Unity is the weapon of our victory

The forum participants discussed the ideas of national unity, the challenges of Russian statehood, the problems of the spiritual decline of Russian society, the place of Russia in the modern world.

October 30 2012 on the eve of the Day of National Unity and the Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Yekaterinburg took place the Forum of the Public of the Middle Urals "Unity - weapon our victory. " The event was organized by the Ekaterinburg Diocese, the Administration of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region and the public organization “The Family of Dimitry Solunsky”.

The forum was dedicated to several significant dates of the national stories - the celebration of the 1150 anniversary of the Russian statehood, the 400 anniversary of the end of the Troubles in the Russian state and the 200 anniversary of victory in the 1812 war of the year. It was held with the participation of the Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Kirill, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region E.V. Kuyvashev and over two thousand guests.

Unity is the weapon of our victory- I want to speak exclusively as a child of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is the last 23 years of my life. The twentieth century is the century of historical demolition of Orthodox Russia. In the first decade of the twentieth century. the renunciation of the ruling elite from the Russian spirituality, traditions has reached such proportions that we can safely talk about its renunciation of historical statehood. And this is in a situation where, in the reign of Emperor Nicholas II, Russia reached an unprecedented material heyday. By 1914, the population of the Russian Empire increased from 125 million (according to the census 1897) to 178 million, that is, the increase was 53 million.

Russia was becoming a rich, well-fed and prosperous state. But, paradoxically, it was this material growth that became one of the main reasons for the revolutionization of society. Many did not stand the test of wealth or wealth, they wanted to reject strict moral rules, to go on the path that Europe has already moved. The Orthodox monarchy, with its spiritual and moral code, imposes on all people, above all, moral obligations, the first of which was to serve the Motherland selflessly, in the beginning of the 20th century. already interfered. The identity of Sovereign Nicholas II caused misunderstanding and irritation.

God bestowed on Russia a king who was amazing in his spiritual and human qualities: Emperor Nicholas II combined unshakable devotion to Christ and Russia. The rejection by the Russian society of just such a Tsar created the conditions for the spread of various fabrications about him. All this is quite explicable: the Tsar, in modern terms, remained in the Orthodox field, and his opponents from the political and intellectual elite left this field a long time ago. However, the writings of modern interpreters of the actions of Nicholas II cannot even come close to their true understanding for the same reason: they are still in a completely different spiritual field.

For the overwhelming majority of Russian educated society, Nicholas II was a tyrant, a reactionary and a conservative, stubbornly clinging to power. Whatever Nikolai II did, whatever decision he made, everything was condemned by this society. Radicals of all kinds and shades, artists and poets, statesmen and industrialists, publishers and publicists imposed on Russia their own development recipe. Condemnation and denial gradually became the meaning and essence of her life.

The fall of the people in 1917 was the inevitable cause of all the misfortunes and misfortunes that Russia experienced in the twentieth century and from which it has not fully recovered so far. The poet A. Belyi, looking at 1917 in February at the joyful revolutionary crowds, in some sudden foresight wrote: "He will bend a quarter of your iron, mora and sword." So it exactly happened. In February, the state and spiritual pillars of the Russian people collapsed on 1917, there was a serious breakdown in its traditional national code, a rejection of the national idea with which Russia and Russia lived for a thousand years. February 1917 led our people to October, to Bolshevism - a special phenomenon in world history. Not a single regime, either before or after, raised to such a degree theomachism and hatred of the national principle to the rank of the main task of its policy. The “moral” credo of Bolshevism is formulated in Lenin’s words: “Moral is what meets the interests of the proletariat.” In fact, behind the verbal "concern" about the interests of the proletariat was hidden aggressive and consistent theomachism. Dostoevsky described the essence of these people - demons with a short but very precise word. It was devilry that was the breeding ground of the notorious Bolshevik "morality", which allowed killing hundreds of thousands of people, including representatives of the same proletariat, only because of their "unsuitability" for the world revolution. The same “morality” completely allowed for the total extermination of people on the basis of belonging to a “parasitic” class and class. This “morality” made it possible to destroy temples, burn icons, sneer at honest relics, and kill priests.

The Orthodox monarchical consciousness of the Russian people was seriously undermined in the decades before the revolution. The Bolsheviks began to fill the emerging vacuum on the move with the created false religion. Instead of God - the leader, instead of the Kingdom of Heaven - a happy future, communism, which everyone must selflessly build. In general, the devilish substitution.

The part of the population, in which the Orthodox world view and traditions were still strong, did not accept it. It was subject to physical destruction in 20-e – 30-e, and in 50-e – 80-e. - political persecution. The other part of the people, especially the one that entered the Soviet period in the history of our country in its youthful years, and especially born after the revolution, gradually adopted this heresy as its ideology, its religion. With this false religion, most of the people lived, committed labor and military feats, mistakes and misdeeds. She became for her an explanation of the meaning of life in those years. It is because of this that many people today cannot separate the chaff from the seeds, the popular delusion from the conscious crimes of the system, or abandon the false religious heritage of communobolshevism. The introduction of the new false religion went on in 20-30-s in Russia at an accelerated pace: temples were demolished and closed (not only Orthodox, but also mosques, datsans, synagogues), the clergymen were massively repressed, most of whom were shot. Everywhere stone idols were placed - idols. The ancient Russian cities were massively renamed in honor of the Bolshevik leaders (the "saints" of the new "religion"). Thus, on the map of the RSFSR, instead of Gatchina, Trotsk appeared, instead of Elizavetgrad — Zinovievsk, instead of Petrograd — Leningrad. Against this background, the appearance in 1925 instead of the old Tsaritsyn Stalingrad was already a normal, ordinary event.

Joseph Stalin has long become a myth that causes either horror or delight. "Stalin's camps", "Stalin's purges" - these, excuse me, historical "brands" have long been part of our consciousness. But few people think that these repressions and camps are Stalinist to the same extent that they are repressions and camps of Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov, Dzerzhinsky, Bukharin, Khrushchev, the entire Bolshevik elite, which created the system that gave rise to these terrible ugly phenomena. .

Meanwhile, an understanding of the true role of Stalin, as in general of historical processes and events, is possible only within the framework of the Orthodox worldview. Stalin was an active activist of the Bolshevik regime. He is directly responsible for the policy and for the lawlessness that was widespread in the USSR in the 20 – 50-ies. Twentieth century. Stalinism, that is, the regime that developed at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, on some issues sometimes declared other ideological dogmas than Lenin's Bolshevism. However, individual ideological and political differences between the Leninist and Stalinist regimes cannot abolish their apparent common ideological basis.

It is absolutely unreasonable to look for a fundamental difference between the approaches of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin. For all of them, people were consumables, and Russia was a springboard for a social and political experiment. However, if Trotsky and Lenin aimed at holding it on a “global scale” and dissolving Russia in a world socialist state (which is not a variant of world government?), Stalin, faced with insurmountable problems in the implementation of these plans, focused on turning the country into a Soviet empire . To a certain extent, some of Stalin's actions coincided with the interests of the revival of historical Russia. But it was exactly the same. Shortly after the seizure of power, he realized that the building of his empire, the core of which the Russians remain, is impossible without the use of elements of the Russian statehood. The latter circumstance often misleads non-church or non-church people, who perceive such pragmatic approaches almost as evidence of Stalin's desire to restore historical Russia. It's a delusion. After all, we are again talking about the classic diabolical substitution.

The danger of the mythological Stalin, the “red king”, is that only his image can be used by the enemies of Russia with some hope of success in the struggle with the idea of ​​Holy Russia. Neither Lenin nor Trotsky, nor even the gods of modern liberalism, are able to carry the people along with them: they are frankly disgusting and ugly. Stalin is mythical, as the supreme god of the Bolshevik false religion, a merciless, but “just” god, may be attractive to people who are spiritually underdeveloped or who are just looking for the path to Truth. But with Stalin the myth, inevitably Stalin will return concrete: with terror, civil strife, voluntarism, the pursuit of faith. This is easily explained - there will be no God with him, which means there will be no peace in hearts and souls, there will be no love and humility of pride.

A true monarchy is eternal, for it does not confine itself to a specific person, to tyranny, but to recognize only God over himself and serves Him and his people. However, such a monarchy requires a much higher level of spiritual development from the people than a republic or dictatorship. Our eminent thinker I. A. Ilyin wrote: “This is a great illusion that it is“ easiest ”to enthrone the legitimate Sovereign on the throne. For a legitimate Sovereign must be earned with heart, will and deeds. The monarchy is not the easiest and most generally accessible form of statehood, but the most difficult, for it is the most deeply sincere soul spiritually demanding monarchical sense of justice from the people. ”

For a spiritually weakened people, the image of the “red king” - “effective manager” is closer and clearer than the image of God the Anointed One. Stalin is the direct opposite of Emperor Nicholas II, in the spiritual sense they are incompatible, as it is impossible to combine the devil with the Divine. It is amazing that people who call themselves Orthodox do not understand this.

Stalin is a natural and direct consequence of the apostasy of Russian society from God and historical Russia, which took place in 1917. We dare to assert that Stalin was sent to Russia as a punishment for this apostasy. However, this should be clear to any thinking person. The people, who did not want to have God's anointed one above them, received a cruel ruler, in which the whole terrible post-revolutionary era was reflected. Stalin was brought to the surface by the dark force of Russian society, which was born as a result of the betrayal of faith, the oblivion of the ideals and traditions of the ancestors.

When the question was decided who would lead Soviet Russia after Lenin, the “miracle-workers” from backstage, who settled in America, could not stand aside. They were more comfortable with the business and pragmatic Stalin than the talkative and conflicted Trotsky. Indeed, in Washington and New York, it was considered advantageous to strengthen the USSR as a counterbalance to the ambitions of London in Europe and the prospects for the revival of a strong Germany. In 1928, one of the representatives of the mentioned backstage, hiding behind a pseudonym, sent a telegram from New York to Trotsky to Alma-Ata, in which he demanded that the latter "immediately abandon the struggle and" surrender power "to him. Without their support for Stalin, it was difficult to expel the “eternally inflamed” Lev Davidovich from the country. It is noteworthy that after Trotsky, Stalin continued his Trotskyist economic policy for a long time. The main slogans of Trotsky, “Let's strike a fist!” And “Give us the industrialization of the country!” Will be implemented by the Stalinist leadership. Some decisions of Trotsky, with which Stalin had previously categorically disagreed, for example, the construction of the Dnieper power plant, were immediately implemented, because American capital was interested in them, having taken an active part in this “building of communism”. What are the reasons for such American "philanthropy"? In 1929, US President G. Hoover met with prominent US entrepreneurs from the Russell Center. They said to Hoover: “There is a crisis, trying to avoid the difficult situation in which the United States may find itself can only be done by changing the balance of forces in the world. For this, Russia must be helped to finally get rid of the consequences of the civil war, and help Germany to get rid of the grip of the Versailles Treaty. ” Hoover objected: “But money is needed for this, several billion. And why do we need it, what will happen next? ” "And then it is necessary to push Russia and Germany with their foreheads so that, after recovering from the crisis, the USA will be only one on one with the remaining of these opponents."

Let's look at the era of Emperor Nicholas II and General Secretary Stalin (the name of which for the leader of the state is the secretary!). They were faced with very similar tasks: the industrialization of the country, the reform of agriculture, the struggle against the internal opposition, the opposition of Germany and its allies. The approaches to solving these problems, their methods of the emperor and the secretary were fundamentally different.

In the face of the impending world war, Stalin had very little time to create a more or less strong economy that was destroyed in the civil war and in the 20s, years of 12 – 15. Within the framework of the Bolshevik system, it could only be a matter of militarized, rigid total mobilization, not limited by any moral principles.

Today one can often hear that the victims of Stalinism were justified, since terror and repression helped save the state. But we, believers, and everyone who has a sense of conscience and mercy, should understand perfectly well that the state that can survive, devours its children is worthless. The state is for the people, for the people, and not vice versa.

This principle was guided by Emperor Nicholas II. He also took Russia on the eve of the greatest tests. Already at the end of the nineteenth century. World War was viewed as a quick inevitability. Like Stalin, the Sovereign had little time.

- The results of the transformations carried out under the leadership of Nicholas II in the shortest possible time were amazing. The prewar five years is the time of the highest, last take-off of pre-revolutionary Russia. Almost one and a half times in 1909 – 1913. increased industrial production. On the eve of World War I, there were 255 metallurgical plants, 568 coal industry enterprises, 170 oil producing and 54 oil refineries, 1800 large and small metalworking enterprises. In 1913, in terms of production, Russia was almost equal to England, significantly surpassed France, doubled over Austria-Hungary, and reached 80% of German production.

Unprecedented flourishing experienced Russian agriculture. In 1913 in Russia, the yield of the main grains was on 1 / 3 higher than that of Argentina, Canada and the United States combined. The burden of direct taxes in Russia was almost 4 times less than in France, more than 4 times less than in Germany, and 8,5 times less than in England. The burden of indirect taxes was on average twice as low as in Austria, France, Germany and England. In the reign of Nicholas II, the Trans-Siberian, Chinese Eastern and South Manchurian railways were built. Industrial expansion was accompanied by technical progress - domestic engines, motor ships, submarines, locomotives, cars, airplanes were created. In terms of economic growth, Russia overtook all European countries and was on par with the United States. During the First World War, the chemical industry was created in just one year. By decree of the Sovereign, on the eve of the war, work began on the founding of a city with a non-freezing port beyond the Arctic Circle. In 1916, he gets the name Romanov-on-Murman. Here, in Murmansk, during the Great Patriotic War, Allied convoys will arrive, delivering weapons, equipment and food. The pace of economic and cultural development of the country was so impressive that a prominent French economic expert E. Terry was forced to admit in 1913: “By the middle of this century, Russia will dominate Europe, both politically and economically and financially”.

Note that for the transformation of the economy, Emperor Nicholas II took almost as much time as Stalin did - 13 – 14 years. It should be borne in mind that for three years (1905 – 1907) a bloody turmoil raged in Russia, seriously hindering the implementation of plans for the industrialization and modernization of the country. All the transformations carried out under the leadership of the Sovereign, did not require any tremendous human sacrifices or the inhuman efforts of the people, which is fundamentally different from the reality of the Bolshevik five-year plans. The only major pre-revolutionary "construction", which had to attract prisoners, the number in excess of 500 people, was laying the Amur railway (5000 people). But Stalin's industrialization without the camps of the Gulag would be doomed to failure. Thus, 126 thousand prisoners were used on the construction of the White Sea Channel (about 50 thousand died from overwork and starvation). Especially for the construction of the Moscow-Volga Canal. JV Stalin created Dmitrovlag in 1937, through which passed (and many did not pass) hundreds of thousands of people. The prisoners of Bamlag built the railway in incredibly difficult geographical and climatic conditions, undeveloped territories of the Far East. Under such conditions, construction work could be carried out no more than 100 days per year, but the prisoners worked all year round and in any weather for 16 – 18 hours per day.

Some transformations in imperial Russia and the Soviet Union, although they affected the same sphere, cannot be compared at all. For example, it is just a shame to try to put together the agrarian reform of 1906 and the so-called “collectivization”, which cost millions of lives.

They claim that all these horrors were needed to prepare the USSR for war. But Emperor Nicholas II, who carried out his global reforms without the monstrous sacrifices of the Stalin period, organized the defense of his country much better. We are often told that the First World War was extremely unfortunate for Russia and the “weak” Tsar was responsible for this. At the same time it is emphasized that Stalin was a great commander, at the head of which the Soviet Union won the Great Patriotic War. But in World War I under the monarchy, that is, until February 1917, Russia ceded only the territory of the Kingdom of Poland and a small part of today's Lithuania. The enemy not only was not allowed on the Russian land itself, but was repeatedly beaten. In 1916, the Russian army carried out the largest offensive of the First World War, inflicting heavy defeat on the German-Austrian forces in Galicia, part of the territory of which was occupied by the Russians. On the Caucasian front, our troops under the command of General N. N. Yudenich utterly routed the Turks and advanced a few hundred kilometers into the Ottoman Empire.

Let us recall the events of summer - autumn 1941: despite the courageous resistance of individual units, the Red Army is almost defeated, soldiers and commanders in thousands, whole units surrender - this is about 3 million people, German troops in November 1941 turn out to be under Moscow. For incomplete 5 months, the enemy captured most of the European territory of our country. The most densely populated and industrially developed territories of the USSR were given to 2 – 3, to be torn apart by the Nazi beast. This is where a huge number of victims came from: millions of women, old people, children died, which was impossible in the First World War.

It may be objected that the wars, they say, were different, in 1941, the enemy was significantly stronger and more numerous. Let's look at the facts. In 1914, Russia was opposed by the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman (Turkish) empires, Bulgaria. Allies of Russia were France and England. She had to fight on five fronts: German, Austro-Hungarian, Turkish, Persian and Romanian. In general, about 4 million people fought against Russia.

In 1941, the USSR was attacked by Germany, Romania, Hungary, Finland, Italy. Allies of our country were England and the USA. The total number of enemy forces in 1941 was the same 4 million people. Yes, the Western Front at the beginning of the First World War was delaying a large part of the German forces, but already in 1915 it was completely calm, which lasted until the spring of 1916. Taking advantage of this, the German command transferred the most efficient divisions against Russia. In addition, the Russian army had to directly assist the allies - the Russian expeditionary force was sent to France, two Russian brigades to Greece on the Thessaloniki front.

It should be noted that during the Great Patriotic War, Turkey did not fight against us, and the allies in 1941 – 1945. rendered the USSR substantial military-technical, material and financial assistance.

Yes, in the Great Patriotic War, compared with the First World War, there was a qualitative development of military equipment, new types of troops appeared (armored, for example). In 1941 – 1945 the war has become much more maneuverable. But, on the other hand, chemical weapons were not used in the Great Patriotic War, in contrast to the 1914 – 1917 war. In general, both wars are quite comparable. The losses of the Russian army in the First World War until February 1917 were about 1 million people, the number of casualties among the civilian population of Russia is extremely small. These figures cannot be compared with the monstrous losses of our people in the Great Patriotic War. The Soviet leadership, headed by Supreme Commander Stalin, is fully responsible for them. And do not say that, on the other hand, we, under his command, eventually won, putting almost 30 million lives on the altar of this victory. They won in many respects not because of him, but in spite of. They won thanks to the boundless courage and sacrifice of the Russian and other peoples of the USSR, thanks to the talent and determination of our generals, most of them noncommissioned officers and warrant officers of the old Russian army. For the price, Stalin did not stand, and Nicholas II showed that in the most difficult situation it may be incomparably smaller.

The Great Patriotic War is the highest feat of our people. However, it is time to look at the Patriotic War and from a different, spiritual, religious point of view. This is necessary to understand the true causes of the terrible tragedy that our Motherland has experienced, and to choose the path that it has to face in the future. Every believer cannot fail to see the Providence of God in the last war. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill said very precisely and deeply about this: “The Church has the right to spiritually see the historical ways of the people; a believer has the right and opportunity to see the hand of God in his life, in the history of his Fatherland, and to understand what God's punishment is. Some people wonder: “Why was the last war so terrible and bloody? Why so many people died? Where does incomparable human suffering come from? ” But if we look at this military catastrophe with our gaze that our pious ancestors looked at the past and the present, can we really refrain from completely clear evidence that this was a punishment for sin, for the terrible sin of apostasy of the whole people, for the denial of holy things, for blasphemy and mockery at the Church, at the shrines, at the faith. "

The Soviet country is so far removed from its predecessor, the Russian Empire, and even earlier Russia, that only the strongest shock could stop this process, during which people would give their lives or risk it not for socialism-communism, but for the Fatherland, . Above this, says the Lord, there is nothing.

It took all the millions of people to realize that a German came to Russia not as a liberator from the communist oppression, but as a ruthless destroyer, so that the war would become sacred. Such a war could have been won only by the people, who had Holy Russia with their deep-seated foundations, and not the godless Soviets. In 1942, Mr. Stalin, speaking of Soviet people, said to the American Ambassador A. Harriman: “Do you think they are fighting for us? No, they are fighting for their mother Russia. ”

In May 1945, a significant part of our people reached the former, pre-revolutionary level of understanding the meaning of great events, sacral, Divine meaning. Another effort would begin a religious rebirth. But this effort should have been supported from above, by the leadership, the leader, which turned out to be impossible in principle. After the victory over Napoleon, Alexander I did not explain it either by the patriotic uplift of the people or by his own merits, but carried it completely to God, saying: “The Lord walked ahead of us. He defeated the enemies, not us! ” Get into the amazing words of the High Manifesto of 25 in October 1812: “So let us know in this great work of this Providence of God. Let us turn before His Holy See, and, seeing His hand clearly, punishing pride and evil, instead of vanity and blasphemy of our victories, we learn from this great and terrible example to be meek and humble laws and will performers who do not resemble those who have fallen away from their faith the temples of God, our enemies, whose bodies are packed in great quantities to feed the dogs and the crows ”! How deep and true! After all, all this can and must be said was in the victorious forty-fifth. Most of the Russian people were ready to hear it. But that did not happen. There was an unrestrained praise for the generalissimo, the generals, the victorious Soviet people, the “guiding and organizing role of the Communist Party”. And again, a comparison with comprehension of the victory over Napoleon Alexander I suggests itself, who ordered to mint at the commemorative medal: “Not to us, not to us, but to Your name”. These great words are also stamped on the Russian monument in Sofia, erected in honor of the liberation of Bulgaria in 1878 from Turkish oppression, during which 200 of thousands of our soldiers and officers died: "Not to us, not to us, but to Your name." So the Russian people considered it necessary to perpetuate the memory of the terrible events and great victories. In 1945, everything was different. Suddenly, historical Russia, which came close to our people during the war, began to drift away from Holy Russia. But everything could not go back to normal, to the reinforced concrete Soviet dogmas — the Russian life, which over the past three decades and has eroded the foundations of Bolshevism and Stalinism, has become warmer in the thick of the masses.

Stalinism, which laid the foundations of the Soviet system, despite some material successes, was doomed to defeat in advance. He had no continuity with Russian history, with Russian life, with Russian spirituality. Therefore, we declare once again to those who shout about “Orthodox Stalinism”: this is the fruit of a sick imagination. An Orthodox person cannot be either a “Stalinist” or a “sovpatriot”. It is impossible to simultaneously venerate the holy martyrs and their tormentors, it is impossible to glorify both God and the devil. This is tantamount to a denial of Christ.

In this connection, the words of one of the prominent Western ideologists S. Huntington (1979) are noteworthy: “The conflict between liberal democracy and Marxism-Leninism was a conflict of ideologies, which, despite all the differences, at least outwardly set the same basic goals: freedom equality and prosperity. A Western Democrat could easily wage an intellectual argument with a Soviet Marxist. But it will be unthinkable with the Russian traditionalist. ” That is, with us, with the Orthodox.

That is why the influential circles of the West are most afraid of the revival of Orthodoxy in Russia. Our enemies are ready to support any, even the bloodiest, historical figure of the Soviet past, be it Lenin, Trotsky or Stalin. These symbols are essentially neither hostile nor dangerous for the West, as they are generated by them. But to the Emperor Nicholas II, the godless gods have an implacable hatred. Why such hatred for our last sovereign? Nicholas II - the personification, the embodiment of the idea of ​​the Russian Orthodox civilization, the Russian national idea: "Testimony of Christ before death." In the Akathist to the Holy King of the Passion-bearer there are such words: "Rejoice, adornment of the Russian kings." They accurately reflect the spiritual component of Nicholas II as a historical phenomenon. In his person, God sent the Russian people the last opportunity to avoid a revolutionary fall. Similar warnings were issued throughout the 19th century: Rev. Seraphim, St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), Optina Elders, Righteous John of Kronstadt. These saints warned: the people and society are coming to a dangerous point. “If there is no repentance of the Russian people,” said righteous John of Kronstadt, “the end of the world is near. God will take away from him the pious King and send cruel, self-appointed rulers who will flood the whole earth with blood and tears. ” They did not listen to the holy elder and lost the gracious King, having received bloody oppressors.

Often we say: "Russia, which we lost." But we have lost not only Russia itself, but also Russian Orthodox civilization, which has been an alternative to Western apostasy civilization for a thousand years. We have lost our national idea - to carry the light of Christ to the world, and now we are wandering in darkness, trying to invent a new national idea. It is not developed, it is born in the thick of the people when it sees the light of God. In the people it matures, from there it is picked up by scholarly men, it is made out of them into a strategic concept. And we, the Russian people, will not give birth to anything worthwhile until we return to the spiritual path that our civilization has been following for a thousand years. All the peoples and nationalities that inhabited our country, with their faith, culture, traditions, with absolutely equal opportunities with other subjects of the empire, were built into this civilization, or rather, organically incorporated.

For the sake of such a civilization, we, the Orthodox, should work, pray, suffer, endure, and conquer with our weapons — unity in Christ. It was, is and will be the weapon of Russian victory. “His truth will be his weapon;” says a psalm known to every Orthodox Christian. Or, as our great poet Tyutchev said,

Unity - announced the oracle of our day, -
It may be soldered with iron only and blood ... ".
But we will try to solder him with Love -
And there we will see that stronger!
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  1. +6
    30 October 2013 15: 55
    We have lost our national idea - to bring the light of Christ to the world, and now we wander in the darkness, trying to invent a new national idea. It is not developed, it is born in the thickness of the people, when he sees the will of God.

    We need an elite infused with this spirit.
    And the elite comes out of the masses living today Far from the commandments of God.
    When all The Russians will turn in the direction of the historically established landmark of morality — the church,
    Great people will leave the people and lead Russia and many other nations.
    Other countries have much less chance of doing this; they have gone too far with God.
    1. +11
      30 October 2013 16: 00
      Quote: 787nkx
      And the elite comes out of the masses living today Far from the commandments of God.

      The paradox is that we ourselves have chosen such an elite.
      Quote: 787nkx
      When all Russians will turn in the direction of the historically established landmark of morality — the church.

      It is not soon, now you will see for yourself how much anger and dirt will pour on the Church.
      Quote: 787nkx
      Other countries have much less chance of doing this; they have gone too far with God.

      Well, it’s, as a foregone conclusion from above. We constantly pull the world out of shit, into which it crawls from time to time. Only the price is the salvation for our country, each time more and more.
      1. +3
        30 October 2013 16: 05
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        .We constantly pull the world out of shit, into which it crawls from time to time.

        It’s time for us to drink the lifebuoy along with the rope, and when the world climbs back in again to do so what request am wassat
        1. +7
          30 October 2013 16: 16
          Reminds an old joke of Armenian radio
          -What is Friendship of Peoples?
          -This is when the friendly Russian people,
          friendly Ukrainian people
          friendly Belarusian people
          and friendly Armenian people
          get together
          and go beat the face
          friendly Georgian people angry
        2. +10
          30 October 2013 16: 45
          Quote: ....
          Emperor Nicholas II combined unwavering devotion to Christ and Russia

          But I do not agree with this example. Just like an Orthodox. Yes, I forgave everything, but I did not forget anything.

          1. I kept Rasputin with me.
          2. Practiced nudism. (in the picture)
          3. Contained lovers such as ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya
          4. The anointed of God as a true Christian was to go to Calvary without abdicating the throne and his people.
          1. S_mirnov
            30 October 2013 19: 26
            I will add that, by his rule, he brought Russia to the revolution, although it is very difficult to push the Russian into the revolution!
          2. SAG
            31 October 2013 01: 55
            Are you out of your mind? What nudism in those days !? It is not necessary to vulgarize a simple bathing in the river, then almost the entire population bathed in this way (swimming trunks did not exist - there were knickers).
            Do not touch Rasputin, whom the people called the "Holy Elder", he was slandered, and then killed by traitors who sold themselves to British intelligence, so as not to interfere with the involvement of Russia in the war she did not need.
            Nicholas abdicated from the throne just because of compassion for his people (it was very kind-hearted - an unacceptable luxury for the emperor - this was all his fault)
            Read the story and analyze, turn on the brain, see who the author and which ideology adhered.
            1. +1
              31 October 2013 09: 05
              Quote: SAG
              Are you out of your mind? What nudism in those days !?

              Do not confuse Russians and Germans with whom the emperor and his wife and children were. The imperial family even filmed naked was a fact.
              Quote: SAG
              Do not touch Rasputin, whom the people called the "Holy Elder"

              Oh, how, then, what did this old minister change? Did he eat the vinyl and lagged behind maids of honor? People probably do not know?
              Quote: SAG
              Nicholas abdicated from the throne just because of compassion for his people (about

              Are you out of your mind? Not a single martyr has denied Christ, but what is the throne you know? Why is he called that? He could go to the constitutional monarchy, but the anointed of God did not have the right to deny.
              1. SAG
                2 November 2013 00: 34
                Oh, how, then, what did this old minister change? Did he eat the vinyl and lagged behind maids of honor? People probably do not know?

                You do not understand anything! Once again I say read books a lot and different and turn on your brains already. The fact that the press and the Times distributed it I know perfectly well without you. You bring at least one fact and not slander, which is now in all publications. I can give you such sensations a mountain of links that for example Putin a Jew sold Russia and divorced his wife to indulge in debauchery with Kabaeva!
                History can only be considered in the context of the time when it was happening. The people then were for the most part uneducated and gullible, he did not have the vaccine against all kinds of pi ... s, he believed in many rumors and spread them. For greater conviction, mummers were launched under the guise of Rasputin, who were supposed to drink and have fun with the women.
                Where is the link to the video where the imperial family is naked? I repeat, think with your own brains, use the oldest principle of Roman law: look for whom it was beneficial, if you certainly set the goal to find the truth (!)
            2. +1
              31 October 2013 12: 53
              Quote: SAG
              then almost the entire population swam like that

              Bathing suits 1891.
              1. SAG
                2 November 2013 00: 18
                Where does this photo come from? You have already beguiled all the shores and flies with cutlets! You shove Orthodox Russia and Geyrop in one bowl! After a hundred years, people like you will scream that pederasty has gone from Russia ...
      2. +10
        30 October 2013 16: 16
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        how much anger and dirt will pour on the Church

        and most simply don’t know what the Church is.
        They do not know that no malice and filth are afraid of her.

        Regarding the article, a lot of things distorted me, and I disagree with many, but I can’t discuss it here.

        Although I wish with all my heart that my people turn to God.
        1. +11
          30 October 2013 16: 47
          Quote: APES
          and most simply don’t know what the Church is.

          I will not tire of repeating

          To whom the church is not a mother, God is not a father.
          1. +4
            30 October 2013 16: 55
            Gospel according to john
            “I am the true vine, and My Father is the winegrower. Every branch of Me that bears no fruit, He cuts off; and he who clears every one that bears fruit, that it may bear fruit more. ”
          2. +1
            30 October 2013 21: 12
            It’s better to answer the question why the Russians went to Muslims — not from God, turned away from the church. Not from scratch such a hr.
            1. +1
              31 October 2013 08: 57
              Quote: varov14
              It’s better to answer the question why the Russians went to Muslims - not from God, turned away from the church

              answer to the question:
              What is a church?
              It is not possible for a Christian to turn his back on the Church - this is a large part of his life.
              Quote: varov14
              Russians in Muslims

              why such a contrast?

              Immodest question:
              Have you read the bible?
          3. S_mirnov
            30 October 2013 22: 35
            Quote: Vadivak
            I will not tire of repeating

            To whom the church is not a mother, God is not a father.

            I don't know how at the prayers, but I was at the wedding, and so there none of the people was called the son of God! "God's servant", "God's servant" heard it, but "God's son", "God's daughter" did not hear nirazu !!! But if they sculpted in "image and likeness", then the slave should not have turned out! Are they bred? No.
            1. +2
              31 October 2013 09: 02
              Quote: S_mirnov
              then the slave should not have turned out! Bred?

              A servant of God cannot be anyone's slave.

              I am afraid you, in your current state, it is difficult to understand.
              And do you want this understanding? Why do you need it?

              you judge without knowing the nature and meaning of the sacraments and services.
            2. +3
              31 October 2013 09: 07
              Quote: S_mirnov
              "Slave of God", "Slave of God" uh

              Slave, abbreviated worker. The scornful name of the working people among the rich and loafers
        2. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            31 October 2013 08: 51
            Quote: S_mirnov
            But the church as a mediator between God and man needs to maintain a reputation

            you do not know what the Church is; your judgment is fundamentally wrong.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +2
        30 October 2013 22: 12
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        The paradox is that we ourselves have chosen such an elite.

        What kind of elite are we choosing for ourselves?
        Those who, being Communists at the helm, were quickly able to grab popular welfare and now call themselves the elite. Is that what?
        The elite are those who glorify this people with their deeds, whose labor and military feats are worthy of imitation.
        And this is what does not come out of the criminal chronicle - what kind of elite is it?
        1. S_mirnov
          30 October 2013 22: 29
          Quote: APASUS
          What kind of elite are we choosing for ourselves?

          I think this means that after the abolition of the turnout threshold and the "against all" clause in the ballots, any "elections" turned into support of the modern "elite". wink
      5. 0
        30 October 2013 22: 15
        Neither malice nor filth on the Church. But everyone will get according to his deeds.
      6. S_mirnov
        30 October 2013 23: 05
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        It is not soon, now you will see for yourself how much anger and dirt will pour on the Church.

        so deserved, as they say "for their deeds!"
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        We are constantly pulling the world out of the crap into which it crawls from time to time.

        And who is this "We"? You also consider yourself to be "We"? It would be interesting to know how you-WE
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        get the world out of shit
        Here I perfectly imagine our grandfathers and grandmothers, under the leadership of Comrade Stalin, who are defending our Motherland (maybe along the way they pulled out the world and shit). Now what? Rid the world of the costs of the Olympics and the World Cup in football?
    2. yuri p
      30 October 2013 16: 52
      "When all Russians turn towards the historically established reference point of morality - the church," ..... but do the church and its Supreme Synod meet those criteria so that the people could be guided by it, because they are the blood and flesh of the modern generation with all disadvantages inherent in this generation.
      1. 0
        30 October 2013 17: 00
        The Church, as a set of laws and rules of a God-pleasing life, of course meets the highest criteria that we must strive for. As for the earthly structure, of course, there are inconsistencies, they are not the subject of this discussion.
        1. +3
          30 October 2013 17: 19
          Quote: 787nkx
          The Church - as a set of laws and rules of godly existence,

          This is among the ctoliks. Follow certain rules and you will be happy. In the Orthodox Church, Love is above the Law.
          1. S_mirnov
            30 October 2013 22: 16
            Quote: Vadivak
            In the Orthodox Church, Love is above the Law.

            And again you confuse Faith and the church. In a modern state, led by traders, the church is a commercial organization that is exempt from taxes by the state. The main activity is communication with God, and the provider is modern. Bought a candle in the church - good, brought his own - sin! I ordered the funeral service, consecration and everything is OK, there were no priests - bad.
            1. +1
              30 October 2013 22: 24
              You speak different languages ​​with the priests. They will spit, stomp their feet and yell that you don’t understand anything in the person’s soul. You have touched on the most important thing about them. Money and rejection of another person’s opinion
              1. 0
                31 October 2013 09: 05
                Quote: ele1285
                You speak different languages ​​with priests

                Do you often communicate with priests, heart to heart, over a cup of tea?
                1. 0
                  31 October 2013 11: 57
                  I also had to have a glass of tea, there are decent ones. But mostly spiders in the jar
                  1. 0
                    31 October 2013 12: 30
                    Quote: ele1285
                    there are decent. But mostly

                    people are different and all sinners, including priests

                    Even a bad priest (priest) can not spoil the sacraments in any way and can not affect your Faith.

                    Another question: why are you (personally)
                    Quote: ele1285
                    mostly spiders
                    You meet such people, and most importantly, who gave you the right to judge like that, can you get into everyone’s soul? Do you know why he is in this life (his mission)?
            2. +1
              31 October 2013 09: 22
              Quote: S_mirnov
              You confuse faith and church

              You talk about things about which you don’t know anything, do not understand and do not live it
              Quote: S_mirnov
              I bought a candle in the church - good

              You probably don’t know that you don’t have to put a candle to pray.
              Quote: S_mirnov
              Ordered the funeral service, consecration and everything is OK

              It does not always help, so it is impossible to say that everything is "ok" after that.
              Quote: S_mirnov
              dispensed with priests - bad

              The Christian will not evaluate your actions (bad, good), he will not blame you, he just pity you, but no more .......
    3. +2
      30 October 2013 21: 04
      The people parted with the church, not with God. Have you seen God in this Judah? Let’s recall a better proverb - far from the king, high from God. Probably not from scratch, people came up with. Schasssss in the monarchy, and maybe right into the Stone Age. Eka where he bent. Well, about morality in our church, we must generally be silent. Although, I will not be tempting, some representatives of the church on TV are very efficient in speaking, but our politicians are doing the same thing. Things only differ with words.
    4. +2
      30 October 2013 22: 13
      Quote: 787nkx
      We have lost our national idea - to bring the light of Christ to the world, and now we wander in the darkness, trying to invent a new national idea. It is not developed, it is born in the thickness of the people, when he sees the will of God.

      We need an elite infused with this spirit.
      And the elite comes out of the masses living today Far from the commandments of God.
      When all The Russians will turn in the direction of the historically established landmark of morality — the church,
      Great people will leave the people and lead Russia and many other nations.
      Other countries have much less chance of doing this; they have gone too far with God.

      Not in the church, God is in the heart. There is no elite in us. There is no more than a quarter century.
      The Church and FAITH are all different matters.
      Great people, who is this, can you go into the studio in more detail? There are VERY many peoples in Russia and so on.
      Balabolism and demagoguery at you
      1. -2
        31 October 2013 11: 51
        Great people, who is this, can you learn more in the studio?

        S. Razin, E. Pugachev, I. Stalin, V. Putin, A. Lebed, R. Kadyrov, Peter I, G. Zhukov, Alexy II ...
        1. 0
          31 October 2013 11: 59
          Quote: 787nkx
          Great people, who is this, can you learn more in the studio?

          S. Razin, E. Pugachev, I. Stalin, V. Putin, A. Lebed, R
          .Kadyrov, Peter I, G. Zhukov, Alexy II ...

          This is about modern Russia, you probably did not read it carefully.
          1. 0
            31 October 2013 12: 09
            Great people, who is this, can you learn more in the studio?
            S. Razin, E. Pugachev, I. Stalin, V. Putin, A. Lebed, R

            .Kadyrov, Peter I, G. Zhukov, Alexy II ...
            This is about modern Russia, you probably did not read it carefully.

            You will recognize them when they come out.
            I do not know them yet.
  2. +7
    30 October 2013 15: 56
    Maybe we should not forget that Nikolai himself entered the war, declaring mobilization for an insignificant reason (WHO WHO REMEMBERES HIM?), Forcing Germany to declare war, and Stalin’s empire was treacherously attacked, violating all treaties (just do not repeat Goebbels’s arguments for protection against Bolshevik threat).

    For the sake of such a civilization, we Orthodox should work, pray, suffer, endure

    Yes, how much can you? And for what kind of civilization? Is there a clear understanding of where we are going now? Only reform-rrr-we, while we see only destruction, stagnation, decline.

    In general, the main appeal of the article is the current power from God. But I don’t think so, and in general it’s enough to pick my wounds. History teaches one thing: that history teaches nothing.

    It is not soon, now you will see for yourself how much anger and dirt will pour on the Church.

    Nobody is going to pour dirt, but the Church also needs to turn its faces to the people and look at everything with a sober look, and not call for patience for no one knows why.
    1. +2
      30 October 2013 16: 26
      Quote: mak210
      May we not forget that Nicholas himself entered the war, declaring mobilization for an insignificant reason

      Russia has always complied with the contract, even to the detriment of itself.
      Quote: mak210
      Is there a clear understanding of where we are going now?

      The main thing is that you yourself would understand where you are going and what.
      Quote: mak210
      In general, the main appeal of the article is the current power from God.

      What power the people chose, that one received.
      Quote: mak210
      Nobody is going to pour dirt

      That day has not come yet, until it has come.
    2. +4
      30 October 2013 16: 54
      Quote: mak210
      but the Church must turn to face the people and look at everything with a sober look, and not call for patience for no one knows why.

      It is known. Patience is the highest virtue. It is anger. Cold, sober head, calm transfer of pain, misfortune, sorrow, misfortune. Patiently go towards the goal and you will be happy.
    3. yuri p
      30 October 2013 16: 57
      "Nobody is going to pour dirt, but the Church also needs to turn to the people and look at everything with a sober look, and not call for patience, it is not known why" .......... how you can pour dirt while being in this dirt, all of Russia is mired in this and there is no way out yet.
    4. 0
      30 October 2013 21: 23
      "Nobody is going to pour mud, but the Church also needs to turn its face to the people and look at everything with a sober eye, and not call for patience for no one knows why." --- As it is not known for what, they grabbed for free, there is no skill to swallow, they emit diarrhea, so they decided to hide behind God. They forgot one thing, everyone graduated from the parish school during the Soviet period. True, they realized it, decided to destroy education. Of course, it's easier to manage fools, but they will also be exterminated in years.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    5. -1
      30 October 2013 22: 26
      More innovation and modernization. (D.Medvedev)
  3. +4
    30 October 2013 15: 56
    Unity in a single cultural field with the supremacy of Russian culture and the Russian ethnic group .. and not when the republics have their own nationalism (Tatarstan does not even pay taxes to the federal budget for example) than they are better than any other region? Why do others literally live at the expense of some and how much I’m still bugging grandmothers there, that’s what I want to do .... I’m generally silent about friends from Central Asia, even though they asked for language skills at the border ...
    1. waisson
      30 October 2013 16: 09
      1. waisson
        30 October 2013 21: 35
        Well, what can you do behind life
    2. -1
      30 October 2013 21: 35
      Yes, the Tatars also surprise me. I considered them one of the main nations of Russia, close to us in spirit, with the same imperial manners. But it turned out that they lacked a specific principality, which in the event of the collapse of Russia would be ironed with tanks either from the east or from the west, why they are needed as a people, superfluous. The West will have enough of 15 million in Russia, and China most likely does not need these. There is no place for the Tatars.
      1. 0
        30 October 2013 22: 35
        I’m probably a purebred little girl (At least in my soul), but the Tatars are a state-forming nation in Russia along with a few other peoples.
        1. 0
          31 October 2013 01: 16
          and let's remove the bad and ugly twigs from the broom and try to sweep hi so few branches left.
  4. +6
    30 October 2013 16: 14
    God bestowed on Russia a king surprising in his spiritual and human qualities: Emperor Nicholas II combined unshakable devotion to Christ and Russia.

    I would not begin to canonize Nicholas 2 - his lack of will in a difficult moment for RUSSIA cost the people dearly, then drawing RUSSIA into the 1st World War is also on his conscience, then I don’t see any important and significant cases for this person.
    The only thing I can sympathize with him and his family is a grievous death to see how their children are being killed and his wife can get mad from this and I cannot even wish this to my enemy.
    30 October 2013 16: 19
    The strength of the people is not only in unity. RUSSIA is a multinational state, so if we can reach mutual understanding again, RUSSIA will again become invincible. The strength of RUSSIA is in the friendship of its peoples.
    1. Peaceful military
      30 October 2013 16: 59
      Quote: GREAT RUSSIA
      The strength of the people is not only in unity. RUSSIA is a multinational state, so if we can reach mutual understanding again, RUSSIA will again become invincible. The strength of RUSSIA is in the friendship of its peoples.

      And in a strong, united, nationally adequate and consistent power.
        30 October 2013 22: 27
        Quote: Peaceful military
        And in a strong, united, nationally adequate and consistent power.

        And also in a patriotically educated, educated and ready to sacrifice for the sake of the MOTHERLAND, for the sake of the family and loved ones.
        1. Peaceful military
          30 October 2013 23: 35
          Quote: GREAT RUSSIA
          Quote: Peaceful military
          And in a strong, united, nationally adequate and consistent power.

          And also in a patriotically educated, educated and ready to sacrifice for the sake of the MOTHERLAND, for the sake of the family and loved ones.

          And where will these people come from? ... Family + State ... Is this there? That's it ...
      2. 0
        30 October 2013 22: 37
        All the same, rather STATE
  6. +4
    30 October 2013 16: 27
    I once believed in beautiful words in them, now try to explain it to the hot guys from the CAUCASUS and I'm sure that guests from neighboring countries will send you to hell.

    It is necessary to begin with the Kremlin leadership — as long as there is no faith in it there will be no unity; all these are tales for gullible simpletons.
    1. +2
      30 October 2013 17: 11
      When the Russians are united by the Orthodox idea, the hot guys will quiet down and follow us. As long as they come up with the idea, we watch ads on TV and choose someone, somewhere. Therefore, their Lezghinka scares us, they have strength - Islam.
      1. +2
        30 October 2013 17: 22
        Once upon a time, the Russian people were united by three things: faith in GOD, the GOOD Tsar and the Fatherland.

        Faith in God was crushed, the king was overthrown, the fatherland turned into swamp-spiritual rods for most young people; they don’t know how to restore the unity of the people in modern conditions.
        As for the hot guys from the CAUCASUS, they understand only the power and inevitable power of punishment - this is not now. PUTIN has given them the opportunity to show their most base instincts.
        Islam, I think, has nothing to do with it - moreover, ISLAM is used by scumbags as an ideological justification for its crimes.
        1. -1
          30 October 2013 17: 46
          A group of people united by one idea, headed by a real leader, attracts other caring people to the fate of the Motherland, even more powerful leaders come forward, then there is a constant process of attracting people and giving birth to new leaders. What other idea besides Orthodoxy can unite the Russian people?
          The elite will grow out of the mass of Orthodox people by life (not by declaration), and it will be such a force that it is impossible to resist. Imagine our president at the head of a people united on the basis of Orthodox values, have you felt what kind of power you have?
        2. 0
          30 October 2013 21: 49
          There is a recipe. Let us leave God, the Good King himself resigned. In modern conditions, therefore, it remains to rely on God, Progress, Science, Industry, Education .... You understand, love of the fatherland is not possible without the above.
        3. GREAT RUSSIA
          30 October 2013 22: 40
          Quote: The same LYOKHA
          As for the hot guys from the CAUCASUS, they understand only the power and inevitable power of punishment - this is not now. PUTIN has given them the opportunity to show their most base instincts.
          Islam, I think, has nothing to do with it - moreover, ISLAM is used by scumbags as an ideological justification for its crimes.

          And so I look like a scumbag? Do you think I can only be corrected by force? Do I have low instincts? And Islam is not preached by scumbags. Islam was corrupted by the Saudi dynasty in the 18th century, and later on around the world. Islam considered the Virgin Mary holy, Jesus Christ the great prophet. These are Muslim Issa and Maryam. You believe the Liberals delirium. And you insult the religion in your own words, that is, violate the rules of the site, which means disrespect to administrators, moderators and insult the religion of the Muslim forum users of this site. Representatives of different religions have forgotten on this site, and you insulted their religion with your statement and showed disrespect for them.
          1. 0
            31 October 2013 04: 12
            GREAT RUSSIA Let me, dear, where did you go, you write me down as a terrorist.
            Let's start in order
            I didn’t declare you a scumbag, THEREFORE YOU SHOULD NOT CORRECT YOU smile
            Further, I saw a lot of executions and beheadings committed by non-humans under the cries of ALLAH AKBAR-I can not consider such evil spirits as believers.
            The Saudis use Islam for their own purposes - believe me, if a rogue invests in a young immature soul, along with faith in God and the idea of ​​killing dissenters, he will do it. (This applies to any religion)
            Liberals, my enemies in their affairs declare openly.
            As for insulting religion and violating the rules of the site, THESE ARE YOUR DELUSION FANTASIES (leave them at home otherwise I will have to talk more strictly with you)
    2. Umar
      30 October 2013 18: 30
      More adequate than inadequate people are coming from the North Caucasus, the vast majority of them will not be sent to you, no exaggeration.
      30 October 2013 22: 31
      Quote: The same Lech
      I once believed in beautiful words in them, now try to explain it to the hot guys from the CAUCASUS and I'm sure that guests from neighboring countries will send you to hell.

      It is necessary to begin with the Kremlin leadership — as long as there is no faith in it there will be no unity; all these are tales for gullible simpletons.

      Dear, here I am a "guy" from the North Caucasus. Do you think I need to explain something? It is not necessary to evaluate all the people of the peoples of the North Caucasus because of the act of a group of persons. Here I am like a person who would offend or speak indecently about And the power is not only in Islam, here among the highlanders disobedience to elders is considered the greatest shame. Did you see that people from the North Caucasus would give their old parents to a nursing home? Yes, there are scum, but there are scum in all nations.
      1. 0
        31 October 2013 04: 19
        GREAT RUSSIA - a respected guy from the NORTH CAUCASUS, you talk beautifully about the customs of the highlanders at home, but why do not you stop your mountain eagles at our place.
        I have seen repeatedly how these people behave in Russia in a boorish manner with disrespect for the local population, well, you are not trying to stop such things by inspiring your young people in your Caucasus — it’s easier to run into LEKHA to accuse him of ethnic hatred than to stop your shooting eagle in the middle of the city due to an excess of emotions.
  7. -2
    30 October 2013 16: 46
    There is no need to drag Orthodoxy to our glorious history.
    1. 0
      30 October 2013 17: 38
      You mean a solid gap in knowledge of the history of the Fatherland
      1. -2
        30 October 2013 23: 54
        Well, enlighten.
  8. -1
    30 October 2013 16: 57
    The article minus. The monarchical delirium of the gray mare, together with the religious delirium, contributes not to unity, but just the opposite. Those who wish in the wild Middle Ages shout "Give us the father-tsar", those who want to lick shout "Vladimir (Putin) to the kingdom". We live in the 21st century, but the feeling that we are rolling into the Middle Ages.
  9. Peaceful military
    30 October 2013 16: 57
    Again, liberalists, destalinizers rod.angry
  10. 0
    30 October 2013 16: 57
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    What power the people chose, that one received.

    It was precisely against such an impudent "choice" that the people came out into the square right after them. Then the command was given to vulgarize everything, and the so-called. non-systemic opposition fulfilled the order qualitatively, even in places with an overlap, so they began to spit in their direction. Yes, and our systemic opposition has shown itself in all colors. "We recognize numerous frauds, but for our personal financial well-being, oh we will sit for the benefit of the people in the Duma! "They promised to sue and where are the results?

    And the church has blessed this choice. In the 20s, priests protested against the devil's power, went to the Gulag and the execution cellars, and became holy martyrs. Can't they see now how writhing from lack of money and the absence of a future for the Moscow Ring Road? Closed factories, fields overgrown with birches, complete decline of education for our children, lack of health care guarantees, poverty of pensioners, general alcoholization of Russians, following the famous slogan: "Live fast, die young."
    1. +2
      30 October 2013 17: 10
      Quote: mak210
      In the 20s, the priests protested against the evil power, went to the Gulag and shooting cellars, became holy martyrs.

      It was a time of purification by fire. No wonder there is an expression of God's Beach.
    2. +3
      30 October 2013 17: 57
      Quote: mak210

      It was precisely against such an impudent "choice" that the people came out into the square right after them. P

      100 thousand who left in Moscow are not the whole people of Russia. Surprise, but beyond the Moscow Ring Road there are many Russian cities and villages.
      Quote: mak210
      Really now they do not see how writhing from lack of money and lack of future

      Well, I live far beyond the Moscow Ring Road and there is money, and I look at you for the Internet too.
      Quote: mak210
      Closed factories, fields overgrown with birch trees, the complete decline in education for our children, the lack of health care guarantees, the poverty of pensioners, the general alcoholization of Russians

      Itch his foot, you tell me that since 1998 write?
  11. Yarosvet
    30 October 2013 17: 02
    How many letters, how many words ...

    Chubais was more concise
    1. Yarosvet
      30 October 2013 17: 04
      Article - chatter from the series:
      1. 0
        30 October 2013 17: 29
        Quote: Yarosvet
        Article - chatter from the series

        You know, Yarosvet, because such forums are held and articles appear because of fear that an identity similar to Lenin or Stalin will appear in Russia, and the Cuban will come to the current rulers. History tends to repeat itself, in the 21st century it will also be 17 years old.
        1. 0
          30 October 2013 18: 22
          Will definitely come. But, with what idea?
          Democracy, tolerance, consumerism ..., I would not want to.
          In the wake of the unification of the Russian people around real values, a leader should come out who can lead the people and the country.
        2. Yarosvet
          30 October 2013 19: 24
          Quote: baltika-18
          You know, Yarosvet, because such forums are held and articles appear because of fear that an identity similar to Lenin or Stalin will appear in Russia, and the Cuban will come to the current rulers. History tends to repeat itself, in the 21st century it will also be 17 years old.

          I know very well.

          Actually, that's why people are brainwashed - a man is lazy by nature, even despite open access to documents, he probably won’t dig into them, but after hearing such figures, he’ll surely have his own opinion and will go on smashing his opponents with a fanatical faith in his own righteousness here is quasipatriotism hi
    2. +1
      30 October 2013 17: 32
      In Orthodox society, this comrade did not crawl further than the cloth store.
      Or rather would be a different person.
      1. 0
        30 October 2013 17: 48
        I mean Anatoly Borisovich.
        1. Yarosvet
          30 October 2013 19: 37
          Quote: 787nkx
          By democracy
          Just curious - what does not suit you in democracy (not to be confused with what is called democracy today)?

          On the wave of the unification of the Russian people around real values
          What are these values?

          a leader should come out who can lead the people and the country.
          Who should, how? Isn't a leader made by people following him?

          Quote: 787nkx
          In Orthodox society, this comrade did not crawl further than the cloth store.
          Or rather would be a different person.
          I mean Anatoly Borisovich.
          1. 0
            31 October 2013 09: 20
            Just curious - what does not suit you in democracy (not to be confused with what is called democracy today)?

            Not a single democratic state has realized the principle of power of the people inherent in the name.
            What are these values?

            The moral values ​​laid down by the Creator in the most spiritual nature of man. We feel these values ​​in ourselves every time our conscience tells us what follows and what should not be done.
            Who should, how? Isn't a leader made by people following him?

            A leader can come out of any environment, can appear on his own, can come from another country, and people who are in the same environment as him will follow him, but the probability that the idea he will carry is a blessing for the whole nation.
            To increase the chances of a "good" leader emerging, you need to create a "good" or "necessary" environment (environment, we are ordinary people), from here a leader can grow who shares the views of the environment itself.
            In Orthodox society, this comrade did not crawl further than the cloth store.
            Or rather would be a different person.
            I mean Anatoly Borisovich.

            Perhaps the patriarch discerned in AB that which is not visible to the majority.
            1. Yarosvet
              31 October 2013 15: 50
              Quote: 787nkx
              Not a single democratic state has realized the principle of the people
              But one thing, in the first half of its existence, came close to this.
              I ask again - what do you dislike in democracy?

              Moral values ​​laid down by the Creator in the most spiritual nature of man
              A highly optic wording - in addition, to take it seriously, you must at least have proof of the creator on hand.

              people who find themselves in the same environment will follow him
              This is from the category of fairy tales.

              but the likelihood that the idea that he will carry is a blessing for the whole people is very small
              That is why it is necessary to teach every cook how to control the state - an educated person is more difficult to throw.

              To increase the chances of a "good" leader emerging, you need to create a "good" or "right" environment
              And for this it is necessary to learn to understand the essence and mechanism of the ongoing social processes.

              Perhaps the patriarch discerned in AB that which is not visible to the majority.
              What he saw, I emphasized.
              1. 0
                31 October 2013 18: 18
                But one thing, in the first half of its existence, came close to this.
                I ask again - what do you dislike in democracy?

                If where the power of the people is realized, I want to see.

                A highly optic wording - in addition, to take it seriously, you must at least have proof of the creator on hand.

                It is enough to have these values ​​as the most important landmarks in life.
                Then the evidence, the existence of the creator will not be so important.
                This is from the category of fairy tales.

                The strength of a leader always attracts mass; mass always follows a leader.
                Imagine a critical situation with many participants.
                Possible development option -panic and the situation will be disastrous.
                There is a possibility that one participant in the events specifically, abruptly, clearly, clearly begins to give commands and managed to avoid disaster. A person who undertakes to command is neither a commander, nor a boss, nor a senior, and people voluntarily carry out his commands and follow him.

                That is why it is necessary to teach every cook how to control the state - an educated person is more difficult to throw.

                My idea is not to teach the cook how to govern, so that the presidents do not deceive her, but to create the ground on which a leader who deceives her cannot grow.
                And for this it is necessary to learn to understand the essence and mechanism of the ongoing social processes.

                The leader is the essence and mechanism itself, and the people who follow it are the power that drives the mechanism. But this is not so important. It is most important that the leader acts carrying the idea of ​​the highest moral moral ethical values.

                What he saw, I emphasized.

                I will stay at my place.
                1. Yarosvet
                  31 October 2013 19: 13
                  Quote: 787nkx
                  If where the power of the people is realized, I want to see
                  It was implemented in the USSR from about the 25th to the 55th year.

                  It is enough to have these values ​​as the most important landmarks in life.
                  Then the evidence, the existence of the creator will not be so important
                  I agree with the 1st part of the quote - enough.
                  But if someone claims the existence of God, this statement needs evidence, since in their absence this statement is a lie.

                  The power of a leader always attracts mass, mass always follows a leader
                  The mass then follows, but not the leader, but the declared goal (although there really are cases where the mass thoughtlessly follows the leader - churches, sects, etc.)

                  Imagine a critical situation with many participants.
                  Possible development option -panic and the situation will be disastrous.
                  There is a possibility that one participant in the events will specifically, abruptly, clearly, understandably begin to give commands, and the disaster could be avoided.
                  It happens, but again - it’s not some kind of mystical power of the leader that acts, but the peculiarities of his psyche (his self-confidence is real or apparent) and the psyche of the followers (their uncertainty).
                  Moreover, very often the leader’s lack of control leads to a different result than anticipated (mistake or deception) - this is the danger of leaderism.

                  My idea is not to teach the cook how to go about government so that the presidents do not deceive her, but to create the ground on which a leader who deceives her cannot grow
                  1 is unrealistic. 2 is immoral.

                  The leader is the essence and mechanism itself, and the people who follow it are the force that moves the mechanism
                  E no - a leader is only a person focusing an idea and a goal, the mechanism is a society or a group.

                  the leader acts with the idea of ​​the highest moral ethical values
                  Only in fairy tales, as people change, lie, have diseases that change their worldview and goals, and simply become bronzed. The only way to avoid the above is to control the majority

                  I will stay at my place.
                  It goes without saying, you just do not need to idealize people and look for them to justify where they are not.
                  1. 0
                    31 October 2013 20: 51
                    Too many comments on my one post.
                    Moreover, there is only one fundamental discrepancy, you do not admit the presence of a leader who does not require control by society.
                    I agree, today its appearance is not possible, what will happen tomorrow You do not know, I do not know either.
                    But what I know for sure is that processes are underway to form a new worldview of our society, when the processes become irreversible, then such people will appear.
                    1. Yarosvet
                      31 October 2013 22: 50
                      Quote: 787nkx
                      processes are underway to form a new worldview of our society, when processes become irreversible, then such people will appear.
                      There is one more discrepancy: what you know for sure - you probably cannot know, since this is not knowledge, but faith, and this faith is completely refuted by the experience of mankind.
  12. makarov
    30 October 2013 17: 08
    ".. For the overwhelming majority of Russian educated society, Nicholas II was a tyrant, reactionary and conservative, stubbornly clinging to power ..."

    And what would they say once in our future and tasting the realities ??? Probably immediately upon return, they would become either monarchists or members of the Union of Michael the Archangel .......
    1. +3
      30 October 2013 17: 17
      The tsar, the priest, was neither a leader nor an elite, most likely a formal declaration of the state system. Lenin, a true leader with a clear idea of ​​communism, succeeded in sweeping the tsar and the entire state system.
      Through a weak king, we got a dead end for 70 years, now again we have to make a choice.
      We return to the origins of Orthodoxy.
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. Shuriken
    30 October 2013 17: 35
    Barely finished reading this nonsense to half, and threw it away! How the Orthodox is very sorry for the royal family, but for some reason Nikopai is not, even though it is a sin! Why this "saint", being the Anointed of God, betrayed his country, entrusted by the Lord, to be torn apart by liberal demons ? About. Shit the great Empire? And the "bloody" Stalin stood against the whole of Europe, restored in the shortest possible time a huge country and created a Superpower! Apparently because he was a "false leader"!
  16. +3
    30 October 2013 17: 36
    However, this is already too much. Article - propaganda for Orthodoxy. And the Russian Federation, if anyone forgot, the secular state and the church are separate from the state.
    1. 0
      30 October 2013 17: 59
      By state structure, yes.
      And what about a person’s spiritual structure?
      1. +1
        30 October 2013 18: 13
        And what then do atheists, Muslims, Buddhists and others? Get out of the country?
        1. 0
          31 October 2013 11: 31
          The basic values ​​of Orthodoxy do not contradict other religions and universal moral standards. Turn honestly to your beliefs, live in good conscience, and looking at you, others will do the same.
          1. +1
            31 October 2013 11: 44
            .Refer honestly to your beliefs, live in good conscience, and looking at you, others will do the same.

            Good words. And then what about religion in general?
  17. +1
    30 October 2013 17: 45
    Yes, with our unity, it’s just not very, people are divided into moneybags and paupers, separatism is flourishing in the country, liberal democrats serve as agents in the West, apparently without shocks it’s difficult to bring Mother Russia together.
    1. 0
      30 October 2013 17: 57
      Let's unite around Orthodox values.
  18. +4
    30 October 2013 17: 51
    "The industrial upsurge was accompanied by technical progress - domestic engines were created ..... airplanes."

    Aircraft engines were purchased abroad. Moreover, due to supply disruptions, the Russian army experienced very big problems in the years 15-16.
    In fact, only one production aircraft was created in Russia - the Ilya Muromets bomber, a cool car, for that time - the Germans then copied it. The fighters were purchased abroad.
  19. Shaman 21101973
    30 October 2013 18: 00
    I read the comments and marvel ...
    Church, Nicholas II, Stolypin, Lenin, Stalin .....- well, everyone remembered. Or as a panacea and an example, what to do and how to live better? Is anyone to blame for why we live worse now? Stop guys delving into the past. This is our story and stop practicing self-flagellation. Need to work. And above itself ..
    I don’t know what was and how it was until 17 of the last century, but I know one thing that the Bolsheviks came and seized power (Civil War, devastation, intervention ...) and held it for 70 years. And in the 17th year there were not many of them (Bolsheviks). And from a good life, the people (who believed in both the king and God) would not follow them. And that is a fact. Like what our country has become (1917-1990) in a good sense, when the Communist Party was at the helm.
    And about Stalin, M. Sholokhov said well in due time. "Yes, there was a cult ... But there was also a personality!"
    1. +5
      30 October 2013 18: 03
      But there was also a personality! "
      and self-interest in the actions of this person, unlike others, was not observed.
      1. Shaman 21101973
        30 October 2013 18: 14
        If we take world history, everything was done by personalities. And both good and bad ..
        1. +1
          30 October 2013 18: 24
          What kind of idea a person comes out with is such a thing.
      2. 0
        30 October 2013 21: 41
        Quote: 787nkx
        and self-interest in the actions of this person, unlike others, was not observed.

        You are probably very young?
        Self-interest is different. For some, self-interest is money, but for someone, power is valuable in itself, as a means to control the fate of people. If an empowered person has not accumulated millions, this does not mean that he ruled without any personal interest. If anything, Chikatilo didn’t kill either because of money. But he killed.
        Although I respect Stalin. But without admiration.
        1. 0
          31 October 2013 09: 29
          IVS - of all the rulers of the USSR, most of all possessed the qualities of the elite of society.
          My comment would like to emphasize that the subsequent leaders of the state, like the elite, were crushed. Just as you respect ITT with respect, but it is not ideal.
          Thanks for the age.
  20. +5
    30 October 2013 18: 02
    I had a lot of reading different opinions, but such enchanting pulling of facts by the ears as in this article is simply discouraging and depressing ... This is necessary, but where to get to - in the Russian Empire, production reached 80% of Germany. But the trouble is - they fought in the 1 world with rifles from all over the world and shells, even for the artillery that was available in the units, there were several guns ... and everything was just so wonderful, people with fat were freaking out from an overabundance of freedom.
    Generalizations sound very pretentious that for thinking and believing people, the image of Stalin is definitely negative ... Excuse me, but I consider myself a believer and thinking person, although not to the same extent as the author understands the term "believer", but with his conclusions , expressed and on my behalf, in no case can I agree. The complete manipulation of the real facts of history and their rough and one-sided interpretations for the sake of the political convictions of the author can cause nothing but rejection. It doesn't even make sense to point out obvious mistakes and incorrect comparisons - this whole article is a very crude attempt to agitate the monarchist gentlemen in favor of their beliefs. I am sure that truly thinking people will never have understanding and positive perception
    1. +2
      30 October 2013 18: 07
      The monarchy, as a caste closed by the terms of kinship, cannot supply a full-fledged elite; there is always a risk of a king coming to the throne — not matching the parameters of the father of the nation.
  21. +2
    30 October 2013 18: 19
    Quote: Shaman 21101973
    I read the comments and marvel ...
    Church, Nicholas II, Stolypin, Lenin, Stalin .....- well, everyone remembered. Or as a panacea and an example, what to do and how to live better? Is anyone to blame for why we live worse now? Stop guys delving into the past. This is our story and stop practicing self-flagellation. Need to work. And above itself ..
    I don’t know what was and how it was until 17 of the last century, but I know one thing that the Bolsheviks came and seized power (Civil War, devastation, intervention ...) and held it for 70 years. And in the 17th year there were not many of them (Bolsheviks). And from a good life, the people (who believed in both the king and God) would not follow them. And that is a fact. Like what our country has become (1917-1990) in a good sense, when the Communist Party was at the helm.
    And about Stalin, M. Sholokhov said well in due time. "Yes, there was a cult ... But there was also a personality!"

    Wrote great !!! And there is nothing to add .. What was that happened (this is our history .. and it must be respected) And yes, if .. if only we were .... poking around to find fault with arguing .. Now the new history of Russia begins With yourself you need to start! And not the eternal Russian question "What to do and who is to blame?" It's time to decide already! Enough scratching your heads .. (I am in addition to the forum member Shaman .. Plus him!
  22. 0
    30 October 2013 20: 19
    what I wonder what happens when they start to divide their own citizens into friends and foes?
    1. Shaman 21101973
      30 October 2013 20: 49
      Red and white .., on the Aryans and others ..
      Civil war .... Terror ... Nazism ....
        30 October 2013 22: 35
        Quote: Shaman 21101973
        Red and white .., on the Aryans and others ..
        Civil war .... Terror ... Nazism ....

        This is not so bad. This includes the destruction of family values, the demographic crisis, the crisis of the human institution of the state, the destruction of the economy and the army, the lowering of the human potential of this state, i.e., the lag in the scientific sphere, the collapse of the army, in short, collapse, collapse, death.
  23. 0
    30 October 2013 21: 20
    I agree with those who believe that Russia (for the most part) went after the Bolsheviks, and not from a good life. There were good reasons for that.
    I do not agree with those who consider this the best option possible.
  24. 0
    30 October 2013 22: 11
    The article is a big minus. A lot of water and verbiage. Personally, I have only negative things about religion because there are a lot of them and each of them is trying to attract as many people as possible (the electorate is, to use the modern language). At the same time, I do not belong to opponents of religion. If you want to believe it or not. In the war of the Second World War, the Christian church did not play a special role, and now (taking into account our tolerance), there is no talk at all
    The main thing is to believe in the MOTHERLAND and think that its government will think about the people, and not about their wealth.
    1. +1
      30 October 2013 22: 25
      Quote: Andrew Peter
      In the Second World War, the Christian church did not play a special role,

      And no one gave her a role, either special or any.
      But I know that my grandfather (by father) was an Orthodox believer. He died in February 1945. But his father was a Komsomol member, he returned alive from the war. Everyone fought for their homeland, both communists and Orthodox. It is not necessary to divide Russia on this basis.
  25. 0
    30 October 2013 22: 41
    [quote = lonely]what I wonder what happens when they start to divide their own citizens into friends and foes?
    This is what is happening now. And unfortunately, neither religion, nor nationality, and NOTHING - just MALF.
  26. +1
    30 October 2013 23: 10
    The author tries to put an equal sign between the unity of the people and Orthodoxy. Alas, the people unite regardless of religious preferences, and in the case of a common danger. Another thing is that the catalyst can be a representative of one or another religion, but this is not necessary, as the Second World War showed. And about Nicholas P and say nothing. He brought the country to revolution. In no state there was such a monarch who would get everyone so that his own officers during the war forced him to abdicate, so that he would not hang out under his feet, but he would be shot later.
  27. 0
    31 October 2013 00: 06
    Quote: ele1285
    I guess I'm a purebred little Ruska (At least in the shower),

    But you can’t do it in more detail? (Let him tell a biography) love laughing
    But, plus anyway
  28. 0
    31 October 2013 01: 27
    everything mixed Lenin Trotsky Stalin Nikolay 2nd World War II World Facts who according to the author recourse request and who is what good
    believed so it remained (centuries, RUSSIA did not move and centuries did not move;
  29. vladsolo56
    31 October 2013 05: 17
    Beautiful words about the union, but. The author strangely believes that all of Russia will no doubt fall under the banner of Orthodoxy. He slandered the history of the USSR. Even here, when voting, one can see how opinions were divided, what kind of unity can we talk about? Why is the author so sure that I am an atheist to easily abandon my beliefs and become Orthodox? I can only express my opinion that the one who calls to unite under the banner of Orthodoxy is simply not a very smart person.
  30. alexeyal
    31 October 2013 06: 21



    The Great Leader of our people, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, was gone. The great, moral, social power was abolished: the power in which our people felt their own power, which he guided in his creative works and enterprises, which he consoled for many years. There is no region where the deep gaze of the great Leader does not penetrate. People of science were amazed at his deep scientific knowledge in the most diverse fields, his brilliant scientific generalizations; the military - his military genius; people of all kinds of labor invariably received powerful support and valuable guidance from him. As a man of genius, in every business he discovered what was invisible and inaccessible to the ordinary mind.

    About his intense cares and exploits during the Great Patriotic War, about his brilliant leadership of military operations, which gave us victory over a powerful enemy and in general over fascism; His multifaceted, immense daily work on managing, on managing state affairs was widely and convincingly discussed in the press, and especially at the last farewell today, on the day of his funeral, his closest co-workers. His name, as a champion of world peace, and his glorious deeds will live forever.

    We, having gathered for a prayer for him, cannot pass by the silence of his always benevolent, compassionate attitude to our church needs. Not a single question that we addressed to him was rejected by him; he satisfied all our requests. And a lot of good and useful, thanks to its high authority, has been done for our Church by our Government.

    The memory of him is unforgettable for us, and our Russian Orthodox Church, mourning his departure from us, escorts him to the last journey, "the path of all the earth," with fervent prayer.

    In these sad days for us from all sides of our Fatherland from bishops, clergy and believers, and from abroad from the Heads and representatives of the Churches, both Orthodox and heterodox, I receive many telegrams in which prayers for him are reported and expressed condolences to us on the occasion of this sad loss for us.

    We prayed for him when the news came of his serious illness. And now that he is gone, we pray for the peace of his immortal soul.

    Yesterday, our special delegation was composed of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas; the representative of the episcopate, clergy and believers of Siberia, Archbishop Palladius; the representative of the episcopate, clergy and believers of Ukraine, Archbishop Nikon and Protopresbyter Fr. Nicholas, laid a wreath at his tomb and bowed on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church to his dear ashes.

    Prayer, full of Christian love, comes to God. We believe that our prayer for the deceased will be heard by the Lord. And to our beloved and unforgettable Joseph Vissarionovich, we prayerfully, with deep, warm love, we proclaim eternal memory.
  31. +1
    31 October 2013 11: 56
    To unite, you need to be attractive to other states, you need a force that pulls. We are not the richest state, now is not the strongest army to hide behind us, we are building a capitalist society as well as everywhere else that we can offer the world? Our wealth, territory, bowels, and they will gladly take it, only they don’t need us.
    But we could offer the world our "Russian spirit", which is not in demand now, this is the spirit of mutual assistance, unity of all citizens of the country, a common destiny for all "we need VICTORY, one for all, we will not stand the price." And therefore society should not be stratified into castes, everyone works and an official or manager does not get ten times more than a worker.
    Then we will be attractive as a society of a new, just type. Then they will want to unite with us and will not have to explain to Ukraine that we will "turn off the gas" to it.
  32. 0
    31 October 2013 11: 56
    To unite, you need to be attractive to other states, you need a force that pulls. We are not the richest state, now is not the strongest army to hide behind us, we are building a capitalist society as well as everywhere else that we can offer the world? Our wealth, territory, bowels, and they will gladly take it, only they don’t need us.
    But we could offer the world our "Russian spirit", which is not in demand now, this is the spirit of mutual assistance, unity of all citizens of the country, a common destiny for all "we need VICTORY, one for all, we will not stand the price." And therefore society should not be stratified into castes, everyone works and an official or manager does not get ten times more than a worker.
    Then we will be attractive as a society of a new, just type. Then they will want to unite with us and will not have to explain to Ukraine that we will "turn off the gas" to it.
  33. The comment was deleted.
  34. xcvxc73
    31 October 2013 15: 28
    accidentally stumbled upon a site that allows you to challenge fines online, at the beginning I didn’t believe it, I thought it was a divorce, but I decided to try and imagine it turned out: one of the 3 fines was canceled. Hooray, I saved almost 4000 rubles. here try it yourself, modet and you will succeed. here is a link to the service http://safe.mn/bazam
  35. lexe
    1 November 2013 02: 14
    And I think so ... VIVAT RUSSIA! And to me, Stalin ... to burn him in hell. We do not respect ourselves until the Russians! Give Russian power!