“Non-Peaceful Chukchi”: 250 years ago Russia recognized the senselessness of the Russian-Chukchi war

The army that recently defeated Frederick the Great, victoriously beating the Turks and the Swedes, gave way to the polar aborigines with bows and spears.

Polar fight

The Russian-Chukchi war (more precisely, the series of wars) lasted, according to some calculations, more than 150 years and ended for us, in general, ingloriously. True, we'll clarify something. The Russians did not leave, because the defeats were so painful for a huge empire. The war just lost its meaning (which is below). And of course, these were not 150 years of daily battles. The stay of the garrison in Anadyr prison, several campaigns, a series of skirmishes - here is a chronicle of events. All the Chukchi tribe (then “Chukchi” wrote) with old men, women, children numbered fewer than 10 thousand people, Russian troops — several hundred bayonets (were there any? the composition of the Koryaks and Yukagirs). So judge the scale of the fighting. And in general, frankly, not the main theater was for the theater of military operations. The empire here simply "marked the flag." In 1763, this flag was lowered. No one really noticed.

“Non-Peaceful Chukchi”: 250 years ago Russia recognized the senselessness of the Russian-Chukchi war
Chukchi warrior. Modern reconstruction

But on the other hand ... Russia left the territory, which it already considered its own. Were crushed by military contingents. Died warlords. The Chukchi seized the banner of the Russian military unit (and also weapon, combat equipment, even a gun - they do not need). And most importantly, they “forced themselves to respect themselves”: in the future, they no longer agreed with them from a position of strength. Whatever one may say, in all respects - our defeat, their victory.

But why is Russia with this tribe bullied?

"Circassian Siberia"

In general, a natural process took place: mastering Siberia, the Russians in the 17th – 18th centuries went farther, to the most northeastern boundaries. Along the way, we agreed with the local peoples, took them into citizenship, established yasak (submit furs). They put winter hut - if the aborigines were set up peacefully. Or fortified jails - if non-peaceful. On the Chukotka Peninsula, by the time being described, there was a pivot point - the Anadyr ostrog, laid down as early as 1652 by the Cossacks Semyon Dezhnev. Not to be confused with today's city of Anadyr, that jail is now a village Markovo in the depths of the peninsula, a local oasis! Anadyr - simply because on the river Anadyr, on the banks of which the Chukchi lived.

Chukchi - ha ha! Well, we know! So many jokes about them goes!

Well, to the attention of lovers of these jokes ... "Circassian Siberia" - so in the memoirs he called the Chukchi who watched them a former exiled Polish insurgent “costume costume” Y. Soot. That is, compared with the Caucasian mountaineers. "The people are strong, tall, brave, strong build, (...) militant, loving freedom, (...) vengeful" - this is an estimate Dmitry Pavlutsky, one of the heroes of our story. And he fought with the Chukchi directly.

All the northern peoples of the main wealth - deer. This food, and clothing, and means of transportation. In the Chukchi, too. But they preferred to replenish their herds, hijacking the herds of their neighbors, the Koryaks and the Yukagirs. The raid economy formed a certain national type. Chukchi distinguished innate combat skills, courage, fearlessness. They preferred suicide to surrender. Yes, they did not know the guns and gunpowder. But they beat them from bows without a miss, they skillfully wielded melee spears, and in their armor and walrus hats were invulnerable - at least for the local enemy. Plus the swiftness of movement - on sledges, skis, the ability to disguise, the mass of ancient military methods ...

They have always looked down on other peoples - so why should any new Russian be treated differently? The first domestic mention of the Chukchi - reports from 1641, that they robbed Russian collectors yasaka. Robbed and more.

In 1725, the Yakut Cossack head Afanasy Shestakov He suggested that St. Petersburg organize an expedition to the north-east of Siberia. Petersburg knew about the unexplored lands there, about the existence of tribes that were not lined with yasak. And then, by the time, he also refused to pay his part of the Koryaks. Well, in 1727, the Senate gave the go-ahead to create "Anadyr Party". She was to study and take control of Chukotka, Kamchatka, the Okhotsk coast. Cossacks Shestakova gave the military command under the aforementioned dragoon captain Pavlutsky.

Exotic opponents and allies

For many centuries Russia has not fought with anyone! Tatars, Turks, Swedes, Poles, Germans ... But there were opponents and quite exotic.

Recall, for example, "Russian-Indian War": in 1802 – 1805 colonists of the "Russian Alaska" fought with the tribe Tlingit (Kolosha) Indians on the island of Sitka.

Even before our opponents almost became Madagascar pirates. Or allies? At the dawn of the 18th century, the local filibusters (of European origin) decided to create their own “pirate republic”. They asked for help from Sweden. This became known Peter I. In 1723, he sent a secret expedition to the shores of Madagascar to ... Further unclear. Take the initiative? Act as appropriate? Anyway, the ship sent on its way sank. The plan slowed down. And at the beginning of 1725, the king died - and the project was curtailed by itself.

In 1870 – 80, great traveler N. Miklouho-Maclay, seeing the Anglo-German colonial aspirations for New Guinea, he asked in turn two emperors, Aleksandra II, and then Alexander III set over her Russian protectorate. I almost provoked an interstate crisis. But Petersburg because of the Papuans did not want to get into a fight.

Russian conquistadors

Reading today materials about the “Chukchi epic” of the 1720 – 50s. (detailed work A. Zueva, V. Gritskevich and others), pay attention not even to the vicissitudes of the campaigns and fighting. The characters of the “actors” themselves are interesting. This is the conquistadors, our Pizarro and Cortes! The same courage, energy, courage. The same ruthlessness (in the name of Pavlutsky, the Chukchi frightened children for a long time). The same sometimes treachery (centurion Shipitsyn I invited Chukchi elders to the talks and cut them). The same vanity, mad temperament. Pavlutsky and Shestakov could not agree which of them was the main one. In 1729, they together came out from Tobolsk, on the way to Yakutsk they quarreled to the death, - and then each went with his squad, in his own direction.

Shestakov acted on the Okhotsk coast - pacified the rebellious Koryaks, fought "Chukchi". In 1730, I ran into an ambush. Wounded by an arrow in the throat, was captured - and the Cossack head was cut off.

With Pavlutsky came out even more interesting.

"Toothy man"

He was actually Pavlotsky and now it would be called Belarusian: the son of a native of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Therefore, for Belarusian historians, it is almost “our countryman.” They celebrate his merits. He organized an expedition to the shores of Alaska ... He taught Kamchadals to arable farming ... For the first time he brought them a cow and a bull ... That's right. Only Pavlutsky is famous for others.

In September, 1729-he reached Anadyr and became the head of the "party". Tired of the raids of the Chukchi, the Yukagirs and Koryaks willingly accepted the “Russian hand”. But now they had to be protected. Pavlutsky made several trips around the peninsula against the Chukchi. The enemy couldn’t resist the rifle fire, suffered terrible losses in the battles, - and then on to the Chukotka camps, Pavlutsky passed as a true punisher. But he achieved the goal - for the time being “forced to peace”.

After the battle, the corpse of a strange man was found near the present Cape Dezhnev "Zubatogo": from the cuts on his lips were sticking out the bone-like walrus fangs. The custom is not local. It turned out: it was an Eskimo who had fought with the Chukchi. And the Eskimos came from Alaska, about which the Russians did not know then. But since the Chukchi and the Eskimos are connected - does this mean that the land of the Eskimos is not far away? Pavlutsky reported to Petersburg. In 1732, the bot "Saint Gabriel" crossed the Bering Strait (not yet bearing this name) - the Russians first came to the Alaskan shores.

Then Pavlutsky was recalled to Yakutsk, they gave the major, then he served in Kamchatka, again in Yakutsk, again in Anadyr. Only the Chukchi were indomitable. In March 1747, they hijacked a garrison herd of deer. Pavlutsky, with a hundred Cossacks and Koryaks, rushed in pursuit - and flew at the Chukchi warriors already waiting for him. They were five times more, and the moments when the enemy was vulnerable were already known. After the first volley, the Cossacks began to reload their guns (then the procedure was long), then the Chukchi attacked. In the ensuing melee Pavlutsky squad was defeated, the major himself was killed.

Waste land

Angry Petersburg sent new troops to Chukotka, but oh, how difficult it is to fight on frozen ice expanses! In addition, the Chukchi did not get involved in battles, preferred guerrilla tactics. Yes, in fact, they were not so much fighting with us, as they simply robbed the neighbors. A sluggish standoff lasted another ten and a half years. With Elizabeth the wise admiral became the Siberian governor Fedor Soymonov. He kept saying: Throw these Chukchi, let them live as they want. Their land is scarce, and most importantly - we do not need it. Possible springboard for a throw to Alaska? Simply go there by sea. And in 1763 (250 years ago), already with Catherinenew chief of the Anadyr party lieutenant colonel Friedrich Plenisner presented the calculations - in what the treasury of the content of the party itself costs. The figure was astronomical - despite the fact that income was not and was not expected.

The Senate gasped and made a decision: to liquidate the party, to fortify the fort, and to withdraw the garrison and the Russian settlers.

Although ten years later I had to return: French and English ships began to appear near the Chukchi shores. They were afraid that another Russian outpost would appear next to the Russian Alaska. But Catherine strictly ordered the Chukchi to come to terms with good, to meet them halfway.

Nevertheless, before October 1917, the Chukchi were considered not completely “pacified”.

... Although, of course, the vodka brought by the “white people” turned out to be more terrible than the rifles of Major Pavlutsky for the stern warriors of the North.
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  1. +10
    23 October 2013 09: 02
    Yes, I was at the Mayorovskaya hill, not far from the town of Markovo. Where Pavlutsky was defeated. In our school there was a museum dedicated to the development of Chukotka.
  2. +32
    23 October 2013 09: 07
    Yeah! read, informative. How many more we find ourselves do not know about the story, but the yukchi surprised.
    1. +24
      23 October 2013 14: 21
      Baron Wrangell
      Cognitively informative, but the author, for the sake of sensationalism, lies like a gray gelding.

      There was no Russian-Chukchi war. Already more than 150 years old. As there was no Chukchi state and no single Chukotka people.
      There were rare skirmishes with individual tribes, accustomed to attack everything that moves, the author is right here, the soldiers are not bad and behaved with their neighbors in much the same way as the Chechens - they made mostly successful raids on everyone they could get to.
      But the war? a few dozen skirmishes over one and a half hundred years is a war? Or are the authors terribly hungry for us to expose the invaders?
      1. -4
        23 October 2013 23: 54
        for imperial expansion, the "conquest" and "pacification" of the "natives" is quite normal. And the fact that this is not a war - so 90% of the history of the US army is just such "military actions", and no historian hesitates to call them a war.
        So there was a war. Especially with a discount on environmental conditions.
        And about the Chukchi - such a joke (with full respect):
        They were offended by China and declared war on it. They are told: YOU what? there are a million people!
        "Oh-oh-oh! Where are we going to bury them all?"
        1. +1
          24 October 2013 00: 37
          Well, yes, well, yes - for 150 years there are as many clashes and casualties as in a month of colonial expansion of any of the European countries, or even much shorter periods - that is, the number of clashes and their intensity is several thousand times less. if you count over these 150 years one and a half thousand killed on both sides, it will be a great achievement .... but naturally you do not notice it ... you immediately see your objectivity and crystal honesty, akin to "historians" like svinidze. :)))

          Then any one raid for slaves on our territory by nomads from some Bukhara or Khiva, in terms of consequences comparable to the entire 150 "war" with the Chukchi, can be safely equated to an attack by Hitler and his policy of total destruction of nations ... by the way, with much large bases. And how many such raids did they make, until they were forced to come to them and destroy their nests of robbery and slave trade?
      2. +1
        24 October 2013 02: 44
        Quote: smile
        There were rare skirmishes with individual tribes, accustomed to attack everything that moves, the author is right here, the soldiers are not bad and behaved with their neighbors in much the same way as the Chechens - they made mostly successful raids on everyone they could get to.

        TO RI acted as a "stabilizer" of interethnic conflicts among the peoples of the North.
        Peacekeeping mission with parallel work on the conversion of these peoples to civilization ...
      3. +1
        25 October 2013 12: 03
        an article from the liberal category "well, I think so" "this is my personal judgment" "we are just discussing the topic" and so on
        but in fact, an attempt to sow enmity, to quarrel peoples for many years living nearby and have long become part of each other
        I’m sorry that I can only put one minus
    2. Fedya
      27 October 2013 20: 35
      That's right ! I recently read how the Chukchi thought of the Russians. God created the Russians to trade with the Chukchi, and for some reason they began to fight with them. And the neighbors, so they look with contempt. A sort of Far Eastern chauvinism.
  3. +12
    23 October 2013 09: 18
    Fight the Chukchi? I thought that there’s no more peaceful nation!
    1. +5
      23 October 2013 09: 47
      I thought that there’s no more peaceful nation!

      She was very warlike. Until they were drunk. EMNIP to the Urals have been flooded with raids.
      1. +11
        23 October 2013 11: 47
        Quote: leon-iv
        before the Urals they were admitted with raids.

        A Th not to the Baltic? wink
        1. +4
          23 October 2013 22: 40
          A Th not to the Baltic? wink

          But what corridor to Prussia did not provide?
      2. 0
        23 October 2013 15: 13
        To Kolyma, no further
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. qwertynsan
      23 October 2013 13: 37
      Well, Ducs are the same North American Indians, they only lived east of the east, so to speak. And how much they fought with the Hurons, Sioux and Apaches ... I won’t be politically incorrect, or else they’ll be banned. people who came to permanent residence in the current United States.
  4. New Russia
    23 October 2013 09: 21
    "Non-peaceful chyukchi" Chu schu write with the letter y!
    1. +20
      23 October 2013 09: 28
      Quote: New Russia
      "Non-peaceful chyukchi" Chu schu write with the letter y!

      Read the article did not try?

      All the tribe Chukchi (then wrote "chukchi") ...
      1. New Russia
        23 October 2013 09: 48
        Nope, immediately went to correct the error, and then read)
        1. bask
          23 October 2013 17: 21
          Non-peaceful Chukchi ": 250 years ago, Russia recognized the senselessness of the Russian-Chukchi war

          I liked the article.
          Just do not understand why it was necessary to fight, with the Chukchi.
          There is no more fire water for 250 years of war.
          And victims from both sides. They would have drunk a snack with the Cossacks and the GUT.
          [/ Center]
          1. +4
            23 October 2013 19: 57
            Quote: bask
            Just do not understand why it was necessary to fight, with the Chukchi.
            Yak why belay
            Now Smile will explain to you popularly ... To build cities, schools, hospitals and universities ..
            1. 0
              23 October 2013 22: 01
              As you say.
              I explain at the request of a colleague:

              Once upon a time there lived a civilized and hardworking people. He lived for himself, peacefully built his state.
              Until a horde of Russian colonial conquerors arrived there, who ate everything on their way, like locusts.
              All Chukchi as one began to defend the walls of their native cities.
              And in the end they won, forcing the Russian emperor to sign surrender at the point of a bone bow.
              In retaliation, the colonialists invented jokes about them (this is a real phrase. Heard on the TV channel Culture, which discussed the ups and downs of Chukotka’s entry into the RI Chukchi, who were present at the discussion, it was inconvenient to listen to the nonsense of the liberal leader with the same opinion as you, and they objected . And one Chukchi-granddaughter of their famous writer, a university student in a short skirt openly made fun of him)

              Of course, the eternal colonialists did not reconcile and for 150 years the tundra blazed with the scorching light of burning white phosphorus and napalm, explosions sounded, screeched buckshot sounded, damask steel rang and a stack of machine guns sounded ... stupidly ruined the ruins of Chukchi cities, littered with corpses of civilians ....
              there were even a few great battles in which as many as 150 people participated on both sides ... a little ... a few ... about how many fingers on two legs of a mouse-pestle, well, a little less mouse we have a disabled woman ... The sea died on both sides people, maybe in 150 years even a whole thousand ...

              and as a result, schools and hospitals were really built, since the beginning of the 18th century, under the fear of hard labor, the Chukchi were forbidden to sell alcohol, the number of Chukchi was steadily increasing ... entire institutes are engaged in preserving the Chukchi and their original culture ... oh yes, the small northern peoples finally regularly ceased to let out each other intestines ....

              Alibek - I explained, as you asked. :)))
              1. tooth46
                23 October 2013 22: 30
                Tolerant, however.
    2. tooth46
      23 October 2013 22: 28
      See the source discussion.
    3. +2
      23 October 2013 23: 56
      very literate, however!
  5. kavkaz8888
    23 October 2013 09: 32
    Funny article. And why chew (y) kcha in the picture looks like a Japanese?
    1. +8
      23 October 2013 09: 41
      and who should he look like?
      1. +9
        23 October 2013 15: 16
        Modern Chukchi:
    2. +6
      23 October 2013 09: 52
      Because the Chukchi, like the Japanese of the Mongoloid race.
      1. +4
        23 October 2013 13: 31
        Quote: RUSS
        Because the Chukchi, like the Japanese of the Mongoloid race.

        Well, in fact, not just everything is there with the races.
        Chyukchi - yes, you can probably talk about Mongoloidism.
        But the Japanese ... a mixture of alien Chinese (Chinese nationalities) with Ainu, who seemed to be pure Caucasians .-
        1. +4
          23 October 2013 16: 14
          Yes, the Japanese are not as "slanted" as the Chukchi, but the Japanese did not mix with the Ainu. The Ainu have features of mixed origin, possibly Mongoloids with Caucasians, but the exact origin of the Ainu is not known.
          1. -2
            23 October 2013 17: 55
            But, for example, some Kazakh guys from this site claim that the Japanese, Hungarians and Kazakhs are relatives ... :)))
            1. 0
              23 October 2013 18: 00
              Hungarians? They are Finno-Ugric.
              1. 0
                23 October 2013 19: 07
                You explain it to Marek Roznu- I couldn’t ... :))) It turns out they are not Finno-Ugric. and the representatives of the Japanese Cases who came to Europe! :)))

                Comrades, Kazakhs, do not be offended, this hairpin is not against Kazakhs, I just outlined the opinion of one of your compatriots. :)))
                1. 0
                  23 October 2013 19: 36
                  Hard case.
                2. -1
                  23 October 2013 20: 14
                  Sorry, accidentally clicked minus. Wanted a plus sign for humor
                  1. -1
                    23 October 2013 21: 34
                    Was mammoth
                    Nothing, I already spat on your back! (Remember the joke about Zhirinovsky?) :)))
                    Figs with him with a minus, I'm not touchy. :)))
              2. Marek Rozny
                28 October 2013 19: 56
                Quote: Spade
                Hungarians? They are Finno-Ugric.

                The Hungarians themselves do not think so. Their language is Finno-Ugric, and the original culture is Turkic. Moreover, the closest relatives of the Magyars after many years of genetic research are Kazakhs from the Madiyar clan, which is part of the Kazakhs of the Middle Zhuz.
                Not only Hungarian historians speak unanimously about the Turkic origin, but also politicians - whether it be the opposition, or the Hungarian president himself. I often talked with the Hungarians, they perceive themselves as the most western Türks, and not as Finno-Ugrians.
                The World Turkic Kurultai (congress of Turkic peoples) is held alternately in Kazakhstan and in Hungary.
                And here is an excerpt in Russian from a Hungarian site:
                "Kurultai became the personification of the unity and kinship of peoples from the Carpathian basin to Altai, which, as thousands of years ago, together commemorate and pay tribute to their great ancestors, such as Attila, Bayan Kagan, Magyar Baba, Kartsyg, etc. This meeting was unique and historically Our history has not yet known an example of such a large-scale event since the tribal gatherings of great leaders. ” , Tatars, Turkmen, Mongols, Chuvashs, Gagauz, Japanese, Huns with the blessing of the Blue Sky - brothers! " http://kurultaj.hu/russian/
                1. Marek Rozny
                  28 October 2013 19: 59
                  Consul General of Hungary in Kazakhstan Sylard TELECI: “... I was very pleased that Kazakhstan knows a lot about Hungary. I often heard from the Kazakhs that Hungary is close to them. Our people also know that there are roots in Central Asia, that we are a nomadic people. there is a close connection between the Hungarians and the Kazakh clan Kypchak. In Hungary, the heirs of the Kypchaks live, who moved to Europe in the XII-XIII centuries. Since then, we have two geographical regions in the country - Big Kypchakia and Small Kypchakia. Many names of Hungarian villages, cities, and just words, consonant with the Kazakh. We have the city of Kartsak (Kazakhs call the steppe fox - қarsak). The ministers of economy and agriculture are from this region. They consider themselves descendants of the Kypchaks ...
                  - And what is more in our Magyars: European or Asian?
                  “Your Magyars have Asian features.” When the Hungarians first appeared in Western Europe, they were often confused with the Huns. Therefore, we were called Hunni (Huns), and the country - Hungary - the country of the Huns. Even the manner of waging a battle, tactics - everything in the Hungarians is like the Huns. The capital of the leader of the Huns of Attila was on the territory of present-day Hungary ... A lot of things connect our peoples: steppe traditions, a nomadic past - Hungarians also love horses very much. I remembered Andras Biro, he was the main organizer of the Kurultay, which has already been held three times in Hungary. The last time was 150 thousand participants. People competed in archery, horseback riding, lived in yurts. After all, the Hungarians once also had yurts.

                  Hungarian anthropologist Andras Zsolt Biro: “Of course, Kazakhs and Hungarians are not alike today. But after all, more than a thousand years have passed, and the anthropological character of Kazakhs has changed greatly due to the Mongol invasion, and the Hungarian - due to mixing with the Europeans. I really love and respect the Kazakhs, but it was your nation that lost more of its original Turkic features than we Hungarians".

                  President of Hungary Pal Schmitt: "For Hungary, Uzbekistan is not only an important political, economic, trade and cultural partner in Central Asia, but also the country and nation with which Budapest has a common origin, common ethnic, historical and cultural roots".

                  The video shows the Turkic Kurultai in Hungary.
            2. +1
              23 October 2013 18: 25
              Hungarians are a Finno-Ugric group, Kazakhs are Türks, or rather, the Turkic-speaking people of mixed race. Well, the Japanese are .... in general it is not clear to them, there is no exact origin of this ethnic group.
              1. -4
                23 October 2013 19: 13
                Well, do not tell me something, I studied well at school :))) in my opinion, I reported whose version it is ...:)))) +
              2. +2
                24 October 2013 00: 06
                The Japanese came from Korea, VERY distant linguistic kinship with the Altai languages: Türks, Yakuts, Tungus, Manchurians. The root is common, but isolated VERY long ago.
        2. 0
          24 October 2013 00: 02
          Ainu - light-skinned Australoids. Scientists have not found their kinship. But they used to live on the islands right up to Kamchatka, and there, even to Chukotka, at a stone's throw.
    3. +1
      24 October 2013 00: 00
      I laughed for a long time at the question. Did you think they are blacks?
  6. +15
    23 October 2013 09: 43
    Wow! belay Once on the Internet I came across the cover of such a little book, I thought Photoshop, then ... I read the article and realized that it wasn’t ... Thanks for filling in the blanks! hi good
    1. +3
      23 October 2013 14: 26
      The fact is that it is in this book, the cover of which you posted so much nonsense and ordinary lies, that after reading this little book you don’t know what to do, laugh. cry or go wash your hands quickly ....
      1. +1
        23 October 2013 16: 37
        smile, thanks for the warnings, otherwise I was going to read good
        1. +9
          23 October 2013 17: 53
          Not at all. :))) But to read, by the way, it’s possible- I’m reading all sorts of rezuns-solonin-svinidze-bunin-you need to know the arguments of the enemy .... :))) I read something like this - the mice cried, pricked, but continued to eat the cactus. :)))
          1. +1
            23 October 2013 23: 49
            smile Thank you, friend, I understand. This is the second time you recommend me the right literature, thanks! good hi
    2. catapractic
      24 October 2013 00: 25
      hi good book
    23 October 2013 09: 56
    As I understand it, the peoples of those places are many times greater in terms of fire and survival tactics than ordinary Europeans, moreover, the people all the time live in such difficult climatic conditions. Chukchi +, but the troops of Catherine-.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. Baboon
      23 October 2013 13: 00
      Well, and how do you imagine, will small garrisons chase reindeer teams in snowdrifts? Look at the movie, there is about Samoyeds, but there is something in common. But the film was created by the French, and they can’t write history without mean words about Russia.
    4. +5
      23 October 2013 14: 31
      Do not worry, Catherine’s troops can be respected again.
      There was simply no war, there were several dozen clashes and enmity with some tribes. Not all clashes were successful for us. All. The hour-long clash of a couple of dozen Cossacks with a hundred Chukchi, with a total of two dozen killed and wounded on both sides, were considered landmark events such as the Battle of the Peoples at Leipzig. :)))
      1. +1
        24 October 2013 00: 13
        Well, you have to make a discount on the region! Specificity, that ...
        The North is its own special world. To the West - I don't know, but to the East - I read about another matter - the Chukchi went on campaigns almost to Vancouver. The Indians were fought, reconciled, traded. Yes. "Armies" there are 10-20 soldiers, but the population density there is generally low. But passions were in full swing - like near Leipzig.
        The Trojan War - also - a raid by a gang of looters in the village.
  8. ed65b
    23 October 2013 10: 01
    An interesting article, to be honest, I didn’t know that it was so thought that they were peacefully included in the composition. Well this does not detract from the courage and resilience of the northern people.
    PS Chechens get northern laughing
    1. +10
      23 October 2013 10: 11
      Quote: ed65b
      Chechens get northern laughing

      Aha laughing I’ll remake Lermontov a little:
      "Chyukcha evil crawls to the shore
      Sharpens Assegai ... "
      Well, or a dagger, I don’t know what there was laughing
      1. +9
        23 October 2013 13: 00
        Chukchi = Nokhcha wink
        1. +1
          23 October 2013 23: 51
          Quote: master_rem
          Chukchi = Nokhcha

          nokhcho ... but by the way, not the point laughing
    2. +5
      23 October 2013 10: 30
      Unfortunately, we don’t have much information about the development of Siberia and the Far East, many people think that everything happened quietly, peacefully and voluntarily, although, in fact, it was not so simple and not so peaceful.
      1. +5
        23 October 2013 11: 15
        Quote: alebor
        Unfortunately, we don’t have much information about the development of Siberia and the Far East, many people think that everything happened quietly, peacefully and voluntarily, although, in fact, it was not so simple and not so peaceful.

        It’s not even peaceful. No wonder they set the prison. Simply, the peoples of Siberia and the North were not numerous and not organized; they lived along Yasa and paying yasak to Russia was fair for them, because Russia for them is the heir to the Horde. It was only the greed, the exorbitant and cruelty of the colonialists, which compelled them to repulse, although not very big, because the Russians lived in prison, and the governors sent by the tsar were the first task to combat the robbery of the indigenous population.
        PS: The slogans of Russian nationalists "Russia for the Russians" sounding in the vastness of Siberia are especially funny ...
        1. +13
          23 October 2013 12: 31
          There is nothing funny in this slogan! The philosopher Chernavsky also said “Russia is not only for the Russians, but also based on the Russians,” it was the Russians who, with their blood and then, brought together such a large country and united so many peoples and were not driven into the reservation. And I did not see anything good in the Chukchi, they lived purely by robbery and at the expense of other tribes, therefore I do not understand such enthusiastic comments that the Chukchi are great, and the Russian are bad colonizers. If there were no Russians, the British would have come, and they were much more decisive in relation to the local population (remember Australia)
          1. -10
            23 October 2013 13: 22
            Quote: SPAAARTAAA
            If there were no Russians, the British would come, and they would be much more decisive in relation to the local population (remember Australia)

            The British in Chukotka? Rave or what? Or everywhere the Anglo-Saxons seem to embrace the State Department?
            1. Baboon
              23 October 2013 14: 00
              Honestly, they sold Alaska because they doubted that we could defend it from the British. And in Petropavlovsk, the English troops landed, if they hadn’t gotten their teeth there, what would happen? Yes, and Laperuz even sailed there before, if he hadn’t stumbled upon Petropavlovsk, I don’t know how it was, he was sailing in all seriousness to open new lands for France.
              1. +6
                23 October 2013 16: 45
                Quote: Babon
                ... Yes, and in Petropavlovsk the English troops landed, if they hadn’t gotten their teeth there, what would happen? ..

                Strictly speaking, the operation was a joint, Anglo-Francs.
                Approximate power parity, but command - aglitskoe.
                Time - 1854, the height of the Crimean War.
            2. -1
              23 October 2013 14: 52
              And what is this discovery for you? Well, then who is the naive Chukchi youth here? :)))
          2. -1
            23 October 2013 14: 51
            Exactly. Great Comment ++++
          3. +3
            24 October 2013 00: 26
            When we talk about the History of 2-3 centuries ago, it is wrong to say "good" and "bad". People lived their lives according to the rules of that time and had no idea about the criteria we have today.
            It is natural for the Empire to expand, suppressing resistance, until you run into another — in this case, the British.
            It is natural for a self-respecting people of the era of "military democracy" to behave like the Chukchi and, over time, create their own empire, or become alien citizens.
            We were just “lucky” to encounter the Chukchi exactly in their “heroic age”. (All peoples survived it, just in different millennia, and then described it in their epic.)
        2. Walker1975
          23 October 2013 12: 36
          The colonialists are the same: that the American could not understand why the dirty red-skinned did not want to give him land, that the Russian did not understand why the dirty Chukchi did not want to pay tribute to furs. The only difference in cruelty is that in Siberia the Land issue was not so acute as in America - vast expanses were much less likely to be settled by natives and there were fewer Russian immigrants.
          1. -5
            23 October 2013 13: 30
            Quote: Walker1975
            The only difference in cruelty is that in Siberia the Land issue was not so acute as in America - vast expanses were much less likely to be settled by natives and there were fewer Russian immigrants.

            Of course it is. In Siberia, farming is difficult, but in the north it is not at all possible. And the flow of immigrants to Siberia was much less than to North America. But all the same, in the end, the local tribes of Siberia and the North are on the verge of extinction. If in the USA there is a policy to preserve the indigenous population up to the point that the Indians have their own laws within the limits of the reservations, the system of instruction in their native language, as well as tax benefits, then in Russia there are small nations (as it is customary to say now and no one has questions why they became small) become disappearing ...
            1. +9
              23 October 2013 15: 10
              Why are you lying? Does it give you pleasure?
              Without exception, all tribes in the Republic of Ingushetia increased their numbers many times over. You cannot but know this. and most Native American tribes in the United States remained only in the names of striped helicopters.
              The average life expectancy of Indian remnants in the United States is 41 years. I repeat, 41 years! The prevalence among them of tuberculosis, polio and similar diseases that accompany poverty is higher than in any wild Somalia. Their literacy is also not higher than among the Bedouins or the Karamadzhong tribes. Indians are dying, degradation is in full swing.
              Go to the official website of the Lakota Indians (just type in a search engine, there is even something in Russian) - rejoice at their "success" ...
              And in Russia, without exception, all small nations still tend to increase significantly. I'm not talking about the Soviet era.
              And about the benefits to you in general it’s a sin to lie so meanly ...
            2. +5
              23 October 2013 16: 19
              Regarding life on the US reservations, you "bent", poverty is flourishing there and mortality is high. Here in Canada, the situation of indigenous peoples there is much better, especially in the northern territories.
            3. +8
              23 October 2013 16: 34
              They are small, because they were small. And their culture was very cherished. In the USSR, children from small northern peoples were not even drafted into the army.
            4. +9
              23 October 2013 17: 02
              Quote: Nayhas
              ... If in the USA there is a policy to preserve the indigenous population ... then in Russia small nations are becoming extinct ...

              You .. are not familiar with the question. I try to be cultural love
              This summer was on the coast of the Tatar Strait (Vaninsky district). 369 (!) Representatives of indigenous peoples live in the district: Orochi, Udege, Evenki, Nanai. There are a lot of support programs for these peoples in the area. Moreover, funding is allocated from top to bottom: from the federal to the district level.
              But, the most remarkable thing that hooked me! There is an ethnocultural center in the village of Vanino, which was created by a Russian woman. She is there like a motor, organizes exhibitions of folk art, studies poetry, legends, fairy tales, everyday life, etc.
              Literature is published, even dictionaries (!), All so that local indigenous peoples DO NOT FORGET who they are. And it feels like the Russians need it more than the Orocs themselves, the Edege and others.
              The situation is similar in other areas of the Khabarovsk Territory (Nanai, Okhotsk, etc.).
              1. 0
                24 October 2013 00: 43
                That's right. This is what we need. In the clash of civilizations, sometimes a cultural shock occurs. In America, this was also (both in the North and in the South). After conquest + epidemics, many chose to forget the old traditions and submit to the conquerors, for the sake of banal survival. In the United States, two types of characters predominated for a long time: an apathetic alcoholic and a feather clown, for the amusement of tourists. The renaissance came in 3-4 generations. And then the Indians went to museums, to scientists, and asked to pick up the records of white researchers, such as a woman from Vanino, in order to recall their forgotten traditions.
                And we need this because the SIMPLIFICATION of ANY SYSTEM, incl. national composition of the state is called degradation. But this must not be allowed. This is also our common wealth.
              2. +2
                24 October 2013 01: 12
                Quote: BigRiver
                You .. are not familiar with the question. I try to be cultural

                thank you
                Quote: BigRiver
                She is there like a motor, organizes exhibitions of folk art, studies poetry, legends, fairy tales, everyday life, etc.

                You are the initiative of a person whose soul hurts and who is not looking for a means of profit in it, trying to project onto the state. Thank God there are still people who care, they run around the offices and cry out for help knocking out unfortunate pennies. But understand, this is not the state’s policy, he absolutely does not care about those nations that are simply dying now. You say that they themselves do not need this, they forget their language, traditions, but this is a sign of the dying of an ethnic group. As a patient who is dying, he still gets a cure, he no longer fights for life, but a merciful woman tries to cure him, realizing that her strength is not enough ...
                In the 90s I worked in the north, I saw villages like from a horror movie, the living dead walked the streets, not a single sober face, it is simply impossible to determine the age, dirt, poverty and despair. And this is on the richest land full of gold, coal, oil ... What is now called "small peoples" were not such before, they populated all of Siberia, the Far East and the North, it was then they became small ...
                1. +2
                  24 October 2013 04: 19
                  Quote: Nayhas
                  ... You are the initiative of a person whose soul hurts and who is not looking for a means of profit in this trying to project onto the state...

                  Both in the USSR and in present-day Russia, many different forms of support for indigenous peoples have acted and are functioning. From federal programs to quotas for fishing, etc.
                  I live in the Far East all my life. And the situation with these small nations is not fundamentally changing. It does not change not because there is no attention to their problems!
                  This question is very large, complex and worthy of a separate discussion.
                  But, I repeat, there is a state support policy!
                2. The comment was deleted.
          2. +6
            23 October 2013 15: 00
            The difference is that we were not colonialists, yes, some Chukchi tribes did not come to terms with that. that om you can’t rob your neighbors anymore, so there were a few hassles. But there was no total destruction of the population. and already at the beginning of the 19th century laws were adopted to protect the interests of the local population - for soldering hard labor for vodka by the Chukchi, caravans with vodka were destroyed on the spot together with vodka carriers. And in the USA, scalps of Native American men, women, and children were accepted by the state for money as glass containers at the end of the 19th century (the scalp is the most expensive for men. Children’s is cheaper). We had a government policy to protect the interests of local in the United States government policy. aimed at their total destruction.
            You can not notice this only by stupidity or by being a deliberate liar. Congratulations.
            1. +5
              23 October 2013 15: 53
              Quote: smile
              We had a government policy to protect the interests of local in the United States government policy. aimed at their total destruction.
              You can not notice this only by stupidity or by being a deliberate liar. Congratulations.

              Quite right, I can add, only in the USSR did the institute of the peoples of the north exist in Leningrad (in Leningrad because the northerners could not stand in a different climate, they were sick).
              Thanks to this policy in education, "small" peoples have ownintellectuals-teachers, doctors, writers (Yuri Rytkheu-Chukchi, a world-famous writer). So the "colonialists" were still those.
              1. tooth46
                23 October 2013 22: 35
                Right This institute is located in Arkhangelsk.
        3. Baboon
          23 October 2013 13: 07
          I would like to remind you that Yasak was mutual, and many agreed to Yasak, as they also received useful things in response. And it's so simple to make people pay tax who did not understand what it was and did not know about statehood at all, but lived in subsistence farming, of course, not everyone understood it.
          1. +2
            23 October 2013 13: 19
            Quote: Babon
            I want to remind you, Yasak was mutual, and many agreed to Yasak

            The problem was not that they were forced to pay yasak, but that in addition to yasak there was open robbery and violence. Siberia was "mastered" by outright scoundrels, and the state tried to get rid of dashing people by fusing them away, the same, realizing their technical superiority over the indigenous population, did not look for complicated ways in means of personal enrichment ...
            1. Baboon
              23 October 2013 13: 27
              Well, I put the video above, well, how do these dashing and alien people catch the locals, especially in the winter through the snowdrifts? Well, I completely agree, it did not look like a war, but rather like a criminal showdown, if you look at modern times.
              1. -3
                23 October 2013 13: 45
                Quote: Babon
                Well, I put the video above, well, how do these dashing and alien people catch the locals, especially in the winter through the snowdrifts?

                Duc in the snowdrifts and no one caught them. It is only necessary to find a camp, the northerners wander only in the summer, in the winter they winter in certain places, where there is little snow because deer do not rake deep snow. It is clear that there was no front line, they attacked the camp, burned the plague, spoiled the women, cut the men, took the junk. Those who survived gather people from camps, attack a detachment loaded with slaves and furs, there already as a chip will fall ...
                1. +4
                  23 October 2013 15: 19
                  Yeah, sapsem fantasy played out? Have you seen it yourself? Or did you, too, Russian colonialists spoil the burnt plague? :))) And the slaves have something to do with it, that you don’t even know that we did not have slavery? :))) Or do not care that you have to lie and dodge. to at least try to pull us up to the level of enlightened sailors? No, you were definitely spoiled and the subtle psyche could not bear the abuse .... :)))
                  1. +3
                    24 October 2013 00: 47
                    slavery was among the peoples of the north. Naihas described the standard Siberian war.
                    1. +2
                      24 October 2013 01: 30
                      Quote: Aljavad
                      slavery was among the peoples of the north.

                      Everyone had slavery, such times were. Serfs, servants ... It is possible that for many patriots on this site the idea of ​​the existence of slavery in Russia is extremely unpleasant, but it is foolish to deny it. In fact, serfdom is the same slavery, if a person can be sold, then he is a slave and no matter what color his skin is ... Not to mention the filthy captured.
                      1. -1
                        24 October 2013 02: 34
                        No, it’s just that some unpatriots are replaced by a lack of knowledge with wild imagination, or with simple agitation heard from the edge of the ear.
                        Do you pretend that you do not know that it was forbidden to enslave people on the lands annexed to the empire?
                        There were no serfs in the Republic of Ingushetia, neither in Central Asia, nor in Central, nor in the Caucasus, nor in Siberia, nor in the Far East ... in fact, a 9th grade student should know this.

                        Would be ashamed to write with such gigantic gaps in knowledge .... Or Nyhaz is not a reader, Nyhaz is a writer? :)))
        4. -2
          23 October 2013 14: 50
          Local peoples had a positive attitude towards the fact that the Russians ousted the Horde, who treated them rather harshly. That is why it was the Horde who resisted. not the enslaved peoples.
          Calling our colonizers can only be a big hangover ... well, or if you deliberately lie. Especially funny in the mouths of people who declare their patriotism are the slogans about the Russian colonialists invented in the depths of the "Bloc of Captive Nations" ... :))) But what to take from you - it has already become a tradition from you ... :)))
          1. +4
            23 October 2013 16: 20
            What are the Horde in the far north :: bully
            1. 0
              23 October 2013 17: 46
              And Naihaz and, following him, I had in mind the Siberian Khanate, formed by the Horde in Western Siberia in the middle of the 14th century. It’s just that Comrade Nykhaz swung and began to prove our colonial complexity not on the example of our Chukchi, which obviously did not know a damn thing, but in general. That affected Western Siberia. Why didn’t you ask him this question? :))) Still say that you did not understand ... :))) I do not believe you are smart. :))) Take off your black glasses; they prevent you from reading. :)))
      2. 0
        23 October 2013 14: 43
        :))) The fact of the matter is that many people think it is right, mostly peacefully — sometimes they had to expel alien local conquerors, such as, for example, Tatars from Siberia, or any Manchurian. Of course, there were clashes with the locals, but there was no talk of any wars. This is with the restructuring of us in the colonialists trying to write.
      3. -1
        23 October 2013 18: 30
        I came across an internet:
    3. +1
      23 October 2013 14: 37
      And they are quite peaceful and entered, we got a feud only with some of their tribes. The authors fanned dozens of clashes before the war for the sake of sensationalism .... the only thing he really Chukchi were good warriors. And this allowed them to carry out frequent predatory raids on their neighbors and keep them at bay. Well, imagine, here the Russians came. Everyone who suffered from them reached out to us. And some Chukchi tribes did not accept the loss of the status of the coolest and tried to resist, sometimes quite successfully. But to call IT a war can only be a sore-headed whistle-blower like a rezun or a corned beef with pork.
    4. 0
      23 October 2013 16: 34
      Quote: ed65b
      Chechens get northern

      And I thought the Chukchi peaceful people

      [media = http: //soviet-comedy.ru/filmy/nachalnik-chukotki]
  9. +3
    23 October 2013 10: 01
    A little story in our time ..
    In the early 2000s, several prisoners escaped to Chukotka, including a local one, apparently from the Chukchi. They drove them for a long time, almost in circles. As I was told I drove all the Chukchi. They could not catch something for about a month, in the end they surrounded at the top of one of the hills, after which they surrendered.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +12
    23 October 2013 10: 20
    In the kuntzkamera in St. Petersburg there is a mock Tlingit warrior, with whom we fought in 1802-1805.
    1. +5
      23 October 2013 10: 34
      Well, the Tlingit are already Alaska, sort of. They were also called EMNIP, called galoshes. laughing With emphasis on 1st A laughing
      1. +1
        24 October 2013 00: 51
        Chukchi and fought with them
  12. +5
    23 October 2013 10: 31
    The Chukchi are still dangerous, it is better not to drink with them. There is one friend, when a sober kind soul, but when drunk, walks with a knife. And his knife is Yakutsk and all the time he says "madam" it's like I'll kill, everyone lies and pretends to be asleep. The main thing in the morning does not remember anything.
    1. +10
      23 October 2013 11: 26
      Your acquaintance Chukchi is simply a drunken drunk.
  13. +2
    23 October 2013 10: 37
    This reminds me of something I have already read. Therefore, I would advise the others to read about the "Northern Centennial" in Vershinin's LiveJournal. Link to the ending http://putnik1.livejournal.com/1640713.html
  14. Eternal demobilization
    23 October 2013 10: 50
    Cognitively, it turns out that ChYucci can not only smile, as in jokes, but they can even surprise you. hi
  15. +7
    23 October 2013 10: 55
    In April, 1967, the premiere of the Soviet film "Caucasian Captive". And, while millions of spectators watched with delight the scene of the abduction of Nina, a Komsomol member, a real abduction took place in Chukotka. Quietly, until no one noticed, the reindeer herders twisted the young Komsomol, the instructor of the district committee, and drove away to their village.

    Continued in the article: CHUKCHI - DROPPING OF DANGEROUS SLAVEERS?

  16. vlad0
    23 October 2013 10: 58
    There will always be something new and interesting in this life! Article plus! They would know then: a convoy of vodka per month and the Chukchi would be the most grateful allies. And cheap, and forever!
    1. +2
      23 October 2013 11: 12
      Once brought a bottle, next time they ask for a box, did not bring they can just shoot. On the way, they shoot very well, a man disappeared in the tundra, you never know the wolves lifted up. Children from 7 years old go drunk, give 200 grams so that they do not freeze on the way to school. Local people come to the club with sticks, cooked their sticks, they hide them before entering the club. After a massive fight.
    2. +2
      23 October 2013 11: 22
      As with the Indians, "water of fire"!
    3. +2
      23 October 2013 15: 24
      Since the beginning of the 18th century, for the sale of hard labor vodka to the Chukchi. Illegal caravans of vodka carriers were destroyed on the spot without trial and investigation at the slightest resistance. The empire took care of its citizens and defended small nations. which since then have only numerically grown.
  17. +2
    23 October 2013 11: 12
    jokes, jokes, but they defended themselves
    1. +5
      23 October 2013 11: 25
      They didn’t defend themselves, if they were occupied with the Indians in America, then all the people were in power, we had more humane power at that time, and the punishers were not like in the SS, therefore the Chukchi people still exist on earth.
      1. +2
        23 October 2013 13: 40
        Quote: RUSS
        They didn’t defend themselves, if they were occupied with the Indians in America, then all the people were in power, we had more humane power at that time, and the punishers were not like in the SS, therefore the Chukchi people still exist on earth.

        1. About the humane power delivered
        2. In the United States, the Indians were massacred not by the authorities (if you look at the amount of losses), but by the local population. The authorities usually acted once - they broke the organized armed resistance. Then the local "avengers" were destroying the Indians, who were deprived of the most efficient part.
        3. Ours with the Chukchi acted in the same way in fact. It’s just that Chukotka, which has never been the West of the United States in terms of climate, was saved by the fact that none of the Russians voluntarily wanted to go there. Well ... and in the 20th century. Communists are already reliant on national minorities
        1. +3
          23 October 2013 16: 30
          Well, what’s the matter? What is the local population? They destroyed the power of the Indians, and the authorities paid for the taken SCALPS and EARS from the Indians, the women were valued more.
          The American army, namely the cavalry destroyed entire villages, only under the command of General George Castor destroyed thousands of Indians. As a result, the Indians today remain 5% of what was before Columbus. They live in poverty, without education, etc.
          1. +1
            24 October 2013 00: 59
            The history of the USA is a long thing. The authorities paid for the scalps in the 18th century, in the 19th there was already the Bureau of Indian Affairs, created with the best of goals. It turned out only with him shitty. And the population - completely armed - often hunted the Indians. Blankets were made of scalps, and bags of golden sand were made of scrotums.
            And Caster carried out genocide - officially - during the "Geronimo War". In modern terminology, it was a counter-terrorist operation to eliminate a gang of bloody thugs. The Apaches were not "white and fluffy" at all. I repeat: one cannot measure by the yardstick of modern morality "the affairs of bygone days."
  18. +6
    23 October 2013 11: 18
    The Chukchi can be lucky to live in Eurasia, lived somewhere in North America, the Chukchi could be seen only in the photo.
    1. +7
      23 October 2013 11: 50
      Not only in the north. In the South, the Indians also engaged in genocide until the end of the XNUMXth century.
      1. +1
        24 October 2013 01: 07
        until the middle of the twentieth. In Paraguay, the dictator Stroessner himself hunted for guarani, and in Brazil tribes were knocked out with the involvement of aviation.
        1. -3
          24 October 2013 02: 40
          Did not know. Thank.
    2. 0
      24 October 2013 01: 05
      In Canada and Alaska, there are quite a few native Americans. Genocide was where you can plow.
  19. +7
    23 October 2013 11: 27
    My father in Chukotka was engaged in reconstruction of wars (and not only) of this region (on a voluntary basis), made films, vocational school students did this ... Now even young people from the local population are surprised at these facts - they know nothing, much has been lost.
  20. +11
    23 October 2013 12: 15
    I read about the Chukchi, of course, they did not reach the Urals, but in the coastal zones of America it happened to be unlimited. In short, there were some sort of Asian Vikings.
  21. +4
    23 October 2013 12: 43
    We were even more or less lucky. Eskimos in Greenland slaughtered the Scandinavians without exception. The "Thule Tribes" were much more belligerent.
    1. 0
      24 October 2013 01: 09
      Why the Greenland colonies disappeared - science does not know. "cut out" is one of the versions. Even then, the ice was advancing, and the Vikings tried to raise cows, and vegetable gardens ...
  22. -1
    23 October 2013 13: 07
    Found what you remember!
    1. +8
      23 October 2013 13: 27
      And articles about Pugachev region? The capture of Kazan? Any Bashkir or Cossack revolts? This is the history, the history of our country, and we need to know it, whatever it may be.
      1. -1
        23 October 2013 15: 30
        Then tell me. Why call dozens of clashes with some Chukot tribes the 150-year-old Chukchi war.


        I don’t think so. that the purpose of the article is this - the usual pursuit of sensation + for some time now it has become fashionable to convict us of colonization, so we get a bunch of horror stories, a handful of truth and a jug of shit. :)))
        1. +3
          23 October 2013 18: 23
          How does this relate to my comment? Once again - no collisions with the expansion of the territory in any way. At least with local tribes, even with organized states. And how to call these collisions - colonization, war, or as yet - is already on the conscience of the interpreter.
          1. bask
            23 October 2013 18: 34
            Quote: Basileus
            more times - without collisions when expanding the territory in any way. At least with local tribes, even with organized states. And what do you call these clashes - colonization

            Actually, this was not the conquest or colonization of foreign lands.
            And the return of the native Russian (Protolavian) lands.
            The Chukchi and other Mongoldoids came to this land, around the 1st millennium AD.
            Before them, Proto-Slavs lived here.
            Proto-Slavs of the Aryans, haplogroup R1a, inhabiting the north.
            1. +4
              23 October 2013 18: 40
              ATP, neighing.
              1. bask
                23 October 2013 18: 56
                Quote: Basileus
                ATP, neighing.

                In addition to neighing, is there nothing else?
                1. +4
                  23 October 2013 21: 24
                  And what, should there be some other reaction to the delusional baseless picchi made in paint?
                  1. bask
                    23 October 2013 23: 10
                    Quote: Basileus
                    another reaction to delusional baseless picchi made in paint?

                    Justify that there are crazy picci.
                    The fact that the Proto-Slavs lived in the prepolar region in the S. Urals in Siberia, long before the arrival of the Mongoloids (Chukchi) and other nationalities. Is this, in your opinion, nonsense?
                    1. catapractic
                      24 October 2013 00: 23
                      where the evidence of the archeology of the Veles book or the Slavic-Aryan Vedas was read out.
                    2. +3
                      24 October 2013 07: 54
                      Yes, nonsense. Or do you have any arguments? You post the picture, you justify.
            2. catapractic
              24 October 2013 00: 21
              what kind of nonsense was someone smoking
          2. -1
            23 October 2013 19: 25
            I explain, you say that this is our story, you need to know it. The words are true. But the fact is that in our history there was no 150-year Russian-Chukchi war, there was no colonization ... a statement about this is a lie. Moreover, a blatant lie, great affecting the image of the Russian people.
            That is why I answered you this way, from your words it follows. that you agree with both war and colonization.
            If you do not agree with this lie, and I was mistaken, then I am ready to admit my mistake and apologize.
            1. +3
              23 October 2013 21: 23
              Well, I also do not think that this can be called a war. In general, by my comment I meant that if you don’t even talk about any conflicts in our history, then you don’t have to study history at all, because there are always losers, and it can always offend someone.
              1. -3
                24 October 2013 00: 01
                Here I agree with you unconditionally, and I support you with both arms and legs.
            2. 0
              23 October 2013 23: 55
              You do not understand - there was no war as such. Have you been to Chukotka? This is a beautiful and creepy land, in summer in some places up to +30, sometimes in winter up to -50. In humans, the mood is appropriate. I will not analyze the psychotype of ethnic groups, I will only say that the attitude to the world and adaptation among the Chukchi is much higher than that of other nationalities, again their number is the largest of all ethnic groups in Chukotka, and according to tradition, it is not peaceful.

              And about the Russians ... I’m still digging and digging, I have doubts about soldering the local population, but not about genocide (visit the far north, in the villages, decide what you feel there).

              PS I was born in Chukotka. Providence Village ... For me - the best place ... heh
        2. 0
          24 October 2013 01: 18
          They told you about a historical curiosity: a clash with the semi-primitive tribe of the vast Empire, which could not achieve its goals by military means. By the way, in Chile the Mapuche Araucans also could not win. These are rare exceptions to the general rule, which is why they are interesting.
          History should be studied, not ideological labels. "good" and "bad" - depends on specific political tasks: the State was created - good, poor natives were beaten - ah, bad. The Chukchi fought back - ah, they are good fellows, the prisoners were sadistically executed - oh, how bad they are. This is reasoning at the kindergarten level.
    2. qwertynsan
      23 October 2013 13: 39
      such is our story
    3. +5
      23 October 2013 13: 42
      Quote: Nitarius
      Found what you remember!

      The article is about the events in the HISTORY.
      And further - interpret as you like.
      It is useless to fight the truth (including the colonial wars of Russia with the Chukchi) in the long run.
      1. -1
        23 October 2013 15: 34
        Well, what kind of truth can we talk about. if we didn’t have colonial wars? Well, it wasn’t like not sucking it out of a finger. Collisions were. there was banditry on both sides, but there was no war .... it’s especially piquant that the wills about the Russian colonialists appeared only in perestroika, along with a stream of other lies .... now the stream has risen, but someone still has it .. . :)))
        1. +4
          23 October 2013 16: 12
          In fact, in tsarist times, no one was bothered by the word "colonization and colonialists". It was quite officially used by Russian military historians.

          Here, by the way, that there were no wars:


          Let's summarize some of the results. Analysis of the documents shows that the notes are far from random. Published in different years, in different editions, by different creative teams, all of them nevertheless reflect one general tendency - to remove uncomfortable questions for Soviet official historiography, to retouch the facts, to introduce them into the Procrustean bed of the concept of "voluntary entry." In fact, the annexation of Siberia and the Far East to Russia was not at all simple and peaceful. There is practically not a single people, even the smallest people, who would be included in it of their own free will.
          1. -2
            23 October 2013 17: 32
            Quote: Zymran
            In fact, in tsarist times, no one was bothered by the word "colonization and colonialists". It was quite officially used by Russian military historians.

            Here, by the way, that there were no wars:


            Let's summarize some of the results. Analysis of the documents shows that the notes are far from random. Published in different years, in different editions, by different creative teams, all of them nevertheless reflect one general tendency - to remove uncomfortable questions for Soviet official historiography, to retouch the facts, to introduce them into the Procrustean bed of the concept of "voluntary entry." In fact, the annexation of Siberia and the Far East to Russia was not at all simple and peaceful. There is practically not a single people, even the smallest people, who would be included in it of their own free will.

            "Who is talking about what, and lousy about the bath"
          2. -1
            23 October 2013 17: 37
            I do not recommend trusting such exposers-experts. This is mainly a fraudulent lie interspersed with a small amount of truthful facts. which naturally try to misinterpret.
            The screams of Russia's enslavement of everyone around it once again flared up during the aggravation of its confrontation with any of the Western countries.
            Goebbels talked about this especially a lot. Under the patronage of his children, Bandera in 43 created a "bloc of enslaved nations." It seems at 44 was the first congress.
            After the defeat of Germany, "Blok" in full strength came under the wing of the corresponding American special services. Thousands of SS bandits, murderers and punishers from the national Nazi formations were included by the Americans in this organization.
            In fact, "Blok" became the backbone of the organizations designed to provoke separatism and ethnic strife in the USSR. There slogans were created, historical discoveries were falsified, mad means were allocated for propaganda, the goal was to prove. that we are colonialists and enslavers. pseudoscientists like Rezun with a national bias financed the writings. It was in the depths of the bloc that ideas and terms matured. like the "Ukrainian Holodomor".

            By the way, watch Leontyev's film "Orange Children of the 3rd Reich". be terribly surprised. who was Yushchenko's wife. American citizen Catherine Clare Chumachenko. The film contains a lot of interviews with the Americans, documents of this "Bloc", videos of their performances.

            Emissaries acted in all republics without exception. The whole new national elite of the Baltic states and Ukraine was supervised by them - you, by the way, also did not pass this. Here Lithuanian politicians who came to power in the nineties do not hide this now, but boast in the interior view of who, how, where and when organized them. taught and directed.
            So, such a scribble is the echoes of those actions, especially since nothing has changed now, the funding of such pseudoscientists is not decreasing, the ideas of independent Siberia and Karelia are moving forward, and God knows what. And in all cases, the basis, the main postulate is the thesis that. that we are colonizers. And since there is no real evidence, such a pseudo-learned lie and a fashionable creature are pouring in a wide muddy stream.
            That's it.
            1. +4
              23 October 2013 18: 01
              Uv. Smile, I will not deny the facts you cited, but specifically if we are talking about the annexation of the peoples of the north, the Amur region and Transbaikalia, then the articles of these "whistleblowers" are based on the reports of the explorers and Cossacks themselves.

              Here, for example, Khabarov’s report to the Yakutsk governor.

              Or a discussion here.


              And although he misrepresents a lot in his stories, the overall picture of the "ruin and destruction" of the Amur culture looms rather clearly. In my opinion, in that situation, no one had to be persuaded to move to Manchuria. People themselves were ready to flee from Khabarov's revelry, which is called "wherever they look!"

              Just look at the works of Russian scientists, ethnographers and military men. They are not shy about the word "colonization" and I really don't understand why it bothers you so much?
              1. +2
                23 October 2013 18: 34
                Colonization has several meanings, as an example:
                1) seizure or occupation of land for the purpose of simply saying "profit".
                2) Land development, resettlement of the population mainly in non-populated or sparsely populated areas.
                3) overwhelming economic and political influence
                to certain countries, without visible expansion.
              2. 0
                23 October 2013 19: 42
                Russ answered well below. The fact is that ours and ethnographers and other scholars of colonization are called land development and settlement.
                But this business is sewn on to us in the sense that Europeans did, for which colonization is always the suppression of the local population. his total robbery and enslavement, sometimes accompanied by total genocide. And we all peoples had equal rights with the Russians, even more so, they had advantages- and tax breaks and the absence of military service and the prohibition of enslavement, etc.
                That is why I really do not like this term - it is always followed by accusations of chauvinism and suppression of other peoples. In particular, like this, I very often hear in my address and the address of Russia from your compatriots on this site ..... because this term immediately bothers me :)))

                Further. when the lands were annexed, conflicts arose mainly with those who, having subdued the locals, made them tributaries, which is understandable.
                Since it was always more profitable, calmer, and better (and ultimately more promising) with us, the locals usually did not stand up for their masters, so there were no serious clashes. Exclusion is the resistance of the Tatars who conquered the local population of Western Siberia. Moreover, the Tatars resisted, mostly aliens like us. But since we turned out to be better for the local population, the Tatars were expelled by very insignificant forces.
                1. +4
                  23 October 2013 20: 29
                  Quote: smile
                  But this business is sewn on to us in the sense that Europeans did, for which colonization is always the suppression of the local population. his total robbery and enslavement, sometimes accompanied by total genocide. And we all peoples had equal rights with the Russians, even more so, they had advantages- and tax breaks and the absence of military service and the prohibition of enslavement, etc.
                  That is why I really do not like this term - it is always followed by accusations of chauvinism and suppression of other peoples. In particular, like this, I very often hear in my address and the address of Russia from your compatriots on this site ..... because this term immediately bothers me :)))

                  Well, don't paint an idyllic picture. One can recall, for example, the Bashkirs constantly rebelling, the beating of the Nogays by Suvorov, the same Daurs who fled from the "humane" Khabarov to the Manchus. Or the Aleuts.


                  Although at first the relationship developed quite peacefully, the newcomers soon ceased to stand on ceremony with the locals. Having settled for the winter in a bay on the island of Attu, industrialists from the L. Belyaev artel killed all the inhabitants of one Aleut village who didn’t have time to escape, including the women who were stabbed, were thrown off a cliff into the sea (8). Industrialists justified themselves by saying that the islanders were supposed to die of hunger anyway, since all their food was taken away by the Russians. Belyaev and his henchmen did not stop there and, having captured another village, they exterminated people to 40, leaving only young women alive - “for 9 services”).

                  At the same time, of course, the Russians did not intentionally infect the indigenous population with smallpox or something like that. However, there was no idyll.
                  1. -3
                    23 October 2013 21: 28
                    Yes, I don’t draw an idyll - there was everything, I just sketched the general situation, nothing more. And not only Russians rebelled, but also RI subjects of other nationalities. And they suppressed riots equally, regardless of nationality. also do not forget that often the initiative of such national unrest belonged to foreign arsonists.

                    I affirm the following:
                    1. We did not conduct colonial wars in the style of European colonialists or Turks.
                    2. The population of the annexed lands had equal rights with the Russians + some preferences
                    3. We did not subject these territories to total robbery and invested serious funds for their common benefit in their development.
                    4. All, without exception, the peoples of the Republic of Ingushetia increased numerically and received a huge impetus for development.
                    The only exceptions. confirming the rule were part of the Circassians. which the Turks provoked to anti-Russian performances. and after the suppression of the rebellion, they voluntarily went to live with the brothers ... and the brothers arranged for them such living conditions that they almost died out.

                    And I repeat again :))) the Russian-Chukchi 150 year war is an impudent lie. :))).

                    I saved your links, but I’ll read them later, okay? I want to read in.
              3. Marek Rozny
                28 October 2013 20: 43
                Zymran, just a smile and some other forum users of Russian origin brought up on the fact that the Russians carried nishtyaki and gingerbread to the whole world, and even not one iota capable of banal occupation or genocide. All the rays of good! And now from the popular prints of the smiley to the unpleasant truth:

                In 1722, the Yakut voivode M. Izmailov, and after him the Siberian governor A. Cherkassky, reported to the Senate that the Yakut Cossacks "find many islands in the eastern and northern seas and near Kamchatka land, some empty and others populous" , and that there are also "foreigners unconquered under the Russian state" in the lands adjacent to Russian possessions.

                On January 18, 1727, the Senate announced: "Traitors to foreigners and whose peoples are sought after and adjoined to the Siberian side, and not under whose authority, to subjugate those under Russian possession and introduce into the yasak payment ...
                ... To the possession of such peoples and lands the following parables:
                1. That those lands were adjacent to Russian possession and not subject to ...;
                2. For state profits, keep in those places sable and pierce the beast of the parent ...;
                3. For the knowledge of the sea passage on the eastern sea, from which the commerce with Japan or China Korea can continue to follow ...;
                4. Especially for the future capture, while they are of other lands, and especially from the Chinese side, like the border with Siberia, they have not set foot in those newly found lands ... "

                Pavlutsky with the army in 1729 arrived in the Anadyr prison, from where in 1730 and 1731 he made two campaigns on the Chukchi Peninsula, which were accompanied by the defeat of the Chukchi militias.

                At the beginning of the Soviet era, when Soviet historical science had not yet formed the dogma that "the Russian people built Disneylands for their neighbors and taught them how to use flavored toilet paper," an exhibition "Chukchi Society" was held in 1934, which openly described the massacres of indigenous peoples: "The clerk Aleksey Chudinov ordered those yurts to proceed, and on that attack in those yurts a man of sex killed about 10, and their wives and children were taken to full and many of them were choked and stabbed each other to death ... Entire nations were in literally wiped off the face of the earth".

                The reports of Pavlutsky leave no doubt that he acted solely by suppression and intimidation. The refusal to accept Russian citizenship inevitably led to the physical destruction of men, the capture of women and children. Here are excerpts from the description of the campaign in 1731:
                "And on May 9 he reached the first chyukoch yurts seated near that sea, in which the former chyukoch were beaten ... We saw from that place at a short distance ... the seated one yurt and the chyukoch who were in it were beaten ... And he reached their Chyukots prison ... and in that prison there was yurts to the eighth, which were ravaged and burned "
                In one of the "fairy tales" of 1736, the Anadyr Cossacks, describing Pavlutsky's actions during this campaign, frankly reported: "Chukoch, not calling for citizenship, beat to death" .
                Very often the Chukchi, finding themselves in a hopeless situation, committed suicide with whole families, not wanting to obey the messengers of the "white king".
                1. Marek Rozny
                  28 October 2013 20: 45
                  The Cossack centurion Shipitsyn, who had been the commander of the Anadyr prison since 1732, in the summer of 1740, with a detachment of 80 Cossacks, went down Anadyr to collect yasak from the "river" Chukchi. In the Chekaevo tract, the Russian detachment met with large forces of the Chukchi. Without risking to enter into open battle with them, Shipitsyn lured 12 Chukchi toyens into his camp under the pretext of peace negotiations and cut them off. After such treachery, the Russians attacked the Chukchi, who, seeing the death of their elders, fled in panic. This "military trick" by Shipitsyn undermined the faith of the Chukchi in the peaceful intentions of the Russians for many years.

                  On June 4 and July 6, 1740, by decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Senate, the Anadyr Party was prescribed "to go on non-peaceful Chukchi with a military hand and with all our might try not only loyal subjects E. I. V. Koryak to return and take revenge on the offended, but also Chukchi themselves at the end to ruin and into citizenship E. I. V.."
                  On February 18, 1742, at the suggestion of the Irkutsk vice-governor L. Lang, the Senate issued a decree that read: "нand these non-peaceful Chyukchs with a military arms step to step up, completely eradicate, tochii which of them will go into the citizenship of E.I.V., of these, also their wives and children, to take prisoner and from their dwellings to come out and continue to distribute in the Yakutsk department for different prison and places between living loyal subjects"
                  On January 15, 1747, by its decree, the Senate again demanded that the Chukchi be treated "military arms".
                  And after the defeat of Pavlutsky's detachment, which once again went to kill and subdue the Chukchi, the Senate and the Siberian Order hastily decided to transfer additional military forces to Anadyrsk: "beat everyone without any mercy and completely eradicate"
                  And after that, when it became clear that war with the Chukchi "ineffective", the Senate agreed with the closure of the Anadyr party, recognizing that it is "useless" and "burdensome for the people." In the Senate report to Catherine II it was said: "In the discussion of their leek-minded and brutal condition, as well as the extreme inability of the situation of the places where they have residence, there is no need or benefit for Russia and there was no need to bring them into citizenship." Thus, the entire previous Russian policy in Chukotka was recognized as meaningless.
                  In the middle of the XNUMXth century, in the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, the Chukchi referred to peoples "not completely conquered" who "pay yasak, in the quantity and quality they themselves want" ...
    4. Sadikoff
      23 October 2013 14: 04
      This would be to know the story not by jokes. Maybe someday they will tell jokes about noch.
    5. +2
      23 October 2013 17: 12
      Quote: Nitarius

      Like any mass publication (source), the editors order READABLE materials that have the potential to provoke philistine emotions: Ah-ah !!! Ohhhh, but we didn’t know that!
      And no conspiracy theories No.
  23. +1
    23 October 2013 14: 34
    What time! Ah yes Chukchi.
  24. +3
    23 October 2013 16: 19
    Yes, vodka destroys them worse than any weapon, because there are no enzymes in the body that process alcohol, well, it’s me with one of the Nenets (the smell of malitsa (outer clothing) and kitty (boots) is simply stunning)))
  25. fklj
    23 October 2013 16: 40
    An ugly title and introduction. The style of the yellow press, however.
  26. Aydar
    23 October 2013 18: 24
    Chukchi warriors were cannibals, according to the belief of the Inuit (Chukchi) the enemy’s strength is in the liver, therefore, eating a liver freshly cut from the corpse of the enemy, the warrior took away his strength.
    The Chukchi is an example of how the ethnocide of a small people (tobacco, vodka, baptism) leads to its gradual disappearance, and the Chukchi were a very militant people who terrified their neighbors, but thanks to the efforts of the "correct colonial policy" this unfortunate people became Russified and became a hero of jokes.
    1. +1
      23 October 2013 19: 49
      That is, do you think that due to the fact that our efforts have increased their number several times, they have gained the intelligentsia, even writers, that we are spending significant federal and local funds on preserving precisely the cultures of small peoples, we destroyed them? The fact that back in the 18th century for the sale of vodka to them anyone was waiting for hard labor, that they created a special Institute for the Study and Preservation of Small Peoples of the North, is it an ecocide? Adnaka, you must have a conscience, comrade liar ....
      1. Marek Rozny
        28 October 2013 22: 05
        Quote: smile
        That is, you think that due to the fact that our efforts have increased their number several times

        In 1897, in the Russian Empire, there were 12 thousand Chukchi, and in 2013 - 15 thousand people.
        Quote: smile
        they got an intelligentsia, even writers

        even before that they had a culture, albeit a non-written one, but quite distinctive and quite rich. In Soviet times, only one writer was pulled out for show, that's all.
        Quote: smile
        we spend significant federal and local funds on preserving precisely the cultures of small peoples, have we destroyed them?
        Quote: smile
        created a special Institute for the Study and Preservation of Small Peoples of the North

        Well, we carefully study the remains of mammoths, which we ourselves destroyed.

        Quote: smile
        The fact that back in the 18th century hard labor was waiting for anyone to sell hard labor

        "The drinking of the natives of Siberia began, probably, together with the first trade contacts. ... Feeding with vodka was an element of the deal for the purchase of furs. The state also supported the same tradition - a glass of state vodka was offered to payers of yasak (the so-called" yasak expenses "). collectors who took yasak often smoked bread wine on their own and exchanged it for furs, bypassing the royal treasury. Numerous abuses of the governor from time to time resulted in uprisings of one or another people, and the royal decrees that followed them against these abuses. At the same time, the state strove to exercise complete control over both the alcohol trade and the production of fur. Therefore, the tsarist government to some extent struggled with the distribution of vodka privately at a loss to the treasury. That is, the tsarist government did not prohibit the sale of vodka for the sake of the health of Aborigines, but solely for mercantile reasons - the northerners were needed as producers of furs (a strategic resource of the Russian Empire).
        Orthodox missionaries often worked with the same proven methods that merchants used before. Many priests used vodka for early Christianization, soldering the indigenous population. This practice has become widespread. The Irkutsk spiritual consistory and the Yakut spiritual government in 1790 had to tell the priests that “during the trips to the uluses, the Gentiles should not at all take hot wine with them”.
        1. Marek Rozny
          28 October 2013 22: 06
          How was it written in the law? It was forbidden to sell "hot drinks" in the camps of "nomadic and wandering foreigners", but the "foreigners" themselves have the right to buy alcoholic drinks in other places for home consumption.
          About how this ban was actually implemented, wrote in 1908, Siberian researcher V.V. Peredolsky:
          "Alcohol is a forbidden commodity: its import into the area where foreigners live is prohibited, and therefore all ships passing the city of Turukhansk located near the Arctic Circle must be inspected and receive a passage certificate from the Separated Bailiff living in the city of Turukhansk <...> The owner of each vessel, having sailed along the Yenisei to the Turukhana River, goes to the bailiff in Turukhansk for a pass certificate on a small boat, leaving the ship loaded with goods on the Yenisei, and barrels of forbidden alcohol are prudently drowned with stones in the water or under the vessel, or elsewhere somewhere nearby, so that when inspecting the cargo, alcohol is never found on the ship.When the inspection, if any, is completed and the pass certificate is obtained, the alcohol is safely removed from the water and returned to its original place. Ship owners do not even resort to this trick , but simply pour alcohol into several barrels intended for salting fish, and immerse them among hundreds of others, empty, in the holds of their barges and steamers, quite reasonably counting that when inspecting the cargo, alcohol cannot be opened in any way, since the unloading of goods is not supposed to be done during inspection. "
          Further, the author describes in detail the trading procedure, as a result of which the Ostyaks receive neither bread, nor fabric, nor gunpowder, they give all the furs they have obtained and still owe to the merchant. http://scepsis.net/library/id_3217.html

          In short, if you go into scrap metal to delve into every question, and it's easier to live in popular prints instead of real history, then what for are you distracting others with your illiterate historical and ethnographic jingoistic slogans? And the soldering of the small peoples of the North has now generally turned into a problem that does not bother any Russian especially. Judging by the articles from these regions, local Russians there simply complain that the natives are given money just like that, but they are not given to the Russians. And the natives stupidly drink and drink. Look, in ten years the last Chukchi or Evenk will be buried in Russia with fanfare. So what? How many peoples have already "gone into oblivion" in Russia over the past 100 years? Also not in the know?
          Today, alcohol as a cause of death among Evenks accounts for 60% among men and 50% among women. Ket, Nganasans and others speak of the alcohol threat as the worst for the existence of an ethnic group. In Khakassia in 1995, Khakasses accounted for 51% of those who died from alcohol poisoning, 60% for accidents and violence, and 65% for suicides, while Khakasses make up only 11% in the republic. http://www.komsomol.narod.ru/national/Siberia_catch.htm
  27. +1
    23 October 2013 19: 05
    Interesting "movie", did not even know about the war with the Chukchi. And no one told.
    1. +3
      23 October 2013 21: 18
      Quote: sub307
      Interesting "movie", did not even know about the war with the Chukchi. And no one told.

      there was no war but there was "peace enforcement" at the request of the Yukaghirs laughing
    2. 0
      24 October 2013 01: 28
      In addition to specials. scientific literature was written by the weekly "The Secret Materials of the XX century" already 10 years ago.
  28. ibn117
    23 October 2013 21: 30
    I don’t know how you guys are, and I have Chukchi, in addition to jokes, I have always been associated with very cold-blooded snipers, and moreover, loyal to us (Russians), and I have that blood with the Yakut chaser, well, I’d have to reconnoiter with him I would go
    1. -1
      23 October 2013 23: 57
      I have exactly the same associations, and with jokes, nothing to do.
  29. Old scoop
    23 October 2013 23: 05
    Anolyony with North American Indians begs.
    1. +1
      24 October 2013 02: 52
      Quote: Old scoop
      Anolyony with North American Indians begs.

      WHAT did you see the "analogies" in?
  30. pawel
    23 October 2013 23: 56
    complete nonsense.
  31. catapractic
    24 October 2013 00: 19
    there is evidence that the Chukchi traveled far south and fought almost in California and had Negro slaves (or rather Black women) captured from the Spaniards. The Chukchi considered themselves to be people and recognized the Russians as equal to themselves; they considered them to be potential slaves and tributaries
    1. Alexandr0id
      24 October 2013 15: 01
      where can I read about it?
  32. 0
    24 October 2013 05: 00
    Perhaps the Chukchi descended from the Huns?
    1. Alexandr0id
      24 October 2013 15: 00
      1. -1
        25 October 2013 04: 01
        Indeed, the "Hunnu" tribes (in the Chinese manner) and the Huns themselves, it would be great to be offended .... :))))
  33. -1
    24 October 2013 15: 29
    MarekRozhniy will come out now and prove to all of you that the Chukchi are descendants of the great Turks !!!
  34. Prohor
    24 October 2013 15: 30
    Quote: bask
    Non-peaceful Chukchi ": 250 years ago, Russia recognized the senselessness of the Russian-Chukchi war

    I liked the article.
    Just do not understand why it was necessary to fight, with the Chukchi.
    There is no more fire water for 250 years of war.
    And victims from both sides. They would have drunk a snack with the Cossacks and the GUT.
    [/ Center]

    Yes, at all times this is exactly what you had to do! drinks
  35. +3
    29 October 2013 07: 05
    Quote: smile
    We did not conduct colonial wars in the style of European colonialists or Turks.

    1. What about the Nogai genocide carried out by A. Suvorov on the orders of Catherine 2.
    2. The Circassian genocide?
    3. And why us? You yourself once said that there is not a drop of Russian blood in you.
  36. +1
    4 November 2013 04: 40
    Guys from the northern uluses in Yakutia are good-natured people, but I do not recommend anyone to drink with them! I say this, a Yakut living in Yakutsk.
  37. 0
    1 May 2015 15: 19
    If I’m not mistaken, the Chukchi’s self-name, the real people of all the rest of the local people did not consider them as such;