Undervalued resource

How to be a military education in civilian universities?

The promptly launched project of the Ministry of Defense of Russia for scientific companies drew public attention to the problem of the quality of the contingent of servicemen of the modern Russian army. The question of who today serves in the Armed Forces, what knowledge and competencies of the soldiers and officers corps has gone beyond the discussions of military professionals, it is discussed by specialists in various fields. Today, on the subject of the Red Star, Olga KASHIRINA, the secretary general of the Russian Union of Rectors, is thinking about this topic.

Today, it is an axiom for everyone that modern war is not so much the confrontation of steel as the competition of high technologies. Understanding this, as early as 2006, during its VIII congress, the Union of Rectors began a consistent movement to restore ties between higher education and industry that had been destroyed in the post-Soviet period, implying that one of the priority consumers of unique personnel and high technologies should be defense and security.

The system agreements with the Russian Engineering Union and the partnership with the League of Defense Enterprises made it possible from the very beginning to carry out this work, clearly recognizing the real needs and prospects of our defense industry. As an initiative, the RSR proposed forming direct links between university research teams and enterprises of the Engineering Union, lobbied for the engineering and technical component of the schoolchildren’s Olympiad system, and suggested forming an OPK personnel reserve from among the best olympiadists, including through vocational guidance programs.

The university environment, being very sensitive and dynamic, took it as one of its “basic settings” - representatives of the high-tech industry became almost full members of the regional councils of rectors, which made it possible to form highly productive models of bilateral interaction. Today, the basic departments of enterprises in universities, specialized Olympiads in the defense industry, joint work in small innovative enterprises have become a reality.

At the same time, this is a local experience of effective communication between higher education and the army, both in terms of content and in terms of territorial coverage. The task is much broader: we should form a system of training universities for the defense and security sector, create flexible mechanisms for bilateral scientific and technical cooperation. It is a systematic approach, in which scientific companies will be inscribed as an important link, will make this idea effective, will allow to attract educated and ambitious youth to the Armed Forces.

In our stories there was no period when universities were removed from the tasks of protecting the Fatherland - they always walked in the wake of the strategic tasks of the state. The essential relationship between the defense industry and higher education was at the same time a powerful engine of university science. Historically, through the training of representatives of the military class, it embodied the personnel succession of generations of army intellectuals: the archives of Moscow University show that by 1764, the proportion of children of servicemen among students reached 52 percent!

In the Crimean campaign 1853 – 1856, military training became mandatory for all students; universities gave the right to receive regular and extraordinary military ranks, motivating students to continue the military career of their fathers.

Today, it seems, there is a gap between the army and higher education, which is expressed in an acute shortage of institutions of interaction and the absence of an agreed agenda for common action.

University military centers as a basis for integration

In the USSR, the role of a system recruiter for talented specialists for the army was played by military departments. They fit well into the educational process, raised the prestige of universities, gave good skills to graduates for future work. Up to 1957, they were in each university, by 1990, military training was carried out in 86 percent of universities, at the moment their coverage is about 15 percent of state universities. Today, in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation 2008, the number 275 of the order of 40 percent of the military departments (39) is concentrated in the Central Federal District. They are practically absent in the Urals, they are completely absent in the North Caucasus.

In recent years, the faculties of military training, military departments and military centers in civilian universities have actually dropped out of the general education system. In my opinion, their leadership was weakened by the military authorities, and today they are in many ways not in line with the development trends of the Armed Forces. But it is important to remember that they have repeatedly proved their effectiveness and retained a large promising resource. So, the question of the revival of high school military departments today is increasingly recognized as necessary.

But in order for them to become the basis of university-defense cooperation, it should be recognized that the institute of military departments requires a fundamental reform update: their territorial network should change, their content orientation and infrastructure should be adjusted to meet the demands of time.

Geographically, the number of military departments should be expanded with an emphasis on uniform distribution in the regions. This is especially true for border areas. The councils of rectors of the Republic of Dagestan, the Altai Territory and the Far Eastern Federal District consider these departments to be an important factor not only in training but also in retaining qualified specialists in their border regions. For example, a regional military department of the Khabarovsk Territory could be created at Pacific State University, designed to combine the tasks of professional training and scientific work of students with the defense specifics of the region.

In terms of content, it is obvious that the army is expecting from university students not only the skills of drill, but also the intellectual potential, aimed at the development of high-tech Armed Forces. And this means that the most important issue on the agenda is the issue of military content. Together with the Ministry of Defense, we should analyze the priorities for the modernization of the military training system. It is time to revise the list of so-called dual-use specialties - civil and defense at the same time. This list is to be updated by coordinating the demands of the army and the defense industry with the structure of training in universities. The next important step is the transition from the historically determined linear model of military education in universities to a significantly more flexible, modular approach in working with different categories of students - bachelors and masters.

Our education system is very heterogeneous in terms of departmental affiliation - universities are subordinate to almost 20 ministries and departments. In this situation, it is important to create a mechanism leveling the risks of disunity. The creation of university military centers of inter-regional and inter-sectoral directions is a priority - they will become integrators of common efforts in the interests of defense and security from the point of view of both industries and territories.

The system of military departments will work for the benefit of the army and the defense industry only in the case of a deep modernization of the infrastructure and equipment of modern military equipment. Agree that for any student, the presence of flight simulators on MiGs or submarine trips at a military department is a strong motive and interest. Technical re-equipment should be carried out in accordance with the priorities of the world scientific and technological development and the country's defense strategy.

The equipment of military departments with modern equipment is very expensive, and universities should not solve this issue alone, but with the system support of the state. In this regard, I consider a very promising initiative of the team of the Siberian State Technological University about the need to establish a special state program.

Is the community ready?

The Union of Rectors held a broad discussion of the issue of military education in civilian universities. The dominant views of the councils of rectors, industry university associations and university teams is a high interest and a great desire to increase their activities in the interests of defense and security. Moreover, the intention of each university is based on a clear understanding of its subject niche in the general system of training professionals for the army and the defense industry. Many higher education institutions fairly consider their location in the territories with developed defense industry clusters as the potential of a powerful cumulative effect that can be mutually beneficial to high school and defense industry.

Volgograd State Technical University: "The experience of cooperation of VolgGTU with the 4th State Central Inter-Service Range of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Prudboy Combined Arms Range, the enterprises of the OPK PO Barricades and CDB Titan, allows training military specialists for motorized rifle tank troops, engineering and technical personnel of divisions of tactical and operational-tactical missiles, specialists in measuring and information systems. "

Tula State University: “We are requesting the creation of a military department for the training of specialists with knowledge and competencies in the operation of modern military equipment of the near tactical zone.”

Don State Technical University: “We ask you to consider the creation of an interuniversity military training center on the basis of the liquidated Rostov Military Institute of Rocket Forces in Rostov-on-Don”.

Astrakhan State University: “We, cooperating with the testing ground” Kapustin Yar, offer to consider ASU as a platform for training specialists in the field of IT technologies, information security, robotics, cartography, electronics and nanoelectronics, technology of new materials ”.
Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. Senkevich. "We are ready to organize high-quality training of specialists in the field of military translation in 23 foreign languages."

Tver State University. The natural sciences and physics and mathematics faculties could become the nucleus at the opening of our military department. ”

Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise. “We are petitioning to support the opening of a military department for the training of military specialists of radio electronic, automotive and medical profiles on the basis of our university.”

Buryat State University. "We have ample opportunities for training commanders of motorized rifle platoons for motorized rifle units and subunits."

Kazan State Energy University: "The university has the opportunity to train specialists for mobile power plants for the Armed Forces."

A large number of proposals came from universities that have significant experience in contacts with the army, unfortunately, stopped in the process of reform.

Among them are Tula State University, Belgorod Technological University named after Shukhov, Kuzbass Technical and Siberian Industrial Universities, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Siberian State Geodetic Academy, St. Petersburg State University of Civil aviation, State Medical Academy of North Ossetia - Alania and many other universities.

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.Е. Alekseeva: "We propose to consider the issue of resuming the work of previously existing military departments in technical universities."

Samara State Agricultural Academy: "We hope for the revival of military departments in universities."

Kostroma State Technological University: "We are requesting inclusion in the list of universities for the resumption of the work of military departments."
Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky insists on "restoring the work of military departments in universities with successful experience in organizing their work in engineering and science-intensive specialties" as a matter of priority.

Precedents are multiplying when the decision to rebuild a military department has already been approved by a decision of academic councils of universities, for example, at Tambov State Technical University. Support for these decisions is the overall responsibility of defense and education managers.

A similar position on the need to revive the new quality of the system of military departments is occupied by universities of various levels and specialization. Among them are federal universities (Siberian, Kazan, North-Eastern Ammosov), classical (Penza, South Ural, Bashkir Novgorod state universities), capital (MEPI, Higher School of Economics, Energy and Construction University, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography ), regional - from Khabarovsk to Ukhta.

The intention to work in the field of defense and security announced not only technical universities, but also a wide range of industry. Among them are medical, transport, construction, forestry, agricultural, pedagogical, humanitarian. Obviously, the general understanding that the future development of defense technologies lies on an interdisciplinary level, on the combination of technology, biology and psychology in their broad sense.

Stavropol State Medical University: "We consider it expedient to resume military training in medical schools as a condition for maintaining the mobilization resource of the country."

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimova: “It is important that medical personnel be recruited from the ranks of citizens who dream of connecting their whole lives with medicine.”

Ural State Forestry University: "The military department of our university has all the opportunities to train specialists in the field of motor transport."

University science for the army and the defense industry

Universities in modern Russia are dynamic research facilities. In recent years, with the support of the state, the research infrastructure of universities has been radically updated, young people are coming to science, who think in terms of global trends in scientific and technological progress. Not to use these opportunities in the interests of the Armed Forces and the DIC would be a mistake. It is necessary to seriously expand orders for high schools for military scientific developments. It can be modern software and engineering solutions in the field of communications, robotics, new materials and, of course, bio- and cognitive technologies.

In this direction there are great opportunities for career guidance work of military departments. Students, through the inclusion of specific intellectual projects in defense and security, will gain invaluable experience and, after graduating from the university, will come to the defense sector as motivated young professionals.

I am convinced that small innovative enterprises have great opportunities for cooperation of universities with defense and security institutions in the scientific and technical field. Creating them together, attracting students to specific projects, at the same time, issues of personnel and technology can be solved.

Academic aspect of alternative service

The student has enormous intellectual potential, and it would be wrong not to use it in the development of alternative service. Alternative service is meaningless when a student programmer washes floors. His place in the defense enterprises, and he must work in his specialty. The flexibility of modern military education lies in this.

Now we have, unfortunately, a lot of draft dodgers. I am sure that many of them would have revised their civil position in relation to military service if they were offered a job in a military enterprise or in the army in their specialty.

For example, the Council of Rectors of the Republic of Tatarstan put forward the initiative to perform alternative service in the field of IT-technologies based on the innovative satellite city of Kazan, Innopolis. The Russian defense ministry should consider placing its specialized units in such technology parks and innovation zones, as well as defense enterprises.

Recall the Great Patriotic War. Then, in the 1941 year, engineers, rushing to the front, were sent to the rear of the military factories in the form of an order. The role of the military engineer in Victory is unprecedented. And today it is important to remember and continue to use this experience.

The implementation of the Defense Ministry’s initiatives to attract qualified personnel to the army, as a rule, is accompanied by skeptics ’reasoning that, say, these initiatives will not lead to the result that the army and security issues are not interesting for today's youth. I consider such pessimism groundless.

Today, a highly motivated generation is coming into the arena of adult conscious life, which intuitively craves civil realization. This generation is sensitive to our history, is proud of our victories and realizes that they have been achieved by a great army of a great country.

I say this with confidence, because the work of the rector's union is closely connected with youth projects. The start of 2013 of the Russian Union of Rectors was entirely connected with the memory of the great victory of our people in the Battle of Stalingrad, whose 70 anniversary was celebrated on February 2.

Higher education institutions dedicated to this date piercing events that connected in one burst of pride and pain for the battle on the Volga most diverse generations of our people and the most remote corners of our Fatherland.

A sincere response among students, professors and university professors received a competition of student videos “My Stalingrad”, which was held as part of the multimedia student festival “Stalingrad 3.0”. The responsibility with which students of universities in the Far East, Siberia, the Caucasus and the South of Russia, the Urals, and the central regions approached the topic of Stalingrad is striking to the depths of the soul. Rollers, being different in terms of production, one and all contain a tangible perception of the modern young man of those historical events. The authors of the works posed questions about whether they deserve the Victory, whether they have the ability to become successors to the heroes.

The theme of Stalingrad for our students has become a peculiar point of civic self-identification. I believe that these issues in themselves testify to the highest potential of the spirit of our youth, the university community. This proves that the university at all times - and today is no exception - is a strong culture and values ​​of our society. This is not idle rhetoric, but conviction.

Therefore, the interaction between higher education, the army and the defense industrial complex has the most optimistic prospects. But this requires systemic solutions. It is important to combine real initiatives that correspond to the time and tasks of the state. This is the only way to rely not on a local result, but on a cumulative effect. For universities, serving the interests of the Fatherland is not just a mission, but a necessity and a way of being. Therefore, today universities are open to dialogue.
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  1. +6
    11 August 2013 11: 15
    Undervalued resource
    In our reality, it is more than a controversial issue, a lot needs to be changed, first of all in the "heads", so that this "resource" really becomes very useful to the army ..
    1. +10
      11 August 2013 15: 10
      This year my daughter also entered a military university (as I described it in the article "Who will join the ranks"), she also entered a civil university. Enrolled in Baumanka.
      Most of all I was outraged by the fact that the budget places in the most prestigious technical universities are occupied by target men with very low scores on the exam. For example, in the Military Endeavor in St. Petersburg, 19 trustees were selected for information security at 20 budget places for state defense orders, the lowest score among them was 143, a total of 1 budget place was given to the general competition. Talented guys with 270 points flew by. In Baumanka, likewise, from 20 places 18 are target men. How in our conditions it becomes clear to become a target. What kind of specialists will our defense industry end up with?
      1. sad33
        11 August 2013 23: 24
        Yes, I completely agree with you ... and paid in Bauman on a radio faculty of 200000 rubles !!!!! for a year .... however ... here you have the experts ...
      2. +1
        11 August 2013 23: 57
        Quote: sergey32
        Received in Baumanka.

        Glad for your daughter, Sergey.
        I remember the article.
        Good luck to her !!!
    2. Airman
      11 August 2013 17: 27
      Quote: svp67
      Undervalued resource
      In our reality, it is more than a controversial issue, a lot needs to be changed, first of all in the "heads", so that this "resource" really becomes very useful to the army ..

      Military departments can only be left in technical universities that have a good base. and no military departments in financial, legal and other humanitarian universities.
      1. +3
        12 August 2013 06: 37
        I carefully read the article. I completely disagree. Now the opinion of the scientific community seems to be higher than the opinion of the military. But let's look at the same Israel. Everyone will serve. And this is honorable. This is a springboard for later life.
        Officers from civilian universities have never been considered full-fledged. They are not. They may be specialists, but they have to retrain for a year. And then they cannot find themselves in a civilian.
        I think that students should be called up for full service. The demographic situation is as follows. Yes, and having served as a soldier, a graduate of the institute who received an officer rank will really know who he is and why he is.
      2. series
        12 August 2013 12: 12
        The Russian army went through a very painful stage of reforming military universities. There was a species (by type of service) optimization, centralization and enlargement. The goals are clear ...
        Now I have a question.(?)
        WHAT (and for what?) military specialists (officers) You are going to train a large number of "technical" universities in Russia with "good base"? On what modern material and technical base of military equipment and weapons? I do not mean specialists in auto-tractor technology ...
        For example, the Academy of Peter the Great, Zhukovsky and Gagarin ...
        Visit their sites and (if you can) evaluate what material and technical base you need to have in order to prepare modern personnel for the army!
        The concept of a modern, compact, well-equipped, professional army with nuclear weapons has undeniable advantages ...
        Or is the postulate "Guns instead of butter" a life priority for you?
  2. +1
    11 August 2013 11: 21
    we are on the right track. you just need to help the president clear the leadership of the fifth column.
    1. +20
      11 August 2013 11: 28
      Quote: Silkway0026
      we are on the right track. you just need to help the president clear the leadership of the fifth column.

      Something the President himself suffers around Serdyukov, Chubais and others ... winked
      1. 0
        12 August 2013 07: 02
        Quote: seasoned
        Something the President himself suffers around Serdyukov, Chubais and others

        Cleans little by little. It doesn’t just mean immediately tearing out these weeds from our garden.
    2. optimist
      11 August 2013 12: 33
      Quote: Silkway0026
      we are on the right track. you just need to help the president clear the leadership of the fifth column.

      It seems that he himself is leading the gdp !!! laughing
      1. +8
        11 August 2013 12: 54
        You know, Alexey the optimist, I have a kind of ambivalent feeling for him, isn't it because in recent years he has also become kind of ambivalent? Look at his foreign policy work - BEAUTY! And what about your own country, at least specifically with the notorious "landings"?
    3. yuri p
      11 August 2013 13: 37
      there is not only the fifth column, but also ordinary militants, grabbers, loafers and relatives of big officials who were put to the feeder, so that you need to clean it not only desire but also possess character, and the law should still be in the country, I’m talking about the rule of law for everyone and that there would be no untouchables, then I think the matter will move but this is hard to believe.
  3. +1
    11 August 2013 11: 38
    Our education system is very heterogeneous in terms of departmental affiliation - universities are subordinated to almost 20 ministries and departments.

    1. +7
      11 August 2013 13: 03
      Omar, it's not about departmental affiliation, but about the training system. The same Americans have been practicing such a system for a long time. I myself have been a "jacket" - I worked as an engineer in SKB for 4 years before being drafted. During the Soviet era, some paid to get away from VK, and now study at VK, for a separate fee. According to my VUS, only KhIRE and Novosibirsk (then not Higher) school were trained. There were about thirty people in my Brigade of OSNAZA university graduates, and they were practically not inferior to regular officers. By the way, because of VK the institute was closed to foreigners. We were not given the latest technology and had to be mastered in the troops.
      BUT in VP (I don’t know why) our brother was not enough.
      The main thing is to return all the best that was in the Soviet education system.
      1. +1
        11 August 2013 13: 06
        I agree with you. All the same, all this was better controlled from one center, so that later it would not be like in a fable of a winged pike, a swan and cancer
        1. +1
          11 August 2013 13: 19
          Well, under the USSR, fragmentation was huge ... And how did they study the same?
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +5
    11 August 2013 11: 47
    "Today, a highly motivated generation is entering the arena of conscious adult life, .." The motivation for many is one-money ..."This generation is sensitive to our history, proud of our victories and realizes that they were achieved by a great army of a great country." Well, so it blows with Soviet agitprop ... The author summarizes, speaking for the whole generation. The realities look less rosy, there are enough examples ... So these "unions" still work and work, however, like everyone who is interested in this, practically from scratch again rebuilding pohe .... yu work with youth.
  6. +3
    11 August 2013 11: 55
    Quote: lonely
    Our education system is very heterogeneous in terms of departmental affiliation - universities are subordinated to almost 20 ministries and departments.
    In former times, this was not an obstacle to the training of qualified personnel for the military-industrial complex and the USSR Armed Forces.
    1. +3
      11 August 2013 12: 09
      true. it didn’t interfere, because all civilian universities were subordinate only to the USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, and not to 20 different departments
  7. +5
    11 August 2013 11: 57
    Equipping military departments with modern equipment is very costly,

    This is the reason that if military departments are to be recreated, it is more likely for the sake of formality and excuses from service, and there will be “officers” who graduated from them, as they said in the old days: a burden for the university, misfortune for the unit!
  8. +5
    11 August 2013 11: 58
    The article, in my opinion, is aimed at lobbying for an increase in the number of military departments in universities.
    touched: "Buryat State University: We have ample training opportunities
    commanders of motorized rifle platoons for motorized rifle units and subunits. "
    way, I would like to know ???
    1. Airman
      11 August 2013 12: 17
      Quote: falcon
      The article, in my opinion, is aimed at lobbying for an increase in the number of military departments in universities.
      touched: "Buryat State University: We have ample training opportunities
      commanders of motorized rifle platoons for motorized rifle units and subunits. "
      way, I would like to know ???

      In the 80s, at the military department of the Kazakh State University, chemists, philosophers and others studied the ZPU-4, which had not been in the army for a long time and left the VUS with the commanders of anti-aircraft machine-gun platoons that no one needed.
    2. +2
      11 August 2013 12: 32
      Quote: falcon
      We have great training opportunities.
      commanders of motorized rifle platoons for motorized rifle units and subunits. "
      way, I would like to know ???

      Well, three pairs once a week for a year ... Now sergeants are more thoroughly prepared.
    3. +3
      11 August 2013 12: 48
      It’s a pity the soldiers who will be commanded by such a platoon ...
  9. +4
    11 August 2013 12: 02
    If you do not employ after finishing all these departments and centers, then this is all empty. The son-in-law graduated from the military department of the Maritime University, received the rank of lieutenant, but he can’t take up service, nobody takes it, they don’t say there are any posts (rather, the desire to do paperwork). Now, after graduating from the Suvorov military school, the son entered the military training center of the federal university, and the truth there was guaranteed an appeal after graduation. First, it is necessary to reconsider the entire system of military education, finally decide on sergeants and ensigns, finally solve the problems of the states of the units, issues related to the transfer of the functions of anti-terrorist operation to third-party civilian organizations. In the units now, there’s something that’s going on: there are practically no techies, one of the sergeants has been studying for three years, and someone after three months of training, the ensigns are in sergeant positions, in most of the parts the state does not have cooks, doctors, foremen, deputy technicians, heads of KTP! At the disposal is for many years (my friends since 2009!) A huge number of officers, warrant officers, they receive normal DD, the state suffers losses, both material and moral! And many would like to continue the service, but there are no posts!
    1. +4
      11 August 2013 12: 29
      Quote: Old Warrant Officer
      but he can’t call for service, no one takes, no posts, they say (rather, the desire to do paperwork)

      Rather, there are very legitimate doubts about the quality of knowledge and skills obtained at the military department.

      I don’t know about the Moremans, but our "platoon commanders" graduated from numerous military departments had zero qualifications.
      -Zero knowledge of daily life
      -Zero knowledge, skills in the military specialty
      - Zero ability to work with personnel.
    2. Volkhov
      11 August 2013 12: 47
      Quote: Old Warrant Officer
      If you do not employ after finishing all these departments and centers-

      Do not worry - in Syria, an atomic war will be employed. The desire to open military departments is not the enthusiasm of individual rectors, but a common policy.

      Quote: Spade
      -Zero knowledge of daily life
      -Zero knowledge, skills in the military specialty
      - Zero ability to work with personnel.

      Modern psychologists and drugs will solve the problem - the incapable will be given a car with a button or belt and glorified as heroes.
      1. +3
        11 August 2013 14: 10
        Mdaaaaa .... in your case, drugs clearly "solved the problem" ... :)))) who unleashed the atomic war in Syria, also your favorite fascists hiding on the moon? :)))
        1. Volkhov
          11 August 2013 15: 17
          The incorporeal spirits now deceived by the democrats have unleashed.
          There are Nazis on the moon, you should love them with other children and grandchildren of the Chekists (de facto tribe of lovers of genocide was formed) - in any case, carefully hide them, risking an article for harboring criminals (we are sure that the court is for you) ...
          The Chekists and Nazis are accomplices in the destruction of the Russians - the Chekists are driving them into a frontal attack, and the Nazis are waiting for a machine gun - the result is empty villages and slogans of "patriotism" to deceive the next age group.
          1. +1
            11 August 2013 18: 23
            Quote: Volkhov
            The incorporeal spirits now deceived by the democrats have unleashed.

            The ghosts of communism?
            1. Volkhov
              11 August 2013 18: 54
              Quote: poquello
              The ghosts of communism?

              The ghosts of Putinism are stupid or evil, but disciplined.
            2. +2
              11 August 2013 22: 11
              Quote: poquello
              The ghosts of communism?

              Someone should not read Marx-Engels' Communist Manifesto at night fool
    3. +1
      11 August 2013 14: 49
      I agree with the old ensign. First you need to rake Mr. Sirdyuchnoye, return the training of ensigns, sergeants to at least the level of the Serdyukov reform. Return technicians, doctors, cooks, etc. to the states of the units. Not all is right for the traitors destroying the army. Landing will be or what? Stalin is necessary!
      1. +1
        11 August 2013 16: 08
        Returning sergeant training to the "preserdyukov level" means closing training centers.
        For the sake of fighting "Serdyukovschina" you are ready to destroy all the RF Armed Forces to the ground.
  10. +1
    11 August 2013 12: 51
    Quote: Spade
    -Zero knowledge of daily life
    -Zero knowledge, skills in the military specialty
    - Zero ability to work with personnel.

    It seems, but not quite. By the end of the service, the two-year-olds turned into good commissions.
    But as techies (in those. Positions or command in the technical troops), they were a cut above the personnel.
    1. Airman
      11 August 2013 13: 03
      Quote: chenia

      It seems, but not quite. By the end of the service, the two-year-olds turned into good commissions.
      But as techies (in those. Positions or command in the technical troops), they were head-over staff.

      I disagree. A two-year-old came to me for the post of shift supervisor of the complex, so he only learned what an "amplitron" was in the army. In military technology, the most modern technologies have always been and are being applied, which not all universities know about.
    2. +3
      11 August 2013 13: 07
      Quote: chenia
      By the end of the service, the two-year-olds turned into good commissions.

      Some of the biennials will be more correct to say so. And at the same time, they have occupied a full-time position for two years, and their platoon and company commanders have to perform their work.
  11. +1
    11 August 2013 13: 00
    A supply of technical specialists and those trained in civilian universities with a military department — even if they are not useful — should be needed. Just in case.
    And commanders should be personnel.
    1. Airman
      11 August 2013 13: 11
      Quote: Des10
      A supply of technical specialists and those trained in civilian universities with a military department — even if they are not useful — should be needed. Just in case.
      And commanders should be personnel.

      But a trained reserve of officers is absolutely necessary, and they must be prepared no less seriously and thoroughly, as well as personnel.
  12. +7
    11 August 2013 13: 01
    "... An underestimated resource ..."

    I have no doubt at all in the competence of the Secretary General of the Russian Union of Rectors (RSR) Olga Kasharina, but to prepare the Cadre (!!!) officer corps in civilian universities ...
    Very controversial.
    I am familiar with this topic by hearsay.
    In the process of service and after its completion I had to study at civilian universities. In addition, I talked with teachers of military schools, forced to go to civilian institutions, and also, by the nature of my work, I often teach myself.
    The conclusion is categorical: the Soviet system of training of higher educational institutions was a cut above civil education.
    Please do not compare, we are talking about the SYSTEM.
    In VVUZ gave TWO education:
    - higher in civilian specialty
    - the average for a military specialty.
    The Academy received the highest in military aspect.
    The ASH taught Management.

    Higher education institutions easily competed with civilian institutions in the quality of civilian education. Strict discipline and a well-chosen mixed military-civilian teaching staff literally “drove” knowledge of the profession into the heads of cadets. This is just the case: “if you don’t know how, we will teach, if you don’t want to, we will make it.”
    Many people remember the distribution system of “national staff”, and so, a guy from a deaf aul or camp after completing the crucible of training at a military school could easily pass the state examinations of almost any institute to receive a diploma in his field. That says a lot.
    It's simply not necessary to talk about the quality of training in the military specialty. A military education can only be obtained at a military school. For example, a subject such as TACTICS cannot be taught by civilian specialists.
    The unit needs not only to “manage”, but also to “command”.
    The life of the army team is not easy.
    And such an aspect as: military spirit, succession of generations, traditions - no civil university will give.

    To prepare “jackets” for “special time” as a mobile reserve is of course extremely necessary at the departments of civilian universities.
    But officers of the personnel army should be trained by the military system. In our country, this school historically has its own characteristics, enormous traditions, and is a cut above that of other countries.
    Yes, the stool strongly knocked down this system and it must be restored.

    And the article looks more like a desire to get into the pocket of the Moscow Region, now everyone needs money ... Yes, professors and teachers will be told no offense.
    1. +2
      11 August 2013 13: 08
      Quote: Aleks tv
      To prepare “jackets” for “special time” as a mobile reserve is of course extremely necessary at the departments of civilian universities.

      They cannot cope with this task.
      1. +1
        11 August 2013 13: 24
        Quote: Spade
        They cannot cope with this task.

        But mob.reservation is needed.
        At least some, but needed. Let it be so, than nothing at all.
        1. 0
          11 August 2013 13: 31
          Quote: Aleks tv
          Let it be so, than nothing at all.

          Better in no way than that.

          This system must be changed completely.
          1. +2
            11 August 2013 16: 28
            Quote: Spade
            This system must be changed completely.

            I agree. And for this, we need to start by releasing them not as reserve officers, but as sergeants. If you want to get an officer rank - go serve, a sergeant for a couple of years, and if you are worthy and your desire is not lost - get the rank and growth further ..
            1. +1
              11 August 2013 16: 45
              Quote: svp67
              And for this, we need to start by releasing them not as reserve officers, but as sergeants.

              Now sergeants 2 years 10 months. cook.

              And in military departments it should be like this: the lessons themselves are a year, as they are now. Only with normal teachers, with a normal training base. He graduated from high school in a training center for at least half a year. And here is a freshly baked reserve officer.
              He wants to be in staff- for a year already in the CA according to another program. And here is a freshly baked personnel officer.
              There is no need for a military department for specialized "dual-use" specialists. Half a year and in the troops. Communication specialist, railway worker, psychologist, etc.
      2. +2
        11 August 2013 15: 28
        Quote: Spade
        They cannot cope with this task.

        Let's just say - they cope with a big stretch, since the quality of graduates is very low ... And it would be better to call the article "An unfinished resource ..." belay
        1. +1
          11 August 2013 16: 09
          Why is there a "resource" in the war that needs to be prepared from scratch?
  13. +1
    11 August 2013 13: 14
    Quote: Aleks tv
    For example, a subject such as TACTICS cannot be taught by civilian specialists.

    The military department at a civilian university is only military specialists. Moreover, the requirements for officers, teachers in universities, are similar to their colleagues in universities.
    1. +1
      11 August 2013 13: 22
      Quote: chenia
      Military department at a civilian university

      The military department - this is just that department.

      We need an army SPIRIT.
      Yesterday's schoolboy needs to be "broken" and then put together "right." This is a military school.
      A soft and gentle institute can NEVER cope with this, it is not adapted for it.

      Yesterday’s student was simply “eaten up” by soldiers in the army for breakfast, without a glimpse into his specialty lamp.
      Even such home-grown one-year-olds as now are “devoured”.
      This is the Army.
      1. Misantrop
        11 August 2013 14: 11
        Quote: Aleks tv
        Yesterday's schoolboy needs to be "broken" and then put together "right." This is a military school.

        This is not a Soviet-era school, but a classic from West Point. Here THERE - yes, they break it. The first course is dedicated to this. And they get as a result of animals to whom the fuck, to whom and where to cut the throats. But only once a broken one will NEVER have the initial strength (which is why their troops break in serious trials). There was no such crap in the schools of the USSR. From the basis of his character, the CAM student selected those traits that needed to be developed. Naturally - under the guidance of teachers and senior students. He BUILT himself (and did not collect from the wreckage, and even then - not himself). For this reason, by the way, in practice, Soviet cadets were quite able to withstand the dictates of not only the mass of conscripts, but also some of the officers who tried to demand beyond the established practice plan ...
        1. +2
          11 August 2013 14: 46
          They also broke and break, at least among the land investigators. Starting from the enrollment.
        2. +4
          11 August 2013 16: 03
          Quote: Misantrop
          This is not a school of Soviet times ... In schools of the times of the USSR there was no such crap.

          So it was not so expressed, since the military did not understand me ...
          But the meaning remains the same.

          They knock out any liberal nonsense from the head.
          The imaginary values ​​and the “civic” character weakness are washed out.
          And only then, the school and the collective help to "build" a normal masculine character.
          In the barracks, it’s impossible to pretend for a long time, the essence of a person quickly goes outside and immediately it becomes clear what the cadet is capable of and “who” he is in life. Strong in spirit it strengthens. The weak do not stand up and leave.
          At the institute, this is not possible.
          1. +1
            11 August 2013 16: 19
            Quote: Aleks tv
            So it was not so expressed, since the military did not understand me ...

            Maybe they just did it in a milder form?
            1. +2
              11 August 2013 16: 27
              Quote: Spade
              Maybe they just did it in a milder form?

              Quote: Spade
              at least for the land hunters.

              Probably really so.
              At least I know only the orders of land schools.
      2. rereture
        11 August 2013 14: 24
        Quote: Aleks tv
        Yesterday's schoolboy needs to be "broken" and then put together "right"

        Now everything falls into place, people are not trained in the army, but they are breaking it down with a stool on the head, heh.
        1. +4
          11 August 2013 14: 43
          They break the psychology of a civilian person.
          I remember walking along a very dirty road, the command "flash on the right". Those who fell, as expected, wore off after dinner, the rest ran around the camp.
        2. +4
          11 August 2013 16: 07
          Quote: rereture
          a person is not trained in the army, but broken, with a stool on the head, heh.

          Don't need such "cheap" conclusions, okay?
          You can't make a man lure a kid with "lollipop on a stick". Moreover, an officer.

          Quote: rereture
          a stool on the head

          Please note that the word "stool" is now a common word and very abusive, be careful with its use.

        3. 0
          11 August 2013 17: 35
          Quote: rereture
          Now everything falls into place, people are not trained in the army, but they are breaking it down with a stool on the head, heh.

          In order to train a person in military affairs, it is initially necessary to "break" everything that interferes with this, and even in 18 years a person manages to accumulate such in a sufficiently large amount. And you can't do it with a "stool on the head", since the disabled army is not needed ...
  14. +3
    11 August 2013 13: 36
    In terms of content, it is obvious that the army expects from university youth not only combat training skills, but also intellectual potential aimed at developing high-tech Armed Forces. And this means that the most important issue on the agenda is the question of the new content of military affairs.

    Surely, a hacker, a nerd who does not know how to march, shoot from a rifle, dig himself in and cut throats, can calculate the shooting parameters in such a way that from 20 km in one gulp he will bury the division of muzzle-turners of thugs with armored vehicles in addition. Or it could launch such a virus into enemy computers that the submarine, by instruments, will be above the steppe high in the sky of Ukraine, and the plane will drop spies in the middle of the eastern beach of the Caspian Sea, where Comrade Sukhov acted.
    As the classic said, "the Ukrainian night is quiet," and spies are crawling along the sands.
    1. 0
      11 August 2013 13: 57
      Quote: Corsair5912
      Still, a hacker, a nerd who does not know how to march, shoot from a rifle, dig in and cut throats, can calculate the parameters of the fire so that from 20 km in one gulp he will bury the division of muzzle-turners of thugs with armored vehicles in addition.

      Can not. He does not have the necessary knowledge and skills. In addition, he will do this for a very long time.

      I constantly had a funny situation - the two-year-olds performed the fire tasks assigned to them by post much worse than the sergeants trained in the troops, who had previously performed the duties of platoon commanders. Not to mention conscript calculators, who sometimes did it better than graduates of military schools.
    2. rereture
      11 August 2013 14: 30
      Quote: Corsair5912
      Still, a hacker, a nerd who does not know how to march, shoot from a rifle, dig in and cut throats, can calculate the parameters of the fire so that from 20 km in one gulp he will bury the division of muzzle-turners of thugs with armored vehicles in addition.

      Think correctly, from each according to his ability. If a person works well with his head (he doesn’t break bricks, but thinks precisely), then will he be more useful in his own business, rather than sitting in a trench.
      1. 0
        11 August 2013 14: 47
        Right Tashkent front is power.
  15. 0
    11 August 2013 13: 44
    Quote: Aleks tv
    We need an army SPIRIT.
    Yesterday's schoolboy needs to be "broken" and then put together "right." This is a military school.

    And no one argues, I agree. But the school (military institute) will not permanently train reserve officers. Although, in Ukraine, a university may be part of a university. Then cadets of civil disciplines take place at the departments of the university, and students use the base of the university (usually POLYTECHI).
  16. +1
    11 August 2013 14: 20
    Undervalued resource

    VK graduates are precisely a mobilization reserve. During the Second World War, many graduates of civilian universities distinguished themselves as competent military leaders. The same Marinescu:
    For diligence and patience, he was sent to the Jung school, after which he went on the ships of the Black Sea Shipping Company as a first-class sailor. In 1 he entered the Odessa Maritime College and, graduating from it in 1930, went as the third and second assistant captain on the steamers "Ilyich" and "Red Fleet".
    According to the submariner Gennady Zelentsov, who served along with Marinesko, Alexander Ivanovich himself never wanted to be a military man, but dreamed exclusively about serving in the merchant navy. [3] In November 1933, on a Komsomol trip (according to other sources, on mobilization [source not specified 232 days]) he was sent to special courses of the command staff of the RKKF, after which he was appointed navigator on the Shch-306 (“Haddock”) submarine of the Baltic Fleet.

    Therefore, I dismiss VK as inappropriate.
  17. +3
    11 August 2013 15: 04
    There is a powerful information war for the souls of our children our future .. The imposition of a liberal worldview propaganda of perversion .. a negative attitude to Orthodoxy .. calls for rebellion .. and most importantly, the destruction (in the minds of our children) of Russian culture and fortitude .... It’s hard to resist all this for our children .. If we miss .. all the rest is useless .. Russia simply will not be ..
  18. 0
    11 August 2013 16: 28
    In order to clean up thieves from budget places, to use VK graduates from universities, it is necessary for every state employee to conclude an agreement that after graduation he will have to serve in the army from two to for example 5 years ... Distribution of health restrictions as in the Soviet Union is limited by health on defense enterprises and what a thread like that! Studying at VK is obligatory for state employees, then we can talk about mobilization potential.
  19. +1
    11 August 2013 16: 54
    Without breaking off excessive pride in the army, it’s hard for the boys to live in civilian life. They are very surprised that at work you can’t drink beer and come in shorts. And the employer does not tolerate such. So they scream, not broken off. And if they don’t understand this, then they jump from place to place slowly sliding down.
  20. +3
    11 August 2013 17: 16
    Quote: seasoned
    Quote: Silkway0026
    we are on the right track. you just need to help the president clear the leadership of the fifth column.

    Something the President himself suffers around Serdyukov, Chubais and others ... winked
    He once said that he wasn’t letting go of his people. laughing
  21. Peaceful military
    11 August 2013 17: 34
    I remember very well this "resource" for biennials, or, as we called them in the troops, "biennials". This is a response to yet another liberal fad for the elimination of officers as the core of one of the most basic institutions of the state.
    Well, it was all this ...
  22. Peaceful military
    11 August 2013 17: 49
    That is why, in the midst of liberal permissiveness, the Suvorov Schools were liquidated, not the invention of I.V. Stalin, by the way, but only revived by him, like much more.
    At all times and in all self-respecting states, military education has been and is completely separate from civilian, mercantile. Military service has never been and cannot be a means to achieve something in the first place, unlike civilian careers. THIS ALWAYS WAS AND THERE IS A SERVICE - SERVICE TO THE FATHERLAND. ONLY A CLOSE MIND, OR LIBERAST WILL TAKE IT FOR PATHIC RHETORIC, FOR NONE OF LIBERAST WILL AGREE TO GO INTO BATTLE FOR REPUBLIC, AND THIS OFFICER, OR ANYTHING REAL EASY.
    The BIBLE claims that bad communities spoil good morals, not the other way around. So you can’t let thin communities into the Armed Forces.
  23. +2
    11 August 2013 18: 05
    The collapse of education began at school. I will not say what and how, those whose children go to school already know everything. I was finished off by the words of the head teacher of the school where one of my grandchildren goes, to the question of why they don't explain anything to children in the classroom, she answered: “What do you want? There are 40 people in the class, no discipline, no one listens and the teacher does not is obliged to hammer the necessary knowledge into the heads of your children. Nobody, no one will be taught here individually, the teachers just read their subject and whoever needs it listens carefully. This is not a Soviet school for you, who wants to learn, he learns, it’s not clear, even after lessons come to a paid elective and find out what they do not understand. If you do not like it, go to another school, look for something better. " That's the whole conversation. The problem is that schools are not being built. We have built a bunch of new neighborhoods and shops, but not a single school has been built. In those that are available, in classes of 40-50 people and classes in two shifts. What kind of study and its quality in general can be discussed in such conditions. What such education leads to, what a mess in the head of children, was shown by visual experience. A 13-year-old granddaughter came to me and I decided to ask her around a little. I asked what country she lives in. She answered, "In Moscow." I say well, and Moscow, where is it? She answers, thinking: "In Russia." And show me on the map (on the wall I have a hefty map, geographic from 2010, where the countries are only an outline). She looked for a long time, looked for something, and then, happily poked her finger: "Here! Here is Moscow !!" Okay, show Russia. The child fell into a stupor, like a mouse in front of a snake, then vaguely wrapped her finger around the area around Moscow- "Russia, somewhere here ...." Well I say, but here what? And I'm showing you towards Siberia and the Far East. She looked, looked, then obviously read it and said: "Here is Siberia ... and the Urals ..." I ask, well, what is Siberia, the Urals? She replies, "The countries are ....". I'm not funny at all. We somehow laughed at the Americans who do not teach geography, considering it an unnecessary subject and therefore cannot find the USA on the map, and now, you have a product of your own educational process, which is copied from the American one, the result is absolutely the same. So, what did they laugh at?
  24. +2
    11 August 2013 19: 32
    Reviving military departments in order to train highly professional specialists for various / and above all for non-officer positions / is one thing. And reviving them in order to give an opportunity to "roll away" from the Army and even get officer shoulder straps is another thing. We must clearly understand which categories and in what quantity are needed for the defense of the Country. and then to revive military training at universities.
  25. Lukich
    11 August 2013 19: 36
    ... Americans buy brains - they know that there are few smart people and it’s unprofitable to teach everyone to identify one or two wise men.
    The Japanese have a mentality, they came to school - "Glory to the Great Emperor" - everything was written down, remembered, learned and representatives of Mitsubishi, Toyota are already waiting for them, well, others have been disassembled, tested and placed - one is further studying at a higher school, others are specialties, technicians, workers, orderlies, etc. etc.
    ... in our union we were forced to study at school, there were many circles, houses of pioneers, young technicians, young people, etc. if he entered the institute - after the institute - distribution. Of course, there was blat and all that, but there was a clear understanding that you needed and students very often already in the second third year knew who, where and how they would work, and I knew and prepared for further working life ...
    ... and today the training system is American, and there is no money for the selection of normal personnel in enterprises and our brains are flowing abroad ...

    ... and in order to restore all this, it is necessary to place them near the submachine gun schools so that they can disperse the drug dealers and not let the students out of school ahead of time. I got a deuce - work it out, or on the lip, until you get the offset, well, in that spirit ...
  26. +3
    11 August 2013 21: 08
    The beginning began, this is school. She, alas, is on her side. Fursovshchina passed the rink. Because now only education, and not education. The ears of all the other flaws stick out from here.
  27. leon47
    11 August 2013 23: 03
    Scientific companies are not needed. An officer should be trained in a military school, where there are more opportunities to get a high-quality education; you only need to realize these opportunities. The best teachers should teach in higher educational institutions (therefore they should be placed in cities where there are corresponding scientific schools) and real officers who will not "break" but help to take shape of male characters. And CWP for future officers is needed as a profile, so that the young man clearly understands what awaits him in the army. At school, there is no one to prepare a young man for a military school, there is no one to start preparing for an officer's service. We need specialized military classes. A CWP for the future rank and file
    can be prepared at school. only teachers should not be women, but reserve officers with pedagogical education: the training of such personnel must also be carried out purposefully.
  28. anatoly.colonel
    12 August 2013 04: 43
    Why invent a wheel and write unnecessary articles, you need to go back a little and restore the system of military departments in universities that existed, and there is no need to look for something new, because some universities even managed to keep their training bases. You don't need to spend MY money, taxpayer money. to "new" beginnings. And the most important thing is to take the experience in the USA in the training of officers in "jackets" in reserve.
  29. +1
    12 August 2013 08: 18
    Quote from the author:
    "Universities in modern Russia are dynamic scientific complexes."

    Let me disagree with you.
    It is in modern Russia that the dynamics of the development of education is "blown up" by pseudo-reforms of pseudo-reformers. First at the EGE school, then Serdyukov's collapse of military education, and now muddy alterations at the RAS.
    The pride of Soviet education is destroyed in favor of Western ideology.
  30. Garyk701
    12 August 2013 14: 38
    He served as a lieutenant in the deputy chief of staff of the battalion 1998-2000 after the university in BHVT. For the service based on the storage of knowledge gained at the military department, it was enough. I doubt the military, although my classmate with a specialty in the department, the MSV commander at BMP-2 in Chechnya, served as deputy company commander in armaments and equipment, and according to the recall of my and his co-worker, he was pretty good at BMP.
    Most of the battalion platoon commanders were of us two-year-olds. They differed from the personnel ones in that they "mowed" less and less "excused" from service. Although, it must be admitted that only by the second year more or less what happened with the personnel.
    I was offered to stay in the army in the financial service, but in those days the military received very little, now I would think maybe.
    On a civilian, the military registration and enlistment office 2 times tried to send them to retrain as a military financier for training camps ...
    where they were when he served.
    As a result, now I could not find a place in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - they were assigned to the border troops.
    I believe that students should definitely be enlisted in the army, but for those specialties that do not require special military training (financiers, rear services, maintenance engineers, and administrative posts). On the other hand, it seems that he helped the battalion commander to KShU pretty well, at least he advised me more than once to continue serving as a mobist, saying that a good mobist would have come out ...
    My great-grandfather, after graduating from a theological school, served in the army as a military official ... why not revive the institution of military officials in units ?! Students would fit in perfectly there, because administrative work saddens the professional military!