Here is a revolution

Here is a revolutionMemories of participants in 1991 – 1995 reforms paint a very ambiguous picture of how decisions were made then, and what assessments participants of events give them today.

When revolutions end, it is usually found that the goals proclaimed by the revolution are not only not achieved, but, on the contrary, the results directly contradict them. If the goal was freedom, then as a result we have a dictatorship, if justice - then blatant inequality is established, if prosperity - then poverty comes. And then yesterday's victorious revolutionaries sit down at their memoirs to prove: it is not their fault, it is a result of either intrigues of the enemy, in the broadest sense of the word, intrigues, or irresponsibility (backwardness) of the people who did not reach the great revolutionary goals or did not understand these goals and not appreciating the works of revolutionaries. Or, finally, the "wrong" stories, which predetermined the "wrong" course of the revolution. To be fair, we must admit that the losers - the counterrevolutionaries - behave in the same way: they sit down to write memoirs about why they lost. And it turns out that the reasons for losing them are the same: intrigues, enemies, people. The book we are talking about, the Gaidar Revolution, composed of interviews with leading members of the Gaidar team, Gaidar himself and some other leading 1990 policies, a classic example of such literature. A typical quote from Peter Aven: “Much of what we have today is not the result of our economic reforms, but much longer historical processes.” As if the authors of the reforms should not take these processes into account in their reforms.

The compilers of the book, Peter Aven and Alfred Koch, with their questions, comments, and the very name of the book, to which they actually assigned the title of chief revolutionary to their leader, only confirm this. A lover of memoir literature, taking the memories of, say, Milyukov, Kerensky or Trotsky, will be surprised at the generality of tone and the digging in the trifles of a past epoch that brings them closer. It is enough that a significant part of the book is devoted to settling accounts with the Supreme Soviet, as if it still has some meaning. Although we recognize that historical trifles reflect the colors of the era, and in this sense they are interesting. But of course, the book also touches upon the fundamental issues of that period, which remain fundamental to the present day. On them and dwell.

Trampled justice

To begin, pay attention to the title of the book. The events of the end of 1980-x - the beginning of 1990-x really were a revolution, if we understand it as a change of political regime and socio-economic system. Marx also noted that almost all revolutionaries turn to the experience of previous revolutions. Those Bolsheviks constantly appealed to the images of the Great French Revolution. But Gaidar and his associates often turned to the images of the 1917 revolution of the year and to the history of revolutions in general. Gaidar called one of his books "State and Evolution" - the sample is clear; Chubais advertised his reform of RAO UES as a new GOELRO plan, and the closest employee of Gaidar, Vladimir Mau, named one of his books, The Great Revolutions from Cromwell to Putin.

If we recognize the existence of parallels between events of different eras, consider them to be an important explanatory or at least illustrative factor and recall the chronology of the 1980 – 1990 revolution, then it should be recognized that the revolution began under Gorbachev. Gorbachev's perestroika is a prolonged “February”, in terms of the revolution of the beginning of the last century, and the collapse of the USSR and the new revolutionary outburst of 1991 of the year - “October. When did the Gaidar revolution come? This is certainly the 1993 year and the subsequent economic reforms, primarily privatization, although Gaidar himself was at this time, it would seem, not at the pinnacle of power. But it was the triumph of his ideas. And of course, these were the years of the new “great turning point”, which became the “Gaidar revolution”. Years when, like after the completion of that “great breakthrough”, the new system won completely and completely.

The fact that 1993 was the year of the “great turning point” not only in politics and economics, but also in the mood of citizens, indirectly confirms the interview of Anatoly Chubais, in which he admits that in this and the next two years there have been two major “breaks” in the public moods. The first is when the “demand for democracy” disappeared in Russia after the execution of the parliament in October 1993, that is, the vector of revolution has changed. And then Chubais and the drafters-interviewers begin to argue why this happened, and it does not occur to them that it was the shooting that brought down this “demand”: it became clear that the ruling group of politicians in the country would not allow real democracy. By the way, the turning point after the shooting of the Armed Forces, as noted by several interviewers, occurred with Yeltsin, who became "more evil and vindictive."

The second “turning point”, as all three admit, occurred when mortgage auctions and voucher privatization “broke the Soviet notion of justice” that lived among the people. And Chubais, with his inherent cynicism, sums up the discussion: "It was unsustainable." Although it is clear that the word "Soviet" is inserted here for self-justification, because in reality justice itself was trampled upon. But Koch notes that this was a “payment for market reforms,” which, in the light of all their reasoning, look like a Moloch, to which democracy and justice can be sacrificed. The authors of the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of a Citizen, these icons for any liberal, would probably have turned over in their graves when they learned that under the banner of liberalism their ideals are being sacrificed, and, as is now clear, not even impersonal reforms, but future oligarchs. Let me remind readers of the words of the French Declaration: “Freedom is the inherent human ability to do everything that does not harm the rights of another; its basis is nature, and its rule is justice. " After all this reasoning, Chubais, Aven and Koch are embarrassed for the author of the preface Leszek Balcerowicz, who writes that the Gaidar team represented the bright side of history, defenders of basic human rights. But the mortgage auctions, apart from the fact that they were extremely unfair, can be called the biggest corruption a deal of the century. Corruption, as is well known, is a term that usually means an official using his authority and rights entrusted to him, as well as related official status of authority, opportunities, connections for personal gain, contrary to law and moral standards. What we have when, in our case, a group of oligarchs, in exchange for the services and funds provided by them to the candidate during the elections, received at their disposal from the highest official, virtually free of charge, the most important national wealth. In fairness, we note: in his interview, Gaidar said that he was categorically against mortgage auctions, although he later acknowledged the correctness of this decision. But this does not change the situation.

The reforms were also sacrificed to Moloch, as we now understand, a significant part of the economy itself, for which these reforms seemed to be carried out, as the compilers themselves admit in the last material of the book - their conversation with Elmar Murtazaev, the deputy editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine. As Koch says, “we have shown that a huge Stalinist industry, of which we have been proud for many years, doesn’t need anyone at 90% ...” As if the industry is Stalinist or Thatcher's. Industry is industry. Koch does not name plants that, in his opinion, are not needed by anyone. But we can recall one of the members of the Gaidar team (after the prescription of years we will not call his name), who at the beginning of 1990's, like Caton, used to constantly say that Rostselmash should be destroyed, because it makes horrible combines. Not only was it not true - those combine harvesters are still working on Russian fields - the new owners were able to successfully reconstruct the Stalin plant and start producing new-generation combines of a completely world-class level. And in fact, first of all, enterprises of high-tech industries were destroyed, because they are most sensitive to government shocks. We dwelt on this statement in such detail because it speaks of the “depth” of the reformers' understanding of both their reforms and their consequences. As they say, they understood nothing and learned nothing.

Truth bearers

Of course, the compilers of the collection could not circumvent the dispersal of the Supreme Council and the reasons for it. Perhaps Koch’s reasoning is key: “Gaidar didn’t fight enough to be supported by the majority of deputies and officials,” because he couldn’t “intrigue, deceive, bribe, betray, establish relations with the latest scoundrels and scum”. And since most of the sun was against the reformers, then there was nothing left to disperse. Although, by the way, Gaidar, being a high-ranking Soviet official, quite got along with the Soviet bureaucracy and was able to establish relations with him. And this did not interfere with his principles.

I do not venture to judge the personal qualities of Gaidar and his attitude towards deputies. However, in any case, the above quotation speaks eloquently about the attitude of Koch and Aven to their opponents, the attitude that was characteristic of the whole Gaidar team: we are the last resort of truth, and our opponents are bastards and scum, to reckon with their opinion is a betrayal our ideals or our interests, and they can only be dispersed, so as not to interfere under our feet. It is clear that the dissolution of the Supreme Council in this respect was predetermined.

Of course, from the opposite side there were also many such “carriers of truth”, but there were also many quite worthy and sensible people, who, naturally, considered themselves not “bastards and scum”, but deputies elected by the people. So they were, so at least they had to be respected and reckoned with. But the “democrats” reformers could not accept this.

This can be called arrogance, you can - megalomania, but it also breaks through in the arguments of the co-authors and compilers of the book about the democratic public (they ironically call it demonship), which enthusiastically supported Gaidar himself and his team and relying on them could carry out reforms and win in the confrontation with the Supreme Council. It was to her that Gaidar appealed when he appealed from television screens to come to the Moscow Council to defend democracy. Where Gaidar, as described in the book, was ready to distribute to the audience weapon. And Koh and Aven are sympathetic to this. That is, to put the country on the brink of civil war, to give citizens the opportunity to die for the "leaders of the revolution", and then through the lip: "Demshiz" ...

Indeed, some democratic activists could have made such an impression, but not you, gentlemen, talk about it. If you have done something that you consider important, it is largely due to the enthusiasm of these people who supported you, regardless of poverty, which many of them thanks to reforms have plunged into. Amazing cynicism. And there and then a grudge against the fact that “Yeltsin was very cynical and prudent towards all” ...

Blood Vow

Yegor Timurovich left us, not having finished speaking and not explaining much, and I don't want to disturb his memory, but the authors of the book force him to do it. After all these revelations of Koch and Aven, one feels awkwardly reading the discussion of the topic “morality and efficiency in politics” in an interview with Gaidar, which he gave two years before his death.

The compilers in their questions and the history of the collapse of the Soviet Union could not get around, especially since one of those interviewed was Gennady Burbulis, who participated in the meeting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, at which the three leaders of the Slavic republics decided the fate of the USSR. And then it turned out several important details that turned out to be news and for Aven with Koch, yes, it seems, and for many readers of the book.

The main news is that Burbulis admits: from the very beginning of the Novoogarevsk process, somewhere in November, and maybe even in May 1990, that is, from Yeltsin’s election as chairman of the Supreme Council, his entourage worked out the idea of ​​liquidating the union center. And although the coup was a surprise for them in a certain sense, it turned out to be a welcome surprise, because it made it easier to solve the problem.

Another news is a message from US Secretary of State James Baker about his call to Gorbachev: he called to warn about the impending putsch just on the eve of this event. Gorbachev did not respond to the call in a strange way, which makes his position ambiguous. Of course, the efforts of the Yeltsin team were not the only reason for the collapse of the country. One of the reasons is Gorbachev’s inability to make responsible decisions. Stanislav Anisimov, the former Minister of Material Resources of the USSR, recalls the tragicomic scene at the Gorbachev meeting on August 3 1991 of the year, that is, on the eve of the coup, when First Deputy Prime Minister of the USSR, Minister of Economics and Forecasting Vladimir Scherbakov literally screamed at Gorbachev: “Mikhail Sergeevich! Take at least some decision in the end! ”

However, Gorbachev’s weakness does not justify Yeltsin’s team, all the more so, as Koch says, according to Viktor Chernomyrdin, Yeltsin himself once said: if he were at the head of the Union, he wouldn’t let him fall apart. It means that both he and his team members understood that the struggle against Gorbachev is not for the sake of some ideals and principles, but for the sake of personal power.

The scene of fraternization described by Pavel Grachev, which Yeltsin arranged after the coup, invited Grachev, Alexander Korzhakov, Andrei Kozyrev, Viktor Barannikov, Yuri Skokov and invited them to swear on the blood: "They took the knife, cut each other's hands, licked the blood" - gives the character of the grotesque. What can I say. Such people decided the fate of Russia and the world.

Aven Peter, Koh Alfred. Gaidar revolution. - M .: Alpina Publisher, 2013. - 439 with.
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  1. +44
    10 January 2014 09: 05
    I do not understand what ideas these people were guided by, but that it was the most vile, base and cannibalistic it is unequivocal!
    1. A.YARY
      10 January 2014 15: 45
      I don’t understand what ideas these people were guided by,
      It is a non-people, purulent belching of typhoid goat dying from syphilis.
      What difference does it make to them and how are they? If I’m unforgiving of any of their kind to ANY knee! They have the blood of millions, the woe of millions, the ruin of millions — I can’t consider their kind as human! I’m offended by the fact that they outwardly mimicked into human appearance.
      1. +14
        10 January 2014 16: 01
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        I do not understand what ideas these people were guided by, but that it was the most vile, base and cannibalistic it is unequivocal!

        They usually hide it behind a beautiful wrapper.
        We see the same thing on the Maidan, and we have already seen before in the same place in Georgia, and fortunately we didn’t lead ourselves in December 2012 ...

        The system works, as populists with the slogan "Power to the people !!" and "Justice" will always find support, regardless of whether they are going to do it, or even have an idea of ​​how to do it, the main thing for such "revolutionaries" is not justice, but POWER!
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. Hon
          10 January 2014 17: 19
          But isn't Putin from the same team? You seem to have forgotten that he is a Yeltsin present.
          1. -5
            11 January 2014 13: 34
            What nonsense is Putin a KGB officer, he would not allow an old drunk to manipulate himself
            1. +5
              11 January 2014 15: 22
              Quote: Basarev
              What nonsense is Putin a KGB officer, he would not allow an old drunk to manipulate himself

              laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing
          2. +2
            11 January 2014 17: 18
            But isn't Putin from the same team? You seem to have forgotten that he is a Yeltsin present.

            Together they planned and ruined our homeland of the USSR!
            They are still in power in Russia, they grieve the people with their policies and concrete deeds on:
            - grabbing the remnants of state industry,
            - "covering up" corrupt officials, thieves and criminals such as Yeltsin, Serdyukov and other "figures",
            - "cutting" the state budget for dubious purposes,
            - election fraud,
            - export abroad of gold-financial resources of the state
            - and other unseemly matters.
        3. +12
          10 January 2014 18: 08
          1. +1
            10 January 2014 21: 11
            But did he appoint him, or was he forced to cede power?
            1. Hon
              10 January 2014 21: 48
              and now Chubais is forced to work for the "good" of the Motherland
              1. +2
                10 January 2014 22: 25
                And he’s frankly broke. Why, in general, work?
            2. Yarosvet
              10 January 2014 21: 57
              Quote: suomi
              But did he appoint him, or was he forced to cede power?

              Well, yes, yes ...
        4. +2
          10 January 2014 22: 23
          who would doubt. Seven times cut, once drink. The result is on the face.
      2. +2
        10 January 2014 20: 00
        Quote: A.YARY
        What difference does it make to me and how are they?

        I support, completely. I understand that it is necessary to touch on this extremely painful topic, but at least remove the photos of these blowjob faces - it makes you sick ...
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +23
      10 January 2014 16: 20
      These ideas they used ...

      1. +14
        10 January 2014 17: 37
        Quote: Novel 1977
        These are the ideas they used.

        Nothing is forgotten!
      2. +4
        10 January 2014 22: 44
        There is not enough firing squad for these faces!
        1. 0
          11 January 2014 15: 09
          Omar, hi!
          What do you say to that
          according to Viktor Chernomyrdin, Yeltsin himself once said: if he were at the head of the Union, he would not let him fall apart.

          Would Azerbaijan hold on to the "strong" hands of EBN?
    4. +4
      10 January 2014 17: 20
      Hi, but everyone saw and figured out how not to act, I mean our neighbors INDIA CHINA, And in this they are 100% right,
    5. pawel1961
      10 January 2014 17: 26
      idea? personal enrichment. everything is simple.
    6. series
      10 January 2014 17: 54
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      I do not understand what ideas these people were guided by, but that it was the most vile, base and cannibalistic it is unequivocal!

      It's simple, colleagues ...
      The provincial princes gathered with their wretchedly restrained ambitions and DECLINED the Union, bl.di !!!
      Gorbach - thermo, BUT ... Homeland - expensive!
      and these SVOLO4 and her-BOOT !!!
    7. +6
      10 January 2014 18: 24
      Quote: Author Alexander Mechanic
      The events of the late 1980s - early 1990s were indeed a revolution, if we understand it as a change in the political regime and the socio-economic system.

      No Alexander. It was a counter-revolution. The CIA funded the "Harvard Project" with US money, and recently Putin told the whole world with a laugh that the CIA officers helped Chubais privatize Russia, but what's so funny?
      1. Yarosvet
        10 January 2014 22: 06
        Quote: Vadivak
        It was a counter-revolution

        The CIA funded the "Harvard Project" with US money
        And here it is not true: if it were not for the initiative and subsequent anti-state work of the late Soviet nomenclature on usurping power and the public domain, then the states with their projects would still suck (if they existed at all)

        and recently, Putin told the whole world with a laugh that the CIA officers helped to privatize Chubais, is that just funny?
        The nonsense itself, which Putin drove away, is ridiculous: it was precisely the advisers / consultants who, for a certain gesheft, helped the former owls. nomenclature to take control of the country. And Putin, Fedorov, Starikov and others like them create the myth of the US victory in ordinary interstate competition, loudly referred to as the "cold war", and laugh at it themselves.
      2. 0
        10 January 2014 22: 30
        Admins will not miss. But on w Russian is great and powerful, hint in a context - everyone already understands
    8. +10
      10 January 2014 21: 34
      It’s impossible right off the bat, the realization came later. I, an ordinary citizen, being a shift foreman at a major processing plant, took an active part in the collapse of the system. Far from being a fool, he looked for the necessary articles in the press, and then commented on them properly. Imagine a 700 meter long processing plant running on the street, i.e. the concentrate was piled in the open air in thousands of tons. Nobody needed him. Empty store shelves - the roof will go. And here is the right word, correctly written in understandable Russian. Let's raise the industry, revive it, fill it - we bought it like a mouse for cheese. Somewhere near Omsk, thousands of tanks were laid out, the army was falling, and the metal was apparently no longer needed by the military factories. It would be foolish for us to "roll the kam pipes, change the" sewer ", but we hit the revolution. That's when in life I committed the only but irreparable betrayal. I betrayed my own country, which raised and educated me, for more than 20 years I suffer
      1. ytqnhfk
        11 January 2014 05: 06
        Strongly said because. how many read komenty no one admitted their tragic mistake and admitted it as a whole! Now all Putin is trying to doused with feces only do it or unfinished komunyaki who ruined the country sold it and sold it to the country! Trying to scream. like ours it would be all right if they steered but among them only screamers! We have komunyak rules in the field of 8 years so what? -Damaged all the bobla raped and washed off! I do not believe these two-faced t .... not on arshin!
        1. +1
          11 January 2014 13: 47
          You should also be aware of the huge difference between communists and commies - this is not the same thing.
        2. 0
          12 January 2014 10: 03
          Quote: ytqnhfk
          Now all Putin is trying to douse him with feces, they just do it or the unfinished communes who ruined the country sold it and sold this country! Trying to scream. How would we be fine if they steered but there are only screamers among us! in the field of 8 years, so what? -Damaged all the bobla raped and washed off! I do not believe these two-faced t ....

          You are like Valeria Novodvorskaya. The communist idea, in principle the right one, began to fall apart even under Brezhnev, when bureaucratic communist officials, accustomed to living in luxury, immediately realized that communism was unlikely to be built in the foreseeable future (it’s necessary to plow and protect the country like our grandfathers), Build it for yourself.
          Therefore, there was "confusion and shatanie" in the heads of the population of the whole country. The workers saw how the bosses live, how social injustice grew.
          And from the screens at that time the whole country was rushing, "no, no, we want today, we want now." In fact, all this was the propaganda of an individualistic, greedy life.
          Collectivism collapsed before our eyes.
      2. +1
        11 January 2014 13: 39
        It’s good and bad at the same time that I was born in 94. It’s good - because in those years I was just a kid and could not take part in this disgrace. Bad - because then I was not able to stop it.
    9. 0
      11 January 2014 14: 56
      In general, the mention of these scum in the press is already causing utter disgust, starting from the first Mr. Gorbachev to the second Mr. Gaidar, and all the other "political prostitutes" and "political whores" such as Yeltsin, the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Burbulis, the nomenklatura worker of the CPSU, Kozyrev, Shakhrai talkers who stood at the collapse of the USSR, Chubais, Kokh, Aven -labies from the economy, we know who they are. They have the blood of the Russian and Rossis people on them, they are cursed by mothers and fathers who lost their relatives in the vastness of the collapsed Union, 25 million Russians who remained abroad after the collapse of the Country were spilled on them. all suffering, the earth will not rest on you.
  2. AVV
    10 January 2014 13: 14
    These are people who have ruined and plundered a great power and let the Russian people go into poverty! They can not cause any emotion except contempt! Although some of them are already in the other world, it’s good or nothing about them, it’s better to do anything !!!
    1. +17
      10 January 2014 14: 33
      About those in the other world — or nothing, or just the truth! But the truth is very unpleasant! A living would be nice to answer for their atrocities!
    2. +9
      10 January 2014 15: 50
      The most paradoxical thing is that many of them are alive and in good health, and not sawing firewood as friendships in a logging area, is really grotesque request (although maybe politics wink )
      1. +2
        10 January 2014 22: 33
        remember them by name!
    3. +22
      10 January 2014 15: 50
      Quote: AVV
      These are people who have ruined and plundered a great power and let the Russian people go into poverty! They can not cause any emotion except contempt! Although some of them are already in the other world, it’s good or nothing about them, it’s better to do anything !!!

      let it already blame them, let it be about the dog ... We are ALL to blame. Everyone understood everything, if they were not outright idiots. I was 24 in 91, and even at such an immature age I perfectly understood everything, like my peers. I also remember perfectly well the conversations of the older generation during the GKChP days - everyone was happy, but at the same time everyone was careful: now you will pop out, and tomorrow they will trample from work. It would never have occurred to anyone that the question is not who will sit in the chair of the Secretary General (the president - it doesn’t matter), but that there will be no country, and millions will lose their jobs, and everything else will be lost.
      I remember how one general, a close friend of our family, suddenly said directly on TV to the whole country: I am following orders. And after the failure of the Emergency Committee, he was quickly "gobbled up". Ashamed in front of him.
      And for the present I am ashamed that EVERYTHING we just sat at the TVs and just watched how our country was being killed. And all that was needed was to tear off the ass from the sofa.
      We got used to the fact that everything will be decided and so, for the good of the Soviet people, of course.
      But it turned out that then the day came when the children had to protect their parents - the Soviet Union. Only now the children have not matured.

      By the end of the 91 year, only fools did not see how it would end. And still they were silent. After Belovezhskaya Pushcha, they were silent again.
      In 92, were there still naive people who didn’t understand something?
      And all the same - they were silent.
      In 93, when the Supreme Council was shot ...
    4. +2
      10 January 2014 17: 21
      No, nothing about them is not an option to remember and remember publicly.
      It’s a pity that time, I was vaccinated with cynicism throughout the country. I’m sitting, reading comments now, vilely at heart from these photos, .. and I won’t get a damn ....
  3. +17
    10 January 2014 15: 27
    I saw the vile snout of the ghoul Gaidar, almost vomited. Hatred for this gang, I suspect, is somewhere already at the level of genes. am
    1. +15
      10 January 2014 15: 54
      Quote: Stiletto
      I saw the vile snout of the ghoul Gaidar, almost vomited. Hatred for this gang, I suspect, is somewhere already at the level of genes. am

      It is not for nothing that the monument to him on Nikoloyamskaya Street is called the "one-armed bandit".
      1. +1
        11 January 2014 13: 50
        It’s a lot of honor to call this scum a bandit. It’s not for honest people to take the last crumbs away.
    10 January 2014 15: 38
    In their opinion, was there a revolution in 1990-95? Yes, this is the destruction of the military, scientific, economic potential of the country, this is a crime. Crime against the people, against the state.
    1. -5
      10 January 2014 15: 52
      And what kind of revolution did we have differently, February, October or this ????
    2. +4
      10 January 2014 17: 42
      Quote: GREAT RUSSIA
      In their opinion, was there a revolution in 1990-95? Yes, this is the destruction of the military, scientific, economic potential of the country, this is a crime. Crime against the people, against the state.

      These "revolutionaries" are just traitors, Yankes's bedding, CIA mercenaries.
      As if we do not remember how all these "perestroika superintendents" are. Gaidars, Sobchaks, Yavlinsky and other Chubais received bucks in suitcases, supposedly fees for lectures and worthless books.
  5. +3
    10 January 2014 15: 41
    "a quote from Peter Aven:" Much of what we have today is not the result of our economic reforms, but much longer historical processes. "

    "Gaidar's closest associate, Vladimir Mau, called one of his books Great Revolutions from Cromwell to Putin."

    these revolutionaries are very often hereditary, from generation to generation, like a curse transmit revolutionary itching. and the vast majority of them are people of the same nationality.
    they’ll carry out a revolution, shed blood, then the indigenous people will quietly calm them down, establish a little life. so the descendants of these revolutionaries will grow up and again turn the revolution through, shed blood.
    and so on from century to century
  6. +8
    10 January 2014 15: 44
    from the Don.
    Living a second life (since 91), I’ll say that I don’t like it very much! And all because of the underbelly of Chubais, EBN, Kozyrev, Gaidar, etc.A: granddaughter: in general, the bust was blinded! SHAME! Well, really, what about the GDP of this he does not understand that without recognizing these traitors as traitors to the country, it is impossible to draw conclusions from this, restore order and move on!
    : A man really dies when his descendants forget about him:! This is what I wish for these scum!
    1. +9
      10 January 2014 17: 04
      Quote: borisjdin1957
      Well, does the GDP really not understand that, without recognizing these traitors as traitors to the country, it is impossible to draw conclusions from this, put things in order and move on!

      and how do you imagine this? ... Putin comes out to the microphone and declares that he took power from the hands of a traitor to the country in exchange for life guarantees for him and his family? ... or, like, after 13 years I realized, " hu from Mr. Yeltsin "? ... like, sorry for the delay ... did it come to a giraffe? ... fool he perfectly understands everything ... and he will not do ANYTHING ... "stability" for his environment is above all ...
      1. +1
        10 January 2014 17: 35
        from the Don.
        I imagine it like this:
        1. Do not dispossess: privatizers: but withdraw all capital from offshore. Who doesn’t withdraw, nationalize!
        2. Revise the constitution.
        3. Re-create the UES of Russia.
        Points will be typed!
        1. +2
          10 January 2014 22: 45
          Theoretically, who will execute it? Are the deputies writing down the basic law not in their favor? Chubais will return everything that Abramovich, Vekselberg and Khodorkovsky suddenly stole between themselves. who no longer needs to work in this life will bring everything to Russia. And Medvedev officials will cut it. well, about 30 percent. And who are we grieving about?
        2. ytqnhfk
          11 January 2014 05: 15
          Radical methods are sometimes good but not enough so you shout Putin and I would have done in his place so people you put down and demolish! Lenin, Stalin, he demolished monuments ????? - no, he put it to Gaidar ?? - so maybe he should not demolish !!!! In my opinion, the people themselves should "grow up" and understand at least whom to erect monuments (6 company, a simple guard from Volgograd, etc. the list goes on.) and who should be demolished !! set to Gaidar Chubais and other ghouls !!!
          1. +2
            11 January 2014 13: 55
            And it is imperative that Stalin’s bright name be restored! When I was at school, in a history textbook, they made such a monstrous tyrant from him that the world had never seen. But we all realize that Stalin was the greatest good for the country in those years.
    2. +5
      10 January 2014 18: 17
      Later, in a newspaper, the former chief psychiatrist of the Leningrad Region, MD Barabash wrote that Gaidar had a wandering gaze, great speeches, a smile out of place, a pretense, and that, from the point of view of psychiatry, these were ominous symptoms. In this regard, Barabash wrote that he made inquiries among psychiatrists and was confirmed to him that in his childhood, Gaidar had schizophrenia. Then Barabash wrote that in America a similar type could be a teacher of humanitarian disciplines - and that’s all. He would not have been admitted to any civil service, like the alcoholic Yeltsin, because a normal person would not push Russia into a market economy.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. Hon
        10 January 2014 18: 20
        Quote: Z.O.V.
        He would not have been allowed into any civil service, like the alcoholic Yeltsin,
        1. 120352
          10 January 2014 20: 37
          And this drunk stuffed animal made decisions for our entire Motherland!
      3. +1
        10 January 2014 18: 56
        Quote: Z.O.V.
        . In this regard, Barabash wrote that he made inquiries among psychiatrists and was confirmed to him that in his childhood, Gaidar had schizophrenia.

        And how could a Gaidar with such symptoms get the highest? belay
        1. 120352
          10 January 2014 20: 35
          Sorry, schizophrenia is not treated. I declare as a specialist. There are remissions when the patient looks almost as healthy, but over the years they are less and less. So, Gaidar's schizophrenia is beyond doubt.
    3. olviko
      10 January 2014 18: 51
      "A man really dies when his descendants forget about him"

      But this is not necessary! I would put a monument to this whole Sonderkommand, in a separate place, as a warning to posterity. I would take children on an excursion there, as they take excursions to former fascist concentration camps. In memory, we need it, and about the bad too, let’s say Dostoevsky should be re-read more often, they could have avoided many troubles!
      1. +2
        10 January 2014 19: 22
        Quote: olviko
        I would all this Sonderkommand

        I’ll clarify something.
        This is not sonder team. (German: Sonderkommando - special unit) - the name of a number of different special forces.
        In your case, this is exactly Einsatzgroup. (German: Einsatsengruppen) - operational (punitive) special forces created and used for the purpose of mass executions (extermination) of the population in the occupied territories.
      2. 120352
        10 January 2014 20: 32
        If this red-headed reptile is remembered after, I hope, an imminent demise, then as Herastratus, who destroyed the temple in order to become famous. But building a temple is easier than rebuilding a country. But nothing. Not the first time. Recover. A red - in the asphalt.
        1. +2
          10 January 2014 22: 48
          Your words, yes to God’s ears!
      3. +2
        11 January 2014 00: 52
        Quote: olviko
        The memory is needed, and the bad one too, let's say

        - “Special attention given to K.E. Voroshilov in April-May 1957, the leadership of China, was not only an obvious demonstration of respect for the Soviet people, but also sympathy for the "old guard" - Stalin's comrades-in-arms. While visiting historical sites, Chinese leaders, perhaps not without intent, showed Voroshilov the temple of the national hero of the Song Dynasty, Yue Fei. The grave of Yue Fei near the temple is a modest but memorable architectural structure. At some distance from it are sculptural cartoon images of people kneeling. This is the traitor Qin Gui and his wife, who became the culprits of the hero’s death. So, every visitor to the temple considers it necessary to spit on the statues of traitors or throw some garbage in their direction. And so for hundreds of years, since the XII century. This is how the Chinese punish their traitors from generation to generation. ” - (OB Rakhmanin “The Last Arrival of Mao”).
  7. Alex_Popovson
    10 January 2014 15: 54
    How much can you procure one and the same thing? Twenty years have passed, but still do not calm down. Well, return the USSR and the CPSU back, become revolutionaries yourself and build your bright future, with drafts and Anka the machine gunner!
    1. acute
      10 January 2014 16: 42
      "Back" you yourself go.
    2. olviko
      10 January 2014 18: 33
      "Twenty years have passed, but still do not calm down."

      The country must remember its "heroes" constantly!
      1. +9
        10 January 2014 18: 37
        Quote: olviko
        The country must remember its "heroes" constantly!

        But how do you forget them if they still rule?
        1. +5
          10 January 2014 19: 08
          Quote: Garrin
          if they still rule?

          Here in these words and the result of such articles and a solution to the problem.

          The appeal of Russian scientists to the Jews of Russia
          In your immeasurable arrogance, you not only spit on our shrines, cripple the souls of our children and grandchildren by glorifying the cult of sex, violence and venality, but even call our natural desire to live in accordance with the peaceful traditions of our ancestors "Russian fascism."
          We have analyzed your actions and declare: the regime established by you in Russia is Jewish fascism.
          You are throwing mud at the President of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko only because he, like J.V. Stalin in the USSR, did not allow you to establish your Zionist-fascist regime in Belarus. All over the world you call AG Lukashenko a fascist, acting according to the principle when the thief shouts louder than anyone else: "Stop the thief!"
          You have captured the Western European countries and the United States with the help of tried and tested weapons invented by you and millennia - loan interest. You organized commercial banks in Russia for its plunder and final seizure of power; By manipulating decrees and vouchers, you have seized public property, which neither the Government of the RSFSR nor the Supreme Council shot by you had the right to give to you. Therefore, WE DO NOT ACCEPT ALL YOUR PRIVATIZATION TO LAW, especially since it was carried out in violation of the Law, according to which privatization should have been registered, without the right to sell.
          You know very well that you can never pay off debts to employees of budgetary organizations: military personnel, doctors, teachers, scientists. Therefore, you strive to quickly seize our land by any means - to sell its mineral resources and forests into foreign hands, and to make Russian peasants laborers on their own land, and thereby, at least for a short time, extend their power. Your puppet Yeltsin 19 September this year stated that the question of land is not a question of the State Duma. Thus, he once again grossly violated the Constitution you concocted under him. We have no doubt that in order to seize our land, you, realizing that power is floating out of your hands, are preparing another massacre.
          Do not flatter yourself. Already our best minds are studying your weapon - the banking system. With squeamishness, we analyze your methods for your affairs and books. We will create a powerful, deadly for your system, ANTI-WEAPONS, and then truly free nations will take a deep breath, feeling the beauty of our world, cleansed of the most vile and dirty power - the power of money.
          We are already restoring the true history of mankind, distorted by you to seize power. We will find ways to open the eyes of our people, our children and grandchildren, all other nations that there is nothing more disgusting than your spiritual authority.

          All the way here -

          jonykh_k_evrejam_rossii / 26-1-0-168
          1. Yarosvet
            10 January 2014 22: 21
            Quote: Ptah
            solution to the problem
          2. -2
            10 January 2014 22: 54
            either Zhidno Mordovia, or ...
          3. +4
            11 January 2014 01: 29
            Quote: Ptah
            The appeal of Russian scientists to the Jews of Russia

            And here is the appeal of Russian writers known as "Baptism 5000"
            On December 15, 2004, M.V. Nazarov published an appeal to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation V.V. Ustinov on the site in connection with the increased use of art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on “inciting ethnic hatred” towards Jews. ” The drafters of the letter asked the prosecutor's office to find out the source of what they call the “Russian-Jewish conflict,” claiming that Russian patriots only, sometimes excessively emotionally, defend themselves from the “aggressive Jewish morality” expressed in the Shulchan Aruch code. The letter cited such examples from an abridged version of this code “Kitsur Shulkhan Arukh”, published in Moscow by the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations in Russia (KEROOR), which instructs us to follow this code today. The appeal contained a request “to check the outrageous facts set forth above and, if they are confirmed, ... institute proceedings on the ban in our country of all religious and national Jewish associations as extremist”.
            The reason for writing the appeal to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation was the increased incidence of criminal cases under this article (in connection with anti-Semitism) against publicists and public figures who call themselves Russian patriots, who sharply polemicized with representatives of Judaism.
            On January 13, 2005, the first version of the appeal, entitled “Letter 5000” (by the number of signatories), was submitted to the Prosecutor General by 20 deputies of the State Duma who signed it.
            On January 24, information about the letter hit the press.
            In the majority of Russian and foreign mass media, the submission of the “Letter of 5” appeal is presented as an anti-Semitic action. However, not a single central media published the text of the Letter itself.
            The full text of the letter is here: -

            Since then they have been a little quiet, but continue to do their dirty deed.
            1. +5
              11 January 2014 01: 42
              I know, Anatoly. I will say more that five years ago, on one of the resources, he himself left a signature on such a statement.
              But I do not have the exact information how it all ended. Seems stalled?
              Which is not surprising. With tens of thousands of Zionists in many countries, they fought for 4 000 years. In various ways and with varying success.

              Here is another appeal of a Jewish scholar to his fellow tribesmen, in which he directly accuses them of the collapse of the USSR.

              Academician Gelfand Hebrews

              After all, if all the outrage that my fellow tribesmen create in Russia is not real fascism, then what other fascism should you be afraid of?
              In my opinion, even Hitler could not have done as many troubles with the Russian people as such "bad guys" as the Gaidars, Abramovichs, Chubais, Fridmans, Feldmans and other relatives of our relatives, who were mad from stolen money, had already done. Apparently, they finally lost their mind and sense of proportion. These crooks lead both the country and you to certain destruction.

              1. +3
                11 January 2014 02: 45
                Edward Hodos Jewish fascism, or Chabad - the road to hell
    3. yur
      10 January 2014 19: 57
      And we will return and build.
    4. -4
      10 January 2014 22: 50
      Himself ,, backward ,,, return.
    5. Alex_Popovson
      12 January 2014 13: 11
      They say correctly, "Fart bombanul" ... But "back" - means the word "backward", and not the mundane "per rectum". However, by the way they read, one can judge by the literacy and "integrity and high spirituality" of the population of this wonderful resource
      1. acute
        12 January 2014 13: 26
        Listen, who wants to say normally, uses the words back, again, etc. But if they want to insult, they say back. And do not learn Russian when and how to use certain words. Do not be smart, marry smart
        1. Alex_Popovson
          12 January 2014 15: 01
          The semantics of the word "backward" is similar to the word "backward", would you mind?
          But if they want to insult, they say back

          They say "IN THE BACK", that is, the passage of a person into the rectum through the anus
          And do not learn Russian when and how to use certain words.

          God forbid someone to teach something!
          1. Alex_Popovson
            12 January 2014 15: 08
            True, here’s a bid ... Nobody ever understood that I wanted to say that it was time to concentrate on reality, and not to suck on the details of twenty years ago, without an alternative.
            If there is an opportunity to change everything for the better, then it is worth taking advantage of this opportunity, but if not, then it is probably better not to litter the information space.
            In short, turn the USSR BACK!
  8. +12
    10 January 2014 15: 57
    A message from US Secretary of State James Baker about his call to Gorbachev: he called to warn of an impending coup literally on the eve of this event. Gorbachev didn’t react to the call in a strange way, which makes his position ambiguous.

    Gorbachev, a criminal by preliminary conspiracy with the Yeltsin gang, ruined a great country. And all of them got monuments for this gang partners. In the 90s, when the bandits were killed during the showdown, they also erected hefty monuments. It is time to prevail justice and put all this scum on the bunk
  9. +7
    10 January 2014 16: 01
    The mood spoils when you remember all this scumbag. Such a country was destroyed, well, at least Russia did not have time.
      10 January 2014 16: 09
      Quote: Jamal
      The mood spoils when you remember all this scumbag. Such a country was destroyed, well, at least Russia did not have time.

      Some of them are still in the government, if not exterminated, then they can also plunder Russia. Reptiles. As cockroaches multiply destroy one so that the second does not appear, but here we have hundreds. am
      1. olviko
        10 January 2014 18: 25
        Some of them are still in government,
        1. 120352
          10 January 2014 20: 25
          Naphthalene would nadyt ... And dust.
          1. +1
            10 January 2014 22: 55
            Dustom. Like cocaine, just gray ..
  10. +7
    10 January 2014 16: 03
    All these revolutionaries, together with their "great" works, for crimes committed against the people and the state, at best, on trial, but for me, in the furnace!
    1. +4
      10 January 2014 16: 25
      and better on a carnation in a summer cottage. somehow more symbolic.
  11. +6
    10 January 2014 16: 06
    It can be called arrogance, it can be called megalomania

    That is what it is called.
    All liberals are arrogant, deceitful and extremely selfish.
    1. +2
      10 January 2014 17: 39
      and pathologically false.
  12. +3
    10 January 2014 16: 13
    By the 80s, the party had turned from a communist party into a nomenclature one. The events of the end of 80 and the beginning of 90 are inevitable.
    The Gorbachevs, Burbulis, Gaidars, Yeltsins, Chubais, Trumps, Khazbulatovs, ... like cockroaches .... They realized that it was time to act openly, it was time to legitimize the country and acted as one pack in this effort.
    We will not find in this host of highly nomenclature murl not a single decent and completely honest person.
    Were there any alternatives to the Gaidar team and its liberal course?
    Reading this "memoir", it seemed to me that this is the main question that the authors pose and with all their might answer - NO !!!

    I think really, no. There were no healthy forces in society.
    1. +1
      10 January 2014 22: 58
      in an unhealthy body, not a healthy mind. It still stinks in Gazprom.
  13. +2
    10 January 2014 16: 22
    If the country collapsed, then these are its looters!
    1. 120352
      10 January 2014 20: 22
      The country did not collapse on its own. These muzzles destroyed her and must answer! All the people. On the frontal place. And the place of execution after their "sincere repentance" should be used for its intended purpose. Someone will probably have to work for a month ...
  14. +5
    10 January 2014 16: 24
    "Wand" Koch ... and Aven.
    PS Do not give the shrine to the dogs and do not throw your pearls before the pigs, so that they do not trample it under their feet and, turning, do not tear you to pieces.
    Gospel of Matthew 7; 6.
    1. +1
      10 January 2014 23: 16
      Robert Koch is a great man. I’m a doctor, so I ask you to separate the scoundrels from his name, as if it were not consonant and witty.
      1. +1
        11 January 2014 01: 41
        Probably Alfred Koch's "stick" was meant.
  15. +7
    10 January 2014 16: 47
    “Mikhail Sergeevich! Make at least some decision, in the end! " - asked Shcherbakov. The point is that the "respected" member Gorbachev, but simply a traitor, has long ago made a decision, I will clarify, deliberately leading to the collapse of the country! He was just waiting for this. And whoever said what, about the inconsistent and inept economy of the now former USSR - all this is one big "liberal" lie. And such representatives of liberal values ​​as Chubais, Gozman, Svanidze, Navalny Mlechin and others like them are typical representatives of the "fifth" column. I would like to add on my own that in order to avoid such disastrous moments in the life of the country in the future, IT IS BETTER TO LEARN THE HISTORY OF RUSSIA, EVERYONE !!!, so that such episodes do not repeat themselves.
    1. +2
      10 January 2014 23: 01
      Yes, a normal history textbook, write-shit during their lifetime, they try to copy their sins into righteousness. And they expelled the past, as they could
  16. makarov
    10 January 2014 16: 49
    Surprised by the end ?? What to write about this material ??? It must be anathema popularly give !!!
  17. +9
    10 January 2014 17: 13
    Yes, the homeland must be taken away.
    Tough, fast and desirable bloodless ...
    Policemen - traitors will not go to war ..
    Money - it won't matter, so you won't send mercenaries to the people who grumble "Palaces" and "the Kremlin" ... the deputies don't have supporters among the militant part of the people, the FSB sell furniture and organize terrorist attacks so that they don't abandon their financing (all I can forget the "teachings" in Ryazan (goats)))
    Churkobes from the Caucasus, when they begin to cut them and wind their guts on the fence, they will forget about the "cayenne" and will make my way to the mountains on foot ... trains with Asians will follow them, "Lentil-2" (by the way, for inscriptions on the store paint))))
    It will be necessary for GRUshniks and Specialists to go to bring Gorbachev, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky, find Koch and Chubais, so to speak, ask them to speak at the Court of the Russian People .... what they said (about the Russian People)), what they did, who asked, why enterprises and industries were split ....
    I would like to ask Putin why he signed the WTO accession, why he appointed incompetent managers who are known to him alone, and not to the whole country or industry ?????
    repeater in the ear really have to turn off)))))))
    and judge separately !!!
    Medvedev before asking - must be treated))))))) otherwise it will not be a court, but a clowning))))

    I will have to find two submarines "Memphis" and "Toledo" .....
    Relocate Syrian fighters to the English islands ....
    I would like to see Semibankirshchina near the Kremlin wall, with Forbes magazines in hand, and Yakunin with a fur coat from a fur store)))))

    In general, we are working in this direction .....
    1. Mature naturalist
      11 January 2014 00: 01
      Quote: Asgard

      Only the power that comes as a result of the revolution can solve the Caucasian question. Acting in relation to the North Caucasus will have to be quick and decisive. At the same time, the country's resources will be extremely limited: state authorities, law enforcement forces and the army, in fact, will have to be revived from scratch. In addition, the economy will be in a difficult situation, and the treasury will have a shortage of funds - well-fed revolutions usually do not commit. It is possible that the new elite, due to its nationalist nature, may have problems with legitimization in the eyes of the world community, and some of them, taking advantage of the weakness of the state, may present territorial demands to Russia. Implementation of the plan will require the implementation of the following:

      1. Stripping. Extrajudicial physical extermination of members of ethnic criminal groups in one day in the form of a nationwide special operation. The need for such a consciously brutal sweep is dictated by the following considerations: firstly, the problem of “heavy” crime will be solved with one blow (the fact that 80% of serious crimes are committed precisely by ethnic crime is no secret to anyone), and secondly, it will be a powerful, shocking, super-effective act of intimidation, a demonstration of force, which in the North Caucasus, due to their mentality, will undoubtedly be correctly understood. An important reservation: before starting the implementation of this paragraph of the plan, it is necessary to guarantee the safety of the remaining Russian population, either by evacuating it or by securing it with military-police means.

      2. Exposure. Simultaneously with the start of the implementation of the first paragraph, it is necessary to begin a public investigation of the Russian genocide in the Caucasus. This investigation should be given maximum publicity and maximum propaganda support, both domestically and internationally. A special “Law on Genocide” should be adopted, which will have retroactive effect, establish harsh penalties without statute of limitations, provide for repressions against family members of those responsible, as well as criminalize the denial of genocide (including sanctions against foreign citizens: politicians, journalists, representatives of the beau monde, allowing themselves such statements).
    2. Mature naturalist
      11 January 2014 00: 01
      3. Deportation. - The so-called so-called "Gray line" - an exclusion zone up to several kilometers inland, the population from which must be resettled, and the buildings are demolished. If necessary, it is possible to strengthen the "gray line", or its individual sections, by minefields and firing points. Isolation should not be on paper, but in practice, otherwise it will not take effect. The Gray Line will also divide the isolated territories into two zones: the West and the East, separated by the Mozdok corridor. This will be an additional factor of isolation. Expulsion of the majority of Caucasian colonists to the territory of historical residence. The right to remain outside the gray line should be granted only to fully naturalized and loyal immigrants from isolated republics (the parameters of naturalization must be determined separately and respected clearly), as well as by those whose stay on the territory of the Russian State will be deemed necessary. Living here will become a privilege available only to those who deserve it and those who are needed by the Russian State.
      - Establishment of restrictions on movement within the country for natives of isolated republics. They can leave the “gray line” only with special permission and for a strictly defined period.
    3. Mature naturalist
      11 January 2014 00: 02
      4. The protectorate. To maintain order in the isolated republics of the North Caucasus, troops must be brought into their territory. For this purpose, a special grouping of troops and police of up to 100-150 thousand people should be created, reinforced by aviation and armored vehicles. In addition, political rights, in particular the right to elections and local self-government, should be limited within the gray lines. In this territory, a regime of the most severe military protectorate for an indefinite period should be introduced. All power must belong to the governors-general and the military. In addition, all villages supporting certain gangs that exhibit physical aggression against the Russian State and its citizens must be punished in the most severe manner on the basis of collective responsibility. It is necessary to show the enemy that an attack on any representatives of the authorities and the Russian State entails a disproportionate punishment. However, the local population should also be given special rights on internal relations, in particular, to solve their internal issues in accordance with the adat and Sharia. Do not abandon such powerful methods of appeasement by force, especially since their encouragement is unlikely to cause a protest.
    4. Mature naturalist
      11 January 2014 00: 02
      5. Deindustrialization. After the final establishment of isolation, the economy and infrastructure within the gray line should be fundamentally transformed.
      - it is necessary to exclude investment in education and health care on the native territory.
      - it is necessary to prevent the creation of high-tech, automated industries, as well as those of strategic importance within the gray line. Instead, it is necessary to create low-tech industries with a large number of jobs that can solve the problem of employment in the shortest possible time. The emphasis is on agriculture, handicrafts and the like, the purpose of which can only be employment, but not development. The mass employment of the population will allow it to be distracted from radical ideas, including those proclaiming a course towards violent confrontation with the Russian State and, accordingly, to reducing the number of bandits, terrorist acts and victims among civilians and the military.
      - Infrastructure should primarily meet the objectives of military communication, territory control and minimal maintenance of technological communications. No more.

      6. The Reconquista. Simultaneously, the emigration of the population of isolated territories outside the Russian State should be encouraged. State policy should be clearly oriented towards the decolonization of Russian territories occupied by Caucasians, with the filing of power in Soviet and Russian times. A form of conducting such a policy will be established in the future, and proceed from the resources of the state, the reaction of the world community and other factors. Its essence can be designated as a gradual shift of the "gray lines" deep into the isolated territory until the complete restoration of the Russian nation in its historical range. It is also possible to permit immigration to the liberated territories from countries nationally and culturally close to the Russian State on the conditions of loyalty and naturalization (the parameters of naturalization must be clearly established and strictly observed)
    5. Mature naturalist
      11 January 2014 00: 14
      Quote: Asgard
      I would like to see Semibankirshchina near the Kremlin wall, with Forbes magazines in hand, and Yakunin with a fur coat from a fur store)))))

      So? With such text, for example:
      "Seven bankers and others like them are buried here, who died as a result of the popular will. They ran into what they fought for."
      Here is the full size picture:
    6. +2
      11 January 2014 01: 11
      It would be nice. No, not "would", WILL BE!
  18. +10
    10 January 2014 17: 15
    Egor Timurovich left us without agreeing and explaining a lot, and I do not want to disturb his memory ...
    "Yegor Timurovich is gone," they will say too ... The pig died, suffocated from fat ... Let it spin in the coffin!
    1. waisson
      10 January 2014 19: 39
      it’s rude but definitely said, but they made a breakthrough and there’s no one to rake this dunghill, the only one who could do this is Joseph Vissarionovich
    2. +1
      10 January 2014 23: 04
      died of obesity.
      1. not good
        10 January 2014 23: 54
        Here Zhiglov's words are very suitable: "... I crushed the nasty crawls and I will press until I drive an aspen stake into their nasty snout!
  19. +5
    10 January 2014 17: 32
    Quote: Uncle Lee
    I do not understand what ideas these people were guided by, but that it was the most vile, base and cannibalistic it is unequivocal!

    There was something like a broadcast on one of the opposition channels, where Chubais clearly formulated the idea "Yes, I knew that I was giving the legacy of the Soviet people into the hands of the bandits, but I did nothing and did not undertake, because I was afraid for my own skin." And this is most likely only the smallest part of the truth that everyone knows well ...
    1. Yarosvet
      10 January 2014 22: 29
      Quote: gormih
      It was like a transfer
  20. +4
    10 January 2014 17: 37
    They also write books, filthy people are justified.
    Stinkers would sit silently and not spoil the atmosphere in the country.
  21. +3
    10 January 2014 17: 48
    All these "revolutionaries" - bulldozed into the trash, both dead and healthy - creatures.
  22. +6
    10 January 2014 17: 50
    Quote: Asgard
    Yes, the homeland must be taken away.
    Tough, fast and desirable bloodless ...

    Why bloodless? There is a great demand for the krovushka of some people ...
    1. 120352
      10 January 2014 20: 18
      Only in no case use this blood for transfusion to normal people. They can get infected!
    2. +1
      10 January 2014 23: 07
      announce the whole list, please! Suddenly, who did I forget?
  23. +2
    10 January 2014 17: 50
    Time has passed and will not return back. To save the USSR, economic reforms were needed and, first of all, separation from the economy of the parties. functionaries. Gorbachev was afraid to do this, or maybe he just didn't want to (was it really bought by the United States?). The putschists also understood this, but they did not have the forces and means, therefore they went their own way: the people would defend the party, but the people (mostly) were tired of the party. Nobody wanted the country to collapse, but "Annushka has already spilled oil." In 93g - a simple struggle for power; no one knows what happened if Khasbulatov came with Rutskoi, they did not have money to carry out any changes, in one direction or another. And Rutskoi was talking about the "suitcases" of compromising evidence ...
  24. ed65b
    10 January 2014 18: 29
    Thank God everything passed, and God forbid, this will be repeated. I don’t want my children and grandchildren to live like in a Chinese floorboard - wish your enemy will be born in an era of change.
    1. 120352
      10 January 2014 20: 16
      Sorry. how is it: all gone? Are you talking about yourself? Are you dead?
      1. ed65b
        10 January 2014 21: 48
        Quote: 120352
        Sorry. how is it: all gone? Are you talking about yourself? Are you dead?

        I, like V.I. Lenin, livelier than all the living. laughing There is no EBN and his team, so it has passed. BUT if you live in the past then everything just starts for you, ME SORRY FOR YOU fool
  25. +2
    10 January 2014 18: 52
    I wonder when will all these liberal pigs take a break ??? And then honestly the word, an acute desire to help them in this !!!
    1. 120352
      10 January 2014 20: 15
      Here I agree with you. People in indecision should sometimes be helped.
  26. +3
    10 January 2014 19: 00
    A lot has been written here. There was no revolution. There was a real counter-revolution. And her goal was one: power, power for the sake of profit. They have nothing sacred except profit. And when they get drunk. What would they be with ... barbed wire.
  27. Power
    10 January 2014 19: 01
    Why don't we call a spade a spade? Why do we call crimes mistakes? Carefully planned, enemy reform operations? As the "sika deer" said, we must know: Who is hu? Such crimes have no statute of limitations. The Russian language is not as poor as their beloved English, here each "hu" will find a definition and a place on the bunks in the vastness of our great and deserted as a result of their "reforms" homeland. Let's give everyone what they deserve, let's look at those who rule us now? Who are they, and are they with us? We need to know "Who's Who"
    10 January 2014 19: 34
    [quote = Power] We need to know "Who is who"
    Everything is known, but nothing can be changed. You will recall the shaking hands of Yanaev - how could such a leader
    to change something. With all the abominations of Yeltsin, he cannot be denied one thing - he was not a coward. The role of personality in history has not been canceled. The next move is for the Islamists, there are too many of them and they are well managed.
    1. 120352
      10 January 2014 20: 12
      All Yeltsin's courage lies in his unrestrained drunkenness. And with the likes of you and the Islamists you advertise, the Russians will cope on their own. Moreover, the concept of "personality" characterizes a certain level of development of the individual, and for this the main condition is the freedom of the individual! This is what the Islamists do not have. They are strong in the crowd. But there is always a bigger crowd for the crowd. Just don't cling to us. You have already stated your position.
  29. 120352
    10 January 2014 20: 07
    It is a great pity that Gaidar, so obedient to his American masters, died so early. I'd love to see him behind bars. But his henchmen, such as Kokh Nemtsov, Chubais and other traitors to the Fatherland, are still alive. I am afraid for their lives. No, Kvachkov, of course, was not going to kill the ginger stuffed animal, he would have succeeded, as a professional, at once. But "people's love" will get it someday!
    1. 0
      10 January 2014 23: 12
      No, my friend. All my enemies were dying their own death. True, sometimes haphazardly. Chubysya next
  30. +1
    10 January 2014 20: 19
    And for the sake of all sorts of things to remember and discuss the memoirs written by him ... The entire "revolution" consisted of one phrase - JEWS SHOE FOOLS. We know who the fools are - those who are now in poverty, almost all of Russia. If the majority of the country's population continues to listen to Jewish fables, including this article, then it will completely come under control and become SLAVES, or even get on reservations. It seems like an article condemning both perestroika and their actions, but in fact it is PR, drawing public attention to these corpses (in the direct and political sense). And any public attention ends with controversy and other REMINDER about these ugly. People will not know who Lenin is, but EVERYONE will know perfectly well who Gaidar is. And then everything will smoothly go from negative to positive, as can be seen from the current life of Russia, when Kolchak (!) Is already a HERO and that he has shot thousands of people, both his own and others, do not care, and Tsar Nikolai is already a hero. Well, of course, Gaidar will be a hero in five years, the main thing is that he is not forgotten. And the little article is aimed at REFRESHING IN MEMORY the names of these MONSTERS.
    1. 0
      11 January 2014 00: 12
      As for Kolchak, you are wrong. The source of information you have is a school textbook of the history of the times of the scoop. A man took the oath and performed his military duty.
  31. 120352
    10 January 2014 20: 47
    Give me back my homeland! Otherwise I’ll take it myself.
    10 January 2014 21: 23
    Just do not cling to us.
    Chur me, chur. I’ll take a closer look. I repeat once again: with all the abominations of Yeltsin, he cannot be denied one thing -
    he was not a coward. You just don’t remember how he was pressed when he was secretary in Moscow. therefore
    and let everyone come off. I recall about Ulyanov who avenged his brother and ruined the state. And Yeltsin
    became a real wreck
    1. DPN
      11 January 2014 00: 34
      Ulyanov may have avenged his brother. And the state was destroyed by Nikolai -2, he could not stand up for his state, just like Humpbacked - Tagged. Both surrendered without moving a finger.
      And the EBN, offended by the CPSU, littered the brains of the Muscovites and then to the ball the whole PEOPLE. Hence the conclusion is not to put a damn on the offended, but he could not admit control of the USSR himself, not on that scale. For which a monument was erected to him which will be guarded by the police, most likely until the last Soviet man leaves.
      As for Yegor Gaidar, his reforms sent 9000000 people to the afterlife, the media wrote about this openly.
  33. +1
    10 January 2014 21: 49
    An attempt to make excuses for the Gaidar godfathers, in her robbery attacks on the Soviet economy, ridiculous. The entire subsequent process of the death of one of the most powerful economies in the world confirms that the efforts of Western "advisers" were not "wasted." They ditched the economic base of the USSR.
    1. 0
      11 January 2014 00: 15
      There, in front of the author, the Jews shook the suckers. What now-the flows of the Gaidar godfathers slaughter Jews to exterminate?
  34. +1
    10 January 2014 22: 29
    The whole history of mankind shows only the simple fact that it makes no sense to build any extreme forms of society, utopian or anti-utopian, it does not matter. Extreme forms are always unstable.

    But a society built from the point of view of maintaining the balance of "utopian" and "dystopian", or, more simply, "good" and "evil" - is much more stable and much less contradictory.

    A typical example is "progressive Europe". In an effort to create an ideal society of universal equality and tolerance, a monstrous public homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, LGBT people and other unnatural, unnatural, perverted fagot and feminism of the brain were generated.

    Under pressure from the gay lobby, perversions and other homosexual deviations were even expelled from ICD-X. Very sad. We are witnessing the self-decay of a system that was originally striving for an ideal society. Ugh ... God forbid, it will creep into Russia.
  35. +8
    10 January 2014 23: 00
  36. pawel1961
    10 January 2014 23: 58
    I did not read the article. but I'm being a simple person. yes simple. I'm furious. when they recall these “figures” again and again, I think this page of history should be buried and the sooner the better. if it goes on like this, and everything goes on like that then everything will not be like they were
  37. DPN
    11 January 2014 00: 08
    Quote: Vadivak
    CIA officers helped Chubais Russia,

    Therefore, he is unsinkable, and for him they come up with new projects for squandering state money. By the way, lately, you can’t hear about him, and maybe more than that.
  38. not good
    11 January 2014 00: 25
    History and Revolutions of 1917 -the history of betrayal, the army swore allegiance to the king and the fatherland, and then suddenly forgot, for the most part, about the king
    and Kornilov’s attempt, called by the liberals a rebellion, was the only impulse to keep the oath. As for the pseudo-revolution of the 90s, in principle the same general retreat from the oath (primarily the Minister of Defense), and the political departments were blown away, I don’t remember more than one political worker in the troops who then I tried, if not to lead me, then at least to explain to the officers what was going on. I’m more than sure if from the top they would be able to convey the essence of the confrontation to the troops based on the facts, then not a crowd would confront EBN, but very many of the employees then in the armed forces and those who are now stealing fat, would work for the national economy behind a barbed wire fence.
  39. 0
    11 January 2014 02: 43
    Quote: Negoro
    History and Revolutions of 1917 -the history of betrayal, the army swore allegiance to the king and the fatherland, and then suddenly forgot, for the most part, about the king

    If so, then the first traitor is Nicholas I, who cowardly denied the oaths to him.
    But, there was hope that someone from the Romanov family would pick up and wash away the faded crown from dirt and blood. There it was ... There was no one, if only with a sense of responsibility, to give a name to the unification center for conservative forces.
    The next betrayal was committed by the leaders of the whites. Having accepted the help of the Entente and agreed to the intervention in almost all the port cities of Russia, the British. Americans, French, Japanese, whites provoked the unity of the Russian people around the new people's power (Bolsheviks).

    So do not shift the blame from a sore head to a healthy one.
  40. +2
    11 January 2014 02: 56
    Quote: ty60
    As for Kolchak, you are wrong. The source of information you have is a school textbook of the history of the times of the scoop. A man took the oath and performed his military duty.

    1. Kolchak was released from the oath was the abdication of Nicholas. Kolchak understood this and autonomously left the service as commander of the Black Sea Fleet. Moreover, having some influence in the fleet (which today is attributed to his popularity and professionalism), Kolchak made no attempt to save Tsarist Russia.
    2. The main quality of Kolchak is indefatigable ambition and (not necessarily in a negative sense) careerism. In the white movement, he did not repeat the feat of hundreds of honest officers who, for the sake of the Motherland (in their understanding), stood in the front ranks of ordinary soldiers. Such officers were many regiments ...
    Kolchak (as the natural result of the act showed) with a fool "agreed" perched on top of the white power. At the same time, he was contemptuous of other white leaders (on the Don).
    3. The only thing that can’t be taken away from Kolchak is an unreasonable desire to act in that chile without sparing yourself. As a result of others (opponents), he despised and did not spare.
  41. +2
    11 January 2014 09: 50
    Demons are all of them. Need a national leader! But fools got to power and scoundrels were allowed. This is true Yeltsin and Gorbachev shared power and then the people died of starvation and without work and dies!
  42. 0
    11 January 2014 13: 44
    John Perkinsky's Confessions of an Economic Murderer - a textbook on making nations happy.
    We had everything as he described. In order for the people to become happy, infrastructure development projects are being drawn up, while the forecast for economic growth is overestimated at least twice, the main thing is to get a loan and drive it into bondage. At the same time, money does not leave the creditor country, but is sent to performers from the same country. The result - you have not seen money, economic growth is not a fact, but you will have to repay the loan. It didn’t work out with credit - we create a new elite, we begin the velvet revolution. Again it did not work out - the physical elimination of the leader, the beginning of a military invasion.
  43. +2
    11 January 2014 14: 25
    Supplement Academician Gelfrand
    (".. In my opinion, even Hitler could not have done so many misfortunes with the Russian people, as have already done such" bad guys "as Gaidars, Abramovichs, Chubais, Fridmans, Feldmans and other our relatives mad from the stolen money ..")
    "The so-called" Russian "revolution
    The assertion that the Marxist-Leninist Soviet Union was an anti-Semitic state is a joke. The forefather of communism, Karl Marx, was one hundred percent Jewish: he came from a rabbinical family. 80% of the main commissioners in Leninist Russia were of Jewish origin, although Jews made up only about 3% of the country's population.
    Of the 19 members of Lenin's first government, 12 were Jews, including Schmidt (Commissar of Public Works), Pfingstein (Commissar of Combating Counter-Revolution), Kukorsky (Commissar of Commerce), Schlichter (Commissar of Confiscation of Private Estates) and Semashko (Commissar of Health).
    The percentage of Jews in various people's commissariats was even higher. In the people's commissariat of internal affairs, 9 out of 10 commissars were Jews: Ederer, Rosenthal, Goldenrubin, Krasikov, Rudnik, Krokhmal, Martenson, Pfeiferman and Schneider.

    In the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs, all 17 Bolshevik diplomats belonged to the “God-chosen” people: Margolin, Fritz, Joffe, Levin, Axelrod, Beck, Beintler, Martens, Rosenfeld, Vorovsky, Voikov, Malkin, Rakovsky, Manuilsky, Atzbaum, Grundbaum.
    13 of the 14 members of VDNH were also descendants of Abraham: Merzvin, Solfein, Garskin, Berta Ginevich, Gurko, Sachs-Gladnev, Weisman, Axelrod, Michelson, Fürstenberg and Kogan (Fürstenberg secretary).
    In the People’s Commissariat of Justice, all 8 commissioners were Jews: Steinberg, Berman, Lutsky, Berg, Koynbark, Shervin, Gausman and Schrader.
    In the People’s Commissariat of Public Education, 7 out of 8 commissars and their closest employees were Jews: Groinim, Lurie, Rosenfeld, Jatz, Sternberg, Zolotin and Grunberg.
    Only Jews were sitting in the PFR, 15 of them: Trotsky, Shorodok, Slansky, Pets, Gershenfeld, Frunze, Fishman, Pozern, Shutsman, Gubelman, Evinson, Dietz, Gluzman and Kalman.
    The People's Commissariat of Trade was led by 14 Jews: Kamenev, Krasikov, Shotman, Geikina, Eismont, Landman, Kreinitz, Alperovich, Herzen, Shilmon, Tavrid, Rotenberg, Klyammer and Kisswalter.
    Lenin was a quarter Jew (his mother, nee Blank, was a half-Jew). In the Central Committee of the party, only 27 non-Jews accounted for XNUMX Jews.
    Of the 34 commissioners, there were 31 Jews in the Cheka: Dzerzhinsky, Limbert, Vogel, Deikhin, Bizensky, Rozmirovich, Sverdlov, Yanson, Kneivits, Finesh, Delyanov, Ziskin, Golden, Sholovsky, Roentenberg, Pernshtein, Knikizen, Blumkin, Grunberg, Lants, Lants, , Rifkin, Kamkov, Sachs, Weinstein, Leindovich, Gleinstein, Gelfand, Lazarevich, Silenkus and Model.
    The predominance of Jews among the Bolsheviks has long been documented, so that all speaks for the fact that the "Russian revolution" covered by legends was not essentially a Russian, but a Jewish revolution. The new rulers of Russia were mostly Jews.
  44. +2
    11 January 2014 14: 27
    It did not fit:
    Just as the Russian people, who fell victim to the terrible terror, the leading Jews in the West understood this revolution. The well-known Zionist newspapers, the Jewish Chronicle in London and the American Hebrew in New York welcomed Bolshevik Russia as a Jewish social utopia, although they did not hide the fact that there were certain differences between the Jews themselves. So on August 30, 1918, a Jewish Socialist-Revolutionary Dora Kaplan tried to kill Lenin.
    The official British White Paper on the causes of the Bolshevik revolution cites the words of the Dutch ambassador in St. Petersburg on September 6, 1918: "Bolshevism is organized and implemented by Jews whose sole purpose is to overthrow the existing order."
    The British consul in Yekaterinburg, where, on the orders of the Jew Sverdlov, the imperial family was villainously killed, wrote on January 23, 1919 to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lord Curzon: “The Bolsheviks cannot be considered a political party. This is a relatively small privileged class that has seized the monopoly on arms and food and keeps the rest of the population at bay. Although this class consists of workers and soldiers, the Jewish clique rules it. ”
    And Winston Churchill said September 24, 1921, according to a report by the London newspaper Illustrated News, in his speech in the Scottish city of Dundee: "This terrible catastrophe (Bolshevik revolution) was caused by a relatively small clique of professional revolutionaries, most of them Jews."
    It should be noted here that the Jewish capitalists fed the Bolsheviks money. First of all, it is necessary to call the Jewish banking company Kuhn, Loeb & Co., whose directors and owners were entirely Jews - Jacob and Mortimer Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn and Jerome Hannauer. Powerful financial support was also provided to the Bolsheviks by Parvus (Gelfand), the owner of a millionaire fortune acquired as a result of fraudulent fraud, the family of copper magnates Hugenberg, Olof Aschberg, the owner of Nua Banken in Stockholm, and the owner of the Rhine-Westphalian syndicate Max Warburg - all Jews.
    All these facts are confirmed by documents in the biography of Lenin, written by the Jewish journalist and writer David Shub working in the United States, and later in even more detail - in several books by the English specialist in the history of economics, Anton Sutton, who also lives in America. "
    2 Jewish revolutions we, with difficulty, but survived. It would be necessary to take measures to prevent a third.
    We’ll cover ourselves with a copper basin. Apart from these fears - nothing personal. not a gram or anti-Semite.
  45. +1
    11 January 2014 14: 32
    A war is being waged against Our People for the extermination by hands of inveterate scum and bastards with the help and support of the West. All the forces and means of the West are used and involved, since the question is this way or we will survive or the West will survive, using our resources, and we will disappear from History, like many peoples before. The liberals do not hide this, just the arguments of Chubais and Koch about the Russian people are worth something, even Himmler would envy.
  46. +1
    11 January 2014 14: 33
    I don’t want to be tolerant and I’ll say, everyone who was in power at that moment and didn’t do anything, creatures selling and cattle ... including the nomenclature of the Union republics ... and generals who were busy sharing assets of the army, but could change everything in 2 -3 days ... cattle and traitors ... they deserve nothing but a tribunal ... and some still flicker on TV ... so everything goes according to plan ...
  47. +1
    11 January 2014 15: 54
    Quote: ty60
    announce the whole list, please! Suddenly, who did I forget?

    1. Chubais Anatoly Borisovich.
    2. Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich.
    3. Koch Andrei Reingoldovich.
    4. Gozman Leonid Yakovlevich.
    5. Burbulis Gennady Eduardovich.
    6. Kozyrev Andrey Vladimirovich.
    7. Gusinsky Vladimir Alexandrovich.
    8. Svanidze Nikolay Karlovich.
    9. Soskovets Oleg Nikolaevich.
    10. Repair of Alexander Petrovich.
    I scored 35 liters ... enough for now ...
  48. +1
    11 January 2014 15: 59
    Regarding the corruption of leaders of different times and different levels, I don’t argue, I emotionally agree ...
    But ...
    Got a paradox. The most powerful country - the USSR - in an open battle invincible, crushed internal dung worms.
    For me personally, what has happened confirms the thesis of I.V. Stalin, that in the conditions of socialism the class struggle intensifies.

    Apparently, at present we are already feeling the aggravation of the class struggle as capitalism withers away.
    Draw your own conclusions.
  49. +1
    12 January 2014 13: 05
    Quote: vladimirZ
    But isn't Putin from the same team? You seem to have forgotten that he is a Yeltsin present.

    Together they planned and ruined our homeland of the USSR!
    They are still in power in Russia, they grieve the people with their policies and concrete deeds on:
    - grabbing the remnants of state industry,
    - "covering up" corrupt officials, thieves and criminals such as Yeltsin, Serdyukov and other "figures",
    - "cutting" the state budget for dubious purposes,
    - election fraud,
    - export abroad of gold-financial resources of the state
    - and other unseemly matters.

    We see tenfoldness ... Now concrete evidence about Putin’s cutting industry into the Studio !!! Otherwise, it will be called Holiness! Any unsubstantiated accusation has always been regarded as POLEPLE, in order to inflict moral (sometimes economic) damage on a person who is being purposefully targeted ... We are waiting for your evidence to your own words ..