Will Putin break the western script

Will Putin break the western script“The goal of what is happening in Ukraine is the internal Slavic war, the final solution of the Russian question”

Events in Ukraine and around the Crimea - “dust” from a long-running project to eliminate Russia as the only barrier on the way of the North Atlantic elites to world domination, says Andrei Fursov, director of the Center for Russian Studies at Moscow Humanitarian University, director of the Institute for System-Strategic Analysis, academician of the International Academy of Science (Innsbruck, Austria), editor-in-chief of the journal Oriental and African Studies, participant in the Izborsk Club, who answered questions from readers and editors of Znak.com.

“The maximum program is the same as in the creation of the German Nazi Reich”

- Andrei Ilyich, the main geopolitical issue today for Russian geopolitics is Ukraine. Let's start a conversation with the analysis of this situation. What happened there?

- I would put the situation in Ukraine on a par with the situation in Syria. And if there were disagreements on the Syrian issue in the world capitalist elite - there was an influential group that did not want to escalate the conflict in Syria and turn it into a regional war, then on the Ukrainian issue the West acted as one. At the same time, it is clear that, economically, the North Atlantic elites do not need Ukraine for a hundred years, they need to geopolitically tear Ukraine away from Russia, turning it into an anti-Russian bridgehead.

The policy of separating Ukraine from Russia is a long-standing geopolitical "project" of the West as a whole - the Germans, the British, the Americans. We often quote the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski that without the accession of Ukraine, Russia was not destined to regain the status of a great power. “Long Zbig” is mistaken: Russia and without Ukraine can return this status, only it will be more difficult and take more time. But the main thing is that Brzezinski is not original, he repeats the words of the German General Paul Rohrbach, who predicted at the beginning of the twentieth century: in order to eliminate the danger from Russia for Europe and, above all, for Germany, it is necessary to completely tear off Ukrainian Russia from Moscow Russia. Let us pay attention to the fact that for the German general both Ukraine and Muscovy are all Russia and he speaks of the need to cause an internal Russian split. In this regard, he develops the ideas of German politicians of the last third of the XIX century, in particular, Bismarck, who not only insisted on the need for such a split, but also offered concrete means to solve this problem.

In particular, they stressed the need to oppose Ukraine to Russia, to poison their peoples, for which it is necessary to raise people among the Russian Ukrainians themselves with a consciousness that has been altered to such an extent that they will hate everything Russian. Thus, it was about a psycho-historical special operation, information-psychological sabotage, the purpose of which is the creation of Slav-Russophobes as a psycho-cultural type and political force. Such orcs in the service of the Western Saruman. They had to tear Ukraine from Russia and oppose it as the last “anti-Russian Russia”, as a “free and democratic” alternative to the empire. All this was designed, in particular, by the Galician project, on which the intelligence services of Austria-Hungary and Kaiser Germany, then the Third Reich, in the second half of the twentieth century and up to now - the CIA and BND, were actively working.

After the Orange Revolution, it seemed to the West that the task would be solved - it did not work out. By the end of 2013, it also seemed that the task was about to be solved, that the EU clamp was already around Yanukovych’s and Ukraine’s neck. But the position played by the position of Russia (and possibly of China), and Yanukovych, having decided to play some of his own gesheft game, balked. At this point, the West wrote off, firstly, Yanukovich, secondly, the peaceful, “orange” way of separating Ukraine from Russia, making a bet on Bandera, on Ukrainian neo-Nazi russophobes, a product of the very psycho-historical operation that the Germans began to prepare for a century and a half back, then during the Second World War, the Nazis picked up the baton, creating the SS division "Galicia", and from 1990-s the heirs of the Third Reich to create a new world order (what a coincidence of terminology!) joined the work - the Americans.

In the current situation with Ukraine, the United States and the European Union vividly and without embarrassment demonstrated both hypocrisy, double standards, and Russophobia. Only this last one can be explained by their more than “tolerant” attitude towards the Ukrainian Nazis, marching through the streets of Kiev, towards SS men marching in the city. The logic is simple: if the Nazis in Ukraine (as in the Baltic States) against Russia, then let them. However, Americans are not used to it: in 1945 – 1946, with the active assistance of the Russophobic Vatican, they did everything to remove them from the blow of the Nazis (including obvious war criminals) to the United States or Latin America and actively use them against the USSR . Ukrainian events are a visual experience with whom we are dealing.

"To oppose Ukraine to Russia, to poison their peoples, for which reason to raise people who will hate everything Russian among Russian Ukrainians"

- And with whom, can be more precise?

- 19 – 21 February in Kiev, there was a neo-Nazi-Bandera coup inspired by the collective West, and above all the United States. It was the Americans who, using the dullness and greed of Yanukovych and his entourage, changed the situation, halting the anti-terrorist operation of the Ukrainian authorities. If it had begun, it would have been done with Maidan - he was already retreating. But it turned out the way it did. The long years of work of the US special services with the Ukrainian top, which keeps money in American banks, the SBU, the Bandera underground, which was activated, and largely recreated, have affected. It is indicative that during two decisive days, the US Ambassador, who was dictating the conditions to the top of the “Nezalezhnaya”, “worked” for the speaker, was delighted. Although what kind of "neutrality" can we talk about? The quasi-state of Ukraine, and so was largely under external control, but here it was demonstrated frankly, cynically and brazenly. Everyone was shown who is the boss, who rules the events - in the Rada and on the Maidan, whose evil will directs the neo-Nazi scumbags. The February American-Bandera coup could significantly change the geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe, Eurasia and the world.

“But isn't there a real protest in the Kiev protest against the Yanukovich regime?”

- The clan of Yanukovych, of course, mafia-oligarchic. But the West and the pro-Western forces in Ukraine only used for their own purposes the natural discontent of the people of Ukraine, above all Kiev.

- What are their goals?

- The minimum program - the creation by the West of the Slavic neo-Nazi-Bandera Reich - constant pressure on Russia, provoking it in various ways, including sabotage, and in the case of an adequate answer - replicating in the world media the image of a “free democratic Ukraine”, which the allegedly aspiring Empire regains Russia; in short, small Ukraine is a victim of big Russia, according to a scheme worked out in Yugoslavia: “poor Albanians are victims of evil Serbs”.

The maximum program is the same as in the 1930s during the creation of the German Nazi Reich: the creation of a force that, if necessary, for the West will take on the decisive part of the war with Russia and exhaust it to the maximum, while self-destructing. In other words, the final decision of the Slavic / Russian question by the forces of the Slavs / Russians themselves, followed by the division of Russia / Northern Eurasia and the appropriation of its resources and space. It should be remembered: the current separation of Ukraine from Russia is planned as a separation-opposition for pressure on Russia or a strike on it by the forces of the neo-Nazi-Bandera regime.

This, among other things (and the "other" it takes place: the struggle in the American elite, the situation of Obama after the 2013 year for him, the American-German problems, the Chinese games in Eastern Europe, etc.), the US response to the actions of Russia in 2013 year It looks like they, at least this administration and the clans behind it, which need to save face in front of their masters, are moving to action: after two years of elections, and the Democrats do not want to leave the White House, and Obama will have to work on a new one, now already white president. Who it will be - Madame Clinton, who back in December 2012, was mad at the Customs Union and, seeing in it the re-Sovietization of the post-Soviet space, stated that the United States would oppose this in every way, Biden or someone else - it does not matter. It is important that Russia should not expect anything good from this segment of the American top, but an attack is possible.

But, as the characters of the film “Chapaev” said about the attack of the enemy: “Mental? Well, to hell with her, let's psychic. It was smooth on paper. History - a treacherous lady, it is enough to remember how and what those who sought to finally solve the Russian question ended. This is not to mention the fact that there is an east and south-east of Ukraine.

“The party for Ukraine was stupidly lost. Our ambassadors turned their geshefts with the Ukrainian oligarchs, completely forgetting that there was a pro-Russian population”

- You do not exaggerate paint?

- I would really like to make a mistake so that it turns out - I’m exaggerating. However, I have been studying the world struggle for power, information and resources for a long time, analyzing the goal-setting and activities of the North Atlantic elites. I repeat that Russia, even in its present state, is still the only obstacle on their path to world domination. Therefore, one of the last chiefs of the Soviet intelligence, Leonid Shebarshin, remarked: the West needs one thing from Russia — not to have it. Strategically, geohistorically - was not. And for the organization of non-existence, a ram is needed - like Hitler used to be. Therefore, our armored train should always be on the siding: forewarned is forearmed. And it is better to thicken colors and make mistakes, than to allow the repetition of "22 June 1941 of the Year", especially since the North Atlantic elites are much more serious opponents than Hitler with his Third Reich, who happened to be almost alone with the whole world. Today, one-on-one with almost the whole world is we, especially since the Russian Federation is not the USSR either in terms of its economic potential or, most importantly, in the quality of human material.

- How do you see Ukraine after the fall of the regime of Yanukovich?

- Ruins. Nothing else can be. Partially destroyed, partially suppressed, partially expelled Russian population. Destroyed industry, bought up by the West and partly by the Chinese land. Although I admit that in the future theoretically possible outrage and overthrow of the Bandera regime. But it is difficult to overthrow the regime, behind which stands the West. This was possible when the USSR existed in the world — the second superpower that could support the weak of this world in their struggle against the strong, against the bourgeois iron heel. The other variant is more likely: the regime and the West will try to direct the social rage of the lower ranks to the eastern neighbor, identifying it as the source of all the evils, the causes of which are allegedly "oppression of the Russian empire", "Soviet totalitarianism", etc. Unfortunately, the game for Ukraine is stupidly lost. Our ambassadors worked with the Ukrainian oligarchs, turning their geshets, completely forgetting that there are people, people, including pro-Russian — the dollar was sickening with reason, while the West worked with the oligarchs, and with the most active anti-Russian forces, layers, in groups. These groups turned out to be the joker with which the West interrupted the supposedly pro-Russian oligarchs and their protege with a criminal background.

However, I repeat: the story of the lady is insidious and everything can go differently. The future is not predetermined, it becomes in the struggle, the collision of wills and forces, and therefore depends on us, on our actions. Losing the game is not losing the match, the match is not over. But in order to win it, or at least not to lose, it is necessary to do ruthless work on the mistakes and restore order at home. The loss of the “Ukrainian party” is the result of our internal problems, internal disruption.

"The era that started in 1991 year with the provocation of the August coup and the treacherous collusion of Bialowieza ends. Some other time begins"

- You say: the party for Ukraine is lost. But what about the Russian troops on the territory of the Crimea?

- The decision of the Russian authorities, and above all of Putin, completely breaks the scenario of the development of the neo-Nazi-Bandera coup / insurrection in Ukraine, inspired by the West, and above all the United States. In this regard, it can be said that the “face” of Sasha Bely is the flip face of President Obama and, in general, of all in the West, who were tempting neo-Nazis to seize power. Having seized power in Kiev, the extremists, who immediately banned the use of the Russian language, planned, gathering their strength and having the support of the West, to bring the Russian east and southeast to their knees. However, it turned out that these regions have support - and serious, this is Russia. It turned out that the country which had once defeated Nazism once stood in the way of the genocide of the Russian population by neo-Nazis.

The suppression of the east and southeast (it would follow the same pattern as the Serbs were crushed, only the “zapadents” who occupied the Albanians under the NATO shield would crush the place) is vital for the North Atlantic elite — it needs all of Ukraine, not just its western part. This part in itself is meaningless and is suitable only for the role of the second Kosovo. Therefore, the position of Russia so infuriated the Western elite, which, however, is unlikely to be able to do something really serious, except for winding nerves, provocations, podlyanok, etc. In what Obama and Co. say, there is impotent rage. They would like Russia to be indifferent to watching the Russians spread rot, how the neo-Nazi Slavic Reich will form on its western border. It is significant that the overwhelming mass of the Russian population actively supports the decision of the country's leadership. Overwhelming - except for a small but loud group, namely the “fifth column”, which immediately hissed.

In general, the current situation in Ukraine and around it reveals the “fifth column” especially well - both its meanness and its intellectual and professional misery. Here the expert from the Carnegie Foundation cut through and squealed that all this reminds him of the introduction of troops into Afghanistan. But what does Afghanistan have to do with it? What, in Afghanistan on the eve of the entry of the Soviet troops, did the Nazi-Bandera coup take place and the persecution of the Russians began? What, did the citizens of Russia live in Afghanistan (then the USSR)? Where is the logic? But, apparently, for an expert, the main thing is not logic, the main thing for the American owners to hear is to croak at the right time, “in all a crow's throat”. Although on the site of the owners I would have reduced my salary to such a servant - how can you defend the interests of those who hired you so stupidly? More elegant is necessary, carefully. This is generally the problem of "pyatokolonnik". You listen to their arguments and ask yourself: are they so unprofessional or are we dealing with elementary dementia? And another question: why are structures of the Carnegie Foundation type still being found in our country? Why does the agency of someone else's influence feel at ease with us? It is good that they mostly work rudely and counterproductively, but the matter is in principle. But back to the cut. Here is a singer released in circulation. He happily reports that in Ukraine our army is done like in Czechoslovakia. Ill, read books, if you have not forgotten how. The Soviet army established control over Czechoslovakia (the third most powerful army in Europe after the USSR and the GDR) in 36 hours, with minimal losses — of their own and the local population. This operation as a model was studied in the NATO headquarters. The current crisis situation powerfully demands cutting off the “fifth column” from the media; it is necessary to put a rigid political and legal barrier to its activities. And do not pay attention to the hypocritical moaning of those who poured blood on Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and many other countries and are ready to cover Ukraine with blood.

In general, the West the farther, the more concerned the situation in Russia in the post-Soviet space. Do they have few problems of their own? So maybe it is necessary that they appear? Why does the West work with impunity in our zone? Why don't we start doing what the Soviet Union did while actively working in foreign zones? Moreover, there are enough vulnerabilities. In any case, the Ukrainian crisis, provoked by the West against the background of popular discontent with the Yanukovich regime, is a milestone in the history of Europe, Eurasia and international relations. The era that started in 1991, with the provocation of the August coup and the treacherous Belovezhskaya conspiracy, is ending. Some other time begins. One cannot escape from time - and it is not necessary. Time must be met in the forehead. And even more so it is necessary to defend their own, to fight, as Alexander Nevsky would say, “for one’s friends”. In this case, it is not only “for friends”, but also for oneself — for the Russian state in history.

“Only a big war can solve the most serious problems of the supranational and American elite”

- What challenges do you see in Russia itself in the coming years?

- The main challenge for Russia is the systemic corruption of the state-oligarchic system. And it can be eliminated only by eliminating the oligarchic segment. Build this - a very unstable design, and it will either turn into an individual dictatorship based on the masses, or degenerate into a clique, the junta with the inevitable collapse of the country. It is the corruption-oligarchic (oligarchic-corruption) component that creates internal problems and weakens the state, making it vulnerable from the outside. Vulnerability from outside with us from all sides. In the west, this is NATO, whose owners — the North Atlantic elites — seem to be seeking to form a Bandera-neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine aimed against Russia. In the south (the Caucasus, Central Asia), these are Islamist radicals and, again, their Western masters are the supranational structures of world coordination and governance. These structures (the registration point at the moment - the United States) are the main opponent of Russia, which, with its nuclear weapons still represents the only obstacle in their path to full world domination. Perhaps they will try to finally solve the Russian question, provoking the internal Slavic, internal Russian war. This, I think, is one of the likely long-term goals of what is happening in Ukraine these days, which is being prepared for the role of an anti-Russian springboard.

"Exactly in 2017, by the centenary of October, the Soviet legacy will be devoured and the choice of means and the foundation for a breakthrough will come before the authorities"

- Is it possible to find parallels to the current period in Russian history?

- Conducting historical analogies is a risky thing, the story never repeats completely. As Hegel noted, the analogies are superficial and meaningful. The substantive analogies are such, which are based on theory - naturally, serious. Therefore, here I will confine myself to such analogies, which can be based on a solid theory. Of course, the theory itself, I will not expound here - it takes a lot of time and place. But briefly present my point of view.

In terms of the internal political policy of the Russian Federation, the reality of which is characterized by social polarization, corruption, screaming, brazenly-demonstrative wealth on the one hand, and poverty on the other, reminds Russia of 1915 – 16. This is the first.

Secondly, according to a number of parameters, the Russian Federation reminds the USSR at the time when it was approaching its final, when a certain part of the nomenklatura top and special services fought to change the order and thus hide the ends of their corruption and anti-state activities in 1970– 80-s.

Thirdly, the situation of the current central authority in the Russian Federation reminds me of the Moscow kingdom on the eve of the introduction of the oprichnina. The center is seriously threatened with complete oligarchization of power, the substitution of one chief superior by a “collective chief”, who will undoubtedly agree with the West to surrender the country to him on certain conditions (as it just happened in Ukraine, the political form is any; for example, the replacement of the presidential Republic parliamentary) with the surrender to the West of the personification of the center of the church and the people in addition. Ivan the Terrible stopped the tendency to oligarchy with the help of the oprichnina, which became the embryo of autocracy.

In another respect, the current situation is somewhat reminiscent of the 1564-65 years and at the same time 1929. The point is this. Russia has always created a relatively small total public product; a real substance, whether agricultural or industrial, has always been small. As a result, turning points in Russian history became such when the legacy of the previous era, the previous system was devoured, and the choice arose on the basis of which, based on which layers to make a breakthrough. Until the end of this decade, perhaps, exactly in 2017, by the centenary of October, the Soviet legacy will be devoured, and once again the choice of means and foundation for a breakthrough will be presented to the authorities. An anti-oligarchic, nationally-oriented choice was made in 1565 and 1929. How will now - we'll see. This is with regard to historical analogies in domestic and domestic affairs.

- What about foreign policy?

- With regard to foreign policy analogies, the current situation reminds me at the same time the years before the Crimean and World War II. In the latter case, it is the world crises with grave consequences, and the dire economic situation of the United States. At the end of the 1930-s, only the world war could save the American capitalist elite from the redistribution of property in favor of the middle and the bottom. By the end of 1930, the advertised “new course” of Franklin Roosevelt failed - a faithful servant of large American plutocrats, which some people still consider to be a fighter with them, and the United States moved to war; their goal in it was not so much the defeat of Germany (with it, with its potential, and so everything was clear) and Japan, as the undermining of the main rival - the British Empire. Today, many of the most serious problems of a very important segment of the supranational, and above all the American elite, can also be solved only by a big war.

Further. Since 1929, the British (in cooperation with part of the American elite) led Hitler to power the Nazis, created the German Third Reich, which was supposed to crush the USSR. Today, Americans (in cooperation with part of the British and Western European elite) are trying to create in Ukraine a Slavic neo-Nazi (Bandera) Reich, SS - “Galichina” the size of a whole country, a Slavic anti-Russian state, which can be thrown at the Russian Federation. Or - the minimum program - with which you can effectively put pressure on the Russian Federation, much more efficiently than with the help of the Islamists. Another thing is that these plans may fail, not be realized - and everything must be done for this, but I have no doubt that they are.

The analogy with the period preceding the Crimean War is as follows. Since 1830, the British have launched the informational-psychological project “Russophobia”. His goal was to set up Europe, European public opinion against Russia, presenting our country - the winner of Napoleon and the main opponent of Albion in Eurasia - in a totally negative light: Russia as the center of all bad and the source of all evils - from small to large. The campaign lasted almost a quarter of a century and brought success: at the beginning of the 1850-s, on the basis of this campaign, the UK created a pan-European anti-Russian coalition that defeated Russia in the Crimean War. A large-scale and systematic anti-Russian campaign in the European press was informational, a “cold” preparation for a hot war, and when all Europeans were convinced that Russia was a bad country that did not deserve peace and condescension, it remained a matter of technology to provoke Russia into war, which was done with using turkey.

If you look at what the US and Western European media are writing and showing about Russia in the last few years, then you can say with all obviousness: a large-scale systematic aggressive information war is being waged against Russia - in fact, many high-ranking US officials do not hide this or hostility to Russia. Informational blows are raining down on everything - from large and serious things to trifles, the significance of which is inflated to gigantic proportions - from the position of Russia on Syria to the possessed girls from Pussy Riot. And according to the Olympics, they even managed to cling to the gold medal of the figure skater Adeline Sotnikova. In other words, there is a total information bombardment, which should convince the western man in the street: Russia is a bad, worthless, undemocratic, intolerant country, representing (due to the presence of nuclear weapons) a threat to the “free western world”. And consequently…

What I know about the history of Russia, the West, international relations and information wars allows us to make an unequivocal conclusion: today, like on the eve of the Crimean War, there is such an information war against Russia, which, if necessary, will justify delivering a blow to Russia the invasion of Russia. Only as a provoking factor, in all likelihood, they are supposed to use not Turkey, but the Slavic state, having vented no longer Turks and Russians, not Germans and Russians, but Slavs with Slavs, Ukrainian Russians with Moscow Russians. So the analogies and parallels, alas, are disappointing.

"This is the answer of the West of Russia to its independent position in 2013 year. So to say," the empire strikes back "

“Then why did Putin behave so confidently last year?”

- On the whole, the international conjuncture of 2013 of the year favored the success of Vladimir Putin’s actions in Syrian affairs and the Snowden case, and in short terms partly along the Ukrainian line. But if you paid attention, I stressed: nothing ended in Syria or Ukraine. Assad will try to put a squeeze on one way or another - not in the forehead, so bypass. Well, in Ukraine - who is not blind, he sees what is happening. Although the West, and above all the United States, planned and prepared for two decades what happened there today, it is “today” - the answer of the West of Russia to its relatively successful actions, and most importantly, to its independent position in 2013, and especially for unwillingness to allow the West to tear Ukraine away from Russia. So to say, “Empire Strikes Back” - “The Empire Strikes Back.”

In general, assessing one or other short-term events as a success or failure is difficult. The French historian Fernand Braudel wrote: “Events are dust,” meaning that the meaning of an event can only be understood in the medium term (at least) time and, I will add, in a wider spatial perspective. And one of the greatest historians of the twentieth century, the British Erik Hobsbaum, generally believed that the fact is difficult to consider outside the context of the next two hundred years. This is probably a bust, but one thing is certain: an understanding of an event is possible only in a broader causal context. That is why it is so difficult to analyze the current reality - you need to simultaneously associate it with the trends of the past, doing historical combinatorics, and at the same time calculate future trends, tightening those and others in the instant of the present. The bottom line: what could be seen as a success in 2013 in the longer historical perspective may turn out to be a failure or a serious problem - “we cannot predict how our words will respond,” wrote Fyodor Tyutchev). And even later it can turn back success.

- What is the influence of the government in the political system of the Russian Federation? And how can one explain the contradiction between Putin’s policies with his appeal to statehood and patriotism, on the one hand, and with frank liberal economic policies, on the other?

- Indeed, the Russian government headed by Dmitry Medvedev is pursuing the same neo-liberal privatization course as before. Most of the cabinet are supporters of the liberal model of the economy, the one that destroys the economy of the Russian Federation, and the world economy has led to a dead end and a crisis. In the world, the era of the neoliberal counterrevolution (2007 – 2009) has ended with the crisis of 1980 – 2010 and the anti-liberal course is beginning to gain momentum, in contradiction with which the activity of Russian neoliberals continues to develop, their course.

The contradiction lies between the economic course and specialization in the international division of labor, on the one hand, and the foreign policy course, personified by Vladimir Putin, on the other. The course of the current government, contrary to its own statements, preserves the raw material specialization of the Russian Federation in the world system, and therefore - dependence on the owners of this system, which threatens the complete loss of sovereignty; Moreover, this course (the defeat of education and science under the guise of their reform) deprives Russia of competitiveness on the world stage in the future. The contradiction between the status of a great power or a powerful regional power and a commodity specialization cannot last forever, it must be resolved either in one direction (loss of sovereignty, and with it a significant part of sovereignty, or simply collapse with consolidation of dependent-commodity status), or to another (transition from commodity specialization, incapable of providing real and significant sovereign status, to advanced developed-industrial forms). This contradiction became acute in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century and in the USSR at the turn of 1970 – 1980-s and destroyed both of these power structures of Russian history. The situation is the same today, and the threat of death / disintegration of the Russian Federation is not from the unreal region, especially since there are forces within the country and outside of it that are very interested in this. So we will be vigilant and ready to harshly stop any attempt to violate our state integrity.

Since in Russia power is always personalized, no matter what the government does, the main responsibility always rests with the First Person, whatever it is called, the king, the CPSU general secretary or the president; it is responsible for everything, and demand from it. Hence the discontent of a large part of the population who voted for Putin in 2012. The decline in the economic growth of the Russian Federation, which is acquiring a threatening character and — against the background of systemic corruption and the economic course of the government — is increasing social discontent with power, is working on it. The danger here is that the opponents of Russia (precisely historical Russia, whatever its name, and not just the Russian Federation) and their “fifth column” inside the country, under the guise of fighting corruption, oligarchy and a specific regime, will try to demolish Russian statehood as such to forever cut off Russia. It is necessary to remember well what slogans brought the USSR under: the struggle against the privileges of the nomenclature, for democracy, etc. What came after 1991 of the year has nothing to do with democracy, and the privileges and wealth of the post-Soviet elite who robbed the population of the country grew as much as the Soviet nomenclature never dreamed of, while the poverty, misery and insecurity of a large number of people reached , unrepresentable in the USSR.

Marx and Engels remarked on the European revolution 1848 of the year: we now know the role that stupidity plays in revolutions and how villains can use it. Moral: you need to remember 1991 for a year and not commit stupidity a second time, do not step on a rake, which are actively slipped by those who try to present themselves as true fighters against corruption, cutting-economy and oligarchs. But for some reason, oligarchs and those interested in preserving the oligarchic system in Russia, but in the form of a parliamentary type of a weak capitalist republic, rather than a strong state that restricts oligarchs (albeit with many patrimonial oligarchies), support these “fighters”.

"The contradiction lies between the economic course, specialization in the international division of labor - and Putin's foreign policy"

- So what should Putin do if he pays for all the mistakes of the government with his authority?

- The task of the central government in such a situation is to curtail the neoliberal policy and begin implementing anti-liberal measures in all spheres of society (with the mandatory political and legal suppression of the “fifth column” and cutting it off from the media). Otherwise, an explosion of social discontent to be used by external forces is highly likely. In this regard, the February coup of 2014 in Ukraine is “a good lesson for a lesson” and a warning, perhaps the last. Speaking on Maidan, Yulia Tymoshenko said that the events in Kiev are an example for the peoples of all post-Soviet states in their fight against dictators, and the son of war criminal Roman Shukhevych, Yuri Shukhevich, said bluntly: February Maidan is a continuation of the 1991 events of the year, the beginning of the second anti-Soviet revolution (the first - in 1991 – 1993), which should finally destroy the dream of restoring the Soviet Union. It is clear that the goals and objectives of such characters are formulated not in Ukraine, but abroad.

- In this case: do you think that any thoughts about decentralization and democostization are veiled propaganda of the collapse of Russia?

- I don’t know what demos is the acquisition of, but with decentralization everything is clear. It is not by chance that the enemies of Russia have sought and are striving to weaken the central power, to make it loose. Or - another option: they offer to turn Russia into a nation-state or several such nation-states. This is another way to destroy Russia, the old Anglo-Saxon-Vatican project “strike across Russia with Russian nationalism”. No wonder the so-called "Russian nationalists" like the liberals, who, as you know, do not like the Russian government.

Russia has never been (and will not be, if it is destined to be preserved) a national state in the bourgeois-western sense of the word - it is not its format, not its size, not its becoming and not its essence. Russia can only be an empire or (in the 21st century) an imperion-like formation (this form is described by me in the article “Cold East Wind” in the journal However, 2011, No. 1). Imperial (imperial) for Russia is not a form, as in the West, but a content.

Someone will say: the Russians carried the burden of the empire, but were winners who did not receive anything, and therefore the Russian empire was allegedly not needed or even allegedly harmful. This is a sly argument, because the Russians outside the empire are simply impossible, in which case they are easy prey for predators and aliens. But there is a certain ratio in this argument pushing for action: in the new imperial-like formation of historical Russia, the proportional number of ethnic groups must be strictly observed, the representation of members of these ethnic groups in various spheres, especially in government, the media, and science. It is necessary to correct the mistakes and errors of the past. There is a real problem: the formation of Russians as a nation is not completed, we lack national (self) consciousness — it must be actively developed. At the same time, we need an imperial-national (self) consciousness, not a national separatist one. And this consciousness, of course, must be defensive; of course, not in the sense of going into a dull defense (the best defense is an attack), but in the sense of a military one: since we live in a military era and at stake is the survival of Russians (and other indigenous peoples of Russia who will disappear without Russians), cultural-historical type (civilization) and power type (imperopodobnoe education).

In most cases, all schemes of decentralization of power in Russia are aimed at the dismemberment of the state into parts. The situation with the neoliberal talks about the maximum exit of the state from the economy is similar - they also work to weaken and disintegrate Russia.

"Another way to destroy Russia, the old Anglo-Saxon-Vatican project -“ strike across Russia with Russian nationalism ”

- What role do you assign to the Urals in future geopolitical processes?

- The Urals is the backbone of Northern Eurasia and at the same time the Russian state, one of its pillars. The Urals is the geostrategically most important zone of control of Russian land to the east and south and the Russian seas in the North, in the Arctic, which will be one of the main prizes of the 21st century in the world struggle for power and resources.

- What do you think, what bills should be adopted in the coming years?

- There are a lot of such laws. I will name those that should have been taken yesterday:

1. the law on the Russian people as state-forming (it must bring the law into conformity with reality: Russia is a multinational country, but a mono-national state);

2. the law on state ideology (without ideology there are no meanings, and without them a development strategy is impossible);

3. the law on the primacy of Russian law and Russian laws over international ones;

4. the law on the confiscation of property of corrupt officials (first of all, officials) and their family members;

5. the law on criminal liability for appeals to the violation of the state integrity of the Russian Federation, to separatism and for actions aimed at the realization of these goals.

"I am a Soviet officer, the son of a Soviet officer who signed for the Reichstag"

- Andrei Ilyich, you are a historian - how do you feel about the concept of a new history textbook?

- The concept of a new history textbook in the form in which we discussed it at the end of last year at a meeting of the Izborsk club (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufz2bRaIYIs) does not hold water. In short, I’ll note that this concept is the fruit of mainly gray and dreary science bureaucrats who, by virtue of their small ability, tried to solve a difficult task: to fulfill the order of the chief and at the same time not to quarrel with the “liberal” (read: comprador) party during power and science. From here - an attempt to circumvent sharp corners, an attempt to dull and intellectually miserable. And, of course, there is a desire to remove the maximum of what is connected with socialism, even the October socialist revolution disappeared, its place was taken by the “great Russian revolution of the year 1917”. Is this the February palace coup, the work of the provisional government, the collapse of the country - the “great revolution”? Yes, people just sbrendili. In addition, it is unclear how capitalism is better than socialism — the evidence is on the table!

The authors of the concept proclaimed its social contract and principles of consistency and historicism as its methodological basis. This is called “an elder in the garden, and an uncle in Kiev.” The sick have not yet been informed that the social contract, in contrast to the principles of systemism and historicism, has nothing to do with the methodology of science, it is from a different plane.

And, finally, the whole concept is permeated by West-centrism, Euro-centrism; the idea is constantly being held that the history of Russia is an integral part of European history. But will not “European history” choke with such a piece as Russia, Northern Eurasia? First of all, this is European history, the history of the Western European Peninsula is part of Eurasian history. Secondly, Europeanism is not limited to the West. There is a Western, “Frankish” Europe, and there is a Northeastern, Russian Europe that has mastered Northern Eurasia. It is a completely independent stream interwoven with the Western, but by no means a part of it, a type of historical, civilizational development. It was clear to Arnold Toynbee, the British historian and intelligence officer, but not to the authors of the concept. Probably, Toynbee is not an authority for them (like Marx and many others), but an authority - disposable pacifiers, such as Alexander Yanov and other mediocrity.

It is necessary to explain the Russian historical type from him, and not to put a "trishkin caftan" of European schemes and concepts on him. You listen to other academicians - and the thought arises: or maybe it was necessary to disperse, if not the academy, then these would-be academicians, some of them do not even hesitate to throw mud at our past and argue that the territory east of the Urals should be given control "International community", read: the tops of the world capitalist class.

“Hess was one of the last witnesses to the crimes of the British. After stating that Gorbachev did not object to his release from the prison of Spandau, Hess called his son and said:“ Now the British will kill me. ”

- In the history of Russia, you assign a large role to Joseph Stalin. And where did he come from? Is it possible that he emerged from the structure of supranational coordination and management with the Russian foundation?

- Stalin emerged, firstly, from the complex “parallelogram of forces” of the international far left movement (Lenin’s group), the Russian left movement (Fioletov’s Baku group), desperate intelligence and counterintelligence actions of the General Staff of the Russian Empire, in 1917, saved Russia from establishing over it is Anglo-American control and ready to cooperate with the Russian ("imperial") oriented Bolsheviks, what was Stalin.

Secondly, the emergence of Stalin as a historical figure is determined by the logic of the development of the large “Russia” system and its denial of the “world revolution” scheme, into which the international socialists were about to throw Russia.

Stalin created a “red empire”, a state, and not a structure of supranational coordination with the Russian foundation, and in the struggle it created with the Western supranational structures of world coordination and management, using their contradictions. Such structures are characteristic of the West capitalist era, capitalism is not reproduced without such structures (I described this process in Capitalism as a conspiracy. Volume I. 1520 – 1870-s // De Conspiratione / On Conspiracy. M .: KMK, 2013) . We, Russians, have no tradition of creating supra-state structures, we are statesmen. Another thing is that we should create our statehood by embedding immunity in it against supra-state structures, their agents, and initially honing such a powerful drill with a win-win to the victorious fight against them.

- How do you suppose - what information did Rudolf Hess have that the British could not reveal it to everyone?

- I am convinced that Hess had explosive information on 1939 and 1941. I think in the 1939, the British gave him guarantees of actual non-intervention or fictitious intervention (as it happened) in the event of a Reich attack on Poland - just as in July 1914, they convinced Wilhelm that they would remain neutral in the event of war between Germany and Austria-Hungary with Russia and France and so provoked him.

In May – June 1941 of the year, judging by the totality of circumstantial evidence, the British convinced Hess (and through him Hitler) that, at a minimum, they would not conduct active hostilities against the Reich if Hitler attacked the USSR. Otherwise, Hitler would not dare to bare the western front and transfer troops to the Soviet border.

The terrible secret of the British 1939 – 1941's is the secret of the conspirators and arsonists of the war. Everything is logical: first Hitler was brought to power, and then they threw off the anti-Hitler plot of the German generals in September 1938 of the year and then gave him the Czechoslovak military-industrial complex. Hess was one of the last witnesses of these crimes. Therefore, it is not by chance that after the statement that Gorbachev did not object to the release of Hess from Spandau prison, he called his son and said: "Now the British will kill me." And soon he was found hanged - allegedly suicide. A man who could not even shave himself was killed (hanged himself). For more information about Hesse and his flight, see my video.

"Gorbachev’s most important mystery: the Anglo-Saxons long and firmly demanded that he not dare to unite the two Germany, and he went to meet the Germans"

- You claim that Mikhail Gorbachev ruined the USSR. What are the facts and your sources?

- I never said that Gorbachev alone ruined the USSR. Not even a large figure is capable of this, not to mention such a small figure as Gorbachev, an uneducated careerist who turned out to be at the top of the power pyramid of the USSR, on the one hand, according to the logic of its decomposition, on the other hand, by some coincidence external forces. The point is not Gorbachev, but in the social bloc of forces, whose facade was Gorbachev and his "brigade". The block of forces is part of the Soviet nomenclature and special services, which sought to become owners, on the one hand, part of supranational structures of world coordination and management, expressing the interests of big capital and operating through various structures (states of the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Israel and others; CIA special services , MI-6, Mossad; transnational corporations) - on the other.

The Gorbachev Brigade - and there is plenty of evidence (just look at the laws that were adopted on the economic and political reorganization of the USSR) - ruined the economy so that it would be easier to justify the inconsistency of socialism and the transition to a different form of ownership. From the Soviet side, the curators of the Gorbachev puppeteers wanted only this, but not the destruction of the USSR. But their Western accomplices used these actions precisely to defeat the USSR and, taking control of the destructive processes at the beginning of 1989, beat their Soviet “allies” and achieved their goals. The "allies" had to either change the plan on the move, or implement a minimum program, a kind of "picnic on the sidelines" of the road seized by the masters of the world game. In any case, they quickly understood the situation and began to rebuild their post-Soviet economic system through nominees. As if by magic, it is in 1989 that the “businesses” of future oligarchs-activists of the “seven bankers” - Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Smolensky, Khodorkovsky appear.

Someone will say: yes, Gorbachev is just a fool, he did not understand what he was doing. Yes, indeed, Gorbachev was narrow-minded, limited, vain, greedy (when he was the first secretary of the Stavropol Territory he had the nickname “Misha-envelope”), he really understood not all that he did - often he was played in the dark. But he did it all the same way. The fool makes mistakes, so to speak, in different directions. For Gorbachev, all the “mistakes” went in the same direction and worked to destroy the Soviet system and the CPSU, and ultimately the USSR.

The main mystery of Gorbachev lies, in my opinion, in the following. How could a man who looked into Thatcher’s mouth and Reagan, and then Bush Sr., who was trying to please them in everything, dared to disobey them on the German question? The Anglo-Saxons for quite a long time and firmly demanded that Gorbachev not dare to unite the two Germany, and he went to meet the Germans and the forces at the world level that supported them. What did the Germans have on Gorbachev that could outweigh his piety for the Anglo-Saxons and the fear of them? What cowardly jackal suddenly behaved like an independent tiger?

- Will there be continuation of stories about the royal family of Great Britain?

- The royal family of Great Britain, and other families from the first five hundred interest me not on their own, but as part of a whole, the Web, the Matrix. Therefore, I do not plan a special study on the Saxe-Coburg family, they are Windsors. I am interested in referring to the book by L. Picknett and his co-authors (Picnett L., Prince C., Prior S. with Brydom R. War of the Windsors: A century of Unconstitutional Monarchy. Edinburgh, 2003).

- Andrei Ilyich, you yourself would not like to participate in the "backstage of the world"? In opposition, it happens so often ...

- I did not understand the part of the question that is connected with the opposition. I not only have no relation to the opposition (firstly, because I am a socially very fastidious person; secondly, if our government most often fails most of what it undertakes, then the opposition fails everything — should we deal with professional losers?), but also to politics in general - I have another platform, other tasks in life, another “front line”. As for participation in the backstage, my answer is brief and, I hope, clear: I am a Soviet officer, the son of a Soviet officer who signs up for the Reichstag.
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  1. +26
    11 March 2014 16: 44
    "You shouldn't bend under the changing world - Better let it bend under us, One day it will bend under us."
    Only and not otherwise good .
    1. +23
      11 March 2014 21: 06
      The words are good, only the one who sang this song, in the light of recent events, is not quite right. And they say you can’t throw words out of a song. Can the singer himself be thrown out?
      1. +13
        11 March 2014 21: 19
        Quote: Renat
        Can the singer himself be thrown out?
        They have a concept like this - to fight. (For old-style rockers) And what kind of power prevails, you need to fight against that. Say a protest, pacifism. - this is the first moment. Second: Makarevich has long been forgotten, a generation who listened to him, grow old and forget him, and here is Andryusha and attracts attention by all means scandalous. And from myself: If you don’t know what to do then don’t tryndi. In general, rock for me has always been something sublime, rock is about the soul, it is about that not everyone notices, and the author has noticed. And about the dirt, war, corruption, violence and injustice, I’m on the news in the internet and on TV, I'll look, in music I want to relax. Makarevich - it’s wrong. Anyone can have an opinion. But he should not, in my opinion, use his position won in a different way, not political. Zhirik - please - he became known for saying provocative things, and this one sang and sang and then suddenly climbed to a place where he was not called and at that that it seems to me he does not understand.
      2. Vrvarius
        11 March 2014 22: 37
        in-in! This advocate of democracy disappointed me even when he was drinking beer with Medvedev. and now, you see, fearless has become. Volodya name-calling.
      3. AVIATOR36662
        11 March 2014 23: 40
        It's just that not all good singers and "good guys" become smart politicians and patriots of their Motherland and Fatherland. Not everything. But people tend to admit their mistakes and "do work on mistakes."
      4. +1
        12 March 2014 00: 55
        Quote: Renat
        The words are good, only the one who sang this song, in the light of recent events, is not quite right. And they say you can’t throw words out of a song. Can the singer himself be thrown out?

        In this case, NEEDED!
    2. 2front
      11 March 2014 21: 18
      Yes! I think only in this way and no other way !!!
    3. +14
      11 March 2014 21: 21
      Quote: Sma11
      "You shouldn't bend under the changing world - Better let it bend under us, One day it will bend under us."
      Only and not otherwise good .

      But the one who wrote these words, so bent under a changing world that he himself became a traitor.
    4. +5
      11 March 2014 21: 37
      The "forum member" appeared again, giving his comments a few hours before the article was published.

      I congratulate you, Sma11, on the next lesson Pal Position good

    5. AVV
      11 March 2014 21: 53
      Quote: Sma11
      "You shouldn't bend under the changing world - Better let it bend under us, One day it will bend under us."
      Only and not otherwise good .

      To stir up this Anglo-Saxon anthill !!! Whatever place they have left in history !!! After all, they stir up water everywhere !!! With their supply and actions, conflicts arise around the world !!!
      1. +2
        12 March 2014 00: 34
        Here you are wrong, because Herostratus has become an integral part of history, and also the Anglo-Saxons cannot be deleted from history. It is important in what quality they will remain in it. In historical memory, truth is important, and forgetfulness of something significant means a lie.
    6. 0
      12 March 2014 01: 28
      Secondly, Europeanism does not come down to the West. There is Western, "Frankish" Europe, and there is Northeast, Russian Europe, which has mastered Northern Eurasia. It is completely independent, interwoven with the Western, but by no means an integral part of it, a type of historical, civilizational development. Arnold Toynbee, the British historian and scout, it was clear, but the authors of the concept is not very. Probably Toynbee is not authority for them (like Marx and many others), but authority is disposable dummies like Alexander Yanov and other mediocrity.

      It is necessary to explain the Russian historical type from himself, and not to push the “Trishkin Kaftan” of European schemes and concepts onto him

      Here, after all, it is not a logical moment for Fursov. Russia has Europe, but at the same time, there is no need to apply "European schemes" to it. Where is the point? All the same, every word should have a meaning. When we say "Europe" we immediately mean a certain intelligible picture. And then Fursov immediately declares: European schemes are not applicable in Russia ...
  2. RND
    11 March 2014 17: 22
    Some other time begins. You can’t run away from time - and don’t. Time must be met in the forehead. And even more so it is necessary to protect their own, to fight, as Alexander Nevsky would say, "for his own." In this case, this is not only "for friends", but also for oneself - for Russian autocracy in history.

    No words - alone "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + "!!!!
    1. +3
      11 March 2014 21: 36
      And there is no need to run away anywhere. Times are not chosen, they live and die. So you have to live, but so that, as they say, "it was not excruciatingly painful" to remember what was done.
  3. +8
    11 March 2014 19: 40
    There is only one conclusion: the face of the muzzle has healed, a long time ago the Arctic fox came to them ....
    1. +5
      11 March 2014 20: 50
      .... in the west the muzzle has healed, quite a while the Arctic fox came to them ....

      ... I read your comment and ran to the store to buy hats ... we will throw the West and their puppets with them!
      And the article is excellent .. here are just the conclusions of some ... hmmmmmmm ... somewhat simplified. The trouble is that we are still in the process of the initial accumulation of capital in the new capital community ... The West is using this and will BUY many of our officials not even piece by piece ... but in bulk! Therefore, state interests become secondary in comparison with personal! Hence the timidity in the response ... looking at the first person and ... at the same time ... to the WEST ... and then they will think wrongly and show ... who is angry and who will close the feeder with grants ...
      For power hurt!
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      12 March 2014 00: 37
      Unfortunately, slowly the scribe comes to the west. Oh slow ...
  4. +12
    11 March 2014 20: 04
    It is intelligible, clear, intelligible! THANKS to the author.
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. +6
      11 March 2014 20: 32
      And what should it be? Bender?
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +4
          11 March 2014 20: 38
          Quote: torroty
          ... just like that, and "Binder" ... and by the way ... who are they "Binder"? ...

          These are modern Bandera, who are in the pose of cancer in front of the hero.
          1. torroty
            11 March 2014 20: 39
            ... here I am Ukrainian ... do you think I am a "Binder"? ...
            1. +5
              11 March 2014 20: 43
              Do you know mov?
            2. +25
              11 March 2014 20: 51
              Ukrainian, and what kind of tribe will you be, in Ukraine there are Galicians, there are Hutsuls, there are Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, there are Russians, there is a Jew, there are Poles, there are Romanians, there are Moldovans, there are Crimean Tatars, but whoever there is, except for the Ukrainians, for no such a nation is Ukrainian, a country that Ukraine got its name in the 20th century from the geographical area of ​​Ukraine. What does it mean - at the edge of the Russian land. And to say that there is a nationality Ukrainian, is the same as in the Urals to talk about nationality Uralets.
              1. Gora52
                11 March 2014 23: 32
                An excellent answer to the question about "Mov". With two hands for such an answer!
              2. 0
                12 March 2014 01: 00
                The credo of true "Ukrainians" is "my house is on the edge".
            3. +14
              11 March 2014 21: 04
              Quote: torroty
              .. here I am Ukrainian ... in your opinion - I am "Binder"? ...

              You’re a Troll, but Trolls do not have a nationality
          2. 0
            12 March 2014 00: 56
            Yes, no, unfortunately, Bandera is not in the pose of cancer in the West, they are not jesters, if someone in the West believes that they can control them, he is deeply mistaken, no matter how much later regret it. Once they were sure that they could control Bonaparte, Lenin and Trotsky, Hitler, Bin Laden. More examples needed? Between such people (ideological to the degree of dishonesty) and the West can only be temporary tactical alliances. The ideas of such people can be different, sometimes diametrically opposite, but those who believe that they can use and manage these people later bitterly repent of their error, though they all the same step on the same rake over and over again. History teaches us that it teaches nothing.
        2. +3
          11 March 2014 20: 40
          Ukrainian nationalists. Slogan: beat Russians and Jews.
          But you will say that they are white and fluffy.
          I understand them supports the west of Ukraine,
          but the center, and especially the southeast, is generally a clinic.
          If we had such nationalistic ideas,
          then all of Russia would immediately end ...
          1. yur
            11 March 2014 22: 40
            Quote: gecko
            I understand them supports the west of Ukraine,
            but the center, and especially the southeast, is generally a clinic.
            If we had such nationalistic ideas,
            then all of Russia would immediately end ...
            So that's why Ukraine ends.
          2. 0
            12 March 2014 01: 04
            Russian Russophobes are the same as bees versus honey.
      2. +5
        11 March 2014 20: 36
        Quote: gecko
        And what should it be? Bender?

        Pin-Dostanovsk-Heroic. Manuals have not been canceled. wassat
    2. +11
      11 March 2014 20: 35
      Here is his answer to your point of view:
      I am a Soviet officer, the son of a Soviet officer who signed on the Reichstag.
      - in my opinion - WITHOUT QUESTIONS !!
    3. +5
      11 March 2014 21: 12
      What is your point of view ?!
      Just talked with relatives on Skype with Lugansk, the television is completely turned off. Well, at least the Internet is. I joke on them - they will turn off the light and there will be no Internet.
      1. +3
        11 March 2014 21: 36
        Quote: anfil
        Just talked with relatives on Skype with Lugansk, the television is completely turned off. Well, at least the Internet is. I joke on them - they will turn off the light and there will be no Internet.

        The way out is a cheap satellite receiver and dish.
        It would be nice to organize in the squares something like broadcasts on a widescreen screen, for example, "Russia-24".
        1. 0
          12 March 2014 01: 14
          You can also open video salons, as in the 90s, with watching TV in Russia (the forbidden fruit is sweet) or watch it on the sly, underground, in the kitchen, as in the 70s and 80s they listened to Voice of America.
  6. The comment was deleted.
    1. +4
      11 March 2014 21: 04
      Quote: torroty
      ..and that's how it was ...

      Are you one of those for whom a living girl is no comparison with the left hand? Masturbator or what?
    2. +5
      11 March 2014 21: 07
      In today's environment, this is not serious, and therefore not even funny.
      The Slav brothers are faced with a choice: to shoot - not to shoot.
      And here are the tales of KVNovsky.

      If so unbearable, discuss alanda in a helmet on a moped or adultery in the English royal family.
      And the fact that V.V. Putin will drink and do not control a nuclear strike on primary goals, no one will believe this, even in the west.
    3. +1
      11 March 2014 21: 35
      Are you afraid of the skin of a vigorous bomb ?!
  7. +19
    11 March 2014 20: 33
    Act decisively and mercilessly.
  8. Oksana
    11 March 2014 20: 33
    That's just nice to read! Turkish delight for the brain. Thank you!
    1. torroty
      11 March 2014 20: 38
      As for participation in the “backstage”, my answer is brief and, I hope, clear: I am a Soviet officer, the son of a Soviet officer who signed on the Reichstag.

      ... and, I think so, there, around the corner, and pissing ... bringing, so to speak, "Russian culture" ... and writing clearly not Pushkin's poems ... but a word of 3-4 letters ...
      1. +19
        11 March 2014 20: 47
        Quote: torroty
        .... I am a Soviet officer, the son of a Soviet officer who signed on the Reichstag.

        The training manual is not the time to change? laughing

        "Well, stupid ..." (M. Zadornov) bully
      2. +6
        11 March 2014 20: 50
        You yourself have posed for yourself ... at such a post, oligophrenic.
      3. +13
        11 March 2014 20: 56
        ... and, I think so, there, around the corner, and pissing ... bringing, so to speak, "Russian culture" ... and writing clearly not Pushkin's poems ... but a word of 3-4 letters ...

        Have you been to Berlin, to the Reichstag?
        Judging by your posts - no ...
        So visit (although you are unlikely to be allowed into the EU), or at least take a virtual tour ...
        Read what is written there!
        But your maydanutye "defenders of freedom" dirtied the whole of Kiev and did not quote Khmelnitsky and Gogol ...
      4. +9
        11 March 2014 21: 01
        Soviet officer, why are you making grammatical mistakes that are characteristic of the current generation of residents of Ukraine, and not the residents of the USSR In Russia and in the USSR they do not say "Binder" or Bender or Bender, but in the current generation, independent is often replaced by the Russian "E" or " E "slips" I ". So you studied either at the end of the 90s at the beginning of this century. You are either a Banderlog or someone who has joined them. And at the expense of Russian culture, you're in vain. We do not have a day in the porches to such an extent that the residents are forced to not do this with the help of announcements on the running line and do not turn the cent of the capital into a homeless person, like the "highly cultured" Galicians.
      5. The comment was deleted.
      6. +4
        11 March 2014 21: 13
        In vain you are so victorious about warriors ...
        It is for this that the Goddess of History punishes those who have lost their memory and mind.
        But ours wrote on the Reichstag not lines of A.S. Pushkin, and the intelligible words that no matter where the fascist reptile perked up, the Red Army will come and again drive the aspen stake into the devilish devil.
        Apparently, time is drawing near.
        so it's best to stay away from the reptile ...
      7. +3
        11 March 2014 21: 35
        We need to give you a "comrade" to live with the rulers who have come to Ukraine for 3-4 months and see what songs people like you will sing. It is a pity for ordinary people, as always, extreme in any country, in any case.
      8. +2
        11 March 2014 21: 36
        here you are Troll Bandera angry
      9. 0
        12 March 2014 00: 17
        Quote: torroty
        3-4 letter word
        Especially for those whom Russian culture touched only around pissed corners, I can throw a few words of 5-6 or even 8 letters. Is it necessary?
  9. +10
    11 March 2014 20: 34
    Yes. Fursov, this is not Fursenko. Well done. Article +.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +9
        11 March 2014 20: 51
        Sasha, drink gorilochki snack bacon with garlic and black bread, calm down.
        We are not enemies to you. We only slightly dig fascists and all.
        And if you are not a fascist, then you have nothing to fear.
      2. +4
        11 March 2014 20: 55
        evaporate already from here the Bandera mouse
      3. +3
        11 March 2014 20: 57
        Dear, please express your opinion, argue it. We are pleased to discuss. An alternative opinion is also interesting. And now you are stupidly rude.
        1. +2
          11 March 2014 21: 08
          Quote: arane
          And now you are stupidly rude.

          He came for this.
        2. torroty
          11 March 2014 21: 12
          Quote: arane
          Dear, please express your opinion, argue it. We are pleased to discuss. An alternative opinion is also interesting. And now you are stupidly rude.

          Quote: Barsik
          Quote: torroty
          ... but how it was ...

          do you work out loot? or do you really eat cockroaches in your brain?)

          ... I repeat --- I am a resident of Ukraine ... Chernihiv region ... not for a small sum of money ... I want to see the opinion of the Russians .. except for the evil Imerian howling I did not read anything ... the standard set is "binderovtsi". "foshizm" .... which of you was in Ukraine, eh? ..
          1. +2
            11 March 2014 21: 24
            And they were, and they saw, back in the 90s ...
          2. +6
            11 March 2014 21: 42
            Well, I was !!! Zagorivka village, Borznyansky district. And I saw everything, I know everything. I don’t want to be rude, but what’s going on there is pure SCHIZOPHRENIA! It’s as if you were vaccinated !!! You yourself are talking about everything shout from the corners! willow to the knives! Bandera come, put things in order! If God forbid he comes to you, it will come to an end for many of you !!! And in conclusion, do not be rude about the officers and the Reichstag, I ask you for a human being? nothing, because that Berkutovets with a broken eye also asked you to help his brothers and what?!? Sadly, everything that happens to you, but you deserve it all !!! you all ....
          3. +2
            11 March 2014 22: 44
            Quote: torroty

            ... I repeat --- I am a resident of Ukraine ... Chernihiv region ... not for a small sum of money ... I want to see the opinion of the Russians .. except for the evil Imerian howling I did not read anything ... the standard set is "binderovtsi". "foshizm" .... which of you was in Ukraine, eh? ..

            Sasha, is that your name? You live in the north of Ukraine, in the Chernihiv region i.e. in the north of Ukraine. In the past, the Chernigov principality was a separate state, then, due to the invasion of the Horde, they came under the protection of the Lithuanian principality, and so on. I do not refer you to Bendera and fascists, you just tell us what is happening now and how people live. At the expense of the evil imperial howl, so from your point of view, all Russians are so straightforward "bloodthirsty" ... Some of your posts do not go into any gates at all, you understand you are on a Russian site and your point of view, I think, will not coincide with mine or others, we would be in this information grinder, on the Ukrainian website. And as for Ukraine, we have lived in the Lviv region for 11 years, Stryi, and looked and listened to everyone ... I’m the son of your "akkupant", who did not eat your cowbass, but honestly served the USSR. I have relatives in Odessa, my wife is in the Crimea, but when they are going to raise my relatives to knives, SS revenge, what did you do to prevent this from happening ??? No offense and I have the honor! hi
      4. +4
        11 March 2014 21: 40
        did you read the article at all? what did she understand ??? you are not Ukrainian, you are the litter of geyropa and ov am and generally forget the RUSSIAN language! you are not worthy to speak it
        1. +1
          11 March 2014 23: 13
          And they no longer Orthodox and more non-catholics, i.e. instead of crossing the bridge, they began to build their house on the bridge. And who lives under bridges and on bridges, according to belief, of course, devils. To me all this orgy in Ukraine reminds me of the movie "The 13th Warrior", where the orcs are very much like Banderlog.
  10. +4
    11 March 2014 20: 35
    The West of Russia needs one thing - that it was not there. Strategically, geohistorically - was not.

    Yes, absolutely. For centuries, the Anglo-Saxons and their associates have been trying to multiply Russia by zero. It is necessary to survive .....
  11. +5
    11 March 2014 20: 38
    a military convoy is moving along the Don route in a southerly direction, soldiers are in full ammunition, in armor, a convoy at 20 km is stretched somewhere.
  12. +13
    11 March 2014 20: 38
    We are free birds; It's time, brother, it's time!
    There, where the mountain is white behind a cloud,
    There, where the blue lands ....
    1. vagabond55
      12 March 2014 00: 15
      Ah well done! Poster painting works better than any words! More posters, good and different!
    2. vagabond55
      12 March 2014 00: 15
      Ah well done! Poster painting works better than any words! More posters, good and different!
  13. kirqiz ssr
    11 March 2014 20: 39
    guys in all seriousness will not be, you know that I don’t want a war.
    1. +2
      11 March 2014 21: 22
      Quote: Kirqiz SSR
      guys in all seriousness will not be, you know that I don’t want a war.

      And who wants her ... But sometimes, alas, you have to join her. But I also hope it doesn’t come ...
      1. 0
        12 March 2014 01: 31
        Nobody wants wars, typhoons and earthquakes.
        The dinosaurs were not ready: a meteorite, and that’s all, they’re ready.
    2. 0
      11 March 2014 23: 15
      Quote: Kirqiz SSR
      guys in all seriousness will not be, you know that I don’t want a war.

      If you want peace, get ready for war - From Latin: Si vispacem, para bellum (si vis patsem, para bellum). The author of the expression is the Roman historian Cornelius Iepot (94 24 BC), who used it in his biography of the Theban commander of the XNUMXth century. BC e. Epaminonda.
  14. +14
    11 March 2014 20: 40
    Celebrate Ukraine! Do not howl, do not suffer

    Stop playing your deceitful play!

    Since now we are your vorogi-

    We’ll stay alive, and you go away!

    By swamps, by scales, meadows and forests.

    Where? Yes, even to Leshim, but better to demons!

    You’ll find a better and better share there,

    Eat, get drunk and fall asleep well-fed.

    Sleep, Ukraine, come on buy-bye!

    See the wondrous dream that went to Paradise

    From the tree of desires you pluck the fruits

    It weighs half a ton, tastes like honey;

    In the rivers of milk you wet your feet

    The sour shirts covered the reeds.

    People are hanging around in embroidered shirts

    And everything "has not yet died" roar from the throat,

    And dumplings in sour cream fly from the sky,

    Zhidovskiy broken detachment

    Beaten, unwashed in the ravine lies

    A raven (what a song!) Is circling above him.

    And having risen hard you get up,

    You take a suitcase and go to Europe,

    Well, in the sense of "Europe" - you go to the station

    And you see that the City has disappeared somewhere.

    Rails dismantled, trains are standing

    And in the sky above this is a strange star.

    Maidan is not Peron, and your train left.

    Shepherd, drive out the cows on the lawn!

    Engage in hunting, all the deeds of the master,

    Work! Cool down, readers of "Kobzar"!

    How your disgusted a mournful call!

    Your god with a poker, your angel without wings.

    Mustachioed uncles and aunts with a scythe,

    Leave melt, we have another way!

    Another happiness in us, another sadness in us,

    We love our land and it is called - Russia!
  15. +4
    11 March 2014 20: 41
    But Bush Sr. believed that Ukraine is a bottomless economic pit in which the USSR "drowned". Not only Ukraine, but also the republics of Central Asia. There, too, a huge part of the budget was allocated for the sake of cotton.
    It is without Ukraine and Central Asia that Russia will quickly rise and become a leader. Now we see it, that his words became prophetic. Ukraine is trying to stick to us on purpose. It seems as soon as with her we feel our power. This is a lie and a snag. Ukraine has been on its own for 23 years. What have you achieved? I got used to sitting on the neck of Russia. How much gas and oil went for next to nothing. How many have stolen so. How many were resold. And all the same, the people are in poverty, and "the Russians are bad." It is much better to offer Russians and Ukrainians to move to Russia and work at our factories. And they will begin to live better and benefit the country!
    1. 0
      12 March 2014 01: 52
      I fundamentally disagree with you, there are no bad peoples! There are no bad countries, they are turned into black holes by incompetent leaders.
      There is no need to drag anyone anywhere: "where he was born, there he came in handy."
      Maybe you would advise growing cotton in Russia, so one (with three classes, but ideological) has already suggested planting corn in the Arctic. And now all our cotton is imported. Now it is OK? You just had to do everything, honestly, without eyewash and competently. And in our country: now professional revolutionaries, now the nomenclature, now "effective" managers. Where are the specialists?
  16. torroty
    11 March 2014 20: 42
    ... interesting, you, brothers, position ... around are enemies ... the whole world is to blame for your problems, but not yours ... do not you think this is strange? ...
    1. +6
      11 March 2014 20: 46
      And we don't need such "friends" as you have in the person of the EU and the states! ..
      They came to us in the 90s to "make friends", until now, the "gods" have not endured everything behind them ...
      1. torroty
        11 March 2014 20: 47
        ..I understand that self-isolation like the DPRK is the future of the Russian Federation? ..
        1. +4
          11 March 2014 21: 02
          I’ll take a look at geography in Chernihiv, do they teach badly? ..
          Catch fill up the gaps in education:


          I will understand your shock from the magnitude of both the sup in general, and from Russia in particular)

          Now provide your understanding of how Russia can be isolated both geographically and politically ...
        2. +16
          11 March 2014 21: 03
          Oh, and have you read a gracious map of the Russian Federation? How to ban it if it is 1/6 of the land and more than half of the places of the globe suitable for human habitation. Also, when they talk about sanctions, most of the goods are not from the EU and the USA, but from China. Even Mercedes, Cayenne and Tuaregs are stamped not just for Russia, but for Moscow and who smells. A third or more of the gas market in the EU is Russian and the problem is that there is nothing to replace it with, and it would have been done so long ago. Another bad luck, if they do not buy RD-180 engines, then NASA's only space rocket, namely the Atlas, will become just a pipe. Well, unfortunately, only the Russian Federation has manned cosmonautics as a monopoly. Is it possible to uncover the old shuttle again? There is one more chip, since we are in sanctions, then Iran has s-300 missiles, Korea’s rice, etc., i.e. exit from the sanctions regime. Missiles to Cuba, as usual, etc.
          1. +4
            11 March 2014 22: 46
            Thank you!
            Quote: hrych
            Missiles to Cuba, as usual, etc.

            Smiled! As usual!
        3. +6
          11 March 2014 21: 10
          1/6 of all land and self-absorption)))).
          This west is self-insulating))).
        4. +5
          11 March 2014 21: 17
          You are Ukrainian Maidan, as it has become noticeably more primitive in judgments.
          I sometimes even think that the nonsense that was present in the late USSR moved to you in the late 90s. To Ukraine. Apparently it is more comfortable there.
          And while you are successfully following the path of marginalization, the United States will certainly stroke your hair, but for them you will remain a kind of regime such as Somosa.
          You will be shy, although for the United States, you will certainly be your bitch children.
    2. +2
      11 March 2014 20: 58
      What problems are you talking about ...... you have problems fool , but not with us, understood "brother" ???
    3. +9
      11 March 2014 21: 05
      And you know that almost half of Russians have blood relatives in Ukraine. My relatives live in Crimea and half of my classmates there. And when people like you staged a tragedy, and even idiot here, and meanly and blatantly. Yes, you understand, finally, with your bewildered brains, for us it is a vital issue, not politics. But such vile cheap things as you want to break these blood ties. WILL NOT WORK. I will suffocate for my relatives and such tens of millions in the CIS. Fascism you will not live long. You set the wrong horse.
    4. +3
      11 March 2014 21: 12
      If your hero is Bandera,
      And your flag is a patch.
      It’s ridiculous to call you brother
      Swedish gasket!
    5. +4
      11 March 2014 21: 30
      You do not see or do not want to see the essence of the historical process.
      Russia is the heir to the Orthodox Byzantium, and through it of Ancient Greece.
      The essence of this line is the priority of natural concepts.
      The Greeks gave birth to children from the gods, argued with the gods and even fought.
      And the Russians are like that.
      According to our concepts, a thief has stolen from us, and he should be in prison.

      In the west, the legacy of Rome - legal law - has replaced natural concepts.
      As a result, laws appear ...... and you can already stipulate anyone, but in court you can launder anyone - just to have money.

      And Russia has many friends. These are all those who do not agree to live in a lie under the protection of legal law or the law of force.
      As a rule, these are ancient peoples with centuries-old statehood.
      These are Greece, Iran (Persia), India, China, Vietnam.

      For the same reason, small nations that long ago missed the chance to create their own civilization, and now have to tune in under someone else, are hostile towards Russia.
      Envy ...
      The closest to Russia are the Baltic countries, Poland.

      And now the Ukrainians decided to drop out of the ancient great people and organize their small. If so, then hold the flag in your hands, a drum around your neck, a geyeurope to the backyard, and forget about your language - learn English.
    6. 0
      11 March 2014 22: 11
      Western Europe and the USA are far from the whole world. Deuce to you in geography.
  17. +35
    11 March 2014 20: 42
    Each turn comes
    1. torroty
      11 March 2014 20: 46
      ... hatchery ... so you don’t have to be like that ... mmm ... not far away, what’s the matter? ...
      1. +10
        11 March 2014 20: 49
        Smile. "Life and so, still at the end you die." (C)
      2. +9
        11 March 2014 21: 07
        At first it was hatred, but the head of the Ministry of Defense was square, gathered up troops, looked at them and made an objective report in the Rada, which would save thousands of lives and not only Ukrainian ones.
      3. +8
        11 March 2014 21: 21
        Yes, this is your banderlog shapkozakidatelstva, we are not Georgia, we arranged for Russia. Well, what did you do? Today, your next Minister of Defense admitted that you will not be able to enter the Crimea, since out of 20000 thousand soldiers transferred to Kherson, only about 6000 thousand will be able to fight, and that is thanks to their patriotism and tactical skills. As I understand it, there were 6000 maydanutyh whose patriotism is expressed in the slogan "To the heroes fat", and tactical skills in jumping, because they have someone who does not jump. Well, the appropriate weapons - bats, chains, crossbows, firecrackers, fire extinguishers and even artillery - 1catapult. In general, you surpassed even the Poles, those in 39 with a bare saber went to German tanks, though they did not go far. And they are proud of it. And the descendants of "great ukrov" with a bare ass gathered.
  18. Oksana
    11 March 2014 20: 43
    Quote: GreatRussia
    Quote: torroty
    ... just like that, and "Binder" ... and by the way ... who are they "Binder"? ...

    These are modern Bandera, who are in the pose of cancer in front of the hero.

    Sir, you are rude - laughing in a knee-elbow pose. laughing
    1. The comment was deleted.
  19. torroty
    11 March 2014 20: 45
    Quote: gecko
    Ukrainian nationalists. Slogan: beat Russians and Jews.
    But you will say that they are white and fluffy.
    I understand them supports the west of Ukraine,
    but the center, and especially the southeast, is generally a clinic.
    If we had such nationalistic ideas,
    then all of Russia would immediately end ...

    ... nonsense .. I am Russian-speaking ... not a moment, not a bit of oppression ... I live in the North of Ukraine, Chernihiv region ... for us Bender is not an idol and not a hero - the area is not that ... but under Putin will not bend ...
    1. +7
      11 March 2014 20: 50
      So I wonder for three days the second "troll" who seems to be a native of Chernogov ...
      The trend however ...
    2. +3
      11 March 2014 20: 53
      Bandera, fools, teach correctly, otherwise your new idols will stomp you with reinforcement to death.
      Substation Sumy, Chernigov at the end of the 80s already breathed "unevenly" towards the m.s.c.al. pits, although they are not far from the border with Russia.
    3. +11
      11 March 2014 20: 57
      Quote: torroty
      but we won’t bend under Putin ...

      Of course not:

    4. +5
      11 March 2014 21: 02
      and what did Russia do wrong to you, that you came so angry?
    5. +5
      11 March 2014 21: 13
      torroty: "We will not bend under Putin ...".

      Yes, of course ass Merkel or Obama is more pleasant to lick. They only hate Russian speakers. Germany for defeat in the war. America will soon disappear altogether into the ocean. The only empty place is Siberia. If Russia perishes, then all Russian-speaking people will become slaves in the mines and galleys of the Anglo-Saxons.
    6. +4
      11 March 2014 21: 23
      Quote: torroty
      but we won’t bend under Putin ...

      And here Putin, here on the site, there are many people who do not like him, to put it mildly. But now the question is not in Putin ...
    7. +3
      11 March 2014 21: 46
      Did Putin ask you to bend?
      Actually, it was a question of the fact that fascist calls, anti-Russian calls were heard from the territory of Ukraine, robbery and electoral actions of militants began.

      If you can, restore European order. Do not wait until the Poles begin the shooting of Bandera.
      But you can’t, do not be offended.
      If American military facilities appear on the territory of Ukraine, then Russian iskander with special charges will keep them under attack. It cannot be otherwise.
      You want this - to live under the nuclear sight of Russia, which does not miss and does not misfire.
      And your leaders for the sake of Euro-walks are pulling you exactly.

      Putin is against this.
      He does not want a clash between Russians and Russians who call themselves Ukrainians.
      And all Russians do not want to.
      But we are openly threatened with war.
      And we have nowhere to retreat.

      Make personal choices, brother.
  20. onegin61
    11 March 2014 20: 45
    The goal of all this "mouse fuss" on the part of the United States is Russia, its resources and territory, it would not have happened or a desert ball and no one would have remembered, Russia and the Russians have nothing to do with it.
    1. +1
      12 March 2014 08: 13
      Well, the Russians, as it were, maneho interfere with seizing resources and slightly against the fact that they WAS NOT. Not resources, but the Russians themselves.
      And so a typical genocide for a quarter century ...
  21. +4
    11 March 2014 20: 45
    With Comrade Fursov, I see, on the same wavelength - I looked at my posts for six months - much of what the article says is present. Hmm.
    1. philip
      11 March 2014 23: 06
      Same. Only now, the analysis is cool, but I did not see the tactics. How to counter strategically understandable, write the right story. But it will work in twenty years. And NOW we are with our own against each other with machine guns, this is what we sought from us. After all, the British and the Ami themselves will not climb under the bullets
  22. parus2nik
    11 March 2014 20: 46
    But the West and pro-Western forces in Ukraine only used for their own purposes the natural discontent of the inhabitants of Ukraine, especially Kiev About the same thing happened in Germany 1933
    1. torroty
      11 March 2014 20: 50
      ... ALL residents of Ukraine ... a protege of GDP Mr. Yanukovych V.F. robbing the country as best he could ... after all, he had bargained for Putin ...
      1. +8
        11 March 2014 21: 07
        Well brother! What does Putin have to do with it? He himself plundered it as best he could, along with many who have now come to power. We are well aware that your yanuk g ... is rare.
        Yes, and they bend you in a completely different direction. Bend under the EU and the United States under the leadership of the current breakers. You just have one g ... changed to another g ...
      2. +3
        11 March 2014 21: 07
        and I’d do it right, but do you think you probably needed a geyrope or mattress?
      3. 0
        11 March 2014 21: 50
        And we think the opposite.
        Support for the incompetent Yanukovych, who deceived Russia and the southeastern voters, cost Russia too much.
        Russian money is a pity.

        If in Ukraine the authorities do not grow wiser, she will no longer see Russian money.
        I hope that claims to Putin will end there.
  23. +14
    11 March 2014 20: 46
    Putin will break or not break their script, for me one thing is clear, you have to go to Ros. consulate, and leave here for the resettlement program of compatriots. there are no prerequisites for stabilization, there are no prospects for working people, and most importantly, for people who think in Russian.
    1. torroty
      11 March 2014 20: 51
      ... no one is going to leave Ukraine ... that’s the point ... no one wants to go home, to birches ...
      1. +4
        11 March 2014 21: 09
        unite it is necessary to unite! Have you ever been to Russia?
      2. +3
        11 March 2014 21: 16
        People, why are you minus it. A person expresses an opinion, has the right. Until rude of course. Try to talk. They fool their heads there with propaganda, we are here. I don’t consider my opinion exceptional, apparently, I haven’t reached Abamka yet
      3. jjj
        11 March 2014 21: 18
        Quote: torroty
        home, to the birches

        Yes, you need to borrow a good birch tree in advance
  24. +4
    11 March 2014 20: 48
    it is necessary to grow up among Russian Ukrainians themselves people with a consciousness altered to such an extent that they will begin to hate everything Russian.
    Remember the first laws of power in Ukraine? Does it resemble something?
  25. +5
    11 March 2014 20: 49
    The current crisis situation imperiously demands to cut off the “fifth column” from the media; it is necessary to put a strict political and legal barrier to its activities. And do not pay attention to the hypocritical lamentations of those who flooded Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, many other countries and are ready to pour blood on Ukraine.

    Now, when the fate of our brothers is being decided and our people are trying to unite, there are always sent Cossacks in the form of "independent" media financed by Western funds and grants that distort everything that happens !! Acting like a pig for the sake of those who pay them and no matter what kind of govnomerikosovskie trulniks they will sell their mother too !!! Why not return the censorship, especially in times like this, and crush this serpentine seed that stings us in the back from the inside !!
  26. +7
    11 March 2014 20: 49
    According to the author, it turns out that Ukraine needs to be taken all. Fast and tough, without politenesses and sentiments. Otherwise, Khan ... we’ll be late for the last train.
    1. torroty
      11 March 2014 20: 55
      ... and get bogged down in a guerrilla war ... Chechnya will seem like a street fight ... I tell you as a resident of Northern Ukraine ... I’ll just keep silent about the inhabitants of the West ...
      1. +11
        11 March 2014 21: 03
        If all your "partisans" are like you, then there will be no problems)))
      2. +3
        11 March 2014 21: 24
        And you, a specialist in guerrilla warfare ??? and probably visited Chechnya more than once ??? Come and have a higher education, you are clever in every post! Just do not realize that Russia does not need Ukraine (except the Crimea, as the base of the fleet) you just exchange for a big bill! And the most interesting thing is that Ukraine needs the EU and the USA, only as a theater of operations against Russia, but what happens in theaters of operations, I think you’ll guess, it’s kind of not completely stupid !!!
    2. skyil
      11 March 2014 20: 57
      Well, not all, but it wouldn’t hurt to move the borders to the west, and it will be calmer for their Ukrainians!
      1. torroty
        11 March 2014 21: 06
        .. you want to hide the fat? ..
    3. +1
      11 March 2014 21: 53
      Geopolitically, you are right.
      Historically, no.
      In accordance with the laws of history, time will pass, and in this territory there will again be a corner of Russia. so it’s better not to leave a memory of mutual enmity in this territory, especially war.
      Now, if all of Ukraine and without shots ...
    4. 0
      12 March 2014 00: 37
      Quote: matRoss
      Fast and tough, without politenesses and sentiments.
      Not so: fast and polite.
  27. +4
    11 March 2014 20: 52
    It is a pity that it does not reach many, in this article the whole essence of our problems. Medvedev and his gaitarchiki will finally destroy our country and the oligarchs will be at the head. The system must be changed to a socialist one, the planned economy and education should be returned, health care is really free and popular. There will be no this, there will be no country. This article is both a prophecy and a vector of further existence for Russia.
  28. Oksana
    11 March 2014 20: 57
    Quote: torroty
    ... Ksyusha ... you have a little man ... and the pose that you prefer, explain to him yourself ....

    Dear, why do you raise the question so that the people who see Ukraine as part of Russia are to blame, then you can formulate this question and so "the people who see Ukraine as part of the European Union are to blame." Based on which the conclusion suggests itself that you are trying to provoke the participants of this forum
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +5
        11 March 2014 21: 21
        ... Ksyusha ... you have a little man ... and the pose that you prefer, explain to him yourself ....

        But for this it’s possible in the face ..... not like Mos-ho ho-lu, but like a man .... now I’m not sure who
        She is a woman all the same ....
  29. torroty
    11 March 2014 20: 58
    Quote: gecko
    Do you know mov?

    ... perfectly .. excellently write and read ... I speak only more slowly than in Russian ...
    ... there is no oppression ... I do not need liberation - I myself belong to the class of exploiters ...
  30. torroty
    11 March 2014 21: 01
    ... gentlemen, Russians ... here I am reading your comments, and I wonder where ... is there a little critical / sober view of the situation? .. or can you take a critical look? .. how can everything be taken on faith, without comprehension and deliberation? ..
    1. +6
      11 March 2014 21: 17
      Quote: torroty
      where is there a little critical / sober view of the situation?

      Dear Sir, not a Russian, but a sober look is this of course yours?
    2. +6
      11 March 2014 21: 20
      Quote: torroty
      ... gentlemen, Russians ... here I read your comments, and I wonder how much ..

    3. +1
      11 March 2014 21: 26
      and we think critically and look with understanding and listen carefully and draw conclusions. they will give a command, we’ll go to the intended line and stop and entrench ourselves, but then we won’t leave, and just like in Berlin ... we’ll remind you
  31. +8
    11 March 2014 21: 02
    Quote: torroty
    ... but how it was ...

    do you work out loot? or do you really eat cockroaches in your brain?)
    1. +1
      11 March 2014 21: 27
      Quote: Barsik
      do you work out loot? or do you really eat cockroaches in your brain?)

      Yes, he’s empty there, because cockroaches died of hunger, no brains, nothing to eat and you won’t be fed up with shit.
  32. torroty
    11 March 2014 21: 03
    Quote: GreatRussia
    Quote: torroty
    .... I am a Soviet officer, the son of a Soviet officer who signed on the Reichstag.

    The training manual is not the time to change? laughing

    "Well, stupid ..." (M. Zadornov) bully

    ... I quoted your edinomik (top paragraph) ... newbie ... didn’t get used to it \ don’t understand navigation ...
    1. +9
      11 March 2014 21: 20
      There have been more such "newcomers" lately. Zvizduy in LJ, our audience is grated - they see trolls from the first post!
    2. +5
      11 March 2014 21: 43
      Well done, son, well you punched them here, I'll write you a prize.
      1. +1
        11 March 2014 22: 00
        Well done, son, well you punched them here, I'll write you a prize.

        I will support a folk tale for my son at a future dream (for laughing The morning is wiser than the evening!):

        Riding Ilya Muromets on a clean field, in a hurry to the city of Kiev: he hit a horse in steep hips; the zealous horse got angry, jumps above the standing forest, slightly lower than the walking cloud, doesn’t ask ford on the rivers, jumps from shore to shore: the first gallop jumped - left for fifteen miles, the other time it jumped - the well shot through; Ilya chopped a raw oak near a well, set up a chapel, wrote his name on it. In the third lap Ilya brought a horse to the city of Chernigov.

        - read, son of a fairy tale, think, Obama does not know such people.
  33. Palych9999
    11 March 2014 21: 03
    Interestingly, after the referendum in Crimea with a predictable result, will our Federation Council and Constitutional Court have enough intelligence instead of admitting to the Russian Federation to adopt a resolution "On cancellation (invalidation) of the decision of the USSR Armed Forces to transfer the Crimean region to Ukraine"?
    That would be beautiful ...
    1. +2
      11 March 2014 21: 46
      Quote: Palych9999
      That would be beautiful ...

      But legally impossible. This could only be done by the USSR Armed Forces. With the same success, one can now proclaim the signing of the Brest Peace by the Bolsheviks illegal and demand the return of indemnities wassat
  34. +3
    11 March 2014 21: 04
    They are busy with Russia, and they want to ruin, quarrel the Slavs, just to seize world domination. It’s just interesting, and after the collapse of the USSR under the EBN, they had an opportunity. Hands not received?
  35. +5
    11 March 2014 21: 05
    Quote: sinukvl
    A Ukrainian is like talking in the Urals about the nationality of the Ural.

    Right! In the Urals, the Sverdlovsk region was recently commanded by the German Eduard Rossel. So he decided to create the Ural Republic. Apparently the president "dissuaded" him, otherwise this next German would have created a new nationality - the Ural. How great is the greed in people: he led the region, no, give him the whole Urals. How many more traitors to Russia in Russia. Precisely, Stalin is not on them, and now I understand that the GULAG was necessary.
  36. +5
    11 March 2014 21: 07
    Quote: torroty
    ... and, I think so, there, around the corner, and pissing ... bringing, so to speak, "Russian culture" ... and writing clearly not Pushkin's poems ... but a word of 3-4 letters ...

    choose my dear))) Or a word of 3 letters on your fence or a sight on your ass which the gay men will gladly draw after association with the EU))))
  37. The contemplative
    11 March 2014 21: 07
    Deep and comprehensive analysis. A fairly positive and constructive forecast. Suggestions worthy of attention and possible implementation in practice. Most importantly - will it allow?
    1. philip
      11 March 2014 23: 13
      Allow or not allow only yourself.
  38. +4
    11 March 2014 21: 09
    Dear interlocutors, you should not respond to the comments ... of this "exploiter", a complete ignore .., then it will merge YOURSELF !!! Yes (That .. which is from the Chernihiv region)))
  39. +1
    11 March 2014 21: 11
    Quote: JIaIIoTb
    Sasha, drink gorilochki snack bacon with garlic and black bread, calm down.
    We are not enemies to you. We only slightly dig fascists and all.
    And if you are not a fascist, then you have nothing to fear.

    Well, there’s nothing))) he will lose his job))) the State Department will stop paying)))
  40. 120352
    11 March 2014 21: 12
    I really hope that we have something to oppose to the West, but I don’t see it yet. Maybe that’s right. Not everything has to be open.
    It is only clear what lies ahead, and very soon, difficult times. To overcome them and save the Fatherland, it is necessary to unite and suppress the Fifth Column. Ruthlessly suppress! Otherwise, we get a vile stab in the back.
    A article +.
    1. yur
      11 March 2014 23: 40
      Quote: 120352
      It is only clear what lies ahead, and very soon, difficult times. To overcome them and save the Fatherland,
      I am certainly not a prophet, but I am firmly convinced that good times await us ahead. But for the fact that the Lord gave me the opportunity to live to the present time, the time of the gathering of the Empire, I am immensely grateful to Him.
  41. +3
    11 March 2014 21: 14
    Yes there was no Ukraine ever! here you are brainwashed there you are crazy and go crazy with your independence! hold a referendum nationwide and everything will become clear to you!
  42. +2
    11 March 2014 21: 14
    Quote: kirqiz SSR
    guys in all seriousness will not be, you know that I don’t want a war.

    It is one thing to want and completely different to defend your Homeland-Great Russia!
  43. +1
    11 March 2014 21: 19
    These days, such articles should be not only on the pages of ZVO, the number of correspondents of which, although great, but not numerous, but also the leading publications of the country. So that people hear and start thinking.
  44. +1
    11 March 2014 21: 19
    It is a pity that there are almost no such people in our practical politics. And maybe for the better. He will live longer, there will be more followers. I agree with the author that the empire for Russia is not a form, but a content.
  45. +2
    11 March 2014 21: 23
    Quote: torroty
    ... nonsense .. I am Russian-speaking ... not a moment, not a bit of oppression ... I live in the North of Ukraine, Chernihiv region ... for us Bender is not an idol and not a hero - the area is not that ... but under Putin will not bend ...

    bent you sweetheart of the geyropa) more precisely, I put it in cancer, I lowered the ports from you and already anus smeared with fat)))
    so choose)) let the gamerope fuck you in a particularly perverted form or let Vovka- "Steel Yaytsa" finally put you on your feet)))
  46. torroty
    11 March 2014 21: 23
    ... for me, a Ukrainian, the actions of the Russian Federation are an act of aggression ... with all the ensuing consequences ... and such as I’m on the ZU-95% in the Center and in the north of Ukraine 80% (I am from Northern Ukraine) 65% in the south of Kharkov and Dnipropetrovsk -?) - 75% ... I won’t write about Donetsk and Lugansk - I rarely fight there and don’t know the situation ...
    1. 0
      11 March 2014 21: 28
      Listen, have you been released from a psychiatric hospital long ago ??? extras are fantastic!
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      11 March 2014 21: 49
      What relations do you have with Belarusians?
  47. 0
    11 March 2014 21: 24
    Will Putin break the western script

    We’ll not just break it, but we’ll also kick the ass to whom we’ll profit.
    1. torroty
      11 March 2014 21: 26
      we’ll wait and see ... how it’s hard not to go and get back short ...
  48. +1
    11 March 2014 21: 28
    We must now realize one thing, or the president will be able to resist the whole world of "violence and devastation" and will start decisive action without waiting for the attack of the Ukrainian Bandera. It will arm the people of the southeast, and begin the liberation of Kiev from the Banderaites, restore Yanukovych, even if the son of a bitch, in order to then hit the Banderaites. By announcing mobilization in the central, southern and northwestern districts, it will bring the army into a state of full combat readiness, just in case, because we are talking about the life and death of Russia, which to declare in the UN openly and publicly. Or they will devour us. Within the country, everything must be done to free itself from local oppressors.
  49. +1
    11 March 2014 21: 29
    Quote: torroty
    ... and get bogged down in a guerrilla war ... Chechnya will seem like a street fight ... I tell you as a resident of Northern Ukraine ... I’ll just keep silent about the inhabitants of the West ...

    That yaky zhesh you Garnier Ukrainian guy if you gubaty nigga?))))
  50. Aurora
    11 March 2014 21: 32
    Why don't people like Firsov write modern history textbooks?
  51. Oksana
    11 March 2014 21: 39
    Quote: arane
    ... Ksyusha ... you have a little man ... and the pose that you prefer, explain to him yourself ....

    But for this it’s possible in the face ..... not like Mos-ho ho-lu, but like a man .... now I’m not sure who
    She is a woman all the same ....

    Thank you! love
  52. 0
    11 March 2014 21: 47
    "law on state ideology"
    This is some kind of insanity, or there is an ideology and it is accepted by all or almost all of society, or it is only for the elite and is not accepted by the majority of society, unless for the second case then yes
  53. 0
    11 March 2014 21: 48
    Quote: torroty
    Quote: gecko
    Ukrainian nationalists. Slogan: beat Russians and Jews.
    But you will say that they are white and fluffy.
    I understand them supports the west of Ukraine,
    but the center, and especially the southeast, is generally a clinic.
    If we had such nationalistic ideas,
    then all of Russia would immediately end ...

    ... nonsense .. I am Russian-speaking ... not a moment, not a bit of oppression ... I live in the North of Ukraine, Chernihiv region ... for us Bender is not an idol and not a hero - the area is not that ... but under Putin will not bend ...

    You won’t understand, because you have caved in to Europe and the USA.
  54. +2
    11 March 2014 21: 48
    Let there be no war.
    The West will not risk its comfort of wasting its life, and the impostors of the Maidan are only ready to cause mischief.
  55. +3
    11 March 2014 21: 54
    In 1239 Chernigov was taken and burned by the Mongol-Tatars. Soon the Principality of Chernigov ceased to exist as a state entity. And now I see it has appeared again - probably the hardworking Tajiks tried their best.
  56. +4
    11 March 2014 21: 58
    Dear ladies and gentlemen, remember the story. About 80 years ago, we already saw how fascism came to power in the same way in one “small” country. And then neither beloved England nor beloved France made a single attempt to prevent this, but, on the contrary, welcomed it in every possible way, or remained modestly silent. And what did this lead to? Half the world was washed in blood, the Soviet Union alone lost, according to official data, more than 27 million people (there were also Ukrainians there - if you remember). And what is happening in Ukraine? Fascism is raising its head again (I’m not talking about Poland and the Baltic states here, where the fascists long ago came to power through the efforts of beloved mother Europe and daddy the USA. And the trouble is that again everyone is silent about this, modestly closing their eyes. And where is our beloved Israel, where denying the Holocaust is a criminal offense? There is not a single comment from their politicians. But apparently fascist rot has long sprouted there too, judging by Israel’s actions in the Middle East. And the poor Ukrainian boys born before or after the collapse of the USSR have long been brainwashed about the terrible Russia and Ukraine for Ukrainians, with blue Aryan blood. By the way, in Russia there are many Russians who are also “true Aryans” - so that they should be empty.
  57. +1
    11 March 2014 22: 09
    meaningful, what's going on here? it turned out to be such a hodgepodge. only ALL such analysts are silent about specific individuals on an interstate scale.
    elite of the USA, Europe, puppeteers who? first names last names positions? specific facts. where to find these impudent muzzles? What is the best way to stretch them on a roadside birch tree?
    These ki understand the language of power, so you can create a good mess in their home. otherwise they are used to remaining unpunished. Somehow they need to convey to these trans-elites that they are also made of meat
  58. +2
    11 March 2014 22: 18
    Quote: individ
    Let there be no war.

    Of course it won’t))) It will be like this
  59. +4
    11 March 2014 22: 19
    A sober and objective look at Russia from a knowledgeable person who is acutely concerned about what is happening to it. It’s a pity that such people are not seen either in power or in power, as advisers, for example, but various talkative demos often float to the top and float there for a long time, hung with all sorts of scientific degrees and titles, always able to hold " nose to the wind" blowing from those in power! And what can we say if, to put it mildly, the national personnel selection system even promoted people who were not brilliant in their intellect to the very top, and this shortcoming has NOT been eliminated to this day!
  60. +2
    11 March 2014 22: 20
    Isn’t it time to deliver a batch of missiles to Cuba or Venezuela? The US and I will immediately have a new topic of conversation. And then everything about Ukraine and Ukraine...
  61. 0
    11 March 2014 22: 24
    The article is competent but tired of reading hi
  62. +1
    11 March 2014 22: 27
    will break, 100%, it can’t be any other way! We need to fucking get up off our knees, the time has come! 25 years have passed, it’s time to finish off these scum, the hour X has come...
  63. 0
    11 March 2014 22: 35
    Great article, great analysis. IMHO that's almost all it is.
  64. 0
    11 March 2014 22: 49
    In the course of recent events, I really wanted to watch Brother 2
  65. 0
    11 March 2014 22: 56
    After reading such articles and watching Fedorov’s interview, my mood only deteriorates. Sometimes I envy those people who are not interested in geopolitics and live in blissful ignorance.
  66. 0
    11 March 2014 22: 56
    I’m not strong in political science, but I read the entire article; of course, it needs to be thought through in more detail than is customary among some members of the forum, and there’s no point in swinging checkers to the right and to the left.
    Moreover, word for word.
    And as a person more savvy in matters of geopolitics and, in general, in the history of the current situation with Ukraine, I support it.
  67. philip
    11 March 2014 23: 12
    A big plus for the author. Twenty years ago this article would have been written, and even in such a way that people would read it.
  68. 0
    11 March 2014 23: 13
    thanks to the author. hi
  69. +2
    11 March 2014 23: 15
    A little copy-paste:

    The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have a legal right to launch military operations in Crimea.

    Ukrainian Defense Minister Igor Tenyukh stated this during a speech in the Verkhovna Rada.

    He noted that de jure there is no open aggression, since the leadership of the Russian Federation does not recognize the presence of its troops in Crimea.

    accepted the rules of the game of hide and seek - since the enemy said that he was hiding, it means I can’t see him. Maybe the polite ones should be sent as “tourists” to Kyiv, since such a game has started?

    “Secondly, martial law has not been declared in the legal regime. The use of the Armed Forces in this case entails criminal liability,” the head of the Ministry of Defense stated.

    And there’s no point in blaming everything on me (Tenyukha). It's their own fault, and I have nothing to do with it. Where is the order, bastards?

    As Tenyukh explained, any use of force in this case will be interpreted as the use of force against one’s own people.

    And shed a stingy tear...

    He also noted that a number of strategic mistakes had been made in previous years.

    “We have never considered the danger from Russia,” he said.

    Here you go... who has been scaring and continues to scare us all these years about Russia?

    At the same time, Tenyukh admitted that preparing for a confrontation with such a powerful enemy as Russia requires a lot of money and time.

    Has there really been an epiphany? Just now? "Well, stupid!" (WITH)

    According to him, on the eastern border of Russia there are 220 thousand military personnel, 150 aircraft, 60 ships, tanks and other equipment. This is several times greater than the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Tenyukh said.

    Scares himself

    “The Armed Forces of Ukraine have only tactics and fighting spirit. We have brought all armed forces to a level of combat readiness in accordance with the exercise plan. But the statistics are disappointing,” the head of the Ministry of Defense noted.

    And at the same time, how can you not praise yourself and your worthless army?

    According to the minister, out of 41 thousand ground forces, only 6 thousand were actually ready.

    Ready to get ready and go somewhere for show. Another question is how combat-ready the equipment and troop control are.

    Tenyukh also appealed to deputies with a request to change the law on procurement and tenders.

    We have to share, bro.

    He also called for the provision of weapons to the army.
    And it's better to pay in advance
  70. The comment was deleted.
  71. 0
    12 March 2014 00: 30
    don't wake up the devil while it's quiet....
    if they wake up the nationalists in Russia, it won’t be enough and they will swim across the channel, they won’t limit themselves to Berlin
  72. 0
    12 March 2014 01: 02
    Serious analytics, interesting scenarios. Thanks to the author!
  73. 0
    12 March 2014 05: 16
    In general, the further the West goes, the more concerned it is with the situation in Russia in the post-Soviet space. Do they have a few problems of their own? So, maybe it is necessary for them to appear?
    Why our special services are inactive, it is high time to give an answer.