Employees of the Antonov aircraft concern protest against the dismissal of its director

Employees of the Antonov aircraft concern protest against the dismissal of its director

Thousands of Antonov workers protest against the dismissal of their director. The famous designer Dmitry Kivu was deprived of his post by order of the Ukrainian government without explanation. Later in the cabinet said that they just decided to update aviation industry.

Fourteen-thousandth rally at the famous airline Antonova: workers demand not to dismiss their CEO Dmitry Kivu. In the midst of the Maydanov clashes, he forbade his employees to participate in protest actions, said that the plant is not a place for politics. But now, when the policy reached him, came down with a heart attack: the heart could not stand the accusations of theft of the enterprise. Answers questions by phone. “During the time that I worked, the financial indicators improved four times,” explains Dmitry.

Dmitry Kiva worked at the Antonov factories 50 for years: first as a designer, then as a general director. For his workings he received the title of Hero of Ukraine. He participated in the creation of the famous "Ruslan" and the world's strongest heavyweight aircraft An-225 "Dream". Of the latest developments - An-70, a military transporter, commissioned by Russia. For their focus on the Russian market, as they say at the plant, Kiva and paid.

“It’s clear that the West doesn’t need a competitor. But why our government doesn’t need us, it’s unclear,” explains Lydia Shulga, senior dispatcher Antonov

Arseniy Yatsenyuk, personally appointed by the Rada of Ukraine’s Prime Minister, ordered to dismiss Dmitry Kivu. The corresponding order has already been published on the website of the Ukrainian government on the Internet. The cabinet officials say they are going to completely update the aviation industry leadership.

“We have the best intentions, we don’t want to kill the enterprise, we don’t want to kill the Ukrainian aviation industry. On the contrary, it’s about reviving the industry, enterprise,” explained Pavel Sheremet, Rada’s appointed economy minister.

Who will replace the famous designer, is still unknown. “I don’t see a person in Ukraine now with such a level, with a world name, who could take this post,” said Nikolai Podgrebelny, vice-president of Antonov Group.

It is also not known whether the enterprise will be able to develop if the new authorities demand that the new leadership of Antonov abandon his work with Russia.
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  1. +29
    April 19 2014 20: 44
    Sawing Ukraine at a frantic speed, they feel that little is left.
    1. +14
      April 19 2014 20: 51
      Taki yes .....
    2. +21
      April 19 2014 20: 51
      And earlier, somehow somehow thought differently

      1. +9
        April 19 2014 21: 10
        I also remember how two lieutenants in naval uniform promised to paste over the toilets with Russian rubles.
        1. +2
          April 19 2014 21: 30
          And I also remember how Discovery talked about the "Ukrainian" plane, the very, very ...
          It turned out "Ruslan" turned out to be Antonov-124 ___ (the only truth is that the production is not located in Russia).
          However, among the crew - not a single "westerner"

          It would be better to show a submarine ...
          1. dmitrij.blyuz
            April 19 2014 21: 47
            The Maydan took the course of laying the state. They are ruining such a man! Well, parasites are doing it. They can not understand that the states are a dead end with a waste place!
            1. timer
              April 19 2014 22: 41
              They do what their Americans command them to ruin what remains afloat! Fucking bastards!
            2. +17
              April 19 2014 22: 57
              Look carefully at the Russian-language news of Ukraine... Russia is to blame for the problems of the Antonov Design Bureau and for the dismissal of the chief designer. And this despite the fact that the decree was signed by Yaytsenyukh wassat

              1. dmitrij.blyuz
                April 19 2014 23: 48
                They just ruin Ana to please the Amers.
              2. +2
                April 20 2014 00: 29
                Nevsky: When the crusaders in the Peipsi Sea drowned, it was definitely the Russians who were to blame, but when the toilet bowls get clogged in Kiev, it’s not Russian ... their excrement clogged them up. At one time we sold licenses for the production of "victory", but the plant did not get up from this, since the "Volga" was on its way. Recently I saw a transport worker in the sky and could not understand what it was, I looked on the Internet ... so this is the AN-180! This is not some sniffy Yaytsenyukh, but Antonov!
            3. +1
              April 20 2014 06: 03
              In the midst of the Maidan clashes, he forbade his employees to participate in protests, said that the plant is not a place for politics. But now, when politics got to himself, he fell ill with a heart attack: the heart could not stand the allegations of plundering the enterprise ... (from the article)

              This is the logical result of any person who believes that "politics does not concern him personally and he does not participate in it."
              Politics applies to any person, even if someone thinks that he is not in politics.
              This should be known to all the military, police officers, intelligentsia, peasants, workers, schoolchildren and even small children.
              They should know this and act accordingly:
              - vote, and not assume that my vote will not solve anything,
              - to stand up in time to defend their interests, and not sit out according to the principle "my house is on the edge", in the event of an anti-state and anti-national Maidan speech,
              - actively object in the case of slow and gradual corruption of children, the younger generation of anti-people liberal Western politics,
              - fight against the colonial liberal politics of the West, which are destroying the Russian World in society, in the media, in government and politics.
          2. +2
            April 19 2014 22: 41
            Very old "It turned out" Ruslan "turned out to be Antonov-124 ___ (the only truth is that the production is not located in Russia)"
            It seems to me that in Ukraine Antonov Design Bureau, and we have production. Although I will not argue. )))
            1. 0
              April 20 2014 01: 20
              Quote: Nagaibak
              It seems to me that in Ukraine Antonov Design Bureau, and we have production. Although I will not argue. )))

              it seems like 124 was produced in Ukraine ...
          3. 77bob1973
            April 19 2014 22: 48
            Production is in fact located in Russia.
            1. +1
              April 19 2014 23: 37
              Quote: 77bob1973
              Production is in fact located in Russia.

              Not certainly in that way. We are just going, here is the link
      2. +4
        April 19 2014 21: 48
        So the whole Soviet people thought (deceived) !!!
        And the tops were rubbing their hands at that time and preparing bags for currency ...!
      3. +5
        April 19 2014 22: 03
        Of course independence !!!!!, but the economy at the expense of Russia is natural laughingOf course then Ukraine will live better
        1. dmitrij.blyuz
          April 19 2014 22: 06
          It is necessary to save the harlot, therefore, we pour in sickly grandmothers.
      4. The comment was deleted.
      5. 0
        April 20 2014 04: 30
        For what they fought, they ran into something ... The answer to the video.
    3. +15
      April 19 2014 20: 54
      Quote: svetlomor
      Sawing Ukraine at a frantic speed, they feel that little is left.

      Sorry for the engineers and hard workers at the plant. The "new power" will start up an enterprise around the world to please its "ambitions". And people - on the street.
    4. +8
      April 19 2014 21: 07
      These mongrels 3,14 Ndosovsky have one goal - to cause the greatest possible damage to the RUSSIAN WORLD.
    5. +14
      April 19 2014 21: 26
      Quote: svetlomor
      Sawing Ukraine at a frantic speed, they feel that little is left.

      Emergency destruction of high-tech industries begins. Example Saratov Aviation Plant.
      After all, we have joint projects with Antonov, and they want to destroy them.
    6. +2
      April 19 2014 21: 33
      Quote: svetlomor
      frantic speed

      To stop sawing, it is necessary for all workers to take and readjust the machines to weapons and then demand what they need. BP will not dare to pop into the plant when there is serious security. am
    7. +9
      April 19 2014 21: 33
      Yes, the fact that they saw one thing !!!! But what should not be rallied - but take up arms and drive all this trash from Ukraine! Otherwise, the rallies will not get the damn, put a junta with pederasty oligarchs on protesters with the device !!!! Weapons need to solve issues, and not stand and bark !!! The dog barks and the caravan goes !!!!
    8. +32
      April 19 2014 21: 39
      Quote: svetlomor
      Sawing Ukraine at a frantic speed, they feel that little is left.

      Fired? Well, it's good that they fired. Now Putin would not yawn and hire him to a similar position. Usually money alone is not enough to interest specialists of this magnitude, but there are other incentives, up to the organization of a new enterprise for it.
      And further. Usually they don’t change work on their own, they take their team with them. Enterprises of this type are not buildings, offices, and equipment, they are primarily people, professionals.
      So the stupidity of banderlogs is a good opportunity for Russia. Do not miss out.
      1. dmitrij.blyuz
        April 19 2014 21: 52
        Nagan. I agree. But the man is not young. He will be pulled out after a heart attack. For me, I and Motor Sich, and all Antonov’s design bureau dragged to Russia. But I’m not Putin. Reliability only remains that the GDP is aware of this outrage and make a knight's move.
        1. +4
          April 19 2014 21: 57
          Quote: dmitrij.blyuz
          that GDP is aware of this outrage and will make a knight's move.

          The best thing is to seize the plant, even if people work in a union country, friendship will be stronger.
          1. dmitrij.blyuz
            April 19 2014 22: 09
            Timur! Factory capacities will not interfere. A "schizophrenic" and change! Not like that! hi
            1. +2
              April 19 2014 22: 40
              Dmitry. It is sometimes necessary to heal with azaleptin, a good look at the crap in the box starts to fail, especially when the stimuli coincide, you have to monitor your health.
              1. dmitrij.blyuz
                April 19 2014 22: 52
                Timur! Take an example from an old pioneer! (I mean!) I don’t watch three telly for three years, just cartoons with little boys! Spit on the news and take care of your health! It’s better to stick around on this, our site!
                1. +1
                  April 19 2014 23: 12
                  Dmitry. So the last time I’m doing it, I wouldn’t have to bother with work anymore. I’ve done well, I’m balancing it for 3 months, I’m working 1.5-2, I’m resting, the employers are in a queue of working hands at the sawmills.
                  1. dmitrij.blyuz
                    April 19 2014 23: 42
                    Wow! Timur! The work you have seems to be familiar to me. But now I’m in a different path. 3 through 3. Day. Regarding work, don’t bother. Specialist is special! Therefore, employers are in line. Take care of yourself! Respectfully. hi
                    1. 0
                      April 20 2014 00: 05
                      Dmitry. The truth is different in plans, but the brains are cutting off due to work, and there is not enough pension. We have to work out different options when it turns out, while the result is not very good, but there is. Regards.
            2. 0
              April 20 2014 04: 43
              And how is it to grab a plant? Arrive, load on carts and take out?
          2. +2
            April 20 2014 02: 02
            It is impossible to grab the plant and everyone understands this.

            I once worked at KMZ them. Antonova
            and I know that now most of the specialists are people from 40 to 45 years old
            It is unlikely that they all want mlm will be able to move to Russia.

            In Russia, Antonov’s planes will continue to be manufactured under license.
            It is a pity that there will be no new aircraft.
            It is a pity the people with whom he worked and who invested everything in the prosperity of aviation in the USSR
            and even after 1991 - there was a huge cooperation with both Russia and Uzbekistan.

            This is a nail in the coffin of the aviation industry in Ukraine.
            All gloomy predictions about how Ukraine will enter Europe will come true.
        2. +1
          April 19 2014 22: 49
          Right! We need these two enterprises! If everything else can be started to be done with us somehow in a year, two or three, then without Motorsich and Antonov Design Bureau it will be worse, this is a good level in the world
      2. +1
        April 19 2014 21: 59
        Quote: Nagan
        the stupidity of banderlogs is a good opportunity for Russia. Do not miss out.

        I support one hundred percent! By the way, the staff was already trumpeted into a shout ... and a long time ago ... escho four years ago.

      3. +2
        April 19 2014 23: 28
        as ours have already said that with great pleasure they will accept all specialists in RUSSIA !!!!! wink
      4. 0
        April 20 2014 01: 24
        Quote: Nagan
        willed? Well, it's good that they fired. Now Putin would not yawn and hire him to a similar position. Usually money alone is not enough to interest specialists of this magnitude, but there are other incentives, up to the organization of a new enterprise for it.
        And further. Usually they don’t change work on their own, they take their team with them. Enterprises of this type are not buildings, offices, and equipment, they are primarily people, professionals.
        So the stupidity of banderlogs is a good opportunity for Russia. Do not miss out.

        on the one hand, yes ...
        on the other hand, he’s probably quite a few years old, and are you sure that he will be released from Ukraine?
        firstly, he’s most likely not visiting,
        secondly, they will also want to organize a criminal case against him for "cutting", they will become ...
    9. +4
      April 19 2014 21: 53
      Nits dig their grave too quickly. At this pace by 9, the May people in Ukraine will ripen (redden, that is), and even the National Guard of the duped youngsters will not save the junta. Suitcase-Station-Washington ...
      1. +2
        April 19 2014 22: 04
        Too long address! In short: a garbage bag - a crematorium!
      2. +3
        April 19 2014 22: 09
        Quote: maxcor1974
        Suitcase-Station-Washington ...

        Nah we need them here. I would suggest more interesting. Convoy-station-Kolyma.
        1. +3
          April 19 2014 22: 26
          Quote: Nagan
          Nah we need them here. I would suggest more interesting. Convoy-station-Kolyma

          In Kolyma, they, too, are not needed, on a reservation, to Canada, let them have fun there.
          1. 0
            April 19 2014 22: 37
            Quote: svetlomor
            In Kolyma they also do not need tries

            A wave of Kyle?
            1. +1
              April 19 2014 23: 11
              Quote: Nagan
              A wave of Kyle?

              Nah, or break or lose, we will manage our own.
              1. 0
                April 20 2014 03: 25
                We have interesting developments in the Arctic
        2. dmitrij.blyuz
          April 19 2014 22: 55
          Nagan! Why the hell are they in Kolyma? Everything is human there now! Here is on the New Earth, in the radius of the test of nuclear weapons, that's it.
          1. 0
            April 19 2014 23: 13
            Where the bodies determine the time to serve them, they will be sent there, the bodies should know better. Not in the Crimea am
    10. Klepa
      April 19 2014 22: 19
      Dmitry Kiva worked at the Antonov factories 50 for years: first as a designer, then as a general director. For his workings he received the title of Hero of Ukraine. He participated in the creation of the famous "Ruslan" and the world's strongest heavyweight aircraft An-225 "Dream". Of the latest developments - An-70, a military transporter, commissioned by Russia. For their focus on the Russian market, as they say at the plant, Kiva and paid.

      Well, it’s going to work for us at TsAGI.
      1. dmitrij.blyuz
        April 19 2014 22: 23
        love I already thought, what kind of "Klyopa"? I have a sidekick on the VD. I beg your pardon, Frosya! But, better by real name! Then you will have flowers! And he will hardly work at TsAGI. Not only because of infarct. He is a top-class designer, not a tester of the take-off and lifting characteristics of pepelatsev. He is a dock in this. Build "Mriya", and you have it in TsAGI, somehow it is not that! With respect hi
        1. Klepa
          April 19 2014 22: 40
          Here's another humor on the internet about our planes:
          My beloved Mary!
          I'm sorry I didn't write you for a whole week. I took a course of psychological rehabilitation at our base in Romania. I must tell you that a terrible thing happened. And not only with me, but with the whole crew of our valiant destroyer Donald Cook. ..............................................
          The next day, when our ship was heading towards the Crimea, we found in the sky a Russian flying trough called the SU-24 attack aircraft and has been graduating since our parents still went to elementary school. Once upon a time at a military college, we studied this rarity and laughed at its characteristics. It is more suitable for irrigating fields with chemical fertilizers or for scattering children's toys from the air.
          Therefore, when we played the alarm, we fled to our battle posts, anticipating how to play cat and mouse with this messenger from the past. On the run, I even managed to bet with Ed that I could take this rusty iron under the gun more times than he did. Ed runs the same Falanks rapid-fire system as I do, and we thought there was no escape from her. ...
          We drove the Russian locator to its approach to the affected area, so that later it was covered. However, when he entered this damn zone, mysticism began. Our locators were the first to go out, then the target designation of the Phalanxes turned off, and the whole Aegis was out of order. Our magnificent "Donald Cook" swayed in the waves like a dead turtle. It turns out that this damned Russian scrap metal, SU-24, turned on the electronic suppression equipment, and the pride of our fleet turned into our shame! And the Russian openly mocked us. He made twelve training attacks on us, rode on our locators with his belly, jammed us with the roar of the engine, and generally showed us that on such a shitty trough only the crappiest team could fly ... When he flew away, he waved his wings, and Ed even imagined what he showed us the middle finger of the right hand.
          But I think Ed is composing because we were taught in the military college that in such cases the Russians show their figs. Mary, you cannot imagine what happened to us! We have never experienced such a shame in our life. Some of our guys were crying like children, others were banging their heads against inactive devices, the senior assistant drank a bottle of whiskey from his throat in front of the crew and yelled at the whole ship: "These fucking Russian" Khibiny "" (Russian electronic warfare system. - D.S .), and the captain was green with anger. In this state, we were barely able to moor to the Romanian coast, and immediately after mooring, three dozen of our guys wrote a letter of resignation. They could not bear the thought that at the decisive moment our equipment could turn into, with which they would have to go to the bottom of the sea.
          There was a tantrum with me and they took me to the hospital. Mary, I always loved our America and wanted a star-striped flag to bring freedom to the whole world. But after this incident, the idea of ​​dismissal began to haunt me. Damn them, with money, my dear. You and I would rather buy a small farm in Arizona, grow celery for sale, and sing psalms in our church on Sundays. I think that it’s better for America not to take our brothers in democracy under protection in Ukraine.
          Well, if one old Russian trough could put our ultra-modern Donald Cook on its side, then imagine what their new planes can do! And if they are able to suppress not only devices, but also the brains of the crew? Think for yourself why you need me without brains?
          I kiss you tight, always your Johnny.
          1. dmitrij.blyuz
            April 19 2014 22: 49
            Klёpa! (After all, it’s better by name, do not blame me!) So let them climb further. They will paint themselves something in a panic, Easter nevertheless! Their problems. There is one problem, they will spoil the glorious Black Sea with their emissions! angry Why the hell are they even allowed in here? As targets? A flight of Sushi seems to confirm it! love
            1. old man 72
              April 20 2014 03: 15
              Well, we need to train for someone!
      2. 0
        April 20 2014 04: 51
        Was general, and in TsAGI by whom? A person has already had a heart attack, and such a change in activity for people of this magnitude is simply fatal.
    11. +3
      April 19 2014 22: 51
      Engineers, workers - everything! Let us to Aviastar. There Ruslans just decided to collect. Such specialists are always needed.
      1. dmitrij.blyuz
        April 19 2014 23: 56
        Take me. I'm on the ball. (Instrumentation)
        1. TAGIR
          April 20 2014 09: 32
          Those wishing to get a job at Aviastar
  2. +6
    April 19 2014 20: 44
    Even normal people are not allowed to work by the fascists, here’s the u.r.o.d.
    1. Strezhevsky
      April 19 2014 21: 56
      Quote: Monk
      Even normal people are not allowed to work by the fascists, here’s the u.r.o.d.

      Here, it’s rather different: to pile in all areas as much as possible and faster !!!
      I have some idea why. Squeeze everything to the maximum and then sell to the maximum, whose strategy is clear. That's just too little time left ....... this is the agony after a false start.
      Fulfillment of the order of foreign corporations, ditching a competitor for a penny, this is a holiday !!!
  3. +5
    April 19 2014 20: 46
    This same Kiva was very intractable in terms of transferring documentation to Russia, intransigence to see how it turned
    1. +10
      April 19 2014 21: 09
      Quote: saag
      This same Kiva was very intractable in terms of the transfer of Russia

      Well, what other documentation is there!
      An-148 is produced in Voronezh, under license, all documentation on the person,
      An-124 "Ruslan" was produced in Ulyanovsk, An-140 in Samara ...
      Kiva argued for what, achieved something for his enterprise, but he was a pro-Russian director, so clearly understood that the future of the Ukrainian aviation industry is in close cooperation with Russia.
      For which he was asked to banderlozhki exit. Yes
      And this is useful for the Russian Federation.
      All directors should think, with whom are you, production makers?
  4. +7
    April 19 2014 20: 47
    "It is clear that the West does not need a competitor

    It seems that the rest of the citizens of Ukraine are still beginning to get the point of what is happening, but b ... t be long !!! fool
    1. Strezhevsky
      April 19 2014 22: 22
      Quote: olegff68
      "It is clear that the West does not need a competitor

      It seems that the rest of the citizens of Ukraine are already beginning to get the point of what is happening, but b ... t for a long time !!! fool

      That’s the whole point, to oust a competitor in any way, at the same time let Russia into your soul, and we are all surprised at the rhetoric of the West, but these creatures are stupidly all in a fraction ...... isn't it ???
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. avt
      April 19 2014 20: 58
      Quote: iliitch
      Loshars are just fantastic

      Well, here I probably disagree. Loshars are all the same, at least some, but SUBJECTS who, at least for a small, but for some kind of movement have the right, like pawns on a board. And here, in general, it is a specific OBJECT - a cell on the board, along which the players from the Eurobus do not allow the independent, ancient velikoukrams to move. This is the end of aircraft construction on the Ukraine1991 project, they simply "gently" wipe it off the face of the world aircraft industry by destroying national management personnel, and quite successful ones, if you look at the conditions under which they worked and gave results. Laughter, laughter, and they can only be saved by the arrival of polite people with their own State defense order. Judging by the dynamics of events in Ukraine, polite people will not have time to come before everything collapses. So it's time to compose epics about Great Ukrainian vimans and put them on music , yes start singing to the ringing of a bandura.
  6. blackhill
    April 19 2014 20: 48
    he’s earning money for their independent country and they shove him off for sure they’ll just put in his place a humanoid oligarchic who will destroy the factory and sell the EU. Govnyuki what to say ...
  7. +6
    April 19 2014 20: 50
    Just kill the production of Ukraine indirectly, for the junta and their owners it is already not enough who knows how everything will turn around there further. So they decided to speed up the destruction process. Why do they need production, why do they need the economy, their USA and Europe will feed.
    1. +4
      April 19 2014 21: 04
      Junta Spider the Destroyer !!!
      1. The comment was deleted.
  8. +2
    April 19 2014 20: 55
    I heard somewhere that the Kremlin has already approved the candidacy for the post of director!
  9. vlum
    April 19 2014 20: 59
    The company will simply be destroyed. If you have time, of course.
    And for all there workers, engineers, managers - do not care.
    1. +4
      April 19 2014 21: 11
      Merikashki do not need a strong competitor in the form of Antonov. Merikashki need territory and its resources.
  10. +4
    April 19 2014 21: 00
    Hang on, factory workers. Not every director rebel workers.
  11. Arh
    April 19 2014 21: 02
    dill will be skewed)))
  12. Smiles to you
    April 19 2014 21: 06
    Thousands of workers at the Antonov plant are protesting the dismissal of their director.
    Center of Ukraine, begins to wake up, after a hypnotic effect! Hard workers still say their word ...
    1. +8
      April 19 2014 21: 17
      Quote: Smiles at you
      Thousands of workers at the Antonov plant are protesting the dismissal of their director.

      it is high time for thousands of Antonov and Motor Sich employees to change their jobs to Ulyanovsk-Voronezh and Peter-Perm.
      The earlier the better...
      1. +6
        April 19 2014 21: 31
        Quote: Rus2012
        thousands of employees of "Antonov" and "Motor Sich" - it is high time to change their place of work for

        Now they are calling on Motor Sich to create self-defense units against pravosekov. There are rumors that they want to take it, as the plant continues to carry out robots under a contract with Russia.
        1. vlum
          April 19 2014 23: 17
          Self-defense will have to create units simply because otherwise they simply cannot survive. Sooner or later, the territory of the enterprise will have to be used as a castle to place families there and hold out until peacekeepers appear. If you lose the territory of the plant, you will have to run just where your eyes look and without any hope of surviving ...
          Everything is so gloomy ... It just happened in Russia. Many then managed to escape, abandoning everything, but not all.
      2. +1
        April 19 2014 21: 42
        Quote: Rus2012

        still desirable Perm
  13. +5
    April 19 2014 21: 09
    Ukrainian government without explanation
    Which government ..? These ghouls in power in Kiev have already done so much .. Ukraine and Russia will remember more than one decade .. After all, all the ghouls will finally fall apart!
    1. +2
      April 20 2014 01: 03
      Quote: MIKHAN
      Ukrainian government without explanation
      Which government ..? These ghouls in power in Kiev have already done so much .. Ukraine and Russia will remember more than one decade .. After all, all the ghouls will finally fall apart!

      This is not the government, but the occupation trophy team for the export of values ​​from the conquered territory.
  14. +8
    April 19 2014 21: 10
    The USA said that UKRAINE does not need aviation, especially since the engines are delivered to RUSSIA, it is better UKRAINE will buy aviation in the USA, and RUSSIA will receive nothing. YATSENYUK and glad to try.
  15. +3
    April 19 2014 21: 10
    "It is also not known whether the enterprise will be able to develop if the new authorities demand that the new management of Antonov refuse to work with Russia." Pfff, well, a super-territorial question when everything is geared towards Russia. The stump is clear, the rabbit is destroying the enterprise on the direct orders of the American owners.
  16. +1
    April 19 2014 21: 11
    politically ranting, citizens tongue if he did not recognize the Yatsenyukhov by power, then he has one road to oblivion. and no one is looking at a genius. A genius who does not support banderlogs is an idiom (by Western standards request )
  17. +3
    April 19 2014 21: 13
    The logic of the American Puppets is understandable: the West does not need competitors, deprive Russia of the opportunity to purchase an economical military transport carrier, and ruin its enterprise by order of the owner and get its silver pieces. And all in one motion ... Talent!
  18. +3
    April 19 2014 21: 13
    "It is clear that the West does not need a competitor. But why our government does not need us is not clear,"

    everything is simple and clear - the west is the steering ruin of power ...
  19. +3
    April 19 2014 21: 16
    Such fuckers have been destroying the industry and the scientific and technological potential of Ukraine for the second decade already .... I am very sorry all the people of the USSR built everything there "bleeding heart" su ...... iiii. (Sorry for the emotions) angry
  20. +2
    April 19 2014 21: 18
    I never thought that such. They cannot be called otherwise. The right to say this gang and Khokhlov just can’t be DEBILS. IT IS NECESSARY TO CREATE FASTERLY THE CREATION OF JUVSR. THE EASTERN EASTERN SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC.
    1. +2
      April 19 2014 21: 46
      The will to the fool, that clever share: destroys himself ...
  21. +1
    April 19 2014 21: 19
    Quote: MIKHAN
    Such morons destroy the industry and the scientific and technological potential of Ukraine

    If you are talking about Kivu, then I completely agree, an unreasonable person could only save the production when they offered, but Boguslaev turned out to be smarter
  22. +2
    April 19 2014 21: 20
    Protect archives and documentation !!! And who knows who the eggs promised her !!! - p.i.do.r.g.i !!! fool
    1. +4
      April 19 2014 21: 40
      Do not protect and hide !!! so that the geyropa would not be found !!!
  23. +2
    April 19 2014 21: 22
    Pebble after pebble, just a little more and will go, like in the mountains, a landslide! Specially annihilate the people ....... what did the swindlers conceive?
  24. +6
    April 19 2014 21: 22
    Not the people, before there was "Motorsich" now "Antonov" everything that worked in this country, science-intensive, they bring down everything !!! Yes, it worked with Rasha, but brought in 100% income
    1.MotorSich Tryndets will pass, another 4-5 months and in Russia they will start producing engines
    2. Contracts with the Academy of Sciences of Russia poherit and switch to IL
    The result will be unequivocal - a visa-free regime with the EU where they will be allowed to work as janitors and prostitutes, full
    finish industry, as a result and science. The country that will grow the service staff, as before, Galicia laborers to Poland and then to Austria .... in short, something like this ....
    1. +7
      April 19 2014 21: 32
      Quote: grog_bm
      The result will be clear - a visa-free regime with the EU

      They are up to a visa-free regime, as before China with cancer ...
      1. 0
        April 20 2014 05: 08
        Visa-free regime? But does Europe need this Codla Maidanuta to captivate them? The states would support this; they have their own plans in this regard.
    2. +3
      April 19 2014 23: 02
      Even according to optimistic estimates, it is completely possible to replace Motorsich’s products (aircraft and helicopter engines) in 7-8 years. Of course, if it is very bitter, we will do it earlier. Ily will not be able to completely switch to. Antonov has an advantage over large airplanes - no one has anything like Ruslan AN-124, it is not in vain that we are restarting production. On medium - northern - military - for poor airfields - airplanes, Il seemed to have done one. But Antonov is already in the series.
      Therefore, it is better if they are all with us or with us.
      1. evil hamster
        April 20 2014 14: 00
        Quote: andj61
        Even according to optimistic estimates, it is completely possible to replace Motorsich products (aircraft and helicopter engines) in 7-8 years

        Klimov built new areas and last year gave the first VK2500, so no 7-8 years. Although, of course, failure can be 2-3 years. Ufa and Kazan are also participating in the process, for Kazan it seems like plans, but at the UMPO, they invested 10 billion rubles in this matter. So, the main problem is our bureaucrats, who seem to need to deploy production, it seems that the decision has been made, but like Motorsich, that is, it seems, it’s not burning, you can kind of not rush, but now they are clearly running into it. But okay, they really did things with helicopters, but it’s more complicated with offshore gas turbines, they hardly moved at all.
        Quote: andj61
        Ily will not be able to completely switch to

        Yes Easy.
        Quote: andj61
        Antonov has an advantage over large airplanes - no one has anything like this
        Antonov has AN-124, whose serial production was in Ulyanovsk. Plus, most of the An-124 Air Force of the Russian Federation now stands at the fence, so there is simply no urgent need for these aircraft, for starters the existing ones need to be repaired and modernized.
        Quote: andj61
        It’s not in vain that we resume production

        We have not yet renewed anything, while they are just saying, and now there is no objective need.
        Quote: andj61
        On medium - northern - military - for poor airfields - airplanes, Il seemed to have done one. But Antonov is already in the series
        They don’t have anything in the An-140 series - passenger, An-70 - it’s better not to remember about it. Actually everything, so the IL-112 / IL-214 is ours all in this segment, it is necessary to do and not to nod at Antonov.
        Quote: andj61
        Therefore, it is better if they are all with us or with us.
        We would upload our enterprises.
  25. +3
    April 19 2014 21: 25
    the enterprise is a pity, they’ll ruin it and sell it, Kiva has a chance to go to work in Russia, I’m sure that they will take it without hesitation. yes, at a gigantic speed, ukroina rushes to her future, back to the Stone Age
  26. +4
    April 19 2014 21: 25
    “We have the best intentions, we don’t want to kill the enterprise, we don’t want to kill the Ukrainian aviation industry. On the contrary, it’s about reviving the industry, enterprise,” explained Pavel Sheremet, Rada’s appointed economy minister.

    It seems that the saying "Lies like a gray gelding" is very outdated. what
  27. +1
    April 19 2014 21: 27
    All the bastards will fall apart (
  28. prophet
    April 19 2014 21: 36
    here they are tied to Russia by 70 percent, and they will bring them down. We have preserved probably the only industry that is competitively capable of making a profit and attitude towards Ukraine as a country that has high technologies. A man gave all of himself to be in the "club" of aircraft manufacturers. dot. Now only paraplanes, sorry ...
  29. 3vs
    April 19 2014 21: 37
    Well, if the Americans have set themselves the task of making a raw materials appendage from this territory,
    then that’s all.
    Hemp and rapeseed for bio-diesel fuel will be grown on the fields of Ukraine.
    1. 0
      April 20 2014 00: 42
      Quote: 3vs
      Well, if the Americans have set themselves the task of making a raw materials appendage from this territory,
      then that’s all.
      Hemp and rapeseed for bio-diesel fuel will be grown on the fields of Ukraine.

      And, most importantly, as another unsinkable aircraft carrier and US missile defense base, threatening Russia, and besides, on Russian soil, almost in the suburbs.
  30. +5
    April 19 2014 21: 37
    Quote: svetlomor
    Sawing Ukraine at a frantic speed, they feel that little is left.
    And they’re not just sawing! The whole geyropa wants to grab some of the best coking coals, grab Manganese and other expensive things. Well, Antonov for them is like a thorn in the eye. They made an Airbus 400, and immediately Ukraine was sent to IR GREK YOGHURT. not worth a penny for any of the outstanding screws for machines of this class. As soon as they saw the industry, they will begin to destroy the CX. Instead of 3 million tons, only ONE will be allowed to be exported !!! Thieves, it is thieves in Africa !!! and they will have a great democratically slave territory.
  31. +18
    April 19 2014 21: 38
    Here is an interesting opinion .. (although there is nothing new and yet ..)
    An interesting answer from a resident of Lviv. Honestly, I was very surprised. Pleasantly surprised. There are sane people.
    it’s quite obvious that the struggle between Russia and the USA + the EU is being waged ... while our clowns are completely dependent on the USA, forgetting that they are completely and energetically and economically dependent on Russia. As a result, climbed into a triple clamp:
    1. The hryvnia is printed at the dollar borrowed and put into the gold and foreign exchange reserves, which means that interest on a loan is paid from each printed hryvnia to lenders (IMF and US KGB, since this is their currency) - dependence on the USA.
    2. the purchase of the missing gas - only from Russia, there are no other alternatives. The purchase of uranium is essentially the same. but you can still show off and buy from the flown Russian fuel rods but more expensive and without guarantees and bury the waste yourself ... and so on until the next Chernobyl, which is inevitable with this approach. In a word, complete energy dependence on Russia + is also on the United States, since it is boring and out of place to depend only on Russia for our junta ... and this entails dependence both social and economic - you’ll get the hell out of the economy on expensive energy, and the population is inevitable sighs sooner or later due to the unattainable cost of living ....
    3. markets. Dependence on Russia again. even, 20-30% of the collapse of exports is impossible to survive.
    4. Loans. debts to Russia hang. which cannot be paid, for there is nothing. The West, on the other hand, feeds cookies and promises guarantees, as predicted by all reasonable people. At the same time, in the agreement with Russia on Eurobonds, there is also a 60% restriction between the external debt of Ukraine and GDP, while Eurobonds are in circulation ... and GDP, for some reason, is not growing ... + there are also debts on the IMF and arrears on salary is growing ..
    5. power was taken illegally, but was recognized by the states and the eu. which put our government in yet another complete dependence on the US and the EU, which agreed to "cover" the junta in order to satisfy their interests with their help ...
    6. You can still write and write. there's no point. the country was destroyed by joint efforts. the process has not yet been completed and is ongoing, only Russia can help, but it is still busy pulling out sanctions from Obama and the collapse of the buck + will not do this until Ukraine meets all conditions, and Ukrainians, especially in the West, are too confident in their Russophobia and the urgent need to live without any contacts with Russia, in general ... the time is working against the country, the people and every Ukrainian in particular, reducing the chances of decent living and survival, in general ...

    try to refute at least something - I will be glad to be wrong in this case.
    1. +4
      April 19 2014 22: 21
      "A clever one understands at once, a fool gradually" - Altar Sutra, VI Patriarch of Chan Buddhism, Hui-nen. VIII century A.D.
    2. 0
      April 20 2014 17: 55
      Add gas on a prepaid basis - at best, in order to maintain transit, it will pay off Ukraine’s current debt. Paying for consumption will not be possible except through obligations to the IMF within the limit set by it. Re-export is already closed - Gazprom letters reminded consumers of the essence of existing agreements. It’s time for the junta to give up, it’s still warm. Instead of powders, Poroshenko distributes sweets to the faithful troops. In Russia, they stopped buying them.
  32. +3
    April 19 2014 21: 40
    Then they will take up Motor Sich. In addition to the Aroautobus and Boeing, there are GE, Pratt-Whitney, Turbomeka, etc. After the elections, the state of emergency will be introduced until all competitors to Western manufacturers are removed from the Nobel Peace Prize. So the Jews are trying.
  33. -3
    April 19 2014 21: 45
    Everything is fine, this is a company that makes not a small amount of money, that’s what they are placing their people.
    1. +3
      April 19 2014 23: 05
      This is a company that works, including for the defense of Russia.
      1. -1
        April 19 2014 23: 46
        So I say that not a lot of money is spinning in this company and there is nothing surprising that people in power want to put their own person there, this is to the fact that maybe there is a political moment, but it seems to me the main reason is money, money and money again !
        1. 0
          April 20 2014 05: 15
          And who is this - "your man"? And how can he replace the GENERAL DESIGNER? ???
    2. +1
      April 20 2014 00: 26
      Quote: Bosk
      Everything is fine, this is a company that makes not a small amount of money, that’s what they are placing their people.

      You are too optimistic, you think too well of them, this is possible in Russia, the USA, Europe, but not in the zone of temporary occupation, it is just that the puppets received orders from overseas puppeteers to destroy the competitor of Boeing and Bombardier, with permission to plunder it corny.
  34. +9
    April 19 2014 21: 55
    It looks like the Doss Doss want to finish off Ukraine’s economy with Yaytsenyukh’s hands, and then, under the guise of helping to bring in NATO peacekeepers
  35. Tanechka-clever
    April 19 2014 21: 58
    Mediocrity does not tolerate talent, she hates it because she herself wants to be talented. But you have to be born with talent, and therefore only grief with such managers - because it's crazy.
    1. 0
      April 20 2014 00: 04
      Quote: Tanya-umunechka
      Mediocrity does not tolerate talent, she hates it because she herself wants to be talented. But you have to be born with talent, and therefore only grief with such managers - because it's crazy.

      Talented ones are not enough to be born, talented needs to be developed all their life, encouraged and shared, otherwise it will die out, and dullness always wants everything at once, not to give, but to receive.
      Maidan - the apotheosis of militant mediocrity.
  36. +4
    April 19 2014 22: 21
    Why, says our government, we don’t need ... They still haven’t understood whether, right now, there is no government. Such adults and as naive as children.
    He also thought like: "my house is on the edge" .. And now his turn came to him, was accused of theft.
    In general, it is difficult to understand people who see that the Nazis came to power, and who think that this is like a pimple, will resolve itself. It won't work out. Either lie down under Bandera, or defend their interests.
  37. +3
    April 19 2014 22: 22
    We have the best intentions, we don’t want to kill the enterprise
    The opposite is obvious. Let us recall the situation in Russian industry in the 90s. They may, of course, be re-profiled for the production of parts for Airbus or Boeing. But whether the design bureau will be engaged in design development is a big question.
  38. ASSARU
    April 19 2014 22: 30
    ] Ukraine is sawing at a frantic speed, they feel that little is left. [/ Quote]
    Fired? Well, it's good that they fired. Now Putin would not yawn and hire him to a similar position. Usually money alone is not enough to interest specialists of this magnitude, but there are other incentives, up to the organization of a new enterprise for it.
    And further. Usually they don’t change work on their own, they take their team with them. Enterprises of this type are not buildings, offices, and equipment, they are primarily people, professionals.
    So the stupidity of banderlogs is a good opportunity for Russia. Do not miss out.

    Well said.
    Only it would be better with the plant because the plant can’t take his life off. He grew up there. One of the thousands of reasons why Ukraine is Russia
  39. +2
    April 19 2014 22: 32
    Yaytsenyuk and others like him are paid agents of the United States. What they do with Ukraine and its people does not coincide with our values, with our logic. A good lesson for people who still believe in some kind of democratic values. Clear. Especially for Dmitry Kiva. And the workers of his factory, what they expected if politics was not for them.
    They want to do the same with us, with Russia and with the help of the same Yaytsenyukhov. Do we have enough of them? Well, like this general Krutov, Yarosh and others?
    A good tandem is the Soviet general and the fascist together. There is something to think about.
  40. +4
    April 19 2014 22: 32
    It is necessary to offer dismissed engineers a job in Russia. This would greatly help in the development of aviation, while the young grow up.
  41. The comment was deleted.
  42. DPN
    April 19 2014 22: 41
    Do not be surprised at this, just remember the 90 years in RUSSIA how many factories were sold and closed. So they have someone to take an example from. They will open some kind of shopping center and all the frets.
    1. 0
      April 19 2014 23: 50
      Quote: DPN
      Do not be surprised at this, just remember the 90 years in RUSSIA how many factories were sold and closed. So they have someone to take an example from. They will open some kind of shopping center and all the frets.

      And they will look to go there. If you don’t produce or export anything, then what kind of imports should you buy? Even now in Ukraine, even fat, and then, Polish.
      As I understand it, the modernization of the aircraft industry in Maydaun style will consist in transferring Antonov, at best, to a screwdriver assembly of Canadian Bombardiers for domestic consumption (if there is anything) and third world countries.
  43. +2
    April 19 2014 22: 43
    Fell the country into the open, the gates of Ukraine are open, take whoever you want!
  44. +1
    April 19 2014 22: 54
    Again, with one ass in two chairs they want to sit: both in power to stay, and to spoil to the maximum before death.
    This campaign is such a Ukrainian tradition.
  45. +1
    April 19 2014 23: 09
    Quote: mejik

    Brrrr, he began to listen - he already jerked - the voice of the spilled Gorbachev ...
  46. +2
    April 19 2014 23: 15
    De-bi-loids ... All right, the enterprise is at a loss, corruption is evident, people are leaving, the decline in production - this is still understandable. But to shoot a strong leader ... Yes, even at such a time! ... The guys really "cuckoo" ... Either time is working against them and it is decided to destroy quickly and decisively ...
    Although overseas managers with both hands are in favor - after all, this step is fully consistent with their strategy - to destroy competitors in the conquered territories.
    Somewhere in the State Department they quietly chuckle at the morons, and they believe everything that the owners will order request
    Frostbite in action - entering the deep peak of the realities of the Ukrainian economy crying
    Sorry for people. Precisely people, not a trash. People who think about the real state of affairs, and not tupariks, shouting "Russia - get out" with donkey persistence and selflessly driving their "nenka" into such a deep ass that they will not be able to get out of it without surgery ...
    Sadly with hi
    1. Common sense
      April 20 2014 09: 29
      A little more time will pass and the collapse of Ukraine is almost inevitable. All Maidan people are people without any specialties and education, or with such an education that immediately to the bosses. The south-east is hard workers, more than half of Ukraine stay on them. Specialists will either go into another world or go to different countries, but what will remain on the neck of the state, but not for long, will come up with ways to shorten life span. Those who are in power now, they don't give a damn, they have been zombified for a long time, their task is to ruin everything with time and provide NATO lands for you know what.
  47. +1
    April 19 2014 23: 28
    Later, the cabinet announced that they simply decided to update the aviation industry.
    The dismissal of the director of the aircraft factory? This is beyond cretinism ...
    Quote: GRAY
    This campaign is such a Ukrainian tradition.

    The tradition of scattering specialists ... With respect to the designer, D. Kiva, accept Russian citizenship.
  48. +2
    April 19 2014 23: 29
    "Dobrij" Jazenuk delajet vsö, stobi naladit otnoschenija s narodom Ugo-Vostoka is inakomislashimi kak i obeshal. Jego nenavist iznutri razjedaet, a moschet deneg dostatoschno zaplatili?
  49. 0
    April 19 2014 23: 29
    When the "handy" and "big-headed" political troubles begin to be removed from their posts, where people are just in "their" place, the collapse of the state is inevitable ... Yes
  50. +1
    April 19 2014 23: 32
    Self-Defense Assistance Fund of the South-East of Ukraine
    Exactly one month ago, responding to the call for help, the Interregional Public Organization for Assisting the Preservation of National Traditions and Cultural Heritage "VECHE" organized a fundraiser to support the self-defense units of the hero-city of Sevastopol.
    With our help, tens of thousands of caring citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and far abroad countries have supported the self-defense units of Sevastopol during the events of the Crimean Spring. It would be wrong to stop this work and leave our compatriots in the South-East of Ukraine in trouble. In this regard, the Interregional Public Organization for Assisting the Preservation of Domestic Traditions and Cultural Heritage "VECHE" is establishing a fund to help the South-East of Ukraine in the fight against the regime of the fascist junta.
  51. +3
    April 19 2014 23: 34
    This is all due to the fact that Ukraine wanted to be independent, but it had no real experience in managing a separate state. And all she lived by was selling what she had acquired from the USSR. There was no talk of modernization at all, these were just promises on pieces of paper to somehow raise the spirit and hopes of the military.
    I read it... I agree! and still catching up..
    However, each nation has its own purpose and mission. We are Russians and Russians (“Ukrainians”, “Belarusians”) are parts of one organism, one nation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the severed hand does not work out from the body. We need to grow together and everything will be fine.
    Think, analyze, draw conclusions.. This is for the youth..! (we, those born in the USSR, have something to compare..) But we will die soon....!
  52. dmitrij.blyuz
    April 19 2014 23: 37
    Quote: Nagan
    Where the bodies determine the time to serve them, they will be sent there, the bodies should know better. Not in the Crimea am

    Whatever you say, I’ll accept everything. Exile, hard labor, prison. But preferably in July. And preferably in Crimea!
  53. 0
    April 19 2014 23: 48
    It’s time to take Kyiv, there is an offended contingent, now there are a couple more facts of looting and sale of assets left and right! drinks
    1. dmitrij.blyuz
      April 20 2014 00: 00
      It's too early, though. Let them eat themselves.
  54. +1
    April 19 2014 23: 57
    Quote: DPN
    Do not be surprised at this, just remember the 90 years in RUSSIA how many factories were sold and closed. So they have someone to take an example from. They will open some kind of shopping center and all the frets.

    And now aircraft manufacturing in the Russian Federation is “marking time.” Among the top management there is leapfrog at the level of sabotage. It looks like the curators from across BUGRA are the same
    1. dmitrij.blyuz
      April 19 2014 23: 59
      Pogosyan? Manturov? A hackneyed truth.
  55. 0
    April 20 2014 00: 04
    Quote: Very old
    And I also remember how Discovery talked about the "Ukrainian" plane, the very, very ...

    and I once saw on Discovery the 5 best aircraft in the world, and so there was a Eurofighter, a S-5 Hercules, an A-380, a dreamliner,.. and something else.... no Ruslan, no Mriya, no Su-27 family ... not a word)))
    they needed to name the program the 5 best .. "Western" world, well, this is Discovery - forgivable
  56. 0
    April 20 2014 00: 20
    The independent government of the independent Nenka is proactively implementing the plan to return the nation of noble Ukrainians to its roots and origins. That is, to skins and stone axes. Russian language was cancelled. Aircraft factories and design bureaus are being cancelled. Let the damned people build their own airplanes with engines. It's a small matter. To completely understand, stop writing. There are letters from the Cyrillic alphabet. Generous, get out the alphabet!
  57. +2
    April 20 2014 00: 24
    Well, what can I say, we are waiting for the respected and unforgettable Dmitry Kiva in Ulyanovsk.
    Or in a couple of months, he will be the head of the aviation industry in his own, already free Ukraine.
    There is no need to take these paid poor people to heart, take a vacation and come to us for a couple of months!

    1. +1
      April 20 2014 08: 42
      Do you invite workers too?
      1. 0
        April 20 2014 18: 18
        Workers with high qualifications are ALREADY in short supply. Some managers of the Serdyukov class - we exchange 5 to one for machine operators. Assembly workers. Yes, there are many more professions where not only hands, but also the head must be present.
  58. +2
    April 20 2014 00: 39
    Who will replace the famous designer, is still unknown. “I don’t see a person in Ukraine now with such a level, with a world name, who could take this post,” said Nikolai Podgrebelny, vice-president of Antonov Group.

    ..It will replace the “external management” of your well-wishers.., then privatization, layoffs, bankruptcy and sale.. Fight to the death!!!
  59. +2
    April 20 2014 00: 54
    We need a government decision on the accumulation in Russia of highly qualified personnel from the CIS countries. To instantly grant citizenship, expedited housing. I think there are a lot of Antonovites, and they would come from the Tashkent plant. And not only on airplanes, but also on engines, rocketry, and in general on science-intensive topics, collect everything that is possible.
    1. Dr. Livesey
      April 20 2014 02: 59
      They are already working with the Tashkent ones, they are trying to create conditions (both lifting and housing issues, as far as I heard) Now we will wait for the Antonovites
  60. alexey i
    April 20 2014 01: 12
  61. +1
    April 20 2014 01: 47
    Well, we went through this more than once in the 90s. On the one hand, it’s a pity for both the plant and its workforce. On the other hand, the new government is accelerating its demise. This is, of course, provided that the plant is closed and people are dispersed. Because they may not close it. They will use it to produce garbage for Westerners.
  62. +1
    April 20 2014 03: 03
    As long as you call this American government “ours,” it will not need you! No matter how you drive them, they will remember you! Yes And a Boeing specialist will become the director!
  63. philip
    April 20 2014 05: 49
    Anushkas are workhorses, reliable, time-tested, and what is the Ukrainian government? You can’t even read it in the lying Wikipedia.
  64. 0
    April 20 2014 06: 12
    I’ll take him to the hospital in Moscow for treatment, and then I think he’ll agree to work at our company. You cannot manipulate people like Sashko Bilym, they are a world treasure.
  65. Common sense
    April 20 2014 07: 00
    This is the first sign of European integration. Under the terms of joining the EU, the country must, to put it in normal terms, destroy its production, including aircraft and mechanical engineering. Or they still believe that they will live in a new way and earn a lot of money in order to travel around the world to spend money, it’s not so simple. Look at all the countries of the post-Soviet period after joining the EU, everything was destroyed, you yourself are in a shop. This is what awaits Ukraine if they do not remove the current junta or disconnect from them in full.
  66. 0
    April 20 2014 08: 45
    It would be interesting to know whether the apolitical workers of the Antonov concern have wised up or whether this fascinating process is still underway?
  67. Common sense
    April 20 2014 09: 17
    Another option, if they don’t close it, they will put another manager under the supervision of the CIA and may even begin to introduce some kind of electronics that they can turn off at any time if there is such a need. This will be worse. And now, these 14 thousand would take to the streets at once and chant “remove the impostors!” And join the strikers, then maybe the development of events would have gone differently. The more people rise up now, the better it will be for them. While we are waiting.