The principle "the best defense is an attack" is true for foreign policy


The states neighboring with the Russian Federation are constantly raising the issue of the territories "occupied" by us. Sometimes at the state level, as in Japan, somewhere at the level of public organizations (Finland), private opinions, historical concepts (China).

In Moscow, usually only "beat off", justified. But it is known that the best defense is attack! It may also be time to make claims to the neighboring countries about the occupied Russian, Slavic lands, the lands we purchased, the lands conquered by the sword. Not even at the state level - enough at the public level to cool the ardor of Western and Eastern adventurers.


The Japanese authorities and the public are perhaps the most aggressive neighbors of the Russian Federation in terms of demands to give up the "occupied lands", the so-called "Northern Territories", they even have a special day.

Tokyo constantly declares that the South Kuril Islands are their "original Japanese land." But, if you look at the history books, their northern island of Hokkaido until the middle of the 19 century was not Japanese. And the territories north of it are all the more not to be called native Japanese. Back in the time of Catherine II, they were part of the Irkutsk governorate up to the island of Shikotan.

After the defeat in World War II, a plan was drawn up, approved by Marshal Vasilevsky, according to which half of the island of Hokkaido departed to us "north of the line running from the city of Kushiro to the city of Rumoi". The USSR fully deserved its “share” for helping the United States, otherwise they would have fought with Japan before the 1946-1947.

Moscow should remember that peace with Tokyo is not concluded, and to demand territorial concessions, you can take a contribution.


If in China hysteria is aggravated over the Primorye-occupied, southern Siberia occupied by the Russian Empire, we can recall that we own land in the area of ​​the CER, the so-called “Zheltorossiya”. Yes, and Port Arthur Khrushchev illegally gave. He was convicted as a voluntarist, we can annul his decisions.


With the activation of the Kazakh Nazis, Russia has a complete moral, historical right (and the right to force, what will they prevent us from doing ?!) to return the land to almost half of the modern territory of Kazakhstan. These lands never belonged to the Kazakhs; they were mastered by Russian Cossacks and peasants.


Finnish public organizations (such as the Karelian Union) constantly recall the “question of Karelia”. Finland and I fought four times in the 20 century — three times Finland was the initiator of the war. So far this issue is in a “sleeping state”, but at any moment (as soon as the destructive processes in the Russian Federation go) it will reach the state level.

We need to constantly, at all levels, remember that Finland as a state arose on the good will of the Russian emperors. After all, they could not give statehood, but make the Helsinki province, populate with Russian peasants. And soon the Finns, like other Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia, would become Russians. We can make a number of territorial claims, but we can remember that the whole territory of Finland belongs to us. And to demand ransom, if they want freedom - we’ll think about the numbers, collect commissions from members of the Academy of Sciences, calculate how much they owe us for the years of unlawful freedom.


There is grace here - Peter the Great bought almost all these territories from Sweden. You can calculate how much they owe us for freedom. To demand the return of Peter's silver with interest, then pay for all the buildings of the Russian empire and the Soviet Union — practically the entire infrastructure of the three “Baltic dwarfs”. Give will be for centuries.

Kaliningrad problem

The German elite is quite calm in this matter, hysterics does not allow, thanks to her for that. Although from time to time "trial balls" different authors launch. In the case of increased requirements to revise the outcome of the Second World War. Especially in terms of Königsberg-Kaliningrad, we can remember a lot.

- Most of modern Germany is the land of the Slavic tribes, our direct relatives. Father Rurik Godolyub had land ownership there (city Rerik), and Rurik - our prince, you can demand to return. And in general, to clear the territory of the Slavs - cheers, polabov, Pomoryan, Ruyan, Vagr, Borusov, Lutich and so on.

- The modern Kaliningrad region was conquered by German knights only in the 13 century from the tribes of Prussians (of Balto-Slavic origin), so it is impossible to call it the indigenous lands of the Germans, like most of Germany.

- You can demand, if we are reviewing the decisions of the Yalta-Potsdam system, to give Poland, a third of the territory of Germany (Silesia, Pomerania-Pomorie), Lithuanian Klaipeda.


To recognize the decisions of Khrushchev illegal and demand the return of the Crimea, Lugansk and Donetsk regions. You can simply enter the troops, they will be greeted with flowers, and take these territories.

Hungary and Romania

According to the results of the Great Patriotic War, Stalin was very soft and kind. We can reconsider his decisions and demand compensation (with interest!) For the atrocities of their troops on our territory. There are documents about this. Territories will not take. But from financial payments refuse silly.

Land ownership and gold of the Russian Empire

After the collapse of the Russian Empire, a number of our "good neighbors" seized expensive land plots - these are the coves of the French Riviera, land in Paris, and hundreds and hundreds of other objects throughout Europe. They cost billions of full-valued gold rubles (and the percentage over the decades of use must also be taken into account), and no one is going to give them to us. Although it is our legal property.

It is necessary to raise an “edge” and the question of “Tsar's gold” - banks of Japan, England, France and other countries received dozens of tons of gold, but did not fulfill the contract (weaponFor example, Kolchak was not installed). Plus interest for almost a century. They owe us a tremendous amount by which we can modernize Russia several times. And Moscow is silent, the same can be a powerful factor in our pressure - we just need indescribable amounts.


To begin with, to cancel Gorbachev’s decision (to judge him for treason against the motherland) about the return of the shelves of the Bering Sea to the USA. Then collect a commission from wise husbands and begin to discuss the issue of the legality of the sale and return of California (Fort Ross), Alaska, the Aleutian Islands.


Get maps of the Russian Empire (its successor is the USSR, and the Russian Federation is the successor of the USSR) and say that Poland is our territory according to the law. After that, start the question of "redemption" to freedom. And if there are no tangible assets, I'm sorry, but you need to learn Russian ...

Enough already to repent and apologize, it's time to remember that we are a people who know no equal in battle. And if so, there is nothing for us to indicate that we owe someone, we will prove that everyone owes us.

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51 comment
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  1. Muhabi
    April 16 2011 10: 06
    Thanks, article is super !!!!!!!
  2. +1
    April 16 2011 11: 23
    author of a well done !!!! and about the purchase of the Baltic states. since our property, we should sell it to the Swedes together with offspring. it’s really enough to justify ourselves, for it’s time to go on the offensive! immediately all sorts of freaks will shut their mouths. not themselves, so the authorities.
  3. Maksim
    April 16 2011 12: 26
    Everything is rightly said. Stop making excuses before these "six" amerikosov. I don't want to offend Ukraine, these are our brothers, but only those who live not in its western part. It's time for Russia to rise from its imaginary knees. Let's see how much nemchura we owe, although they good fellows now have good relations with Russia? And these petty countries? So when the USSR was present there was no one? The Balts are generally a separate topic. Small, nasty, evil.
    In fact, I want to say. Russia, you were humiliated below the plinth. Get up, revive and make claims to these stinkers. But this requires strength. Russia is the most generous and in the "soul" a simple country! Glory to you, my country, Russia.

    PS Old Jew, Ivan - do not even try to write nasty things about our country. Understand yourself.
  4. Kazakh from Shymkent
    April 16 2011 12: 28
    Soon, half of Russia belonged to Kazakhstan and not vice versa !!! read the history of Northern and Western Kazakhstan has always been inhabited by Kazakhs !!! The author of the campaign you are a Nazi !!! Kazakhstan has always been an ally of Russia !!! not inappropriately sow confusion between our peoples !!!
  5. 0
    April 16 2011 13: 48
    A Kazakh from Shymkent is far from being a Nazi ... you are jarred by the voiced possible "territorial claims" ... but Russia is hissed about it from all sides, WHAT SHOULD ... (which is not important, but must), You are the same, I'll see modern historians I've read - "half of Russia belonged to Kazakhstan" - I conclude that you have enough domineering idiots (and after all, they were all party functionaries in the CPSU or KOMSOMOL - the roots are definitely growing - BUT NOW BAI AND KHANA, and at the bottom dehkans running with catmen ...
    I myself am from the USSR and for me we are all one country and your capital is in Alma-Ata, where I went to see my uncle 3 times a year, who was the chief editor of the Bumblebee magazine - an analogue of the Krokodil magazine
    THERE IS SUCH FUCK bully Good luck
  6. Alex
    April 16 2011 13: 51
    Yeah, author, you're a cynic. No more no less. After the fight, they don’t wave their fists. Tune in to a difficult future.
  7. turnip
    April 16 2011 15: 15
    By the way, the Germans do not demand anything (well, a little cultural values) And the Poles are asking for Kyonik (Krulevets in their language) and even Lithuania (karalyauchai). And by and large, we would keep our own, we live in the era of "the new great migration of peoples"
  8. Kazakh from Shymkent
    Kazakh from Shymkent
    April 16 2011 15: 46
    victor_ui I advise honoring books before writing comments wink It is not necessary to say that "you have enough imperious idiots (and after all, they were all party functionaries in the CPSU or KOMSOMOL - the roots are definitely growing - BUT NOW BAI AND KHANA, and at the bottom the farmers are running with catmen"
    In Russia (zhirika and zhigly got on the throne and the common people sew bast shoes at the hut !!!) and in other countries there are enough fools and morons like that !!! And by the fact that "half of Russia belongs to Kazakhstan" I meant that the Nogais, Tatars, Bashkirs and other Turkic peoples, including the Kazakhs, were under the Power of the Kypchaks !!! and their lands stretched from Don to Altai !!! I do not want to say that these lands should be returned, or that the lands of Russia are the lands of the Kazakhs !!! I want to say that the author creates problems and you, too, out of the blue !!!

    Kazakhstan and Russia are eternal friends do not think that Kazakhs are against Russia !!! On the contrary, we are ready to fight alongside you with any enemy !!! Although our army is not as powerful as yours !!! But our people are a brave and devoted friend !!!

    The author on the soap and then under the schooner !!! Read the story Russian peasants and Cossacks began to settle here only from 1731 !!! And the Kazakhs have lived there since the formation of the Kazakh Khanate, and this is 1465 !!!
  9. Friend of Russia
    April 16 2011 17: 49
    The author is just a fool, there is nothing more to say. Claims are strong. Otherwise, as an answer, you can get a kick in the ass.
  10. Leon
    April 16 2011 19: 07
    A poor, narrow-minded person. Because of such, the whole world is making fun of you Russians ....
  11. 0
    April 16 2011 19: 30
    to all friends of RUSSIA. WHY ARE YOU SUCH A FURNISH WHEN EVERYTHING IS GOOD AT US? A LITTLE BETTER AND YOU ARE the first to butt those who saved you from destruction, as a nation, as people. How is the memory of you? Immediately present claims of centuries-old ranges without even looking at the sources, and the reasons for the situation then former. PS / - OUR ANCESTORS WAS NOT TO PLAY PEACEFUL, AND ACT AS THE OTHER WORLD'S POWER-FIRE AND SWORD !!!!!!
  12. 0
    April 16 2011 19: 59
    where are we going to the meeting I’m ready even tomorrow the only article came out that the Kazakhs from shymkent remembered that they were our friends and when they drove me out of Kazakhstan no one wanted to remember that the Cossack and Kazakh friends the more we press, the more friends we will have the most important thing in their words don't buy
  13. 0
    April 16 2011 20: 14
    You do not like Russian, take amerikososov.
  14. Kazakh from Shymkent
    Kazakh from Shymkent
    April 16 2011 20: 15
    firstly, no one has ever driven (at least in SHYMKENT) Russians or representatives of another nation !!! secondly, if you continue to push you and your allies will not remain !!! thirdly not Kazakh you are Kazakh !!!
  15. His
    April 16 2011 20: 21
    All legal rights to these territories are with the Russian Empire, then transferred to the USSR, and then to the Russian Federation. This is not a fictional story. And the fact that each satellite invents its own great and unique history, it will never be remembered without cramming, and it is unknown outside these territories. It creates some kind of story within the inner borders
  16. 0
    April 16 2011 20: 22
    Kazakh from ShymkentHOW YOU TELL.
  17. Kazakh from Shymkent
    Kazakh from Shymkent
    April 16 2011 20: 23
    I did not think that in Russia there are so many stupid morons who do not know history and write the word Russian - "Russian" !!! and no different from the Nazis !!!
    I think that my grandfather would be very surprised when I saw you fascist fagots !!!
  18. His
    April 16 2011 20: 30
    The Russian language still remembers, probably an engineer
  19. Kazakh from Shymkent
    Kazakh from Shymkent
    April 16 2011 20: 34
    Who are you talking about?
  20. -1
    April 16 2011 20: 54
    KAZAKH- HOW A NATION? blei urobs .....

    I am a fighter of the Russian nation.
  21. +2
    April 16 2011 21: 05
    Kazakh from Shymkent, I lived in different republics of the USSR, including in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, in Moldova and Lithuania. Believe me, there were enough of your Nazis everywhere and the real oppression of Russians in national republics by the beginning of the eighties became an objective reality. Although I can not admit that not everyone adhered to Nazi views on Russians. But the problem is old. It is clear that every young country (and Kazakhstan first gained statehood) is trying to write its own story, this is normal. The main thing is not to overdo it. The strength of Russia lies in the fact that it has never pulled anyone for a goo. We are self-sufficient even when it is difficult for us. If to us with peace and love, Russia will answer the same. If with obscenities and claims, they themselves are to blame. If you really are our friend, be them to the end and you will be rewarded a hundredfold. And most importantly, do not let Nazorbaev give the southern lands to the Chinese. I shake my hand.
  22. Kazakh from Shymkent
    Kazakh from Shymkent
    April 16 2011 21: 13
    Victor !!! There is no sensible man in the bazaar !!! +1

    and at the expense of statehood, let me correct you, the Kazakh Khanate has existed since 1731)))

    but at the expense of the Nazis these dalba * bov everywhere is enough !!! I wish I could hang them by the eggs
  23. Maj.
    April 16 2011 21: 49
    Kazakh from Shymkent,
    Peren learn lessons. In the 70s I lived and studied in Kustanai. Of the 36 people in the class, 1 is Kazakh. We affectionately called him Chomboy. The rest are all Slavs and Germans. Northern Kazakhstan was surrendered by Russia, what would there be at least some industry in addition to sheep in Kazakhstan.
    The author is well done. Repentance is the lot of the weak. Before Asia, Central Asia, the Baltic states, Ukraine, and Belarus did not have statehood at all. These were the appendages of someone, and then the Russian Empire.
  24. 0
    April 16 2011 22: 00
    Do not swear, and let no insults!
  25. Maj.
    April 16 2011 22: 04
    Strange concept of Nazism. Everyone who does not bark is the norm. Should the Russian say something-Nazism.
    All these newfound strange women as mongrel. I often walked with a dog (Gray German Shepherd) noticed such a thing. We’re not touching anyone. The mongrel begin to yap. Gray is not paying attention to them. This is not a royal affair. But of course to a certain distance. Then a low growl. The mongrel fly apart with a wild squeal, as if he had torn them.
    Sound familiar?
  26. Escander
    April 16 2011 22: 27
    Well, you still have to fight! (hot finnish guys)
    There was no need for the author of the article to drag Kazakhstan and Ukraine here. Also I found "parallels" with Japan! We watched the film “Shirley-Myrli”, how, after the national fight, did the Russian and the Jew agree that both of them are not very good towards blacks? And so it is necessary to act, and not indicate each other's place. There is no more false science than history, and each of them is lying in its own favor. If we act together (Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, etc.), then no Japan will decree us and humiliate ourselves with Polish shameful repentance. And you will mess around in inter-quarters (that's how it is now), so it’s for pendos and others like them only on hand!
  27. Cap
    April 16 2011 22: 37
    The words in your post are correct, but banal.
    Personally, I get the impression that Russia will not be able to take back and hold its territories in the near future. Corruption in power and many other problems devours the former power of your state and the Russian people. I sympathize with you and us Kazakhs, we live in the wild. But the events are not far away when our common raw cake, which we inherited from our ancestors, we pass to the superpowers
  28. 0
    April 16 2011 23: 21
    Kazakh from Shymkent, Believe me, by swearing and hanging by the balls no one can be fixed. I am a professional hereditary military man and I can say with confidence that nothing can be solved by war. I mean aggression, not the defense of my country. It is necessary that people learn how to truly scare power and not escape from civil liability in crevices like (and without me everything will be decided). Then there will be no place for the Nazis. Many worthy people of different nationalities who now live in new young states served with me. Good luck to you.
  29. Maksim
    April 16 2011 23: 51
    And what do you think, CIA agents Dimka and Valodka will do all this?
  30. 0
    April 17 2011 00: 19
    Yes, there everything depends not only on them ... I read in one book that in 1995 there was a real opportunity to buy up debts for 10% of their real value (it was painful then that our country was in a fever and everyone wanted to drop this load). Chernomyrdin refused, but 10% is the annual interest rate that our country has paid and still pays.

    And then there is talk that it is necessary for our top to show their will and show the world a fist ... HA! All of them there benefit from further decay and everyday life of the people. And phrases like "Russia is concentrating ..." will no longer work - everyone laughs at us frankly ...
  31. upwap
    April 17 2011 04: 18
    xxx article super give Russia a piece of territory from each country
  32. -1
    April 17 2011 07: 58
    Kazakh from Shymkent,
    I regret that you didn’t understand nichrome from my answer. And now, it’s brainwashed ...
    when the so-called self-consciousness of peoples began to wake up around the perimeter of Russia, then in what sequence did the outflow of technically developed specialists take place ??? The Germans were the first to leave (or didn’t you have them in Kazakhstan?).
    The Jews left the second, but the third wave fell on the Russians. Those. those who supported the economy, science and the management of complex technical processes were leaving. Or were the locals running the show ??? Make me laugh if so.
    Under your new government, Baikonur was sacked when my power left him, but it was not the Kazakhs who restored him, but the specialists from Russia.
    Do you have a science-intensive production? Or the names of pundits from Kazakhstan on the lips of the whole world? Your country is an ordinary raw materials appendage that sells this very raw material over a hill. As a politician, Nazyrbaev for your country is more patriotic than ours, therefore for Kazakhstan more and breaks into the treasury. I have lived in the south for more than one year and I remember very well what the crowds in gray robes are and the massacre of Russians with ritual dances ...
    Fuck, a country with a population of one megalopolis ... we can compare ourselves with the Jews in importance.
    When were your little books written ???
    PS old Jew - do not rejoice that I am a national. sign pierced.
  33. Paparacia
    April 17 2011 10: 29
    I felt in my gut that everyone walks beneath us !!!
  34. 0
    April 17 2011 10: 34
    Kazakh from Shymkent, but you don’t tell me, in the shimkent you don’t even consider the northern Kazakhs as yours, not like other nations
  35. -1
    April 17 2011 10: 50
    Kazakh from ShymkentRough and very unconvincing. Without endurance and real historical knowledge, you can never build a developed state. Especially. that in spite of tactlessness, many comments are true. This is especially true of high-tech industries, the elite military units of Kazakhstan. In these sectors, the basis is Russian. If you have the patience and courage, check for yourself. You will see a lot differently. But Hurray-patriotism, it is utopia and the rise of the country will not help. Especially when you send everyone to ......
  36. 0
    April 17 2011 10: 55
    And here Russia and Kazakhstan. They have Chinese people breathing in their backs in Kazakhstan. If they want to throw them with some budennykami. So don’t swear, but rather be friends with us.

    Russia is the most restrained and calm state. And our people are the most patient. Kazakhstan is really friendly people to us. They don’t pretend to and we shouldn’t swear with them. Here are the Baltic states .... angry the Jews angry
  37. Vladimir
    April 17 2011 13: 04
    The article is not about Russia claiming neighbors tomorrow. An article stating that Russia MAY present these claims if an appropriate political or economic situation arises. Or IN RESPONSE to some claims of its neighbors.
    Kazakh from Shymkent, don’t be so nervous. Remain with your opinion and in your steppe. But know that Russia potentially has such an opportunity.
    Moreover, if Nazarbayev leaves and does not prepare the appropriate successor under the protection of Russia, Kazakhstan will very easily be divided into 3 parts.
    Shimkent yellow-handed kid uneducated this should be remembered.
  38. 0
    April 17 2011 13: 32
    the conclusion is one. got the shit it’s time to act.

    Russian-speaking. pancake. who corresponds with them. local Arabs. morons are failed.
  39. Pinocchio
    April 17 2011 17: 17
    The author of the article is right: tired of doing the territorial .... she. We owe everything and everyone. Cultivating a guilty feeling neutralizes the creative activity of the already small Russian people. We have nothing to repent of. They saved the WORLD from FASCISM and let us conduct the CHAIRMAN on the revision of territorial claims.
    Once I was on vacation in Kazakhstan, in Soviet times, and was struck by an aggressive form of nationalism towards Russians. I arrived in Astana two years ago, nothing has changed. After what the "fraternal peoples" during the collapse of the USSR did with the Russians, there CAN be NO friendship. These GREAT nations have some big problems. ALL.......
  40. Bake
    April 17 2011 18: 56
    I am Kazakh. But I wish good and prosperity to Russia and friendship with it. If the Russian Federation is good, then in the Republic of Kazakhstan it will be good. I think that the absolute majority of Kazakhs will support me, although we probably have enough nationalists in our country. Many people realize that the Chinese are dangerous to us. They are similar to us, therefore, we will not notice how we dissolve among them. But we have practically no armies to defend ourselves. The territorial dispute is pointless and harmful. This is a provocation. Both those and those are right. History must be known from the source. And not only to Kazakhs, but also to Russians. But what was when, now is not. There is what is. Speaking on the article itself - it’s ridiculous, if not worse.
  41. figwam
    April 17 2011 23: 40
    Not far off is the time when the republics of the former USSR will begin to gather together with Russia, in one fist, they will crush you one by one. Pay attention to how the indigenous people of America live - and this is a "great democracy"
  42. unfaithful
    April 19 2011 20: 12
    Russia is lucky that you can’t argue against nuclear missiles, otherwise the Americans or the Chinese would have given the current Russian army how to drink. China needs Port Arthur :)) What rubbish, you will learn Chinese very soon, author.
  43. Kazakh - Horde
    April 19 2011 23: 40
    I didn’t want to live back in the USSR !!! Yes, there weren’t 70% of Russians in Kazakhstan before the bazaar, and now 70% of Kazakhs saw this picture in the 90s there were most Russians in our city, but Kazakh dzhigits arrived from the villages, they didn’t beat anyone, but the Russians somehow it’s mentally broken or something that they have begun to leave; they don’t have spikes of kinship; each of them Russians themselves can’t unite from below, only if the state unites from above, sowing Kazakhstan, this Kazakh land simply died in the 30s from man-made hunger 50% Kazakhs and then even convicts were overtaken by repressed peoples, virgin lands, and now the Kazakhs became a minority on their land in 1959 in Kazakhstan there were 25% Kazakhs, but praise be to Allah, the Kazakhs survived and survived !! we are Kazakhs, a peaceful and kind people, and we are not persecuting anyone; we are the kindest people in the world! maybe our homeland is ugly but this is our homeland! do not go to us! Kazakhstan is jasassin! Allahu Akbar !!!
  44. figwam
    April 19 2011 23: 51
    China swallows you one or two, this is the reality.
  45. Vladimir
    April 20 2011 14: 31
    A very unreasonable and stupid set of words. If you were a professional military man, then, looking at the map of Russia, you realized that no army today and in the coming decades can not only defeat our army, but also fully fight in Russia. We would also know that according to the Combat Charter and the requirements of NATO, it is believed that conducting military operations at temperatures from -25 to -30 is impossible. This is about the territory and frost. Now let me remind you of a story, the recent past, when there was neither nuclear weapons nor modern weapons. The Great Patriotic War.
    In 1995, while in Chechnya, I managed to talk with an elderly American. "Reporters Without Borders". Who knows what it is and who they are. About the storming of Grozny, he said something like this: - Our troops would never have taken the city as you took it - without massive bombing and without tomahawks. Do you understand what he said? And he started as a "reporter" in Vietnam. He said that it was impossible to compare our army with the Russian one. We are worse.
    According to the US Army BUSV during the Cold War, the numerical superiority in the offensive against Russian defending forces should have been at least 6: 1. While everywhere the norm is 3: 1. They took into account and take into account the fighting spirit of the Russian army.
  46. Escander
    April 20 2011 21: 52

    From the answer of the Mujahid to the English historian to the question about the best opponents of Afghanistan: “Shuravi are real warriors, they fought face to face with us, not only Americans, they are afraid to fight, they kill our wives and children with bombs and missiles.”

    Kazakh - Horde

    Nobody comes to you. You do not go broke so north, but to the east - the Chinese are there. They will obviously not raise virgin soil, but at the expense of hunger there is a guarantee (how do you feel about rice?).
  47. "Ukraine

    Recognize Khrushchev's decisions illegal and demand the return of Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk regions "- the author, why did you decide that the Banderaites (and this is exactly the case) can leave Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Odessa, etc.? Isn't it easier for Russia to return what rightfully belongs to the Russian world - all the lands of Little Russia, Novorosiya, Taurida, Donbass and Crimea along the borders of 1939. And let the Poles suffer with Bandera cattle. I even graduated from a seminary in Poland. So over a glass of beer I confessed that most of all they (Catholics) in Ukraine hate Greek Catholics. And those, accordingly, them. And you say to return Donbass and Lugansk. Yes, the local national bailiff she herself is already shouting about it - to return to Russia the regions and Crimea you indicated and start building a Ukrainian Ukraine. (Andrukhovych and the like) So what did you decide to help the Nazis?
  48. Escander
    April 25 2011 10: 45
    Sergey from Yekaterinoslav (Little Russia)

    In b.lya! Nothing, infa ...
  49. Talga
    April 28 2011 16: 03
    I completely agree? that the territorial dispute is pointless. I would like to return to those who talk about Kazakh nationalism. I myself am a Westerner, now I live in an area where the share of the indigenous population is 93%. thirty other nationalities. takvot guys, many of them are my good friends. the one who is talking about nationalism can come and see, rather than kerosene, how much in vain. I agree, each herd has its own lousy ram, the bad thing is that they listen to such rams. there are nationalists in the neighboring Astrakhan region, I go there often and see everything myself, but this is not at all a reason to consider all Russians as such. gentlemen, you are a great nation, so be worthy of this title, otherwise you are worthless. and you really don’t really need to hurt history and roots. Kazakhs have a rich history and we are proud of our ancestors and the fact that we can call ourselves Kazakhs! but about the learned minds and industry, so everything is just beginning with us. still to come. good luck to all!
  50. A B C
    24 May 2011 06: 25
    Not an article, but a complete HS. But the cards are good.
  51. dmitri077
    26 January 2012 22: 52
    Finland, the Baltic countries and Ukraine are the main enemies of Russia... it seems like adults are on the site, but such obscenity sounds)) you have a SEA of land, develop it - I don’t want to! You can feed half the world... but it’s still not enough for you. The garden is overgrown with weeds, but I will present a claim to the Finns... sobriety is the key to success!
  52. Sarbaz
    7 February 2012 13: 59
    We want to be friends with Russia, as always. Kazakhs and Russians are eternal friends, history absolutely proves this! But there were two-way mistakes, but I suggest looking to the future instead!