Congratulations on the 285 anniversary of the birth of the Great Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov!

Congratulations on the 285 anniversary of the birth of the Great Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov!

Russian Archangel

A word about Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov ...

On the day of the solemn celebration of the 100 anniversary of the death of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, the great commander was called the Russian Archangel.

Archangel Michael is called the Archangel of the Host of Heaven. The Emperor Paul I, conferring upon Suvorov after the Italian company the highest military rank of the Generalissimo, said surprising words: “For others it is a lot, for Suvorov it is not enough. To him be an angel! ”

The angelic rite of the Orthodox call the monastic order. Monks, by the exploits of fasting and unceasing prayer, strive to become like angels, to achieve holiness. But the Sovereign, believing that Suvorov was to be an angel, implied Alexander Vasilyevich's desire to go to the Nilo-Stolobensky desert, which he did not know, to take monastic vows. Emperor Paul I spoke about the soul, about the spiritual dispensation of his glorious commander. Over the decades of continuous wars and campaigns filled with fierce battles and bloody battles, Suvorov managed to acquire the same prayer and meekness as the prayer monks who for many years carried their feat in the monastic monasteries.

The fact that Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov - the greatest of the Russian generals, no one man doubts. But, the statement that Suvorov is worthy of glorification in the face of the saints by the Russian Orthodox Church, sometimes causes confusion. Yes, they say, Suvorov is a great commander, but is he a saint?

It is well known to all that Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was a deeply religious Orthodox Christian. Nobody argues with the fact that the victories won by Suvorov often seem to be unprecedented, miraculous, that much, accomplished by Suvorov's wonder-heroes, clearly exceeds human strength. The pious commander, with a prayer defeating the enemies - with this, perhaps, everyone agrees.

But, having heard about the possibility of glorifying Suvorov, we are often objected: not all Orthodox Christians, even those who are known for their ardent and sincere faith, should be counted among the saints. And they remind that even the most famous commanders, who won the greatest victories for the glory of the Fatherland, were never glorified by the Church for their deeds on the battlefield.

So why nowadays we still consider it possible to hope for the glorification of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov in the face of the saints? And is there any reason for Alexander Suvorov to be depicted on icons next to the heavenly patrons of the Russian army by the faithful princes Alexander Nevsky, Dimitri Donskoy, Dovmont Pskov, Rev. Ilya Muromets and other holy knights of Russia?

"Suvorov - Christ of the Warrior"

It is well known that among the Russian saints, after the saints and saints, the most famous are the pious warrior princes, who defended the Russian land with a sword in their hands. Among the laymen who have been pleasing to God and glorified by the Church, holy warriors are the overwhelming majority. For the Russians, defending the Fatherland meant defending the Orthodox Faith. Noble princes fought with enemies from the West — the Teutons, the Swedes, the Poles, behind whom stood Latin Rome. Fought enemies from the East - the Hagarians. They repulsed the onslaught of nomads: from the Pechenegs and Polovtsy to the Mongol-Tatars, whose invasions from the depths of the Asian steppes constantly rolled on Russia. Then repel the onslaught of the Ottoman Empire. Fighting with the enemy, the Russian princes fought "For the Holy Russian Land, for the Holy Churches of God."

Not all the brave and famous Russian princes, who defeated their enemies on the battlefield, are canonized. But among the pious princes there are princes-martyrs: Vasilko Rostovsky, Mikhail of Chernigov, Michael of Tver, who suffered for Christ. Today, unfortunately, the names of many Russian princes, famous for the Church, are not known to most of our compatriots. But the two holy princes, Alexander Nevsky and Dimitri Donskoy, are known to every Russian, even far from the Church. And in times of state atheism it was impossible to teach Russian historywithout naming these names.

The history of Russia is unthinkable without the greatest Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, who had to smash enemies both from the West and from the East. The names of Suvorov and St. Alexander Nevsky embody not only the memory of the great victories and the glory of our Fatherland. “God is not in power, but in Pravda” - with these words of Alexander Nevsky, Russian people for centuries rose to the defense of their native land from invasions. The attitude of the people to the war was deeply Christian, evangelical. The Russian Army was not accidentally called the Christ-loving army. Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, as all military historians and thinkers unanimously recognize, revealed the spirit of the Russian warrior with his life and his victories. Christ-loving Russian warrior.

Often, recalling Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, they say: “Pushkin is our all,” meaning the significance of the great poet for Russian culture. Speaking of the Russian Army, its military spirit and traditions, we can rightfully pronounce the words "Suvorov is our all." It is not by chance that it is customary to say about our best military leaders: “commander of the Suvorov school”. One of the Russian military thinkers at the beginning of the twentieth century, the famous words “Russia responded to Pushkin’s call for enlightenment by Pushkin,” continued “The Russian Army responded to Peter’s call by Suvorov.” Suvorov is not only a great commander of the glorious Russian military history. Suvorov is a name without which Russian culture is unthinkable. Without Suvorov, it is impossible to fully represent the popular Russian character. Without the genius of Suvorov, Russia itself is unthinkable.

In the XNUMXst century, the invincible Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov was counted as a saint. The message of the Holy Patriarch Alexy II to the glorification of the righteous warrior Fyodor Ushakov says: “Theodore Feodorovich Ushakov, glorified by military valor and not defeated in any battle by the admiral of the great Russian fleet, now he is pleased by the Holy Church, as a righteous and pious man, as one of the role models of believers, as a saint of God ... Theodore Ushakov, as you all know, was an outstanding statesman. His whole life was given to Russia. He faithfully served the good of his people, the sovereign dignity of his country. And at the same time, he always remained a man of deep faith in Christ the Savior, strictly committed to Orthodox moral principles, a man of great mercy and sacrifice, a faithful son of the Holy Church. ” Probably, everyone will agree that these words spoken about the holy naval commander can rightfully be attributed to Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov.

In “Three Talks on War, Progress and the End of World History” V.S. Solovyov discusses why Alexander Nevsky was glorified, who beat the Livonians and Swedes in the thirteenth century, but Alexander Suvorov, who beat the Turks and the French in the eighteenth century, was not glorified. Noting the sincere piety and impeccable life of Suvorov, the absence of any obstacles to canonization, Solovyov concludes that Alexander Nevsky fought for the future of our Fatherland, which lay in ruins and fires after the terrible Mongol invasion. Suvorov, who committed great feats, did not have to save Russia, and therefore he remained only a “military celebrity”. Indeed, Alexander Nevsky, with a valiant sword and humble wisdom, saved the Russian land in the terrible times of Batuyev’s ruin. Alexander Suvorov was victorious at a time when the Russian Empire was returning to the shores of the Black Sea, crushing the Ottoman Porto, smashing the French in the valleys of Italy and the Swiss Alps. But nevertheless it is impossible to fully agree with Solovyov. It seems that the main reason is how the Russian people understood the significance of the feat of the faithful princes in the 15th - 16th centuries, and in the state of religiousness of the Russian society in the 18th - 19th centuries.

In the reign of Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II, the saints were glorified more than in the 18th and 19th centuries. The pious sovereign proposed to the Synod to glorify the saints of God. Often, the Tsar even had to insist on the canonization of the saints at a time when many church hierarchs succumbed to the pressure of the so-called “progressive” Russian society, which gradually lost faith and moved away from the Church. Naturally, if this “society” hardly understood the glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the martyr king, then the canonization of Suvorov was out of the question.

The pious princes of Ancient Russia, defending the Fatherland, fought with the Latins and the Mohammedans for "Christian faith, for the holy churches of God, for the land of Svyatorusskaya." For what did Suvorov fight? Really only for the expansion of the limits of the Russian Empire in the "golden age of Catherine"?

The answer was left to us by Alexander Vasilyevich himself in his “Science of Victory”: “Stand for the House of the Virgin Mary! Stay behind Mother Queen! Kill - Heavenly Kingdom, the Church of God prays. Alive - honor and praise! ”.

The common people, unlike the “progressive” society, always clearly understood what Suvorov fought for. In folk songs and legends dedicated to Alexander Vasilyevich, the commander is called "Suvorov - Christ's Warrior".

There were many legends in the Russian people, which say that when Alexander Suvorov was born, an angel in the form of a wanderer visited his parents' house. It is known the prophecy of a foolish sake of Christ, who announced the birth of Suvorov: "On this night, an extraordinary man was born - famous and unholy scary." Undoubtedly, such legends could arise only when the people worshiped Suvorov as the “Christ Warrior,” the defender of the Orthodox Faith from various “non-Christians.”

Folk worship is one of the conditions important for the glorification of the saint of God. But unless all these 250 years we do not see in Russia national love for Alexander Vasilyevich? During the life of the commander, all the people not only rejoiced at the glorious victories, but also truly loved Suvorov. The hero of the 12 war of the year, Denis Davydov, the son of a Russian officer, talks about how he fell in love with Suvorov from early childhood: “... How can you not fall in love with a frisky child of the whole military at the all-seer spectacle of soldiers and camp? And what about the type of all military, Russian, native military, was not then Suvorov? Was he not the subject of admiration and blessings, in absentia and in person, of each and every one? ”

And for the next two and a half centuries, Suvorov will remain the embodiment of everything “Russian, native, military” for those who cherish the Russian military glory, for those who love the Russian army. But, unfortunately, so far this popular love and reverence has not been considered from a religious point of view. Although the songs and legends, all our folk art clearly says that Suvorov for Russians is a “Christ-loving warrior”. Before the beginning of the terrible twentieth century, the Russian people were not only Christian, but also surprised foreigners with their deep faith.

In the soldier's song, dedicated to the capture of Ishmael, tells about how the crow saw a miracle:

Wonder marvelous wonder miracle
As our father Suvorov-graph
With a small power of their falcons
Crashed the shelves
Polonil Pasha and Vizier

Further in the song it is said about what Russian warriors headed by Suvorov fought for:

For Holy Russia-Fatherland
And for the Christian Faith

I must say that Alexander Vasilyevich himself knew well and loved Russian songs and epics. After the victorious battle, Suvorov praises the hero of Don General Denisov: “Here is Donetsk, he is Russian, he is Ilya Muromets, he is Eruslan Lazarevich, he is Dobrynia Nikitich! Victory, glory, honor to the Russians! ”

Appearing at the Imperial Court, where at that time much attention was paid to "gallant" and "elegant" manners, Suvorov sought to testify, namely to testify his faith before the high society. For example, during an audience with the Grand Duchess, entering the palace, Alexander Vasilyevich, in front of everyone, was heading towards the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, reverently laid three earthly bows, and then turning sharply, showing that he saw the Empress well, typing his step, went to bow to the Grand Duchess. Suvorov showed everyone everything - first the worship of the Queen of Heaven, and then the Queen of the Russian land.

All the well-known "eccentricities" of Alexander Vasilyevich, on closer examination, are evidence of faith, the foolishness of a deeply religious person who denounces sins, a departure from the faith of his contemporary society. Suvorov, with its “eccentricities,” tells the world the truth, exposing hypocrisy, pride, idle talk, the desire for earthly glory. Although, it should be noted, Alexander Vasilyevich did not suffer ostentatious humility. To the question of the omnipotent Potemkin “How can I reward you?” Suvorov answered with dignity: “I am not a merchant. Only God and the Empress can reward me. ” Grigory Alekseevich Potemkin highly appreciated and always spoke of Suvorov in superlatives in letters to the Empress.

For all his "eccentricities", Alexander Vasilyevich amazed the Grand Duchess, Potemkin and many other worthy interlocutors with a deep mind, serious reflections and eloquence when it came to public affairs. Suvorov was a man deeply educated, he knew several languages. Once the Englishman, Lord Clinton, was talking with Suvorov at lunch in the house of the commander. The Briton, struck by the intelligence and education of Alexander Vasilyevich, wrote a letter full of admiration, calling Suvorov not only the greatest commander, but also a great man. “I don’t remember if I ate something, but I remember his every word with delight,” wrote Lord Clinton. When Suvorov was informed about Clinton's letter, he said with regret: “It’s my fault, it’s revealed too much; there were no buttons.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov won many glorious victories, won dozens of battles, in which the enemy forces usually far outnumbered the Russians. For many years of continuous military companies, no one lost, unsuccessful battle. But two victories of Suvorov especially glorified the name of the Russian commander.

"The Inexplicable Miracle"

After the capture of Ishmael, Byron in his poem "Don Juan" called Suvorov an "inexplicable miracle." All of Europe was amazed at the success of the Russian weapons. Ishmael was a fortress with the most powerful fortifications, which the Turks helped to build German and French engineers. The fortress “without weak points”, as soberly determined the fortifications of Izmail Suvorov. The Russians have 28 thousands, out of which there are only 14 thousands of regular infantry, 11 cavalry squadrons and Cossacks dismounted for the assault. In Izmail there are 35 thousands of Turks, among which there are 17 thousands of selected Janissaries, 250 guns. When storming such a fortress attackers must have at least a threefold advantage. At the ultimatum of Suvorov, Turkish commander Seraskir Aidos-Mehmet Pasha, confident of Ishmael’s inaccessibility and well aware of his numerical superiority, self-confidently replied: “The Danube’s current will stop, and the sky will fall to the ground than the Russians will take Ishmael.” But Suvorov carefully prepares the troops, and then gives the famous order: “Fast the day, pray the day, the next one - storm, or death, or victory!”.

Under the most severe fire, assault columns were overcome by impregnable walls and deep ditches. The Turks, shot down from the walls in a fierce hand-to-hand fight, fight with incredible stubbornness and bitterness, fighting in the city, turning every home into a fortress. But by 16 hours the fight is over. 27 thousand Turks killed, 9 thousand captured. Our losses are 1879 killed (64 officer and 1815 lower ranks), 2 702 injured. How is this possible when storming such a fortress, with such a stubborn opponent? But it's true. Suvorov did not accidentally admit after the victory: "You can decide on such an assault only once in your life." Alexander Vasilyevich’s hope for the help of God was great, the power of the Russian commander’s prayer is great!

But his main feat was accomplished by Alexander Vasilyevich, completing his life with an unprecedented, wonderful Swiss campaign. Suvorov’s transition through the Alps is a true miracle of military history. What the Russian hero-heroes accomplished under the command of Suvorov in the Alps, cannot be done by human forces alone. After the brilliant victories of the Italian company, in which the Russians crushed MacDonald, Moreau, Joubert in the 10 battles, 25 fortresses were liberated - betrayal and deliberate betrayal of the perfidious Austrians who had lured Suvorov into a trap. The Austrians did not leave the promised warehouses, deceived, deliberately passing the wrong cards. found themselves without ammunition, food and winter clothing in the mountains. Many mountain passes in the Alps are impassable in winter even for tourists with modern mountaineering equipment. In the mountains, in such a place as the famous “Devil's Bridge” - at the exit from a narrow tunnel punched in a rock - a narrow stone arch over a bottomless abyss, at the bottom of which a rapid stream rumbles, one company of soldiers can easily hold back an army. All positions on the inaccessible passes were occupied by the French. French forces were three times the size of the Russian army. Suvorov doesn’t have 20 thousand, the French have 60 thousand. The French are the best soldiers of Europe. Brigades of Republican France with singing "Marseillaise" utterly smashed the Austrian and Prussian armies, Italians, British, Dutch. The French are brave, brave warriors, confident in their invincibility. French troops do not lack ammunition and food. At the head of the republican army, the best generals of Napoleon are the celebrated Moreau, Lecourbe, Massena's “favorite of victories.” The trap in the impassable mountains slammed shut. General Lekurb, gloating, wrote to Massena that the Russians had come to an end and "Suvorov only had to die in the mountains from hunger and frost."

And, indeed, there was no hope of salvation from the trap into which the Russian army brought treachery and treason against the Austrians. According to all the laws of military art, the Russians were doomed. It remained to either lay down their arms or die of hunger and cold in the winter mountains. Or die with glory, in a deliberately hopeless battle with a superior opponent.

But, it was the Russian wonder-heroes, and led them "Christ of the Warrior - Suvorov" ...

.... In the battle at Schwyz, the 4-thousandth Russian detachment was supposed to hold back Massena’s whole army. The French were advancing in huge, thousands of dense columns, with banners unfolded, confident of victory. But only two Russian regiments, with insane audacity rushed to the bayonets. Six times the miracle heroes went into bayonet attacks, holding back the enemy, but there were too few heroes. And General Rebinder ordered a retreat. The Russians retreated quietly, in perfect order with bayonets at the ready. Huge French columns stopped, and the brave French, at the sight of such courage, a handful of Russian heroes burst into applause.

But, suddenly, General Rebinder appears in front of the Russian system and proclaims in a thunderous voice: “Guys! Our gun stayed with the French ... Get the Tsar good! ”

And the Russians again rush at the enemy with bayonets! The French mingled, flinch. At this time, with a small detachment, Miloradovich arrived in time, his people, according to eyewitness accounts, rushing into battle, impatiently, literally pushing the weary Rebinder soldiers.

The French were driven by a crowd along the gorge up to Schwyz four miles

But at night, reinforcements approached Massena. And in the morning a huge French army, wanting to wash off the shame and put an end to a handful of Russians, again threatening columns is advancing on a small Russian detachment.

In Russian soldiers in bags - one charge. The officers say: “Brothers! We show that we are Russian. To work in Suvorov style, with a bayonet! ” The French are getting closer, the Russian system is silent. Massena, perhaps, decided that the Russians, realizing the senselessness of resistance, having saluted the French, would lay down their arms. And it will be possible, after victory, to express chivalrous respect to the valiant opponent.

But when the French came very close, a volley rang out, and after it the Russian “Hurray!” Thundered, and the wonder-heroes ran into bayonets!

The Russians, having crushed an irrepressible bayonet strike, were driving the enemy, again turning its huge, slender and formidable columns into a disorderly crowd. Unther officer Makhotin grabbed, knocking his fist off Massen's horse, but a French officer rushed to the rescue of the marshal. Makhotin, holding Massena with one hand, struck down the Frenchman in hand-to-hand combat, but Massena broke free and jumped on his horse, managed to escape, leaving his golden epaulette in the hands of the Russian noncommissioned officer ...

The French are driven through the gorge. Capturing the enemy battery, turn the guns and smash the enemy from the French guns ...

In this battle, the Russians captured General Lekurb, who dreamed of Suvorov’s death in an alpine trap.

Before the Rostock pass, the mountaineers assure Suvorov that at this time of the year the Rostock is not passing.

Suvorov replies: "We will pass - we are Russian!" God with us!". The Swiss say that at this time of the year nobody walks in the mountains, the terrible spirit of Rubebezal rules there. Suvorov is laughing. “I am Ryubetsal!” He shouts to the frightened mountaineers.

The Russians went through both Rostock and even more terrible Ringenkopf. Since then, Suvorov’s words have been remembered for centuries: “Where the deer will not pass, the Russian soldier will pass there!” We walked along icy rocks and cornices, over bottomless abysses, into snow and rain, and climbed where climbers had difficulty walking today. They walked among the clouds, along mountain passes, and slept on glaciers.

The French were knocked down with inaccessible positions by some bayonets. It is still not clear how the Russians managed to pass the “Devil's Bridge” occupied by the French! The French, retreating under the onslaught of the Russians, blew up a stone bridge. Under the most severe fire, throwing several logs and tying them with officer scarves, ran across the bottomless abyss and with bayonets overturned the frightened enemy.

... To crush everyone, knock a superior enemy off the impregnable “damn bridges”, cross the impassable Alps in winter, where at that time only the “mountain spirit of Rubebetal” dwells, and even bring along one and a half thousand French prisoners, it really was an "inexplicable miracle"! And nobody can still explain it.

Nowadays it is customary to talk about moral and volitional qualities, about the moral and psychological training of special forces units. The fact that the Suvorov miracle heroes accomplished in the Alps (not the mountain rifle special unit, but the whole army!) Is a real miracle. Russian miracle.

“God is our general. He leads us. Victory from him! ”

In military science, all serious scientists attach great importance to the spirit of the armies, paying much attention to the spiritual component of victories. Indeed, the best armies of military world history have always been distinguished by high fighting spirit, faith in their mission and in their leaders. Such were the fanatical "warriors of Islam" of the Arab conquerors and the Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire, the Lutheran Swedes of Gustav-Adolf and Charles XII, and the Old Guard of Napoleon, and the Wehrmacht iron soldiers who crushed the whole of Europe.

So how did the Suvorov miracle heroes know about their glorious victories? Of course, the Holy Spirit, called in his prayers. "To the Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Soul of Truth ..." with deep faith, along with his commander, sang at the hiking altars, the Suvorov soldiers, performing prayer before each battle. Suvorov's words: “Blessed Virgin, save us! Father St. Nicholas Wonderworking pray to God for us! Do not bare arms without this prayer, do not load guns! ”- each Russian soldier accepted the heart. Suvorov said: “Pray to God; victory from Him! ”and the soldiers believed him and prayed fervently with their leader. But everyone understands to breathe such faith in the hearts of the soldiers of some teachings and words are few. Similar words in Russia at that time were known and heard from childhood by every Orthodox. In order to breathe such ardent faith into the hearts of the soldiers, the commander himself had to have a living trust in God in his heart, he had to show it with his life. It is not by chance that Denis Davydov, who himself, in the “thunderstorm of the twelfth year”, who recognized the Russian soldier well, wrote the exact words: “Suvorov laid his hand on the heart of the Russian soldier and studied his heartbeat”.

At the Russian Christ-loving warrior and the Russian Christ-loving commander, the hearts beat the same. In the hearts was love for Christ the Savior, the Queen of Heaven and the Russian land. Suvorov rightfully said to his bogatyrs: “God is our general. He leads us. From him, victory!

By the way, the first of the Russian regimental priests who was awarded for military exploit was Father Timothy Kutsinsky, who, after all the officers had been knocked out, raised the cross and led the rangers of the rangers under heavy fire to storm the Izmail walls. The cross of the priest was pierced by two bullets. Tsar's awards for the bravery of soldiers and officers, Suvorov pinned on those who distinguished themselves in the church. He himself brought them to the altar on a platter, the priest sprinkled orders and medals with holy water, and then, each of the heroes made himself a sign of the cross, bending down on his knees, kissing the insignia.

And Suvorov miracle warriors and sailors of Ushakov, according to reviews of the enemies, differed in mercy, generosity to the vanquished. “One who asks for mercy - have mercy. He is the same person. Lying do not beat "- taught Suvorov. Honest, unusually disciplined Russian soldiers and sailors struck with the “good morals” of the inhabitants of Italy and the Ionian Islands. Suvorov taught: "Do not hurt the average man, the soldier is not a robber." And he emphasized that “God is not a helper to a robber.” Suvorov, like Ushakov, considered the basis of military spirit and valor to faith in God, a clear conscience and high morality. Both the Russian naval commander and the Russian commander were known for their unselfishness, strikingly different at that time from the English admirals and generals, for whom, as for the famous Nelson, war was the way to get rich. And, of course, from the generals of republican France, following Bonaparte, who became famous for the unprecedented robberies of Italy. Although, it should be noted that during the capture of an enemy camp, or the storming of the city, the soldiers were considered to be legit. But it was not in the rules of Russian military commanders to participate with the soldiers in the division of this prey. Such were the traditions of the Russian Army.

Suvorov, considered it important to know the moral character of his opponents. And the French generals opposing him were divided into two lists: Moreau, MacDonald, Joubert, Syurie — honest but unfortunate Republicans, Bonaparte, Massena, Lemojes, and others — robbers.

About Massena, known for his greed, Suvorov said: “Can he really not remember that in the cramped coffin all the millions he had stolen and bleeding could not fit?”

In Europe, at the same time admiring and frightened by the Russian victories, they spread rumors about the bloodthirstiness of the great commander. Yet, who witnessed his victories, even foreigners talk about the extraordinary generosity and mercy of Suvorov to the enemies. But, to the enemies of the vanquished. A well-fortified suburb of Warsaw, Prague was taken by a fierce assault, in a fierce battle, most of the thirty thousand Poles who stubbornly defended the suburb were killed. But, taking the keys to the outskirts of Warsaw, which was frightened by assault, Suvorov kissed the keys of the city and, raising them to the sky, said: “I thank the Lord that they didn’t get as expensive as ...” and looked at the destroyed suburb. His first words addressed to the delegation of the conquered Warsaw were: “Peace, peace and tranquility. Life, property, oblivion of the past. The most gracious Empress bestows peace and silence on you! ” Suvorov, entering Warsaw, gave the order not to respond to possible shots from the houses. 25 of thousands of folded rebels released home with passports. And, evidence of the wisdom and philanthropy of Alexander Vasilyevich - his order not to enter the Warsaw regiments, whose teams were in the Polish capital during the uprising. The Poles on Friday, Passion Week, having raised an uprising, meanly killed the Russian teams scattered around the city. Only a few with General Igelstrom managed to get through to theirs. The Poles proudly called this treacherous massacre perpetrated in the Passion Week "Warsaw Morning." Suvorov understood that Russian soldiers could not resist the desire to avenge their fellow soldiers, and felt sorry for the Poles. But the fighting Suvorov led always with extraordinary determination and lightning. “Is it better to delay the war and put 100 thousands?” He asked those who reproached him for trying to solve the company in a decisive, though fierce battle. Poland was pacified in an unusually short time.

Poland, Suvorov considered, quite rightly, the nest of Jacobinism in Eastern Europe, an ally of Republican France. And here, it is very important for us to understand what Alexander Vasilyevich was about the war with France.

"For the Holy Altars and Thrones"

Suvorov said he fights for "Holy Altars and Thrones." For the altars of Christian churches and for the thrones of Christian sovereigns. Suvorov miraculous warriors knew that they were fighting with the "godless" French, who "killed their king and destroy the temples of God." Recall what the "great" French Revolution brought to the world, and that the brigades of the French Revolutionary Army under the slogan "freedom, equality, fraternity" were carried to Europe. France still celebrates Bastille Day and sings Marseillaise. Few people remember how this revolution took place in beautiful France - the brainchild of encyclopaedists and anticlericals. Bloody bacchanalia, constantly working guillotine, baseness and meanness and incredible cruelty of the Jacobins, really bloodthirsty monsters of Marathas, Dantons, Robespierres. In the Paris Cathedral of Our Lady - the temple "Goddess of Reason", the desecration of shrines, the killing of priests. Suvorov clearly understood that it was a godless spirit, the spirit of anti-christ, felt the breath of hell in the French revolution. “Paris is the root of evil. Paris is a trouble for the whole of Europe, ”Suvorov warned prophetically. French troops smashed the armies of neighboring states, and watching what was happening in Europe, Suvorov ended his letters to Empress Catherine II with the words: “Mother, order me to go to the French!”. Truly prophetically predicted Alexander Vasilyevich and the danger threatening to Russia, when Bonaparte with the troops will be in Poland. He even foresaw which European countries would donate their regiments to Napoleon’s army. Namely and the number of troops - more than half a million. By the way, during the invasion of the hordes of “two-tongues” in Russia, the desecration of the Kremlin’s cathedrals by foreigners, many Orthodox considered Napoleon “the forerunner of antichrist” for good reason.

Suvorov sought to destroy the terrible danger in the bud - “I beat the French, but not finished off. Paris is my point, trouble Europe. " “A young man is striding widely, he will go far if not calm down,” he spoke of Napoleon. And, if it were not for the treacherous treason of Austria, which forced the Emperor Pavel I to withdraw the Russian troops, Suvorov, there is no doubt that the Corsican would have crushed.

Napoleon had to beat and drive away from the Russian land to Suvorov’s beloved disciple, Mikhail Ill. Kutuzov. And the confrontation between the "godless" France and the Russian kingdom in Paris, in 1814, ended. At Easter, 14 of the year, in the square where the French killed their king, Russian regiments stood in the parade. The regimental priests, in the red Easter vestments, performed a solemn service at the marching altars. And to the exclamations of the priests "Christ is Risen!", Along with his Russian Tsar, Sovereign Emperor Alexander I, thousands of Russian soldiers responded, with battles that reached Borodino and Maloyaroslavets. “Truly Risen!” - a thunderous victorious cry of “Christ-loving warriors” spread over Europe.

Suvorov taught his soldiers before battles with French troops: “The French are violators of common silence and enemies of general peace. The French rejected Christ the Savior! Be afraid of their debauchery! You were happy in faith - keep it. Treasure your conscience; may she not reproach you that you were companions of the oppressors of faith and the rights of the people. Run the false teachers! ” The covenant of the Russian Archangel by their miraculous heroes.

In Italy, in the liberated Milan, residents strew his way with flowers, branches of trees, kneel down, kiss his hands, and the floors of his dress. Suvorov make the sign of the cross and repeats: "God helped! .. Thank God! .. Pray to God more!".

In Switzerland, at the very top of St. Gotthard, Capuchin monks await the emergence of "northern barbarians." Russian troops appear. Clothes and shoes turned into rags, almost bare-foot Russian soldiers, made the hardest crossings on mountain glaciers and snow passes, the last rusks were long over. Finally, the Russians reached the summit of St. Gotthard. In Gotspis, in a hospice, monks are used to saving travelers in trouble in the winter mountains. Prepared in advance food and drink. But, the Russian elder-commander welcomes the prior and asks everyone, first of all, to go to church - to serve a thanksgiving prayer to God. Capuchin monks stare in amazement as the famous Suvorov himself lights the candles, baptized fervently, sings with all the prayers of thanksgiving.

Finally, they switched to Panix. Impassable in the winter, the Alps were overcome, the French were defeated, and the Russian army defeated the last pass. Suvorov, before the formation of his miracle heroes, tears off his hat from his head and lifting his hands to the sky, sings loudly: “We praise God for you!”.

Suvorov fought, protecting not only the altars of Christian churches from reproach by atheists, but also the thrones of Christian sovereigns. The whole life of Alexander Vasilyevich is an example of loyalty to the Czar's throne. One of the "eccentricities" of Suvorov at the Court was the custom of the commander not only to put three earthly bows in front of the icon of the Queen of Heaven, but also to greet the Empress with the earthly bow. At a time when the courtiers bowed gracefully and gallantly in bows before the Empress, the glorified commander laid a bow to the Empress. Suvorov emphasized his Christian reverence for the autocratic Queen.

Suvorov said: “God have mercy! We pray to Russian God; He is our assistant; We serve the king — he hopes for us and loves us. ” Faithful service to the King, Suvorov considered not only a Christian duty, but also a great virtue. “The Russians are capable of everything, and God to pray and to serve the Tsar!” Said Alexander Vasilyevich with admiration, rejoicing in the exploits of his miracle heroes.

Diligently and skillfully, the enemies of Emperor Paul I, taking advantage of the fact that Suvorov was far from the capital, in the army, tried for a long time to embroil the Sovereign and the commander. Despite the reverent attitude to the Tsar's throne, Alexander Vasilyevich, as under Empress Catherine II, always spoke the truth, boldly exposing the shortcomings of the Gatchina innovations in the army. His words: “Buckles are not guns, powder is not powder, a scythe is not a cleaver, and I am not a German, but a native hare!”, “The Russian Prussians have always beaten!” - they were spread throughout the army. But, knowing the unshakable loyalty of Suvorov to the Tsar, the conspirators did not even think to persuade the famous commander to change. It was succeeded only by intrigues to achieve opals and the link of Suvorov.

By the way, Alexander Vasilyevich said that he had seven wounds; two were received in the war, and five at the Court. But these five, according to him, were more painful than the first.

The link in Konchansky was a prayer lock for Suvorov. Suvorov not only sings on the choir at the village church. In disgrace, in humility and patience, the soul of the great commander gathers strength, prepares for the feat of the Swiss campaign. Suvorov asked the Sovereign for permission to depart to the Nilova Novgorod deserts, in order to end his days with the service of God in the monastic cloister. In a letter, Suvorov writes: “Our savior is one without sin. Neumo, my forgive the merciful Sovereign. But the Lord prepared Alexander Vasilyevich for the last great feat in the glory of God, the Tsar and the Fatherland.

The reconciliation of the noble Sovereign Pavel Petrovich and Suvorov was extraordinary. In the letter of the Emperor to the commander, the confession of the Sovereign and his guilt:

“Count Alexander Vasilyevich! Now is not the time to pay. Guilty God will forgive. The Roman emperor demands you as the commander of his army and gives you the fate of Austria and Italy. My job is to agree to this, and yours to save them. Hurry up by coming here and do not take time away from your glory, and I have the pleasure of seeing you. I remain benevolent to you. Paul."

Suvorov kisses the letter and gives the order: “An hour to gather, another - to go. He served in the village for the clerk; sang in a bass, and now I'm going to sing Mars

In St. Petersburg, approaching the Tsar, Suvorov reads aloud the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father”, and at the words “And do not lead us into temptation,” he bends his knee. Sovereign, lifts Alexander Vasilievich from his knee, concluding the prayer: “But save us from the evil one!”

The majestic and worthy reconciliation of the Russian Christian general and the Russian Tsar. In an effort to reward Suvorov for patience and loyalty, Emperor Paul I entrusts the chain of the Order of St. to Suvorov. John of the Jerusalem Grand Cross. Suvorov exclaimed: "God, save the Tsar!" “You save the kings!” Replies the Sovereign.

After the great Swiss campaign, Emperor Pavel I, having conferred Alexander Vasilyevich the rank of generalissimo, ordered the army to give Suvorov military honors such as the Sovereign, even in the presence of the Tsar himself.

Suvorov fought, “saving the thrones”, seeking to protect from the “hyena”, as the commander of the French Revolution called the Christian statehood of the European powers. The Orthodox Russian Tsars restrained the "spirit of antichrists," the "breath of hell." Tyutchev in the middle of the nineteenth century will prophetically say in the world there are two forces - the revolution and Orthodox Russia. And, how did the Russian generals lack, in March 17, the Tsar-Martyr Nikolai Alexandrovich, this simple, holy Russian allegiance to the Tsar, the great commander and the great Christian. Suvorov’s loyalty to the Tsar, the Anointed of God, was based on his firm, Orthodox, patristic faith. The generals would have fulfilled the covenant of Suvorov, "You were happy in faith, - keep it! Flee the false teachers! ”- the loyalty to the Tsar would have remained, the fate of Russia and the whole world in the 20th century would have been different.

Today we see where the modern world is moving, built on the “humane ideals of the Great French Revolution”, which proclaimed “freedom, equality, fraternity”. There is no place for Christ in this godless world. In the 18th century, Suvorov clearly understood that this “spirit of antichrists” carries people, and he fought with him precisely as “the Christ of the Warrior”. When Alexander Vasilyevich was congratulated on going over the Alps, the commander said truly prophetic words: “God helped us overcome them and pass through the thunder clouds. But will it help us to ward off thunder strikes directed at the Thrones? .. His Holy Will! ”

In 1812, the invasion of the "forerunner of the antichrist" Napoleon was defeated by the Russian Christ-loving army. In 1917, Russia was defeated, but preserved by the prayers of the Holy Royal Martyrs, all the New Martyrs of Russia, under the Protection of the Sovereign Mother of God. In the world, two forces are still in conflict - the revolution and Russia, which nevertheless preserved the Orthodox faith. Nowadays, the “spirit of antichrists”, in the form of “global structures” that have already seized the world, is seeking to finally crush Russia. And this is not only about our energy resources and the territory needed by the “world government”. We are confronted with the same hatred for Christ and His Church, which both French Jacobins and those who seized power in Russia in 17 were obsessed with. Russia, which can be reborn as an Orthodox Russian state, is the last obstacle in the path of these theomachists. Once again, Russia is in danger; and from the West - NATO (the current horde of “two languages”), and from the East and the South - the invasion of alien tribes. Opponents today surpass Russia in material and human resources. But, despite the fact that more and more new types of weapons are being developed, despite the existence of nuclear forces, high-precision weapons, despite the fact that the confrontation goes into the space sphere, the spirit of the Army will still be decisive in this confrontation with the enemy. and the spirit of the People. Suvorov said: “You can't defeat one of the ten. God's help is needed. ” The “post-Christian” Europe and the United States, retreating from the faith and Christ the Savior, are gathering strength fanatical hordes of the “warriors of Islam” under the green banner, the billion-strong pagan China ...

Let us think whether the Russian Army, the Suvorov precepts and the prayer assistance of the Russian Archangel are necessary today?

The chronometer, chorister, ringer, benefactor ...

Speaking about the possible glorification of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, it is impossible not to recall that the great commander was also a temple founder. In Novaya Ladoga, being the commander of the Suzdal regiment, Suvorov built the temple of Peter and Paul. Together with the soldiers he wore logs, personally carved a cross mounted on the dome of the church. Departing for the war with the regiment, he sent Archpriest Antony a letter asking: “I ask your blessing that the regiment should not return until the service is done daily” and a donation to the temple. He built the church of St. Alexander Nevsky in Konchansky, and despite being busy, he arrived at a distant estate to pray at the consecration of the church. In Kistysh, on the site of the wooden church of St. Basil the Great built by the father of commander Vasily Ivanovich, Suvorov erected a stone church, with the limits of the prophet Ilya and St. Alexander Nevsky. Cared and decorated the temple in Undola. In the Turkish company sent a letter with the order to sell in Undol estate, horses, harness, dishes, and all the money to give to church utensils.

The church choir, recruited from the peasants, was the best in the province. Alexander Vasilyevich himself was very fond, appreciated and understood church singing. Suvorov sang on the choir and in his native Moscow church of St. Theodore the Studite. In Konchansky, Suvorov, long before the commencement of the service, would rise to the bell tower, and wait until a figure of a village priest entering the service appears on a green hillock. Then Suvorov started ringing the bells. Called skillfully. During the service he served in the altar, gave a censer, read notes. He loved to read on the choir, especially the clock and the Apostle.

Suvorov was also an enlightener, making sure that the Word of God sounded. Not only opened Sunday schools at temples, but he himself wrote a children's catechism. As commander of the Astrakhan regiment, he educates officers and soldiers, builds a school for soldier children at his temple, where he teaches arithmetic to children and adults, sketches the basics of new textbooks.

Alexander V. loved life in the village. Once, when the doctor advised the sick commander to go to the warm waters, Suvorov replied: "God have mercy! What do you think? There send the healthy rich, limping players, schemers. There let them bathe in the mud. And I am truly sick. I need a prayer in the village, a hut, a bath, a mush and kvass. ”

Much can be said about the firm Christian foundations on which economic life was built in the estates of Suvorov. By the way, in his estates farms were much more efficient than those of neighboring landowners. Alexander Vasilyevich was not only a “father of soldiers”, but also a father for his peasants. Always helped the poor to stand up, raise the economy. He was surrounded by the care of widows, poor, disabled people. As a father, Suvorov especially cared not only for the well-being and prosperity, but also for the health and morals of the peasants. I tried to keep in his possessions no mates and no-donations. As he could, encouraged childbearing, for the birth of a child, he always gave the family a silver ruble. “The peasant is getting rich not with money, but with children,” Suvorov was convinced.

Many evidences are known about how Suvorov provided various assistance to those in need, but it became known about the secret donations of large sums to charitable institutions only after the commander's death. “From the Unknown”, Alexander Vasilyevich transferred annually 10 thousand rubles to the Petersburg prison for the redemption of debtors.

The great commander had an unusually kind and merciful heart. Lent, in fierce frosts in the house of Suvorov, a bird room was arranged - forest birds were saved from hunger and cold - “the frost will be early, they will die”. Trying to help the mother of captain Sinitsky to return her son from exile to Siberia, Suvorov writes to the old mother: “I will pray to God, pray and you will both be praying!” It was possible to achieve pardon and return Sinitsky from the link.

Denis Davydov notes that Suvorov, "having commanded the Russian armies for fifty-five years, didn’t make a single person miserable, not a single official and private, he never hit a soldier, punished the guilty only with ridicule in the national spirit, which crashed into them as stigmas." Many considered Suvorov, even too soft. At the submission to punish the guilty strictly Suvorov replied: "I am not the executioner" And at the same time, the discipline in his troops was iron.

Upon learning that there was not a single case of disobedience for the entire Italian company and the Swiss campaign, Suvorov exclaimed: “I recognize our Russian troops. The burden of service is light when many people raise it together. Not! The Greeks and Romans do not equal us! ”

Unusual generosity showed Suvorov to the defeated enemy. Releasing General Lekurba from captivity, Suvorov, having learned that the Frenchman had recently married, gave the general’s young wife a flower. This flower, as the greatest shrine was kept in the house of Lecouba in Paris. In 1814, Lekurb showed him to Russian officers.

Suvorov was unhappy in family life. But this is not his fault, but the misfortune of the “gallant century”. And blame Alexander Vasilyevich for the fact that he could not forgive his spouse impossible. Suvorov was strict, first of all, to himself. The commander above all appreciated the purity and good conscience. Suvorov did not look for more family happiness, and for the rest of his life, he gave all his strength to the Fatherland. But, how touching is his love for her daughter Natalia, “sweet Suvorochka”. Alexander Vasilyevich with all sincerity said: "My life is for the Fatherland, my death is for Natasha." The letters to the daughter are filled not only with delicate paternal love, but with great concern for the moral purity of the daughter, strengthening her in piety.

Suvorov, in letters to his godson, Alexander Karachay, and a young officer, PN Scripitsin, left an unusually deep and concise instruction, explaining how to be a true hero. Alexander Vasilievich warns young people against the danger of turning virtues into disadvantages. For example, it advises to be: “Brave, but without passion. Soon without rashness. Slave, but without humiliation. The boss, but without arrogance. Winner, but without vanity. Noble, but without pride ... - and many other equally accurate advice left the great commander ... Suvorov asks to be: "The enemy of envy, hatred and revenge. Opponents to depose indulgence. Sovereign over friends loyalty. Shun lies. Being congenital straightforward. Be upright with friends. Forgive the error of your neighbor. Never forgive them in yourself. Do not be discouraged by misfortune ... The reverence for God, the Mother of God and the saints is to avoid sin. The source of sin is a lie, this comrades are flattery and deceit, ”writes Suvorov. All the teachings of Suvorov are imbued with a deep Christian spirit and no less instructive for each of us. And, most importantly, all of which he advises young people to strive for, Alexander Vasilyevich, he himself managed to translate into his life.

Suvorov was not hypocritical and, considering faith and morality as the basis of the valor of the troops, he always found time for good jokes. Alexander Vasilyevich was a man of joyful, bright Christian spirit. Two, three words could raise the mood of the troops. It is well known how, seeing the incredible fatigue of a soldier, he sang a humorous song:

What the girl did
What happened to the red!

And the exhausted soldiers had strength.

The Austrians, after the battle with the Turks, in which they seemed to have taken part, but did not fight, demanded a part of the guns taken by the Russians from the defeated enemy. Suvorov ordered: "God have mercy! Give them all! We will get more for ourselves, and for them the poor, where to get them! ” The court wits in St. Petersburg tried not to hurt Alexander Vasilyevich, knowing his resourcefulness and the apt, exact word.

As an obstacle to the canonization of Suvorov, they recalled his alleged involvement with the Freemasons. In the 18th century, indeed, some well-intentioned Orthodox Russian people, who did not understand who they were dealing with, fell into Masonic lodges. But, the statements of Alexander Vasilyevich, who warned the officers against communicating with these enemies of Christ, are well known. Historians have long refuted the fables of freemasons who want to ascribe to themselves many of the great Russian people about the alleged "Freemasonry" of Suvorov.

Suvorov, fighting in Italy, respected the Catholic priests and temples of God, but he never doubted that only the Orthodox Church was the truth.

Suvorov in Prague, in Bohemia, faced with the sect of "Bohemian brothers", having heard the legend about the burning of Jan Hus, said: "I thank God that I never visited the reformation of our Fatherland: our religion was always in all cleanliness. And who does not know that the son of God never commanded with the sword or with fire to baptize the Jews and pagans? ”

“But we are Russians! God with us!"

Glorifying the holy saints, the Church of God calls us to try to imitate them in their lives. And it is very important today, to assimilate another covenant left to us by the Russian Archangel.

Suvorov often exclaimed: “We are Russian God with us!”, “We are Russian - what a delight!”. "We are Russian - the enemy trembles before us!" - appealed to his wonder-heroes. The commander said these words not only in order to raise the morale of his troops, but from an overflowing heart. Suvorov's delight was a spiritual joy, gratitude to God of an Orthodox Russian person who loves his Fatherland. The words of Alexander Vasilyevich amazingly echo the words of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt: “Russian man - be proud that you are Russian! Russia is the foot of the Throne of God on earth. "

At the same time, Suvorov did not have the slightest hint of xenophobia, which today is so afraid to see in the Russian patriotic movement. Alexander Vasilyevich is friends with the Prince of Coburg, a Frenchman Lamet. He writes a famous, respectful letter to the "noble Knight of Vendée" monarchist Charette, calling for "Restoring the Temple of the Lord and the throne of your Sovereigns." Of a notable Russian officer who did not write well in Russian, Suvorov said: “It’s a shame, but let him write in French, if only he would think in Russian.” Alexander Vasilyevich spoke exclusively in Russian with all the Russians, while those of the officers who, following the fashion, were trying to express themselves in French, received from Suvorov a mocking nickname “Mousye”.

During the famous military council in the Alps, when it was clear that there was no hope of salvation, Suvorov, describing in detail the hopelessness of the situation, after a pause, suddenly glances at everyone and shouts: “But we are Russians! God with us!". And from all the generals says the oldest, Vilim Khristoforovich Derfelden: “Lead us, we are your father, we are Russians!”. All generals utter in chorus: "We swear to that Almighty God!" Suvorov listens with his eyes closed the oath of the Russian generals. Then happily says: “I hope! Glad! God have mercy! We are Russians! Thank you Thank! We will divide the enemy, and victory over him - victory over deceit ... There will be victory! ”

Peter Ivanovich Bagration said: “We came out from Alexander Vasilyevich with an enthusiastic feeling, with self-denial, with the strength of the will of the spirit; win or die, but die with glory, close the banners of our regiments with our own bodies ... ”

Both Bagration and Derfelden were Russian for Suvorov, and they themselves considered themselves Russian and were proud of it. During the retreat of 1812, the hot Bagration will indignantly write to Barclay de Tolly: “What are we Russians if we give our Fatherland to our enemy?”.

Suvorov asks Miloradovich: "Misha, do you know three sisters?" Miloradovich, having guessed, replies: “I know! Faith Hope Love!". Suvorov happily picks up the words of the young hero-general: “Yes, you know. You are Russian. You know three sisters: Faith, Hope, Love. Glory and victory are with them, God is with them! ”

By the way, when someone, whether soldier, officer, or general, performed his service poorly, Suvorov equally reproached them: “You are not Russian; it is not in Russian. ” Those who wanted to correct said: “Show me in deeds that you are Russian”.

For many years, the media with methodicalness and perseverance has driven us into our heads that Russia is an eternal loser, that we only have “fools and roads”, Russians are drunkards and lazy and other “gentlemen’s set” of Russophobes. They are convinced that it turns out that there are no Russians anymore, but only “Russian-speaking Russians”. For them, only the “Russian” mafia and the terrible “Russian fascism” remained for them.

Suvorov, having learned about the capture of Ff Ushakov Corfu by the Russian fleet, exclaimed: “Our great Peter is alive!” And recalled the words of Emperor Peter the Great after the victory over the Swedish fleet at the Aland Islands: “Nature has produced only one Russia; She has no rival! - and now we see. Cheers to the Russian fleet!

How important it is for us today to hear, the words of the Russian Archangelist drive away the despondency: “We are Russians - what a delight!”.

"Unbeatable conquer yourself"

Recently, when the media and “Soros” textbooks are seemingly inconceivably distorting Russian history before our eyes, let’s not be discouraged, let’s recall Alexander Vasilyevich’s words about a modern French military commander: “This historian has two mirrors. One magnifying for their own, the second diminutive for us. But the story will break both, and put its own, in which we will not be pygmies. "

In the twentieth century, they once tried to rewrite the history of Russia. But when the enemy stood near Moscow, Stalin turned to the names of the holy princes Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov. Not by chance, and in the Great Patriotic War, our best commanders were called commanders of the “Suvorov school”. Returning to the traditions of the glorious Russian Army, creating in 1944 year schools in the likeness of the cadet corps of Imperial Russia, they were named Suvorov.

After the pogrom of the Soviet Army in 90, the new reforms gradually kill the Armed Forces remaining in modern Russia. Destroy military science, military education, military medicine. They are trying to interrupt the historical traditions of our Army. The “reform” of the Suvorov schools is one of the testimonies of these attempts to destroy the “connection of times”.

But Russia cannot exist without a strong Army and Navy. When the current Russian rebellion is over, we will have, straining all our forces, to restore the Armed Forces of the Russian state with the whole world. They must become the great Russian Army again. Perhaps this is done only based on the precepts of the Russian Archangel. In the Science of Victory, Suvorov left us the main advice for all time: “Pray to God; from him victory! And the great conviction of the great commander: "To teach the unbelievers of the army is to grind rusty iron." Suvorov, who did not know of a single defeat, proved with his life the Christian truth - “we cannot win, who conquered himself”.

Suvorov miracle heroes were firmly convinced that their favorite commander was able to beg for victory. They believed in his words: “Our God is the voivode! He leads us! The soldiers saw Suvorov prayerfully to God before each battle. The troops went about the story of how once, Alexander Vasilyevich, sitting on a horse, prayed for a long time, according to his custom before the battle, silently peering into the sky. To the question of one soldier about what he sees in the sky, the commander ordered the warrior to stand in his own stirrup. And, Suvorov showed angels singing glory to a soldier in the sky. And, the heavenly crowns above the Russian columns that descend upon the heads of those who are destined to die in battle. “I pray for them,” said Suvorov to the warrior. After the battle, Suvorov was always present at the funeral service and funeral service, accompanying the killed soldiers and officers with prayer.

It is known that before the start of the hardest and strongest battle on the Kienburg spit, Suvorov did not interrupt the service in the regimental church, despite alarming reports that the Turks were already landing numerous troops. Until the Divine Liturgy was over, Suvorov did not stop the prayer and did not give the order to join the battle. In battle, the Ottomans were utterly defeated.

At the beginning of the common prayer, Suvorov read the Lord’s Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, before the line of regiments. The soldiers felt the prayer of Suvorov. And the whole army sought to imitate the beloved commander. The outskirts of Warsaw Prague was fortified and fenced with wolf pits. The assault began at night. Before the battle, at midnight, all the soldiers, led by officers, gathered at the company icons, before which they lit up the lamps and prayed on their knees. "We are all like a crown," says the old grenadier, a participant in the battle, "put on clean underwear and waited to fulfill the will of AV Suvorov." The company commander addressed the soldiers with Suvorov's words: “Listen, children, we, as Christians, like Russians, need to pray to the Lord God for victory over enemies. Yes make up with everyone. It will be our way, in Russian. ” After the prayer, the old Suvorov officer gives the last instructions: “Hear the children, remember God in a fight. In vain the enemy does not kill. They are the same people. ” The whole Russian army on that night prayed with its commander. The Suvorov Grenadier told how in the morning after the victory, the soldiers cautiously made their way between six rows of terrible wolf holes and could not understand how at night, during a rapid attack, no one fell into the traps.

The soldiers believed in Suvorov’s insight, that the beloved commander “God’s plan is open.” During the hardest, most stubborn battle with the French on the river Trebii, at a decisive moment, Suvorov jumped off his horse, threw himself on the ground and prayed to God. A few minutes later, he got up, gave orders, after which the Russians broke the enemy.

Among the soldiers, there were stories about how the Heavenly Forces kept Suvorov from the attempts of the assassins sent by the enemies. It is authentically known, as in Switzerland, a cook bought by Frenchmen several times at dinner brought poisoned food to Suvorov, but Alexander Vasilevich silently, long and intently looked into his eyes until the cook cleaned this dish.

They told that in the most difficult moments of the battles, a mysterious horseman appeared in light robes and a red cloak next to Suvorov, the Russian forces doubled, and the enemy was broken. Who was this mysterious horseman, angel of God, or holy warrior-martyr in a red cloak? And, maybe, the rider's raincoat was the princely basket of the pious Prince Alexander Nevsky, the patron saint of Alexander Suvorov?

In the German war, the battalion of the beloved Suvorov Fanagoriysky regiment was surrounded. All the officers died, the young lieutenant took command. With the battalion there was a regimental banner of the glorious Fanagoriysky regiment. Before you go to the last battle, the Fanagorians prayed earnestly, and at the unfolded banner many were honored to see Suvorov. The Germans could not stand the furious Russian bayonet strike, the battalion made its way from the encirclement and saved the banner of the regiment. Hourly testified that at night at the tomb of the deceased lieutenant Suvorov was seen twice. The poem was dedicated to this wonderful phenomenon by the commander, “The Suvorov Banner,” dedicated to a Russian officer, participant of the war with the Germans, Arseny I. Nesmelov.

In Russia, they say "the end - the cause of the crown." The Holy Fathers believed: “How a person lives is important, but how important it will be to die.” The great commander, beloved by all of Russia, with the greatest patience and humility endures disgrace. Not remembering resentment, like Ilya Muromets in epics, he goes again at the call of the Tsar to fight for the Fatherland. He crowns his life with the feat of the Italian company, in which for one Russian soldier killed there were 75 French killed, and with the great Swiss campaign. Alexander Vasilyevich completes the earthly path, pouring out everything he has gathered in his heart for many decades of wars and battles, glorious victories and love of the people, royal opal and royal mercy, in the “Canon to the penitent Savior and Our Lord Jesus Christ”. Despite the protests of doctors, Suvorov with this severity passes his last Great Lent, does not miss the service, sings on the kliros, reads in the temple, lays down countless prostrations. Before dying, confessing and partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, Suvorov, saying goodbye to everyone, said: "I chased after glory for a long time - all a dream, peace of mind at the throne of the Most High."

Accompanied Suvorov on his last journey all of St. Petersburg. When the hearse approached the gates of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, confusion arose, the hearse was large, and the gate was low, they decided that the canopy with a canopy would not pass. But, an old Suvorov soldier, a grenadier non-commissioned officer, cried: "Suvorov will not pass?" Suvorov everywhere passed, will pass and here! Come on brothers, fight! ” And the hearse with the body of the beloved commander, supported by the hands of the people, inexplicably passed through the gates of the Monastery.

The requiem liturgy was performed by Vladyka Ambrose. No one said gravestone words during a farewell. Only the chorus of the court singing songs of the 90 th psalm "Living in the help of the Most High, will be installed in the shelter of the God of Heaven ...", and when the coffin was lowered, the thunder of cannon volleys rang out - Russian guns were saying goodbye to great generals.

In the Church of the Annunciation of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, the left choir on the tombstone contains words to which nothing needs to be added - “Suvorov lies here.”

“And now, when the Russian regiments go to battle, he makes a prayer for them, they sing about him”

Honor and love for Suvorov remained in the hearts of all who loved Russia and to whom the glory of the Russian arms is dear. Not only the common people understood that Alexander Vassilyevich was a “warrior of Christ”. Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin), the abbot of the New Jerusalem Monastery, loved A.S.Turikov's poem “Grandfather of Suvorov”. There are surprisingly exact lines in the poem:

The gift of victory is God's gift!
God must pray,
It is necessary to sober up my heart
To hit the enemy.

...... ...... ...... .....

The strength of the troops is not in the masses
Not in warlike clothes,
Strength in spirit and hearts!

....... ...... ........

Wonderland Commander
Did not count the campaign, -
Took victory in heaven.
Truth husband worked without noise
In God I thought firmly thought -
And glorified in miracles.

.... ...... ..... ......

The life of a monk is approximate,
The spirit is clean from all filth,
Because invincible!
He went from the temple to the battle
From battle to prayer again
Like God's cherub.

...... ....... ...... .....

In 1840, the “Notes of the Fatherland” published a poem by IP Klyushnikov about Suvorov, which concludes with the conviction that Alexander Vasilyevich continues to pray for the Russian Army after the end of his earthly journey:

And now, when the battle
Russian regiments are coming,
He makes prayers about them -
About him they sing.

The biographer of Suvorov, AF Petrushevsky, wrote down a folk legend in which it is told that Suvorov, like the saint Russian bogatyrs, sleeps in a dense forest, in a stone cave, having inclined his gray head to a stone ledge. Through a small hole, the light of an unquenchable lamp is seen in the cave, and a prayer commemoration is heard to the prince, God's servant Alexander. The legend says that in a terrible time for the Russian land, the great Russian knight will wake up, come out of its tomb and save the Fatherland from adversity.

The icon of the holy righteous warrior of the invincible Admiral Theodore Ushakov on the scroll reads: “Do not despair, these formidable storms will serve the glory of Russia.” For the inscription on the icon of the holy righteous warrior of the invincible generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, many words of the great commander can be chosen: “For the Most Pure Mother of God! For the House of Our Lady! ”,“ We ​​are Russian - God is with us! ”,“ Pray to God; from him victory! Miracle-rich, God leads us, “He is our general!” The inscription from Suvorov’s deathbed instruction says: “Be a Christian; God knows what to give and when. ”

In the Suvorov schools, since 1944, under the portraits of Suvorov, it was customary to write the words of his testament: "My offspring, please take my example." But completely the words of Alexander Vasilyevich sound like this:

“My offspring, please take my example; Every business to begin with the blessing of God; to gasp of being faithful to the Sovereign and Fatherland; avoid luxury, idleness, greed, and seek fame through truth and virtue, which are my symbols. ”

Of course, in Soviet times, they could not allow future officers to be taught “to start every business with the blessing of God” and to remember their loyalty to “Sovereign and Fatherland.”

The Russian Army has many heavenly patrons — holy warriors. But the spiritual heritage of Suvorov in the twenty-first century is no less expensive and important to us than in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. And, perhaps, given the current position of Russia in the world, it becomes vital.

But, today, all the teachings of Suvorov are extremely important not only for officers and soldiers of the Russian army, but also for every Orthodox Christian. Russian soldiers need strong faith and hope in God, the Suvorov miracle heroes. And shouldn't we all imitate the aspiration of Alexander Vasilyevich for moral purity and active, selfless service to God, the Tsar and the Fatherland? Shouldn't all of us make efforts to restore the Christian statehood in Russia, which Suvorov defended? For Suvorov, loyalty to the King, the Anointed of God, was inseparable from loyalty to Christ the Savior.

Suvorov wrote: “A good name is an affiliation of every honest person, but I concluded a good name in the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended towards its prosperity. Never pride, often obedient to the impulses of transient passions, did not control my actions. I forgot myself where I had to think about the benefits of the common. ”

Is not Suvorov an example of active service to the Fatherland, Russia does not need today? After all, what to hide, often we, Orthodox Christians, live only for themselves and their loved ones. Exposing Alexander Vasilievich’s rebuke not only to other contemporaries of Suvorov: “Let us forget about the common cause, let us think about ourselves - this is the whole virtue of a secular person”.

Recently, Orthodox Christians are often inspired by the image of false repentance and some kind of dreary “humility”. Some “theologians” assert that Russia is “to blame for all,” that we need to “repent of and apologize to everyone for all” - this will happen, it turns out to be “true Christianity”. Others call, in “the last times”, which they have already begun, to save themselves “the remnant of the faithful” in the forests.

For us it is very important today, instead of false humility and Tolstoyan non-resistance to evil, to acquire the fighting and victorious spirit of the great Russian commander of the “Christ Warrior - Suvorov”.

All Russia should hear with its heart and believe the words of Suvorov, said when the army was trapped in impassable mountains, there were numerous and powerful enemies, and there seemed no way out: “God have mercy! We are Russians! We will break the enemy! And victory over him, and victory over deceit; there will be a victory! ”

"The Canon of the Savior and Our Lord Jesus Christ" compiled by Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov ends with the words:

“I offer you, O Lord, Your Most Holy Mother and all those who pleased you for the ages, to plead you. Your prayers you can. Accept their petition for me unworthy.

Thou shalt no longer utterly declare more to you: I am yours and save me. ”

Many pastors and Orthodox Christians have no doubt that the great commander and Christian who wrote these lines, along with those who pleased God, had the audacity to intercede for our Fatherland and for sinners, and prays earnestly for the Russian Army that they love.

It is not by chance that the glorious naval commander, the righteous warrior, invincible Admiral Theodore Ushakov was the first in the III millennium of our Church to be canonized. The Russian Navy received a heavenly patron. We hope that the Russian Army among an assembly of holy warriors and pious princes will be able to prayerfully call upon the holy righteous warrior, the invincible commander Alexander Suvorov.

And, perhaps, we will see how in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the temple, where the holy relics of the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky reside, will be solemnly transferred and the holy relics of a righteous warrior named after the holy Prince Alexander of Suvorov, the Russian Archistratig.

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  1. +12
    24 November 2015 06: 47
    Yes ... the words of Suvorov and Russia simply can not sound separately! Brilliant leadership talent and intelligence!
  2. +8
    24 November 2015 07: 55
    Great man, Great commander ...
    1. 0
      24 November 2015 13: 29
      And here's another ...
    2. +11
      24 November 2015 17: 21
      Quote: parusnik
      Great man, Great commander ...

      He is not just great, he is GREAT! Throughout history there was no longer SUCH SILVER who, not only did not lose a single battle, so all the battles that he won, he won by fighting with less force than the enemy had! An example is the battle of Rymnik, where against 7 thousand Suvorov miraculous heroes and 18 thousand Austrians there were 150 thousand Turks!

      By the way, in my opinion it’s time for the Turks to recall how our miraculous heroes know how to fight!
  3. +5
    24 November 2015 08: 10
    Great commander and, above all, a great man! It is a pity that the presence of such talented military leaders was compensated by corrupt officials and undercover palace intrigues.
  4. +10
    24 November 2015 08: 31
    “We are Russians God with us!” and "We are Russians - what a delight!"

    Is it possible to add anything to these words of this truly great man!
  5. +6
    24 November 2015 08: 49
    On the 285th anniversary of Alexander Vasilievich. Honor and Glory to him!
  6. +4
    24 November 2015 09: 24
    It is not by chance that the glorious naval commander, the righteous warrior, invincible Admiral Theodore Ushakov was the first in the III millennium of our Church to be canonized. The Russian Navy received a heavenly patron. We hope that the Russian Army among an assembly of holy warriors and pious princes will be able to prayerfully call upon the holy righteous warrior, the invincible commander Alexander Suvorov.

    By the way, it is very interesting that Ushakova was recently ranked among the saints. So Suvorov is possible in the near future. And then here, one friend in a recent topic about Suvorov argued that Ushakov was righteous, and that Alexander Vasilyevich and Poles were letting go and he was a freemason and so on and so forth. Bullshit shorter Yes
  7. +4
    24 November 2015 09: 59
    Fundamental article. Alexander Vasilyevich is a true representative of the real Russia "which we have lost" - Russian and Orthodox. This is the model to which we, the Russian people, must strive.
    Our bred common people would be happy to smear him with shit, as he does not fit well into the concept of "multi-confessional and multi-ethnic", but they do not raise a hand either.
    1. +3
      24 November 2015 12: 16
      In addition to the terror, the guillotine and the destruction of the peasant wanndey, these "French" threw out the incorruptible holy remains of their kings from Saint-Denis, the same godless trash that in Russia began the Anirussian revolution of 1917 ...
  8. +2
    24 November 2015 10: 30
    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov - the pride and glory of the Russian land! Warrior, patriot, statesman and real Russian man!
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +4
      24 November 2015 10: 50
      Gold words!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. +2
    24 November 2015 10: 38
    Excellent article!
    You read and takes your breath away, you only need to realize - WHAT this person did for Russia! And how unconditionally and faithfully the soldiers brought up by him did believe him!
    The current (especially parquet) generals of our Armed Forces - each of this article and a biography of Suvovrov on the table! And oblige to study and follow the principles of the Greatest General of the World!
  10. +1
    24 November 2015 10: 43
    I am proud and admire this glorious and great son of Mother Russia. Even today, I want to stand under his banner!
  11. +3
    24 November 2015 10: 49
    How not to love and not honor our Motherland, which was the birth of God of such great heroes. Glory to Russia!
  12. Roy
    24 November 2015 11: 18
    Indeed - the spirit captures from his exploits to the glory of our homeland!
  13. +2
    24 November 2015 13: 40
    And IN SUVOROV is really great for his military exploits. Our thanks to all who managed to protect RUSSIA.
  14. +2
    24 November 2015 22: 25
    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov has no special need to be in a row with the saints. Suvorov is great in that there is no more beloved commander in Russia for the Russian people.
  15. SMS
    25 November 2015 18: 47
    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov - GLORY !!! Great Russian commander! Films about him need to be removed and monuments put up!
  16. 0
    25 November 2015 21: 25
    VELIKY ALEXANDER VASILIEVICH SUVOROV, "get up" - YOU GOT TO START AGAIN !!! For you there is a "job" - to beat the Turk !!! It is necessary to finish what YOU started together with EMPRESS CATHERINE SECOND (GREAT). GLORY TO THE GREAT SUVOROV AND HIS WONDERFUL BOGATYR !!!
  17. sir
    26 November 2015 13: 42
    eternal memory in our hearts to Alexander Vasilievich soldier
  18. 0
    7 August 2020 17: 57
    There is simply no equal to Suvorov!
  19. 0
    8 September 2021 12: 48
    Suvorov has never been a "warrior of the Orthodox light". He was a warrior of Russia and he loved and supported and defended only her, and not the corrupt priests. So this article is a lie.