WAY PUTIN. Known and unknown

WAY PUTIN. Known and unknown

The whole world knew that there was a return plan. Everyone said that he was going to return. But no one knew whether the Man would like to use this plan. It was also unknown when the Man announced his return, and whether he would announce it at all. It was also unknown what the future return of the Man would look like, which is unknown whether it will take place at all. But here the Man stepped over the line and the return took place, and the known, about which it was unknown, became henceforth famous, known.

On Saturday, September 24, in Moscow, at the United Russia congress, Vladimir Putin was nominated for presidency. With this, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation transferred the most complicated chess game to the endgame after transferring presidential power to himself, which he started in 2007. Then the demands of world politics he demanded from President Vladimir Putin to make a choice: either he obeys the dictates of the world community and leaves the post of head of state after a second term, or, despite the high opinion of democratic countries, remains for a third term president, changing the constitution of Russia. The choice was extremely unpleasant because of the many dangers, risks and pitfalls.

At that moment, Putin chose the path of following the formal requirements of the Russian constitution and resigned as president, transferring power to Dmitry Medvedev, under which he took the post of head of the Russian government. But, as life has shown, Putin remained the actual “father of the nation” all these four years, and President Medvedev rather performed representative functions. This is the bottom line. The reality all this time has been much more complex, conflicting and intense.

Putin has chosen and is quite successfully implementing the scenario of transferring power to his successor for another two terms of six years, and has identified his own person as a successor. If he succeeds in bringing this elegant combination to a victorious end in the presidential election in the spring of 2012, then he can be called a genius of palace intrigue that has few equal in the newest and even new stories.

But the medal of such a choice is not only the facade shining side. There is also a second side associated with the colossal responsibility that will fall on Vladimir Putin’s shoulders when he once again officially takes the chair of the head of the Russian state. We will talk about this responsibility.


In fact, Putin was not an enemy of the West. It is more appropriate to talk about the evolution of his views: from frankly pro-Western - in the first years of government, to cautious and pragmatic - at the time of leaving the presidency in 2008 year. One thing is sure: Vladimir Putin was never exactly a puppet of Washington, although in most cases he played according to the rules established in the world, which are written in the White House.

On the other hand, the US democratic administration, however, like the republican one, did not hesitate to demonstrate their dislike for Vladimir Putin, and in the last year or two they openly unleashed a psychological war of annihilation against him. The apotheosis of this war was the so-called "reset" of Russian-American relations, which the US saw as a repetition of Gorbachev's perestroika. According to its results, Dmitry Medvedev was to be re-elected president of Russia for a second term, and the dismemberment of the Russian Federation should occur as the final of his second term. It was during the "reset" that American strategists launched the idea of ​​G-2, the meaning of which was to divide the world, including Russia, "fraternally" between the United States and China.

We can confidently assume that in private conversations the Americans did not limit themselves to simple wishes, but directly hinted to Putin and his closest comrades-in-arms to all the “ten Egyptian executions”, including the possibilities of the United States to provoke another democratic revolution like the Arab Spring in Russia. In addition, the Western community did everything possible and impossible to force Dmitry Medvedev to break his agreements with Vladimir Putin on tandem rule, for which the fifth column in the Russian elite, which traditionally controls the Russian economic and financial blocks in the government and the Central Bank, was fully involved. .

In fact, the “reset” of relations between Russia and America was “overload”, as it was mistakenly written on the red button, which US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offered to symbolically press the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. It turned out quite according to Freud.

Putin, contrary to the plans of the Americans, nevertheless moved to the presidency, and, most likely, will be re-elected. You can draw some conclusions after the fact.

First, Vladimir Putin took the US threats seriously and took preventive measures to secure himself in the geopolitical field.

Secondly, Dmitry Medvedev did not dare, or simply did not wish to enter into a confrontation with Putin, despite the pressure of the West.

Thirdly, Putin’s group in the Russian leadership has not betrayed him and has not gone over to the camp of his political enemies, despite the blackmail and threats of the American administration.

Fourth, it is also clear that from now on, neither the Americans nor Putin can no longer afford the luxury of retreating in this fight or losing. "Woe to the vanquished." Vladimir Putin understands this truth very well. Understand her and his friends in power. And his enemies in the Russian elite.

Silent scene

The response to Putin’s announcement as a presidential candidate was the silent scene at the top of the “world community”, which was then replaced by a general hysteria that gradually grew into the dull murmur of protocol banalities “about readiness for cooperation and partnership.”

To voice their deep disappointment, the West has exposed the former British Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Anthony Brenton, an open foe of Russia with many years of experience. Brenton, arguing that Putin’s decision to run for the presidency of Russia was “undemocratic,” said that “the West can expect a serious confrontation with Russia.”

Inside Russia, the case was not limited to statements of disagreement alone. Finance Minister Rossi Kudrin, who perceived his post as a place of ministry to the US Federal Reserve rather than the Russian people, openly protested the presidential nomination of Vladimir Putin, after having previously coordinated his demarche with Washington. It can not be ruled out that the minister’s demonstrative “treason” was not unfounded, but was supported by the West by threats of arrest of assets or large Russian corporate and personal accounts. But, be that as it may, the very next day the American protégé was defiantly expelled from his post by the decree of President Medvedev. Should we doubt that it was Vladimir Putin who responded to the White House with such a blow, having formalized this business with the hands of President Dmitry Medvedev? By this move, Putin, moreover, in one fell swoop, gained control over the trillion-dollar Russian budget, which all the years of Russian independence through Yeltsin’s efforts was under the “economic jurisdiction” of Wall Street banks. If events continue to develop in the framework of such a trend, then very soon we should expect a sharp fight for the right of the Russian Federation to independently manage its own gold and foreign exchange reserves, which are deposited today, for the most part, in American banks. All this, as you understand, is the essence of the steps towards Russia's real sovereignty, which neither Washington, nor London, nor Brussels, nor little Switzerland really likes. Yes, and Kiev is not to their liking.



During the time that Putin was prime minister of the Russian government, the world has changed a lot. The reason for this was the global economic crisis, officially launched in 2008 year and threatening to last for decades. The fact that the state of affairs in the global economy has not long stood up to any criticism was well known to all those interested in the economy. The real depth of the defeat of the financial system was unknown, and the timing of the possible onset of a large-scale crisis was also unknown. The forms of manifestations that the world crisis was preparing to accept were unknown. The more unknown were the ways of overcoming the crisis phenomena, of which it was known only that they might have had to show themselves as unknown, and it is not known when.

The attempt of the world elite to overcome economic difficulties with the usual monetarist methods led to the full-scale destruction of the stability of public finances in the USA and the EU, and also demonstrated the complete unwillingness of the Western establishment to control the state of affairs in its own economy. In the world, on a headcount each other, the tendency to centralize economic powers in the hands of the transnational financial oligarchy is growing, and the opposite is to divide the world into clusters and recreate separate zones of economic and political influence under the auspices of world powers: China, Russia, the EU and the USA.

Russia in the new world

What will happen to Vladimir Putin, who is taking over the presidency? Let's face it, from now on, both the Russian and the world elite will precisely mean him to be the president of Russia. It is from him that Russian citizens will begin to ask how from the first person, and Vladimir Putin will practically have no opportunity to maneuver behind the scenes, hiding behind the still de jure presidency of Dmitry Medvedev.

It is worth taking a look at the situation in Russia by securing a far enough horizon.

First, in the three years that have passed since the beginning of the crisis, Russia has failed to fully restore the economy, save it from key problems and protect it from the harmful effects that could be caused by a fall in world oil prices. In fact, over the years, no fundamental innovations in the economic sphere have been made in Russia. The country, by inertia, having saddled a new rise in world prices for energy carriers, swam in the wake of dollar and euro emissions, which were flooded by the US and European crisis. Moreover. Cases, both in the industrial sphere of the Russian Federation and in agriculture, have noticeably worsened during this time, and dependence on imported consumer goods, food products and components has become critical.

Secondly, the positive emission effects in the global economy have exhausted themselves. Further development of the crisis will hurt Russia again. Everything will depend only on what tactics the US Federal Reserve will choose in the future to stop the recession. This could be a deflationary scenario, which will be accompanied by a sharp collapse in oil and gas prices, and perhaps a hyperinflationary scenario, which will lead to a nominal, perhaps even a significant increase in commodity prices. But the main consequence of any scenario may be a drop in global energy demand.

Thirdly, the difficulties of the European Union have become insurmountable, and the region is waiting for a series of state defaults, which will also be reflected in a decrease in oil and gas consumption. This will only aggravate the problems of the Russian economy.

Fourth, the destabilization of the Maghreb and the coming arson by the Americans of the Middle East and Afpak directly point to the following goals of the American geopolitical strike: the Caucasus and Central Asia. Probably, a part of the Russian elite, headed by Putny, have finally become convinced that the United States is going to overcome its difficulties, mainly due to the brutal appropriation of resources from the rest of the world. First of all, due to the resources of the raw countries that have grown richer over the past decades, getting oil and gas rent.

It is no longer impossible not to be aware of the fact that Washington is simply going to make an unceremonious dismemberment of Russia along the lines of the USSR. But according to this scenario, the world community, most likely, has prepared a personal fate for Putin and his law enforcement colleagues, not as pastoral as Gorbachev. More likely - like Milosevic or Mubarak.

Vladimir Putin could not fail to appreciate the grace of the Libyan scenario, when the West, who was actively friends with the leader of the Jamahiriya and actively presented him with state awards, without the slightest hesitation declared Muammar Gaddafi a "dictator" and began to show fake about the "atrocities of the regime" and " democratic revolutionaries ", forced the UN to adopt a resolution on delegitimizing the legitimately elected government in Tripoli, and then made a military operation to defeat Libyan statehood. The fooled world public opinion didn’t really pay attention to the fact that, under the noise of the “struggle for democracy”, the NATO intervention organizers froze Libyan assets in Western banks in the amount from 100 to 150 billions of dollars. This money will go to pay for the costs of NATO intervention, as well as the maintenance of a military group and NATO military bases in Libya. Putin cannot fail to understand that 500’s billions of dollars of Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves, which are currently “preserved” in the banks of the countries of the “democratic community”, are in the modern unipolar world “legitimate prey” of the United States and its allies. It cannot be ruled out that the Americans have long ago “disposed of” this money, and now they have no choice but to declare the Russian regime “criminal” and organize its overthrow by hiding the ends of their machinations with Russian reserves in the water. Something like that, apparently, became known to the Russian special services, and this pushed Putin to force the exacerbation of the “chess game” on his own re-election, not even waiting for the outcome of the December elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The answer to this challenge will require tremendous exertion of forces and resources, and it’s not a fact that it will not lead to a direct clash between Russia and the United States directly within the borders of the Russian state.

Fifth, the volume of surplus product in the Russian Federation has sharply decreased, which the Russian elite redistributed by consensus in their favor in the form of “corruption rent”, paying for their own comfortable life in London, Paris and the Cote d'Azur. The drama of the situation lies in the fact that Putin knows that the number of high-status eaters who are fed from the Russian budget does not become smaller, which cannot be said about the amount of resources. But these "eaters" themselves do not wish to perceive the coming harsh reality as objective inevitability. All of them are hoping for the continuation of the banquet, which will no longer be, but this is known only to Putin and a few, and it is also known that for the majority of the Russian elite this famous will remain unknown. And it will be Putin who will fall all the rage of the elite when she does not get her usual feeding. It is from among the high-ranking elite of the United States that they will form the fifth column of traitors, which, according to their plan, will open the “gates of Moscow” to the enemy. In any case, this model of the power vertical, which existed 7-8 years in Russia in recent years, has stalled, and it will need to be changed to something much more adequate to the new challenges. The impact of the financial crisis will be a monstrous force, and it will be unrealistic to live through its old baggage.

Steps to the Unknown

It seems that Putin has begun to gradually prepare the personnel and administrative revolution, which will have to be combined with the economic and social revolution. Russia's chance is that Putin will manage to hold it from above. Probably, some individual elements of the upcoming transformations, Vladimir Putin is already trying to implement in his characteristic style of special operations.

In particular, in his speech at the United Russia congress, the newly minted presidential candidate suddenly openly attacked the sacred dogma of the world financial elite and stated that “the economic model based on building up loans has exhausted itself”. Putin went even further, and announced that in Russia it was necessary to write off all corporate debts to the banking sector and begin almost a new “industrialization” of Russia. If we see the stages of a geopolitical plan in front of us, then soon we will witness how President Dmitry Medvedev, by his decree, will make personnel changes in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, de facto changing its functions. In addition, Russia may force the repatriation of its gold reserves to the sovereign territory, which will mark the beginning of an open confrontation with the United States.

By and large, Russia has no chance of preserving statehood as a result of the crisis in the framework of the modern model of the world order. Russia is not able, within the framework of the liberal model, to survive the coming financial storm without the hardest losses. The prospect of survival, and, possibly, of Rossi’s leap, is to create its own currency area, and make it one of the first.

This will require making a whole series of very responsible and decisive steps and being ready for the most acute confrontation with the West. But the alternative is a tragedy ten times scaled on Russian territory that accompanied the collapse of the USSR.

What are these steps?

The most important step is to increase the potential market of the future currency zone by establishing control — political, military, and economic — over the territories of the former USSR, or even some countries of the former CMEA (a prototype of the future ruble zone). For many, it will become unexpected when very soon the disintegration of the EU and chaos in the Muslim world will make for many countries an entry into an alliance with Russia not only possible, but even desirable or simply salvific. Monitoring the territory with a population of 300 millions of people, multiplied by the resource abundance of Russia and the nuclear shield, will make such a project quite promising.

The second step is a change in the socio-economic model of government. The first tentative steps, judging by the tele-picture, Vladimir Putin has already done, having removed Aleksey Kudrin from his post as minister of finance and voiced the theses of the new economic doctrine. Whether the following words and steps will follow to establish the sovereign control of the Russian Federation over its own monetary unit is a question. We will get an answer to it very soon, since Putin’s time is limited. It seems that the battle for the Central Bank of Russia and the gold reserves with the United States may occur even before the elections. It is impossible to guarantee that the US plans do not provide for the announcement of Putin’s presidential elections as illegitimate, and for this reason, the seizure of Russian assets and corporate accounts in Western banks.

The third step is the revival of industrial Russia and the entire future zone of its influence. If we correctly interpret the actions of the Russian leadership, then mobilization of the people is coming. It will express itself in the fact that citizens will realize and confirm their understanding in practice that real life is not sitting in offices and not marking time in security firms, but labor in factories and construction sites, in design offices, in the sea, in the air and in space. There are not so many economic models in service with the Russian authorities in such a reality, or rather just two or three. Firstly, it is a model of the Soviet industrialization of 30-ies, which envisages a sharp inclination of the state towards sociality and justice. Secondly, this is the model of Yalmar Schacht, who led the industrial revolution in Germany in the same 30s. Thirdly, an improved “Belarusian model” scaled over the entire Russian territory and supported by facilitated access to natural resources.

The fourth step is a personnel revolution. Here, no such explanation is required, because it is difficult to imagine monetarist fanatics, who faithfully believe in the “miraculous hand of the free market”, as builders of factories and space centers. And all the people need moral sobering up and a powerful shake-up, which would make millions of people again believe in their strength and desire high social goals and ideals.

The fifth step is the suppression of corruption.

The sixth step is the nationalization of mineral resources, energy, large-scale industry, land, utilities, as well as wholesale distribution infrastructure, transport and communications. It will be necessary to completely rethink the goals and objectives of the Russian banking system, since so far the money of banks has not become the blood of the real economy, but has been and continues to be directed to the speculative sector.

Obviously, after the second blow of the financial crisis, the Russian industry will fall outside the limits of profitability, and the government will nationalize the unprofitable economy in order to turn it into a profitable one. Only in this way will it be possible to provide it with guaranteed sales in the domestic market of its currency area.

And finally, the seventh step that Vladimir Putin will need to do is to put an end to the rampant criminality in Russia, or rather to eliminate the sovereignty of ethnic organized crime. Organized on a tribal basis, gangs of people from the Caucasus and Central Asia terrify law-abiding citizens with their transcendent cruelty and cohesion. Civil society has no immunity against them, since these groups act according to the laws of the pack, they corrupt or even force the police, judges and prosecutors under their control. On the path of ethnic crime should stand the state and put an end to it physically. Quickly and decisively. If this is not done, then such organizations will very easily turn into fighting units of the liberal West, and will be aimed at overthrowing the legitimate Russian authorities. It was the armed criminal groups organized by ethnic, tribal and religious principle that became the pioneers of the civil war in Syria and Libya. In Russia, everything is ready for the realization of the identical scenario.

This is all about economics and home affairs. An even more important problem, the solution of which will fall on Putin’s shoulders during his third term is to lead Russia out of the geopolitical impasse, where it wandered after the collapse of the USSR.



The growing chaos of the world clearly demonstrates the features of consistency and artificiality. It is worth making some predictions about what measures Vladimir Putin will take to change the geopolitical positioning of Russia in the very near future, probably not even waiting for the official presidential election.

Facts worth mentioning.

First, while in the office of the Russian prime minister, Putin did his best to increase defense spending and, as he could, tried to carry out and modernized the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Criticism fell on his head both from the liberal public for excessive de-militarization, and from the patriotic public for the "bad Minister of Defense" and his unintelligible policy. But be that as it may, the Russian army today is a formidable force by European standards, which also has a nuclear club. There are air defense systems that promise unacceptable damage to the enemy aviation while trying to implement the Libyan scenario in Russia, as well as those capable of intercepting most of the NATO cruise missiles on approach to targets.

Secondly, while in recent years as head of government, Putin retained the actual leadership of the country's foreign policy. If we describe this policy in a few words, then it seems to us a policy of restrained and cautious. Its main task was to ensure foreign policy stability along the perimeter of the borders and try to use the respite after the Russian-Georgian war to prepare for a larger confrontation - with the United States. It seems that Vladimir Putin was forced to take a number of ambiguous foreign policy steps for Russia, delaying the start of an open conflict with the Americans. This should include the START-3 agreement, a “reset”, the actual abandonment of the results of a victorious war with Georgia, support for resolutions on Iran and, finally, the surrender of Libya to plunder NATO countries. It is fair to note here that formally all the most controversial steps in the international arena were not made by Putin personally, but by the current President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Probably, in just such an uncomplicated way, Putin reserved for himself the possibility in the future, without prejudice to his reputation, to abandon the implementation of the predecessor's agreements - fully or partially.

Bear and dragon

If we recall that, synchronously with Russia, the UN Security Council and China voted on most controversial issues, not particularly hindering the implementation of the American and NATO plans, then we can suspect the existence of a certain system and even a Russian-Chinese agreement.

From reliable sources it is known that in August-September 2010, extremely important closed negotiations were held between the leadership of the Russian Federation and the PRC, where the two countries agreed to coordinate their strategy to counter the expansion of the United States. During this period, Putin made the final decision to run for a third term, fully aware that his coming reign would be fundamentally different from the first two, which would become the rule of wartime, and not peacetime.

They understand this in Washington too, and therefore the Americans forced the beginning of the open phase of the war, blowing up political stability along the whole length of the Anaconda Arc, from the Maghreb to Pakistan. During his official visit to Russia 9-11 in March 2011 of the year, in the midst of the Arab revolutions, US Vice President Joseph Biden openly put forward the demand for Vladimir Putin to give up his presidency in 2012. The Russian Prime Minister’s response came after a six-month pause, during the 24-26 period of September 2011, when the Russian Prime Minister launched an asymmetrical counter-strike, rejecting this ultimatum de facto. Observing all the procedural formalities and maintaining the utmost calm, Vladimir Putin moved to the presidency of Russia.

Russia and the People’s Republic of China did not actually prevent the United States and NATO from engaging in regional conflicts, but now they are in no way helping to resolve these conflicts, letting the West gradually get bogged down in them. Of particular note is the situation in Libya, when the NATO military Moloch came upon unexpectedly heroic resistance by Colonel Gaddafi. The Libyan resistance, instead of the expected one or two months of NATO, stretched for half a year, and there is no end to it.


The Libyan war may give Putin another generous bonus in the future. Failure on the Libyan front will put a fat cross on the political career of the restless opponent of Russia, Nicolas Sarkozy, who heads France today.

In addition, the Russian prime minister managed, by hook or by crook, not to surrender the positions he won before the crisis in the gas war. Firstly, the Nabucco gas pipeline was never born. And, secondly, Vladimir Putin nevertheless launched the Nord Stream gas pipeline to Germany, which in the process deprived Ukraine of the transit gas transmission monopoly and took away the last geopolitical trump card from Kiev. And he did it, it must be admitted, despite the total resistance of the United States and its puppet allies in the EU. Moreover, this gas pipeline was actually put into operation as a result of the direct collusion of Putin’s grouping with the German economic elite behind Angela Merkel, who advocated more American interests than German ones.

If we recall the notorious axiom that in real life “there are no coincidences”, then the political decline at the same time Angels Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy - two main opponents of Russia in Europe - will have to happen in time. In the very near future, this opens the door to a closer rapprochement or even a union between Russia, Germany and France, which can be on the agenda after the collapse of the euro zone. This configuration of New Europe, led by the above three countries, has been under discussion for more than a decade, but this has always been hampered by the Anglo-Saxon part of the world community. The post-crisis world opens up new geopolitical perspectives outside of today's alliances, and Putin’s perseverance in this field with an eye to the future evokes only respect and approval.

The prolonged war in Libya and the sharp deterioration of the economic situation, apparently, disrupted the US schedule to destabilize the Arc of Anaconda. Most likely, the plan that envisaged the consistent overthrow of legitimate governments, from Morocco, through Syria and Iran, and right up to and including Pakistan, stalled after a vigorous start in January-February 2011. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unconvincing attempts to threaten Pakistan and all the forces provokes there a rebellion against his own protege of President Asif Ali Zardari, while having at the hands tired demoralized troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in the rear - the unresolved Palestinian problem, the coming of the Arab-Israeli war and not wanting to "democratize" Syria and Iran.


Putin, having taken over the presidency of Russia, should be ready to oppose the Euro-Atlantic dictates. This conflict was programmed by the entire previous history of Putin's rule, when Russia embarked on the path of regaining its superpower status. Today, of course, one can talk a lot about the opportunities that had been missed by the Russian elite in the pre-crisis years. But it is reasonable to look at it from a different angle. Let's say it’s already good that Russia managed to avoid an economic collapse, social upheavals and debt collapse imported from the West, as it happened in the EU. The possibilities were purely theoretical, and not only in Russia. Each of the major players acquired something during these years, and missed or lost something, through their own or someone else's fault. Russia is not a “spherical body in a vacuum,” endowed with imaginary or imaginary characteristics. Real life involves participation in historical work of quite specific Russian political and state figures, and very specific Russians, as well as living, not invented Americans, Germans, Chinese or English. It is easy to fall into temptation and engage in meaningless training on the topic, and what would happen today if, for example, Joseph Stalin, or Theodore Roosevelt, was at the head of the Russian Federation? But this will never happen, and therefore it is much more reasonable to realize that it was Vladimir Putin who announced his claims to the presidency in Russia, and not Ivan the Terrible, Nicholas II or Stolypin, and it is Putin who is almost guaranteed to be elected for a third term. It is America Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who will attack Russia at the moment when it is headed by Vladimir Putin. And on what decisions he will make, which people at these moments will support him and confront him both inside and outside Russia, which people will betray him, and which ones will sacrifice their personal interests and even lives, and this will be depend on the fate of Russia and the entire post-Soviet space.

We can only guess how Putin will meet future challenges, which is what all participants in the political process are doing, with more or less success. The third president’s term is not Putin, who was elected in 2000, but a new man, largely unknown to us. More of that. He will come to lead the wrong Russia, which once actually saved it from collapse, but another country, also largely unknown, for it will have coming unknown challenges that it can withstand and survive - is unknown.

On the other hand, the enemies of Russia and her friends are in the same uncertainty. The course of history in recent years has accelerated sharply. We would venture to suggest that in the very near future the Russian leader will have to solve tasks that still seem incredible today even in a speculative formulation.

It seems to us that after a while Russia will have to take upon itself the heavy burden of responsibility and regain control over the Transcaucasus, uprooting out a hotbed of terrorist activity.
There may be a situation where Russia, together with the People’s Republic of China or independently, will have to introduce military contingents into the countries of the former Soviet Central Asia in order to stop the flaming up of the fire of barbarization there.

The impending debt crisis of the Eurozone countries will directly result in the inevitable ruin of the countries of Eastern Europe. The hopes of the EU leadership to put on the brakes the upcoming default of Greece, having avoided the systemic bankruptcy of the largest banks, may not materialize. If financial troubles get out of the control of the European bureaucracy, many of the European countries will be plunged into the gravest socio-economic catastrophe. At this moment, a new open redivision of the world will begin, which will collapse on us as unexpectedly as all previous historical cataclysms. Vladimir Putin will be president at such a time, and he will have to personally take responsibility for choosing whether to accept or not to accept a country in the Russian zone of influence, either a fragment of the European Union lying on the roadside, or an inglorious outcome, most of the former union republics. Will Russia, headed by Vladimir Putin, be able to throw them a lifeline, including in its historical orbit?

The Era of the Unknown is coming, where Russia will have a chance to become a designer of the future Unknown World or sink into oblivion. But at least it’s not so bad that in the coming Uncertainty, one of the captains will be Vladimir Putin. So we wish him good luck!

And may God help us!
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  1. kesa1111
    12 October 2011 21: 42
    That one FSB, that the other two and a pair. There were no elections yet, but we are already castling. It is clear that they can’t get more than 15 percent, but the gebists have their own logic, too.
    1. slas
      9 March 2012 13: 09
      Quote: kesa1111
      That one FSB, that the other two and a pair. There were no elections yet, but we are already castling. It is clear that they can’t get more than 15 percent, but the gebists have their own logic, too.

      you are not kesa1111 you are kitty vorobyaninov laughing
  2. -1
    12 October 2011 22: 22
    oh what notes in the soul affected by this article .....
    oh how do you want to believe in all this ....
    1. slas
      9 March 2012 13: 10
      Quote: Kuygorozhik
      oh how do you want to believe in all this ....

      you must not believe but KNOW Yes
  3. war
    12 October 2011 22: 23
    Well, then glorify the bloody gbnyu ... ugh.
  4. nickname bj
    12 October 2011 22: 26
    And why is Khodorkovsky sitting, but Luzhkov and Baturin not? And why is no one able to address the masses through the media? Yes, a lot of questions ... This article is charged for election campaigning?
  5. Aleksey42
    12 October 2011 22: 28
    Whatever one may say, but it is simply indecent to change the Constitution for yourself, even if it is by someone else's hands. It is clear that pendostan is up to something, but why do you need to wait for the third term to start fighting corruption and crime? And what about "collusion" with China? Here it is generally not clear where the guarantee is that these conspiracies will not turn against us. In general, it looks like a pre-election razvodilovo, like you will not vote for Putin, tomorrow is war! By the way, in my opinion, it was much more convenient to conquer Russia in the late 90s, don't you think?
  6. bol-sergey76
    12 October 2011 22: 40
    Yes, the article is openly pre-election. Despite the fact that I greatly respected the beginning of Putin’s career, now his path and his I.O. leads somehow in different directions. After all, it turns out that Putin is put as the savior of Russia (and maybe it is), but nevertheless Medvedev, with his fucking nanotechnology and a breakthrough in the field of electronics, is the officially elected president of the Russian Federation. The question arises: if you wanted to find Putin’s successor for 4 years, and then give the power back - well, why did you need to choose this highly creative, highly ambitious moron? Could it have been made easier? Or how?
    12 October 2011 22: 52
    --- "The Era of the Unknown is approaching, where Russia will have a chance to become the designer of the future World, it is not so bad that in the future Unknown, one of the captains will be Vladimir Putin."

    The party is our helmsman! Or what else to remember from mold ...
    Meanwhile, 5 inspections (this is statistics) from the commerce for 2011 (2 of them with the involvement of the prosecutor's office) and as a result of the general collection of a round sum (in the form of fines and licenses) will probably contribute to the dominance of the Unsinkable rating.

    --- "It was also unknown what the coming return of Man would look like, which is unknown whether it will take place at all."

    I don’t understand where the donkeys are?
    All the crooked GDP movements were known even during the advertising of the “receiver from nowhere”, Dmitry Anatolyevich. Al whose memory is lost? Unprofessional PR! Afftara on the soap ...
  8. rnb1983
    12 October 2011 23: 17
    Putin's path can be a pre-election campaign. But realities are alarming .... We are getting ready friends !!!!
  9. 0
    13 October 2011 00: 04
    I wonder if there is somewhere in this world where the words "politics" and "shit" are not synonymous?
    1. sirToad
      13 October 2011 03: 28
      most likely such a place is the country of elves. and in the rest of the world, yes, yes, politics is shit
  10. aleleo_aleleley
    13 October 2011 00: 07
    1) Kudrin had a conflict precisely with Medvedev, and Putin said that Kudrin remained in the government until Medvedev removed him from all posts and it was said that he would never and never. Kudrin himself is not an American creature, he created and kept the Stabilization Fund of Russia. Although the defense spending, it seems, was wrong.
    2) The entire Arab arc began to fall apart from Tunisia, who forgot. The reason that all the colonels there sat out all the terms from the time of the liberation revolutions and there was only a push.
    3) America is retreating from all geopolitical fronts. She was not in Libya, near such a piece. Your problems are higher than the roof.
    4) China is no ally to us. Communist China stood on a mountain and watched the USSR fall apart. China is our main threat, which the military do not see at point blank range. Otherwise, one must train 1 against 10, develop tactical nuclear weapons and improve operational control with maneuvers on the ground against a large enemy, with little experience in such control.
    5) All Putin’s maneuvers led to the fact that among the people the image of the supreme power for the first time began to fork. and now with the support of the common people it will be much worse. The whole country falls into nihilism.
  11. Sergh
    13 October 2011 01: 33
    In principle, watching all the Russian scrapes from the 90th, everything is true. Putin did not allow to plunge into a bucket with the urine of Russia. Even from 2001, the turn of the sail in the wind was clearly visible. It is what it is.
    A tricky business, the idea of ​​returning the stabilization fund and gold reserves from amers! Yes, they found where to hide. Well, I guess this is a secret operation and very much. After all, find out such a thing that at least one country, especially Russia, is exporting its gold from America, instantly all countries will rush to do the same thing, and the amounts are insane and the States probably don't have half of this gold left. The country is bankrupt. There is no need for any war, come and take half the country for a penny along with Hillary's cowards. Question? Of course the Merikos won't give it up, it's more like a war (tfu-tfu), or persuasion, like: "just don't tell anyone ...". Although they will find out, they will even shout on purpose! Incidentally, this is not casual about Kudrin, there were suspicions ..., of course, we will not find out the truth today, but we will follow an interesting situation.
    But honestly, and besides him who ... no one else. I understand that it’s difficult to move Russia from the couch.
    1. sirToad
      13 October 2011 03: 33
      USA is the office of "horns and hooves" office - five-plus, smiling staff, office equipment of a new carriage. but ... you just have to try to take your money - it turns out that all this is a props in real life on the balance sheet of the enterprise is one broken stool - the director is a homeless person and the founder is an oligophrenic who died the year before last.
  12. NUT
    13 October 2011 01: 46
    Grandfather Petro (with whom I would have drunk, but was small) strongly recommended not to puzzle over that garbage, but to ask someone who had eaten this for a long time and you took a shot:

    “The individual is absolutely helpless in the face of a global conspiracy, which is so monstrous that he cannot and does not want to believe in it.
    Edgar Hoover (FBI Director)

    "There is more than a king behind any throne"
    William Pete (1770)

    "The New World Order with US hegemony is being created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the ruins of Russia
    Z. Brzezinski

    Peter the Great thanked the European ambassadors for their tremendous help in building the Russian State. If scolded, then I’m doing it right. praise, I do not faithful

    Putin Europe and the United States greatly praised?
    1. Don
      13 October 2011 17: 54
      So then they don’t praise him, it means he’s doing the right thing. And who among the members of the forum says that they are proteges of the West.
    2. slas
      9 March 2012 13: 13
      Quote: NUT
      Peter the Great thanked the European ambassadors for their tremendous help in building the Russian State. If scolded, then I’m doing it right. praise, I do not faithful

      Putin Europe and the United States greatly praised?

      plus you winked
  13. baxti6519
    13 October 2011 02: 15
    the main thing is that there would be no traitor-weather vane in the team. when there is a close-knit team, people, country, then nothing is scary, even the most rabid enemies respect it and will be considered. and for this you need to "beat" your crooks, saboteurs, marauders, etc.
  14. zczczc
    13 October 2011 02: 17
    Only one phrase is indisputable in the article - "The course of history has sharply accelerated in recent years."

    By the way, information for young pathfinders - this article is reprinted from the site of the Ukrainian party "Great Ukraine". It is strange that she has all the symbols in Latin (the icon did not fit, since it is giant):

    By the way, I read two interesting phrases in the manifesto of this party:
    “Great Ukraine” party has a great deal of knowledge, including the status of the most important country in power, the status of the nuclear status of the pool, strategic clemency, as well as the small amount of negative support for the defense of the country, scientific and industrial development, science .

    We won’t be able to recapture the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in Krima without overthrowing the national interests of Ukraine and guaranteeing the security of Sevastopol Bay and the national infrastructure of Ukraine for Ukraine.

    This rare neighborhood is usually either one or the other.

    And the schedule there is a powerful weapon! :) http://vu.ua/article/materials/Placards/956.html.
    I especially liked the medal "For the capture of Istanbul" and the map of military operations to capture Turkey.
    And the calendar is so good!
  15. Volkhov
    13 October 2011 03: 53
    Putin's path is towards Western goals, but along the path of strengthening the "state", since otherwise the herd will start scattering, and instead of sausages, mustangs will turn out. It is much more convenient to call from Washington to Moscow than to communicate with the guerrillas and the local administration loyal to them. The state apparatus also provides external control over Russia.
  16. Katuckoff
    13 October 2011 05: 00
    It's interesting, be patient ... GOOD LUCK ...
  17. mind1954
    13 October 2011 06: 09
    By 1998, TrNA hands prepared a shift
    Yeltsin Chernomyrdin. Default was prepared
    and in place of Chernomyrdin the "mortgage sheep" was put -
    - "Kinder Surprise".
    It became clear to Yeltsin's "family" that their days were numbered.
    The new owner is the new team.
    And then it became a shame how much you can in lackeys
    walk and eat leftovers from the master’s table,
    when you can become the master and yourself
    deal with the sale of the country, and not be in the wings.
    Who did not agree and relied too much on the owners,
    Gusinsky, Berezovsky, Khodarkovsky, etc. suffered.
    Meanwhile, Chernomyrdin was in the United States, participated in the commission
    Gore - Chernomyrdin, was everywhere represented, approved.
    He returned to the Russian Federation. Here to you and default with the next looting.
    "Kinder" to hell. Chernomyrdin got ready, and, suddenly, his
    rating in the Duma 4% !!!! Everything is in shock! USA, recollecting itself,
    promised $ 200 billion if Chernomyrdin is appointed.
    But here they stood to death.
    In general, the United States led by the TNCs for a long time could not recover
    from the loss of power and such an impudent rebellion of clerks,
    and they didn’t see the new president point-blank, no matter how much he assured and
    nor swore invariability of the course.
    Clinton, as far as I remember, never met -
    - Frankly boycotted.
    And only Bush, when finally resigned, said.
    Yes, this is our guy, I believe him!

    PS Famous Sobchak taught at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
    and the first in the USSR organized a legal cooperative.
    So the Cossacks of the "new life" are all sent!
  18. forsilon
    13 October 2011 08: 27
    It is so necessary to scare people to vote for Putin. A very difficult situation has been drawn, and if all this is so, then who created it? Who gave the stabilization fund? Who has not and does not revive the industry? Who does not fight corruption? What took two presidential terms and one chairman of the government for Vladimir Vladimirovich? Before the elections there are always all problems on the surface and ways to solve them are clear, but then everything remains the same and new problems are added. I think that our leaders are only occupied with themselves and their well-being. The love of power and the love of money are satisfied. They have no thoughts about the well-being of people and the power of the state.
  19. -2
    13 October 2011 10: 00
    Oh, what a good GDP it turns out, but I thought it was a sinful thing ...
    Wait in the spring on the screens of the country for the epic "And the Savior Will Come - 2"
  20. 916-th
    13 October 2011 14: 10
    Excerpts from sentence of the military tribunal for the destructive activities of V. Putin:

    On February 10, 2011, in the city of Moscow, by the decision of the All-Russian Officer Meeting, a military tribunal was held to review the destructive activities of Putin V.V.

    "A group of scientists, lawyers, major military specialists, experts from various fields of knowledge, after conducting a deep and unbiased analysis of V. Putin's activities, came to the unequivocal conclusion that he had committed deliberate actions that led to a sharp weakening of the military, economic and other power of the country."

    “We proceed from the fact that all the actions that led to a significant weakening of the country's defense capability were committed by V. Putin. There is a direct connection between his actions and the consequences. We also realize that the collapse of the country's armed forces was started by B. Yeltsin, but V. Putin not only did not oppose, but strengthened it. "

    "The illegal acts of V. Putin before and during his presidency were expressed in different forms, ranging from participation in the so-called operation on illegal movement of A. Sobchak across the state border ..., and in fact, withdrawal from criminal prosecution, which was conducted against him by the General Prosecutor's Office Of the Russian Federation in the early 90s, before the deliberate weakening of the defense capability of the Russian state due to its substantial underfunding, through the issuance of clearly untenable decrees and orders, the appointment of obviously incompetent individuals to leading positions, the formation of government bodies on the basis of the St. Petersburg mafia clan, the authorities of irresponsibility and lack of control, an environment of general corruption and permissiveness, which have been skillfully disguised and are still masked by populist speeches, television broadcasts, an attempt by the bureaucratic United Russia party through obedient and controlled media to create from V.Putin the image of the national leader and savior of the Fatherland. "

    “... it was under Putin’s rule that corruption and embezzlement reached incredible proportions, significantly weakening the country's defense. Not anyone, but V. Putin, being president, in 2003 introduced to the State Duma an amendment to the Criminal Code to remove such an effective means of influence on dangerous criminals like property confiscation. "
  21. 916-th
    13 October 2011 14: 40
    Continuation of extracts from the sentence:

    "Being in the head of the FSB of Russia in 1998-99, he disbanded the departments of economic counterintelligence and counterintelligence support of strategic objects. The first revealed all the most serious economic crimes, the second prevented the enterprises that constituted the glory of Russia from being taken over by foreigners."

    "... after V. Putin's exit to the big Olympus of state power, in his former St. Petersburg environment, several deaths will occur, apparently unrelated to each other, including A. Sobchak, .... In the same row is the murder of L. Rokhlin, the first leader of the Movement in Support of the Army.Many of those who know V.Putin well, were with him in difficult situations, note in him harshness, turning into cruelty, a certain vindictiveness and his evil memory, the ability to "climb up" without hesitation in choosing the means to achieve the goal. "

    "Not anyone, but V. Putin on February 15, 2004 appointed a philologist by education S. Ivanov to the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation ... To replace him in such a responsible post, he was appointed A. Serdyukov ... After that the ministry defense has actually turned into a large commercial platform where A. Serdyukov simultaneously occupies senior positions in a number of firms.In September 2008, with his active participation, Oboronservis OJSC was created, registered in the building of the RF Ministry of Defense in Moscow at Znamenka str., 19 , which united 9 joint-stock companies specializing in independent areas of economic activity. Currently, there are more than 300 enterprises in OJSC Oboronservis, and A. Serdyukov appointed himself as its chairman. This is an unacceptable combination of the positions of minister and merchant, however V. Putin did not oppose him, because he considers business issues to be more important than the country's defense and security. "

    "The prosecution considers it correct to qualify Putin's orders related to the elimination of military bases in Vietnam (Cam Ranh), Cuba (Lourdes), the destruction of several divisions of railway-based missile systems (RT-23), as well as the destruction of the Russian space station Mir "As a hostile activity committed to the detriment of the external security of the Russian Federation (Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)."

    "Tribunal composed of the presiding Major General Kopyshev E.I., members of the tribunal Rear Admiral V.A. Popovich, Colonel V.M. Usov, with the participation of the Chief Prosecutor of the State Counselor of Justice of the 2nd class (Lieutenant General of Justice) Ilyukhin V.I. defender N.M. Prokopenko ....
    P O S T A N O V I L:
    The activities of Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, the former President of the Russian Federation, the former Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, now the Chairman of the Government of Russia, in the field of ensuring the country's defense are recognized as incompatible with national interests, as having a deliberately hostile character and causing irreparable damage to the external security of the Russian Federation.
    It is impossible to consider the continued stay of V.V. Putin in the public service, and his activities should be thoroughly investigated by the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and further judicial assessment.
    The decision of the tribunal to bring to the attention of the incumbent President of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the army and navy, all citizens of the Russian Federation.

    Chairman: E.I. Kopyshev, Major General

    The full text of the verdict of the military tribunal: http://www.viktor-iluhin.ru/node/361
    1. zczczc
      14 October 2011 03: 58
      916-thwhat happened to Ilyukhin after this tribunal, everyone knows.
  22. 0
    14 October 2011 20: 50
    the bullshit is certainly complete and China is somehow ignored, but we definitely need revenge for the 90s
  23. Evil Tatar
    9 March 2012 13: 44
    The author + 1000000 2011 XNUMX, and in fact October XNUMX ...
    And how thoughtfully written ... As if today ...
    Come back guys, discuss?