For young people want to follow. Are there any prospects for youth policy?

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation received a proposal to organize a service to prevent radical sentiment in higher and secondary educational institutions. According to reports of a number of Russian media, Viktor Panin, chairman of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights of Educational Services, sent it to Minister Dmitry Livanov. Viktor Panin’s concern about the possible mass distribution of radical views among Russian students and schoolchildren was caused by the recent scandalous history with an attempt by a nineteen-year-old Varvara Karaulova to sneak into Syria to participate in the activities of the extremist organization Islamic State. Recall that MSU student Varia Karaulova disappeared 27 May 2015 of the year. Approximately at 10 in the morning she went to the university, taking with her not only a smartphone and a tablet, but also a laptop. In the evening, the student never came home. Her phone was off. Parents of the girl went to the police. A few days later, Father Varin’s father Pavel managed to find out that the girl had flown from Sheremetyevo Airport to Istanbul. Almost immediately suspicions arose that the girl was recruited by some of the radical fundamentalist organizations. These suspicions were based on information about the lifestyle and interests of the girl lately.

The strange story of a Moscow student

Varya Karaulov differs, by all appearances, by remarkable intellect and diversified interests. A clever and extraordinary girl is an athlete, a student, an excellent student. She graduated from high school with a gold medal, after which she entered the department of cultural science at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. This year, she studied at the second year of university. Her studies were easy, Varia received excellent grades. In addition, she speaks several languages ​​and is actively involved in sports, being a professional Muay Thai athlete (Thai boxing). Recently, Barbara Karaulova became interested in Arabic and Arabic culture. Immediately after the disappearance, she changed the Russian name "Barbara" in her account in one of the popular social networks to "Amina".

For young people want to follow. Are there any prospects for youth policy?

Shortly before the flight, the girl removed the cross, explaining that the chain was torn. Later it became known that, leaving the house in the usual clothes for a Russian girl of her age, she came to the university and dressed in traditional Muslim clothes - hijab and dark dress with long sleeves. However, this behavior of Varvara Karaulova did not arouse any special suspicions among teachers and other students. Indeed, for many young people of her age, the search for a worldview is characteristic, which is especially important in the context of the ideological and value vacuum of modern Russian society. Varvara Karaulova was interested in Islam, other students were interested in Buddhism, and still others - in politics. Nobody saw anything wrong in that. At least, at the Faculty of Philosophy, whose students in general are special people, prone to ideological search even more than their other peers.

However, interest in Islam probably quickly grew into a passion for radical currents. Despite the fact that the orthodox Islamic theologians of Russia and many politicians who profess Islam, refer to radical organizations with suspicion or outright condemnation, among young people, radical ideas are in special demand. Young people are generally characterized by maximalist moods, manifested in different ways. Someone strikes ultranationalism, someone adjoins various leftist movements, and among young Muslims, especially new converts, some show sympathy for radical fundamentalist views. It is widely known to everyone who is at least somehow interested in the political and religious situation in modern Russia. However, the specificity of Barbara Karaulova to radical movements or even sympathy for radical trends in modern Islam has not yet been proven. Everything remains at the level of suspicion, which only intensified after Varvara Karaulova was detained by Turkish law enforcement agencies 4 June 2015.

As it turned out, a girl in an organized group of 18 people, among whom were citizens of Russia and Azerbaijan, was in the Turkish city of Kiliya, on the border of the country with Syria. It is known that the Turkish-Syrian border, like the border of Syria with other states of the Middle East, is periodically infiltrated by followers of radical views who are going to fight in the ranks of the Islamic State. Among these people are not only Islamic youth from the same Turkey, Arab countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, but also immigrants from Russia, including from the republics of the North Caucasus, as well as Europeans who converted to Islam and became followers of its radical directions. It is possible that Varvara Karaulov was one of those volunteers who were convinced of the need to create an "Islamic state" in the Middle East. At least, Varvara’s father Pavel Karaulov, who also urgently flew to Turkey, said that his daughter was under great psychological pressure. Simply put, she was the victim of recruiting an extremist organization.

Currently, the girl is in Turkey, from where she may be deported to the Russian Federation in the coming days. However, it is not known what exactly can be presented to her under Russian laws - she does not fit either of them, since there is no evidence of her participation in extremist activities on the territory of the Russian state, in mercenary activities or other criminal acts prosecuted. Some journalists put forward more mundane versions. One of them is that an extraordinary girl, very interested in the Arab world and Islam, was about to take a trip to Syria for informational purposes. Perhaps even for the purpose of subsequent scientific research or a description of the trip in the media. But among a certain part of the Russian public, the story of Varvara Karaulova caused a real stir. First of all, because it clearly demonstrated the ignorance of the authorities, educational institutions, and even parents about the true interests and lifestyle of young Russians. “We know our young people very badly” - this thesis has become one of the most common in the Russian media in recent days. The newspaper Izvestia cites the words of Viktor Panin: “The story that happened to a student at Moscow State University reflects already a noticeable tendency when young people are addicted to ideological views alien to our culture, which are also radical, man-hating. And the youth environment, as is known, due to the peculiarities of the perception of what is happening, is the most vulnerable part of society and is particularly susceptible to influence and recruitment. (Quoted from:

Prevention of radical moods

Addressing Dmitry Livanov, Minister of Education and Science, public figure Viktor Panin emphasized that “the youth environment, as is well known, due to its perception of what is happening, is the most vulnerable part of society and is especially susceptible to influence and recruitment.” In order to prevent possible negative consequences, such as the mass spread of extremist views among young people, according to Panin, it is necessary to create a special service in universities and schools. However, this proposal of a public figure immediately caused a mixed reaction of Russian society. Some conservative Russian politicians and youth activists confirmed the truth of Panin’s words, citing numerous examples of youth participation in radical actions. By the way, what happened in Ukraine at the end of 2013 - the beginning of 2014 was also a consequence of the lack of full-fledged work with young people in the Ukrainian state. It is because of this omission that thousands of young Ukrainians long before the events on the Maidan fell into the orbit of the influence of radical nationalist organizations.

According to Viktor Panin, the service to prevent radical sentiments among young people should be staffed by highly qualified specialists - psychologists who will compile psychological portraits of students, track changes in their moods and behavior, conduct preventive conversations, meet with parents and friends of students and schoolchildren, and even analyze information on student accounts in social networks. Naturally, this proposal raises a number of questions. First of all, there are suspicions of violation of the personal space of students, especially adult students. Secondly, it is not very clear how the control over the mood of the students will be exercised and what measures these services will be able to take - to inform the competent authorities or to take any independent sanctions against those suspected of radical moods. And what is considered a radical mood? For example, a student studying Marxism or sympathetic to national patriotic movements will fall into the orbit of attention of this service, or not? Would not this service be a tool for identifying undesirable and subsequent repression against them by educational institutions or authorities?

Finally, in the conditions of economic turmoil in the country, the creation of additional structures in each educational institution will cost the state a pretty penny, and the possibility of staffing each educational institution with qualified specialists is doubtful. Either the vacancies will be empty, or they will work part-time people who do not have any professional education and do not understand modern youth policy, religions, psychology. Naturally, the proposal to create a service to prevent radical sentiment was not supported by the Ministry of Education and Science. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science informed that in every educational institution health care services work, which are able to provide psychological help to all students and schoolchildren who need it. Creation of any additional structures for these purposes is not required. In addition, as reported by the Ministry of Education and Science, in higher and secondary educational institutions courses on life safety, which also contain sections of the antiterrorist orientation, are taught. Thus, students are informed about possible illegal activities of extremist groups and receive information about the basics of information security, including behavior on the Internet.

The youth is really under attack

However, it is not a secret that information war is being waged against modern Russia. Moreover, numerous organizations of various orientations, financed from foreign funds, carry on subversive work aimed at radicalization and decomposition of Russian citizens, first of all - young people. The youth policy in modern Russia is “lame” and this is an absolute fact. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the liquidation of the Komsomol and pioneer organizations that covered almost the entire young population of the country, the youth of Russia found themselves without any control from the state. What consequences this led to in 1990's are well known to all. Hundreds of thousands of young people went to crime, to drug addiction, to totalitarian sects. Many of them ended their lives at the very beginning - from the bullets of competing "brigades", from drugs and alcohol, as a result of suicides and drunken fights, a significant number turned into disabled people. It was the first stage of the operation to decompose the Russian youth, and even its physical destruction. Many talented young people who could become anyone — commanders, inventors, singers and poets, artists and scientists, simply conscientious workers — rested prematurely, morally and physically degraded. This caused a colossal damage to the security of the Russian state, its demographics, economy, science and culture. The consequences of the events that took place in the 1990-s of years, Russia will settle for a very long time.

Currently taken back in the 1980-th - 1990-s. The course towards the ideological and moral decay of Russian youth continues. It is carried out in several directions - through the propaganda of debauchery and social deviations, through the popularization of extremist organizations and the expansion of their activities among young people, through the activities of all sorts of pro-Western "human rights" organizations and foundations, through pseudo-art. One should not think that the main object of the corrupting influence of foreign agents is socially unadapted youth from marginalized segments of the population. Just young lumpens from slums, depressed small towns and workers' settlements are interested in foreign agents of influence least of all - because of their generally uselessness for subversive activities in the country.

Much more interest is the student youth. The more talented the students, the more interesting they are to foreign organizations. From a talented young man, one can “squeeze” the maximum benefit for the organization concerned, using his creative potential and certain abilities. Varvara Karaulov is an example of such a talented young man. It is impossible to deny the eccentricity and abilities of the majority of members of all kinds of extremist organizations, working for the West "human rights" groups and foundations and other similar structures. In general, these are literate, initiative people, in some ways idealistic. They could have brought a lot of benefit to their home country if the government thought about a really effective youth policy and took steps to adopt positive strategies among the youth. However, as long as there is a vacuum of youth policy, talented and able to “leak” into the ranks of pro-Western or extremist organizations. And no “pocket” state youth organizations, consisting of several bureaucrats “on wages” and thousands of “dead souls” on paper, will not correct the situation, but rather aggravate it.

How to destroy the initiative

As Russian politician Fedor Biryukov (“Motherland”) rightly noted, “it is necessary to create an attractive alternative theory and practice, and not to create stukicheskih structures that, in a school or university, would actually stimulate the departure of young people into counter-systemic radicalism” (Tsit. : They want to follow radicals from childhood ( This statement best conveys the meaning of the true strategy of organizing youth policy in modern Russia. In 1970, despite the fact that the Komsomol still covered millions of Soviet boys and girls, the bureaucratization of Komsomol structures gradually worsened, reporting and other “paperwork” came to the fore, but young people, especially the romantic, creative ones, wanted "Real affairs". Especially when revolutionary passions were raging in the world: in Asia, Africa, Latin America, communist guerrillas fought with American imperialism and European colonialism, conducted an underground fight against reactionary regimes, and in the USSR Komsomol structures increasingly immersed in the trail of endless meetings.

As a result, some active young people tried to create their own communist associations. Unlike the dissident intelligentsia, the participants in these associations were not at all enthusiastic about the West, but, on the contrary, positioned themselves as ardent followers of the communist ideology. They tried to be “big communists” than official party and Komsomol structures, and I must say, many of them succeeded. At least, they believed in the communist idea sincerely, and did not present themselves as communists for reasons of career growth and any other profit. So, in 1984 in Moscow there was an "International Brigade named after Ernesto Che Guevara". It was created on the model of officially existing international clubs at the palaces of the pioneers. The brigade sought to act legally and consisted of students with communist convictions. The Brigade participants considered role models to be Ernesto Che Guevara and other heroic Latin American revolutionaries, including his contemporaries, fighters from the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua and the Farabundo Marti Salvador National Liberation Front. It would seem that the official Komsomol structures were only to rejoice at the emergence of an informal communist-oriented youth group, to provide it with all kinds of assistance and involve them in participating in organizing work with young people. But it was not there! In the middle of 1980's. Komsomol organizations in the USSR have already become ossified bureaucratic structures, practically incapable of new ideas and practical actions. Komsomol leaders were very suspicious of grassroots initiatives because they feared that the creation of such informal organizations would hit their careers - the “older comrades” would decide that they had little control over the youth environment.

The participants of the Interbrigade were summoned to conversations with the state security bodies, they were deprived of the premises three times, and the Moscow City Committee of the Komsomol tried to liquidate the Interbrigade by all available means. In the end, in the second half of 1980, most of the representatives of the Inter-Brigade switched to anti-Soviet positions and became members of the Confederation of anarcho-syndicalists. Nikolai Muravin (1966-1996) became one of the leading activists of the anarcho-syndicalist organization. Here is such a sad example of how official structures responsible for youth policy, instead of supporting the useful youth initiative by all means and using the creative potential of caring young people to popularize communist ideology in society and attract less active young men and women. prevented the initiative and, ultimately, turned its participants against the Soviet regime.

The given example is not single. In many cities of the Soviet Union, Komsomol organizations, instead of supporting similar initiatives by young people, destroyed them in the bud. The result of such omissions in youth policy was very pitiable. In 1980-s. negative attitudes towards the Soviet system and the communist ideology spread among young people, which led to all the known negative consequences of 1991. Modern Russian authorities repeat the shortcomings and omissions of their predecessors from the USSR. This is not surprising - after all, many of the officials themselves began their careers in the party and the Komsomol, perceiving the methods of work of these structures, and the methods are not the best period in the history of the CPSU and the Young Communist League. Back in 1990, state structures authorized to lead youth policy tried to create Russian youth organizations, but the lack of a coherent ideology, bureaucratization, and a tendency to “act for the sake of accountability” led to the stillbirth of these projects. Even more creative structures, like “Walking Together” and “Ours”, turned out to be unviable due to their artificiality. They failed to offer young people intelligible patriotic slogans, create an attractive style, and develop symbols. Honest and patriotic young people were much easier to find in radical nationalist and left-wing organizations than in pro-Kremlin youth movements. These young people took the road of struggle with the existing political system, guided by the very best intentions, many of them came to the attention of law enforcement agencies and even received prison sentences for committing any public actions.

A typical example is the history of the National Bolshevik Party of Russia. As is known, her activity was banned as extremist. Pro-Kremlin youth movements like Nashi positioned themselves as the main ideological and practical opponents of the national Bolsheviks, published articles against them on their information resources, carried out agitation among students. A few years have passed, and we see that many of the former National Bolsheviks, and now Friends of Russia, volunteered to go to war in Novorossia. There is a whole squad staffed by activists of the “Other Russia”. The representative of the St. Petersburg branch of the party Evgeny Pavlenko - 35-year-old young man, father of two children, died heroically in Novorossia at the beginning of 2015. Famous dark-skinned natbol Ayo Benes, who was persecuted in his native Latvia for his appearances in defense of the Russian-speaking population, served as a commander of artillery guns in the LPR. Before that, he participated in the Crimean events, in mass demonstrations against the new Kiev regime in the Donetsk region. In addition to the National Bolsheviks, one can also recall the representatives of other national-patriotic organizations of Russia, the Cossacks, the Communist volunteers. So, many Russian young communists are fighting in the famous brigade "Ghost", commanded by the late Alexey Borisovich Mozgovoy. And where are the activists of the official youth structures of the recent past and present? Who among them died defending the Russian population of Donetsk and Lugansk from the punishers of the Kiev regime? It turns out that those who were called "extremists" actually brought great benefit to the Russian state, gave their lives for it. However, they didn’t deserve a positive attitude from the state structures or any tokens of attention, moreover, they still don’t trust them, they are still in the “field of vision” of various control services, and they certainly cannot make a career in Russian official structures.

Need a patriotic youth policy

Today, after the patriotic turn of the Russian government, the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, the state has a great opportunity to direct the energy of youth inclined to radical sentiments to a constructive course. Use its potential, its youthful idealism in the interests of the Russian state. But this can be done only when taking into account the formation of an organization model attractive to young people. Whether the state will go for this is the question. After all, young and old bureaucrats are most afraid of self-organization and initiatives of ordinary citizens. They live according to the principle “initiative is punishable” and in every politically active young man they see a potential enemy. Therefore, it is much easier for bureaucrats to once again invent stillborn organizations, knocking out funds for their financing, which safely disappear in the pockets of functionaries or are spent on unnecessary and uninteresting activity. The officials try to put the self-activity of young people “under control” and, if possible, eliminate it altogether. Meanwhile, it is this strategic line that presents a real danger to Russia and its national security. The profanation of the state youth policy, especially the creation of repressive mechanisms, will ultimately contribute to the spread of radical sentiment among young people. That is, attempts to form some structures for controlling student and school youth will lead to the exact opposite effect. Young people will rush to radical organizations, fleeing from the control of “boring” bureaucrats from all kinds of “committees”, “departments” and “prevention services”.

An attractive idea for young people today can be formulated on the basis of Russian patriotism. Young people need heroic - please, here are "polite people", here is the Crimea, here are the heroic militia of New Russia fighting against Western henchmen. Need role models - again, these are wonderful young patriots who have not been afraid to weapons in the hands of stand up against the pro-American Kiev regime. Events in Ukraine 2013-2014 have become a powerful mobilizing factor for Russian society. Thousands of young people, including those who had not previously been interested in politics and had nothing to do with social activities, realized that they were involved in a creative story. Someone went as a volunteer to Novorossia, someone takes part in collecting humanitarian aid or accommodating refugees, someone holding solidarity rallies. It is this constructive energy of power that should be used if it really seeks to prevent the destructive impact on the minds of Russian youth.

Perhaps, the Kremlin understands this, but on the ground the same bureaucrats of the Komsomol spill, who cut down any initiative, take up the matter. In the fearless patriots, they see, first of all, the danger to themselves, their privileged position, high wages and uncontrolled state money spent on all sorts of nonsense. After all, those who are fighting in Novorossia help refugees or rally in support of Russians in the Baltic States or Ukraine — people are of a completely different order than bureaucrats from official structures. But it is precisely such people that the state should rely on in building a new youth policy. An effective youth organization or a network of such organizations should be created, at the helm of the leadership of which it is necessary to put entirely new people - clean, honest, attractive to young people. There are many such people among the veterans of Novorossia, among the liberators of the Crimea, among the same participants of patriotic organizations in the most different regions of Russia. When this happens, then the youth will not have the need to find some alternative “on the side”, whether they are pro-Western liberal and leftist parties or radical fundamentalist organizations. And then Varya Karaulov, and many other young people, by virtue of idealistic and maximalist aspirations, were influenced by any extremist and radical movements, will be able to use their strengths and abilities for the good of the Russian state.
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  1. +4
    10 June 2015 06: 10
    "... Say, a student who studies Marxism or sympathizes with national-patriotic movements will fall into the orbit of attention of this service or not?"

    And then, now the authorities are nostalgic for the times until 1917, here the methods will be the same :-) And they will even think of rebelling :-)
    1. +1
      10 June 2015 14: 18
      Let Muslims excuse me, but one should speak the truth about Islam, and not be guided by purely tolerance. For example, here is the truth: To whom the Internet allows, look.
  2. 0
    10 June 2015 06: 12
    The lack of prospects in our society and pushes young people into alternative trends, such as Islam or nationalism, crime, lack of justice and duplicity of public consciousness. Discussing Vera Karaulova, everyone knows how to punish or teach how to live, but the best teacher, seeing life herself and seeing it with her still unruly eyes, justice and indifference do not always make the right choice.
    1. 0
      10 June 2015 06: 29
      Well, of course, understand and forgive Karaulov ...
      1. +6
        10 June 2015 07: 44
        If the State wants to show itself as a strong institution, then this only in prison, revealing and cruel. Or she probably had no idea that on a foreign land to kill people who hadn’t done anything to her, including children, and still in Russia to commit acts ?!
        Only the worthy have the right to forgiveness. And to forgive is to understand.
        Such things are rooted out, not forgiven.
        Litter Salafi.
        1. +4
          10 June 2015 10: 20
          Quote: SibSlavRus
          If the State wants to show itself as a strong institution, then this only in prison, revealing and cruel. Or she probably had no idea that on a foreign land to kill people who hadn’t done anything to her, including children, and still in Russia to commit acts ?!

          I think in a place with her to send and teaching staff from Moscow State University and other institutes.
          It is enough to watch B.B.Nadezhdin (MIPT) at Solovyov, and this ghoul teaches the younger generation, then L. Gozman, who teaches the same fruit as Nadezhdin, at the Moscow State University. And there are a dime a dozen, and women. So the question is for the special services, what are you waiting for, and why do these instigators and provocateurs work with young people? Then we wonder where such Karaulovs from Moscow State University come from.
          Perhaps it seemed to me, but somehow our intelligence agencies quickly found this girl, a couple of days, then.
          Usually, when contacting the Police, they don’t itch for three days missing, they say that it’s a young business, they went on a walk and so on.
          And here is such agility. What is the reason?
          1. -2
            10 June 2015 19: 31
            She was detained on the border with Syria, and so they "found". And this guard is a typical example of "grief from the mind." Girls cannot study for a long time, their brains cannot stand it. So many examples in my life, I can defend a thesis. not sorry for her.
            1. 0
              14 June 2015 17: 50
              and WHAT IS MINUS? What can’s women not learn, or what’s not a pity? So this is the experience of life, I don’t mind the opinion of any couch experts
        2. +1
          10 June 2015 10: 56
          Yes, of course, it’s easier to plant. What could be more stupid than fighting the effect than the cause. It is necessary to catch, punish and isolate people who put bad ideas in their heads.
          Recruiters work for money, and Karaulova rode by conviction, she rode for justice. Behind the concept of justice that the recruiter put into her head. At philosophical faculties they teach questions about life, world order, justice, equality, but do not give answers to them, considering that a person.
          There is no person in 20 years who would not ask these questions. And it can be used for evil purposes. Alas, today's society in Russia is far from justice, decency, respect for the old, love and help for the young.
          Any religion is based on, as they say now, universal values. Any religion essentially teaches the same thing: do not kill, do not steal, be worthy. If the lives of some notorious ROC ministers are in front of everyone, everyone sees which houses they live in, what cars they drive, which iPhones they call. Not all priests, and perhaps most, priests live according to the values ​​that they preach. That life of the Islamists in the far ISIS may seem ideal according to the stories, maybe they really are fighting for a just cause, maybe now in the Middle East there is a struggle with infidels who have trampled upon all human values ​​- a man sleeps with a man, a woman with a woman, a golden calf at the forefront, the weak beat, the poor despised. Maybe there really is a struggle going on in the Middle East for a New Fair World, and the mission of ISIS to bring justice and morality throughout the planet.
          There is no person in 20 years who would not be an idealist. It is necessary to punish those who push the idealists on the wrong path, operating with good intentions, those who mislead them.
          Let's expose Karaulova, the simplest one. Years 8. Break the person's future life. Only this will not stop anyone. No fear of punishment will stop people going to global goals. Fear of punishment can only be stopped by people seeking profit, people pursuing mundane interests.
          Six months later, she herself will understand that she was used for her mercantile purposes, hiding behind the ideas of fraternity, equality, and justice. Her disappointment, her awareness, this will still play a good purpose. With fanatical, ideological people, you need to work not with a whip, but with a word and an example. And Karaulova can be a good example.
    2. +7
      10 June 2015 07: 39
      Well noticed, because even I (and very many whom I know), having life experience of almost forty years, have several entities, status in society, and then repeatedly there is a desire to destroy the pseudo-Russian government, to cleanse an unjust society and the elimination of capitalism. And what do we want from youth?
      She needs moral guidelines, justice, goals, state socialism. And not the slave ideology of capitalism!
      And in denominations there is no way out - some come to nervous aggression, others slavishly turn the other cheek. And whatever you want, these are the Avramist (Jewish) religions - Islam and Christianity. So to speak, software for better mass management. And to die, if necessary, is for your land and your loved ones. It is on this that faith should be based, on common indisputable values, the ideas of a just state.
      History is indicative, and no matter how cynical it sounds, but nation-states, their young component, must fight, gain their rights to greatness, realize energy against the enemy, and come to power through victories in conflicts. These are the scientific axioms of human development.
      And the youth’s enemy is now, including and from our submission, it is anti-people’s, in fact, state power, inherent in its problems behind external threats and not explaining its actions. The result will be a reaction.
      1. +2
        10 June 2015 08: 56
        You understand it, I understand it, hundreds of thousands of other normal people understand it, this is not the point. The fact is that those who steer us understand this too and they just don’t need it. These ideas are deeply hostile to them, justice, the truth is similar to death for them. Therefore, they will not allow all this.
      2. 0
        10 June 2015 14: 20
        Quote: SibSlavRus
        And in denominations there is no way out - some come to nervous aggression, others slavishly turn the other cheek. And whatever you want, these are the Avramist (Jewish) religions - Islam and Christianity. So to speak, software for better mass management.
        Do you propose to ban them?
        Quote: SibSlavRus
        And to die, if necessary, is for your land and your loved ones. It is on this that faith should be based, on common indisputable values, the ideas of a just state.
        What do you mean by the word - "your own land" and "your loved ones"? Khataskrayniks also care for their land) How is Shevchuk in his "Visiting the General" - "I'm ready to die for our unhappy homeland, but, unfortunately, I have a family and children" hi
  3. +2
    10 June 2015 06: 50
    Okay, she went there, but if she had done business here? To understand and forgive too ...?
    1. Fokker dr I
      10 June 2015 08: 43
      Quote: bionik
      and if you had done business here?

      by the way, not an idle question.
  4. +3
    10 June 2015 07: 02
    If a citizen is considered a minor under 18 years old, then what the hell is freedom? Total control. In secondary and higher education - preventive control. And then we are raising not a citizen, but a personality-consume, which even the country and the Motherland do not need.
    According to "our" Constitution, we cannot have an ideology. Well, isn't it idiocy? The Constitution is the same law as all the others, only fundamental. Requires revision and replacement. But not by those moral monsters who are now in power, but by people, citizens-patriots in content. If you have already decided to live and judge by the written rules, then you need standards of upbringing.
    And if, after the miserable reforms, behind which the inability to rule and the government spending is hidden, we still take from the former socialist state (because human society didn’t come up better), then we will take only the best. For example, the 1977 Constitution. That was the Law!
    1. -1
      10 June 2015 09: 31
      In the USA, total surveillance, let's do it in the USA.
      1. +1
        10 June 2015 11: 09
        Not surveillance - control. And full employment for the benefit of educating a citizen, so that only time for a healthy sleep would be left, from sports sections and various circles to socially useful workloads and NVP, which will be taken into account when entering educational institutions. And the total filter in I-no. The solution to national security issues has not been canceled.
        Already got with their freedoms! Whom you ask, no one will clearly and plainly explain what it is. What are rights and what are their responsibilities.
        And nobody removed the responsibility from the would-be parents. With educational institutions it is so clear - "dissenting" teaching staff has started up - 10 years of clean forest air and physical work will bring thoughts back to normal.
        And, by the way, universities are supervised by state security officers, but obviously - it’s bad.
        The special services themselves have personnel problems - family and friendly in a row, mutual support of state services and departments for arranging their blunders to each other. Old employees know this problem.
        The personnel policy is like that of the GDP - he managed to get to another position, and not to the bunks. This is where real cleaning is needed.
        1. +1
          10 June 2015 11: 20
          The proposal "started up" dissenting "teaching staff - 10 years of clean forest air" on condition "The special services themselves have personnel problems - family and friendly succession, mutual support of state services and departments" scares.
          1. 0
            10 June 2015 14: 28
            What is total control? Take a look at the TV set? Series about gangsters, but all sorts of competitions how to become a singer?))) Talk shows, from which, I'm sorry pulls. Maybe start with a zombie, just so that normal programs show. The article correctly describes that young passionaries, like nat-bols, for example, are fighting in Novorossia, and the stupid Nashi biomass only dreams of having fun. Selfies, gadgets, parties and more ... There is a striking example of Edros Milonov, who solemnly promised last February that he would fight as a volunteer in the Southeast. Well, there until the mess started normally, something did not see him in the ranks of the resistance, even the humanitarian aid did not bring once at least.
  5. +4
    10 June 2015 07: 12
    Once, in our student years, we secretly listened to both "Voice of America" ​​and "Radio Liberty", even once we were spotted and had an educational conversation ... But listening to these voices did not become radicals, we just tried to understand what was their principles. The conversation with the employees still had its value, they began to listen more quietly and were insured. What do I want to say? Conversations on educational topics should be conducted from a very early age, so that later they will be useful, and in student years it is already too late. And yet, the forbidden fruit is always sweet, attracted to it. Therefore, it is not necessary to prohibit, but to speak openly about the principles of the same radical Islamism and ISIS in particular, and to explain the meaning of everything that concerns these issues, then everything will be fine.
  6. Victor p
    10 June 2015 07: 18
    Young people have a wind in their head, if they blow it laughing
    They are all holding at face value, there is no worldly wisdom, and where does she come from at eighteen ...
    Their energy and thoughts must be directed gently in a fatherly way
    1. Fokker dr I
      10 June 2015 08: 51
      Quote: Victor P
      They are all at face value, there is no worldly wisdom,

      are we, for a minute, talking about confessional things? Every fifth inhabitant of the planet is a Muslim. How about "clean coin" and "worldly wisdom"? Your words, perhaps, would be appropriate if it was about a pubertal hobby for emo goths or light drugs. It would go away like acne. But Deffachko plunged into Arabic and Islamic studies. This, dear, is somewhat different.
      1. 0
        10 June 2015 11: 27
        But aren't we attracting too much attention and devoting ourselves to Islamism? This is an object of attention of special services and security officials. We should not hear about him at all. Is there too much honor to freaks?
        What I liked the USSR, the fact that there was one faith in all - a socialist state, science, a man-creator. There was an ideology, now (under the anti-people’s Constitution!) The ideology has been replaced by degrading faiths. They do not develop, they only slow down consciousness. Opium for the people.
        Religious fanatics need not be justified, but severely punished. And then we breed here ideal conditions for "divide and rule." Are the "personalities" so dumb?
      2. 0
        14 June 2015 17: 56
        Almost the same thing ... The ideas of Islam occupied the clear brain, no one managed to invest the ideas of Christianity. There is no ideology in the state, one unifying guide, and this is the result
  7. +4
    10 June 2015 07: 20
    "at the helm of the leadership, it is necessary to put completely new people - clean, honest, attractive to young people."
    It is with the solution of this problem that we must begin to replace the rotten corrupt government. And if the author could also name a dozen names among the current government that meets these criteria, then we can assume that his article is of value.
    And to talk about the upbringing of patriotism by the current government is like in a brothel to read sermons about the dangers of debauchery.
    Patriotism in the understanding of the current government is the protection of a rotten bureaucracy and oligarchy from popular outrage.
  8. +4
    10 June 2015 07: 56
    The lack of a coherent policy of the state and its ideology, plus a heightened perception of social injustice among young people is a sure way to its radicalization. And TV in general, consciously or subconsciously, is engaged in the perversion of fragile souls.
  9. +4
    10 June 2015 08: 44
    But who will let them into the power of these honest passionaries? There in our town all this edrosovy shoots walks in boyars, drives in cool cars and raves about America. At rallies they shout about patriotism but in fact a low kind of little man but with ambition like Napoleon's. While feeding and sawing, they will sing the necessary songs but also despise the people. And the same Putin is despised, admired by the West and, when the opportunity arises, they will surrender both the GDP and the country. So the thing is to do GDP and not pour empty bazaars. Stripping is necessary and in full.
  10. -3
    10 June 2015 08: 46
    Something in the university about the homeland do not think, why the fool 5 languages ​​!?
    1. Fokker dr I
      10 June 2015 09: 03
      Quote: dmitrymb
      Something in the university about the homeland do not think

      how do you suggest "thinking about the Motherland"?
      Quote: dmitrymb
      Why fool 5 languages ​​!?

      really. A vocational school and a carding machine would be enough. Divorced, you know ...
    2. 0
      13 June 2015 11: 39
      "Today the Motherland is where the ass is warm, and you know it better than me!" (from)
  11. +1
    10 June 2015 09: 12
    We survived, the panic in the special services causes the apprehension not of an old man or a child, but of young boys and girls. You can’t control everything. Find out why they go there? And to give them all this here. I already wrote, there is no attractive idea of ​​organizing society. And the youth, they are all maximalists and revolutionaries.
    1. Fokker dr I
      10 June 2015 09: 41
      Quote: Vladimir1960
      Find out why they go there? And give them it all here

      Deep. To distribute shahid belts to students in the corridors of Moscow State University?
      1. 0
        10 June 2015 14: 30
        Quote: Fokker Dr. I
        Deep. To distribute shahid belts to students in the corridors of Moscow State University?
        What for? We have New Russia at hand
  12. wanderer_032
    10 June 2015 09: 47
    Any activity on the topic of "looking after" young people in educational institutions will give practically no positive result. Any "highly qualified psychologists" in universities, or somewhere else, will be perceived as special officers in the Red Army, in due time. Moreover, it is just a "golden feeder", ie. another bureaucratic office on the neck of the state, where all kinds of careerists and other creatures with inferiority complexes and "Napoleon" will surely climb, who will be given a "piece of power" over other people.

    In addition, then all sorts of "storytellers" and recruiters from all kinds of ISIS, etc., will simply change their tactics and begin to act in other areas of our youth's life.
    Maybe it’s worth just conducting normal, high-quality (without unnecessary formalism and other tedious) preventive work among young people, including and in educational institutions.
    Here, invite for a conversation with students in an interactive format, for example, young operatives, investigators, commandos from our law enforcement agencies who are engaged in similar work directly and who from personal experience (within the framework of the reasonable) and real examples (also within the framework of the reasonable) will tell young people in in a simple and accessible form what / where / when and why. And what happens to those who have chosen a similar curved path for themselves (without intimidating youth to hiccups with articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and international criminal law, but with real life examples).

    Why is that?
    Yes, because:
    The credibility of what can tell a person who, on duty, is directly related to this topic, no one will doubt. Questions yes - no doubt.
    And besides, it is much easier for young people to communicate with young people than for young people with older people.
    In addition, this will show today's young people that among their age (maybe a little older) there are people in Russia who really serve the Motherland and who are struggling with this 21st century plague as much as they can.
    Let the youth see this and understand that in the country there are not only majorities and daddies / sissies and daughters with consumer superabbitia. In addition, it will help raise the profile of law enforcement agencies in the eyes of the public.
    Among the staff, pick up normal, intelligent guys who can talk with students in the same language as them. Yes, in principle, it will not be difficult for them, because. they themselves were still students recently.
    And the most important thing is that the youth do not have to be pulled by force for such events (that is, in a voluntary-forced manner), because this will cause nothing but negative.
    1. +1
      10 June 2015 14: 21
      Quote: wanderer_032
      Here, invite to talk with students in an interactive format, for example, young operatives, investigators, special forces from our law enforcement agencies who are engaged in similar work directly

      It seems that the proposed approach will also be not superfluous, but first of all we need to work on the formation of the ideological foundations of the consciousness of young people.
      As already noted by many, young people seek justice, do not want to put up with the imperfections of the real world, strive to remake this world to their ideals, remake quickly and uncompromisingly, firmly believing that achieving this goal will justify any sacrifice.
      And this belief in its rightness has repeatedly allowed the forces hostile to the people to use young people as a blind tool not to improve the current world order, but to destroy it all and to plunge society into bloody chaos.
      Therefore, we must teach people to think from the most fundamental concepts: what is Good and Evil. Considering that a significant part of people (sometimes almost all of their lives) are seeking God (which most likely did Barbara), then the reasoning, apparently, should be of the following character.
      God is the Creator, the Creator, the Light, the Life, the Truth, the Good, the Justice ...
      His opponent is Destruction, Bloodshed, Death, Darkness, Lies, Injustice, etc.
      At the same time, all religious cults are divided into solar (solar) cults of God the Creator and the moon, which are characterized by bloody sacrifices of people or at least animals, if it is not possible to carry out human sacrifices.
      Knowing this, the champions of justice will never go looking for her in moon cults. Islam is exactly the moon cult. This is indisputable evidence of the annual animal sacrifice on Kurban Bayram. And during the overthrow of Gaddafi on the Internet, including at VO, it was often possible to see videos that cut off the heads of the captive people. And it was not done by some stoned or drunken scumbags, but by quite decent and balanced Muslims under a peaceful reading of the verses of the Koran.
      Another thing is that the realization that a significant part of the population of the Earth professes this cult, as well as polite, diplomacy and tolerance do not allow us to speak directly about this at government levels. However, the problem exists and it must be solved. It is necessary to find a way out of this trap, which was created several centuries ago, when entire nations were converted to Islam under the threat of death: those who did not agree were immediately killed. Therefore, the descendants of those who, under the fear of death, converted to Islam, found themselves in a difficult situation. And we must work together to think about how to help them get out of this situation, while at the same time letting us all pass through the deadly bloodshed.
  13. mihasik
    10 June 2015 10: 00
    Judging by the first photograph, purely from a male point of view, without knowing the essence of dressing, I would say that the girl plays a toothless old woman in some kind of performance, which is already too tough for seeds. Look at the photo-old woman, with a still young face! She buries herself by this. Where did her feminine go? Broken consciousness on the face.
    1. Fokker dr I
      10 June 2015 10: 17
      Quote: mihasik
      Look at the photo-old woman, with a still young face! She buries herself by this. Where did her feminine go? Broken consciousness on the face.

      laughing Well, yes, according to a vague photo from a cheap smart, you can even draw conclusions about the "feminine principle", "old woman's appearance" and "broken mind". Rzhu. Jung and Lombroso light up the Belomorina on the sidelines and demand more commentary.
    2. 0
      10 June 2015 14: 35
      This photo is still when she was a shkolota. And yes, here she is really in the image of an old woman for some performance.
  14. +6
    10 June 2015 10: 17
    Do not confuse God's gift with fried eggs - there are patriots, but there are careerists. The Komsomol members under Stalin were patriots, because they knew they would go into battle if not the first, then the second (after the Communists). Under Brezhnev - the Komsomol - the forge of cadres - the organization of professional careerists.

    The same thing is happening now - people who are capable of committing an ACTION in public youth organizations are not needed - slime dishes are created that create the appearance of mass character. As a result, we get a colossus with feet of clay, and feet - this is the leadership of organizations.

    A beautiful way out was suggested by Hanline in the Starship Troopers - a citizen with the right to vote - who only shed blood for his homeland. The rest are just consumers. In my opinion, this approach will solve a lot of problems with youth organizations and with our society.
    1. Fokker dr I
      10 June 2015 10: 33
      Quote: made13
      In my opinion, this approach will solve a lot of problems with youth organizations and with our society.

      which approach? This:
      Quote: made13
      citizen with the right to vote - only shed blood for the homeland.

      Quote: made13
      The rest are just consumers.

      funny. So, you need to arrange bloodletting from time to time? Will we choose the victim for the upcoming massacre by voting or will we stupidly trust the media?
      1. 0
        10 June 2015 14: 31
        Quote: Fokker Dr. I
        funny. So, you need to arrange bloodletting from time to time? Will we choose the victim for the upcoming massacre by voting or will we stupidly trust the media?
        According to Hanline, one just had to serve two years in the army)
        1. 0
          10 June 2015 17: 27
          Not in the Army, but in the Federal Service. And not two years, but how much the Federal Service will decide, at least for a lifetime. And to work where they point out, they say they will count the stars on a tiny solitary station on the other side of the galaxy without a connection for 20 years, you will sit and count. You can leave at any moment, but you will lose everything.
    2. wanderer_032
      10 June 2015 10: 55
      Quote: made13
      A beautiful way out was suggested by Hanline in the Starship Troopers - a citizen with the right to vote - who only shed blood for his homeland. The rest are just consumers.

      Not certainly in that way. It will probably be better if everyone has the right to vote, but the priority will be the votes of those who bring real benefits to the country.
      And it does not matter in uniform, or without them.

      Or do you think that the one who conscientiously works for a citizen creating material wealth with his own hands or ensures the vital functions of society brings less benefit to the country than the one who wears a headdress with a cockade?
      1. 0
        10 June 2015 11: 14
        Do you propose depriving the priority of the right to vote of bear, Ulyukaev, Naibulin, Shuvalov and PR ministers, and then on the list of bankers, deputies, mayors, governors, judges, generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, who built estates worth millions of dollars, and the prosecutors who joined them ?
        1. 0
          10 June 2015 15: 04
          These need not be deprived of the right to vote, but guaranteed freedom and some life, together with the families for which they work.
      2. 0
        10 June 2015 11: 29
        Not certainly in that way. In my opinion, people with higher education should have voting rights - one time, those who have served in the army - two. The list is open. But these two conditions must be basic. People who meet these conditions have sufficient intelligence, life experience, an idea of ​​serving the Motherland and elementary skills of "community".
        1. +1
          10 June 2015 13: 25
          Where did you see a graduate of a university or demobilization with intellect and life experience?
          At 20, life is just beginning. And what about women, and with the disabled, and with adults, but without a tower, and with a tower, but without an army? belay
          1. 0
            10 June 2015 14: 36
            Quote: Semyonitch
            And what about women, and with the disabled, and with adults, but without a tower, and with a tower, but without an army?
            Do you really want to vote?)
        2. 0
          10 June 2015 15: 15
          In general, you are right, but the same requirements should be for candidates.
          Cens must be! Including and age (like the President of 35) and social (those sitting and patients registered should not have voting rights, for example).
          Or our citizens are so naive as to play democracy, where just in the absence of a strict qualification for electors, instead of elections, "performances and circuses" are arranged, for example, by EdRos. Due to the mass of, in fact, indifferent absenteeists, any m.r.a.z. is legalized.
          Democracy is the worst form of government (s), but if it’s like in Russia, the oligarchy is hiding from this, then it’s a disaster.
    3. 0
      10 June 2015 15: 00
      Reading this work "Starship Troopers", and maybe really, the rights of citizenship only to those who have served their Motherland, in the army, and everyone else is defeated. In Israel, this is almost the case.
    4. 0
      10 June 2015 17: 26
      True, it is necessary to radically redo the entire government, and all societies initially. Otherwise, the blood of the hens will be shed symbolically
  15. +1
    10 June 2015 11: 16
    Yes, give her a belt on her return, so much so that she would remember for a lifetime. that you need to love your homeland and not betray.
    1. Fokker dr I
      10 June 2015 12: 06
      Quote: afrikanez
      Yes, give her a belt on her return,

      exactly - in a corner, knees on peas, "Our Father" eighteen times before lunch and soul-saving conversations with the confessor from the church within walking distance. Better yet, to a monastery.
    2. +1
      10 June 2015 13: 29
      Beatiyo-determines consciousness. angry
  16. 0
    10 June 2015 11: 36
    However, it is not a secret that an information war is being waged against modern Russia. Moreover, numerous organizations of various kinds, funded from foreign funds, are carrying out subversive work aimed at the radicalization and decomposition of Russian citizens, primarily youth.

    As they say, it's a no brainer that, since there are funds and organizations pursuing such a policy, there must be a corresponding Russian organization (s), leading, which is very important, a SMART "counter-battery" struggle, decisively fighting both these funds and organizations, and , which is very important in the first place, with their propaganda among Russian youth! Indifference and resting on our laurels in the hope of an automatic triumph in the minds of our younger generation, the youth of the values ​​inherent in Russian civilization is fraught with disappointment and great danger! You don't have to go far for an example: the Ukrainian youth who hate Russia, is the best proof!
  17. 0
    10 June 2015 11: 46
    "the main object of the corrupting influence of foreign agents is socially unadapted youth from the marginalized layers of the population." Rather, on the contrary. Children of a well-fed oligarchy have nothing to do, they don't know what to do and surprise the whole world.
  18. +1
    10 June 2015 11: 59
    "As the Russian politician Fyodor Biryukov (Rodina) rightly noted," we need to create an attractive alternative theory and practice, and not engage in the creation of snitching structures. "

    I totally agree.

    The main task of working with young people in power today is to minimize the threat to themselves and their children and heirs to whom it will be necessary to transfer the loot. To extinguish youth.

    Instead of consolidating the youth mass within the framework of a creative nationwide development project.
  19. +2
    10 June 2015 12: 04
    Quote: apro
    The lack of prospects in our society and pushes young people into alternative trends, such as Islam or nationalism, crime, lack of justice and duplicity of public consciousness. Discussing Vera Karaulova, everyone knows how to punish or teach how to live, but the best teacher, seeing life herself and seeing it with her still unruly eyes, justice and indifference do not always make the right choice.

    Oh well, no prospects. Is she from the village where there are three houses?
    It’s just that a whole generation of TPs has grown up who are looking for an easy life, who wants to drive any information good / bad into their heads, it doesn’t cost anything, and it doesn’t matter which institution it graduated from. Who do not want to think with their heads and strain so that they can do something. Dom-2 does its job, as well as all the other talk shows in which they show us that we need to get married successfully and do nothing to run through the boutiques - it's nice to live.
    Young people in the republics of the UK are better off fighting under the promises of paradise life in the ranks of the same igil and heaven in heaven later on, than going to work no matter where.
    I personally know those who don’t work, they sit shooting money at passers-by (acquaintances) for benz, cigarettes, but offer him a job as a locksmith ... He won’t work, it’s not fashionable, it’s not promising. It’s better to join Muslim brothers under beautiful promises.
    Or is the prospect of sitting in a chair? Not enough for all seats.

    It all depends on education. If I know that this is bad I will never lead and betray the faith ...
  20. +3
    10 June 2015 12: 11
    I liked the article, the author has a plus sign in karma.
    Now essentially.
    If you have nothing to offer, leave the market. So that's it. The state now has nothing to offer young people. Nothing at all. Leave all the cries that I am an "all-prophet" to yourself. Now they have just begun to come to the understanding that the one who is now three or four years old is a student tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow?
    WHAT does the state do of what it should do to educate young people? Where is "Zarnitsy"? Where is DOSAAF? On the paper?
    You know, I take off my hat and bow low to those who open some circles for the youth, military-patriotic, tourist, dance. But in many ways this is a private initiative. And we need powerful state support. And the state shifted the upbringing of young people to the shoulders of their parents, who are forced to survive. The result is logical. By the way, here's another question for the Orthodox Church. But is it not insulting to you, Mr. Gundyaev (I cannot call him the Patriarch), that your flock is fleeing to Islam?
    I do not want to contrast one religion with another, but the facts are stubborn things. You lose, Islam finds.

    The Nashi movement has aroused healthy dislike in me since its inception. Do you know why? Because they were created with appointed leaders strictly for narrowly targeted action. Win the elections, they say, the youth are "for Putin". Putin is fine anyway, but now Nashi are not needed, and where is this work with young people?
    In a word, politics, youth policy is needed. And it should be managed not by former bandits and speculators, who are now full of the State Duma, but by true leaders.
    Take an example of fan moves. If everything needs to be prompted.
  21. +1
    10 June 2015 13: 42
    Quote: Metallurg
    Take an example of fan moves. If everything needs to be prompted.

    Yes, why with fan movements. Can HJ start right away? IMHO - the offer .... harmful. stop
  22. 0
    10 June 2015 16: 04
    the girl’s look is bad ... black .. like cheeks are chubby for children, she smiles, but my Alabai is looking kinder ... here I am an unbeliever, and here I can clearly see the satanic hand
    1. +1
      10 June 2015 16: 15
      > 2015 year.
      > Site about the world military-political situation.
      > An article about a sensational case related to global terrorism and youth policy in Russia.
      > Commentary about the "satanic hand", which was found in the crooked photo.
  23. kin
    10 June 2015 17: 58
    Firstly, one girl is not a statistic. One hundred millionth from the whole country? Without statistics, it looks like something else.

    Secondly: where was mom? Why didn't she "probe" her daughter for marriage, etc. How many moms? Why didn't she secretly check (like some of my friends) the phone and computer of her child? And the father?

    The family missed the daughter. And the university is to blame, etc.
    1. 0
      13 June 2015 11: 42
      Quote: kin
      where was mom? Why didn't she "probe" her daughter for marriage, etc.
      The girl in the second year only, what is marriage? Now most people are getting married no earlier than 25, or even later.
  24. +1
    10 June 2015 22: 01
    A huge question for the University and the entire teaching staff.
    The child was in school and everything was fine.
    He came to Univer and as a result almost ended up in ISIS.
    How grilled Zhvanetsky: Can something be corrected at the Conservatory?
    And here is exactly this case!
    What, how they teach and who! And this is not a battered university on the outskirts.
    This is a metropolitan university. And there everything must be seized, including from our special services! Here is some kind of complete profanity and training, and education!
    A normal child came out of the family - a Russian girl, but at the university this child for some reason turned into an almost Muslim. Why? Is there a madrassah? Or a branch of ISIS?
  25. +1
    11 June 2015 00: 28
    Late to drink Borjomi, if the liver fell off. Adolescents need to be educated until they sit across the bed. After .... Khan.
    Hence the conclusion as it was, and remained ....
    State ideology and the SYSTEM of upbringing from birth to death. Raising a person and supporting him and his ideas in the continuation of his life. True, there is one ESSENTIAL PROBLEM !!!!
    "Our" ... the authorities must first, set an example ....
    Well, here it all ended ...
    And, as I would like, at least - to start!
  26. +1
    11 June 2015 01: 03
    Social sewage and criticism! ig-damn want to arrange a world gazavets!
  27. 0
    13 June 2015 15: 39
    Here's another:
    The Disturbing Perspectives of the Religious Sphere
    “Why is Russian the third language in the IS? Why did 4 to 12 thousand people leave with Russia with families with children, and only 600-700 people from Turkey with an absolute majority of Muslims, mostly without families, with direct proximity to the Syrian border? But from Afghanistan there is nobody at all, I mean the indigenous population ... Everyone knows the answer, but they never dare to say it. In Turkey, mosques are not destroyed, in Turkey, a handkerchief is not prohibited, in Turkey, classical literature is not prohibited. In Turkey, they do not run into the mosque during prayers and do not take 300 people to the department with subsequent insults and beatings. People in Turkey do not lose people just because they are Salafists or HT (8 thousand missing young Muslims in the Caucasus over 5 years). In Turkey, imams and muftis do not engage in scams, receive a clear salary, in Turkey 90 thousand mosques. In Istanbul, tens of thousands of mosques, and in Moscow, with half the population - Muslims, only 4. "
    Salman Bulgarian
  28. 0
    13 June 2015 15: 40
    The tragedy that occurred with the 31-year-old actor raises many questions, which, perhaps, will remain unanswered. The wife of Vadim Dorofeev Elena sounded the alarm long before she received the news of death. A 24-year-old Muscovite went to all levels, asked for help and wrote despairing letters to the editorial staff of television programs in order to find support. We give the text of one of them, which sets out the main events:
    "Help! My husband was taken to Syria for war! I am writing to you in despair, I would never have thought that I would do it. I went everywhere to the police, to Petrovka 38, I’ll go to the Foreign Ministry ... I’ll tell you briefly. My husband, actor Vadim Gennadievich Dorofeev, got in touch with very bad people, as a result, he converted to Islam in January 2014 with his friend Leonid Telezhinsky (he is also an actor). He persuaded me to convert to Islam and take the children to Syria. And his goal was a war for God .... Now I understand that he was zombified then in the beginning, because he behaved inappropriately, but I believed him .... As a result, on September 16, he left happy from home, said, that with friends at a sports bar, then an SMS came: “The phone picks up badly here”, and in the morning I received an SMS that he left for Syria by the will of Allah forever. He gets in touch, but writes complete nonsense that he did it for the sake of us all, that he would learn something there ... All the time he talks about Allah, I'm sure that he doesn’t write, because he makes mistakes in the text that he would never did ... Help me please! As it turned out, he bought tickets and flew with some kind of man ... My husband had no money, there was no shooting for a long time! Leonid, his friend, says that he knows nothing, although I know that he’s just lying ... Help, if you can! I do not know what to do! We have two children - a boy and a girl. Ilya will soon be 5 years old, Vasilina will only be 7 months old ... I know - he was in trouble! ”