“If people have weapons, they will be more reckoned with”

“If people have weapons, they will be more reckoned with”We continue the discussion about the possibility of resolving the shortbridge in Russia

We continue to interview well-known people of our country on the issue of allowing citizens to keep and wear short-barreled weapon.

Today, the questions of KM.RU are answered by the writer Mikhail Veller.

- Opponents of a short-barrel say that if a weapon is allowed, it can be used to make revolutions, as it was already in stories Russia. What do you say to that?

- The February 1917 revolution of the year was not an armed uprising. It was a palace plot in which the top Russian generals and the top of the royal family participated. It had nothing to do with possession of weapons by the public. As for the October coup, all the people were armed because of Russia's participation in the Great War, later called the First World War.

Any man in a soldier’s or sailor’s uniform had a rifle, so a civil war could arise. But the self-defense weapon, which was in free sale, was very expensive for the broad masses, it was suitable only for shootouts at short distances and only small groups of militants were armed with them, who could not make a revolution.

- You have forgotten the first revolution, that is, the 1905-07 terrorist war.

- I beg your pardon, I have not forgotten anything. You are the first from whom I hear the 1905 uprising called the terrorist war. In the 1905 revolution, armed squads really participated in both Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the uprising was easily suppressed. If we talk about terror, it is in terms of the number of victims and is not closely comparable with the wave of murders that occurred in Russia in the 90s, and even today in large cities every day people are killed during the day.

Let me remind you that the first twelve years of the 20th century in Russia were a time of mass peasant revolts. The peasants had no weapons, except for pitchforks and braids. With these pitchforks and scythes they perekalyvali and cut out landlord families, burned estates. Then the troops came, shot the instigators, and then the military field courts hung up those instigators who remained alive. Peasant uprisings had no relation to the sale of weapons to the population.

- When did the government change its approach to civilian weapons?

- Following the October Revolution in early November 1917 in the old style, the young government headed by the Bolshevik Party categorically forbade the people to keep and bear arms. This was done in order to prevent any resistance to oneself. As a result, a totalitarian regime was built, with no precedent in the history of the suppression of the individual. If the people have weapons, they will be more reckoned with.
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  1. +2
    7 October 2014 18: 11
    We haven’t ripened even before that ... there are too many fools ... they will wave weapons at every step ... how many examples have already been of unauthorized use of traumatic injuries ... and if a firearm ... not the time !!!!
    1. +40
      7 October 2014 18: 21
      Speak for yourself, do not decide for everyone.
      1. +9
        7 October 2014 18: 48
        And you will study closely the rampant crime since 1917 ... and, at least, in 1925. Maybe then it will be clearer what free access to weapons entails.
        1. +12
          7 October 2014 19: 33
          Quote: Mareman Vasilich
          And you will study closely the rampant crime since 1917 .. and by, at least, 1925

          Well, you would have remembered Stenka Razin! Modern statistics say otherwise -
          Link to crime statistics in different countries before and after weapon resolution. The US is dealt with separately by state. Everywhere recession crime. Just don’t need to talk about the special Russian mentality, everyone wants to live, but you can kill with a screwdriver
          1. calocha
            7 October 2014 22: 13
            Pack your suitcase and in ... STATES !!! WHO KEEPES ?!
          2. +12
            7 October 2014 23: 07
            Ha well, of course, when you know that any passer-by has a trunk behind a belt, then of course it’s annoying. Only the majority of citizens of the United States and the Russian Federation are not criminals.

            In armed society, the rule of law rests on fear of others. In front of a friend, in front of the seller in the store, even in front of his own girlfriend. Yes FIG knows how she will behave. Russian girls when they find out about the betrayal of the floor of the apartment can smash. What about the trunk?
          3. Mih
            7 October 2014 23: 10
            and kill with a screwdriver if you wish

            So you can do it with bare hands, if you can. So what - hands break off? lol
          4. +5
            8 October 2014 00: 24
            in statistics, there are not enough countries like Somalia, for example, well-maintained stable countries) they are simply well-fed. if the country becomes a holon and all weapons go
            1. +6
              8 October 2014 02: 14
              Quote: cyberhanter
              if the country becomes a holon and all weapons go
              It is enough to rinse the brain of the people to the weapon went into motion.
          5. +2
            8 October 2014 13: 55
            You can Stenka Razin. For reference: if times change, then man never. The presence of weapons by citizens suggests that the authorities are not able to protect them.
          6. 0
            10 October 2014 10: 12
            Well, you understand that in our country they are preparing the ground for a revolution, and that is why they have now begun to actively push the topic with personal weapons. If the population has a lot of weapons in their hands, the result is a "good" bloodbath.
        2. +20
          7 October 2014 20: 15
          Yes, you went with your statistics, only those in power and imprisoned for you !!! On the contrary, all sorts of scumbags and perverts will become less, if not for conscience, so for fear !!! By the way, the police now work those who would have been in prison before !!! So to speak, for general discipline !!!
          1. +18
            7 October 2014 20: 21
            Quote: fktrcfylhn61
            On the contrary, all sorts of scumbags and perverts will become less, if not for conscience, so for fear !!!

            Do not be rude. This time. Two - explain why dissatisfied with the statistics? Wherever weapons were allowed, crime rates fell, especially violent. I think this is a huge plus for the permission of the short barrel!
            1. +7
              7 October 2014 23: 26
              Are you ready to be afraid of everyone you meet? Ie armed? Are you sure of their adequate condition?
              Are you ready to live like a nigga with a magnum behind your belt? Looking around?

              Ready? Me not.

              Armed society maintains stability with fear of others.

              I don’t want to live in such a society!
              1. 0
                8 October 2014 09: 49
                Quote: Interface
                Are you ready to be afraid of everyone you meet?

                It's not about fear. Somehow I did not notice the fear in "enlightened" Europe, where weapons are almost universally allowed. Ordinary people will not be touched by fear. Fear should demotivate potential criminals. And comparing us to niggas is stupid, the mentality is not the same.
                Quote: Interface
                Are you sure of their adequate condition?

                Once again, I’m more inadequate with weapons than ordinary people, I personally know one thing (registered) and have injuries and Saigu-20. That's why you need to tighten the rules for issuing permits and introduce liability for violation of the rules for issuing. And completely ban injuries.
                1. Hedgehog_Russian
                  10 October 2014 15: 38
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  ... Fear will not affect ordinary people. Fear should become a motivator for potential criminals ...

                  Fear will affect ordinary people even more, and will become an incentive for the illegal solution of educational problems ...: ((((
            2. +1
              8 October 2014 09: 13
              During the USSR (70-80 year) crime was also low. The population had no weapons. The law and order was guarded by police and other law enforcement services. Which naturally had a weapon. Need to revive this. So that everyone goes about their business and bears responsibility. So that I, as a simple citizen, could call the police (militia), being sure that she will understand and protect, and not think about how to protect myself from fraternities or other troublemakers. And the police must be sure that they will come to sort it out and put things in order, and they will not meet it with machine guns ..
              There are times when in a rage a person is ready to bite a person, especially after drinking. And if there is a weapon at hand, the death of another person, sometimes a loved one, is guaranteed. And sobering will come, no one can return it. Hence the suicide in the United States, after done in affect.
              1. +1
                8 October 2014 09: 54
                Quote: Azim77
                During the USSR (70-80 years) crime was also low. The population had no weapons.

                In the 50-60s there was a weapon, it was possible to buy in an ordinary selmag. And nothing, there were no global skirmishes.
                Quote: Azim77
                There are times when in a rage a person is ready to bite a person, especially after drinking.

                We also have enough stabbing, and no matter what they kill in such cases.
          2. Mih
            7 October 2014 23: 13
            On the contrary, all sorts of scumbags and perverts will become less

            Yes, I think so.
        3. calocha
          7 October 2014 22: 42
          That's right! The answer is always in HISTORY! Nothing is new under the moon! It is necessary to make a poll among the People. To explain to all the People and ask them to vote on this matter! Save lists ... just in case ... We have a lot of cases in HISTORY There were all sorts of things .. At a time when the clouds are gathering over Russia a handful of "well-wishers" want to push through the law on short-barreled, I think these little people are not all, there are "lost sheep" among them, pour water on someone else's mill ... FSB - AUUUU!
        4. +3
          8 October 2014 07: 09
          And I remind you that until the 70s of the last century smooth-bore weapons were sold freely in the USSR and judging by the opinions of old-timers, the number of crimes from it was zero and the reason for the ban was banal, I'm afraid, I'm afraid. hunting edged weapons and now, as I understand it, anyone can buy it freely!
      2. +16
        7 October 2014 20: 28
        I already have two official trunks (smoothbore and trauma), there are no comments from the district police officer, there are no human losses. I have in reserve, I know the value of human life. There will be a law, I’ll take old Makarov, I won’t let you down.
        1. 0
          8 October 2014 00: 27
          it's you. Imagine a person who cannot buy a weapon, for example, he is slightly schizophrenic. not violent. he is attacked by a bandit with a knife, and if the weapon is allowed? with a gun ... it will be much harder for a poor schizo to defend himself. you need to equalize do not let's buy trunks
      3. +3
        7 October 2014 22: 56
        Armory lobbyists no longer shun resorting to quoting clinical liberals like Weller.
        There will be no legal trunks in the Russian Federation, this is obvious, and the outbreak of fantasy among the forum users will pass.

        You do not live in slums, you are not raped 10 once a day;
        Conclusion: you do not need a weapon.

        If you really live in a dangerous area, my advice is:
        1. Buy a traumatic gun. Up to 5 meters to the head - forward-corpse.
        If the attacker sees your barrel, whether he is with a knife, a bat or himself with a barrel - he will not aggravate and simply wash off.

        Conclusion: you can do without a gunshot.

        Note, in the case of a firearm - the situation is similar. The ratio of 50 to 50 is maintained.

        2. Buy a pepper spray. Only they rushed at you with a knife-- in his face, he will go blind for 30 minutes and will roll and scream.

        Again, no weapons can be dispensed with.

        3 as a last resort: a knife or a folding club. It fits easily in your pocket. Get it-- even faster than pulling and reloading the barrel.

        Again without a gun you can do.

        The general conclusion: lobbyists are simply trying to raise panic and screeching like "we are all in danger, we need to arm ourselves."

        Do not be fooled.

        As a result of this, a totalitarian regime was built that has no precedent in the history of personality suppression.

        If a person needs to be raised from an animal with a capital letter, ready to cover with his body an abandoned grenade or a pilot, saving an airplane taxiing dozens of lives until the fall, then I AM FOR TOTALITARISM.

        I am sick of the philistines, fixated on their individuality, living on the principle of "work less - consume more", which liberalism brings up. And when everything around piz-fetski is bad, they somehow have us-at everything: for mass drug addiction, rape and unpunished pedophilia that have become commonplace, for the poor and the hungry.

        Weller-- you nasty liberal girl. You are no better than Gozman, Nemtsov, Shenderovich, etc.
        for you, a "free person" is just poor domesticated monkeys, trampling each other at the annual sales of unnecessary junk, as in the USA, and even with trunks.

        It is necessary to educate a citizen in a person, to eradicate poverty, to give a good education to everyone, then crime will be a thing of the past.

        And arming a society where a culture of dealing with the instrument of death has not developed, you only get long lists of the wounded and the dead. The teenager will pick up a revolver from his father and will shoot at the sparrows, and there he will hit a man.
        Neither in the USA, nor in other countries with the right to own weapons, this is not mentioned at all.

        Minus one. Express to me your disagreement and contempt. Well.
        1. calocha
          7 October 2014 23: 02
          I respectfully despise YOU! laughingEverything is clear and to the point! hiReceive from me +!
        2. Mih
          7 October 2014 23: 34
          1) I am sick of the philistines fixated on their individuality who live according to the principle "work less - consume more", which is brought up by liberalism.
          2) In a person, a citizen needs to be educated, eradicate poverty, give good.
          3) Negative. Express to me your disagreement and contempt. Well.

          1) On the first question - Do you really believe that the more you work, the more you get? You are the very liberal. Or do you believe that Mr. Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky overstrained at work?
          2) Citizen - Yes, you need to educate, but how does this relate to the eradication of poverty?
          3) I did not minus and I have no contempt. I am sincerely sorry for you. love
          1. +4
            8 October 2014 00: 35
            On the first question - Do you really believe that the more you work, the more you get? You are the one

            1. And where did I write that I "believe"?

            Maybe you just clumsily interpret my thoughts?

            Maybe you can’t understand and comprehend what you read, so the fantasy has played out for you too, and you are squeezing your thoughts out to me like a paste from a tube?

            Or do you believe that Mr. Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky overstrained at work?

            Tovarisch, you need to fantasize in a kindergarten, and here - at least to demonstrate the appearance of mastery of logic skills.
            Where did I write about Khodorkovsky or Berezovsky? Oooo nowhere!

            I repeat, fantasy is for a manger. And I wrote everything clearly, do not find fault with the words. Your cheating is too noticeable.

            2) Citizen - Yes, you need to educate, but how does this relate to the eradication of poverty?

            1. Someone apparently didn’t notice that I used commas to break up a complex sentence into subparts.
            Having at least basic knowledge of the Russian language, you would understand that parts of a complex sentence, separated by a comma, may not have a direct logical connection.
            In other words, if I talk about "educating a citizen" and then write about "liquidating crime," this does not mean that both of these ideas are interconnected.

            Popularly explain?

            2. n
            how is this related to poverty eradication?

            For those who ask a question in the tank:
            A robber or a hijacker robs the apartment purely for fun? I thought he wants to feed himself. Sells stolen goods and lives for himself. I didn’t fit, like our pensioners, into the market conditions, so he robs.
            I did not minus and I have no contempt. I am sincerely sorry for you.

            But what about a woman with secrets? Explain why you are sorry.
            1. 0
              8 October 2014 07: 44
              your tone is bold and arrogant
        3. +6
          8 October 2014 00: 17
          How to create a culture of handling firearms without having these weapons?

          1. you can’t shoot in the head with an injury, do you know?
          2. Are you sure that your spray will work and the wind will not blow off your aerosol in your face, that it will work in the cold and some attackers will ignore tears and so on will continue the attack
          3. A folding / telescopic baton is illegal, and you still need to be able to use a knife - otherwise they will pick it up and cut it, because when working with a knife, you will have to approach a critical distance.
          With a firearm, everything is simpler, the first hit (caliber from 9 mm) will have a devastating effect and you do not need to get close to the enemy, making physical contact with him (someone weighs 120 and someone weighs 50 kg)
          1. +1
            8 October 2014 07: 19
            Sorry, dear in the park, I pressed the wrong button, all the comments are correct! Yes, and for the shooting in the head, dependent Russian judges will sew excess self-defense aisles regardless of whether you are right or not!
          2. +2
            8 October 2014 13: 28
            you can’t shoot from the injury head, do you know?

            Can I have a gun? You can kill it with a firearm and a leg. The femoral artery will be broken and people will die.

            Conclusion: no difference.

            Okay, I don’t like it in the head, okay 3 shot in the chest-- the person is neutralized.

            You do not need a shotgun for this.

            Only I don't need to ask stupid questions "why not 4", but "why not there why not here".

            Nothing to say-- it means you do not need to pull any incoherent balcony with a pipyrka.

            2. Are you sure that your spray will work and the wind will not blow off your aerosol in your face, that it will work in the cold and some attackers will ignore tears and so on will continue the attack

            1. That's when there is nothing to say as a matter of fact, nitpicking starts like: it will hit you in the face, the elephant will fart - the greenhouse effect will begin and the spray will burst.

            Here I got it from the fans, I was lying blind for about 30 minutes. What nafig "keep attacking" ?!

            This is not a toilet, dear, you do not refresh the air with an aerosol, you have to poke your assailant in the face for a long time, sec 3-5.

            If you prefer the toilet option, then you will be robbed and killed. But this is not because you didn’t have a barrel, but because you don’t know how to use a spray.

            3. A folding / telescopic baton is illegal, and you still need to be able to use a knife - otherwise they will pick it up and cut it, because when working with a knife, you will have to approach a critical distance

            Then buy an injury. Well, elementary. I wrote the whole 3 version.

            it’s simpler with a firearm, the first hit (caliber from 9 mm) will have a devastating effect and you don’t need to get close to the enemy, making physical contact with him (someone weighs 120, and someone weighs 50 kg)

            I repeat, buy an injury. 4 SHOT-- he will roll off.

            What with a firearm you will train at the shooting range, that with injury.

            So that you know, the majority of armed criminals are pissing guys and always come from the rear. A headshot and you are a corpse.

            You do not even realize that behind you is a killer.

            Then what's the point of spending money and time on a firearm?
            1. +2
              8 October 2014 17: 00
              I completely agree - for self-defense of an injury for the eyes. For the defense of his home - hunting for the eyes. For a drunken brawl - brass knuckles and spray are also for the eyes. All this wave of legalization of the firearm is raised by lobbyists who see how huge the arms market is in the usa and how much money it brings. They play on the holy - the craving of any Russian peasant for weapons. What were the boys' favorite toys in childhood - soldiers, a ball and a toy gun. As our wives say, men are big children. We love weapons, it psychologically gives us confidence, and lobbyists catch us on this. We do not need it, but we want it. All the above arguments for legalization are excuses, and the reason is purely psychological - we like it. One hundred pounds for the majority after the army there were a bunch of pictures with weapons - I am with a machine gun, I am with a machine gun, I am on a BMP and I am with a lot of crap, which I asked the subcontractors to take a picture of. That’s the whole explanation, and the injury doesn’t satisfy our craving for beauty.
          3. +1
            9 October 2014 19: 09
            clearly, specifically, on points and ABSOLUTELY correct! good
        4. 0
          8 October 2014 06: 47
          It is a pity only one plus can be put. I would like to see this comment in the form of an article (to collect pluses). And in general, these Overtonian methods get enough. Soon we are waiting - with a big teleschrat on this topic at some sort of Malakhov, etc.
        5. The comment was deleted.
        6. +1
          8 October 2014 07: 56
          Minus. For rudeness. By the way, Uncle Misha is not a liberal — he goes through them very hard periodically — just read him and listen on TV.
          1. 0
            8 October 2014 19: 35
            Quote: Colt864
            Uncle Misha is not a liberal

            Quote: Colt864
            just read it and listen on the TV.
            and it becomes clear that he is not a liberal, but a liberal.
        7. 0
          9 October 2014 10: 15
          Quote: Interface
          It is necessary to educate a citizen in a person, to eradicate poverty, to give a good education to everyone, then crime will be a thing of the past.

          Personally, I will not minus. I agree that you need to educate a citizen. A citizen must be sure that the state will protect him. Now it does not work for us. How poverty can be eradicated is a rhetorical question; not everyone who needs it needs education to receive it. Crime - was, is and will be. Only fear will restrain the criminal, in connection with this, it would be good, in addition to legalizing the short-barrel and a moratorium on the death penalty, to abolish. To prohibit injuries, so that the criminal knows - in response to his aggression, a real trunk will be taken out. Not so many years will pass, and citizens will gain consciousness.

          Quote: Interface
          3 as a last resort: a knife or a folding club. It fits easily in your pocket. Get it-- even faster than pulling and reloading the barrel.

          The club in Russia is XO.
      4. 0
        8 October 2014 02: 08
        Quote: Hiking
        Speak for yourself, do not decide for everyone.
        In Russia, so tight with childbirth, and then fools will walk charged ...
        1. +1
          9 October 2014 04: 18
          Quote: Alexej
          In Russia, so tight with childbirth, and then fools will walk charged ...

          And who says that you need to arm fools? Control and licensing are not going to be canceled. Regards.
    2. +35
      7 October 2014 18: 23
      We were not ripe before that ... too many fools
      In Russia, the population is officially allowed to have smooth-bore and rifled guns for hunting and self-defense. There are few crimes involving this gun. It turns out that people are ripe for "Saiga" or SCS, but for example there is no PSM?
      1. Hedgehog_Russian
        7 October 2014 19: 14
        It's not about the number of fools, but in our desire for self-destruction!
        1. 0
          9 October 2014 04: 22
          Quote: Hedgehog_Russian
          desire for self-destruction!

          Well, you are bent! In the Russian Empire, people armed themselves, and in the Russian Federation they will self-destruct. Rave! With respect.
          1. Hedgehog_Russian
            10 October 2014 18: 12
            Dear Fyvaprold,
            Firstly, in my comment there is not a word about the state system.
            Secondly, do not Russians kill Russians in New Russia ?!
            Thirdly, in the minds of Russian people there was a substitution of concepts: patience for tolerance, spiritual for soulfulness, selflessness for self-sacrifice, etc.
            Fourthly, it is the thirst for profit and satisfaction of one’s Wishlist that is not limited by the national idea leads to the visible embodiment of the spiritual death of the whole nation.
            Fifthly, in the Russian Federation for 10 million Orthodox Christians, there are 20 million Muslims, but a holy place does not happen empty, and after all, only 100 years ago, the word Russian was synonymous with the word Orthodox!
            You can list for a long time, but the bottom line will still be the following:
            - When a person seeks truth without seeking Truth, he dooms himself to the wrath of God, and no short-barrel will help him!
      2. +16
        7 October 2014 19: 33
        Dear supporters of the "short-barreled" resolution, explain to me why "trauma" does not suit you? I just have the feeling that you already have a compiled list of personalities, according to which you have already worked in vain as a "trauma" and you just need to use more powerful weapons against them. Or do you think that in conflict situations it is not enough just to hit a person with a rubber bullet, it is imperative to finish him off with a control shot from a "short-barreled gun", to be sure ?!
        1. Brother77
          7 October 2014 19: 54
          Dear future supporter of the short-barrel, first and most importantly, study the right to weapons movement site, the 1nd rubber bullet does not get cuts on itself, because of this you cannot track that moron who will pierce someone’s skull with this weapon .. well, if you’re not then you’ll understand everything further ...
          1. +11
            7 October 2014 20: 09
            First, I will not study the website of the gun rights movement, I do not see the need for this. Second, you generally understand that in any case, whether "short-handed" is allowed or not, "trauma" will remain in circulation. That is, the problem of those "rifling" cannot be solved, in addition, the use of weapons in most cases occurs when a person is in an insane state (alcohol, drugs, etc.), and in this state it will be difficult for a person to remember the notorious "rifling" , and a hit in the head will lead to death, when, as with an injury, the chance of survival is much greater.
            Do not rank me as a supporter of the short-barrel, I have already said that if a person does not know how to use injury, the short-barrel will not help him.
            1. +8
              7 October 2014 20: 17
              Quote: BastionAmur
              , and getting into the head will be fatal when, as with an injury, the chance of survival is much greater.

              Most people who use injuries do not think about a possible outcome, since it is not perceived by a lethal weapon. Most consider it as a continuation of the fist.
              1. +9
                7 October 2014 20: 33
                Yes, they don’t even think about anything at all, they get it and shoot it, they start thinking afterwards when they realize what they’ve done.
                1. +5
                  7 October 2014 22: 29
                  Quote: BastionAmur
                  Yes, they don’t even think about anything at all, they get it and shoot it, they start thinking afterwards when they realize what they’ve done.

                  Have you ever wondered why the crime rate is lower with the death penalty? Even mentally ill and unbalanced people have an instinct for self-preservation.
                  1. +1
                    8 October 2014 03: 22
                    Well, they started for health, finished for peace. Personally, I have not met crime statistics with the death penalty and without it, if you have met, let's see. And do not forget that we have the death penalty, but it has been suspended due to international documents. Therefore, instead of the tower they give life for themselves, which in theory should also stop. But this is just the idea.
              2. -1
                7 October 2014 23: 10
                Most people who use injuries do not think about a possible outcome, since it is not perceived by a lethal weapon. Most consider it as a continuation of the fist.

                And you read Butin’s vysers well.

                Memorized phrases, now teach others?

                What makes you think that the majority "consider it an extension of the fist"? For example, I do not count. At the same time, I held the weapon 3 times in my life.

                Justify the layers of the word! Or do you only know how to repeat Butinsky writings?
        2. calocha
          7 October 2014 22: 50
          Many have stolen so much that they understand that they will come for them and ask to share. Rob the loot! This truth has not been canceled ... And with a pistol under the pillow and sleep ... harder ... No, really pipes! A decent citizen has no need to carry a weapon with him and beware of everything and everyone! When we overcome drunkenness, drug addiction and corruption with laziness, then society MAYBE mature! In the meantime ... "roll up your lips ladies and gentlemen" hi !
        3. Mih
          7 October 2014 23: 41
          Dear supporters of the "short-barreled" resolution, explain to me why "trauma" does not suit you? I just have the feeling that you already have a compiled list of personalities, according to which you have already worked in vain as a "trauma" and you just need to use more powerful weapons against them.

          “Injury” breeds irresponsibility - everyone thinks that this is just a toy, available as a prostitute. And, when dealing with a prostitute, there can be serious consequences, as well as with “trauma”, but who thinks about it? hi
        4. +6
          8 October 2014 00: 06
          There is a problem of applying trauma to a person in dense / winter clothes, the pain effect is significantly reduced. It’s NOT legal to shoot him in the head!
          Here, some urge to shoot in the head, but are you familiar with the rules for applying injury?
          Where to shoot for a confident defeat? The easiest way is in the case.

          I own smoothbore and trauma, I have had experience of using PM on humans. I shot him in the thigh closer to the knee - the effect is immediate, I lay down right away. If the attack had been more unexpected, I would have shot a "deuce" in the body and was sure that this would at least throw the attacker away from me, even if he had tight / winter clothes or a bulletproof vest.

          And with trauma, I have no confidence that if I get into the case I will get the desired effect.
        5. 0
          8 October 2014 07: 26
          No need to bend the stick to the score of a control shot. In case of a threat, there simply will not be time to check the effectiveness of rubber on a person.
      3. +8
        7 October 2014 20: 12
        Alexander Saigu can’t be reproached secretly! And history shows that there are a lot of scumbags shooting from behind someone else’s backs. Look what’s going on in Ukraine! There are many adequate fellow citizens, but there are enough scumbags. Manners are still preserved on the roads (if you are the king in a jeep and the rest reptiles) .Parking can not be divided. And you guns to them? No.
        1. +3
          7 October 2014 21: 01
          So here the legalization of the short-barrel in / in Ukraine is not discussed.
        2. +4
          7 October 2014 22: 28
          That is precisely because they could peacefully divide the parking lot and there are no self-proclaimed kings on the road, and we must provide the right to own a real trunk, not an ersatz slingshot.
        3. 0
          9 October 2014 17: 31
          That's right, if both have trunks, they will quickly find a place for parking, and then it will begin: "Let me see which shooting gallery you go to, what brandy you drink." wink
      4. +7
        7 October 2014 20: 24
        Quote: enot73
        It turns out that people are ripe for "Saiga" or SCS, but for example there is no PSM?
        To begin with, Alexander, you must understand that SKS or "Saiga" is a weapon for hunting (for which, often, you also need a license to shoot game), and PSM is a combat weapon. You will use a hunting weapon for self-defense or a kitchen knife, not the point, in fact it will be the use of an improvised means, since the purpose of these items is hunting and cooking, and you have no right to deliberately kill, any lethal outcome is an accident, and the court will decide the adequacy of your actions. PSM, as a military weapon, is not intended for hunting, demonstration, traumatic or gas effect, the purpose is one - the destruction of the enemy, shooting to kill. If you legalize military weapons, namely military ones, you will first have to legalize its status and the right to shoot to kill in any situation that can be interpreted as self-defense. I don’t think you don’t understand the difference, and all the consequences of the substitution of the institutions of law and order by one person with a gun, who alone decides who and when to endure the highest measure, having minutes and seconds to think about and far from ideal psyche or morality.
      5. +2
        8 October 2014 07: 22
        One of the lowest percent in the number of crimes from registered weapons in the world is in Russia!
      6. uicp
        8 October 2014 07: 27
        Quote: enot73
        We were not ripe before that ... too many fools
        In Russia, the population is officially allowed to have smooth-bore and rifled guns for hunting and self-defense. There are few crimes involving this gun. It turns out that people are ripe for "Saiga" or SCS, but for example there is no PSM?

        To overthrow power, it is much better to use a powerful long-barreled rifled weapon - which is almost freely sold in any hunting store. Conclusion: the government is not afraid of the armed people. For a showdown in the style of the wild west, it’s much more convenient to have a compact short-stemmer whose presence will help to explain your point of view most clearly to the opponent. Conclusion: the authorities are afraid precisely for your life and health - however strange it may sound.
    3. sergey261180
      7 October 2014 18: 26
      Quote: moremansf
      too many fools

      And there will not be less of them, on the contrary. So, no weapons to fools, and cars should be taken away, it was too many fools on the roads. Most of the "people" are not compatible with scientific and technological progress.
    4. +19
      7 October 2014 18: 27
      In the United States, the people have weapons ... and what? (There is a police state and a society of consumers for the most part) Weller is still a singer ... He just noticed after all these "marches of millions" in Moscow that failed ... they want to legalize weapons. what? I don’t want to send my son to school in armor and worry if he comes back or not ..! I am categorically against ..! Smooth-bore weapons, please, in safes and everything is as it should be ... Everything else is a danger ... If I go to school with my child and see a drunk or just a person with a pistol in my hands (I will shoot to kill if I have a barrel) if not just running away or covering the child is not a way out that will survive .. my son (I am silent about myself) I am against .. hi
      1. +5
        7 October 2014 19: 06
        My answer will be a repetition of the previous ones: something is not visible to the Tigronos, wallowing all around ...
        1. +1
          7 October 2014 22: 18
          Quote: Basarev
          My answer will be a repetition of the previous ones: something is not visible to the Tigronos, wallowing all around ...

          One recently went to school with Saiga. Before that, a citizen in Belgorod walked.
          Even earlier, lawyer Vinogradov came to work at Rigla, and imagined himself to be a "Russian Breivik" ...
          Reflections that "if the victims had a pistol ...", I consider inappropriate, since the police officer at the school had a regular pistol, and he knew how to use it (in contrast to the layman).
      2. Brother77
        7 October 2014 20: 03
        Dear Mikhan, read the right to weapons website, there are a lot of insights for you, if you’re so afraid go to jail there they will protect you, etc. etc., but there will be no freedom, I came to school for the child and tell the guard how you are about it if the school they’ll want to capture him, they’ll do it in 2 accounts, I’m told him what about you, he’s what I am, I’d tell him if you had a trunk, and he’s all around and they’ll shoot each other, well, I’ll tell him, but he’s - let me start shooting and they me, and I tell him how are the children and he made the eyes of a r.u.sch.eg.o raccoon and fell silent ... well, how do you like this position your skin is more expensive than children’s, but what’s yours with what you will defend, the other says fight, and I’m better off an old TT than judo and karate
        1. +4
          7 October 2014 20: 46
          Quote: Brother77
          read the right to weapons website
          The right to arms, with Maria Butina at the forefront? Check out her pearls for starters, here are some:
          Maria Butina: If a robber breaks into your territory and you shoot him, the owner should automatically be recognized as a victim

          Maria Butina: “We made a proposal to equip school teachers”

          Blog of Maria Butina. "If a person is satisfied with everything, then he is a complete idiot"

          M. Butina: “The thesis that we shoot each other is Russophobia and racism.”
          Butina, a member of the international shooting federations IPSC and IDPA (headquarters in Canada and Germany, roots in the USA). Judge of the Russian Association of Practical Shooting Judges. Honorary member of the Association of Weapons Owners of Ukraine. The girl will only be 26 years old, and she just frantically demands to arm the people, as if she saw all the wisdom of life through the rifling of the barrel. What money and what kind of uncles are behind her, this is the FSB's business, but she was already charged with lobbying. To her previous article demanding to grow up for shooting, here was added another opus, already from Mr. Weller, who, it seems, has no idea about civilian weapons in Tsarist Russia, undertaking to discuss this topic of "freedoms". Who needs this arming of the Russian people, and these rights to shoot, look overseas, there are "friends" that we are being taught "democracy" and "freedom".
        2. +6
          7 October 2014 22: 42
          Quote: Brother77
          better old TT than judo and karate

          - Now I will tell you very sad information for you: in the draft law on a portable CS, the muzzle energy of a bullet (not more than 500 joules) can be severely limited, which means a decrease in the powder charge in the cartridge, lightening of the bullet, and shortening of the barrel. Thus: military weapons on the civilian market will not get at all or will not fall without a radical alteration. A light bullet is less likely to ricochet, a strong stopping effect (splashes against the body and acts like a powerful blow), but even ordinary winter clothes are already a strong obstacle for such a bullet (light bulletproof vest - all the more).
          Korotkostvol, probably, will very precisely correspond to the name, a sort of revolver-sawn-off or Wasp with symbolic trunks-bushings. So, leave your dreams of Glock, Colt, Walther, .... TT and APS.
          You will also be greatly upset by the procedure for obtaining permission, the frequency of inspections and the funniest thing - it will be very difficult for you to carry out your usual activities with the COP in your armpit in everyday life if your activity is related to physical labor or visiting crowded places (where to store your weapon while you are " you work with a file and a sledgehammer ", similarly - where you will stick it when visiting an office, bank, restaurant, stadium, theater, sports club, swimming pool, .......... - and for the loss the punishment is not weak). You are fighting for the law having in your head only the thought of your right, but you do not want to think about the specifics of the way of realizing your desire.
          1. +4
            7 October 2014 22: 58
            Quote: Kite
            Now I will tell you very sad information for you: in the draft law on a portable CS, the muzzle energy of a bullet can be severely limited (no more than 500 joules),

            Quote: Kite
            So, leave your dreams of Glock, Colt, Walther, .... TT and APS.

            For reference: TT-485 J; PM - 300 J; APS - 346 J; Walter, Glock - 462J (8g. 340 m / s), so you can dream laughing . With respect.
            1. +1
              7 October 2014 23: 10
              While I heard about the question: the limit is 300 or 500? Mentioned the maximum. Do you think the maximum will continue to be discussed?
              1. +1
                7 October 2014 23: 28
                Quote: Kite
                Do you think the maximum will continue to be discussed?

                Maybe. Many sports pistols for practical shooting (Sphinx 3000, CZ) have a power of about 500 J, I think the upper limit was just introduced in order to legitimize the private ownership of these "trunks", and the Ministry of Internal Affairs insists that the power does not exceed that of army samples (PM), i.e. 300 J. So stock up on popcorn laughing . With respect.
              2. -1
                7 October 2014 23: 30
                By the way, does anyone know what the ultimate energy for official (non-civilian) weapons is under the existing law? So this is, most likely, the upper limit that can really be written down and pushed into the draft civilian COP. And this, if not confusing - 150 j.
                1. +1
                  7 October 2014 23: 32
                  Quote: Kite
                  By the way, does anyone know what the ultimate energy for official (non-civilian) weapons is under the existing law?

                  Just 300 J, PMa has a 9x17 ACP cartridge. With respect.
            2. 0
              9 October 2014 19: 24
              in addition: Nagan revolver - 325 joules, and only the Colt 375M - 560 joules ... with respect. Yes
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. +5
      7 October 2014 18: 38
      Quote: moremansf
      We have not ripened before that ... too many fools ...

      Speak for yourself, do not decide for everyone.

      I am for the legalization of short-barreled firearms, but with toughening the procedures for their issuance. Understanding at the same time there will be a certain percentage of people who died: from violations of safety rules with weapons, from people shooting at drunk people, shooting from jealousy, etc. And with etm it will be necessary to reconcile. After all, no one bans the car, because of the death of 30 thousand people on the road. It’s not a weapon that shoots, but a man. I would be much calmer with weapons for my home and family.
      1. +4
        7 October 2014 19: 44
        Quote: Region 23
        And with etm it will be necessary to reconcile

        Are you ready to put up with your death? Or your loved ones?
        1. Brother77
          7 October 2014 20: 06
          Yes, I’m ready to put up if it is a violation of the rules of storage and wearing, and you are ready to sprinkle yourself with ashes if you and your women are beaten and then raped because of your liberal trembling views ... well, how do you answer
          1. 0
            7 October 2014 20: 20
            Brother77 Do you think that the rapists will follow you like in the first world war? Maybe you are the only shooter (sniper) and they are blind to the head? what
          2. -1
            7 October 2014 23: 17
            On what basis do you accuse a person of liberalism? A person proves his point of view, and you prefer overt demagoguery, like "someone will be raped and killed".

            But I believe that in the Russian Federation, where unstable international relations, Islamism in the Caucasus and Tatarstan, weapons cannot be sold. Because when the extremists crawl out of their holes, they are not only riot police, they and the internal troops will not deter.

            Do you give a report to your statements at all? For me, are you a liberal, deliberately agitating for the aggravation of the conflict?
            1. 0
              9 October 2014 09: 34
              I am sick of the philistines, fixated on their individuality, living on the principle of "work less - consume more", which liberalism brings up. And when everything around piz-fetski is bad, they somehow have us-at everything: for mass drug addiction, rape and unpunished pedophilia that have become commonplace, for the poor and the hungry.
              Weller, you are a vile liberal. You are no better than Gozman, Nemtsov, Shenderovich, etc. for you a "free personality" is just poor domesticated monkeys, trampling each other at the annual sales of unnecessary junk, like in the USA, and even with trunks.

              On what basis do you accuse a person of liberalism? A person proves his point of view, and you prefer overt demagoguery, like "someone will be raped and killed".

              You dear decide about the charges wassat
            2. 0
              9 October 2014 19: 27
              By the way, in Chechnya the short-barreled is allowed ... and in Abkhazia there are trunks in every house, and not hunting, but military Kalashi. and somehow they don’t shoot anyone there ... although the hot Caucasian guys!
          3. +1
            7 October 2014 23: 30
            Quote: Brother77
            Yes, I’m ready to put up if it is a violation of the rules of storage and wearing, and you are ready to sprinkle yourself with ashes if you and your women are beaten and then raped because of your liberal trembling views ... well, how do you answer

            Totally for.
          4. The comment was deleted.
          5. -2
            8 October 2014 06: 59
            Quote: Brother77
            Yes, I’m ready to put up if it is a violation of the rules of storage and wearing, and you are ready to sprinkle yourself with ashes if you and your women are beaten and then raped because of your liberal trembling views ... well, how do you answer

            So you want to say that right now your women are beaten and raped at least once a week? Not? Then firstly: your example is incorrect, and secondly: do you think that the offender will warn you at least 50 meters, so that you can catch the gun and how the cowboy famously shot him on the way? No one will warn you about their intentions. And remember one rule: a criminal always has an advantage — he knows what he’s preparing for, and you don’t. And in most situations, you won’t even have time to pull out your cop, but the criminal’s chance to get hold of another free gun very much increases.
      2. +7
        7 October 2014 19: 46
        I would be much calmer with weapons for my home and family.
        You think that the weapon will also be for those who will not challenge you to a duel, which means that in your pocket a makarych does not mean at all that you will not be shot in the back of the head very unexpectedly. I don’t understand why such thoughts arise ? about weapons? nothing to do at all? Saigas are enough to protect the house, you don’t need to be a lord to protect yourself, and walking and clanking with your short-barrel is already from complexes and idleness. There are a lot of idiots in Russia and they will definitely get weapons as hundreds of idiots got auto-rights. Now idiots don’t have access to weapons, they’ll necessarily burn with them, but when he can really buy them, I’ll find your ears out of the car, just like your family, if you have at least forty pistols sticking out of every hole. The number of i6iots in Russia is too high for legalization.
        1. +1
          7 October 2014 21: 57
          So you need to look for idiots ... And isolate them. Weapons are only for responsible people, obviously.
      3. +9
        7 October 2014 19: 49
        23 region

        Weller is an excellent writer, but I think he has nothing to do in politics ... regarding your statement, Vladimir, I fully agree, but with some reservations -
        1. Changing the law on self-defense - the meaning should be the same - "my home is my fortress." What the Duma, in these days, under the influence of the arms and rifle lobby, will accept ... we can discuss on the forum before writing, they will adopt a law, they will ...
        2. It’s not a fig every frostbitten man roaming the streets with a fool in his pocket .... only and only in the house !!! Defend as you can, caught on the street - deal with prosecutors
        3. All gangsters in law already carry the PM under the armpit ... we still lacked such modest inhabitants
        4. They will accept the law - I will scoot headlong and buy ... let it be, I’ve had 6 years of traumatism, more than one smooth-bore - the Lord made me not to use it even once ... I only shoot cartridges ... but I will keep it.
        Save the Lord, described this astute observation. IMHO :-)
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          7 October 2014 21: 05
          Quote: vsoltan


          Today, April 15, at 15.00:100 a meeting of the federal-level expert working group will be held at the Government House on the issue of considering the public initiative “My home is my fortress!”, Which gained XNUMX thousand votes. The authors of the idea proposed amendments to the law so that any actions citizens in their own home, aimed at protecting property, health and life of loved ones, as well as their own life and health, were considered "committed in a situation of necessary self-defense and not going beyond it, unless otherwise proven"
          A citizen must have all legal grounds and, most importantly, confidence that the law will be on his side if he protects his house and property by any means.
          Today I heard on the radio again made, and even more abruptly.
          1. 0
            7 October 2014 21: 14
            The deputies decided to return to the bill, which provides for permission to use weapons in emergency situations. The parliamentarians hope to improve the safety of Russians by introducing the concept of "my home is my fortress" in the legislation.
            raise this issue with parliament.
            Lebedev. LDPR.
            We would like to remove the concept of "limits of necessary self-defense" from the criminal legislation altogether, so as not to allow the courts to interpret them in one direction or another. And second, we want to introduce the concept of "my home is my fortress" into the legal plane of our country, into the criminal legislation.
            "Vesti FM": What does it mean?
            Lebedev: This means that if you, being in your own house, in your own home, protect yourself, protect your home from the encroachment of the criminal, it does not matter what kind of weapon, to what extent and how. If you kill a criminal encroaching on your home, then you are completely exempt from liability.
            "Vesti FM": Will it turn out that they will shoot at a neighbor who went to fetch salt?
            Lebedev: It will not work. We believe that our citizens are reasonable enough, and we would like to believe that people will sympathize with this issue and there will be no more cases when a person, protecting his family, receives punishment, and a neighbor who comes for the salt will calmly receive it .
          2. The comment was deleted.
    7. +11
      7 October 2014 18: 39
      There are no more fools than in the same seshea. Feel immature - do not buy. Ripen.
    8. +21
      7 October 2014 19: 11
      They were blown away by such a stupid argument: if we proceed from it, then the Moldovans, Lithuanians are angels in the flesh in comparison with us, they can be trusted with weapons, and we, by the same postulate, are stupid, aggressive, stupid people.
      I am not just against such characteristics of our people, I just have hatred and contempt for the bearers of such an idea ...
      How is it necessary to hate your people, humiliating it by the fact that the Moldovans, they say, have ripened, and we - no ..., no ...
      By the way, in Moldova and Lithuania crime against the person immediately decreased.
      Is this not an argument.
      In addition - this trauma (moron weapon) cannot be traced. A rifle shoots back and identifies his pair of trifles. One hundred times you think - whether to apply. A trauma is used thoughtlessly and it’s impossible to trace it. This will significantly increase responsibility.
      Crime is already armed with us, why are law-abiding citizens forbidden to be able to defend themselves?
      1. +13
        7 October 2014 19: 53
        Crime is already armed with us, why are law-abiding citizens forbidden to be able to defend themselves?

        The question is "not in the eyebrow, but in the eye"!
        Why do we applaud when we say that Russia should have a powerful, well-armed army, navy, aviation, etc.? We say that we should be able to defend ourselves against the aggressor. It doesn’t even occur to us to assume that with good arming our country will become an aggressor, since this is not possible in principle.
        Why do we refuse the right to protect ourselves as a citizen of our country? Why do we immediately assume that the Russians are aggressors, by mentality, and therefore it is dangerous for them to have personal weapons? Why does crime that spit on the law have weapons, and should a citizen defend himself with his bare hands?
        The answer is a definite weapon to be allowed. And the benefits of this to the citizens of Russia and the state as a whole will be many times greater than harm. Let me remind you that defenselessness breeds lawlessness.
        1. -3
          8 October 2014 00: 43
          Quote: 1goose3
          Why do we applaud when we say .................

          - because the army unites us, giving hope for protection from external neighbors! Will we unite more if everyone we meet has a pair of pistols?
      2. +5
        7 October 2014 19: 54
        It is necessary to hold a referendum and as soon as the kortkostvol is allowed, all who voted to register. And when, God forbid, they shot someone in a domestic quarrel, one who needs to legalize needs to be quartered in Red Square - I only agree that way.
        Quote: mik-51
        A trauma is used thoughtlessly
        - despite the fact that a lot of people have already perished from it, but everyone will immediately come to their senses from a firearm, because it’s not a toy in their hands anymore? Nonsense! I don’t care about Lithuania-horseradish, I think about my people and I know that we have a lot of munitions who will definitely buy weapons, although they should not be allowed to visit him. We are in the first place in drug addiction, drink every day and a lot, not all but these are enough. So do not care for Lithuania - these are their problems, you come back to reality and think about yourself and where you live.
        1. +5
          7 October 2014 23: 14
          Quote: Masterzserg
          despite the fact that many people have already died from it

          Statistics need, my friend, still occasionally wool, even though she is a "corrupt girl of the West" ... It was said for a different reason, but here it is quite appropriate expression.
          Over the entire period of the existence of injuries on hands, less than 100 people died, while their account goes to millions.

          Well, Weller is not special and, perhaps, he saw his toy grandson only with his grandson, but if the idea of ​​granting the RIGHT to the people for real self-defense is supported by a police colonel, professor, doctor of law, former prosecutor, laureate of all kinds of bonuses and other and other ... then I believe him somehow more than to subjects falling into hysteria with a subsequent coma from one type of weapon among the Russian population. Wear skirts, and preferably a veil, so that there is no doubt about the gender of the person involved.
          I’m a career officer, I’m sure that the skills of possessing weapons in persons belonging to the officer caste are more than in the snotty sergeant-policeman Er. I will not say anything about liberals, pacifists, deputies and other athletes with artists.
          Is it really so pleasant for opponents of the Constitutional Court to feel flawed in relation to the population of countries where this right is legalized ??? Well, then only the veil or clubs with a specific reminded latex contingent and with false whips will clarify the situation. It will be more honest. LAW should be, and who and how will use it ... this is a topic from the Criminal Code.
          My opinion.
      3. +4
        7 October 2014 22: 01
        Here I am about the same. Of course, we have a dodger, but there are relatively few of them. Yet the rest should be entitled to arm themselves with the full range of handguns.
      4. Denis fj
        7 October 2014 22: 04
        To put it mildly, they already got it with their Moldova. There, for 3,5 million people, 11 thousand weapons, including rifles, pistols and revolvers. This is not at all what lovers dream of shooting hated freaks in their favorite parking lot. In a poor country, not everyone can afford a barrel, so nothing will change from a permit for a short barrel in Moldova.
        1. von_Richten
          7 October 2014 22: 52
          In the Russian Federation, do you think it will not be the same?
    9. +2
      7 October 2014 19: 14
      Well, firstly, the bandits and now weapons for every taste! In Dagestan and Chechnya they go almost openly with weapons. And now just imagine that in Russia weapons would be allowed for a long time .... would Basayev’s gang reach the hospital in Budenovsk? Or on Dubrovka, at least 25% of the audience had a firearm !!! Yes, if I was confident in our police, then yes it would be possible to talk about a ban. But how does our police work and everyone already knows, and what do you suggest ... ???
      1. Hedgehog_Russian
        7 October 2014 19: 47
        The large number of victims in Beslan is partly the result of the presence of firearms among the local population, who considered that the special forces were inactive and that they (the fathers distraught with grief) would cope better with them, i.e. can "do something" ... As a result of the intervention of the armed local population - additional casualties both among specialists and among children ...: ((((
    10. +2
      7 October 2014 19: 30
      Put a minus to you. If we (Russia) compare ourselves with RI (Russian Empire). Then it turns out that there are only landowners around us who want to shoot at slaves? At that time, only a wealthy person could buy weapons. In your opinion, there are too many fools among the middle class and middle business? Or a worker with a salary of 20000 rubles will immediately run to buy a barrel with a salary?
    11. The comment was deleted.
    12. +11
      7 October 2014 20: 18
      You and I are not stupid, and I personally would like to have a short-haired person in the house. So, just in case! Well, you never know fools in search of money for drugs in other people's homes rummaging around. Shansonye Krug died just like that, and he was one of the brothers. And what should strangers do in this situation? Normal law-abiding people have the right to keep a personal pistol in their home (at least). As a maximum - Kalasha. With a grenade launcher (just kidding). See how police yourself, loved ones. guard! Video surveillance at the closed entrance to the police station, intercom, armed duty "on duty". Only the stretching is missing. What about us? Fear of violation of "self-defense limits"?
      1. +5
        7 October 2014 22: 11
        Yes, ban these limits of self-defense and criminally prosecute those who introduced them! Under this ridiculous law, an attacker has more rights than a victim. And if you dig deeper, then this law covertly indulges intolerance towards ordinary citizens. And to some extent - specifically to the Russians. After all, an armed Caucasian for the presence of a barrel will suffer significantly less punishment (if at all) than the Russian who put this Caucasian in repelling an attack on his home.
    13. rjeui
      7 October 2014 20: 38
      I have no idea who is good at this, but look what I found. This is http://lc.cx/omll an information base with materials about all the citizens of our state, it is completely open on the network and anyone can use it. It would seem "well, let me have nothing to hide", but the most frightening thing about this is that there is a lot of secret information that can be used against you. There is a positive, this is the ability to hide your page.
    14. +4
      7 October 2014 20: 40
      Quote: moremansf
      We haven’t ripened even before that ... there are too many fools ... they will wave weapons at every step ... how many examples have already been of unauthorized use of traumatic injuries ... and if a firearm ... not the time !!!!

      Let me ask you, and you belong to what category?
    15. +9
      7 October 2014 20: 43
      Injuries do not consider weapons therefore such a shaft of negativity
      but about it or not, I’ll tell you that the people are not potatoes, it doesn’t ripen, it needs to be educated and literally from school respect for weapons.
      I believe that the sale of pistols with us is possible only if the criminal and criminal procedure codes are changed in terms of necessary self-defense and extreme necessity, as well as with compulsory training in the use and possession of weapons with the mandatory passing of standards and psychological tests.
    16. +5
      7 October 2014 22: 39
      Quote: moremansf
      We have not yet ripened before that ... too many fools ... they will wave weapons at every step ..

      Well, no need to turn common thought into an example of cretinism. Nobody offers weapons in the squares, instead of giving away ice cream. In Russia, hundreds of thousands of shotguns and shootouts at every corner with their use, I do not observe. Permission for a combat barrel does not mean a lack of licensing and control. Many motorists carry an ax in the trunk to chop branches, if you get stuck on a country road in winter (under the wheels, not for "sugrevu") or for picnics, but "muzzles" beat each other "in the old fashioned way" - with a wheel wrench laughing ... Because to "shake" with an ax is a guaranteed corpse, and with a bat or a "mount", it seems, it is not fatal, but corpses are also not uncommon. So it is with "trauma", like a "fake" weapon, and they use it "according to the name" - "inflict injury", and not purposefully kill, but it turns out, as it turns out. To leave with a combat barrel, to definitely have the intention to kill, and not many will go to this, in a domestic conflict. Plus, the same "trauma", it's easier to buy than a shotgun, for a combat one, the conditions and requirements of the acquisition can be toughened. With respect.
      1. +1
        8 October 2014 00: 55
        Quote: fyvaprold
        So it is with a "trauma", like a "fake" weapon, .....

        - But is it not a fallacy in such a statement. Indeed, a person receiving permission for a traumatic gunshot is undergoing training. Only now, in a fever, he forgets what he was warned about and shoots there, which is most likely painful, very traumatic.
        1. 0
          9 October 2014 04: 08
          Have mercy. What kind of training? It is only on paper, but in fact - in an explicit manner. With respect.
    17. +2
      8 October 2014 04: 30
      Yes, my friend Russophobe! So the Estonians, Swiss and even Moldovans have matured, but in Russia there are only fools who give them weapons and they will immediately kill each other.
    18. +1
      8 October 2014 06: 36
      Quote: moremansf
      We haven’t ripened even before that ... there are too many fools ... they will wave weapons at every step ... how many examples have already been of unauthorized use of traumatic injuries ... and if a firearm ... not the time !!!!

      “Do you consider yourself an immature fool?” Or just others?
    19. Alexander I
      8 October 2014 12: 49
      You probably are not ripe. Armed bandits are and will be around the world. But a simple layman cannot deliver them. The police cannot adequately protect the people. A normal sane person will not let go of a gun without doing anything, the law is not written to a fool, and if he needs a weapon he will not acquire it legally. A normal person will not be protected. Weapons for every normal person should be.
  2. +12
    7 October 2014 18: 12
    You can not oppose the people and the state. Weller is a terry provocateur who is gaining popularity on the difficulties of the country.
    1. +6
      7 October 2014 18: 30
      Let the GDP with the government turn to face the people, not the ass, and not what weapons are needed .............
      1. -1
        7 October 2014 18: 36
        What kind of people are we talking about?
        1. 11111mail.ru
          7 October 2014 19: 28
          Quote: hrapon
          What kind of people are we talking about?

          It is clear that it is not about the "chosen one."
    2. +12
      7 October 2014 18: 46
      Quote: RESEARCHER
      Weller, this is a terry provocateur,

      Strange logic, if Weller is a terry provocateur, then the people have no right to protect their life.
      1. +1
        7 October 2014 18: 50
        I advise once again to carefully re-read Weller.
        1. -1
          8 October 2014 01: 01
          Not only Weller is worth reading if you want to know better who armed the people in "revolutions". The people on the Moscow barricades were armed with a large number of not pistols, but English rifles were brought to them by "friends".
      2. +14
        7 October 2014 18: 53
        Quote: Bort Radist
        Quote: RESEARCHER
        Weller, this is a terry provocateur,

        Strange logic, if Weller is a terry provocateur, then the people have no right to protect their life.

        Until the state provides me, my family and friends, the opportunity to calmly walk along the street in the evening: as long as the police officers are more afraid than the drunken punks in the gateway, I WILL BE PROTECTED BY ITSELF. And preferably with weapons acquired legally. And no one will convince me otherwise.
        1. -2
          7 October 2014 19: 00
          I don’t even know how to respond softer to you. Perhaps it is better to keep silent so as not to offend.
          1. +3
            7 October 2014 21: 33
            There is nothing to argue here and it will be very useful to remain silent! There is an old anecdote about cops-policemen. We hired a newcomer to serve in the "internal organs". They gave me shoulder straps, a certificate, a pistol and sent me to the service. He disappeared. A month for the salary does not come, the second. We started looking. Found and asked: "Why don't you come for a salary"? And he was surprised: "Duc I did not know that there was flesh here. I thought they gave the tapestries and spin as you can!"
            Who else, but I believe in it! (((They can "spin"!
      3. 11111mail.ru
        7 October 2014 19: 29
        Quote: Bort Radist
        Strange logic, if Weller is a terry provocateur, then the people have no right to protect their life.

        What you depicted in Logic is called "substitution of concepts".
      4. -3
        7 October 2014 20: 42
        Quote: Bort Radist
        Strange logic, if Weller is a terry provocateur, then the people have no right to protect their life.

        The key phrase is in the title. In reality, Weller assumes that this weapon will not be used for self-defense, but in order to "reckon more" with its owner. Those. for self-affirmation, for imposing one's will.
        In the last paragraph, it is written like this: due to the lack of self-defense weapons among the population, a totalitarian regime was built.
        Those. nevertheless, Weller sees this weapon as a political tool! The ability to solve political issues with weapons.
        Here is what follows from his answers.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  3. +13
    7 October 2014 18: 12
    If the people have weapons, they will be reckoned with more

    Strongly the United States reckoned with the residents of Ferguson? This is an illusion. Weapons on hand, the actions of the police will be tougher. The law of equilibrium. Now the enemies of Russia only need to arm Russian citizens in order to start a massacre and a civil war.
    1. 0
      7 October 2014 20: 29
      Quote: Wend
      Weapons on hand, the actions of the police will be tougher.

      I would not say that in Europe the actions of the police are too harsh. request
      1. +2
        7 October 2014 23: 47
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        Quote: Wend
        Weapons on hand, the actions of the police will be tougher.

        I would not say that in Europe the actions of the police are too harsh. request

        But in the "parallel reality" he could get the "return".
        1. +1
          8 October 2014 01: 09
          Quote: Region 23
          But in the "parallel reality" he could get the "return"

          - there are many alternative possibilities, including - everyone’s barrels and everyone is scorching to where the bullet flew in their direction, i.e. option: bullets fly from all sides after the first clap. The last shooter eliminates the special forces. fellow
    2. +5
      8 October 2014 06: 31
      I have a "bolt" of 300 wines in my safe - magician. In your opinion, I am a potential murderer and only think about how to arrange a civil war? And such a rifle is many times more dangerous than any pistol!
  4. +10
    7 October 2014 18: 13
    According to Weller, the more weapons the population has, the more they will be reckoned with. The crazy and inhuman idea of ​​turning Russian society into a shooting anarchy.
    1. Kapitan Oleg
      7 October 2014 19: 06
      By the way, colleague, before the revolution, weapons were sold freely in Russia, I mean short-range civilian weapons, and hunting weapons in general, however, there was no small arms anarchy.
  5. +11
    7 October 2014 18: 14
    Revolution is always a conspiracy.

    And to allow people to carry with them an instantly killing gun, to kill each other, due to traffic jams or quarrels with neighbors. ... what for?

    ... the states over there that their schoolchildren periodically kill each other a year later.
    1. +1
      7 October 2014 18: 32
      / DEZINTO /

      Yes, what kind of "year after year" is there a shootout several times a year, like in the wild west)))
    2. +3
      7 October 2014 18: 59
      Please pay attention to our "school" statistics.
      So, for a more complete understanding of the situation ...
    3. Kapitan Oleg
      7 October 2014 19: 08
      First of all, in the states, not all possess guns. Secondly, the possession of weapons can be different. It is not necessary for everyone to allow the free wearing of short barrels; one can be allowed to have it at home, and wearing five years later, after a certain period of possession of the gun at home has passed.
  6. -12
    7 October 2014 18: 16
    I am for) and then chocks at all! Sorry for the primacy of course)
    1. +4
      7 October 2014 19: 11
      Do not dishonor the Russian people as stupid statements, and their personal pathological illiteracy.
      By the way, imagine that some of the individual bitterness of the personality, including not quite of Russian nationality, who constantly behind some trait (rather, for show-offs) are lurking with injuries, even for weddings, will be the first to replace these injuries with a short barrel. Much earlier than you. And how do you feel better?
    2. 11111mail.ru
      7 October 2014 19: 32
      Quote: eXtra
      for) and then chocks at all! I apologize for primacy of course)

      Primate sorry.
  7. +6
    7 October 2014 18: 18
    No article. Or no one Weller can. Right now we’ll get govnopestiki and we’ll start to rule the country, or we will make us listen. In general, Weller is sitting on a smoke, and not frail.
    1. 0
      7 October 2014 20: 32
      Igor, the article is aimed at agitating the people. First, questions, then they’ll lobby the law and drove the gunsmiths to earn money. But this law isn’t a cart you can’t turn back!
  8. +15
    7 October 2014 18: 22
    Again such an article. Those who are for (including me) they will remain - for, those who are against those - against! Until the law on self-defense (where you are protecting your home, your family, and personal life becoming a criminal) is changed, there is no sense in these weapons! POINT hi
    1. 0
      7 October 2014 18: 30
      I agree to all 100. Weapons can be given to someone who cannot stand him (sarcasm).
    2. +1
      7 October 2014 18: 32
      Quote: Siberia 9444
      Again such an article. Those who are for (including me) they will remain - for, those who are against those - against! Until the law on self-defense (where you are protecting your home, your family, and personal life becoming a criminal) is changed, there is no sense in these weapons! POINT hi

      That's right, I support good
  9. 0
    7 October 2014 18: 22
    “If people have weapons, they will be more reckoned with”
    Let’s get counted, counting the shot heads in the taverns, on the roads and in drunken showdowns!
  10. +5
    7 October 2014 18: 25
    Quote: eXtra
    I am for) and then chocks at all! Sorry for the primacy of course)

    Pull up your grammar, otherwise many "lumps" are better than you in writing Russian thoughts set out.
    According to sabzh: I agree with devis, the article is about nothing ...
  11. +3
    7 October 2014 18: 27
    I thought - right now the holivar will begin, but something is sluggish
  12. +2
    7 October 2014 18: 28
    Our citizens already have enough firearms. There is plenty of one hunting gun including carabiners. We will also take into account those combined with two barrels, one of which is rifled. Who needs it? the lack of arming of residents at all angles Calm, that's just calm ... (Carlson from the movie)
  13. 0
    7 October 2014 18: 29
    Quote: moremansf
    We haven’t ripened even before that ... there are too many fools ... they will wave weapons at every step ... how many examples have already been of unauthorized use of traumatic injuries ... and if a firearm ... not the time !!!!
    there are not too many fools, but a lot. People have aggression and anger pouring over the edge. Today I saw an example in the supermarket: an old peasant accidentally hit a sidecar at the checkout like one, I thought he would kill him! Well, who is on the cars, you know more than enough reasons on the road. I think the trunk is short early so far.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      8 October 2014 00: 04
      Quote: reut.sib
      Quote: moremansf
      We haven’t ripened even before that ... there are too many fools ... they will wave weapons at every step ... how many examples have already been of unauthorized use of traumatic injuries ... and if a firearm ... not the time !!!!
      there are not too many fools, but a lot. People have aggression and anger pouring over the edge.Today in the supermarket I saw an example: an old peasant accidentally hit a stroller at the checkout like one, I thought he would kill him! Well, who is on the cars, you know more than enough reasons on the road. I think the trunk is short early so far.

      And if that type of cashier knew !!! that grandfather had "tapestries" in his pocket, he would have smiled sweetly - "old man, what to take from him." That's why in the states everyone is so polite, smiling at each other - there are more trunks than residents, you will not spoil.
  14. Pasus
    7 October 2014 18: 30
    You can’t put short-barrels into circulation in Russia. It is impossible. Look what is being done on the roads, not the 90s of course, but to a cultural and law-abiding Europe oh how far. And with weapons the same garbage will be. Just a little that will grab the trunk. And with corrupt courts and investigative agencies, everything will turn upside down. The citizens of Russia are not ready for short-barrels yet.
    1. dzau
      7 October 2014 19: 04
      Quote: PASus
      You can’t put short-barrels into circulation in Russia. It is impossible. Look what is being done on the roads, not the 90s of course, but to a cultural and law-abiding Europe oh how far. And with weapons the same garbage will be. Just a little that will grab the trunk. And with corrupt courts and investigative agencies, everything will turn upside down. The citizens of Russia are not ready for short-barrels yet.

      I feel they will be "drowned" for such views, but I will support you.

      The problem with crime solved by "arming the people" is actually a crooked crutch.

      The problem with crime can really be solved only by a sane government, a strong state, measures aimed at improving the health of society. A complex approach. Complex, not crutches and naive "but we will distribute the trunks and paradise will come."

      Those. everything that we saw (albeit not ideally) in the "stagnant years" of the USSR, now cursed at every corner.

      An example of the current states, where not only "short-barreled", but also AK is on sale, alas, is by no means cloudless: rather the opposite. Troubled areas where police don't travel, bus drivers who refuse to enter the route, circus and hell on some metro lines. How so: after all, "trunks" are available to everyone there ?! Obviously, the crutch still does not solve the problem.

      Understand correctly: there is nothing wrong with owning a weapon. The same example of prosperous Switzerland: exaggeratedly, "rifles under the bed" - no one died, and no wild west.

      But the lack of mass crime there is by no means a consequence of permitted trunks.

      Meowing in the media from the propagandists "allow the guns" looks like blurring the topic and distracting attention from the essence of the problem. Just like meowing about "terrorism" and other blah blah blah.

      Keep your education in order. In the penitentiary system. Give jobs. Affordable housing. Enter executions, after all, for embezzlement and corruption.

      We need a program, we need a systematic approach. A program for decades, not point-and-point "Potemkin construction projects" such as "Sochi", "Skolkovs" and "APES". Centrally and brutally implemented: with personal responsibility.

      And society will get better: crime will come to naught. Even district police officers will cope with residual whistles, and not PPS outfits with AKSU.

      There will be no need for any "short-handed" in such a society.
      1. +8
        7 October 2014 19: 22
        We cannot see a sane power and a strong state with today's little men in jackets. They have created acceptable conditions for themselves, and the people are just an appendage that must support them. That's when "Rublyovka" will be covered with artillery salvos, when at least someone at the top will work for the country, and not for themselves, we will feel all the benefits you have listed.
        People just get tired, the lurid packaging on the outside does not have time to grow as fast as rot inside it creeps out into the open. Well, what is the use of economic forums, unions, calculated and "predicted" increases to GDP; If a team of "untouchables" such as Serdyukov have already devoured 100 times more ??? This is already tired, set the teeth on edge, etc.
        1. dzau
          7 October 2014 20: 36
          For another hundred and fifty years, the majority of the population in this country was not that illiterate: they were serfs.

          One hundred years ago, work at 12 and 16 hours was considered the norm: in fact, for food.

          Half a century ago, some of our fellow citizens did not have passports and the right to freely change their place of residence.

          Twenty years ago - I think you yourself perfectly remember the situation twenty years ago: at the time it was not just the short-barrels that were distributed, but machine-gun belts. Or crawl into the cemetery, wrapped in a white sheet.

          Today the situation is not as terrible as it seems from soft sofas. There are regions where hell and finish are in the North and Far East: a consequence of infrastructural stagnation.

          In social terms, everything has stabilized a bit.

          Who knows what will happen in another 20 years? If the current trends are allowed to continue, without any bombing of "Rublyovka" (he himself would be happy, and drink to it) and generally no big shocks.

          In the end, even the lost territories are gradually returning.

          Lots of mr ** s and ass ** people. Well, where would she have gone after the collapse and the 90s? But mr ** as, already completely finished, is inclined to destroy itself. And not quite complete is forced to adapt to a slightly more "rejuvenated" society.

          And the trunks ... Well, what are the trunks? There will be a gun shop on the corner, well, buy yourself a barrel. Where they beat you, they will stupidly shoot them.
      2. 11111mail.ru
        7 October 2014 19: 36
        Quote: dzau
        Enter executions, after all, for embezzlement and corruption.

        Castration forgot to mention, it is abruptly executed.
      3. polkownik1
        7 October 2014 19: 48
        "It's a pity, but neither me, nor you will have to live in this wonderful time ..." Your wonderful program - for two generations! A hundred years ! For this reason, I myself and TODAY want to reliably protect myself and my family by legal means from an obvious threat. You, dear, were robbed on the road near Voronezh by five Caucasians? And do not be ironic on the topic: how is it that my wife and I survived? ... The reserve colonel after all. Others would be less fortunate. And how many were unlucky ...
        1. dzau
          7 October 2014 20: 12
          Yes, I understand you perfectly. Do you think I myself am against having this trunk in my bosom? But this does not solve the problem, understand.

          Any crutch leads the problem to a standstill.
          1. +3
            7 October 2014 20: 38
            Quote: dzau
            But this does not solve the problem, understand.

            Decides, but only a small fraction of those listed by you. A set of measures is needed, in this you are right. The very likelihood that the alleged victim of the barrel will cool many hot heads. hi
          2. polkownik1
            7 October 2014 21: 30
            All social problems for you closes your personal death at the hands of a villain. In my opinion, this is the case when personal egoism is absolutely justified. Who does not agree - read the Constitution. What is the most expensive? It should be discussed HOW to do it competently.
            1. The comment was deleted.
  15. Fox
    7 October 2014 18: 31
    but I wonder why they always ask "famous" people? most of them have guards and guns ... and how is fame determined? Everyone knows Alexei the janitor in our courtyards, but they don't ask him.
    1. +6
      7 October 2014 18: 48
      Quote: Fox
      but I wonder why they always ask "famous" people?most of them have guards and trunks ...and how is fame determined? here everyone in the courtyards knows Alexei’s janitor, but they don’t ask him.
      1. 11111mail.ru
        7 October 2014 19: 38
        Quote: Region 23
        from the janitor Alexei

        Whose janitor? Which account? The second ...? Well then without a market!
    2. The comment was deleted.
  16. +4
    7 October 2014 18: 32
    The philosophical views of Mikhail Weller were expounded by him in various works, beginning in 1988, until they were generalized by the author into a unified theory, which was ultimately called energy evolutionism. The fundamentals of energy evolutionism are that the existence of the Universe is regarded as the evolution of the primary energy of the Big Bang, and this energy is bound into material structures that are increasingly complex, which, in turn, decay with the release of energy, and these cycles go with acceleration. The existence of a person is considered by Weller subjectively as the sum of sensations and the desire to receive the most powerful sensations, and objectively - as the desire to perform maximum actions to change the environment, since a person receives sensations through actions. Thus, humanity, increasing the progress of civilization, captures free energy and, transforming, releases energy outward on an increasing scale and with increasing speed, transforming surrounding matter and thereby being on the cutting edge of the evolution of the Universe. The categories of morality, justice, happiness and love are considered as psychological and social security for the biosystem to strive to perform maximum actions to transform the reachable part of the universe. The end of history is extrapolated as the action of posthumanity to release all the energy of the substance of the Universe, that is, in fact, the New Big Bang, which will destroy our Universe and will be the birth of the New.
    That's why he needs a weapon
    1. +2
      7 October 2014 18: 39
      As a philosopher, Weller is a bad philosopher, although he sometimes speaks pathetically and even beautifully, about how he is a thinker, he is simply NO.
      1. +2
        7 October 2014 19: 02
        "As a philosopher, Weller is a bad philosopher ..."

        Yeah ... Probably. Sorry, but you can submit a list
        their philosophical works. Published.
        To get acquainted with your philosophical views and thought-outings?
        1. +1
          7 October 2014 20: 44
          Quote: f4b2
          To get acquainted with your philosophical views and thought-outings?

          The best critics come from failed poets! laughing
          But Weller is indeed a so-so philosopher, often confused in his testimonies.
      2. 11111mail.ru
        7 October 2014 20: 32
        Quote: RESEARCHER
        As a philosopher, Weller is a bad philosopher

        The swindler was called a philosopher, but for this he will sue you for an insult! I felt the moral uncleanliness of this "product-ischa" in my own wallet when I bought his opus "Makhno" in a bookstore (223 rubles, by the way). Nothing new, clever in this opus, he did not set out for the name of the brain apparatus. Everything that was stated in the booklet was extracts from the legal Internet, including Nestor Ivanovich's own memoirs, freely posted on the Internet + the remaining 10% of this gentleman's own extracts. God forbid me and you, reading this monologue, to believe in some kind of intellectual exclusivity of this "master".
    2. 0
      7 October 2014 18: 45
      Quote: Alexey M
      ... humanity, increasing the progress of civilization, captures free energy and, transforming, releases energy outward on an increasing scale and with increasing speed ....

      Interestingly, but he did not refer to personal experience?

      Thank you for the educational program. Weller never had the strength to read even half a page from Weller.

      As for the free circulation of "short-barreled" - delirium and illusion of those who have never carried a weapon legally.
  17. RomanKrylov
    7 October 2014 18: 42
    I'm against. As someone already said on the site, on a plane, on a train, on a bank, in a state. institutions with a gun will not be allowed, therefore, in a number of everyday life situations, it is excluded, this time, they will not give a gun to minors, and that means a whole layer of society is falling out of circulation, these are two, the situation when a gopnik tries to take a bag or hat with a value of 2-3 thousand rubles, and you shoot to kill while taking life or legal capacity, it’s three --- and it turns out that there is some kind of bias that normal people don’t have a gun convenient, not put, not needed, and bandiukas who can get it or remake the gun anyway get access to it. I'm against.
    1. +8
      7 October 2014 18: 57
      No need to write nonsense.
      This has already been reassigned from all sides.
      All legal rifled (!) trunks go through the shooting in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and are entered into the bulletproof magazine.
      So the use of a legal trunk with gopstop is practically excluded. Take an interest in the same state statistics.
      An adult, I have two children, a wife, a house, a car, a summer house and a mother-in-law.
      And what, the state ss..t allow me to carry a trunk because I must have the roof go off without fail ... and I will go into a drunken street to squeeze a cellphone with my trunk?
      That's nonsense. Absolute.
  18. -1
    7 October 2014 18: 45
    Quote: enot73
    We were not ripe before that ... too many fools
    In Russia, the population is officially allowed to have smooth-bore and rifled guns for hunting and self-defense. There are few crimes involving this gun. It turns out that people are ripe for "Saiga" or SCS, but for example there is no PSM?

    Can you imagine the dimensions of a long barrel and a short barrel? Yes, and the main purpose of hunting rifles is usually commercial or amateur hunting. And therefore, such weapons are mainly bought by hunters, people who for the most part own a culture of handling weapons
    1. +6
      7 October 2014 19: 09
      Quote: NKVD
      Can you imagine the dimensions of a long barrel and a short barrel? And the main purpose of hunting rifles
      Any long barrel fits easily into any family car, and it's not a problem to just carry it in a case. Therefore, various Breiviks and others like him almost never use short-barreled "pukalki", since there is little sense from them, but mostly only carbines and machine guns
    2. Hedgehog_Russian
      7 October 2014 19: 27
      Culture is brought up by morality, and not acquired by education.
  19. -5
    7 October 2014 18: 47
    Let it decide in Israel. weller.
  20. +6
    7 October 2014 18: 48
    "If the people have weapons, they will be more reckoned with."


    Everything else is the demagogy of idiots!

    Until 1917, short-barreled weapons were freely sold in Russia, hunting weapons were not registered at all ...
    Everything rests on OWNERSHIP CULTURE!
  21. +3
    7 October 2014 18: 50
    Weller is a little trouble. always pour water, but the essence is still not visible. But this raises doubts among many. And the conclusion of his interview is that we need weapons for the population and then the authorities will be afraid of it. But after all, I will also be afraid of such a population, and especially of robber groups. This Weller should not be allowed to the people with its liberal twists
    1. 0
      8 October 2014 12: 47
      I sent him (the weller) home, so they got me sick, see above, there are a lot of his apologists here.
      1. +1
        8 October 2014 18: 51
        Quote: Committee
        I sent him (the weller) home, so they got me sick, see above, there are a lot of his apologists here.

        WELLER - One of the main patriots and imperials of this country is not its citizen, but is an Estonian citizen, but wants to arrange Belarus in Russia, offering, in essence, Lukashenka’s recipes with executions and other anal punishments to those who, in his opinion, had blamed everything polymers. But there are no traces of intentions to obtain citizenship of Belarus “there forever”. He has a mentor, instructive manner of speech, which is annoying and causes a desire to take and w.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      8 October 2014 18: 43
      Quote: Anchonsha
      Weller is a little trouble. always pour water, but the essence is still not visible. But this raises doubts among many. And the conclusion of his interview is that we need weapons for the population and then the authorities will be afraid of it. But after all, I will also be afraid of such a population, and especially of robber groups. This Weller should not be allowed to the people with its liberal twists

      "" You will excuse me, in modern Russia there is no philosophy, except, forgive generously, my energy evolutionism ”
      Mikhail Weller, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, May 29, 2008
      Sergei Dovlatov wrote to Andrey Aryev:
      What is being done with owls. literature? A certain M. Weller from Tallinn, a former Leningrader, thundered here. I bought his book, began to read, and on the first three pages I found: “He smelled of perfume” (instead of “smelled”), “prolongs” (instead of “prolongs”), “A pipe, koya costs 30 rubles in a shop” (instead of “koi ", And even better -" which ")," descended from his Olympus "(instead of" descended to "). What does it mean?
      Here is such a paper letterwriter, a vocabulary from the TV and radio, where he teaches life between the advertising blocks of means of impotence.
  22. PM9mm
    7 October 2014 18: 52
    Let’s make Russia one of the countries of Africa, where the weapons of every fool bring huge benefits to both society and the state! So we’ll also give out armored vehicles instead of hammers.
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. Sad sun
    7 October 2014 18: 58
    The arms lobby + the close-up evil cowboys, which for them are human grief and blood.
  25. Kapitan Oleg
    7 October 2014 19: 04
    Quote: moremansf
    We haven’t ripened even before that ... there are too many fools ... they will wave weapons at every step ... how many examples have already been of unauthorized use of traumatic injuries ... and if a firearm ... not the time !!!!

    A colleague, injuries are more dangerous than a firearm. People KNOWING that it is impossible to kill her or is very difficult and swing at every step, and having a normal weapon, before they get it, they will think a hundred times.
    1. Hedgehog_Russian
      7 October 2014 19: 22
      Man is the most formidable weapon. The presence of a short-barreled shooter only creates the illusion of security ...: ((((
  26. M. Ushakov
    7 October 2014 19: 13
    "If the people have weapons, they will be reckoned with more."JUST THIS PEOPLE CAN BE SHOOTED WITHOUT WARNING. How tired of all these grabbers. As soon as they do not explain why the people need it and what is terribly necessary. When they" grab it. "And there are always competent word artists with new ideas how to justify this robbery. You beat each other, and we will earn money. Besides, all the "scavengers" will get more work.
  27. +3
    7 October 2014 19: 13
    4th article comments are mostly the same, for and against + 1-2 arguments, and looking back at history. I think it’s not worth looking at articles on this topic anymore, you will not find anything new in them, there are almost no interesting opinions either (which I would like to discuss)
    1. +1
      7 October 2014 20: 48
      Quote: Marssik
      4th article

      So you are not so long ago on the site! I remember such articles much more, but the comments are really the same! hi
      1. +2
        7 October 2014 21: 08
        4th for Autumn) Flashed periodically and earlier, but not so often. The problem is visible, but there is no way to see solutions and no one can suggest. Moreover, not at the level of our "top officials", but ours, ordinary citizens.
  28. +1
    7 October 2014 19: 16
    Quote: f4b2
    "As a philosopher, Weller is a bad philosopher ..."

    Yeah ... Probably. Sorry, but you can submit a list
    their philosophical works. Published.
    To get acquainted with your philosophical views and thought-outings?

    I am very sorry for your time, since I do not think that you are very interested in philosophy.
  29. +5
    7 October 2014 19: 17
    An interesting dispute turns out. from article to article, what is discussed? Ownership permit? For wearing in public? For use? Try to go to the cinema with a pistol, or even to a club with a pneumatic one, not to mention the "trauma". Already today there are serious restrictions on the carrying (transportation) of weapons and ammunition, incl. non-lethal, hunters are highly aware. And no one will cancel these legislative acts, and most likely the control over their implementation will be tightened. I believe that in a couple of years the law on weapons will be adopted, but in what form ... This is already a question for a separate discussion.
  30. +6
    7 October 2014 19: 19
    I am a man and therefore have the right. It’s clear that it’s not worth selling inadequate ones, but also forbidting law-abiding citizens to protect their lives is like cutting sheep, today one, tomorrow another, the main thing is not for me, it will not affect me, they will protect me, noooooo do not need weapons, we shoot ourselves ...
  31. +2
    7 October 2014 19: 20
    A third in less than 30 days. What is it for?

    P.S. People do not be stupid - first you need to understand and clearly state the limits of self-defense. To have, use and have a framework of use is a different thing.

    P.P.S. By the way, no one thought about the option of Moscow Maidan with permitted weapons? Blood will be many times more and fill the wick easier.
    1. +6
      7 October 2014 20: 10
      The more Maidan workers will be destroyed when they use weapons, the cleaner Russia will be. All the less there will be traitors and American ass leases and ass lovers. And about the limit of self-defense: he pointed a gun - get a bullet in response, get a knife - get a bullet, get a bat - go to the forefathers. Then, everyone will think in what way to resolve the misunderstanding.
      1. -1
        7 October 2014 20: 36
        Excuse me, sir! (and may the admins forgive me this insult for I will explain now)

        You saw how the "strikers" walk in a crowd. And what will happen if the short barrel appears for a couple of seconds? APS is capable of releasing the entire clip in these couple of seconds. The rest of the firearms will not lag behind, but we will focus on the APS. 9 bullets is a maximum of 9 bodies in which the bullets will stop (I will not count through wounds and bullet flight. So you can score up to 3 dozen). After a couple of such bursts, the fighters, even have the toughest endurance (after all, it's not a fact that there will be just a wound in soft tissues. From disability to death, it happens) break down and just trample the crowd into the ground. Both right and wrong. Who is to blame? of course fighters. They didn’t figure it out (threw) a firearm to the left while inserting it, don’t spoil those who fell under the arm (while under adrenaline and aggression, they didn’t control the force and we got a few more blind-eyes and disabled people). Plus, a frightened crowd in a crush is crushing another thuy cloud of people.
        Just a class what a sweep.

        Understand, sir, I did not say, "The revolution is being prepared by thinkers, but by bandits." For scum, sacrifices thrown on the altar of their vanity is a trifle.
        A thousand strikers will come out. Of these, a couple of hundred dissatisfied is quite reasonable (there are always flaws. We are not in "Utopia"), three hundred crowds from the villages (here's a couple of hundred rubles and a bottle of vodka and you will stand there for a couple of days, shout), several hundred onlookers carried away by the crowd and general madness. And only ten people who mingled in the crowd will make a fatal shot that will provoke a reaction.
        Will you look for these in the crowd? You can get rid of weapons very quickly. He threw it to the ground and try to prove whose trunk it is.

        Now to the second part of your promise. Alas - the majority of people are too limited. And the second part (third, tenth) is forgotten quite regularly.
        Quote: Алексей_К
        pointed a gun - get a bullet in return, get a knife - get a bullet, get a bat - go to the forefathers

        1. I have a gun and I'm stronger. He does not have time to pull out his trunk.
        2. He does not have a knife, but I have
        3. Right now, I’ll work out as a democratizer ... He has a thin gut to answer.
        A lot of options.

        And now. Maybe you have a brother, sister, son or daughter.
        Pah pah, but here's an example. At night they call you and say that you urgently need to come to the morgue for identification. There you see your cousin with a hole in the body. A little later, the court found the murderer innocent because according to the limits of self-defense, your cousin pulled out a barrel and threatened and the defendant defended himself and was able to use weapons before yours.
        Will it make it easier for you? You will not admit to life (and do not prove) that it was not your relative who grabbed the trunk, but the defendant. And what to do?
        1. +2
          7 October 2014 21: 41
          Independence Squares occur regardless of the presence or absence of weapons from citizens. And so that there are no Maidan’s people, one needs to be engaged in business, and not to transfer the clock back and forth here (exaggerated).
  32. +9
    7 October 2014 19: 22
    I understand that I am asking for cons, but I am for the short barrel.
    The criminal does not ask anyone, and a law-abiding citizen must wait for the highest grace to allow self-defense of himself and his relatives.
    And there are enough fools everywhere, maybe with a permission for their weapons it will decrease. Natural selection.
    But if they are afraid of revolutions, as some say, then for this there will be not only a short-barrel.
  33. +7
    7 October 2014 19: 22
    Weapons are necessary, but it is also necessary to toughen penalties for their illegal use, primarily not motivated. A person should know that if he gets the trunk in traffic it is a minimum period. This is a semi-annual training session of 50 rounds. and so on. But the main thing is for a person to understand that the trunk is a problem first of all for him - the highest degree of responsibility. What if his child just brings the barrel to school - this is the term primarily for parents. And so that they couldn’t hush things up, for this publicity is needed and popular control. And do not be silent about the lawlessness that is happening.
  34. -3
    7 October 2014 19: 24
    what a ... n weapon. we have ... sergeants are throwing a grenade under their feet. and nobody will train anyone ... and certificates from a psychologist and narcologist are easily and cheaply bought ... they are bought off from the court ... the police are jamming ... and all your shootings ... the cartridges are going to hell ... I think Guess whom I described? and who benefits from the legalization of trunks? the deputy’s son on the road pointed the trunk at a simple hard worker with a child in the car .. he shot the deputy’s son in order to protect his daughter ... guess ... who will be imprisoned ... well, I’m not doing the right thing. so let's ... legalize ... forward .... become real slaves. and do not talk about all sorts of laws and regulations .... we have not adopted a single law as expected ... with the rewriting of all codes .. criminal and administrative. a bunch of loopholes for everything in the world. and for some individuals (certainly not you and me) .. there will be a legal way to kill ... the one who looked askance.
    1. +6
      7 October 2014 20: 03
      If the son of the deputy pointed a gun at the peasant or his family and he was sent to the forefathers. So this is one lesser scoundrel. The more they die, RUSSIA WILL BE CLEARER THAN. I generally believe that if a deputy, police officer, investigator, prosecutor or judge planted or killed an innocent person, then they should be shot, because criminals must be fought with their own methods. They live in their own corrupt world and you will never get a fair decision on their guilt. It’s like a doctor’s - there’s no way to prove that the doctor has healed, or vice versa, in short, killed the patient.
      1. +1
        7 October 2014 20: 20
        Well, well ... let's shoot each other ... since we can’t restore law and order ... let us be like them .. and arrange the same lawlessness. I can’t stand them either ... the hands are itching right ... but it’s not a solution ... I personally began to get out of a critical situation without hands ... and I learned a lot (from the topic about mobile wringes, etc.) .. .not solve this problem by carrying weapons ... you need to eradicate the cause ... and not to arrange an arms race ... and all sons and other types of kings must be beaten for a sore spot (money) ... and again to eradicate the cause. and then hand out weapons ... what kind of society will we have ... a society of universal hatred for each other ...
  35. Don't fuck
    7 October 2014 19: 26
    Ahah)) well, there will be weapons - so they will shoot each other, after each quarrel there will be shooting))) they are clowned)) what prevents to take a knife and to cut someone after each quarrel? not cut? that's bad luck ...
    1. 0
      7 October 2014 19: 35
      Yes? not cut? we have in the surgery of such households the floor of the department ... who is with the knives .. who is with the axes .. whose friend is drunk .. his wife ... and some customers are already regular
      1. +4
        7 October 2014 19: 46
        ... hehe, it's funny, regular customers come out, constantly cut each other. So, by the way ... in hunting companies, in which I am a frequent "guest", "apsalute" is all armed. There are also disputes against the background of intoxicating, but no one has a desire to take a barrel or a knife in order to prove their case. I understand that the example is slightly far-fetched, but the fact, as they say, "on the face."
      2. +3
        7 October 2014 19: 53
        Here you are a surgeon. And for yourself, you have already decided which wounds are treated easier: from a Finnish knife or from a PM pistol bullet? Where is mortality higher due to wound suppuration or longer treatment duration?
        1. +1
          7 October 2014 20: 33
          with that variety and with those answers to the question - how? then no difference (practice crosses out all textbooks). one thing is for sure .. the work will noticeably increase. I don’t know about you .. but I don’t want to see firearms in our peacetime ... this is the norm in Lugansk (although there would soon have come peace) ... but not with us. and the fact that they will be ... this is 100% ... I know people ... and there were no injuries ... there were knives .. appeared .. and here you are ... also with this ... our society is too embittered ... you can’t give weapons ... maybe later ..... but then, I hope, it will not be needed anymore ... and we will achieve a better life by better methods ... and not equal to the so hated America ... which is here so zealously give an example.
  36. 0
    7 October 2014 19: 31
    The weapons of the proletariat are cobblestones! Not a gun!
    1. 0
      7 October 2014 19: 48
      As I understand it, the minuser did not read either the article or the works of Lenin, and accordingly did not understand the meaning of my post!
      1. -1
        7 October 2014 21: 22
        - So there is no end to the proletariat! smile Some entrepreneurs ... children!
  37. +1
    7 October 2014 19: 36
    Quote: Bort Radist
    Weller, this is a terry provocateur,

    If Weller is a terry provocateur, then the people have no right to protect their life.

    And here you personally and the people ?. You are a person. Here is your personal opinion and defend and do not ascribe it to all the people, otherwise you will turn into Weller yourself.
  38. 0
    7 October 2014 19: 41
    I repeat, I am for a short barrel, but who served in the army, and who serve in law enforcement agencies, postmen with money, etc. Weapons discipline and give a calm existence.
    1. +1
      7 October 2014 19: 55
      Does the weapon discipline? Who told you that? It turns out that our country lacks order only because not everyone has weapons. So it is necessary then to give out to everyone on the "trunk" and the trick is in the bag, an exemplary rule of law state with disciplined citizens.
    2. +1
      7 October 2014 21: 47
      And if the postman did not serve in the army, what to do?
  39. 0
    7 October 2014 19: 42
    I really love weapons .. There is something bewitching in it .. (not available, alas) I just remembered my childhood .. I made a zhigan, got powder out of sulfur ... My last item was like a real one .. I went to the lake like to hunt))) .. Oh, the feeling is not a unique instinct of the hunter playing, and most importantly, my trunk! (pierced through the bucket) .. And so I even had a youthful discharge (for the first time with fright, I took 3rd place in the area .. air, small thing) Oh, the nastalgia surged .. crying I think so if all the weapons for self-defense are allowed, then the cops are then needed or should they be transplanted to the armored personnel carrier? bully
  40. +7
    7 October 2014 19: 43
    If the people have weapons, they will be reckoned with more.

    In the USSR, the people did not have weapons, even the police went unarmed, but, nevertheless, they reckoned with the Soviet Union all over the world !!!
    1. 0
      9 October 2014 10: 09
      nevertheless, there were criminals, and house thefts, and robberies.

      Threat since such a booze has gone - why does Russia need nuclear weapons? Everyone in the world respects us and politicians decide all issues. According to your and other opponents logic, it turns out that way. Or do they still reckon with those with a combat-ready army?
  41. Ivan 63
    7 October 2014 19: 44
    How much can you arrange from the theme of a booth? Every healthy citizen (citizen) who has served in the Army (police, Ministry of Emergency Situations) should have the right to arms (to begin with). Yes, one more topic, who has not served, should not be eligible for government positions (this is useful both for law enforcement agencies and society as a whole). And - stop moaning that "not ripe", it's just some kind of obstruction, or sabotage.
    1. 11111mail.ru
      7 October 2014 20: 36
      Quote: Ivan 63
      The right to weapons (for starters) should be every healthy citizen (citizen) who has served in the Army (police, Ministry of Emergencies). Yes, another topic, which has not served, should not have the right to state posts (this is useful both for law enforcement agencies and society as a whole).

      Quite a reasonable thought!
  42. +4
    7 October 2014 19: 45
    Quote: MIKHAN
    If I go to school with my child and see a drunk or just a man with a gun in my hands (I will shoot to kill if I have a barrel)

    Dear, you need to treat your nerves. Now sold in a variety of all kinds of plastic copies, indistinguishable from military ones. Will you kill a drunk with a toy in your hand? You will have to serve a maximum term, you will become in prison even worse than you are now. Perhaps this is a BIG HAPPINESS for your child.
  43. +1
    7 October 2014 19: 48
    I wonder why they always refer to America, and this is how: "Here, everything is allowed everywhere, that's why they often shoot there! .."
    -Not all weapons allowed in all states
    -Not even weapons allowed in all states
    - Most often they shoot where weapons are prohibited. I have never heard of mass shootings in shooting clubs. But in schools, where "you can't carry the fork" - as much as necessary.
    So the question needs to be studied "glybja" ...
  44. -2
    7 October 2014 19: 50
    A society that wants to arm itself is not very healthy, we must work to ensure that the society does not have such a desire, i.e. for the authorities to ensure public safety at the appropriate level, the armed citizen will not always be able to ensure the safety of his close ones, for he may be in one place at the time of the incident, his relatives in another, and his weapon in the third, so all these arguments are pointless.
  45. +4
    7 October 2014 19: 53
    Good evening.
    The analogy between the appearance of weapons and the implementation of revolutions is absolutely inappropriate. Not the presence or absence of weapons are necessary and sufficient factors for the commission of armed coups. The nature of social conflicts and the methods of resolving the latter lie in a different plane than the legal mode of circulation of a certain kind of product - weapons.
    This note once again emphasizes that the discussion is based on problems that are not related to trust in citizens. At the core of the discussion is the question of the right to kill. Expansion of ways to solve interpersonal, ethnic and other forms of social conflicts.
    Procedures for training, testing and control over the owners of weapons, the legal regulation of the use of weapons - this is just a form of restriction on legal killing.
  46. 0
    7 October 2014 19: 53

    "since I don't think ..."
    Yes, no! You do not need to think about this issue!
    You don’t need to think for me either. I can handle it myself.
    Your work is in the studio!

    Just before that, for a moment, read a brief autobiography of Mikhail Weller - writer, philosopher and man.
    To prevent embarrassment.

    I have the honor.
    1. 0
      7 October 2014 20: 33
      I will say so. Your position to stand up for a person appeals to me. You really have the honor. For this, you are a plus.
      As for a brief autobiography, it is written by everyone when applying for a job. I did not touch on Weller Mikhail Iosifovich as a writer. There is no need to distort. Philosophical views are alien to me, as they praise the Western way of life, Western civilization by humiliating Russian civilization, the Russian world. He wants for us to impose Western values ​​and stereotypes. But as a thinker, he is NO. There is no way to convince me. He does not offer his own path of development. It relies on the western. This is nothing new. NO NEW THOUGHTS.
  47. +2
    7 October 2014 20: 09
    sale of weapons do1917
  48. +4
    7 October 2014 20: 18
    And all that was left to the ordinary Russian citizen, exhausted from street crime - was to look longingly at the pages of pre-revolutionary magazines: “REVOLVER WITH 50 CARTRIDGES. ONLY 2 RUBLES. Safe and loyal weapons for self-defense, intimidation and raising alarm. It completely replaces expensive and dangerous revolvers. Striking hard. It is necessary for everyone.

    Permission for this revolver is not required. 50 additional cartridges cost 75 kopecks, 100 pieces - 1 p. 40 kopecks., 35 kopecks are calculated for postage by cash on delivery, 55 kopecks to Siberia. When ordering 3 pieces, ONE REVOLVER is included for FREE. Address: Lodz, Partnership “SLAVA“ O. ”
  49. +3
    7 October 2014 20: 19
    Weller's political fabrications on mui
    A short trunk to legal sale.
  50. +1
    7 October 2014 20: 21
    Quote: RomanKrylov
    I'm against. As someone already said on the site, on a plane, on a train, on a bank, in a state. institutions with a gun will not be allowed, therefore, in a number of everyday life situations, it is excluded, this time, they will not give a gun to minors, and that means a whole layer of society is falling out of circulation, these are two, the situation when a gopnik tries to take a bag or hat with a value of 2-3 thousand rubles, and you shoot to kill while taking life or legal capacity, it’s three --- and it turns out that there is some kind of bias that normal people don’t have a gun convenient, not put, not needed, and bandiukas who can get it or remake the gun anyway get access to it. I'm against.

    I do not express my opinion, it is not necessary. Post.
    But how do people live in Israel with weapons ?? And crime is not for children. And getting a trunk for personal purposes is a problem because of problems. And I haven’t heard shooting on the street, although there are several trunks in each bus. Maybe there is a problem in the heads and laws? But there’s a moment , try to get the gun from the holster is not motivated, And you asshole!
  51. -3
    7 October 2014 20: 22
    We are forbidden to carry a short gun, because... those who are allowed to do this (ministers, deputies, police, prosecutors, judges) are afraid that the dissatisfied (deprived of benefits and driven to rage by the wealth of oligarchs, presidents, members of the government and deputies) will be able to give armed resistance. All the media and TV only lie about the increase in the mortality rate of the population. If the armed population repels the bandits and brutalized policemen and deputies, then not the number of the population will decrease, but the number of armed bandits out of uniform and in uniform. Judges, for fear of retaliation, will not be able to pass unjust sentences. The police and prosecutors will be destroyed by the people's avengers for falsifying facts, and deputies will begin to write fair laws. This is what the AUTHORITIES are afraid of, THE ANGER OF THE PEOPLE!
    1. +1
      7 October 2014 20: 41
      What exactly does the short barrel have to do with it? You need to get within at least 25 meters of those in power to use it. Now it’s calm - training, hunting license, permit, purchase of IZH 18MM (the cheapest option) 10k Polev-6 bullets for training and from 50 meters even the body of a bodyguard will not stop the bullet of the people’s avenger, there is an opportunity to get closer, saw off the barrel and butt, load 32g of buckshot, Even a half-blind person with +-7 vision will not miss. You will spend no more than 16k in money directly on weapons, but “hatching” a target will require much more serious expenses. So far, no one has jammed and they are not afraid that some deputy will be shot at us and the smoothbore will be taken away.
      1. 0
        7 October 2014 21: 29
        Quote: Marssik
        they are jammed and are not afraid that some deputy will be shot from us and the smoothbore will be taken away

        That's for sure. They will tolerate one or two more, but if there are more, they will clamp down.
        Quote: Алексей_К
        The police and prosecutors will be destroyed by the people's avengers for falsifying facts, and deputies will begin to write fair laws

        There are enough illegal things for such a thing, and I don’t see that they are being brought down, it’s more likely that the bandits themselves will kill them or buy them.
  52. +2
    7 October 2014 20: 40
    ...If we talk about terrorism, then in terms of the number of victims it is not even close to comparable with the wave of murders that occurred in Russia in the 90s, and even today in large cities people are killed every day in broad daylight.

    THIS IS AN OPEN LIE! It’s good to publish the rotten thoughts of the five-columnists.
  53. +4
    7 October 2014 20: 41
    In the 90s, our unfortunate reformers expressed the idea: “The market will solve all problems, put everything in its place.” Now they are promoting the idea: “A short barrel will solve all problems.” Guys, what has the market solved the problem for over 20 years? That’s how a short barrel on hand will solve the problem, just like the market. Some are in chocolate, and some are in guano. Moreover, as in the market, 80% of the population will be in guano. Or more precisely, not in guano, but in a coffin hi
  54. +1
    7 October 2014 20: 43
    Tens of thousands of people die on the roads every year, should we also give these car morons weapons?..
    1. -2
      9 October 2014 10: 30
      Do you have any rights? or not given for medical reasons?
  55. 0
    7 October 2014 20: 48
    There are so many people with so many opinions, but we often don’t know how to handle weapons. For one smart person with a weapon, there are a dozen armed scumbags. A weapon should discipline a person because its presence should imply responsibility even for the intention to use a weapon for business or without, but in reality, alas and ah, the abundance of those who simply bought them without certificates or spat on all the documents and acquired weapons does not make the world cleaner and our lives calmer. We need to be taught from the cradle the old communication algorithm according to the principle of what is good and what is bad. exclude inadequate people from a young age so as not to allow them close to weapons, never
  56. +4
    7 October 2014 20: 54
    Where have the good old days gone when they didn’t beat someone who was lying down, but they sorted things out one on one. We should be busy educating young people, not playing with spillikins. A short barrel is a weapon that KILLS. This must be remembered.
  57. donechin1
    7 October 2014 21: 19
    This means that in America it is allowed to own a short-barreled gun, but in our country it is not possible, which means that those who are against the short-barreled gun openly impose on us the opinion that the Russian nation is dumber and more degraded than the American one! I believe that this is an open humiliation of Russian national interests
  58. +3
    7 October 2014 21: 27
    ...As a result of this, a totalitarian regime was built, which has no precedent in history for the suppression of the individual.

    Bullshit. I would rather live under a totalitarian regime, such as it was in the 70-80s, (before perestroika) than in such a “free” country as the United States, armed to the teeth, whose citizens periodically shoot each other in batches, or such a “free”, “civilized” country like Ukraine.
    I am against the general arming of the population!
  59. +4
    7 October 2014 21: 42
    If the people have weapons, then any small Maidan may end in a lot of blood. The situation will become uncontrollable, the situation is already tense, they are trying to shake the country so that it collapses. And this article, apparently, serves the same purposes.
  60. 0
    7 October 2014 21: 49
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Modern statistics say otherwise

    I'm neither for nor against, but, according to statistics, more people die from a knife - should it be banned?
  61. +1
    7 October 2014 21: 52
    - I understand the naivety of my proposal, but it would be nice to refer in the comments to personal experience in owning (using) weapons... otherwise it turns out to be unfounded! I can say from myself that 70 percent of our office’s employees would not receive weapons if it did not affect their salaries. Too much rigmarole...
    - They mentioned above about postmen with money... so here it is: My brother rode in the mail car for several years, he told me that the revolvers they received were locked in a box by the entire shift, and the keys were hidden out of harm's way...
    1. 0
      8 October 2014 12: 21
      Because the whole shift was DRINKING while they were driving!!!
      1. 0
        8 October 2014 12: 55
        - Yes, it is... But! Common sense prevailed! smile
        1. 0
          9 October 2014 05: 55
          That's it! But 90% of commentators on this article think that no one has any common sense left in Russia!
          IMHO. This very “meaning” is left only to them; the rest of the population are degenerates and psychopaths!
  62. -1
    7 October 2014 21: 58
    Already wrote:
    “I would like to remind you of the not-so-long-ago incident of the shooting of a gun store seller, and if memory serves, of two girls passing by near this store by a moral inadequacy. He would have gone far and there would have been these victims in general, if he had known that there were law-abiding armed citizens around "What if we also introduce criminal liability for failure to provide and failure to prevent persons with weapons instead of the law on excess?"
    “People, what is the dispute about??? For anyone, is it a secret who in this country has weapons (or the opportunity to purchase them)? With the security and government agencies everything is clear - control, responsibility, etc. But even “crime” , for some reason, I still haven’t “mowed down” all the cities and villages! So, is it really possible that the rest of the population, especially those who have served at least their conscription, will shoot at everything that moves? Medical and legal aspects are a separate matter, completely solvable."

    I can only add: the price should be quite affordable for the working person, so that it does not become “only for whites.” smile Restore shooting ranges in educational institutions (as in Soviet times), shooting sections, DOSAAF, etc.
    I would love to go again myself. By the way, back then there were weapons in every school and there were no problems!
    Here, hunting and injuries somehow “don’t warm you up”: first, because I’m not a hunter (and I simply don’t understand the pleasure of shooting at a living person. Hunters, no offense! hi ), and the second - I consider it a weapon of mass destruction - akin to a rubber bomb, and its aesthetics are “0”. A short-barreled gun is another matter - both for a shooting range, and a collection, and a well-protected one...
    1. 0
      8 October 2014 12: 23
      His weapon was stolen. So if you wanted it, you found it. And it makes no difference what he stole from his father.
  63. +2
    7 October 2014 22: 02
    Quote: enot73
    Quote: NKVD
    Can you imagine the dimensions of a long barrel and a short barrel? And the main purpose of hunting rifles
    Any long barrel fits easily into any family car, and it's not a problem to just carry it in a case. Therefore, various Breiviks and others like him almost never use short-barreled "pukalki", since there is little sense from them, but mostly only carbines and machine guns

    That’s the problem. Any cop will understand that you’re dragging a gun, and it takes time to assemble it. It won’t be possible to shoot a bullet in your forehead quickly and quietly. But according to Breivik, read more carefully who his father was. He would have been I’m probably glad to have a combat PM. Then they would have taken longer to look for it.
    Our society is not ready to carry a short gun.
    Peace of mind will be ensured by a law-abiding society and not a gun in your pocket
  64. +3
    7 October 2014 22: 09
    “If people have weapons, they will be more reckoned with”

    I think this statement was said not by a thinker, but by a villain. Because I don’t want to be “considered” because I have a pistol in my pocket, but as a citizen! The slogan, “If the people have weapons, they will be more respected” is from the devil! Give the people a grenade launcher, they will RESPECT him - not everyone can kill, but if you fired at the window and you won’t see who died there, your soul will be at peace!)))))))
  65. -3
    7 October 2014 22: 16
    My opinion is that a short gun should be available to every sane adult citizen after completing the course.
    And the situation with a rifled long barrel needs to be simplified, why the hell wait 5 years? I went and bought the same as the smoothbore. Maximum magazine capacity increased to 30, without the possibility of automatic fire.
    The law on self-defense (or whatever it is called) must be changed.
    1. +2
      7 October 2014 22: 32
      Quote: korol yasheriz
      Maximum magazine capacity increased to 30, without the possibility of automatic fire

      Yes, because of some people who like to shoot at people, they made 5 rounds of ammunition, and at first there were 10 rounds of magazines.
  66. +3
    7 October 2014 22: 26
    Lawlessness breeds chaos.
    For those who are for guns, remember: how drunk people drive cars and hit people. And after that, think about how you will act when this affects you and your loved ones and you have a gun in your hands?

    Quote: 23 region
    Understanding at the same time, there will be a certain percentage of people killed: from violations of safety rules with weapons, from drunk people shooting, shooting out of jealousy, etc. And you will have to come to terms with this

    What if I couldn’t come to terms with it? Some are in the grave, others are in prison. Who benefits from this?

    Quote: midashko
    If the people have weapons, then any small Maidan may end in a lot of blood.

    In Ukraine, too, everything could have ended more or less, until they began to seize army warehouses and shoot the police, but it did not end.
    History doesn't teach?
  67. +3
    7 October 2014 22: 27
    Thank God, common sense seemed to prevail in the comments. This is the sixth article in two weeks about how to quickly organize the sale of pistols to our oppressed population.

    The comments have become much smarter and more meaningful, the number of opponents of this adventure has increased and this is pleasing, thank you thinking people. It is always better to prevent a mistake than to correct it later.
    1. 0
      9 October 2014 10: 40
      Why won't the sale of vodka be banned then? After all, more people suffer and die from it than from any weapon!
  68. 0
    7 October 2014 22: 29
    Quote: korol yasheriz
    The law on self-defense (or whatever it is called) must be changed.

    Like: “I haven’t read Pasternak, but I condemn it.” We do not have a law on self-defense in Russia, there is Article 38 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Necessary Defense”, there is also the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons”. At least familiarize yourself with the existing legal framework, and then advocate for universal armament. For people like you, legal nihilists, weapons are categorically contraindicated, and because of such legal ignorance, no one will allow the legalization of short-barreled firearms, that is, pistols.
    1. 0
      7 October 2014 22: 59
      I am not a legal nihilist and a know-nothing, I just want to be sure that if my life or the life of my loved ones is in mortal danger in the person of someone and I kill him, then I will not be convicted of some kind of “exceeding the limits of permissible defense” .
  69. +2
    7 October 2014 22: 41
    Even during this discussion, someone would definitely shoot someone, but you say “for free sale”...
  70. +3
    7 October 2014 23: 00
    The naive belief that if there is a trunk, everything will be resolved immediately. And the cutting, they say, and the control... everything is like an adult. And a little further to think, you’re such a cool cowboy, walking around the city with a revolver...
    They caught you in an alley, hit you in the head, took away the gun... Well, if not from you personally, then from another such sucker who was overexcited about weapons. They killed someone, but the trunk is yours. And sitting means you.

    You need a weapon for self-defense at home. The robbers came - he protected the house, the family.
    And for this purpose, hunting weapons are enough.

    In other cases, on the street, in the city, protecting you and your family is the responsibility of the state and law enforcement agencies. And this is exactly what you need to work on.
    And in terms of efficiency, it is better to arrange 10 video cameras and lighting lamps. How to arm all residents of the yard with short-barreled guns. Carrying a weapon will not improve safety on the street at all.

    The law is being lobbied by gunsmiths and liberals for future Maidans in Russia.
  71. +1
    7 October 2014 23: 13
    Stupid conclusion. On the contrary, it will be easier to deal with any person if you declare after, for example, a conflict that he shot first. Go and figure out who was right and who shot.
  72. urrawpot
    7 October 2014 23: 15
    It’s not you fellow shooters, of course, arm yourself, but then I demand that the law include the possibility of buying tanks and armored personnel carriers (just like in the wild west) and SU with MIG, but why don’t we throw out a cry online and buy the SU-35 in droves. Super like in the wild west.
    Why are there these Colt-type “farts” of yours, or it’s a matter of T-90s around the city with a woman on the towers and on the sides a couple of friends with machine guns - LAFA!!! This is real protection, well, okay, I’ll file the barrel of the gun so that it’s called a short barrel!!!
    P.S. Seriously though, it doesn’t matter to the corpse and its relatives, there is no risk from the muzzle on the bullet. Whether the bullet is in the file cabinet or not and who will be punished! All this is scary. There’s not enough shooting range, right?
    And compare mortality statistics with accidents, fights, etc. not correct. Let's now create statistics on MORTALITY from short guns in Russia!!!
  73. +2
    7 October 2014 23: 22
    Quote: enot73
    It turns out that the people are ripe for Saiga or SKS, but for example for PSM they are not?

    The name itself - "short-barreled" weapon - does not hint at anything? You can’t hide saiga and SKS in your pants or shirt, unlike a short barrel, and you can’t walk down the street without attracting attention to yourself. It’s not even a matter of whether he was up to something bad or not - I personally perceive ANY person with a weapon as a potential threat to me and my loved ones.
    PS I read somewhere that the custom of greeting each other by shaking hands began in primitive times, when men thus showed that they had no hostile intentions and were not armed with a stone or stick. fellow
  74. +3
    7 October 2014 23: 32
    Following the October Revolution

    Is it fashionable now to say so - a coup? Why not a revolution? Before the revolution, the people had several weapons?
    Article minus!
  75. +2
    7 October 2014 23: 35
    Author: Moishe Weller
  76. +1
    8 October 2014 00: 43
    That’s all mine and everything that’s combative. So what? I started running and shooting? On the contrary, discipline, sobriety, avoiding conflicts. And the fact that I live in Estonia doesn’t mean anything, I’m Russian, and the mentality is the same as that of Russian Russians, and I’m a citizen I'm Russian.
  77. -1
    8 October 2014 00: 52
    It seems that opponents of the legalization of the CC rely very much on the police and other law enforcement agencies. Principle: let someone ELSE protect me, and I will only write statements to the police.
    And besides, they also prefer to be beaten/humiliated/... Someone believes that crime will disappear if people are educated. But for me, crime is immortal and I would not expect communism.
    For me, I’d rather kill the attacker than have him beat me/my loved ones, hoping that MAYBE they MAY NOT kill/injure.
    1. +3
      8 October 2014 07: 09
      Principle: let him protect me someone ELSE, and I will only write statements to the police.

      Sorry, I pay TAXES for THIS!!!
      1. +3
        8 October 2014 08: 21
        evg6566 Why did you decide that your loved ones would be beaten?!
        Some scumbag drug addicts will simply shoot them with a short-barreled gun and that’s it...
        Why bother if the barrel is in your pocket? Or do you think that only you will have the barrel and in no case can it fall into the “inappropriate” hands?
        1. -1
          8 October 2014 19: 19
          in no case can it fall into the “inappropriate” hands?
          This stupidity is already so boring that I want to call you names or curse you.
          There are already plenty of weapons in the “inappropriate” hands; for some, the “inappropriate hands” themselves kill no worse than the weapons. Well, you will meet a calm man without a weapon in his hands and ask you to give him cash. What will you do??? Will you run, try to resist or give up??? Well, they’ll find you with your neck twisted or cut and your pockets turned out, but you won’t care anymore.
          The determination to kill does not require weapons; man is endowed with this by nature. The young hand-to-hand combatant, who punched pears and opponents, could not do anything against an ordinary man by profession, a plumber, 49 years old, the hand-to-hand combatant was found with his throat gnawed by his teeth. He didn’t fight him, he wanted to kill him without any extra thoughts.
          1. Hedgehog_Russian
            10 October 2014 12: 15
            Quote from Marsik:
            ...The determination to kill does not require weapons, a person is endowed with this by nature...

            Determination is the will of a person, it is his choice, which will condemn him or justify him! Determination kill condemns a person, but the fact that the hand-to-hand combatant made a mistake does not prove anything, but only testifies to his transition to another reality... :))))
            1. 0
              10 October 2014 19: 11
              What does “inappropriate hands” have to do with it then? Whether he judges or not, as a rule, doesn’t matter
  78. +1
    8 October 2014 02: 30
    THE PEOPLE DO NOT NEED ANY WEAPONS. Peaceful, civilians must work well, rest well, walk throughout the country without fear, calmly let their children and wives go at any time of the day and throughout the country. Love your wives.
    But ONLY MILITARY, POLICE, POLICE, ANTI-TERROR should have weapons.
  79. +4
    8 October 2014 02: 57
    Again! Advocate not for the legalization of weapons, but for changes in the law of self-defense and the inviolability of private property (private possessions), without all this, your weapons will just fart, or you will be imprisoned for many many years.
  80. +2
    8 October 2014 05: 50
    WEAPONS and now nothing prevents you from GET!
  81. +3
    8 October 2014 05: 55
    How many years have I been saying that these people are taking care not for our safety, but to create a new market!!! Short-sighted people are demanding short-sighted guns, supposedly to protect pensioners, and they can’t imagine that just because thugs will think that they can be shot, they will shoot first! As a result, there will be more and more hype about the need to have a short-barreled gun, and only sellers will be in charge!
  82. Vek
    8 October 2014 06: 36
    Quote: Hiking
    Speak for yourself, do not decide for everyone.

    Well, let me try to agree with you and assume we are ready for a short barrel. Then what do we have? Let's figure it out:
    How am I personally worse than you? I have never been registered in a psychiatric hospital or in drug treatment, I have no criminal record. Those. In principle, there are no obvious signs that I do not have the right to the trunk. And I also have a personal weakness - every Friday I feel like shit, and I won’t be a cucumber until Monday. Don't you think that I shouldn't have a gun in my pocket from Friday to Monday, because sooner or later this will lead to a deplorable situation?
  83. +2
    8 October 2014 06: 57
    ... possessing a firearm is a very serious argument under any circumstances. Today in Russia, whoever wants to have a weapon has it, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s legal or illegal, but he has it, is it worth complicating things further...
  84. 0
    8 October 2014 06: 59
    It's not beer that scares people, it's water that scares people.
  85. -3
    8 October 2014 08: 30
    There is no need to regard your own citizens as idiots and potential criminals and revolutionaries. Statistics show that in countries where short-barreled weapons were allowed, crimes against persons and other serious offenses decreased by more than 30%.
  86. -4
    8 October 2014 08: 40
    A few quotes: Germans who want to use weapons must join the SS or SA. Ordinary citizens do not need weapons, since owning them does not serve the purposes of the state. (Heinrich Himmler) :mrgreen: , When a strong man with arms guards his home, then his estate is safe (St. Gospel of Luke 11:21) , Democracy is a space of agreements between independent, armed men. (Benjamin Franklin), To disarm people... is the best and most effective way to enslave them. (George Mason) A duly regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be abridged. (Second Amendment to the US Constitution), The sword never kills anyone. The sword is just a tool in the hand of a killer. (Seneca).
    1. Hedgehog_Russian
      10 October 2014 12: 39
      Sitting on a powder keg, you shouldn't play with matches...
      And Russia, now, already resembles a gas tank filled with gasoline vapors... And if Russia blazes with corruption rot in religious strife, even the devils will be hot in hell!!! Neither short guns, nor mercenaries, nor juveniles, which are available in abundance in the West, solve, as we see, any social problems of the state, but only aggravate them!!!
  87. Signature
    8 October 2014 08: 42
    We take the phrase put in the title of the publication (“If the people..."), then we put in the place of the people, say, the current people of Galicia or the people of Germany in the post-coup era (when Hitler was already in power), and then, finally, we look at the result, that is, we answer the question, will such people be taken into account?
    It turns out that the answer becomes difficult to the point of complete impossibility, despite all attempts to find an unambiguous answer.
    After all, if the people have fallen “below the plinth,” then by arming them, we will get bitter grief for everyone. And if in power (in the presence of such a people), - nevertheless (by “we don’t know what” accident), it is not Hitler, but his opposite (eager to bring the suddenly stupefied people to their senses) - then who should you sympathize with in the supposed confrontation: the bad and the armed people - or the power that they are not particularly worthy of?
  88. Valery Siberia
    8 October 2014 08: 46
    (an amazingly beautiful and kind Russian word - be healthy, don’t get sick, live!)
    Personally, I used to have great respect for Weller.
    He also had opinions that differed from mine, but, basically, I liked this man-writer-philosopher.
    But when I learned about his opinion on the Ukrainian events and Crimea, I removed him from the “Stan Svoikh”.
    Only an enemy or a fool does not understand or do not accept the deep and completely obvious essence of what is happening in Ukraine.
    As for firearms, I do not have a clear position on this issue: YES or NO. But personally, I would like to have a legal barrel.
  89. urrawpot
    8 October 2014 09: 28
    Quote: SlavaSSL
    That’s all mine and everything that’s combative. So what? I started running and shooting? On the contrary, discipline, sobriety, avoiding conflicts. And the fact that I live in Estonia doesn’t mean anything, I’m Russian, and the mentality is the same as that of Russian Russians, and I’m a citizen I'm Russian.

    Sorry, of course, but if I punch you in the face in a tavern, mind you, I won’t kill you, just like a man, and you and the chick, why leave this matter like that (although perhaps you’re wrong) and even kneel me won't you shoot?
    And even if I’m wrong, will you immediately get the “valyn” or what?

    People and people here you write all about carrying a barrel, tell me there have been many times in your life when a barrel was 100% necessary. Answer for yourself, only honestly!
    And if we approach the question “WHAT SAID”, THEN LET’S CARRY A FIRE EXTINGUISHER WITH YOU.
    1. -3
      8 October 2014 10: 53
      Quote: urrawpot

      People and people here you write all about carrying a barrel, tell me there have been many times in your life when a barrel was 100% necessary. Answer for yourself, only honestly!

      I regularly have a situation where the barrel is 100% necessary. Because I want to shoot. From a pistol and rifle. But I have neither one nor the other, because... CS is prohibited, and I don’t want to wait 5 years for a rifle with an unnecessary gun in the closet.
    2. 0
      9 October 2014 10: 44
      >>People and people here you write all about carrying a barrel, tell me, many times in your life there were situations when a barrel was 100% necessary. Answer for yourself, only honestly!

      I have never even sprayed it from a spray can. It was quite enough to hint that I was not going out with my bare hands.

      >>And if we approach the question “WHAT IF”, THEN LET’S CARRY A FIRE EXTINGUISHER WITH YOU.
      There are at home, at the dacha, in the car - too. I threw the “deflated” one out of the car kit and put a charged one in its place. It would be better not to need it than not to have it when needed.
  90. -3
    8 October 2014 11: 36
    A citizen must be able to defend himself and his family. Ownership of short-barreled weapons should be allowed. But do this gradually and step by step. For example: first allow military personnel and police officers, then judges, doctors and other useful and respected members of society. Naturally, with certain requirements for training, storage, and wearing. Not convicted, not violators of rules, etc. and so on.
  91. -3
    8 October 2014 12: 17
    Or like this http://topwar.ru/uploads/images/2014/202/ghvx902.jpg
  92. 0
    8 October 2014 14: 44
    I am for the legalization of weapons, but the title of the article is nonsense and a provocation. The short gun is positioned as a means of countering an attempt on life and health by a criminal element, and not as a means of fighting for rights. If it is positioned like this, then there will never be legalization.
  93. +4
    8 October 2014 17: 00
    Why are all these “pro-legalize” articles published with such provocative titles?
    Many commentators are no better - “slaves have no weapons, etc., etc.
    Well, in the states everyone has a lot of weapons, but what about freedom? There are actually fewer of them there.
    Just yap, and they’ll twist you into a ram’s horn, and put you in prison for twenty years, or for life, or even in the electric chair.
    No problem. There are much more freedoms in Russia than in any European country or states!

    So you need to think not about how to increase the profits of gun sellers, but about strengthening and modernizing the law enforcement system, suppressing and preventing crime. In the USSR, even the policemen had pickles in their holsters, and nothing was wrong, everyone lived well.
  94. +2
    8 October 2014 21: 08
    Megatron, there is a systematic zombification and processing of young people who have seen enough Hollywood action films, which for the same purpose are filmed and shown on the zombie box.
  95. +2
    9 October 2014 09: 23
    Do you want the police to shoot left and right just because in the dark your phone in his hand looked like a gun to him?
  96. -2
    9 October 2014 10: 02
    Quote: Interface

    If you really live in a dangerous area, my advice is:
    1. Buy a traumatic gun. Up to 5 meters to the head - forward-corpse.
    2. Buy pepper spray.
    3 as a last resort: a knife or a folding baton.

    1. Injuries should be banned in general because you can’t tell from the rubber band where it came from.
    2. Have you ever tried to use it in a confined space or even outdoors? Doesn't your nose feel sore? ;)
    3. So, for your information, you can kill more people with a knife than with a pistol. And few ordinary people can learn self-defense with a knife. Again, a knife or baton cannot be tracked, unlike a pistol, especially a legal one.
  97. 0
    9 October 2014 10: 27
    Quote: reut.sib
    an old guy accidentally hit him with a stroller at the checkout counter - he thought he was going to kill him!
    Here’s another example: the other day, in a super park, some idiot pushed an elderly relative in the back with a cart so hard that she fell. Instead of helping him up and apologizing, he laughed. Why not laugh, because the elderly woman won’t punch him in the face...
  98. -2
    9 October 2014 10: 46
    Quote: Leo7777
    Do you want the police to shoot left and right just because in the dark your phone in his hand looked like a gun to him?

    don't consider them idiots, please! I haven’t seen luminous screens on pistols and rifles yet...
  99. +1
    9 October 2014 13: 07
    as usual, nothing, blah blah blah.
    What's the point of endlessly warming up the crowd with the idea of ​​purchasing and carrying weapons if there is no law allowing their use? Well, you bought it, you wear it, and then what? used it to protect himself, or someone else, and sat down. Well, who needs it?
    it's just rocking the boat we're all on.
  100. +1
    9 October 2014 19: 54
    Do you want the police to shoot left and right just because in the dark your phone in his hand looked like a gun to him?

    A completely justified example, in the same states the police shoot at everything that moves and moves, including teenagers, and especially blacks (can you imagine hordes of gastrics with short-barreled guns?)

    Here’s another example: the other day, in a super park, some idiot pushed an elderly relative in the back with a cart so hard that she fell. Instead of helping him up and apologizing, he laughed. Why not laugh, because the elderly woman won’t punch him in the face...

    And what does this “example” have to do with the topic about pistols, how will it help here in the field of everyday rudeness? Threaten with a gun?
    Fire? Follow to the entrance and kill there without witnesses? How much shooting do you think will happen with real weapons and not traumatic ones, even say on the roads, or somewhere else? In our country, many “seem to be adequate,” but in the end they do it first, and then think.