Bashar al-Assad: In Syria, not the “revolution” that the enemies are talking about, but the revolution of the army and the people against terrorists

Bashar al-Assad: In Syria, not the “revolution” that the enemies are talking about, but the revolution of the army and the people against terroristsThese days, one of the largest Syrian newspapers, Al-Saura, celebrates its 50 anniversary. In translation, this name means "Revolution". The newspaper began to appear a few months after 8 in March, 1963, in Syria, there was a true revolution, as a result of which progressive anti-colonial forces came to power, led by the Arab Socialist Renaissance Party (in Arabic sounds like "BAAS"). Then the new leadership of the country set a course for cooperation with the USSR.

What is happening in Syria now, the forces of the new colonialism are trying to portray as a "revolution of the people against the regime." But it cannot be called anything other than counter-revolution, because this process is intended to plunge Syria into the Middle Ages. Evidence of this is the killing of teachers and qualified national personnel, barbaric executions with cutting off heads, as well as the destruction of houses, schools, hospitals, and infrastructure on which the lives of millions of people depend.

Syrian President expressed an interesting and unexpected thought - the revolution is still happening in the country. But this is not the pseudo-revolution that the enemies are talking about. This is the true revolution of the people and the army against the terrorists.

Indeed, it can be said that the Syrian people, led by their national leader Bashar Al-Assad, heir to the 1963 revolution of the year, rebel against the new colonial plans of the West, implemented with the help of hired terrorists.

Below is the text of the interview.

Question: We are in crisis. Usually, always during crises, in particular, during this particular crisis, the words that the Motherland belongs to everyone often sound. However, today Syria does not contain all its sons. What happened?

President Al-Assad: I would like to greet you in my office. I am pleased with this meeting on the occasion of the 50 anniversary of the creation of the newspaper Al-Saura. This anniversary is dear to every Syrian patriot, regardless of his party affiliation. Welcome!

We sometimes view the homeland as a group of people on a geographical area. In fact, Motherland means belonging to a particular culture, and this is what constitutes the essence of our being. When we are committed to one thing, we have one homeland for all. I will explain what it means.

When the colonialists left Syria, they did not leave us alone. They all time sought to regain their control over us, but by other, new means, including the incitement of hatred and an attempt to split our society.

The most dangerous thing is not the division of territory, but the split of society. When we live on the same land, but are committed to different cultures, this means that there are several homelands, since each cultural component will have its own homeland. Then it turns out that there is not a place for everyone in the homeland.

In this sense, the colonialists managed to achieve certain success and create isolated groups that reject others and consider their approach to be the only correct one. This did not happen overnight, but in stages. The first of these stages was during the collapse of the Umayyad dynasty, and after it - the Abbasids. In modern stories this manifested itself when Palestine was captured.

Those split lines that we see today formed with the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood movement and expanded after independence was gained by a number of Arab countries, including Syria.

The Muslim Brotherhood played a negative role in many countries, including ours. They provoked a split between Arabism and Islam and sought to create a separate homeland for Muslims and a homeland for nationalists.

The colonialists continued to impose their policies. In Lebanon, a war was unleashed, the purpose of which was to create a separate homeland for Muslims and a separate one for Christians.

The most dangerous phenomenon was the creation of the Al-Qaida organization as a response to the Islamic Revolution in Iran. This revolution supports the Palestinian issue, which is central to the Arabs.

The colonialists sought to stir up discord between Sunnis and Shiites and undermine the relationship between Arabs and Persians. Subsequently, the events of September 11 took place, and after the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, there were even more differences between takfirists and representatives of Islamic denominations.
In other words, when there is widespread discord within the country, the homeland is narrowing down, and there is no place for everyone in it. But I will say that Syria remains the Homeland for all. We managed to resist the discord thanks to the conscience of our people.

The presence of foci of Takfirism is a temporary phenomenon that must be dealt with, since the expansion of such foci turns Syria into a homeland that cannot accommodate all of its sons.

Question: We celebrate the 50 anniversary of the creation of the newspaper Al-Saura. You said from the very beginning that what is happening in Syria is not a revolution. I remind you that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, at the first meeting with the delegation of the Syrian opposition in Moscow, told its representatives: "If you consider yourself to be oppositionists, then why are you looking for the support of foreign forces?" There is a historical truth that no power can withstand the people's revolution, and I am convinced that this is true. What are you, Mr. President, based on, saying that this is not a revolution?

President Al-Assad: Each true revolution is exclusively internal in nature and has no relation to foreign forces. Examples of this are the revolutions in Russia, France, Iran.

Genuine revolution has a national essence and is associated with internal factors. What happened in Syria, from the very beginning, was based on obvious external factors. Foreign countries began to make statements, indicating to us what we should do in Syria. This is the first.

Secondly, the 1963 revolution of the year in Syria was aimed at strengthening the Motherland, society and man. Thousands of schools were built for all children, electrification was carried out all over the country, many jobs were created. The revolution had the support of workers, peasants, artisans. The revolution created an ideologically stable army, which withstood in the most difficult conditions and showed unprecedented stamina, having won the 1973 war of the year. Today, the army proves that it is built on the basis of revolutionary and spiritual values.

True Syrians hold moderate political, religious and cultural views, since the Syrian people are the result of a mixture of different civilizations that have existed for many millennia. Foreign forces are trying to undermine the essence of the Syrians.
Foci of religious extremism, which arose in Syria and in a number of other countries, have emerged because the West seeks to encourage takfirists, who ultimately serve his interests.

Question: Mr. President, the concepts and forms of the revolution have changed. Is it possible to look at what is happening in Syria as a revolution in accordance with new concepts?

President Al-Assad: Everything in the world is changing, but there are permanent values ​​that remain unchanged. Therefore, religions do not change, although they face changing factors.

Mechanisms change, various details change, but the essence and principles do not change. You will be trapped if you want to call it a revolution.

If we want to call what is happening in Syria revolution, then we must consider the actions of Israel against the Palestinians "Israeli revolution against Palestinian oppression." Or should we call the American invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan a revolution?

In the West, trying to turn over all the principles, distort the facts, to portray the events in Syria as a revolution.

Question: And yet, Mr. President, some people abroad view the events in Syria as a revolution and continue to insist on it. Even in Syrian society, there are those who see it as a revolution. How do you like it?

President Al-Assad: Even the Western media hostile to Syria no longer call it a revolution. They started talking about terrorism, but according to the American scenario they are trying to divide the terrorists into "good" and "bad." Obviously, most Syrians, both at home and abroad, are able to understand what is happening.

Those who speak of a revolution in Syria are certainly committed to extremist, takfirist ideas. They are blind and do not want to see the truth. They do not want to see the details, since it is not in their interests. But these are only small groups.

We do not care about the opinion of anyone abroad. We are interested in the opinions of those who live in Syria and directly influence what is happening in it. The Syrian people are steadfast in battle and are seeking victories.

Question: All, even external forces, now recognize that the conflict is not intra-Syrian, that tens of thousands of foreign citizens are fighting in Syria, according to not only Syrian, but also Western statistics. How do you explain the fact that in this short time Syria has become a "land of jihad"?

President Al-Assad: Syria has not become a land of jihad. Jihad is conducted for the good of the people, the creation and development of the Motherland, for justice and equality. What is happening in Syria is contrary to the concept of jihad. We can replace the word "jihad" with the word "terrorism". Syria has become a land of terrorism. This has many different reasons, in particular, terrorism is growing in the fertile soil for it, which is called chaos. In chaos, terrorism grows automatically. This was observed in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In addition, there are foreign countries that support terrorism for various reasons. One of them is that it can lead to a weakening of Syria and its role in the international arena, as well as to a decrease in the cultural and intellectual potential of the people and undermining national unity. In addition, these external forces are willing to destroy the country's infrastructure, weaken its economy. The enemies would be very happy to see all these negative results in Syria.

There is another reason why Western countries support terrorists. They expect that these takfirist terrorist groups that pose a danger to themselves will be destroyed in Syria, and, moreover, the state will be weakened.

Question: However, Mr. President, not all who are fighting in Syria are foreigners. We saw how a Syrian eats the heart of his compatriot. What led us to this?

President Al-Assad: At many meetings where a conversation about a crisis comes in, we say that above all this is a crisis of morality. Those who are experiencing a moral crisis are ready to justify interference in the internal affairs of their country. They are controlled by money, they are subject to hatred and turn into mercenaries. They have no patriotic principles. Those who lose morality lose their human essence. I will not say that they turn into animals, since even an animal does not eat the flesh of its own kind. At the same time, religious principles are lost. And, hiding behind religion, they cut off the heads of their brothers, eat their hearts. In fact, this does not correspond to any religion.

Question: Let us return to the words of jihad in its true, positive sense. But, Mr. President, the more common is the notion of jihad as a struggle and murder. What to do?

President Al-Assad: Need to go back to the Qur'an. The words of Allah are very clear: Islam is a religion of tolerance and mercy. These words are found dozens of times in the Quran. The Islamic religion is based on love, forgiveness, it rejects murder. The Prophet Muhammad said that for Allah it would be easier for the world to disappear than to kill a man. The Prophet taught love, tolerance, humanism. Taking an example from the Prophet is, first of all, to recall his behavior in life, before he became a Prophet, and after that. His behavior has always been based on human morality.
And what religious extremists do is completely contrary to the behavior of the Prophet.

Question: Who is responsible for deviating from the principles of the Qur'an and the behavior of the Prophet?

President Al-Assad: When a thief, a criminal or an extremist appears in society, the society as a whole is responsible for this, but first of all it is the state. The state is also responsible for the religious sector, but with it the religious institutions, such as the ministry of waqfs, as well as Sharia madrassas and faculties in institutions. All of them must make efforts to convey to people the true principles of religion and to oppose extremist views so that they do not penetrate the heads of our children.

Question: Some say that the state bears the greatest responsibility in this matter, that extremist ideas arose before the eyes of the authorities who did not follow what was taught in religious schools, and also that some had built mosques in order to avoid paying taxes.
President Al-Assad: Many of those I met said like that. They argued that the creation of religious schools was a mistake, and what was happening was its result. This opinion is not true. On the contrary, during the crisis we did not have any problems as a result of the actions of any religious institutions. Their representatives have shown consciousness and understand the root of the problems.

Most of those who left the mosques at the demonstration shouting "Allah Akbar" do not know anything about religion. And some of them were in mosques not for prayer, but in order to provoke unrest.

Religious institutions that have been around for decades have played an important role. This was especially evident in the 80-ies, when a problem arose with the Muslim Brotherhood, who, because of the weakness of religious consciousness in society, managed to convince a part of the people of the need to fight against a secular state, which allegedly opposes religion. Therefore, we must pay special attention to the religious sector, in particular, education.
Question: Mr. President, inter-religious strife has existed in Lebanon for decades. The same discord appeared in Iraq after the occupation. Could we not have assumed that if this happens in neighboring countries, then it may arise in our country? What have we done to counter this phenomenon?

President Al-Assad: Of course, this is obvious. If it were not for this understanding, we would not oppose Western foreign policy, which leads to chaos. This was proved in the future.

One such example is our rejection of the war in Iraq. Despite all the American threats and promises, we opposed this war. We are fundamentally against any aggression against a brotherly or friendly country. We not only feared for Iraq, but also knew that this war would have disastrous consequences. Before that, we opposed the war in Afghanistan.

After the September 11 events, US officials who came to Syria claimed that they would strike at the terrorists, wherever they were. They believed that we would endorse these words, since Syria was the first state that, even in 1985, called for a clear definition of the concept of terrorism and the creation of an international coalition to fight it. Then no one paid due attention to the Syrian proposal, since they had not yet felt the effects of terrorism in their countries.

I told the Americans that the war in Afghanistan would lead to increased terrorism and its further spread. Terrorism is like a cancer, if you do not fight it, it will spread further. But it must be eradicated not only by war, but with the help of culture, education, and also by economic means.
Americans repeated their mistake in Afghanistan in Iraq. We warned them that the situation in Iraq would turn into interfaith strife, which could lead to a fragmentation of the country. This is exactly what we are seeing now.

In 1976, we entered Lebanon not only to protect it, but also to protect ATS from the effects of the war in that neighboring country. That is, we defended not only Lebanon, but also Syria.

We cannot isolate ourselves from what is happening in neighboring countries. For years, we have sought to prevent the consequences of the events in Iraq that have affected Syria. You can partially mitigate these effects or delay them for some time, but it is impossible to prevent all these effects at all times.

After 2004, non-Syrian extremist foci first appeared, but after that, hotbeds of extremism began to appear in Syria.
Question: From the very beginning of the crisis, and perhaps even before it, attempts were made to stir up interfaith contradictions in Syria. Now that more than 2 years have passed, a lot is said that Hezbollah took part in the Syrian events to help a particular denomination. What would you answer to this?

President Al-Assad: In this region, the colonialists used all means. Direct or indirect occupation, threats, attempts to influence the culture and much more. But Syria stood in the face of all these plans.

After the events that occurred in some Arab countries, they felt that the time had come to attack the Syria and the resistance forces in the region.

For some forces, Israel ceased to be an enemy, and they began to be seen as an enemy of the resistance forces to Israel. They sought to influence the consciousness of the Syrian people, but failed because the Syrian people are committed to defending the interests of their country and the resistance forces. Our goal and our path are clear, we will do what is in the interests of our country.

Question: Did we need help from Hezbollah?

President Al-Assad: You are not the first to ask me this question. My answer is clear. The Syrian army is fighting in many provinces of the country. If we needed the help of a third party, we could have asked for it. But as for the city of Al-Xayr, the situation in it was connected not only with the intra Syrian issue, but also affected the resistance forces. Al-Xayr is not as strategic as they say.
Question: However, the West spoke of this battle as if it were a “battle of battles”?

President Al-Assad: That's for sure. Because this battle concerned the common cause of Syria and the resistance forces. This area is a border area, this is the rear of the resistance. The resistance forces cannot be powerful without the rear, and this rear is Syria. And this area is important for Syria’s relations with Lebanon and with the resistance forces.

These forces participated in battles that concerned them in the same way as Syria. We do not hide it and are not ashamed.

I said that if we needed to attract other forces, then why only in Al-Ksayra, and not in Damascus, Aleppo or other cities? We have an army, there are national defense forces that fight along with the army. No third party could provide the number we need.

Question: Despite all that you have done, some members of the opposition, in particular those who are abroad, claim that the state has inflamed an interfaith conflict in their own interests.

President Al-Assad: The role of the state in creating interfaith discord would mean its participation in the split of Syrian society and the fragmentation of the country. Does this correspond to the fact that we are fighting in different provinces in order to unite Syria? Both the demographic situation in Syria and the special operations conducted by the army show that this assumption is wrong. Interfaith discord is against the interests of the state. Each country is interested in maintaining its unity, which is in question as a result of interfaith conflicts.
It is logical that a state that adheres to patriotic principles strives for the unity of society and protects itself.

Question: In the West, there are accusations that when the protests began, you showed dexterity and told religious minorities that they were under threat. Therefore, they rallied around you. Such an assumption means that the president is responsible for a split in society.

President Al-Assad: If this were so, then a civil war would immediately begin, and the state would be destroyed. We reject such logic. We do not recognize the concept of minority and majority. A state can resist, not with the help of a minority, but with the help of a majority that is not of a national, confessional or religious nature. This is the people.

The state has resisted, and this means that the majority of the people support it. As for this assumption, you may notice that the projects of the West are based on this approach. At the time of French colonialism, Syria was divided according to the minority principle - the territory of the Alawites, the territory of the Druze, and so on.

Our ancestors 90 years ago realized the danger of such an approach. We cannot be less conscious than they are. This experience was passed by Syria, and this approach will not have success, as well as the goals of takfiristov and "Muslim Brotherhood."

Question: However, some blame the state for creating grounds for interfaith hostility. These accusations come not only from extremists and their supporters. Sometimes we hear them from some intellectuals who call themselves secular people.
President Al-Assad: Unfortunately yes. We hear many confessional statements not only from takfirists and extremists. Sometimes they come from those who call themselves secular people. Today there are two groups that speak the language of interfaith discord. The first is those who consider themselves secular. Previously, we have repeatedly said that the concept of "secular" means not that we are against faith, but that we are for freedom of religion.

The second group is illiterate people who assert that they are believers, but who do not know the very essence of faith. Both groups are united by the fact that they do not know what the essence of the faith is; this leads to inter-confessional hostility, since confessional affiliation for these people has replaced faith, and this is a dangerous and destructive phenomenon.

But the largest group of believers is those who realize the truth, who do not speak the language of interfaith strife. They understand that such discord is against religion.

Question: We are among all these erroneous concepts and activities that are alien to our society. We see such crimes as, for example, murder, inciting inter-confessional hostility, attempts to divide the country. Can we say that we are living through a stage in which we are losing Arab national ideas, and they are being replaced by ideas of extremism and Takfirism?

President Al-Assad: The Arab national idea is under three threats. The first is a complete renunciation of it and the acceptance of Western values. The second is the way back to extremism. The third is in the activities of the governments of some Arab countries, which led to the fact that some Arabs turned out to be from the idea of ​​Arabism.

All of this has dealt a sensitive blow to the Arab national project. But it cannot be said that he failed. This is manifested in the mood of the masses. It has not changed, despite the influence of some forces. Arabs will not allow the collapse of their ideas.

Question: Mr. President, from the very beginning of the events in Syria, Turkey offered to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood. The Syrian side rejected this idea. We are currently on our way to Geneva-2, and Syria has announced that it will participate in an international conference without preconditions. Will we engage in dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood?

President Al-Assad: We are ready to cooperate with any Syrian side. We had a dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood after they attacked Syria in the 80s. We conduct a dialogue, based on the fact that it contributes to the return of the opposite side to the correct, patriotic position.

If this party wants to talk about Islam, then it must return to the true principles of Islam. This dialogue did not stop, there were several attempts to lead it. But each time we understood that the Muslim Brotherhood would not abandon the logic of hypocrisy. They also will not give up their only goal - to gain power. Their goal has never been to protect the homeland or faith.

On the other hand, we are not conducting a dialogue with them as a political party, because the creation of parties on a religious basis is an idea that we reject. This is clearly stated in the new Constitution and in the law on political parties.

But in no case should we take it in such a way that we oppose faith. Absolutely not. On the contrary, we support religion. But religion is more than everyday issues of human life. Religion is not associated only with any limited group. Religion aims to strengthen moral values, and when they are strong, it contributes to strengthening politics, the army, the economy and the prosperity of the motherland.
Religion is above politics. When we put religion at the heart of a political party, we limit it. Therefore, we are against this principle. Because of all this, we do not recognize the Muslim Brotherhood as a party. They became terrorists who killed thousands of Syrians, and we do not forget that.

Many of those who committed the murders are now abroad. They have not changed. If we conduct a dialogue with them, knowing in advance what their inclinations are, knowing that their ideology will not change, then this will be a surprise for patriots and people who are moderate in their faith. However, some representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood conducted a dialogue with us in the 80-s and returned to Syria as private individuals. They stayed with their convictions, we respect that, we have no problems with them, as they returned to participate in creation, and not in destruction.

More importantly, the results of any dialogue with any party must be approved by a popular referendum. A people can vote only for those results of the dialogue that they consider right for their homeland.

Question: On the issue of "Muslim Brothers". How do you look at what is happening in Egypt now?

President Al-Assad: What is happening today in Egypt is the failure of politicizing Islam. That is, the fall of that system, in the correctness of which the Muslim Brotherhood tried to convince people. I repeat that we do not accept Islam falling to the level of politics, since religion is superior to politics.

The experience of the Muslim Brotherhood was defeated very quickly, because it was initially erroneous. And that which is based on erroneous principles, sooner or later will fail. Those who use religion for political purposes or in the interests of a group of people will inevitably fall anywhere in the world.

Question: Did the Muslim Brotherhood deceive the Egyptian people? Or did he wake up and realize the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood?

President Al-Assad: When it comes to countries such as Egypt, Iraq, Syria, we are talking about states located in a strategically important part of the world. These states are deeply rooted in history, over many millennia. The peoples of such countries are conscious, they can not be deceived, because they have a rich history and culture. You can fool some people for a certain time, but you can't fool all people all the time.

If we talk about the people of Egypt, then he is the heir of an ancient civilization, the bearer of the idea of ​​Arab patriotism. A year ago, they considered the new government acceptable compared to the previous one. But a year later the situation cleared up, and the Muslim Brotherhood made the Egyptians see the light of their activities. The people realized the lie that this force spread from the very beginning of the popular revolution in Egypt. As a people deeply rooted in history, the Egyptians quickly exposed the Muslim Brotherhood.

Question: And it happened in record time — in one year?

President Al-Assad: Of course. This happened because of the actions of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Question: Can we say on this basis that the experience of the Muslim Brotherhood has failed?

President Al-Assad: We saw that he was unsuccessful, even before it began. Such power is unsuccessful because it does not correspond to human nature. The Muslim Brotherhood project is hypocritical, aimed at inciting hatred in the Arab world.

"Muslim Brotherhood" were the first to start sowing religious discord in Syria back in the 70s. At that time we did not talk about confessional affiliation of people. They were the first to speak about it, and thus was the beginning of confessional discord. This should not be in developed societies, so we see that their project was a failure before it began.

Question: Some people believe that one of the reasons for what is happening on the streets of Egypt is the announcement of Mursi to end relations with Syria. Reuters reported, citing sources in the Egyptian army, that the position of the military began to change precisely after Mursi’s statements during a rally in support of the Syrian opposition.

President Al-Assad: I do not want to speak on behalf of the Egyptians. But a few weeks before Mursi broke off relations with Syria, there was a contact between the two countries, as Walid Al-Muallem, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrant Affairs, spoke about. This means that in Egypt there are those who reject such a decision as erroneous. Representatives of the intelligentsia, Egyptian journalists also condemned this decision, since the strategic relations between Syria and Egypt are very old. Ever since the days of the pharaohs, thousands of years ago, people have realized the importance of strategic relations between Syria and Egypt in the political and military spheres. Therefore, back in 1280 BC, the battle of the Egyptians against the Hittites took place at Kadish, where Homs and Al-Ksayr are located today. The Egyptians were aware of the importance of Syria, since it was like a continuation of Egypt. At that time, the war ended without winners, and one of the world's oldest treaties between the Hittites and the pharaohs was concluded. It turns out that the pharaohs were aware of the need for relations with Syria and are not aware of the man living in the 21 century? This is shameful.

Question: You talked about the dialogue, prepared the ground for it, put forward a political program, began to take effective steps to implement it, took a certain position on the conference in Geneva. Dialogue remains a major political issue. I want to ask, what do you think about humanism, mercy and forgiveness? In the same framework - and the issue of reconciliation. Many people ask, can we forgive both domestic and foreign opponents?

President Al-Assad: As for the internal aspect of this problem, it is most important for me. We sometimes mix several different concepts. There are those who destroyed, but did not kill. There are those who wore weaponbut did not kill. There are those who aided the terrorists, but did not commit the killings. There are different people.

As a state, we can forgive those who did not kill, because they harmed public law. The state is responsible for this and can forgive them, provided that they return to the correct, patriotic positions.

But with regard to proven killings - this is a matter of personal law. The state has no right to forgive on behalf of any citizen, to forgive, instead of the close ones, the dead. This is the right of the Syrian citizens themselves.

However, I personally heard from many families who have fallen the following words: "If the blood of our relatives leads to the resolution of the problem, then we forgive their killers."
When we hear such words from people who have lost their loved ones, then we should all learn from them. To resolve crises, mercy and forgiveness are necessary, but they must be popular, not official. Mercy is power. This is a sign of patriotism, when a citizen puts public interests above personal rights. All must proceed from this principle.

A family that has lost loved ones, like any other family, must think first about the Homeland, then about personal emotions. Thus, we must think in the inner and outer levels.

As for the external level, it is more of a political nature. In foreign policy, we, first of all, do not think about emotions, but about the interests of our country. There are principles, but there are interests. We must look for a connection between them. Worst of all, when principles contradict interests. This means that either one or the other is erroneous.

When it comes to mercy and forgiveness, these are humanitarian, religious concepts. These are positive concepts, they work for the good, if they help in relations with this or that country. Ultimately, this is in the good of the motherland. Why then do not go on this path? After all, the main goal of any state is, first of all, to defend its interests. If this goal is realized, then it corresponds to the principles and interests. And then we have to go in that direction.

We have received many politicians from many states that were hostile to us. But our goal has always been to achieve the interests of our country.

Question: Mr. President, the citizens of Syria are mostly worried about two problems: firstly, terrorism and bloodshed on the streets, and secondly, domestic difficulties, which are increasingly aggravated. My question is about economics. What can you say about the rumors that a sharp appreciation of the dollar against the Syrian pound has caused many problems that hit the country? What can Syrian citizens say about this?

President Al-Assad: In order to be objective, we must proceed from elementary, basic principles. They lie in the fact that the welfare of citizens requires welfare in the economy. And prosperity in the economy, in turn, requires security. Obviously, when security is undermined, a favorable situation in the economy is impossible. Therefore, the state of security directly affects the economy, whether we would like it or not. This happens regardless of the activity of any government, even if we would attract the best personnel to work.

At the same time, it is obvious that the countries that tried to strike at Syria did it first with the word “revolution”, but their attempts failed because they did not find popular support. Then they began to influence through terrorism, but they were opposed by the army and the people, so he failed. Now they are acting on an economic level in order to take revenge on citizens who have sided with the Motherland. Citizens pay a high price for this position.

Thus, in order to strike at Syria, the enemies struck in parallel with the security and the economy.

At the moment we must be aware that we can reduce the harm from these blows. But at such times there are speculators, which exacerbate the suffering of the people.

There is another factor, subjective. It lies in the actions of some officials who make mistakes, and the wrong decision of any of the officials also increases the suffering of citizens. We must solve both the first and second questions.

In addition, we must correctly understand what policy to pursue at one stage or another. Some people make mistakes when considering someone's policies or actions based on the same criteria as before the crisis. Such estimates are biased. We are now in other conditions. We have certain needs that have become different than before the crisis. This puts pressure on the economy, on the exchange rate.

We must change our way of life, adapt to new conditions, until we achieve the main thing - the restoration of security. Therefore, the settlement of the crisis must be achieved above all else. We need to know that our economic difficulties will not end until we resolve the security situation.

Everyone suffers from this, regardless of political views. Even those who supported the so-called “revolution” experience all the difficulties. They began to realize that they themselves had suffered, like everyone else. Unfortunately, sometimes a person must live to a state of poverty in order to become aware of this.

In spite of everything, the economy remains in a stable condition. We must expose those who profit from the crisis and call them to account. Society and the state should cooperate in this area at the moment.

One of the problems of our society is that we shift the responsibility on each other. With regard to relations between the state and society - if there is no cooperation between the responsible persons and citizens, then our suffering will be aggravated. Therefore it is necessary to put forward new ideas. Everybody must take part in this in order to overcome the current difficulties that have been imposed on us. We all need to take the initiative in our own hands to put forward these ideas, we must actively look for and find a way out of the situation, otherwise the crisis will fall upon us with all its weight.

If we cooperate, if we strike a blow to terrorism in the shortest possible time, then I have no reason to worry about the economy. She will recover and become even stronger than before. After all, our people are active. We are a civilized country. We do not import progress from abroad. We build our country using our own experience and potential, despite the moments of retreats.

Therefore, we will be able to recover our economy after the crisis. All we need at the moment is safe.

Question: What can you say about the oil and gas resources that are in our territorial waters? This is indicated by many Syrian and international experts.

President Al-Assad: What is said about our resources is true. According to preliminary oil and gas exploration, we have very large gas fields, in particular, in the sea shelf. We know that the coasts of Egypt, Palestine and Syria have a large amount of natural resources, especially in the northern part of the Syrian territorial waters.

It is possible that one of the causes of the crisis in Syria is its wealth, which supposedly should not remain in the hands of a resisting state. This issue has not been discussed with Syria, but the logic makes it to make just such an assumption, and we cannot consider this as a secondary reason. Perhaps this is the main reason, but for now it remains at the level of reasoning.

Question: I want to touch on the problem of everyday life of citizens on the other hand. Already twice during the crisis, the government announced wage increases. The first increase was expected and necessary, and the second caused many to be surprised that the state can do it in these conditions, despite all the difficulties. This revives the hope that there will be a recovery phase after the crisis. Have the steps really started in this direction?

President Al-Assad: We suffer the most from destruction. One of the most important tasks for the Syrian economy is the restoration of the destroyed. From that moment on we began to develop plans, some of which are already being implemented.

An obstacle to this is the state of security. Many laws were approved, but their implementation requires the improvement of security conditions so that people begin to rebuild what was destroyed, so that employees can travel to their workplaces.

Regarding another important issue that you raised - on wage increase - I will say the following. The state continues to pay wages, provide services, even if in a smaller volume than before the crisis. Although we are in such a situation, as a result of which even stronger countries than Syria could collapse. This in itself is an important achievement.

But I always assume that we have a lot of positive things, but our aspirations are even more ambitious. I always say that we can do better if we rally even closer together.

Question: There is another question regarding the daily life of people. Some people impose responsibility on the state for the fact that there was no control over the situation at the borders, that many markets and their prices were out of control. Did all this happen because the crisis came as a surprise to us? Or is it that some state institutions were weak?

President Al-Assad: Of course, before the crisis, we had a lot of negative points, a lot was not enough. There were many flaws in the work of state bodies. I have always talked about this. There were also such negative phenomena as corruption and negligence.

I have always said that it is necessary to look for suitable shots. These difficulties were originally. The crisis simply revealed these errors with even greater force, and this is natural.

We must distinguish between the internal problems of the state and the lack of the role of the state. There are internal factors, there are gangs, as in some countries, there are problems with security. But all this is different from the situation when there is a war with external forces.

We are now at war. This state today protects the Syrians. The truth is that this war is fought by external forces with the help of internal tools. But in the end, it is a war from the outside.

The score you are talking about is not appropriate for this situation. The situation is completely different. The role of the state, its weight is based primarily on the idea that the state adheres to its principles. Has the Syrian state changed its principles? No, it has not changed them either in domestic or in foreign policy.

The position regarding the support of resistance remained the same as it was. The attitude to the problem of Palestine remains the same. The state maintained its commitment to the interests of the widest sections of society — workers and peasants. It continues to provide jobs within its capabilities, it provides all the necessary services to citizens. The implementation of new infrastructure projects has begun, in spite of all the destruction.

The state has not changed, but we are in a state of war. Naturally, in such conditions we can observe a lot of mistakes.

Question: State institutions are being destroyed. Some interpret this in such a way that it is a way to weaken the Syrian state.

President Al-Assad: This is one of the targets of the opponents - striking infrastructure facilities, undermining security, the economy. As a result, they seek complete chaos in society, so that Syria becomes a weak state. But we still have not reached such a stage. The proof is that in many areas normal life continues on its own. The economy continues to grow despite the difficulties. No one expected that they could be overcome easily. But these are real difficulties. Every worker, every employee is exposed to danger, but people continue to go to work.

It can be said that the Syrian people have proved that they are full of vital energy. There is a terrorist attack, but after a while life returns to normal. We have not seen this before in Syria; we, the Syrians, did not previously know about it. We are a lively, active people who go to work, even waiting for a terrorist act to happen, that a suicide bomber can blow himself up at any moment. All this suggests that intimidating the Syrians will not succeed.

I think that the enemies used all possible moral, material, psychological and other methods. They have only one way left - direct intervention. But they will not be able to achieve their goals this way for various reasons. I said that to start a war is not what to end it. No one can stop the war. No one knows when it will end. And this is a very serious matter. Therefore, among the enemies there are fluctuations on this issue, so most states reject this path. If we overcome this stage, showing consciousness and perseverance, then no one and nothing will intimidate us.

Question: So, Mr. President, are you optimistic in this situation?

President Al-Assad: If I had not been optimistic, I would not have stood with the people. If the people did not have optimism, he would not have survived.

Despair is the beginning of the defeat and its foundation. First of all, psychological damage occurs. It would have come if it were not for the optimism that people have.

I meet people, and they all say that the crisis is coming to an end. They claim that God keeps Syria, and therefore nothing is scary. They repeat what Al-Buti said: in Syria, there are harbingers of victory. They have faith in the religious aspect, and there is a patriotic belief that the crisis will end.

Question: Mr. President, our newspaper celebrates the 50 anniversary since its first release. We appeal to you on behalf of all employees, we want to hear from you a few words in connection with this anniversary. I want to tell you that we have employees who set an example of hard work. They are motivated by patriotism, they are faithful to their work. They linger until midnight, they pass through roadblocks, they are often at risk. This can be said about all employees who, due to their loyalty to the Motherland, overcome all these difficulties. What would you say to our employees?

President Al-Assad: What you said about your newspaper employees can be said about all the national media workers. This is another confirmation that the Syrian people show resilience, that it has great potential. I wish you would convey my warm welcome to all employees.

Your newspaper is one of the oldest national newspapers, celebrating its 50 anniversary. Its release began after the 8 revolution of Martha 1963 of the year. We said that she gave Syria a lot over the decades.

Today, this anniversary is taking place against the background of a real revolution. But not the “revolution” that the enemies are talking about today, but against the background of the revolution of the people and the army against terrorism. This is the real revolution.

I want this anniversary to be the beginning of a new stage for the newspaper, so that it reflects not one revolution, but two: the 1963 revolution and the 2013 revolution.
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  1. MG42
    6 July 2013 06: 55
    Indeed, it can be said that the Syrian people, led by their national leader Bashar Al-Assad, heir to the 1963 revolution of the year, rebel against the new colonial plans of the West, implemented with the help of hired terrorists.

    The Syrian people, led by Assad, will defeat the SSA. The people understand that they are fighting for the scum in the SSA and see their cruelty, but the people cannot be defeated and the Syrian army is being fueled by the people.
    Good luck to Assad!
    1. Shumka.
      6 July 2013 13: 57
      Al-Assad is one of the few who is sincerely respected and who will not be called BBC as the Israeli Prime Minister
      1. -10
        6 July 2013 14: 35
        Quote: Shumka
        Al-Assad is one of the few who is sincerely respected and who will not be called BBC as the Israeli Prime Minister

        You are 100% right, the BBC got its nickname (call sign) when he served in the most elite special forces in Israel and, being wounded, freed hostages from a plane hijacked by terrorists. Well, what respect can there be for him after that? Assad spent his youth in England, and when he "got" into the Syrian army as the son of the president "in 1994, Bashar entered the military academy in the Syrian city of Homs and in 1995, with the rank of captain, already commanded a tank battalion, then headed the Republican Guard. and in January 1999 he was awarded the rank of colonel "... This really deserves respect.

        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. Shumka.
          6 July 2013 18: 14
          Sorry, did not know the origins. It seems to me now saying Bibi, they do not remember the origins of his callsign.
          1. +5
            6 July 2013 18: 50
            Quote: Shumka
            Sorry, did not know the origins. It seems to me now saying Bibi, they do not remember the origins of his callsign.

            Most likely yes, he got his deals with ultraorthodoxes and economic policy,
        3. +13
          6 July 2013 21: 21
          Quote: professor
          The BBC got its nickname (call sign) when he served in Israel’s most elite special forces and when wounded he freed the hostages from a plane seized by terrorists.

          Well, now buy this schizophrenic an order, preferably with a twist on his back (maybe even then he will calm down). In 1973, not a single leader of Israel spoke about the possibility of a new Holocaust, even in the most difficult days. But after 1977, when he came to power. came "Likud" tone of statements began to acquire excessive emotionality (Begin, for example, compared Arafat with Hitler, etc.), after the destruction of the Iraqi reactor, Israel's foreign policy and propaganda without "artistic images" and labeling is no longer possible, and finally politics BB - you just can't call it trolling, and it trolls everyone indiscriminately (from the closest neighbors to the President of the United States) Professor, ask any psychiatrist you know - how does all this differ from sluggish schizophrenia?
          1. -11
            7 July 2013 08: 01
            Quote: Arkan
            In 1973, not a single Israeli leader spoke about the possibility of a new Holocaust even in the most difficult days.

            They don't talk about the Holocaust in Israel at all - they don't use this term. You would not hurt to study history and find out what "khurban byte shlishi" means, because it was about him that was discussed in 1973. hi
        4. +6
          6 July 2013 22: 43
          Exactly. He commanded a tank battalion. Then he headed the Guard. this is not "bibi" for you. Let your envy in silence.
          1. Beck
            7 July 2013 03: 09
            Quote: elenagromova
            Let your envy silently.

            What a normal person will be jealous of someone who pours the blood of his people for the sake of personal power. (If you do not consider the rebels, then the blood of the dead for Assad is also abundant).

            In normal countries, a normal politician in a political crisis resigns. And society holds new Elections. If Assad had held elections two years ago, then those thousands of people who died for his personal power would have been alive. And in the elections, they would not give their lives for Assad, but their votes.
            1. Che
              7 July 2013 08: 55
              God does not see Yermoshka a little. People are following their leader in a war imposed by the West, such leaders would not be in the way and to have some states, their movements would be more adequate.
            2. Fetel
              7 July 2013 13: 52
              In normal countries, a normal politician resigns during a political crisis
              - Well then, Erdogan did not leave in Turkey? Well then, every year in the Western countries people die in demonstrations?

              Remember, Beck - the majority should not and will not yield to the minority!
              1. Beck
                8 July 2013 00: 07
                Quote: FeteL
                - Well then, Erdogan did not leave in Turkey? Well then, every year in the Western countries people die in demonstrations?

                Remember, Beck - the majority should not and will not yield to the minority!

                Erzhogan did not order the army to shoot at his people. And then what happened in Syria cannot be compared with Turkey in scale. Secondly, Erdogan is legitimate because he was legally elected. Nobody chose Hafez and Assad Basharov. And then, that you do not know cases, from the masses, when during the crises the premieres resign, and do not shoot at their people, for example, Italy.

                And in general, what has Assad done to Russia that you love and support him so much? In addition to the fact that Assad and his daddy borrowed from Russia about 10 billion dollars and did not repay, they did nothing more. And you support Assad for the only reason, because he is against the amers. For you, that any scoundrel will be a friend if he is against amers.

                And the last one. Are you a teacher by profession? I do not accept a mentor tone in communication. What does it mean - remember. Learn better to give nesting dolls in the normal way.
                1. +9
                  8 July 2013 00: 18
                  Quote: Beck
                  Erzhogan did not order the army to shoot at his people.

                  But the Saudis ordered. And in Bahrain they helped to carry out a similar one. So what?
                  When a racket began in Jordan, Abdullah II simply tinkled to Obama. And the United States allocated such an amount that it was enough to shut up everyone who is unhappy.

                  It doesn't seem to you that you are simplifying everything very much following the propaganda machine called "world media"

                  Why is one of the first decisions taken by the army in Egypt during the recent coup to close Al Jazeera broadcasts?
                  1. Beck
                    8 July 2013 03: 48
                    Quote: Spade
                    It doesn't seem to you that you are simplifying everything very much following the propaganda machine called "world media"

                    Why is one of the first decisions taken by the army in Egypt during the recent coup to close Al Jazeera broadcasts?

                    And how to write on the site if not briefly. What to write down the whole sheet, so the site format will not accept.

                    Why I didn’t close Jazira, I don’t know, because I didn’t hear comments from Egyptian officials. Do you know? Of course you do not know, but you want to turn your guesses into objective.

                    And further. Here, in contrast to me, they say that they say that at every demonstration elections are held, they cite Europe as an example. So in Europe, every demonstration requires something specific. Raising salaries, improving some conditions. And the government, because of its capabilities, is doing something. In critical situations in Europe, politicians resign and early elections are called.
            3. +4
              7 July 2013 14: 13
              erdogashka held early elections?
              1. -8
                7 July 2013 14: 16
                Quote: elenagromova
                erdogashka held early elections?

                For all his "love" for Erdogan, it should be noted that he came to power as a result of national elections and the next national elections (and without declaring martial law) will be held on time. But the people did not choose Asda and we have what we have.
                1. Fetel
                  7 July 2013 15: 48
                  Professor, Assad came to power after the transfer of this power to him by the country's parliament, or whether he seized it by force, like the emir of Qatar, or falsified the election results, as in the United States - all this is absolutely not your business, that is not your own business Israel, okay? This is an internal affair of Syria, and the way in which Assad came to power, or the form of Assad’s rule, as well as the period that he will remain in power, is not a reason for interference. Am I available to you?

                  And Assad with his government for the Syrians is much better than the frostbitten cannibalistic Islamists who, two years ago, disguised themselves as ordinary demonstrators, clumsily tried to portray mass demonstrations against Assad.

                  Well, all those who yell against Assad pour water on the mill of radical Islamists - and you, professor, are among them. Whoever agrees, put me a plus; who disagrees, we put a minus to the Professor.
                  1. -6
                    7 July 2013 16: 13
                    Quote: FeteL
                    Professor, Assad came to power after the transfer of this power to him by the country's parliament, or whether he seized it by force, like the emir of Qatar, or falsified the election results, as in the United States - all this is absolutely not your business, that is not your own business Israel, okay? This is an internal affair of Syria, and the way in which Assad came to power, or the form of Assad’s rule, as well as the period that he will remain in power, is not a reason for interference. Am I available to you?

                    Not a fig, my young friend. When your neighbor kills his children stating that it’s not your business, it doesn’t change anything. This is your business. Assad is guilty of the death of 100 thousand Syrians and this is my business.

                    Quote: FeteL
                    And Assad with his government for the Syrians is much better than the frostbitten cannibalistic Islamists who, two years ago, disguised themselves as ordinary demonstrators, clumsily tried to portray mass demonstrations against Assad.

                    This is not for you, it is not for me or the United States and Russia to decide who is better for the Syrian people, but the people themselves will choose their leaders.

                    Quote: FeteL
                    Whoever agrees, put me a plus; who disagrees, we put a minus to the Professor.

                    Have you wandered here for likes? So this is not a social network. laughing
                    1. Che
                      7 July 2013 17: 56
                      Assad's fault is not the fault of Assad, it is the fault of Amers and Saudis with the Angles and other servants. Syria is far away and Assad is far away, I love - I don’t like Assad it’s everyone’s drum, but we sympathize with the people of Syria in their struggle against the Islamofascists.
                    2. Zhenya-1
                      7 July 2013 18: 36
                      Professor, I have a direct question for you.
                      Of the hundred thousand dead Syrians you claimed, how many
                      1. Military and police personnel?
                      2. Civilians not taking part in hostilities?
                      3. Actually the militants of the Free Syrian Army?

                      And then stating that in the death of those who attacked his country, and in the death of the defenders of his country, and in the death of the victims who attacked his country, the president of this country is guilty, you expose yourself, I apologize, as an idiot.
                      It’s the same as blaming Stalin for all 27 million victims of this war.

                      But Assad - he simply defends the constitutional order. Not a single constitution in any country in the world has a permit for an armed seizure of power, and Syria is no exception. With American money, all sorts of scum are trying to seize power, Assad is defending himself, and he is doing everything right, what's wrong?
                      Waiting for an answer to my questions.
                      1. -5
                        7 July 2013 21: 53
                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        Professor, I have a direct question for you.
                        Of the hundred thousand dead Syrians you claimed, how many
                        1. Military and police personnel?
                        2. Civilians not taking part in hostilities?
                        3. Actually the militants of the Free Syrian Army?

                        1. I heard that about a quarter of the strength of Assad.
                        2. The second and third no one counted. Thousands and thousands of children of bonds are certainly not militants.
                        4. Hezbollah terrorists fighting for Assad to whom belong?
                        Al-Sharq al-Awsat: Hezbollah supporters demand to withdraw militants from Syria

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        But Assad - he simply defends the constitutional order.

                        What kind of glue do you smell? Assad who came to power in violation of the constitution defends the constitutional order?

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        Not a single constitution in any country in the world has a permit for an armed seizure of power, and Syria is no exception.

                        That is how the Asad family came to power. Forgot?

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        Waiting for an answer to my questions.

                      2. Zhenya-1
                        8 July 2013 10: 47
                        I heard that about a quarter of the strength of Assad.
                        2. The second and third no one counted.
                        - so why, without accurate statistics, do you allow yourself to blame the deaths of the attackers of the person defending the country from them, and blame him for the deaths of the victims of these attackers? Do you not hourly consider Stalin guilty of the deaths of all the Jews of the USSR killed by the Nazis?

                        4. Hezbollah terrorists fighting for Assad to whom belong?
                        - besides, to whom and foreign fighter-mercenaries in the SSA- to the victims of the conflict. By the way, in the world, many do not consider Hezbollah to be terrorists. But it is your right to think and speak out, though not always truthfully. For example, I consider the entire state of Israel to be terrorist.

                        Assad who came to power in violation of the constitution defends the constitutional order?
                        - and let it not bother you in what way he came to power - the order you love should be. And with him, at least there was no war. And by the way, there was no violation of the constitution - the country's highest legislative body changed it, reducing the age limit - learn the materiel!

                        This is how the Asad family came to power
                        - so what? This is an INTERNAL Syrian affair, because initially no one had helped them since the CCA bandits, right? But in the case of the SSA, there is an attempt to intervene and change power with the hands of bandits with significant support from these bandits for resources, weapons, manpower, and intelligence equipment from Western countries and the Arab League. So do not la la.

                        Well, the pearl about children is not an argument. If you were worried about the fate of Syrian citizens, you would oppose the SSA. And so you release the wounded and cured terrorists from you.
                      3. -6
                        8 July 2013 11: 21
                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        so why, without accurate statistics, do you allow yourself to blame the deaths of the attackers of the person protecting the country from them, and blame him for the deaths of the victims of these attackers?

                        Enough of taftalogy, the government of this country and its president, Alavit Asad, are legally responsible for everything that happens in Syria, including for the death of 100 thousand of its citizens on its territory, for not being able to cross borders and prevent terrorists from entering outside. In Syria, there is a civil war and only one person could stop it and Assad could hold elections.

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        For example, I consider the entire state of Israel to be terrorist

                        Your opinion on this matter does not interest anyone.
                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        And with him, at least there was no war. And by the way, there was no violation of the constitution - the country's highest legislative body changed it, reducing the age limit - learn the materiel!

                        What kind of glue? The massacre in Homa with tens of thousands of victims was under Assad, defeatist wars with Israel in which Syria lost thousands of soldiers were unleashed by Assad's father. Under his son, the civil war has been going on for the third year. There was no war? By the way, ask about the meaning of the word "materiel", I see you have no idea what it is. It would be better to keep silent about the change of the constitution. The oculist could not even be nominated for the presidency.

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        This is an INTERNAL Syrian affair

                        War crimes are not an internal affair of any country; they are supranational. The Hague Tribunal for this was created.

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        And so you release the wounded and cured terrorists from you.

                        "We" treat injured Syrian citizens including children. These Syrians have not been put on the international wanted list, their guilt has not been proven and, accordingly, they are innocent.

                        Hello Ambassador. Do you want to guess "from three times" what ethnic group he belongs to? wink
                      4. +4
                        8 July 2013 11: 40
                        Quote: professor
                        War crimes are not an internal affair of any country; they are supranational. The Hague Tribunal for this was created.

                        I fell from a chair! Just don’t say that you believe in it !!!!
                      5. -3
                        8 July 2013 11: 43
                        Quote: ultra
                        I fell from a chair! Just don’t say that you believe in it !!!!

                        Take care of yourself. I believe in it as I believed in the Nuremberg trials.
                      6. 0
                        8 July 2013 13: 09
                        Quote: professor
                        I believe in it

                        Are you an idealist? Reading your comments, this is hard to believe!
                      7. -1
                        8 July 2013 13: 50
                        Quote: ultra
                        Are you an idealist? Reading your comments, this is hard to believe!

                        Far from being an idealist, but I believe in the need for a world order, observance of the "rules of a socialist community," etc. Bardak has never led to anything good.
                      8. Che
                        8 July 2013 17: 51
                        Professor: The Hague Tribunal is a criminal organization. She covers up the criminals and condemns the innocent for protecting their people.
                      9. Zhenya-1
                        9 July 2013 20: 17
                        Enough of taftalogy, the government of this country and its president, Alavit Asad, are legally responsible for everything that happens in Syria, including for the death of 100 thousand of its citizens on its territory, for not being able to cross borders and prevent terrorists from entering outside. There is a civil war in Syria and only one person could stop it - Assad having held elections
                        - What kind of glue evaporated under your nose? The victim of the attack does not bear any legal or other responsibility for having been attacked.

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        For example, I consider the entire state of Israel to be terrorist

                        Your opinion on this matter does not interest anyone.
                        - Well, so your opinion regarding Assad’s guilt is of no interest to anyone, how deceitful, but you don’t worry about this?

                        The massacre in Homa with tens of thousands of victims was under Assad,
                        - for a start, ask how many army men and civilians were killed by bandits in this "massacre". No need to shift from a sore head to a healthy one.
                        defeatist wars with Israel in which Syria lost thousands of soldiers were unleashed by Assad to dad.
                        - Well, what does Bashshar al-Assad have to do with it? Is he responsible for the actions of his father?

                        Assad is legally elected to the presidency. Indicate an article and a clause in the constitution prohibiting parliament from making amendments to this constitution.

                        War crimes are not an internal affair of any country; they are supranational. The Hague Tribunal for this was created.
                        - So you, it turns out, according to the conclusion of the commission of the Jewish Zionist (as Vicki says) Goldstone, you fall under the Hague Tribunal? Cool ... Self-critical and cool.

                        These Syrians are not put on the international wanted list, their guilt is not proven and accordingly they are innocent
                        - Syrian President Bashshar Al-Assad has not been put on the international wanted list, has not been tried, and his guilt has not been proven in any court of the world, therefore, he is innocent.
                        Therefore, ALL YOUR STATEMENTS regarding his guilt - Fuslo. Unproven, unfounded, and are an ordinary idle talk.

                        Hello Ambassador. Do you want to guess "from three times" what ethnic group he belongs to? wink
                        - I'm sorry, did you take a blue or red pill?
                      10. -2
                        10 July 2013 08: 21
                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        The victim of the attack does not bear any legal or other responsibility for having been attacked.

                        Assad is not the victim of an attack; his troops used armed force against then-peaceful demonstrators.

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        well, so your opinion regarding Assad’s guilt is of no interest to anyone, how deceitful, but you don’t worry about this?

                        You have finally decided, if you are not interested in my opinion, then why in the same sentence you ask me a question?

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        So you, it turns out, according to the conclusion of the commission of the Jewish Zionist (as Vicki says) Goldstone, you fall under the Hague Tribunal? Cool ... Self-critical and cool.

                        failed trolling attempt

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        Syrian President Bashshar al-Assad has not been put on the international wanted list, has not been tried, and his guilt has not been proven in any court of the world, therefore, he is innocent.
                        Therefore, ALL YOUR STATEMENTS regarding his guilt are FUSLO. Unproven, unfounded, and are an ordinary idle talk.

                        The dock for Assad in The Hague is already ready, but I'm afraid he will not live to see the International Tribunal, he will be caught like a rat in the sewers and his citizens will be uprooted as they did with Gaddafi and Hussein. Assad’s war crimes are obvious.

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        - I'm sorry, did you take a blue or red pill?

                        get personal? Is Syrian Ambassador to Ukraine Sunni? wink
                      11. Che
                        11 July 2013 20: 50
                        In addition to The Hague, there is divine judgment "confidants of debauchery". The new court should not judge Assad, but the puppeteers who organized all this action. The wrong person was awarded the Peace Prize. Not that. God knows.
                2. +2
                  7 July 2013 15: 57
                  "For all his" love "for Erdogan, it should be noted that he came to power as a result of national elections and the next national elections (and without declaring martial law) will be held on time. But the people did not choose Asda and we have what we have."

                  And what does not suit the announced elections in the year 14?
                  The second point, Assad, even tomorrow for the election, is now even easier.
                  The third point - let's talk about Georgia, Shevarnadze and Sakoshvili, I think it is more indicative.
            4. +6
              7 July 2013 14: 26
              Maybe Erdogashka elections held? Nothing of the kind, just added the burn chemicals to the water that was sprayed with water jets.
              Or Hollande resigned when huge demonstrations against the law took to the streets in favor of the fagots? Also dispersed the demonstrators
            5. Owl
              8 July 2013 10: 59
              Quote: Beck
              Quote: elenagromova
              Let your envy silently.

              What a normal person will be jealous of someone who pours the blood of his people for the sake of personal power. (If you do not consider the rebels, then the blood of the dead for Assad is also abundant).

              In normal countries, a normal politician in a political crisis resigns. And society holds new Elections. If Assad had held elections two years ago, then those thousands of people who died for his personal power would have been alive. And in the elections, they would not give their lives for Assad, but their votes.

              Sorry, but what does your homegrown black woman not resign?
              And about the elections, are you really that naive? Even if 100% of the population voted for Assad in the elections, this would not stop the Pin.dos and their sixes. Instead of "overthrowing the bloody regime," the slogan "chemical weapons for terrorists" would be used.
              Honestly, your comment pretty much amused his frank, excuse me, stupidity.
              1. Beck
                8 July 2013 14: 49
                Quote: Owl
                Sorry, but what does your homegrown black woman not resign?

                Which mine? He is as mine as yours. I'm from Kazakhstan. This conductor Beeline confuses everything, from time to time the wrong flags hangs out.

                Quote: Owl
                Even if 100% of the population voted for Assad in the elections, this would not stop the pin.dos and their sixes.

                Here it is. If Assad had won the election, now there would be no questions for him. Everyone would know that he is the Legislative President.

                Quote: Owl
                Honestly, your comment pretty much amused his frank, excuse me, stupidity.

                These very words - amused me, stupidity, naivety - and indicate the nearness of the opponent. Such words are spoken when there is no argument in a dispute or a person lacks horizons and erudition. The easiest way to say - Himself .... Next time you will laugh, so you are more careful there, look do not choke on hiccups and do not suffocate in your throat. Don't upset your relatives.
          2. -9
            7 July 2013 07: 55
            Quote: elenagromova
            Exactly. He commanded a tank battalion. Then he headed the Guard. this is not "bibi" for you. Let your envy in silence.

            Well, right Arkady Gaidar in the 15th regiment commander. laughing Papa Assad Bashar could present a division at the age of 15. But what is he worth? That is the question.
        5. Che
          7 July 2013 08: 48
          Professor, it’s not that Bibi is a professional military man and participated in military operations. It is about the human qualities of Assad. The people follow the MAN, not the professional. For the sake of his homeland, Assad sacrifices his career as a doctor. Che Guevara was also a doctor, and a patriot.
          1. -15
            7 July 2013 09: 23
            Quote: Che
            It is about the human qualities of Assad.

            The quality there is lower than the baseboard, for the sake of his chair has already put more than 100 thousand Syrians.

            Quote: Che
            For the sake of his homeland, Assad sacrifices his career as a doctor.

            Only not for the sake of the motherland, but for the sake of power. For the sake of the motherland volunteers go to the front.
            1. Che
              7 July 2013 09: 28
              Professor, I'm not flattered that I can convince you, but what Assad does is worthy of respect and admiration. The people have not carried out beautiful slogans. Death to rats and peace to huts.
              1. -10
                7 July 2013 09: 43
                Quote: Che
                Professor, I'm not flattered that I can convince you, but what Assad does is worthy of respect and admiration. The people have not carried out beautiful slogans. Death to rats and peace to huts.

                I can’t respect a man who destroyed his own country, destroyed more than 100 thousand of his own citizens and made millions into refugees.

                The people did not choose him. His father seized power by force and handed it over to his son without asking the opinion of the people.
                1. Che
                  7 July 2013 09: 54
                  Professor, the country was destroyed and shed blood of the people of the rat trained and sent to Syria by amers and Saudis. You are closer to the region and know better than me that I am right.
                  1. -9
                    7 July 2013 10: 32
                    Quote: Che
                    Professor, the country was destroyed and shed blood of the people of the rat trained and sent to Syria by amers and Saudis. You are closer to the region and know better than me that I am right.

                    The unrest began exclusively by Syrian citizens, and at the beginning they were quite peaceful with the demands of reforms, the abolition of martial law, elections, etc. Assad first spilled blood and went off. I do not understand the situation well, I communicate with people from Syria and the Druze. On a good day, with binoculars from my house, Syria is visible.
                    1. Fetel
                      7 July 2013 13: 50
                      Professor, I also have a good understanding of the issue. Unrest can be anything, and they pass in almost any country in the world. But, as in Syria, they are few in number. Why did you imagine that the majority - Assad and the rest of the Syrians - are obliged to comply with the decisions of the minority - the Syrian frostbitten opposition?

                      Well, the pearl about "Assad was the first to shed blood" is generally touching - in Western countries every year dozens of people die during protests against government policies, and nothing. The fact is that there are sparks of conflict almost everywhere, but it was decided to fan them in Syria. And without external intervention, this would not have happened - proof of this is the hundreds of millions of dollars invested by the United States and the Arab League countries in support of the Syrian rebels. Without this support, all this "revolution" would have died out long ago.
                      And if the revolution were really popular - it would be bloodless, compare how Colonel Gaddafi came to power - as a result of the Libyan revolution, NOT ONE man was killed.

                      In a situation I understand not bad. On a good day, with binoculars from my house, Syria is visible.
                      - what argument)))) And I understand the situation even better, because every day I communicate with Ankhar Kochneva, a Ukrainian journalist living in Syria itself, traveling through it constantly to various cities, and knowing the true state of things much better than you!
                      1. -8
                        7 July 2013 14: 13
                        Quote: FeteL
                        Professor, I also have a good understanding of the issue.

                        I see that you don’t understand at all if you don’t know that the Sunnis in Syria make up the majority of the population, but were practically not represented in the power structures. This is the whole root of the Syrian civil war.

                        Quote: FeteL
                        And if the revolution were truly popular, it would be bloodless

                        I will write down this pearl with a quote sheet. Not every day you see this. fool

                        Quote: FeteL
                        And I understand the situation even better, because every day I communicate with Ankhar Kochneva, a Ukrainian journalist who lives in Syria itself, who travels around it constantly to various cities and who knows the true state of things much better than you!

                        I see how you understand where I am up to you. Have you ever seen one Syrian in your eyes? wink
                      2. Fetel
                        7 July 2013 16: 11
                        I spoke with the Syrian ambassador in Ukraine, but I met with Ankhar Kochneva, and with the Syrians who accompanied her.
                        Well, the fact that the Syrian opposition put forward its representation in power as the first priority is a blatant lie. And this is not the root at all, but just your clumsy attempt to blur your eyes, pass off what is happening as an inter-confessional conflict, and not as a disguised intervention in order to create an occasion for international intervention.
                        If you knew what and how in Syria, you would be aware that it is an extremely tolerant and tolerant country, even asking for religious affiliation there is considered bad form.
                      3. -9
                        7 July 2013 16: 22
                        Quote: FeteL
                        If you knew what and how in Syria, you would be aware that it is an extremely tolerant and tolerant country, even asking for religious affiliation there is considered bad form.

                        Ostap carried ...
                        Tell us how in such a tolerant country, Pope Assad paved tens of thousands of exclusively Sunnis (مجزرة حماة) into the asphalt. Hello to the Assad ambassador. Has he already flipped or not yet?
                      4. Zhenya-1
                        7 July 2013 18: 42
                        Professor, what does “Pope Assad” have to do with the CURRENT SITUATION?

                        Or, can it remind you how King David carried out the genocide of the inhabitants of ancient biblical cities? am
                      5. -5
                        7 July 2013 21: 55
                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        Or, can it remind you how King David carried out the genocide of the inhabitants of ancient biblical cities?

                        Teach history and can learn how dad asad came to power and how he passed it to his son.
                      6. Zhenya-1
                        9 July 2013 20: 20
                        So what? This is a purely internal matter of Syria, who and how came to power. Assad came to power, relying on Syrian resources. But the SSA fighters without the help of the West and the Arab League would have long been defeated.
                      7. Beck
                        10 July 2013 10: 46
                        [quote = Zhenya-1] And so what? This is a purely internal matter of Syria, who and how came to power. Assad came to power, relying on Syrian resources. But the SSA fighters without the help of the West and the Arab League would have long been defeated. [/ Quote

                        The definition is an internal affair, the Communists used it with might and main to cover up the oppression of their own people. In fact, in the Internal Affair it is the budget of the country, the laying of roads in one direction or another on its territory, the prerogatives of the development of a particular sector of the economy. Suppression, oppression, killing of people wherever they take place is not an internal matter, it is a matter of humanity and humanity.

                        International relationships are based on human relationships. If your neighbor systematically beats his family and children into the bloodstream - is this his Internal Affair? And once begins to kill his wife, on the landing, from under the neighbor’s door, blood is already flowing. Your wife tells you to intervene and save the woman or call the police, and you will also say in response - Do not do anything and call the police, All this is an internal matter of the neighbor.

                        There would be Elections two years ago and would not run into Syria orthodox seams. And if you don’t interfere, then you don’t need to send warships to the coast of Syria, let the Syrians kill each other by themselves.
                      8. Che
                        11 July 2013 20: 56
                        Beck yen distort. It is the Islamofascists who kill and rape the people, and dump them on the army. The army is doing its job of cleansing the country of rats. Of course, we ought to do it better and more successfully, well, how they can. And thanks for that. And the Communists are not like the current masters of life. They were much more honest.
                      9. Che
                        7 July 2013 18: 08
                        Before the Amer massacre in Syria, people lived pretty well for the Arab countries. Tolerance was present, and slowly, society was moving toward change. Now scum from all BV destroys the ancient country.
                      10. +2
                        8 July 2013 11: 42
                        Quote: professor
                        I will write down this pearl with a quote sheet. Not every day you see this.

                        Exactly! Akin to yours about the Hague Tribunal!
                2. +13
                  7 July 2013 10: 45
                  I wonder who you consider as citizens of Syria. Mercenaries or the Turkish military. And who killed civilians in the army or bandits? In my opinion, it’s the gangs who are engaged in the killings, and then they scream that the army did it. All this we already went through in Chechnya! And about the Syrians who joined these gangs, you can say. A citizen who takes up arms and opposes the legitimate authority is a traitor and a criminal under the laws of any state in the world.
                  1. -11
                    7 July 2013 10: 54
                    Quote: 1c-inform-city
                    I wonder who you consider as citizens of Syria.

                    Homo sapiens possessing Syrian citizenship.

                    Quote: 1c-inform-city
                    And who killed civilians army or bandits?

                    Those who use the MLRS and aircraft for human settlements.

                    In my opinion, it’s the gangs who are engaged in the killings, and then they shout that the army did this.

                    Have militants already acquired aviation and are using cluster and vacuum bombs?
                    1. +12
                      7 July 2013 12: 22
                      Israel really needs to keep silent about aircraft and bombs. Throws them left and right. Do you propose that well-armed militants be lured away from buildings by ice cream? Civilians have long left these neighborhoods.
                    2. Zhenya-1
                      7 July 2013 12: 40
                      Those who use the MLRS and aircraft for human settlements.
                      - Professor, nobody uses MLRS for populated areas, you distort something. Aviation against rats, even in populated areas, even in uninhabited ones, can be used, and must be used.

                      In my opinion, it’s the gangs who are engaged in the killings, and then they shout that the army did this.

                      Have militants already acquired aviation and are using cluster and vacuum bombs?
                      “But this is you, Professor, troll.” Or will you deny that Syrian bandits are systematically killing all civilians suspected of sympathizing with the Assad government?
                      Or will you deny that the Syrian army does not systematically bomb civilians?
                      By the way - Israel also used aircraft and artillery against Palestinian cities.
                      1. -8
                        7 July 2013 14: 04
                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        MLRS for populated areas no one uses,

                        In general, it is customary to write "in my opinion" or "IMHO"

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        Aviation against rats, even in populated areas, even in uninhabited ones, can be used, and must be used.

                        For one, you can donate civilians. If necessary, then necessary. 100 thousand more, 100 thousand less.

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        Or will you deny that the Syrian army does not systematically bomb civilians?

                        The Syrian army is systematically bombing settlements together and their inhabitants. Not with high-precision weapons and without warning local residents before this. Moreover, Assad "invented" a new method, bombing, a lull of 5-10 minutes while the locals gather to clear up the rubble and re-bombard the crowd.
                      2. Fetel
                        7 July 2013 16: 18
                        Professor, well, I watched your video with multiple launch rocket systems, and what is the basis for the statement that all these volleys were fired at settlements? bully There is NOT A Shot of the gap between these shells in the city. Something you're lying is not very high quality)

                        So - the question of "the Syrian MLRS bomb their own cities" is still unproven.

                        Moreover, Assad "invented" a new method, bombing, a lull of 5-10 minutes while the locals gather to clear up the rubble and re-bombard the crowd.
                        - so big and believe in fairy tales! wassat
                      3. Che
                        7 July 2013 18: 46
                        Syrians urinate Alahakbarovites and do the right thing. Do not look at this cannibalistic fraternity. Get them everywhere, let the earth burn under their feet.
                      4. +4
                        8 July 2013 11: 42
                        Good afternoon!
                        Beautiful video, please explain to a beginner: Why is the Egypt flag proudly fluttering at the MLRS positions?
                      5. -9
                        7 July 2013 15: 28
                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        By the way - Israel also used aircraft and artillery against Palestinian cities.

                        When and where. Facts please.
                      6. Fetel
                        7 July 2013 16: 24
                        Pictured is an Israeli strike on a Palestinian city.

                        Generally, the facts DOFIG. Only you will immediately start "and we bombed a deserted area", or - "And we bombed terrorists", the smartest - attention - "yes, we bombed the city, but THERE WERE TERRORISTS." That is, you admit that you are doing the same thing that Assad is doing in Syria.
                      7. -5
                        7 July 2013 16: 33
                        Quote: FeteL
                        Pictured is an Israeli strike on a Palestinian city.

                        Young man, do not lie so rudely. In the photo you provided, the smoke trail from the rockets launched towards Israel from Gaza. Learn to match and hello to the ambassador.

                        Why did you change your nickname? Have you been banned by your old nickname or is being pressed on the blacklist? wink
                      8. Zhenya-1
                        7 July 2013 18: 59
                        In the photo you provided, the smoke trail from Gaza rockets launched towards Israel
                        - Professor, the fact that this photo is indicated on one of my sources does not mean that Israel did not bomb civilian cities - even as it bombed, and you know it well.

                        Why did you change your nickname? Have you been banned by your old nickname or is being pressed on the blacklist?
                        - Professor, paranoia nowadays is said to be treated, and the medicine in Israel is very good. No offense, ok?

                        And - so where is the evidence that MLRS bombard the CITIES? This way you can put a video with the launch of "Scud" (without a video of his hitting the target) and say that this serves as proof that Assad wanted to shell his city, or even an Israeli one))))

                        In short - where is the evidence of your statement that the Assad MLRS fired at the CITIES? Video of MLRS shell explosions in the city, fragments of stabilizers, and so on? Or are you a balabol?
                      9. -2
                        7 July 2013 21: 40
                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        - Professor, the fact that this photo is indicated on one of my sources does not mean that Israel did not bomb civilian cities - even as it bombed, and you know it well.

                        That means you're lying.

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        In short - where is the evidence of your statement that the Assad MLRS fired at the CITIES? Video of MLRS shell explosions in the city, fragments of stabilizers, and so on?

                        Are you satisfied with the debris or ask for serial numbers?

                        Quote: Zhenya-1
                        Or are you a balabol?

                        Which of us has already found a balabol.
                        Quote: FeteL
                        Pictured is an Israeli strike on a Palestinian city.
                      10. Zhenya-1
                        8 July 2013 10: 56
                        I will be satisfied with the video of the fall and explosions of MLRS shells on Syrian cities. Don’t let anyone know where - namely the video.
                        And the wreckage - they can be collected and brought at least a ton ...

                        Otherwise, I can also post a video where the IDF is firing, and then say that it is he "shelling the civilian population")))
                        By the way - after all, Israel did indeed bombard the city with white phosphorus, do you not, even though you refuse to admit the incident as a war crime? Photo shelling and victims provide?
                      11. essenger
                        8 July 2013 14: 10
                        Fetel facepalm. The same Kassam fly towards the civilians of Israel.
                      12. Che
                        7 July 2013 18: 48
                        Yes there were pictures in the internet on the use of white phosphorus against Arabs. There were several times, in my opinion the Austrians printed.
                    3. +6
                      7 July 2013 13: 28
                      Whose cow would mumble)))) But we have lovers to naughty in residential areas)))
                      Well, do not resent the brutal policies of your state?
                    4. +1
                      7 July 2013 22: 46
                      Quote: professor
                      Have militants already acquired aviation and are using cluster and vacuum bombs?

                      No, only chemical weapons.
                3. +6
                  7 July 2013 14: 29
                  very much even "asking" the people. Moreover, they voted for him twice - in 2000 and in 2007. People cut their fingers and marked "YES" on the ballots with blood.
                  1. -8
                    7 July 2013 14: 33
                    Quote: elenagromova
                    very much even "asking" the people. Moreover, they voted for him twice - in 2000 and in 2007. People cut their fingers and marked "YES" on the ballots with blood.

                    Do not lie. There was no popular VOTE since there were no elections. Who ran with Assad? wink

                    They can bleed blood, they cannot take it from them.
                    1. +5
                      7 July 2013 14: 36
                      do not lie. It was a popular vote.
                    2. Beck
                      7 July 2013 23: 22
                      Quote: professor
                      Do not lie. There was no popular VOTE since there were no elections. Who ran with Assad?

                      Yeah, Gromova is lying and does not blush, even in the photograph. There were no Elections. Controlled Referenda were held twice, not Elections. The fact that the referenda were controlled is eloquently echoed by the figures FOR. In both cases, this is 97,5%. As if in Syria there are no nonsense, fools, sick and others, not to mention those who voted against.

                      And voting is voting, not the Choice between alternatives.
                      1. +6
                        8 July 2013 00: 10
                        "Yes, Gromova is lying and does not blush, even in the photograph. There were no elections. Controlled Referendums were held twice, not Elections. The fact that the referendums were controlled is eloquently indicated by the figures for. In both cases, it is 97,5%. As if in Syria there are no niggas, fools, sick and others, not to mention those who voted against. "

                        "about not a dream - a dream or a dream - about not a dream"
                        Do you have an interpreter diploma issued by the Syrian people? Any elections and referenda can be called controlled.
                  2. -6
                    7 July 2013 15: 26
                    Quote: elenagromova
                    People cut their fingers and marked "YES" on the ballots with blood.

                    It was necessary to cut fingers, but just did not try to dip in the carcass?
                4. Fetel
                  7 July 2013 16: 05
                  destroying more than 100 thousand of its own citizens
                  - that is, all of these 100 thousand were killed by Assad? And of these 100 thousand, no one died at the hands of bandits, right?
            2. Fetel
              7 July 2013 16: 02
              for the sake of his chair already laid more than 100 thousand Syrians
              - Are you sure that for the sake of the chair? In other matters, your confidence in this case has nothing to do with the truth.
              And can you prove that those whom he laid down were the Syrians - all 100 thousand?
              However, you, Professor, cannot prove anything, because you Lied. Of the hundred thousand dead, many dozens of those killed in whose death you blame the legitimate president of Syria are civilians, killed by SSA bandits, or killed in terrorist attacks committed by them. Tens of thousands of dead are policemen and soldiers of the Syrian government who died in battles with bandits. Well and the rest are the bandits themselves, of which the Syrians are far from all, take an interest in how many THOUSAND foreign mercenaries are among the bandits.

              And so - you behave exactly with the words of Goebbels "The more monstrous the lie, the easier it will be believed."
          2. +7
            7 July 2013 14: 45
            moreover, it donates not only the career of a doctor, but also life ...
            For he understands that the vengeful West will not leave it just like that, but will hunt.
            Such people are few who are ready to oppose themselves to this world system ...
            Many who came before him died on this way ....
            Honor and glory!
      2. +8
        6 July 2013 15: 27
        better ophthalmologist than furniture maker
    2. w.ebdo.g
      6 July 2013 15: 19
      Excuse me, but a little distracted from the topic of this article.
      Many people are interested in me (and do not believe) that the president, parliament, government and in general NOBODY in the country can influence the central bank of Russia.

      I explain on the fingers, especially in a simplified form:

      Today, the Central Bank of Russia is independent and does not even submit to the Russian state. Those who do not know about this can easily check this fact by looking into the Constitution of the Russian Federation (article 75), as well as the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”. Most of the “independent experts” from the “free” media, when it comes to the Central Bank, begin to explain long and tediously that, only if it is not controlled by the state, the Central Bank will be effective, will ensure low inflation and the flourishing of the Russian economy.

      It can be a long time to explain why the current status of the Central Bank does not contribute to the flourishing of our economy. We will not do this. We confine ourselves to one example.

      Imagine yourself that there is a purse in your family, your money is in it. You earned them with honest work. But you can not spend them. Under no circumstances. Without the permission of a completely independent of you uncle, who lives, by the way, in your own apartment. That is, formally - it works for you. As if. Because in reality he is completely independent of you. He himself appoints his salary, pays it to himself. But you depend on it. After all, only he can give you permission to spend YOU money earned. And without his permission, you cannot do this. And, to avoid temptation, your salary and all savings are now not for you, but for your uncle. He protects the gold reserves of your family. Not fair? Uncomfortable? Strange? What do you! Fair Conveniently! Up to date! And, most importantly, it is impossible to do otherwise - if you entrust the money to you, you can spend it. After all, this is how they explain to us the correctness and wisdom of this strange situation. But in the family you would have figured out the uncle quickly - you would have taken it, and you would have kicked him out. So? And the uncle is cunning! And you are about to turn him in as soon as he starts squealing on the whole staircase. And at the entrance to your apartment, just in case, there are three other uncles. Written on them: "Human Rights Organizations", "Independent Press", "Civilized Countries (NATO)". Do not believe? Please: The Law on the Central Bank Article 6. “... The Bank of Russia has the right to apply for the protection of its interests in international courts, foreign courts and arbitration courts ...”. And they do not obey you, but your unwelcome financial assistant. Make sure that you do not hurt your uncle. And so politely he was asked permission for all his financial expenses. Why? Because you signed the law on the Central Bank of your apartment and are now obliged to comply with it.

      In order to get out of this humiliating dependence for our country, the public organization Trade Union of Citizens of Russia, in collaboration with State Duma deputy E. Fedorov, drafted a bill No. 130800-6 “On Amendments to the Federal Law“ On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) "(In terms of improving the efficiency of the mechanism of emission and use of foreign exchange reserves).

      The union of citizens of Russia.
      We advise you to see: and
      1. 0
        6 July 2013 15: 46
        Even you forgot about this law already. Do not write anything, but Starikov promised to "feed" him constantly. Probably, get it out of the cloth for the next elections?
    3. Donvel
      6 July 2013 18: 27
      We cheer for them, as for relatives. But in fact, we need their base for ships and influence in the East. And Assad knows that.
    4. kvodrato
      7 July 2013 21: 15
      Try it yourself !!!
  2. +17
    6 July 2013 07: 29
    Assad smiles !!! pressed a lot of scum to keep it up !!!
    1. +22
      6 July 2013 08: 55
      Quote: MIKHAN
      Assad smiles !!!

      As world history shows, it is very difficult to maintain power if the people and the army do not support you. And ASADA people support and the ARMY believes in him, so he wins!
      If not for these “friends of Syria”, constitutional order would have already been established in the country.
      1. berimor
        7 July 2013 12: 24
        I am already 68 years old. If I were at least 45, I, as I once did in the October 1973 war, would volunteer for Syria. And this is not a puppy's delight of a hurray-patriot, but a sober decision of an old warrior. I fought in Egypt in 1970-1973 and in Syria in 1973, and I am absolutely sure that Syria is now one of the main outposts against the penetration of "the ideas of non-democratizers" into our life.
        1. -10
          7 July 2013 12: 37
          Quote: berimor
          I fought in Egypt in 1970-1973 and in Syria in 1973

          They fought badly, I have to inform you. Blow your wards on all counts.

          But don’t worry so much for the sake of such a holy cause as protection one of the main outposts against the penetration of "ideas of non-democratizers" into your life you can send sons and even daughters to the war in Syria.
          1. Che
            7 July 2013 18: 00
            Our fought well, the fact that the Arabs on the rugs spent time is not our fault, nobody can change the mentality. Changes occur but not as fast as we would like. It seems to be a good start to fight, rats urinate efficiently.
            1. -2
              7 July 2013 21: 43
              Quote: Che
              Our fought well, the fact that the Arabs on the rugs spent time is not our fault, nobody can change the mentality. Changes occur but not as fast as we would like. It seems to be a good start to fight, rats urinate efficiently.

              I heard tales about rugs from the grief of specialists. I have never seen a single Arab warriors who during the battle would begin to pray.
    2. +21
      6 July 2013 11: 19
      With such fighters you can be sure of victory.
      1. +10
        6 July 2013 20: 13
        Phew read it. However, in Syria it is not a revolution or even counter-revolution, but a banal intervention of the West, but by the forces of all scum (meat). So the people of Syria a speedy VICTORY.
  3. +15
    6 July 2013 07: 53
    The people of Syria will win!
    Long live President Al-Assad !!!
  4. prophet190
    6 July 2013 07: 59
    Assad Man! Exactly with a capital letter! But I must say that we also had a hand in this. It was thanks to us that the next dermocratic bombing did not take place. In general, cheers!
  5. +11
    6 July 2013 08: 04
    Scum is not scum, but there are a lot of dirty tricks and stench from it. It’s good that Syria has such a smart and far-sighted leader. That's what infuriates all the so-called (friends of Syria + USA). And you can’t deceive the people, they know who is to blame and what to do!
    1. +8
      6 July 2013 13: 24
      You cannot imagine how this infuriates the local "liberals" on the same "Novy Kaliningrad" in our country.
      Its fifth column emanates with bile before vomiting.

      Assad will stand, I believe, there is every reason for this. good
  6. +17
    6 July 2013 08: 07
    They need to help restore everything !!! The Russian Orthodox Church is already collecting donations ..! I think Russia will not only help with weapons and advisers .. Children of Syria to us on the Black Sea !!! How much have they suffered
    1. +7
      6 July 2013 22: 46
      Thank. True, in Syria, too cool sea. Mediterranean! ))
      1. +6
        6 July 2013 23: 04
        Quote: elenagromova
        Thank. True, in Syria, too cool sea. Mediterranean! ))

        - this is how to deal with jackals, I hope it will soon, so let investors from Russia and Kazakhstan invoke, create clear rules for the game - and we will build multi-star resorts on the coast of Latakia, and then we will sunbathe in them in the summer, leaving mountains of currency in Syria. And then Turkey is some kind of not quite friendly power. The former owner of Cherkizon invested in Turkey and for this lost his Asset. But investors should be encouraged for Syria, all the more so since we like to relax on the Sredizmennoe Sea after a long year of work and a cold winter.
  7. +10
    6 July 2013 09: 17
    "Homeland means belonging to a particular culture, this is what constitutes the essence of our being. When we are committed to something one, we have one homeland for all."
    Wise words.
    1. +8
      6 July 2013 10: 46
      "Homeland means belonging to a particular culture, this is what constitutes the essence of our being. When we are committed to something one, we have one homeland for all." - THE USSR
  8. +10
    6 July 2013 09: 30
    Good luck to Assad, death to terrorists, s-300 to Damascus, shame on mattresses and their heroic mongrel.
  9. Zen
    6 July 2013 09: 35
    May God grant you strength Bashar Al-Assad !!!
  10. +7
    6 July 2013 09: 41
    For us, the opinion of someone abroad is not important. We are interested in the opinions of those who live in Syria and directly affect what is happening in it. The Syrian people are now steadfast in battle and achieve victories.
    ... said to the point ... it would not hurt, for some, our politicians in Russia to understand this ...
    1. +4
      7 July 2013 01: 39
      to the Syrian people, wish for even greater stamina and endurance
  11. +6
    6 July 2013 10: 32
    Geyropa - hands off Syria !!!
  12. +9
    6 July 2013 10: 37
    Bearded and their owners tear and dream .. Syria will show the world how to resist this global scum .. !!! Hang on Syria !! show all prostitutes how to keep the blow .. !!!!
  13. Xnumx kopeek
    6 July 2013 11: 05
    Quote: MIKHAN
    Bearded and their owners tear and dream .. Syria will show the world how to resist this global scum .. !!! Hang on Syria !! show all prostitutes how to keep the blow .. !!!!
    the bells are ringing ...
  14. +5
    6 July 2013 11: 13
    I didn’t read most of the comments, I glanced briefly. Everyone on the forum +++++++++++++ Our answer!
  15. +6
    6 July 2013 11: 20
    Quote: 20 kopeek
    Quote: MIKHAN
    Bearded and their owners tear and dream .. Syria will show the world how to resist this global scum .. !!! Hang on Syria !! show all prostitutes how to keep the blow .. !!!!
    the bells are ringing ...

    And you’re right to beat the bells .. Distemper and disregarding .. raises his head ..
  16. +6
    6 July 2013 11: 23
    I wonder how the Western media take words out of context to denigrate Assad.

    Assad is literate in judgment. No wonder Putin supports him.
  17. +9
    6 July 2013 11: 43
    Bravo! Mr. President Al-Assad!
    Every word is a diamond, from the definition of enemies to the possibility of forgiveness. The text of this interview should be read out along with prayer and distributed to all Muslims, and even Christians (separately to Europeans).
    But religion is more than everyday issues of people's lives. Religion is not associated only with any limited group. Religion is aimed at strengthening moral values, and when they are strong, it helps strengthen the politics, army, economy and prosperity of the motherland.
    Religion is above politics.

    Separately, plus a journalist, I would shake his hand.
  18. +6
    6 July 2013 12: 11
    Assad, of course, well done, you can’t say anything! Judging by his answers to the journalist’s questions, he doesn’t have a shadow of doubt about an imminent victory. I would also like to note the quality of the questions asked by the journalist to the president. Right sample interviewing.
    And here is what I want to say more. Something does not add up in my head the image of Assad - the cannibal who eats Jewish children for breakfast. And the Professor says he eats ... True, he has more opportunities to peep ...
    1. -17
      6 July 2013 15: 22
      Quote: retired
      Judging by his answers to the journalist’s questions, he doesn’t have a shadow of doubt about an imminent victory

      Saddam and Muammar had the same connection with reality ...
      1. +2
        6 July 2013 15: 44
        Good evening Professor. Russia was not behind them ... And on their example, many have become smarter. Understand what awaits them in case of Assad's defeat. So with visits you will still travel to Syria. To Assad.
        1. -15
          6 July 2013 15: 49
          Good afternoon,
          IMHO the song of Assad (not Syria) is sung. Russia will not send its sons to Syria, and Assad himself, even with Hezbollah, against the Sunni majority will not survive. hi
          1. +4
            6 July 2013 16: 35
            Well ... Iran is also there. Yes, they will put things in order in any way. If, of course, the neighbors behave decently ... And not as representatives of the most ancient profession ... Sometimes they would remember about conscience ...
          2. Fetel
            6 July 2013 18: 17
            Russia will not send its sons to Syria
            - Of course he won’t, they are ALREADY there, fighting for Assad.

            and Assad himself, even with Hezbollah, against the Sunni majority does not survive
            - of course. if the Sunni majority were against Assad, then he would not have stood against them. Fortunately, this is not so - Assad supports the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of Syria, and the interests of the Sunnis, Shiites, Salofis and Wakhabis of other countries do not interest anyone in Syria hi
            1. +1
              7 July 2013 00: 39
              - Of course he won’t, they are ALREADY there, fighting for Assad.

              but it’s for sure, advisers have been there for a long time, it can be seen from the victories!
            2. -6
              7 July 2013 08: 04
              Quote: FeteL
              Russia will not send its sons to Syria - of course it will not, they are ALREADY there, fighting for Assad.

              If you are about Chechens, then they are fighting, to put it mildly, not exactly for Assad.

              Quote: FeteL
              of course. if the Sunni majority were against Assad, then he would not have stood against them. Fortunately, this is not so - Assad supports the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of Syria, and the interests of the Sunnis, Shiites, Salofis and Wakhabis of other countries do not interest anyone in Syria

              Today the grass is strong in the Chuy valley ...
          3. +7
            6 July 2013 22: 48
            we hear it for more than two years.
          4. +4
            7 July 2013 03: 30
            "Assad himself, even with Hezbollah, cannot withstand the Sunni majority."

            Is the Sunni majority the name of assembly points for a hired rabble? Have the evaders formed yet another group?
          5. Che
            7 July 2013 09: 00
            Professor, all normal Sunnis are fighting on the side of Assad, do not bile. We can do without her.
            1. -8
              7 July 2013 09: 25
              Quote: Che
              Professor, all normal Sunnis are fighting on the side of Assad, do not bile. We can do without her.

              Do not fight, the conflict in Syria is ethnic.
              1. Che
                7 July 2013 09: 30
                The chief of staff of the Sunni and rats hammering with dignity. For which he respects and respect.
                1. -3
                  7 July 2013 09: 44
                  Quote: Che
                  Chief of General Staff Sunni and rats hammering with dignity

                  What makes you think that he is a Sunni?
                  1. Che
                    7 July 2013 09: 56
                    Professor, I read various sources, there is no faith in amers, and the geyropa let us down.
          6. Che
            8 July 2013 20: 32
            In Aleppo, the first successes of the people against the bearded appeared. Crush the rats mercilessly. Today I read the news.
      2. Fetel
        6 July 2013 18: 21
        Saddam really went overboard. But Gaddafi was winning before NATO's intervention. And Assad wins sekychas. But I am glad that neither in Iraq nor in Libya did the American aggressors and their NATO allies manage to deceive the world community with their assurances that this revolution was made by the people.
      3. +11
        6 July 2013 22: 50
        Saddam and Muammar are great people and heroes. And the fact that jackals brutally killed them does not make their words wrong, but doesn’t belittle them. On the contrary. They paid with their lives for their beliefs, and thus only their every word is more valuable. And their killers were like jackals, and remained, only more showed their abomination.
        1. -8
          7 July 2013 08: 07
          Quote: elenagromova
          Saddam and Muammar are great people and heroes.

          One "hero" was hiding like a rat in the basement where he was caught, the other was hiding in the sewers at all ... It seems to me that Assad looked for a darker gutter for himself, because he had already sent the family to the hated England - his wife did not refuse English citizenship ...
          1. +5
            7 July 2013 14: 35
            About "pits" and "sewers" the enemies came up with. The same director made it up. Saddam was taken in battle, and Muammar - there is no sewage system in the video, there are cars. They dragged the wounded man out of the bombed car and tortured him for three hours. Only something your "democratic" public did not condemn this cruelty. And he is a hero - not only because he endured this torture, but also because he opposed himself to the entire military machine of NATO.

            Asma Al-Asad a few days ago was among young people - Damascus volunteers, so do not lie.
        2. Beck
          7 July 2013 08: 49
          Quote: elenagromova
          Saddam and Muammar are great people and heroes.

          Yeah. So persevere for people who took power by coup or inherited, who poisoned and killed their peoples. Which ordered their special services to carry out terrorist acts everywhere and in particular on international airlines (Lockbury). And call them heroes? And if they are great, then they stand on the same board with Caesar, Einstein, Mandela, Napoleon, Peter 1.

          Surround and cross yourself Elena.

          With your tenacity against an avalanche of standing. No tanks can penetrate.
          1. Che
            7 July 2013 09: 08
            Yes, Assad became a national hero of Syria only for the fact that he opposes amer with "partners". As Mayakovsky said, there would be no stronger people in the world to make nails out of these people. A person deserves respect not only of his people, but also of other nations, having shown that it is possible and necessary to fight against amer's evil.
          2. lm_
            8 July 2013 17: 16
            What can I say, then the replicas cannot convince each other, I read all the comments: it became interesting. Whoever reads and looks at what truth speaks. Nobody cares what is happening in Libya after the overthrow of Muammar, how they live. "Friends" have stuck to all the minerals in the camp and pump it out for nothing. Power is not needed to steal resources. BUT, neither Beck nor the Professor know about it. Therefore, their opinion is understandable: In Libya, in Iraq, tyrants ruled who must be overthrown. The "friends" do not know how blooming Syria was and what it turned into now. Nobody ever told them about it.
      4. +9
        7 July 2013 00: 37
        you are ready to destroy everything in the world, regardless of the positive aspects of the same Assad, you are ready to support scumbags, this is the moronic policy of your owners and you will always do what they say !!!
        1. +3
          7 July 2013 14: 41
          they do not have such a quality as respect for the positive sides of enemies, and they are not able to see them.
          They are anyone who opposes the aggressive foreign policy of the Zionist entity, ready to slander, to attribute non-existent flaws and scold them.
          1. 0
            8 July 2013 22: 46
            Quote: elenagromova
            they do not have such a quality as respect for the positive sides of enemies, and they are not able to see them.
            They are anyone who opposes the aggressive foreign policy of the Zionist entity, ready to slander, to attribute non-existent flaws and scold them.

            Madam, of course you can call the State of Israel a "Zionist entity", but this will not make it weaker or poorer. If everything goes well, then in half a year I will upset you even more, here such investments in Israeli high-tech are planned winked ... the ball !!!
  19. +9
    6 July 2013 12: 31
    This is not a relative, but a lot in common. From the shape of the ear, to the love of amers. lol
    1. +3
      6 July 2013 13: 28
      But they definitely noticed the similarity of Charles with Bashar. good
  20. +6
    6 July 2013 12: 34
    Good luck to the Syrians!
    ¡No pasarán!
  21. +2
    6 July 2013 12: 35
    Good luck to the Syrians!
    ¡No pasarán!
  22. +4
    6 July 2013 12: 37
    Street battles in Egypt - at least 30 killed

    publication time: 08: 25
    last update: 08: 33

    In Egypt, clashes continue between supporters of the Islamists and their opponents. As of the morning of July 6, the death toll reaches 30 people, Egyptian media reported.

    During the clashes in Alexandria, at least 13 people were killed and the number of injured exceeded 200, Al-Masri al-Yum reported, citing an ambulance service. One of those killed died in the Sidi Gaber quarter when he climbed onto the roof of a building, planted an Egyptian flag there and began shouting insults at former President Muhammad Morsi. The Islamists followed him to the roof, stabbed him several times and threw him from the height of the sixth floor.

    In collisions, not only edged weapons are used. In a district of Cairo adjacent to Tahrir Square, early morning on July 6, Islamists opened indiscriminate fire from machine guns, resulting in at least four deaths.

    Egyptian security forces continue to detain leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist organization. On the night of July 6, police arrested the deputy chairman of the movement, Hayrat al-Shater, and his brother, Egyptian Interior Ministry sources said. It should be noted that rumors about the arrest of al-Shater had been received earlier, but did not receive confirmation. Saad al-Qatani, the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, also remains in custody.

    Sources in the Freedom and Justice Party said that 17 supporters of the Islamist movement were among those killed in the night clashes, Al-Arabiya TV reported.

    The deputy chairman of the party, Isam al-Ariani, said at a rally in Cairo that the Islamists refuse to cooperate with the new regime, which they consider illegitimate. Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood promise to continue to rally until Muhammad Mursi is reinstated as president.

    Recall that after massive anti-government demonstrations, the Egyptian army demanded that President Muhammad Mursi conclude an agreement with the opposition. After the refusal, the military announced that Mursi had been removed from office and arrested. A wave of arrests of leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist organization swept across the country.
  23. -4
    6 July 2013 12: 42
    Syrian opposition accuses Israel of launching a missile strike in Latakia

    Photo: Press TV website. In the photo: illustration
    According to Syrian media, last night there was a rocket attack on military depots located in the port city of Latakia. In a city located on the Mediterranean coast, where the base of the Russian Navy is located, powerful explosions were heard.

    Representatives of the opposition accused Israel of destroying military depots in Latakia. There is no information about the weapons stored in this Syrian city, ITV Channel XNUMX reports.

    At the same time, the Lebanese television channel Al Manar, which is under Hezbollah’s control, reported that several medium-range missiles were launched last night in the direction of the military base in Latakia. There are dead and wounded, the exact number of which remains unknown.

    Recall that after the destruction of a chemical weapons production enterprise in the vicinity of Damascus, the regime of Bashar al-Assad repeatedly made bellicose statements against Israel.

    Damascus threatened Israel with the use of military force in the event of repeated air strikes on the territory of the country captured by the civil war, which in two years claimed more than 200.000 lives.
    1. +1
      6 July 2013 23: 48
      Opposition, that is, rats reprimanded Israel? wassat
    2. Shumka.
      7 July 2013 01: 19
      All the wonders and wonders ....
  24. +1
    6 July 2013 12: 49
    Quote: igor67
    In a city located on the Mediterranean coast, where the base of the Russian Navy is located, powerful explosions were heard.

    Our commented on something about this?
    1. +1
      6 July 2013 13: 38
      Quote: retired
      Quote: igor67
      In a city located on the Mediterranean coast, where the base of the Russian Navy is located, powerful explosions were heard.

      Our commented on something about this?

      Russian Defense Minister: There is no civil war in Syria

      publication time: July 5, 2013 16:46
      last updated: July 5, 2013 16:48

      Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting with Swedish Defense Minister Karin Enström on July 5 that he did not consider the events in Syria a civil war.

      As reported by RIA Novosti, Sergei Shoigu called what is happening in Syria "a fight against those forces that somehow wander between various conflicts within different states."

      After negotiations with Enstrem Shoigu, he said that the parties expressed their views on the Syrian conflict and are likely to continue consultations on this issue, Interfax notes.

      He also briefly commented on the events in Egypt, expressing hope for a speedy overcoming of the crisis.

      At the talks, Shoigu and Enstrom also discussed the situation in Afghanistan against the background of the upcoming withdrawal of coalition troops, and issues of bilateral cooperation in the military sphere.
  25. +13
    6 July 2013 13: 49
    Any rebellion against foreign invaders is a legal thing and is the first duty of every nation.

  26. spok
    6 July 2013 15: 54
    Quote: igor67
    Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting with Swedish Defense Minister Karin Enström on July 5 that he did not consider the events in Syria a civil war.

    Wow, what is happening there, and probably a peaceful demonstration
    he probably ate something wrong
  27. +4
    6 July 2013 16: 31
    Nigeria: 30 killed in assault on school

    Islamic extremists attacked a boarding school in northeastern Nigeria, killing 29 students and one teacher.

    Survivors of the attack received severe burns and gunshot wounds.

    Some school students were burned alive. The attack occurred at dawn Saturday in the city of Mamudo in Yobe.

    Dozens of schools were burned and dozens of brutally murdered children are among more than 1600 victims who fell at the hands of extremists of the Boko Haram movement in Nigeria since 2010 alone.
    1. Shumka.
      7 July 2013 01: 22
      Therefore, it is necessary to destroy such scum everywhere because no one knows where they will be sent in the future. Arab and other thugs were noted in Yugoslavia .. So they roam with their curators.
  28. 128mgb
    6 July 2013 18: 35
    Quote: igor67
    Nigeria: 30 killed

    Did you say this just to say something?
    The main task for Syria is now to save Bashar Al Assad. As long as there is a banner the regiment is alive!
    1. 0
      6 July 2013 18: 56
      Quote: 128mgb
      Quote: igor67
      Nigeria: 30 killed

      Did you say this just to say something?
      The main task for Syria is now to save Bashar Al Assad. As long as there is a banner the regiment is alive!

      Just today's news, but what else would you like to hear ?,
      1. +2
        6 July 2013 23: 52
        Everywhere the news is bad. Rather, the good would go. I would like to hear the Lord of Sith. He always raises the mood.
      2. Che
        7 July 2013 09: 15
        Everywhere, the rat tribe stirred, oh no wonder they are active. They must be crushed without waiting for their hordes to flood into Europe, sweeping away everything in its path.
  29. +7
    6 July 2013 18: 56
    Listening to the attempts of world democracy about the indispensable delivery of weapons to the militants in Syria in order to fight the "bloody ophthalmologist Assad", I remember the textbook story with Yefim Pavlovich Slavsky, Minister of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building. There is such a legend in the industry that there was a meeting in the Central Committee, at which the minister was educated about the need to develop export products. And at some point, one of the secretaries of the Central Committee, who is conducting this, notices that Efim Pavlovich, sitting in the front row, is dozing. "Efim Pavlovich, why doesn't this apply to you?" To which Efim Pavlovich, opening one eye, says: "Nope, all our products are for export, they don't make bombs for themselves."
    1. +3
      6 July 2013 20: 25
      Wow! There were people! I collect bit by bit everything that comes from the statements of L. Gorlitsky. He also knew how to humor.
  30. Xnumx kopeek
    6 July 2013 22: 29
    Quote: professor
    Quote: Shumka
    Al-Assad is one of the few who is sincerely respected and who will not be called BBC as the Israeli Prime Minister

    You are 100% right, the BBC got its nickname (call sign) when he served in the most elite special forces in Israel and, being wounded, freed hostages from a plane hijacked by terrorists. Well, what respect can there be for him after that? Assad spent his youth in England, and when he "got" into the Syrian army as the son of the president "in 1994, Bashar entered the military academy in the Syrian city of Homs, and in 1995, with the rank of captain, already commanded a tank battalion, then headed the Republican Guard. and in January 1999 he was awarded the rank of colonel "... This really deserves respect. -
    -Kartaviy.Asad is a doctor, not a mokrushnik, like your presidents, / who shot peaceful peasants in Der-Yasin, etc., everywhere else - / - But do not cry - there is a chance today to prove your "heroic chromosomes", pi ... duke.

  31. Xnumx kopeek
    6 July 2013 22: 40
    Quote: igor67
    Quote: Shumka
    Sorry, did not know the origins. It seems to me now saying Bibi, they do not remember the origins of his callsign.

    Most likely yes, he got his deals with ultraorthodoxes and economic policy,
    -Bibi-is his nickname at school - "Pipi". Always suffered from urinary incontinence wassat
    1. Shumka.
      7 July 2013 01: 24
      Maybe so ))))
  32. 128mgb
    6 July 2013 22: 47
    Quote: igor67

    Just today's news, but what else would you like to hear ?,

    And the fact that it is not the topic we write to your employment with other sites?
    P.S. Trepin, put minus the brothers.
    1. 0
      7 July 2013 00: 49
      Quote: 128mgb
      Quote: igor67

      Just today's news, but what else would you like to hear ?,

      And the fact that it is not the topic we write to your employment with other sites?
      P.S. Trepin, put minus the brothers.

      Everything that happens in the Middle East is interconnected, you yap yourself, learn the history of the last 50 years of relations between Syria and Egypt
  33. Xnumx kopeek
    6 July 2013 22: 55
    Quote: igor67
    Street battles in Egypt - at least 30 killed

    publication time: 08: 25
    last update: 08: 33-
    -Everyone got it-Even Pharaoh Amenhotep 4 jumped in a rage from the pyramid, with Kalash in his bony hands and with a cry-Well, let the same person sleep! wassat

    In Egypt, clashes continue between supporters of the Islamists and their opponents. As of the morning of July 6, the death toll reaches 30 people, Egyptian media reported.

    During the clashes in Alexandria, at least 13 people were killed and the number of injured exceeded 200, Al-Masri al-Yum reported, citing an ambulance service. One of those killed died in the Sidi Gaber quarter when he climbed onto the roof of a building, planted an Egyptian flag there and began shouting insults at former President Muhammad Morsi. The Islamists followed him to the roof, stabbed him several times and threw him from the height of the sixth floor.

    In collisions, not only edged weapons are used. In a district of Cairo adjacent to Tahrir Square, early morning on July 6, Islamists opened indiscriminate fire from machine guns, resulting in at least four deaths.

    Egyptian security forces continue to detain leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist organization. On the night of July 6, police arrested the deputy chairman of the movement, Hayrat al-Shater, and his brother, Egyptian Interior Ministry sources said. It should be noted that rumors about the arrest of al-Shater had been received earlier, but did not receive confirmation. Saad al-Qatani, the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, also remains in custody.

    Sources in the Freedom and Justice Party said that 17 supporters of the Islamist movement were among those killed in the night clashes, Al-Arabiya TV reported.

    The deputy chairman of the party, Isam al-Ariani, said at a rally in Cairo that the Islamists refuse to cooperate with the new regime, which they consider illegitimate. Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood promise to continue to rally until Muhammad Mursi is reinstated as president.

    Recall that after massive anti-government demonstrations, the Egyptian army demanded that President Muhammad Mursi conclude an agreement with the opposition. After the refusal, the military announced that Mursi had been removed from office and arrested. A wave of arrests of leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist organization swept across the country.
  34. +7
    7 July 2013 00: 33
    -Assad, we pray for you! Crush all these cockroaches without any mercy so that they do not run to us.
  35. Xnumx kopeek
    7 July 2013 01: 35
    Quote: igor67
    Quote: 128mgb
    Quote: igor67

    Just today's news, but what else would you like to hear ?,

    And the fact that it is not the topic we write to your employment with other sites?
    P.S. Trepin, put minus the brothers.

    Everything that happens in the Middle East is interconnected, you yap yourself, learn the history of the last 50 years of relations between Syria and Egypt
    - "in Baghdad" everything was beating calmly, until the Jews came. So Vee rule.
  36. +7
    7 July 2013 02: 10
    Literate speech, clear and clear arguments, confidence in victory and unbroken spirit.
    With all my heart I wish Assad and the Syrian people a speedy victory over a bunch of international evil.
  37. Xnumx kopeek
    7 July 2013 03: 31
    Quote: Beck
    Quote: elenagromova
    Let your envy silently.

    What a normal person will be jealous of someone who pours the blood of his people for the sake of personal power. (If you do not consider the rebels, then the blood of the dead for Assad is also abundant).

    In normal countries, a normal politician in a political crisis resigns. And society holds new Elections. If Assad had held elections two years ago, then those thousands of people who died for his personal power would have been alive. And in the elections, they would not give their lives for Assad, but their votes.

    Another victim of a zombie boy with Foxnews - Does Assad eat the liver of the enemy? - Or cut off the heads of priests? - "rebels" --.... foreign mokrushniki - "rebels" -? - you bonehead
    1. Beck
      7 July 2013 09: 03
      Quote: 20 kopeek
      another one zombie victim with Foxnews

      What is Foxnews?

      My worldview was formed in the pre-Internet era. So, the fact that I am posting here is read books, magazines in paper format, processed by my mind, and not Internet links and sites.

      Quote: 20 kopeek
      Does Assad eat the liver of the enemy? -Or cut off the heads of the priests? - "rebels" --.... foreign mokrushniki - "rebels" -? - you bonehead

      Assad certainly does not eat a person’s liver. He is not a Bokass cannibal, he is smaller, but from the same cohort of dictators. In Syria, some inadequate eat the liver, others inadequate, on the other hand, strip the dead body with knives. And they also showed it.

      Two years ago there was no orthodox suture in Syria. And if Assad had held the elections then, this trash would not have come running.
      1. Che
        7 July 2013 09: 24
        Beck is not so simple as it seems to you, on BV amers with NATO have seen such things, the blood of innocents flowed like a river. Here are the true breeding grounds for infection. That's whose fault. And your plate is stuck, from a bad head to a healthy knock. The people follow Assad - that means they believe him.
        1. Beck
          7 July 2013 23: 44
          Quote: Che
          Beck is not so simple as it seems to you, on BV amers with NATO have seen such things, the blood of innocents flowed like a river.

          Yeah. To put everything on the shelves, there is not enough space. But I will try briefly.

          Axiom - The world has developed and is developing unevenly. Some regions are pulling ahead, while others are lagging behind.

          The Middle East in all aspects of human activity is among the lagging regions. Around the world, the era of monarchies and kings has passed. In the second half of the 20th century in civilized countries, the fashion of dictators has sunk into oblivion.

          The Middle East, until recently, lived either under kings or under dictators. But in the era of globalization and the development of the media, the people of BV wanted to live in a modern way. Hence the wave of displacements of kings and dictators and the establishment of elected authorities. The turn will reach the king of Saudi Arabia and the sheikhs of Qatar and Bahrain. When, no one knows. After all, no one is planning this. It is the peoples themselves who must say their word. But it will happen sooner or later. This will be an anachronism if the royal or dictatorial powers are preserved in the 22nd century.
          1. +2
            8 July 2013 00: 06
            Quote: Beck
            But in the era of globalization and the development of the media, the people of BV wanted to live in a modern way. Hence the wave of displacements of kings and dictators and the establishment of elected authorities.
            Explain, you know the role of Qatar in Syrian affairs. Qatar autocrat, who, suicide or fool? Where did he get this frantic altruism from helping the people of the Middle East?
            1. Beck
              8 July 2013 00: 28
              Quote: Thunderbolt
              Explain, you know the role of Qatar in Syrian affairs. Qatar autocrat, who, suicide or fool? Where did he get this frantic altruism from helping the people of the Middle East?

              So how do I know. History shows that kings and dictators, as a social group, are most susceptible, tens and hundreds of times more than other groups, to tyranny attacks based on unlimited, uncontrolled, one-man power.
              1. +2
                8 July 2013 00: 47
                Quote: Beck
                tyranny which is based on unlimited, not knotroliruemoy, sole power.
                Here you are right. The unique power of jihad, which is personified by radical combat groups, the mouthpiece of Al-Jazeera, and the electorate, is the humiliated and insulted peoples of the East. Moreover, this phenomenon successfully coincides with the will of the so-called. The World Community. And they have complete consensus on Iran, although power in Iran cannot be called illegitimate.
                1. Beck
                  8 July 2013 03: 28
                  Quote: Thunderbolt
                  The unique power of jihad, the embodiment of which are radical militant groups, the mouthpiece is Al-Jazeera, and the electorate is the humiliated and insulted peoples of the east.

                  Do not overdo it. You asked a question about the king, and now you switched to organizations. Al Qaeda, Jihad is not a king, sheikh or imamm.

                  Are you a strong believer if you consider religious authority in Iran the norm? Any religious authority is evil. And history has shown it - the Crusades of Christianity, the Gazavat of Islam. In the Middle Ages, the power was for the most part with the clergy and you, which is not enough 5 million "witches", women who were married at the stake in the west and who knows how many sunk in ice holes in the east.

                  Ayatols of Iran are Orthodox to the core. And they are pulling Iranian society back into the Middle Ages. Morsi also wanted to bring the Muslim Brotherhood to the same power in Egypt, but the Egyptian people said no.

                  (But in a terrible way not the people, these are all evil amers, for some reason they removed their protege, who was put in place just a year ago. And in general, listen to the urashniks like this, and if the cow has crap, then only by the evil will of the amers. And the "Big Bang" didn't do without amers )
                  1. +1
                    8 July 2013 05: 21
                    Quote: Beck
                    You asked a question about the king, and now you switched to organizations.
                    When the "shop" in Chechnya was closed in Qatar, the notorious terrorist Z. Yandarbiev settled with several hundred militants, and there is nothing surprising in this, since K. is the main sponsor of Sunni terrorists. Imagine where Qatar is and where the Philippines is ... but no, and tranches reach there. However, I am wildly sorry, because the word TERRORISM is not from your vocabulary, but in B.V. there is a national liberation war in Iraq, then you read the news --- every day something good happens (in TNT equivalent), life is getting better in Libya --- of course, it is already much better there than under the Dictator, but as they say , still work and work ...
                    Quote: Beck
                    Are you a strong believer if you consider religious authority in Iran to be the norm? Any religious authority is evil.
                    Well then, the United States is no less evil (because their president swears on the Bible laughing ) Strength of tradition, you say, and I agree with you. So why taking the country that unleashed the most military conflicts as the standard, do you refuse other countries to be original and independent?
                    Quote: Beck
                    Morsi also wanted to bring the Muslim Brotherhood to the same power in Egypt, but the Egyptian people said no.
                    You are clearly in a hurry until only the 2nd act, but in this "play", as it should be, there are 5 parts. Egypt is in a dire economic situation and the latest shocks will not contribute to stabilization (as if the Egyptians do not click through the Suez Canal bully )
                    Quote: Beck
                    "Big Bang" couldn't do without amers
                    Yes, I do not like Americans. During the Cold War, we were fierce enemies, and now the USSR is not and a beautiful word has appeared-GLOBALIZATION fellow You see, Beck, if Exxon Mobil wants a gas pipeline from Qatar to Europe, if Qatar provides full support to the "Syrian rebels", and you explain this tyranny, then I explained .. the truth without any hope of understanding, but this is not the main thing. Z.Z. I give the picture, you can put it on the computer screen saver (meditate for 3 hours a day laughing ).
          2. +1
            8 July 2013 12: 58
            Quote: Beck
            This will be an anachronism if the royal or dictatorial powers are preserved in the 22nd century.

            Urgently democratize England. Organize a no-fly zone and hollow to a hair dryer.
            1. Beck
              8 July 2013 14: 24
              Quote: Sandov
              Urgently democratize England. Organize a no-fly zone and hollow to a hair dryer.

              Do you jerk or really do you drum or ignorance the difference between the constitutional monarchy and the absolute monarchy. ?

              In England, the constitutional monarchy. The Queen has no power and performs only representative functions, like an honorary president. All power is with the prime minister and parliament.

              But the kings of Saudi Arabia, Jordan are absolute monarchs, they have all the power. This also includes the sheikhs of Qatar, Bahrain.
          3. Che
            8 July 2013 18: 24
            Quote: Beck
            When, no one knows. After all, no one is planning this.

            You believe in it, everything is planned in the quiet of the rooms with cool air conditioners. Naturally overseas and in Europe.
  38. Xnumx kopeek
    7 July 2013 10: 08
    Quote: Beck
    Quote: 20 kopeek
    another one zombie victim with Foxnews

    What is Foxnews?

    My worldview was formed in the pre-Internet era. So, the fact that I am posting here is read books, magazines in paper format, processed by my mind, and not Internet links and sites.

    Quote: 20 kopeek
    Does Assad eat the liver of the enemy? -Or cut off the heads of the priests? - "rebels" --.... foreign mokrushniki - "rebels" -? - you bonehead

    Assad certainly does not eat a person’s liver. He is not a Bokass cannibal, he is smaller, but from the same cohort of dictators. In Syria, some inadequate eat the liver, others inadequate, on the other hand, strip the dead body with knives. And they also showed it.

    Two years ago there was no orthodox suture in Syria. And if Assad had held the elections then, this trash would not have come running.

    -Foxhews? -Eto American TV analogue of the Soviet newspaper True in comm. epokhu.Ryadovoy yank learns the news from foxes n .-- / name im-legion / -
    -Not only your self-awareness has formed in the pre-international. epoch, some here are the same age as dinosaurs.
    What is Assad "dictator"? What do you know about S.? As much as about Libya, I bet. / Syria-Libya-Bolivia-Oia-Oia --- so similar / .- So these "dictators" were able to build their people a decent life. And give a chance to thousands of foreigners. specialists to work in the country for decades. - Let's say Sweden - just Burkina Faso compared to Libya. / now beaten / - Also - Syria. - Moreover, S. is one of the bells and whistles of Orthodoxy / this is an empty sound for many / --- Is it not clear that the religion. squabbles inflate the special services? / CIA-Mossad / -As one ex-Tsrushnik admitted- "CIA made 60 coups in 50 years of existence" / coups, springs of all colors, etc. / ---- So / resume / Wee or badly "processed" Old, or you have prejudices. And that's another story.
  39. +3
    7 July 2013 10: 20
    I agree if the majority of the people in Syria would not support Assad in a month would be overthrown .. Syria is almost opposed to almost the whole world (NATO) .. already what year! Russia politically covers it from attacks, well, it supplies weapons with food..We are doing all this legally !!! The Syrians stand to their deaths, knowing perfectly well that if anything they will start cutting everyone under the democratic cries of the whole world about "another victory of democracy" ..
  40. Xnumx kopeek
    7 July 2013 10: 29
    Quote: Beck
    Quote: 20 kopeek
    another one zombie victim with Foxnews

    What is Foxnews?

    My worldview was formed in the pre-Internet era. So, the fact that I am posting here is read books, magazines in paper format, processed by my mind, and not Internet links and sites.

    Quote: 20 kopeek
    Does Assad eat the liver of the enemy? -Or cut off the heads of the priests? - "rebels" --.... foreign mokrushniki - "rebels" -? - you bonehead

    Assad certainly does not eat a person’s liver. He is not a Bokass cannibal, he is smaller, but from the same cohort of dictators. In Syria, some inadequate eat the liver, others inadequate, on the other hand, strip the dead body with knives. And they also showed it.

    Two years ago there was no orthodox suture in Syria. And if Assad had held the elections then, this trash would not have come running.

    - you don't seem to know that half, if not more, of the "rebels" are zabugornie mercenaries. Even the Chechens have noted there. - Or are we sculpting a hunchback against the wall? request
    1. Beck
      7 July 2013 23: 03
      Quote: 20 kopeek
      -Foxhews? -Eto American TV analogue of the Soviet newspaper True in comm. epokhu.Ryadovoy yank learns the news from foxes n .-- / name im-legion / -

      Why are you breaking the language? Feeling like a youngster.

      Quote: 20 kopeek
      - you don't seem to know that half, if not more, of the "rebels" are zabugornie mercenaries. Even the Chechens have noted there. - Or are we sculpting a hunchback against the wall?

      That week, or the year before last, here on the website page laid out the loss of an orthodox seam running into Syria in two years. In general, the number of their losses is 8,5% of the 90 thousand dead in Syria in two years. Roughly 10 thousand, from here the Syrians themselves died in two years 80 thousand.

      Usually the death toll from warring is the same. That is, of the 100% warring, only 8,5% are orthodox. The rest are Syrians on both sides.

      So, that you are not sculpting, that the orthodox there are half or more. Just to blurt out loudly.
      1. +2
        8 July 2013 00: 23
        "Usually the death toll from the combatants is the same. That is, out of 100% of the combatants, only 8,5% are Orthodox. The rest of the Syrians are on both sides."

        At 10% the army and the orthodox, the rest were cut out by the orthodox.

        To All: Learn to make a person’s brains, and you’ll all be a Cap, Cap.
  41. essenger
    7 July 2013 11: 04
    Assad go away.
    1. Che
      7 July 2013 11: 31
      Let him first cleanse the country of rats and leave with a sense of accomplishment. And the well-known amerskoe "Assad must leave" is simply amusing - squalor.
      1. +1
        7 July 2013 21: 13
        Quote: Che
        Let him first cleanse the country of rats and leave with a sense of accomplishment. And the well-known amerskoe "Assad must leave" is simply amusing - squalor.

        It is unlikely to leave, even if it gathers - the people will not give. people BELIEVE in him. That is why they fight, "not sparing their belly." And his strength of spirit and ideological spirit can only be envied. The man is made of steel, and the steel is of the highest standard, one cannot bend or split.
    2. +2
      8 July 2013 00: 30
      "Assad go away."

      He would have left, but you obviously will not fail for the people of Syria.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  42. Xnumx kopeek
    7 July 2013 11: 12
    Quote: Essenger
    Assad go away.
    - "When leaving, turn off the light. The fine is 3 rubles."
  43. +4
    7 July 2013 14: 34
    "For the first time, we should call a suicide bomber - the one who destroyed a large part of Assad's cabinet - a martyr." Former Chief of Staff of Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon Keith Urban.
  44. sergey261180
    7 July 2013 19: 19
    Bad news from Syria.
    Annews Agency reports hit from the top into the Syrian BMP missiles. Most likely it was either Javelin or Spike.
    1. Che
      8 July 2013 18: 18
      Rejoice in the rat! The rat king from Fashington supported you. Man-eaters armed to the teeth, will merge amers Israel however. After all, everything is nearby.
    2. +1
      8 July 2013 22: 29
      "Bad news from Syria.
      Annews reports that a missile hit the Syrian BMP from above. Most likely it was either Javelin or Spike. "

      Some kind of strange rockets. Why Syrian traffic cops allow vehicles to exit without a fire extinguisher, a netting to help them.
  45. +2
    7 July 2013 22: 21
    Beirut Observer reports new details about the strike of Syrian aircraft on a convoy with American weapons on June 29.

    The Beirut Observer, citing “insiders on the Syrian Air Force’s command,” claims that Chinese intelligence provided Syrians with information to destroy the American rebel convoy.

    Air Force aircraft attacked the convoy immediately after it was in Syria.

    The column followed from Jordan. It is believed that the rebels intended to deliver anti-aircraft missile systems and anti-tank missiles.
  46. +2
    7 July 2013 22: 47

    Quote: Beck
    Two years ago there was no orthodox suture in Syria. And if Assad had held the elections then, this trash would not have come running.

    That's right that he did not, he is a sober person. Everyone knows about the ability of the United States to manipulate public opinion in countries for which
    they exert pressure. For example, if Italians send mattresses to ...,
    there will definitely be a "pasta revolution" lol . That set
    Orthodox trash. I hope NATO will not reach direct aggression, as it was
    recently with Libya and Iraq, with the help of Russia. If you stand it can safely
    to hold elections.
  47. HF
    8 July 2013 00: 32
    Quote: Beck
    Quote: elenagromova
    Let your envy silently.

    What a normal person will be jealous of someone who pours the blood of his people for the sake of personal power. (If you do not consider the rebels, then the blood of the dead for Assad is also abundant).

    In normal countries, a normal politician in a political crisis resigns. And society holds new Elections. If Assad had held elections two years ago, then those thousands of people who died for his personal power would have been alive. And in the elections, they would not give their lives for Assad, but their votes.

    Do you seriously take what has happened and is happening in Syria by the crisis? If so, then sorry ...
    1. Tykta
      8 July 2013 12: 37
      scoundrels, they are such that they supposedly do not notice obvious things
    2. Beck
      8 July 2013 14: 33
      Quote: KV
      Do you seriously take what has happened and is happening in Syria by the crisis? If so, then sorry.

      You that do not understand the word crisis. This word has meaning to everything negative. A crisis can be called and then in the cellar and world war. World war is also a crisis in relations between leading countries.

      And why are you sorry? There is, on the site, communication of strangers. Everyone expresses his opinion. And why regret or not regret someone else's opinion. It can only be perceived or not perceived. And then, I'm kind of sorry that you prefer light brown to dark brown. It's a pity to spit and grind.
  48. Tykta
    8 July 2013 02: 22
    An extremely sensible and collected person, Bashar al-Assad carefully read his interview, how tactfully and carefully he chooses expressions and at the same time does not lose his face calling a spade a spade. I have not seen such qualitative views on problems from politicians for a long time, Bashar al-Assad for me entered the degree of authority of opinion, perhaps the top five cleverest and most perspicacious politicians in modern history and I think that he has become so uncomfortable figure for the Western world that his physical destruction goes to the first plan for the world elite. The coup d'etat failed, everyone in the West understands this first of all, and now they can solve this problem only by eliminating Assad physically, but if this happens, then the status of international law, the legally elected president, will be violated, although Gaddafi was also ...
  49. Alexandr2510
    8 July 2013 09: 27
    Hold on Assad! soldier
  50. Xnumx kopeek
    8 July 2013 09: 50
    Quote: Beck
    Quote: Thunderbolt
    The unique power of jihad, the embodiment of which are radical militant groups, the mouthpiece is Al-Jazeera, and the electorate is the humiliated and insulted peoples of the east.

    Do not overdo it. You asked a question about the king, and now you switched to organizations. Al Qaeda, Jihad is not a king, sheikh or imamm.

    Are you a strong believer if you consider religious authority in Iran the norm? Any religious authority is evil. And history has shown it - the Crusades of Christianity, the Gazavat of Islam. In the Middle Ages, the power was for the most part with the clergy and you, which is not enough 5 million "witches", women who were married at the stake in the west and who knows how many sunk in ice holes in the east.

    Ayatols of Iran are Orthodox to the core. And they are pulling Iranian society back into the Middle Ages. Morsi also wanted to bring the Muslim Brotherhood to the same power in Egypt, but the Egyptian people said no.

    (But in a terrible way not the people, these are all evil amers, for some reason they removed their protege, who was put in place just a year ago. And in general, listen to the urashniks like this, and if the cow has crap, then only by the evil will of the amers. And the "Big Bang" didn't do without amers )

    -all got it-and the crusaders, and the ayatollahs, and the Papuans. Monsieur familiar with the concept of "Zionofascism"? well, the mild version - "Judeo-Americanism" -? - Of course not.
    -Thank you-laughed at 5 mill witches //// wassat /// and above the ice-holes in the east, this is a masterpiece at all. Yes, sometimes the Jordan River freezes. Here's another "Holocaust" to mention from your entire "gentleman's set".
  51. Owl
    8 July 2013 11: 07
    Quote: professor
    Quote: elenagromova
    Exactly. He commanded a tank battalion. Then he headed the Guard. this is not "bibi" for you. Let your envy in silence.

    Well, right Arkady Gaidar in the 15th regiment commander. laughing Papa Assad Bashar could present a division at the age of 15. But what is he worth? That is the question.

    What Assad is worth, he has been successfully showing to the whole world for more than two years. And the West is furious about this. I understand that Assad is like a bone in Israel’s throat, but you’d better look for the specks in your own eyes, fortunately, there’s a whole trash heap of them there.
    1. 0
      8 July 2013 23: 01
      Quote: Owl

      What Assad is worth, he has been successfully showing to the whole world for more than two years. And the West is furious about this. I understand that Assad is like a bone in Israel’s throat, but you’d better look for the specks in your own eyes, fortunately, there’s a whole trash heap of them there.

      The professor is wrong (IMHO). Bashar gave Israel the absence of the threat of a conventional, big war from the North, well, for 20 years, and that’s if one of the parties in the Syrian meat grinder wins by next year. If there is a civil war there next year, then Syria will generally slide down to the level of Sudan.
    2. 0
      10 July 2013 15: 51
      I completely agree with you.
  52. 0
    8 July 2013 22: 53
    Military columnist for the Haaretz newspaper Amir Oren reports on the IDF General Staff's plans to strengthen the Syrian border. Oren writes: “The only thing that unites Assad and the Syrian rebels is their desire to harm Israel by any means. This forced Chief of Staff Benny Gantz to think about updating the command and control structure on the Syrian sector of the border.”
    Gantz intends to create a new division to control the Golan Heights. The 36th Armored Division is currently deployed there, one of two in the IDF. The Golani brigade and several regular and reservist brigades are also deployed there. Ganz was the commander of the 10th Division and the Northern District for 36 years. He believes it is time for change.
    Gantz's plan calls for deploying the 366th Reserve Division (which fought in the Yom Kippur War as the 210th Division) and turning it into a regional division - the backbone of the Golan defense. In this case, the local logistics department will be transferred to the division command, which will have to prepare the population of Katzrin and other settlements for mortar attacks from Syrian territory. It is expected that both Assad loyalists and Jabhat al-Nusra jihadists, who have vowed to “liberate the Golan,” will resort to such attacks.
    Gantz understands that a repeat of the ’73 scenario – a massive tank attack from Syria – should not be expected in the coming years. From the point of view of the Israeli military command, the Syrian army has ceased to pose a serious military threat. This was demonstrated by the Syrians' failure to respond to three Israeli bombings in January and May 2013. According to reports in the Arab press, military warehouses in Latakia, which were storing newly received advanced weapons, were destroyed on July 5, possibly as a result of an Israeli strike.
    Israeli generals, however, do not want to be caught off guard by a terrorist war in the Golan. The establishment of a regional divisional command in the Golan will allow us to better prepare for any eventuality. There is only one thing that can prevent Gantz’s plan: the severe budget cuts currently being implemented by the government. The organization of the new division will require 200 million shekels. Oren, however, is confident that if Gantz demands, the funds will be allocated.
  53. Herr_Kaput
    9 July 2013 17: 36
    I don’t trust this president, who inherited power from the pope. I'm afraid we will have the same scenario in Belarus. Lukashenko will transfer power to his eldest son, and he will drown the country in blood trying to retain power.
    1. +2
      10 July 2013 15: 55
      Each person, of course, has his own opinion, I will not get into polemics, but behind Assad there are people who are for him.
  54. The comment was deleted.