"US no entry"

"US no entry"The behavior of states in the world in many ways resembles a person’s reaction to circumstances that currently cause him inconvenience. So, let's say, a callus on the foot, which causes pain when walking, temporarily makes you forget about the problems associated with diabetes. Something similar is happening with the United States, which happens to be fixated on private problems that are far from their national interests and miss heavy strategic strikes.

So, they missed China's breakthrough and its transformation into a world leader, the emergence of the euro zone with its own claims to a role in the world, the formation of the BRICS group, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Yes, missed and much more.

At the same time, the main attention of Washington, a considerable share of resources and propaganda fuse, by inertia, was spent on fighting the phantom adversary in the person of Russia. It was a bustling activity on the closest approach of NATO to our borders, support for all anti-Russian regimes and forces along the perimeter of the Russian Federation, straining attempts to create an organized “fifth column” in our country or to cultivate separatist sentiments.

You can not get rid of the feeling that the policy in Washington is tailored to the patterns of the “cold war” of the distant 60-70 years of the last century. I remember that after the unfortunate entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan by the United States and at that time more docile European allies loudly and for a long time spent "bazaars" about sanctions against the USSR. We decided to boycott the Moscow Olympics 1980 of the year, and the United States banned the sale of grain to our country, which we bought up to 20 million tons per year. But instead of fear, we then, without hiding it, were happy: “At last, the Kremlin will seriously engage in the development of its agriculture and pay its peasants, not American farmers.” And those sanctions did not last for a year: to my deep chagrin, Washington lifted them.

Then Afghanistan blocked itself, it seemed, the whole world. It seemed that the tragedy forever divided Americans and Russians. And what's the "bottom line"? Nothing. We went there to fill up and went home. Then the brave warriors of the Yankees came, broke off their teeth, and now they are waiting, they will not wait, when they can carry their feet home. It is desirable by airplanes - this is faster, and through Russian airfields - this is cheaper. Neither democracy nor prosperity in Afghanistan behind their backs sees the normal eye.

These memories flooded now, when the recent changes in the fate of the Crimea and the situation in Ukraine again struck the "night blindness" of many Western politicians. Especially overseas, most prone to it. Again, they do not see anything around, except Ukraine and the Crimea. And it would be necessary.

It was at this very time that truly tectonic events took place in Latin America. historical events little noticed by people affected by "night blindness".

The 28-29 January held the II Summit Conference of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Latin America and the Caribbean (without the participation of the United States and Canada), in which 30 Heads of State and Heads of Government from the independent countries 33 arrived. The historical dream of the great patriots of Latin America has come true: to break all the fetters that connected the peoples of these countries with the United States, to create their own political organization, independent of Washington. From the time of Simon Bolivar and José Martí to Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, this was the historical goal of all the fighters for the freedom and independence of the continent.

The United States, for its part, for almost two hundred years, with schizophrenic persistence, tried to keep the Latin American countries in subjection, changing the forms and methods of their control over them. It all started back in 1823, when the then US President James Monro in his annual message to Congress proclaimed the thesis “America for Americans”, which later became the doctrine that guided Washington in relations with its southern neighbors. The United States rejected the right of European powers to interfere in the affairs of the American continent.

Decades have passed, and instead of a unilateral statement about their exclusive right to decide the fate of the continent, the United States decided to create the appearance of "collective consent" of all countries in the region to the undisputed US leadership. In 1889-1890, a conference was convened in Washington, which marked the beginning of the existence of the so-called Pan American Union. The diversity of participants in the “union” and, most importantly, the incompatibility of the goals of its members led to what he was called the “Shark and Sardine Union”.

After the Spanish-American War 1898, when the US occupied Cuba, Puerto Rico and bought the unfinished Panama Canal from the French, they stopped camouflaging their policies in the region, President Theodore Roosevelt publicly curled: “Speak quietly, but hold a big stick in your hand, and you will go far! ”

His namesake, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in 1933, refused to show conspicuous rudeness and cynicism and wrapped American politics in a beautiful candy wrapper called “The policy of the good neighbor”, leaving its essence intact.

As you know, once, when he was reproached for supporting the bloody Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, he carelessly let it slip, saying: "I know that he is a son of a bitch, but this is our son of a bitch!"

In 1948, there was another change in the facade of American politics in Latin America. They gathered in the capital of Colombia, Bogota, the same humble herd of political puppets and announced the creation of the Organization of American States. There are no good changes in the fate of the Latin American nations. The OAS gained notoriety for the “voting machine” - for the submissive obedience of the US conductor when expressed in the UN.

The calm in the stale swamp of the OAS was broken by the victory of the Cuban revolution. The speeches of Che Guevara from the rostrum of this organization were deadly exposing for Washington. In a hurry, John F. Kennedy proposed the Union for Progress program, which prompted 20 Latin Americans billions of dollars for the next 10 years. Cuba, as a “troublemaker”, was expelled from the community of American countries in 1962 and they thought it would be forever. An, no!

American strategic engineers were spoiled by global changes that took place in the depths of Latin American countries. We did not appreciate the fact that the sweeping waves of democratic movements with strong national liberation filled the region. They did not notice how Cuba, with its heroic stubbornness, overcame all difficulties and became the banner for all Latin American patriots.

In 2009, Cuba was even invited to return to the Organization of American States, but she proudly refused, thus making it clear that the time of US domination in the region was over, and there are now completely different winds blowing here.

In the capital of Venezuela, Caracas 3, December 2011 of the year, largely due to the charisma and titanic energy of Hugo Chávez, a constituent meeting of representatives of most countries in the region was held. It laid the foundation for the existence of a new political organization called the Commonwealth of Latin America and the Caribbean - CELAC. There was no longer the United States and Canada. That says it all.

Two years later, the first CELAC summit conference was held in the capital of Chile, Santiago. The new organization was just getting on its feet, the entire 9 Heads of State and Government of the region arrived at the forum, but as they say, the ice has broken. As if challenging Washington, the conference participants chose Havana as the venue for their next congress and, to the dismay of the United States, elected Raul Castro as CELAC chairman on a rotational basis. It was already a public slap in the yesterday’s “overseer” of the Western Hemisphere. But nothing could be done anymore. Indeed, in CELAC united states, the total population of which is 600 million people. These countries occupy 15 percent of the entire Earth. They have 30 percentages of all world freshwater reserves, 21 percentages of the world's forests, 12 percentages of arable land, 20 percentages of oil resources are stored in the region. Some countries in this part of the world, such as Brazil and Mexico, have overtaken Russia in their economic potential, not to mention their rapidly growing demographic parameters.

The quantity in the eyes grows into quality, even such a country that was considered to be forever backward as Bolivia has already launched its communications satellite into a space orbit with the help of a Chinese rocket.

And now, in January of this year, CELAC held its II summit conference in Havana, 90 miles from the USA, whose leadership did not receive an invitation to this continental holiday. But 30 presidents and heads of government of all countries of the region gathered in the Cuban capital. Only three could not come: the Panamanian president referred to the need to urgently solve problems related to the reconstruction of the canal, and the President of El Salvador and the Prime Minister of Belize were unwell.

The main report, which set the tone for the entire work of the conference, was delivered by Raul Castro. Almost all the topics touched upon by him were supported by the participants and entered into the final documents. In the adopted declaration, the basic principle of the new organization is formulated as follows: “We confirm that the unity and integration of our region should be built gradually, flexibly, with respect for the principles of pluralism, diversity and sovereign right of each of our peoples to choose their own form of political and economic organization.”

The forum participants expressed their support for the peace process for the return of Argentina, belonging to her according to the law of the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands.

Puerto Rico was recognized as a Latin American country located in the Caribbean and still under foreign occupation.

In the documents and speeches that were heard at the conference, the United States was almost never mentioned, but it specifically emphasized the role of the PRC and Russia - as CELAC partners. In Beijing, by the way, the permanent representative office of this organization is already open, and Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a message to Raul Castro, congratulating him on the successful holding of the forum.

The main task is to work to eradicate poverty, hunger, social inequality and create conditions for improving the quality of life of the population in the region. The historical significance of the conference lies in the fact that it was not limited to the adoption of a declaration, but also approved a practical “CELAC Action Plan for 2014 year”. It provides organizational, technical and scientific measures to implement the approved principles. Emphasis will be placed on the development of family forms of organization of agricultural production, by 2025, the region must get rid of hunger. The question of the creation of a regional food reserve for emergency.

It was decided to bring the literacy rate to 90 percent of the total population in the most backward countries. The whole educational system should be based on the upbringing of a healthy, civil, patriotic generation. To create a “culture of peace” in the region, to eliminate the remnants of aggressiveness and conflict.

When you read the documents of the meeting, you do not leave a sense of respect for the political leaders of the region gathered in Havana. They have significantly surpassed their colleagues in other parts of the world with wisdom and the ability to concentrate all their efforts on solving the real problems of their peoples.

The conference adopted a Declaration on proclaiming the region a zone of peace.

Back in 1968, under the impression of the cruel Caribbean Missile Crisis lesson, Latin American countries were the first in the world to declare the continent free from nuclear weapons.

Now they went further: they banned all armed conflicts in their half of the Western Hemisphere. Countries voluntarily refused to use the threat of force when solving emerging problems, declaring only peaceful, political means acceptable. The presidents of Chile and Peru, countries with unresolved problems along the maritime border, served as practical proof of their commitment to these principles. They stated that the matter had been submitted to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, and the parties would unconditionally accept the decision that the court would make. That would be like that everywhere!

It is curious that small groups of Cuban dissidents, posing as “opposition”, tried to use the situation to declare themselves and their ambitions. They appealed to the arriving heads of state and government for meetings, but received widespread rejection.

At the same time, almost all conference participants sought to get a friendly audience with Fidel Castro, who, due to medical requirements, followed the work of the forum on television. He received almost all heads of state and government - despite the lack of time and medical rigor.

Fidel himself, the speakers at the conference, was invariably called the "moral leader of the continent." He really recalled his words said in the 1953 year, during the trial of the assault on the Moncada barracks: “History will justify me!”

During the days of the conference in Havana, practically no words appeared in the Russian media. As the main News the Internet offered reports that the mayor of Toronto was fined $ 93 for crossing the street in the wrong place, as well as the news of the death of Hollywood actor Philip Seymour Hoffman in his apartment in New York ...

Therefore, few people here know what is happening in the former “backyard” of Washington.
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  1. Oleg Prophetic
    April 3 2014 11: 16
    1. avg
      April 3 2014 11: 44
      During the days of the conference in Havana, practically no words appeared in the Russian media.

      Especially our media bothered me with weddings, births and other anniversaries of the English monarchs.
      And our government needs to be friends and work with Latin America, and not with rotten Europe, in which all problems rest against the freedom of geyparads.
      1. +8
        April 3 2014 12: 17
        Quote: avg
        Especially our media bothered me with weddings, births and other anniversaries of the English monarchs.
        Who pays and orders music fool If you think that in Russia there are no people who are ready to call your ass Americanos and geyrope, then you are greatly mistaken.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +3
        April 3 2014 14: 53
        For some reason, this was very little covered in the Russian media, double morality is back, these are potentially our allies, pay more attention to them, work with them, develop economic ties, and support them. I would especially like to express deep respect to the people of Cuba and their leader Raul Castro, but especially the deepest bow, all the best to FEDEL Castro, we are swamis.
    2. platitsyn70
      April 3 2014 11: 46
      Yes, just U.S. America mouth on the stupid policies of the United States in the looting of their states.
    3. +1
      April 3 2014 12: 34
      http://www.kp.ru/go/http://usagoaway.ru/Предлагаю подписаться всем!
    4. Gloria45
      April 3 2014 14: 41
      France opposes the appointment of Manuel Waltz as Prime Minister.
      Manuel Waltz in the French government is Tyagnibok in Ukraine.
      Such a hasty appointment followed after Alan Soral and his
      Gyondonne’s comrade-in-arms announced that France needs a new General De Gaulle,
      to lead a revolutionary, protest movement and so that the country can
      break free from US influence.
      This is not a big demonstration in the Wondom square in front of justice, now
      the area is blocked.
  2. +22
    April 3 2014 11: 17
    It is necessary to remove the United States as a malignant tumor, America - for the Indians !!!))))
    1. +11
      April 3 2014 11: 29
      They are generally a former British colony :))) They did not even have a referendum "On Freedom". :)))
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +16
      April 3 2014 11: 42
      It’s difficult to remove, but you can make it crap.
    4. +18
      April 3 2014 11: 59
      Quote: T-100
      It is necessary to remove the United States as a malignant tumor, America - for the Indians !!!))))
    5. WKS
      April 3 2014 12: 01
      Yolunstone is awakening!
    6. +5
      April 3 2014 14: 18
      Quote: T-100
      It is necessary to remove the United States as a malignant tumor

  3. +31
    April 3 2014 11: 18
    During the days of the conference in Havana, practically no words appeared in the Russian media.

    This I can not understand.

    I absolutely don't give a damn about the mayor of TORONTO and his GEEV with PEDERASTS.

    But the fate of CUBA is much more interesting than news from the USA .... I perceive the USA as EVIL as darkness from a horror movie.
    1. +11
      April 3 2014 11: 37
      I agree with you completely. Information war is not our strong point, unfortunately. We have Germans working (serving their Mercy). So recently we arrived at work and to my question "What do they say about us in the West?" the answer was obvious - No good. In the eyes of western people we are really occupiers, conquerors, etc. etc.
    2. +30
      April 3 2014 11: 50
      It is not customary for us to write about those who are doing well.
      Take Belarus as an example

      1. Voenruk
        April 3 2014 12: 19
        That's what it means to have a master! Well done Lukashenko! Everything for people! In our country, if such a person were to every region, Mother Russia would flourish for that.
      2. mad
        April 3 2014 12: 22
        Though throw me stones, but I conclude - no chocks, no problems! Rudeness on the roads, price conspiracies and other dirt come from the South. I myself am from Rostov, skated Yekaterinburg and the further I drove away, the more I was struck by the change in Russia for the better. Belarus and Siberia still remained the cradle of the Russian spirit, we have it badly spoiled (((
        1. +8
          April 3 2014 13: 33
          You know, your statement is very similar to those that appeared on the pages of the Lithuanian press - they say, the Russian invaders, taught the holy Lithuanians to steal and swear obscenities ... nu-nu ... All that you, like me, do not like, and now we are slowly decreasing, the highest flowering occurred in the nineties, when there were no migrant problems, and in the early 20th century (before the Revolution), when the scale of the phenomenon (corruption and theft) was no less than in the nineties .... then What, did the migrants also try?

          Russia has become a strong state, being a multinational country in which all peoples were equal, had equal rights, and together defended our common interests. For example, in the Russian army, which took Kazan, there were more Tatars than in the diverse tribe that defended it, there were only about a third of Russians.
          The Tatar, Georgian, Armenian or Kazakh aristocracy was equal with the Russian and no worse than it. Look at the outstanding figures of Russia - since the time of Ivan the Terrible there is a lot of, as you say, "churrrok" - what, did it harm us? What did they teach us, the naive, bad?

          And such statements, like the statements of our few Natsiks about the secession of the Caucasus, are a direct path to the destruction of Russia. No wonder Natsik joyfully joined the ranks of the swamp brothers Maidown. Or are you their supporter too? :))) Well, the rhetoric is identical in this respect ....

          Of course, we have problems in the national question ... Well, what kind of allah do you exacerbate them with such irresponsible statements?
          1. mad
            April 3 2014 14: 00
            To aggravate .. I do not think that I am aggravating, adequate people have gathered here soberly discussing the problems. I don’t even think to cancel the old merits of the peoples entering Russia, but now a situation has arisen when a completely different system of values ​​has developed in the minds of foreigners - the cult of power and money. And unfortunately, our, Russian, golden youth gladly adopts them "they can, but we cannot" ... After looking at the footage from Belarus and remembering the trip to Siberia, I made associations. I am ready to confirm once again, we are losing the South of Russia, it is being seized by "soft power". In Pyatigorsk, such announcements periodically appear - Do not buy housing from the Russians, soon you will get it for free. In the Stavropol Territory, there are already several districts where only old people are left of the Russians, the laws do not work, people disappear, and "guests" from the mountains settle in their houses (((
            1. +4
              April 3 2014 14: 33
              I know that the situation in the Stavropol region is difficult. And it certainly needs to be corrected. But did you notice that there are no "migrants" there? Absolutely not. There is an expansion of those who are already citizens of Russia. And nevertheless, your statement - no "churrok" - no problem - to put it mildly, unacceptable. How do you propose to solve the problem? How do you propose to do so. so that "churrrrok does not become"?
              And please do not throw mud at all our youth - there are not so many "golden" ones among them. Our youth is not that bad either.
              And what are the values ​​of the younger generation of those who are now actively populating the South of Russia, I know firsthand. Well, it is necessary to educate them, or rather their older generation, to tear up the top of the diaspora so that youngsters are kept in check, to promote leaders like Yevkurov, and not to declare - no "churrrok", no problem. And how can you do no? Build death camps? Interrupt on the spot? Do you know how many millions of "foreigners" there are in Russia? Do you not get bogged down, excuse my French, make them "No"? Where in the loud statement "no churrrok, no problem" - adequacy and sobriety?

              By the way, I am half a "chock" and one hundred percent - a foreigner, although I think. like all my surroundings, myself Russian. And my surname in general is "terrorist" :))). Will you do "No" to me too? Will it help Russia?

              Sorry, but sometimes it’s worth thinking carefully when publicly speaking out about what you are calling for and what your words can lead to.
              1. mad
                April 3 2014 15: 04
                Hmm .. even though my phrase "no chocks, no problems" sounded in the context - how good it is with this business in Belarus, but I will not hide, I would like this in Russia.
                How to do it? I don’t know ((Stalin died long ago, and the current authorities themselves love to flirt with the blacks, therefore, neither camps nor "great migrations of peoples" can be expected from them ... all that remains is to envy the Belarusians and think where to move so that children grow up away from this obscurantism into which my Motherland is immersed, well, or while its south and center.
                1. 0
                  April 3 2014 16: 55
                  I understand that you did not think to call for genocide ... but, excuse me, you still did not think in vain about how your words are perceived, and what they actually call for.
                  By the way, I want to remind you that it was Stalin who organized the largest mixing of the peoples of the USSR and facilitated the migration to the territory of the RSFSR of the largest number of those whom you call "foreigners". And then it was done centrally, with state support. In this regard, he flirted with the black people much more than our current authorities.

                  By the way, is it okay that I'm talking to you while sitting? Well, I'm half Vainakh by blood, blackness, in your opinion ... :)))

                  Seriously, I also have, of course, serious complaints about our national policy. This is especially true of the insecurity and lack of protection of the Russian and Russian-speaking population in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and the regions where the expansion from these republics is going. There are some positive developments, but they are timid and, to put it mildly, insufficient. The problem cries out in a bad voice. But it is necessary to put pressure, I repeat, the leadership, including pressure with tough economic measures. It is necessary to pursue a tougher personnel policy in relation to the leadership of the republics, and in the end, to squeeze Kadyrov so that his security officials leave the republic only on orders from the Center, or to reason with their ... barrrans who have dispersed. But again, to say what you say. to use terms like "lumps", "black" - just add fuel to the fire ...
                  Please think, maybe you will come to the conclusion that you are not quite right.
      3. 0
        April 3 2014 14: 05
        Yes, mmmm ... Belarus urgently needs democracy)))
        1. 0
          April 3 2014 17: 19
          Quote: aleks3897
          Yes, mmmm ... Belarus urgently needs democracy)))

          Chur - chur! At least one country in the world has the right to live in order?
      4. +1
        April 3 2014 14: 05
        and what is forbidden in this video?
        1. +3
          April 3 2014 14: 42
          A very logical question.
          Never mind. An attempt against the background of the undoubted successes of Belarus, whose economic miracle is simply impossible without Russian preferences (especially fabulous earlier) to throw mud at Russia and our leadership. And the word "forbidden" is used by the authors of the video as traders in all unnecessary trifles - as a publicity stunt. :))) Looks like the evil Russian Power has banned. :))) The only trouble is that such a deceit, and the fact that the video is banned here - a blatant deliberate lie - reduces the credibility of its authors. Well, you can't build something worthwhile on a deliberate lie. Therefore, the conclusions of the authors have a corresponding price :)))
    3. +5
      April 3 2014 12: 04
      We must do everything quietly and calmly, we are out of business, so we don’t need to know about it, for the time being.
    4. +4
      April 3 2014 12: 12
      It is bad that in the media we pay little attention to the countries of South America and the Caribbean. In the vast majority of these countries, Russians are either good or very good. In the 90s, I often had to be there and I know this by hearsay. I think since then, little has changed. These are our friends.
    5. +3
      April 3 2014 12: 55
      The media is tightly occupied by the fifth column ..
      Quote: The same Lech
      During the days of the conference in Havana, practically no words appeared in the Russian media.

      This I can not understand.

      I absolutely don't give a damn about the mayor of TORONTO and his GEEV with PEDERASTS.

      But the fate of CUBA is much more interesting than news from the USA .... I perceive the USA as EVIL as darkness from a horror movie.
  4. +2
    April 3 2014 11: 22
    Conclusion: RUSSIA HAS DONE EVERYTHING_NEW! good And someone can challenge ..... Ah .. recourse
  5. +4
    April 3 2014 11: 24
    Latin American countries take in BRICS. Fortunately, Brazil is already there.
  6. +6
    April 3 2014 11: 24
    Amerikosy half of the South American leaders pounded and Fidel alive! Health to you Fidel!
  7. +9
    April 3 2014 11: 26
    In accordance with the news, I propose to rename the United States to USA - the secluded states of America)))
    1. +16
      April 3 2014 12: 07
      How much can they lie.
    2. 0
      April 3 2014 19: 05
      USHA. good type USHAkaly.
      If you often say "secluded states of America", then this will become a reality (the Russian language is endowed with the power of realization more than any existing one).
  8. +1
    April 3 2014 11: 30
    And what is the price of oil so sharply falling who knows? Now one of the reasons is called the deterioration of the Chinese economy, but somehow I can’t believe it.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      April 3 2014 13: 01
      The euro is greatly overestimated in the markets, now there will be a slight fall, respectively, the dollar against the euro will rise. Oil is traded in futures, i.e. approximately we are talking about May oil prices. Given the strengthening of the dollar in the near future there is a decline in oil prices.
      Also, the statement by some Russian oil and gas companies about the possibility of transferring oil sales from dollars to rubles affects the price of oil.
      So far, the country's financial leadership is not ready to break with the dollar for such calculations, but active development is going on in this direction.
      In the near future, our own reference grade of oil will be created.
      At the same time, a transshipment center is being built for Urals in Rotterdam, which will be one of the steps to "untie" Brent.
      But all this is being done slowly, and China can overtake us.
      1. +4
        April 3 2014 13: 59
        Quote: tommytros
        The euro is greatly overestimated in the markets, now there will be a slight fall, respectively, the dollar against the euro will rise. Oil is traded in futures, i.e. approximately we are talking about May oil prices. Given the strengthening of the dollar in the near future there is a decline in oil prices.
        Also, the statement by some Russian oil and gas companies about the possibility of transferring oil sales from dollars to rubles affects the price of oil.
        So far, the country's financial leadership is not ready to break with the dollar for such calculations, but active development is going on in this direction.
        In the near future, our own reference grade of oil will be created.
        At the same time, a transshipment center is being built for Urals in Rotterdam, which will be one of the steps to "untie" Brent.
        But all this is being done slowly, and China can overtake us.

        And in the meantime:

        The largest Russian exporters are ready to convert the calculations on export deliveries into rubles, thereby reducing the dependence of the Russian economy on US dollars, said VTB head Andrei Kostin.

        Gazprom, Rosneft and Rosoboronexport together export products worth $ 230 billion a year. I spoke with the leaders of these companies. They are not opposed to exporting in rubles. They just need to be given an appropriate mechanism, "said Kostin, speaking at the congress of the Association of Russian Banks in Moscow on Wednesday.

        Thus, Russia will be able to "reduce its dependence on the whims of the US and EU authorities," Kostin stressed.

        The head of VTB urged to create a Russian payment system as soon as possible, the absence of which is "inexplicable and illogical." The events of recent weeks have shown Russia's dependence on international payment systems, which "creates risks not only for companies, but also for citizens in their everyday life."

        It is necessary to "abandon unthinkable schemes for creating a universal card", which includes services unusual for payment systems. We need "the most simple and minimal cost payment system," Kostin concluded.
  9. +2
    April 3 2014 11: 30
    Unite, comrades! And we will help strengthen your defense :)
  10. +8
    April 3 2014 11: 33
    Their megavolcano is brewing in the center of the country, maybe they are preparing a spare site for themselves in Ukraine?
    That's why they are so worried about Crimea

    1. +7
      April 3 2014 11: 44
      Quote: bulvas
      Their megavolcano is brewing in the center of the country,

      What is - that is, Americans are seriously concerned about the threat of the eruption of a supervolcano located in Yellowstone State Park, Wyoming. According to the latest researchers, the possibility of an emergency is very high, because animals are already running from the park.
      1. +3
        April 3 2014 12: 02
        And what, besides yaks, no one is found there? In Soviet times, we have so many herds of cows ran, I wonder from whom?
        1. +6
          April 3 2014 12: 15
          These are not yaks, but bison from Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
          They flee to their homeland. feel
        2. +1
          April 3 2014 12: 20
          Quote: Sergei75
          And what, besides yaks, no one is found there?

          You have beguiled Tibet from the USA.
      2. +3
        April 3 2014 12: 10
        Well, all the Gundos jumped.
      3. mad
        April 3 2014 12: 24
        Already, God turned his indignant gaze to the ugly Americans
      4. +2
        April 3 2014 13: 43
        It's not good, of course, to say ... it's very bad, if not to say harder, but it seems to me that in the event of an eruption in Yellowstone of a volcano, like the Tambor volcano, more than half of the Planet will breathe a sigh of relief :))) ... yes, we will all provide the Americans, humanitarian aid, may the entire planet fall, including us, nevertheless, "nuclear winter is not a joke", even if for one year, but then they will definitely lag behind us ...

        Just in case, it was a joke. :)))
        1. +2
          April 3 2014 13: 46
          Quote: smile
          Just in case, it was a joke. :)))

          Duc, for that he is the case, to be all. drinks
        2. +1
          April 3 2014 18: 33
          Quote: smile
          Just in case, it was a joke. :)))

          So the whole trouble is that this "joke" has not yet happened .... But if it happens (God forbid) then drinks !!!
          1. 0
            April 3 2014 20: 12
            The Tambora volcano just threw into the atmosphere more than 160 cubic KILOMETERS of rock and sulfur formations .... which can be equal in density to granite ... a nuclear winter has come on the planet for a year .....
            Yeah, the hole on the US map will be such that any mole will die of happiness :))) And given the geological faults and other geological horror stories, the consequences of the eruption in the Yellowstone Caldera can be monstrous, and not only for the United States.
            To admit, when I imagine WHAT can happen in the district, for some reason, I do not want to rejoice, honestly.
    2. +1
      April 3 2014 13: 45
      Their megavolcano is brewing in the center of the country, maybe they are preparing a spare site for themselves in Ukraine?

      In Antarctica, they have a playground!
      1. +1
        April 3 2014 13: 58
        there is no place for this shit. They allocated a plot on Mercury, let them master wassat
  11. +5
    April 3 2014 11: 34
    Brazil and Mexico overtook Russia in their economic potential, not to mention their rapidly growing demographic parameters.

    It was decided to bring the literacy rate to 90 percent of the total population in the most backward countries. The whole educational system should be based on the upbringing of a healthy, civil, patriotic generation. To create a “culture of peace” in the region, to eliminate the remnants of aggressiveness and conflict.

    And this is with the Latins !!! And why is everything fucking with us ?!
    Our government is DUTER LATINOS?

    1. +7
      April 3 2014 11: 38
      Quote: MainBeam
      And this is with the Latins !!! And why is everything fucking with us ?!
      Our government is DUTER LATINOS?

      We spoil oil and gas. Nobody really wants to work, and that's enough.
      Maybe sanctions will make you think
      1. +4
        April 3 2014 12: 06
        Quote: bulvas
        Nobody really wants to work, and that's enough.

        Our people will not work meaninglessly. When working for a private business and understanding where the result of labor is going, there will be no zeal.
        But everything changes when an idea and meaning appears. An example, at least, was how military equipment was developed on bare enthusiasm in the 90s.
        The higher the idea, the more confident that the result of work will benefit the people - the more enthusiasm and dedication.
        After the war they rebuilt the country, and did not work for some grandmothers. And they saw the result - how everything has changed over the years.
        1. +3
          April 3 2014 12: 13
          Quote: Petrix
          Our people will not work meaninglessly. When working for a private business and understanding where the result of labor is going, there will be no zeal.

          This time has gone forever.
          Now there are no such ideological ones, and there are no ideas themselves for someone to work for free.

          There should be a main idea - striving for professionalism in their field and at the same time maintain a conscience.
          At the same time, do not be afraid of work
          1. 0
            April 7 2014 16: 07
            Quote: bulvas
            main idea - strives for professionalism

            Sorry, but this is a purposeless life. As well as the goal - to earn more money, not knowing why.
            The question is - why? What gives professionalism when it is achieved? This is not a goal, it is only a method of achieving a goal.
            Work does not need to be afraid, but not so much physical as mental and mental.

            Great ideas never go away. The idea of ​​living in a fair, safe society will never go away.
    2. +1
      April 3 2014 14: 16
      And this is with the Latins !!! And why is everything fucking with us ?!
      Our government is DUTER LATINOS?

      So who is the head of government and who are its members?
      - This was one of Dmitry Medvedev's huge mistakes. During his presidency, he gave gifts to the West at every opportunity. Do you want, gentlemen, to change the regime in Libya? You are welcome. (In 2011, when the UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Libya, Russia abstained in the vote, “SP”). Want tighter sanctions on Iran? No problem. (In June 2010, at the negotiations between Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev, the parties agreed to strengthen sanctions against the DPRK and Iran, “JV”). Want a new START? Receive without delay. In this series of Medvedev's concessions, the division of the so-called “gray zone” in the Barents Sea was one of the most significant. Soviet diplomats were not stupid if for decades they did not agree to this step.

  12. +3
    April 3 2014 11: 34
    This is all fine with a tantrum noise, and thus, during all the tantrums in Ukraine and Crimea, the US government raised the state ceiling. debt on February 12, 2014, with the wording of the borrowing until March 16, 2015, that is, dates now appear because the world can’t digest so much money and in order not to be afraid of astronomical amounts for today the debt is 17 564 640 300 000 while reprinting the amount it grows so as not to concentrate, about 10 etc. per second, but this is probably normal (http://www.usdebtclock.org/) here you can see this link in this way in less than two months, the ceiling of the public debt increased by 364 billion dollars, which is waiting for us March 16.03.2015, XNUMX not known, but nothing good is thought.
    1. +6
      April 3 2014 11: 43
      So they will increase debt and live as before.
      The president will be replaced by Maidan McCain and the information about the debt will be completely quiet. So they live on a hump from the world, buying for paper everything they want and want to parasitize even further.
    2. TBM
      April 3 2014 12: 10
      They will sell. A couple to choose the state.
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. +3
    April 3 2014 11: 39
    Question. How will the forum affect the United States and its wards?
    Well gathered, well, accepted the declaration ...
    Of course, the positive news, but if the United States and its accomplices did not notice this, is it worth teaching this news as a breakthrough in the Western Hemisphere?
    I would like to know more about that. what are the forces of the countries included in this community politically, military capabilities. And will they go to confrontation in the event that Russia or China refuses the dollar and in its hemisphere?
  15. +8
    April 3 2014 11: 40
    Jump, add up, agree.
  16. JoylyRoger
    April 3 2014 11: 43
    How Crimea catalyzed everyone!))) All at once remembered their rights))))
  17. upasika1918
    April 3 2014 11: 45
    It looks like all the "good advice" of Senior Northern Neighbor can be returned to the sender.
    1. 0
      April 3 2014 12: 58
      Quote: upasika1918
      It looks like all the "good advice" of Senior Northern Neighbor can be returned to the sender.

      There is another place, very popular:
  18. 0
    April 3 2014 11: 45
    It is time to catalyze both Transnistria and Gagauia and the southeast of the Outskirts.
  19. +3
    April 3 2014 11: 58
    Fidel, you can draw in the same row with Marx, Engels, Ulyanov, Stalin.
    Here's another Brezhnev L.I. necessary! Well, I like his guidance to me.
  20. +4
    April 3 2014 11: 59
    I propose to make this Japanese an honorary member of the "America under RUSSIA" club
    August 1942year
    The plane was delivered in a submarine. He made two sorties, dropped incendiary bombs into the Oregon forest. The result is extensive fires, significant damage, casualties.
    Flight experience on CPF 4000 hours!
  21. Orc-xnumx
    April 3 2014 12: 02
    Yes, the Yankees will not scratch themselves, although later it will cost them dearly!
  22. Marine One
    April 3 2014 12: 03
    Missed the formation of the Brix group.

    He laughed. Isn’t it so that the BRICS term was coined by the American investment analyst from Goldman Sachs as a wrapper for trading derivatives?
  23. +3
    April 3 2014 12: 04
    Part of our media through the tenth hands is financed by our enemies. And you want them to provide information about the real democratic processes in Latin America? This will never happen. Well done Latinos, who unite against mattresses, it will be easier to fight, and we need to fully support them at all levels.
  24. +2
    April 3 2014 12: 06
    Undoubtedly, Russia needs to establish relations with the countries of Latin America, both political and economic. Russia needs to strengthen its influence, its presence in this region (in the immediate vicinity of the "empire" of greed) If these relations are closer and more friendly, then Russia will have another leverage over the United States.
  25. johnsnz
    April 3 2014 12: 07
    There is a worldwide survey of car cravings from different countries.
    The Germans are asked:
    - What do you drive to the store?
    - On the BMW, he answers.
    - and abroad?
    - On a Mercedes.
    Ask the Frenchman:
    - What do you drive to the store?
    - He answers Renault.
    - and abroad?
    - On Peugeot.
    Ask Russian:
    - What do you drive to the store?
    - By tram.
    - and abroad?
    - and we don’t go there.
    - Well, if necessary?
    - Yes, we do not need to go there!
    - Well, if VERY-VERY-VERY-VERY necessary ?!
    - Well, if VERY-VERY-VERY-VERY necessary, then ON TANKS!
    1. +3
      April 3 2014 12: 37
      American - I have a Cadillac!
      German - I have a Mercedes!
      Russian is standing, in a quilted jacket with a club and modestly and politely says - I have two!
      American and German incredulously looking at how he is dressed - As two ??? Show!
      Russian: Right now, I’ll give you a dubby pumpkin! ... One will come after me. The second is yours!
    2. The comment was deleted.
  26. 0
    April 3 2014 12: 08
    It seems that the mattresses will soon have problems with paper, dollar wrappers will have to print on the newspaper laughing The scribe creeps closer to their borders angry The USA evil created by you, will certainly return to you!
  27. +2
    April 3 2014 12: 09
    Quote: wks
    Yolunstone is awakening!

    Here the whole planet can get it. God forbid, of course.
  28. ken
    April 3 2014 12: 14
    Well done !!!!!!! American kicked north!
  29. +5
    April 3 2014 12: 21
    Before her death, Baba Wang managed to predict the outcome of the 2008 US presidential election. She said that the 44th president of the United States will be an African American. And that this president will be the last for the United States. After that, the history of America will stop (or go in a radically different direction).

    Maybe the prophecy will come true ...
  30. Kodar 75
    April 3 2014 12: 36
    Very nice solid article. With great pleasure you read)))
  31. +4
    April 3 2014 12: 37
    Russia, by definition, should help such interstate entities. After all, this organization, as I understood from the article, aims to reduce American influence and interference in the affairs of their countries.
    It is unfortunate that we, like China, did not send congratulations to this organization. Obviously, such organizations at the time of their creation are in great need of moral and political support, which must be provided.
    I think it would be nice to have representatives in this organization.
    On the one hand, this would be necessary in order to understand the mood in these countries and support them in achieving common goals.
    On the other hand, this allows you to establish informal contacts, which can subsequently develop into mutually beneficial cooperation in many industries.
    If this cooperation had already been established, then you see, we could more advancedly explain to these countries the situation regarding the crisis in Ukraine and in Crimea, and it is quite possible that the results of the UN vote would also have a completely different result.
  32. +4
    April 3 2014 12: 41
    State television and the Russian press need a change of all TV presenters, political observers, journalists, editors, all of the present are useless.
    All our media and the press are anti-Russian, superficial, uninformative and incompetent.
    Why the hell do we need news from the private lives of actors and actresses, pop singers and singers, their lovers, dogs, etc.?
    We need real, relevant INFORMATION about the world, not tabloid sensations and vulgar gossip.
  33. +4
    April 3 2014 13: 00
    ... President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in 1933, refused demonstrative rudeness and cynicism and wrapped American politics in a beautiful candy wrapper called “Good Neighbor Policy”, leaving its essence untouched.
    As you know, once, when he was reproached for supporting the bloody Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, he carelessly let it slip, saying: "I know that he is a son of a bitch, but this is our son of a bitch!"

    Anglo-Saxons around the world are known for their lack of conscience in politics. They are experts in the art of hiding their crimes behind a facade of decency. They have done so for centuries, and it has become so much a part of their nature that they themselves no longer notice this trait. They act with such a well-meaning expression and such absolute seriousness that they even convince themselves that they serve as an example of political innocence. They do not admit to themselves their hypocrisy. Never one Englishman or American will wink at another and say “but we understand what we mean.” They not only behave as an example of purity and integrity - they believe in themselves. That's the horror !!! This is both funny and dangerous.
    The photo is clickable.
  34. 0
    April 3 2014 13: 40
    Damn, to my shame ....
    indeed, thanks at least to the VO forum for posting such materials.
    What in Venezuela was hit in the face .. again half-educated students .. I read and I know.
    And about this conference - news. Good news.
    Only, it seems to me .... rotten Americans muddied the earthquake in Chile. BUT? Or not?
    I’ll add from myself now.
    This noisy, clicking site - Censor.net - changed the tone of the material.
    Now it’s not so violently disturbed as before, the material serves. Allegedly, it claims to be objective.
    Although he was shit, he stayed. With commentators there.
    So I’m thinking - why would ... a change in tonality ... happen?
  35. +1
    April 3 2014 15: 03
    Oh, how many comments! Yes, everything is much simpler. Something like this laughing There is nothing new under the sun. And closer to the nature of knowledge laughing

  36. amp
    April 3 2014 16: 21
    His namesake, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in 1933, refused to show conspicuous rudeness and cynicism and wrapped American politics in a beautiful candy wrapper called “The policy of the good neighbor”, leaving its essence intact.

    As you know, once, when he was reproached for supporting the bloody Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, he carelessly let it slip, saying: "I know that he is a son of a bitch, but this is our son of a bitch!"

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in 1945, Anastasio Somosa reigned much later. These words said Reagan.
  37. 0
    April 3 2014 16: 51
    Quote: MainBeam
    It is not customary for us to write about those who are doing well.
    Take Belarus as an example

    Yes, offset and respect Lukashenko !! There is something to learn. Our governors will sign an internship with him - go driving the region, no go home.
  38. +3
    April 3 2014 17: 21
    When I walk along the track, I turn on the TV (it doesn’t pull like that, but he stands in front of the track). Yesterday I flipped through 53 channels while stomping. 9 of them are Russian.
    Is this not an occupation? What is it called then?
  39. 0
    April 3 2014 20: 06
    So far, we have Putin’s leaders and I’ll give them, as in Belarus we will not have.
  40. skifo
    April 3 2014 20: 22
    Quote: homosum20
    When I walk along the track, I turn on the TV (it doesn’t pull like that, but he stands in front of the track). Yesterday I flipped through 53 channels while stomping. 9 of them are Russian.
    Is this not an occupation? What is it called then?

    Great spotted!