to another: "let's kill them!" And the other: "suddenly we miss, they will shoot us !!!" Another: "And what about us?"
  38. +1
    23 December 2015 17: 56
    "Smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines."
    Before shouting "Urya", "We'll throw our caps over all NATU," it's worth thinking about and evaluating the facts.
    It is the United States and NATO that has a plan for a "lightning-fast global strike" on Russian territory, builds military bases in the Baltic States, completes EuroPro, adopts Aegis ships, and pursues a policy of economic strangulation of the Russian economy.
    If the West, with the help of sanctions and the collapse of prices for natural energy resources, can inflict irreparable damage to our economy, as in the days of the USSR and on the wave of popular discontent, put a second "Gorbachev" at the head of state.
    What can we really oppose to the policy of the West, except for our strategic nuclear forces? It is worth thinking about this, and not to be compared with who has the biggest and thicker "SYAS".
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 19: 00
      Quote: raid14
      What can we really oppose to Western politics, except for their SNF? It is worth thinking about this, and not to be compared with who has the biggest and thicker "SYAS".

      Russian politics. The courtesy backed up by the strategic nuclear forces of the city takes. wink laughing
  39. +3
    23 December 2015 18: 01
    "ICBM bases in North Dakota and Montana report" leaking roofs. "Missiles working in explosion-proof bunkers 60 feet below the surface of the earth are forced to defecate in buckets and urinate in jugs, and take it all with them after 24 hours of work "...

    In general, the idle chatter of a journalist or analyst - whatever you want to call him ... Moreover, "a bottle of vodka (!!!) in the bedside table of the general - the commander of the duty forces" ...

    Guys, do not read not only yellow, but also American newspapers for the night !!!

    PS I won’t be surprised if he received such information in a bar-pub during a conversation with rocketers who wanted to joke ... Humor - it can be so different - both black and stupid ...
    1. +1
      23 December 2015 18: 31
      The author is a pure hack worker - the reality is different.
    2. 0
      23 December 2015 18: 43
      Ah, it’s Indian. Films, we know, and now humor too. Ah, ah ...
  40. 0
    23 December 2015 18: 12
    Interesting article! I liked the following points: when you are squeezed deep in the bunker, and the buckets and jugs are full, then you are not up to the war and then, when there are alcoholics, drug addicts around and you have conflicting gender searches for your own gender, then you are not up to the war again! Go on, warriors in the same vein !!
  41. +1
    23 December 2015 18: 14
    [quote = veksha50] "ICBM bases in North Dakota and Montana are reporting 'leaking roofs.' Missiles operating in explosion-proof bunkers 60 feet below the surface of the earth are forced to defecate in buckets and urinate in jugs, and take it all from after 24 hours of work "...

    Yes, I wonder where the information came from, did the rocket launchers complain? I see it like that. Sewer failed, while it was being repaired as described above. After that, everything fell into place. Stupid Indian, grabbed without thinking that yes, as he ran this information, that my grandmothers were in the yard, to inform everyone they met. Result on the face. The Americans have roofs flowing, and there are no toilets on combat duty in the RSVN. Regrettably. This will not drive them crazy and will not hurt to turn the keys ....
  42. +3
    23 December 2015 18: 16
    Hindus, I see, are keen on nuclear juggling. laughing

    Russian ground-based strategic forces have TNT equivalent power, which is an order of magnitude greater than anything the United States has at its disposal.

    It is a question of how many Americans dismantled as part of the reduction of warheads in warehouses, and not deactivated, as expected. It is well known that they did not transfer enriched weapons-grade uranium to any opponents, unlike Yeltsin. (Russia, as a country, also did not transmit; the criminal Yeltsin stole the national treasure and sent it to the United States reptilians alone).

    a powerful SS-18, one can destroy an area the size of New York - not only a city, but also a state.

    It is so indeed; breeding range of warheads 2000 km. The parameter of a modern nuclear threat - one RS-20V missile defense system - will inflict absolutely unacceptable damage on any enemy. And at least one of them will certainly pass, given the number of false warheads, the coverage of mines with missile defense and air defense, and the very design of the mines that can withstand a nuclear explosion 30 meters from the throat of the mine (significantly less than the Trident-2 KVO - the most accurate classic ICBMs).

    Some of these missiles carry just one 20 kiloton warhead.

    Such, like, did not remain. Irrational; one in 20 megatons is less functional than 10 to 750 kilotons.

    fly over the North Pole, launch nuclear cruise missiles from a safe distance over the Atlantic and return home

    The Arctic Ocean is very convenient, since it does not and in principle cannot be Aegis and other anti-ballistic missiles. The attack through the pole will have to be intercepted at the final section of the trajectory, after the breeding of the blocks (which are fundamentally more resistant to all kinds of influences than the rockets themselves) and at speeds of 7 km per second.

    Prior to the use of strategic weapons, Russia could damage NATO’s advanced bases with tactical - or front-line - nuclear weapons.

    No statistics; but it is traditionally believed that TNWs in Russia are much larger than those of NATO.

    Russia could strike with small warheads with medium-range missiles

    If only the RS-26 "Rubezh" does not have such an option, then, it seems, no other medium-range missiles are available. M. is still "Iskander-M" flies more than 500 km. in some configuration.

    was fired for drunkenness during a visit to Russia

    Features of national hospitality. laughing laughing
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 18: 48
      Interesting, write, colleague. Maybe to hell with the Indians. Place everything in an article. hi
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 19: 03
        It will look like propaganda of nuclear war. laughing And there are so many propagandists - someone offers the Yellowstone Caldera and the San Andreas Fault to bomb. Another discusses cobalt bombs as a doomsday machine that uniquely prevents the threat of any nuclear war (and even think about it, since the principle of the cobalt bomb does not need to be delivered anywhere by any carriers; just detonate anywhere in the world, with the result in the form complete extinction of all living things except cockroaches laughing I personally read such propagandists - total cobalt war by bombing on my own territory belay ) Immediately jumps out like a devil from a snuffbox, "Status-6", etc.

        The article has another very reasonable Indo-consideration. Russia is larger than the United States on the territory, and the population is smaller. No one will bomb the taiga and tundra, where, meanwhile, people live. Yes, and so many amers have no bombs. Therefore, the exchange of equivalent power strikes will lead to the fact that the United States will have almost total extermination, and in Russia insignificant part of the population will not suffer - only admire the green glow, but look at the auroras in non-standard latitudes. This part of the population, such as the Evenks and Chukchi, generally does not depend much on civilization; they spit and go further to graze deer and shoot partridges like 200 years ago (wild people, that's just the news: the reindeer herder shot dead two Gazprom workers who intended to hunt on his land. laughing ) And in the United States, even rednecks cannot live without jeeps, mobile phones and cable television. Who will be worse?
        1. +1
          24 December 2015 04: 39
          (wild people, just in the news: a reindeer herder shot dead two Gazprom workers who intended to hunt on its land. An old anecdote, "the Chukchi know who is the head of the party ..". laughing
          Something over the past five years has changed (in the press) attitude towards nuclear weapons. Previously, there were no questions: nuclear winter, the colossal destructive power of the tsunami, and other delights. Scientists greatly smarter? Hardly. After a nuclear winter and the destruction of the biocenosis, the kopek will come, without question. Chukchi, a little later they will join our friendly company. hi
          1. 0
            24 December 2015 09: 04
            Nuclear winter is in doubt. It was believed that even undermining a total of 100 megatons would lead to an apocalypse.

            Meanwhile, neither the 57-megaton AN602, nor the detonations of up to 178 different charges during the year (at the peak of nuclear tests) led to anything like that.

            Nuclear winter is the effect of the emission of soot into the atmosphere, that is, in fact, it is not nuclear. You can throw conventional bombs at oil fields in Saudi Arabia - that will be a release, without any nuclear weapons. And "repetition", in the form of the 1991 Gulf War, it only led to local climatic changes.

            Chukchi and other natives will join the common company only after an all-out war. I'M IN "low intensity" laughing - 178 nuclear explosions in 1962 (of which 79 Soviet) did not lead to the extinction of the Chukchi (and even bomb testers).
            1. 0
              24 December 2015 11: 22
              Nuclear winter - the fantasy of scientists - this summer 140000 hectares of forest burned in Russia for a month - this is even more than the area of ​​fires that would cause an explosion of all American warheads if each of them had a capacity of 1 megaton and each of them would give an area of ​​fires in 2826 square kilometers - the last figure is overstated by 3 times.
  43. 0
    23 December 2015 18: 46
    And why only the West ???
    The rest are going to get together and watch like that monkey on the mountain?
    Forgive me the ignoramus for a stupid question ... But you can’t somehow make a small amendment to the military doctrine, well, like ... if we are threatened with complete destruction, we reserve the right for the Dead Hand system to order the missiles to fly around the world.
    Well, something like this. And then too many lately have divorced those who think that they will carry.
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 19: 13
      The Perimeter system (15E601), known as the Dead Hand, will work this way. According to information that sometimes appears in the public domain, on the network, she is on alert right now.
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 20: 54
        I understand it.
        But the question is, what will happen to the rest? Will they wait until the radioactive background subsides and go to occupy the vacated territory?
        There is another question.
        How many American and NATO bases are there? After all, each must have a nuclear strike. It would also be nice to have at least a charge for the capital of each state. And still all the NATO capitals. Is there enough strategic warheads? Tactical now does not count.
        And then will there still be gifts for those monkeys that come down from the mountain?
        1. 0
          24 December 2015 09: 26
          You have to wait a long time laughing The long-lived isotopes Strontium-90, Cesium-137, Amerius-241, non-fissionable plutonium (not to mention maliciously used cobalt) will poison the migrants' terrain (and consciousness) for a very long time. laughing If only to deactivate, and then it is doubtful that there will be volunteers.

          Neither Russia nor the United States nor all of them have enough strategic warheads to completely destroy the population with a shock wave, light radiation and penetrating radiation. The main number of victims, stretched over time, will be from induced radiation and from the fallout of radioactive fallout. According to the scenario of the Bear Spear exercises in Russia, a quick global strike was delivered partially by nuclear cruise missiles at stationary missile silos, partially at locations of mobile missile launchers and at military control centers, including classified and buried command posts of strategic and conventional armed forces separated in space.

          The remaining 30% of the Strategic Missile Forces in this scenario were activated by signals from the command missiles of the system. "Perimeter"which led to the breakthrough of missile defense systems, including ICBMs of nuclear submarines launched from the pole area and the destruction of both infrastructure and military facilities, and about 100 million civilians. Complete extinction, apparently, did not happen, although both Amer and Russian civilization ceased to exist.
  44. +1
    23 December 2015 18: 52
    Like Lieutenant Colonel S. Petrov for him, I’m not afraid of the word, a feat, the hero did not receive. And so it happens, you really save the world, and only thank you from the state.
    The same situation and who got the first stingers.
    It's a shame for the guys.
  45. -1
    23 December 2015 18: 58
    We will tear everyone to love! Glory to Russia!
    1. 0
      24 December 2015 05: 26
      We will tear everyone to love! Glory to Russia!
      Hero-yam, glory?
  46. 0
    23 December 2015 19: 08
    Quote: 1rl141
    And yet the best war is the one that did not take place.

    Looking at the current post-Soviet space and the Russian Federation, it seems to me more and more that a throw to Lamanche in the 80s would be better. Because in fact we participated in the war, and we lost with a crushing score. At least if you look at losses in people, territories, industry, etc. But more importantly, we have lost the core, the will to win, the driving force. Yes, now we are starting to remember who we are. But this is still not an idea, not the driving force of a nation. It's still flash back ...
  47. 0
    23 December 2015 21: 02
    Good time to all! The fact of the matter is that the morale of the responsible officers is under serious pressure either from high responsibility or from the nerdness of the inspection bodies. In their free time from service, they do not relax with hydrolytic alcohol, but with normal, non-alcoholic Johnson and Johnson.)) Without experiencing a hangover, they are more likely to become addicted to alcohol. In this situation, the threat of the notorious human factor of an erroneous launch increases. This is the most dangerous thing that can happen. Well, the consequences you all know.
  48. 0
    23 December 2015 22: 06
    After the 90s that I lived in Kazakhstan, it seems like any conflict with the cut-off of all the benefits to me now is completely huh.
    1. 0
      24 December 2015 09: 31
      Namely, that the level of intolerable discomfort for all Russians who survived the 90s is incomparably higher than that of snickering Westerners. In the latter, it begins in the absence of cable television, Internet, and toilet paper. And for some, especially advanced, with lack of anal lubrication. laughing
  49. The comment was deleted.
  50. +2
    23 December 2015 23: 02
    One thing is surprising: why are Gorbachev and Yeltsin still not declared state criminals for what they have done to the country? Further, as for the Baltics, why do we need it? To contain almost all of the Russophobes opposed to us, as it has already happened, passed ... But the Turks, on occasion, will have to answer, I am sure that they will not be well and no one will stand up for them directly, and if there are such (the same McCain "with comrades") and they really (which is almost incredible!) to strike at Russia, then let them remember that the wounded animal (bear! -in this case) is even more dangerous, we will have nothing to lose.
    1. 0
      24 December 2015 01: 37
      The Baltic states were part of the Russian Empire. Russians have always lived there. Many cities were built specifically by Russians. Now the ratio of Russians to the Baltic states is about one in three, four. About a million. Support for Russia and Vladimir Putin for 90%. Only in Estonia we have out of a little more than a million inhabitants, more than one hundred thousand Russian citizens with Russian passports. The largest Russian community in the world in relation to the natives. All ports and infrastructure are built by Russians.
      For 70 years of the Great Victory in Riga, 250 !!! thousand people took part in the march of the Immortal Regiment and other events.
      The monument to the Bronze Soldier in Tallinn was covered with flowers on the chest. Tens of thousands of people came to him to honor the memory of those killed in the Second World War.
    2. 0
      24 December 2015 09: 37
      I will give an example of how Russia differs from homo-Baltic.

      We, in Tyumen, have a street named after the Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumous) Lithuanians Marite Melnikayte, the glorious daughter of the Lithuanian people, as it is written on the stella.

      And in Lithuania, the monuments to Soviet soldiers were demolished. No one has the right to blame me for my hatred of powerful reptilians, such as Grybauskaite (this does not concern normal Lithuanians, although there are not many of them).
  51. +1
    24 December 2015 02: 07
    Entagon conducted “staff” exercises - a kind of war game between Russia and NATO. The scenario was that Russia puts pressure on NATO members Estonia and Latvia. Will NATO be able to protect these countries?

    I don’t think anyone seriously thought about defense, a buffer nothing more. Wait until the main forces arrive.
  52. +3
    24 December 2015 02: 18
    I'm tired of reading the "who-whom" exchange. I'll write my opinion. The USSR is for... or we ALL, residents of the USSR. I talked with a Lithuanian - a long-distance driver on the Moscow-Minsk highway (What year are you - I'm 58, and I'm 59, by the way? We drank it, by the way, the vodka was Harvest) My question: Who began to live better? HE: "No, they lived better in the USSR." We parted ways, then.. I’ll continue. ALL OFFICERS of the former USSR in 1991 (including ME, BETRAYED THE OATH TO THE SOVIET PEOPLE. Whether someone likes it or not, this is the truth, which must be recognized. This is painful to realize.
  53. +2
    24 December 2015 06: 39
    something from the article turns out that we are handsome and they are stupid, but why are they ahead of the rest and our incomes are falling
  54. 0
    24 December 2015 07: 09
    Quote: cniza
    They do not protect their land, they enslave the lands of other peoples, therefore they will never defeat Russia.

    Russia, too, was not always so huge, we also conquered lands in our time))) And nothing, we defeated and defeated the enemy. So you are wrong!
    This is not the reason why we can win.
  55. 0
    24 December 2015 11: 55
    I gave a minus for the article by an Indian author. The article, firstly, has nothing to say, and secondly, it is misleading with a huge number of blunders and inventions. The author has collected all the possible rumors and deduces a “theory” from this. With us, everything is purple, but they have leaking roofs, lack of toilets and rusty rockets. In short, nonsense plus the desire to pass off as reality something that does not exist. Which “Satan” is he talking about in his article??? And a 1 megaton head on it. Especially at the present stage. And it turns out that a dozen of our TU-2s are destroying America (a total of 20 missiles), and their 160 Tomahawks cannot do anything against us