There are all prerequisites for a new war in the North Caucasus

There are all prerequisites for a new war in the North Caucasus

More recently, Grozny and Chechnya were in the minds of Russian citizens a way of war, death, grief, blood, and now for most people it still remains. But Chechnya and Grozny have long since transferred a “palm of superiority” in the area of ​​“military and terrorist threat” to other republics of the North Caucasus - Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, and Ingushetia.

In Grozny, instead of roadblocks, new houses, shops, cafes, much of the infrastructure is new, new cars are on new roads. Several spoil the picture of a peaceful life numerous armed representatives of law enforcement forces, armored vehicles on the roads.

Although it cannot be said that peaceful life has already been fully established, since 29 of August 2010 of the year “shaitans” (as the radical Islamists and gangs are called in Chechnya) attacked R. Kadyrov’s native nest Tsentoroi. The thugs in 04.30 entered the village, killed 3's policemen, set fire to several houses, their success was interrupted by an attack by the police and Kadyrov's guard, he said: “We had information. We were waiting for these devils, ”that is, someone warned about the attack. The battle went on for almost three hours: 12 gangsters were killed, 6 militiamen were killed in all, 18 policemen were injured, 7 civilians were injured. It is believed that up to three dozen gangsters took part in the battle, part of them left. Part of the gangsters were suicide bombers who had a lead bomb in their unloading vest with a detonator (each had a TNT equivalent of 500 g in TNT equivalent), some of the wounded blew themselves up so as not to be captured.

On the morning of October 19, 2010, a group of thugs (4 fighter) attacked the Chechen parliament building, 3 people were killed during the attack, 17 people were injured, and thugs were killed. The bandits in Chechnya have little support and, according to local officials, come from the territory of Dagestan, Ingushetia and Georgia. They try to attack state objects, officials, members of law enforcement agencies and then leave the territory of Chechnya.

In general, the criminal situation in the republic is quite good and differs for the better with respect to other regions of Russia: not drunk hooliganism and fights, even car thefts. Largely due to the iron power of Kadyrov, he is “king” in Chechnya, which is why many of the attacks of the bandits are designed to damage his credibility.

Of course, another factor affecting calm in the republic — generous funding for rehabilitation programs, it seems, with such funding (and tight control) could improve the socio-economic situation in many regions.

Other republics of the North Caucasus

They are experiencing common problems in the North Caucasus: the growth of radical Islamist sentiments against the background of a mass of unsolved socio-economic problems, high unemployment (even against the background of its high level in Russia), population growth — young people who have nowhere to put themselves. Perhaps that is why, with the introduction of the USE, local authorities tried to send more graduates to the universities of Central Russia (for this they received high points, which were not confirmed later), they say, let them suffer with them. Gradual degradation of infrastructure, agriculture, industry, as well as throughout the Russian Federation. The clan system of power, financial flows from Moscow are distributed among "their own", someone remains not the lot, hence the Islamic opposition. The high level of corruption, the arbitrariness of the officials and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the increasing pressure on the local Russian population.

In terms of internal problems, the republic of the North Caucasus is somewhat reminiscent of the countries of the Arab world, where revolutions have taken place or are currently taking place - the same prerequisites. Kadyrov is an authoritarian, tough military leader, like, say, Mubarak or Gaddafi, only such people can manage such a society, relying on law enforcement agencies. Otherwise, chaos, confusion, the influence of external forces, inter-clan, inter-ethnic clashes. Of course, in Russia there is a federal control center, which should hold all control, but at the present time it does not represent real power, does not have all-Russian authority.

In Dagestan, the attacks have already become a common phenomenon, killing law enforcement officials, officials, for a decade there has been a real undeclared war. In the markets you can buy weapon, explosives, which is interesting, many citizens already have weapons in the North Caucasus. Maybe the authorities should arm the rest of the citizens !? Return to the Russian person the right to arms.

Already become common news, like the attack of bandits on the city of Nalchik 25 in February of 2011, when several mobile groups of bandits attacked the administrative and departmental buildings of Nalchik and its suburbs and were able to leave.

The exact number of "underground" in Dagestan and in other republics is not known, but one thing is true, there are thousands of people who are ready to act with arms, most of them do not run through forests and mountains, but live at home, waiting for a signal.

To solve the problems of the North Caucasus, and, what's to conceal, the whole of Russia, we need programs of the scale of the Soviet five-year plans, so everything is running. We need a real power development program, not verbiage about the "2020 program", we need an idea around which most of the citizens would unite, we need repression against the old power structures that sold everything and everyone, we need a new power elite. Otherwise, a new war could break out in the North Caucasus, and no longer in Chechnya, but in another republic.
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  1. -2
    20 May 2011 11: 48
    feed the loafers again? because they believe that we all owe them.
    1. +3
      20 May 2011 15: 44
      datur, with all due respect, there are normal hard workers in the Caucasus.
  2. mitrich
    20 May 2011 15: 09
    I read about Chechnya and the blooming Grozny - my soul sings! Or maybe it's easier to write - Russia, you LOST this war. To whom and with whom to fight there? Chechen will not peck out a Chechen's eyes, that's why it's so calm. What goals and objectives were set for the group in the same December 1994? "To ensure the safety of the civilian population and the rule of law ..." Read: Russian and Russian-speaking population of Chechnya. How many Russians live there now? 0 whole, 0 decimal places. So the Chechens have fulfilled their goals. The Republic is MONONATIONAL. And this whole fight against terror? Last year, a group of special forces climbed into the mountains. The goal is to eliminate a group of militants (I do not remember the coordinates of the work). Cover - "Sever" battalion (Chechens). Not only did the latter disclose the location of the group to the "forest" via cellular communication, they also started shooting in the back. Several brothers died ... And I see the attack on Tsentoroi not as a battle between good guys and bad guys, but as my own, local showdown between teips.
    We will again introduce troops there, I have no doubt that the future president of Russia will leave with all his lads in the mountains.
    With neighboring republics, too, not everything is clear. Why are cops being killed in Dagestan, and judges and prosecutors sleeping peacefully (I, in any case, heard about one dead in the last 2 years). Maybe it’s not Wahhabism, but the security tax? He who pays, he lives, who does not pay, he is to the Almighty.
    In short, it's time to stop paying Sev for a long time. A tribute to the Caucasus in the form of subsidies and other bounties, and replace Khloponin with Skobelev.
    1. +5
      20 May 2011 16: 23
      patriot let me argue about "Russia, you LOST this war" - no! Russia, you have won this war !, and, moreover, with honor !, not allowing the creation of a bridgehead on the territory of Chechnya for various "friendly" foreign uncles.
    2. cabin boy
      21 May 2011 02: 32
      "Chechen will not peck out a Chechen's eyes"
      Wah, wah, wah, how I doubt that you know the realities of Chechnya
    3. kesa1111
      11 October 2011 17: 45
      To be more precise, we pay tribute to the winners. Only Khloponin or Skobelev will not solve such a problem. Fish goes out from Putin's head.
  3. mitrich
    20 May 2011 16: 39
    I would like for another 333 representatives of your people to think the same way you do.
    1. +4
      20 May 2011 16: 52
      All adequate Dagestan understands this fact
  4. I am Russian
    20 May 2011 17: 24
    That was just the fact that on the territory of Chechnya a formation hostile to Russia.
  5. Sirius
    20 May 2011 20: 47
    Whatever it was. But Russia needs the Caucasus, and the Caucasus would not be better without Russia. We need an effective, flexible and wise policy working for a strategic perspective, and this is oooh very expensive and oooh very long.
    For example: After all, they found in the person of Akhmad Kadyrov an ally in the Chechen Gordian knot. When they began to support him from Moscow, for a long time I could not and did not want to understand Putin: why support the one who in 1995-96. fought on the other side.
    1. +4
      20 May 2011 23: 42
      And to be honest to the end, without Russia the Caucasus will not become at all. Will be pleasant for the Anglo-Saxon ear - "Georgia" there are different ...
      1. availability
        22 May 2011 00: 44
        Something verbiage you are some kind of Dagestan. Do you want to seem like your boyfriend to the Slavs? For them, everyone who has long been from the Caucasus "black" and ........ the whole world exists not in spite of Russia and the Caucasus will not disappear from the face of the earth without her. This is an attack on those who consider us freeloaders. And it’s so bad that the Caucasus should be returned to a fratricidal war against all the wishes of Caucasians to live in peace in a country where everyone will be respected regardless of skin color or eye shape.
        1. +2
          31 May 2011 16: 01
          avareth - thanks, you really helped bring our nations closer ......
  6. direction
    21 May 2011 01: 16
    there is no Russia for a long time ..... each for himself .... and for the green pieces of paper ....
    1. Joker
      21 May 2011 01: 45
      Speak for yourself.
  7. mitrich
    21 May 2011 04: 45
    Since you are in the subject, tell me, I do not mind. Maybe you are a Russian living in Shatoy, it will be all the more interesting to listen to.
  8. mitrich
    21 May 2011 05: 13
    I used to write about what I saw, heard, know, read, remember. I do not insist on 100% rightness. Your method, as I understand it, is to tear out a few phrases or words from the context of the author or commentary and make fun of them. I already wrote you one wise Latin saying in response. If she offended you - sorry. And if you continue in the same vein, I will no longer respond to you.
    1. cabin boy
      21 May 2011 17: 21
      As a rule, "experts", "analysts", "eyewitnesses" are pouring into the little things.
      It is enough to communicate with the Chechens not through the crosshairs to understand how much they love the "Chechen brothers" not from their teip.
      Apparently strong emotions prevent you from thinking logically in some issues, forget personal insults, turn on the brain.
  9. mitrich
    21 May 2011 17: 24
    Understood nothing. You accused me of lying. So I suggest you explain why.
    1. cabin boy
      21 May 2011 17: 43
      There is no logic in your statements, or it is done deliberately, and you are not the one who you say you are, or you are very offended, and emotions prevent you from thinking logically. So far I am inclined to the first option, I especially liked the pendos about pendosov in Iraq.
  10. mitrich
    21 May 2011 18: 02
    I don’t give myself out to anyone, I don’t dare, and I don’t write about feats.
    I only state my opinion, that’s all. Look at my comments, and if not, I will not bother you anymore.
    1. cabin boy
      21 May 2011 18: 20
      So I didn't think to offend anyone, just the persistent repetition of "halva, halva" hasn't brought anyone to any good. Emotions were pressed on the workers in 1905 and 1917, it worked. Has it gotten better in Russia? Emotions were pressed in 1941, it didn't work out. The result is Berlin 1945. Emotions have been under pressure since 1985, it has worked out again, we are still reaping the fruits. So what kind of thinking is better to use emotional or logical?
  11. Escander
    21 May 2011 20: 35
    Jung, and not easier to say to Patriotu, that Chechen teips are at odds with each other, and do not turn the guy on the wrong side with speculations like "You are not the one who claims to be." You're Jung, not the censor of last resort (or am I mistaken?)

    1. cabin boy
      21 May 2011 22: 48
      Why should he tell him, he himself knows it very well "... And I regard the attack on Tsentoroi not as a battle between good guys and bad guys, but as my own, local showdown between teips."
      You, as I understand it, are not a lawyer either?
      1. Escander
        22 May 2011 05: 02
        Naturally, not a lawyer. And at the expense of the types of thinking - straight ahead according to Heinrich Mayer?
  12. mitrich
    22 May 2011 05: 59
    ignore it, that's all. Personally, in the future, I will profess such a policy. You cannot prove anything to such stubborn people, even if you run your head against the wall. In fact, this guy is the same "Old Jew", only more literate, more polite and under a different nickname.
    What bothers me most in connection with this is that I do not use any classified information that is available to me alone. All from open sources. Are there Russians in Chechnya? No. Kadyrov is a bandit? Well, maybe for whom the future president of the Russian Federation, of course ... The case of 15 and 29 OSPN is also well known now. With Dagestan the same picture is enough to open a newspaper. What is there to argue is unclear. I caught on to one phrase and accused of lying and incompetence. Apparently where it rotates. it is easy, but I personally became very unpleasant.
    ps At first I thought, maybe some knowledgeable "speck" is tapping under his nickname. Then I read several of his comments - student, glasses -10.
    1. cabin boy
      22 May 2011 13: 54
      patriot May 14, 2011
      "Is that where ..." Yoongi "has such a confident steadfastness in the peacefulness of the PRC, in the categorical unwillingness of the Chinese to" freeze "in Siberia and the Far East? Although I understand. Judging by the time of broadcasting, you are residents of those very regions which "do not give a damn" to our "good" neighbors. Apparently, the constant walking among the crowds of all arriving and arriving undersized little, smiling people, constantly bowing and saying: "Ni hao", made you so carelessly happy. And the Chinese red "cowards" to you do not press ... "
      patriot Today, 05:59 AM
      "... In fact, this guy is the same" Old Jew ", only more literate, more polite .... student, glasses -10."
      Hang labels, apparently, where you rotate easily.
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