Why did the masters of the West unleashed the First World War

Why did the masters of the West unleashed the First World War

100 years ago, 28 July 1914, the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia. This was the beginning of the First World War. Russia could not stand aside and close its eyes to the attack on an ally. On July 29, the sovereign Nicholas II sent a telegram to the German Kaiser Wilhelm II with the proposal “to submit the Austro-Serbian question to the Hague Conference” (to the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague). Russia began a partial mobilization against Austria-Hungary. However, it was technically impossible to carry out partial mobilization, and 30 July in Russia announced a general mobilization. Austria-Hungary also began a general mobilization. The German ambassador of Germany in St. Petersburg, Count F. Pourtales, conveyed an ultimatum to Foreign Minister S. D. Sazonov demanding that the mobilization be canceled.

German war plans were associated with the announcement of mobilization in Russia. With the start of mobilization in Russia, Germany planned to strike France through the territory of Belgium (in order to bypass the main French forces). It was planned to take Paris and win on the Western front before Russia could conduct a major operation against Germany, after which it was possible to concentrate efforts to defeat the Russian Empire or make peace. In addition, the evasive and ambiguous position of London maintained the hope that Britain would remain aloof from this war and Germany would be able to conduct a “blitzkrieg” to defeat France, and then resolve the issue with Russia.

Therefore, 1 August in Germany was declared a general mobilization, and Count Pourtales handed Sazonov a note on declaring war. 2 August German troops entered the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 3 August Germany declared war on France. 4 August German troops invaded Belgium.

Why did the masters of the West go to war

World War was not an accidental coincidence, as some researchers are trying to show and its beginning cannot be explained by the aggressive aspirations of individual powers. Thus, they are trying to place the blame for the outbreak of war only on the bloc of the Central Powers headed by Germany.

The great war in Europe was being prepared for more than a decade. World War was supposed to lay the foundation of the so-called. "New world order", which was built by the owners of the western project. They are also called "world backstage", financial or gold "international", etc.

The world war was supposed to complete the process of transferring the world community from the "rails" of feudalism to capitalism (de facto camouflaged neo-possession, disguised with the slogans of "freedom"). The monarchies were finally a thing of the past; they were replaced by republics with elected presidents and parliaments. But, in reality, all power was in the hands of the rich — the “golden elite,” since only the rich could sponsor presidential and parliamentary campaigns. People received the illusion of "democracy", although all the real political, financial, economic and informational (press) power remained in the hands of several dozen multi-millionaire clans.

Monarchies have already interfered with the "golden elite". Monarchist powers were built on a different conceptual basis, where such concepts as honor, dignity, however, the ideals of chivalry still lived. Under capitalism, everything was bought and sold, love, power, respect, everything was measured in money.

It was necessary to crush the old empires - Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, they stood in the way of the “new world order”. The Ottoman Empire was also sentenced. In her face, the Islamic project was to be finally buried. In the Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian empires, elements of the former administrative “pyramid” remained intact — power was vested in the national aristocracy, which was generally focused on national interests. Monarchs made decisions based on national interests.

It did not suit the "golden elite". It is clear that quite often its representatives could push through decisions that satisfied them in Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, but this was not always the case. And they needed absolute power, not archaic monarchies, where, say, the emperor Alexander III could destroy the web, which weave for many years or even decades, with his will.

In addition, the "golden elite" needed all the resources of the old empires, they were to serve as the foundation for the future world order. It’s enough to recall how gold was pumped out of the territory of the perished Russian Empire, historical artifacts, and other material resources. We must not forget about intellectual resources. Say, the Russian aircraft designer Sikorsky became the father of American helicopter engineering, and the Russian engineer Zvorykin became one of the founders of modern television.

A special role in the plans of the "golden elite" had Russia and Germany. Their strategic alliance could offer humanity an alternative, more just and humane world order. Russia and Germany were the cores of the Indo-European (Aryan) civilization, the bearers of its traditions.

Russia and Germany (Prussia) had the old traditions of mutually beneficial cooperation, dynastic ties, dating back from the depths of centuries, right up to the origin of a part of the German aristocracy from the princely clans of Slavic Europe (unions of lutus, supporters, etc.). In fact, Germany was built on Slavic roots. Even its capital Berlin (the city of "Bera" - "bear") has a Slavic origin. Genetically, many Germans, especially in Central and East Germany, are assimilated descendants of the Slavs. The masters of the West knew this, so one of the tasks of the great war was the extermination of millions of Slavs and Germans.

With Germany, Russia had no fundamental contradictions. We perfectly could live in peace, friendship and cooperation. The Baltic (Baltic) Germans firmly joined the elite of the Russian Empire, honestly served it. Russia needed German technology, and Germany needed the Russian market. The main contradictions in Germany existed with France and England, not Russia. We had no territorial contradictions. Moreover, the friendship that arose between Russia and Prussia during the struggle against Napoleon’s Empire was constantly strengthened by the growing trade turnover. Russia and Germany perfectly complemented each other. A very wise message was in the words of the German Kaiser Wilhelm II, who raised a signal on his flagship: “The Admiral of the Atlantic Ocean welcomes Admiral of the Pacific Ocean”, hinting cousin Nicholas II that Russia’s fate is in the East. Germany could provide the western (Atlantic) front of the great Russian-German alliance.

However, dozens of years of subversive work have done their job. You can read about this in the excellent works of Sergey Kremlev - “Russia and Germany: Strain! From Versailles Wilhelm to Versailles Wilson ”,“ Russia and Germany. Together or separately? ”“ The Union of Three Emperors, ”which could serve as the basis for a strategic alliance between Russia and Germany, was destroyed. Masonic structures of European countries have made a lot of efforts in order to disrupt the Russian-German alliance. Moreover, Russia was dragged in by the Franco-Russian alliance that was unnecessary to it, which laid the foundation of the Entente. In the 1907, the Björk Treaty between Russia and Germany was torpedoed, which could completely change the future of Europe.

In return, Russia was finally dragged into the Entente, since then a meaningless, stupid war for us has become inevitable. In fact, in this war, Russia played the role of cannon fodder from the great Western powers. London and Paris were going to "fight to the last Russian soldier" against Germany. The Russians, bleeding profusely, had to rush into ill-considered offensive, rescuing the Western "allies", who themselves prepared plans to dismember the Russian empire and sponsored the revolutionary underground. Thanks to the Russian army, the German troops did not take Paris, did not defeat England and France in 1915-1916. In addition, the Russian army defeated the Ottoman troops in Transcaucasia and decided the fate of the Ottoman Empire, allowed the French and the British to divide among themselves the possessions of the “sick man of Europe” into spheres of influence.

In the same years, the Russian Empire became the cash cow of its “allies” in the Entente. Hundreds of tons of gold went to Western banks, strengthening the power of Western civilization. And the West "thanked" Russia, stabbed her in the back, when the Russian army held back the onslaught of the Nemean, Austro-Hungarian and Turkish troops. It was the West that stood behind the February 1917 revolution, actively supporting various assorted revolutionary structures, from the rotten aristocracy and the generals to the socialist revolutionaries. The Russian empire will still shed blood in the battle against Germany, and in the West there will already be plans to divide it into spheres of influence and “independent” states under the control of the Entente.

If England and France, without colonies, were not self-sufficient powers, the Russian land stretched for half the world. Russia was the whole world - original and self-sufficient. The European powers had already exhausted their internal capabilities and took resources in the colonies. But Russia did not reveal even a hundredth of its potential. Reasonable Russian politics in Europe fit all three words: "Peace with Germany." The world in the European direction allowed Russia to develop expansion in Persia, in the long term leaving for India, to develop the Caucasus, Central Asia, to develop the Russian North, Siberia and the Far East. To industrialize and eliminate illiteracy. Do what Stalin will do, but much earlier.

The second main victim of the "golden elite" was Germany. The German Empire was in the position of the first European (and almost the second world) powers. The decrepit England and the “world usurer” - France, were increasingly inferior to the young industrial German Empire, which relied on its own strength and did not drain resources from the colonies. Britain was still the most powerful colonial empire, but was inferior in the development of new industries. The British saw that the day was near when they would lose the status of the "sea ruler".

The elevation of the United States. The capitalists of Europe had two choices: to cooperate with the Second Reich, gradually moving to the role of a subordinate partner of a powerful German economy, or to fight. The masters of the old colonial empires chose war. Overseas partners supported them in this. The “golden elite” believed that it was time to destroy the Old World, that it would lead the United States to the world stage of the new leader. The United States has become a model for the future of the entire planet. The country of the victorious and ruling capital was to become the flagship of the world community. But for this it was necessary to destroy or weaken the old great powers as much as possible, to make them dependent on the American economy.

That is why the US strategy was completely advantageous. At the first stage of the war, the United States gave loans, supplied military materials, and various goods. As a result, the United States from a debtor country became a world creditor, and England and France turned from world creditors into debtors. An even greater flow of loans to European countries went when the United States entered the war themselves, waiting for the moment when all the great powers drained themselves of blood. Until the end of World War I, the total amount of loans was over 10 billion US dollars. And weapon, ammunition, ammunition, various military materials were purchased in the United States themselves. Money remained in the States and stimulated the American economy. By the end of the war in the USA, 40% of the world's gold reserves was concentrated.

It must be said that even while the USA remained neutral, it was possible to determine from their economic activity who the owners of the States determined to be the losers in the camp. US trade with Germany and other Central Powers has drastically decreased: from 169 million dollars in 1914 to 1 million in 1916 year. And with the countries of the Entente has increased dramatically: from 824 million to 3 billion dollars. The United States has become a pantry, arsenal and bank of the Entente. Until April 1917, the Entente countries received from the United States about 2 billion dollars, and Germany - only about 20 million dollars. The United States sought to remove a competitor from the world market.

Only after the American capitalists gained maximum profits from the war, without suffering serious human or material losses, was it decided to enter the war. It should be noted that the rejection of the war determined the policy of Washington most of the war. In August, 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson, issued a statement urging Americans to "be neutral in deeds and words, be impartial in thoughts and actions." Wilson said that the goal of neutrality is to allow the United States "to speak at peace meetings" and "to play the role of impartial mediator." According to the American president, the United States should have played the role of a “moral judge.”

The United States did not respond to the death of the Lusitania in 1915, and when German submarines sank the ships Arabic and Sussex, which were American citizens. Most Americans supported the policy of isolating the United States, considering the war in Europe to be distant and alien. It was under the slogan - "He saved us from the war," Wilson was reelected for a second term in 1916. But it was hypocrisy. The owners of the United States waited for the right moment. Already in 1916, the United States sharply increased defense spending and began to actively prepare for war. In 1916, a new large shipbuilding program was launched. Money had to be saved, Germany was not supposed to win the First World War. In addition, the position of the Central Powers in 1917 was disastrous, the United States did not risk anything. And Russia needed to be replaced. The February revolution quickly brought the Russian army to a non-operational state. In April, 1917, the United States entered the war and during the peace talks identified a political map of the future of Europe.

Thus, the question - “Who benefits?” (Cui prodest?), Determines the understanding of the causes and nature of the First World War. The Russian war was extremely unprofitable, it became cannon fodder and the victim of the division of the skin of a dead bear. The German leadership also made a strategic mistake, believing that the Second Reich could lead a “blitzkrieg”, crushing France, agreeing with Russia (without or after the war) and without England. France and England became victorious, but the war exhausted their resources, French land became the battlefield. As a result, France and England began to depend on the United States, gradually losing the role of the great powers that determine world politics.

The United States and the “golden elite” behind it all benefited from the war. The American Babylon, which was supposed to be the prototype of the new world community, subdued the economies of the European powers and created powerful armed forces. The United States emerged from World War I as the leading industrial power in the world. With 1920% of the global population in 6, the States concentrated 66% of world oil production, 50% coal, 20% gold, 60% copper production, 60% aluminum, 85% cars in their hands. The total debt of the European countries of the USA was 11,6 billion, including England - 4,7 billion, France - 3,8 billion, Italy - 1,9 billion.

True, the First World War could not solve the problem of transition to the "new world order." The era of total domination of the owners of the Western project was postponed. Therefore, we still managed to heal the wounds of the First World War, as preparations began for a new big war. The Versailles peace of 1919 of the year laid all the conditions for a future world war. And again in the war they tried to set off (and set on fire) the two powers, which were to be allies, Russia-USSR and Germany.
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  1. +16
    28 July 2014 08: 48
    The monarchical powers were built on a different conceptual basis, where such concepts as honor, dignity, true, ideals of chivalry still lived. Under capitalism, everything was bought and sold, love, power, respect, everything was measured in money.
    Yeah, especially to take the English monarchy .. honor, dignity, though, the ideals of chivalry ... this monarchy had, well, you’ve just taken it ...
    1. +15
      28 July 2014 09: 00
      I agree with you, talking about the honor of impudent Saxon is the same as about the disinterestedness of a Jew.
      1. 11111mail.ru
        28 July 2014 20: 25
        Quote: Sakhalininets
        to speak of the honor of impudent Saxon is the same as that of the disinterestedness of a Jew.

        A gentleman is the master of his word, can give it, can take it back at any time.
    2. +3
      28 July 2014 09: 08
      Hmm ... Unfortunately, over the millennia of evolution, humanity has changed little ... No need to idealize the past ... Read at least "These damned kings" !!! There are many dark spots in the past ... As well as NOW however !!!
      1. Chegevara21
        28 July 2014 23: 58
        The author (to the author of the article), please be careful with publications where the word NMP is used to one degree or another. For the promotion of such ideas, or at least for any clarification of this world, you .... Pah pah. Well, in general, you understand. fool

        Who heard about the story from Mr. Petrov * m ??? Who is vkurse, will understand immediately recourse
      2. Chegevara21
        29 July 2014 00: 11
        Better than Schopenhauer ...
    3. +3
      28 July 2014 09: 30
      even Loki can envy the lies of the impudent Saxons, you read their translations and you are stunned. Soon it will come to the point that "Stalin, in 1945, came humbly to ask Hitler about the act of surrender of the Red Army, but then deceived him and personally poisoned him."
    4. hoard
      28 July 2014 13: 44
      Quote: parusnik
      Yeah, especially to take the English monarchy .. honor, dignity, though, the ideals of chivalry ... this monarchy had, well, you’ve just taken it ...

      "English Monarchy" - the sign is deceiving you! In fact, the monarchy in England ended in the time of Cromwell. The Protestant Puritan has no "concepts", he is an infinite (based on the morality of double standards). The Anglo-Saxons are shameless and understand only power.
    5. +6
      28 July 2014 14: 59
      Dear, the "God-fearing" Tsarist Rossiyushka also "distinguished herself".

      The head of the Autrian counterintelligence, and later intelligence, Colonel Tiben pointed out that among the many agents recruited by them were:
      1. Grand Duchesses - 2
      2. Princess, Duchess, Marquis - 14
      3. Countess, Baroness, etc-- 47
      4. wives of ministers, prominent diplomats, politicians-- 168 (!)

      And although the Okhranka almost certainly knew who was working for the enemy, their inquiries to the Minister of Internal Affairs always received the same answer, they say, "the most august persons" are "beyond suspicion", do not bother where you do not need to.

      Often, those influential comrades who had German roots "seethed" national feelings and they voluntarily informed the German IIIB department of the General Staff.

      Those who insist that the Russian Empire was not ready for war economically are wrong.
      Russia was not ready politically for the war, because the higher rotten from debauchery and idleness simply betrayed its own state.

      Yeah, especially take the English monarchy ..h

      Only now the British won the war, but we lost it.
      Maybe our "sovereign leader" had to resort a little to dishonor, for the sake of victory over the enemy?
      And then prohibit bombing the enemy from the air, having the most advanced bomber aircraft, so as not to put him "in an unequal position" ... well, I have no words, oligophrenia, some kind.

      Equally, like killing for the sake of fulfilling allied duty, to put it mildly, Europhilic schizomorphy.
    6. Patriot
      29 July 2014 12: 46
      Well, England is not quite a monarchy; there the monarch decides almost nothing, everything is decided by parliament and the government so that they have a monarchy, you can say a relic of the past
  2. +7
    28 July 2014 09: 27
    It is a pity that Russia and Germany cannot unite.
    Together - yes we would bend the whole world!
    1. +3
      28 July 2014 10: 28
      no. the fact is that neither the people of Germany nor the Russians have such concepts in the culture as the conquered world. Lovers to conquer - the Anglo-Saxons, Spaniards and Italians, maybe a little French.
      1. +1
        28 July 2014 18: 34
        And why did the Italians get on the list?) I have no questions on the rest. And the difference is easily traced in relation to indigenous peoples. For example, Buryats and Indians.
      2. +1
        28 July 2014 18: 39
        Well, just the Germans adolf aloizovich inspired the thought of conquering the whole world, and those with a joyful screech rushed to conquer it, at first they had a geyropa, then they wanted Slavic slaves in the east. Then it broke off in full, with howitzers B-2 caliber 203 mm direct fire in Berlin in April 1945 year. 2 May Berlin surrendered
    2. hoard
      28 July 2014 13: 47
      I will repeat my post from another branch:
      Germany needs to be systematically turned into our No. 1 geopolitical ally in Europe. According to all the canons of geostrategy and contrary to the prevailing historical paradox. The real geopolitical opponents of Russia and Germany are the United Kingdom and the United States.
      1. sergey261180
        28 July 2014 17: 21
        Quote: magot
        Germany must be systematically turned into our No. 1 geopolitical ally in Europe

        First, it must be freed from the US occupation. At the moment, Germany, and all of Europe, sits tightly on the American Kukan. But what a sin to conceal - and Russia is also sitting, just does not make such a happy face as a gay. lol
        1. hoard
          29 July 2014 00: 14
          Yes, you have to sweat.
      2. Patriot
        29 July 2014 15: 14
        In the future, I think China will be added to them.
    3. Chegevara21
      29 July 2014 13: 50
      And what will you do with NATO bases throughout Germany. There are only 7 bases in Baden-Württenberg! Plus, they coolly dug in here, as far as I know, all of Bavaria is torn No.
  3. +5
    28 July 2014 09: 39
    It is a pity that at the time Russia was headed by a leader who led her to collapse. There was no Alexander III. Russia will not receive a worthy Head of State for a long time after that.
    1. +4
      28 July 2014 12: 19
      But the Tsar had many worthy helpers? Life has shown that there is no. As it became tight, so the majority betrayed. And the State, this is not only the Tsar, the Tsar should have those very worthy helpers.
    2. +1
      28 July 2014 13: 39
      Nicholas the 2nd had 2 ways either to become a dictator (that era dictated) or that way that he chose. And this path that he chose led Russia to tragedy (first revolution, then civil war and purges). But if everything happened otherwise would there be fewer casualties? I think no one can give an answer to this.
      1. +1
        29 July 2014 00: 41
        Nicholas the 2nd had 2 ways either to become a dictator (that era dictated) or that way that he chose.
        There is no need for the autocratic Sovereign to become a dictator. And he followed the path that he was supposed to take, the middle one, the royal one.
        And this path that he chose led Russia to tragedy (first revolution, then civil war and purges).
        That's it, first. First treason, cowardice and deceit, the bitter fruits of this, February, then October, civil war, etc., etc. Apostasy, clouding of the consciousness of the elite, wide sections of society, plus the actual the death of the guard, on the fronts of the First World War. In short, the foundations of the Russian Statehood were undermined. And this led to the very tragedy. In conclusion, I’ll also tell you one thing, while the society was more or less consolidated, with all the fermentations that existed, while under the sovereign the guard and those few but active helpers Ki, the state held on and was overcome by the turmoil of 1905. Generally speaking of sovereigns, one must always bear in mind how heavy the Monomakh hat is.hi
      2. Patriot
        29 July 2014 15: 35
        Yes, I think it would have all the same ended the revolution, since by that time industrialization had ripened, universal free education, it was necessary to permanently stop the exploitation of the peasants by the landowners, it was also necessary to solve the land issue, it was also necessary to regulate relations between the workers and the bourgeoisie, and the nobles wanted everything went on as before and hindered the necessary reforms, and the emperor, even formally, had absolute power, if he went against the nobles and carried out the necessary reforms, he would still Wörgl. So the king truly had an almost hopeless situation. Moreover, the tsar himself was weak-minded and tried to maneuver between various political forces, and so he waited for the February revolution. In general, I think the Bolsheviks came to power quite in time, otherwise this interim government would soon squander the whole country and right now Russia would not be at all. So in spite of the large human losses, we very successfully got out of that crisis situation.
        1. 0
          30 July 2014 08: 46
          Moreover, the king himself was weak
          The fatal ones in those years turned out to be representatives of the political elite (and many simply traitors) and a diverse society and the people as a whole, who were led by revolutionary wiring.Constitution: in the year of trials, we as a people, instead of perseverance, showed weakness. Such are the realities.
    3. 11111mail.ru
      28 July 2014 20: 30
      Quote: Drop
      There was no Alexander III. Russia will not receive a worthy Head of State for a long time after that.

      In less than 30 years. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
  4. +7
    28 July 2014 09: 42
    The United States is led by Jewish families and the United Kingdom. But the experience of the 1-th world was applied by the United States and in the 2-th with the same success. Now they are trying to make money on 3.
    1. +4
      28 July 2014 10: 53
      In a letter dated August 15, 1871, Pike presented Mazzini in the most general terms a plan to conquer the world through the three world wars, which was the way to establish a “new world order”.
      The First World War, according to this letter, should be provoked in order to put Tsarist Russia under the control of Freemasons. It was necessary to overthrow the tsar in Russia and then use it as a “scarecrow” in order to solve the tasks facing the freemasons.
      The Second World War was to, through the manipulation of German nationalists and political Zionists, create a general split of opinion and lead to the creation of the state of Israel in Palestine.
      The Third World War should, in accordance with this plan, begin due to differences of opinion caused by the Masons between the Zionists and Arabs. It was planned to spread this (Middle East) conflict throughout the world.

      .... “For the complete triumph of Freemasonry,” wrote Pike, “three world wars will be needed; in the third of them, the Muslim world will be destroyed, after which we will provoke a gigantic social upheaval, the horrors of which will show everyone the ruin of unbelief. The revolutionary minority will be destroyed, and the majority disappointed in Christianity ... will receive from us the true light of the teachings of Lucifer "...........

      here is such a plan. if you want to believe, you want to not. and everything goes on it.
      we live in a pre-storm time. and the presence of our own center of power and a significant Muslim population among us and Russians in Wed. Asia will not let Russia sit aside.
    2. +6
      28 July 2014 14: 01
      These families rule not only the states, but the entire capitalist world. Those. practically the entire planet, and regularly squabble among themselves. Even G. Ford said a long time ago - "isolate the 50 richest Jews, and the wars will end"
  5. +4
    28 July 2014 10: 25
    All in all a wonderful article! Those who believe in the disinterested help of the Americans should carefully look at history !!! And the revolutionaries, as always, are just a blind weapon in the wrong hands !!!
  6. 0
    28 July 2014 10: 25
    All in all a wonderful article! Those who believe in the disinterested help of the Americans should carefully look at history !!! And the revolutionaries, as always, are just a blind weapon in the wrong hands !!!
  7. Rayden
    28 July 2014 10: 26
    In this war there was a famous attack of the dead, hey is not equal, still
    1. 0
      28 July 2014 10: 30
      there is. for example, the Red Army near Rzhev and many other examples.
      1. Rayden
        28 July 2014 10: 47
        Quote: yehat
        there is. for example, the Red Army near Rzhev and many other examples.

        Well, it’s clear that the exploits of our soldiers were, are, and will be, then a handful of people sent a whole regiment to flight
  8. +6
    28 July 2014 10: 37
    The masters of the West-capitalists wanted and want to multiply their capitals at times. By legal methods, it is very difficult, that’s why they go on robbery on a large scale, ruining countries, destroying peoples. They want easy money, as always, dishonorable Anglo-American! Well, nothing, soon jump, put you in your place!
  9. Fat frayer
    28 July 2014 10: 55
    Well, right, why do we need a boomerang, we have a rake.
  10. +3
    28 July 2014 11: 12
    "... And again, in the war, they tried to play off (and play off) the two powers that were supposed to be allies, Russia-USSR and Germany ..."
    The war between fascist Germany and the USSR was inevitable. this is the choice of the Shikelgruber and the fascist pack, which the German people brought to power, as well as the Ukrainian-gutted people. Zombie with the help of the media and a new war, so needed Angosax already smoldering.
  11. dmb
    28 July 2014 11: 32
    As one of the "advanced" commentators put it, "Overall a great article." It's hard to disagree with either. That's how you read about the "ideals of chivalry", for which the monarchies fought, and you want to cry from such "patriotism." But the truth is not entirely clear with the desire to "squeeze" from Turkey the straits that, when born to Russia, did not belong, and the expansion to Persia and India somehow weakly fits with peacefulness. It is unlikely that the Voronezh peasants and St. Petersburg workers were going to do it. It was beneficial to those very capitalists whom Samsonov angrily denounces in England and France. It is unlikely that they were going to go to India in order to free the peasants there from British oppression. And the commentator was really touched when he told that it was not in the traditions of the German people that there was a desire to conquer the world. Apparently in 1941 the Germans came to us exclusively with the mission of enlightenment. In general, this is the case that chewing is better than talking.
    1. +1
      28 July 2014 16: 49
      Something is not clear write ...

      1) Where are specific references to historical documents ...
      2) Where is the analysis, and why did you want, for example, to India and whether you wanted (see paragraph 1)
      3) In general, a whole nation can be fooled, but the Germans with their natural diligence need not be fooled anywhere. And there are all nations.

      Well, if we compare capital and the monarchy ... both of them are far from ideal, only if ideals are on the earth, then the former are outside the solar system ... the latter are still somewhat closer. Although, of course, not because people are better, there are simply fewer opportunities ... so some came to remove others ...

      Well, the main fact is that Russia did not start a single world war, and not a world war, although it did! )))

      Something I don’t understand is that you blame everything on Russia ... you don’t like Russia, so go to the pin_do_sam live ...
    2. +1
      28 July 2014 16: 50
      By the way, I also think that we still have a lot of shit to dig, enough for more than one generation, but I do not hail Russia at every opportunity ...

      Yes, and criticism from shabbiness is somewhat different - do not you find ?!
  12. +1
    28 July 2014 11: 45
    "The United States emerged from World War I as the world's leading industrial power." ///

    Already in 1914 they were the leading industrial power in the world.
    Look at the statistics of 1900 - the US is already slightly ahead of England,
    significantly - Germany.
  13. 0
    28 July 2014 11: 46
  14. +4
    28 July 2014 11: 52
  15. +5
    28 July 2014 13: 21
    Why this was needed, it became clear very soon.

    There were numerous studies before the First World War that Russia, by the mid-1930s, if it develops at the same pace, will bypass all countries in Europe and the United States, and become virtually the economic leader of the world. Nobody wanted to allow this. Already closer to 1917, when there was an extreme tension of forces, when everyone was tired of fighting, when anti-war sentiments were strong everywhere, the same Americans calculated that if the war ended in the same composition as it started, then Russia would dominate Europe as if not decisive, then at least one of the most decisive contributions to the victory over Germany. Because the outcome of the war was already decided by 1917, it was obvious to everyone. Such, in general, the treacherous policy of the Allies contributed, firstly, to a postponement of the war for six months at the expense of the Brest Peace, and secondly, it contributed to the actual collapse of Russia.
    Russia has never had an ally in the face of the West, but always a rival. And as soon as Europe became united at the hand of a leader, be it Napoleon or Adolf Hitler, the first thing that came to the mind of “civilized” Europeans was a trip to the East.

    As for the projection for today, I would say that there are a lot of people who want to fight with Russia today. The main thing to understand is that for Russia there can be no alliances with the West, specifically with the Anglo-Saxons. Because, I repeat, the West we will never be, neither a true ally, nor even more so a friend.
  16. Yu-V-Kramatorsk
    28 July 2014 17: 20
    Alas, evil minds still pitted and actually destroyed the great empires of that century.
    Now we see the same thing.
    Once in a hundred years, history repeats itself.
    Active work is underway to destabilize the situation around Russia, again this England, which does not sit on its island in any way, this France, which is now experiencing the results of Islamic politics, America, which is suffocating from its state debt.
    All these factors will ultimately lead to some very high-profile event.
    And remember my words, it will be louder than the crash of a Boeing, or an armed conflict in the Donbass!
  17. +2
    28 July 2014 20: 13
    Margaret Thatcher in her imperishable art of governing the state, left a political testament to all her followers. She predicted Europeans and Americans in no way prevent the Germans and Russians from friendship. German pedantry and Russian ingenuity complement each other. Their mechanical engineering and our resources plus spiritual and cultural proximity are the recipe for the fucked up Western world.
  18. LCA
    28 July 2014 21: 29
    About managing the world.

    Biblical project implementation tools.

    As a result of managerial illiteracy, various “brain trusts” and social groups in the crowd-“elite” cultures of all countries of the world as a source of globalization in its historically prevailing form today perceive instruments of the biblical project that are not carriers of the conceptual power that controls the first stages full management function (and, accordingly, not being a generator of the globalization process).

    These tools include:

    - The United States as a whole and its public institutions - the State Department, the Federal Reserve, the RAND Corporation, the CIA, Harvard University and some other “brain trusts” (in post-Soviet Russia this was called the Washington Regional Committee, in Iran - “the USA is big Satan, etc.);

    - Great Britain - the royal family and the Masonic clans and their periphery grouping around it, as well as the special services of the Great Brotherhood (in Russia, at least from the middle of the XNUMXth century, this is characterized by the words "English shits"; this is also the "London Central Committee" of the bourgeois liberalism, to which the Washington Regional Committee is subordinate);

    - Jews in general, the “world rabbinate” and the Rothschilds, in particular (in Russia this version of globalization is characterized by the words “the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy”);

    - The Vatican and the order structures of clans of the ancient European aristocracy closed to it;

    - Internationals (Socialintern - the transformation of capitalism into pseudo-socialism through reform;
    The 4th International — Marxist-revolutionary, Trotskyist — the transition to pseudo-socialism through revolution and the establishment of a “dictatorship of the proletariat”), which the media rarely mention.

    In fact, the conceptual power - GP (Global Predictor), it is also the "backstage" - these are the heirs of the ancient Egyptian priesthood and they now live in the country of Switzerland.

    Ancient Egyptian priesthood - the founders of the biblical project of the enslavement of mankind on behalf of God (i.e. the perverted revelations of God who is transmitted to humanity by the prophets of God (Moses, Christ).

    The USSR VP team of authors substantiates the theory of global governance in modern society with the so-called “Global Predictor”, which is a non-state, non-national structure consisting of ideas, algorithms and people who launched the mechanism for implementing this management concept.

    The Global Predictor, according to the authors, possesses the highest level of social power - conceptual power that people gain only as they realize the true laws of governing society and gain an adequate reality of the worldview. Thus, it is absolutely impossible to get into the management contour of the Global Predictor only upon the fact of his birth in a particular locality, or upon the fact of a stamp in his passport about his belonging to a particular nationality.

    The question of people's participation in the Global Predictor, which is contemporary to us, has been left open - it is quite possible that the algorithms launched many centuries ago are implemented in modern society already "on autopilot", without the participation of specific people who manage it.
  19. LCA
    28 July 2014 21: 30
    The technology of society management is “crowd-elitism”, a mechanism by which a small part of any society, the so-called “elite”, which has knowledge and skills in the field of social management, charges an arbitrarily high fee for its managerial duties from another part of society - “crowds” services.
    The stability of the crowd - "elitism" is based on false ideas and life values ​​introduced into society, according to which the "mob" who seeks to increase the level of personal consumption and dominate other "crowds" envies the "elitism", and the "elitists" strive to maintain their privileged position and break higher in the pyramid of subordination.

    In fact, both of them are driven by the same false values, introduced into their psyche by the algorithms launched by the Global Predictor and generated a wide variety of ideologies that cover the crowd - "elite" concept of governance. The “crowd” and the “elite” are two parts of a single mechanism that is not limited by national, confessional, territorial boundaries and has nothing to do with the task - the conceptual power.
    The Global Predictor algorithm, dividing society into a crowd and an “elite”, forces the “elite” to act as shepherds, shearing the herd, and a crowd who does not have the opportunity or does not want to get out of the “elite” - as the “livestock”, sincerely convinced that the “elite” owner is obliged to support him, feed, drink and take care of him only after he, the crowd, his existence, in return for which he allows himself to “cut and milk”.
    In fact, both of them are slaves to the global concept of governance, launched by the Global Predictor, which cut people off from a normal natural understanding of the world, blocked for many of them the natural connection with God - the creator and omnipotent, the same for all living on Earth, outside depending on race, gender, nationality or territory of residence.
    At different points in history in different territories, the role of shepherds as an “elite” obliged to “graze” a part of the crowd entrusted to them, the Global Predictor social management algorithm assigned groups of people selected according to various criteria, including, often, national ones, but in fact, this part of the “elite” has always remained only a tool for implementing the concept of conceptual power.
    The “enemy” of man and society is not specific individuals or social, national groups, but a satanic concept of management, implemented in the algorithm of the Global Predictor and the ideologies generated by it, suggesting the emergence of a modern version of the concept of social management in ancient Egyptian priesthood.
    The way out of the global systemic crisis in society is not in revolutions, wars, or pogroms of certain groups, which will be replaced by other groups immediately and inevitably in the current algorithm, but in changing the concept of managing society by acquiring conceptual authority by the people, that is, increasing personal the level of understanding of each person, the acquisition by people of the Human type of the psyche system based on the God-mosaic mosaic worldview, or, in other words, the life of people under the dictates of conscience.
  20. LCA
    28 July 2014 21: 39
    Power - the realized ability to manage. Without will there is no control. Management tasks are solved by the mind: individual, conciliar.

    Ways of management: structural, structureless and combined. Management always involves a subjective choice of management objectives from a variety of objectively possible options.

    The full control function (PFC) in the control process is carried out in a structureless way (control) and in a structural way.

    The full management function (as well as the management concept) is a hierarchically ordered sequence of different-quality actions, including:

    1. Recognition of environmental factors (objective phenomena) with which intelligence is confronted in the entire diversity of the processes of the Universe.
    2. The formation of a stereotype (skill) recognition factor for the future.
    3. The formation of the vector of control goals in relation to this factor and the inclusion of this vector of goals in the general vector of goals of its behavior (self-management) based on the solution of the problem of the stability of the control object in the sense of the predictability of its behavior in the environment taking into account this factor.
    4. Formation of a management concept and particular objective management functions that make up the whole concept, based on solving the stability problem in the sense of predictable behavior in the environment (predictability to the extent that management with a given level of quality requires).
    5. Organization and reorganization of appropriate management structures carrying target management functions.
    6. Control (monitoring) of the activities of structures in the management process carried out by them and coordination of the interaction of different structures.
    7. Elimination of existing structures in case of uselessness or maintaining them in working condition until the next use.

    Items "1" and "7" are always present. Intermediate between them can be combined to one degree or another in even more detail.

    The full management function can only be carried out in an intelligent management scheme, which involves the creation of a management system in at least the following areas:

    identification of environmental factors causing the need for management;

    formation of target vectors;

    the formation of new management concepts;

    improvement of forecasting methodology and skills when solving the issue of stability in the sense of predictability in the formulation of the control problem and (or) in the control process according to the predictor-corrector scheme.
  21. LCA
    28 July 2014 21: 42
    On the site www.vodaspb.ru BER (Login) - Books (chronological) - p. 43

    VP of the USSR
    43. "Garden" grows itself? ..
    (“On the Current Moment”, Nos. 4–6 (88–90), 2009)

    About ethics, managerial professionalism, about the full function of governance in Russia and the USA, about the general crisis of capitalism and Marxism, about theory, practice, problems and prospects of “convergence” and about some other particularities during the global historical and political process.

    April 9 - June 13, 2009

    The work brought to the attention of the reader is an analytical note by the USSR Supreme Council from the series “On the Current Moment”, begun as No. 4 (88) and ending as No. 6 (90), 2009. Numbers 4 and 5 were published on their readiness on the Internet under the names “On managerial professionalism and ethics” (No. 4) and “The full function of management in Russia and the United States: on ethics and managerial professionalism” (No. 5), and the consolidated text received the final name “Garden” itself ?. . ”

    In the work of the reader, the following questions are considered:
    ethics of power and business of Russia;
    professional solvency of power in Russia;
    implementation of the full management function in Russia and the USA throughout the history of each of the cultures;
    managerial professionalism and its reproduction in the USA and in Russia;
    the general crisis of capitalism and Marxism;
    theory, practice, problems and prospects of “convergence” of two systems - capitalism and Marxist “socialism”;
    as well as some other particulars during the global historical and political process.

    Table of Contents:

    1. Recent developments.

    1.1. May Harry Potter help them? ..
    1.2. Financial exhibitionism of the Russian political “elite”: I put 4 rubles on you ...
    1.3. Soros as Cassandra of capitalism.
    1.4. “Report” without the report of the Government of the Russian Federation before the Duma.

    Digression: How to understand the word "statistics".

    2. The crisis in Russia is a crisis of “elitist” idiocy in an attempt to drive society into a tribal system.

    3. Why Russia will not become "America."

    3.1. A pipe dream of the Russian “elite”.

    3.2. Full management function in society.

    3.2.1. Historical examples of the full management function in societies.

    3.3. Predictor and software-adaptive module: specifics of Russia and specifics of the USA.

    3.3.1. US Formation - Reloading the Biblical Global Political Project. The crisis of the biblical project of the Middle Ages. The prehistory and ideological basis of the political technologies of the creation of the United States. USA: emergence, formation, self-PR and reality.

    3.3.2. Reproduction of professionalism in US governance.

    Deviation from the topic: On the reform of the education system and the form of the exam in the Russian Federation. The main defect in education in Russia.

    3.3.3. The interaction of the US software module and conceptual power.
    3.3.4. Russia is a battlefield. Prehistory of Russia. The history of the crowd, "elitism" in Russia. The idea of ​​civilization building in Russia.

    4. “Puff cocktail” of global politics.

    4.1. The general crisis of capitalism and an attempt to overcome it on the basis of Marxism.

    4.2. Theory, practice and perspectives of “convergence”.

    Digression: Modernization of the country.

    4.3. The main and insoluble problem of capitalism, pseudo-socialism, and, accordingly, the practice of their convergence.

    4.4. Solving the "unsolvable" convergence problem.

    Deviation from the topic: Changing the ratio of frequencies of biological standards and social time.
  22. LCA
    28 July 2014 21: 47
    On the site www.vodaspb.ru BER (Login) - Books (chronological) - p. 29

    VP of the USSR
    29. Depressurization (Fundamentals of the Concept of History in its understanding of the Internal Predictor of the USSR).

    The very first working papers of 1987-1990, from which the book Dead Water was expanded, and then the entire Concept of Public Safety.

    - Volume 1.
    Chapter 1. How the proletarian revolution triumphed in Russia - a peasant country.
    Chapter 2. Ancient Egyptian roots of world disasters.

    2007 (1990 manuscript with clarifications and additions of 2007)
    - chapter 5 § 8: Trotskyism - “Leninism” takes “power”.
    Analysis of the mistakes of the Bolshevik party before the seizure of power in 1917
    2002 (1990 manuscript with clarifications and additions of 2002).
  23. +1
    29 July 2014 09: 16
    Quote: Chegevara21
    The author (to the author of the article), please be careful with publications where the word NMP is used to one degree or another. For the promotion of such ideas, or at least for any clarification of this world, you .... Pah pah. Well, in general, you understand. fool

    Who heard about the story from Mr. Petrov * m ??? Who is vkurse, will understand immediately recourse

    Partially I agree. NWO should be used in the right context, and not sculpted like "special forces" for everything. And about the powerful ... Yes, they do not have ANY strength, just an illusion. Selling their soul, they understand what awaits them after death, and by all means are trying to prolong life ...

    PS. Live free - die with dignity.
  24. 0
    2 December 2022 18: 19
    Very relevant, one to one what is happening now. And before the Second World War there were similar events. The impudent Saxons act according to a pattern.