Bandera. Myths and Facts


I think there is no need to talk about what is happening in Ukraine now. I just want to note - this is a civil war. Initiated by Ukrainian traitors in 1941 with the support of Nazi Germany weapons and with money, and continued today - with the support of the West and the USA in money and information (I think, the supply of weapons from the United States will not rust).

Can we now fight with weapons in their hands? I'm afraid not. Do we have money in quantities that can compete with the US? No, definitely.

But we have a field of war, the victory in which depends entirely on us. This is an information field.

That Nazism, which is now rising in Ukraine, has Bandera roots, uses its rhetoric, uses its methods. And we, knowing them history, their tricks, we can resist them. Anyone who stands on the information barricades to help.

Myths about Bandera

Myth №1 Bandera did not fight from the very beginning with Russia and, especially, with the Russians, as they are credited with.

From the very beginning of their appearance, the Bandera fought a fierce war against the Poles (who were occupiers) and the Russians (who were also considered “moskalskimi” occupiers). And preparing for this war strongly ahead of time.

Evidence of Colonel Stolze at the Nuremberg Trials of December 25 on 1945:

"Lahuzen gave me an order for familiarization ... The order stated that in order to deliver a lightning strike on the Soviet Union, Abwehr-2, when conducting subversive work against the USSR, should use its agents to incite national hatred between the peoples of the Soviet Union. In particular, I personally Directed the heads of the Ukrainian nationalists to German agents Melnik (nicknamed “Consul-1”) and Bandera to organize provocative speeches in Ukraine immediately after the German attack on the Soviet Union and the immediate rear of the Soviet troops, as well as to convince the international community that seems to be the decomposition of the Soviet rear. "

E. Stolze: ".. After the end of the war with Poland, Germany was intensively preparing for war against the Soviet Union, and therefore, through the Abwehr, measures were taken to intensify subversive activities, because those activities carried out through Melnik and other agents seemed insufficient.

To this end, the famous Ukrainian nationalist Bandera Stepan was recruited, who during the war was released from prison by the Germans, where he was imprisoned by the Polish authorities for participating in a terrorist act against the leaders of the Polish government. "

(source - materials of the Nuremberg judicial process. Book of the Nuremberg process ,. M.)

As Petro Poltava, the “historian” of Bandera, writes about this:

Bandera is the recently widely used, popular name for all participants in the rebel and underground liberation struggle, which began against the fascists during the Nazi occupation, and from 1944 (sic!) Of the year continues against the Bolshevik invaders.

Myth number XXUMX Bandera never considered the enemy the Russian people, nor any other people, such as the Poles, Germans or Jews.

There are so many facts here that a small fraction is enough to clearly see their position on this issue.

Testimony of General E. Lahuzen, one of the leaders of the Abwehr, at a meeting of the International Military Tribunal 30 in November in 1945.

"... Kanaris was instructed to create a rebel movement in Ukrainian Galicia, whose goal would be the extermination of Jews and Poles ... it is necessary to stage an uprising or insurrectional movement so that all the courts of Poles are engulfed in fire and that all Jews are killed."

(Source: Nuremberg lawsuit, 30 June 1941 of the year)

Fascist troops occupy Lviv. Together with them entered the city entered the famous Abwehr battalion "Nachtigall" (translated from German - "Nightingale"), consisting of Bandera and headed by Roman Shukhevych, Bandera's closest ally.

On the same day, the whole city was sealed with the addresses of Stepan Bandera: "People! Know! Moscow, Polscha, Madyari, Yidzhan - tse your vorogi. Poor them! Lyakhіv, Jews, communists see without mercy! .."

In 1941, Mr. J. Stetsko declared: “Moscow and Judaism are the greatest enemies of Ukraine. I consider Moscow as the main and decisive enemy, which powerfully held Ukraine in captivity. And, nevertheless, I appreciate the hostile and wrecking will of the Jews, who helped Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the positions of extermination of the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of exterminating Judaism, excluding their assimilation. ”

(Sources: Berkhoff KC, Carynnyk M. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. A. Dyukov. On the participation of the OUN - UPA in the Holocaust: "Moscow and Jewry are the main enemies of Ukraine" // IA "REGNUM", 14.10.2007)

I can not cite the words of one of the supporters of Bandera about how they were guided during the war by the "three principles of Bandera":

"- fraternal attitude towards those of them who support the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their state and interests; - tolerant attitude towards those of them who simply live in Ukraine; - hostile attitude towards those who are hostile to Ukraine, its independence, the state and language. "

This paragraph is from the category of those when it is so sad that it is already funny.

Myth №3 Bandera ideology is not a fascist or Nazi

One of the OUN theorists wrote: A. Andrievsky: "Our newest nationalism is not a consequence of the efforts of the Ukrainian mind, namely, the product of Italian fascism and German national socialism. Dontsov prepared the basis for this hobby."

(Source: "Stepan Bandera. Perspectives of the Ukrainian Revolution". - Drohobych, 1998. - S. 5-8; Gordusevich S. Stepan Bandera. Lyudina i mif. - K., 2000. - S. 43-44)

Myth # XXUMX Bandera did not cooperate with the German occupation regime before the war, but met them as liberators.

After the end of the 1 world and civil, who found themselves in emigration, “sovicheskie ryltsi” and other similar public gathered in the HEI (Ukrainian organization), later transformed into OUNI. Back in 1930, the “struggle for will” gently stuck to Hitler , financial streams also flowed, immediately cheering the hearts of the OUN people. They even drove the ideology out, a sort of second-rate fascism. But with the claims: “Bring the ranks, make up the rows and bathe in the blood, to go fire. Vogon and shelter, life and will, or the death of palachkot in їх breasts ... Chush cry - Zig Heil! Heil! Zig Heil! ”(J.Lipa“ Ukrainian Dob ”, Lviv, 1934р.).

Already in 1938g. In Germany, several training centers were established, where OUN-saboteurs were trained. Although there were different views in the leadership of the Reich about their capacity, but the Abwehr chief V. Canaris declared: “There are no junkies, there are only frames”.

Myth №5. Stepan Bandera himself fought against Hitler, therefore he was still in 1941g. sent to the concentration camp Sachsenhausen (a similar myth - Bandera ceased to cooperate with the German occupation regime after 1941.)

Two weeks after the capture of Lviv, the Nachtigall battalion, formed under the leadership of Bandera, turned the German rear into a field for its clashes with the Poles, which caused Hitler to be extremely displeased. And it’s not that they felt sorry for some “untermenshey”. The task of the general staff of any belligerent country is to cause chaos in the rear of the enemy and vice versa, to ensure order in its own rear. In addition, the Germans believed, the population of the occupied countries should work with enthusiasm (or without it) for the benefit of the Reich, and not lie with a slit throat in a ditch.

In addition, in an unknown direction (to the accounts of Swiss banks), a large amount of money allocated by German intelligence to finance the OUN leaked.

So, according to Lazarek: "S. Bandera received from Germans 2,5 a million marks, that is, as much as Miller receives," the source - the materials of the Nuremberg legal process) and transferred to a personal account in a Swiss bank. "

(Historical portraits: Makhno, Petlyura, Bandera. - K., 1990. - C. 24)

But even that was not all - without the demand of the Germans, the Act on the Proclamation of the Ukrainian State was adopted. The OUN hoped that the Germans would put up with it. The attempt of the unauthorized proclamation of the state on the territory already captured by German troops, where the latter have already suffered losses, while the OUN could not or did not want to organize a large-scale uprising in the rear of the Red Army in Western Ukraine, ended for Bandera sadly.

5 July 1941. at the meeting, Adolf Hitler said: “Parteigenosse Himmler, machen Sie Ordnung mit diesen Bande! “(Partigensense Himmler, clean up this gang!). Almost immediately, the Gestapo arrested S. Bandera, J. Stetsko, and about 300 members of the OUN. Nachtigall was urgently reformed into a police battalion and transferred to Belarus to fight the partisans, and Bandera was placed under house arrest in Krakow, and then transferred to Sachsenhausen, into a kind of hotel where high-ranking accomplices of the Nazis, temporarily retired, were kept.

Bandera very worried:

“The Nazis threw hundreds of Ukrainian patriots into concentration camps and prisons. Mass terror began. In the Auschwitz concentration camp, Stepan Bandera’s brothers, Oleksa and Vasyl, were brutally tortured.”

(Source - article by Stepan Bandera. Life and work. Author: Igor Nabytovich)

And no matter how Bandera insists, the story does not end there.

In 44, Hitler removes Bandera from the reserve and joins the Ukrainian National Committee, whose task was to organize the struggle against the advancing Red Army.

“In early April, 1945, Bandera had orders from the Imperial Security Directorate General to gather all Ukrainian nationalists in the Berlin area and defend the city from the advancing units of the Red Army. Bandera created detachments of Ukrainian nationalists who acted as part of the Volkshturm, while he himself fled. He left the cottage of the 4-D department and fled to Weimar. Burlai told me that Bandera agreed with Danylivy about a joint transition to the side of the Americans. "

(Source: Muller's testimony, dated 19 September 1945 of the year)

And now let's give the floor to Bandera, but we want to know the opinion of both parties:

"Feeling the strength of the UPA, the Germans began to look for an ally against Moscow in the OUN-UPA. In December 1944, Bandera and several other members of the OUN-Revolutionary were released. They were offered negotiations on possible cooperation. The first condition for the negotiations was that Bandera issued an act of renewal Ukrainian Statehood and the creation of the Ukrainian army as a separate, independent state independent of the German armed forces. The Nazis did not agree to recognize the independence of Ukraine and sought to create pro-German rionetochnoe government and the Ukrainian military units as part of the German army. Bandera decisively rejected these proposals. "

(Source - article by Stepan Bandera. Life and work. Author: Igor Nabytovich)

Myth №6 About the Bandera brothers tortured in Auschwitz by the Germans.

The Bandera brothers died in Auschwitz 1942 year - they were beaten to death by imprisoned Poles. Eye for an eye.

Myth number XXUMX Bandera with the same dedication led a desperate struggle against both Hitler’s fascism and Stalin’s reactionary repressive regime.

I will first quote the text of the comrade, who very clearly and logically compared several facts, and then I will present several facts for substantiation. Somewhere I repeat.

"The current followers of Bandera sharply reject the cooperation of Bandera with the Germans and insist on their confrontation. Even the figure of the 800 Nazis killed in battles with the UPA fighters (the average Soviet guerrilla detachment had more bills) flashes. veterans respond that they don’t have information about those killed at the hands of Bandera. As well as about these fights themselves. Some kind of theater is absurd! It turns out that the Germans with the maniacal idiots supply their enemies with money, equipment, weapons: more than 700 mortars, around 10 thousand ankovyh and light machine guns, 100 thousand. hand grenades, 12 million. cartridges and so on. Yes, teach the elders to the UPA at the training center in Noyhammere et al., giving them German military ranks.

No, the Germans certainly had some clashes with Bandera. Happened the Germans on the rights of the owners and punished those in a disciplinary order: they put them in camps, even shot them. What do you want? The same "Volyn Massacre" when Bandera in the summer of 1943. they cut out all the Polish villages of Volyn and thereby thwarted the planned supply of products for the German army - a headache for the German quartermasters! The Germans were careful to look askance at the bad habit of Bandera people to fill the wells with drinking water, etc., with corpses. "

"Supporters of the OUN by the order of Bandera served in the German police, punitive battalions ... For example, the same Roman Shukhevych, who was one of the ministers of the Bandera government dispersed by the Germans, continued to serve the Germans in the Nachtigall battalion, then became one of the commanders of the punitive battalion SS. Until December 1942, he earned two crosses and the rank of captain of the SS for successfully suppressing the partisan movement in Belarus. "

"Delivery of weapons and sabotage from the German side across the front line for units of the UPA should be carried out according to the rules of conspiracy, so as not to give the Bolsheviks any evidence concerning the Ukrainians - German allies, who remained behind the front line. Therefore, the OUN asks that negotiations, agreement go from the center and to the German side’s partners whenever possible the security police, as she is familiar with the rules of conspiracy. "

(Source - the book "Without the right to rehabilitation," the head R.Shukhevych, the author of the chapter L. Poddubny)

"The Germans handed over OUN-UPA 100 thousands of rifles and machine guns, 10 thousands of machine guns, 700 mortars, a lot of ammunition. The former Nazi leaders Abwehr Lahousen, Stolze, Lazarek, Paulus testified at the trial."

(Source - materials of the Nuremberg courtprocess)

Myth №8 Bandera did not commit the atrocities that they prescribe

This is such an absurd myth that it is enough just to give a part of the names: Lviv Jewish pogrom, Volyn massacre, Babyn Yar. And one more example, not so well-known, but painful in that it is “everyday”, “ordinary”.

Written testimony of Herman Grebe, read by the American prosecutor Stari.

"On the night of 13 on July 1942, all residents of the ghetto in Rovno ... were eliminated ... Soon after 22.00 the ghetto was surrounded by a large SS detachment and about three times as large by a Ukrainian police squad. The SS and police groups broke into the houses. The people living there driven out into the street in the form in which they were caught.

People were driven out of the houses with such haste that in some cases small children were left in beds. The persecuted, beaten and wounded people all night moved through the illuminated streets. Women carried their dead children in their arms. Some children dragged their dead parents to the train ...

Soon, the Ukrainian police broke into the 5 house in Bangofstraße, pulled out the 7 Jews and dragged them from a ghetto rally station ... "

“In this document, two features are striking: firstly, the ratio of SS and Ukrainian policemen - the bulk of the murderers were not Germans, but“ fighters for Ukraine ”; secondly, the main opponents of these“ fighters ”were children - the witness tells about them constantly."

(Source - Nuremberg process. Collection of documents - T.2, C.500)

Myth No.9 The atrocities that Banderovites prescribe are committed by NKDVshniki, disguised as Bandera to discredit the insurgency and deprive them of popular support.

How serious is the situation with the spread of this lie, is evidenced by the fact that the myth of “disguised encavedeshniki” is enshrined in the so-called. “Professional withdrawal (fucking warrant) of a working group of historians studying the activities of the OUN-UPA”, published in Ukraine in large numbers in 120 000 copies, and centrally distributed throughout all libraries, secondary and higher educational institutions. October 14 The 2005 of the year at the meeting of the Government Commission this “Vysnovok” was approved as the official assessment of the activities of the OUN-UPA. Here in the argument can go two ways - direct and indirect.

Direct - to understand all the intricacies of the information war. All this is discussed in the book The Great Slandered War-2 in Oleg Rossov’s article "The myth of disguised NKVDeshniki. NKVD special groups in the fight against gangs in Western Ukraine." Or use the materials of the article.

Indirect - Bandera fought against the Soviet Union - a fact. They received money and weapons from the Germans - a fact. And they didn’t play toys with these weapons. They organized massacres - a fact. In order for all this to be done by the NKVD, it is necessary that the UPA did not exist at all. And there was one thing that the NKVD, which ran the all. The situation in which the disguised UPA with impunity for their part organize the massacre of the population, and the UPA, who see it all, suffer greatly and do not do anything (or better - go after and ask not to kill anyone) - just transboundary drug addiction.

Myth number XXUMX UPA not condemned Nyurgberskim Tribunal, which is proof of their innocence to the massacres and points to their fight against Hitlerism.

The OUN is mentioned in documents several times, but the activities of this organization simply did not fall under the statute of the tribunal in Nuremberg. For example, Japanese war criminals were not tried in Nuremberg either. And Croatian Ustashe.

However, it does not follow from this that they did not commit crimes (and did not write the book “The Devil’s Kitchen”). But the Bandera continue to stand on this, as if this justifies all this. Probably because there is no statute of limitations for these crimes. The time of the Japanese came (the Japanese war criminals were tried later in 1946. Tokyo Military Tribunal. The Charter of the Tokyo Tribunal absorbed the most important provisions of the charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal), and not far away.

Myth number XXUMX Final. They (the Banyadrovites) fought for the independence of Ukraine and the liberation of the Ukrainian people.

Bandera was an extremely small (permanent 6,5 thousand), well-organized, armed, trained and motivated by the idea of ​​a group of militants. Who during the occupation of Poland could not do anything (Bandera himself, until the Germans captured Poland, was in a Polish prison for the attempt. By the way, the Germans released him). They were able to speak seriously only when they found themselves the strongest ally in fascist Germany. They lived on their money, shot at civilians from their weapons.

The Germans handed over OUN-UPA 100 thousands of rifles and machine guns, 10 thousands of machine guns, 700 mortars, a lot of ammunition. The former Nazi leaders Abwehr Lahousen, Stolze, Lazarek, Paulus testified at the trial.

(Source - Nuremberg litigation)

People were recruited into their ranks with threats and lies.

To ensure a massive influx of volunteers in the UPA in 1942g. Shukhevych declared official war against the Bolsheviks and the Germans. This was confusing, and many people, wanting to fight the Germans, poured into Shukhevych's troops, whose numbers reached 100 thousands of people, and in practice it turned out that despite calls to fight both against the Bolsheviks and the Germans, the leadership of the OUN-UPA directs its main efforts to the fight against the red partisans and the peaceful Polish population of Volyn.

(Source - the film Line of War. R. Shukhevych - head of the OUN)

After a general appeal, in order to avoid mass outflows of people who joined the OUN who realized that they had been deceived, the OUN put one condition before the Germans - to keep secret the fact of cooperation between them.

Here is how Gerasimovski’s (I.Grinoh) Minister of Bandera’s “government” wrote about this to the German command:

"Delivery of weapons and sabotage from the German side across the front line for units of the UPA should be carried out according to the rules of conspiracy, so as not to give the Bolsheviks any evidence concerning the Ukrainians - German allies, who remained behind the front line. Therefore, the OUN asks that negotiations, agreement go from the center and to the German side’s partners whenever possible the security police, as she is familiar with the rules of conspiracy. "

(Source - the book "Without the right to rehabilitation," the head R.Shukhevych, the author of the chapter L. Poddubny)

Those who tried to resist were beaten, killed. Those who with insufficient zeal fulfilled their duties were killed, along with the whole family.

In 1943, the order was given to “liquidate” deserters from the UPA and beat them with deflectors with ramrod.

This is the struggle of a group of terrorists for power, and not for the independence of Ukraine. These are attempts to force them to recognize their influence as peaceful people with threats, weapons and mass killings. They were remembered as the murderers of their own countrymen.

Bandera, of course, picked up other words to justify:

"The OUN, with a population of about 20 thousand members, had a great influence on the Ukrainian population" (with weapons in their hands and with the support of the fascists - author's note).

(Source article "STEPAN BANDER", author: Victor MARCHENKO 1997)

The number of people killed on the territory of Ukraine during the Second World War by the Nazis (including Bandera):

- In Crimea, civilians were loaded onto barges, taken out to sea and sunk. In this way, over 144 000 people were destroyed.

- In Babiy Yar, near Kiev, they shot over 100 000 men, women, children and the elderly. In this city in January, 1942, after the explosion in the German headquarters on Dzerzhinskaya Street, the Germans arrested 1 250 as a hostage of an old man, a minor, women with babies. In Kiev, they killed over 195 000 people ..

- In Rivne and in the Rivne region, they killed and tortured over 100 000 civilians.

- In Dnepropetrovsk, near the Transport Institute, they shot and threw women, old people and children into the huge 11 ravine alive.

- In the Kamenetz-Podolsk region, 31 000 Jews were killed and exterminated, including 13 000 people brought from Hungary.

- In the Odessa region, at least 200 000 Soviet citizens were killed.

- In Kharkov, about 195 000 people were tortured, shot or strangled in the "gas chambers".

- In Gomel, the Germans gathered the locals in jail, tortured them, and then brought them to the city center and publicly executed them.

(Source - Nuremberg litigation)

Are there not too many killed "dissenters" and those who "had a great influence"? ...

And good. We decided to suddenly forget that the Bandera were killing their countrymen. If they fought for the idea, would they not unite with everyone who supports this idea? But no - the OUN, even in 1940, falls into two organizations: OUN-b (Bandera) and OUN-m (Melnikov).

But supporters of Bandera, of course, put it differently: "There were internal conflicts in the organization: between young inexperienced, impatient and more experienced and prudent, having passed through war and revolution, between the leadership of the OUN living in comfortable conditions of emigration, and the majority of members OUN, who worked in conditions of underground and police harassment. "

(Source "STEPAN BANDER", author: Victor MARCHENKO 1997.

Bandera "tried their hand" on the OUN-Millers. Then within a few months of 1940, the security service eliminated their political opponents around 400.

They will then hunt and knock at each other in the Gestapo all through the war.

Disagreements between the participants? Come on. Are 400 Corpses Just Disagreements? Think about it - this is not a loss for the entire period of the Second World War. These are the results of several (!) Months at a time when the war has not yet begun. This is how they treated "like-minded people". Maybe it was something else? Maybe it was a struggle for power and political influence? For who will manage the German money? Maybe it is inevitable when you are deceiving people, saying that you are fighting for freedom and independence, but in fact everything turned out to be not quite so? This is pure politics. Otherwise, they would not arrange for disassembly among themselves; they do this to political rivals. So they do when they rush to power, and not when they save the people. But this is not all. In the relationship between the Bandera themselves, too, not everything was smooth.

In 1943, the boundary wire placed the following tasks on the SS:

• “eliminate” deserters from the UPA and beat them with defragmenters;

• continue to "control" the loyalty of OUN members themselves.

In the summer of 1945, Bandera issued his famous threefold secret decree, which, in particular, spoke of the need to "immediately and most secretly ... the above-mentioned elements of the OUN and UPA (those who may surrender to the authorities) eliminate in two ways: a) to direct large and small units of the UPA to fight with the Bolsheviks and to create situations so that they would be destroyed by the Soviets at the posts and "ambushes" ("Blames Earth", p. 150). The security service was to deal with the rest.

Now let's combine these facts.

They kill their countrymen and call it the liberation of the people.

They kill their like-minded people who have chosen another leader, and call it a struggle for the independence of the country.

They kill and surrender each other and this is called unity and brotherhood.

I can tell you what it is called. This is all called in one word - TRAINING.

Betrayal of the People.

Betrayal of the Motherland.

Betrayal Ideas.

TRAVELER worse than ENEMY. The enemy has principles. The traitor does not have them. The enemy has values, the traitor has only one value - his own skin.

About this very clearly the historian Boris Yulin wrote. Further quotation:

“What is the act of betrayal? It lies in the fact that a citizen of the country deliberately goes to the service of the enemies of the country. This is usually a move to the side of the enemy during the fighting.

Since there is always a moral monster who considers such an act to be reasonable, always and in all countries punishment for treason was foreseen. And this is right, because we are talking about the survival of the country and the people. The destruction of traitors is like amputation in gangrene or excretion of worms. There is no time for humanism.

The act of betrayal is connected precisely with the consciousness of action. That is, a person understands what he is doing.

A little nuance - there is no excuse for treason. They try to find him only the same freaks as the traitor himself. For example, a traitor is credited with fighting the regime. ”

For us, betrayal is also an act for which they do not forgive. There is no statute of limitations for him. And we will remember this when we go to information barricades.

And we will remember if you happen to meet at the present.
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  1. +5
    13 June 2015 06: 37
    Mattresses, here is the main fascist! We destroy this creature of the middle kind and the world will breathe a sigh of relief! am
    1. +8
      13 June 2015 07: 35
      Hands traitors commit crimes such as the United States, and it's even worse
    2. +1
      13 June 2015 19: 43
      Unfortunately, these "mattress covers" have sowed so many disputes of evil that these metastases will emerge for a very, very long time.
  2. +7
    13 June 2015 07: 48
    A very good article, there would be more of them. Everything is clear, without "water".
    Why didn’t the Swiss bankers appear before the court, who provided foreign exchange operations to the Nazis of all stripes? Here it is, capitalism, in all its glory.
    1. +5
      13 June 2015 12: 17
      Swiss bankers were directly involved in the transfer of money from American banks to the banks of Nazi Germany. Did the owner condemn them?
    2. +4
      13 June 2015 20: 56
      Quote: carabiner sks
      Why didn’t the Swiss bankers appear before the court, who provided foreign exchange operations to the Nazis of all stripes?

      This is just a business, nothing personal.
  3. +7
    13 June 2015 08: 23
    Thank you for the article! It is a pity that the stubborn dill-Bandera will not believe this article and call it "Kiselev's propaganda"
    1. +7
      13 June 2015 13: 01
      Myth No. 12: The current government in Ukraine is not Bandera.
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +8
    13 June 2015 08: 39
    Oh, it’s not in vain that my grandfather extinguished them until 1953 ... but it’s not enough to see, they didn’t let him and his comrades finish what they started ...
  6. +7
    13 June 2015 08: 44
    Yes, supporters of the holey cockerel Stefan Bandera generally do not believe in anything that does not fit with their imbecile consciousness. Yes, if Joseph Goebels himself confirms the veracity of the anti-Bandera facts, then he himself will become a quilted jacket and colorado laughing
  7. +4
    13 June 2015 09: 01
    A traitor, never admits that he betrayed .. will always find an excuse that he acted for the good
  8. +3
    13 June 2015 12: 23
    It’s a pity ... that all this scum was simply not outweighed after the war ... EVERYTHING
    Most of the Bandera rabble spent time in camps (and disproportionately short periods) ... and returned to his home in Ukraine raising children and grandchildren ... the present of Ukraine.
    1. +6
      13 June 2015 12: 53
      One of the many testimonies of the atrocities of Bandera during the war:
      "On August 30, 1943, the UPA gang under the command of Ivan Klimchak, nicknamed" Lysyi, "slaughtered the Polish village of Volya Ostrovetskaya. The Rezuns killed 529 people, including 220 children. Pole Heinrich Klok miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and was mistaken for Next to him, over the corpse of a resident of the village Maria Yesinyuk, sat her 5-year-old son, and asked his mother to go home. A 5-year-old child could not understand that his mother was no more. A Bandera soldier approached the boy and killed him with a shot in the head.
      The logic of genocide - children should not be left alive. Ukrainian Nazis from the UPA learned this from the Germans. The same leader of the Lysy gang, who had cut out the village of Volya Ostrovetskaya, was a policeman before joining the UPA. He served with the Germans in the 103rd battalion of the Schutzmannschaft ("security police", punishers). The policeman was the “commander in chief” of the UPA Roman Shukhevych (201st battalion).
      But the current followers of S. Bandera, Shukhevych and Co. openly declare:
      Oleg Tyagnibok, the leader of the Ukrainian radical nationalist party "Svoboda" openly calls himself and his supporters "Bandera": "Stepan Bandera is a person who not only went down in history. Stepan Bandera is a man who succeeded in his whole life, through his struggle that we are all Ukrainians called Bandera. His name has become a household name, some call us Bandera out of anger, others tell us: "Yes, you are Bandera," and they think that we are offended. Yes, we are proud of that! "
      My opinion is that all Bandera people and their current followers must be destroyed, like an infection, a terrible virus that poses a danger to all of humanity. And not only in Ukraine.
      I have the honor.
      In the photo - the victims of the Bandera massacre in the Polish village of Germanovka, rn Lutsk, 28.11.1943/XNUMX/XNUMX:
  9. +1
    13 June 2015 12: 51
    Brothers, that Bandera geeks are subject to unconditional extermination, like mad dogs - a fact. But the author of such an article should be a little more careful, or something. We read: myth 7
    "The Germans handed over to the OUN-UPA 100 thousand rifles and machine guns, 10 thousand machine guns, 700 mortars, a lot of ammunition. The former Nazi leaders of the Abwehr Lahusen, Stolze, Lazarek testified at the trial. Paulus ".

    (Source - Nuremberg litigation)
    What do we see? What is Paulus? The same field marshal who was caught in Stalingrad in 1942? Well, how could he know how much and what kind of weapons were transferred to Bandera during the whole war? The author must either clarify what kind of person he is, or in general remove this name, since there is a suspicion of the veracity of the stated information. And then the joyful squeals of "Svidomo" about fakes with "crucified boys" begin.
    1. +1
      14 June 2015 07: 21
      Quote: revnagan
      What Paulus is this? The same Field Marshal that was captured in Stalingrad in 1942?
      And didn’t you think that Paulusov in Germany could be something like the Pavlovs in Russia?
      1. 0
        14 June 2015 13: 44
        Yes they are there as Donov Pedro in Spain ..
      2. Ostwald
        14 June 2015 14: 55
        [/ quote] But didn’t you think that Paulus in Germany could be something like Pavlov in Russia? [/ quote]
        At the Nuremberg trial there were probably very few Pauluses, and most likely that there really was one, because before he was appointed to Stalingrad he was a staff member, and Stalingrad was his first and last "baptism of fire", since before that he had not was one of the military officers.
  10. +6
    13 June 2015 13: 45
    Quote: revnagan

    The fact is that Paulus is not alone in Germany ...
    Here are the testimonies at the Nuremberg trials of a former employee of the Abwehr sergeant major Alfonso Paulus: "... In addition to the Bandera and Melnik groups, the Abwehr point, as well as the Abwehr 202 command used the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UGCC. - Auth.). Priests of the Ukrainian Uniate Church were also trained in the training camps of the Governor-General, who took part in the implementation our assignments along with other Ukrainians .... Arriving in Lviv with team 202-B (subgroup II), Lieutenant Colonel Aikern established contact with the Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Uniate Church. Metropolitan Count Sheptytsky, as Aikern told me, was in a pro-German mood, provided his home in the order of Eikern for the team 202, although this house was not confiscated by the German military authorities. The residence of the metropolitan was in a monastery in Lvov. The whole team was supplied from the reserves of the monastery. The metropolitan, as usual, dined with Aikern and his closest associates. Later, Eikern as chief teams and the head of the OST department ordered all detachments subordinate to him to establish contact with the church and maintain e "(TsGAOOU, f. 57, op. 1, case 338, pp. 241-250). On January 12, 1942, Sheptytsky again wrote to Hitler that "the provincial cola in Ukraine is ready before the current sportsmanship with Nimechchinoy." Europe ".
    1. 0
      13 June 2015 21: 35
      Thank you, this is exactly what you need to open the topic! +++
  11. +2
    13 June 2015 13: 59
    With Bandera everything is clear. But how to distinguish Russian from Ukrainian?
    Mutual language. general story.
    If only in the field of psychology.
    Selling mom for a sale (from military folklore)
    Crest was born - a Jew burst into tears (from folklore)
    My opinion: the Ukrainian is an egoist and a potential traitor.
    Russian - no matter what dialect of the Russian language it speaks (Vologda, Siberian, South Russian, Polesie, etc., including the Tatar Volga, Tatar Siberian, Bashkir, Chechen, Adyghe, etc.) - collectivist. General is more expensive than personal. The community is a traditional Russian way. He was supported by both the tsars and the Bolsheviks.
    It’s just that the team needs a common goal. Now it is designated - again the survival of the country and its population.
    1. 0
      15 June 2015 18: 14
      Wow, what a striking difference.
  12. +3
    13 June 2015 15: 25
    It would be necessary for Old Man Lukashenko to remember where the Bandera nightingales sang, otherwise he was talking softly with Poroshenko, and this ... about Banderlog enlisted in the heroes.
    1. 0
      13 June 2015 18: 50
      Quote: skobars
      It would be necessary for Old Man Lukashenko to remember where the Bandera nightingales sang, otherwise he gently talks to Poroshenko

      Lukashenko not only "softly" communicates with Poroshenko, he even officially approved the broadcasting of the Ukrainian state TV channel to Belarus! Lukashenka does not recognize the entry of Crimea into Russia of his own free will! On his own initiative he provided Minsk for negotiations on a peaceful settlement in Ukraine, when the Armed Forces of Ukraine became very bad and they needed a break for the next mobilization!
  13. +2
    13 June 2015 15: 56
    In 1956 SVATUS cadet (Serpukhov Military Aviation Technical School of the Air Force Special Services) was on an internship in Stryi. Even 11 years after the end of World War II, Bandera committed their criminal acts: they impeded the creation of collective farms, they killed the chairmen of the Soviets, collective farms, teachers and their families. We, cadets, were allowed to go to dismissal only in groups of at least 3 people. The same thing happened in Lviv.
  14. 0
    13 June 2015 18: 24
    The photo requires attribution ... All the defendants are wearing Wehrmacht uniforms. Medium and lying characters with insignia. The middle shoulder straps of a non-commissioned officer. Almost all are armed with Soviet small arms. 4 machine guns "Degtyarev", 2 PPSh, 1 MP, the rest like the Mauser rifle "Kurz" ...
    For reliability requires careful study.
    The article is correct. The last caches and single Bandera were liquidated in 1958 ...
  15. +4
    13 June 2015 21: 02
    Fascist troops occupy Lviv. Together with them entered the city entered the famous Abwehr battalion "Nachtigall" (translated from German - "Nightingale"), consisting of Bandera and headed by Roman Shukhevych, Bandera's closest ally.

    Not certainly in that way. The Germans entered Lviv in the evening, but from the very morning "nightingales" had already appeared in the city, which staged a real massacre among the Polish and Jewish population. Obviously, even the SS did not want to get dirty in this story, so they provided Bandera with the opportunity to curry favor with the owners.
    1. 0
      16 June 2015 11: 02
      Quote: Alex
      The Germans entered Lviv in the evening, but from the very morning "nightingales" had already appeared in the city, which staged a real massacre among the Polish and Jewish population.

      In the morning, Lviv was still occupied by Soviet troops. According to some reports, the Nachtigal battalion (Ukrainian saboteurs prepared by the Germans) entered the city in uniforms of the Soviet army immediately before the entry of German troops into it. Taking advantage of the lack of a language barrier, Bandera managed to capture the most important objects of the city, destroying their Soviet guard. That is why the Germans managed to occupy Lviv almost without a fight.
  16. 0
    14 June 2015 12: 25
    Quote: Vasya
    no matter what dialect of the Russian language it speaks (Vologda, Siberian, South Russian, Polesskaya, etc., including the Tatar Volga, Tatar Siberian, Bashkir, Chechen, Adyghe, etc.)

    Tatar, I live in Ufa. I consider Russian as my native language. And in the city everyone speaks Russian. By the way, visitors consider our talk for St. Petersburg (correctly Akay wink ) The fact is that during the war many enterprises from Leningrad were evacuated to us. Before that, Ufa was a large village on the mountain. wink . Petersburgers formed a local culture, including and language.
  17. 0
    15 June 2015 04: 24
    And one "tovarisch" in the photo from the screensaver, who with a grenade, never took off the non-commissioned officer's shoulder straps of the Wehrmacht. In all likelihood, they got hard, he values ​​them very much.
  18. 0
    15 June 2015 18: 19
    I doubt it. I do not believe. Something a lot of victims.
    Or vice versa is not enough?

    You can write anything you want. I do not think that Bandera would have been released right from the camps after such atrocities.

    Somehow the "Rezun" filed in time came to mind.
  19. +1
    16 June 2015 11: 37
    In fact, the article is, of course, correct, but the author, it seems to me, has become too fixated on the Banderaites, not paying due attention to the rest of the radical Ukrainian nationalists. It was not only the Banderaites who hated and hate Russia. The rest of the ukronationalists share this feeling with them. It was laid in their brains even during the creation of this ideology in the last decades of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Actually, it was created to instill hatred of Russia among the inhabitants of the Russian part of the Austrian Empire (Galicia). Its founders were the ruling circles of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (more specifically, the Austrian General Staff), the top of the Uniate Church and a part of the nascent local Russian intelligentsia brought up in a Russophobic spirit in Austrian and Hungarian universities. Ukrainian nationalist ideology appeared simultaneously with the Ukrainian (anti-Russian) nation. The bearers of this ideology began to call themselves Ukrainians. At first they were a minority, but with the help of the Austrian authorities they managed to convert almost half of the Russian inhabitants of Galicia (Rusyn) to their faith. By the time the First World War ended, they became the majority there. It was during this war that the ukronationalists first manifested their bestial nature. They mercilessly destroyed all supporters of Russia on the territory of Galicia, helping the Austro-Hungarian troops in this. In addition, many Rusyns left with the retreating Russian army. It was from Galicia that the infection of Ukrainianism spread to the Little Russian territories of Russia, which led to the formation of the UPR in 1, and in the civil war - hetmanism and Petliurism. It was their remnants who fled abroad that formed (together with student ukrofascist organizations) in 1917 the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). After its split in 1929, not only Bandera, but also the Melnikovites became an instrument of the German special services against the USSR. Basically, from the Melnikovites, the Ukrainian SS division "Galicia" was formed, on account of which there were no fewer victims than the Bandera gangs.
  20. yvs_88
    17 June 2015 13: 37
    Well I do not know...
    I went to the banal Wikipedia, and there: "The International Tribunal in Nuremberg during a meeting on February 15, 1946, relying on the report of the Soviet Extraordinary Commission to Investigate German Crimes in Lvov and the Lvov Region, found that the murders were the work of special detachments of the Gestapo and SD. In the materials of the Nuremberg trials, there is no mention of the participation of the Nachtigall battalion in war crimes. During the trial, neither the Nachtigall battalion nor its commander, Chief Lieutenant of Communications T. Oberländer, was involved in the case. "

    so some points need checking
  21. The comment was deleted.
  22. yvs_88
    17 June 2015 14: 07
    Myth №8 Bandera did not commit the atrocities that they prescribe

    mentioned volume No. 2 of Art. 500.

    In this volume, pages 477 through 642 contain materials on the capture of Austria and Czechoslovakia.
    I ask the author to give a more correct link
  23. 0
    23 June 2015 21: 04
    The fact that the Bandera fascists do not go to the doctor, but I would like to know about the role of intelligence of Germany, Britain, the United States in supporting this dishonesty in the postwar years.
  24. 0
    7 December 2017 14: 24
    stop Although Nuremberg did not condemn Bandera,
    we consider him a criminal
    because he wanted to separate Ukraine from Russia,