Weapons of the weak and vanquished - demographics

Weapons of the weak and vanquished - demographicsWe are accustomed to treat demography not as a separate science, with our own postulates, laws and nuances, but as a dry section of statistics. Usually, we are only interested in the statement of changes and trends. In this connection, state bodies should also be interested in the adjustment of the demographic policy, if any.

Meanwhile, in a world with tremendous speed in historical to standards, processes are taking place that can be ignored only by completely irresponsible and careless leaders of states.

The so-called “developed” Western countries are indicative in this sense. They were captured by such a wave of various currents of liberalism, as well as its extreme, “limitless” manifestations, that almost all the leaders of the countries of this group are concerned about the “rights” of sexual minorities, etc. much more than real problems and threats.

The example of these countries is more than indicative, because almost all of them are the winners in the end, either involved in These due to unifying European processes and transatlantic economic and military cooperation. They won victories in the colonial wars, the two world wars and the cold war. We will not consider many local military conflicts due to the insignificance of their influence on the context of our topic.

With the collapse of the de jure colonial system, a new stage of development began, characterized by a new colonial dependence - the financial one. This is a modern, sophisticated form of withdrawal of wealth from former colonial countries. Its introduction almost completely eliminated the negative economic consequences of the loss of colonies. In fact, the growth of the wealth and well-being of the former metropolis not only did not decrease, but increased many times over. Indeed, many previously formally independent countries, including Ukraine and Russia, have fallen into new colonial financial dependence. It would seem that the success of the winners is absolute and undoubted, but the new system has corrupted the modern elites so much that the timeliness and adequacy of their reactions is a big question.

A new liberal "fashion" of denial, and in many cases of persecution and forced exclusion from society of conservative family values, has led to an annual sustainable decrease title European and North American countries. The decline in the birth rate of this category of population is so great that, for example, in London schools in 2013, pupils of non-British ethnic origin already exceed half of the total number of pupils. And these are mainly children of Asian and African descent.

The social policy of the "neo-socialists" greatly relaxed the able-bodied population of Western countries. Many people prefer not to work, receiving high unemployment benefits and all social benefits. Naturally, this is due to the robbery and impoverishment of the rest of the world.

But all this beggarly and bonded conquered world does not expect its end without submission. Unlike their own elites, resigned and adapted to live in conditions that are given to them "from above," ordinary people are in a state of active fermentation and movement around the world. They, like ants on sugar, penetrate everywhere and everywhere, filling the entire Western world without a trace. Moreover, the population growth in the former colonies is so great that, for example, over the past 50 years, the population of some countries has tripled. Naturally, the burden on their social and economic systems is growing, and people are being pushed out of their countries, voluntarily or involuntarily. Where to go? Naturally, go to the West, with its liberalism, tolerance and "socialism", high level and way of life. And these people are mostly not Europeans, they are Asians and Africans, with their own culture and traditions. They do not assimilate, but, as a rule, create their enclaves, multiplying rapidly.

The population of Europe over the past 50 years has increased by about 20%. And this did not happen at the expense of the indigenous population, which, according to some estimates, was reduced by 10-12%.

Against this background, the so-called multiculturalism policy, presented by the majority of the liberal elite of Europe as a panacea capable of preserving the European cultural and civilizational space, suffered a complete failure. Even “notorious” liberals have recognized this now, but have come to terms with it, because their “values” are above all.

You do not need to be a soothsayer to project the situation for the next 50 years. Europe and the whole West are waiting for the fate of Ancient Rome, which sank in its debauchery and disappeared by the laws of social nature, unable to resist the "sweet" death.

therefore demographic situation can be safely attributed to arms mass destruction of slow action. Although at the present time social processes are so accelerated that to name the slow death of millions of people and civilizations in historical terms, the language does not turn. In this sense I would consider liberalism in its modern, extreme manifestations as a weapon of mass destruction. This is actually liberal antisystemic extremism of a totalitarian nature, with signs of social, ethnic, and cultural genocide. Judging by results his "introductions", because they, even for very narrow-minded people, are too obvious for perception and understanding.

You can have a strong, invincible, armed “to the teeth” army and at the same time lose to a weak and helpless opponent, which no one counts for the enemy. In this sense, I liked the phrase of one of the authors, maybe he also read it somewhere: “The Mongols seized China, well, they will now have to become Chinese.”

It is therefore good when there is a strong economy, convertible currency, unsurpassed weaponry, efficient army, but if there is no correct demographic policy, the collapse of society is inevitable. This is a law of public nature.

As for Ukraine, and Russia too, over the past 20 years we have seen a steady decline in the birth rate and a rapid decline in the population. We will not touch the causes and extent of this phenomenon, a lot has been said about this. But in a nutshell it can be described as genocide or ethnocide, as you like it, judge by the scale of the rate of decline, loss of quality of the population and the devastation of territories. Deliberate genocide - or not? This is also a separate and extensive topic ...

Now we will consider the internal demographic and migration policy pursued by our countries, if it can be called such. Although there is some kind of demographic policy in Russia, it is based only on the availability of additional financial opportunities and carried in the form of payments and benefits for the birth of children. In general, in a quantitative sense, she brought a slight result. In Ukraine, the decline in population continues. This is primarily due to the lack of necessary financial opportunities and a lower overall standard of living.

But I would stress and pay more attention not to the quantitative aspect, but to qualitative. What quality of the population do we have by stimulating fertility in this way? After all, it is no secret that in Ukraine only the poorest or asocial strata of the population “peck” on these payments. Frankly, I mean "professional" beggars, alcoholics, drug addicts, people without shelter and work, etc. How will they raise their children and what will they teach? And the majority of normal, responsible citizens, in spite of benefits, still plan to have children only on the basis of their capabilities. therefore emphasis must be placed on the expansion and emergence of these opportunities.

I believe that It is necessary to keep the childbirth allowance. But at the same time, to introduce restrictions for some categories of citizens and to create several more levels of stimulation, for example, for those who lead a healthy lifestyle, profess family patriarchal values, want to live in rural areas, etc. etc. Options may be different. And only then can it be called a demographic policy. After all, it will form and create the future structure of society. A person needs to be provided with work, housing, to create an adequate and necessary standard of living, opportunities and prospects for personal development. Subject to the absence of bad habits and addictions. Stimulate need quality, not quantity. Naturally, backing it up with a powerful social policy. A person should be given the opportunity to have children.

Everything else is meaningless, even harmful, and in the near future - disastrous. This is worse than throwing money away. After all, such a “policy” of stimulation will lead to much greater social problems than we have. In this case, the quantity will not automatically become quality, but everything really depends on the latter.

Some liberal-minded citizens will want to see in my arguments social discrimination, etc. But I will answer in advance: "Who pays, he orders the music." The state and taxpayers have the right to pursue a policy that really leads to the prosperity of society, and not to its decline and destruction.

As for migration policy, it is necessary to establish adequate The current situation is more stringent rules and restrictions for arriving at a permanent place of residence in Ukraine. And they must be so tough and effective that we and our culture can avoid the fate of endangered and dying. Restrictions should apply only to non-complementary and poorly assimilating cultures and ethnic groups. I think there is no need to take an example from Europe, otherwise we will “drown” with them.
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  1. Clegg
    23 December 2013 07: 43
    It seemed to me that you are jealous of naming those with normal demographics as weak. Envy is not good wink
    1. Pushistik
      23 December 2013 08: 23
      I think the author does not envy Azerbaijan and its inhabitants :))))))))) and I don’t see any reason to envy the people of Kazakhstan :)))))
      1. Clegg
        23 December 2013 09: 02
        Fuzzy your opinion interests me last, I turned to the author laughing
        1. +5
          23 December 2013 11: 31
          Quote: Clegg
          Fuzzy your opinion interests me last, I turned to the author

          But in vain, here forum users not only comment on articles, but also joke wassat in the sense of discussing among themselves, if you do not like it, then maybe you should register on another site request . Something like this hi .
      2. 0
        23 December 2013 19: 07
        And what about Azerbaijan? Can there be concrete facts of our weakness and poverty in comparison with our neighbors in the region?
    2. 225chay
      23 December 2013 09: 58
      Quote: Clegg
      envy, calling those with demographics normally weak. Envy is not good

      Here, it is probably not envy that moves people, but concern that there is a possibility that the Slavic people will disappear if this goes on.
      In general, our ancestors, despite the harsh living conditions, fought off foreign invaders for hundreds of years and, in conditions of lean years and an unfavorable climate, had from 6 to 12 children in the family on average. Probably you need to strive for large families, otherwise it's hard to imagine what will happen ...
      Enemies would like Slavic peoples to disappear from the face of the earth to hell with their snout!
      Someone will say hard and have nothing to feed, but this is a struggle for survival ...
      I myself unfortunately raised only 5 children, now I think that it was possible 6-8 ...
      1. -8
        23 December 2013 11: 04
        Nodding to the historical experience, you are not entirely right, times have changed, life has changed, why were there so many children? It's just that not everyone did not live up to adulthood, so they took the number, especially in that society, every child was a helper even in the very near future, and from 6-7 years in the village he already benefited the family, but now? At what time does the present child become able to provide for himself and help the family that raised him? Sometime in 25-30 years, because everything has changed, the author correctly said about the quality of the population, this is the whole difficulty, so that a person in modern life can compete with the rest, he must have a high-quality education, a competitive specialty, and much more, and all this requires colossal temporary and material costs. Look at large families in which 5-7 children in whom children grow up there? With the rare exception of absolutely unnecessary worthless people, it is from these families that the largest percentage, alcoholics, drug addicts and a criminal element, large families are great, but in the current social society it is almost impossible, and rightly so, it is necessary to change the demographic policy itself from quantity to quality. I am generally surprised by the position of the "powerful of this world" encouraging the reproduction of all kinds of rabble with a sharp decline in the quality of the population, it is clear that a lot of undemanding low-skilled labor is needed, but excuse me, who will lead civilization forward? Who will move progress? Who will make iPhones and Mercedes, provide the Internet? Quantity does not always translate into quality.
        1. +12
          23 December 2013 11: 34
          Quote: max702
          Look at families with many children in which 5-7 children are grown up? With the rare exception of absolutely unnecessary worthless people, it is from these families the largest percentage of alcoholics, drug addicts and the criminal element, large families are fine, but in the current social society it is almost impossible, and it is true that the demographic policy itself must be changed from quantity to quality.

          Brad wrote.
          The vast majority of drug addicts, alcoholics grows from small families, especially from one-child families. For they are raised, as a rule, by egoists who are not accustomed to reckon with others.
          1. -3
            23 December 2013 15: 55
            No nonsense. In our country, most families can afford to have one child, a maximum of two. Indeed, the children of wealthy parents often become drug addicts, who devote a lot of time not to the family, but to their business or government service. But this is not the majority of the number of small families. Moreover, about drunks. How many children do you have? Have you raised five to talk like that? According to you, it turns out that in Russia there are only drunks. We have decent families with many children are very rare. And, as a rule, these are, indeed, dysfunctional families, where children are born with booze. Raising children is a huge work and a huge responsibility. Besides the fact that they all need to be fed, they need to be given a decent education and paid enough attention to their education, and not left to their own devices. Of course, one child in a family often grows more selfish than having brothers or sisters to take care of. But now even having one child is becoming a great luxury for many, given the existing social policy of the state.
            1. +3
              23 December 2013 21: 34
              Quote: Valkyrie
              No nonsense. In our country, most families can afford to have one child, a maximum of two.

              If you get one, then the rest will work. May or may not ... Where are the criteria? From my own experience I can say if another child appears, you just start to think more about the family and find material sources. Now, if there are no moral sources, then no material ones will help.
              However, one should not rant, but fulfill the commandment "Be fruitful and multiply." For reproduction, you must have at least three children. There are four in our family.
            2. +1
              24 December 2013 10: 29
              Quote: Valkyrie
              No nonsense. In our country, most families can afford to have one child, a maximum of two.

              I would love to raise two more children besides my two (21 and 16 years).
              Quote: Valkyrie
              According to you, it turns out that in Russia there are only drunks. We have decent families with a lot of children are very rare.

              According to my words, the majority of drug addicts came from small families, and not "all children from small families become drug addicts and drunks." These are two different things. How many large families I know - all normal children.

              Quote: Valkyrie
              But now even having one child is becoming a great luxury for many, given the existing social policy of the state.

              And what do you think, when giving birth to children, you should no longer work to support your family? My family gave birth to children in 92 and in 96, in those years I had to work extra as a watchman, revenge yards and wash porches. No one offered maternity capital, the benefits were small. Sorry, but I, as the head of the family, should lie on the couch with beer and scold the government, which does not give me such an invaluable citizen grandmother for beautiful eyes?
              Children appear and are brought up where parents matured morally and physically. And if the parents themselves are still children of great age, then they will beg for money everywhere and at all.
        2. 225chay
          23 December 2013 12: 20
          Quote: max702
          Nodding at historical experience, you’re not quite right, times have changed, life has changed,

          Quote: max702
          I am generally surprised by the position of the "powerful of this world" encouraging the reproduction of any rabble with a sharp decline in the quality of the population,

          Unfortunately, I don’t know what YOUR historical experience is telling you, but I know that the situation threatening the existence of our Russian people (Slavs, Turks, Finno-Ugrians, all indigenous ...) is obvious.
          if you are an iPhone maker and an engine of progress, then of course you sit like a wise gudgeon in a mink, don’t get married, live a hundred years ...
        3. +12
          23 December 2013 12: 51
          Why are children of poor quality in large families. How to bring up such and quality. I have four. Senior gold medalist, this year went to Baumanka for the budget, for the faculty, where at the open competition there were only two budget places, the rest was given to the tutors. Now the second in the rating of academic performance. Other children all study well and excellently. Spin, turn, do not spare time and effort on your children and everything will be in order. And hope for someone less, including the state, your children, you are first and foremost responsible for them.
          1. +2
            23 December 2013 21: 37
            I have finished two high schools with gold medals and universities. the third in school is studying well and excellently; his son is still in kindergarten.
        4. +2
          23 December 2013 19: 07
          What you can’t imagine to cover up your fear and laziness.
      2. +2
        23 December 2013 19: 09
        May God give you health, your wife and children.
      3. +1
        23 December 2013 19: 20
        You are a very brave and strong-spirited MAN !!! We did not have the determination to give birth to a third.
        1. 0
          23 December 2013 19: 39
          That's for sure. The son has already begged. The difference m-u children 10 years
      4. Yaik Cossack
        23 December 2013 20: 59
        I have three so far. smile My sister is waiting for the sixth. By the way, godfather is also waiting for the sixth. I don't want to think so far, but I think I can raise four of them. I want to say that an average family is quite capable of raising and raising three children, the main thing in this matter is to love children, not yourself. At the expense of some kind of special financial support for large families, love for children cannot be bought for money ... Someone says: create conditions for us and then we will give birth, believe me, they will give birth to a couple of the same vegetables, which someone should create conditions for. And who, in spite of everything, give birth and raise children, they need moral support and respect. With the advent of the third child, they begin to look at them as if they were begged. "Why breed poverty ?!", "Why put an end to your life ?!" nice to debunk myths. We have a friendly family, we do not need anything, what we want we achieve ourselves. It is necessary to cultivate a middle class with traditional patriarchal family values ​​in the country. Everyone should achieve such heights in their profession so that they can provide a decent standard of living for their family, or start their own business.
        1. 225chay
          23 December 2013 22: 02
          Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
          I have three so far. Sister waiting for the sixth. By the way, godfather is also waiting for the sixth. I don’t want to think so far, but I’m thinking of raising the four for me. I want to say that the average family is quite capable of raising and raising three children, the main thing in this matter is to love children, not yourself beloved.

          Where 3 there and the 4th ...))
          Sasha, to be smoked to you ...)) Come on, don’t stop, someone must keep the ROD! Who if not me? if not you? If not WE?
    3. GDP
      23 December 2013 11: 44
      I think there is nothing to envy, but rather fear, fear of being surrounded by strangers on their own land.
      The topic is very slippery and unsightly, but serious, our government is not doing enough to relieve the general tension.
      The same payments for the birth of a child - benefits to those nations that are really dying out - will not bring.
      What is the number of peoples in Russia? - Russians, Chukchi, Nenets and other peoples of the north.
      The number of peoples of the race - the peoples of the Caucasus.
      As a result, we have the following situation. The Russian peoples whose numbers are so declining actually provide an increase in the birth rate and well-being of those peoples for whom everything is in order with the birth rate. After all, money is not taken from the air but from our pockets. In fact, we sponsor large families of Caucasians.
      It seems to me that it is necessary to solve this issue in another way - or by stimulating the birth rate precisely in those peoples where there is a significant decline in the population and only to them. Or at the expense of paying for the artificial insemination procedure at the state’s expense, to all, without exception, and this money is not small - about 60-120 thousand for IVF. And better both that and another at once.
      1. Clegg
        23 December 2013 11: 58
        Quote: GDP
        I think there is nothing to envy, but rather fear, fear of being surrounded by strangers on their own land.

        Quote: GDP
        After all, money is not taken from the air but from our pockets. In fact, we sponsor large families of Caucasians.

        Of course, I apologize, but Caucasians also live on their own land.
        1. GDP
          23 December 2013 12: 41
          They have a slightly different culture ... Let’s say it would be very uncomfortable for a Russian in the same Chechnya to live. Although this was not the case before, a large part of the population of Grozny was made up of Russians, as well as Armenians, Ukrainians and others. In other republics, the situation is better, but also not very friendly.
          Arriving in the Caucasus, we are forced to live according to their customs and unwritten laws, often sometimes conflicting with the laws of the Russian Federation, when they come to us, as a rule they do not integrate into our culture and often oppose themselves to it.

          I’m not saying that we are good, but they are bad, or that we need to live in our enclaves - it’s even worse ... I don’t know why there was such a strong metamorphosis in the minds of people, it seems that they used to live much friendlier and there was no such hostility, however this is not important, they, like us, are citizens of Russia and have the right to live wherever they want.
          Issues of national consensus should primarily be dealt with by local and federal authorities, education and culture.

          Another thing is social payments to stimulate the birth rate of the population. I think they should be paid precisely to those peoples whose numbers are sharply declining, and not to those who are okay with this ...

          Some northern ethnic groups, for example, are on the verge of extinction. The number of the Russian population is annually reduced by hundreds of thousands of people, to equate them with those peoples for which, in this regard, more than safely I do not see the point ...
          1. Clegg
            23 December 2013 13: 13
            Quote: GDP
            when they come to us, they usually do not integrate into our culture

            in a nutshell explain the differences in culture and how should they drive themselves in cities where the Russian population prevails?

            Quote: GDP
            I don’t know why there was such a strong metamorphosis in the minds of people, before they seemed to live much friendlier and there was no such hostility,

            before everyone lived in their cities

            Quote: GDP
            I think they should be paid precisely to those peoples whose numbers are sharply declining, and not to those who are okay with this ...

            this is hardly feasible
            1. GDP
              23 December 2013 13: 42

              in a nutshell explain the differences in culture and how should they drive themselves in cities where the Russian population prevails?

              1. Turn on the music in the cars at night in front of the houses - the music is powerful, it is not possible to sleep
              2. Solve most of the problems with the position of brute force, not wanting to agree in a civilized manner.

              I'm not saying that everyone is like that, but the percentage is high.

              Quote: GDP
              I don’t know why there was such a strong metamorphosis in the minds of people, before they seemed to live much friendlier and there was no such hostility,

              before everyone lived in their cities

              I think the point is not only that hundreds of thousands of Russians lived in the same Chechnya and there were no such problems as they are now, otherwise they would not have lived there ...

              I think they should be paid precisely to those peoples whose numbers are sharply declining, and not to those who are okay with this ...

              this is hardly feasible

              Yes, it is unlikely, it can lead to increased ethnic hatred ...

              But paying for IVF at the expense of the state is quite feasible ...
              But in the payments to all and everyone of the benefits for the birth of a child I do not see the point. Not those categories of the population will receive the funds that they most need ...
            2. 11111mail.ru
              23 December 2013 18: 01
              Quote: Clegg
              in a nutshell explain the differences in culture and how should they drive themselves in cities where the Russian population prevails?

              Do not shoot at weddings!

              Quote: Clegg
              before everyone lived in their cities

              Do you think only Azerbaijanis lived in Baku?

              Quote: Clegg
              this is hardly feasible

              Learn to write, not write. Especially for you: feasible, ending with "o", Example: because ... this is ... feasible!
        2. 11111mail.ru
          23 December 2013 17: 52
          Quote: Clegg
          Caucasians also live on their land.

          That's nice, that's the flag in their hands, let them live IN the Caucasus and build their lives THERE. Where were you, so all "good-natured" when the Central Asians yelled: Tatars to Kazan - Russians to Ryazan ... Where were you, fucking human rights activist, when in the fall of 1994 my cousin Igor Marchenko (grew up in Nadterechny) was stabbed to death in Grozny Chechens for being RUSSIAN? Have the Chechens killed anyone in your country?
          1. Clegg
            24 December 2013 10: 01
            Quote: 11111mail.ru
            Where have you been, horseradish human rights activist

            You are sick?
            What hangover am I a human rights activist? I am a simple layman who discusses topics of interest to me with the same ordinary people.

            Quote: 11111mail.ru
            You have not killed the Chechens?

            No, we did not bomb Grozny. We did not go to them to "civilize" them.

            Quote: 11111mail.ru
            Especially for you: feasible, ending with "o", Example: because ... this is ... feasible!

            I will consider, I am not native speaker in russian.
            1. 11111mail.ru
              24 December 2013 23: 38
              Quote: Clegg
              I will consider, I am not native speaker in russian.

              You should have added "I am not" to your ENGLISH, at least "I am′t".
              My cousin is a year and a half older: he did not bomb anyone, unlike you, the "ducks" did not civilize anyone, he probably got a knife in his heart from ordinary people like you who discussed "interesting" topics with foreign instructors.
              Without respect for the troll. &!
      2. 0
        23 December 2013 14: 32
        It is necessary to speak clearly and without equivocation; one must in every way encourage one's birth rate and stimulate the reduction of strangers. The whole question of who to classify with one’s own, well, is clearly not a population outside Russian territories.
  2. makarov
    23 December 2013 07: 53
    "..I believe that it is necessary to preserve the allowance for the birth of a child. But at the same time, introduce restrictions for certain categories of citizens and create several more levels of incentives, for example, for those who lead a healthy lifestyle, profess family patriarchal values, want to live in rural areas and etc., etc. "

    Uv. Author! Answer please. But what about those categories of men who fully meet your criteria, but according to the age characteristics of the "wrong"? How do you propose to stimulate their TS? an important (even the most important) organ? laughing wassat feel
    1. Pushistik
      23 December 2013 08: 24
      The author is not to blame for the fact that you are impotent.
      1. makarov
        23 December 2013 09: 23
        A patient came to the doctor, all mysterious, mysterious, all-knowing, just like you Pushistik, and said: - Doctor, my eggs are ringing.
        The doctor touched, felt, tapped, really ringing. He wrinkled his forehead in thought, and the patient came closer, and said: “Doctor, am I a phenomenon?”
        NO, YOU ARE DIALON, - answered the doctor.

        We are not discussing me, but the material. And for me, it’s not worth worrying, because everything is in order, .. for the people I worry ...
    2. -5
      23 December 2013 11: 15
      Quote: makarov
      "..I believe that it is necessary to preserve the allowance for the birth of a child. But at the same time, introduce restrictions for certain categories of citizens and create several more levels of incentives, for example, for those who lead a healthy lifestyle, profess family patriarchal values, want to live in rural areas and etc., etc. "

      Uv. Author! Answer please. But what about those categories of men who fully meet your criteria, but according to the age characteristics of the "wrong"? How do you propose to stimulate their TS? an important (even the most important) organ? laughing wassat feel

      1. It seems like everything is in order with the birth rate in the USA, even among WASPs
      2. And why is support needed precisely for those who want to live in rural areas? Paroxysms of soil science?
      Today, it seems to be the engines of progress, economics, and development not of a village, but of a city. And from the village - traditionally only good infantry came out.
      But this is hardly the main goal of supporting fertility.
      1. 0
        23 December 2013 18: 36
        Quote: cdrt
        It seems like everything is okay with the birth rate in the USA

        Do not make up. They have problems with the birth rate of the white population. The more pronounced liberalism and consumerism (blacks and Latinos are weaker, white Amers stronger), the worse the birth rate.
        1. 0
          24 December 2013 18: 44
          Quote: Stanislav
          Quote: cdrt
          It seems like everything is okay with the birth rate in the USA

          Do not make up. They have problems with the birth rate of the white population. The more pronounced liberalism and consumerism (blacks and Latinos are weaker, white Amers stronger), the worse the birth rate.

          It seems that, according to statistics, the problem of demographic scissors (this is when mortality exceeds the birth rate - the graphs overlap, and therefore scissors) among white non-Hispanics only appeared in 2012.
          For a sustainable trend, they must act 5-10 years after all.

          Well ... considering that the problem of these scissors was clearly visible in the USSR back in 1987 (during these years I read a reprint of the work of some demographer who clearly predicted a sharp excess of mortality over birth rate in the USSR (or rather the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, BSSR) in the 90s), it is not caused by "democrats" or a change in the economic model, but by more objective things.
          Although it is certainly impossible to deny the contribution of the policies of our rulers from 1990 to 2005 to the decline in the birth rate (and possibly the increase in mortality), the trend arose long before them. I remember there it was written that these are "waves" that go, superimposing others on others from WWII and even WWII-Civil.
          1. 0
            24 December 2013 22: 38
            Quote: cdrt
            the problem of demographic scissors ... among white non-Hispanics it appeared only in 2012
            Against the background of a steady decline in their fertility since 2007, one cannot say that "in the United States, the birth rate is all right." And this despite the fact that, as you correctly write, Americans are "mostly conservatives." But feminism and tolerance for rear-wheel drive are much more common among whites, and among blacks and Latinos they are more often abusive words. The US Constitution supports feminism, their laws strictly prosecute sexual harassment (male traditional sexual activity), but are indifferent to the temptation (to the female type of sexual activity), on the contrary, the temptation is cultivated with might and main by business. White Americans are more law-abiding than Latinos and blacks. Therefore, the traditional relationship between a man and a woman is destroyed faster by them. Therefore, their birth rate is declining faster, although urbanization has less affected the white population, and the standard of living is higher among whites. Do not agree?
        2. 0
          24 December 2013 18: 57
          Do not make up. They have problems with the birth rate of the white population. The more pronounced liberalism and consumerism (blacks and Latinos are weaker, white Amers stronger), the worse the birth rate.

          You do not know Americans simply.

          1. No liberalism - most conservatives to the core

          2. The percentage of liberal intelligentsia is much less than ours; the same gays are prevalent mainly in the artistic environment (as is the case with us) - the layer is thin, but noisy laughing

          3. Another thing is that it is liberals who traditionally enjoy support among blacks, Latinos, long-term recipients of benefits, etc., in short, the whole poor and loafers

          4. The typical American (especially WASP) is a proponent of hawks like McCain. There are many libertarians in general - such as a tea party, these, in principle, the central authorities do not accept, tolerance is even less.
    3. 11111mail.ru
      23 December 2013 18: 09
      Quote: makarov
      their t.s. important (even the most important) organ?

      My opinion is that a person has a head, because it contains a brain. Normal people think with their heads, about some they even say with admiration: HEAD! If you prefer to think what you mean, then the definition will be: 3,14zdyuk! Sorry, a slip of the tongue: moodeela!
      1. makarov
        23 December 2013 19: 15
        From natural love pleasures, after 7-9 months, the long-awaited babies are obtained. If you do these actions with your own head, then the children will not work, so do not be silly and do this business traditionally, as it happens between a man and a woman. Do not experiment differently. And then I thought of it (!), Put my head in there. Here it is the corrupting influence of the West !!! laughing
        1. 11111mail.ru
          24 December 2013 19: 27
          Quote: makarov
          And then I thought of it (!), Put my head in there. Here it is the corrupting influence of the West !!!

          You, dear logic of Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev (of course, from a joke).
          So: In India, during the visit of the Soviet delegation to Indira G. N.S.Kh. sent LIB instead of himself - still younger ... After some time, LIB comes out squeezed and somewhat confused ... Not satisfied ... Eh you, cried N.S.Kh. and taking off his panties rushed into the boudoir ... After some time, N.S.Kh. comes out and, wiping his bald spot with a handkerchief, gives out: "You have to work with your head!" If you consider yourself a sex giant, then this is your right, you are our moodozvon!
  3. +22
    23 December 2013 07: 56
    Therefore, it is good when there is a strong economy, a convertible currency, unrivaled weapons, a combat-ready army, but if there is no correct demographic policy, the collapse of society is inevitable. This is a law of social nature.
    1. Slav
      23 December 2013 11: 51
      The priest Dimitri Smirnov was once asked: "What should we do with the low birth rate of Russians?"
      To which the priest replied: "Where is the low birth rate? I don't know. My birth rate is higher in my parish than in Egypt."
      Benefits, apartments, all this is good and right, but if a person thinks only about his own comfort - he will not give birth for millions. As Bulgakov said, the problem is in the heads.
      There was also a great article on the site in May 2011 Sentenced to death? - Do Russians want to live?
    2. +1
      23 December 2013 23: 25
      The Russian woman is entered in the book of records. In my opinion, the year before last, she gave birth to 69 children. A few triplets and repeatedly for 4 children.
  4. +15
    23 December 2013 07: 59
    Article plus. The author raised a sensitive topic. The birth rate in Russia is steadily falling, with one child in families - this is already considered the norm. Some families are reluctant to give birth to a second or third child, sometimes motivating this by the fact that there is nothing to produce poverty. Unsettled life, lack of normal work - all this affects the birth rate. Moreover, the initiative of the prime minister regarding the abolition of maternity capital, allegedly it will help save a lot of money in the state budget - does not fit into any gate at all (it is necessary to steal less from the budget, then there will be enough money). It is necessary at the state level to adopt programs to improve the lives of ordinary Russians, then the birth rate will be there.
    1. +12
      23 December 2013 08: 50
      Vladimir hi , I plus too.

      We are very few for such a territory.
      It’s good to stop withdrawing money from the country and direct it to development. To create equal opportunities in education and promotion (otherwise the children of large officials and oligarchs are entirely geniuses, as Romanov put it). Two children - a two-room apartment from the state (in the 70's and 80's it was normal). All actions aimed at special deterioration of life should be considered aggravating circumstances (the plant went bankrupt and there is nothing for people to eat - ten years ahead of the north with confiscation). Etc. Maternal capital is not enough.

      And the prime minister is usual, well, this, well, after the sparrows. I wanted to push through an article about him from the Free Press here, but failed. It is clear that the editors fear for the site. And you can easily find an article on the internet: "Why did Dmitry Medvedev really get rid of Eva Vasilevskaya." A little about badminton, if someone has not heard - this is a miracle, being a prezik, he proposed to introduce the game of badminton in the army. And smerdyukov began to buy shuttlecocks and rackets!
      1. +10
        23 December 2013 11: 46
        Alexander hi
        You very accurately noticed: there are really few of us for such a territory. And in my opinion, the state is not doing anything so that there would be more of us. fool
      2. GDP
        23 December 2013 13: 46
        Two children - a two-room apartment from the state (in the 70's and 80's it was normal)

        And who will live in these rooms? Russians?
        And by whose means will these rooms be bought? Due to the most able-bodied part of the population?
        1. 0
          24 December 2013 19: 04
          Quote: GDP
          Two children - a two-room apartment from the state (in the 70's and 80's it was normal)

          And who will live in these rooms? Russians?
          And by whose means will these rooms be bought? Due to the most able-bodied part of the population?

          Here I earn will put a lot more than most.
          I pay all taxes, fees, etc.
          Why is it for my taxes to pay the apartment to someone?
          Maybe I’d better spend them myself on improving the life of my family, for example, increasing it?
          Given that he is not a supporter of overconsumption, I’ll definitely spend better than anyone else laughing
    2. Corporal
      23 December 2013 09: 49
      Now, the higher the standard of living, the lower the birth rate. All over the world, Russia is no exception. Plus, everything around is changing at breakneck speed. We do not understand what else awaits us. Even having a normal job now, a person is not sure about tomorrow. All media are filled with catastrophes, killings, corruption. The development of contraception allows people to have as many children as they really want. Plus the equation of a woman in rights with a man. Plus a pension that guarantees a person a piece of bread in old age, even if there is no one to take care of him. On TV they promote a childless lifestyle.

      On the other hand, the softening of living conditions, the absence of wars, epidemics, the development of medicine and social institutions, allows drunks, marginalized and mentally retarded people to survive and uncontrollably breed who are not burdened with responsibility for posterity.

      In general, we have what we have. As stated in the movie "Route 60", if something happened, it is not an accident, but inevitability. A lot needs to be changed to reverse the trend.
      1. +2
        23 December 2013 11: 27
        Quote: Efreytor
        Even having a normal job now, a person is not sure about tomorrow.

        That is, a family in some kind of tmutarakan in a third world country where every 5-10 years of revolution and coup and living on 10 $ per month is more confident in tomorrow ??? belay Therefore, do they produce children by 5-10? request
        1. +1
          24 December 2013 19: 09
          Quote: And Us Rat
          Quote: Efreytor
          Even having a normal job now, a person is not sure about tomorrow.

          That is, a family in some kind of tmutarakan in a third world country where every 5-10 years of revolution and coup and living on 10 $ per month is more confident in tomorrow ??? belay Therefore, do they produce children by 5-10? request

          Well, there is a well-known way to improve the birth rate - to abolish pensions.
          In 30-40 years, the birth rate will be such that children can provide for their parents.
          And if you abolish children's medicine - that’s how they will give birth every year ...

          In the case of poverty, we are not talking about confidence in the future, but about investing the forces of parents (and the health of the mother) in providing for themselves in old age with the forces of children.

          As confirmation - I remember there is also a correlation between labor productivity and the number of children in one family (in the statistics textbook it was as an explanation that the correlation is not an explanation of the relationship of phenomena, but only observation)
      2. +2
        23 December 2013 18: 47
        Quote: Efreytor
        Now, the higher the standard of living, the lower the birth rate.

        Why invent this bullshit with such perseverance? Googled the birth rate in Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE and do not repeat this nonsense. We are up to their standard of living, as well as to their birth rate, as to China's cancer.
      3. Yaik Cossack
        23 December 2013 21: 23
        I know a lot of many children and not one of them is an alcoholic or a marginal
      4. 0
        23 December 2013 23: 31
        The rule is not that. The farther from God the lower the birth rate. The confirmation of this is elementary. Do not fulfill your main task on earth - why do you need to continue in children? Why should your family get dirty Earth. Something like that.
        1. +1
          24 December 2013 02: 45
          about the genus are right, but what about God?
    3. +5
      23 December 2013 10: 14
      the problem is not only and not so much in fertility.
      in fact, the problem is in culture - more precisely, in the loss of identity. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether a white or a Negro is important - it is important that he behaves not as a Papuan but as a local, then the nation remains (albeit of a strange appearance).
      And even if you raise the birth rate, but everyone starts abruptly moving to Islam, for example, would you call such a Russian people?
      the problem is that the state (read power) declared money values ​​rather than culture. and these maternal capitals are little help when it is enough for a year or two.
      1. Corporal
        23 December 2013 11: 05
        I support, Russian is the bearer of the Russian mentality. And what shape his nose is, is the tenth thing.
  5. -2
    23 December 2013 08: 06
    And who will decide who can give birth and who not? And what to do with those women who become pregnant, let's say so, by no means right? In one locality one nationality prevails, and in their hands they have every opportunity to prevent other / other children from being born nation. Who can control it?
    After reading the stink of Dr. Goebbels pulled.
    1. +5
      23 December 2013 08: 17
      Quote: ele1285
      And who will decide who can give birth and who not? And what to do with those women who become pregnant, let's say so, by no means right? In one locality one nationality prevails, and in their hands they have every opportunity to prevent other / other children from being born nation. Who can control it?
      After reading the stink of Dr. Goebbels pulled.

      - in-in! U, how complicated everything is and what cockroaches many people have in their heads! laughing Especially this cockroach: "But at the same time introduce restrictions for some categories of citizens" laughing Fatty! And who will determine the right to children? Personally, Putin? And after that he will be the President of the Russian Federation? No, this is already God, only on Earth. Ah, I understood, the author of the SABZH would like to "cut" this to himself, this is the right! Yes stacked right Carlos Slim will very quickly turn out to be the errand boys of the author of SABZH! laughing
      Here’s a smaller cockroach - We need to stimulate quality, not quantity. Naturally, reinforcing this with a powerful social policy. A person needs to be given the opportunity to have children.. In fact, people and without any such advice and try to - on the principle of less is better! At the peak, they will lead the only one (s) and stuff him with knowledge-skills instead of childhood. He is a violinist, a hodozhnik, and he speaks aglitsky - Mama Do not Cry! He doesn’t know how to stand up for himself and there is no fighting character - he cannot be! He is the only one, and the training of a fighting character implies the risk that during its development (and the fighting character, you know, is forged in a real battle, in patsianism - in a real fight) they can cripple the only one! For me - there is no fighting harkater - there is no quality either, there is a set of skills that are useless without a fighting character - such as trimming the violin, reciting rhymes, sprinkling in French ...
      And finally - there is no correlation between living standards, monetary rewards and demographics. There is one well-established correlation with demography - this is the degree of urbanization of the population. The higher this degree, the lower the birth rate. And the standard of living in general is not in business. But it is urbanization that contributes to the scientific and technological development of the country, and it is also the reason for the slowdown in its demographic growth. This is the difficulty, but the fact that in SAZH - sorry, homegrown fabrications, not confirmed by anything. Such fabrications are born when, lounging from homework, you sit for too long, very sorry, on the toilet. We need to talk about demography as a science, and take and study this science.
      1. Pushistik
        23 December 2013 08: 27
        Is that all the comments paid? The restrictions for some categories of citizens were not meant to give birth, but a restriction on the receipt of benefits.
        1. +5
          23 December 2013 08: 38
          Quote: Pushistik
          Is that all the comments paid? The restrictions for some categories of citizens were not meant to give birth, but a restriction on the receipt of benefits.

          Of course paid. We have all the negative comments - for a fee. Join now.
          1. +1
            24 December 2013 19: 12
            Quote: Trapper7
            Quote: Pushistik
            Is that all the comments paid? The restrictions for some categories of citizens were not meant to give birth, but a restriction on the receipt of benefits.

            Of course paid. We have all the negative comments - for a fee. Join now.

            Rabinovich - do you say they sold the homeland?
            - And where can I get my share? laughing
      2. rereture
        23 December 2013 14: 30
        That is, you do not need talented engineers, doctors, inventors, translators, diplomats, writers, poets, composers, artists?

        If you did not know, the main layer of knowledge is charmed in childhood, and the more you invest, the better.
      3. +1
        23 December 2013 19: 03
        Quote: aksakal
        A well-established correlation with demography is the degree of urbanization of the population. ... it is urbanization ... the reason for the slowdown in population growth
        Do you really not see the difference between correlation analysis and analysis of causes? Then learn the science of mate. statistics before studying the science of demography and do not treat members of the forum. As they say, to the doctor, heal yourself!
        1. +1
          23 December 2013 23: 06
          Thank you. I found out what correlation analysis is. I have never had to deal with this concept in my life.
    2. +7
      23 December 2013 08: 36
      Nice topic. Author +. Minus to hypocrites. The titular nations of Europe fostered progress' EVERYTHING invented by mankind = the fruits of the invention of the European race. And now we are slowly dying. After reading Avdeeva I began to fall into despair. On one point I disagree (disagree) with the author: alcoholics have normal children, while normal parents have children of alcoholics and drug addicts. This is just the trouble of tomorrow: we are being conquered by the sly sly of a nation that cannot be trusted with anything. Their states, in which they lived, they turned into a "cable car dacha" and now they are here, in Europe, in the USA, in Russia. And something needs to be done with this TODAY, because tomorrow is too late !!!!
      1. +3
        23 December 2013 10: 12
        Quote: a52333
        The titular nations of Europe fostered progress' EVERYTHING invented by mankind = the fruits of the invention of the European race.

        The titular nations of Western Europe showed themselves mainly in robberies, violence, genocide, in the invention of weapons of mass and non-mass destruction.
        Europe gained access to the knowledge of ancient civilizations of the East in the 11-12 centuries A.D. and turned this knowledge into evil to humanity. The short economic recovery of Western Europe in the 16-19 centuries due to the robbery of the colonies ends with a natural economic and demographic decline. Ghouls rot.
        By the number of fundamental scientific discoveries, Europe is far behind the ancient civilizations from China, India and Russia. And according to the appropriation of other people's discoveries, the Eurosians, especially the arrogant Saxons, are ahead of the rest.
        1. +1
          23 December 2013 15: 00
          And can you name a list of the Great Discoveries of China and India? Just not hypothetical, like 2 gunpowder thousands of years ago. And about the British and Germans, you are wrong.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 11111mail.ru
            23 December 2013 19: 13
            Quote: a52333
            And can you name a list of the Great Discoveries of China and India? Just not hypothetical, like 2 thousand years ago gunpowder.

            Oh cunning, oh cunning! In short: What? Where? When? Okay, today I’m kind, get it, please, source: http://baryshnikovphotography.com/bertewor/Mathematics__
            "Another famous Indian mathematician and astronomer, Brahmagupta, worked in the 2000th century. Beginning with Brahmagupta, Indian mathematicians have been free to deal with negative numbers, treating them as debt. Presumably, this idea came from China." Your request has been fulfilled: not older than 1 years, China, India. By the way, the so-called. "Arabic" numbers were invented in India: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 and XNUMX.

            Regarding the second half of your comment:
            Quote: a52333
            about the British and Germans you are wrong.

            in the seventh century AD the English and Germans still fortunately did not exist.
        2. 0
          24 December 2013 19: 24
          Quote: Corsair5912
          Quote: a52333
          The titular nations of Europe fostered progress' EVERYTHING invented by mankind = the fruits of the invention of the European race.

          The titular nations of Western Europe showed themselves mainly in robberies, violence, genocide, in the invention of weapons of mass and non-mass destruction.
          Europe gained access to the knowledge of ancient civilizations of the East in the 11-12 centuries A.D. and turned this knowledge into evil to humanity. The short economic recovery of Western Europe in the 16-19 centuries due to the robbery of the colonies ends with a natural economic and demographic decline. Ghouls rot.
          By the number of fundamental scientific discoveries, Europe is far behind the ancient civilizations from China, India and Russia. And according to the appropriation of other people's discoveries, the Eurosians, especially the arrogant Saxons, are ahead of the rest.

          Some kind of meaningless conversation.

          Greek Hellenism (Europe) inherited the achievements of the Egyptians, the peoples of the Middle East
          The Romans inherited the achievements of the Hellenes. Together with them, they were also inherited by the Parthians (then Persians).
          After the capture by the Arabs, the Persians and the inhabitants of the former Byzantine Middle East carried these achievements to Spain. Through the Jews and on to Europe.
          When Rome was inviolable, civil wars were going on in China, and vice versa.
          Beginning in the 15th century, Europe grew - and moreover on the legacy of Hellenistic and Roman, and no other.
          For the knowledge of the East is Jewish, Hellenistic and Roman texts for the most part.
          Actually, Persian achievements are a smaller part, I'm not talking about Arab ones (Islam has never been a religion that encouraged science)

          China, on the other hand, was conquered by the neighboring savages of the century from 12.

          Yes, in the 15th century, the Chinese sailed across the Indian Ocean, but by the 18th century they had actually left the stage (without the participation of Europe), and the Europeans were only growing.

          About robberies and murders ... from the Chinese, "taking a city" meant not just taking it by storm, but killing all life in this city - that's the only way they fought.

          Actually - perhaps the first fact of genocide in history is the actions of the Chinese in the conquest of the Western Mongols in the 18th century.

          Well ... the "short take-off" lasted at least from the 15th to the 20th century. All modern science, technology, art (about 95 percent so) are created by European culture (if we consider it relatives Russian and American).

          It may of course you do not like, but the reality does not change from this
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +5
        23 December 2013 10: 12
        Quote: a52333
        Their states, in which they lived, they turned into a "kanatchik dacha" and now they are here, in Europe, in the USA, in Russia. And something needs to be done with this TODAY, because tomorrow is too late !!!!

        - I don’t know whether I am on your side in sympathy for the Western model of building a state - but I prefer that Mother Nature herself pronounced the verdict. And if the model wins
        Quote: a52333
        "Kanatchikova dacha"
        , it will mean that this model, not attractive to you, is more viable, because won the evolutionary battle against the Western model, where state institutions, juvenile games, cleanliness and order are developed. That's all. Your subjective preferences have nothing to do with it. And about nothing. The fitter wins, and the less fit dies, despite your warm sympathies. That's all! Career, sobbing of a recently given birth to the entire Internet: "Oh, how boring it is to sit on maternity leave with a child, to climb on the wall out of boredom and kill this child, his eyes would never see him! Why did I sign up for this scam of my husband? that it was painful to give birth, I still don't get enough sleep, some kind of diathesis and BOREDOM! Life is passing by, so I'm here with this ... ny offspring of my husband I'm suffering! "
        You know - as soon as the first such woman appears in which nation - you can write off that nation to the scrap and not regret it! SHE DOED! Is that clear to you? There is another way out - to write off such women from the moment of their appearance. The choice is simple - either a nation or women with such views. That's the whole answer to your question:
        Quote: a52333
        And something needs to be done TODAY, for tomorrow is too late !!!!
        . And these have nothing to do with it! Take care of your women.
        1. 0
          23 December 2013 14: 38
          Aksakal, I always read your deepest comments with pleasure. But is it not instructive for you to swear at a full-fledged article for all of us young and not very young.
        2. +3
          23 December 2013 19: 27
          Quote: aksakal
          either a nation or women with such views

          We forgot to mention the "men" who don't care where to pour their semen: even into women with such views, even into the toilet. The history of a nation begins with men and ends with their absence.
        3. +2
          23 December 2013 23: 16
          It’s just that all civilizations, like any organism, are born, grow up, grow old and die. Some are faster, others are slower. Bed bugs exist for millions of years. Well, and what is the fact that they are more fit.
          1. 0
            24 December 2013 14: 44
            Bravissimo. I'm on business trips. I come from time to time from a smartphone .. You directly voiced the idea as the doctor ordered. Europeans, in my opinion, at the genetic level felt overpopulation. Bravo.
            1. 0
              24 December 2013 19: 33
              Quote: a52333
              Bravissimo. I'm on business trips. I come from time to time from a smartphone .. You directly voiced the idea as the doctor ordered. Europeans, in my opinion, at the genetic level felt overpopulation. Bravo.

              By the way, you are probably right.
              There is such an observation among biologists - the relationships of individuals within a species are aimed at maximizing the survival of healthy offspring.
              From this, by the way, homosexual relationships are manifested in animals.
              For example, in some species of gulls, males are much smaller than females, as a result, homo-pairs appear, which "utilize" non-dominant females, taking them out of the circle of competitors for a male, thereby reducing competition to an optimal level.
              If in Europe there is a surge of tolerance for homo-couples, it is possible that this is a real evolutionary mechanism that is removing "unnecessary" genes from the cycle.
  6. +5
    23 December 2013 08: 15
    The topic is heavy.
    Concerns about the survival of the white race.
    The ethical question is.
    How can the state separate qualitative demography from quantitative?
    How to encourage the people needed by society to multiply and not to produce "gopota"?
    What is that?
    We return to Germany in 1936 and the creation of a man with a Nordic character, seasoned ...
    These thoughts can lead far.
    1. +4
      23 December 2013 08: 55
      One of the misconceptions: I read Gunther, ANYWHERE IN AN OWNERSHIP about the inferiority of the Slavs. What about Africa is a cancerous tumor. And let's not be hypocritical: THIS IS THE TRUTH.
      1. +10
        23 December 2013 10: 59
        Quote: a52333
        One of the misconceptions: I read Gunther, ANYWHERE IN AN OWNERSHIP about the inferiority of the Slavs. What about Africa is a cancerous tumor. And let's not be hypocritical: THIS IS THE TRUTH.

        some gunther did not classify you and all the Slavs as inferior and you are immensely happy about this, immediately classifying Africa as a cancerous tumor and after that write about hypocrisy? Hypocrites do not suit you.
        1. 0
          23 December 2013 14: 30
          Wow! Ie Do you think that all nations are equal? And after that, am I also a hypocrite? Oops! Yes, read it out for a dirty war, and then draw conclusions.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      25 December 2013 22: 45
      Quote: individ
      How can the state separate qualitative demography from quantitative?
      If you only anoint the door with the blood of the lamb ...
  7. +5
    23 December 2013 08: 18
    Maternity capital must be in modern conditions of Russia, and even larger in size than now. The state should control the fraudulent schemes for cashing out the capital and help people use it wisely. And I propose to put our premiere on the average Russian salary and let him try to buy a house not even in Moscow, but somewhere in the outback. The isolation from people's lives is terrible or indifference.
    1. Yaik Cossack
      23 December 2013 21: 41
      and let's put him on a stake! laughing
  8. +11
    23 December 2013 08: 27
    In my opinion, those who want the revival of our people and our country should look at things extremely hard. The salvation of our people is not in expanding social freebies, that is, in drawing out degradants at the expense of other people, but in creating conditions in which normal people are not deprived of what they create with their mind and hands.
  9. +4
    23 December 2013 08: 29
    I would consider liberalism in its modern, extreme manifestations as a weapon of mass destruction.

    I suspect that soon they (the liberals) will be caught and forcibly re-educated.
  10. +3
    23 December 2013 08: 34
    I do not agree with the author. Let him provide data on the receipt of child allowance among families of various social groups. status. Let him tell us what the birth rate is in middle-income, low and super-high families. And at the same time let him tell why one or two children are also in very rich families.
    Healthy children emerge from the head - that is, from the desire of parents to have and raise many children, and not from the wallet.
    1. Shmel
      23 December 2013 09: 49
      As for one two children in families.

      I’ll write by my example. Married 5 years. Not a disaster, but not wealthy either. At the same time, there is everything for life. The first-born appeared this year. Not because they did not want to. Could not. All this time they struggled with circumstances. And they came to the conclusion that our medicine in this direction is practically powerless. A child was born and this is a miracle. We did IVF (naturally at our own expense), not a single one helped. The reason was completely different. Praise the doctor who was eventually able to help!
      Just check these problems for many, including my friends. The state does not do a damn thing in this direction. In the amount you need. The system of medicine in this part needs to be changed to fit new realities. Build prenatal centers (large and many), where all the necessary specialists in this area will be gathered, believe me, I know what I am talking about, we went through this! Center in every area! And not the only ones in the country and the Moscow region. And then open them with pathos, showing them on the central channels, they say, what an "achievement". And all this should be available to all citizens of the Russian Federation and of course free of charge. On another it is impossible.
      But the maternity hospital is poor in our country, you don’t need to go to the hinterland, you can go to Nizhny Novgorod! This does not mean, of course, that nothing is being done, but what is being done is minuscule!

      And further. Complete prohibition of abortion! Underground conovals for this huge time (10-15 years) without the right of pardon. Prohibit, not even because abortion is one of the reasons for female infertility in the future, although for this too, but also because there must be discipline of the nation! No matter how arrogant it may sound.
      1. rereture
        23 December 2013 14: 39
        We prohibit abortion, so what next? Will we replenish children at home babies? The rise of clandestine gynecologists? Think narrowly comrade
        1. Shmel
          23 December 2013 16: 09
          About the underground gynecologists I wrote. You either don’t read it or you don’t understand. You have to be more careful. Several positive processes will solve the problem in many ways!
          As for the scale of thinking. At you they are apparently so large that they are limited only to asking questions.
          As for the replenishment of children. houses. Naturally, the problem does not resolve, quickly. And I wrote about the discipline of the nation. About her education from kindergarten and school. Which is based on discipline. They are not detached from each other by these two concepts, but it is unlikely that they will be delayed in the vast expanses of your consciousness.
          1. rereture
            23 December 2013 17: 44
            Show trials will not solve anything, fines and even executions also. Finding an underground gynecologist is very difficult, and if they did, try to prove it. Even if there is one or two show trials, will it stop people? No.

            I read carefully, and just fundamentally disagree with
            Complete prohibition of abortion! Underground conovals for this huge time (10-15 years)
            since this is unprovable.

            We put the question by the edge, the girl flew over from wear and tear, what should I do? To raise a stranger, not a related child, or to hand over babies to the house?
            Diagnosis revealed a serious genetic disease in the child at an early stage, for example, downism, what should I do? Wear 9 months, spend the body’s resources, and eventually give birth to a freak who is not clear whether it will survive?

            And discipline has nothing to do with it; the most important thing is education and outreach among young people and their parents.

            I agree with you only in terms of medicine.
            1. Shmel
              23 December 2013 19: 42
              So if you read, then why the question arose?

              The show trials will decide. and will decide a lot. And especially in our country. The punishment must be inevitable and necessarily harsh. A person will repeatedly think whether it is worth doing such a "service" knowing that there are 10 to 15 years ahead! The responsibility of the applicant for such a "service" should also be provided.
              Nurturing a nation is also the magnanimity of people towards people. It is a difficult and long journey. Yes, now it probably sounds like utopia. Because our state does not deal with this issue. The cases described by you are single, but I agree they are possible. Those. do you think it’s better to kill an innocent child? This line is very thin ... Or do you think that those children who were not born due to abortion (according to various estimates from 700000 to 1000000 people) are the result of rape and other genetic abnormalities? Genetic abnormalities are fractions of a percent of those born. Of course, on the one hand, it is a matter of everyone’s choice. But not in our - Russian situation at the moment. After an abortion of resources, the body may not remain at all! My friends did it 9 years ago, 30 and 32 years old - a couple, they wanted to live for themselves, buy an apartment, expand a business, etc. There is an apartment, a business under a huge (?), An apartment under a business! And the children have not been done for 4 years! Unwind!
              I am not saying that if abortion is prohibited, the demographic problem will disappear sharply, probably not, but it will become much better for sure. This problem is very multifaceted from logistics and urban planning principles to simple human relationships ... etc. But people should begin to think that the choice against life is then fraught with enormous moral suffering and prolonged treatment, and without guarantees! And if they do not understand this, they need to be educated, including from kindergarten and the school bench. A breakdown of consciousness, rooted in the 90s, should happen first of all, and this takes about 10 years, or even more. But this does not mean that this is not worth it.
              There are no solutions that suit everyone!
              1. Yaik Cossack
                23 December 2013 22: 03
                according to statistics in Russia, about a million abortions per year. Imagine every year the population would increase by a million. And then many of these fools cannot give birth at all.
                1. rereture
                  24 December 2013 00: 53
                  Well, they wouldn’t have had an abortion, but left a child in an orphanage, let a million orphans go to bed.
              2. 0
                23 December 2013 23: 34
                Help from 1936 to 1955 abortion in the USSR was banned. Read articles by more or less competent people and find out that this did not lead to anything.
            2. Yaik Cossack
              23 December 2013 21: 56
              You confuse concepts and dissemble. This conception is a miracle from God and no one has the right except God to decide who is born and who is not. Two times in my life I came across people who wanted to have an abortion for medical reasons, the child did not develop correctly or had some kind of turbidity, they refused and gave birth to healthy children in both cases. And how many people cleared under this pretext with a smart look, God knows. I have a suspicion that this is done specifically for the needs of cosmetology and some medications to please rich geeks. They themselves are dying and are not allowed to live.
              1. rereture
                24 December 2013 00: 57
                God has nothing to do with it, this is a purely biological process without the intervention of otherworldly forces, we ourselves have the right to decide to conceive or not to conceive, to do or not to have an abortion, especially since no one is forcibly dragging a gynecologist into the office.
          2. 0
            23 December 2013 17: 58
            For some reason, the role of family and parents in raising children is not mentioned!
          3. 0
            23 December 2013 23: 22
            Class !!!
            If you are all so smart, why don’t you build?
        2. 0
          23 December 2013 23: 44
          You think that killing your children means thinking broadly. What would think even wider did not try to lay trotyl in the head? Can it help?
          1. rereture
            24 December 2013 01: 01
            Quote: GregAzov
            Do you think killing your children means thinking broadly

            That is, if I have a pollution, then this is the killing of children by not careful.

            "Flushed" into the toilet - willful murder of his children.

            Sexual intercourse with contraception - killing children by prior conspiracy.

            "Down" the girl in the mouth - cannibalism.
            1. 11111mail.ru
              25 December 2013 00: 12
              In each of your lines - the final of the excitement - draw "ka.
              Your hobbies: the essence is one core.
              Rinse off the sperm from the monitor, wipe the table, finally
              Chl "n fallen do not torment, calm down, young man!
            2. 0
              25 December 2013 07: 48
              Quote: rereture
              "Flushed" into the toilet

              Have you ever thought about sterilization?
      2. +2
        23 December 2013 19: 54
        Quote: Shmel
        Complete prohibition of abortion! Underground conovals for this huge time (10-15 years) without the right of pardon

        With confiscation for both terrorists and corrupt officials, as well as for perverts.
        1. +2
          23 December 2013 20: 02
          I support you! There was a criminal article under Comrade Stalin. And then they became prisoners of conscience! Smelly creatures! I’m talking about this, I need a FULL reformatting of the consciousness of society! I pulled a bullet in the forehead! And all things! In North Korea, this question quickly solved (I'm in the subject, if that)
          1. Yaik Cossack
            23 December 2013 22: 05
            It was under the tsarist government, and in the 1920s abortion was legalized, which was there under Stalin for the first time I heard.
            1. +1
              23 December 2013 22: 15
              After the Second World War, abortion was categorically prohibited! Do not believe me --- you can find information on the Internet.
              1. 0
                23 December 2013 23: 37
                Help from 1936 to 1955. I don’t believe it, you can find information on the Internet.
            2. 0
              23 December 2013 22: 22
              Undoubtedly, under the Emperor-Emperor it was paramount
          2. rereture
            24 December 2013 01: 02
            Go to north korea
  11. Shmel
    23 December 2013 08: 34
    The article as a whole is not about anything!
    The author is simply bothered by that. No specific offers! Empty chatter. I would write at least one of my thoughts, I would have occasion to discuss.
  12. 0
    23 December 2013 08: 44
    Perhaps the white race is pouring evil forces into bromine food ?! laughing
  13. +7
    23 December 2013 08: 56
    The problem of demography in the USSR appeared with the beginning of perestroika, although the decline in the birth rate in the RSFSR began in the late 60s, after the idiotic "reforms" of the bald corn plant.
    A short-term increase in the birth rate was at the beginning of the 80's, when a family with 3 children was recognized as having many children with all the benefits.
    The result was such that in the beginning of the 90's in the first grades, training in 2 shifts was introduced, there were not enough rooms and teachers in schools.
    1. 0
      23 December 2013 11: 30
      Quote: Corsair5912
      The problem of demography in the USSR appeared with the beginning of perestroika, although the decline in the birth rate in the RSFSR began in the late 60s, after the idiotic "reforms" of the bald corn plant.

      At the beginning of the 60, the birth rate declined. Born in large families, they began to give birth on 1-2 a child from the end of the 50, the beginning of the 60.
      1. Galina
        23 December 2013 12: 29
        In the 60s, the IDEA arose that two children are enough for a family. Who gave birth to this thought, I do not know. But ask any woman of that time and she will say that "it was considered right." Therefore, those who say that everything is from the head are right in this dispute. The main thing is the idea. Everything else is attached.
      2. +5
        23 December 2013 12: 40
        Quote: radio operator
        At the beginning of the 60, the birth rate declined. Born in large families, they began to give birth on 1-2 a child from the end of the 50, the beginning of the 60.

        You are lying or you are mistaken, in the 50 years in the USSR large families dominated (this does not concern the creative intelligentsia, they are all homosexual).
        In the USSR, every year since 1947, prices for all goods decreased, salaries increased, and housing was massively built in cities and villages.
        In our village, in the smallest family, there were 3 children, and in the most large 11 children, mainly families with 5-6 children predominated.
        With corn maize, prices ceased to decrease and salaries did not increase, and so the birthrate began to decline in the 60's.
        1. -1
          23 December 2013 20: 09
          Quote: Corsair5912
          creative intelligentsia is not concerned, they are all homosexual

          laughing Do not drive the blizzard, comrade! Zverev is not a creative intelligentsia, but barren impotence.
        2. 0
          23 December 2013 23: 48
          "... this does not concern the creative intelligentsia, they are all homosexual"

          For example: Mikhail Sholokhov
          "Under the corn plant, they stopped cutting prices and did not raise wages, so the birth rate began to decline in the 60s."
          Average salary:
          1957- 757
          1960- 783
          transition to a new ruble:
          1961- 81,3
          1964- 87,6
          For seven years, 18%
          The rate on deposits with the savings bank from 2 to 3% per annum.
        3. 0
          24 December 2013 10: 35
          Quote: Corsair5912
          You are lying or you are mistaken, in the 50 years in the USSR large families dominated (this does not concern the creative intelligentsia, they are all homosexual).

          Well, actually I wrote
          Quote: radio operator
          began to give birth on 1-2 a child from the end of the 50s, the beginning of the 60s.

          Those who were born in the beginning and middle of the 50s, as a rule, were born in large families.
          Read carefully.
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. Yaik Cossack
      23 December 2013 22: 07
      And I read that this was attributed to the introduction of prohibition in the USSR
  14. andruha70
    23 December 2013 09: 16
    A person needs to be provided with work, housing, to create an adequate and necessary standard of living, opportunities and prospects for personal development. In the absence of bad habits and addictions. We need to stimulate quality, not quantity. Naturally, reinforcing this with a powerful social policy. A person needs to be given the opportunity to have children.
    casket-opens simply: give confidence in the future (hello USSR wink ) and demography will go up. fellow
    1. +1
      23 December 2013 15: 02
      Quote: andruha70
      the small box opens simply: give confidence in the future (hello to the USSR) and demography will go on increasing.

      This is important, but not all: the widespread desire to "live for oneself" is selfishness, godlessness is the source. That in the USSR there were rare families with 1 child? Well, 2 - often. And who has 3 - I don’t remember (childhood 80s).
      1. rereture
        23 December 2013 15: 37
        And then godlessness or selfishness? It’s just that it’s hard to keep a child, one yes, two can still be (tighten belts tighter), three are already trivial, there isn’t enough money, you can work in three shifts, but what about the child’s attention and stupid rest.

        It is not necessary to cite Tsarist Russia, peasant families with five children and so on, since earlier the children paid off, that is, they could be stupidly forced to work on the field from the age of 7, but from 12 years they can be labored almost on an equal basis with adults, therefore the more children, the more work is done, the well-being of the family is growing. Or for example, I bought a yellow ticket and send my daughter to the panel, also money to the family. Or to the factory from 7 years. Like this.

        I think the best option is two children in the family.
        1. +2
          23 December 2013 18: 01
          Two children will not fix the problem of demography.
          1. rereture
            24 December 2013 01: 11
            The problem of demography? Let politicians bother, I want my children to grow up in normal, human conditions, and not in three square meters, eat natural fruits, vegetables and meat, and not soy substitutes with GMOs, wear quality clothes, and not that Chinese poisonous consumer goods, received high-quality medical care, and not just what is happening in our hospitals, played with high-quality toys, and not with Chinese poisonous crap.
        2. -1
          23 December 2013 20: 15
          Quote: rereture
          the more children the more work is done, the well-being of the family grows.

          With what fright does wealth grow? Peasant allotments did not increase, at least one child, at least ten. With an increase in the male population, allotments decreased.
        3. +1
          23 December 2013 23: 52
          Quote: rereture
          And then godlessness or selfishness? It's just that it's hard to keep a child. I think the best option is two children in the family.

          Have you tried? If God gives you a child, then He will certainly give you something to feed him.
        4. 11111mail.ru
          25 December 2013 00: 19
          Quote: rereture
          I think the best option is two children in the family.

          Thinking is good. Well, when it becomes a habit! Here it is repeated, however. About a month ago, I already said that. That is OK! Repetition is the mother of learning! And it’s better if twice two! ...
      2. andruha70
        23 December 2013 17: 53
        And who has 3 - I won’t remember (childhood of the 80s).
        I also have- (childhood of the 80s) ... wink however, with my parents: there are four of us tongue boys. wassat and that’s all ... it’s not about the number of children, but about the upbringing that the parents instilled ... and they vaccinated him, taking into account confidence in the future. wink
    2. -1
      23 December 2013 20: 02
      Quote: andruha70
      give confidence in tomorrow (hello USSR wink) and demography will go up
      Swiss citizens, Scandinavians - no confidence ?? There was confidence in the USSR before the war, after the war it was, but disappeared in stagnation? A problem. As long as we say "give", the problem is not solved IN PRINCIPLE.
    3. Yaik Cossack
      23 December 2013 22: 19
      you don’t have to wait for a bright future, but live here and now, they don’t choose the times, the main thing is to live life with dignity and not grumble to your cross.
  15. +2
    23 December 2013 10: 05
    I did not understand the author.
    only the poorest or asocial groups of the population “peck” at these payments. Frankly, I mean “professional” beggars, alcoholics, drug addicts, people without housing and work, etc.

    and right there
    But at the same time introduce restrictions for some categories of citizens

    Is it not about the categories given above? And if not, then who is the author about?
    The patient agrees, but until the idea changes, i.e. instead of the cult, the dough is a cult of the family, the situation will not change.
  16. +1
    23 December 2013 10: 21
    Quote: Europe and the whole West is waiting for the fate of Ancient Rome, which drowned in its debauchery and disappeared according to the laws of social nature, unable to resist the "sweet" death.

    Realistic people have long realized that Europe is slowly going crazy. So openly replacing native Europeans with newcomers from Asia, Africa and other backward regions of the Planet is the lot of suicides. Russian society must make every effort to ensure that our country does not go down this disastrous path. Russia is taking concrete practical measures to rectify the demographic situation, but this is not enough and these are only the first steps. All the forces of our state should be aimed at increasing the birth rate. Nothing can be spared neither energy nor money.
  17. 0
    23 December 2013 10: 58
    It is ridiculous to read such articles ... Present-day Russia is both weak and defeated and Dying ...
  18. +1
    23 December 2013 11: 00
    The author began for health and ended for peace. Criticizing liberals, he himself falls into extreme liberalism, proposing to limit the birth of children for certain categories of citizens. The most interesting thing is that these "categories of citizens" often have children who grow up to be wonderful, good people.
  19. 0
    23 December 2013 12: 23
    In this regard, an interesting fact is the procurement in the states of about 1 million plastic sealed coffins with a capacity of 4 people. Tightness is provided for 200-300 years. Strange, isn't it? Imagine that a biological bioweapon will be used, which destroys exclusively the Chinese, who are many in the states themselves ... True, the Chinese in their homeland say that they have a plan of countermeasures ...
  20. Corporal
    23 December 2013 12: 34
    Quote: And Us Rat
    That is, a family in some kind of tmutarakan in a third world country where every 5-10 years of revolution and coup and living on 10 $ per month is more confident in tomorrow ??? belay Therefore, do they produce children by 5-10? request

    No, there are other reasons: high infant mortality, low literacy regarding contraception, lack of other ways of personal fulfillment.
  21. So_o_tozh
    23 December 2013 13: 13
    Material values ​​are now a priority for young people, not spiritual ones, look how many civil marriages are now - they tried, lived together, fled, tried again, and so on. Now, starting kindergartens, the boys are being raised by women, in schools, women (it has been proven that the high female timbre "screeching") has a negative effect on the "mindset" in children, at the institute again women)) At home, mommies wash, clean, cook, wipe their ass - where can normal men come from? I’m already silent about alcoholics and drug addicts, it’s easier for peasants to score on everything, and it turns out that women have to pull everything on themselves, people are slowly degenerating ... sad
    1. 0
      23 December 2013 15: 16
      Quote: So_o_tozh
      At home, mothers wash, clean, cook, wipe their asses - where do normal peasants come from?

      what Hmm, you want to say that if I wash my sons, cook food and wipe my ass, they will become men?
      I somehow thought that my conversations and fights were called to do, but it turns out as it turns out.
  22. +3
    23 December 2013 14: 07
    Part of the solution in the psychology of education. Let's say right for a modern active woman the birth of a child is a factor that knocks down plans. The main values ​​of modern urban civilization of the Western type (in Russia, too, it now prevails) is success. Career, salary, housing. The family clearly ranks second. The birth of a child for an active woman is the collapse or suspension of real plans for several years. Therefore, they postpone birth for later. Ensure a woman is stable during pregnancy, or a career dependent on having children. (In the USSR there was a tax on childlessness, many scolded him but the instrument is still correct). And there will be an increase in the birth rate of the middle class.
  23. +1
    23 December 2013 14: 57
    Quote: Shmel
    And further. Complete prohibition of abortion! Underground conovals for this huge time (10-15 years) without the right of pardon. Prohibit, not even because abortion is one of the reasons for female infertility in the future, although for this too, but also because there must be discipline of the nation!

    And it also says "Thou shalt not kill!" I support!
  24. +1
    23 December 2013 15: 02
    there should be a special state policy to stimulate the birth rate, which should be much wider than usual monetary incentives - the family should be able to engage in labor that feeds the family, for this it is necessary to guarantee allotment of land, fertilizers, fuel at non-market prices, provided that all produced products they will not go to the market, but will be consumed by the family.

    If we continue this logic, we will get a huge economy, aimed at creating the conditions necessary for the population to survive and quality reproduction, essentially completely withdrawn from the market - that is, in fact we will get something very akin to the Soviet economy, with its dual monetary system.

    Only such an economy guarantees high-quality population reproduction for developed countries.
  25. +3
    23 December 2013 16: 03
    Of course this is a wild vinaigrette, but the question must be raised and discussed.
  26. Anatoly. RUS
    23 December 2013 17: 44
  27. tooth46
    23 December 2013 18: 59
    If we want to see Russia as a country of Slavs, it is high time for the authorities to guess the payment of significant cash subsidies and the provision of significant benefits to families from the titular nations for the birth of each child, starting from the first. Not a miserable 300 thousand - well, where can they be used for the benefit of the family? That is, materially interest people in money, housing. Take as a basis the practice of some Gulf countries. This will do more good than hosting the Olympic Games and building high-speed highways combined.
  28. kelevra
    23 December 2013 23: 19
    Demographics are not very good, I mean, demographics are too high. Take Africa, for example, where civil wars kill tens of thousands of people a month, but demographics are higher than mortality. So always, the poorer the country, the higher demographics. There are many factors, but in the end. the country is getting poorer and hunger is stronger. In China, the demographic crisis and there they put them in jail, but despite the general development of China's metropolitan areas, the provinces and most of the population, the poor. And where there is poverty, there is uncontrolled population growth and usually yes further problems in the economy.
    1. 0
      23 December 2013 23: 29
      Are you telling us this? With the largest territory and population of 140 mulions? Where are you from? What are you getting in here for us from Israel? At least we need to double!
    2. +1
      23 December 2013 23: 38
      Why are you in China, they don’t put in charge for a second child, there’s just a big tax. Vali from the forum have a Troll (or someone worse)
  29. 0
    26 December 2013 15: 09
    finally started talking about demography.
    this is one of the main problems of the RUSSIAN nation. And my personal opinion is this: the problem was created artificially, i.e. external well-known "factors and parties"!
    I will list only some aspects:
    1) drug trafficking. Its cradle is in the states. I think it's not a secret to anyone, but the "greenhouse" is Afghanistan.
    how to deal with it? there are a lot of questions. destroy plantations. It’s not for nothing that our doctrine spells out points for the possibility of conducting special operations in other countries. why this situation does not fit under this paragraph of the doctrine?
    2) corruption, which also affects drug trafficking too. for green papers, many people bare borders at customs and domestically.
    3) alcoholism and smoking. I am amazed by the vodka advertisement in between boxing rounds. here too comments are superfluous.
    4) the fourth paragraph follows from the third: controlled and controlled from outside the media. the development of social networks and the Internet ... all these are pieces of one big problem. but they still want to impose homosexuality, pedophilia, etc.

    what is the conclusion? all processes are interconnected. I personally fully support Fedorov’s views on this matter: we need to fight for sovereignty. I really read some points of the constitution of the Russian Federation and was shocked.
    As Stolypin once said: "Give the state 20 years of internal and external peace, and you will not recognize Russia!"
    we will restore sovereignty and the solution of one trouble will entail the solution of other problems automatically!
  30. Song Hu Chan
    26 December 2013 15: 49
    The crazy contemplation of ethnic groups with a rapidly growing population is a big mistake of the state.
    In Russia, this is the Caucasus! It is unlikely that these generations will become a productive force. The mentality of these peoples, religious dependence and other archaic values, lead only to enclaves enclosed in themselves.