Back in the USSR: you do not go there, you go here - the ideal will fall into your head, you will not be a pragmatist at all!

In the first half of December, 2013, the article “Back in the USSR: “OT” motivation or “K” motivation? " The publication was devoted to the motives by which citizens of modern Russian society may feel a desire to return to the socialist past. In other words, the task was to understand what aspects of modern realities cause rejection in people, and what, on the contrary, attracts historical fog of the Soviet Union. In search of answers, the author invited interested readers conduct a peculiar SWOT-analysis, indicating separately for the USSR and separately for modern Russian society their strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats / risks for citizens.

Thanks to the constructive responses of a number of members of the Military Review forum, this task turned out to be lifting and solvable, although in a more extensible time than was originally supposed. First of all, I consider it my duty to give the names (nicknames) of site visitors who contributed to this project: Asgard, Nikolai Gavrilyuk, Gardamir, Igor39, Engineer74, Sour, Neslukh, “Minesweeper”, “Aleksey Strelov”, “Bairat”, “BigRiver”, “Lk17619”, “Nursultan”, “SAAG”, “SAG”, “SPLV” and “vladsolo56”. These are the people thanks to whom we have material for further discussion of the topic raised.


A few preliminary notes. With the systematization of the array of information received regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the USSR and the Russian Federation, some hierarchical pattern in the characteristics and features indicated by the participants of the SWOT analysis. Upon closer inspection, this hierarchical structure resembles the one proposed by Abraham Maslow when studying human needs. According to Maslow, the whole diversity of human needs can be represented as a hierarchical pyramid. It is based on lower physiological needs (food, drink, air, sex, etc.) and security needs (clothing, housing, comfortable conditions). The top of the pyramid is made up of the highest spiritual needs (cognition, self-actualization, self-identification, realization of abilities, personal development).

It is clear that the pyramid of the needs of society is far from identical to the pyramid of the “desires” of an individual. Therefore, the task arose to deal with its content and determine what levels exist there? Based on systematic data, as a working hypothesis, we propose the following framework describing the strengths and weaknesses of the two societies (in top-down order):
1. Long-term strategic goals of society, national idea, state ideology.
2. The strength of the state. His ability to pursue and defend the interests of citizens in domestic and foreign policy.
3. Equality of members of society. Uniform and transparent "rules of the game" that apply to all members of society, regardless of their status. State legislation.
4. Self-realization of members of society, their physical, intellectual and spiritual development.
5. Security of the citizens of the society. Responsibility of the state for social protection and social guarantees.

Having designated the analysis framework, we will proceed directly to examining the strengths and weaknesses of the two societies, and the corresponding opportunities, risks / threats to their citizens.

SOVIET UNION (SOCIETY 70-80-x years)

A) strengths of society and opportunities for citizens

The official presence of a people-unifying goal and a corresponding humanistic super-ideology about a just society, where man is a friend, comrade and brother. Predominant pride in society.

Economically and politically strong state, protecting its citizens from external threats and internal risks, and, at the same time, itself representing a threat to external and internal enemies. The ability to cope with the separatist sentiments on a national basis. High public prestige of the Armed Forces.

Social homogeneity and unity of society. Lack of stratification for the rich and the poor. Equality, collectivism, support and mutual assistance among people. Equal rights of citizens to the natural and material and raw material resources of the country. Strict but fair legislation that applies to all members of society.

Any person, regardless of the starting conditions, had the opportunity to choose the path for personal fulfillment. The widest opportunities for citizens within the state, while respecting political loyalty. Affordable, free and quality education. Opportunities for professional growth and career advancement. Equal access to "social elevators", unlimited opportunities with the presence of abilities. Sophisticated youth policy, high mobility of young people.
Confidence of people in the future. The ability to have any number of children. Guaranteed work and housing. Free medicine, spa treatment, rest homes, etc. Taking care of children, free nurseries, gardens, schools, hobby groups, sports clubs. Natural food.

B) Weaknesses of society and risks / threats to citizens

Party, political and ideological dogmatism. The stagnation of the party-Soviet apparatus. The ideological stagnation, the lack of creative development of the theory and practice of socialism. Split the life of society on the official and the shadow.

Party monopoly on power. The lack of control over power by society, the self-reproduction of power. Strong censorship in all areas of life. Political repression, persecution of dissent. The bureaucratic party-soviet apparatus.

Bulky, inert economy, inefficient use of public funds. Spent huge amounts of money to support national liberation movements and socialism around the world. Distortions in the provision of the republics. Deficiencies in the development of light and food industries. Lack of individual / private entrepreneurship and a free market.

Lack of freedom of speech and religion. Insufficient awareness of the population, narrow-mindedness. Closed borders, lack of freedom of movement. Leveling Complete passivity of the masses, lack of initiative, inertia, stagnation. No sense of personal responsibility. The lack of interest of the team and the individual in the results of work. The system has created a human child who is unable to act individually and responsibly (pronounced paternalism of the state in relation to its citizens). Widespread drunkenness and alcoholism.

Lack of goods and services, queues, speculation.


A) strengths of society and opportunities for citizens

Freedom of speech and religion. Open borders, the ability to navigate the world. Freedom to receive, share and create information. Non-interference of the state in private life. The possibility of obtaining education and treatment abroad.

The possibility of individual and private entrepreneurship. The possibility of commercialization of ideas. The competition of people, goods and services. Free labor market. Great interest in the end results of labor.

Dynamism. Opportunities for capable and active people. Nomination for the first roles of people with penetrative character and business acumen. The ability to earn to the best of ability, the ability to rest to the best of their earnings.

Huge selection of products of light and food industry from different countries and manufacturers. No shortage of products, consumer goods and services. The acquisition of any benefits according to the financial situation.

B) Weaknesses of society and risks / threats to citizens

Lack of a unifying goal, national idea, long-term motivation and altruistic promise. Lack of clear guidelines for society. The absence of ideology opens society for alien ideological and cultural infections.

Weak state. Lack of economic and financial sovereignty. Separatism, ethnic conflicts, terrorism, sectarianism.

Illegal privatization, units of national wealth unreasonably use. Giant social stratification of society. Social inequality. Affinity and cronyism. Lack of quality dialogue power-society. Liberal Criminal Code, a lot of stupid laws. The absence of law for all. Low prestige of military service. Corruption at all levels of government and government. Kickbacks, bribery, legal fraud, speculation on anything. Bureaucratic chaos, bureaucracy. Raiding, lawlessness of law enforcement.

The collapse of the education system, low education and, as a result, awareness of the loss of the future. Lack of childhood - the child immediately joins an adult society. Abandoned youth. Everyone for himself, mass egoism, the principle of "saving the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves." Search for personal gain in any situation. Greed, anger, selfishness, psychosis. Extreme selfishness and intolerance of each other. Promotion of consumer values, sex and violence through TV and media. Uncontrolled rampant religions and sects. Zombie citizens through primitive advertising.

No confidence in the future. Very uncertain degree of protection of a citizen by the state. Lack of state support and social guarantees. The complete vulnerability of the ordinary citizen from the arbitrariness of private and officials. Rampant crime, prostitution, drug trafficking and drug addiction, trafficking in people and their organs. Impoverishment of vulnerable groups. Unemployment. Unavailability of housing. Paid medicine. Counterfeit medicines, GMO products.

* * *

Such is the generalized and systematic picture of the “Pro” and “Contra” of the two societies - the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. Now you can return to the question raised in the first article: “What motivation are driven by people in their desire to return to the USSR - the motivation to leave the“ OT ”of the reality of modern society, or the desire for the realities of the Soviet Union?”. Obviously, people want to get rid of from the negative modern society and rejoin to positive the past of the Soviet Union. But then another question arises - what about the positive of today, with the freedoms that we now have and cherish? Take them with you, "back to the USSR"? But there they will definitely come into conflict with the harsh totalitarian restrictions of the Soviet system ...

And why enter the same river twice - let's combine the strengths and capabilities of the Soviet Union with modern “pluses”, at the same time get rid of the shortcomings of both formations and get the image of the desired society! Such an obvious move suggests itself after getting acquainted with the results of the SWOT analysis.

And it would be quite feasible if this synthesis took place on the platform of the USSR, relying on its strengths and opportunities that are open to people by Soviet society. Maybe this is the path our history would take in the 20th century, if during the perestroika period exactly what was written on its slogans was done. But the tragedy of that time consisted precisely in the fact that the people accustomed to trust the authorities were told one thing from the high tribunes, but in fact, quite conspiratorially, something else was done. This is pure deception and betrayal by the power of their people. As a result, instead of renewed socialism, we got what we have - a home-grown form of an oligarchic-clan society with a modest list of strengths and a substantial baggage of shortcomings, risks and threats for ordinary citizens.


In the absence of stamp paper, write on idle. So we, in an attempt to outline the contours of the future, will start from the realities of modern society, dance not from the Soviet, but from the Russian stove. Let us once again turn to the pyramid of the needs of society, noted above. It is easy to see that most of the strengths and advantages of Russian society are located in this pyramid or on the lower floors (consumer abundance), or on the middle (a wide range of freedoms, opportunities for self-realization of citizens). At the same time, the upper levels of the hierarchy (strategic goals, national idea, ideology, power of the state, its ability to defend the interests of the people) are filled with a vacuum or have a negative connotation.

With the fact that Russia, apart from bread and circuses, is in dire need of a strategic goal, many people will agree on the national idea and ideology. But they are not, since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Perhaps, bright heads, capable of developing them in relation to present-day conditions, have disappeared in Russia? Far from it, no need to go far for an example, just look at the site of the Izborsky Club and get acquainted with "STRATEGY OF GREAT LEAP"fully responsive to the needs of the country. “Strategy” was published in October 2012. Its authors regarded their work as a helping hand extended to the President in his struggle with the liberal and clan environment. All that was needed was political will to accept this hand. A year and a half has passed since the publication of the Strategy, but the outstretched helping hand still remains unclaimed ...

To be fair, it should be noted that some shifts in the ideological plan have nevertheless occurred recently. In the past 2013, the President of Russia announced "PRAGMATIC CONSERVATISM", as the ideological basis of modern Russian society. At the same time, he explained his choice with a quote from the Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev: "The meaning of conservatism is not that it impedes movement forward and upward, but that it interferes with movement backwards and downwards." The philosophical thought expressed in the 1918 year obviously needs to be deciphered in the context of today's realities.

So, what state of affairs is going to “preserve”, i.e. to preserve the President in Russian society, and beyond what historical milestone does he not want to move back and down? For a number of signs and evidence, this is the beginning of 2000-x (see, for example, Khodorkovsky’s memories of Putin’s meeting with representatives of big business, or Putin’s opinion about Chubais and his activities, or his call to get rid of "ideological garbage" in textbooks stories). What is remarkable about this date - the beginning of 2000's? The barrier, set at the turn of the century, is designed to preserve the status quo that has developed in society after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the first wave of state property privatization in the 90s. He is the guarantor of the fact that the processes of the death of the socialist state and the division of property have IRREVERSIBLE CHARACTER.

Having decided on the rear lines, beyond which it is impossible to leave, let us try to understand what “forward and upward” means from the point of view of pragmatic conservatism. It is not pragmatic to set strategic goals for the development of society and formulate a national idea, much less to give them publicity! Whether it is not enough how the map will fall ... It is much more pragmatic to manipulate the concepts of operational-tactical scale. For example, a borrowing term from a Western political vocabulary, such as "ROAD MAP". A very convenient term, especially if it means an “for official use” card, which only its approximate and dedicated people know about. For example, the point marked on the map is the “second wave of privatization”. We approached this point, alerted whom we should, created the most favored regime for them, they prepared, successfully privatized the delicious state assets, we go further ... Further, other points, many and different - various reforms, ranging from the Armed Forces to the Academy of Sciences, the Olympiad in Sochi, development of the Far Eastern region and, of course, such a bold item as the state defense order-2020. Of course, for the “development” of each of these points, the “road gamblers” allocate considerable sums from the state budget. Only what proportion of these amounts really goes to work?

Probably, it is possible to move the country “forward and upward” anyway - without a strategic goal and a national idea, along the road map, step by step, from point to point. But this card has one peculiarity - it passes through land contaminated with corruption and in territories divided between various near-power clans. What great pragmatic-conservative sense is hidden in the movement of such a locality? Without prior disinfection and terraforming? And what does the country expect behind the outline of the "road map"? What is there, the federal highway or "brick"? SWOT analysis does not provide answers to these questions. Maybe they will be among the readers?

Materials on the topic:
1. The article "Back to the USSR", part 1:
2. Concept of SWOT analysis: analysis
3. Needs needs pyramid by A. Maslow: by_Maslow
4. The Big Bang Strategy:
5. Khodorkovsky on Putin's agreement with oligarchs:
6. Putin about Chubais and his activities:
7. Putin about the case of Oboronservis:
8. Putin on “ideological rubbish” in history books:
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  1. +8
    24 January 2014 09: 13
    Well, it remains to combine the strengths of the USSR and the Russian Federation, but only those in power would still be convinced of this .. hi
    1. +25
      24 January 2014 09: 25
      They don’t need it. They are satisfied as is.
      1. -1
        24 January 2014 10: 03
        Quote: Kibalchish
        They don’t need it. They are satisfied as is.

        Of course, it doesn’t care that all indicators of the country's development in the form of a parabola are the lowest point in the 1999 year, and in 2013 many of the indicators of the RSFSR are achieved. They don’t need it ...

        Quote: baltika-18
        Alas, "Putin and Co." will not be able to do this. The reason "there will be no revision of the results of privatization." Without this, antagonism in society will only intensify. Where will we come? My forecast is not yet comforting, because I see no changes.

        On what basis to carry out "nationalization" if the enterprises were privatized in accordance with the laws of that time? I do not denythat there is a fraud on a scam and an epithet "criminal" fully corresponds to reality, but there is no mechanism for this "nationalization" in the form that they want to see on the forums. More precisely, there are, and there are two of them

        1) 1917 year - then 20 years of suffering, but with nationalized enterprises. (it remains to be seen whether they will smear us later with humanitarian interventions)

        2) slowly but surely nationalize the so-called elites, forcing them to withdraw assets from offshore companies, connect their lives with the Russian Federation, and, if necessary, use market mechanisms for nationalization, such as, for example, Yukos.

        The first option will allow you to achieve your goal (nationalization) faster, but it will bring a bunch of side effects, and most importantly victims, since a civil war in this case is far from a ghost.

        The second option cannot be liked by society by definition, since the principle "select and divide, and count all the bourgeoisie" as in the first case, it does not work here, and no one will receive personal benefits from this nationalization here and now.
        1. +11
          24 January 2014 11: 39
          Quote: sledgehammer102
          slowly but surely nationalize the so-called elites

          It may be simpler and more effective not to nationalize the elite, but simply to replace it (destroy one and create another). I personally do not want to see the "elite" in the form of the Abramovichs, Usmanovs and the like. Are you going to nationalize such an elite, Pavel?
          1. -1
            24 January 2014 14: 10
            Quote: baltika-18
            I personally do not want to see the "elite" in the form of the Abramovichs, Usmanovs and the like. Are you going to nationalize such an elite, Pavel?

            The question is not whether I want or don't want, but that if everything is done without sudden movements, then the result will be better. None of the "elite" particularly sympathizes with me either.
            1. +5
              24 January 2014 14: 33
              Quote: sledgehammer102
              None of the "elite" particularly sympathizes with me either.

              I’m wondering, what do you actually mean by the term “nationalization of the elites?” Just that they would invest some money in the development of production in the country. Or something else?
          2. 0
            30 January 2014 10: 07
            And what methods do you want to replace them, if not secret?
        2. +3
          24 January 2014 13: 36
          Offset! Glory to the gods that sober-minded people still exist.
        3. 0
          30 January 2014 10: 05
          Totally agree with you!
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +8
        24 January 2014 23: 45
        Oh my God ... how much you can already repeat, it gets on your nerves!
        strict totalitarian restrictions of the Soviet system ...
        --- so what? "Outstanding cultural figures" (Comrade Solzhenitsyn and la company with their Gulag Archipelago ") were expelled and squeezed? Oh, the scenes of sexual intercourse in the films were cut out, what a tragedy! And in general," there is no sex in the Soviet Union "and everything like that. ..

        Yes, they did the right thing, in theory, if you have to clean up now, then anyway, our "creative" art gallery owners and amateur historians like Gelman and Latynina, respectively, will have to either be persuaded to retire or imprisoned, and since Gelman is naked with a leash around his neck advertised his show, and Latynina yells openly at all Russian historians, then the choice between the insane and the schizoid bitch will be small. Plant both.

        It’s very difficult, apparently, to find out that without a rigid framework, a person will always choose the easiest way, God gave the choice to the person, you can take money just like that, but you can make money, it’s clear that the ordinary 1 consumer will choose. It’s easier to live on loans-- and what will happen to the country's economy and, ultimately, with it, put it on him until it touches. In a democracy, the interests of the individual are higher than the public, and this is impossible to change, this is the essence of the system.

        So you think about the semantic load of the following statement:
        But what about the positive of today, with those freedoms that we now have and which we value?

        Positive for the author of the article, this is when they wave a bogey of freedom in front of the nose of the masses, and they are being conducted, how did Nusreddin move the donkey from its place? He gave him a carrot! That liberalism is the same!

        + besides. The family is the highest value for our citizens, and not "mai pravaaa, mai svaboody". I rummaged through the archives of FOM, VTsIOM, Levada, so this is a fact.

        A number of rights and freedoms directly pose a threat to the integrity of Russia-- the right to self-determination of peoples, for example.
        Moreover, if you give freedom to a people who did not live in conditions of liberalism and democracy-- this people will devour itself, and more quickly than the people who have lived for decades under this democracy. RF is a good example. The most popular profession at 2001 was ... criminal authority (VTsIOM). Probably the Komsomol members are simply ignoramus - but they came off in the 90's. Although yes. then democracy was ... tongue

        In short, I have nothing to say, I do not see the author's positive. I didn’t go to Nusreddin's ass to wave a carrot in front of my nose. I don’t sit on my hind legs at the word “freedom”, I don’t move my tongue like a mongrel. In the absence of healthy motivation for work, a person becomes dull from democracy. And coercion is a violation of rights.
        Nuuu, then we grow dumber, "dear rasseyane", mind you!
        I want to live in a country from which my legs tremble in half, I want to work and bring in GOODS to the country in which I live, and the state paid me labor. And it doesn’t matter to me whether this is an effective economy or not. All the same, it’s better when the country does at least some, let the shitty cars out than they don’t make them at all, it only makes a coat from Bolshevichka out of clothes, but it's better than nothing at all. This is a market, nothing personal. And you can buy western crosses at any time.

        In Russia, the RIGHT of a person has always been measured by moral norms, and not by a piece of paper, by the name of the law, because the law can be unfair, but the content of the 10 commandments of disputes, I think, does not cause anyone, well, for what truth?
    2. +21
      24 January 2014 09: 33
      Quote: name
      combine the strengths of the USSR and the Russian Federation

      Alas, "Putin and Co." will not be able to do this. The reason "there will be no revision of the results of privatization." Without this, antagonism in society will only intensify. Where will we come? My forecast is not yet comforting, because I see no changes.
      1. +1
        24 January 2014 10: 29
        In the article itself, an approach is interesting when presenting the negative sides of two systems.
        About the USSR, the style is purely neutral and static, as in an impartial analysis of facts.
        When analyzing the RF, emotions are well felt and excesses are obvious when describing the negative sides. For example, about the USSR, the word "miscalculations" is used, and for the Russian Federation, "collapse"

        In both cases, half-truth is used, in the first case in favor of the system, and the second against. Well, for example.

        An economically and politically strong state that protects its citizens from external threats and internal risks

        The fact of food shortages and, in fact, the collapse of the USSR, both economic (from a sharp drop in oil prices) and political, as a politically strong state cannot be destroyed by its own citizens who had off-ideology, somehow strangely correlate. ..

        Or about the Russian Federation
        Weak state. Lack of economic and financial sovereignty.

        In 1999, the paragraph would have gone to the URA, but now it is already outdated, because weak states cannot play leading roles in world politics, here in 90x we couldn’t do anything with Yugoslavia because of our weakness, we signed humiliating agreements in Khasavyurt and others. The same applies to sovereignty, because it is characterized by debt dependence on the same IMF and the stamp about the lack of economic sovereignty came from there.
        The collapse of the education system,

        After the collapse, it usually does not work out to take first places at international Olympiads in applied subjects. So, at the time to talk about serious problems and methods for solving them, and not about collapse.

        Rampant crime

        Again, the thesis is very true for 90x and the beginning of the zero, to 2010 this figure was almost equal in 1992 year (almost the USSR)

        And so on.

        But in general, the work deserves praise, since there is no impartial analysis because it is composed of a person with his own views and logic. The author managed to remove a huge layer of subjectivity from his work, for which he is honored and praised.
        1. +4
          24 January 2014 12: 43
          Quote: sledgehammer102
          After the collapse, it usually does not work out to take first places at international Olympiads in applied subjects.

          This is still occupied as long as there are fragments of the old education system. Now, most students are not at all interested in what they should study - they are only interested in the "crust", but not in knowledge, usually in the study group only a few students study, the rest simply attend classes, or do not attend, (and what, they do not care will not be expelled, especially if you study "on a budget").
          1. +2
            24 January 2014 14: 24
            Quote: Rakti-Kali
            These are still occupied by places, while fragments of the old education system exist.

            How many places did our students take in the Olympiads in the 90s or early 2000s? I'm just interested to take a look at the statistics on which you made your conclusion about the "shards" ...

            Here, for example, statistics on international olympiads in chemistry.

            Our hockey team would have such stability.
            1. +7
              24 January 2014 14: 43
              Quote: sledgehammer102
              , statistics on international chemistry olympiads

              Gifted children participate in the Olympics, they are always there. And the number of gifted people is in principle stable with some fluctuations up or down. Your proof does not roll. It is about the general level of education, about the general decline, about the disastrous consequences of the Fursenkov-Putin reform. I do not separate these individuals from each other for the reason that they have been together since 1991, since the time of the Ozero cooperative. And now Fursenko is Putin's advisor.
            2. +6
              24 January 2014 15: 11
              Quote: sledgehammer102
              Here, for example, statistics on international chemistry olympiads.

              Thank you Baltika-18, -
              Gifted children participate in the Olympics, they are always there. And the number of gifted people is, in principle, stable with some fluctuations up or down. Does not roll your proof. It's about the general level of education, about the general decline, about the deplorable consequences

              And the higher education system in Russia, unfortunately, is discredited. If 3/4 students of engineering and technical and 5/6 students of humanitarian specialties (and 9 out of 10 students are supposedly future teachers) are not going to work in their specialty (they can’t find a job, but they’re not stupidly going to) what should I call it? Success?
            3. +2
              24 January 2014 20: 48
              How many places did our students take in the Olympiads in the 90s or early 2000s? I'm just interested to take a look at the statistics on which you made your conclusion about the "shards" ...

              Here, for example, statistics on international chemistry olympiads.

              Well, let’s say, out of a millionth number of schoolchildren, a maximum of 1000 people participate in international olympiads in chemistry (and in other subjects). Is this really an indicator? And the rest are also the same as those 1000?
        2. +6
          24 January 2014 12: 53
          sledgehammer102: ... there is no impartial analysis because it is composed of a person with his own views and logic. The author managed to remove a huge layer of subjectivity from his work ...

          Glad you noted it, Paul, although it was not easy.

          I did not come up with the wordings of the strengths and weaknesses of the two societies, but were taken from the answers of the participants in the analysis, otherwise it was simply impossible to act.

          For the rest, I agree with baltika-18 (Nikolai) - you cannot build happiness (a prosperous RF) on the misfortune of others (the collapse of the USSR and the unfair division of state property). This is fundamental, it is against all human and God's laws.
    3. +12
      24 January 2014 11: 46
      I think there is a principle that will not erase everyone now:

      the profit from the sale of national (read, belonging to the whole nation) resources is not equally divided among all, but only a handful of higher-ranking people get it.

      Earth, water, rivers, mountains, forests, etc.: deposits of metals, coal, gas, all this is the property of the people, it all came out of the land that they defended, all our ancestors shed blood. Would not protect together would not be this land with us. So I am indignant on what basis only a small number of people use it ?! God chtoli them in his holy book wrote that he left a legacy ?!

      That's how the guys and injustice happens.

      My ancestors lived in those times when the land belonged to everyone, and there was enough of it all, graze cattle wherever you want, no one asked permission from anyone, but will you become rich or will you live in poverty depended only on whether you know how to work or be lazy and nothing to do. The enemy appeared, everyone gathered and fought back together, because if you do not get together they will give all the Lyuli and no one will have land. Like this.
      1. 0
        24 January 2014 14: 30
        Quote: Max_Bauder
        the profit from the sale of national (read, belonging to the whole nation) resources is not equally divided among all, but only a handful of higher-ranking people get it.

        How do you represent the division of state revenue and private income equally? So even in the USSR it was not evenly divided, even in the article it is said about this.

        Another issue is the taxes that extractive companies must pay.
        So in 1999 the budget received 10 barrels out of 100, and in 2012 already 60 barrels out of 100, subtract from the remaining 40 costs for transportation, refining, production, technical re-equipment, exploration and so on, and you will get what goes directly into the hands of the "elite" as you understand, since 1999 they have been very unhappy, although these "leftovers" are quite enough to stick around in the Forbes list, but the same "justice" has increased, but we will never get to that mythical "ideal justice", while the world is ruled by people, not machines. There is not a single country in the world where this issue would be resolved. More or less, the Norwegians succeeded in this, but not surprisingly, with a small population and huge extraction of resources ...
        1. 0
          24 January 2014 15: 50
          Quote: sledgehammer102
          How do you represent the division of state revenue and private income equally? .

          How? to each born or already living citizen to give 50 thousand dollars at least, why not a solution? among the Arabs, the worse we are.

          1. 0
            24 January 2014 20: 47
            Quote: Max_Bauder
            How? to each born or already living citizen to give 50 thousand dollars at least, why not a solution? among the Arabs, the worse we are.

            Just look at the per capita oil production in the CA or Qatar, and then compare it with the Russian Federation ... and everything will become clear. Well, or take all budget revenues for the year and divide by the number of people.
      2. -4
        24 January 2014 16: 48
        Nobody bothers you to use: wood, gas, coal.
        Build enterprises pump oil ..., there is no ban. What is the injustice. We pay not for the gas itself but for its production ..... In short, to explain, you are all competent.
    4. Gluxar_
      24 January 2014 17: 05
      Quote: name
      Well, it remains to combine the strengths of the USSR and the Russian Federation, but only those in power would still be convinced of this ..

      Although the article is "positive", it is also divorced from reality and distorts reality. What times are compared and with what? What years of the USSR? The end of the 80s with Russia in 2013?
      And if you compare the 70s of the USSR and the analogue in the West? And Russia 93-94 years.
      Fact one. The USSR was and is better than modern Russia in all respects, including in matters of freedom of speech. It’s just that the topics used to be different, but today the SS refers to slander and radicalism. Who needs such an SS?

      But it is also a fact that the USSR can no longer be returned, and we have already paid all the fees for its collapse and continue to pay. The collapse of the USSR is the greatest tragedy of the XNUMXth century and this is true. The whole level of human civilization sank because of this. With the unity of the people that was in the USSR and with modern technologies of mass communication, a synergistic effect and self-cleaning of the political system of socialist society was possible.

      As for individualism and responsibility and their absence in the USSR, this is a complete lie. There were simply fewer "responsible" posts before. Today, everyone is responsible for their refrigerator and lunch for the child, hence the motivation of workers. In the USSR, the responsibility of a primitive level was delegated to the authorities, but the issues of key or global tasks were raised to the national ones. Today, all the societies of the planet do not care about hundreds of important topics and no one is responsible for anything, neither for the environment, nor for general inequality, nor for the future of mankind ... everyone is responsible only for their own consumption.
      And there were super-specialists and professionals in the USSR. they were all responsible.

      The only plus of the collapse of the USSR is the historical experience of such a mistake, which awakens in the minds of some representatives of the people a true vision of the "whole process" and the cuisine of "individual Satanists." In the long term, this may give rise to a society "more responsible, but less numerous." It is a kind of "recovering" from the disease in order not to succumb to it. This is the great advantage of the Russian people over all the others.
    5. +3
      24 January 2014 20: 05
      they just don’t want it - with an alliance for their theft, they simply put it on the wall
    6. Shur
      25 January 2014 01: 22
      Molotov-Medvedev Cocktail laughing
  2. predator.3
    24 January 2014 09: 24
    Quote: name
    , but only those in power would still be convinced of this

    Yeah, if you convince them, they are the main brake on the country! They just need to be "replaced", as Stalin did in his time! in general, technocrats should be in power, not lawyers.
    1. +8
      24 January 2014 11: 46
      Quote: predator.3
      In general, technocrats should be in power, not lawyers.

      Here is the technocrat Yeltsin and brought the country to a complete zugunder. If only a couple of such technocrats were in power, a kirdyk would come to the country. Technocrat in power, or not technocrat, is not the main thing. The main thing is that the authorities work for the prosperity of the country and the well-being of the people. This is what she should strive for. But only quickly, you know what, is being done. Even in a family, there is not always mutual understanding, what can we say about the whole country. "The road will be mastered by the one walking!"
      1. +6
        24 January 2014 12: 40
        Yeltsin technocrat? God be with you, if he was a technocrat, then I’m a Cuban ballerina !. After a technical university, he almost immediately went along the party line. A technocrat is one who first worked at the enterprise, but rose to leadership positions, and then fell into power, and not when the government pushed him from the very beginning.
        1. +2
          24 January 2014 14: 40
          Quote: sinukvl
          After a technical university, he almost immediately went along the party line.

          Yeltsin graduated from the institute in 1955 and began working in construction organizations as a foreman, foreman, senior foreman, engineer, chap. engineer and head of a construction organization. From 1963 to 1968 - Head of the Sverdlovsk House-Building Plant. And only then he went to party work. So Yeltsin is a real technocrat. Or do you mean a technocrat who has worked in a job until the presidency? Only this can be unless in the Czech Republic (Havel), with us this is hardly possible.
        2. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +4
      24 January 2014 12: 01
      There must be different people in power. And politicians, and techies, and legalists, and sociologists .. further on the list.

      But in essence, I support your message.

      The question is not who they are by education. The question is how real real statesmen are, and not private entrepreneurs.
  3. +7
    24 January 2014 09: 31
    Sensibly! Conclusion: We must change the party in power.
    1. +4
      24 January 2014 10: 05
      Quote: muhomor
      Sensibly! Conclusion: We must change the party in power.

      It's all for the elections, because when you turn up in 50%, you can change something with two.
      1. +5
        24 January 2014 12: 09
        Quote: sledgehammer102
        It's all for the elections, because when you turn up in 50%, you can change something with two.

        Have you ever wondered why the turnout is 50%? After all, the reason is that the list has not changed over the past 10-15 years and there are no columns against everyone. It is not for nothing that they are going to introduce it only in local elections, because the situation there is generally deplorable, and they are afraid of the federal ones, because this virtual candidate "against all" will surely win if the list for the presidential elections is Putin, Zyuganov, Zhirinovsky and someone else of little importance.
        1. -4
          24 January 2014 14: 34
          Quote: baltika-18
          Have you ever wondered why the turnout is 50%?

          As I understand it, the list is not one person, but several. Since you don’t like Putin like that, you can vote for Zyuganov, by the way. shouts about nationalization the most. You can nominate your candidate - get tired, here in the USA there are two parties and the same lists of senators, nothing, they live. Or Merkel went for a third term, what was the turnout there ??? Vel does not change the list for 10 years?
          1. +8
            24 January 2014 15: 00
            Quote: sledgehammer102
            Since you don’t like Putin like that, you can vote for Zyuganov

            This is how I do it, although I am not enthusiastic about Zyuganov, but if I had a column against everyone, I would tick off it.
            Quote: СРЦ П-15
            If you do not like a single applicant, then take and cross them all out, this will be against everyone.

            And the ballot will be ruined.
            Quote: sledgehammer102
            You can nominate your candidate - get tired, here in the USA there are two parties and the same lists of senators, nothing, they live

            We are not the United States and I do not like it. I am a supporter of the socialist mode of economy.
            1. +1
              24 January 2014 18: 28
              Quote: baltika-18
              And the ballot will be ruined.

              Who cares, the main thing is that no one can use this newsletter to their advantage.
            2. The comment was deleted.
          2. +2
            25 January 2014 00: 30
            Actually in the USA there are a lot of parties. There is no bipartisan system as they usually say. Among other parties, there are:
            - “third” parties: the Constitutional Party, the Green Party, the Libertarian Party;
            - small parties: America First, • the Center Party, • the Communist Party, the American Independent Party, the Labor Party, the Radical Women, and about 14 smaller ones. It's just that there is such a system that only two reach the final election)) And at the level of the legislative bodies of the states, there are a lot of representatives of other parties.
        2. +2
          24 January 2014 14: 51
          Quote: baltika-18
          over the past 10-15 years and there are no graphs against everyone

          I don’t understand why it is needed at all, this graph? If you do not like a single applicant, then take and cross them all out, this will be against everyone. Therefore, turnout is unlikely to increase with the introduction of this column. People will go to the polls when they see in the list of candidates a real person worthy of their opinion. Or when they see that their calm, measured life is collapsing.
        3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +11
    24 January 2014 09: 33
    Our values ​​have different values.
  5. +7
    24 January 2014 09: 33
    Yes, the declared trend "pragmatic conservatism" with reference to Berdyaev means the preservation of the existing state of affairs, since it suits the authorities and big business, without a rollback to socialism, which brings the change of the system closer, the current state of affairs is the development of the budget and the sale of state assets, the Olympics have already passed the World Cup and the state defense order, the development of the Arctic is possible, in comparison with the Far East it is more profitable, I bet over time, the Far East theme will fade away smoothly, except for the cosmodrome there is nothing new there. The bias towards raw materials is due to the fact that, on the one hand, this business is profitable, and on the other hand, it is Russia's only trump card for dialogue with the West. It doesn't matter all this looks to the common people, there is still a project to increase the tax on real estate in the Russian Federation. This is an analogue of Tsarist Russia in 1913.
  6. +5
    24 January 2014 09: 35
    I think they will fiercely resist replacing. Voluntarily definitely will not be replaced.
  7. +9
    24 January 2014 09: 41
    Strong education and science in the USSR were due to the closed system and the compulsion to produce almost everything on our own, a good engineering and scientific school was needed, this was the focus, and I must say it worked out. Now, when the first thing that comes to mind of the average manager is "buy", "it's easier to buy", "where to buy", ie. the openness of the system presupposes to a greater extent the ideology of consumption, among other things, goods produced in a closed system - China, as if a contradiction
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 10: 07
      North Korea follows the same path. Powerful country? The union with 200 million people could not compete with the 1 billion West. And the bias towards the military-industrial complex lowered the quality of Soviet civilian goods below the plinth. Own - this is very good, but you need to watch how things are going for others and, if anything, then adopt positive experience. And it just so happened that 3 million American farmers fed 350 million of the US population and half the world, and in the Union 25 million collective farmers could not feed the country.
      1. +14
        24 January 2014 10: 26
        I think that their farmers in our conditions would have worked even worse than our collective farmers ... It's like tanks in the Second World War, German tanks are good for everyone, but the result is completely different. I prefer the taste of Soviet products, American products are unlikely to compare with them.
        1. Wurger
          24 January 2014 10: 38
          Do you mean climatic conditions? I think that the sown area of ​​the Union was significantly superior to the US, and the availability of fuels and lubricants was better at times. The Union had all the resources so that the store shelves would burst with products, but what was the reality? Climate decides a lot, but not all.
          1. +4
            24 January 2014 13: 02
            Quote: Wurger
            I think that the sown area of ​​the Union far exceeded the American

            No, this is not so, the area of ​​arable land was comparable.
            Quote: Wurger
            and the availability of fuels and lubricants was better at times.

            Absolutely wrong. In the United States, the cost of fuel, even compared to the USSR, was not very high, and one should not forget about the subsidization of the American agricultural sector by the US government.
            1. Wurger
              24 January 2014 14: 08
              What does it mean not high? In the Union in 85 a liter of gasoline cost 40 kopecks. In the USA, if I’m not mistaken, there was 1 dollar. Given that the dollar was really worth 3 rubles, the Soviet collective farmer could buy 7.5 liters of fuel compared to the first one from Amer. Or in the US, gasoline was cheaper than 1 Soviet cents?
              The Union spent on agricultural many times more than the United States. Nobody counted money there at all. jokes of Soviet laws by which the shepherd received more engineer can still be found in the village.
              1. +10
                24 January 2014 15: 06
                Quote: Wurger
                jokes of Soviet laws by which the shepherd received more engineer can still be found in the village.

                You would first work as a shepherd before calling his job gags. Do you know that the milk yield of cows depended on the competent work of the shepherd? And, accordingly, did the labor productivity of the peasants grow? Engineers at that time, it was like "chickens not cut" and they sat on a salary. And the shepherd always received from milk - the higher the milk yield, the more his salary. But, unfortunately, honor and respect have always been with the engineer, and the shepherds were considered people with a failed fate. But remember: the earth holds on to ordinary people!
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. +3
                24 January 2014 15: 23
                Quote: Wurger
                What does it mean not high? In the Union in 85 a liter of gasoline cost 40 kopecks. In the USA, if I’m not mistaken, there was 1 dollar. Given that the dollar was really worth 3 rubles, the Soviet collective farmer could buy 7.5 liters of fuel against the 1st one from Amer

                At the rate of 70-80 kopecks. So we cut the sturgeon three or four times. And not a collective farmer could buy, but a collective farm - a collective farmer without a toll in the 80s flew past gasoline and solariums like plywood over Paris.
                Quote: Wurger
                Nobody counted money there at all

                It depends. When they could calculate for a broken plow from the salary, and they could order a dozen tractors to bury in a trench.
                1. Wurger
                  24 January 2014 16: 01
                  The official exchange rate of the dollar against the Soviet ruble is the same fiction as now the rate of the dollar against the Belarusian one. No need to cut back anywhere. But even in this case we get 2 times.
              4. +3
                24 January 2014 17: 04
                Maybe I'm wrong, but in the US, gas is measured in gallons. It turns out 1 dollar. - 1 gall. = Approximately 3,2 liters.
                1. +3
                  24 January 2014 17: 10
                  Quote: komendor
                  It turns out 1 dollar. - 1 gall. = Approximately 3,2 liters.

                  In the USA there are no such prices, it costs about the same as ours or a little cheaper in terms of liters. The only problem the United States buys oil is, and we do not.
                  1. 0
                    25 January 2014 13: 08
                    So here we are with Würger, sort of like the USA and the USSR compare. Years like that in the 80s. And in 86 emnip, one gallon cost less than a dollar. Moreover, the American gallon = approx. 3,8 liters.
          2. +9
            24 January 2014 17: 18
            Trite, the news about American farmers was recently shown on TV, their cowboys in our open spaces could not get the same weight gain from their bull-calves as in their own country. Onishchenko was not just talking about ractopamine.
            Now the taste of products from the store is different - much worse than in the Soviet era. Although hens, for example, were not as beautiful as they are now, they simply cannot get the taste of normal chicken soup from modern legs. Production increased chicken, yes, but nothing more. I will say the same thing about other products.
          3. 0
            26 January 2014 19: 03
            Quote: Wurger
            Do you mean climatic conditions?

            If we take into account that not the southernmost city of Washington is located at the latitude of Ashgabat, and "harsh" Canada (its green belt) at the latitude of Ukraine, then the area is of secondary importance.
      2. +5
        24 January 2014 10: 30
        About the shortcomings of the USSR is described in the article, but the shortcomings of today's Russia are much greater.
      3. +17
        24 January 2014 10: 49
        Quote: Wurger
        the quality of Soviet civilian goods dropped below the plinth

        Yes, not really, I apparently understand the quality of the goods. Apparently, because modern beautiful shoes fall apart in one season, and Soviet low-quality working leather shoes still serve.
        About the design. A friend of mine bought a pair of brand new design shoes with lacing almost to the toes a couple of years ago, until hoarseness proved the novelty of the design, until I showed the shoes made by the USSR with the same lacing design.
        Another example. Once I met with an Austrian at work, he came from a business trip from the USA, brought a donated T-shirt with the company's logos - the quality is at the level, real cotton! And on the tag is the inscription "Made in Belarus".
        Or ordinary kitchen knives from the USSR still serve. The same quality modern imported are much more expensive, at least. The Soviet technology is still preserved in Vacha - knives and axes have become good in quality, import of comparable price can be immediately re-melted.
        This is what I immediately remembered.
        Need to continue?
        1. -1
          24 January 2014 13: 58
          Forgot to mention the huge selection of "Zhiguli" and "Muscovites" and their very excellent quality laughing
          Quote: SPLV
          Apparently, because modern beautiful shoes fall apart in one season, and Soviet low-quality working leather shoes still serve.

          I don’t know what is falling apart (it's like wearing), but I buy clothes and shoes EXCLUSIVELY Russian. I am very pleased with the variety of assortment, price and quality!
      4. olviko
        24 January 2014 11: 26
        "The union with 200 million people could not simply compete with 1 billion in the West."

        Sorry, your assessment doesn’t coincide with Thatcher’s opinion. “The Soviet Union is a country that posed a serious threat to the Western world. I am not talking about a military threat. She, in fact, was not. Our countries are quite well armed, including nuclear weapons. I mean the economic threat. Thanks to a planned policy and a peculiar combination of moral and material incentives, the Soviet Union managed to achieve high economic indicators. The percentage of growth in gross national product was approximately two times higher than in our countries. If we take into account the enormous natural resources of the USSR, then with the rational management of the economy the Soviet Union had quite real opportunities to force us out of the world markets. Therefore, we always took actions aimed at weakening the economy of the Soviet Union and creating internal difficulties for it ... Unfortunately Despite our efforts, the political situation in the USSR remained very stable for a long time. The situation was very difficult for us. However, soon information was received about the imminent death of the Soviet leader and the possibility of a person coming to power with our help, thanks to which we will be able to realize our intentions. This was an assessment of my experts (and I always formed a very qualified group of experts on the Soviet Union and, as necessary, facilitated the additional emigration of the necessary specialists from the USSR). This person was M. Gorbachev, who was characterized by experts as a careless, suggestive and very ambitious person.
        I think the baroness knew what she was talking about, besides, as we see there was not fair competition, but constant attempts to harm the economy of the USSR.
      5. +11
        24 January 2014 11: 57
        Quote: Wurger
        and in the Union 25 million collective farmers could not feed the country.

        These 25 million collective farmers fed not only the country, but also half the world of parasites, in the form of developing countries. And let's not forget that the number of cattle, unlike the current one, was many times more. And grain was received not a little, just for the most part it went to livestock feed. But at the same time, we did not experience a shortage of bread on the shelves. Remember, in those years, livestock was fed bread and it was very cheap - 16 kopecks a loaf. So it’s not so simple.
      6. The comment was deleted.
      7. +2
        26 January 2014 01: 05
        Quote: Wurger
        3 million American farmers fed 350 million of the US population and half the world, and in the Union 25 million collective farmers could not feed the country.

        Just do not forget that in the USA there is a strong support of farmers by the state. And where did you get the idea that 25 million collective farmers could not feed 200 million of the population ???? The fact that we had 2 types of sausage, and not 15? So you compare what our 2 types are made of and their 15. And then write this garbage.
  8. +3
    24 January 2014 10: 03
    another confirmation of the progress of the current course is i.e. of course, we can give an example that in the pre-war era they also produced under the DC-3 license under the name Li-2, but this is somehow not inspiring when there are IL-112 projects or the same An-140. Summarizing, I express my opinion, no combination of the two models - the present and the USSR in terms of the best sides is possible, because they contradict each other and the evolutionary path towards rapprochement is not provided for by the authorities, only a replacement
  9. +4
    24 January 2014 10: 05
    We're going to a dead end. Political, demographic and economic. This is not even a "brick", it is just a wall, not to jump over, not to go around, not to return. The only way out is to start accelerating, maybe we'll break through. Yes, with blood, with pain, with damage to the muzzle, but there is no other way out. Otherwise, we will die under that wall in 150-200 years.
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 10: 35
      In the light of the Western mistake that led to the strengthening of China, a period of 150-200 years can be extremely optimistic. We can bend before.
    2. +4
      24 January 2014 10: 37
      But have you taken a lot of time, if our development will go at such a pace as now, then I think they will tear us to pieces much earlier.
      1. 0
        24 January 2014 13: 33
        Quote: demel2
        And how much time did you take

        I meant if we are not actively "helping". Naturally, in just such a period, we will happily die out as a nation and there simply will not be a state of Russia.
  10. +1
    24 January 2014 10: 32
    For us to be proud of our country, for this all we need to keep the elected authorities and officials in hard gloves, the population must have leverage over them.
  11. +1
    24 January 2014 10: 33
    "Back to the USSR" - a call for the return of the internal political system or to the former borders. Both are difficult to implement. How many people remember the USSR ?, to those who in the last and not the best years served in the army over forty. The younger ones have heard a lot about "that country" of all sorts of nonsense from the lips of corrupt political scientists and have read the same nonsense, in many times republished and contradicting history textbooks. So who would want to return to the USSR ?, in which, according to modern preachers of "Western values", there was nothing good and worthy, and in general - in the eyes of all "progressive humanity" we looked like an "empire of evil".
    No need to go back, it is better to go in the right direction.
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 10: 42
      I do not quite agree. I am 30 years old. I managed to live with the union of 8 years. Is my mother a corrupt political scientist? The usual printer behind the machine. Return to the Union does not want to categorically. Maybe by the number of tanks we were ahead of the rest, but there was nothing to eat.
      1. +2
        24 January 2014 11: 12
        Return is impossible, you probably just gifted have heard enough, that social system is already impossible for social reasons.
        Tanks were only a guarantee of calm, relative.
        There has always been, in comparison with many countries, this was practically nonsense. Although I believe that a person will always find a way to stay hungry.
        At least now I read stories about forced hunger strikes quite often.
        In the USSR, let’s say this - everyone was poor, so they were not so greedy.
      2. +9
        24 January 2014 11: 26
        What kind of USSR do you mean? Gorbachevsky? I don’t want to go there either. smile
        And if we take Stalin, where the whole People was united by the Idea, had clear goals at every stage, and did everything that depended on him for their implementation, then in a state that has a similar system of values, many would not refuse to live.
        PS I do not idealize the USSR during the time of Stalin, but the achievements of the country at that time are difficult to challenge.
        1. 0
          27 January 2014 13: 47
          I do not mean the USSR during the perestroika period, I mean precisely the time of leadership of the country by Brezhnev.
          When, as many say, there was stagnation, but there was stability, and what is better: a revolution for oligarchs with a poor and hungry people.
          Or the relative poverty of all, but with a guaranteed piece of bread.
          The people always choose stability and bread, the rest is perishable.
          Only gays and greedy scream, others do not care about the golden eagle.
      3. +1
        24 January 2014 16: 07
        You went hungry, walked in cast-offs, you lived in a rented apartment all your life, and in front of you was a complete hopelessness?
      4. +12
        24 January 2014 17: 36
        There was nothing to eat - in what years ?! In the late 80s, we were all simply framed, deceived, fooled, and then actually the time has come, which can be called hunger.
        In the 80s I was a child in Kazakhastan and Siberia as a child, I didn’t see hunger anywhere! There was only one main complaint from my relatives - why am I eating so little!
        Your mother’s negative attitude to the USSR is not an argument, circumstances and details must be known. For example, I am now very dissatisfied with some of my colleagues, who are ready to gnaw a throat for material wealth, although I have a philanthropic profession, I am a doctor. I’ll also tell my children: capitalism is a guano, because they are ready to gobble up their little ones in no time. And now what?
        1. 0
          27 January 2014 13: 54
          Quote: ddmm09
          For example, I am now very dissatisfied with some of my colleagues, who are ready to gnaw a throat for material wealth, although I have a philanthropic profession, I am a doctor. I will also tell my children: capitalism is a guano, because they are ready to gobble up their giblets almost with giblets. And now what?

          Living right from your point of view.
          Not everyone understands me for my attitude to money, it seems to me that I am the only one at work who gutting an ATM when it is necessary or when there is time, everyone else, as soon as replenishment, instantly clears everything from the account.
          Perhaps that’s why no one practically ever punished me with money, realizing that this will not take effect on me.

          And for the doctor to be self-serving is doubly dangerous, however, as for other no less socially significant professions.
  12. 0
    24 January 2014 10: 59
    Quote: Wurger
    I managed to live with the union of 8 years

    And yet you are so categorically against it? I have an assumption that you can be left without cell, Internet and computers? :-) What nonsense, do not hold on to things
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 11: 06
      It seemed to me that I found him the most "hungry" part, if you do not take the 20s. But her mother said that nothing had changed much since her youth. Complete devastation. Empty store shelves, public transport with 20-year-old cramps that collapsed on the go. I went to school in clothes, some of which were worn by my parents. And in 90-91 it became generally tight. If not for the grandfather and grandmother and the products from the village courtyard, then generally kapets. And this is in Belarus! Assembly shop of the Union.
      1. +1
        24 January 2014 13: 09
        Quote: Wurger
        Complete devastation. Empty store shelves, public transport with 20 year old cramps that was falling apart on the go.

        Quote: Wurger
        mother said that since her youth nothing had changed much

        But there are, after all, completely opposite examples.
        1. Wurger
          24 January 2014 14: 10
          For the children of party workers, as well as everyone who had access to special services or foreign travel, of course, everything was different. But the majority of Soviet citizens alas.
          1. +5
            24 January 2014 15: 27
            Well, then I, the son of a Soviet metallurgist and an ordinary accountant, do not belong to the bulk of Soviet citizens ... belay
            And this is due to the fact that in the national republics the supply of consumer goods and products was an order of magnitude better than in the RSFSR.
          2. +7
            24 January 2014 16: 59
            Something you somehow measure wrong. My father is a carpenter in the summer, a fireman in the winter. Mom all my life as a nurse. But I just can’t remember. so I'm hungry or barefoot. We have everything that we needed. And now: I almost don’t eat sausage, because you can’t almost find edible (in Moscow for sure), or take milk from a pepsikol house in the village, only a suicide will drink the list for a long time. It turns out that now there is nothing.
    2. Wurger
      24 January 2014 11: 27
      One of the reasons the Union collapsed was its technological backwardness on many issues, especially in the civilian sphere. Flying into space is good, but if in the villages they still plow on horses in the farmsteads, then the status of a "world power" looks like stupidity. There will be no computers, the Internet and other breakthrough technologies - no first-class science and production, no high-tech weapons. The result is a huge Zimbabwe and the departure from the stage of history. Your irony is not appropriate.
      1. +10
        24 January 2014 13: 14
        Quote: Wurger
        One of the reasons the Union collapsed was its technological backwardness on many issues, especially in the civilian sphere.

        Quote: Wurger
        There will be no computers, the Internet and other breakthrough technologies

        Sobsno, that says it all ... "In the USSR, I would not have a computer and I could not hang in the net": - that's your whole message.
        Believe me, by and large, in the USA and Europe in the late 80s and early 90s, computers for the population did not differ much from those in the USSR, neither in terms of capabilities, nor in price. The capabilities of non-civilian computers differed even less.
        And who knows who would have surpassed anyone in this area if it were not for the collapse of the USSR.
        1. Wurger
          24 January 2014 14: 17
          That is, you consider the development of digital technologies and their contribution to our life to be nonsense? Means of communication, navigation, application of calculations in science and medicine and, of course, in the military sphere? Don't think of "contact" and "classmates".
          Ironically, until the 70s, the Union was 10 years ahead of the United States in computing. Oddly enough, with the idiot Khrushchev, who considered this development of science as important as missiles. After the arrival of Brezhnev, cybernetics and everything connected were declared a prostitute of capitalism and everything withered. In the 80s they began to sculpt something there again, "Corvette" for example, but the Union was covered. the first versions of the S-300, if I'm not mistaken, still worked on punched cards.
          1. +3
            24 January 2014 15: 36
            Quote: Wurger
            Oddly enough, under the idiot Khrushchev, who considered this development of science as important as rockets. After Brezhnev came, cybernetics and everything related were declared a prostitute of capitalism and everything withered

            Yes, yes ... This is probably why the 1954 Philosophical Dictionary included the characterization of cybernetics as a "reactionary pseudoscience", and since the mid-60s large-scale enterprise management systems (ACS), technological processes of ACS began to be implemented on a large scale and later became commonplace.
            Please do not write about what you do not know.
            Quote: Wurger
            Ie do you consider the development of digital technologies and their contribution to our life nonsense? Communication, navigation, the use of calculations in science and medicine, and of course in the military sphere?

            And all this developed in the USSR. Yes, the emphasis was on public use, but I, for example, acquired my personal computer (and, I said it very much! No, of course, not myself, my parents helped) in 1991. And it was a Soviet computer. And if it were not for the collapse and devastation of the 90s, it is entirely possible that Soviet computers could compete with the then leaders.
            the first versions of the S-300, if I'm not mistaken, worked on punch cards.

            In the 80s, they began to sculpt something again, "Corvette" for example

            And they had every chance to do it, if not for the collapse of management and the economy.
      2. +2
        26 January 2014 01: 24
        Quote: Wurger
        in the villages they still plow horses in the courtyards,

        But what, with a single-furrow plow does the quality of plowing the land be much better and better than on a tractor with 7 plowshare plows? And tell me where to harness a small plow, if not a horse? Mini tractor? So here you can still argue what is needed for the compound.
      3. 0
        27 January 2014 14: 07
        Quote: Wurger
        One of the reasons the Union collapsed was its technological backwardness on many issues, especially in the civilian sphere. Flying into space is good, but if in villages they still plow on horses in the farmsteads, then the status of a "world power" looks like stupidity

        Stupidity is sheer.
        We have been and are now, leaders in many industries, especially in high-tech.
        For example, in Brazil, it seems 30 years ago, ours designed a drainage system from the Amazon, for 30 years no one could offer a better project !!!.
        In the civilian sphere, we simply do not need the technologies that we have, it is easier to purchase in China :(.
        I was given an interesting example here, electrical cabinets for powering the rolling mill in production, for several years the French had problems with the operation of their cabinets, ours worked without failures, although the equipment was almost ovs from the USSR, and the dimensions were larger than those of the French.
        The cultivator for the compound is expensive and capricious, the horse is not an example of a more universal horse, you can also go to it where to do business or bring something.
        And given the condition of the roads, it’s almost perfect transport.
        The Americans do not spit homeless people anywhere, something they do not strain about this.
  13. +9
    24 January 2014 11: 04
    Russia. This is no longer the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.
    Her time has not come yet, but is already close ...
    There are several ways to build a society, but first you need to figure out who the People are ...?
    And (an important question)) - who are the Humanoid and WHO governing them, through religions, built value systems, hierarchical structures, secret societies ....
    People (as highly spiritual beings)) are not subject to the influence of "entities", but THEY DO NOT HAVE A SITUATION MONITORING SYSTEM (in general))
    That is why the Jewish project was able to come true, or rather It was built into the Atlantic (there was also a race of "Atlanteans" who fought the Slavs in a military way)) it threw the Rus-Boreal civilization for a millennium .... and hybrids (Jews and Anglo-Saxons)) carry out the "policy of genocide of the Slavs" by the apartheid of bankers (let's call this group of people conditionally)) their advantage is that they are the last to be written off ..... 00))

    So the problem of the USSR is that He was a little ahead of his time ....
    But thanks to him, every person could feel, there is a way to develop personality and society as a whole ...
    That's why we (the Slavs)) erased the CHRONICLE ....
    Jewish Stories about the Roman EMPIRE (Estate of Perun))) - these are fairy tales ....
    The Trojan horse is a myth rooted in consciousness, each citizen individually understands that this cannot be, but a lie repeated many times becomes a matrix of consciousness ....

    The USSR remains the foundation, Vasilich, writes that all the best must be put together ....
    What is GOOD AND EVIL ????
    Is it possible to always exist on the bright side without plunging into the NIGHT ???
    It's nice to always lie on the couch and no one will force You to DO SOMETHING !!!!!
    But that's how it all happened ..... If people "don't kick", they lower the Temp))))
    Therefore, Tartary died, the People no longer had the inner strength TO RESISTANCE (and most importantly, there was no knowledge in the brains "swollen with fat")))) Lack of EDUCATION ...
    To Create an Image (with a picture in the brain)) They CANNOT be anymore (although you are in potential (everyone can)))
    Try to imagine in your head an oncoming foam stream, a bit of a greenish sea wave on the white, fine, flowing sand of a tropical beach .... Do you often watch in the channel how the water of the stream swirls, flowing over stones and carrying individual grains of sand, and then spreads the symbols at the bottom? ???? Can't and don’t do that ???
    You can forget about the USSR for now)))) When you understand that your own brains are IMPORTANT, then you can BUILD ... (not earlier)))

    Wait officials are "smerds", that is, low-spirit or with a complete lack of "soul" human-like, completely controlled beings (they cannot be called people)))
    Good - this is approximately the level of the head club (as with the President of the Russian Federation))) there is no way to rise above ...
    The bad ones are those who understand Myself, but do nothing, justifying (that I ONE can))))

    What to do??? The eternal question of the Russian (Generic) ordinary))) Man ....
    Take care of yourself (try)) listen to yourself, remove the "cross" from your neck (take off your chains)) take it in your hand and ask questions, try to understand how your subconscious speaks to YOU ​​...
    Remove the watch from your hand, rings (bracelets (handcuffs). MAKE FREE ....
    AND ASK QUESTIONS ..... yourself, People, in the newspapers, on the site, neighbors and MOST IMPORTANT talk with the Children, they will tell you VERY MUCH INTERESTING (if you communicate for a long time)))
    Open your eyes YOURSELF, don’t expect that (Asgard)) ... someone .... will open them to you ....
    And yet, doing a LITTLE action, for example, putting + \ - on this site, always think about it, correlate the action with the FUTURE, WHAT YOU EXPECT FROM A WORLD that you yourself colorize and inhabit it with friends and enemies ....
    Are you worthy of Living with the USSR (Socialist Union of Slavs of Russia))))
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 11: 17
      I am a big fan of the primordially Russian way of life, but interfering with the Slavs-Aryans from the USSR ... it's Asgard, to put it mildly, you got excited. The ideology of the Union, with the idea of ​​a complete dissolution of national traits and the creation of a "Soviet man", does not fit in with the revival of the Russian people.
      1. Shur
        25 January 2014 01: 36
        Do we remember the original image?
    2. +5
      24 January 2014 12: 14
      Quote: Asgard
      So the problem of the USSR is that He was a little ahead of his time.

      It was a rehearsal.
      Quote: Asgard
      Open your eyes YOURSELF, don’t expect (Asgard)) ... someone .... will open them to you.

      They will not open it. A push is needed. I think it will happen soon in the next two years. I can’t say the exact date unfortunately.
      1. +5
        24 January 2014 12: 40
        Quote: baltika-18
        Soon I think it will happen in the next two years. I can not say the exact date, unfortunately.

        Optimistic! It's hardly two years, but the need for a creative project directed outside is slowly waking up. I think that many are beginning to understand that the consumer society is borderline in its development. The resources on our planet are not endless, therefore their spending on personal whims generated by advertising will have to be limited. And here there are three ways out: 1. A creative project (as a possible goal of going beyond the Earth) 2. A global war for the remaining resources (there may be enough resources for the surviving resources). 3. Implementation of the "golden" billionaire project (billion with iPhone 148s, the rest in loincloths). IMHO
        1. +2
          24 January 2014 13: 41
          Quote: engineer74

          Yes I am sure.
          Quote: engineer74
          Two years is unlikely

          I do not mean that in 2 years "manna from heaven" will sprinkle. During 2014-2015, an event will occur that will change people's attitude to the existing order of things. I think it will be somewhere in the middle of 15, we will see. Am I right.
          1. +1
            24 January 2014 14: 09
            I, too, did not mean "manna from heaven", but a general understanding, at least in our country, of impending troubles and, accordingly, a meaningful search for new ways of development. This is where the experience of the USSR will be very useful, both positive and negative. wink
            PS If this happens within the time frame you specified, I think we will deservedly award you the title "Honored Nostradamus". wink
            1. +4
              24 January 2014 14: 47
              Quote: engineer74
              ... If this happens within the time frame you specified, I think we will deservedly award you the title of "Honored Nostradamus".

              I consider it an honor. feel
    3. Shur
      25 January 2014 01: 44
      You can remove everything, even reduce the tattoos and change the appearance, but "inside" everything will remain the same. Is this how you define a person? You are looking into his "mirror of the soul". Someone knows how to look into it, but someone does not. Not everything is external. You know the first opinion (thought) is always correct, the one that is truly the first. Since it comes from above. And if you listen to it, then both - and + no longer play a role. BUT it is difficult to perceive and .. turn on the logicus;) Such is the mistrust ...
  14. +1
    24 January 2014 11: 04
    But could it be possible to make a tablet, otherwise we are already in the know, but the tablet is more convenient.
    Or a vote on the points of those with the assessment: shitty-so-so-I don’t know-normal-good. And display in the form of a table.
    1. 0
      24 January 2014 18: 16
      Carbofo: Or voting on the points of those with an assessment: shitty-so-so-I don’t know-normal-good.

      This was not a survey on a pre-prepared questionnaire. The content of strengths - weaknesses, opportunities - risks / threats was formulated by the analysis participants themselves.
      1. 0
        27 January 2014 14: 12
        Quote: Just Vasilich
        risks / threats was formulated by the participants in the analysis.

        the result in the table is interesting to me, by criteria.
        for example like this:
  15. oscar
    24 January 2014 11: 24
    In the first 20 years, not everything was good in the USSR either ... It must be understood that Russia is a very young country and there is not much to be demanded. If we all work on ourselves, we can both determine ourselves in the world and determine strategic goals.
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 11: 33
      What does a young country mean? Even the story that is written in the current textbook is like 1000 years old, but in fact, if we take the Old Slavic records, then 5000 years are thrown out of it. Type Union disintegrated and we again just got born? We have a systemic crisis caused by an incompetent thief that has reached power. Like they will learn to manage in 50 years and we will heal? No, it won’t be like that. There will be a sea of ​​blood.
      1. +1
        24 January 2014 18: 40
        Quote: Wurger
        We have a systemic crisis,

        We are not having a systemic crisis: "We are falling to the top!"
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. OLEG_14
      24 January 2014 12: 32
      Our people are lenovat, young people are sitting in gadgets, tablets, iPads (not all, but many). Everyone wants to reach the European level, so start with yourself, with a small one, give in to pedestrians on the "zebra", do not strive to go to the "green" light for a pedestrian, seeing this as courage. Indeed, in his place may be your girlfriend, wife, sister, elderly father or mother. This is a simple yet illustrative example.
    3. vladsolo56
      24 January 2014 14: 49
      Quote: oscar
      In the first 20 years, not everything was good in the USSR either ... It must be understood that Russia is a very young country and there is not much to be demanded. If we all work on ourselves, we can both determine ourselves in the world and determine strategic goals.

      Unlike modern Russia, in the USSR, from its first days, plans for the country's economic development were adopted. One GOELRO plan is worth it. Modern Russia cannot afford a grandiose industrial and economic roar for one reason, nobody needs it. All oligarchs (with very few exceptions) strive to make profits quickly and a lot, but whoever wants to, they have neither financial nor scientific resources. So only the state can make a breakthrough by investing centralized resources. Developing the public sector of the economy, industry, science, agriculture, competing with private property. With comprehensive state support, such enterprises will be more competitive and will gradually take away labor and financial resources from private owners. The question is, do the authorities need this? Our government today is undergraduate, for whom there are two and two problems. Modern officials are not able to manage such a powerful industrial and economic sector. So let's think about who will be able to organize the rise of the public sector? the answer is no such people are in power today. The President is not the person who is capable of this.
  16. olviko
    24 January 2014 11: 40
    "Back to the USSR" - a call for the return of the internal political system or to the former borders "

    Yes, there is such a thing, nostalgia sometimes attacks!
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 11: 45
      Khe khe. 1978 year. Father - s / n 120 rubles. Mother - 62 rubles 80 kopecks. Women's boots, Soviet-made - 62 rubles. If you stand back and get lucky to buy. Lived badly?
      1. olviko
        24 January 2014 12: 10
        "Women's boots, Soviet-made - 62 rubles. If you stand in line and are lucky to buy them. Did you live badly?"

        Sorry ! If everything is measured by the value of women's boots - then yes, they lived badly.
        1. Wurger
          24 January 2014 12: 27
          Are you stuck forever in childhood? In youth, everything seems insignificant, and when a family appears that needs to be fed, put on shoes, live somewhere, then everything is different. If you are much older, then you have nostalgia for that very youth. sense to tell the child that we are ahead of the rest in terms of coal reserves, if it is almost impossible to buy clothes for him in the store, and he sees fruit either in the summer in the village or on New Year's.
          1. +4
            24 January 2014 16: 50
            After the 9th grade, in childhood, in the summer he worked at his native state farm, earned 332 rubles. I bought a suit, shoes, shirts (at the initiative of my mother), and for the rest, I bought a bicycle (PVZ), it was 1979, my mother (milkmaid) earned about 400 rubles, my father (master adjuster) salary 320. And now, Tell me again, did we live badly?
      2. +7
        24 January 2014 13: 26
        Quote: Wurger
        Khe khe. 1978 year. Father - s / n 120 rubles. Mother - 62 rubles 80 kopecks.

        Thermist team leader (bondage workshop) - 500 p. (vacation - 36 working days), assistant thermist 1st (metal welder) - approx. 300 p., Accountant - 180 p. Not everything was so bad if you work.
      3. +12
        24 January 2014 14: 13
        We who wanted to earn money went to the north or washed gold in an artel. My mother worked as a driver for medical care, earned 200 rubles. My father was buried when I was 7 years old. And nothing, they lived in abundance, though not richly. But when I was in practice The assistant engineer brought 450 earned money, my mother said, “What are we going to do with such money? As soon as life settles down, we have either war or perestroika. But we lived in spite of everything friendly and kinder.”
    2. +8
      24 January 2014 12: 01
      No, not bad
  17. +7
    24 January 2014 11: 48
    Quote: Wurger
    There will be no computers, the Internet and other breakthrough technologies - there is no first-class science and production, no high-tech weapons. The result - a huge Zimbabwe and leaving the stage of history. Your irony is not appropriate.

    How are you, however, mistaken, now there are computers and the Internet, and that in the Russian Federation first-class science ??? In the USSR, when there were few computers, and they thought they were much slower, the main means were brains and a slide rule and built ships and planes and the army was in parity with the USA and NATO, there was machine tool building, light industry and heavy equipment, but there’s a lot more, now you can imagine this?
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 11: 57
      The same thing happened in the west and much better quality. They achieved the fact that they made drawings in electronic form and introduced computer control, and ours almost still have a Kuhlmann and a slide rule. There’s just begun to design a superjet in electronic form, only because in the West they didn’t perceive such an anachronism. If the Union was a leading power on the cutting edge of science and technology, it would still be alive. But he is not there! And the damned west is building McDonald's with us. Everything was perfect and melted like smoke in one day? What kind of Soviet colossus is such that it fell so sharply? The Union was bent over the years, because it did not know how to work in a system where it was necessary to produce what was sold, and not to sell what was produced. After all, the Union was not whitewashed in the war, nor was it laid siege depriving resources. He himself died almost from hunger. How many separated us from the real famine in 90-91? According to estimates, at the end of 91 in Moscow there was another 2 weeks of food. Airplanes with army rations were thrown from Germany in order to somehow alleviate the situation. And what was in the regions? scribe.
      1. +2
        24 January 2014 17: 02
        "It is easy to beat the herd and daddy" and the USSR was practically alone "against the rest of the" civilized "world.
      2. +1
        24 January 2014 17: 48
        You all mixed in from one era. Write more specifically, otherwise your salad will be taken apart ...
        1. Wurger
          24 January 2014 17: 53
          More specifically what?
    2. OLEG_14
      24 January 2014 12: 18
      special thanks for the "slide rule", it is stored somewhere in my house ...
  18. +3
    24 January 2014 12: 07
    Quote: SPLV
    Quote: Wurger
    the quality of Soviet civilian goods dropped below the plinth

    Yes, not really, I apparently understand the quality of the goods. Apparently, because modern beautiful shoes fall apart in one season, and Soviet low-quality working leather shoes still serve.
    About the design. A friend of mine bought a pair of brand new design shoes with lacing almost to the toes a couple of years ago, until hoarseness proved the novelty of the design, until I showed the shoes made by the USSR with the same lacing design.
    Another example. Once I met with an Austrian at work, he came from a business trip from the USA, brought a donated T-shirt with the company's logos - the quality is at the level, real cotton! And on the tag is the inscription "Made in Belarus".
    Or ordinary kitchen knives from the USSR still serve. The same quality modern imported are much more expensive, at least. The Soviet technology is still preserved in Vacha - knives and axes have become good in quality, import of comparable price can be immediately re-melted.
    This is what I immediately remembered.
    Need to continue?

    Strictly speaking, of Soviet consumer goods, only cars and radio equipment were weak. And even that, not all and not all.
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 12: 24
      MODERN quality of goods is not at all, because it is more than half of Chinese production, even supposedly famous brands, and because the policy of not stopping production won out "The goods of the 80s and earlier of Western production were head and shoulders above the Soviet ones. Why did the Soviet population chase Finnish boots, imported sanitary ware and so on? Clothes are generally gloomy as the mother said. She did not wear anything sensible for her youth. Medical equipment is a torture chamber, especially dental equipment, while there has long been treated without pain, and so on and so on. I repeat again, if everything was so good, why were the shelves empty and everything fell apart?
      1. +1
        24 January 2014 13: 05
        MODERN quality of goods is not at all, because it is more than half of Chinese production, even supposedly famous brands, and because the policy of not stopping production won "The goods of the 80s and earlier of Western production were head and shoulders above Soviet ones.

        China has absolutely nothing to do with it, just to ensure the "growth" of the economy, it is necessary to constantly increase consumption and, accordingly, sales and production. The market is saturated with durable goods faster. The development of such an economic "model" will not lead to anything good, and no recycling will help.
        PS Do not confuse that mess that was going on from Khrushchev to Gorbachev inclusively, with socialism.
      2. +7
        24 January 2014 16: 07
        Wurger, somehow you look at things one-sidedly and from an interesting angle. Automation of production was carried out in the union, but not everywhere, but in priority enterprises in the west - only those who could afford it. A familiar engineer told me that he worked at an enterprise where the main machines were CNC, both Soviet and Western, and in his words to say which one was even better that question - since everything broke down due to intensive production, and the frequency of breakdowns was there was parity, for accuracy and speed, too, somewhere one is better somewhere else.

        At the expense of clothes - my father has a winter jacket in his country house, when it gets colder, whoever took it first and is happy, he took it somewhere in the 70s, fur didn’t come out, the water-repellent fabric didn’t fade, the locks never changed, it was actively worn until the beginning of the 2000s, after which it was worn only periodically, and then taken to the cottage, by the way it was erased quite often. I don’t know now clothes that would withstand so much and not lose almost all of their useful properties. There are several more pairs of boots and boots, there is only skin tattered in several places.

        Honey equipment - it doesn’t look beautiful. I really somehow asked a friend of the dentist about a new boron machine (he’s not a young man), I complained that the reliability of the new one is no good periodically cut down or wedge (fortunately, this is not very visible on patients). It works not in the private, but in the state, so xs what kind of machine is it. And then they will provide you with a painless treatment using an old machine. Everything is just punctured by anesthesia and everything is cleaned out (the tooth with the root), and then make a prosthesis. It didn’t turn out painlessly to me since the nerve endings had decayed and it was necessary to clean the channels, but in real time you won’t watch them, only to the touch, unless of course you don’t want to lose a tooth at all.

        So your experience seems a little strange to me. It sounds like everything was bad and only bad because it could not be otherwise.
        By the way, I somehow asked my father when, in his opinion, the deficit so well known to us began. According to him, somewhere around the age of 75, suddenly there were few goods on the shelves, even very much (I remembered because I was leaving for the Pamir business trip), so the talk that the deficit was always at least strange.
        Yes, in Ukraine, they complained somehow that in the 80s, "Here in the store there is no sausage for 2.20 in the store", others, however, clarified that she was in a cooperative store - but already for 5p, but everyone wanted it for 2p. 20 kopecks
    2. OLEG_14
      24 January 2014 12: 28
      VEF receivers were completely wow, they were shown a hundred more times in films ..
      but status and fashionable jackets are always (male and female) with a stitch - this was taken from the models of our sweatshirts ... redid a little and hurt yourself!
  19. +3
    24 January 2014 12: 22
    Quote: Wurger
    If the Union was a leading power on the cutting edge of science and technology, it would still be alive

    Quote: Wurger
    The same thing happened in the west and much better quality.

    It is because of the latter pattern that the Union has fallen, materialism has prevailed, or rather, the ideology of consumption, and the funny thing is that the West is so progressive that many industries were transferred to communist China, because it was unprofitable to produce at home because of the high cost of labor
    And this:
    Quote: Wurger
    Won superjet just started to design in electronic form

    Are you sure it was designed from scratch, as they say, and not separate parts like the wing edge and landing gear and interior?

    In my opinion, you fall into the same mistake of the Soviet people, maybe because if you are not mistaken from Belarus?
  20. +3
    24 January 2014 12: 25
    It is impossible to appreciate the light without knowing the darkness (folk wisdom).
  21. +7
    24 January 2014 13: 50
    I believe that the SWOT analysis was carried out in good faith.
    The fact that they did not take into account a lot was necessary to write in the first part. There were a lot of blah blah blah, but only 2-3 people really answered. I don’t comb myself to them. He wrote what comes to mind at the moment. I hope that is not all.
    As the author said:
    "The SWOT analysis does not provide answers to these questions. Maybe the readers will find them?"
    so add your comments.
    Regarding me, I think that the people are infected with the idea of ​​creating a new project "USSR-2".
    The time will come, each at his level will somehow begin to implement the plan. Let it bring a grain. And the people will throw mountains.
    In my specialization, I work in the international department of the Bishkek City Hall. No matter how much the Westerners tried to lure, but they absorbed the craving for the GREAT RUSSIAN PEOPLE from childhood front-line grandfathers, hardworking fathers, good grandmothers and beloved mothers.
  22. Wurger
    24 January 2014 13: 58
    It is because of the last pattern that the Union has fallen, materialism has prevailed, or rather, the ideology of consumption

    Fall into materialism? "Consumption" cannot be applied to our countries. Consumed only in countries oversaturated with it. We have a banal shortage due to poverty, and sometimes people cannot purchase goods necessary for a normal life in the 21st century.
    the whole of such a progressive west transferred many industries to communist China, because it was unprofitable to produce at home because of the high cost of labor

    The Chinese were given the role of slaves who would produce material values ​​for pennies to white masters.
    Are you sure it was designed from scratch, as they say, and not separate parts like the wing edge and landing gear and interior?

    As far as I know there is a completely new engine in cooperation with the French + the aircraft was designed to European standards. Otherwise, he simply would not have passed.
    In my opinion, you fall into the same mistake of the Soviet people, maybe because if you are not mistaken from Belarus?

    Yes, I am from Belarus and personally see the path that led to the collapse of the Union.
    1. +2
      24 January 2014 16: 45
      Consumption is a way of thinking and it doesn’t matter if you have too many goods or not, okay - not too important, these are the criteria by which a person measures all those around him and everything around him, as well as his attitude to things and values, by the way, the lack of things in the union led to a cult of deficiency - that is, you got this thing - you're cool (and all that jazz).

      The Chinese are low-paid workers, only the most primitive work that does not require at least an average qualification, if someone thinks a little bit differently there is paid and working conditions change quite “a little”.

      At the expense of the path that led to the collapse of the union, are you sure that this was one thing? There were many reasons for the merging of the trade ministry with bandits in the highest party elite, and the lack of adaptation of consumer goods to the current situation in the country, both quantitative and qualitative, and at least frank betrayal, I’m not only about Gorbachev, he destroyed it and not one year , and Belarus doesn’t come close to the USSR in any way; it doesn’t even make sense to compare, so it’s somewhat inappropriate to talk about a specific path.
  23. +1
    24 January 2014 14: 17
    Quote: Wurger
    “Consumption” cannot be applied to our countries.

    I don’t know how to Belarus, but for Russia, for example, it’s quite possible for you, for Kazakhstan, too, so we have a slightly different point of view from you, so here people are already thinking about where to move to make it better, your country may just to go through this stage, believe me, it doesn’t bring anything good for its institutions, there will be many different things, but with the rest
    1. Wurger
      24 January 2014 14: 22
      Is it possible to Russia? How much is your official average? 30 000 rubles? Tales are clear. At the base of 15-20 thousand. Do you consume a lot?
  24. +7
    24 January 2014 14: 35
    Probably you find it hard to believe, so you are referring to numbers, but the former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Fursenko once said that now we need to raise a competent consumer. Not a creator, but a consumer, the introduction of the ideology of consumption into society determines its main message is to "buy", not how to do it, but to buy. those. society is prepared as a market for goods that are produced by others, of course, its own production, under various pretexts as a competitor is eliminated, reforms of education and science are carried out in order to preserve this market for as long as possible
  25. +2
    24 January 2014 16: 34
    Everyone knows the famous phrase "Revolutions occur when the upper classes cannot rule in the new way, and the lower classes cannot live in the old way" !! Now we come close to this stage. am
  26. +2
    24 January 2014 17: 16
    I would say that when there is a split at the top, or when there are those who cannot reach the very top under the current government (as in France at the time, wealthy merchants and manufactories had less power than poor counts and barons) and at the same time the country is quite serious tension (social, economic, ethnic or other)
    In addition, this tension needs to be exacerbated so that people only talk about it and do not really think about it - everything is on emotions and the more intense they are, the better (when emotions are raging, you do not really think about what is happening). Then the vector of their application (the bad government is to blame for everything, it doesn't matter even if it snows in winter - it's the government's fault) and we see a "people's revolution". I'm not saying that the people in power are so innocent, I'm just saying how I see revolutions, taking into account that they are being done on the initiative of the country's citizens (first of all, those who want this power)
  27. Wurger
    24 January 2014 17: 23
    Fact one. The USSR was and is better than modern Russia in all respects, including in matters of freedom of speech

    I do not want to offend you, but this "fact" is present only in the heads of those who attack the Union. For others, obviously not everything is better.
    The collapse of the USSR is the greatest tragedy of the XNUMXth century and this is true. The whole level of human civilization sank because of this.

    Most human civilization did not even notice this. Well, if only the enemy disappeared for some, for others there was no source of free resources.
    With the unity of the people that was in the USSR and with modern technologies of mass communication, a synergistic effect and self-cleaning of the political system of socialist society was possible.

    Well, this is some kind of religious spell. I think no need to comment.
    1. +1
      24 January 2014 17: 43
      Quote: Wurger
      I do not want to offend you, but this "fact" is present only in the heads of those who attack the Union. For others, obviously not everything is better.

      But what about the civil wars in the Caucasus, the decline in living standards, culture and other people of theft and rampant banditry. It seems that this is not a tragedy and is definitely not connected with the collapse of the union

      Quote: Wurger
      The collapse of the USSR is the greatest tragedy of the XNUMXth century and this is true. The whole level of human civilization sank because of this.
      Most human civilization did not even notice this. Well, if only the enemy disappeared for some, for others there was no source of free resources.

      Figuratively speaking, humanity has chosen "iPhone" (this is figuratively) as a great achievement of science and technology, and for the most part did not care about the rest. There is no reason to strongly promote science in the United States (the country with the largest number of patents for scientific discoveries, etc.), there is no need for global technical superiority - there is no one to drive ahead, the competitor (USSR) sulked China with Japan economically and patently dependent, Europe is expensive and it’s not interesting - they are allies, the rest of the world doesn’t really show off and won’t be able to pull it off, and why excessive spending that is unlikely to pay off, there is no way to compete.
  28. Wurger
    24 January 2014 17: 41
    Quote: ddmm09
    There was nothing to eat - in what years ?! In the late 80s, we were all simply framed, deceived, fooled, and then actually the time has come, which can be called hunger.
    In the 80s I was a child in Kazakhastan and Siberia as a child, I didn’t see hunger anywhere! There was only one main complaint from my relatives - why am I eating so little!
    Your mother’s negative attitude to the USSR is not an argument, circumstances and details must be known. For example, I am now very dissatisfied with some of my colleagues, who are ready to gnaw a throat for material wealth, although I have a philanthropic profession, I am a doctor. I’ll also tell my children: capitalism is a guano, because they are ready to gobble up their little ones in no time. And now what?

    You don't have to paint. Go to the store now. Everything that you see is done and is being sold under the conditions of damned capitalism. The wives of Soviet ambassadors and workers in the capitalist countries fell into hysterics for the first time when they entered a store in the decaying west. After that, any person began to think about the "best country" that they were being pricked somewhere.
    1. +2
      25 January 2014 13: 29
      And I’m telling you about the same assortment! .. But let's still compare the contents of this product! If I take sausage, then only one type out of 50 is on sale, since the rest is not of very good quality: maybe there is no harm from it, but it is disgusting. Canned food, any ... just don’t say that they are tasty and healthy from the abundance of substitutes and nutritional supplements.
      In the era of the USSR, only the best of imports came into the country, which is psychologically perceived that everything is fine there and there is even better. But this is just a myth. There can’t be 30 kinds of quality sprats or condensed milk, it just can’t. Their presence is a catch in itself.
      Yes, in the USSR there was little variety in consumer goods, prices were quite high for imports, but this is not a reason to honor the West! Strong and successful, they do not need us in any way.
    2. +3
      25 January 2014 13: 32
      Quote: Wurger
      . Go to the store now. All that you see is done and sold under the conditions of damned capitalism. the wives of Soviet ambassadors and workers in capitalist countries fell into hysteria for the first time in a store in the decaying west.

      Stop telling stupid things! Nobody went anywhere, the wives of the Soviet ambassadors in capstranas did not fall into hungry fainting in the meat departments and did not lose their feelings in haberdashery.
      My grandmother, the kingdom of heaven to her, in the 90s said - “in the USSR there were empty counters in stores, but full refrigerators at home, and now there are full counters and an empty refrigerator.
      And actually, personally, my family and I had to starve just at the time of gracious democracy and excellent capitalism.
  29. Wurger
    24 January 2014 17: 50

    But what about the civil wars in the Caucasus, the decline in living standards, culture and other people of theft and rampant banditry. It seems that this is not a tragedy and is definitely not connected with the collapse of the union

    This is one more confirmation of the so-called "friendship of peoples" in the USSR. There was no huge military machine that terrified and everything returned to normal.
    Figuratively speaking, humanity has chosen "iPhone" (this is figuratively) as a great achievement of science and technology, and for the most part did not care about the rest. There is no reason to strongly promote science in the United States (the country with the largest number of patents for scientific discoveries, etc.), there is no need for global technical superiority - there is no one to drive ahead, the competitor (USSR) sulked China with Japan economically and patently dependent, Europe is expensive and it’s not interesting - they are allies, the rest of the world doesn’t really show off and won’t be able to pull it off, and why excessive spending that is unlikely to pay off, there is no way to compete.

    The choice of mankind in this regard has nothing to do with the collapse of the Union. Nobody was guided by him in terms of technology, because in most cases he was catching up. there were a couple of points, astronautics and so on, but by the end, by the 80s he lagged behind thoroughly. And today, even though it is not there, the damned west still holds the primacy in technology.
    1. +2
      24 January 2014 18: 47
      Quote: Wurger
      This is one more confirmation of the so-called "friendship of peoples" in the USSR. There was no huge military machine that terrified and everything returned to normal.

      In the union, the republics were kept by carrot in the form of subsidies somewhere more, somewhere less, the hierarchy looked somewhere like this: the Baltic republics, Ukraine, Belarus, then the rest (I don’t remember the entire list, only this) and this was done at the expense of Russia. The Soviet people were not afraid of their army (not being drafted into the army, but an attack), it certainly wasn’t that easy (no need to remember Czechoslovakia). After the collapse of the USSR, a very impudent and not restrained division of the pie by the former republics (or rather their leaders) began, and so that the people did not think about the fact that at least something had been better strengthened, a new story began to propagate about what "great" peoples they are and how they the wings "broke off" by Russia and the USSR (I know from myself). So the "terrible military machine" did not frighten as much as it seems, "its own circles" is what we have, among other things, we say that everything was bad and it was bad, and it will get worse further, while it is not surprising that it is so and there is.
      Quote: Wurger
      The choice of mankind in this regard has nothing to do with the collapse of the Union. Nobody was guided by him in terms of technology, because in most cases he was catching up. there were a couple of points, astronautics and so on, but by the end, by the 80s he lagged behind thoroughly. And today, even though it is not there, the damned west still holds the primacy in technology.

      And the USSR with a powerful scientific, technical and production base, which is usually denied only by those who already think that everything is "ours" (made in the USSR, Ukraine, Belarus) by default g ... no matter what it is, then that it is "our" makes it G .... You want to say that the USSR has never influenced the rate and direction of the development of scientific progress? And you want to say that after its collapse, nothing has changed? Do you really think that not being the very first in everything, but as they say "catching up", you can achieve no less results in the same science? By the way, and not only in astronautics "were the first a couple of times" look more carefully. Think for yourself what motivated the rapid scientific development in the 20th century.
      1. Wurger
        24 January 2014 19: 22
        And Georgia in 91? And what does the leaders of the republics have to do with it? Did they personally drive out the local Russian population? "Dir rusnyu" is the popular appeal of the non-Russian population of the republics.
        The population of the stricken billion did not feel the influence of the Union, with the exception of the horror story of nuclear war. Whether or not he was of little interest to him.
        Name a couple of substances from the Union GLOBALLY affecting the world. Maybe I don’t know what. For valuable information I will be grateful.
        1. +1
          24 January 2014 19: 52
          Wurger: Name a couple of things from the Union GLOBALLY INFLUENCING the world. Maybe I don’t know what. For valuable information I will be grateful.

          In disputes, it is sometimes useful to reformulate the question and look at the subject from a different angle.

          Sergei, try to answer your own question yourself: "Name a couple of things that globally influenced the world with the collapse of the Union." It is possible from a geopolitical point of view, for example, the transformation of a bipolar world into a unipolar one.
        2. +2
          24 January 2014 19: 57
          Quote: Wurger
          And Georgia in 91? And what does the leaders of the republics have to do with it? Did they personally drive out the local Russian population? "Dir rusnyu" is the popular appeal of the non-Russian population of the republics.

          Personally. Sorry, but it sometimes seems to me that you are not reading everything:
          Quote: Kadavercianin
          intensified to propagandize a new story about what kind of "great" peoples they are and how Russia and the USSR "broke off" their wings (I know from myself).

          Apparently, I did not formulate theses sufficiently general.
          About the first in the world and influencing the development of mankind:

          -O.V. Losev - the first in the world to have a lung transplant, and the first to create an artificial heart model
          -V.P. Demikhov - the world's first amplifying and generating semiconductor device
          -WITH. A. Lebedev - the world's first computing network
          -A.M. Prokhorov and N.G. Basov - the world's first quantum generator - maser
          -A.P. Vinogradov - created a new direction in science - isotope geochemistry
          -I.V. Kurchatov - the world's first nuclear power plant (Obninskaya)
          - P.A. Cherenkov - physicist, Ch. Radiation (new optical effect), Ch. Counter (nuclear radiation detector in nuclear physics)

          If interested, look for someone else who invented something.
    2. +4
      26 January 2014 02: 35
      Is it okay that for the first time in mass production the automatic transmission on the machines came out in the USSR? And it did not go into development only due to the fact that we did not have service stations in the country that could serve, and it is easier to learn such specialists so far. This is a small example of Soviet technology. And the fact that much that enters the market in technology is the developments and projects of research institutes of the 60-80s. The Novourengoy gas and chemical complex is a 1985 project, construction began in the late 2000s, according to the polypropylene production technology, one of the most modern in the world. And this is the 1985 project, the final date of the project, and in what years did it start? It didn’t take 5 minutes. So much for Western technologies .... The Soviet minds would not have rushed off to attack in the 90s, and they would not have had such technologies.
  30. vzhzh
    24 January 2014 20: 04
    Yes, to hell with nationalization, at least they didn’t interfere with new enterprises! Otherwise, a person (or group) puffs up and starts a new business, but how this business starts to give steady profit is a group of people with whom you need to share. Hypermarkets .. kill retail business small business. In Europe for large players there are restrictions: on Sunday you can’t work, Work until 21-00, Overcharging - punishment, etc. Although laws were respected! In the United States, private production can sell surplus e-mails and saved it. U privatization is available to us only to a narrow number of people. Who can buy an empty building in our country? I lived in Rostov / Don and moved to the village in 90-00 where a large poultry farm was devastated with the newest Italian ruins now. Then other owners bought the land As a result, the ruins! You need to do this, the land is empty for more than three years, sell or use for its intended purpose and so on. Do not touch the manufacturer, close the borders for cheap low-quality goods, close the borders for the export of raw materials (let em at least p / f). Do you want to sell in the Russian Federation? Produce in the Russian Federation. China could, South Korea was able to stop us?
  31. +1
    24 January 2014 20: 08
    Quote: Wurger
    All that you see is done and sold under the conditions of damned capitalism.

    they sell yes, but about what was most likely done in communist China :-) You get lost on particulars - on things like those Soviet people who first saw a large selection
  32. +1
    24 January 2014 20: 28
    Lack of control over power by society, self-reproduction of power.

    Let me disagree with this. Yes, the elite tried to hide their vices and benefits. But they still pulled out. And then the violators were bad. The self-reproduction of power is a lie. For example, my father, the son of a teacher and ... a thief in law, was in the city committee of the Komsomol. True, he refused to join the party and therefore did not go further up the career ladder. Although he had such proposals. Why didn't you go? He himself does not know, he speaks of "rebellious impulses", possibly inherited from his father.

    Bulky, inert economy, inefficient spending of public funds.

    Maybe someone will give an example of inefficient spending that is not due to concern for the population?
    Let me give you an example. Under the USSR, goods were sometimes transported by rail not "in a straight line", but in "roundabout ways". It would seem an ineffective spending of funds for the transportation of goods. But what is the reason for this inefficiency? For example, unprofitable transportation along the BAM made it possible to save for the future, in case of war or an increase in the volume of traffic of the BAM infrastructure and residents and workers living on the BAM.

    Deficiencies in the development of light and food industries.

    Let's just say the rigidity of the light and food industries, which did not want to adapt to the needs of the population.

    Lack of freedom of speech and religion.

    It is not true. In 1987, he was baptized in a church. My father was still faking constantly. The commander of the pioneer detachment is baptized. At the same time, the temple in which I was baptized, acted earlier. There was even a city cathedral. Of course, not as luxurious as it is now, but it was.

    Widespread drunkenness and alcoholism.

    Far less widely than now.

    Freedom of speech and religion.

    What does it give? An opportunity to learn that officials and the rich can safely commit crimes without fear of the retribution of the law? Nafig such! Freedom of speech. "I'd rather know nothing about Serdyukov, as well as about Chubais.
  33. 0
    24 January 2014 20: 29
    Non-interference by the state in personal life.

    Of course, if tax legislation is constantly changing, if bribes flourish at all levels of the bureaucratic pyramid, is this not an interference in personal life?

    Possibility of individual and private entrepreneurship.

    With start-up capital available. Those. if you have money, you can increase it. If there is no money, then try to open your own business. Even in trade, nothing will come of it. That is, the "opportunity for individual entrepreneurship" is not available to everyone.

    Competition of people, goods and services.

    Not true, the Russian market is VERY monopolized.

    Free labor market. Great interest in the end results of labor.

    What is the advantage here? If in the USSR, a graduate of a university or secondary vocational school had a guarantee of employment, now the same graduate has every chance of remaining unemployed.

    Dynamism. Ample opportunities for capable and active people.

    Not for ACTIVITY. And for those with start-up capital and / or dating in large corporations or government agencies.

    The ability to earn to the best of abilities

    Better to replace it with the opportunity to "profitably sell your abilities." That does not guarantee their "sale" at all, unlike the USSR.
  34. 0
    24 January 2014 20: 54
    Utopia is all about it. If you talk seriously, the reality of recreating is meager.
  35. 0
    24 January 2014 21: 22
    Quote: name
    Well, it remains to combine the strengths of the USSR and the Russian Federation, but only those in power would still be convinced of this .. hi

    The only problem is that everyone has their own interpretation of "strengths". You will never prove to neoliberals that strengths are indeed strengths.
  36. 12Ural12
    24 January 2014 22: 33
    Analysis of strengths and weaknesses on the verge of a foul. Superficially, meaninglessly, unproven and meaningless.
    Findings ???? It seems that the author has forgotten that there is materialism and idealism.
  37. +2
    24 January 2014 22: 48
    And here and there there were enough minuses. Let's take the notorious mismanagement in the USSR: in the summer there was a work off from school at the Orgsintez plant, there the construction battalions were building a new workshop, the mess there was remembered for a long time, for example, to put the territory in order, soldiers bulldozed new equipment into the ground with bulldozers. Or another example: my father went on a business trip to Azerbaijan, there were machines similar to those installed in Kazan, at a military plant, but "for some reason" they did not want to overfulfill the plan))). And now what? I took equipment to one region: the customer asked to reduce the cost in any way, the metal is thinner and the paint is thinner. Every year they draw up an act, write off this equipment and have a percentage on the purchase of new ones. Then, apparently, they realized that they could not bathe at all, let the rusty box hang on the post further, they changed it only on paper. In general, we are still very far from the ideal state, both now and then. We must probably remember that half of the world today lives from hand to mouth, we need to appreciate what we have, it is easy to destroy what has been built, so as not to be left with a broken trough.
  38. Sergey XXX
    25 January 2014 06: 03
    I really want to hope that we have already reached the extreme point of liberalism and have begun to slowly but surely move back. I think that there is no point to a return to socialism, but there are fluctuations in society in its social development and the search for the optimal, satisfying conflicting concepts of freedom and security. So we still have to. It is a pity that Stalin did not come up with a recipe, but everything was in his hands and imperiously more accessible than now. Personally, I would like for the authorities to create scientific institutions engaged in scientific analysis, forecasting and planning for the development of the country in all areas based on the wishes of citizens and that the recommendations of this institution should be implemented by the requirements of the Constitution and provided with appropriate sanctions.
  39. 0
    25 January 2014 08: 39
    Quote: Wurger
    ... Given that the real dollar was worth 3 rubles,.

    Where was this "halva"?
    In Vladivostok, the entire 80th real exchange rate was 1: 6.
  40. 0
    26 January 2014 22: 56
    I read the article and most of the comments to it. I came to the conclusion that reading such articles at night is harmful. How can you compare the white and black, planned socialist state with its huge number of advantages and scanty flaws that can be completely corrected, and the existing bourgeois criminal system with its full correspondence to hell? (Ukraine now, Russia tomorrow). The strengths of modern criminal Russia are available to about 30% of the population, who have, for the most part, criminal money. (Trips abroad, study of children in prestigious foreign educational institutions, treatment in foreign clinics, purchase of real estate abroad, etc. First-class industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities were created in the USSR. What now? The Olympics in Sochi and the road to the east under the direct control of Putin Well, and something else. Here the author mentioned the Izborsk Club in the article, but there is another organization of young and perky, ready to lay down their lives for the creation of the USSR 2.0, having a program and goals and by their deeds have proven their promise. This is the "Essence of Time" university and exploring abandoned territories, and most importantly, created textbooks without any instructions from Putin.