The frustrated partisans of Bonaparte

The frustrated partisans of Bonaparte

A painting by an unknown artist “The Russian army enters Paris 31 March 1814 of the year”. Photo:

Why did the allies take Paris in 1814, and the French partisans did not appear

As soon as it comes to the Napoleonic wars, almost everyone will remember the Russian partisans 1812 of the year, and many will recall the partisan "guerilla" in Spain, which also brought a lot of headache to the French emperor. Especially advanced military experts stories Prussian guerrillas from 1813 Landwer will also be remembered.

But I think I’m not mistaken if I say that almost no one remembers the French partisans. No, this is not about the rather well-known "Wanderers" of the Jacobin era and the Directory. It's about something else ... When Napoleon triumphantly entered foreign capitals, he ended up always faced with a partisan war of varying degrees of intensity. When the allies from Russia, Austria and Prussia entered 1814 in France and eventually occupied Paris, the French partisans were left almost unnoticed. At least not seen for history.

The very same allied command of the anti-French coalition in December 1813, deciding to force the Rhine and finally transfer the war to France, was very afraid of guerrilla warfare. They still very well remembered the popular enthusiasm of the French during the revolution of twenty years ago. Everyone, especially the Russian emperor Alexander I and his headquarters, knew very well from their own experience what a national war against the invaders could threaten.

Understanding all this, and Bonaparte himself - his experience of war with the partisans, albeit one-sided, was more than that of the Prussian king, Russian tsar and Austrian emperor combined. Since the end of 1813, the lord of France has developed truly Napoleonic plans for his partisan war.

Napoleon planned to inflate its flames in a military manner - at the headquarters of each French army, a general was appointed to be in charge of the armed uprising and training of partisans in each specific department of France. The formation of partisan detachments was hampered by the lack of guns - after protracted and unsuccessful wars, on the eve of the Allied invasion of France, Napoleon lacked them even to arm the recruits of the regular army. Nevertheless, the organizational structures of the future partisan Bonapartists were created and exerted influence on the enemy by the very fact of their existence.

"The separation of Napoleon from France"

On the eve of the invasion of France, the Allies launched a real propaganda attack. They quite reasonably began to “separate Napoleon from France,” that is, the formation of French public opinion in a way that is convenient for the anti-Napoleonic coalition. Since October 1813, anonymous letters have flowed to the largest cities of France, stating that it was the Allies who would bring peace to France, tired of the war, and only the stubborn Bonaparte, blinded by its former glory, was an obstacle to this. Such propaganda was understandable and logical for all French inhabitants - the benefits of past victories faded away, while the endless war in France got almost everyone.

The last three months of 1813, the Allied army, prepared for the offensive, stood at the borders of France on the east bank of the Rhine and carried out a propaganda attack on Napoleon’s positions. The Foreign Minister of the Austrian Empire Metternich quite frankly voiced the essence of this propaganda training: "Our moral goal is obvious - we are working on the spirit of France."

"French people! Do not believe the false rumors that ill-wishers dismiss; consider the allied monarchs only as supporters of mercy, who fight only against the opponents of the world, ”said the appeal of the allied monarchs to the inhabitants of France.

Napoleon could not leave this dangerous challenge unanswered. However, here he found himself in a very difficult situation, since the Russian tsar, the Prussian king, and even the Austrian emperor, after all the events of the beginning of the 19th century, had the full moral right to speak about repelling Napoleonic aggression and fighting for peace for all of Europe. Napoleon, for obvious reasons, would have looked very unconvincingly in the role of a sincere peacemaker.

Therefore, Bonaparte was able to use only frightening rhetoric. "Poland, Poland, humiliated, divided, destroyed, oppressed, is a terrifying lesson and alive for France, threatened by the same powers that fought for the remnants of the Polish monarchy," he scared the French in their December 1813 speech before the Legislative Assembly of their crumbling empire .

Napoleon called on the French nation to rally to repel foreign armies. “A year ago, all of Europe was for us, today all of Europe is against us,” he said, and argued that the whole country would be the only salvation “to arm in case of an invasion — then the enemy would either flee the country or sign a peace favorable to France.”

But the tired French were increasingly inclined to end the endless war. Then on the penultimate day of 1813 of the year, December 30, Emperor Bonaparte publicly stated in the Senate that he was ready to accept the terms of peace proposed by the allies. However, he stressed, such a world would deprive France of Alsace, Brabant and many other territories. The emperor was clearly waiting for the French, outraged by these potential losses, to demand that he not accept humiliating peace conditions and wage war to a victorious end. Bonaparte miscalculated. With a majority of votes - 223 votes for and all 31 against - the Senate of the French Empire recommended Napoleon to accept allied peace proposals. The next day, the French Legislative Corps was disbanded by the decree of the offended Bonaparte. The war for the spirit of France, the brilliant commander finally lost.

"Soldiers are like children"

In January 1814, the Allied armies crossed the Rhine and for the first time since the time of the Jacobins invaded the territory of France proper. In reality, Napoleon’s martial law was almost catastrophic. The allied 200-thousandth army, perfectly prepared, armed and equipped with everything necessary, was opposed by the 46 of thousands of French who lacked everything from rifles to overcoats and saddles. In addition, French troops were caught in a typhus epidemic.

Watercolor by George-Emanuel Opitz “A scene on the streets of Paris: an Austrian officer, a Cossack and a Russian officer are walking with two Parisians”. Photo:

In such circumstances, the Allies could quickly, in a few weeks, march to Paris. But the mighty headquarters of the Russian tsar, the Prussian king and the Austrian emperor literally intimidated themselves with the potential partisan war in France. Although the propaganda campaign of the “struggle for peace” was clearly won, the Russian-Prussian-Austrian generals were well aware that when the invaders began to trample the French land, the guerrilla war would begin automatically - and not for the preservation of some Belgian Brabant as part of France, but simply because that foreign soldiers took horses, bread, etc.

It should be understood here that at the time - when the canning of products had barely left the stage of scientific experiments, and until the first railroad remained ten long years - the troops were inevitably supplied by the local population. A large army concentrated in a fist on a large march could not be fed by any wagons, so the troops inevitably resorted to requisition. Even if there were no direct robberies, and for the “requisitioned” people honestly paid with money, a large number of troops, passing through any area, inevitably “completely devoured” it in the literal sense of the word, like locusts. It is clear that, with such attitudes, the local population began to feel acute hostility towards foreign troops, regardless of political tastes.

An unpleasant appendage will be another “ambush” on this path - to put it in general wisdom, “soldiers are always like children,” that is, they strive to steal, break, take away and offend something. Austrian and Russian generals had no illusions about the quality of their soldiers - the Austrians knew for sure that the Magyars and Croats would rob them, and the Russians had no doubt that the Cossack regiments competed with them. Only Prussians were convinced of the discipline of their soldiers with naivety and arrogance.

In general, the coalition command, both from his own experience and from the negative experience of Napoleon, understood perfectly well what the forced march to Paris would become. Therefore, the Allies invaded France, not with concentrated strike fists, but with scattered columns and very slowly. This violation of the basics of the strategy was dictated by the desire to by all means avoid a frightening guerrilla war. Widely scattered throughout France, the individual columns of the Allies did not so "leave" the terrain than if they were all together. A slow, almost turtle advance allowed us to supply the advancing not only with local resources, but also with the help of horse drawn carts from the other side of the Rhine.

Archival documents show well what efforts the leaders of the anti-Napoleonic coalition made in order to keep their troops from any damage to the local population. The order of Alexander I on the Russian troops on the eve of the offensive at the end of December 1813, said: “Surely sure that you will defeat it with your generosity in your enemy’s land, as much as weapons". 8 January 1814, already on French soil, issued a similar general order to all coalition forces, which strictly forbade any offense to the French population.

But "soldiers like children" - orders and good advice are not always heard. Just a few days after the invasion of France, the Russian generals anxiously reported to their commander-in-chief, Barclay, that the Austrian marauders were “wandering around the villages,” and their bosses could not cope with them. As a result, the Austrian commander-in-chief Schwarzenberg was even forced to ask the Russian tsar to send the Cossacks "to gather the staggering soldiers."

The Prussians did not lag behind the Austrians and Russians either. The Prussian General York bitterly remarked: “I thought I had the honor of commanding a Prussian army detachment; now I see that I am commanding only a gang of robbers. ”

"Return to 1793 year"

Remembering perfectly well how and why the partisan war against his own soldiers so quickly flared up, Napoleon issued a secret order to residents of the occupied regions in mid-January 1814: "Exterminate everyone to the last soldier of the coalition army, and I promise you a happy rule." The order strictly forbade supplying the enemy with food and obeying his orders, and also instructed all French citizens from 16 to 60 years to be ready for March 1 to join the army. For refusing to obey these orders, Bonaparte’s order threatened to be shot immediately.

As a result, the documents of the Allied Command recorded that in January-February 1814 in certain areas of Lorraine, Franche-Comte, Burgundy, Champagne and Picardy "the peasants were armed with pitchforks and old hunting rifles and attacked small or just defeated troops."

However, the mass and large-scale partisan war of the French against the anti-Napoleonic coalition did not come to that. First, as already mentioned, the Allies carried out (and continued to lead the entire attack) a very competent and successful propaganda campaign for peace. Secondly, the persistent and systematic fight against robberies still bore fruit - admittedly the two warring parties allies robbed and killed the French much less than French troops in other countries, especially in Russia.

As a result, as Jean Tulard, a French historian leading in the 20th century, who specializes in the Napoleonic wars epoch, notes, “the enemy as a whole met with apathy and even complicity.” At the same time, historians note that Napoleon had a chance to raise popular enthusiasm in repelling foreign invasions, he turned to the old revolutionary and Jacobin traditions. In those days, many advised the emperor to "return to 1793 year." “He had the thought to follow this advice for a minute,” the former private secretary of Bonaparte later recalled, and in those days the prefect of the Paris police, Louis Bourien.

In those last months of the Napoleonic empire, many Jacobins who had previously emigrated from the persecution of Bonaparte returned to France, ready to temporarily forget the past and stand up for the post-revolutionary country. Napoleon, indeed, hesitated - almost removed the police pressure on the Jacobins and other "leftists." But in the end "to return to 1793 year" refused: "This is too much - I can find salvation in battles, but I will not find it among violent madmen! If I fall, I will at least not leave France the revolution from which I have saved it. ”

Engraving "Execution of Louis XVI", 1793 year. Photo:

It seems that the ingenious emperor here is somewhat cunning. From the “1793 of the Year”, he was restrained by something else - becoming again the first general of the revolution from the emperor, he automatically lost any hopes of an honorable peace with the monarchies of Russia, Britain, England and Prussia. The defeated monarch could still count on an honorary exile, while a revolutionary general could only count on a wall ...

But the main thing is not even that - Bonaparte was a brave man - much more than death, he was afraid of losing power, the status of the first and only. “Returning to 1793 Year,” even if successful, would permanently deprive him of this one-person, crystallized only in him power, with which he has become akin to the last 15 years.

Therefore, the revolutionary war, where he would already be only the first among equals, the falling emperor preferred the only means, where he was not equal then, a maneuverable war of regular units.

The extremely cautious and sluggish strategy chosen by the allies for the offensive by scattered forces played a role in the fact that the French population was in no hurry to rise to the partisan war. But this same strategy gave Napoleon, a recognized master of maneuver, the opportunity with his few forces to inflict several offensive defeats on the upcoming allies.

Bonaparte had to fight poorly trained and armed 16-summer recruits, but that dozen of the battles given in February-March 1814 of the year (from Shampober to Fere-Champenois), military historians of the world are rightfully considered the pinnacle of Napoleon’s genius tactics. But with all the brilliant tactics, the strategy was already lost.

"Not located to defend against the forces of the Allied ..."

The Allies were slowly but surely approaching Paris. Their skillful counter-attacks of Napoleon and all the same fears of a big partisan war have slowed them down. At the same time, the longer the Allied forces marched to battle in France, the higher the danger became that individual partisan incidents would merge into a large French guerrilla. Here, the time factor solved everything - the longer the war, the wider the partisanship.

From the quick capture of Paris, the Allies largely kept all the same fears of a popular war. The largest city in Europe - over 700 thousands - scared the upcoming monarchs with the ghost of tens of thousands of yesterday's sans-culottes. But 23 March 1814 Cossacks Platov proved that they are capable not only of robbery - they intercepted the French communications with the report, in which the police of Napoleon’s empire Savary reported to Bonaparte that Paris was not determined to fight against the allies.

"Neither the inhabitants of Paris, nor even the most national guard are not set up to defend against Allied troops ... There are no troops in the city, except for the national and a few old guards," Major General Vasily Kaysarov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Army, happily informed Peter Volkonsky.

On the morning of March 24, 1814, Tsar Alexander I, right on the road, held a meeting with his generals - whether to chase the invincible Napoleon or in the light of new data, go straight and take Paris. It was decided to beat right in the heart of France, since it no longer burns with revolutionary enthusiasm.

“Paris is worth Mass” - the Russian Tsar did not have to shout. Paris cost him 6000 Russian soldiers killed by 30 March 1814 of the year in a frontal attack on the fortified heights of Montmartre, where one regiment of Napoleon’s old guard sat down. In the event of resistance of the whole city and the construction of barricades, the allied army would hardly have got out alive from Paris ... But there was no barricade - the fatigue from a long war and the successful propaganda campaign of the allies affected.

Instead of the revolutionary “Committee of Public Salvation”, on April 1 of the year, a completely servile Senate gathered in Paris, which obediently announced that Bonaparte was deprived of the French throne. Some historians believe that it was in this way that the "Day of the Fool" arose ...

When he learned that his capital was in the hands of the Allies, watching as the Parisians and other Frenchmen were in no hurry to attack the invaders with all the people, Napoleon also capitulated and signed a renunciation. The guerrilla war in rural France had barely started from January to March in rural France, and had not yet begun.
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  1. +2
    28 September 2013 09: 22
    Some historians have suggested Landwehr partisans earlier
  2. Fin
    28 September 2013 10: 43
    everyone will remember the Russian partisans of 1812,

    There was no partisan war as a mass uprising of the people to fight the enemy. For operations behind enemy lines, detachments of the regular army were sent under the command of regular officers. "Partisans": Lieutenant Colonel Davydov, General Vincegerode, Colonel Benckendorff and others. They can be called saboteur detachments. And the peasants gathered only for protection from marauders, and not only from the French.
    1. +8
      28 September 2013 14: 24
      "About how many wonderful discoveries we have ..." :))) You were able to say a new word in historical science ... :))) It turns out that there was no national upsurge in the fight against foreign invaders ... beaten French marshals with you strongly disagree ...
      Of course, parties of volunteers from light cavalry were sent to the rear of the enemy, as was always done by all the armies of that time, including the French, but only we started a large-scale people's war and it was our word "partisan" that became understandable without translation for everyone Europeans (considering that all of Europe came to visit us together with the French). And this people's war drove out of their consciousness the horrors of guerilla, during which they too had hard times.
      Keep it up! I am surprised that you have not yet managed to blurt out about the evil commissars, with the help of detachments that drove the peasants into battle with the looters ... :)))
      1. +1
        28 September 2013 18: 06
        Quote: smile
        "About how many wonderful discoveries we have ..." :))) You were able to say a new word in historical science ... :)))

        Can he put forward in the RAS? laughing

        Quote: smile
        I am surprised that you have not yet managed to blurt out about the evil commissars, with the help of detachments that drove the peasants into battle with the looters ... :)))

        This is our everything !!!

        On photo:

        The detachment of red ghouls from the NKVD with machine guns drives the tank division to attack, the fall of 1943.
        1. Fin
          28 September 2013 20: 15
          Quote: smile
          "About how many wonderful discoveries we have ..." :))) You were able to say a new word in historical science ... :)))

          Quote: smile
          Keep it up! I am surprised that you have not yet managed to blurt out about the evil commissars, with the help of detachments that drove the peasants into battle with the looters ... :)))

          Quote: Karlsonn
          Can he put forward in the RAS?

          Quote: Karlsonn
          This is our everything !!!

          Quote: Karlsonn
          Did you see it yourself? Didn’t the comrade tell you about the fact that when Napoleon attacked, scorched earth tactics were used in history lessons?
          About peaceful life behind enemy lines is generally enchanting !!!

          It touches how two great marshals easily smash amateurs with ease, manage to give each other compliments, instruct "+" and put forward the assumption of masochism.
          Give help:
          Quote: Karlsonn
          Partisan movement in Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine,

          Was Napoleon walking in Ukraine? The map is not visible. A textbook from which it was accidentally taken not from Soviet times? Give a link to the territory of Lithuania.
          Quote: Karlsonn
          General Kolenkur, who was constantly with Napoleon, noted in his memoirs: “Cossacks and peasants killed many of our people every day who dared to set off in search of”

          Forgotten the beginning "The army could feed only on what the marauders, organized in whole detachments, got;"
          Again, the reason for looting. Well, when retreating, the French will finish off the holy work, rob, only a fool .. he will sit at home.
          PS. Just do not rank me as liberals. I went through Soviet history and lived in the Soviet Union at a conscious age. I do not suffer from democracy.
          1. +2
            28 September 2013 20: 48
            Quote: Fin
            It touches as two great marshals easily beat amateurs,

            As for me - I like forum likes, which cause shoulder straps - on the side.

            Quote: Fin
            easily smash amateurs

            If "amateurs" dishonor the memory of my ancestors, I cannot remain silent.

            Quote: Fin
            have time to give each other compliments

            Yes, we are friends, and I am not ashamed of a good relationship with a comrade smile .

            Quote: Fin
            manage to give each other compliments, instruct "+"

            Dear amateur from history, as I see it on the subject, you cannot argue with me bully Well, as for the compliments - open your eyes comrade smile "+" did not deliver to me.

            Quote: Fin
            and speculate about masochism.

            If you are a comrade in public sign of ignorance - I can not help. request

            Quote: Fin
            Was Napoleon walking in Ukraine?

            Dear where I wrote about Ukraine? Are you there comrade drunk or something?

            Quote: Fin
            A textbook from which it was accidentally taken not from Soviet times?

            As a winner of a number of school history olympiads, I want to ask:
            - what is wrong with Soviet textbooks?

            Quote: Fin
            Give a link to the territory of Lithuania.

            I teach illiterates for a fee. wink

            Quote: Fin
            Again, the reason for looting. Well, when retreating, the French will finish off the holy work, rob, only a fool .. he will sit at home.

            My ancestors began to slaughter the invaders in September 1812, tell me about the rob ....

            Quote: Fin
            PS. Just do not rank me as liberals. I went through Soviet history and lived in the Soviet Union at a conscious age. I do not suffer from democracy.

            Fell into a stupor --- how so?
            1. Fin
              28 September 2013 21: 51
              Quote: Karlsonn
              If "amateurs" dishonor the memory of my ancestors, I cannot remain silent.

              Do not reduce everything to cheer-patriotism. Did you happen to graduate from the Kiev Political School?
              Quote: Karlsonn
              Dear where I wrote about Ukraine? Are you there comrade drunk or something?

              I quote again:
              Quote: Karlsonn
              Partisan movement in Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, and then Central Russia inflicted an aggressor army

              Do not pour a glass to yourself anymore.
              Quote: Karlsonn
              I teach illiterates for a fee.

              Enlightened without you, how the French were met with flowers.

              Quote: Karlsonn
              My ancestors began to slaughter the invaders in September 1812, tell me about the rob ....

              This is when the killed Frenchman is immediately buried without even checking his pockets.
              Quote: Karlsonn
              Fell into a stupor --- how so?

              This prevented further accusations, once masochism dropped, or a favorite pastime?
              1. +1
                28 September 2013 23: 20
                Quote: Fin
                Do not reduce everything to cheer-patriotism. Did you happen to graduate from the Kiev Political School?

                Unfortunately no --- received two and a half higher in the institution, which is now called the NAU.

                Quote: Fin
                Do not pour yourself a glass anymore


                Quote: Fin
                Enlightened without you, how the French were met with flowers.

                Comrade, my ancestors redid the braids and they met the adversary.

                Quote: Fin
                This is when the killed Frenchman is immediately buried without even checking his pockets.

                My ancestor released the Spaniard, though the Spaniard did not reach Berezina --- tell me about looting.

                Quote: Fin
                This prevented further accusations, once masochism dropped, or a favorite pastime?

                How bitterly aware that they don’t know the history of their country.
                1. Fin
                  29 September 2013 00: 31
                  Quote: Karlsonn
                  How bitterly aware that they don’t know the history of their country.

                  Well, my friend is enough to be stubborn, agree that there was no mass popular war. Even Napoleon says to you (taken from your post):
                  Quote: Karlsonn
                  The fleeing residents formed gangs that acted against our foragers. They did not bother the troops themselves anywhere, but captured all the marauders and stragglers. "
                  The main Army units did the work
                  Quote: Karlsonn
                  Comrade, my ancestors redid the braids and they met the adversary.

                  Quote: Karlsonn
                  My ancestor released the Spaniard, though the Spaniard did not reach Berezina --- tell me about looting.

                  There are no questions, one can only be proud.
                  My ancestors from the village of Diagovichi, Krichevsky, Mogilev may also have a hand, but I don’t know.
                  1. -2
                    29 September 2013 04: 15
                    Quote: Fin
                    Man, well enough is already stubborn, agree that there was no mass popular war

                    My ancestors slaughtered foreigners, there was no war?

                    Quote: Fin
                    The main work was done by army units

                    Our family holds a relic of the Spaniard, our ancestor participated in the clipping of a detachment of Spaniards who fled to the Beresenu crossing.
                    The Spaniards did not reach Berezena.
                    1. +1
                      29 September 2013 08: 53
                      Quote: Karlsonn
                      ... our ancestor participated in the clipping of a detachment of Spaniards who fled to the Beresen crossing.
                      The Spaniards did not reach Berezena.

                      It is a pity that your ancestor was not put on the banks of the Neman in June 1812. Then Napoleon could not cross. Well, who knew then ...
                    2. cooper
                      29 September 2013 09: 39
                      damn minusonul. Well, I don’t believe in relics and stories of great-grandfathers, neighbors and neighbors, it's some kind of crap. I have two grandfathers through the Second World War, and not a bit from the lips of the war. Partisans hated both ours and the UPA, they are for them there were bandits.
                    3. Fin
                      29 September 2013 10: 31
                      Man, what you laid down ancestors yes ancestors. I already wrote to you about them - well done. What metal relic?
                      About the mass war of people is the question.
                      1. Fin
                        29 September 2013 13: 15
                        Finally mastered 2 parts of the Invasion. Up to the Battle of Borodino, not a single mention of the people's war. Karlson get down from the roof here they wrote a little new story. Leave Soviet textbooks there.
        2. 0
          29 September 2013 19: 09
          It is strange how the detachment was almost ahead of the tanks?
          1. +1
            29 September 2013 19: 18
            Quote: Motors1991
            It is strange how the detachment was almost ahead of the tanks?

            So he was against the Nazis. How else?
          2. 0
            29 September 2013 20: 33
            Quote: Motors1991
            It is strange how the detachment was almost ahead of the tanks?

            And the fact that the attack in the autumn 1943 go T-34-85, adopted by the Decree of the GKO No. 5020 ss, from 23 January 1944 g. not surprised?
        3. 0
          29 September 2013 19: 59
          Strong! "Maxim" and "Mosinka" - against the T-34 division laughing
        4. +2
          29 September 2013 22: 54
          Quote: Karlsonn

          The detachment of red ghouls from the NKVD with machine guns drives the tank division to attack, the fall of 1943.

      2. +2
        28 September 2013 18: 17
        Quote: smile
        it was our word "partisan" that became understandable without translation for all Europeans

        smile, good evening ... however, "Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer."Partisan from ital. Partigiano is a supporter of a certain social group, a party. This is how the hangers-on, in fact, "keepers" of influential nobles in European courts, were originally called.
      3. Fin
        29 September 2013 20: 57
        Quote: smile
        but it was just here that a large-scale popular war began

        Smile, something you can not hear. And then they jumped out with a saber and waved into the bushes. Your comrade Carlson has already run out of arguments: everything refers only to relatives.
        Let’s quote, facts, links, before that there were only emotions.
        Especially like:
        Quote: smile
        Certainly, parties of volunteers from light cavalry

        For several regiments .. laughing
    2. Avenger711
      28 September 2013 14: 34
      Duc beyond the invasion strip of 300 kilometers was the usual peaceful life, where did the masses of partisans come from. In the Second World War, among the partisans, too, was full of saboteurs, or other military.
      1. 0
        28 September 2013 18: 19
        Quote: Avenger711
        So beyond the strip of invasion of kilometers in 300 there was an ordinary peaceful life, from where there were masses of partisans.

        Did you see it yourself? Didn’t the comrade tell you about the fact that when Napoleon attacked, scorched earth tactics were used in history lessons?
        About peaceful life behind enemy lines is generally enchanting !!! good
        The village of my ancestors, as I was told, the peasants themselves burned and went into the woods, later slaughtered from the beginning of the foragers, and then the debris of the French army, who fled to Berezina.

        PYSY: go to the museum bully

        Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin "Do not zamay."
        1. 0
          28 September 2013 18: 34
          Karlsonn,but Avenger711right In the absence of a solid front at that time, the foragers moved away from the main forces by a distance of two to three days. Naturally, the presence of partisans significantly reduced the radius of action of the feed teams. Therefore, along the route of the army, stores with supplies were formed. And it is not clear why Napoleon went to Maloyaroslavets, because all of his stores were on the Smolensk road. And even if he had broken through, food collection in the southern regions of the country by fodder teams, with obvious hostility population and the presence of the Russian army on the tail, it became a very problematic matter.
          1. +1
            28 September 2013 19: 00
            Quote: chehywed
            Karlsonn, but Avenger711 is right.

            HAND FACE!!!

            Quote: chehywed
            Therefore, along the route of the army stores with supplies were formed. And therefore it is not clear why Napoleon went to Maloyaroslavets, because all of his stores were on the Smolensk road.

            And what did you do in history lessons ??? what

            If it were not for Bonaparte's published memoirs, one would have thought that it was the French who brought fire to Russian soil. The movement of Napoleon’s troops was accompanied by fires - cities and roads burned. In Smolensk, Gzhatsk, Small Yaroslavts, the French themselves extinguished fires. The Russians burned everything - houses, shops, streets, crops.

            Foragers had nothing to catch along the Smolensk road, so take an interest in what stocks Napoleon found in his store when he retreated to Smolensk — you will discover a lot for yourself. hi

            Napoleon said about the people's war: "The most formidable army cannot successfully wage a war against an entire people who have decided to win or die. We were no longer dealing with the inhabitants of Lithuania, indifferent spectators of the great events taking place around them. The entire population, made up of natural Russians, when we approached, they left their homes. On our way, we met only abandoned or burnt-out villages. The fleeing inhabitants formed gangs that acted against our foragers. They did not bother the troops themselves anywhere, but captured all the marauders and stragglers. "

            I especially want to emphasize that Napoleon spoke about the inhabitants of Lithuania, that is, about an armed rebuff at the very beginning of the invasion.
            Napoleon himself confirms the appearance of partisan units at the very beginning of the war in Russia, though comrade Fin and comrade Avenger711 disagree with Napoleon, what apparently in the 1812 year they were sitting on the ground, and Napoleon was looking at events from the gallery with binoculars.

            1. 0
              28 September 2013 19: 48
              Quote: Karlsonn
              HAND FACE!!!

              BLOCK!!! KNEE HIP !!!
              Quote: Karlsonn
              And what did you do in history lessons ???

              He raked the five, since he was interested in the Napoleonic Wars completely voluntarily.
              Quote: Karlsonn
              I especially want to emphasize that Napoleon spoke about the inhabitants of Lithuania, that is, about an armed rebuff at the very beginning of the invasion.

              But what the eyewitness writes, Fedot Kudritsky about the French entry into Vilna
              16 (28) June, the French approached Vilna.
              “Lithuanian Courier” calls this day wonderful and ascribes to it the beginning of a new era in the annals of the city and the region. “On this day, we were lucky to see the French Emperor ... the great Napoleon, at the head of his invincible army, in the walls of our capital.” “The whole city was on the street,” says an eyewitness, “all the surrounding mountains were completely covered by people who were the first to see the French. Many for this purpose climbed onto the roofs of houses, tower churches and belfries. Huge crowds ran after the coven outpost, from where the French were expected. All this fled, collided, galley, resembling in general one huge house of madmen ... Magistrates, noble residents and a significant part of the people with city keys came out to meet Napoleon ... Learning that Napoleon was entering from the other side of the city, the population surged towards Zamkov to the gates ... Polish and French regiments entered the city, "according to the Polish correspondent," "in exemplary order and in the best condition." The youth “was burning with impatience to arm themselves and join the ranks of their fellow tribesmen. In the evening, the houses of all the inhabitants, by their own initiative and unanimous desire, were brilliantly lit, so that the whole city seemed magnificently illuminated. "
              1. +1
                28 September 2013 20: 12
                Quote: chehywed
                BLOCK!!! KNEE HIP !!!

                Pass to the belt, throw deflection. recourse

                Quote: chehywed
                He raked the five, since he was interested in the Napoleonic Wars completely voluntarily.

                Kamrad, tell me who taught you in the school of history, I personally spank him on the pope with a stick with nails.

                In the cities of Bely and Belsky uyezd, partisan units attacked the French parties making their way to them, destroyed them or took them prisoner. The leaders of the Sychevsky partisans, police officer Boguslavskaya and retired major Emelyanov, armed their troops with guns taken from the French, and established proper order and discipline. In two weeks (from August 18 to September 1), Sychevsky partisans attacked the enemy on 15 times. During this time, they destroyed the 572 soldier and captured 325 people.

                I am aware of collaborators in the First World War, no need to educate.

                Quote: chehywed
                The youth “was burning with impatience to arm themselves and join the ranks of their fellow tribesmen. In the evening, the houses of all the inhabitants, by their own initiative and unanimous desire, were brilliantly lit, so that the whole city seemed magnificently illuminated. "

                To whom, my ancestors - serfs slaughtered foreigners.
                1. 0
                  28 September 2013 20: 29
                  Quote: Karlsonn
                  Pass to the belt, throw deflection.

                  WHISTLE MI..Police ...
                  Quote: Karlsonn
                  Kamrad tell me who taught you in the school of history, I personally spank him on the pope with a stick with nails

                  And you are a rascal, if she is alive, then she will certainly be glad to have such an extravagant "adventure". laughing
                  Quote: Karlsonn
                  In the cities of Bely and Belsky uyezd, partisan detachments attacked the French parties making their way to them, destroyed them or took them prisoner.

                  You see, the whole question is what Napoleon considered Lithuania. His friends and allies Poles, hoping for the restoration of the Commonwealth, could draw the border of Lithuania and draw along the Volga.
                  1. 0
                    28 September 2013 20: 59
                    Quote: chehywed
                    WHISTLE MI..Police ...

                    As the grandson of the Chekist and the son of the Chekist - with Mi ... I will agree with the police wink .

                    Quote: chehywed
                    And you are a rascal, if she is alive, then she will certainly be glad to have such an extravagant "adventure".

                    I will bring it with my history teacher, a lieutenant colonel of the marine corps, I think they will agree.

                    Quote: chehywed
                    You see, the whole question is what Napoleon considered Lithuania

                    As born in the Gomel region and living in the capital city - Kiev, I have my own opinion on the Poles.

                    Quote: chehywed
                    His friends and allies, Poles, hoping for the restoration of the Commonwealth could border the Lithuania and draw along the Volga.

                    Come to us in Kiev - you will learn a lot about the Poles. drinks
                    1. 0
                      28 September 2013 21: 27
                      Quote: Karlsonn
                      I will bring it with my history teacher, a lieutenant colonel of the marine corps, I think they will agree.

                      ... Brr ... No, well, if he is a fan of ladies "slightly under 80", then of course ... they will agree ...
                      1. +1
                        28 September 2013 23: 21
                        Quote: chehywed
                        ..Brr ... No, well, if he is a lover of ladies "slightly under 80", then certainly ... they will agree ...

            2. +1
              28 September 2013 20: 07
              Quote: Karlsonn
              Foragers had nothing to catch along the Smolensk road, so take an interest in what stocks Napoleon found in his store during the retreat in Smolensk, --- you will discover a lot for yourself

              200 years ago, in 1812, on Sunday, Napoleon, fleeing from Moscow, enters Smolensk. Here he will be greatly disappointed. The commander is more angry than ever. Leaving in August from taken Smolensk to Moscow, he leaves a garrison in the city and orders the general, army commander Sioff to create food and feed supplies in Smolensk.
              Leaving burnt Moscow Napoleon proposes to stop for the winter in the Smolensk region, as well as in Mogilev, Minsk, Vitebsk, hoping that in the winter the Russian army would not greatly disturb him, and with the onset of heat in 1813, he would move on a new campaign to Petersburg or Kiev. However, having arrived in Smolensk, Napoleon discovers that for the soldiers there is no food, as well as forage for the cavalry. Quartermaster Sioff was unable to gather supplies from the surrounding lands, as he met great resistance from peasants and mounted flying partisan detachments. Napoleon is horrified to realize that in Smolensk he cannot linger, and therefore, is beside himself with anger. Hopes for rest and good food soldiers did not materialize. Napoleon orders to shoot the quartermaster! Not often Napoleon shoots his generals, there is no other such incident in his biography ...
              1. 0
                28 September 2013 21: 02
                Quote: chehywed
                Leaving burnt Moscow, Napoleon plans to stay for the winter in the Smolensk region, as well as in Mogilev, Minsk, Vitebsk,

                crying huddled in a corner

                What reality are you writing from?
                1. +2
                  28 September 2013 21: 42
                  Quote: Karlsonn
                  What reality are you writing from?

                  Guessed ... Well, cards on the table. We have here on 16 of September 1812 of the year, only today, by the order of the general from infantry Kutuzov, the two armies united. The partisan detachment of Colonel Efremov, consisting of two Cossack regiments, defeated the French detachment near the village of Vishevskoye, the detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Davydov captured the enemy convoy under Vyazma. As part of the Mariupol Hussar Regiment and five hundred Cossacks, he advanced for operations behind the Napoleonic forces on the New Kaluga, Mozhayskaya and Ruzskaya Roads ... for now. winked
                  1. 0
                    28 September 2013 23: 29
                    Quote: chehywed
                    Guessed ... Well, cards on the table. We have here 16 September 1812 years

                    My great-great-great-grandfather killed the French hussar in the early autumn of 12, when the French army retreated, my ancestor participated in the capture of the Spanish detachment, as our family legend says, the Spaniards were released, but they died on the way to Berezina, in our family.
                    kept a relic of the Spaniard.
                    Tell me about the partisans ...
                    1. +1
                      28 September 2013 23: 49
                      He asked ours if anyone had met Karlsonn here. There is no information yet. Don’t be upset, you understand ... here neither your phone nor my telegraph. wassat
                      1. 0
                        29 September 2013 00: 04
                        Quote: chehywed
                        I asked ours if anyone had met Karlsonn here

                        Stop by Gomel - infa will be.
                      2. +1
                        29 September 2013 00: 20
                        Quote: Karlsonn
                        Stop by Gomel - infa will be

                        Already galloped ...
                      3. +2
                        29 September 2013 00: 22
                        Quote: chehywed
                        Already galloped ...

                        I’ll count you that meeting. laughing
                      4. 0
                        29 September 2013 00: 29
                        Quote: Karlsonn
                        I’ll count you that meeting

                        Class !!! It will be possible to exchange burbulators for a day! laughing
                      5. 0
                        29 September 2013 04: 21
                        Quote: chehywed
                        Class !!! It will be possible to change the turbulents for a day

                        As a Soviet athlete, a classic wrestler, I’ll hammer you in the throat and nadra’s ears.

                        Catch ----
                      6. 0
                        29 September 2013 20: 04
                        Retarded you ka laughing something there ...
    3. vahatak
      28 September 2013 16: 39
      If a personnel officer commands a detachment, this does not mean that we are dealing with regular units. It is clear that the commander must be an experienced military man, and all comers joined the troops. I know, the Russian militia totaled hundreds of thousands of people.
      1. Fin
        28 September 2013 18: 16
        Quote: vahatak
        It is clear that the commander must be an experienced military man, and all comers joined the troops. I know, the Russian militia totaled hundreds of thousands of people.

        150 Denis and 50 hussars were sent with Denisov Bagration. After connecting the 1st and 2nd armies in Smolensk, Vincenzherod received a special cavalry detachment, with which it covered the St. Petersburg tract. The detachment consisted of 4 regiments. He is considered the first partisan of this war. At the head of the detachment on August 19, he made a daring raid on Vitebsk, during which he took 800 prisoners.
        1. +1
          28 September 2013 18: 44
          Quote: Fin
          With Denisov Bagration was sent

          In one of the letters, Napoleon noted that the French army was losing more people every day from the partisan attack than on the battlefield.

          Quote: Fin
          He is considered the first partisan of this war. At the head of the detachment of 19 on August he made a daring raid on Vitebsk, during which he took 800 prisoners.

          Who counts?
          Stop nonsense!
          The first partisan detachments appeared in Lithuania and Belarus in the fall of 1812.

          ... The doctor of the "great army" Heinrich Ross wrote about Russia, that here "everyone is against us: everyone is ready either to defend themselves or to run away, everywhere they met me with hostility, with reproaches and abuse. Nobody wanted to give anything; I had to take it myself by force and with risk, I was released with threats and curses. The peasants are armed with peaks, many are on horseback, the women are ready to flee and scolded us just like the peasants. The horses ride around from place to place, report on what is being done, they have boards for signaling. ”
          The lagging French soldiers “become a victim of embittered peasants or the prey of Cossacks circling around our flanks,” wrote another participant in the campaign to Russia.
          Wherever the French troops of foragers were heading, they came across armed people. “Peasants sent their women and children, belongings and cattle to neighboring forests; themselves, with the exception of only decrepit old men, armed with scythes and axes ... ambushed and attacked backward and stray enemy soldiers, ”wrote a Russian eyewitness to the events.
          The participant of the 1812 war of the year, the military doctor of the French army of Rua, while still within the Vitebsk province, admitted in his notes that "light detachments ... almost constantly attacked convoys and isolated detachments of the French, and Russian peasants cracked down on all the stragglers."
          1. +1
            28 September 2013 18: 46
            The partisan movement on the territory of Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, and then Central Russia caused the army of the aggressor great damage in manpower. General Kolenkur, who was constantly with Napoleon, noted in his memoirs: “Cossacks and peasants killed many of our people every day who dared to set off in search of them” (3).
            Waging a patriotic armed struggle against the invaders, heroically defending the independence and state independence of Russia, the partisans tried to provide all possible assistance to their army. The chief of staff of the First Russian Army, General Ermolov, in his notes indicated that peasants came to him and offered their assistance to the Russian army, "not sparing property, not sparing life itself." Frightened and crushed by feudal oppression, the peasants asked, "Will they be allowed to arm themselves against the enemies and will they not be held accountable for that."
            In Smolensk province, peasants openly expressed their desire to join the militia and fight the enemy in the same way as regular army soldiers. The peasants courageously supported the actions of army units that appeared in the rear and on the flanks of the enemy, and often together with them opposed the units of Napoleonic foragers. For example, when a party of Russian soldiers in the number of 15 people appeared under the command of Officer Perikov in the area of ​​the city of Porechye, it "was so courageously supported by zealous and brave inhabitants there that it captured more than 150 prisoners."
            To protect communications and fight the Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian partisans, Napoleon was forced to separate large garrisons from his army, dispersing and weakening its main forces until a general battle with the Russian army. So, on 19 of August 1812 of the year, Marshal Bertier ...

          2. Fin
            28 September 2013 19: 21
            Quote: Karlsonn
            Stop nonsense!
            The first partisan detachments appeared in Lithuania and Belarus in the fall of 1812.

            Be careful on August 19 and in the fall.
            Quote: Karlsonn
            Wherever the French troops of foragers were heading, they came across armed people. “Peasants sent their women and children, belongings and cattle to neighboring forests; themselves, with the exception of only decrepit old men, armed with scythes and axes ... ambushed and attacked backward and stray enemy soldiers, ”wrote a Russian eyewitness to the events.

            Thank you for confirming my version of protection against marauders.
            The main guerrilla war is troops sent to the rear.
            1. +2
              28 September 2013 19: 30
              Quote: Fin
              Be careful 19 August and fall

              Thank you for the amendment, but as for Lithuania, the locals first had to find out all the delights of the occupation before taking up arms en masse. hi

              Quote: Fin
              Thank you for confirming my version of protection against marauders.
              The main guerrilla war is troops sent to the rear.

              Here I agree with you comrade - partisan war is undermining the rear of the enemy. "+" from me. drinks
          3. +2
            28 September 2013 21: 53
            Quote: Fin
            He is considered the first partisan of this war. At the head of the detachment 19 of August he made a daring raid on Vitebsk, during which he took 800 prisoners.

            Quote: Karlsonn
            Who counts?
            Stop nonsense!First guerrilla groups appeared in Lithuania and Belarus yet in the autumn 1812

            Karlsonn, but in your reality is August a winter month? belay
            1. 0
              28 September 2013 23: 35
              Quote: chehywed
              Who counts?
              Enough nonsense! The first partisan detachments appeared in Lithuania and Belarus in the fall of 1812

              Quote: chehywed
              Karlsonn, and in your reality is August a winter month?

              chehywed August-September --- Autumn.
    4. +3
      28 September 2013 18: 00
      Quote: Fin
      There was no guerrilla warfare, as a mass rise of the people to fight the enemy.

      That's where you come from? request
      My ancestors slaughtered foreigners in Belarus, and without officers, even a relic is bully .

      Quote: Fin
      For operations behind enemy lines, detachments of the regular army were sent under the command of regular officers. "Partisans": Lieutenant Colonel Davydov, General Winzegerode, Colonel Benckendorff and others.

      Kamrad you before writing nonsense ask if you do not know.
      I can’t understand one thing:
      - is it such masochism, publicly demonstrate their ignorance, or something else? what

      Names: Ermolay Vasiliev, Stepan Eremenko, Samus, Vasilisa Kozhin talking about something?
      You are wondering why Denis Davydov let go of his beard and wore peasant clothes during the fighting behind enemy lines.

      CAPACITY: museums are worth visiting. wink
      1812 year. I. M. Pryanishnikov "Episode from the Patriotic War of 1812".
      1. The comment was deleted.
  3. +7
    28 September 2013 11: 31
    "to ask the Russian tsar to send the Cossacks" to collect the staggering soldiers "
    How gentle is our historian! How affectionate, how reverently he loves grants on which to live so freely and pleasantly! How he appreciates the location of the scientific community, carefully formed by our uncles ...
    In general, the Russian troops were engaged in the execution of marauders. Mass shootings. Only in the intellectual Russian head can such an amazing idea be born - armed, with the support of people like him, in the midst of robbery of defenseless Austrians can be "assembled". As if they would carefully collect it in a basket and quietly take it to the Austrian location ... Well, that's what it is - whatever a Russian historian, then .... Oh, you guys are filthy!
    1. +4
      28 September 2013 11: 43
      So he, as I understand it, quotes someone’s words and nothing more. In general, yes, the Cossacks there were clearly not persuading and exhorting.
      1. +6
        28 September 2013 12: 31
        Of course he does! Austrians and quoted, slime. The robberies, murders and arson were so widespread that the usual tactics of the West - "I am not me, the mare is not mine" did not roll. And the Russian army (despite diligently "quoting" this ... Russian historian, these words are an indecent swear word in themselves) was not exposed to the infection.
        That was, went to "collect" the Austrians, the British command. So they come to the village, half of which is on fire, half of it is still ... "stagger" and begin to "gather" the Austrians. And they say - let’s go, but we’ll only push this Marianne ... but in general we have a queue here, there are many of us, but there are not many of Jeanne. So wait until ... you can have some fun with her little sister, she may still be alive. And the result is two gangs of marauders, that's all.
        Nothing of the kind happened to the Russians, ours started to extinguish ... and shoot. But a Russian historian cannot write something like that. They begin their "scientific" careers in our country with how they can ingenuously wipe out their country and their people. Otherwise, their "scientific community", long since built by the Germans in our country, will not accept. After that, they cease to be Russians (who were) and become "dear Russians". How they become in the zone ... that, you know, once and for all.
        So they "collected" like mushrooms. It is stupid to wait otherwise ...
        1. 0
          28 September 2013 14: 27
          Bravo!!!! ++++
    2. vahatak
      28 September 2013 16: 42
      And it seems strange to me that the author first lists the Cossacks in the list of potential looters, and then it turns out that they themselves put things in order. Mismatch, however.
    3. 0
      28 September 2013 18: 21
      Quote: Mikhail3
      How gentle is our historian! How affectionate, how reverently he loves grants on which to live so freely and pleasantly! How he appreciates the location of the scientific community, carefully formed by our uncles ...

      firmly shake my hand good
  4. +4
    28 September 2013 11: 49
    I think the French already just got this war and Napoleon, the burgher woke up in the French again, and the burgher does not like war, although if the allies walked the land of France devastating everything with fire and sword, the situation could have changed. It seems to me that the Germans took French experience into account and created the image of such monsters among their subjects to the WWI that the idea of ​​cooperation with them did not occur to them.
  5. vahatak
    28 September 2013 16: 48
    And who ever thought how many adult and healthy men remained in France by the beginning of 1814, who were not taken into the army? The fewer people, the less partisans. When Napoleon defeated the enemies on their territory, the troops fled, and it is clear that some of them will go to the partisans. It should also be borne in mind that in the countries occupied by the French, garrisons of several tens of thousands of soldiers remained for years, and the Allies managed in a couple of months.
    1. +4
      28 September 2013 18: 26
      In the campaign of 1813-1814, Napoleon put in operation 17 and even 16 year olds, which at that time was completely unprecedented.
      During the Napoleonic Wars, France lost about 2,5 million of its citizens killed and mutilated, which amounted to approximately 10% of the population of France. Tens of thousands of French of combat age were scattered throughout Europe, like prisoners of war, wounded and deserters.
      And it was not clear what the partisans were for?
      For national independence? But the Allies did not intend to turn France into a colony, or to dismember it. They only planned the deposition of Napoleon and the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty.
      Partisan for Napoleon? And what did he give the French, besides endless wars and mobilizations? Hitler at least promised his nation a "living space", while Napoleon promised nothing. He did not intend to give the French lands in the conquered countries. He appointed his entourage as kings and dukes in the conquered countries, but the French people had nothing from his conquests.
      But partisans cannot be without an idea. This regular army can fight purely by order (and then only for the time being, for the time being), and the partisan needs a clear sense of the struggle.
      1. +1
        28 September 2013 18: 50
        Even on "paper", 25 years ago I read that during the Napoleonic Wars, France only lost 1200000 people killed, the rest of Europe including Russia 1800000.
  6. 0
    28 September 2013 20: 27
    Whores with! Fire in a brothel.
  7. +1
    28 September 2013 20: 34
    Even on "paper", 25 years ago I read that during the Napoleonic Wars, France only lost 1200000 people killed, the rest of Europe including Russia 1800000.

    And this despite the fact that the population of France at that time was slightly less than 30 million people.
    In other words, every 25 Frenchman died in the war.
    If we take the losses of our army in the Second World War in 10 million people, then this is every 20.
    It is quite comparable.
    1. 0
      29 September 2013 05: 25
      Quote: cdrt
      In other words, every 25 Frenchman died in the war.
      If we take the losses of our army in the Second World War in 10 million people, then this is every 20.
      It is quite comparable.

      Female dog - died on the way between Moscow and Smolensk.
      Well, on the way to Berezina, a detachment of Spaniards was taken by ours.
      1. 0
        29 September 2013 05: 34

        I take all who are on me. angry
  8. pinecone
    29 September 2013 08: 57
    “Paris is worth the Mass” - the Russian Tsar did not have to exclaim. Paris cost him 6000 Russian soldiers killed on March 30, 1814 in a head-on attack on the fortified heights of Montmartre, where one regiment from Napoleon’s old guard sat down.

    Monstrous losses that could have been avoided by taking the top of Parisian society hostage and presenting the relevant ultimatum to the French commanders.
  9. 0
    29 September 2013 09: 02
    Quote: Karlsonn
    I’ll hammer you in the throat and the nadir’s ears.

    sad fool
  10. +1
    29 September 2013 10: 01
    For refusing to obey these orders, Bonaparte’s order threatened with immediate execution.
    Good order, civilized.