Feat 12-th frontier on the Tajik-Afghan border

The battle on the 12 frontier outpost "Sari Gory" of the Moscow frontier detachment of the Group of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan took place on Tuesday 13 July 1993. During the attempt to break into the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan a large group of Afghan and Tajik militants, Russian border guards restrained enemy advancement for 11 hours, after which, having spent almost all the ammunition, they retreated, losing 25 people killed. Later that day, the outpost was repulsed by Russian troops. As a result of this fight, 6 border guards were awarded the highest award of Russia - the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (four of them posthumously).

After the collapse of the USSR, the grouping of the forces of the former Red Banner Central Asian Border KGB of the USSR continued to remain on the Tajik-Afghan border. In September, 1992, on the basis of this grouping, the Group of the Border Troops of Russia in the Republic of Tajikistan was formed. Russian border guards, who were in Central Asia during these years, had to serve in very difficult conditions against the background of the destabilization of the military-political situation in the region. In addition, in 1992, the real civil war broke out on the territory of Tajikistan. In neighboring Afghanistan, after the overthrow of the Najibullah regime, the situation was no less tense. Since the spring of 1993, the militants of the Tajik opposition, with the support of the Mujahideen from Afghanistan, have tried to break through the border many times, but each time Russian border guards were on their way.

In this regard, the rally against the Russian 12 of the Sari Gore frontier post was originally planned as an act of retaliation by the militants for all previous failures. During the fighting on the site 12-th frontier on the air worked up to 10 radio correspondents. The tactics of the enemy’s actions and the analysis of the incoming data made it possible to establish that the main objective of this armed action was to destroy the 12 border guard station and to capture the bridgehead in the 11 and 12 border stations in order to conduct large-scale offensive operations in the Kulyab area and put into practice plans in the future "The government of the Republic of Tajikistan in exile". The purpose of this operation was to accelerate the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Tajikistan, which in the near future would allow for a coup d'état, overthrowing the legitimate government of the republic.

Feat 12-th frontier on the Tajik-Afghan border

About 12 groups of mojaheds with a total of up to 14-200 people took part in the armed attack on 250. Subsequently, it was found that they were armed with 2 mortars, 4 recoilless guns, 5-6 PC installations, up to 30 RPGs and around 10-12 machine guns. The direct leadership of the attackers was carried out by Corey Hamidullo. As it turned out, among the attackers was a terrorist Khattab, unknown to anyone at that time. At the time of the attack, there were 48 people, including an 2 officer, an 2 supercon = outpost

At 4 in the morning, a border guard squad located on the southeastern outskirts of the outpost of the outpost, found the Mujahideen, who climbed the slopes, after that the outpost personnel were raised by the command “To the gun!”. Realizing that the surprise attack on the border guards did not work, the attackers opened fire on the outpost from all types weapons: recoilless guns, mortars, grenade launchers, as well as small arms. Militants managed to disable the SPG-9 machine-based grenade launcher, as well as destroy the BMP. Several frontier guards were killed and wounded, and the senior lieutenant Mikhail Mayboroda, head of the 12 frontier post, was seriously wounded.

At the same time, the border guards at the outpost continued to resist stubbornly, repelling one enemy attack after another. But the forces of the parties were too unequal. The building of the barracks and other buildings on the territory of the outpost lit up from the strong fire of the militants By morning, the border guards already had serious losses. In battle, machine gunner Sergei Borin was killed. Not one attacker died from the accurate fire of his machine gun. Sergey Borin continued to fight, being wounded several times, only a direct hit by a grenade, which literally tore him apart, made his machine gun silence.

On the other flank of the defense in the same way, being three times wounded, machine gunner Igor Filkin led the battle to the last. After the withdrawal of the militants, several dozen bullet holes were found on the body of the hero, and it was also seriously disfigured by a close tear of a grenade. To the end fought with the bandits and the crew of the wounded BMP. After the car ran out of ammunition, the BMP commander, gunner-operator and driver-mechanic fought off the attackers with grenades. They all died almost simultaneously. The Mujahideen, heavily wicked, still alive, were cut off his head by a wounded sergeant Yelizarov ...

A continuous battle at the outpost lasted more than 11 hours. At this time, the help that came out of the border detachment, due to the mining route and the strong fire of the militants, could not get through to the outpost. As a result, the surviving 18 border guards fought their way out of the encirclement. All of them were injured or were contused. The departure of the border guards covered sergeant Evlanov. He left the battlefield last but could not get to his own. The fragment of a projectile exploded next to him struck his left lung.

But the militants began to celebrate victory early. The reserves that reached the battlefield under the cover of armored vehicles, artillery and air support were able to dislodge the attackers from the territory of Tajikistan. When the territory of the 12 frontier post was cleared of bandits, a terrible picture of the battle unfolded before the border guards. The bodies of its defenders were scattered in the trenches on the slopes of the mountain and in the territory of the outpost itself. Some of them showed signs of torture.

In total, 25 people were killed in this battle from the Russian side: 22 border guard and 3 servicemen of the 201 motorized rifle division. 18 border guards, led by Lieutenant Merzlikin, were able to break through to meet the group that was helping them. Another wounded border guard was found on the territory of the outpost, after the militants left. Another 4 fighter came to the location of the outpost the next day, almost all of them did not have or approached the end of the ammunition.

The militants as a result of the attack lost up to 70 people. They managed to take away some of the corpses with them, the bodies of 35 people were found on the territory and near the border post. In addition, the militants left 5 machine guns, 1 machine gun, 2 RPG, 20 rockets and a large amount of ammunition for small arms. The sappers arrived at the site on the territory of the outpost and discovered and neutralized 10 anti-personnel mines.

After the tragedy at the 12 frontier frontier post, the commander of the Border Troops of Russia, Colonel-General Vladimir Shlyakhtin, was sent to resign, and the country's security minister, Viktor Barannikov, was reprimanded for the flaws identified in his work. After that, there were also suggestions that Barannikov’s resignation, which took place on July 18, was also associated with events on the Tajik-Afghan border. As a result of the militant attack, the outpost itself was almost completely destroyed. Subsequently, it was restored, but in another place, several kilometers higher in the mountains closer to the commandant's office, Yol. By order of the Minister of Security of Russia for the number 413 from 1 in November 1993, the 12 frontier post of the Moscow frontier detachment was named “the name of 25 heroes”.

For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, by presidential decree to ordinary Sergei Borin (posthumously), ordinary Igor Filkin (posthumously), sergeant Sergei Yevlanov, sergeant Vladimir Yelizarov (posthumously), sergeant Sergei Sushchenko (deathly and awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation. Another 29 border guards of the Moscow border detachment were awarded the order "For personal courage", and 17 fighters were awarded the medals "For Courage".

Information sources:
-http: //neizv-vojna.livejournal.com/6340.html
-http: //velikoross.su/forum/showthread.php? t = 695
-http: //forum.pogranichnik-cobra.ru/viewtopic.php? f = 87 & t = 1291
-http: //ru.wikipedia.org
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  1. +24
    6 June 2013 08: 43
    I understand the 1993 reports. when I saw these boys I cried!
    Eternal memory to the fallen soldiers of Russia and Tajikistan! They retreated but did not give up!
    1. redwolf_13
      6 June 2013 11: 52
      Eternal memory to the soldiers!
      But forgive the lompasniki again abandoned the soldiers and no one has answered for this. I remember the reports after these events as the muzzle was hidden by ryahs with "airfields" on their heads.
    2. +2
      6 June 2013 16: 24
      I remember the reports of that time. In one of them the severed head of our guy was visible. Powerlessness felt so and hatred for bearded men in wide pants
      1. Grenz
        6 June 2013 23: 20
        According to the participants in the battle at 12 outposts, more than two hundred militants took part in the armed provocation against fifty border guards. “Heads could not be raised from the trenches for many hours. Snipers fired aimed fire, recalls the outpost squad commander sergeant Sergey Evlanov, - ceaseless fire from mortars and grenade launchers, ... a continuous sea of ​​fire, blazing hell and we in it. They cut us off at 4.00. From 1 MMG they tried to break through to us, but could not. Dushmans planned and prepared everything well. ”
        Battle participant Sergeant Rinat Akhunov confirms that "... he saw with his own eyes how" spirits "walked through our trenches and shot the wounded at point-blank range. "They scoffed at many: they gouged out their eyes, cut off their tongue and head (Sergeant Elizarov - my comment), burned them." He notes: "... with a mortar, the first mine, the ATV warehouse was destroyed, all the trenches and positions were shot, the fire was fought to defeat."
        Recorded from the words of the fighters during their treatment in the hospital, so direct speech.
  2. Kovrovsky
    6 June 2013 08: 43
    Eternal memory to heroes!
  3. +12
    6 June 2013 08: 45
    Goosebumps! Eternal Glory to the dead and the survivors!
  4. Dima190579
    6 June 2013 09: 09
    ETERNAL GLORY TO HEROES. It's a shame that we learn about heroes when they are no more.
  5. Soldier
    6 June 2013 09: 40
    This is our, unfortunately almost unknown, war. It remained in the shadow of the 1st Chechen war. And for me, back then, the conscript of 1997 was as if yesterday. And the locals really treat us very VERY. For me, Tajiks are still- brotherly people. Eternal memory of the fallen.
  6. +10
    6 June 2013 09: 49
    Hello all.
    Yes, our border guards are great.
    Eternal memory to the fallen.
    Glory to the heroes.
  7. +12
    6 June 2013 09: 51
    Eternal memory and glory for centuries to our border guard heroes!
    The film should be shot about this, but good, solid, so that young people would watch.

    But the hottab, stsuka bearded, already noted, it is a pity that he did not tear his hooves there.
    1. +4
      6 June 2013 11: 19
      Quote: omsbon
      The film should be shot about this, but good, solid, so that young people would watch.

      So they removed it recently. And was at the box office. The name of the type is "Outpost". There Chadov was also noted as an actor who played a Latvian in "Streets of Broken Lanterns".
      1. +1
        6 June 2013 20: 08
        Hard to name that movie
    2. +3
      6 June 2013 12: 38

      The film is based on
  8. avt
    6 June 2013 10: 03
    Here are some of our people who write on the site - it’s nonsense, the Taliban will not come to us, everything is calm in our republic and stop being terrified by horror stories, it’s funny for you. Here is a concrete fact of very recent times and quite specific participants. Well, there would be no border guards and 201st? And it may remind you that under Akayev spirits in galoshes, 300 goals, came to Kyrgyzstan and put on the ears, so the creator of Asian Switzerland bequeathed. We shall siphon from the south, the pale-faced, inhuman humans from overseas will not leave us alone.
    1. +1
      6 June 2013 17: 53
      Exactly, I remember what the men who were coming from there then said — everyone had a hopeless confidence — if Massoud is finished, then the Taliban will simply sweep away our Taliban people — there will not be enough cash and money. And so, yes, the Taliban are finding themselves and we will have a fun life ... what Rakhmon thinks is incomprehensible ....
      1. avt
        6 June 2013 19: 34
        Quote: smile
        Exactly, I remember what the men who were coming from there then said — everyone had a hopeless confidence — if Massoud is finished, then the Taliban will simply sweep away our Taliban people — there will not be enough cash and money.

        And multiply this by the fact that the Pamiri - they divided the people divided between Afghan Badagshan and Tajik and Dushanbe power, and give free rein and cut it out. And Rakhmon’s strength, as the last mess showed when the general was cut there, he doesn’t. Thank Agahan for fitting in.
  9. +9
    6 June 2013 11: 06
    Everyone needs to know their heroes. The Americans, for example, honor their "heroes" - those who bombed Libya, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Vietnam. For example, the pilot shot down in 1995 in Yugoslavia, who on his knees with tears asked the Serbs not to kill him.
    And we learn about the exploits of our soldiers only from such articles. Thanks to the author!
    1. Gari
      6 June 2013 11: 56
      Recently I watched on TV it seems on Channel 1 of Russia, they shot a documentary about those events, and now they’ve interviewed them, and there the militant officers were crying - and this is after so many years
      1. spd2001
        6 June 2013 14: 04
        That's right, the host of military programs in Russia 1 A. Sladkov ("Military Program" 08:20 every Saturday) made a broadcast. There were used footage taken during the hostilities (air from 01.06.2013). You can find it here - http://russia.tv/brand/show/brand_id/12506. Beats tears in moments. I recommend to all.
        1. +3
          6 June 2013 20: 45
          Quote: spd2001
          Tears out in moments.

          What are the moments? I sobbed into the voice ... And from anger I almost crushed my teeth .... How many excellent, best guys we have !!! And we don’t know anything about them, and they are silent about themselves! Yes, they need to bow to their feet ...... And we are all about some kind of der ... like Serdyukov .... But we don’t know about such nice guys ... We’re wondering who will defend their homeland? Who will go under the bullets for Abramovich? Yes, they would all go through the forest !!! We will defend our homeland ... And we have most of these guys !!!!
          1. spd2001
            7 June 2013 12: 15
            What are the moments? I wept in a voice ...
            You are a woman, you can.
  10. Larus
    6 June 2013 11: 08
    We need to seriously close our border and help Tajiks with equipment and other goods, because Now they are with the border-passage yard with Afghanistan and they themselves are bringing drugs to us in all possible ways.
    1. avt
      6 June 2013 11: 13
      Quote: Larus
      It is necessary to close our border seriously and help Tajiks with equipment and other goods, because

      What are you talking about? The maximum that you need to send to Rakhmon is Pushkin's fairy tale about the Golden Fish. Although I think the feed is not in the horse. It will catch up so it will be too late.
  11. berimor
    6 June 2013 11: 14
    Unfortunately, it should be noted that the 12 outpost was almost left to its own devices even when planning its deployment and in terms of air support. 11 hours of battle were these guys themselves, without the support of the main forces. Where were at least vaunted fire support helicopters. After all, they should have known that the situation at the border was tense, where was, after all, undercover intelligence ?! Well, well, the ground forces approach route was mined, but why was there no air help? What, it was impossible to throw assault on helicopters and use fire support helicopters ?! !! Yes, for this it is necessary not only to dismiss, but to judge !!!
    1. 0
      6 June 2013 20: 54
      Quote: berimor

      Unfortunately you are right! And at the same time, they’re not quite right. Remember the 90s ... The USSR was no longer there. The guys were on the territory of a foreign sovereign country. They still have not even been recognized as participants in the military operations. they handed it over, but they don’t consider it to be participants in the hostilities ... Now Shoigu personally dealt with this issue, there is a hope that justice will prevail .... So there were very big problems with support and with air cover and with intelligence. And in the military Tajikistan’s Ministry also turned out to be a mole, which drove I’m driving, and there was no one to check, just then the border guards were separated from the FSB into a separate structure. All interaction, including in terms of intelligence, turned out to be lost ...... So not everything is so simple.
  12. SIT
    6 June 2013 12: 32
    Quote: berimor
    11 hours of battle were these guys themselves, without the support of the main forces ...
    Yes, for this it is necessary not only to dismiss, but to judge !!!

    For me, this is still a mystery. After all, there should have been a plan in case of invasion from the adjacent territory. Did he foresee that the outpost should last 11 hours!?!? The agents, too, could not help but warn that people and weapons were being concentrated - such a crowd with mortars and RS could not be discreetly conducted. Damn, nothing but the paid dough as the main reason for such a mess comes to mind.
    1. 0
      6 June 2013 17: 59
      There was a plan. Mangroups for such a case were formed .... why didn’t they come to the rescue .... a riddle ... a mess in the country, a mess in the army, I have no other explanation ...
      1. 0
        9 June 2013 05: 40
        MMG is not formed for such cases, they are always there !!! Here the distance from the detachment to the outpost played a big role! Well, in 1993, a mess in everything, there was probably no grief, until they found it!
    2. 0
      6 June 2013 21: 04
      Quote: SIT
      what is the concentration of people

      Yes, there was no concentration, neither people nor equipment. The Pamir mountains are called there. There are passes, but mostly trails that are often unknown to anyone. Have you ever been in the mountains? Without special training above 1000-2000 meters to pass if there is no one who knows the terrain. From intelligence they knew that an attack was being prepared on the 10th outpost (as it turned out to be a desa), and they hit 12 ... Anyway, but the guys are really heroes! To know that behind your back is not your native country and fight ... Of course, heroes!
      1. 0
        5 December 2015 18: 28
        Quote: Tverichanka

        Yes, there was no concentration, neither people nor equipment. From intelligence they knew that an attack was being prepared at 10 outposts (as it turned out to be a desa), and they hit 12 ... Anyway, but the guys are really heroes!

        There was concentration, it was.
        Forces and means secretly gathered on the Afghan side specifically for the attack on the 12th outpost.
        The attack was well prepared: through relatives and "sympathizers" on the Tajik side, they collected all possible information on the outpost, watched the squads, made inquiries about who and how and how long would be able to help the outpost in the event of an attack.
        Unfortunately, it certainly could not have done without traitors from among the corrupt officers of the Tajik and possible Russian army (PV, MO).
        Due to my short service, I had to talk with one of the ordinary fighters of the gang that attacked the 12th POGZ. At the time of the conversation, he served as an officer of the Tajik border troops! ((...
  13. Gur
    6 June 2013 13: 27
    Here I am, too. I got this heroism of our guys who were not needed by anyone, on foreign territory in the absence of war, with a huge powerful army. That Tajikistan, Chechnya and Dagestan. This impunity of the "airfields" and "karakul popahs" has reached the level of the strategists are crappy. Yes, with such means, weapons, b .... d think about such an enemy would not even dare. At the slightest inclination to receive such people, even on the side of the territory, that would have dried up for a long time. And we have, like a proverb, there is no tea pot, there is no horseradish Tomarka. Either someone handed over our guys (?), Then someone did not report on command, then the UN comes, and as a result, the guys, at the cost of their lives, heroically correct the mistakes of strategists.
  14. botsman-palych
    6 June 2013 15: 30
    Quote: berimor
    Unfortunately, it should be noted that the 12 outpost was almost left to its own devices even when planning its deployment and in terms of air support. 11 hours of battle were these guys themselves, without the support of the main forces. Where were at least vaunted fire support helicopters. After all, they should have known that the situation at the border was tense, where was, after all, undercover intelligence ?! Well, well, the ground forces approach route was mined, but why was there no air help? What, it was impossible to throw assault on helicopters and use fire support helicopters ?! !! Yes, for this it is necessary not only to dismiss, but to judge !!!

    For this, they removed the commander of the border troops.
  15. +5
    6 June 2013 15: 33
    The heroism of some is often the reckoning for gouging others. Farther from gouging - there is less chance of becoming a hero ... posthumously. (God bless those whose work - risking their lives, raking someone else's ...)
    (... Group A officer)

    There’s nothing to add ...
  16. +1
    6 June 2013 17: 57
    Eternal memory, land in peace to the dead! Honor and Glory to the survivors and non-droppers of Honor! It should be more often reminded of those who have calmed down, the war on our borders is ripening and not in one place.
  17. +3
    6 June 2013 19: 55
    With them begins the defense of the homeland. Glory to the heroes.
  18. 0
    6 June 2013 20: 35
    Eternal memory to the dead! Debt for them was more valuable than life !!!
  19. 0
    6 June 2013 22: 26
    Eternal Memory and Glory to the Heroes !!! In those years, too, they served and defended only at the other end of the country. Now you think, but find yourself in their place ..... how would you do ??! Probably the same ..... LOW BOW You guys .....
  20. Myasnov
    7 June 2013 09: 29
    Eternal memory to the Heroes of the border guards!
  21. SIT
    7 June 2013 10: 51
    Quote: Tverichanka
    Quote: SIT
    what is the concentration of people

    Yes, there was no concentration, neither people nor equipment. There are mountains called Pamir. There are passes, and mostly trails, which are often unknown to anyone. Have you ever been in the mountains?

    These are the paths that lead to the Panj valley that have been known since the time of the fighting in the so-called East Turkestan. When they introduced a limited contingent for the river, they were trampled under the new thoroughly enough. That's the whole point, that they don’t go anywhere in the mountains, but only along the trails. Can you imagine how a convoy of 250 people and asses with weapons and ammunition look like on a trail? It is almost a kilometer. It’s hard not to notice at least anyone, and that he will not go to the grandmother to share the news with the whole village.
  22. Sadroger
    9 June 2013 00: 43
    So the locals were aware that the "beards" were walking, and a few hours before the attack, they left the nearby village without warning the border guards. And, in fact, betrayed them. As for Sladkov's film, only half of the truth is said about the heroism of the border guards (not all). The second half of the truth remained behind the scenes - and there was also something to talk about: betrayal, cowardice, official carelessness, etc. On one of the border sites, this story is truthfully and in some detail analyzed.
  23. 0
    10 June 2013 10: 49
    PPC almost missed the article .... my friend, a native of Tajikistan from some sort of border village, he himself was Russian (Ukrainian last name), just at that time he was in military service in the Russian border troops, 12 outpost Moscow border detachment. I won’t name it because I don’t know about this site. On this day we again drank with him, but right now I look at the same thing ... remembered about them)) so he told me how he was a native of Tajikistan in the Russian army - cinema and Germans ..))) They called him into the Tajik army, he then lived in Dushanbe, and he fled from the recruiting station and to the headquarters of the border troops in Dushanbe: I want to serve in the Russian army, I already fled from the Tajik army, I did not take the oath. Well, they somehow took him, already being in the army he received a Russian passport, now he lives in Russia))
    We met at the ESPO a few years ago .... but I found out where he served only a couple of years after meeting. And yes, he doesn’t have a mark that the participant in the hostilities does not have any veteran benefits - I confirm.
  24. Security2012
    11 June 2013 10: 17
    eternal glory to the dead guys! !!
  25. 0
    29 May 2014 16: 37
    He served there at 96.
    Remote post "Mercury". Directly above the outpost.
    We got up in mid-January, and a week later, "guests with a check" came to us.
    They shot back for half an hour ...
    Then, stably once a month, they tried to get around us ... Well, we can’t get by laughing
    In May, a caravan was spotted, about 250 people. Contacted the outpost, those from Dushanbe.
    From there, an hour later, aviation had flown. 5 aircraft and 11 helicopters. Of course, they ironed them thoroughly ... In general, they did not pass again laughing
    It is a pity no contacts with the guys were preserved ...
  26. 0
    5 December 2015 18: 13
    Quote: smile

    what is Rahmon thinking, unclear....

    About money, about personal material and political benefits unfortunately ((