The army of Ukraine for many years deliberately destroyed: experts

The army of Ukraine for many years deliberately destroyed: expertsFor many years, the armed forces of Ukraine were deliberately destroyed, and “volunteers from Russia” were allowed to head the Ukrainian army. The ex-chief of the General Staff, Anatoly Lopata, and the director of the Center for Army Research, Conversion and Disarmament, Valentin Badrak, reported today at a press conference, reports LigaBusinessInform.

“When we are confronted with specific things, the hair stands on end. The army was deliberately destroyed,” said Badrak.

According to him, there is now a huge shortage of key specialists in the army, and the Desnyansky Training Center, which previously produced up to 1,500 such specialists, has reduced recruitment by an order of magnitude.

"Our assessments of the state of military equipment indicate that the artillery systems have been in use for more than 30 years, the Scud and Point missile systems are virtually gone, and what he was preparing for a replacement, I mean the Sapsan project, turned into long-term construction. We would have already had an experimental rocket in 2013 by a normal military-political will, ”the military expert emphasized.

50% of Ukrainian aircraft, Badrak added, have been in operation for more than thirty years, and the General Staff has not expressed his vision of what the future Ukrainian aircraft will be like, "however much we provoked it under any direction."

Badrak assured that Ukraine can create serious weapons. He advises to focus on the rocket shield.

"Missile technology is what is being done from scratch. I would give the Global Role to the Kyiv KB Ray, which in the last ten years has created a whole line of high-precision weaponsbut everything went for export, "he noted.

In turn, Lopata believes that even with this technique, Ukraine can stand against Russia and its power structure.

"I agree that Ukraine has the prospect of having high-precision and rocket weapons. But this is the perspective of 15 years. Today we have enough equipment that we inherited from our grandfather, inherited from the Great Patriotic War, and this technique is very effective in defense, "he said.

Lopata also confirmed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were being purposefully destroyed, and "volunteers from the Russian Federation" were allowed to head the military units and even the Ministry of Defense.

According to him, these people did everything to ensure that the Ukrainian ships in the Crimea did not go out to sea, and the planes did not fly into the sky.

"Even the Germans could not take our warehouses, and we passed them in the integrity and security of the Russian Federation. This treachery was present at the level of the president of the country, ministers and further along the chain to the commanders of divisions and formations," he concluded.

Earlier, the director of the Center for Army Studies, Conversion and Disarmament, Valentin Badra, said that the danger of a military invasion of Ukraine is still very high, but Russian President Vladimir Putin is afraid of a real military response.
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  1. johnsnz
    April 1 2014 10: 07
    Shaw, is Putin to blame again?
    1. W1950
      April 1 2014 10: 16
      Again, Russia is to blame, and didn’t the Ukrainian rulers crawl to the knees before the Amers, when they let TU-22 and TU-160 under the knife, didn’t they sell all the suitable equipment abroad?
      1. +6
        April 1 2014 11: 21
        Yes, from Ukraine the S-300 still a secret amer came to the study. Yes
        1. +6
          April 1 2014 11: 30
          -And then on the ruins of the old church ....
          - Excuse me, I also ruined the church? ...
          -No, it was done before you ... In the 14 century ...
          These people are funny Ukrainians. Have they not seen this before? Have they not talked to the serving guys at home for a bag of Ukrainian tea?
        2. 0
          April 1 2014 11: 42
          S-300 sold to the states BELARUSIANS !!!
          1. +1
            April 1 2014 11: 56
            Quote: nikcris
            S-300 sold to the states BELARUSIANS !!!

            We sold ourselves to 300 states, even under Yeltsin.
    2. +12
      April 1 2014 10: 17
      In turn, Lopata believes that even with this technique, Ukraine can stand against Russia and its power structure.

      With such "shovels", the Ukrainian army will be left with only shovels! fool
      1. +11
        April 1 2014 11: 04
        Quote: alex-s
        The Ukrainian army will be left with only shovels!

        still a bow-shoot and a spear of dope. Actually, you read and lose weight, they have Kremlin agents everywhere, and who are svidomye and broad? They already called Yarosh Putin’s agent.
        1. +4
          April 1 2014 11: 21
          Quote: ele1285
          They already called Yarosh Putin’s agent.

          Insanity grows stronger, chaos continues ...
          1. 0
            April 1 2014 11: 28
            Quote: Nick
            Insanity grows stronger, chaos continues ...

            this is not insanity, I don’t even know what to call it. Read the Ukrainian media, there ALL more or less well-known politicians are accused of having ties with Putin.
        2. +3
          April 1 2014 11: 31
          Quote: ele1285
          still a bow-shooter and a spear

          It will not work ... Russia raised the price of gas, which means that the plants will soon rise ... So now it’s self-serving to poke yourself ... in short, where do you get ... lol
          1. +1
            April 1 2014 11: 48
            for the production of batons, spears, etc. weapons of the Maidan, factories are not needed. Enterprises for the normal are built and work, you can’t say about Maydauns.
            But I found something interesting here,

            eurokharkiv5 _ 01.04.2014 09: 19
            We now go to the Echo of Moscow and see that Avakov’s blog has been hanging on this Gazprom resource for a while. on estimated events. And on the most readable site of Ukraine - UP, Avakov is still not there. And this is already taken as a rule with Arsenal Borisovich - first to report to Moscow.
            koment with UE, Kremlin agents everywhere
        3. 0
          April 1 2014 14: 45
          Quote: ele1285
          they have Kremlin agents everywhere, and who are there svidomye and broad? They already called Yarosh Putin’s agent.

          It’s like with the Masons - at first they crawled to the top of tsarism, then they overthrew the Bolshevik Freemasons with the hands of the Bolshevik Masons, then some Bolshevik Freemasons harmed the other Bolshevik Freemasons, then the Liberal Masons overthrew the Bolshevik Freemasons, and now Putin’s Freemasons are fighting liberal . I know that you know that I know ...
          If you yourself are the enemy of normal life from laziness, foolishness, or for some other reason, but you don’t want to admit it, then Masons, Jews, Putin, Stalin and hz always appear. Who.
          "Therefore, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads" (c).
    3. +43
      April 1 2014 10: 21
      Another nonsense from the next maydanuty. But he did not try to analyze the reason for the collapse of the Ukrainian army?
      You’ll ride a couple of months on the Maidan and Ukraine will not stop fucking. It’s easier to jump than to work, especially in an elevator that lifts down.
      1. +2
        April 1 2014 11: 44
        Analyze? for this, brains are needed !!! To find the extreme, that’s the task, but for this fantasy is only needed.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    4. +22
      April 1 2014 10: 29
      Quote: johnsnz
      Shaw, is Putin to blame again?

      Of course, but who can be guilty? -That is Bardak, then "Lopata also confirmed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were being destroyed purposefully, and" volunteers from the Russian Federation "were allowed to lead the military units and even the Ministry of Defense. laughing
      Turanochka s? what
      And so always, for many centuries.
      Do not touch Svidomo, they themselves will find vorogiv and themselves knock themselves. You just don’t have to allow it because of cheap gas, soft loans, etc. "... Throw not your beads before the pigs, lest they trample it under their feet and, turning, do not tear you to pieces."
      1. +17
        April 1 2014 10: 37
        It is interesting if under Kiev to put a couple of inflatable tanks with RUSSIAN flags who and in which direction will run?
        1. +10
          April 1 2014 10: 46
          Quote: serega.fedotov
          It is interesting if under Kiev to put a couple of inflatable tanks with RUSSIAN flags who and in which direction will run?

          This is sadism. They have no money for valerian. laughing
        2. +15
          April 1 2014 10: 53
          Quote: serega.fedotov
          It’s interesting if you put a couple of inflatable tanks with Russian flags under Kiev

          That in sharavara for all Ukrainians will be what was on Bandera’s head in this article. (on the net I got how much I really do not know, but it's cool laughing laughing laughing )
          An emergency in the city of Lviv, almost turning into another international scandal between Ukraine and Russia. Unidentified vandals once again defecated for great need on the head and appearance of the monument to the Hero of Ukraine Stepan Bandera

          In hot pursuit, the vandals could not be traced, however, the police believe that the immigrants from eastern Ukraine, or the cursed mayor’s defenders could desecrate the monument.

          The fire truck called to the scene, categorically refused to wash the feces from the face and head of Stepan Bandera. Firefighters alluded to the fact that this is not part of their functions and direct duties. In real feces, the initiators themselves are washed away by the initiators of the Freedom party, to their loud exclamations: “Glory to the heroes”.
          1. +8
            April 1 2014 11: 04
            Hands in the city .. outside and shouts of "glory to the heroes." Or maybe they depicted "Sieg Heil" with these hands?
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. +4
            April 1 2014 11: 28
            Quote: avant-garde
            feces washed away by the initiators themselves from the party Freedom

            What is the use of this false modesty? Which hands? Languages ​​licked by the heroes to shine! laughing
          4. 0
            April 1 2014 12: 29
            I propose to put busts of Stepan Bender in the toilet in every public toilet!
          5. 0
            April 1 2014 12: 29
            I propose to put busts of Stepan Bender in the toilet in every public toilet!
        3. 0
          April 1 2014 11: 24
          More stench will come from Europeans and Americans. recourse
    5. +7
      April 1 2014 10: 43
      Reasoning for shovels - Putin is to blame for everything. The ex-chief of the General Staff of Ukraine, in an attack of "bear disease", passes all the mistakes of HIS activity onto others. He is afraid to answer according to the laws of the Maidan time for the state of the Ukrainian army. I dreamed-scold Russia, everyone will forgive.
    6. AVV
      April 1 2014 10: 44
      Quote: johnsnz
      Shaw, is Putin to blame again?

      Ukraine is following the path of development of the Baltic countries, and blames its miscalculations on Russia, and this can play a cruel joke with an independent !!!
      1. +3
        April 1 2014 11: 12
        Anatoly Lopata, former chief of the General Staff, and Valentin Badrak, director of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Research,
        According to him, these people did everything to ensure that the Ukrainian ships in the Crimea did not go out to sea, and the planes did not fly into the sky.
        Poor fellows, in the Security Service of Ukraine the CIA steers, in the Ministry of Defense of the FSB, and in the head of the Maidan, instead of the brain
    7. platitsyn70
      April 1 2014 10: 53
      In Kiev, discovered another betrayal. While the country was amazed to see how the Crimea was sailing absolutely bloodless and meekly before her eyes, some officials, it turned out, helped to strengthen the military power of the "aggressor". That is - Russia. They simply continued to supply her with military products under long-concluded contracts.
      Ukrainians are not only destroying the army, but also their VPK,
    8. +7
      April 1 2014 10: 57
      Director of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Research Valentin Badrak
      The surname was confused - probably not Badrak, but a Mess.
      "Rocket technology is something that is done from scratch.
      Nope - after all, not Badrak, but Mudrak.
      Today we have enough equipment that we inherited from our grandfather, inherited from the Great Patriotic War, and this technique is very effective in defense
      Well, yes, I remember - a monument to the IS-3 on the highway to Chernihiv.
      “Even the Germans could not take our warehouses, but we transferred them safe and sound to the Russian Federation.
      What kind of warehouses did not take the Germans?
      In general, some kind of crap ... fool negative
    9. +2
      April 1 2014 11: 00
      Two more madhouse clients! How already these stinking idiots got!
      1. +15
        April 1 2014 11: 23
        Mess recently performed
        Said the army is a mess
        After him, Shovel repeated
        Like, not enough shovels
        Kept silent about airplanes
        Mumbled something about tanks
        Putin is to blame, said
        He was responsible for the army!
        Such a brother turn
        They have one sadness now
        If there are no troops, the country is bankrupt
        That is again to blame m.o.s.c.a.l.

        laughing drinks
        1. +1
          April 1 2014 11: 51
          Quote: major071
          Mess recently performed
          Said the army is a mess
          After him, Shovel repeated
          Like, not enough shovels
          Kept silent about airplanes
          Mumbled something about tanks
          Putin is to blame, said
          He was responsible for the army!
          Such a brother turn
          They have one sadness now
          If there are no troops, the country is bankrupt
          That is again to blame m.o.s.c.a.l.

          laughing drinks
        2. The comment was deleted.
    10. +11
      April 1 2014 11: 10
      Outside the window, rain and hail - Putin is to blame!
      The cat left the kittens - Putin is to blame.
      The mistress left the bunny - guess who is guilty!
      Here comes the board at the unfortunate bull-calf, our Tanya cries loudly - Putin is nearby, not otherwise!
      the light went out, the fence fell, the motor of the car died out, a healthy tooth removed or a thief climbed into the apartment; I didn’t like the movie, you stepped in shit ... In any cataclysm, there is one explanation! Every democrat knows that Putin is to blame!
      Who yesterday in my porch the elevator sas * l to the ceiling?
      Believe me, comrades, this is Putin’s hand!
      I caught a "squirrel" drunk - this is Putin's trick!
      A pile of shit under the table is Putin's fault!
      The toilet clogged, threw gobies there, drained the water and was like that - Putin’s order!
      At night, linen is stolen, glass is smashed in our house, dancing drunk in the courtyard - this is Putin’s revolt!
      There is no escape from the villain! Matom writes on the walls, broke the bushes in the alley - this is Putin oh and oh!
      Liberala is wetting the rain - Putin laughs merrily!
      Flooded your cottage? - This is Putin, not otherwise!
      Did you find a thunderstorm along the way? - the Kremlin’s hand got it.
      Cold, wind, snow - Putin is to blame again!
      Blowing down a hurricane? - Putin is taking revenge on rams!
      Storm, tsunami, flood? - This is Putin, no doubt!
      Rain, landslide, cyclone - to blame, of course He!
      Sel, avalanche, rockfall? - clearly: Putin is to blame!
      Tornado, typhoon, earthquake - there is no escape from Putin!
    11. johnsnz
      April 1 2014 11: 14
      I will add the words of a Ukrainian:
      01.04.2014 09: 07: 12
      74.125. - .--
      Hear the wakefulness and that one-on-one. Especially young. Young people come in at once. Well, you are in love, but you yourself and your father. Wash your head on your shoulders. Those who speak are grown up, they don’t mean, they stink right. Do not listen to CMI. Dumb banderlogіv, iv, hohlіv that, I am the Nazi face, iv. Є mi - Ukrainian. But to the politicians of Viriti, it’s not a warto.
      1. 0
        April 1 2014 12: 18
        Quote: johnsnz
        Well, you are in love, but you yourself and your father. Wash your head on your shoulders.

        Just some wise Ukrainian "caught"!
        More of these are now in Ukraine!
    12. +1
      April 1 2014 11: 19
      Not only Putin, but also the volunteers whom Russia sent. laughing If our volunteers were sent to Ukraine, then there would be much more sense than from their mediocre generals and admirals, who did not give a damn about their soldiers and sailors. And where it is seen that the soldier would feed in the army once a day and do the repair of the barracks at his own expense. fool
    13. 0
      April 1 2014 11: 33
      To blame. Why aren't Russian tanks in Kharkov?
    14. WKS
      April 1 2014 11: 33
      Yesterday in the Ukrainian media I read an even more interesting consideration. Allegedly, there are not enough smart people in Russia, and Putin planned to conquer all of Ukraine to make up for this. After the conquest by smart people from Ukraine, Russian state structures will be staffed. And Ukraine will be left alone fools!
      1. 0
        April 1 2014 11: 44
        Quote: wks
        And Ukraine will be left alone fools!


        Well, a fairy tale, well, a song wassat
      2. +1
        April 1 2014 21: 31
        Quote: wks
        And Ukraine will be left alone fools!

        Apparently, fools did without Putin. Already rule! laughing
    15. avg
      April 1 2014 11: 37
      Quote: johnsnz
      Shaw, is Putin to blame again?

      Well, they believe it. Think up the most incredible garbage to drag Russia and Putin to it and believe. I didn’t even think that such mass psychoses happen. fool
    16. +2
      April 1 2014 11: 56
      Quote: johnsnz
      Shaw, is Putin to blame again?

      Well, if you read this ..Lopata also confirmed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were being purposefully destroyed, and "volunteers from the Russian Federation" were allowed to head the military units and even the Ministry of Defense.
      Of course the Russians are to blame, they are not wassat
    17. +2
      April 1 2014 12: 01
      Quote: johnsnz
      Shaw, is Putin to blame again?

      No, that's worse!
      Just a few lines from the context:
      "The shovel thinks", "The shovel thinks" .......!
      Further, just humor! And another thing that amazes-If you say that your troops were created by you and were needed only as protection from an eternally drunk, unpredictable and aggressive neighbor, then how? From what such a big mind "were you allowed to lead the Ukrainian army" volunteers from Russia "!?! There are no military experts in the Hoch-ruin? Is there one trenching tool left?"
      And now you have to defend yourself with ..... what did the grandfather share with Russia after this grandfather destroyed those whom he takes as heroes ?!
      Does he even understand what he is weaving?
      And, I already decided with a fool that in Ukraine Shovels have learned to think! But no, it’s a mess! Shovels do not know how to think!
    18. +1
      April 1 2014 15: 08
      But as a matter of fact, he is a mo.skal, albeit with Petersburg roots.

      By the way, what’s there for the volunteers from the Russian Federation? I would like to see them, and medals could be issued.
    19. +1
      April 1 2014 21: 25
      Quote: johnsnz
      Shaw, Putin is again to blame

      And most importantly, Putin is even to blame for the fact that Ukraine does not produce the whole range of modern technology, the Moscow Region does not purchase it, and the Ministry of Finance .......... Putin is again steering
  2. +28
    April 1 2014 10: 09
    The names of the people involved in the collapse of the army are indicative - the chief of the General Staff, Anatoly LOPATA and the director of the Center for Army Research, Conversion and Disarmament, Valentin BARDAK.
    1. Lazy
      April 1 2014 10: 21
      In the "Holodomor" about the same names were to blame. Nevertheless, as everyone knows, they were still guilty of it!
    2. +5
      April 1 2014 10: 37
      Of course, Russia is to blame! - Instead of feeding and warming Ukraine for free, paying the debts of the USSR, she sent "volunteers from the Russian Federation" - "These people did everything to ensure that Ukrainian ships did not go to sea in Crimea, and planes did not take to the sky "and the corn didn't grow!
      You can even name the main figures: Kravchuk, Kuchma, Yushchenko, Yanukovych, Turchinov - well, in general, "preziki". Only the Cossacks were sent from the USA ...!
    3. The comment was deleted.
  3. +7
    April 1 2014 10: 10
    Well, as usual. Again, Russia is to blame.
  4. +16
    April 1 2014 10: 10
    Interesting in the army is a mess and the director of the Badrak center. And the mess is being raked by a shovel. lol
    1. +4
      April 1 2014 10: 11
      Yeah, and the ex-chief of the general staff is generally Shovel!
  5. johnsnz
    April 1 2014 10: 10

    NATO generals demanded
    To the battalions of the GUS *
    Prohibit by convention shovels-
    Arsenal of construction battalion fighters.

    Western intelligence agents
    Managed a dozen three shovels
    Trade for alcohol and cigarettes
    Not very valiant soldiers.

    "Komsomolsk", coal, soviet,
    Bayonets; - various samples,
    Former in business and, of course, new ones,
    And with a large set of cuttings.

    No assembly instructions! It's durable
    It puts NATO husbands in a stupor.
    Drawings to the shovels urgently!
    How to assemble them without drawings?

    But no one - here were our racks:
    From Kaliningrad to the Kuril Islands
    Even after a free drink
    I didn’t get blueprints for spies.

    To their agents, in each of the building battalions,
    There was an offensive and simple answer:
    "If you could not assemble a shovel,
    Then you are just a man! "

    And agents that easily changed
    In Africa and Asia, the regime
    Resignation reports were submitted,
    Getting drunk with grief just "smoke".

    But now there are no construction battles in Russia.
    Like no footcloths, they say.
    Let them sleep peacefully in the NATO General Staff,
    Do not reveal to them our secret shovels.

    * ВСО - military construction detachment
  6. +11
    April 1 2014 10: 10
    This betrayal was present at the level of the president of the country, ministers and further along the chain to the commanders of units and formations, "he summed up.

    He poured all the slops, but the Russians are to blame) Here is a real general, consonant with his last name))))))))
  7. shyler
    April 1 2014 10: 11
    Russian President Vladimir Putin fears a real military rebuff

    Good joke on April 1st laughing
  8. +5
    April 1 2014 10: 11
    Again the hand of Moscow, oh ..
    1. +11
      April 1 2014 10: 25
      And Shovel himself is not in the affairs of the collapse ??? And what kind of a dupe did he look as the head of the General Staff of Ukraine and deputy. Minister 1992-96 ???
      1. +9
        April 1 2014 11: 08
        Although I would venture to disrupt a lot of minuses, the year before the 97-98th, the Ukrainian army was still combat-ready and serious - TU-160, TU-22MZ, TU-95, TU-142 flew, the soldier was fed, etc., BUT the merits of Bardak and Shovels weren’t there - all this was pulled by former Soviet officers, many of whom would have gladly returned to Russia, but no one was waiting for them there - after the EBN brought the GSVG from Wünsdorf to a pure field, no sane person would go to Russia voluntarily + Chechnya + crime, in general 5 years APU swam, then spread upside down. request
        1. +4
          April 1 2014 11: 59
          Quote: zeleznijdorojnik
          Although I venture to disrupt a lot of minuses, but up to the 97-98th, the Ukrainian army was still combat-ready and serious-

          So, and then in 2000, Putin came and ruined the Ukrainian army. That's right, Putin is to blame laughing
        2. Jogan-xnumx
          April 1 2014 12: 16
          Quote: zeleznijdorojnik
          Although I will venture to disrupt a lot of minuses, the year before the 97-98th, the Ukrainian army was still combat-ready and serious

          Yes, minus, in general, not at all ... request Everything was so, only there was no purposeful collapse, like these "warriors" of the Gundos. It's just that no one needs an army (an extra mouth) from the very moment of "independence". In the 90s, everyone raced everything with all their might, rowed for themselves, but the army must be supported! And what is the use for the raiders from the army? Is that the property of the army to snatch along the way. Or push the remnants of army "luxury" over the hill. Loot, of course, not for the army and not for the military-industrial complex, but for yourself, loved ones, for your pockets. At first, the same thing happened with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, but then the would-be leaders at least enlightened that either the security officials would feed the slegonets, or the bandits would kill them in the redistribution of what they had seized ...
          1. 0
            April 1 2014 13: 02
            Well, the SBU was blown away even earlier - they have materiel - people - informers, informants, and if there is nothing to pay - the "reptilian" funds are empty - from such only disgrace.
  9. +7
    April 1 2014 10: 11
    as always, there are only green men around with KGB crusts and non-denominated rubles of the 1061 model ... wassat

    "Even the Germans could not take our warehouses, and we passed them in the integrity and security of the Russian Federation. This treachery was present at the level of the president of the country, ministers and further along the chain to the commanders of divisions and formations," he concluded.

    Was he rolling a barrel on a pastor and a rabbit ?! Guilty of death! am
    1. KOH
      April 1 2014 10: 51
      German is a nickname in my opinion ...
  10. +14
    April 1 2014 10: 12
    Russian President Vladimir Putin fears a real military rebuff.

    FROM APRIL 1 citizens laughing
    1. Jogan-xnumx
      April 1 2014 12: 22
      Quote: Deniska
      FROM APRIL 1 citizens

      I support !!! Even in war there is always room for humor! good
  11. +7
    April 1 2014 10: 13
    Shovel is one of those who took an active part in the process that brought the army of Ukraine to its current state (one list of the positions he holds is worth something) This military man has always taken the position of "... what you please ..." in relation to politicians from Kiev, and now you see what "correct patriot" I sensed the money again wants to divide and take away, they say, let me know how to "reform"! Yes, with such, and the enemy is not necessary .... they themselves will take away everything in burrows and sell
  12. vladsolo56
    April 1 2014 10: 15
    Well, again, Russia is to blame. Ukrainians, as always, see Moscow’s hand in everything, they are to blame for everything. Surely, if a Ukrainian has diarrhea, then this is to blame.
  13. +2
    April 1 2014 10: 16
    They did business in an independent, now Russia is to blame for them. Full insanity!
  14. +7
    April 1 2014 10: 17
    Of course, the Russians are to blame for the collapse of the Ukrainian army. And most importantly, the USSR is guilty, because could not create such indestructible aircraft that Ukraine would have had enough of them for 30-40.
  15. Makatun
    April 1 2014 10: 17
    it was not necessary, in due time, to give Georgia what at least worked and brought down. Now the tanks do not drive, and the boats do not go
  16. +6
    April 1 2014 10: 17
    Today we have enough equipment, which we inherited from our grandfather, inherited from the Great Patriotic War, and this technique is very effective in defense, "he said.

    What!?!?!?!? wassat From whom, from what?!?!?!
  17. +11
    April 1 2014 10: 17
    For many years, the armed forces of Ukraine were purposefully destroyed, and "volunteers from Russia" were allowed to lead the Ukrainian army. Former Chief of the General Staff Anatoly Lopata and Director of the Center for Army Research, Conversion and Disarmament Valentin Badrak announced this today at a press conference.

    And I am SATISFIED ... For 23 years of independence they kept repeating to their soldiers: "Russia is an enemy, it will soon attack, but we will ..." Well, FOR THE FIRST TIME in 23 years, we really got such a chance - to show Russia ... Well, they showed it would be better not to be disgraced ... And this will be so until the inhabitants of Ukraine understand that Russia is NOT ANY enemy to them, and that it is necessary to defend and prepare for defense together with Russia and Belarus ... against a common enemy.
  18. +3
    April 1 2014 10: 18
    Given the presence of such "high ranks" in the army of Ukraine (he doesn’t dare to name the officers as officers), it is not surprising that Ukraine does not have an army ...
  19. Lazy
    April 1 2014 10: 19
    Well, it's all like we had in the 90s. And even worse ... The oligarch is shorter ... Only now there is someone to blame. And the joke is that for their nearly oligarchy they are almost ready to die for it, and Putin himself is to blame for all the troubles. I'm afraid this is not being treated ...
    1. leman
      April 1 2014 21: 40
      Only by surgery.
  20. +16
    April 1 2014 10: 19
    Again, everything is to blame, and especially Russia, which left Ukraine 22 years ago.
    One of the most powerful armies in the world, inherited by independent Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR, fell a victim of corruption and theft. Tens of billions of dollars from the "shadow" sale of army property settled in the pockets of politicians and generals.

    In the 1991 year, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine inherited the most powerful military unit in Europe. It included:

    - 4 military armies;

    - 1 tank army;

    - 1 army corps;

    - 3 air defense corps;

    - 43rd missile army;

    - heavy bomber strategic aviation, etc.

    The number of troops of this group was almost 1 million people.

    The armament of this formation consisted of:

    - tanks - about 9 thousand;

    - armored vehicles - 11 thousand;

    - artillery systems - 18 thousand;

    - airplanes and helicopters - about 3900;

    - intercontinental ballistic missiles with their strategic warheads - 176 missiles;

    - separately operational-tactical and tactical nuclear warheads - 2883 units.

    In addition, in strategic military bases and warehouses, as an untouchable reserve, designed to mobilize 10 (ten!) Million people (i.e. at least 5 (five!) Fronts) in the event of an enemy attack, weapons and military equipment were stored, food, ammunition and other military equipment - according to foreign experts - at 89 (eighty nine!) billion US dollars.

    It was this inheritance that we inherited from the civil war, collectivization, famine, the Great Patriotic War and the restoration of the national economy of our grandfathers and fathers after it, and should have become a fairly reliable basis for the formation of the Armed Forces of independent Ukraine. All that was needed was to: make a complete inventory of the property and use it economically in the interests of military development in the country, in the interests of Ukraine. However, many, now screaming loudly about the country's prosperity, thought and acted differently.

    Dispose of this wealth began to people close to government. They were immediately joined by the so-called "merchants in uniform." Then, “fat cats” sucked to the created symbiosis, already openly robbing everything that was possible: the army, the people, the state. The scope of corruption in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has reached unprecedented proportions. Arms and military property were traded by everyone!
    1. +4
      April 1 2014 10: 30
      Impressive. This is what the scope of the thieves was.
    2. +2
      April 1 2014 12: 41
      Quote: morpogr
      In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine inherited the most powerful military formation in Europe.

      Do not forget to add to this list the disbanded military schools that trained first-class specialists! Without educated and trained officers, there can be no army.
  21. +13
    April 1 2014 10: 21
    It's not the wine's fault, it's the drinker's fault. That's what normal people think. And for 20 years, the nezalezhnaya lived on the principle of "walk, flaw!", Consistently and purposefully selling everything valuable and sawing everything valuable that could not be unscrewed and sold again. Now they are complaining about us, they say, the enemies interfered ... Infantilism and irresponsibility in its purest form!
    What kind of "serious" weapon can a beggar and half-starved Ukrainian designer create? Who, let me know, will be behind the machines in production? And who will tinker with the product at test sites and test stands? And who will be accepted? who is in the quality control department? brave lads from "pravosekov"? or Julia will come, put things in order ..
    1. +1
      April 1 2014 13: 01
      Quote: Jon_ Quiet
      Who, let me know, will be behind the machines in production? And who will bother with the product at the training grounds and experimental stands?

      Not who! they need power and money, and the borders will be "protected" by NATO, and weapons and equipment
      will be imported from the usa and europe. But again! And, as always, they will be to blame.
    2. leman
      April 2 2014 20: 28
      Quote: Jon_ Quiet
      And nezalezhnaya lived for 20 years according to the principle of "walk, flaw!", Consistently and purposefully selling everything of value and sawing up all that valuable that could not be unscrewed and sold again.

      Here you are absolutely right. They "sawed" everything according to their capabilities. Leaders for big things, hard workers for little things. In 2011, after a very long break, I visited western Ukraine. One of my relatives proudly told how he and others like him cut what was left of the enterprise at which they worked for scrap metal, because it was built by mockers. Now it's a pity to look at him. An drunken early pensioner with a pension of 1000 hryvnia. The son is a bum (no job, only his spouse feeds everyone, works as a saleswoman for consumer goods very similar in quality to what was sold in the "Discount Goods" stores in the USSR. And his favorite shopping is a sale on Wednesdays in second-hand stores
  22. +4
    April 1 2014 10: 21
    .. Chief of the General Staff Anatoly Lopata and Director of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Research Valentin Badrak
    Shovel and Bardak (well, or Badrak, what a difference), what more could be expected from them smart ....
  23. Oleg Prophetic
    April 1 2014 10: 24
    Partly right, the army was really stolen but ours, and not the Russians. That is the eternal question, why the mess, and the neighbor, why, because we never blame
  24. Not angry
    April 1 2014 10: 25
    To enter or not to enter the south-east of Ukraine? the question is not so much political or military as economic. To enter means to take on the burden of the economic development of the southeast, which means that they will improve the standard of living of Ukrainians by worsening the standard of living in Russia.
    1. +2
      April 1 2014 11: 00
      Strange ... I always thought that the east of Ukraine is economically formed regions! And for example "Zaporizhstal" (Europe's largest metallurgical plant) is located in eastern Ukraine. By the way, the vast expanses of black soil are also there ...

      P.C. Why not invest 2 billion. given that in a few years, revenue will go ??!
  25. +11
    April 1 2014 10: 25
    .... Recall, previously Director of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Research Valentin Badra said that the danger of a military invasion of Ukraine is still very high, but Russian President Vladimir Putin is afraid of a real military rebuff. ....

    Putin fears not a real military rebuff, but that ordinary Ukrainian lads will die by order of the Kiev chiefs, who have completely sold themselves to the West and the United States. Not for the homeland, but for the ambitions of these prostitutes.
  26. Eugene
    April 1 2014 10: 27
    "Missile technology is something that is done from scratch. I would give a global role to the Kiev design bureau Luch, which over the past ten years has created a whole line of precision weapons, but everything was exported."

    but why not, engineers at KB Luch should not be offered to work in the Crimea, for good salaries ...
  27. +22
    April 1 2014 10: 27
    Well, something like this, without emotions, everything is as before
  28. +4
    April 1 2014 10: 28
    Yeah ... the Russian trace, Russia sent the last Minister of Defense of Ukraine to study in the United States ... and she deliberately destroyed the Ukrainian army by sending her to Iraq and Afghanistan.
  29. +7
    April 1 2014 10: 29
    You need to steal less. It’s just that all these 23 years stupidly stole everything that lies badly, and even that which does not lie badly. Only kickbacks more had to give everyone. If I'm not right, throw a stone at me. Yes
    1. +4
      April 1 2014 10: 43
      For such words, do not throw a stone, but pour a glass drinks
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        April 1 2014 14: 15
        Quote: Kuvabatake
        For such words, do not throw a stone, but pour a glass drinks

        With grief.
  30. +5
    April 1 2014 10: 29
    In general, the result is that in Ukraine there is no army, navy or aviation, but there is a "gathering" under the sonorous name of the National Guard.
    1. +2
      April 1 2014 11: 03
      National Guard
      (lads for slaughter)
  31. Patriot23
    April 1 2014 10: 31
    I don’t think that the southeast will sit on my neck all the time) there are many necessary enterprises, including military ones) and working people ...
    Quote: Not evil
    To enter or not to enter the south-east of Ukraine? the question is not so much political or military as economic. To enter means to take on the burden of the economic development of the southeast, which means that they will improve the standard of living of Ukrainians by worsening the standard of living in Russia.
  32. Observer
    April 1 2014 10: 38
    As Ostap Bender used to say: "I am an envious person, but there is nothing to envy here." It was necessary to cooperate in the economy, military support with Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and not look into NATO. Together we are strong. And amer and geyropeytsam strong Ukraine is not needed. Gut it and throw it away.
  33. HAM
    April 1 2014 10: 38
    Ndaa .. If you do nothing for 23 years, but only trade in what you got, then you have to write off everything to someone, but it is convenient to always write off to your neighbor - he is always to blame. And about 15 years for "restoration", does Ukraine have them? , within a day or two, everything changes so that beyond a week it is not worth guessing. I have no doubt: there are good engineers in Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, but with the Yatsenyuk, who only recognize the smell of money, nothing will work, hence the craving for Europe, Unfortunately.
  34. +3
    April 1 2014 10: 39
    !!! Again, Russia is to blame. This is not for you to steal buns from the table !!!
  35. survey_andry
    April 1 2014 10: 39
    Again, Russia is to blame for everything))
  36. +3
    April 1 2014 10: 41
    Has Russia also organized the Maidan for you? All stole up to "I can not", and now looking for the guilty. What kind of army can a "director of the army research center" named Bardak have? fool
    1. 0
      April 1 2014 11: 04
      But what about to destabilize the situation .... To chop off the Crimea, raise the price of gas, and in every way destroy and humiliate Ukraine. laughing
  37. +1
    April 1 2014 10: 41
    Putin is to blame! Halva, halva, halva ...
  38. +7
    April 1 2014 10: 41
    "I agree that Ukraine has the prospect of having high-precision and rocket weapons. But this is the perspective of 15 years. Today we have enough equipment that we inherited from our grandfather, inherited from the Great Patriotic War, and this technique is very effective in defense, "he said.
    What is the Great Patriotic War and grandfather? They have Bandera and Shukhevych ...
  39. +2
    April 1 2014 10: 42
    Quote: johnsnz
    Shaw, is Putin to blame again?

    Well, when there is someone to blame everything. laughing
  40. +1
    April 1 2014 10: 43
    According to these unfortunate commanders, it seems that they themselves do not trust themselves. They get clean and fluffy and the fault is uncle from RUSSIA. It looks like the screech of the US State Department and Eurogays. Well, they are worthy students of their patrons.
  41. +3
    April 1 2014 10: 43
    For many years, the armed forces of Ukraine were purposefully destroyed, and "volunteers from Russia" were allowed to lead the Ukrainian army.
    What kind of nonsense? Responsible for the collapse of your army.
    PS And also we ate all your fat, that you had to export it.
  42. +3
    April 1 2014 10: 44
    Strange, but in 1945 we defeated the fascist army and in fact Germany was in ruins.
    But paradoxically, the Germans took several years to rebuild their country.
    Although they were in the occupation.
    It seems there is a great merit in the industriousness of the population and the correct choice of their rulers.
    The Germans do not cry or complain, they just work for the good of their country ...
  43. +3
    April 1 2014 10: 45
    Friends, maybe this whole article is a congratulation to everyone on April 1? I understand that the authorities in Ukraine are "the children of the captain Obvious", but I suppose that even human stupidity has a limit ... belay
    1. 0
      April 1 2014 12: 05
      Einstein also said:
      "I know two infinite things, the universe and human stupidity, but I'm not sure about the former."
  44. +2
    April 1 2014 10: 45
    Quote: johnsnz
    Shaw, is Putin to blame again?

    But yak! laughing
    Today in the Ukrainian society Putin is to blame for everything! I immediately recall an old joke: if there is no water in the tap, they drank water ...., pah, Putin.
    They are afraid of him, they hate him, they adore him. Ukrainians themselves write that in the next election in Ukraine, the overwhelming majority of votes would get ... - right, Putin!
    Just small children with an inferiority complex, alas.
  45. +8
    April 1 2014 10: 46
    First, trochas to myself, then trochies to the master brigade’s commander, all the same we’ll dump everything on the Russians. The mess is a long time ago, but it ends with a shovel.
  46. +1
    April 1 2014 10: 47
    Shaw, again? to blame? Let's come up with another excuse for all the troubles! The campaign is really bad with brains in Ukraine! Themselves do not master!
  47. +1
    April 1 2014 10: 49
    The shovel of Presidential Square! But Mess, be the prime minister there! Glory to Ukraine! Hooray!
    1. 0
      April 1 2014 11: 06
      Quote: jktu66
      The shovel of Presidential Square! But Mess, be the prime minister there! Salo Dropped! Hooray!
  48. +1
    April 1 2014 10: 49
    Mr. Badrak It would be better to look at his last name, what is the last name and the army.
  49. +2
    April 1 2014 10: 49
    Quote: Kuvabatake

    What is the Great Patriotic War and grandfather? They have Bandera and Shukhevych ...

    Well, that’s what remained of them ...

    Interestingly, the Ukrainian army was "torn apart" for 23 years, and the Russian army "flourished" in the same years? Oh well...
  50. tokin1959
    April 1 2014 10: 50
    as usual - they swear again .......deleted by moderator Apollo to blame - they don’t give life, now the army has been destroyed.
  51. Eugene 79
    April 1 2014 10: 51
    It turns out interesting. Those. even during the EBN times, we deliberately sent volunteers to their Ministry of Defense; there was nothing to eat ourselves, but the Ukrainians would collapse. The army's task was No. 1. And all sorts of the most liberal-patriotic patriots of Kuchma, Kravchuk, “orange clowns”, Yanukovyte, stubbornly sitting on golden toilets, fought this phenomenon, fought so hard that scandals with Ukrainian weapons, sold wherever possible, including Chechnya, became commonplace.
    But Father Lukashenko did not particularly fight the Russian threat and now has such a defense potential that not a single democrat will even blow in his dictatorial direction. And he didn’t lose his independence.
    A shovel would hit this Shovel's tongue.
  52. +2
    April 1 2014 10: 52
    It’s called “they ate, they drank, they had fun, they counted, they shed tears.” They themselves brought the army to the brink, and now from a sore head to a healthy one. They ran and run in the sixes of the West, but everywhere they see the “hand of Moscow”, and “the devastation is in their heads” .In general, nonsense, nonsense.
  53. +2
    April 1 2014 10: 52
    “...Russian President Vladimir Putin fears a real military response” - well, that’s not even funny.
  54. Scaramaks
    April 1 2014 10: 52
    On March 29, 2014, I called old friends in Kyiv on Skype. We always go on vacation with our families for 32 years. When is your vacation? the answer is - what are you doing, because Putin introduced a visa regime on JANUARY 7!!! Well, I told Galya and Pavlo everything, where and what they were injected with and who injected them!
  55. +1
    April 1 2014 10: 54
    Some kind of clumsy attempt to “wave your fists after a fight.”
  56. +2
    April 1 2014 10: 56
    “Even the Germans could not take our warehouses, but we transferred them safe and sound to the Russian Federation.

    What, the Germans encroached on these warehouses??? Russia doesn't need them. There is some junk that needs to be disposed of. Shoigu, by the way, told the Ukrainian Defense Ministry to take their “goods” from Crimea
  57. +4
    April 1 2014 10: 57
    Who remembers in 2008, Somali pirates captured the Faina with 77 T-72 tanks for Kenya. On what scale is it necessary to steal so that the government and people of Ukraine learn about it from pirates? What they sold to Georgia - better let them report, and where is the money... The country sold so much, but the army is poor..
  58. +3
    April 1 2014 10: 58
    Guys ...
    everything is correct, of course. Plunder on the plunder...sits.
    Something else bothers me.
    How long will every bastard with transparent brains continue to talk nonsense about Russia?
    “Volunteers from Russia” plundered everything for them, destroyed everything.
    Well, we have forces and means of special operations. Why should we listen to such nonsense?
    Everyone must answer for their words, otherwise the wave of riotous people will continue to grow.
    Muzychka, did you manage to shoot yourself with bracelets on your hands through your heel and straight into your heart with two bullets in one channel? Managed.
    Why can't this Mess with the Shovel choke to death... with a plunger, let's say. When they tried to treat hemorrhoids.
    There was a topic - “Russia should not allow..” all sorts of mongrels to bark...
    Well... it's time to start - don't let...
    How many of these have already been... and not like this... Trotsky - an ice pick, Litvinenko - polonium, Berezovsky - a scarf, Bandera - candy...
    we must continue, we must, just...
    I guess...Tymoshenko's heels are too high, she death from her stroller. Klitschko - irreversible softening of the nasal septum to the very back of the head as a result of professional activity, Yarosh - irreversible leadening of the meninges....
    Oh-oh-oh-oh, how many diseases there are.....sick people....
  59. starper
    April 1 2014 11: 00
    Weapons were not sold to anyone. Even to the Georgians, before the attack on South Ossetia. They stole more cleanly than from us. They crawled on their knees in front of the “Americans”, and they had them. And now they came to collapse
    not only the army. And again Russia is to blame. In Russia we have always been told that Ukrainians are our brothers.
    I never thought that I would see such hatred from our “brothers.” So much nationalism, so much hatred for other nationalities other than the “Americans” give food for thought. Our fathers, brothers, mothers, who went through all the difficult years together, built a wonderful future for their
    children and those who believe in this would turn over in their graves if they learned about what is happening today
  60. Eugene 79
    April 1 2014 11: 00
    Who was in power in 2008? And these people are climbing back into power from prison! Ukrainians, finally open your eyes!
  61. 0
    April 1 2014 11: 02
    Poor Ukraine. A bunch of nationalistically minded gangs, having seized power through gangsterism, are raping the country and its citizens, and some of them from 3 western regions are now represented by the entire people of Ukraine. It would be the same if residents of the Chelyabinsk region said at a rally in Moscow that they are the entire people of the country.
  62. pahom54
    April 1 2014 11: 03
    What happened to the Ukrainian army is practically familiar to us... However, Russia began to rebuild its army not for the war with the Ukrainians, but to protect its geopolitical interests. But the voices of Ukrainian politicians and generals are now talking not about simply restoring the Ukrainian army, but restoring it to such a degree WHEN IT CAN RESIST THE RUSSIAN ARMY!!! Here's the trick - the concern is not about the real independence of the country, but ABOUT THE FUTURE WAR with Russia!!! That is, the behavior of the current leadership of Ukraine is similar to the behavior of zombies. And how was it possible to zombify people so that the Americans became their friends, and we became their enemies!!!???
    But in general, with the continued behavior of the Ukrainian establishment, ordinary Russian people will soon begin to hate Ukraine as much as they hate us. Obviously, this is what the “zombinators” are trying to achieve...
  63. +1
    April 1 2014 11: 03
    Based on the observed statement, it can be concluded that Lopata’s client has depressive schizophrenia and side effects in the form of delusions and hallucinations in relation to Russia. hi
  64. +1
    April 1 2014 11: 09
    No way Badrak saw the mess? But Lebed said that a mess is not a lack of order. This is a specially organized order.
  65. 0
    April 1 2014 11: 12
    hmm, if it’s in your head, there’s no use in drinking green juice...
  66. 0
    April 1 2014 11: 13
    Come on, they are reborn...
    According to the American naval portal, the US Navy urgently prepared and began implementing a decision to quickly transfer to Ukraine, free of charge, for use as patrol ships, two former lighthouse tenders from the US Coast Guard, which are mothballed in the US Navy Reserve. in Sasun Bay (California) - WLB 307 Planetree and WLB 395 Iris.
    Both of these vessels were built in 1943-1944 years and belong to the large family of 1000-ton "180-foot" lighthouse ships of the US Coast Guard, built during the Second World War (Planetree refers to the series "B", and Iris - to the series WITH"). The ships of this family were withdrawn from the US Coast Guard in 1990-2000-s, some of which were then transferred in order of assistance for use as patrol ships to other countries (in particular, Nigeria, Ghana, Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Estonia). Planetree and Iris, after being written off from the Coast Guard in 1999 and 1997, respectively, were transferred to the reserve fleet of the US Navy and have since been preserved in Sesun Bay awaiting further participation.
    Now their urgent reactivation has begun with the aim of transferring them to the Ukrainian Navy. It is expected that the Ukrainian flags on both ships will be raised in San Francisco "in the next 3-4 months", after which the ships will leave for Odessa, where they will be armed - while, allegedly, equipment and weapons will be used (30-mm gun mounts AK-630) from the unfinished missile cruiser "Ukraine" (formerly "Admiral of the Fleet Lobov") of Project 11641 located in Nikolaev. According to information from this portal with reference to data from the Ukrainian military attache in Washington, documents have already been received from Kiev on assigning names to both units respectively , "Hetman Mazepa" and "Hetman Baida-Vishnevetsky".
    As commander Giuseppe Rosetti (Giuseppe "Gyp" Rosetti), head of the US Navy's program for assisting Ukraine, told the source, "these excellent ships will raise the potential of the Ukrainian Navy to a new level and will become reliable guards of freedom on the Black Sea for a long time." Rosetti did not rule out that further units could be transferred to Ukraine from the US Navy and Coast Guard reserves - in particular, Cape and Point types 1950-1960-type patrol boats. The "review" is also a few miraculously survived LST-type tank landing ships of military construction. "We are now" vacuuming "the composition of our reserve fleet not only in Sassun Bay, but also in other conservation sites, trying to determine what we can give to the Ukrainians," said Rosetti.
    At the same time, an unnamed high-ranking American naval officer in an interview with the portal indicated expressed doubt that the Ukrainian Navy would have enough trained personnel to receive and master such large ships as Planetree and Iris in a relatively short time.

    P.S. Yushchenko I remember two frigates of the "Oliver H. Perry" class were offered...
  67. +2
    April 1 2014 11: 14
    Quote: Igarr
    How long will every bastard with transparent brains continue to talk nonsense about Russia?

    As much as you paid, it will stay that way for a long time. They choked in Syria, It didn’t work out with Ukraine... We’ll have to listen to the yapping towards Russia for a long time.
  68. +1
    April 1 2014 11: 14
    Quote: Kuvabatake
    "I agree that Ukraine has the prospect of having high-precision and rocket weapons. But this is the perspective of 15 years. Today we have enough equipment that we inherited from our grandfather, inherited from the Great Patriotic War, and this technique is very effective in defense, "he said.
    What is the Great Patriotic War and grandfather? They have Bandera and Shukhevych ...

    This is definitely noticed and how come I didn’t think about it myself request
    1. +1
      April 1 2014 16: 04
      Quote: Triton
      Quote: Kuvabatake
      "I agree that Ukraine has the prospect of having high-precision and rocket weapons. But this is the perspective of 15 years. Today we have enough equipment that we inherited from our grandfather, inherited from the Great Patriotic War, and this technique is very effective in defense, "he said.
      What is the Great Patriotic War and grandfather? They have Bandera and Shukhevych ...

      This is definitely noticed and how come I didn’t think about it myself request

      These are the most long-term prospects:
  69. xsapranx
    April 1 2014 11: 16
    I don’t know how “the entire Ukrainian society” is like there; I can only speak for myself and my friends and acquaintances with whom we have approximately the same view of everything that has happened and is happening here.
    It is difficult to evaluate the activities of only Moroz and the others, everything is more or less clear.
    People who say that everyone has sold everything is rotten are right because for no reason at all the appearance of so many “rich pinocchios” is as if we never had anything else. All the people who are involved in the sale of weapons and the destruction of the army as a living organism, having repainted themselves ten times, are still jumping around the “trough” and trying to continue stealing something against the backdrop of recent events.
    The participation of individuals is very clearly expressed, for example Medvedchuk (Putin’s godfather V.V.) - a rare soul********, or the ever-memorable Salamatin ...
    but it’s all so lyrical, there were moments when it was decided in a friendly manner who would drive what and where (in their own way), after all, people who studied together or started serving together are still serving, and before the events in Crimea, there weren’t really any special problems or suspicions.
    After Crimea, perhaps if the situation allows, something will change, but first the state needs to remain, and then we’ll see...
  70. +1
    April 1 2014 11: 18
    Funny to read! Everywhere you look, the Russians are to blame for all the troubles. They ruined the army, they are not allowed into the EU, they steal, etc. If they shit themselves in their own bed, they will still say it’s our fault. )
  71. JoylyRoger
    April 1 2014 11: 21
    "Even the Germans could not take our warehouses, and we passed them in the integrity and security of the Russian Federation. This treachery was present at the level of the president of the country, ministers and further along the chain to the commanders of divisions and formations," he concluded.
    This is a diagnosis.
  72. LIS 25
    April 1 2014 11: 23
    again Russia is blamed for all its sins, but they themselves are white and fluffy. negative
  73. +3
    April 1 2014 11: 24
    Hmmm! They did this to the army when they still had pennies, but what now? Without pennies? Are they really going to threaten the enemy with a “combat hopak”?
  74. 0
    April 1 2014 11: 26
    It's time for Ukrainian "experts" to change their rake. And no matter how much they say, it’s all Russia’s fault.
  75. +1
    April 1 2014 11: 28
    This is the Russian mafia!!! , just to say something bad about Russia!!! No one wants to be guilty there!!!
  76. 0
    April 1 2014 11: 28
    On all Ukrainian sites, only the Russians, led by Putin, and the USSR with Lenin are to blame. They spent 23 years eating up the inheritance, and when they had eaten and stolen, they made a revolution and appointed the culprit.
  77. +2
    April 1 2014 11: 29
    What kind of volunteers? I heard about the Sochi ones. About these for the first time.
  78. +3
    April 1 2014 11: 29
    Stealth technologies in the service of the Ukrainian Air Force:

    Aeromobile vehicles of Viysk Ukraine:

    And this is a disgrace to the Armed Forces of Ukraine - only those who hate their country and people can feed their army this way:

    1. +1
      April 1 2014 12: 51
      Quote: mhpv
      This is how only those who hate their country and people can feed their army:

      This happened to us too. Liquid pea porridge on a flat plate, a couple of pieces of bread and tea. That’s dinner.
      Again, hurray - patriotism. I hope it’s better now, and I’m very happy about the changes for the better, but to understand the situation, you need to look into every soldier’s canteen, and not with an official inspection, for which they will prepare, but unexpectedly...
  79. +2
    April 1 2014 11: 29
    Quote: Igarr
    Muzychka, did you manage to shoot yourself with bracelets on your hands through your heel and straight into your heart with two bullets in one channel? Managed.

    Former Minister of Internal Affairs Kravchenko also managed to commit suicide, first with a gun, and then with a makar to the head. Kirpa was “accidentally” shot while hunting, the Minister of Transport “hanged himself”. Millionaires are suicides...and Kuchma has nothing to do with it at all.
  80. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      April 1 2014 11: 37
      Tell me where you got it, where is it written? I have Shevchenko - a classic. I would send it to the “Ukrainians”.
      1. +1
        April 1 2014 12: 06
        "" is called. 1851
  81. +4
    April 1 2014 11: 31
    The army was not only stolen in Ukraine, but continues to be stolen.
    We just received the rations and put them up for sale on the same day... smile
  82. +2
    April 1 2014 11: 31
    1. +1
      April 1 2014 11: 43
      What kind of weirdo gave the monkeys a shell!!????? fool
      1. 0
        April 1 2014 12: 44
        If it explodes, they still have it, they'll pick something up!! laughing
      2. +1
        April 1 2014 13: 00
        Quote: rasputin17
        What kind of weirdo gave the monkeys a shell!!?????

        As boys we found an abandoned excavator and an aircraft bomb in the bucket. Several fools decided to scrape (knock) it with stones to remove the rust. I, along with another boy, “endured” the ridicule in cowardice and left this attraction. Thank God everyone is alive, but if it had exploded, then they would have been awarded the Darwin Award wassat
  83. 0
    April 1 2014 11: 32
    This is another chapter of the book “How to screw everything up and blame the damned ones” by many worthy generous gentlemen. And it looks like they won’t stop until there is at least some kind of life in the republic.
  84. Vtel
    April 1 2014 11: 33
    To paraphrase a well-known saying: “If there is no water in the tap, it means you drank maskol.” The world rests on the Russians and it’s all because of them, that’s for sure, you can’t throw a shovel.
  85. +4
    April 1 2014 11: 33
    What the hell are generals and colonels?! Pieces! Dubaki! Even now the main “pain of the soul” is breaking through: “Even the Germans could not take our warehouses, but we handed them over safe and sound to the Russian Federation.”
    The main concern of these hamsters is warehouses. With lard, probably. They see the army exclusively through the window of the storeroom. And everyone is always to blame. In everything. The harvest failed - it was the Muscovites who caused the famine, the tank won’t start - Putin pooped in diesel fuel, the planes were stolen for non-ferrous metal - again the “infiltrators from Moscow” are to blame!
    - I would advise my comrades from the former Ukraine to re-read Kipling. Mowgli. There is a direct action program of the current Kiev authorities - the keynote speech of the Banderlog speaker to Mowgli: “We are great. We are free. We are amazing. We are the most amazing tribe in all the jungle,” they shouted. “You are hearing about us for the first time and you can convey our words to the population jungle, so that it will notice us in the future, and therefore we will tell you everything about such amazing and excellent creatures like us." Mowgli did not object; hundreds of monkeys gathered on the terrace to listen to their own companions singing the praises of Bandar-log; when the speaker fell silent, wanting to catch their breath, all the other monkeys shouted: “It’s true; we all said the same thing.”
    The main thing is to “say the same thing”! "We are the greatest because we all say so"! Self-hypnosis!
    - Ukrainians, wake up! Nobody owes you anything! And no one needs you yourself! You are just a means of putting pressure on Russia. Like fleas being blown into the neighbor's apartment through the keyhole. You simply don't exist. There are no 65 million people, because you never became a people. You are not Orthodox and not Catholics, not Protestants and not Muslims and Buddhists. You are neither this nor that: Uniates. Neither smart nor beautiful. You are simply a Russophobic project of the Small Britons and Habsburgs. You can become a nation, a people, only in a family, children, damn it, are unreasonable!
  86. Retvizan
    April 1 2014 11: 37
    Finally. And then I thought it wasn’t the Russians who were to blame. Dear Ukrainians, you must thank the gods for the presence of Russia, otherwise you would have to blame someone else.
  87. 0
    April 1 2014 11: 37
    Surname is cool - BarDak. It’s immediately obvious that he’s Barak’s friend.
  88. 0
    April 1 2014 11: 44
    “Even the Germans could not take our warehouses, but we handed them over safe and sound to the Russian Federation.”
    In what world war were warehouses protected from the Germans?
  89. 0
    April 1 2014 11: 47
    The trace is of course Russian, or rather “absent-minded”. But who left this mark in the Russian army itself? The fucking times are still belching. Why is Chechnya not an indicator? One thing is encouraging and there is hope that this mess is behind us.
    Historically, it was not for nothing that individuals said: “If you don’t want to feed your army, you’ll feed someone else’s.”
  90. +2
    April 1 2014 11: 48
    The article was written with great humor for the first of April!!! I laughed heartily!! Only for the humor contained in it I give it (+)!!))
    "Even the Germans could not take our warehouses, and we passed them in the integrity and security of the Russian Federation. This treachery was present at the level of the president of the country, ministers and further along the chain to the commanders of divisions and formations," he concluded.

    For this phrase alone the author can be given the Cannes Palme d'Or!!
  91. +1
    April 1 2014 11: 57
    Quote: morpogr

    In addition, in strategic military bases and warehouses, as an untouchable reserve, designed to mobilize 10 (ten!) Million people (i.e. at least 5 (five!) Fronts) in the event of an enemy attack, weapons and military equipment were stored, food, ammunition and other military equipment - according to foreign experts - at 89 (eighty nine!) billion US dollars.

    Be careful with numbers! I fully understand your pathos, but take the trouble to divide 89 billion by 10 million. And think about what 8900 bucks can buy for a soldier. With this money, only an unassuming hunter can be equipped. No tank-planes. negative
  92. Aleksandr65
    April 1 2014 12: 03
    [i]According to him, these people did everything to prevent Ukrainian ships from going to sea in Crimea and planes from taking to the skies.

    Or maybe the generals should have stolen less? I am 100% sure that all the equipment flew, drove, swam... On paper. And thousands of tons of diesel fuel, spare parts went whistling to the left, plus cuts for unnecessary repair and maintenance work - this is a goldmine!
    1. 0
      April 1 2014 12: 52
      When the Tu-160 was being cut, 12 aircraft were transported to the Russian Federation. And these torments raised a high sho and took away their scrap metal. NATO advisers themselves lamented the destruction of such machines. Now Russia has retained strategic aviation, but its caps have been cut. Russia is to blame again!
      1. 0
        April 1 2014 18: 26
        If these planes had not been transported from Ukraine to Russia, 17 people in Katunino would not have crashed, damn it! And my little brother would still be alive...
        1. 0
          April 1 2014 19: 10
          My condolences, but it was their own initiative. If they hadn’t distilled it in Engels, I’m afraid the EBN would have cut down the few 4 or 6 remaining on Russian territory - I don’t remember exactly. And most likely all we would have at the moment is a couple of “Bears” and that’s it.
  93. 0
    April 1 2014 12: 59
    Insanity grew stronger ....
    Here in Russia they say - CHUBAIS is to blame for everything!
    In Ukraine they say that the Kremlin is to blame for everything! :)
  94. +1
    April 1 2014 13: 15
    The article is worthless, I didn’t see anything in it except whining. I was especially amused by the fact that “there are almost no Scuds left.” Not long ago I dug up a lot of information about Scud on the Internet.. Brief summary.. The last R-17 rocket for Scud was made in 1986. Its shelf life is 24 years (with extension). Those. After 2010, the behavior of the rocket is difficult to predict. The Russian Federation fired off the remnants of the missiles in Chechnya a long time ago. The complex is extremely reliable, at present very cumbersome (there is a lot of auxiliary equipment), it takes a long time to prepare for launch, and low accuracy. The latter, to a certain extent, can be compensated by the use of special combat units, but whether Ukraine has them is still a question.

    And not from Tyrnet. The Soviet Army knew how to shoot SCUDs well. But this skill did not fall from the sky, but was developed as a result of daily study and training. Incl. if Ukraine still had SCUDs with missiles, they would be more dangerous for themselves, since, apparently, the education in the Ukrainian Army is worse than bad.
  95. +1
    April 1 2014 14: 31
    "Old songs about the main thing. Endless song. Part eleven." The names of the performers are not important.
  96. Andrey Ulyanovsky
    April 1 2014 14: 35
    Guys, this is the fucking attraction of the pastor, and now the acting. Ukroprezika Turchinov.
    Look at this pepper:

    Stopudovo, he’s the one who inserts free chips into dill with “Moskali vinovati: mode on”.
    Handsome guy, bring him to the UN, bring love and peace to the European towers and staff roofs!
  97. Leshka
    April 1 2014 15: 10
    It's their own fault, why blame us? fool
  98. +1
    April 1 2014 15: 20
    Well, they don’t have an ideological basis on which to build normal Armed Forces. All military formations and units that, as fate would have it, ended up as part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, had a rich military history, traditions of the Red Army, and the USSR Armed Forces. And what, they would overnight become the heirs of all sorts of “Sich Riflemen”, UNA, UNSO, UPA? Ukraine does not have its own army, there is a fragment of the great Soviet one, and this is what we must proceed from. It is impossible to create an army on a rotten ideological basis (especially without normal material support). In general, they created both a quasi-state and a quasi-army.
  99. 0
    April 1 2014 16: 54
    the poor fellow got stoned
  100. Aleksandr68
    April 1 2014 17: 58
    wrote either stoned or completely sick. Strengthened the country's defense capability by cutting up planes for scrap and selling an aircraft carrier for pennies? Created high-precision weapons and put them on export? So no one on the market has seen such Ukrainian weapons. Capable of holding the defense with weapons from the times of the Great Patriotic War ?The hackneyed truth “whoever does not want to feed his army will feed someone else’s” also does not suit them (there is nothing to feed). THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS