Geopolitics of the Great Victory

We repeat: “The Great Victory”, “worldwidehistorical the significance of the victory of the Soviet people ... ”,“ the victory that changed the world ”, sometimes without thinking about the deepest meaning of these words, the scale of the feat accomplished by the Soviet soldier, the Russian people ... In coverage of the events of World War II and its results, military operations, front-line victories or defeat, the protagonists are the armed forces, headquarters, generals. And rightly so, but not enough. The fact is that the Majesty Geopolitics unleashed the war and fought battles, which thinks in terms of historical eras, planetary spaces, world civilizations.

In the pre-war era, the world remained Eurocentric, its geopolitical structure was unsustainable, new historical players in the person of the USA, the USSR, the global financial and industrial backstage were included in world processes. By the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union did not have the status of a world power, could influence world processes and had little influence on European politics. The leading subject in this regard was the West. Fortunately for the peoples of the USSR, the West was divided, because it was based on two opposing cultural and civilizational matrices: the Roman-Germanic and Anglo-Saxon. In addition, there was a hidden struggle between the United States and Britain for leadership in the global ocean zone, and an acute confrontation developed between Germany and France in Europe. "World backstage" encouraged the military preparations of the leading countries of the West. And although the West formed world processes, neither America nor Europe were able to offer ideas, meanings, a new philosophy of international relations to the humankind that renewed social development. The West offered only war - for the redistribution of colonies, the seizure of new territories and resources, for super-profits.

The talented German philosopher W. Schubart in 1938 in his work “Europe and the Soul of the East” described the state of Western civilization in this way: “... in Europe there are symptoms of cultural fatigue, satiety, spiritual decline ... The European continent is embracing growing concern. The West has presented humanity with the most advanced types of technology, statehood, but has deprived it of its soul. ” And further: “The grandiose event that is being prepared is the rise of the Slavs as a leading cultural force. Perhaps it hurts someone's ears, but such is the fate of history that no one can stop: the coming centuries belong to the Slavs ”(V. Schubart. Europe and the soul of the East. M., 2003, p. 29).

Schubart drew his conclusions on the basis of the successes of Soviet Russia, the growth of international sympathy for the country of socialism. Therefore, the West had another reason for the war: to stop the "ascent of the Slavs" in the west of Europe (the Balkans, Czechoslovakia, Poland), and in the east (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine). It is not by chance that the plan “Ost”, approved by 12 June 1942, provided for the destruction of 30 by millions of Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, evictions from the occupied territories to 71 million, including 85 percent. Poles, 65 percent. Ukrainians, 75 percent. Belarusians, 50 percent. Czechs. (N. Kikeshov. Slavs against fascism. M., 2005, p. 453).

The Hitlerites had already dealt with the Balkan Slavs by the year 1942, however, as it turned out, not completely. The Soviet leadership was aware of the threat of war with the West, the danger of fascism, which was clearly stated by 16 December 1933 of the year in Pravda: "... the fascists are striving for a new redivision of the world, they are pursuing a course of aggression around the world." The main task for the USSR in the pre-war years was to stop the war through the creation of a collective security system in Europe, through bilateral and multilateral agreements. In December, the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) 1933 decides on the deployment of the struggle for collective security in Europe. In 1934, the USSR proposes to conclude the Eastern Mutual Assistance Pact with the participation of Czechoslovakia, Finland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the USSR and separately with France. However, the leading countries of Europe are doing everything possible to ensure that the agreements do not take place (French Foreign Minister L. Bartou supported the Soviet initiatives and was immediately massacred).

France and Britain were trying with all their might to send Hitler to the East, intending to solve at once both the problem of Germany and the problem of Russia. Those who are currently trying to put the USSR and Germany on one level, Stalin and Hitler, I recommend to pick up the American weekly “Time” from January 2 1939. The front cover contains a portrait of the Fuhrer and a pathetic message: Hitler is recognized as the man of the year (1938 , after Munich), in an article devoted to the Führer, it is hoped that 1939 will make the year even more successful for him.

I will again turn to Walter Schubart. In the year 1938, he wrote: “The question is not so: The Third Reich, or the Third International, Fascism or Bolshevism. No, this is a world historical conflict between part of the world Europe and part of the world Russia, between the West European and Eurasian continents ”(ibid., P. 453). And this is already a big geopolitics, moreover, in the British-American version (H. Mackinder, A. Mahan), which affirms the naval powers’s unchanged focus on conquering or destroying the “heartland”, that is, Russia. The same authors persistently trumpeted the non-admission of the union of continental Russia and Germany as deadly for the United States and Britain. And Lloyd George, when he was prime minister of England, appealed to the king and parliament: "The traditions and vital interests of England require the destruction of the Russian empire in order to secure British rule in India and realize British interests in Transcaucasia and Western Asia" (A. Martirosyan. Behind the Scenes of the Munich Agreement (M., 2008, p. 15). So, not the confrontation of Stalin and Hitler or their collusion led to the Second World War, but the geopolitics of the Western powers.

Another characteristic feature of the social life of the pre-war West was the formation of fascist regimes (Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal) and the spread of the ideology of fascism as a reaction to the outcome of the First World War and the global crisis of capitalism. And the preparation of a new world war was the Western financial oligarchy. Hitler is a product of geopolitical combinations of the West, and not a reaction to Soviet politics, to Bolshevism. Most of all, financial tycoons of the Western powers, especially the British elite, were interested in Hitler.

And one more shadow factor was present on the threshold of the Second World War - the religious one. In Hitler, the ideologues of the Western currents of Christianity saw a tool for the conquest of the Orthodox world weakened by the revolution and the Soviet power. As in 90-s. XX century, in 30-s. The Vatican actively "worked" in the Balkans to undermine the Orthodox faith and implant Catholicism. Hitler was codified by both Catholics and all sorts of Protestant sects, aiming him at the East, realizing that, despite atheistic rhetoric, the updated geopolitical concept of the Third Rome is being implemented in Soviet Russia. Arnold Toynbee testifies: “Aggression for centuries is the only form of communication between the West and the outside world ... chronicles of the centuries-old struggle between the two branches of Christianity, perhaps, really reflect that the Russians were the victims of aggression, and the people of the West were the aggressors” (Toynbee A. Civilization before the court) stories. M., 1996, p. 106).

On the fields of the upcoming battles, three political and ideological systems came together - liberalism, fascism and socialism. They were followed by the corresponding religious systems, as well as financial, fascist and communist internationals. Each system had its own geopolitical concepts. And back in 1925, the future Führer at Mein Kampf, contrary to the conclusions of German geopolitics (F. Ratzel, K. Haushofer), military strategists and Bismarck's testament, clearly stated: Italy and England are allies of Germany, France is a mortal offender, and Russia - the main object of the conquest: “When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, mean only Russia” (Hitler A. My struggle. Ashkhabad, 1992, p. 566)

Objectives of the parties: Anglo-Saxon geopolitical doctrine aimed at absolute world domination; German - on the fascist world order with the absolute dominance of the Aryan race, the fascist form of power on the entire planet and the hierarchical subordination of all other peoples of the earth, depending on skin color, blood, level of "civilization". Soviet geopolitical doctrine provided for a radical change in the existing world order in favor of social justice, a different meaning of human life (priority of community values), equality of all nations, a world without wars and annexations. After the expulsion of Trotsky from its ranks, the Soviet elite did not set the goal of controlling humanity, much less dominating him. I invite you to confirm my thesis of the prominent British historian A. Taylor: “The Russians did not seek to rule, did not want to spread communism. They wanted security, and only the Communists and their fellow travelers could provide it ”(Taylor A. The Second World War. M., 1955, p. 539)

22 June 1941, the balance of forces in the world has changed radically: the USSR, socialism, the Russian people became the last human hope for salvation from the brown plague. For the first time in human history, the peoples of the world prayed for a Russian soldier ... Realizing that Hitler had a bobble, Churchill already turned to 22 on June 1941, addressing the nation, "No one was more stubborn opponent of communism than I ... But now it all retreats in the background in the face of unfolding events. The danger threatening Russia is a danger threatening us and the United States. ” 24 June the same was announced to the Americans by US President F. Roosevelt. And even the London Times in an 22 editorial on December 1941 wrote: “The battle on the eastern front is the core of the whole war. Ultimately, it all depends on her. " In response to the panic moods of the West, from Moscow it sounded firm: “Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours". I dare say that 22 June 1941 of the year, by its geopolitical status, the Soviet Union has risen to the highest level in the world hierarchy ...

The war sucked into its bloody orbit the 61 state, 80 percent. population of the planet, put under the gun almost 110 million people, hostilities swept almost all continents. All the peoples of the world fought for their interests to one degree or another, and only the Soviet people fought for the interests of humanity. The messianic essence of the Russian man, according to Dostoevsky, is universal, universal, was in demand in the summer of the year 1941. The results of the Russian Victory became the main event of the twentieth century. Victory changed the world, gave it a new quality:

- the division of peoples into wild, barbaric and civilized, spawned by Western colonialism, went down in history (it was the “barbarian” peoples who made the decisive contribution to the defeat of fascism). Today's China, India, the Arab world (the same Libya) became independent, thanks to the Russian Victory;

- the unstable multi-polar Eurocentric model of the world order has gone down in history, it was replaced by the bipolar model;

- peoples have the opportunity to choose their own path of development;

- an effective system of international security was created, the foundation of which was the universal international organization - the UN, the world was now built on a balance of power;

- The USSR was recognized as the leader of most of humanity, socialism as the most effective development model.

All this made a simple Russian soldier. Earthly bow to him on behalf of all the people of the planet! And finally, for young people: the war did not stop the creative, cultural, and intellectual development of the Soviet people. Great music, great literature was created, improved weaponscientific discoveries were made, geological parties discovered new deposits. In the military year 1944, the metro lines were built in 1,5 more times than today. And this is another fragment of the Victory.
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  1. +1
    10 May 2011 22: 48
    Good article.
    But to say that the USSR by the beginning of WWII was not a world power was at least strange. The USSR was an active participant in events in Spain, along with all European powers such as Italy, Great Britain, France and Germany. With a non-world power, the USSR would not have begun a world power France to probe the Eastern Pact. Finally, with a non-world power, the USSR would not, having already become a world power, Germany conclude a non-aggression pact. Russia, by definition, by virtue of the size of its territory and its location, is already a world power. She tried to get out of this state - but the Russian elite sooner or later realized that in this case it was an act of suicide for Russia. Russia can concentrate, but cannot but be a Great World Power, even today.
    It is absolutely precisely noted in the article that Germany is a completely different civilization. It is based on different principles, on a different ideology, on a different worldview. Probably best of all, as Yu. Semyonov noted in "17 Moments", it sounds like this for Germany - the more freedom we have, the more we want SS.
    The West certainly offered War, but not the whole West. France was categorically against the war. In Germany, the question of war was not at first either, and the bastard Hitler, before Poland, resolved all international issues only peacefully. Yes, and Poland was asked to solve everything in love, the question was the truth so whoever wanted to have, Germany Poland or Poland Germany.
    What is absolutely undeniable is the quoted words of Schubart: “The question is not this: the Third Reich, or the Third International, fascism or Bolshevism. No, we are talking about a global historical conflict between part of the world Europe and part of the world Russia, between the West European and Eurasian continents. ” The war between parts of the world, between civilizations is the basis of the Second World War... And the merit of the strategists of the Anglo-Saxon civilization is that they were able to simulate and unleash a war between the German and Russian civilizations, even in spite of the non-aggression pact between them, acting on the principle "let a friend be killed as long as possible." And the merit of the strategists of the Russian civilization lies in the fact that they were able to ultimately win over the Anglo-Saxons against their will, and did not allow a hot war after the defeat of Germany.
    Well, and the last - socialism certainly was not the most effective model for the development of mankind, but it was real an alternative to the Western model of the development of civilization.