Memoirs of the last living prisoner of the Treblinka concentration camp: "This camp was created by intelligent people"

Memoirs of the last living prisoner of the Treblinka concentration camp: "This camp was created by intelligent people"

Today, the world marks a memorable date - International Day for the liberation of prisoners of Nazi concentration camps. Site inosmi published a conversation with Samuel Willenberg, the last living prisoner of a concentration camp in Treblinka, about life in hell, escape and his first trip to Germany. We offer this story about the greatest tragedy in the new stories humanity to your attention.

“There were several dozens of them. They are witnesses of the worst massacres in modern history. Seventy years ago, in August 1943, they organized an uprising where nobody left alive - in the Treblinka Nazi concentration camp in occupied Poland. Samuel Willenberg (Samuel Willenberg), now 90 years old, was one of them.One of the few prisoners he survived during the rebellion and waited for the end of the war. His story and even after so many years interrupt tears.

And although someone tells us something in advance, we still don’t believe

Josef Pasdera: As a Treblinka prisoner, you saw hundreds of thousands of people go to their deaths. Is it possible to describe the horrors of Treblinka in general and to describe them in such a way that a modern person can understand everything?

Samuel Willenberg: It is impossible. What to choose? People choking before dying? Corpses burning in fire? People covered with sand? And their hands still stick out of the sand ... When I arrived in Treblinka in the fall of 1942, the Nazis fell asleep to a place that was called an infirmary. Such a wooden building in the camp, similar to a medical facility. A flag with a red cross fluttered above it. After transportation, old and sick people were sent there. So that they do not interfere with the crowd that was driven into the gas chambers. People went inside, in a kind of reception at the hospital. It was clean. Warm benches covered with felt. People told each other about their diseases. They were told that a doctor would examine them soon and that they should take off their clothes. And they undressed and walked along the corridor to a gentle slope, under which was a large pit. A Ukrainian warder stood over her and shot at everyone who came. The bodies piled on top of each other, the guards then burned.

I was sent there shortly after arrival with papers taken from the clothes of the new arrivals. Kapo (privileged prisoner in the concentration camps of the Third Reich, who worked for the administration - approx. Per.) Told me to throw the papers into the fire and quickly return. I did not know what was happening in the infirmary. I just entered this wooden building and at the end of the corridor I suddenly saw all this horror. Bored Ukrainian guards with guns sat on a wooden chair. Before them is a deep pit. In it are the remains of bodies that have not yet been devoured by the fire lit under them. The remains of men, women and young children. This picture just paralyzed me. I heard burning hair crack and bones burst. There was acrid smoke in his nose, tears drew in his eyes ... How to describe and express it? There are things that I remember, but not express them in words.

What do such moments do with a person?

- I couldn’t realize all this for a long time. The mind simply could not assimilate it. Mass extermination? This is impossible. Then you realize that you are in hell, in real hell. And you try to survive and think less. And when it already seems that you are almost hardened, something breaks you again ... It's hard to talk about it.

Have you ever thought about suicide?

- Never. I was thinking about escaping. All the time I was only thinking about it. Not about those who stay there. We all did not think too much about others, although somewhere inside we supported each other.

Where does the strength to live on come from in such conditions?

- I do not know, I did not think about it. Even today I do not know where the strength in everything came from in me. I hardened, although at night I often cried. After arriving, I worked in a camp brigade that sorted the clothes of incoming people. Often it was still warm. People barely had time to undress and went into the gas chambers. One day something familiar came into my hands. Brown baby coat with a bright green fringe on the sleeves. Exactly such a green cloth, my mother put on the coat of my younger sister Tamara. It was difficult to make a mistake. Next was a skirt with flowers - my older sister Itta. Both of them disappeared somewhere in Czestochowa before we were taken away. I kept hoping that they were saved. Then I realized that no. I remember how I kept these things and squeezed my lips from helplessness and hatred. Then I wiped my face. It was dry. I could not even cry.

When, after the war, you began to talk about the horrors of Treblinka, they say that no one was particularly interested. Both in Poland and Israel

- People had other concerns. To some Poles, this may not have been very profitable. When we arrived in Israel in 1950, some Jews who lived there before the war reproached us for not fighting. And they - yes. For the State of Israel. For them, we were cowards who, like sheep, were led to death. They did not understand our position at all. One friend, we met him already in Israel, did not want to hear about the death of his parents. Even to the politicians, the founders of Israel in 1948, at first the Holocaust was not beneficial. They had their own heroes who fought for independence.

How did you react to this?

- I kept talking about what I experienced. Only nobody listened to me. We sat with friends, and everything was repeated in a circle: we started talking about the weather or something else, and it all ended with the Holocaust. And so on. It is worth talking about some kind of good bottle, and it went - you know, then such a bottle could be sold, it saved my life ... The Holocaust is deep in us.

Childhood and departure for Treblinka

- What was your family?

- The father is Jewish, the mother is Russian, who accepted Judaism right before my birth or immediately after it. The family had three children - me and my two sisters. The younger Tamara and the eldest Itta. We lived in Czestochowa. Life in Poland before the war was pretty hard, but we somehow managed. His father was a teacher and artist, then they began to hire him to paint the synagogues. Gradually, he decorated the synagogues in Czestochowa, Petrków and Opatów.

Did you eat kosher food and observe Jewish customs?

- Dad did not eat pork. But when we went to school, mom gave us bread and 20 pennies for ham. Only we had to eat it at school, not at home.

Did you then feel yourself a Jew, or was the war “made” you later by a Jew?

- I have always been a Jew. Although my father and I had quite Aryan appearance. Blue eyes, long blond hair. Father on the street was often confused with Paderevsky (a famous Polish pianist and politician with long blond hair - ed.), Someone asked him for an autograph ... But we were Jews, on major holidays my father and I went to Rabbi Ashe.

It is said that, before the war, Jews and Poles lived to some extent separately from each other.

- It's true. Every nation had its own world. But with me everything was different. In Czestochowa we lived in a mixed area. I spoke Polish well. I had Polish friends, we celebrated Christmas together. I knew them, and by this I was a little different from the rest. Perhaps it saved me later. When we escaped with the rest of the prisoners from Treblinka, many remained in the woods. They did not know the Poles, did not know the language well - they were immediately caught.

Before the war in Poland, attitudes toward Jews began to change, anti-Semitic sentiments appeared, there were pogroms. Then the Nazis entered the country, and anti-Jewish actions began. Everyone who could hide their Jewish origin tried to do it. You too?

- Yes, but it could be done only partially. At the beginning of the war, we lived near Warsaw, the first anti-Jewish pogroms passed by us. But it was still clear what was getting worse. My father had acquaintances in Opatuva, they in the church made us fake birth certificates. Pope received the name Karol Balthazar Pecoslavsky, I became Eugeniusz Sobieszawski. Sisters got something like that. Mom left her name - Manefa Popova. Due to her Russian origin, she even received a white Kennkart (Kennkarte - an identity card during the German occupation - Ed.) And we already had yellow, Jewish.

You were afraid that someone will give you away?

- Highly. For the Jews, it was a tragedy. As soon as you went outside, the fear that someone would come up and say: "This is a Jew!" No, not the Germans. They usually had no idea what the Jews looked like, and could not distinguish them from the Poles. But the Poles were not mistaken. They knew for sure. By the way the person looked, how he behaved, how he walked - just intuitively. It is difficult to say why they determined the Jews. Władysław Szlengel, a poet from the Warsaw ghetto, accurately described this fear in one of his poems: “Do not look at me when I go past, let me go, do not say anything if you don’t have to do it”. But not everyone did. Two of my sisters, in the end, someone gave out and sent them to death.

How strong was anti-Semitism among the Poles? Before the war.

- It was mainly about the lower strata. The Polish intelligentsia treated the Jews better. There were also many anti-Semites among her, but people did not stoop to betraying their friends. This, of course, does not mean that they actively helped the Jews. But after escaping Treblinka, I was eventually saved by Polish peasants. So it was different.

You said that at the beginning of the war someone betrayed your sisters. How did this happen? What happened to the rest of your family?

“My father fled to Warsaw, while my mother and sisters and I went to Czestochowa.” My mother had a friend there, and a couple of acquaintances of priests. But we made a mistake. Leaving the sisters with my acquaintances, my mother and I returned to Opatów for things. Then someone gave the sisters, they disappeared unknown where ... My mother and I went to the park under the Clear Mountain, sat on the bench and wept terribly. Mom lost both daughters. Itte was 24, Tamara - 6. Absolute helplessness! Then my mother decided that it would be better if I returned to Opatów. And she stayed there and tried to look for sisters.

But your return to the Jewish ghetto in Opatów did not help you much.

- The ghetto eviction began two days after my return - October 23 1942 of the year. At first we were gathered in the market, several thousand people. Then they drove to Ozarow at the railway station. Those who could not walk, the guards shot right on the spot. Then we were loaded into wagons.

You were 19 years old. Did you know where you are going?

- At that time I already guessed something. People said that Jews are being mass-killed. But if you just live and suddenly someone tells you that they will kill you, you won’t believe it. None of us wanted to believe in it. What, will kill the whole train? We knew we were going east. During the stops, people from the street shouted to us: “Jews, they will make soap out of you there!” Will a normal person believe this?

We came to Treblinka before morning. There were already other cars. A total of about 60. It is almost 6 thousand people. After the war I drew everything - the whole camp and the railway leading to it. And my drawings are the only remaining schemes. The Germans destroyed all the documentation. 60 cars of people ... They all did not fit on the platform in Treblinka - they had to be divided into three parts. People left the cars and walked along the platform. The Nazis there hung signs: "Cash", "Telegraph", "Waiting Room." There were even station clocks, a board with arriving and departing trains ... People went through all this, and the selection began - women with children separately, men separately, clothes taken off, shoes removed, tied with a pair. Then naked men were forced to collect all the clothes, dump them in a heap. And all were driven into the gas chambers.

Are you not?

- When I was standing there, a prisoner approached me. I saw a familiar face. “Where are you from, son of a bitch, where are you from?” I asked. And he replied: “From Czestochowa. Tell them you're a bricklayer. ” After a minute, the SS man comes up and asks: “Is there a mason here?” I immediately blurted out: “Ich bin Maurer”. I was wearing my father's clothes in which he painted. She was in paint. Maybe, in part, I looked like a bricklayer. The guard nodded to me so that I would step aside and they would push me into one of the wooden barracks. So I became a prisoner of Treblinka. Six thousand Jews from Opatuwa meanwhile went straight to the gas chambers.


- Where are you identified in the camp?

- We sorted the clothes and other personal items left after those who went to the gas chambers. In one direction, the cars came with people, and in the opposite direction they came with their sorted things. Pants separately, coats separately, shoes separately. Another hair, shaved off before people went to death. We, of course, dismantled and values. Every day was incredibly profitable: kilograms of gold and diamonds, thousands of gold watches, millions of banknotes and coins from around the world, even from China. These things were sorted and loaded into empty cars.

Then I was transferred to work better. Our group left the camp - in the forest we collected pine branches. They were then woven between the barbed wire to hide what was happening in certain sectors of the camp. This job helped me. We had better food, and we could “trade” with the Ukrainian guards.

What did you trade? After all, you had nothing ...

- Despite the ban, we, of course, sometimes managed to hide some valuables after transportation. It was a lot of money. And then they could be exchanged. We left the camp, the Ukrainian warder took off his cap and said: “Rebjata, děngi”. We threw something to him there, and he brought us food. We all ate together, sometimes even drank vodka. Something we managed to carry among the branches in the camp. Interestingly, no one has ever checked us when returning. Groups that went to work in the field, then in the camp, they would definitely inspect. Us - never. The Nazis probably suspected what was happening, but did not want to interfere with it.

When did you understand what is actually happening in Treblinka and what you are a part of?

- Immediately on the first night in the camp, the man who saved my life came to my hut. It was Alfred Bam, my neighbor in Czestochowa. He immediately told me directly: “Boy, you are at the plant of death. Here everyone is being killed. They will kill you and me. ” You hear it, but still do not want to believe. But reality gradually persuades. The camp was a clear schedule. From morning to evening a few receipts. Women - to the left, men - to the right. Men remain on the street, women go to the hut. There they must undress and be ready. In winter, steam came from this hut. Everywhere steam, and in it these women go to the gas chambers. Women - separately, men - separately. Never together. - How did you know where they were going and what was happening to him? - It was so clear. Later we met with groups of Jews who worked with gas chambers. This was a separate part of the camp, where we could not get. They told scary things. Like Ukrainian guards, they force frightened people into gas chambers and cut off arms and other body parts to those who tried to defend themselves. How they pulled children out of their mothers and threw them at the wall. The guards had dogs, and they were often released on frightened and naked people. Thus, about 400 people were always driven into the gas chamber and diesel engines were turned on. After 40 minutes everyone was dead. The prisoners pulled them out while they were still warm ... Then a team of workers broke their golden teeth out of their jaws, and the next team transported the bodies to open furnaces, where everyone was burned. Through each such brigade passed about 200 prisoners. Every day this number had to be supplemented with new ones, just received, because one of the prisoners committed suicide, someone threw the Ukrainian guards into those pits where they burned dead bodies. Just for fun ...

Sorry, but I have to ask about it. What happens to a person when he hears or sees such things and knows that he, unwillingly, is a part of all this?

- You want to survive, and your mind is dulled. It is like a blow to the head. All the time I remembered only one thing: "You must survive, you simply must survive and one day tell everything." It was scary. In Treblinka, a million people met their deaths. The figures are about 700 - 800 thousand people, but that's not counting the children. If you add them, the number of dead will reach a million. In this mass of everything only random moments remain in the memory, all this simply cannot be contained.

Can you talk about something?

- Once, somewhere in January 1943, I got into the barracks, where they cut the women. In front of the gas chamber, prisoners were always shaved. I did not do this, but that time I was sent there. And here is a girl sitting in front of me. And quietly asks me how long this path to death will last. She knew, I knew. I told her that ten minutes maybe less. I lied, in fact, the whole process took longer. She told me that she had recently passed the final exams and that her name is Ruth Dorfman. She was beautiful. And so she rose from this stool and went to the door. There she turned again and looked at me. She seemed to say goodbye. Not with me, but with the whole world. Such fragmentary moments remained in the memory ... The father after his arrival took off his little son's shoes. The man already knew what was going on, but the child still did not suspect anything. Dad took off his shoes and still tied them together with a cord ...

Guards, camp leaders - who was it? What kind of people were these?

- The worst were the SS. Often these were alcoholics and sadists, who enjoyed unreasonable shooting at prisoners. One of the worst SS men was the Angel of Death - August Miete. There were a few more, scary monsters. They kindled this hell. The rest just walked beside us and shouted for us to work.

You mentioned Ukrainian guards. Are they any different from the Germans?

- It was the same sadists. They did not hide their hatred of the Jews. Without any sympathy, they could kill hundreds of people in the hospital without batting an eye. The Germans kept separate from the Ukrainians and also followed them. They could not be left without control, so that they would not steal anything valuable in the camp and would not establish contacts with prisoners. Ukrainians were not even allowed to beat us in front of the SS. This partly placed us, the prisoners, in an advantageous position: things went through our hands every day for millions of dollars, and the Ukrainians had to beg for crumbs. We exchanged with them and thus received valuable food. And they in the neighboring villages spent money on booze and prostitutes.

The Czech Jew Richard Glazar was in the workers' teams in Treblinka with you. Later, he, like you, escaped and published a book of memoirs “Treblinka. The word is like a children's patter ”(Treblinka, slovo jak z dětské říkanky). Do you remember him?

- Yes, we were together in a group that went to the forest. Glacier was different from the rest. We, Eastern European Jews, went to the camp in ordinary rags, not paying too much attention to how we look. Czechs - no. Glacier has always been elegant. Perhaps because of this, the rest did not accept him. They did not accept me either, because I did not speak Yiddish. Glazar, in my opinion, either.

After the war, we met. In 70, someone called me in an apartment in Tel Aviv. With a strong American accent, he invited me to his villa and said that he would have some former Treblinka prisoner. I went. In the garden of the villa was a path. I sat on the bench at the end of this path and waited. Suddenly a beautiful couple appeared. Everyone was looking at me, and I started to sing in Czech: Ona se točí, má modré oči, ona se točí dokola ... ("She turns around, she has blue eyes, she turns around ..."). It was a song Glacara. Everyone in the camp sang something in their native language. He immediately shouted: "Katsap!" So they called me in the camp. It was he. Intelligent. He wrote a good book, although he has no regrets about Eastern European Jews.

Rise and Escape

“How did the uprising begin in Treblinka?”

- The fact that something strange is happening in the camp, I learned only in winter. Everyone was terribly suspicious. People did not communicate at all - perceived each other as a danger. But then there was a chance. Work teams were tasked to repair and complete the building in the camp where the warehouse was supposed to be. weapons. It was possible to get there through large iron doors. It looked like they were nineteenth century. Our locksmiths had to make a new lock and key. One was given to the Germans, the second was secretly hidden. This access to weapons was our chance.

Did you really plan to take over the whole camp?

- We were naive. Terribly naive. Everyone thought that with a pair of stolen rifles we would organize a riot, we would be like soldiers and hurray ... The power of fantasy is great, but the reality was cruel. From that warehouse we had some grenades and rifles. The first shots were heard on the second of August (1943 of the year - approx. Ed.) Somewhere around four in the morning. One prisoner managed to blow up the gasoline tank. There was a strong explosion. To think that we will all flee into the forest is just a utopia. The Germans started shooting from the watchtowers and quickly took control of the situation. The first who began to run, shot. Some prisoners did not join the rebellion at all. Those with big noses, Jews, like from German cartoons, where could they hide? The elders, those for 40, did not fight either. They knew that they should not jump over the barriers around the camp. But we still tried. And through the wire, barricades and dead bodies of friends, we fled from the camp. Then through the railways and on, quickly and thoughtlessly. During the escape, I felt that something hit me in the leg. The boot was filled with blood, but I was rushing on.

You as prisoners must have been very conspicuous. Were you wearing camp clothes?

- No, there were no special robes in Treblinka. Everyone walked in that he had gathered himself from piles of clothes. But so it was easy to recognize us. Shaved, thin - at first glance it was clear who we are. I eventually separated from the rest and tried to act independently.


- Probably some kind of instinct. I do not know. Then I understood. When the Germans later searched for fugitive prisoners, they asked the people in the neighborhood: “Where did they run?” And the people said, one group went there, the other went there. And I was alone. Maybe that's why I eventually survived.

Did you have any money with you?

“About a hundred dollars, Alfred Bam’s friend gave them to me.” He himself could not escape. Some of the prisoners had diamonds and other valuables. They thought it would save their lives. But the Poles immediately took away and handed over the fugitives as soon as they found out that they had valuable things with them.

Nobody betrayed you. How is this possible?

- I have no idea. I guess I was just lucky. Maybe I took the right risk. And I also had no obvious Jewish features, and I spoke Polish well. For four days I was hidden by Polish peasants. But I could not stay with them for a long time - the camp was too close, the risk was great. - They were afraid? - Awful. I was scared too. Most of all on the way to the village of Vulka Nadgorn. She was not far. I spent the night in a haystack, and Ukrainians appeared before morning. They searched for escaped prisoners, fired everywhere. But fortunately, they did not find my shelter. In the morning I arrived at the Kostki railway station. Now it is no longer there - the road stopped working later. Next to the station was a small grocery store. I waited until all customers came out and entered. The saleswoman was young. She gave me a drink and told me what was happening in the district. As the Germans are looking everywhere, how they threatened to kill her cousin. And still she gave me 20 zlotys and cigarettes to boot. Then I quickly disappeared from the store. Meat vendors began to appear at the station. They were heading to Warsaw. Among them was one woman - she helped me in the end. She allowed to call herself Aunt and bought me a train ticket. I helped her load heavy bags. And already at about noon I was not far from Warsaw. There I later joined the uprising and waited for the end of the war.

Who from your family survived?

“My father presented himself as a deaf-mute, and finally he waited for the end of the war in Warsaw. We were together. Mother survived thanks to her Russian origins in Czestochowa. My two sisters stayed in Treblinka. Like hundreds of thousands of other people.

After the war

“When was the first time you started talking about Treblinka?”

- Shortly after the war, in 1947. Lady from the Jewish Historical Commission came to me, collecting memories. Then I was at the bottom, drank terribly. My friends and I took vodka and drank it to silence. Then this lady began to do an interview with me. They were not very good.

Did you want to take revenge after the war?

“I know that after the war there were groups of Jews who wanted to search for and kill the SS men.” I was also full of hatred. In Czestochowa, I was looking for a police officer who arrested my sisters. But physical revenge didn't bother me. I saw so much blood that I no longer had the strength to do it.

Some of your old friends and those with whom you were in the camp refused to go to Treblinka after the war. You go. Why?

- Someone did not go due to the fact that he could not talk about Treblinka. My wife and I came to Treblinka from Israel for the first time in 1983. It was the 40 anniversary of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, and the communists allowed us to go. Since 1987, we go to Poland regularly, two or three times a year. Mostly with groups of Jewish youth.

After all that you have seen, can you forgive the Germans?

- No I can not. You can forgive someone who has done something by mistake through carelessness. But not the one who did these terrible things voluntarily, deliberately, with pleasure. I'm not just talking about SS men. This death camp was created by intelligent people - doctors, engineers, builders.

Wine transferred from fathers to children? What with the young Germans?

- I visited Germany quite recently. My daughter is an architect. She won the competition for the project of the new Israeli embassy in Berlin. My daughter asked me if she should do this. I think she was waiting for my refusal. But I said that for me it is an incredible honor: the daughter of a prisoner Treblinka will propose the project of the embassy of our state in Berlin. When the embassy was built, we went to the grand opening. Until that moment, I hated everything German. Hated German language, German products. But still not escape from it. For example, I specifically bought a car from America. Ford Cortina. I paid for the car and was terribly proud of it. And the seller then shows me the engine and says: "Look, what a wonderful economical engine ..." He was German. I almost had a blow.

Did you leave the car?

- I was forced, he had already been paid.

And what about the Germans themselves?

- Recently, Aktion Sühnezeichen invited us to Germany. They arrange trips of German youth to the places where the Nazis committed the most terrible crimes. They were in Treblinka and saw my book there. They found out that I was alive and invited me and my wife to talk. They organized an exhibition of my sculptures about Treblinka. The exhibition traveled around Germany for a whole year, it was in various places. Then I changed my mind about the younger generation of Germans. At first I was scared of them. When they came to my exhibition, they were so strange, with colored hair ... But they sat on the floor and listened with interest. It always makes an impression ... With Aktion Sühnezeichen's staff, we really got close. When we were saying goodbye, my wife burst into tears and said: “This is terrible. I am in love with you, and I cannot forgive myself for this. ”

You know, on the facade of the Israeli embassy in Berlin, designed by my daughter, there are six characters. They remind 6 of the millions of Jews killed during the Holocaust. But on the side there is another symbol - the wall. It means the opening of a new stage of history. Build new relationships, but remember what happened.

Samuel Willenberg, 90 years. Born in Polish Czestochowa in a mixed marriage. The father was Jewish, the mother was Russian, who converted to Judaism. After the outbreak of World War II, he fought in the Polish army and was wounded. In the autumn of 1942, as a Jew, he was sent to a concentration camp in Treblinka, where all Jews were killed in gas chambers immediately after they entered. The exception was a small part of randomly selected people who helped support the work of the camp. Prisoners-workers should have been eliminated later. This also applies to Willenberg. In August 1943, Willenberg participated in an armed uprising in Treblinka, thanks to which, around 200, prisoners of the camp were able to escape. Several dozen of them - including Willenberg and the Czech Jew Richard Glazar - survived to the end of the war. Samuel Willenberg participated in the Warsaw Uprising in the summer of 1944, and for his courage after the war, he received the Polish military order Virtuti Militari. In 1950, Willenberg emigrated to Israel, where he still lives. His wife, Ada Lyubelchik, lived the war in the Warsaw ghetto as a child of the Jews. The end of the war, she waited only thanks to the help of Polish participants in the resistance. In Israel, Villenberg and Lyubelchik had a daughter, Orit, today a famous Israeli architect. Samuel Willenberg wrote a book of memoirs The Rise in Treblinka (Povstání v Treblince). He is also known as an artist and sculptor. Shortly after the uprising, the camp in Treblinka ceased to exist, the Nazis destroyed the camp’s tracks. The world learned about Treblinka only because of witnesses such as Mr. Willenberg.

The author is a permanent correspondent of the Czech Television in Warsaw.
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  1. +25
    April 13 2014 07: 34
    You mentioned Ukrainian guards. Are they any different from the Germans?

    - They were the same sadists. They did not hide their hatred of the Jews. Without any sympathy, they could kill hundreds of people in the infirmary without blinking an eye. The Germans kept away from the Ukrainians and also watched them. They could not be left without control, so that they would not steal anything of value in the camp and establish contacts with prisoners.
    And such people came to power in Ukraine, and even the fascists did not trust them, history repeats itself.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +8
      April 13 2014 09: 37
      Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten! We all remember and this is already on a subconscious level .. Anti-fascist Maidan in Ukraine is an example of this! That's just infuriating why Israel is silent ..? Or they have forgotten how they were massacred in Poland and in Ukraine ... Again "keep silent .. keep silence .."
      1. +7
        April 13 2014 10: 26
        "Hto minus - that XXXXX!"
        1. +1
          April 13 2014 10: 31
          Minus those who arranged all this with their tacit consent .. And now this is also happening ..
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +16
        April 13 2014 10: 46
        Quote: MIKHAN
        they forgot how they were massively destroyed in Poland

        Well. Let's say Kolomiyets and his comrades do not touch, quite the contrary ..

        Although they may wait
        1. Apostle
          April 13 2014 11: 29
          A Ukrainian warder stood over her and shot at everyone who came. The bodies piled on top of each other, then the guards burned.
          .. who would doubt ... the great Ukrainian arias ....!
        2. avg
          April 13 2014 12: 02
          Quote: me by
          Well. Let's say Kolomiyets and his comrades do not touch, quite the contrary ..

          The Kolomiyets and comrades are no longer people, they are money bags imagining themselves to be superhuman and forgetting that God is marking a huck.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. -1
        April 13 2014 11: 53
        Israel speaks loudly only when it smells gesheft. In the meantime, they are pleased with the cover of Russia. laughing
      5. -1
        April 13 2014 18: 00
        Listen to MIKHAN. You always made an impression on a thinking person. Do you also consume this .uyun that you wrote:
        "The author is a permanent correspondent for Czech Television in Warsaw"?
        You and not only:
        mi / index.php
        Here's another:

        And more:

        Read, think, reason. Turn on common sense, don’t take anything on faith alone. Many can’t be saved, they will devour everything that propaganda throws at them. You deserve a better fate.
      6. 0
        April 13 2014 20: 41
        America presses heavily on Israel
      7. The comment was deleted.
    3. WKS
      April 13 2014 12: 14
      I was in Auschwitz at Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, fortunately only on excursions. There is now a museum. Impressions are depressing. I saw mountains of cut human hair. Mountains of warped shoes. Mountains of sorted clothes. Towers Barracks. Gas chambers. Cremation ovens. And pr, pr ...
      Most of all I was amazed that the Germans were there in insignificant numbers and only as organizers, bosses. All the work in the camp, starting with its construction and operation (in the sense of intended use), for killing people, disposing of all property and raw materials extracted from their bodies, etc., was done by the future victims themselves. The whole process is described in the book of the former head of the camp, written by him after the war in prison. I bought a book there in Russian. An interesting fact: almost all the shoots from the camp were unsuccessful (for those who fled), the locals from the settlements surrounding the camp and the Poles caught all of them. The guide explained their actions by ignorance of what was being done behind the barbed wire. But it seemed to me that this reason could not serve for such a zealous capture of runaway prisoners. Among the Poles, anti-Semitism is much more widespread than in western Ukraine.
      I remember the slogan above the entrance gate: “Arbeit macht frei”.
      1. +1
        April 13 2014 13: 37
        I, too, was on an excursion into this horror. True in 1987, but memories still ...
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. The comment was deleted.
      5. +5
        April 13 2014 20: 07
        I was in Auschwitz at Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, fortunately only on excursions. There is now a museum. Impressions are depressing.

    4. +4
      April 13 2014 14: 51
      Once I came across something familiar. Brown children's coat with a bright green hem on the sleeves. It was with such a green cloth that my mother set the finger of my little sister Tamara. It was hard to make a mistake. Nearby was a skirt with flowers - my older sister Itta. Both of them disappeared somewhere in Czestochowa before being taken away. I all hoped that they would be saved. Then I realized that no.

      After arrival, the father took off his little son’s shoes. The man already knew what was happening, but the child still did not suspect anything. Dad took off his shoes and tied them together with a cord ...

      The heart is contracting ... tears are coming
      1. Gloria45
        April 13 2014 16: 06
        Hess's notes contain surprisingly frank disclosures, but they in no way indicate remorse.
        “Most of you know what it is to see one hundred or five hundred, or a thousand bodies laid in a row. To be able to withstand this steadfastly, apart from individual cases of manifestation of human weakness, and to remain decent at the same time - this is what tempered us. This is a glorious page in our history, which has not yet been written and which will never be written ”[13].

        In these words, the same interpretation of mechanical performance as the highest virtue is proclaimed as in the notes of Hess.
        “Hundreds of flowering people walked under the flowering fruit trees of a peasant's yard [where the gas chambers were located - ed.], Unaware of their doom. This picture of life and leaving it still stands before my eyes brightly ”
        This is a small excerpt from the memoirs of the commandant of Auschwitz Hess.
        And today in Slavyansk and other cities of the south-east. Of Ukraine carry out an operation
        for stripping nor the same Hessian?
  2. +27
    April 13 2014 07: 42
    Unfortunately in Germany, not everything is as smooth as we would like!
    The fact is that all "newcomers" are treated "well-tolerated"!
    None of my friends who already have German citizenship are not friends with the indigenous population !!!!
    Why?! guess yourself!
    Tolerance is not love, but only tolerance, elevated to the rank of indifference!
    It is worth bringing a match to the EU and ethnic conflicts will erupt even where people consider themselves VERY decent and civilized!
    So it is better to live in remote Siberia according to the laws of Mother Nature, while sharing the wealth of the Russian soul!
    1. +16
      April 13 2014 11: 28
      Recently read in the comments:

      We, in Estonia, have passed this and are passing it. Per million inhabitants 30 million debt. Half of Estonia in laborers near Europe. I myself returned from there a little over a week. It is in protest. I will no longer be on these freaks. Lying, vile, rotten Europe. They die out like flies. Keep slaves from all over the EU space. With a smile, with cookies, but his line is bent. And here I will be pleased with any outcome in Ukraine. Let them pearl to Europe. Somehow we need to allow them there. They would quickly rob everyone there. Cars were stolen, they were rummaged around shops. In this situation, Europe will also pay Russia to take these downs from the Maidan. Merkel stinks of freedom, but who is washing her panties? Polish, Lithuanian ??? In every village, Estonians, Poles, Romanians work black and white ... At construction sites, in the fields .... Yes, if not for this modern concentration camp, Europe would have died long ago. They drove us to a concentration camp, now we are going on our own, so that our family will not die of hunger. Ha! Ukrainian goods? Yes nemchura disdains chocolate to eat not nemchursky. Bastards, I hate them. Previously, plague, cholera and syphilis were carried around the world. Now for democracy. It is worse than syphilis along the way; it is not treated.
  3. +22
    April 13 2014 07: 51
    Nazi concentration camps are the quentience of Nazi ideology, and some in EUROPE would like to repeat it again.

    Enlightened ancestors of Frau MERKEL loved to hang our girls and women .... ALWAYS I WILL REMEMBER THIS and talk about it to my children.
  4. +13
    April 13 2014 07: 52
    [quote = svetlomor]
    [/ Quote]
    [quote = svetlomor] [quote] You also mentioned Ukrainian guards. Did they differ in anything from the Germans?
    [/ Quote]

    Yes, you sho?
    1. +3
      April 13 2014 08: 55
      The machine gunner’s erysipelas moron - or it seems to me?
  5. +12
    April 13 2014 07: 53
    Thanks to the grandfathers for breaking the ridge of fascism! and ashamed that we, grandchildren, allowed him to stick out the mug again
    1. DimychDV
      April 13 2014 10: 32
      Duck is not in Ukraine alone. I can’t forget how in 2003 at three stations I got on a sightseeing bus - full of Bashkirs, Ugric people, etc. And five blonde guys sat in Russian shirts from Samara with scarves of football fans. The guys are miraculous heroes, across themselves wider. Years no more than 20 years wide - more than in growth. But the eyes are empty and burning like fanatics. And with them a nimble so bald magpie in a leather jacket. These Amara guys were laughing wildly on the whole bus, having heard ANY foreign name in the list of Moscow attractions that an elderly female guide had strewed with. Especially if the name was Jewish. I was not offended by Jewish-Dutch-Georgian-Germans, and who else was building and glorifying Moscow there. But for these ordinary guys.
      Well here it is - what is it ??? Who needs? Who should answer for this? And most importantly - how and how soon?
  6. +12
    April 13 2014 08: 12
    It is a pity that many of the neighbors suffer from poor memory and betray their brothers and sisters for false values, but insight will come, and we will definitely ask the guilty. It has always been so, it will be so now.
  7. +7
    April 13 2014 08: 13
    From such stories, you need to teach history so that people understand, remember what happened always! But the new Browns need to be crushed right now, fascism did not arise from scratch, it had a strong breeding ground: first of all, hungry and impoverished lumpen, dissatisfied with the defeat in the war, front-line soldiers, which business tycoons skillfully used (which is now observed in Ukraine).
    1. +3
      April 13 2014 10: 15
      Quote: polkovnik manuch
      From such stories, you need to teach history so that people understand, remember what happened always!

      Don't just teach! but to arrange whole tourist tours for youth in death camps! To see for themselves, to understand and never again were led to propaganda. And this must be done without postponing indefinitely. And then in Europe it will become "for reconciliation ... tolerance ..." to close all these places. There are still places of memory here - there are museums. And there were living witnesses! What will happen in 10 years?
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        April 13 2014 11: 58
        Such tours are already being held for children with the show of killing a giraffe in a regular zoo. So what? Do you think that the West will understand it? I think it's too late to "drink Borjomi". The son can no longer fit across the bench.
      3. 0
        April 13 2014 12: 40
        Quote: Egoza
        Not just teaching! but the whole tourist tours for youth to arrange death camps!

        What is there is understandable, but with us? Something I didn’t see, that we organized tourist tours in our camps, and I’m not sure that such memorial camps have been preserved. Maybe my comment is a little off topic, but, after all, there are camps here and there. Yes, we did not have specialized death camps, but still millions of Russians and not only Russian people died in our camps. And, if you take into account the people who left there, but died, having lost their health there? So that...
    April 13 2014 08: 22
    Glory to Russia
    God be with you Aminb
  9. +1
    April 13 2014 08: 29
    Again, this smelly topic, with the so-called next "miracle escaped" and told about terrible events. In real life, no one could ever be saved, a person is not a mouse, unless he put some firewood himself. Even if a person survives this, then at least he will irrevocably lose his health, and these liars live to be 90 or more years old, and continue their lies.
    1. +5
      April 13 2014 08: 42
      Quote: hrych
      Again, this smelly topic, with the so-called next "miracle escaped" and told about terrible events. In real life, no one could ever be saved, a person is not a mouse, unless he put some firewood himself. Even if a person survives this, then at least he will irrevocably lose his health, and these liars live to be 90 or more years old, and continue their lies.

      Are you trying to whiten your grandfather, Treblinka's guard? am
      1. +1
        April 13 2014 08: 50
        The exception was a small part of randomly selected people who helped maintain the camp.

        And you, as a true Jew, this phrase did not confuse? This member, collaborated with the administration, if Jews were soaked there, then it means they were also wet by the Nazi henchman. Then comes the blizzard with an armed uprising in the camp, when this punisher of his people allegedly escaped. It turns out that Treblinka walked trunks hand in hand? Turn on your brains. My grandfather, of course, was not a guard in Treblinka, but his great-grandfather was in Black hundred.
        1. +3
          April 13 2014 10: 09
          The fact that your ancestor was Black Hundred explains a lot. Nevertheless, genetic memory is manifested! Then I look from many of your posts with a rotten smell of strong!
          1. +1
            April 13 2014 10: 28
            Do you, crank, know at least what they did? There was such a Jewish revolution of 1905, and so the Black Hundred - a kind of Crimean and Lugansk self-defense, which self-organized during the inaction of the authorities, against the right sector, only there the Jewish BUND and other Jewish terrorist organizations opposed them. In the end, of course, Nikolai Alexandrovich rushed to save the Jews from the pogroms, after which they began to torment the Hundred at the state level, and in 1917 there simply would not have been. But the halachic Nikolashka was fully thanked for this. If we talk about the stench, then everyone knows who has the national peculiarity to stink, so that take off the glass, they will beat.
          2. +3
            April 13 2014 13: 18
            Okay, Old, no offense, the civil war is over, now in Slavyansk there is a moment of truth, since you are against banderlogs, there are no questions. I just ask you not to confuse the Mussolini fascists with the National Socialists of Germany, and even less so as not to connect them with the Black Hundred Orthodox monarchical movement, which is 30 years older than them and was not favored by the socialists. And at the expense of anti-Semitism, you need to ask the Jews Poroshenko, Kolomia and Tymoshenko why they are financing the Right Sector and what have I and my beloved great-grandfather to do with it.
            1. +2
              April 13 2014 13: 32
              And then make a similar mistake by placing the fascist symbol on the form of employees of the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.
    2. +2
      April 13 2014 09: 32
      For you, this topic is smelly, and a person who survived a terrible tragedy is a liar, and for some reason he lives for a long time. Only people with extremely low intelligence, "who know everything", can reason this way. Such individuals generally do not believe people until a fried bird bites them in one place! There is a good saying: "The clever learns from the mistakes of others - from his own." Judging by the post I refer you to the latter. It is thanks to people like you that the last of the fascists were reborn in Ukraine!
      1. +3
        April 13 2014 10: 03
        If you carefully read his verses, and if you turn on the intellect a little, you yourself will understand that this man worked for the Nazis, most likely voluntarily and his whole version is a lie, but it is very characteristic that it is uttered.
        This partly put us prisoners in an advantageous position: every day for millions of dollars things passed through our hands

        He clearly represented, at least, an "asset", the prisoner was different.

        there were no special robes in Treblinka. Everyone went about picking himself up from piles of clothes

        That's even how.

        My father pretended to be deaf and dumb, and eventually waited for the end of the war in Warsaw. We were together. Mother survived thanks to her Russian origin in Czestochowa.

        My father had acquaintances in Opatuv, they in the church gave us false birth certificates. Dad got the name Karol Balthazar Pekoslavsky, I became Eugeniusz Sobieszavsky. The sisters got something similar. Mom left her name - Manefa Popova.

        His family during the war did not suffer at all, the missing sisters, he just made up ("something like that" - a strange phrase about relatives if they were in real life), he himself already had a fake ksiva, his face was without clearly Jewish features. How did he get into the camp? An obvious Gestapo agent, moreover, not the last pawn.

        About a hundred dollars, my friend Alfred Bam gave them to me. He himself could not escape. One of the prisoners had diamonds and other valuables.

        The Russian prisoners of war probably also had currency and diamonds with them? The current 100 bucks, and that time, is not the same thing. It was very decent money. Take off the noodles from your ears. And if you are a Jew, then find this reptile and kill with a shovel on the head and will not do more for your people.
      2. +7
        April 13 2014 10: 25
        My grandfather, the kingdom of heaven to him, made THREE escape from the camps. Of two concentration and one worker. The participant also wrote a book about one of the shoots, and the grandfather’s surname was also mentioned there, as I was told. I am very sorry that I do not know who and when wrote, I was only 4 of the year when my grandfather died. And when the time came for interest in history, there was practically no one left who could tell something.

        Who could run - run. It was difficult, but possible. My birth, in fact, is a direct confirmation of this.

        Grandfather was saved in the literal sense of the word by education. He was fluent in English, French, German and Polish. He was captured in 1942 near Kharkov. And before 1944 he was on the run. The group reached Italy, where they came to the Americans. And until 1945, he worked as a translator. Then he was deported to his homeland, where he received 25 years and 10 defeat in rights. Built Baikonur. Died in 1976.
        1. +1
          April 13 2014 10: 48
          Prisoners of war were not well guarded, God forbid, fenced in one row with a thorn and one escort per thousand people, German prisoners absolutely the same. The main problem is that there is nowhere to run, camps were always created in the rear. Imagine, the collective farmers of the Germans are greeted in German uniforms (of course they didn’t give anyone pajamas) somewhere in the Urals and he asks for bread in pure German. At least they will surrender to the patrol, but rather they will resolve it on the spot. Your grandfather had a huge advantage (as well as those who ran with him) - knowledge of a foreign language. Samuel Wallenberg is talking about the death camp, where, like a snowstorm, we are being driven about several rows of barbed wire under current, with gas chambers and a system of crematoria, and he says that there were no striped robes, as we were shown in the movies. How do their trunks, diamonds, weapons, etc. go?
    3. +3
      April 13 2014 13: 14
      Quote: hrych
      Again, this smelly topic, with the so-called next "miracle escaped" and told about terrible events.

      I’m looking at how many people Hrychu pluses (general stars) and I feel ashamed of Russia. I begin to hate myself for the fact that I may be of the same tribe with Hrych. Why live? If the war, which claimed 27 million inhabitants of the USSR, left no trace in the hearts of descendants. It seems to me that if Khrych had said such words before the formation in 1945, he would have been torn apart by Soviet soldiers and officers. And on our site he is a hero.
      1. +1
        April 13 2014 13: 37
        I can’t interfere with your desire to hate yourself, I can offer a way out, a way to kill myself against the wall.
        1. 0
          April 13 2014 13: 40
          Quote: hrych
          I can’t interfere with your desire to hate yourself, I can offer a way out, a way to kill myself against the wall.

          I, too, cannot stop you from hating other people created in the same image and likeness. Unfortunately.
          1. +1
            April 13 2014 13: 49
            Here the site is military, and the war is for your information, when people of one nationality kill people of another nationality, or kill for religious or political reasons. And in 1945, before the formation, the soldiers tore apart not Russian people like them, but foreigners in the form of Germans, Romanians, Hungarians. If I questioned the words of a German agent of Jewish origin, who was engaged in the trade of diamonds and gold of the same skill, but killed Alfredic Bem for a hundred bucks, then I must be executed. Now this old mouse gets a decent pension for his tricks, so I have to be torn for it. And I think you just need to flog the suckers who believe these stories, and even contain scammers with crooks and not sick until a hundred years.
            1. +4
              April 13 2014 14: 02
              Quote: hrych
              Here the site is military, and the war is for your information, when people of one nationality kill people of another nationality, or kill for religious or political reasons.

              Normal people, being soldiers, kill other soldiers. If you consider it possible to kill women, children, the elderly, infants, then how do you differ from those Bandera who cut whole villages (Poles, Belarusians, etc.)?
              1. +2
                April 13 2014 14: 20
                Did I say somewhere that I support Bandera? The lies of Samuel Wallenberg and Bandera have nothing to do with it? For your information, most of the losses of the USSR were civilians, and most of the killed Germans and their minions were soldiers. The main civilian casualties were killed by air bombs, artillery and starvation. Most of the victims of the civilian population of the German Union were killed by carpet bombing of the Western Allies. Poor Bandera at least gotten tired of it, but for all the years of the war they killed women and children less than one bombing of Dresden. During the assault on the same Stalingrad, when our troops bombed and delivered artillery attacks, didn’t they know that there were civilians in the city, our inhabitants, but the enemy had to be defeated at all costs. There are no subjunctive moods in the war, the main goal is civilians, especially during the nuclear bombing of large cities. Take it calmly and without priestly hypocritical philosophy, I will remind the victims of priests most of all.
                1. +1
                  April 13 2014 14: 32
                  Quote: hrych
                  Did I say somewhere that I support Bandera? Samuel Wallenberg lies

                  You know, when you catch the lies of a 90-year-old veteran, you need documentary evidence, write an article. Until you prove, a person has a presumption of innocence, plus it's a veteran. So do not slander. I just read your lie:
                  Quote: hrych
                  There are no subjunctive moods in the war, the main goal is civilians, especially during the nuclear bombing of large cities.

                  The main goal is military facilities, factories, etc., and not civilians at all.
                  1. +3
                    April 13 2014 14: 46
                    If you carefully read the article, then you understand that he is a liar. He let slip that he and his parents had documents that he was not Jewish and Catholic. His dad lived beautifully in Warsaw .... with him. And what is he a veteran of? If lit up in the uprising of the Warsaw ghetto, then these were only riots.
                    That military facilities and factories are the target, you tell our missile workers who have aimed more than one warhead at New York, they probably want to blow up the stock exchange. This is an excuse, the main goal is unacceptable losses, when resistance is not possible, the rest is hypocrisy. The deceased Margaret Techcher said that in Russia there are enough 15 million people. And what is she talking about? Stop wrapping the snot on your hand. The goal is to destroy the enemy. Having spared the children of the enemy, our children will be killed by their descendants, from which the Russians always suffer. It's time to learn how to cut the enemy to the root, like .... everything.
      2. +4
        April 13 2014 14: 10
        No, they would not be torn. Here a lot was written about how the NKVD checked people who were in captivity. And if without tantrums about how terrible Stalinist commissars put all those who had been in captivity for years to be taken prisoner (and they were immediately shot, to be sure, twice), then Khrych is trying to apply the same verification method - he is looking for weaknesses in the text.
        So the first thing. People who have gone through the camps are completely sick. Read "It was at Dachau", try to understand. So it's strange, extremely strange - a camp, then wild drunkenness ... and 90 years of life.
        Second. "Tell them you're a bricklayer." And the further description says how he built the skyscraper? Not at all. Then there is a story about working on sorting clothes and personal belongings, finding and returning funds and valuables. And a colorful story about how the "bricklayer" finally did not understand anything, then he saw and was horrified ... But he worked like that, of course, not for long! Then he ... gathered branches in the forest. Damn ... It's somehow embarrassing for me to comment without obscene vocabulary ... have you ever smelled how burnt meat smells? Imagine how hundreds of thousands of burned bodies smelled. And that the Germans made serious, months-long efforts to weave the twigs, so that the crowds of onlookers, wandering tirelessly in the line of sight of the protected object, did not see anything? And the smoke from the chimneys ... in the kitchen burned a little, right?
        For what merits and to whom this frame received such work - a very good question. And about the branches it is not necessary ... Further, he understood perfectly well that the Germans would not leave such witnesses alive. Therefore, he took advantage of the rebellion and not denounced. I completely admit - he was not the only one who understood. Therefore, the camp asset, so to speak, did everything to make the noise happen and more. I managed to leave ... only about a hundred dollars is not necessary.
        In general, the NKVD did not check it, apparently either did not have time, or the Poles managed to ... thank him. However, Poland was too hot, so in the 50th we had to get out of the way from witnesses and archives. It is possible to examine these stories more thoroughly, there are still many questions left. Let us quieter with your "shame for Russia". Be ashamed.
        1. +1
          April 13 2014 14: 23
          Quote: Mikhail3
          People who have gone through the camps are completely sick. Read "It was at Dachau", try to understand. So it's strange, extremely strange - a camp, then wild drunkenness ... and 90 years of life.

          Your cynical logic is beyond my control. Completely sick, those who organized camps and massacred people. Do you agree with this? I know 1 liquidator of the Chernobyl accident, who is still alive and well, and everyone who died with him 10 years ago. I knew my grandfather, who worked in a hot shop all his life, drank and became friends with a young woman at 70. Almost all the prisoners died, and you mock at those units that survived to 90.
  10. Voinnet
    April 13 2014 08: 31
    I read ... chills, and tears welling up, barely restrained!
  11. +23
    April 13 2014 08: 38
    Thanks to the grandfathers for the Victory. Well, we fight with other granddaughters.
    April 13 2014 08: 46
    Prospects for the Russian-speaking In Ukraine, the accession of Bandera.
  13. +1
    April 13 2014 08: 51
    The Germans kept away from the Ukrainians and also watched them. They could not be left without control, so that they did not steal anything of value in the camp

    - It looks like it has been in the blood of many since birth. I wonder what was valuable in the camps?
    1. 0
      April 13 2014 09: 04
      Quote: fly fishing
      What was valuable in the camps?

      You will not believe it, but there were a lot of gold jewelry and diamonds. What could be hidden during the search. Polish Jews were never poor.
      every day for millions of dollars things passed through our hands, and Ukrainians had to beg for miserable crumbs.
      1. Orc-xnumx
        April 13 2014 14: 48
        And now they beg for "pitiful crumbs." History repeats itself, then there was a tragedy, this time in the form of a farce!
  14. +8
    April 13 2014 08: 59
    to read creepy, and to see in general .... DEATH TO Fascists!
    1. Orc-xnumx
      April 13 2014 14: 50
      Please, do not confuse the Italian fascists and the German Nazis!
  15. +8
    April 13 2014 10: 19
    Grandfather, it's my fault. It's my fault.
    There was only a sip of wine at 9 on May.
    Always in a hurry somewhere, went to barbecue,
    Grandfather, we forgot the war, lived like fools.

    Grandfather, it's my fault, There is no one to reprove.
    I forgot about screaming about fascism to my children,
    Bow to the veterans of the Bright Victory of that
    And remember them in the temples in front of the saint icon.

    Grandfather, it's my fault - did not close the doors
    Those who poisoned stories about her in Ukraine.
    She frowned, but was silent. I did not ring the alarm
    I did not shout to everyone that the Slav was my brother.

    Grandfather, it’s my fault that power is a thief.
    The fact that the neo-Nazi beast came out of the caches.
    I stuffed my ears. Nearby wandered around.
    I was indifferent. Time to go to the cross.

    Grandfather, I’m forgiveness to you. I know you are in heaven.
    I will be alive - on Victory Day I will become in prayer in tears.
    To my grandchildren I will not tire of Truth to carry words.
    I stood up against fascism. Grandfather, if that - I'm sorry ...

    Irina Vyazovaya. Dnepropetrovsk.
    1. I THINK
      April 13 2014 12: 08
      What wonderful poems, tears are pouring and pouring. Are people really going to be on the principle: "My house is on the edge." Our grandfathers fought for victory, and we for dollars, and a new car
  16. +8
    April 13 2014 10: 35
    You can argue until hoarseness !! BUT!!
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      April 13 2014 12: 04
      Here a slightly different object for review suggests itself. At least in front, at least in profile. And all is one and the same. laughing
  17. +1
    April 13 2014 10: 56
    Quote: Keeper
    Unfortunately in Germany, not everything is as smooth as we would like!
    The fact is that all "newcomers" are treated "well-tolerated"!
    None of my friends who already have German citizenship are not friends with the indigenous population !!!!
    Why?! guess yourself!
    Tolerance is not love, but only tolerance, elevated to the rank of indifference!
    It is worth bringing a match to the EU and ethnic conflicts will erupt even where people consider themselves VERY decent and civilized!
    So it is better to live in remote Siberia according to the laws of Mother Nature, while sharing the wealth of the Russian soul!

    totally agree. our ancestors knew how to forgive. and we must. and GOD will give his own to each, sooner or later.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      April 13 2014 12: 07
      Hope for God, but don’t be fooled.
      (popular wisdom)
  18. parus2nik
    April 13 2014 11: 14
    Europeans do not want to remember this .. For then you need to constantly remember who saved the world from this nightmare .. Soviet soldier ..
  19. -Patriot-
    April 13 2014 11: 34
    The war took one of my ancestors in the battles for Ukraine ... I doubly hate the Nazis ... My children will also remember, you can’t forget this. You have to cut such manifestations in the bud right away. When I see the faces of the Nazi government in Ukraine, it’s disgusting to nausea. ..
  20. -1
    April 13 2014 12: 12
    Enough to play hide and seek - obaznatushki! When everyone can see where what is sticking out. Russia needs a coherent state ideology and constitutional reform with a popular referendum.
  21. +2
    April 13 2014 12: 37
    I read and wonder:
    How did it happen that the co-religionists of the Holocaust victims of the Second World War Gozman, Shenderovich, Raikhelgauz and the Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoisky do not see that the neo-Nazis of the "right sector" are preparing Ukraine and their Jewish fellow tribesmen.
    They do not see the revival of fascism.
  22. +1
    April 13 2014 13: 16
    Quote: svetlomor
    You mentioned Ukrainian guards. Are they any different from the Germans?

    - They were the same sadists. They did not hide their hatred of the Jews. Without any sympathy, they could kill hundreds of people in the infirmary without blinking an eye. The Germans kept away from the Ukrainians and also watched them. They could not be left without control, so that they would not steal anything of value in the camp and establish contacts with prisoners.

    And these "people" today in Ukraine are presented as "HEROES", which are equal to the "towerless" generation of Ukrainians.
    What will happen to "STEAM HEATING" ????????
  23. 0
    April 13 2014 14: 19
    I remember reading the book "It Was ..." as a child (I loved reading adult books). There is a whole chapter about Treblinka and the horrors that happened there. Now I am 40 years old, but remembering what I have read, my teeth grind and tears flow. God forbid this repeat itself.
  24. +4
    April 13 2014 16: 56
    We pick up the snot, and turn on the brains. We will not discuss the elderly person. Let's discuss the topic.
    Why is the Holocaust theme pedaling here? They are trying to instill in us a complex of guilt before the Jews.
    Why isn’t the topic of the mass destruction of Belarusians raised? One in four died. For communication with the partisans, the people of several hundred villages were burned alive. Old men, women, children. All. Something I did not hear that in Israel they were remembered or celebrated the day of the liberation of Belarus. We are not ashamed before the brothers Slavs that their victims on the altar of Victory are forgotten? But the inhabitants of our villages and cities that died alive under the bombs are nothing for us compared to Polish Jews? And the south, and the Belgians, who died in thousands of partisan detachments long before the Second Front. Someone saw or heard that Jews were massively kneeling in some city on Victory Day at the Eternal Flame in gratitude to the Soviet soldier. But they owe it to the Soviet Union, our fathers and grandfathers that their ethnic group exists. EVERY OF THESE IS OBLIGATED. Looks like something is wrong with this Holocaust.
    I have not been to these "museums" of the Holocaust. But I read something. Yes, this elderly man honestly writes that until the beginning of the 50s, even in Israel, people did not want to hear about any Holocaust. I think they just perfectly remembered the price and who paid for their move to the Promised Land. There are persistent rumors that Zionists were in the administrations of all the ghettos, and the police were Jewish. It was they who divided the Jews into necessary and unnecessary and ensured the sending of the latter to concentration camps. And so that everything went smoothly, without excesses, they spread rumors that people were going to farms, to serve officers' families, to factories. Well, after the "completion" of the work, the right Jews were given the opportunity to leave for Palestine.
    There are a lot of dark and dirty topics here. One of them. Why were ghettos never created on the territory of the Soviet Union? The "Jewish question" was decided immediately and finally. Within a few days, or at most weeks after the German seizure of the territory, Soviet Jews were completely destroyed, and in Western Europe ghettos existed for many years. Sometimes until liberation. Have the people from the ghetto administrations suffered any punishment in Israel?
    I propose to close the topic of the Holocaust once and for all. Not the topic of Nazi crimes, not the topic of victims of the Second World War, but the topic of the Holocaust. All these numerous "museums" are designed to make us shamefully lower our eyes when we meet a Jew. And let it go ahead. In the fight against Nazism, Soviet people, the British, the French, the Belgians, the South, the Poles and the whole of Europe were dying. But NOBODY still drags the bodies of their dead and does not put them under the nose of everyone they meet. And he does not beg for money.
    1. +2
      April 13 2014 17: 20
      I agree with you. With the Holocaust, more questions than answers. Since it is cynical to discuss DEATH, I will not discuss this. Although ..... Even the numbers of those killed worldwide are in doubt.
    2. +1
      April 13 2014 18: 07
      I will not disassemble the entire post. But I personally was acquainted with one wonderful person (now deceased) who lived in a Jewish ghetto for 2 years as a child. The ghetto was located in what is now Ukraine. This is to your next lie:
      Quote: stoker
      Why were ghettos never created on the territory of the Soviet Union? The "Jewish question" was decided immediately and finally. Within a few days, at most - weeks after the German seizure of the territory, Soviet Jews were completely destroyed
      1. -1
        April 14 2014 17: 20
        Quote: il grand casino
        I will not disassemble the entire post.

        Strange response. Neither the name of your friend, nor the address where he spent two years. And what does it mean whether it was good or bad. I was not going to understand the personal qualities of your friends.
        Apparently it was really difficult for you not only to "parse my post, but also to read it. Therefore, for you personally.
        I consider the Holocaust a Zionist business project. Not Jewish, but Zionist. His task, like any other business project, is to get the "dough". Blame a country, a group of people, a corporation of "crimes" against Jews and "milk". According to the principle - "money does not smell".
        The most unpleasant thing is that it was organized by the same forces that brought Hitler to power.
        None of us have anything to do with the Holocaust. Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan are not suburbs of Tel Aviv.
        Therefore, I took the liberty of inviting everyone to close this unpleasant topic on this site.
  25. +1
    April 13 2014 21: 25
    In the pass, Pushkov said: "The countries that bombed Belgrade and Libya have no right to make decisions on the Russian delegation."
    Tell me, what rights can a country that has organized Europe (and the world) have a world war 2? The creator of Treblinka, Mauthausen, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrück and 2 dozen more? What rights can she have? What rights can the Chancellor have to accuse others of anything, even the Holocaust. ITS (chancellor), the country invented and accomplished all this in the last century. Merkel would shut up and not blather. The African dictator, the cannibal bokassa, is an innocent child compared to her grandparents. I understand - genetics takes it. The Nazis support the Nazis.
    But we destroyed them - and, if necessary, destroy them again.
    And the pass ..... Only creatures such as Hodor, as states - like Georgia, and others, turned to the ECHR court. Coming out of the pass, we will create a situation where they have nowhere to complain about Russia.
    God grant that.
  26. -1
    April 13 2014 21: 36
    Quote: il grand casino
    I will not disassemble the entire post. But I personally was acquainted with one wonderful person (now deceased) who lived in a Jewish ghetto for 2 years as a child. The ghetto was located in what is now Ukraine.

    Can I specify the address of the ghetto? If this is a place, then this is not about that. Will you google "ghetto" yourself or should I do it for you?
    PS "I lived in the Jewish ghetto for 2 years as a child" - the ghetto is never non-Jewish. This is tG, to your verbiage.
  27. serge
    April 14 2014 08: 20
    How long can you imagine this dance of Jewish corpses? Before the war there were 6 million Jews in Europe, after the war 6 million remained. But the number of Russians decreased by 27 million, while military losses amounted to no more than 7 million. Since the real concentration camps were set up by the Germans in the occupied part of Russia. And the concentration camp was set up simply - a place in an open field was fenced off with barbed wire and people were driven there. And they didn't. Almost all Soviet prisoners of war were killed in such camps. All (!) Food was confiscated from the civilian population and sent to Germany. As you know, one cannot live without food. In such a simple way, most of the 20 million killed civilian Russian population was killed. The creation of the Hitlerite army was financed by the Zionists of England and the United States, and the result of the Second World War was the creation of the State of Israel. As the American President Harry Truman said - "let them kill each other more - this is our gain". It is easy to extrapolate this phrase to the present-day Ukraine, where a fratricidal conflict is being fomented with Jewish-American money. And all, absolutely all "Ukrainian" leaders of the Nazis, such as Yarosh, Yatsenyuk, Klitschko, Tyagnibok, are Jews. And Avakov and Lyashko are also homosexuals and pedophiles. And the numerous assumptions about Hitler's Jewish origin do not seem to be nonsense. And this confirms the words of Maxim Gorky - "destroy homosexuals and fascism will disappear."
  28. 0
    April 14 2014 16: 46
    Quote: Orc-78
    Please, do not confuse the Italian fascists and the German Nazis!

    I don’t care! dogs dog death.