There are no impossible tasks for us ...

The guest of the next release of the Military Council program, which goes to Ekho Moskvy radio station and Zvezda TV channel, was Colonel Gennady YAGODKIN, the assistant commander of the Airborne Troops for physical training.

- Are there any cardinal differences in the physical training of airborne troops and representatives of other troops?

- Perhaps, there are no particular differences. After all, physical exercises for all troops are the same. Everywhere there are uniform standard regulatory documents. But at the same time, the physical training of paratroopers is based primarily on the specifics of their service, which requires special qualities from them. And further. Marines do physical exercises with a special psychological attitude, and the results are usually higher than others.

Our servicemen understand that these exercises will help them survive in various, including extremely difficult, extreme circumstances. Come to us for physical training exercises. What will you see? For example, a rookie soldier pulls up on a crossbar. Behind 5, 6, 7, 8 pull-ups ... It seems that everything can no longer, but he shouts: "For the Airborne Forces!" And this soldier stretches through "I can't" and at the same time he shouts: "For the Airborne Forces!" this is the main thing in the physical training of our soldiers.

- Recently, there have been many changes in the Armed Forces. More attention began to be paid to the physical training of servicemen. Did these changes affect the Airborne Forces?

- The basis of the new model of physical training, adopted in the Armed Forces three years ago, was just borrowed from the Airborne Forces. Our model is the most effective. This has been proven by various comprehensive checks. We have increased the number of hours allocated to physical training. Classes began to take place more often.

- And the Airborne Forces do not plan to take into account some weight criteria of the military? Suppose, relatively speaking, someone gained two clearly extra pounds, he is given six months to get rid of them. Six months later, they checked - they made a remark, and a year later, if the excess weight was not eliminated, dismissal ...

- I do not see the point. A person fulfills all the required standards. If he, with his weight, solves the task entrusted to him, then why dismiss him? The main thing in the army is the readiness to perform tasks for the intended purpose ... By the way, lately many officers have been dismissed due to non-compliance with the conditions of the contract for their physical condition. Work in this regard is very large.

- That is, on the one hand, monetary incentives for those who show good results in physical training. And on the other hand, if you don’t cope with the standards, wait for the dismissal ...

- Yes, that is right. If a soldier fails to comply with the standards stipulated in the contract, he is given five months to correct an unsatisfactory assessment. If during this period he was unable to correct it, to achieve the desired results, then the decision for the commander. But the approach to this is integrated, not without a hitch. After all, you never know for what reasons a soldier during this period could not fulfill these standards. There may be some disease. Moreover, diseases associated, for example, with participation in solving some special problems. But if a person, because of his laziness, does not want to practice regularly, because of indifference, he has a rating of “unsatisfactory”, he is simply taken outside the Armed Forces.

Today, the task is to master military-applied sports as widely as possible. In our troops, we hold a lot of competitions. First on the scale of the company, the battalion, then on the scale of the unit. Competitions on military-applied types develop special qualities that are necessary in a combat situation.

“Soldiers who begin conscription service are ordinary young men who have been selected by military registration and enlistment offices.” How are they with physical training at the very beginning of the service?

- Unfortunately, the level of physical fitness of the guys who just came from the “citizen” and beginners of the service is so low that we have to put them on the wing for the first six months, if I may say so. It takes a lot of time to bring the results of many of them at least to the three, to ensure that they simply become physically strong and ready to perform official tasks. In this case, we do not talk about sports. We talk more about military-applied sports, talking about contract servicemen. Now many parts are switching to full acquisition by contract. And we are planning an experiment in one of these parts. It will consist in that contract servicemen were engaged not just in physical training, but namely in military-applied sports. Let's see what happens ...

Physical training in the form in which it exists today is good just for the young people who come to us for a year of service. It is necessary for these young men to improve, slightly pump up, raise the level of their skills and endurance ... Already on regular morning exercises, the foundation of their future physical health is laid. They are held six times a week for 50 minutes. In all parts of the 100 Airborne Forces, the percentage of conscripts is provided with sportswear. They have good sports shoes, modern sportswear. Dressed, shod - and you can begin to exercise. And when a person begins to exercise, then their qualities, their level of physical fitness raises to a certain level and maintains on it. In parallel, there are also training sessions in combat training, in which a soldier in sports shoes, of course, no longer walks. He is wearing military shoes on them. And gradually, without losing physical qualities, a person gets used to this shoe. Doing exercises in military uniform, the so-called exercises that characterize military applied skills, does not begin immediately ...

I will give an example. I was the head of the department of the Ryazan School. And I had a constant problem: we recruit cadets with decent physical results, we go through a period of general military training, conduct control classes and see a drop in the level of physical fitness somewhere on 30 – 40 percent. We decided to conduct an experiment. In August, charging, training sessions began to be held in sports form, not in the military. And as a result, the level of physical training in the guys remained the same. We did not raise it in the young men during this period, but he remained at the same level as he was when they came to us. This experiment convinced: due to the fact that the young men had unusual military shoes, they did not have the opportunity to show good results. At least those that they were capable of.

- The basis of charge is running?

- Yes. Then there are training sessions. They are held daily before lunch. Twice a week in the evening we set aside an hour for sports mass work. On Sundays, as a rule, various competitions in military-applied sports are planned. Such is our model of physical training.

On the charge, we do not complete the exercises, but the complexes of hand-to-hand combat. Still, this is the Airborne Forces, so more attention is paid to these complexes. Of course, any occupation, any charging begins with the construction. If it is possible, then on a part scale. Mandatory - musical accompaniment. And this is necessarily the songs that glorify the Airborne Forces. There is no other way ... The personality must develop harmoniously. We pay great attention to the crossbar, and overcoming obstacles, and hand-to-hand combat. The main focus of the Airborne Forces is on the development of such qualities as endurance. After all, how in combat conditions? The man puts on a bulletproof vest, helmet, ammunition, takes a dry bag, as it should be, on the 3 of the day. And with all this cargo, try to go 10 kilometers at a pace ... And we are preparing our servicemen for this. To achieve the result is not easy. Through sweat, blood, thanks to the will, character ...

In our country today there are many different military-patriotic clubs, cadet classes, in which children are trained specifically for service in the Airborne Forces. As a rule, their graduates come to us, becoming a kind of elite of draft youth.

- A lot of those?

- Approximately 10 – 15 percent of the total number of recruits.

- What concept do you teach hand-to-hand combat today?

- There is such a thing - “army hand-to-hand combat”. It is based on practicing strikes, protective actions. Hand-to-hand combat, we consider as a means of moral and psychological education. The main goal - the formation of self-confidence. Let's not fool ourselves: for the year of an excellent hand-to-hand fighting fighter, we will not bring up. It takes years. But to strengthen the will, character, I think, there is just enough year.

By the way, the fourth year cadet of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelova Denis Koshkarov became the champion of the Russian Federation in the army hand-to-hand combat. The tournament was held in Moscow on the basis of CSKA. The cadet paratrooper won the title of champion in the most prestigious weight category over 85 kilograms.

In total, 20 teams of martial arts masters from different regions of Russia: Dagestan, South Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Zabaykalsky Krai, Sverdlovsk, Samara, Belgorod regions took part in these competitions ... The paratroopers won the second place in the team event.

June 23 in the Ryazan School held solemn events dedicated to the 132 graduation of young officers. The official part of the celebration began with the ringing of the bells of the Church of the Holy Blessed Prince of the Passion-Bearers Boris and Gleb. About 350 graduates, including 50 representatives of the armed forces of foreign countries, received diplomas of the higher military educational institution and the military rank of lieutenant. For the first time among graduates were 13 female lieutenants. Of the four medalists - one girl. According to the established tradition, undergraduates conducted demonstrative classes on the school's parade ground, demonstrating to relatives and friends the skills of using special weapons and techniques of army hand-to-hand combat.

Upon completion of the holidays, most of the young officers will occupy primary positions in the airborne (assault landing) formations deployed in various regions of the Russian Federation. Others will be sent for further service to the air assault brigades of military districts and special-purpose units.

- In physical training, the Airborne Troops, both private and non-commissioned officers, and officers, were always at the level of ...

- It has always been so. So be sure, and continue. From 17 to June 23, for example, the Armed Forces Parachuting Championship was held on the basis of the 106 Airborne Division. This championship is held annually on the basis of one of the airborne (amphibious assault) formations of the Airborne Forces. This year the competitions were held at the landing site "Klokovo", on the basis of the Tula airborne unit. The competition involved 80 people. Parachutist teams represented military districts, types of the Armed Forces and the armed forces, as well as departments and organizations that cultivate parachuting.

The Airborne Forces personnel made parachute jumps with the Malva-24 parachute system, which already proved itself well when performing exercises on landing accuracy. Additional controls on this system allow you to maneuver in height and withstand strong wind. 18 competitions were judged by highly qualified referees with the help of special automatic counting and television equipment. The championship program was compiled in accordance with the standards of the International Council of Military Sports. It included individual and group jumps for landing accuracy from a height of 900 – 1.100 m and individual acrobatic jumps from a height of 2.200 m.

The airborne troops were represented by the 40 best paratrooper athletes serving in various units and formations of the airborne forces. 12 of them are reigning world and European champions. The main result of the competition was the acquisition of the national team of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in the European and World Championships under the auspices of the International Council of Military Sports and the International aviation federation.

Today, military service without physical training, physical improvement of personnel is not conceived. And especially in the Airborne Forces.
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  1. Bokdan1700
    29 June 2013 15: 06
    Airborne Forces ALWAYS FAMOUS for their physical fitness, which by the way cannot be replaced by any innovative technique! All military personnel (and reserve) should strive for such training!
    1. +8
      29 June 2013 15: 15
      Physical training + technical training + innovative technology = formula for success.
      1. FATEMOGAN
        29 June 2013 15: 47
        Quote: Tarpon
        Physical training + technical training + innovative technology = formula for success.

        and here ... bully
        1. +2
          29 June 2013 17: 39
          laughing good +++++++ !!!!
    2. 0
      29 June 2013 17: 10
      Retired soldiers empty also seek.
  2. +2
    29 June 2013 15: 23
    Brand Airborne twist.
  3. +3
    29 June 2013 15: 31
    For a paratrooper, physical fitness is the foundation of the foundation. But there are troops in the Russian armed forces, engineering and technical direction. Basically, these are officers who "fight" with buttons, toggle switches. This is where problems appear. And physically everyone should be strong. To increase the incentive in physical fitness, there was a decision to deprive the servicemen of the bonus if they do not fulfill the established standards for physical fitness. As a retired military man, I do not welcome such an incentive system. But working in a young officer's collective (headquarters), I see that young people are carried away by simulators, sports games, wrestling. Thus, the consciousness comes that the whole army should be strong and healthy, and not just the Airborne Forces.
    1. +2
      29 June 2013 16: 48
      Quote: Ivanovich47
      To increase the incentive in physical fitness, there was a decision to deprive the bonus of military personnel if they do not fulfill the established standards for physical training.

      These standards are not that high (we are talking about the engineering and technical staff). For warriors pushing buttons and toggle switches, the back muscle corset and the muscles that control the fingers (speed and accuracy of movements) are very important. Also for computer scientists such a disease as "tennis elbow" is typical. In short, if we do not systematically do something - sciatica, numbness of the legs, ........., write-off due to illness. For this category, exercises with weights are important, and volleyball, basketball, tennis for fine motor skills of the hands.
  4. +1
    29 June 2013 16: 08
    . To increase the incentive in physical fitness, there was a decision to deprive the bonus of military personnel if they do not fulfill the established standards for physical training. As a retired military man, I do not welcome such an incentive system.
    Well, if you don’t pass the DIDO award deprivation now, the wording seems to me wild - they give you an award for conscientious performance of official duties, it turns out that someone has not been given an official inconsistency, it would be much easier to not divide the salary into bonuses. I didn’t surrender, immediately the inconsistency in the position and either lower or dismiss.
  5. +1
    29 June 2013 17: 10
    Somehow I got acquainted with the principles of General Physical Training at potential US adversaries.
    The difference is this: we have consistently high standards. On the one hand - "Always ready". Minus, at the peak of physical capabilities, it is impossible to be constantly, either a decline or wear and tear of the body is inevitable (you cannot fly constantly on afterburner). They have: the norms are lower, but during the onset of hostilities (intelligence, analysts), the norms increase sharply. Depending on the proposed theaters of military operations - desert, jungle, ...... Emphasis is placed on certain muscle groups. Desert - legs, endurance. Jungle - the strength of the upper shoulder girdle. There is a reasonable grain. For conscripts, high standards are good, but for the officer corps, rest is necessary for the body (vacation does not count) And planned recovery, bath, medicines, physiotherapy. How interesting it is now. Bath, vodka on health without science?
    1. 0
      29 June 2013 17: 16
      at the peak of physical abilities it’s constantly impossible
      Well, this is clear as twice two, only talking about army physical training and not about professional sports. Do you have 15 pull-ups and 5 km cross-country service, was it considered exhausting training?

      Desert - legs, stamina. Jungle - the power of the upper shoulder girdle
      where have you been taught this?
      1. +1
        29 June 2013 21: 27
        Quote: Gleb
        you have 15 pull-ups and 5 km cross-country service, was it considered exhausting training?

        We are talking about the Airborne Forces are not conscripts, there is not only pulled up, cross but the entire testing complex. Power complexes, obstacle courses. Do you want to say these norms like two fingers and then stay at that level how not to do horseradish?
        Standards testing for physical fitness
        Candidates for serving in OMSN, OMON

        The sequence of the exercises.

        Cross - distance of 3000 meters in a time not exceeding 11.45 seconds.
        Pulling - hanging on straight arms, grip on top. For candidates whose own weight exceeds 95 kg, this exercise can be replaced by lifting a barbell weighing 50 kg for biceps - 10 times.
        Jumping up - jumping up from a position in the "crouch stop" with a change of legs.
        Push-up - flexion and extension of the arms in focus while lying face to the floor.
        Press - lifting the torso from a supine position, arms behind your head.
        “Army Spring” - bending and unbending legs from a stop lying down facing the floor at a stop crouching.
        For admission to the OMON or OMN, the total score must be at least 375.

        Appendix № 9
        to the Manual on the organization of the use of forces and means of special units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation during special operations (events)
        Standards testing for physical fitness
        Candidates for serving in OMSN, OMON

        The sequence of the exercises.

        Cross - distance of 3000 meters in a time not exceeding 11.45 seconds.
        Pulling - hanging on straight arms, grip on top. For candidates whose own weight exceeds 95 kg, this exercise can be replaced by lifting a barbell weighing 50 kg for biceps - 10 times.
        Jumping up - jumping up from a position in the "crouch stop" with a change of legs.
        Push-up - flexion and extension of the arms in focus while lying face to the floor.
        Press - lifting the torso from a supine position, arms behind your head.
        “Army Spring” - bending and unbending legs from a stop lying down facing the floor at a stop crouching.
        For admission to the OMON or OMN, the total score must be at least 375.

        Appendix № 9
        to the Manual on the organization of the use of forces and means of special units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation during special operations (events)
        Quote: Gleb
        at the peak of physical abilities it’s constantly impossible
        Well, this is clear as twice two, only talking about army physical training and not about professional sports. Do you have 15 pull-ups and 5 km cross-country service, was it considered exhausting training?

        Desert - legs, stamina. Jungle - the power of the upper shoulder girdle
        where have you been taught this?

        I can search the papers but the principle is this. Physical training is my profile, I do not need to prove anything. Sincerely.
        1. +1
          29 June 2013 21: 47
          Quote: Bort Radist
          you have 15 pull-ups and 5 km cross-country service, was it considered exhausting training?

          So I found what I wanted, the presence of microcycles.
          384. When preparing for tactical exercises or military operations in two to three weeks, the content of physical training classes includes: 5-15 km marching with an obstacle course, weapon attack techniques, paired exercises in the form of training fights with weapons and improvised means, boxing. March throws are planned in all forms of physical fitness and are held every other day. Three to four days before the start of the exercise, physical education classes with high physical activity stop.

          For long periods of preparation for tactical exercises or military operations (up to two months), physical training classes are carried out in stages. At the first stage, the content of the classes includes: running 100, 400 m, 3 km and strength exercises; at the second stage - running for 3-5 km, overcoming an obstacle course and hand-to-hand combat; at the third stage - running 100, 400 m and hand-to-hand combat; at the fourth stage - 10-15 km march with overcoming an obstacle course and hand-to-hand fighting.

          At the end of the preparation period, control classes are conducted for the following exercises (table. 6).

          Table 6.

          Standards for control classes


          Preparation periods Up to 3 weeks Up to 2 months

          March-throw at 10 km (min., S) 56.00 54.30

          10 km march with overcoming an obstacle course (min., S)

          59.00 57.00

          15 km march (h: min)
          1: 50 1: 35

          Hand-to-hand fight

          Carry out 3 control fights. Carry out 6 control fights.
          1. +1
            29 June 2013 22: 04
            Here is the main thing
            421. The physical training of cadets of training centers of the Airborne Forces in anticipation of their participation in hostilities is being built taking into account the proposed theater of operations, its climatic and geographical features, as well as the specifics of conducting military operations by troops of a likely enemy.

            In the process of physical preparation the following tasks are solved:

            1. The phased formation of physical readiness for successful mastery of the basics of military specialty; increasing the level of physical fitness, ensuring the successful implementation of upcoming combat missions.

            2. Expansion of the adaptive capabilities of the body to action in unusual climatic and geographical conditions (hot and cold climate, wooded, marshy, mountainous and mountainous desert areas).

            In addition, the content of physical training should provide a high level of development of general endurance, strength and strength endurance of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and legs, static endurance of the muscles of the back and abdominals, speed endurance, as well as long-term walking skills on rough terrain with a large additional burden, overcoming natural and artificial obstacles, hand-to-hand combat with a numerically superior enemy.

            These are our instructions.
            1. -1
              29 June 2013 23: 57
              endurance of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and legs, static endurance of the muscles of the back and abdominals, speed endurance, as well as long-distance walking skills on rough terrain with a large additional load

              so what and where
              Desert - legs, stamina. Jungle - the power of the upper shoulder girdle
              you don’t need a back in the desert? and legs aren’t important in the jungle? I’m more than sure that you didn’t serve at all. "for training a fighter in the RF Armed Forces"
        2. 0
          29 June 2013 23: 47
          dear theorist, what are you throwing here? And where is the Cooper test when you are admitted to the special forces of the explosives? you are not even able to find information on the Airborne Forces.
          my profile, I do not need to prove anything
          yes, I see what kind of profile you have. keyboard theorist. to prove to you? you must answer for your words, I lived this for more than one year and what is considered for you "the impossibility of being at the peak", for any fighter of a normal unit "as two fingers "- from your words. 3 kilometers? in the Airborne Forces, and even more so in special forces, at least five kilometers every morning, it's just morning physical exercise. I'm not talking about classes.
          Pulling - hanging on straight arms, grip on top. For candidates whose own weight exceeds 95 kg, this exercise can be replaced
          you can’t even copy the number of repetitions and approaches for each exercise. you found it and threw it here. And this hochma is that if the fighter cannot pull himself up, then there’s a replacement with a barbell, don’t tell anyone. Write better about what you yourself saw and they won’t laugh at you like that.
          1. -1
            30 June 2013 22: 11
            Quote: Gleb
            Dear Theorist,

            I didn’t hear the answer, where did they serve? And leave the edifying tone for the boys. Your answers are not the topic. Rest, bored with you so painfully nervous.
            1. 0
              1 July 2013 01: 32
              I served as a senior pig at the pigsty (HF is classified)) and saw through the fence how the soldiers are doing. Yes, I won’t teach you about the tone (we are both Siberians and you are older than me). It’s just when a person takes and simply copies information for example from here
              what to talk about? if the training is really your profile, describe what you really did, and not what you’ve outlined at the department (or on the Internet). Take a real example from your experience, a specific unit (you understand that a reconnaissance and artilleryman are prepared by different program, it’s not about combined arms training) and you also copied a set of exercises for testing during employment in riot police.
              hi Good luck to you!
              1. 0
                1 July 2013 18: 11
                Quote: Gleb
                (we are both Siberians and you are older than me).

                Well, that's a different tone and you can talk. Gleb, I can’t stay on the site for many reasons, so with such interruptions. Both got excited, but youth has more fire wink . In principle, you wanted to prove to me the same thing that I spoke of. Let's stop there! soldier drinks
        3. 0
          30 June 2013 00: 27
          For candidates whose own weight exceeds 95 kg, this exercise can be replaced
          and take a note, don’t compare riot policemen with their specifics (there are at least 150 kg there, let them weigh the doors to forehead) and paratroopers, where the legs, endurance is the main thing. and in a normal unit you will never have excess weight. I’m not talking about jumping. when, in addition to its own weight, a canopy with a spare wheel and the weight of equipment are taken into account. Earlier, in general, there were restrictions on weight on the call
  6. +1
    29 June 2013 17: 12
    Quote: Bokdan1700
    airborne forces ALWAYS LIKE for their physical fitness

    And so let's figure it out. But why not be famous? When the Airborne Forces are recruited only from among the recruits with a mark of 1 (at the same time exclusively Slavs, which means with intelligence). And now we are comparing it with a set to some part closer to Magadan where some enthelmen are sent with a weight and level of development closer to the penguin (40 kg without knowledge of Russian and 500 words in the dictionary of their native language). The latter - penguins know how to march at least right away.
    So this is why the elite should have their own standards "not the elite".
    1. +3
      29 June 2013 17: 34
      exclusively Slavs, which means with intelligence
      it's you in vain. and in the Airborne Forces and the Marine Corps there are (not) enough Slavs.
      and first of all, the requirements were on the physical condition of the draftee. first of all. and if the ambal and the Slav does not mean that he is smart (intelligence is inherent in everyone, the level is another matter)
  7. 0
    29 June 2013 17: 54
    In fact, the issue of physical training in the troops has double standards. One of the main subjects of control and verification classes. Well, okay - young and without excess weight, but more impressive - men? Contractors who have life and strong experience in their specialty are worth their weight in gold, but running and pulling up - no ... and plus "without clip thinking" (Zadornov), ie smart, on which and support.
    And so - physically - and what is the bonus first, and then the dismissal ???
    Remember "They fought for the Motherland" - there was not physical training there ... Here ...
    But okay, guys (specialists) - "pull out".
    And here are the female contract soldiers. With all due respect, most of the standards are not fully implemented. And when they reach a far from berry age, they generally don’t need to worry about any physical form, etc. And the sense - 0. Almost. And they get everything completely.
    To that - physically --- of course the basis for training a serviceman, especially for conscripts, and even more so for special forces and airborne forces.
    But, if I need an EXPLANATORY "computer technician", a mechanic, or simply - a Reliable person --- no doubt the question of physical standards will be secondary.
    Okay, it’s sore.
    For the airborne forces ! (I’m not from there, I have friends - I respect.)
  8. +2
    29 June 2013 20: 01
    High physical condition is important for any person, and doubly for a military person! And without dividing into technical and special forces. The Army is the Army, there should not be divisions into main and secondary. Naturally, for units of constant combat readiness: airborne forces, special forces, reconnaissance, etc., emphasis on physical capabilities is more important. Here and walking movements (of varying intensity) over rough terrain, and martial arts, and shooting, and operational-tactical thinking. All this is achieved by constant work in the field and the sports camp. It becomes sad. when you see an officer with the rank of senior lieutenant with a already swollen figure and a beer belly. And of course you rejoice when you see a major running at the head of a column of soldiers who are ten years younger than him. Look at the posture and gait of the GSS V.Vostrotin. But he was more than 60. Dembel, retire, resign, and you can throw physically where you want to go, but for now in the Army correspond and nothing else! This will be the Army! And for conscripts at least by some way, but it is necessary to increase service to two years.
    1. 0
      30 June 2013 22: 22

      And what advise the guys with the rank of colonel generals and at the age of the Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces?

      Can you stop at chess?

      And then you have to fire them all. Who will draw the operations on the cards?
  9. 0
    29 June 2013 20: 42
    In all parts of the Airborne Forces, 100 percent of conscripts are in sports uniforms. They have good sports shoes, modern sportswear. Get dressed, put on shoes - and you can begin to exercise.

    Hmm ... Sport uniform ...
    "Company, go to physical training classes. Dress code number 2. Execution time one minute."
    And the kirzachi pounded on quarantine ... The first time the five fled to the kirz, I thought I would die. How much dirt sticks to them !!!
    Pulling yourself in boots is still a pleasure. It’s the same as in comforting shoes. Then it seemed to be a little more in berets that you’ll take off)))
    And about the fact that fizuha falls almost in half, there is such a thing. After six months, you come back to normal approximately.
    And now - "sports uniform" what
  10. 0
    29 June 2013 20: 55
    "... they shout to him:" For the Airborne Forces! " And this soldier is reaching through "I can't."

    The psychological attitude and courage to complete the task are acquired skills and they need to be developed.
  11. +1
    29 June 2013 21: 28
    Quote: Rattenfanger
    After six months, you come back to normal.

    adaptation period, normal.
    Quote: albai
    Dembel, retire, resign, and you can throw physically where you want to go, but for now in the Army correspond and nothing else!

    It sounds beautiful and true, but in life - a Good Specialist will be more important in business. Here mechanics, drivers, signalmen, programmers, chemists, translators and other specialists will leave ... In another way - entrust repair of your car to a fitter-runner or a pro? But it does not always coincide.
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. honest jew
    30 June 2013 01: 01
    Quote: Bokdan1700
    airborne forces ALWAYS LIKE for their physical fitness

    1. -3
      30 June 2013 17: 28
      Beauties ... They waited until the boys threw themselves, created, everything according to science! -Numerous advantage, and stick a bull. Ghouls.