There should have been only 14 Russians left

Many young people now have a very remote idea of ​​what the war was for us.

There should have been only 14 Russians left

Many years have passed since the scarlet banner of Victory was raised in Berlin over the Reichstag. Many young people now have a very remote idea of ​​what the war was for us and for the world. Especially about what plans of domination over nations were hatched by the leaders of the Third Reich and to whom, first of all, humanity is obliged to get rid of Nazi enslavement.

In our modern school textbooks on stories these plots, alas, are not set aside a worthy place.


19 June 1941 of the year. Three days left before the German attack on the Soviet Union. The chief of staff of the supreme commander, General Jodl, directs the commander-in-chief of the ground forces, the air force and naval forces Brauchitsch, Goering and Roder to draft Directive No. 32 “Preparing for the period after the implementation of the Barbarossa plan, that is, after the defeat of the Soviet Union. The drafting of this directive was finalized at the Fuhrer's rate and signed by 11 Yodel on June 1941.

After being reviewed by the commanders of the armed forces, it is finally approved 30 June 1941 of the year.

How did Hitler and his generals imagine the subsequent development of Nazi expansion after the victory over the Soviet Union? Directive No. 32 began: “A. After the defeat of the Russian armed forces, Germany and Italy will dominate militarily on the entire European continent ... There will no longer be any threat from land to European territory. To defend it and conduct future offensive operations, we will need significantly less ground forces than we needed to date. Major efforts in military production can be focused on providing naval and air forces. ” Thus, the center of gravity of the war was transferred to the struggle against Britain and the United States. To do this, as indicated in the diary of the High Command from 4 June 1941, it was provided for "the creation of a European-West African bastion against the Anglo-American coalition."

From the end of August 1941, it was planned to begin the withdrawal of troops from the Soviet territory, intended to perform the next aggressive tasks - so great was the Nazi command confidence in a quick victory in the East. The ground forces were supposed to reduce from 209 to 175 divisions, but to increase the power of the Air Force and Navy. The top strategic tasks of the Wehrmacht were to be operations to seize North Africa, Gibraltar, the countries of the Near and Middle East, Malta, Cyprus and the Suez Canal. From November 1941 of the year to September 1942 of the year it was planned to take possession of the whole Caucasus and Transcaucasia and from there begin the advance to Baghdad and to the most important sources of Middle Eastern oil. 3 July 1941, Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces Halder recorded the following entry in his diary: “Preparing an offensive in the direction of the Nile-Euphrates interfluve, both from Cyrenaica and through Anatolia and, possibly, from the Caucasus to Iran ... Operation through Anatolia against Syria, in conjunction with an auxiliary operation from the Caucasus, it will be launched after the deployment of the necessary forces in Bulgaria, which should also be used to put political pressure on Turkey in order to get the troops to pass. ” Directive number 32 prescribed in case of refusal of Turkey to miss the German troops, to break its resistance by force weapons. How far the conquering plans of German fascism went, shows the development on February 14 of 17 of 1942 of an operation against the pearl of the British colonial empire, India, by 17 of German divisions.

All these operations were aimed at creating favorable strategic positions for the war against England and the United States. First of all, it was planned first to deal with England. “... After completing the campaign to the East,” said directive No. 32, “the siege of England” should be resumed in full scale by the naval and air forces ... Preparing the landing in England should serve a dual purpose: to bind the British forces in the metropolis, and also to cause and complete the emerging collapse of the UK. "

After that, the final stage of the establishment of world domination of Nazi Germany was to follow - the war against the USA. It is interesting to note that Hitler, in his “Second Book,” written in 1928 and published in the Federal Republic of Germany only in 1961, wrote about the inevitability of the struggle between the US and Europe, which the Germans would have to lead. He raved about the "inclusion of the United States in the German world empire."

25 July 1941, a little more than a month after the start of Operation Barbarossa, Hitler, in a meeting with Navy Commander Roeder, said that after the end of the campaign to the East, he "intends to take vigorous action against the United States." Already in the autumn of 1941, it was planned to begin the bombing of American cities in the eastern part of the United States. For this purpose, the occupation of the Azores and strongholds on the west coast of Africa, in Iceland and even in Brazil was planned.

The end goals of the Nazi leadership in World War II can be judged from the following statement by Himmler, referring to October 1943: “By the end of this war, when Russia eventually exhausts or is eliminated, and Britain and America cannot make war, the task will arise for us the creation of a world empire ... In this war, we will achieve that everything that has been attached to the Great German Empire in the past years, with 1938, remains in our possession. The war is being waged in order to establish the German world empire. This is the meaning of war, no matter how long it lasts - five, or maybe six or even seven years. ”

And what did the Nazis intend to do with the Russian and other peoples of the Soviet Union after their victory? It was planned to leave 56 divisions on the territory of the "four state formations" - the Baltic states, Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus. The headquarters of the "commander-in-chief of the troops in the East" was to be located in Moscow. Soviet territory was subject to occupation up to the Urals. The industry of the Urals was to be destroyed as a result of a "large motorized expedition" by forces of eight tank and four motorized divisions. The space between the Volga and the Urals was dotted with concentration camps.


The scale and content of the actions planned by the Nazi leadership to “explore the eastern space” is evidenced by the “Ost Master Plan” - perhaps the most savage plan of the 20th century that pursued the total genocide of the Russian people. Its development began in the department of Himmler together with the Eastern Ministry of Rosenberg in 1940, even before the drawing up of Directive No. 32, and was continued after the attack on the Soviet Union. The main goal of the plan was formulated as follows: “This is not only about the defeat of the state with the center in Moscow. Achieving this historical goal would never mean a complete solution to a problem. The point is most likely to defeat the Russians as a people, to divide them. Only if this problem is considered by us from a biological, especially from a racial-biological point of view, and if in accordance with this German policy is pursued in the eastern regions, will it be possible to eliminate the danger posed to us by the Russian people ... For us Germans, it is important to weaken the Russian people to such an extent that it is no longer able to prevent us from establishing German domination in Europe. ”

Undermining the "power of the Russian people" was thought to carry out the holding of a whole range of activities. This included the maximum reduction of the Russian population by imposing poverty, reducing birth rates, eliminating medical care and supplying medicines, and destroying intellectuals by eliminating education, and resettling over the Urals, to the Caucasus, to Africa and even to South America more than 50 million Russians from the European part of Russia, but for now the 14 million remaining here will be turned into a manual labor force in the service of the colonialists.

But the main thing was to permanently undermine the centralized statehood of the Russian people, on which the power of Russia rested. The “Ost Master Plan” said this: “The whole territory of Russia should be divided into a number of states with its own governments ... It is necessary to provide for the division of the territory inhabited by Russians into different political areas with their own governing bodies in order to ensure separate national development in each of them ... so that they would under no circumstances rely on Moscow ... There is no doubt that such administrative division of Russian territory and the planned separation of individual regions will be one to them from the means of combating the strengthening of the Russian people ... It is necessary to destroy the carriers of the state political idea. "

Particular attention was paid to the destruction of the intellectual gene pool of the Russian nation. Hitler said: in order to undermine the power of the people, it is enough to destroy its “cultural walkers”, that is, carriers of spirituality, knowledge and creativity in the field of politics and economics, science and technology, culture and art, historical memory. To achieve this, it was envisaged, in particular, to say: “In no case should the local population be given a higher education. If we make this mistake, we ourselves will create resistance in the future against us. Therefore, according to the Fuhrer, it is quite enough to train the local population, including the so-called Ukrainians, only in reading and writing. ”

Hitler described the long-term goal of the Nazi "Eastern Policy" as resettlement in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, about 100 million of the German race. For this purpose, it was planned to resettle a large part of the population of these countries to Siberia, and in the next 10 years 20 million Germans would settle the “vacated” lands. The remaining population was subject to germanization. All of these countries were supposed to disappear from the map of Europe. The plans of the Hitlerite leadership provided for a "final solution of the Jewish question," that is, the complete destruction of the Jews.

22 June 1941, the command of the Wehrmacht launched the operation "Barbarossa" - the crushing of the Soviet Union. The further development of the global expansion of fascist Germany and the implementation of plans conceived by the Nazis depended on its success. But for Hitler and his generals, this unfortunate date was the starting point for the death of the Nazi Third Empire. The task of this article does not include a detailed analysis of events on the Soviet-German front. I will dwell only on the main, turning stages of the armed struggle, in which the fate of the peoples was decided.

The initial period of the war was very unfavorable for the Soviet Union. The country alone had to resist the colossal onslaught of the Nazi war machine, which had gained a great experience of fighting in Europe the day before. During the initial period of the war, the Hitler command was able to inflict serious damage on the first strategic echelon of the Soviet defense. Until February, 1942, about 3,5 million Soviet soldiers and officers fell into German captivity. From June to September, the Wehrmacht managed to advance a close distance to Moscow and Leningrad, to capture most of Ukraine. But this ended the rapid military successes of the Nazi troops. They came across the ever-increasing resistance of the Red Army, recovering from the first defeats. Already on August 11, the Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces, Colonel-General Halder, wrote in his diary: “The general situation shows more and more clearly that the Colossus of Russia ... was underestimated by us. This statement can be extended to all economic and organizational aspects, to the means of communication and ... especially to the purely military capabilities of the Russians. ”


Since September, 1941, the seizure of Moscow during the operation, called the Typhoon, has become the central task of the strategy of the Hitlerite leadership. In fact, the fate of the whole war had to be decided in the Moscow sector, namely, whether the Wehrmacht could complete the blitzkrieg, defeat the main forces of the Red Army, capture the Soviet capital and avoid a protracted war of attrition, which was similar to Hitler’s death command. In the second half of September, the Army Group Center under the command of Field Marshal Kluge, which conducted Operation Typhoon, was significantly enhanced by troops deployed from other sectors of the Soviet-German front. It contained 42% manpower, 75% tanks, 45% guns and mortars, over 30% of aircraft of the total forces in the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front. Such a concentration of military power in a limited space did not know military history. German troops outnumbered Soviet in numbers and armament 1,5 – 2,5 times.

September 30 began one of the greatest battles of the Second World War. First, luck accompanied the German command. He managed to break through the Soviet front in three places and encircle the troops of four Soviet armies by October 7 in the Vyazma region. But their heroic resistance for more than a week constrained the strength of the 28 German divisions. This allowed the Soviet command to organize defense in the Mozhaisk area. No matter how hard the leadership of the Wehrmacht tried to seize Moscow, it failed to achieve this. By the end of October, it was forced to stop the offensive and make a two-week pause. The forces of the group of German troops in the Moscow area were on the wane. And it was not possible to transfer additional troops from other sectors of the front here. Divisions of Army Group "South" were shackled by heavy fighting near Kharkov, in the Crimea and near Rostov, and the offensive of the group of armies "North" failed in the Tikhvin area. Meanwhile, the Soviet command formed in the rear of the Soviet troops defending Moscow 10 new armies.

15 – 16 on November German troops renewed the offensive by forces of more than 50 divisions. They managed to advance north of Moscow to Yakhroma, and to the south - to Kashira. But their further advancement came up against an insurmountable defense and was suspended. At the height of the fighting, Quartermaster-General Wagner reported to Halder: "Our troops are on the eve of a complete depletion of material and human forces." And the Soviet troops, replenished with fresh strategic reserves, launched the December 5 counterattack. It ended in the winter months of 1941 – 1942 by the crushing defeat of the German forces near Moscow, supplemented by the blows of the Red Army near Rostov and Tikhvin. All the political, strategic and economic calculations of the Nazi command collapsed. Back in mid-October, 1941, Hitler admitted to the meeting at the rate: "On June 22, we opened the door and did not know what was behind it."

The defeat near Moscow turned out to be a tremendous shock for Germany. The military-political significance of this event lies primarily in the fact that the “blitzkrieg” - the basis of the “Barbarossa” plan - has suffered a complete failure. And a long war did not promise the Nazi command any chance of success. In political terms, the defeat of the Wehrmacht near Moscow dispelled the myth of its invincibility and finally consolidated the foundation of the anti-German coalition, caused immense moral damage to the bloc of fascist states, had a sobering effect on the pro-Hitler circles in neutral states and gave a powerful impetus to the development of a broad anti-fascist struggle of the peoples. For the Soviet people, 1941 was the year of the most severe tests. He accomplished the greatest historic feat — by his heroism, patriotism, self-sacrificing work and struggle, he erected near Moscow a barrier to Nazi aggression.


In the coming 1942 year, the chances of success in the war against the Soviet Union for the Nazi command were much reduced. Now it was not able to conduct an offensive on all fronts. But there were no hopes of crushing the Red Army in one strategic direction at all. The head of the operational department, General Heusinger, testifies to the confusion that arose at the General Staff of the ground forces after the defeat near Moscow: “Halder thought for a long time whether it was better for us to finally move to the East to defend, because the new offensive was superior to our forces. But, first, it was impossible to give a hint about this before Hitler, and secondly, what would it give? If we had given a respite to the Russians and looked at how the threat from America was increasing, we would give the initiative to the enemy and would never be able to seize it. So we had no choice but to make another attempt, despite all doubts. ”

5 April 1942, Hitler signed the Wehrmacht’s summer-fall campaign plan developed by the General Staff (Operation Blau). He again set an impossible task - “to finally destroy the forces that were still at the disposal of the Soviets”, to seize the most important Soviet military-economic centers by conducting a broad offensive on the southern flank of the front towards the Caucasus and Stalingrad and after achieving strategic goals in the south to take Leningrad, so that cut off the Soviet Union on the northern and southern flank of the supply from the outside.

Like the beginning of the war, the Nazi command again miscalculated the assessment of the forces of the Red Army and the capabilities of the military industry of the Soviet Union. A large number of Soviet defense enterprises managed to be saved from capture by the enemy and evacuated to the east. Isn't it surprising that, despite the loss of the most important industrial areas of the Soviet Union in the initial period of the war, in 1942, the production of weapons for Soviet troops was much increased compared to the second half of 1941 (tanks - 2,3 times, artillery - - in 1,8, machine guns and anti-tank guns - 3 times). By May 6, the combat capability of the Soviet troops who opposed the enemy was significantly increased. They numbered about 1942 million, about 5,3 tanks, 5000 40 guns and mortars, 700 aircraft. By the same time, the German command launched against the Red Army 2500 million people, 5,3 tanks and assault guns, 3230 aircraft, 3395 56 guns and mortars. The 940 of the German divisions were to advance at a front of 100 km from Kursk to Taganrog. For the spring and summer of 600, the Soviet command developed a strategic defense plan with private offensive operations near Leningrad, in the Demyansk region, in Smolensk and Lgov-Kursk sectors, in the Kharkiv region and in the Crimea.

28 June, the German command launched Operation Blau - delivering the main strategic strike on the Soviet army from the area east of Kursk in the direction of the Don and from the Kharkov region in the direction of Rostov. Began a new grand battle of the Second World War. The troops of Army Group "B" first managed to achieve some success - to go to the Caucasus and the Volga. But on this her offensive outburst dried up. The main strategic goal set by Hitler on 1942 year was not achieved. Soviet troops fully preserved their combat effectiveness. The seizure of the oil wealth of the Caucasus, the invasion of Iran and Iraq, the involvement of Turkey in the war, the establishment of contact with the armed forces of Japan - all this turned out to be a chimera. And on the German troops of the southern wing of the Soviet-German front, an unprecedented military catastrophe near Stalingrad was imminent. Such was the disappointing strategic balance of 1942 of the year for Hitler and his strategists. Halder was removed from his post as chief of the general staff, and Colonel-General Zeitzler was appointed in his place, as if this could help Germany continue to triumph on the Eastern Front. To complete the summer-autumn campaign, Hitler decided to take Stalingrad, to present it as the central achievement of 1942 of the year. The diary of his adjutant, General Engel, contains the following entry from October 2: “The Zeitzler, as well as Jodl, raise the question of whether to postpone the capture of Stalingrad in the second place, to free up forces, and refer to street battles that require great sacrifice. The Fuhrer sharply objects and stresses that the taking of Stalingrad is extremely necessary not only for operational but also for psychological reasons, to influence the world community and the mood of the allies. ”

In the winter of 1942 / 43, the Red Army won a brilliant new victory in the Battle of Stalingrad - the 300-thousandth group of German troops were defeated. The battle on the Volga, as Joachim Wieder correctly wrote - a former officer of the 6 Army attacking Stalingrad, "was a kind of dress rehearsal for the complete political, ideological and moral collapse of Nazism." He called the Wehrmacht Stalingrad catastrophe "The Calvary of the German Army", which "overshadowed all the military tragedies of the past." After Stalingrad, Nazi Germany lost its strategic initiative in World War II. An attempt to regain possession of her in the battle of Kursk in July 1943, ended in a grand failure. From now on, the Red Army had the opportunity to launch a strategic offensive across the entire Soviet-German front.


The victories at Stalingrad and Kursk dramatically worsened the military-political and international situation of fascist Germany. They caused a deep crisis of the fascist coalition. And they allowed the Western allies to deploy active operations in North Africa. In May 1943, the armed struggle there ended with the defeat of the German-Italian group Rommel. Hitler's command was faced with the prospect of Italy’s withdrawal from the war. And in France, threatened the landing of Allied forces.

From 1943, the Red Army launched a non-stop attack on all strategic directions of the Soviet-German front. It ended with the capture of Berlin. "Hike to the East" led to a national catastrophe in Germany.

Pathetic was the end of the Fuhrer of the Third Empire and his clique. Here's how Hitler's adjutant Otto Gunshe described the last minutes of the Nazi stakes: “We once again greeted the Fuhrer, after which he went with Eva Brown to his room and closed the door. Goebbels, Axman, Hevel, Kempka, and I stood in the corridor, waiting. It took about 10 minutes, which seemed like an eternity. Silence broke shot. A few seconds later Goebbels opened the door, and we entered the room. The Fuhrer shot himself in the mouth and, moreover, saw through a vial of poison. The skull was torn apart and looked scary. Eva Brown did not use her gun. She took poison. We wrapped the Fuhrer’s head with a blanket. Goebbels, Axman, and Kempka carried the corpses up the stairs to the park ... Then, together with Kempka, I poured gasoline over the bodies and threw a burning rag from the entrance to the bunker. Instantly both corpses were in flames. ”

Hitler and his Wehrmacht came to the Soviet land with a sword, they died by the sword. Majestic looks feat of the Soviet people and the Soviet soldier. In a fierce four-year combat with the war machine of contenders for world domination, they withstood and defeated the enemy, saved the Motherland from enslavement. On the altar of victory, they brought extremely high casualties, far greater than all the European countries that had participated in World War II, taken together. The Nazis could not bring the Soviet people to their knees, despite the fact that they used against them the enormous economic potential not only of Germany, but of all European countries captured in 1938 – 1941.

A huge role in the victory belongs to the Soviet High Command and the General Staff, our illustrious commanders and military leaders.

At the same time, we must not forget that the High Command was headed by Stalin - this is an immutable fact of history that no one can dispute. Even taking into account the fact that Stalin’s work as head of state caused considerable damage to the people and the reputation of socialism.

The world would have been waiting for a catastrophe if Germany had won, if it had triggered the Ost Master Plan, if the war had continued for many more years, if not decades, and had been transferred to the American and African continents, to the Near and Middle East, India It was the Soviet people and their armed forces that put an end to the Nazi expansion and Hitler's plans to conquer world domination.
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  1. +3
    16 March 2013 09: 35
    The fate of the Third Reich is extremely symbolic and fair. From the very beginning, German generals drew analogies to the German offensive with the advance of Napoleon's army. As it turned out, not in vain.
    The difference is only in casualties. They beat Napoleon, destroyed Russian souls in 3 times less than the enemy soldiers were killed.
    1. 0
      16 March 2013 15: 40
      if it’s normal to calculate, then in this war the losses of both sides are almost equal to the excess of our losses is explained only by the brutal attitude of the Nazis to the wounded and prisoners (ost)
      but on the other hand, what Hitler didn’t succeed by military means was possible for the Anglo-Saxons using only demagogy and our co
    2. 0
      16 March 2013 15: 41
      if it’s normal to calculate, then in this war the losses of both sides are almost equal to the excess of our losses is explained only by the brutal attitude of the Nazis to the wounded and prisoners (ost)
      but on the other hand, what Hitler didn’t succeed by military means was possible for the Anglo-Saxons using only demagogy and our co
    3. +13
      16 March 2013 15: 42
      if it’s normal to calculate, then in this war the losses of both sides are almost equal to the excess of our losses is explained only by the brutal attitude of the Nazis to the wounded and prisoners (ost)
      but then, what Hitler didn’t succeed by military means was possible for the Anglo-Saxons using only demagogy and our ub-kov
      1. walter_rus
        17 March 2013 17: 45
        Plus, take into account that for three years out of four, the war went on in our densely populated territory and the losses of civilians were enormous.
      2. +2
        17 March 2013 20: 37
        Still need to take into account the German targeted policy of extermination of the population in the occupied territories.
        And so, yes, military losses according to various estimates and documentary sources are estimated at a maximum of 1: 1,3.
  2. avt
    16 March 2013 09: 47
    The favorite fun of our common human liberoids at all corners to shout that the plan "Ost" and the theses of Dales are propaganda inventions. That's just why things say the opposite, in which any thinking person himself can be convinced by comparing facts from our life. True, and here the answer from hamsters there will be only one thing - all this they say is conspiracy.
    1. +26
      16 March 2013 13: 12
      Quote: avt
      True, and here the answer from the hamsters will be only one thing - all this is supposedly conspiracy theology.

      What conspiracy theories .. Remember 1998. the apotheosis of THEIR authorities, the country really stood on the verge of bankruptcy plundered by the Browders and the Berezovsky-Gusinsky-Khodorkovsky-Smolensk mafia, And the words of Chubais
      "What are you worried about these people? Well, thirty million will die out. They didn't fit into the market. Don't think about it - new ones will grow up."
      . or Gaidar
      "There is nothing wrong with the fact that some of the pensioners will die out, but society will become more mobile."
      . This is also ZOG and conspiracy theology. No, this is a direct genocide of our people by the occupying Zionist-American authorities. the true extent of which no one advertises, but I think in twenty years the scale of this genocide will be given an objective assessment. at least I hope so. Now everyone who speaks openly on this subject is just ranked among the fascists and xenophobes, but against the facts and historical memory (which, again, the fifth column of ISTORikov is trying to carefully etch) as they say, no arguing.
      In the 20s and 30s, the extermination of the Russian population was carried out under the flag of the "class struggle" under the leadership of the "international", in the 90s - under the slogans of the "struggle for democracy" under the leadership of the same "international". But ordinary citizens of our country have always become victims of this "struggle". When they brought power to them on a silver platter, they did not hide that the Russian state as a whole should not exist. Moreover, the motives from the ideas of transferring Russian lands together with the resources laid down by nature under the control of certain “global supranational structures” to the banal desire to keep the wealth stolen in the nineties in personal management under the patronage of “civilized countries”. In this case, of course, the state-forming Russian people also become "superfluous", and from the point of view of architects of the collapse of Russia should be eliminated as a single ethnic group.
      That’s all the conspiracy theories we felt in our own skin. If we keep silent about it or call it conspiracy theology, then after years the children and grandchildren of those who planned, initiated and actively participated in the genocide against our people will write again country. This has already happened in recent history - the children and grandchildren of those who plunged the Russian Empire into the bloody terror of the first half of the twentieth century, at the end of the century, described the deeds of their fathers and grandfathers with mock horror. And he hypocritically called upon ordinary people, who suffered from these repressions, to "popular repentance." Top cynicism and blasphemy.
      Of course, they will again raise hysterical cries and screams: “extremism”, “chauvinism”, “xenophobia”, “a call to overthrow the system”, etc., etc. And again they will start their old song about “education of tolerance”, about “civil society” and “the fight against national intolerance”. To again intimidate and fool the layman with the upcoming "Russian fascism."
      But you still can’t hide the facts, you can hide them in Kvachkov’s prison, but it’s becoming more and more difficult to fool people. It is only necessary that as many people as possible know and remember these facts. And then the possibility of restoration of anti-people liberal power will become less and less possible, no matter how hard they try and do not maliciously generously nourished by foreign money.
      1. 0
        16 March 2013 14: 15
        There is no Dulles plan (this is so) ... but there is a result ...
        1. Earthman
          16 March 2013 15: 20
          Quote: Bronis
          There is no Dulles plan (this is so) ... but there is a result ...

          because the Dulles plan is the government of an independent Russian Federation
          1. +3
            16 March 2013 16: 41
            Oh, but you can in more detail, huh? It’s terribly interesting - through the slanting truth of the uterus (and to death), the face of the giant of thought and the father of Russian democracy peeps ... we appreciate your thoughtful detailed comments .... or you, like that cock, who cares about crowing, and at least don’t dawn ? :)))))
            1. 0
              17 March 2013 05: 38
              You reminded about the Rooster.))))) I think Mr. Earthman behaves like in a fable, Rooster on a dunghill.
        2. -1
          16 March 2013 20: 57
          It seems like that. Plus.
        3. 0
          17 March 2013 20: 38
          It’s like, there is no Dulles plan, but is there a result?
    2. 0
      16 March 2013 14: 10
      There was no Dulles plan ... but it works ...
    3. -1
      16 March 2013 17: 21
      but the Holocaust is a reality
  3. Volkhov
    16 March 2013 10: 11
    Undermining the "power of the Russian people" was thought to carry out the holding of a whole range of activities. This included the maximum reduction of the Russian population by imposing poverty, reducing birth rates, eliminating medical care and supplying medicines, and destroying intellectuals by eliminating education, and resettling over the Urals, to the Caucasus, to Africa and even to South America more than 50 million Russians from the European part of Russia, but for now the 14 million remaining here will be turned into a manual labor force in the service of the colonialists.

    In fact, these activities are carried out, albeit with a delay of aging and retirement from the affairs of veterans holding on to Brezhnev.
    Conclusion - the Nazis pretended to be Zionists and occupied Moscow.
  4. +20
    16 March 2013 10: 48
    Well, not only the Germans had such plans, I bring to your attention several excerpts:

    US Secretary of State Colin Powell (2001 year): “Russia must forget that it has some interests in the republics of the former USSR ... We will not allow Russia to interfere in the affairs of the former USSR, for the restoration of the USSR is not part of the strategic goals of the government and US states. "

    British Prime Minister Freemason John Major sings along with his American colleagues: “The task of Russia after the loss of the Cold War is to provide wealthy countries with resources. But for this they need only 50-60 million people. ”

    Another Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher spoke out in a fit of revelation even more specifically: "In Russia, the residence of 15 million people serving wells and mines is economically justified."

    In fact, Margaret Thatcher (being a high degree Freemason and knowing many secret plans in this connection) let slip and announced the final goal of the Grail plan to reduce the Russian population by 10 times.

    And adviser to the US president Zbigniew Brzezinski at a meeting of the US National Security Council said: "The smaller the population will be in this territory (the USSR and Russia), the more successful its development by the West will take place."
    1. +4
      16 March 2013 19: 26
      I think I understood our homegrown liberestic or whatever "opposition". They really want to get into the 15-50 million.
      1. +2
        17 March 2013 00: 43
        Hahah, subtly noticed! Only they do not understand that they will not be the navels of our land, but they will slam into the overseas masters like slaves! Their history teaches nothing
    2. 0
      16 March 2013 19: 27
      Yes, thanks for the compilation!
  5. +7
    16 March 2013 10: 51
    and you cannot prove to modern youth that if the fascists would have won the war, then most of them would not have existed in nature at all. Everyone looks west and says how good it is.
    1. +1
      16 March 2013 16: 59
      No, not everything is so bad. Fortunately, at present, the opinion of young people is still changing for the better. Of course there are enough empty-headed ones, and propaganda cliches a la Svinidze and Mlechin are firmly rooted and the habit of hating power is imposed (in the same way, by the same methods and the same directors as during the collapse of the Union) - but compared with the nineties, positive changes exist, even despite the fact that our official propaganda works clumsily and through the sleeves (but even here there are positive changes) as if from a stick ....
      1. +3
        17 March 2013 05: 43
        One of these days I was listening to a fragment of a radio program from Russia, A woman is a teacher at one of Moscow's universities, so she regretted the fact that modern youth, more and more, speaks positively about the USSR and Stalin. This is complete what regret? Drive such teachers from universities with a broom. To the question of the presenter, whom she considers the most influential politicians of the last century. The answer was amazing. Churchill, Thatcher, I. GORBACHEV. All out.
    2. +1
      17 March 2013 14: 37
      Everyone looks west and says how good it is.

      A lot depends on education. Properly educated son and daughter will never begin to wipe their feet on the country of their mother and father, their country.
    3. WS
      17 March 2013 20: 00
      It's like about Egypt, Hosni Mubarak has overthrown those 20 ... 30 year old salags who actually owe him his life, before him there was a very big child mortality.
  6. Gari
    16 March 2013 10: 57
    This is not about the Germans, but the theme seems to be the same -
    Margaret Thatcher, (a member of the world government), speaking publicly 10 years ago and specifying US policy towards Russia, dropped a mysterious phrase. She said (literally):
    "It is economically feasible, according to the estimates of the world community, to leave 15 million people living in Russia."
    When her translator, thinking that he had misheard, translated - 50 million people, which was followed by an immediate clarification: "No fifty! Fiftin !!" she corrected it and repeated it again - 15. Note, she did not say "Russians", she said "man" (!). Do you know who they consider to be human?
    I don’t know how it really was, but they attribute this speech to her
    1. 0
      16 March 2013 13: 41
      Quote: Gari
      Do you know who they think of people?

      Well, and whom? Negotiate.
      1. Gari
        16 March 2013 14: 30
        I From the book by Andrei Parshev “Why Russia is not America”. We turn to the preface to this book, where everything is explained in detail:
        ... at the end of the 80s I heard only one phrase, which, perhaps, led to a revolution in my ideas about the world around me. Then I was studying English, and once I came across a public speech of M. Thatcher on foreign policy in a sound recording. I respected and respect this political figure, especially for her English ... So speaking about the prospects of the USSR, she said approximately the following, without explaining it in any way: "15 million people are economically justified on the territory of the USSR" ...
      2. 0
        17 March 2013 20: 41
        Yeah, for some reason I think that myself, the Anglo-Saxons.
        And certainly not the people living now in this territory.
  7. lechatormosis
    16 March 2013 11: 28
    Blitzkrieg - democracy to reduce the Russian population failed - our people showed amazing survivability.
    Now there will be new attempts in a new form to deliver another blow to our people.
  8. +7
    16 March 2013 12: 46
    There are quite a few unfinished followers of Hitler, for example
  9. +8
    16 March 2013 12: 51
    One familiar BBC journalist traveled to Brussels. She is 30.
    She left with the postulate: "The West is good! Russia is bad! GDP is generally ...!"
    Has returned - completely different worldviews !!! Quote: "Lord! How I love Russia! .... Why do they hate us so much? ... Let them go ........... and to your ... STAN!"
    I'm glad that young people are starting to think ...
    1. djon3volta
      16 March 2013 14: 51
      Quote: sscha
      Why do they hate us so much?

      yes they are afraid of Russian because they are afraid at the genetic level.
      which the Russian people represents for us ...

      Americans are also afraid of us at the genetic level, and they know that we know that they are afraid.
      for them, the threat of Russians is because we are fair and more honest, it’s in the genes. And Hitler knew that Russians are not just people, people, but something higher! watch any Western or American movie, even there they show that they afraid of Russian))) the word Russian is like hypnosis for them.
      the fact that some people write that they allegedly do not respect us and are not afraid in the world, judging by any actions of politicians, it's all a lie! on the Internet they constantly want to convince that they’re wiping their feet about Russia .. it’s personally useless to handle this with me, I know that they want to make me believe in my worthlessness. but it's all useless, nothing affects me.
  10. +1
    16 March 2013 14: 02
    Tasks are set and are being carried out, albeit with a slight lag behind the schedule. The Russian population is dying.
    1. 0
      17 March 2013 15: 58
      It turns out that from the perspective of 2050 (the UN demographic forecast), Russia does not have, or almost does not have, a place on the future map of the world.
      After analyzing the data of the mentioned forecast, an employee of the Integrated Mapping Laboratory compiled an amazing demographic map of the world of the future, where instead of the usual square kilometers, the scale is given in millions of people per unit area.
      This is called a completely scientific ugliness with an anamorphosis map. Indeed, with the projected 9,1 billion people in the middle of this century, Russia with its 116 million people. just lost on the map under the demographic onslaught of the Chinese, Indians and Muslims of Central Asia.
      Of 22125 km of land borders of Russia, 15224 km fall on the border with Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and the DPRK. Even if you put the entire population of Russia in 2050 along this border, you get 76 people for every km of the southern border.
      But what will happen from the “other side”? The population of China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran in 2050 will amount to 3,54 billion people, in other words, 231870 people. for every km of the border.
      Correlation - gloss - 1: 3050 !!!
    2. WS
      17 March 2013 20: 03
      Yes, yes, I myself feel something x ... in mene, although young laughing
  11. Dim1
    16 March 2013 14: 18
    Quote: Gari
    This is not about the Germans, but the theme seems to be the same -
    Margaret Thatcher, (a member of the world government), speaking publicly 10 years ago and specifying US policy towards Russia, dropped a mysterious phrase. She said (literally):
    "It is economically feasible, according to the estimates of the world community, to leave 15 million people living in Russia."
    When her translator, thinking that he had misheard, translated - 50 million people, which was followed by an immediate clarification: "No fifty! Fiftin !!" she corrected it and repeated it again - 15. Note, she did not say "Russians", she said "man" (!). Do you know who they consider to be human?
    I don’t know how it really was, but they attribute this speech to her

    And this policy is in full swing. 15 million people - not necessarily Russian. Russians will be replaced by immigrants from Central Asia and all. Already, Uzbeks say we’ll go to Russia to leave Uzbek children there.
  12. +2
    16 March 2013 14: 49
    Quote "Even taking into account the fact that Stalin's activities as head of state caused considerable damage to the people and the reputation of socialism."
    After this sentence, the article can be thrown into the trash.
  13. +2
    16 March 2013 15: 35
    Quote: kotdavin4i
    and you cannot prove to modern youth that if the fascists would have won the war, then most of them would not have existed in nature at all. Everyone looks west and says how good it is.

    Believe me, not everyone thinks so, but for the most part, today's youth are not at all interested in the fate of their country and patriotism as such, money, parties and expensive cars are on their minds, and everything is a western standard for them.
  14. 0
    16 March 2013 16: 24
    The main goal of the plan was formulated as follows: “It’s not just about defeating a state with a center in Moscow. Achieving this historical goal would never mean a complete solution to the problem. The point is most likely to defeat the Russians as a people, to divide them. Only if we consider this problem from a biological, especially from a racial and biological point of view, and if German policy in the eastern regions is pursued in accordance with this, will it be possible to eliminate the danger that the Russian people pose to us ... For us Germans, it’s important to weaken the Russian people to such an extent that they are no longer able to prevent us from establishing German supremacy in Europe. ”

    Is this a quote from "Plan Ost Gene"?
  15. +2
    16 March 2013 17: 25
    Stalin did a little wrong. It was necessary to take Germany, Austria, and give the East Europe to the Angles
  16. +2
    16 March 2013 17: 36
    It seems to be the right words, but after the final quote:
    At the same time, we must not forget that the Supreme High Command was headed by Stalin - this is an indisputable fact of history that no one can challenge. Even taking into account the fact that Stalin’s activity as head of state caused considerable damage to the people and the reputation of socialism.
    So this is the voice that calls for joining the ranks of tolerasts and liberalists who even can not stand the name STALIN!
    And we still exist contrary to their desires!
  17. 0
    16 March 2013 21: 01
    Stalin’s activity as head of state caused considerable damage to the people and the reputation of socialism .. Interestingly, the author finished this article. Damage to the people ... Free schools, hospitals. Damage is huge! Overstated and deceitful figures on the Gulag. Another damage. What kind of equivocation? White is white. Like black is black.
  18. bubble82009
    16 March 2013 23: 07
    and who is to blame for everything? ourselves. redrawing your story. now the Kornilovs, the Dinikins, and therefore the Vlasovites are heroes. and millions of people who gave their lives for Soviet power are enemies, traitors. so what should those heirs of the Red Army who won the civil war do? those whose relatives gave their lives for the USSR, for Stalin? if their leader is called a tyrant?
  19. +6
    16 March 2013 23: 15
    Home SADNESS: the name of J.V. Stalin is tainted by the efforts of the Ukrainian smart gopnik by removing his name from the history of the country as a true statesman ... Unfortunately, the history of the country of the Stalinist period is so poorly covered in modern historical materials that an ignorant citizen of the country, take an interest in him this fact, there is simply no place to get information. At the same time, groans of "scorched by Stalinism", gulags, innocently repressed, are heard from the TV screen. Add to this horror stories from V. Shalamov together with A. Solzhenitsin. The bottom line. Mass moronization of the younger generation, the fall of the moral and ethical level below the plinth. Celebrating Victory Day smoothly transitions to the level of a flash mob. The rod was removed from the PEOPLE. And this is the main step towards the destruction of the ethnos, the spiritual memory of the people.
  20. 0
    16 March 2013 23: 19
    Quote: kotdavin4i
    and you cannot prove to modern youth that if the fascists would have won the war, then most of them would not have existed in nature at all. Everyone looks west and says how good it is.

    The shame of modern Russian nationalists is that they worship not a Slavic nation and a leader out of it, but a freak who wanted to destroy this nation. They do not even understand that if the Union lost, they simply could not have been. Russians, love your people! Your roots!
  21. +2
    16 March 2013 23: 30
    Quote: feanor
    Quote: kotdavin4i
    and you cannot prove to modern youth that if the fascists would have won the war, then most of them would not have existed in nature at all. Everyone looks west and says how good it is.

    Believe me, not everyone thinks so, but for the most part, today's youth are not at all interested in the fate of their country and patriotism as such, money, parties and expensive cars are on their minds, and everything is a western standard for them.

    That's right, the zombie box teaches greed and debauchery, but what are we parents for? We can and must educate them by others, this is our task, and it is in our power, and we still need to give birth to Russian children more, so that after some 20 years to hear Russian speech on the streets of Russia, and not Uzbek and Caucasian!
  22. 0
    17 March 2013 01: 40
    Quote: stalkerwalker
    ... Mass debilitation of the younger generation, a drop in the moral and ethical level below the baseboard. Celebrating Victory Day smoothly moves to the level of flash mob. The rod was taken out of the PEOPLE. And this is the main step towards the destruction of the ethnic group, the spiritual memory of the people.

    sadly, but it's true.
  23. +1
    17 March 2013 05: 33
    All these operations aimed at creating favorable strategic positions for the war against England and the United States. I have long been tormented by the question, where did the Führer take so much finance for such wars? At the expense of what, or whom did his party rise? Who is behind the 2nd Miorova? The “Ost General Plan” is perhaps the most savage plan of the twentieth century that pursued the total genocide of the Russian people A strange situation is developing, about the genocide of the Jews, everyone is still hearing and making noise, They made Great Martyrs of the Jews, but they forgot about the Russian people, there was no genocide of Russians, how is that? Soon, in about 30-50 years, we learn that fascism was won not by the peoples of the USSR but by the people of Israel. It’s not worth it to mock the Russian people like that. We harness for a long time but drive fast. Do not forget this, adversaries. !!!!
  24. +10
    17 March 2013 05: 36
    Unsmiling Russians do not start wars.
    They are started by cheerful Europeans.
    Unsmiling Russian wars end.
    As a rule, in European capitals.
    And then the Russians for some time become the most smiling people.
    Not for long.
    Because the war is always there. (with)
  25. +2
    17 March 2013 08: 22
    Bismarck told them: "Do not go to Russia. Nothing good awaits you there." They didn't listen. It was necessary to be friends with Russia, not to fight it. Many thanks to the author for the article !!!
  26. +6
    17 March 2013 11: 43
    In the 19th century, French was taught in Russia - the Cossacks walked through Paris!
    In the 20th century, German was taught in the Union - the T-34 stands on a pedestal in Berlin!
    At 21 in Russia they learn English -...........
    P.S. Every joke has a fraction of a joke .... drinks
  27. +4
    17 March 2013 12: 27
    And do not forget that the Germans considered Russian all the inhabitants of the USSR.
  28. 0
    17 March 2013 14: 06
    At the end of 2009, Germany was declassified and for the first time in the public domain - the text of Hitler’s “Plan of the Ost” - Germanization project for Eastern Europe was posted ...
    Evict beyond the Urals and to Siberia, or destroy. (almost the same thing): “... 75 percent of Belarusians, 65 percent of Western Ukrainians, residents of Western Ukraine, 50 percent from the Baltic countries.”
    Leningrad from a three-million city was to become a German settlement for 200 thousand inhabitants.
    Based on the instructions of the Reichsführer SS, one should proceed from the settlement of the following areas primarily: Ingermanlandia (St. Petersburg region); Gotengau (Crimea and Kherson region, former Tavria), Memelnrava region (Białystok region and western Lithuania). The Germanization of this area is already on its way back to the Volksdeutsche. ”
    And the lands beyond the Urals seemed to the Nazis such a disastrous territory that they were not even considered as a matter of priority. But, fearing that the Poles sent there would be able to form their own state, the Nazis nevertheless decided to send them to Siberia in small groups.
    The question to the "limitrophes" is when will the compensation for the SOVIET OCCUPATION begin. The dimensions can be clarified after a detailed analysis of the above plan!
    1. 0
      17 March 2013 14: 33
      The plan itself has not survived, there is only "Comments and proposals on the General plan Ost", drawn up in the form of a memo for Minister Rosenberg on April 27, 1942 by the head of the racial-political department of the Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories, Dr. E. Wetzel. This memo was one of the pieces of evidence at the Nuremberg Trials. And this "At the end of 2009 in Germany it was declassified and for the first time in the public domain - the text of Hitler's" Plan Ost "- a project for the Germanization of Eastern Europe ..." cannot be, in principle, in Germany there are no important documents left on World War II.
  29. walter_rus
    17 March 2013 17: 49
    Some * udaks say: "Would surrender to the Germans - now everyone would be driving a Mercedes." They should read about the plan "Ost", although they do not read such at all, at best - only collections of anecdotes.
    1. +5
      17 March 2013 19: 08
      Guys! What is the Ost plan? Today, children at school are offered to choose which exams to take. And, believe me, History, as an object, will be chosen the very last ...
    2. -1
      17 March 2013 20: 45
      Why do you think that you wouldn’t drive a Mercedes? We would go. In "gazenvans" manufactured by Daimler-Benz. Only those ... udaks don't understand this.
      1. 0
        18 March 2013 11: 07
        I see you as the driver of the inter-shop car at one of the Daimler plants good
  30. +6
    18 March 2013 06: 17
    If not for the USSR and its valiant Red Army, there would still be a geyropa under the Nazi boot. And I think they liked it.
  31. rainer
    18 March 2013 06: 37
    People will not you consider this unprofessional nonsense seriously?
  32. aleks-s2011
    18 March 2013 08: 42
    I made a story at school on an exam. the teachers were good. but also in the nineties they did not give a complete picture of fazhism. maybe they just thought it wasn’t necessary to go very deep into this topic.
    1. 0
      18 March 2013 11: 02
      apparently they did not want to go deeper so much that even the term "fascism" was not taught to write correctly recourse
  33. ed65b
    18 March 2013 12: 41
    It’s important for us Germans to weaken the Russian people to such an extent that they are no longer able to prevent us from establishing German supremacy in Europe. ”

    As a result, with the exact opposite, the Jews + finished off with the Holocaust and tolerance. No more German soldier. And thank God.
  34. 0
    18 March 2013 12: 43
    The article is not bad, except for the whitewashing of the highest command staff.
    Stupidity cannot be justified.

    The number of dead soldiers on our part cannot be justified.

    In the Russian language there is a saying: "The sword does not cut a guilty head!"

    So I wonder when this is the General Staff and the generals openly obeyed the enormous losses?
    1. +4
      18 March 2013 22: 30
      Yes, our General Staff was normal. And the RIGHT generals were enough. And the Germans knew how to fight. The finale is known ...
  35. +2
    18 March 2013 13: 43
    Undermining the "power of the Russian people" was thought to be carried out by carrying out a whole range of activities. This included the maximum reduction in the number of the Russian population by imposing poverty, reducing fertility, eliminating medical care and the provision of medicines, and destroying the intelligentsia by eliminating education, and relocating more than 50 million Russians from the Urals, the Caucasus, Africa, and even South America from European part of Russia, and for now, the remaining 14 million here will be turned into unskilled labor in the service of the colonialists. HOW LIKE THE POLITICS OF THE PARTY OF AUTHORITY AT THE ACTION OF THE NAZIS ... think!
    1. +1
      18 March 2013 14: 31
      Yes, if I remember correctly, then DAM signed a decree on compulsory 4-grade education.
      And the introduction of paid education at all levels?
      And housing prices? this is murder!
      And honey service too! wherever you go everywhere money come on ...