Science and Weapons of the Future

Science and Weapons of the Future

K.V. Sivkov. Actual problems of fundamental and applied science of our time determine the appearance of systems weapons of the future. Solving a number of problems of fundamental and applied science will lead in the coming 20 years to the emergence of qualitatively new types of weapons that can have a significant impact on the nature of warfare.

It is not a secret that it is science that decisively determines the appearance of the weapons systems of the future.

Scientific research aimed at resolving current problems, which seem to be very remotely related to military affairs, may have a significant impact on the appearance of the weapons systems of the world's leading armies and, accordingly, on the nature and content of the armed struggle in the near future.

The mechanism of the influence of fundamental and applied science on the development of armaments, military and special equipment (VVST) generally has two main components - ontological, consisting in the development of the theory and practice of the subject area, and epistemological, philosophical and methodological, which affects the consciousness of the military personnel and their understanding of the essence of warfare. As a result, there are two main areas of influence of science on the development of VVST:

1. The results obtained in solving a scientific problem (fundamental or applied) give impetus to the development of the corresponding basic military technology or some of their groups. Perhaps the emergence of new basic military technology. On this basis, new means of warfare and samples of weapons of military weapons are already emerging.

2. As a result of changes in the minds of military cadres, their new understanding of the content of armed struggle, new methods and methods of armed struggle emerge with the use of existing systems of military equipment, and on this basis new requirements are formulated for promising models of military equipment, which, in particular, can lead to a change in structure basic military technology with the exception of any existing and the emergence of new technologies and systems of the WWST.

Therefore, predicting from the point of view of the development of VVST possible consequences of research on solving problems of fundamental or applied science, one cannot dwell on their ontological aspects - their philosophical and methodological implications for military science and practice must also be considered.

Depending on the nature, fundamental and applied problems of the development of science are distinguished.

Fundamental Scientific Issues value for the development of science in general or for several of its branches. The resolution of such problems leads to significant changes both in the philosophy and methodology of science, and in its ontology, both in its fundamental and applied branches. The resolution of fundamental problems, as a rule, gives rise to new fundamental problems, as well as whole complexes of applied problems, at the same time making some of them that were previously important important irrelevant. In the absolute majority of cases, the resolution of fundamental scientific problems has an impact on the development of basic military technologies through new methods of solving existing or newly emerging applied problems.

Applied science issues they are important only for certain areas of science that are of particular, applied importance. As a rule, their resolution is primarily of ontological importance and has a direct impact on the development of basic military technologies.
In terms of orientation, proceeding from the mechanism of influence of scientific problems on the development of basic military technologies, one should single out philosophical-methodological and ontological problems.

Philosophical and methodological problems stem from the contradictions in the technology of scientific research and are based on inconsistencies between the adopted fundamental views on the approaches and methods of scientific research in this subject area and the new aspects that have manifested themselves in it in practice. The resolution of such problems entails a change in ideas about the essence of scientific research and its technology, including the ideological level, general theoretical, general scientific and applied.

Ontological problems stem from the inconsistency of theoretical ideas about the essence of processes and objects (systems) and the results of practice (experiment), when it becomes necessary to bring the theory into line with practice. A special case of ontological problems is the need to explain previously unknown phenomena.

It is the ontological scientific problems that directly influence the basic military technologies, and philosophical and methodological influence is manifested indirectly - either by solving ontological problems at the new methodological level, or by developing new views on the methods of using troops (forces) and the corresponding new requirements for WWST.

The entire list of existing problems of science, even fundamental, is large enough and cannot be considered in the framework of one article, and there is no need for that. Therefore, I will dwell only on those problems that, in my opinion, are the most interesting and able to have in the future (near, medium or remote) the greatest influence on the development of VVST.

The problem of the unified field theory

The development of a unified field theory can be considered as a fundamental ontological problem that can have a revolutionary impact on the development of VVST in the future.

This problem is likely to be resolved at least at the conceptual level in the long term, and, accordingly, its impact on the development of the VVST will be exerted only in the distant future.

For military affairs, the solution to this problem has a double meaning:
On the one hand, with sufficient prognostic capabilities of such a theory, in addition to the disclosure and mathematical description of all four known interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak), it should be possible to identify new types of matter interactions and experimentally check their existence. This will provide new opportunities for creating qualitatively different weapons systems and military equipment based on the use of these fields and the effects of their mutual influence.

On the other hand, the development of a unified field theory may make it possible to explain a sufficiently large class of phenomena that are united today under the name of "paranormal."

I especially want to decide on these phenomena.

The overwhelming majority of them are an unconfirmed fiction of the near-scientific swindler. However, there is already sufficient statistics of strictly scientifically recorded phenomena of this kind (above all, extrasensory perception and clairvoyance), which does not allow one to simply dismiss them and requires its explanation.

The disclosure of the mechanisms for the occurrence of such phenomena and their formalized description will reveal the qualitatively new possibilities of warfare, primarily in the information sphere, as well as in technologies of mind control.

Most scientists who, at least, do not deny the possibility of such phenomena, agree that they should be based on new types of fields that have not yet been discovered by humanity.

It is quite possible if we consider that humanity entered the 20 century with two types of fields - gravitational and electromagnetic, and it came out with four, when strong and weak interactions were added to these two.

Speaking about the feasibility of research in the field of those phenomena that are today called paranormal, we should not forget that in the 17-18 for centuries, experiments with an electrified ebony stick were often regarded as part of the scientific community as okolonauchnoe shamanism.

In addition, it should be remembered that we still know too little about our world to simply brush off phenomena that do not fit into our current view of the world - let's not forget the fate of genetics, cybernetics and geopolitics.

To date, a unified field theory has not yet been created, and work on its creation is carried out in two main areas, the ideological basis of which was created at the beginning of the 20 century.

The first of the options for developing a unified field theory is based on quantum concepts, when all types of fields are described based on the idea that the main mechanism for the emergence of all these fields is the exchange of special field-forming virtual particles (for example, for an electromagnetic field, they are photons).

In the framework of the Standard Model based on the quantum approach, it was possible to obtain a satisfactory description of the known four field interactions. Detection of the Higgs boson confirmed the correctness of this theory.

However, well describing 4 known fundamental interactions, this theory does not allow to move further - to theoretically predict new possible types of interactions. It is also impossible to find within this theory a satisfactory explanation of a number of effects of the microworld, in particular teleportation of the state of microparticles (although a formal mathematical description of this phenomenon exists within the framework of the Standard Model). That is, this way of developing a unified field theory does not have sufficient prognostic potential.

The second approach is formed on the basis of geometric representations arising from the concept of the formation of the gravitational field of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Here, attempts to build a unified field theory by introducing additional dimensions of space (the Weyl-Kaluza concept), the curvature of which leads to the emergence of electromagnetic and other fundamental fields, have not yet led to success.

The currently intensively developed superstring theory (related to the geometric approach rather than the quantum approach) should potentially give a deeper description of the phenomena of the microworld and in fact can become a unified field theory. However, the results that could be tested experimentally, the developers of this theory have not yet received.

Thus, so far none of the indicated directions of development of a unified theory of the field of success has been achieved. Therefore, modern physics is looking for signs of other effects that would give impetus to the development of theoretical ideas about the microworld, and is building up the power of experimental facilities (recall, in particular, the Large Hadron Collider).

Another noteworthy theory of torsion fields recognized today is false. I consider it necessary to say about her, as she to some extent finds explanations for the so-called “paranormal” phenomena. Its essence is reduced to the fact that, in addition to the tensor curvature (the curvature of space described by Riemann and Lobachevsky, on which, in fact, Einstein built his general theory of relativity), the spinor curvature is introduced (to put it simply - the torsion curvature). It is on the basis of the interaction of various types of space curvature that the “paranormal” effects associated with the emergence of infinite speeds of information transfer and the influence of the future on the past, manifested in the form of clairvoyance, are found.

Official physics does not deny the very possibility of the existence of the spinor curvature of space - it denies the rigid relationship between the tensor and spinor curvature, which, as a postulate, was introduced into the theory of torsion fields. As a result, the theory of torsion fields predicts a strong effect of these fields on the substance, which is not confirmed by experiments.

Despite the exceptional complexity of the task of building a unified field theory, it must be assumed that in the coming decades 2 it will be created. The key to success are the achievements of modern mathematics and cybernetics. The creation of such a theory will revolutionize military affairs, similar to that resulting from the creation of quantum theory, which eventually led to the creation of atomic and thermonuclear weapons, nuclear energy, as well as the entire spectrum of science and technology advances that form the basis of today's progress microelectronics to microbiology.

As a result, based on the use of other, now unknown to us types of energy, such types of weapons may appear, in comparison with which nuclear weapons will seem just a children's cracker. This will translate humanity into a different era, as nuclear power and quantum electronics once transferred humanity from industrial to post-industrial era.

Geophysics and climate formation

The most interesting and important applied methodological problem that is important for the future development of the VVST is the development of methods to predict the development of geophysical and climate-forming processes under the influence of various destabilizing factors, with such accuracy, reliability and reliability, so that the given nature of geophysical or climatic processes can be formed in given areas of the planet. Today, quite intensive studies are going in this direction, primarily in the USA.

The urgency of this problem for military affairs is due to the fact that today means have already appeared that make it possible to exert a sufficiently powerful influence on the geophysics and climate of the planet almost globally. This is primarily the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or the High Frequency Impact Study of the Ionosphere) - a complex of powerful directional microwave energy emitters that can have a significant impact on the Earth’s ionosphere. It forms in it "ionic clouds" - areas in which, due to the concentration of microwave energy in them from several powerful emitters, an area with a plasma arises. The rocket head and the aircraft, hitting such an area or areas adjacent to it, will be disabled up to complete destruction, or at least will be "knocked out of the trajectory", as a result of which the aircraft can go into an uncontrolled fall and crash, and warhead will take away from the goal. That is, HAARP was originally created as a missile defense complex.

However, in the course of its trial operation, it turned out that it could have a great influence on the geophysics of the Earth and cause fluctuations in weather over large regions of the Earth.

The ability of HAARP to influence weather is due to the fact that the state of the ionosphere and troposphere strongly depend on each other. As a result, fluctuations in the ionosphere caused by exposure to HAARP inevitably lead to disruption of weather formation processes, and with long-term exposure to climate-forming processes.

The physics of HAARP's impact on geophysical processes is based on the fact that, from the point of view of electromagnetism, the Earth is a giant spherical capacitor, in which the outer conductive shell is represented by the ionosphere, and the inner conductive core is magma, between which the dielectric is located - with lower electrical conductivity of the lower atmosphere. As a result, sufficiently intense oscillations of the ionosphere can lead to a response in the deep layers of the Earth in the form of oscillations of processes in magma. The consequence of this can be "energy discharges" in the zones of geological tensions at the junctions of geological plates, which manifests itself in the form of earthquakes.

The absence of any effective methods for predicting such consequences makes today the use of HAARP practically unpredictable in its consequences in the field of geophysics and clima formation, which can be catastrophic for the owners of HAARP themselves.

With the advent of methods for fairly accurate prediction of such effects, HAARP will turn into an extremely powerful geophysical and climate weapon. Works in this direction are carried out in two main directions.

First, it is the creation of modeling complexes on the basis of supercomputers, which should allow to simulate weather formation over large areas of the Earth, as well as geophysical processes with the definition of areas where earthquakes can occur.
Secondly, it is the collection of statistical information about these phenomena and its systematization, in quantities sufficient for such phenomena to be predicted on this basis.

Life modification

The first of the applied ontological problems should highlight the problem of creating living beings with desired properties based on genetic engineering methods. Significant military developments in this area are conducted in the direction of creating pathogenic bacteria and viruses, with a highly differentiated pathogenicity on the basis of race. The challenge is that pathogenic microorganisms are dangerous only to the human body, with some features of genetics and physiology, determined by its race.

Such developments are currently taking place in the United States. As far as is known, the required level of “racial selectivity” has not yet been achieved, however, there are already some successes - previously unknown pathogens have appeared, which are more dangerous for people of some races, and less dangerous for representatives of others. As an example, known atypical pneumonia and avian flu can be cited.

Beam weapon

The creation of compact generators of superpowerful radiation of the microwave radio band, the optical and X-ray ranges is the main condition for the use of a whole family of highly efficient radiation weapons for various purposes. Work in this direction today is one of the main directions in the US missile defense program.

The creation of compact generators of super-powerful microwave radiation allows us to develop a whole class of qualitatively new weapons aimed at defeating the electronics of military facilities of various purposes.

The impact of such radiation on various aircraft will lead to their destruction, because today without the normal functioning of electronic systems, none of the components of any modern aircraft (engines, control systems, etc.) can work.

Powerful coherent optical and X-ray generators made it possible to create a laser weapon. His first samples have already been taken by the US Navy. In the future they will be the main armament combat space systems of the future. At the same time, they will be able to hit not only space objects, but also ground-based ones, provided that they successfully solve the problem of conducting high-energy beams of electromagnetic energy of optical and X-ray ranges through the atmosphere.

Heavy Duty Computers

Of great importance for military affairs will be solving the problem of using the effect of teleportation of the state of quantum particles in promising electronic systems, first of all, creating a computer based on this effect.

The essence of this effect, predicted by quantum mechanics, is that if two or more microparticles with pronounced quantum properties were in one system, for example, electrons in an atom, and then it left and diverged in space, then the state of any one of them is instantaneous, with infinite speed, leads to certain changes in the state of other particles from this group.

Today it is believed that the use of this effect will allow you to create relatively small-sized computers that have a gigantic performance in today's view, significantly exceeding even modern supercomputers.

This is due to the fact that one of the main factors limiting the speed of calculations today is the propagation speed of the electromagnetic field (EMF). And when applying the effect of teleportation of the state of quantum particles, this restriction is removed.

The creation of such systems will revolutionize military cybernetics - the rates of information processing in the automated control system will increase by orders of magnitude, increasing the pace of military operations by reducing the management cycle, the quality of decision-making will increase significantly due to the possibility of using more complex models that take into account a larger number of factors the robotic capabilities of the armed forces and, most importantly, there will be a qualitative leap in the level of intelligence, accuracy, reliability, reliability and proliferative weapon control systems and technical means.


An important role in the development of weapons systems will be played by solving the problem of creating technical devices of a nanoscale with the required functionality and ability to reproduce itself.

In this area, the main difficulties arise from the fact that quantum effects have a decisive influence on the formation and behavior of nanoobjects, making these processes probabilistic. In fact, we are talking about creating extremely complex macromolecules that are focused on the performance of specific functions in specific conditions.

Being combined into conglomerates, the sets of such molecules can act as a medium of information storage and processing.
Being in the environment of other molecular and atomic systems, they can act as modifiers of their structure or as destroyers of these structures.
Thus, on the one hand, there is the possibility of creating qualitatively new military materials, and on the other, qualitatively new weapon systems based on suspensions of such nanorobots capable of quickly destroying military targets, weapons, military equipment and enemy manpower.

On this basis, the emergence of suspension-like information processing and storage systems is possible, which will be extremely resistant to various adverse effects due to the very principle of distributed information storage and processing.


Thus, the resolution of a number of problems of fundamental and applied science will lead in the coming 20 years to the emergence of qualitatively new types of weapons that can have a significant impact on the nature of the armed struggle.
91 comment
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  1. +7
    25 June 2013 15: 33
    Who posted this thesis? request
    At least one forum member read to the end? If yes, say, I’ll raise the rating for diligence wassat
    I learned a lot of new words from the article
    1. +5
      25 June 2013 15: 36
      Quote: il grand casino
      Who posted this thesis? request
      At least one forum member read to the end? If yes, say, I’ll raise the rating for wassat diligence
      I learned a lot of new words from the article

      I read it)))
      1. 0
        25 June 2013 15: 37
        Quote: il grand casino
        I read it)))

        Well done, keep what you promised smile
        1. +2
          25 June 2013 15: 43
          I also read, but you can not plus. feel
          1. +2
            25 June 2013 15: 44
            Quote: Vladimirets
            I also read, but you can not plus.

            I promised soldier The following pluses will not comment laughing
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. ded10041948
        25 June 2013 15: 57
        And still not in a mental hospital? This is stability !!!
        1. +6
          25 June 2013 16: 15
          Quote: ded10041948
          And still not in a mental hospital? This is stability !!!

          After I had to read the work of Chinese and German scientists (in English and German) on quantitative logistics during my student youth - I developed immunity)))
          1. ded10041948
            25 June 2013 16: 37
            Clear. The psyche was formed in Soviet times on the basis of debates about the need to create women's councils in the structure of men's monasteries. The article is the same mind. Eh, where is my cand.minimum? Although he is unlikely to help, I did not master the dissertation!
            1. 0
              25 June 2013 18: 36
              Painfully similar to the "invention formula" ...
          2. +1
            25 June 2013 17: 31
            Quote: il grand casino
            read the work of Chinese and German scientists (in English and German) on quantitative logistics - I developed immunity

            Reading old science fiction also gave a good hardening.
            Therefore, the author’s system error is immediately visible!
            The opposite is true!
    2. +2
      25 June 2013 15: 50
      Yes, the article is both all and nothing concrete at the same time !!
      1. The comment was deleted.
    3. ded10041948
      25 June 2013 15: 53
      He graduated from the physics department of the university, but mastered only half, and then just a line. But I feel better, there are practically no new words. People, how I sympathize with you all! To get through this all, one must be either a genius or a complete idiot.
      1. +6
        25 June 2013 16: 16
        Wow, I read it. I understood three things:
        1. About the beam, vaguely.
        2. About life modification, as well.
        3. In science I am an "oak". This is already clear as day.
        ps Will there be a translation from scientific to understandable Russian?
        1. 0
          25 June 2013 20: 19
          Quote: perepilka
          3. In science I am an "oak". This is already clear as day.
          [/ quote

          Don’t worry, everything is not so bad. The author of the article is also an oak in science, but unlike you, he does not know about it.

          I wonder who is feeding this "academy of geopolitical problems" and for what purpose? Maybe someone in the know?
      2. 0
        25 June 2013 16: 24
        about the HAARP system, I’ll let’s say more specifically I would read a separate article of a person who is knowledgeable in this area! and then the information available on the network for this contraption is rather contradictory and obscene chtoli!
        otherwise it turns out like a combination of clever words and there isn’t any specific information! maybe even the article is somehow off-topic about vo!
        1. +2
          25 June 2013 19: 00
          Quote: regressSSSR
          about the HAARP system, I’ll let’s say more specifically I would read a separate article of a person who is knowledgeable in this area!

          In this material, a fairly good explanation is given about this without any quackery ...
          HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or High Frequency Ionosphere Research Program) is a complex of powerful directional microwave energy emitters that can have a significant impact on the Earth's ionosphere. It forms “ion clouds” in it - areas in which, due to the concentration of microwave energy in them from several powerful emitters, an area with a plasma arises. A missile warhead and an aircraft, having fallen into such an area or in zones adjacent to it, will be disabled until complete destruction or, at least, will be “knocked off the trajectory”, as a result of which the aircraft may go into an uncontrollable fall and crash, and the warhead will move away from the target. That is, HAARP was originally created as a missile defense system.

          However, in the course of its trial operation, it turned out that it could have a great influence on the geophysics of the Earth and cause fluctuations in weather over large regions of the Earth.

          The ability of HAARP to influence weather is due to the fact that the state of the ionosphere and troposphere strongly depend on each other. As a result, fluctuations in the ionosphere caused by exposure to HAARP inevitably lead to disruption of weather formation processes, and with long-term exposure to climate-forming processes.

          The physics of HAARP's impact on geophysical processes is based on the fact that, from the point of view of electromagnetism, the Earth is a giant spherical capacitor, in which the outer conductive shell is represented by the ionosphere, and the inner conductive core is magma, between which the dielectric is located - with lower electrical conductivity of the lower atmosphere. As a result, sufficiently intense oscillations of the ionosphere can lead to a response in the deep layers of the Earth in the form of oscillations of processes in magma. The consequence of this can be "energy discharges" in the zones of geological tensions at the junctions of geological plates, which manifests itself in the form of earthquakes.

          Only one great Tesla at the beginning of the 20th century had an idea about this. By the way, the proposal for microwave irradiation of the upper layers is our Soviet one! With "marked" we shared this with the Yankees in the hope that we will study together. Here you are - they said ...
          But, there is a silver lining, our other part of the applied application of Tesla's technologies in this area has guessed not to disclose. And in general they preferred to "forget" about it for now ...
          Although times are coming hard, maybe. Is it time to do this and "remember" something and resume work?
      3. ded10041948
        25 June 2013 18: 21
        On the third attempt I read it! Since I don’t belong to geniuses, it means that it’s a complete idiom (in normal recording, the filter doesn’t skip!). Good too!
    4. +4
      25 June 2013 16: 09
      Quote: seasoned
      At least one forum member read to the end?

      I will not lie - "cut down" somewhere in the third paragraph. I went to bed late last night.
      Thanks to the author for my healthy sleep during working hours ...
      From my subordinates - a separate "thank you very much" ...
      1. +2
        25 June 2013 16: 10
        Quote: IRBIS
        I will not lie - "cut down" somewhere in the third paragraph

        For honesty + hi
        For humor
        Thanks to the author for my healthy sleep during working hours ...
        From my subordinates - a separate "thank you very much" ...

        Respect and respect smile
    5. +2
      25 June 2013 17: 02
      Quote: seasoned
      Who posted this thesis?

      I also read it, lately I have been extremely interested in physics, astrophysics and celestial mechanics. I broaden my horizons.
      1. +2
        25 June 2013 17: 07
        I'm a slowpoke fool I just noticed how the title of the article is written, for sure there was another name at first:

        Nuclear symbiosis

        And then admins reduced such an abstruse title winked
      2. ded10041948
        25 June 2013 17: 19
        So how is it? Still alive?
    6. avt
      25 June 2013 18: 12
      Quote: seasoned
      Who posted this thesis? request
      At least one forum member read to the end? If yes, say, I’ll raise the rating for wassat diligence
      I learned a lot of new words from the article

      That's right, in the "Peculiarities of the National Hunt," General Mikhalych said - "No must be as short as a shot! Otherwise, there will be no time for rest." laughing Golden words, yes to Sivkov’s ears.
    7. +1
      25 June 2013 20: 03
      I'm sorry.
      But however mastered.
      In general, so.
      Nobody knows what it will be and how it will work at all, but how it cries !.
    8. 0
      25 June 2013 20: 06
      I’m not only reading it, but I’m going to use it for the training of cadets, for me the material is just that.
      1. 0
        25 June 2013 20: 24
        Quote: DIMented
        I’m not only reading it, but I’m going to use it for the training of cadets, for me the material is just that.

        Do not tempt fate. Arrested as an enemy of the people
    9. +1
      25 June 2013 21: 50
      Read on, finished reading, but, to be honest, I felt "a little stupid", trying to extract from the nooks of the brain convolutions the memories of weapons that appeared in various science fiction literature read in "pink childhood". Well, with "radiation affairs" somehow even more or less, and then .... Exactly - a lot of points. Just like in Vysotsky: "I smashed all the brains into pieces, braided all the convolutions ..." It's time again "at the desk."
  2. +5
    25 June 2013 15: 35
    "The first of the applied ontological problems should be the problem of creating living beings with given properties on the basis of genetic engineering methods. Developments in this area, significant for military affairs, are being carried out in the direction of creating pathogenic bacteria and viruses, with highly differentiated disease-causing ability based on race."
    It was on these lines that I was scared ... Although it has been being worked out for more than half a century already. I want to wish all the developers this - so that nothing comes of it!
  3. 0
    25 June 2013 15: 35
    Article plus without reading! I will come in the morning, I feel the branch will grow to heaven !!!
    1. ded10041948
      25 June 2013 16: 02
      I suspect that there will be few article ratings. Personally, I did not dare, although I do not complain about education and general erudition. It seems that everything (that he mastered!) Is correct, but the pitch ...
      1. Airman
        25 June 2013 17: 56
        Quote: ded10041948
        I suspect that there will be few article ratings. Personally, I did not dare, although I do not complain about education and general erudition. It seems that everything (that he mastered!) Is correct, but the pitch ...

        The article is purely philosophical, the more so a military philosopher. And in philosophy, the more water, the better. Everything that was written could be said in a dozen normal sentences. The author is laughed at us.
        1. ded10041948
          25 June 2013 18: 29
          Sivkov - radish!
  4. -3
    25 June 2013 15: 41
    Everything is clear, but ... Such a wide cutting field for those who are "close to the body"! An example is how they fool the American taxpayer by slipping him all the new threats and new weapons ... Of course, let them milk them like cows for at least another thousand years, but us the main thing is not to get involved in such metaphysics!
    1. +1
      25 June 2013 15: 45
      Quote: krez-74
      Everything is clear, but ... Such a wide cutting field for those who are "close to the body"! An example is how they fool the American taxpayer by slipping him all new threats and new weapons ... Of course, let them milk like cows for at least another thousand years, but the main thing for us is not to get carried away with such metaphysics!

      Of course, there are a lot of things to drank on this field, but the future lies behind many of these things, for what now looks not just like science fiction, but even the meaning of all this is not clear.
      1. 0
        25 June 2013 15: 50
        In the context of future wars, I naively think that the armies will go to each other lining up with a pig or a phalanx ... A good example, the power and armaments of the United States in Afghanistan (an unmanned drone against a donkey with a rider, and even moving alone) - USELESS! I repeat, the main thing is not to get carried away with "achievements"!
        1. +1
          25 June 2013 16: 27
          Quote: krez-74
          I repeat, the main thing is not to get carried away with "achievements"!

          What does it mean not to get carried away with achievements? At all times, there were grains of gold in the heap of junk and crazy ideas, which then moved progress forward (including the Progress ship). If it was possible to know in advance where certain studies will lead, then of course it would be easier. But this is how the whole history of mankind pokes in different directions, sometimes discovering absolutely, at first glance, unnecessary, without which then existence cannot be imagined.

          "Today it is believed that the use of this effect will make it possible to create relatively small computers with a gigantic performance according to today's ideas, significantly surpassing even modern supercomputers."

          20 years ago, the vast majority saw computers only on television, and now we are all sitting and trampling claudia. And this is at the household level, the same weapon in 30-40 years will be completely different fundamentally and the T-50 will seem something akin to the chariots of Tsar Darius.
          1. +1
            25 June 2013 16: 51
            A modern soldier, possessing all sorts of computers, is in every possible way deprived of the originality of solutions, which always bring great benefit! It is not for nothing that the Russian filling technique is always simpler than its Western counterparts - this is its advantage. I don’t argue, you’re right in your own way, but I’m just saying that the “interested” always want to develop everything and everyone ... We have Chubais over there, he has already invented the nanoworld ... It’s true not to see him!
            1. +4
              25 June 2013 16: 54
              Quote: krez-74
              We have Chubais, already invented the nanoworld ...

              Chubais is the tragedy and pain of the country ... crying
            2. +1
              25 June 2013 18: 40
              Yeah! Chubais dissolved in this NANOMIR ...
              1. Kerensky
                25 June 2013 18: 53
                But Chubais saved the country from starvation along with Gaidar. Without their reforms, there could be much more serious consequences, this is obvious. The situation required action and the least of two evils was chosen.
                1. 0
                  25 June 2013 22: 10
                  Quote: Kerensky
                  But Chubais saved the country from starvation along with Gaidar. Without their reforms, there could be much more serious consequences, this is obvious. The situation required action and of the two evils they chose the least

                  Rather, of the many evils, everyone has chosen. Could it be that the current oligarchs created an artificial shortage and preconditions for hunger.
                  1. +1
                    26 June 2013 00: 16
                    Offtopic. In the Anglo-Saxons, by the way, the variant of the proverb about the choice of evils sounds like this, of two evils and it costs nothing to choose. Pretty symbolic.
      2. +1
        25 June 2013 15: 52
        Quote: Vladimirets
        It’s finite, and there’s a lot to saw about in this field, but the future lies behind many of these things, for what now looks not just like science fiction, but even the meaning of all this is not clear.

        Here read from this series, cut to the brink of insanity:
        Russia will repay the balance of Soviet debt to Finland in the amount of $ 5,3 million in a lump sum payment, the press service of the Russian government said on Tuesday.

        According to Vnesheconombank, as of December 31, 2012, the balance of the debt of the Russian Federation to Finland amounted to $ 5,3 million, according to the website of the Russian cabinet.

        “The specified debt balance was repayable as part of the implementation of contracts, concluded by Russian suppliers with Finnish customers and providing for the creation by the end of 2012 of a network of meteorological stations on the surface of Mars. However, according to the Federal Space Agency, the implementation of the relevant work is possible no earlier than 2016, ”it says

        belay belay belay
        1. ded10041948
          25 June 2013 16: 12
          Something hurts close! Here on Pluto ...
          Some idiocy!
        2. +2
          25 June 2013 16: 19
          Quote: seasoned
          Here read from this series, cut to the brink of insanity:

          Repost from the "Humor" section?
          1. +1
            25 June 2013 16: 21
            Quote: Vladimirets
            Repost from the "Humor" section?

            No, take a break
            In life, it’s often much funnier, only some laughter through tears
            1. 0
              25 June 2013 16: 35
              Quote: seasoned
              No, take a break
              In life, it’s often much funnier, only some laughter through tears

              Joined, only, apparently, something torn out of context or set out in their own words.
  5. +2
    25 June 2013 15: 56
    In general, I’m ready to agree, for the format of the forum the article is somewhat heavy. This is more like a preprint of the report of a military scientific conference and to understand what is written there one must be a specialist in a subject field, for example, in particle physics. A forum, a place of popular rather than scientific presentation of ideas. Although I read with interest.
  6. UFO
    25 June 2013 15: 59
    And I really thought that they had stolen science, and there were no more smart ones. what I am very glad that I was wrong. good
  7. +2
    25 June 2013 16: 06
    To be honest, the article was not surprising. I read it easily. First fluently. Then a second time, slow down. If we discard a brief excursion into the traditional and non-traditional torii of physics, then we are waiting for new types of weapons, increased participation of robots in the database, new methods of their conduct, the development of military medicine, and maybe a new kind of soldier. Nothing supernova is written in it. Humanity has always been able to progress very quickly in the methods of destroying its own kind. So wait, sir.
    1. +2
      25 June 2013 16: 12
      Quote: fzr1000
      I read it easily. First fluently. Then a second time, slow down.

      My "+" to you for perseverance, patience and the will to learn the unknowable!
      1. +2
        25 June 2013 16: 12
        Quote: IRBIS
        My "+" to you for perseverance, patience and the will to learn the unknowable!

        For masochism feel
        1. +1
          25 June 2013 16: 27
          Quote: seasoned
          For masochism

          "+++++" !!!!!
          Oh good! And slept, and neighing! And all from the heart.
          No, a simple "thanks" to the author of the article will not be enough ...
          Thank you so much human !!!
        2. 0
          25 June 2013 16: 31
          Yes, there was a break in time, and dinner was already there, so I read it. In fact, those who have read books like "Quantum Physics for Dummies" or something like that read such articles without problems.
          1. ded10041948
            25 June 2013 16: 52
            I’ll remember this nasty science (quanta so that they!) On my deathbed - I’ll revive to flee away. But the article scored like Neanderthals - a mammoth! I’m trying to put the brains out to hell, but it doesn’t work! Is there something to try with a bubble (in which case, it will finish it completely!)?
            Goodbye mind! Will see you tomorrow!
            1. AK-47
              25 June 2013 17: 24
              Quote: ded10041948
              Is there a bubble to try ...? Goodbye mind!

              Yeah, not according to Juan sombrero.
              1. ded10041948
                25 June 2013 18: 50
                Oh, Valery Vasilyevich, and you are harmful! And so sick, and then from a fellow countryman (born and lived in Belarus until the age of 18) and, I suspect, the same age as a brick in the head ... One must have a conscience!
                1. AK-47
                  26 June 2013 23: 54
                  Quote: ded10041948
                  One must have a conscience!

                  Do not take close ... in what you are right.
          2. AK-47
            25 June 2013 17: 19
            Quote: fzr1000
            ... I read such articles without problems.

            Nobody has died of knowledge yet, but it’s not worth the risk. fool
        3. AK-47
          25 June 2013 17: 30
          Quote: seasoned
          For masochism!

          For masochism !!!!
  8. +1
    25 June 2013 16: 41
    "stem from the contradictions in the technology of scientific research and are based on the discrepancies between the accepted fundamental views on the approaches and methods of scientific research in a given subject area and new aspects that have manifested themselves in practice"
    That's what he gave! And the rotor in my turbine is wooden, because no one will read my diploma anyway ... Actually, the "technology of scientific research" adopted in our civilization is the only one. This is an analysis-synthesis pair. There is also the second one - the method of one-step comprehension, insight, cultivated by the East. And ... that's all. If the "approaches and methods" of military scientists change from the fact that someone invented a sledgehammer ... In general, it is clear why military scientists have always been and have never invented anything. That is, they regularly consumed money, puffed their cheeks in such articles, and condescendingly left the plebeian duty to provide the army with new weapons to other scientists, purely civilians.
    No, when all these Chernovs, Einsteins and Niels Boras had already come up with ... then of course the highbrow inhabitants of military institutes took away all the profitable contracts from them smile True, radical improvements to weapons immediately stopped ... well, that's another story.
    As I understand it, nothing less than a unified field theory (which, for a moment, will stop wars instantly. If we can get at least one single lever that regulates at least something in the fundamental properties of matter ... humanity, together with a solid region of space, will disappear even in calibration process) is not able to explain modern spending with modern results, irresistibly tending to zero.
    Statements that we "have two more fields" and other non-fantastic statements (no, this is not even fiction, at least there is a term "fantastic reality" there) even comment on something like that ... In general, the article was definitely attached to Rogozin's report about cutting-edge R&D, on which the disappeared billions were spent ...
    YES, something else. We have tiny, highly fragmented knowledge of one field. Just about one thing! This field is electromagnetic. Knowledge is when you change something in your installation - and the field changes. No, we do not know anything about the forces that cause electric current. But we know something about this field, that is, we can call this field and change some of its characteristics. Everything else is speculation. For example, we don’t know anything about gravity at all and there are no theories at all. We just observe something that we have no idea.
    We can say - yes, we didn’t understand something before turning the handle and gravity will change. The rest is chatter.
    1. 0
      26 June 2013 00: 19
      No, we do not know anything about the forces that cause electric current.

      Electricity is magic. Right
  9. yurypetrunin
    25 June 2013 16: 43
    And does anyone in Russia have a headache so that these innovations are for peaceful purposes?
    Then the author would certainly have split the Nobel Prize, and go to the King of Norway for her.
    And so only to the cashier for a monthly salary with all the premiums for secrecy for long, long years ... Does Shoigu know about these promising studies?
    Yuri Petrunin.
  10. Penachet
    25 June 2013 16: 53
    The article is just a bomb !!! You need to grab for digestibility.
    1. ded10041948
      25 June 2013 17: 04
      You can't do "mess" here! Here it is necessary to measure in kilograms, but I won't even drink so much beer!
    2. +3
      25 June 2013 17: 40
      Quote: Penachet
      The article is just a bomb !!! You need to grab for digestibility.

      As a physicist by training I say - you will need at least 700 milliliters of standard concentration.
      1. ded10041948
        25 June 2013 18: 52
        A colleague (by education!), It will not be enough !!!
        1. +1
          25 June 2013 19: 01
          The experiment is supposed to be repeated until the results of a colleague are fully reproducible ...
          1. ded10041948
            25 June 2013 19: 20
            Got it, I'm getting started.
  11. +8
    25 June 2013 17: 04
    Here! and you are all beam weapons! beam weapons !!
    1. ded10041948
      25 June 2013 17: 27
      Can you increase it? Footnotes are not readable!
      For originality, timeliness, a sense of healthy humor, etc. +++++
      1. +1
        25 June 2013 18: 52
        Here are solid pedals
    2. +1
      25 June 2013 19: 11
      Dear!!! Next time you somehow prepare first or something ... I almost died from rzhachki! Wife pumped out !! Oh-oh-oh-oh ... For SUCH, you can safely assign the next rank ...
  12. +1
    25 June 2013 17: 13
    Creation of small-sized generators of heavy-duty microwave radiation
    Amers have already created a microwave demonstration gun to disperse. All muzzles were burned to their operators.
  13. +3
    25 June 2013 17: 17
    1) Single field theory? I read it to the end and almost didn’t understand what kind of fairy tales I came across until I came across a phrase that new laws of physics might be discovered ...
    I put the probability of the appearance of weapons on other physical principles (in this case, if we exclude the associated damaging factors with the current physical principles) as tending to zero. The only things that can be discovered in the next century are macrogalactic forces or microsubatom / nuclear forces.

    2) Geophysics and climate formation? Where to get energy for this weapon? The fact that if you blow up a couple of billion kilotons of nuclear weapons, everyone understands the climate change. The fact that if some chemical compounds are sprayed over the enemy, it rains or everyone understands nothing will grow ... And the call of an earthquake under the enemy’s trenches in a collision, for example, a division into a division is nonsense ... And not understanding the mechanism of earthquakes. Wait in the coming centuries is not worth it.

    3) Life modification is really a direction. Here we should expect breakthroughs. Here you can wait from an artificial illness with viruses to the controllable human mutation ... Perspective.

    4) Beam weapons ... In my opinion this is not fiction. It is worth waiting for breakthroughs.

    5) Heavy duty computers ... Only needed for artificial intelligence. For simple combat robots and automation, there are enough current forces. Even in an ultra-expensive fighter, multi-core processors are not used. A very promising direction - worth the wait.

    6) Nanoweapons ... I am turned back by one word nano ... nano is 10 to -9 degrees. I don't even know what it is. "Gray slime" that will swallow the entire planet and process it into its nanocopy or what?
    if just new synthetic materials - they would have been called humanly ... it’s not clear what it is about.
    1. ded10041948
      25 June 2013 17: 48
      "6) Nanoweapons ... One word nano turns me back on ... nano is 10 to -9 degrees. I don't even know what it is." Gray slime "that will swallow the entire planet into its nanocopy or what?
      if it's just new synthetic materials - that's what they would call it humanly ... it's not clear at all what this is about. "
      If you write clearly, it is not clear what the "red-haired destroyer" is doing there with all his pack of idlers and thieves.
      And so, like: "You sirim and poor do not understand what benefit we are doing for you!"
    2. -2
      25 June 2013 20: 26
      Climate formation is possible. In the sense of climate weapons. Of course, not about which the author learned from jaundice, but the present. For him, there is absolutely no need to heat microwave plasma volumes in the upper layers. It is enough to calmly heat a laser with a not so large area ... There is just subtlety. To do this, you need to know exactly what the heating will lead to. That is, a large-scale climate model is needed, fully interactive. The computing power that is needed for this, plus the field density of the measuring sensors, plus the working theory of the entire climate ...
  14. mogus
    25 June 2013 17: 19
    but the meaning of everything written is always the same - wait and see ...
  15. +1
    25 June 2013 17: 23
    Quote: fzr1000
    Humanity has always been able to progress very quickly in the methods of destroying its own kind. So wait, sir.

    It seems to me that they will not create any fundamentally new weapons for the remote and selective destruction of the enemy (I think) in the near future. And nuclear power in the Gigatons, too. Traditional weapons will be improved (which is also not a gift). But in the information sphere, war is approaching such that 2MB will envy. Here we are perhaps the most vulnerable. I have Windows for example on a computer. And you?
    1. 0
      25 June 2013 21: 51
      I, too, but the military has its own OS.
  16. +2
    25 June 2013 17: 37
    Yes, an article with an eye on the XXX century. It would be simpler. Closer to the present.
  17. +2
    25 June 2013 17: 42
    Quote: retired
    Here we are perhaps the most vulnerable. I have Windows for example on a computer. And you?

    Linux is installed next to Windows. It is true to understand Linux, you also need a printed manual.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  18. +1
    25 June 2013 17: 43
    I thought that there would be no comments on this article (there will be very few), but it turned out that they are commenting willingly and in the same spirit as on other topics winked (There are almost as many comments as on the topic of homosexuals and the container ship that broke down / in the Indian Ocean off the coast of China smile / from weapons overload tongue Maybe for verification posted this article here?)
  19. +3
    25 June 2013 17: 43
    Once my supervisor joked: "... you go to the library ... take a stack of books 1m 35 cm high and make a brochure of 80 sheets of them ... you are a candidate of sciences ... drinking cognac ... thinking about a doctorate ... "
    The article is, well, something of this doctrine.
    The weapons of the past, present and future are the fruit of science and technology. It was and will be.
  20. +4
    25 June 2013 17: 53
    Rave. Recently, a mass of near-scientific popularizers has appeared. On the one hand, they are waiting for the creation of the Unified Field Theory, and immediately hope that this will open up new fields. The Lord God was not so dumb, creating a world that could be uniformly described. Quantum theory is about 100 years old, and we are only going to rip off the most delicious berries, using nanotechnology. The emergence of a new physical theory will not immediately affect technological progress. And everyone understands this, otherwise they would not have conducted research together, but would have bathed secretly from each other.
  21. 0
    25 June 2013 18: 39
    Interestingly, the author knows what kind of nano weapon Chubais invents and against whom is it directed?
    1. ded10041948
      25 June 2013 18: 56
      Even the "red destroyer" himself does not know this!
  22. +4
    25 June 2013 18: 58
    In a rather heavyweight style, an attempt is made to assess the prospects of the leading branches of knowledge from the point of view of military affairs. Meanwhile, the development of these industries is capable of not only abolishing the very concept of military affairs, but also modifying life beyond recognition!

    Let's say a nanobot has been created that is capable of receiving electromagnetic signals from the outside world and transmitting them to its environment (a really feasible project). Next, we will introduce such nanobots into human synapses (the place where nerve pathways connect with neurons in the brain). And now let's feed them signals generated by a powerful computer with a virtual reality program. A person will not be able to distinguish them from the real signals of his senses! And it will smoothly move to the virtual world. No fighting - just "vaccination" or even spraying invisible dust from the air - and humanity in the Matrix.
    Say, nonsense and fantasy? These ideas are not sucked from the finger, but are taken from the article by the American computer philosopher Ray Kurzweil "The Merging of Man with Machine: Are We Moving Towards the Matrix?" And he promises something similar by 2040. Anyone interested - find and read.
    And really get scared ...
    1. ded10041948
      25 June 2013 19: 10
      Well, thanks, benefactor! You will not say anything, pleased !!!
    2. 0
      25 June 2013 20: 33
      For a person to be unable to distinguish, the information flow must be no less than the person receives from the outside world. That is, there should be as much information as in ... reality! Not in a movie about her, but in reality itself! Because we at the level of consciousness see it in a narrow wavelength range, hear in an even narrower frequency range, etc. And in order to deceive the brain, you have to dump everything there. Such a "powerful computer" will one day give the operator a shot in the snout and go to work by God.
  23. +2
    25 June 2013 19: 16
    In our age of technological progress, when every thinking individual seeks to popularize his knowledge, and the press laconically presents the facts, we come to the inevitable syllogism about the materialistic essence of worldview.
    I am afraid that it will take a long time to create a unified field theory and comprehend disparate information. We must wait for the arrival of a new genius who can do this. For subjects with an average mind, there are easier tasks. You can, for example, continue to engage in demagogy and earn money on it.
  24. +3
    25 June 2013 19: 23
    All this, of course, is very cute and interesting, but against the background of fields overgrown with cow parsnip, lack of welders and multi-billion dollar thefts, this looks somewhat strange.
    We shouldn't think about "nanoreality" now.
    1. +3
      25 June 2013 19: 35
      The head is such a thing that it can think about many things at once. And we must do so, so that one day we won’t wake up against our will in a world where, instead of a cow parsnip, ready-made loaves of bread grow on the fields, or whatever programmers think of there. :)
      "He who is forewarned is armed!"
      1. +1
        25 June 2013 20: 30
        Quote: Private
        The head is such a thing that it can think about many things at once.

        That’s how it is, it’s just that there is a feeling that over the past 20 years we have a new national sport, to look not where we lost, but where it is light ....
        People enthusiastically discuss problems that are far from our realities, but do not pay attention to the fact that they take their own home away.
        Quote: Private
        And we must do so, so that one day we won’t wake up against our will in a world where, instead of a cow parsnip, ready-made loaves of bread grow on the fields, or whatever programmers think of there. :)

        The trouble is that too many people have believed that programmers will grow ready-made loaves of bread and rolls for us, and they called this faith post-industrialism.
        This was one of the reasons why in the fields instead of wheat-hogweed.
        1. 0
          25 June 2013 23: 19
          Off-top, but the Hogweed is EVIL!
  25. 0
    25 June 2013 20: 36
    Quote: UFO
    And I already thought that they had scammed science, and there were no more smart ones

    Well done! Correctly noted! The only clarification - judging by the article, our fundamental science has not faded. Without this condition, you can only do slingshots ... So far there have been only reports on the development of applied science ... But no! The best minds continue to work for the good of Russia!
    1. 0
      25 June 2013 20: 46
      Quote: KazaK Bo
      But no! The best minds continue to work for the good of Russia!

      Yes guys work, work! Good youth pulled themselves up. Judging by our URO RAS.
      Not such a variety of topics as in the USSR, but serious topics. I'm not pulling anymore.
  26. Vladomir
    25 June 2013 21: 02
    Ivashov sometimes speaks incomprehensibly, and his deputy. Sivkov issued so that the CIA will get confused. Strategists! Where are we from the backwoods?
  27. 0
    25 June 2013 22: 33
    Sheer nonsense, and disgustingly written.

    Check out the chapter on heavy-duty computers, the first two paragraphs. "The effect of teleportation of the state of quantum particles". In physics there is no concept of "teleportation", there is "transfer" or "transition" and only objects, not states, albeit alcoholic. And how does the author understand "state teleportation" ?! Porridge from fantasy and, supposedly, quantum mechanics. Einstein with Bohr and Heisenberg are turning over in their coffins.

    And how do you like the self-reproduction of devices in the chapter on nanoarms! Is budding or nano-pollination applied?

    The article was written after failure in physics in the second or third year (I do not know the current programs).

    For information, I took a university course in physics, after high school I was interested in elementary particle physics for a long time. By the way, it is Heisenberg, not GAY ...
    1. +1
      25 June 2013 22: 46
      It is precisely in quantum physics that the transfer is not described of the particle itself, but rather the transfer of the STATE (properties) of the particle. Despite the fact that physical displacement does not occur, the result is still a "duplicate" with all the properties of the initial particle. This postulate was formulated by physicists at the end of the 20th century.

      And in 2012, Nobel was awarded for the creation of technologies for manipulating quantum systems.

      I propose not to argue here on this topic. Just an article, as you rightly noted, really, is written clumsily.
      1. 0
        25 June 2013 23: 04
        Sorry, I do not agree. The well-known example is a transistor, where an electron passes into a tunnel effect. Ordinary quantum transition / transfer without the nonsense of infinite speeds. The author should be on the first course, where they are introduced to the theories of long-range action and short-range action (like so called). Quantum mechanics was created, including, to explain nonsense with infinite speeds.

        I repeat once again, the author wrote about teleportation of the STATE of a particle. STATE teleported, and let the particle as it wants. Where is the "AND" before the word "particle"?
        1. 0
          25 June 2013 23: 06
          Well, do not agree ....
    2. +1
      25 June 2013 22: 56
      Alexander! Well what are you really! The guy puffed, wrote ... I wanted to shine. Managed. Teleportation - yes, cool. Or maybe this term has already been put into circulation. I did not bother with a full understanding of what was written. And the quanta were surrendered by me a long time and finally! UD. Okay!
      1. +1
        25 June 2013 23: 04
        There is already quantum teleportation. I will allow myself to copy some data from scientific sources, because I won’t write that, and I don’t know so much.

        In 1993, scientists from different countries substantiated in theory how quantum information can be transmitted from one point to another without intersecting the intermediate space. Researchers called this technique teleportation.

        The first successful experiments on teleporting the polarization state of a photon were carried out in 1997 by physicists from the University of Innsbruck and Rome. The distance over which teleportation occurred was only about 1 meter, and the probability of a successful transmission was negligible. And scientists from all over the world joined the race to improve this technology.

        In 1998, a group of scientists from the California Institute of Technology, which included our former compatriot Evgeny Polzik, conducted the first experiment in the history of teleporting arbitrary (not only single-photon) quantum states of light.

        In 2001, Austrian scientists managed to teleport the state of a photon for 10 kilometers, and three years later, together with colleagues from the American National Institute of Standards and Technology, they teleported the quantum states of calcium and beryllium ions. In 2006, the Polzik group carried out the transfer of the state of light into another physical medium - rubidium pairs. Scientists have moved the information encoded in the laser beam into a cluster of metal atoms, thereby proving the possibility of teleportation between objects of different nature - light and matter.

        Recently, the transmission process was first conducted through the atmosphere to a distance of 97 kilometers, between the two banks of the Chinese lake Qinghai (Kukunor). This breakthrough, thanks to a high-precision guidance and targeting system, was made by a group of Chinese scientists.

        But the leaders of the science of celestial science did not stay long. In spring 2012, an international team led by the Austrian physicist Anton Zeilinger, one of the authors of the first experiments on quantum teleportation, performed optical teleportation between the Canary Islands of La Palma and Tenerife over the Atlantic Ocean - 143 kilometers, and while this record is not broken by anyone.
        1. +2
          25 June 2013 23: 29
          I apologize for myself. I did not know about this, incl. on the adoption of the term "teleportation". Has ceased to be interested since the 80s.

          But then some carrier of energy passes - a meson changing the state. Otherwise, the cheers of the theory of long-range / infinite velocity and down with everything quantum.

          I also suggest that you carefully read the chapter on field theory, but have a valerian next to an impressionable one or roll 150 c before reading.
          1. +3
            25 June 2013 23: 39
            With the word "teleportation" they obviously got excited. Providing a long-term and enduring confusion between physics and science fiction. :)
          2. +2
            25 June 2013 23: 46
            So I wrote that here (in the comments) to discuss this issue, yes this is a whole section, not even an article, it is necessary to create. Well him. And this article was written clumsily, as if they had pulled material from somewhere, or could it be partially translated? Then the translation is clumsy.
            1. +1
              26 June 2013 06: 48
              Sergei! Hats off and blush.

              Indeed there is the concept of teleportation status. Or rather, a slang expression that does not detract from my guilt.

              I also apologize to the author for the tricks with teleportation. Figuratively speaking, I read the article from the point of view of the old, almost "dead language", and the meanings of the words have already changed.
              1. +1
                26 June 2013 12: 49
                I read the article from the point of view of the old, almost "dead language"

                Yes, I understand. Nothing wrong.
  28. +4
    25 June 2013 23: 27
    Quote: Odyssey
    [People enthusiastically discuss problems that are far from our realities, but do not pay attention to the fact that they take their own home away.
    It just seems that the issues discussed are far away. When I started working on BESM-4, the current development of the computer industry could not even be dreamed of in a dream. But only 30 years have passed.
    And the main problem is that technical development is far ahead of the spiritual. An increasingly advanced and powerful technique falls into the hands of people increasingly immoral.
    It is one thing to pierce an enemy with your own hands in a bayonet battle, and his face will then dream in nightmares for the rest of his life. And it is quite another to throw a couple of "Hellfires" at a handful of either terrorists or civilians from a "Predator" controlled via satellite from a computer located thousands of kilometers from the theater. And the picture on the monitor is absolutely no different from a computer shooting game. What a remorse here. After that you can go and drink some coffee, and nothing prevents you from looking at football. That is, the virtual world that changes our psyche is not something distant, we have already entered it, without noticing how.
    The root of the problems, both the pressing ones you are talking about, and the "distant" ones - in a person, his spirituality. And it is necessary to try to develop it "here and now". Thinking about where technologies are moving is necessary simply in order not to "sleep through" the point of no return on the way to the high-tech Apocalypse, which will solve all our problems at once.
  29. 0
    26 June 2013 06: 31
    I read only half of the article, but I understood the whole :), I just didn’t understand when this theoretical science will continue to be an adjective :) That is, well, is that clear - and what? :) I’m silent about the practice.
    What is taken out of the article is only a confirmation of the old truth about non-focusing on old templates and the upcoming (at and almost current) new format of wars. But the strategy and tactics of these wars, which in fact would be more interesting, will depend on the performance characteristics of weapons in these areas, and they cannot even be presented from the article.
  30. +1
    26 June 2013 06: 40
    the good news in the field of science is if instead of Chubais comes the Alferov.
  31. Whale
    26 June 2013 13: 29
    The obsolete concept of 90 years is probably no longer relevant.
    and so look Modern fiction and easier and more visual
    And by the way, what has been done except that they sold
  32. Virtuous
    5 September 2013 13: 10
    I would say that this is not an article, but only an introduction to some larger study. The author raises the question that the quantitative changes in the characteristics of weapons have exhausted themselves. Qualitative changes are coming. He is trying to concretize them to the best of his Copenhagen.
    This, so to speak, is a military philosophy with which serious work must begin to develop new means of armed struggle. In fact, these are two open questions - why and how.