Kropotkin's patriotism: anarchist philosopher would not understand his modern followers

People born and living in Russia should jointly take care of its prosperity and well-being, and most importantly, of peace in the country, regardless of their political convictions and specific views on its social and political structure. But events in Ukraine show that in Russia there is no “fifth column”. There are people who, although they live in Russia, study here or work, may be the most genuine ethnic Russians “by passport and by face”, but in fact they hate Russia and the Russian people.

It is significant that in their Russophobia ultra-leftists are most active today. All sorts of anarchists, Trotskyists, neo-Marxists vied with each other about their desired prospects for ending the civil war in Ukraine, and they see this scenario as optimal for Russia. This is the extent to which hypocrisy and bloodthirstiness have to be reached in order to wish their people bloodshed, especially in the form of fratricidal wars! To rejoice in the weakening of the position of their homeland in a neighboring country inhabited by millions of Russian-speaking people, to support the killing of Russian people and people of other nationalities, committed by fanatics - neo-Nazis and foreign mercenaries.

In their Russophobia, the leftists go so far as to forget about the positions of their own idols, the theorists and practitioners of the same anarchism. It is difficult to find in the leftist environment a person who is not familiar with the name of Peter Kropotkin - an outstanding philosopher, natural scientist and revolutionary who laid the foundations of the anarcho-communist concept - the most common direction of anarchism today. For educated people, Peter Kropotkin needs no introduction — not only as a revolutionary and a utopian philosopher, but also as a famous natural scientist. Unfortunately, in modern Russia, Kropotkin and his legacy are viewed somewhat one-sidedly. In fact, the perpetuation of the memory of this outstanding Russian thinker turned out to be monopolized by the ultra-left — representatives of neo-anarchism, ideas and, in particular, whose behavior in real politics are very indirectly related to what Peter Kropotkin advocated and positioned himself in political life.

Kropotkin is a very interesting and controversial figure. A representative of the most distinguished princely family, who was educated in the Page Corps and from childhood had distinct prospects for a great career in the military or bureaucratic line, refused to serve in the guards regiments and entered the Amur Cossack army. Next were scientific studies in geography and biology, Russian and world stories, a fascination with his contemporary social philosophy and, as a result, the coming to the ideas of anarchism, with which his name was forever connected. Kropotkin developed the ideas of Mikhail Bakunin, another prominent Russian anarchist philosopher, giving them a constructive content that his predecessor lacked. First of all, outlining the contours of the future society, which Kropotkin saw as a confederation of peasant and urban communities.

In contrast to modern anarchists, Euroleafs, who diligently try to implant "Westernist" values ​​alien to Russian civilization in Russia, based on essentially individualistic and liberal philosophy, Kropotkinian anarchism "flesh of flesh" expressed the communal aspirations of the Russian peasantry. Conciliarity, communalism since ancient times were inherent in the Russian people, and Kropotkin, being unlike his modern followers, is still a patriot of Russia, understood very well that the vector of social transformations should be based on the traditionalist component. Unfortunately, Kropotkin brought into the wilds of excessive utopia and, arguing about the communal stateless system, as a kind of ideal of social order, the “golden age” on earth, the thinker overlooked the practical unattainability of this ideal.

Kropotkin should be commended not only as a social thinker, but also as a natural scientist who tried to explain social processes based on the search for analogies in the natural environment. As a biosociologist, Kropotkin became best known for his book “Mutual assistance among animals and people as an engine of progress,” in which he tried to show how mutual solidarity and support of people to each other can help improve their living conditions. At the same time, the author referred to numerous examples of mutual assistance in the animal world, which he observed during his travels in Eastern Siberia during his service in the Amur Cossack army. Kropotkin believed that the basis of mutual assistance was precisely the institutions of a traditional society — the clan system, the community, the medieval guild town, in which collectivist principles provided support and protection to each member of this “microsystem”.

There are no parallels with the realm of permissiveness and vice, which is drawn in the imagination of modern Euroleafs - apologists of sexual minorities - does not appear here. That is, despite some similarities of concepts, in reality, modern leftists, which are a more radical variant of liberal (more precisely, “liberalistic”) ideologies, have a very indirect relationship to the same Bakunin or Kropotkin, which, although anarchists, did not ignore the national specifics , did not speak in terms of frank cosmopolitanism and support for unnatural aspirations and vices of man, posing as manifestations of freedom.

Kropotkin quite accurately captured the essence of the liberal system, based on the priority of individualistic values ​​and aimed at the “war of all against all” in the interests of exclusively personal enrichment. And his anti-state pathos was rooted, first of all, in the understanding of the modern state as a machine aimed at ensuring the vested interests of a fairly narrow circle of people to the detriment of wider segments of the population. Of course, the existence of a stateless society, at least at the stage of development of society in which it is at present, is impossible, but this does not detract from the critical potential of the Kropotkin theory, which, by the way, some politicians in the 20th century actively tried to develop their states on the “third way” - in particular, the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi - an outstanding reformer, the overthrow of which again overturned Libya in the backwardness and chaos that prevailed there before this unique nogo personality.

For modern society, however, it is primarily indicative of how Kropotkin, being a revolutionary anarchist, could combine his essentially anti-monarchical and anti-systemic ideas with love for Russia and the Russian people. As soon as Russia was in danger, Prince Kropotkin, a fierce critic of autocracy and a fiery anarchist, turned into a fervent patriot of his homeland. Unlike modern Euroleafs, it would never have occurred to Petr Kropotkin to advocate for the defeat of his Russia in a bloody war with an external aggressor, to wish the victory of Russophobic forces in any province of the Russian Empire.

The patriotic position of Pyotr Alekseevich in the Russian-Japanese and World War I deserves respect, scornfully called by the Eurasian players "defencism" (I remind you that Lenin and his like-minded people demanded defeat of Russia the result of the war). The essence of defencism was that in the face of an external enemy threatening the very existence of Russia, the Russian civilization, it is worth forgetting numerous mutual offenses and political disputes and rally to defend their homeland. To rally everyone - both those who see the development of Russia as a monarchy, and those who adhere to the republican form of government, and even those whose ideals lie in the plane of a stateless society.

It should be noted that by the majority of foreign and Russian anarchists of that time, Kropotkin’s position was sharply criticized - it seemed to them a violation of the very foundations of anarchist ideology, which required the denial of any state and in any circumstances. In particular, Errico Malatesta, an Italian, who was in fact the second most important anarchist communist theorist after Peter Kropotkin, even broke off business and friendship relations with the latter. Malatesta gave birth to an accusatory article “Anarchists forgot their principles,” in which he criticized Kropotkin’s “social chauvinism” and those former like-minded people who took the side of an elderly philosopher, guided by their own political views of patriotic content.

Recall that many Russian anarchists participated in the First World War. So, Konstantin Akashev is one of the future creators of the Red Army Air Force (Workers 'and Peasants' Air Force Fleet) got aviation trained in France and then served in the French army, and returning to Russia, he worked at leading aviation plants. The famous Marusya Nikiforova also served in the French army - although her personality itself can hardly cause serious sympathy, but, we must pay tribute, she fully supported Peter Kropotkin on the issue of war. Moreover, she graduated from the French military school and took part in the hostilities in Macedonia as part of the French army. Since the end of 1914, Alexander Moiseevich Atabekyan, the lieutenant colonel of the Russian army, and, concurrently, the Armenian prince, one of the first propagandists of anarchist ideas in Russia and the personal physician Peter Kropotkin, served as the head of the field hospital on the Caucasus Front. Even more participants in the First World War were among ordinary anarchists - especially of proletarian or peasant origin.

The positions opposed to Kropotkin on the issue of war were also expressed by the majority of the leaders of Russian and world anarchism at that time — Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman, Rudolf Rokker, Judah Grossman-Roshchin, and Alexander Shapiro were among them. All of them were united by a cosmopolitan position aimed at denying the need for Russia's participation in the war. Opponents of Kropotkin called for the war between Russia and Germany to escalate into a civil war, or simply to defeat the Russian army in hostilities with the enemy. It should be noted here that almost all of these people were immigrants and had not lived in Russia for a long time. Accordingly, the horrors of civil war would not affect them personally. Moreover, having long since lost touch with Russia, turned into foreigners, they did not take her problems and adversities to heart. They were driven only by the desire for a literalistic conformity with the provisions of the anarchist doctrine, written on paper of numerous appeals and articles, but very alien to the real political situation, both in the world and in the Russian Empire itself.

The call of Kropotkin, which also contained the following words: “Men, women, children of Russia, save our country and civilization from the black hundreds of central empires! [...] Contrast them with the heroic united front ”- shocked the then advocates of the purity of anarchist doctrine. But, on the other hand, Russian patriots accepted with satisfaction the courageous position of the philosopher and scientist, who enjoyed great respect even among political opponents. As real patriots of Russia from among former White emigres during the Great Patriotic War did not consider it possible to advocate for the defeat of the Soviet Union in the war against Nazi Germany, so Kropotkin and his like-minded "defencism" could not wish for the defeat of the Russian Empire in the First World War. For this, the patriots respected the political position of the prince, the rebel, despite his other ideological "eccentricities" and twists.

The consequences of the victory of Germany and its allies over the Russian Empire would, in Kropotkin’s opinion, be terrible: “In Russia, I don’t even want to think about the consequences of Germany’s triumph, for they would be terrible. What will happen to the internal development of Russia, when on the Neman, in Riga, and, perhaps, in Reval, German fortresses were erected, like Metz, not to protect the conquered territory, but to attack? Fortresses, where, on the very first day of the declaration of war, will hundreds of thousands of troops, with all their artillery, be ready to go to Petrograd? ”(P. Kropotkin. Letters on current events. M., 1917.). Germany’s victory, according to Kropotkin, would have buried all hopes for Russia's further social and economic development, would have delayed the prospects for changing the existing political system and entailed the conservation of the most backward sides of the Russian state. That is, Kropotkin, remaining a supporter of revolutionary ideas, saw in the victory of Germany not only a blow to Russia as a sovereign state, but also the prospect of weakening the position of the revolutionary movement.

The First World War made significant adjustments to Kropotkin’s worldview, which the modern anarchists deify him very much. Namely, in the revolutionary 1917, Kropotkin did not at all advocate the immediate destruction of Russian statehood, as many European and Russian anarchists wanted. Having departed from the literalistic understanding of his doctrine, Peter Kropotkin considered it necessary to preserve Russian statehood at least in the form of a federation, stressing that the federalization of Russia does not mean the fragmentation of the country, which would entail its “balkanization”. The independence of the subjects of the federation should be strictly controlled by the federal center and in strategic matters the opinion of the federal center should be decisive. Against the backdrop of “parades of sovereignties” that accompanied the 1917 revolution of the year, this statement from the old anarchist looked very patriotic. Unlike modern homegrown "theorists", from warm metropolitan apartments calling for continued bloodshed in Ukraine, civil war and Russia’s borrowing of "Maidan experience", Peter Kropotkin was perfectly aware of the horror of the upcoming civil war and spoke out for its prevention by turning the country into a federation with strong central authority.

It is indicative that Kropotkin, unlike the Bolsheviks, categorically objected to the fraternization of Russian soldiers with German and Austro-Hungarian soldiers. He even made a corresponding appeal to the officers of the General Staff of the Russian Imperial Army - to prevent attempts at fraternization with the enemy. The prince rightly believed that examples of fraternization with the enemy would have a negative impact on the behavior of Russian soldiers, disintegrating their morale. Even when the Brest peace was concluded by the Bolshevik government, Kropotkin repeatedly spoke out with his criticism and urged the troops to continue the fighting.

Nevertheless, Kropotkin's position regarding the confrontation in the First World War contained the most important mistake: sincerely believing that the Entente countries personify genuine social progress, the philosopher oriented Russia towards Anglophilia and Francophilic sentiment, calling upon the conclusion of the Brest peace to continue the war against Germany on the side of the Entente. He took the side of the Entente because he saw in it progressive and democratic forces, unlike the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. That is, he overlooked the very meaning of world wars, which were unleashed by the same Anglo-Saxon elites in order to strengthen their world domination. Absolutizing the positive tendencies of the victory of England and France, Kropotkin forgot that English and French imperialism are no less disgusting than German imperialism. Moreover, for Russia it was English policy that always seemed the most dangerous, since it was Great Britain, and then the United States of America, that stood for dozens, if not hundreds, of anti-Russian (and later anti-Soviet and again anti-Russian) initiatives both in world politics and within the Russian state itself. This westernism was the key error of Kropotkin's position, which is especially clearly visible to us a century later after the events described.

The history of the twentieth century has twice demonstrated the desire of the Anglo-American bloc to push Russia and the countries of Central Europe together, while remaining, by and large, on the sidelines, and receiving financial and political dividends. However, unlike his modern followers, Kropotkin would hardly have thought to support the most reactionary and Russophobic forces in the neighboring fraternal Slavic state, and even more so wish there great bloodshed with the prospects for its spread to Russian territory. After all, as you know, “whatever political views you may have, but to desire the defeat of your Homeland is a national treason”.
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  1. +1
    8 January 2015 08: 39
    Prince P. Kropotkin is a significant figure in the history of Russia.
  2. +3
    8 January 2015 09: 24
    an anarchist philosopher would not understand his modern followers..... That's for sure ... And Kropotkin, a block ...
    1. +1
      8 January 2015 15: 48
      The minus who has in mind smile stupidly without explanation .. Justify why Kroptkin, historian, geographer, biologist, philosopher, patriot .. not a bunch ...? Kroptkin, I support this statement, I would not understand my modern followers, because they are so small compared to him ... mind ...
  3. +3
    8 January 2015 10: 27
    Strange shutters HUMAN with a crowd of goplnik-gorlopanov. He was smart, but what did they do?
    Not so long ago I found out, only for this the metro station in Moscow should be called by his name, but this is not his only merit
    in 1871, he drew up a summary report of the team of scientists “Expedition for the Exploration of the Russian Seas”, in which the discovery of unknown islands was supposed. Subsequently, he recalled that this report “had completely unexpected consequences for me. I immediately fell into the Arctic authorities. I was invited to become the head ... ". Due to lack of funds, the expedition did not take place.
    The forecast of Kropotkin and his comrades brilliantly came true. In 1902 in the Notes of the Revolutionary, he wrote: “The land that we saw through the polar darkness was discovered (by the Austrians, by chance, in 1873 year) ... and the archipelago, which should be located northeast of Novaya Zemlya (I I am convinced of this now even more than then) and have not yet been found. ”
    Before the discovery of this archipelago, a quarter remained
    Opened on the basis of knowledge, and not by chance!
  4. +1
    8 January 2015 10: 34
    the wonderful analysis given in the article requires deep thoughtful comprehension, however, some things raise doubts at first glance. The assertion that Lenin was not a patriot is wrong, but he wanted defeat in the war, not to the people, but to the government and the autocracy. He was well versed in assessing the political systems of the belligerent states and their role in the war. Read Imperialism and Empirio-Criticism. Readers familiar with philosophy know that money wallets and oligarchic power unleash wars. The population of countries is an instrument for achieving these goals, and the ruling class enjoys the holy self-awareness of the patriotism of the people and not only of Russia. Of course, Prince Kropotkin was a true patriot of his country, and Anton Ivanovich Denikin, and his opponent the Great Stalin, weren't they patriots? But the marked Gorbachev, Yeltsin and his last descendants were not patriots, worse than that, they were traitors to their people and will remain so, although peacefulness, human rights, democracy, freedom have not disappeared from their vocabulary. They need this chatter so that the bourgeoisie continue to exploit the working people, and they and their foreign owners generously pay for their work. Patriotism and independence, defense of the Motherland cannot exist alongside blatant social inequality and oppression of the common man. It is the people who must learn the lessons taught by history in 17 and in 1941-1945. we must remember
  5. +1
    8 January 2015 11: 14
    There’s a ditty of the Civil War,
    (I respect Kropotkin) but - ... story: smile

    "The anarchist pulled off my aunt's short fur coat.
    Did Mr. Kropotkin teach you THIS? "
    1. 0
      8 January 2015 12: 17
      Quote: voyaka uh
      but - ... the story

      Exaggerate, you can distort any idea
      “Communists, go ahead!” The battle cry sounded usually where it was especially difficult. The fighters of the Leninist party by their example carried warriors into swift attacks, on heroic deeds
      clown player
  6. 0
    8 January 2015 11: 22
    Is something anarcho-communism weakly presented in such a huge country like Russia?
    How without statehood?
    1. +2
      8 January 2015 12: 26
      Anarchism (a horizontal model of self-government) has taken root in the United States.
      Municipal government in small towns and
      the towns there has tremendous power. In a village
      to have their own laws (sometimes absurd), different from the neighboring village.
      And they must be strictly considered, otherwise they will be fined or thrown out in two!
      In general, the election of a mayor of a town or state administration causes much
      more enthusiastic than presidential election.
      The federal (central state) authorities include
      suspiciously: "the parasites from Washington".
      1. +2
        9 January 2015 12: 04
        This is so, but what do these freedoms really influence? Rather, people are given the opportunity to let off steam, but in the case of the state, everything is decided by the system
        1. +2
          10 January 2015 01: 30
          These freedoms are changing the worldview of people. If you can personally influence
          quality of life in your village / town, but stop trusting in
          "high bosses" (government officials) in solutions and broader problems / tasks.
          This, in my opinion, is the most important in scientific anarchism: self-government from below,
          sharply reducing the influence of bureaucracy (and, accordingly, corruption).
          After all, if the state. there is NO official "in nature", then there is no one to bribe. smile
          1. +1
            10 January 2015 07: 57
            Quote: voyaka uh
            These freedoms are changing the worldview of people. If you can personally influence
            quality of life in your village / town

            Perhaps this is so, but such self-government is possible only in small towns.
  7. +3
    8 January 2015 11: 38
    I wonder for whom the positions of anarchism are raised and erroneously interpreted. This trend demanded the collapse of state power. The Decembrists also advocated a change in the state system. I managed to see the protocols of the interrogations of the Decembrists. Blood freezes from proposals for the structure of the state. Two years ago I wrote the novel "The Cavalier Princess", in which I had to face the ideas that Herzen expressed in his articles on the Polish uprising. He called: "Kill the nasty Russian soldiers." And only Muravyov put things in order and stopped the excesses of the rebels. Scientist from Moscow University M.N. Katkov rebuked Herzen in his articles. In general, these theoreticians are always haunted by thought and they loudly repeat: "How sweet it is to hate the motherland." Who is this article for? The country should have a history textbook, where everything should be put in its place. Society expects not a liberal interpretation of history, but a patriotic one. Subway stations and streets should not be named after killers. I have the honor.
    1. +3
      8 January 2015 22: 49
      Quote: midshipman
      with ideas expressed by Herzen in articles on the Polish uprising

      Ek, you are bent!
      Comparing Kropotkin with this, like everyone who escaped to London, PIIIIIIIIIIII (like on TV), is the same failure as the author. True, he compared Kropotkin with the current gorlopan goplans. What, besides the dirty tricks the country that had exiled him, did Herzen or these monkeys - howls?
      And Kropotkin? Yes, for one, any of his deeds is already worthy
      Quote: midshipman
      The name of the killers should not be called subway stations and streets

      And he didn’t kill anyone, he didn’t even call for it
      You are like my school history textbook, Kolchak is bad because he is an enemy of the Soviet regime. And about mine operations in the Gulf of Finland, operations on the Black Sea Fleet, or at least polar studies, no gu-gu
      11 January 2015 08: 39
      Quote: midshipman
      In the name of killers do not call metro stations and streets.

      How many people did Peter Alekseevich Kropotkin kill? What is it "personal account"?
  8. +1
    8 January 2015 15: 17
    Kropotkin’s personality is ambiguous and many anarchist ideas are inherently utopian, especially in the modern world. But it seems to me that the prince is very underestimated now. But besides anarcho-philosophy he is a famous geographer, ethnographer, biologist, geologist. And of course the patriot. The essence of defense is that in the face of an external enemy threatening the very existence of Russia, Russian civilization, it is worth forgetting the numerous mutual insults and political disputes and rallying to defend their homeland. Only a person who truly loves his homeland can say so.
  9. 0
    9 January 2015 16: 24
    Anarchism today has many forms. Both destructive and quite worthy. Bakuninsky A. today reigns in Ukraine and leave him without comment. But local self-organization is what we lack. Anarchism of Kropotkin influenced the formation of the Inium system. This system is found in prosperous countries, such as Norway, Switzerland, and Great Britain. When they tried to enter something like this, we got ... Housing Partnerships. (HOA) This is also anarchism but a bureaucratic thief.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. 0
    9 January 2015 16: 44
    Anarchism today has many forms. Both destructive and quite worthy. Bakuninsky A. today reigns in Ukraine and leave him without comment. But local self-organization is what we lack. Anarchism of Kropotkin influenced the formation of the Inium system. This system is found in prosperous countries, such as Norway, Switzerland, and Great Britain. When they tried to enter something like this, we got ... Housing Partnerships. (HOA) This is also anarchism but a bureaucratic thief.
    1. 0
      10 January 2015 01: 50
      I agree with your assessment. Anarchism of Peter Kropotkin, Leo Tolsky's theory of "communities"
      and, perhaps, the "revisionism" of Eduard Berstein - together they substantiate the possibility
      a kind of "popular anti-state socialism" (in contrast to state socialism
      bureaucrats or - what is the same, oddly enough - the state capitalism of bureaucrats smile )
      1. 0
        12 January 2015 11: 04
        You can also recall the popular slogan of the times of the revolution: "All power to the Soviets!"
        True, very soon the Soviets of Deputies came under the complete control of the Bolshevik Party.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  12. 0
    9 January 2015 16: 45
    Anarchism today has many forms. Both destructive and quite worthy. Bakuninsky A. today reigns in Ukraine and leave him without comment. But local self-organization is what we lack. Anarchism of Kropotkin influenced the formation of the Inium system. This system is found in prosperous countries, such as Norway, Switzerland, and Great Britain. When they tried to enter something like this, we got ... Housing Partnerships. (HOA) This is also anarchism but a bureaucratic thief.
  13. 0
    9 January 2015 16: 51
    Anarchism today has many forms. Both destructive and quite worthy. Bakuninsky A. today reigns in Ukraine and leave him without comment. But local self-organization is what we lack. Anarchism of Kropotkin influenced the formation of the system of iniums. The ability to take responsibility in solving everyday problems is worth a lot. This system is found in prosperous countries, such as Norway, Switzerland, and Great Britain. When they tried to enter something like this, we got ... Housing Partnerships. (HOA) This is also anarchism but a bureaucratic thief.
  14. 0
    9 January 2015 16: 52
    Anarchism today has many forms. Both destructive and quite worthy. Bakuninsky A. today reigns in Ukraine and leave him without comment. But local self-organization is what we lack. Anarchism of Kropotkin influenced the formation of the system of iniums. The ability to take responsibility in solving everyday problems is worth a lot. This system is found in prosperous countries, such as Norway, Switzerland, and Great Britain. When they tried to enter something like this, we got ... Housing Partnerships. (HOA) This is also anarchism but a bureaucratic thief.
  15. 0
    9 January 2015 18: 16
    I apologize for repeating comments. The network is intermittent; deleting superfluous or editing does not work: there are no administrator rights. I apologize
  16. +1
    10 January 2015 10: 12
    The famous Russian lawyer I.A. Pokrovsky rightly remarked
    "If there is a doctrine that truly involves holy people, then this is precisely anarchism; without it, it will inevitably degenerate into the bestial bellum omnium contra omnes."
    Wishing your people to remain without a state is the same as wanting to leave their families without a home.