Chronicle of battles in Libya

Chronicle of battles in LibyaAlarabia confirmed the information received earlier: the PNS commander in Sirte was captured (I don’t know how to call it). Also, more than 700 mercenaries were destroyed, which was already forced to confirm the BBC, more than 800 was wounded. Hospitals Misurata - overflowing. But there is information about much greater losses of mercenaries. We will wait for confirmations, but for now these will be enough.

It must be remembered that the fighting continues, and in a previous post this was emphasized. Fights go to the eastern part of the city. The fact is that the rats with fear climbed into the water tunnel of the city and thus try to avoid retaliation. Here they are from there and smoked. And this business takes time.


Mutassim Gaddafi spoke on the radio today and said that rumors of his capture were premature. And I said hello to everyone! :)


Today, Alarabia confirmed (and this is the first time I hear) that the squad of Sirt city snipers is more than 2000 snipers - women. In addition, there are more that, as I understand it, are being moved around the country, on the orders of the command.



According to the Libyan government representative, Dr. Ibrahim Moussa, the statement about the arrest of Mutassim Gaddafi is a pure lie and made by traitors - rebels and NATO. They took advantage of the absence and suspension of El Ray television. They also stepped up attacks on Sirte by all kinds weapons in order to terrorize the population so that no one will go out on October 14 in protest against them in other cities.


After yesterday Mahmoud Jibril recalled his loyal militants from Sirte, calling the death of 200 fighters for 1 a minute of victory on TV air senseless, deputy commander of the Tripoli Military Council, headed by Abdelhakim Belhadj, of Libyan Irishman Mahdi al-Harati (Mahdi-de-Hélíti-de-Beljadj, Mahdi Al-Harati, a Libyan-born Irishman (Mahdi å élíd de Beljadj) your post. The depletion of the reserve of imported PNS fighters and fierce resistance to attacks in Sirte are forcing NATO to increasingly use special operations units. Today, the SAS paratroopers 16 were captured and 44 killed during an operation in Sirte.

Dr. Christoph Lehmann

Libyan Transitional National Council is in chaos. In recent weeks, PNS has lost 90% of its members. Assassination attempts were also made on the PNS Chairman, Mahmoud Jibril, and the Commander of the Military Council of Tripoli, Abdelhakim Belhadj, who is also known as the leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group; Deputy Commander of the Tripoli Military Council Irishman of Libyan descent Mahdi al-Harati leaves his post. Al-Harati’s decision among Libyans is widely perceived as the evacuation of the notorious rat fleeing a sinking ship.

All this once again demonstrates that the official interpretation of the Libyan Revolution hides the obvious fact that the overwhelming majority of all Allied NATO fighters are recruited from al Qaeda, the Taliban, and various terrorist organizations and paramilitary gangs in the former republics of the Soviet Union on the border with Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and Russia.

Tripoli was shocked last night by heavy clashes between the Libyan army, the liberation movement and the PNS forces. A peaceful demonstration in Tripoli against the PNS and NATO was dispersed by a robbery attack by insurgents on the ground and Apache helicopters from the air, which indiscriminately shot at demonstrators. One man, waving a green flag on Green Square, was not lucky enough to escape fast enough, was caught and beaten to death by “democratic” mercenaries. After an initial attack on demonstrators, heavy clashes broke out in Hadbha, Arada, Abu Salim and other parts of Tripoli.

One of the latest attacks on Sirte led to the death of more than 200 and injuries more than 1000 of the PNS militants, as well as the recall of fighters loyal to Mahmoud Djibril from the attack on Sirte.

PNS forces are trying to regroup, calling on all fighters to join the New Libyan Army. All of this is a reflection of the fact that the PNS does not have a unified military leadership, since there is a serious struggle between Belhadj, Djibril and other factions within the PNS and the Military Council of Tripoli, and not least that NATO and the PNS are lacking reserves. .

Increasingly, there are reports of the presence in the territory of Libya of special forces of NATO, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

15 PNS militants were killed last night outside Bani Walid. They all had Israeli identity cards.

Both Russia and China protested against the brutal abuse of the UN Security Council resolution 1973 in the toughest terms. The rejection of any UN resolutions on Syria is one of the first obvious consequences of the realization by Russia and China of the fact that the NATO campaign in Libya is ultimately directed against these two states. Yesterday’s seizure of 16 by SAS fighters in Sirte was another indication of the complete disregard of the United States and NATO for UN principles, and another example of the complete disregard for signals from Russia and China that NATO had crossed all borders, diplomatic relations would inevitably suffer. It will be curious to see what the consequences for Russian-Israeli relations will be, the fact that the 15 soldiers killed under Bani Walid had Israeli identity cards with them.

According to the media
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  1. +6
    16 October 2011 08: 17
    Not! Well handsome - Libyans !!! Everyone is allowed to ask: both SAS and PNS and NATO! Ah yes well done! In the light of this, I want to note that ours are doing the right thing, forming sniper units in the VO! And a little from the field of fantasizing the desired: And, all of a sudden, there our BROTHERS-snipers-volunteers click bydlin in shales ?!
    1. I.C.V. Stryker
      16 October 2011 13: 22
      Still to come. Next in line is a civil war. And about snipers - I’ll think about it.
      1. +1
        16 October 2011 13: 43
        Still to come. Next in line is a civil war. And about snipers - I’ll think about it. - тут все...
    2. andr4ew
      16 October 2011 20: 04
      if not for us dissatisfied
    3. +1
      16 October 2011 22: 02
      As for the shales, they drape the PSA even without them
      The freshest photo
      1. 0
        16 October 2011 22: 11
        watched the news, did not say a word! why?
      2. Sergh
        16 October 2011 22: 35
        Army in action.

        Cool cobbler!

        Disco dancer!
  2. +9
    16 October 2011 08: 22
    I wonder what our politicians will look like, and not only ours, who recognized the PNS as the legitimate authority, in the event of the victory of Gaddafi?
    Also, in case of victory, in place of the Libyans, I would change the monument, a fist breaking the plane, to a huge fact for all NATO countries.
    1. nickname bj
      16 October 2011 08: 35
      Yes, that would be an encore ...
      1. 0
        16 October 2011 09: 47
        ] It is interesting how our politicians will look, and not only ours, who recognized the PNS as the legitimate authority, in the event of the victory of Gaddafi?

        Yes, their elbows will be bitten. And rightly so!
        1. I.C.V. Stryker
          16 October 2011 13: 29
          Let's wait for the presidential elections, with our comments on this site (which is undoubtedly monitored) we can shape public opinion. P.S./ I am not a member of any party and express my opinion only.
    2. I.C.V. Stryker
      16 October 2011 13: 24
      Huge is how many meters.
    3. escobar
      16 October 2011 13: 55
      It is unlikely that Gaddafi himself will sit on the throne (in case of victory, the probability of which is small). The whole old Europa, Russia, the United States recognized him as illegitimate. Another thing is a new person, albeit with the targeting of Gaddafi. So with our panties, the bribes are smooth !!!!
    4. Sergh
      16 October 2011 22: 45
      Yes, no one recognized them, so it was necessary, there was such a joke, an excuse for the West. This is all bullshit. In Libya, our assholes, Ukrainians, Serbs, even the Chinese are.
  3. sirToad
    16 October 2011 08: 41
    PNS has lost 90% of its MEMBERS. uhosh! now they’re definitely khan. where are they without members.
    but seriously, that’s what they fucked up for. Muammar bends his line. God grant that I finish
  4. mar.tira
    16 October 2011 08: 58
    Our relations with Israel have been smooth and will remain. Our partisans there too, and nothing for now.
    1. I.C.V. Stryker
      16 October 2011 13: 34
      Our relationship with Israel is personally violet to me. I am more concerned about the fact that 70% of finances in Russia are controlled by Jewish banks.
  5. +6
    16 October 2011 09: 41
    Events in Libya confirm that NATO is fighting with the help of any rabble with the Libyan people under the banner of protecting the Libyan people. NATO cynicism transcends all conceivable boundaries. They will wash themselves with blood. God see everything!
    And our young president should first command a pioneer squad or a children's dance group before he climbs into the presidency. Vova turned out to be wiser in this situation with Libya, he immediately declared that the West had organized a new Crusade against the Arabs.
    1. Volkhov
      16 October 2011 13: 44
      The rabble on tanks, M-46 and chrysanthemums - he is from here. 200 000 rub / month
    2. I.C.V. Stryker
      16 October 2011 13: 47
      Let's dot the and. The United States is the patrimony of Jewish bankers and financiers. US policy is led from London. The enemy is not only the United States but Great Britain, or rather England.
    3. 0
      17 October 2011 16: 44
      Quote: Nick
      Vova turned out to be wiser in this situation with Libya; he immediately declared that the West had organized a new Crusade against the Arabs.

      Both are wise. One point of view - official - for the West. Another, unofficial - for the people. Another plus in the electoral presidential ballot box.
      If he is so smart, why did he put such a Dima who does not obey him?
  6. 0
    16 October 2011 09: 57
    the Libyans began a domestic war, now we must either suppress them, which is not just because they are on their land and their motivation is incomparably higher, and it’s inhumane to destroy the flow of people in their own country — it’s hard to justify this, you can buy everything and fill up the dough, but with the dough there is a problem, you can go back and think about how not to lose face? more and more it seems that Libya is an adventure rather than a planned operation
    1. I.C.V. Stryker
      16 October 2011 13: 58
      I agree, you can buy it, but there is one thing: We cannot print Green Bacs, and here Mr. Kadyrov can help us.
  7. 0
    16 October 2011 10: 34
    Now they are throwing PNS !!!
    1. -2
      16 October 2011 13: 41
      Yeah, Kuzya will come with an escort and throw everything over ...
  8. boos24
    16 October 2011 14: 03
    Gaddafi has a lot of money so the war is just beginning, hold on Colonel, crush the bastards, they won't go on a ground operation (large-scale) and the Air Force is like a club to a mosquito, good luck to you
  9. SIA
    16 October 2011 15: 30
    Quote: esaul

    Volunteers ??? Or maybe mercenaries?
    1. Tyumen
      16 October 2011 19: 40
      SIAMaybe mercenaries?

      Well, let the contractors go. So okay?
  10. +2
    16 October 2011 18: 44
    That is what the good old Soviet school for training officers and soldiers means.
    1. LESHA pancake
      16 October 2011 19: 38
  11. 0
    16 October 2011 19: 56
    Those who unleashed this massacre must respond legally.
  12. -3
    16 October 2011 19: 57
    what is it all raving how gaddafi will win ??????????????????
  13. 0
    16 October 2011 21: 36
    it will be finished and how will your delirious performances look like that he will win
  14. URB
    17 October 2011 01: 58
    90 percent is a complete defeat! Either the infa is not true (which is likely) or the PCP will now have to rely only on Western hatchets.
  15. itr
    17 October 2011 05: 13
    Why take prisoners, you just need to destroy your enemy, especially the Israelis
  16. 0
    17 October 2011 11: 08
    The PNS will win only in one case, if no native Libyan is left in the country, because judging by their dedication, even the last remaining Libyan will tie himself with plastid and tear up near the PNS building, this is better than seeing the death of his homeland and his people!
  17. cohort
    17 October 2011 11: 12
    If Sirte and Bani Walid are surrounded, then you can hold out in a siege for as long as you have fuel, water, food and ammunition (and the siege has been going on for two months already). First they will knock off Gaddafi, and only then will they start cutting each other's throats for oil. And for Gaddafi's tribe, survival is the number one issue now, not only do they need to fight off a crowd of tribes in the short term, but they also need oil and the ability to export it at least in the medium term. As Napoleon said, to fight you need three things: money, money and more money. But will this money give Gaddafi the opportunity to earn money? The answer is only no.
  18. 0
    17 October 2011 11: 23
    Gaddafi's social Islam, was liked by almost all tribes, because they all participated in the life of the country and their representatives were in the government. Even if Gaddafi himself does not, there are plenty of his followers, and indigenous tribes will support them.