Kvachkov - a hero or a provocateur?

How can you quickly and accurately determine who is a true patriot, and who is a provocateur? This can be done quite quickly, if you evaluate the case, and not just the words of the investigated character. By deeds or their absence, you can understand everything exactly ...

Kvachkov - a hero or a provocateur? Or let us kill ourselves for our beloved Motherland together — liberate the place for the invaders ...

Colonel Kvachkov, honored officer, who went through more than one war and suffered for the truth. Once he commanded the GRU Special Forces Brigade, today this man led the struggle of the Russian people against the occupiers, as he puts it, with the Jewish power entrenched in the Kremlin.

During his speeches, he denounces the Russian authorities in such a way that you expect the rally or meeting to end and immediately arrest the honored colonel of the authorities whom he had just so boldly and frankly scolded. Or a maximum of 15 minutes after the rally will get Kvachkov under the car - how long to kill a patriot.

But time passes, and nothing happens. People are judged for the fact that the videos with a bad caricature on the Internet have been laid out, they have been labeled as an extremist, but Kvachkov, who calls the Russian authorities just like the Jewish mafia, does not touch Putin as a bastard and traitor.

What's the matter? Do not notice? No, it's hard not to notice Kvachkov - the Internet is just overflowing with rollers with a colonel-patriot.

Oh yeah, Kvachkov was attracted on charges of organizing an attack on the main bloodsucker, Anatoly Chubais. Only it was a strange attempt: a TNT block and several auto-queues at the Chubais armored vehicle. Even the glass of an armored BMW withstands a direct hit from a short distance from a Kalashnikov.

A very strange organization of an ambush against the main enemy of the Russian people. If not to say more - amateurish organization. It seems that the attack was organized either by boys who did not even serve in the army, or by those who just wanted to create a public outcry with a complete guarantee of the security of Chubais himself.

It can be said for sure that these were not boys. Do you know what the first task is solved by the commander of the special purpose group when organizing an ambush? Retraction of the group after the assignment. This is task number one - how to leave and cover your tracks.

It is difficult to expect that amateurs who could not even calculate the firepower needed to defeat an enemy moving in an armored car could so skillfully cover their tracks after the assassination that the best detectives in Russia were looking for and did not find them. And it was necessary to would-be detectives to attract on the occasion of the old innocent colonel turned up.

It is illogical somehow. Obviously, this was a pseudo attempt. Moreover, the organizers with the safety of the injured Anatoly Chubais obviously overdid it: they could at least blow up a bomb near, or shoot and miss the gun from a grenade launcher. Not. What if you accidentally get in, and there - Anatoly Borisovich. It is impossible. Therefore, such a funny attempt happened, but does the average person get into it ...
But if this is a pseudo attempt, then who is the organizer? Who is the customer?

If you do not know who did, look for who benefits. The first thing that can be assumed is that Chubais organized it himself, that's why he took care of his own safety. Only now, why such a PR Chubais? What is he missing? Maybe he needs fame? Chubais is a thief, and fame for a thief is an unnecessary thing, if not more, is harmful.

He is the main specialist in Russia for cutting budget money, and therefore they put him in such positions where he needs to disintegrate and steal money. An extra mention of his surname, causing curses and popular anger, does not need Anatoly Borisovich.

For his position, Chubais is trying to be the most non-public person. And this attempt to the main thief of Russia did not add anything.

And what has gained another person involved in this case, Kvachkov? Ltd. This is an interesting question. Famous and image of the martyr (three years in prison), the image of a fighter for justice. Super popularity among radical young people.

He didn’t bear the punishment (he didn’t admit his guilt, otherwise he wouldn’t get off with three years), and from a modest colonel, known only in narrow circles, he turned into a patriot hero who challenged in court not to anyone, but to the most important the enemy of Russia.

After all, Chubais is a symbol of all the bad things that have happened to Russia over the past twenty years. Boris Yeltsin appointed the main culprit of all his troubles: Chubais is to blame for everything! Remember? Kashchei immortal - not otherwise.

So what do we see now?

Chubais modestly goes away, stealing money further (here and Rosnano was created for him with a multibillion-dollar fund - Chubais doesn’t steal on trifles), and Kvvakov, a new hero, enters the arena.

And for the sake of a good legend and you can sit in jail. I myself had to visit places not so remote, and I know that there are different cells in prison. There are also comforts, commercial, for which the sideler pays every day (or rather, they pay for it at liberty), as for a hotel. And everything is official. There, as they say, there are few people, they are not crowded at all, there is no dampness, it is clean and comfortable, and there is a refrigerator with a TV.

There are special chambers for challenging prisoners with special conditions. There is less comfort, and supervision is strict, but there are few people and it is easier to sit. Judging by the memories of Kvachkov, that for some time he lived in one “hut” with Khodorkovsky, he sat in a cell not for mere mortals. You can suffer for the sake of the legend.
So does Kvachkov play for the same team as Chubais?

Maybe. You can not eliminate - head. This is the law under which the so-called managed opposition operates. And Kvachkov is the one who was to become very popular among the most radical opposition of the authorities. To further lead it.

Otherwise, how to explain that Kvachkov, the toughest, most courageous of the opposition leaders, is still alive and free? According to Russian laws, he had already told himself about life imprisonment. 282 th, “Russian” article just for people like him, came up with.

Only here something is not planted Kvachkov. Alive and well. Kvachkov's comrade, General Dubrov, much less popular than the colonel-hero, was engaged with Kvachkov in preparing for the paratrooper rally, scheduled for November 7. A few days before the rally, the general from the platform fell under a passing train. By chance, of course. Apparently, he was more honest than Kvachkov.

So our colonel-hero didn’t even mention the dead general at that rally! The teams, apparently, were not from the hosts. The rally was supposed to go quietly and calmly. In another place, apparently, bold and denouncing the power of speech is necessary to speak. Managed opposition.

Let's pay tribute to the old general: Dubrov is the man who created the Russian anti-fascist committee, this is an honest fighter for the truth, the author of the book “Generals about the Jewish Mafia”. Books, recognized, of course, extremist.

And what about Kvachkov? Not a word about ally! What is this if not a betrayal ?!

So, let’s say, Kvachkov is a protege of the very power that he so boldly brands. The authorities why he?
First, the colonel is not in himself. He has an electorate. There he gathered at the gate, this one, like his, the People! People are worried, and there are dissatisfied. It is necessary dissatisfied somehow to control.

Secondly, we, the Russian people and representatives of other indigenous peoples of Russia, are not going to physically destroy, to send NATO troops here, when the army is finally killed and the last nuclear warhead missile in Transbaikalia will finally rust. They are not going to destroy us. We are already being destroyed! Physically. And in the most active way.

The parasites tried to erase the Russian people from the face of the earth with the hands of specially trained fighting dogs: Hitler was sent, and Napoleon. Do you know that according to the plan of Barbarossa, half of the Slavs in the occupied territories were supposed to be physically destroyed, and the second half sterilized and made to work? That is, for everything about everything, Hitler gave the Russian people 40-50 years. And there are no more Rus. Like this.

Only in schools we were not told about such nuances of the German plan. Why? Because in the light of such information, the whole of World War II, its goals and objectives look somewhat different. And if you consider that the entire military industry of Hitler was built in record time for the money of American Jewish bankers, then ... But this is another story.

No one in the world needs Russian people. Territory need. Land, mineral resources, minerals - everything is needed, but the people are not needed. Poorly controlled, unpredictable in his love of freedom, although deeply asleep now, but very dangerous. Not needed. In the mines, those who are now called migrant workers in Russia will cope much better. Need to clean up the territory.

But how to do it? Military might? Tried it. Does not work. At a critical moment, the Russian people wake up, turn back the avalanche of the military power of the enemy and crush the Berlin fortifications, which, according to all the rules of military science, were considered completely inaccessible! And nothing remains of the war machine created against Russia.

What to do?

It is necessary that the Russian people begin to destroy themselves, since no one can cope with it! And the people begin, first soft and unobtrusive, then more and more persistent propaganda of alcohol, then drugs, then comes the decomposition of the moral foundations of society ...

“What Russian are you, if you don’t drink a hundred grams of vodka?” - Have you ever heard such a question? And this provocative question was born, which laid the assertion that a real Russian man and vodka are inseparable only in the middle of the twentieth century. After World War II.

At the beginning of the century, the average alcohol consumption in the Russian Empire was 2-4 liters per person per year in terms of pure alcohol. And now is 20 liters. Then, as according to the World Health Organization, the degeneration of a nation begins with a mark of 8 liters per year! Here you have weapon destruction. More than two thousand deaths a day! What is not the Patriotic War ?! Alcohol-related deaths in one way or another: “drunk” heart attacks and strokes, “drunk” accidents, “drunk” domestic crimes, etc.

But in general, the nation degenerates! Over the past few years, twenty thousand villages have disappeared in Russia! What, all the people in the city left? Someone left, and someone stayed. In the ground to lie. The village in Russia has already drunk. And this is no secret to anyone. And what Kvachkov: "Our power is Jewish, the Soviet Union collapsed and destroys the army!" Yes, the power was not entirely Russian in the Soviet Union as well ...

Take another weapon for the destruction of entire nations, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and food products based on them. Dr. Ermakova Irina Vladimirovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, an internationally recognized expert on GMO problems, conducted the following experiment several years ago. She fed GMO soybeans to laboratory mice. The goal of the experiment was simple: it tracks the influence of GM products on the fifth generation of mice.

Three times the experience was carried out and all three times unsuccessfully. There was no second generation in mice that actively use GMOs. Only 40% of born cubs were alive, although weakened, and most importantly: all cubs, as it turned out, were fruitless! And GMO-soy for their experiments Yermakova took, by the way, at the Moscow meat-processing plant, where this soy was added to the sausage. After all, the sale of GMOs in Russia is still not banned, despite the numerous objections of biologists.

Many European countries after the publication of the results of the study of Dr. Ermakova began to abandon the GM products. And what are we? We have over the past few years, imports of GMOs in Russia has increased by 100 times! Now up to 70% of products in stores are genetically modified. These are many types of soybeans, corn, several varieties of potatoes, beets ... If the situation does not change, we will die, and our army will not help us here.
Speaking of the army. The largest GMO producer in the world is the American company Monsanto. During the Vietnam War, this company was quite officially a Pentagon contractor for the production of biological weapons, such as, for example, Orange Orange.

Now this company, without even considering it necessary to change the name and try to somehow hide its past, produces food for you and me. Genetically modified products that have a sterilization program.

And again: where are we Kvachkov, a fighter for the revival of the Russian people? And at the rally he. Again, something about a Jew's power tells. Populist slogans - in the people, you see, someday and become the president.
And about GMOs - this is too difficult, there is a world-wide conspiracy smell. Here it is necessary to think. And people are not allowed to think for themselves. Suddenly, he will wake up again and then again, as with Hitler.

In general, one gets the impression that the Russian people are such a peasant who rose from his bed but did not wake up yet. And this vile parasite brings a cup of poison to this man: for, they say, drink some water.
But the bastard provocateur is on the other side, and so that the man inadvertently waking up completely, did not suspect anything of drinking the glass to the bottom, he distracts the man and quickly whispers in his ear to him:
“Look, man is Russian! While you were sleeping, the enemy came, look out the window, he stands at the gate and is going to kill a hundred mugs! And then it will get to us! You drink faster, and we will go into the yard with the enemy to fight ... "
So, why does power need Kvachkov?

The first is to control the radical masses of people. Second, to divert people's attention from primary tasks. And the number one task now is not to defeat the enemy, and not to allow the enemy to poison himself with vaccines, GMOs, and alcohol. We need to live before the battle with the enemy!

And the third. If the people still wake up, if the patience is crowded, then you need to lead this mass of people. And the leader is right there, ready. Colonel Hero He called for war from the very beginning. Well done.

Do we need a war? This, which says Kvachkov? Who will win the war Kvachkov type? Maybe you should at least wake up and figure it out first?

The fact is that the war for the Motherland is a just cause, but you just have to fight with the enemy. And in our country it is, at least, not yet possible. Yes, paradoxically, but now it is impossible to fight with the enemy in our country! You can only fight with your own. This is how the parasites system was built.

The country, the whole world is ruled by parasites. Parasites do their own shit by someone else's hands: they don’t vaccinate, they don’t take abortions, they don’t take bribes from the police, they don’t solder people, even the bestial laws in the Duma they don’t accept, but their pawns. Kill a pawn - in its sweet spot among the parasites hundreds of candidates.
If you want to fight with real parasites, then you need to take into account that while people are sleeping, between you, a fighter for a just cause, and the top of parasites will always be a BUFFER, consisting of normal people who, due to circumstances, turned out to be "soldiers" of parasites, part cattle control system: NATO members, Caucasians, who are being turned on Russians, conscripts of internal troops, who are given criminal orders, policemen, prosecutors, judges and dishonest officials.

Therefore, the words of Academician N. Levashov, that in order to break the parasitic control system, it is necessary that some of the people “wake up” take on special significance.

It is necessary that these people could understand the whole demonic intent of global governance, be able to understand who we are, where our roots are, who our ancestors were. We were able to remember how we lived before, what we believed, what ideals we had, what we were striving for and why earlier for the Russian people, for Rus, the concepts of honor and conscience were much more important than life and death.

“We will not shame the glory of the Russian land, but let us lay down our bones here, for the dead do not shame!” Svetoslav said this to his soldiers before the most important battle. It is not a shame to die - it is a shame to retreat and lose. And they went into battle, and won. Ten thousand weakened by perennial wars and campaigns of Russian soldiers against the fresh hundred-thousandth army of selected troops of the Byzantine Empire. So we were!

The chroniclers of the enemy wrote in amazement: Russian warriors are brave to madness, not a single warrior was captured in a few years of war. If the Russian warrior remains alone, surrounded by the enemy, without hope of escaping, he himself throws his chest on his sword!

Unbeknownst to the enemy chroniclers, death from the enemy's sword is a shame for the Rus, as for a warrior, and captivity is a shame for his entire Kin! Could not rus-warrior disgrace his Rod! Not so was raised. Were we strong then? Incredibly strong! Then we were awake, but now we are sleeping.

Modern liar historians claim that "Vladimir the Holy," who baptized Russia (Vladimir Bloody would be more correct), chose the Christian religion then because it was more suitable than other religions to the Russian people. After all, Christianity did not prohibit alcohol, and the Russian people, according to Vladimir, “find joy in drinking”.

Well, then you want to ask the unfortunate historians, the modern Old Believers, the descendants of those who did not accept Christianity (they remained in Siberia, in Altai), the very ones who are now trying to live by the precepts of their ancestors, honor the old Slavic gods: Perun, Svarog ... - what do they not drink alcohol? They say: Rod forbids.

They argue that before Christianity in Russia to drink was not accepted. There was a mead, a low-alcohol drink, which only men were allowed to drink. Only four times a year: in the winter, spring, summer and autumn - for the greatest holidays. Only one hundred and fifty grams. And the main condition: only for men who have already “created” sixteen children! Otherwise, Rod forbade her husband to drink! Ancestors knew that alcohol adversely affects the germ cells in the first place. That's how Rod cared about his offspring. These are our traditions. Were we strong then? Incredibly strong!

And now? We sleep now. And those who are ready to wake up, the Kvachkov provocateurs are trying to lead aside, to fight with their own, with the Russians, with those who are not going to wake up. Instead of sending people to the real opposition to the genocide of the Russian people: the rejection of GM products, the rejection of vaccinations, the rejection of alcohol, the collection of signatures against real estate tax ... Kvachkov, you know that in the coming years you will be using this magic tax massively withdraw property from people? This is the final slavery will be!

Instead of thinking, taking an active social position, waking your neighbors, creating websites, writing articles, making videos, filling up power with collective appeals - doing everything so that people wake up! Instead, go ahead, soldier, to the barricades. You are given epaulettes, not for you to think, but for orders to be carried out! Forward, for a bright future! ..

Passed already. In the seventeenth. And provocateurs then were similar: small and bald. In the early years of the Soviet government and the civil war in Russia, tens of millions of people, as gullible as today's electorate of Kvachkov, died. Who fought for freedom, justice for a bright future? Russian, who allowed himself to be deceived, with Russian! For the people's power with their own people.

Who has won? Of the twenty two first commissars (ministers) in Soviet Russia - 3 half-Jews (Stalin-Dzhugashvilli, Lenin-Blank, Chicherin), one Armenian (Protian) and the rest are all pure-blood Jews: Trotsky-Bronstein and Co. And this is in the MONO-national Russian state, where more than 80% of the population are Russian people !!!

Of all the top leaders (commissars, ministers, members of the Central Committee ...) in the first decades of Soviet power, 80% are Jews. Practically all the others are married to Jewish women.

So what are you now proposing to fight? For whom? With whom? Maybe you organize an assassination attempt on Rothschild? But please, not as funny as Chubais. Or Shifa, whose ancestors financed the revolution in Russia? Not?

Why so difficult? It is much easier to throw the cry: hit the Jews, save Russia! And on the other side of the barricade, from the mouth of another protege of the parasites, it will be heard: beat the Nazis and the fascists!

And the Russian blood will flow. Whose else? Will those very parasites pay with their blood for transferring power from one hand to another? Of course, they will sacrifice a few of their fellow believers: some of the lawyers or pharmacists of biblical nationality will suffer. But not those who order music. And those who ordered the music, will clean up the territory of Russia they need with our own hands.

You need to wake up. Wake up, Russ! And for a start, at least to stop poisoning ourselves with poisons: alcohol, GMOs, vaccines ...

It is possible to organize a psevdokushenie on Chubais. And you can think and act correctly. Human rights activist Kuvshinov after privatization sued Chubais and sued him for the money equivalent of two Volga cars.

In court, he proved that in relation to him, as a citizen of Russia, privatization was carried out illegally. The court won. And then I called on all my acquaintances: go to court, the case is right, until 3 years have passed since privatization, everything can be won back ...

Have many gone? Nobody went. Here it is necessary to think. Here the activity is needed. Here you need to be ready-to-go to the fact that you can achieve your goal only from the hundredth attempt. But it will be much easier for all of us, people, if such thinking and active ones as pitchers are not units, but thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands! Let's become such sensible people!

Yes. This is hard. It is easier to scold Chubais with the last words, in the kitchen with his comrades under vodka. And then, when fired from work and patience begins to dry out, - at the rally. And then, after calling neo-Greater - on the barricades. How often lately one can hear: the leader is not enough for us! So I want to ask: what are you, sheep, which without a shepherd can not?

In order to be a man, a leader is not needed. A leader is needed for weak, inert, embittered people, or for people who are not accustomed to think independently. Not so the Soviet government brought up. Not so now the Russian government brings up. Thinking people do not need parasitic authorities - they need good performers. And performers need leaders. And the leaders are right there. Already assigned. The president is seated in his place, Kvachkov in his. The circle is closed.

You need to wake up. And if at least twenty percent of people wake up, then the awakening of the people from the millennial hibernation will become irreversible. After all, this will mean that twenty percent of policemen, twenty percent of prosecutors and judges will wake up. And another unscrupulous official before you bounce, wonders: what to do, as usual or according to conscience?

I, of course, exaggerate, the judge or the prosecutor, a person deeply prescribed in the parasitic system, will find it much more difficult to wake up, giving up all the privileges and temptations given to him by the system. But at least he will have a choice. And if he, faced with the information that we did not always live in such a shameless society, that there were bright times, that once we were People in the full sense of the word ...

If in this case he makes his choice in favor of lies and further parasitism on the body of the people, then there is nothing to worry about such a subject receiving a bullet in the forehead in the process of a change of power. In this case, it will be a conscious parasite.

And the change of power is not far off. Twenty percent of people - and the earth under the feet of the parasites will catch fire! For they will lose their electorate, they will lose their support, the Judeo-revolutionaries will not have Budyonny's cavalry, the basis of which was the Don Cossacks.

Parasites will not have more buffer! And then it will be possible to make war in the classical sense of the word. Because only then will we be able to fight our own enemies, conscious parasites! Unless of course, the desire to go to the end at the last moment will not leave these subjects.

Awakening of the people is a preparatory period before the real struggle. Even if such a fight with explosions and bullets is not needed in the future.

Because only in this way can we remove the buffer that protects the parasites, and only in this way can we go out into battle with the actual parasites, and not with their servants — our compatriots fighting for the truth, which is actually true, for money, for Christ, for the restoration of constitutional order, warring on orders or because "everyone does that."

Only in this way can we wake them up, take them from the line of fire, and put them in our ranks next to us against the parasites. Only in this way can we avoid the situation of the year 1917, when the Russian people fought against the Russians, and the parasites won.

It is necessary to fight, but only with parasites! And for this you need to tear off their masks, bring them to clean water, deprive them of popular support and make, perhaps, for the first time in the history of mankind on Earth, be responsible for their own affairs!
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  1. SERGE
    3 January 2011 14: 31
  2. lupus
    4 January 2011 21: 52
    Yes, the author is the first Jew and enemy of the Russian people! You see how everything turned upside down and Lenin and Stalin had Jews and Kvachkov, a traitor. The author’s Kremlin-Jewish ears can be seen from afar
    1. -1
      April 22 2018 11: 44
      The article is not certain, but the facts are true. And the question is why real patriots do not have such “publicity” and die (Gen. K. Petrov, Dubrov, Rokhlin ...), and Kvachkov has been ranting for so long. Probably consider it harmless and "useful." I do not claim that Kvachkov is an impostor, but his role is as follows: the condemned lonely extremist, unhappy as an example ... I recall a story when the autocracy was strong at the end of the 19th century, they began to shoot at the pillars of autocracy - the smallest progress was achieved with the least cost ... Kvachkov, one of those who must act this way, or who must prevent such a decision, looks more true the second option ...
    4 January 2011 21: 58
    I think so Kvachkov will now be the culprit of all troubles, including the destruction of the Bastille!
  4. Herbert
    4 January 2011 23: 02
    Kvachkov is a true patriot who is not eager for power, but the author of the article, a zhidoliberast, who wrote under the dictation of the Kremlin.
  5. Alex
    5 January 2011 07: 41
    Kvachkov is an old fagot impotent. And those who are guilty of their own degradation and decay of the Jews, are full of halfwits and brainless vegetables.

    The Jews are to blame for the fact that the Russkip ruined their country ?! Do you have a brain?
    Some have blown away, while others are to blame.
  6. Miner
    5 January 2011 08: 30
    I would advise the author of this false opus to get acquainted with the comments of Internet users on one of the largest Runet portals NL-ttp: //newsland.ru/news/detail/id/610412/cat/-1/#comment_5228764 before he goes to get his 30 pieces of silver to the cash desk of the FSB.

  7. imperial
    5 January 2011 14: 35
    I think neither one nor the other. But he is not a leader. And do not play civil war (remember the words of Volodya Blanca). I myself am an Afghan cap and think (if necessary and given such a task) any normal officer who has passed hot spots , I would solve this problem gracefully. I don’t feel like a colonel. There is a tragedy, I think mentality - these people do not see a favorable scenario for the future, they remained the distribution trough of Sovietism .. But the normal Russian National secular (non-clerical) state will be bourgeois (member of the EEC and NATO with brigades in Afghanistan) .. We would also support our Pinochet, which would ensure freedom and guarantees for private capital .. But not for coasters, the Kremlin games. Power degenerated, degenerated and patriotism .. what can I change? Sewed on soap?
  8. vlasaris
    9 January 2011 21: 05
    How can one say various dirty tricks, put forward assumptions, express suspicions, etc., about a person whom you personally do not know. Colonel Kvachkov V.V. He did, and is doing, the main thing - he awakened a national identity among a part of the Russian population. He does what he can. Honestly and openly. What I wish you all - so that your actions, clothes and thoughts are pure and worthy of the patriot of Russia. Yes blowjob you fate to be a prisoner of Lefortovo. For all of you, cowards, goons and morons, Kvachkov will serve. May God give you strength, Vladimir Vasilievich!
  9. Uncle Vasya
    10 January 2011 13: 27
    I don’t want to philosophize a lot, but what each of us did for our people Russian Ukrainians Belarusians (Slavs). Kvachkov at least tried to DO something clumsily rude (well, he’s not a politician), but when he is called to the last throne, he will be one of the few who can honestly watch HIM in the eye ... think about it.
  10. gojesi
    17 January 2011 01: 42
    some strange reactions to a very clever article by a thinking person ...
    Dear ..., but the Author does not blame Kvachkov, who is also very nice to me personally, he just asks very simple questions for which there are NO SIMPLE ANSWERS !!! Well, for example, why do people sit for much smaller misconduct-utterances ??? Why does Kvachkov never mention the KILLED ALLAAD ??? Since if he himself is silent, then I can draw a conclusion myself, it’s simple - the Boss didn’t allow it, didn’t give any good ... Everything is simple, you need to add two to two and it will always work out - four ...
    Turn off the fool and turn on the head !!!
  11. Don zeus
    18 January 2011 15: 33
    The article is strange, the author clearly lives in a world of illusions and far-fetched schemes (if, of course, sincere), writes a lot of stupid things, Kvachkov does what he can and how he can, if everyone is dissatisfied with something, the authorities would have done different. Why didn't you mention an ally? Did any of the critics speak publicly? Excitement, logic of performance, etc. could have affected. Finally, an ally doesn’t mean a friend, maybe personal relationships just didn’t work out, the family of the deceased could ask her not to disturb her memory, etc.
  12. tornado
    25 January 2011 20: 07
    Pay attention to Kvachkov’s track record and rank. This person knows a lot about the war and its details: weapons, strategy, methods of warfare, etc. I am sure that he should be a pro after going through such a school.
    Relate to what he offers: to overthrow power by force, etc. Evaluate the publicity of this person: a little more and they will begin to show it on TV.
    I am sure that a professional would use much more subtle, precise, accurate and adequate actions.
    I see him as a probable Trojan horse!
  13. Alexander
    27 January 2011 14: 30
    Way of the Samurai.
  14. alexblacky
    31 January 2011 22: 40

    Here are your 20%. Here, for the most part, in the comments are idiots who are wow and not head. I came to exactly the same conclusions.
  15. Nationalist
    10 June 2012 15: 03
    I do not understand Kvachkov, he considers himself an Orthodox Stalinist, although Stalin destroyed the Orthodox Temples, killed priests, and generally destroyed the Russian people, and then the representatives of the Russian nation were in power in the USSR! He is trying to combine the incompatible, so most likely he is a provocateur, not a patriot, and even more so because he is not a nationalist, at least not a Russian nationalist, that's for sure. Of course, as an opponent of the corruption regime, I support his struggle, and I consider him a prisoner of conscience, but under his beloved Stalin he would have been sent to extermination camps for resistance from the authorities in general, I think now he must understand that Stalinism is bad, like all Bolshevism, which was anti-Russian. If he refuses Russophobian Bolshevism, which brought our country to its current position, then he can become a real patriot of our Motherland, the question is how much he loves Russia and knows how to think with his head.
  16. Victor ar
    19 December 2012 14: 16
    We just do not have enough blood. If we do according to Kvachkov, we’ll expire in civil strife, and the west will stamp our ass after that. We will raise the economy and authority in the world, then you can play in the revolution. 64% of the population chose the President, if this is not taken into account, then all the cheap swearing addressed to him falls on the shoulders of the people and Russia as a whole. Kvachkov, this is a new schismatic ... he is not fighting that and he is certainly not executing the will of the people ... his actions will be appreciated only by the West, who is used to pushing his victims with his foreheads to weaken, and then knock a chair out from under it. It is necessary to think, and not to praise the executioner’s ax, as far as he is oriental and righteous. Kvachkov, this is a tool of politicians no more.
  17. fan dango
    7 January 2013 19: 38
    The article contradicts itself in many points, a lot of naive nonsense, most likely some FSB political designer wrote
  18. Anton Tarasov
    April 27 2013 17: 58
    Genetic engineering in agriculture should be fully, including ethically analyzed, for what it does to the health of people around the world.
    A Look at the Harm of GMOs from Inside the US
    American Health Crash
    Dr. Peter Lind is a physician, nutritionist and emotional stress specialist. He currently heads the health clinic in Salem, Oregon, USA, and practices metabolic and neurological chiropractic.
    The USA has the best healthcare system in the world. But do you realize how poor the health of us Americans is?
    We get sick earlier and earlier, and live longer and longer, but with poor health.
    American health care [in terms of population health] is last in the ranking among developed countries. At the last!
    One of our three fellow citizens develops diabetes with all the complications. Every second is provided with a cardiovascular disease or heart attack. 22% get Alzheimer's disease and every time you joke about the mistakes made with the words "getting old" - you come closer to it.
    Almost three quarters of us are overweight and must deal with all the consequences of this. And our children’s affairs are no better. But worse than before:
    - one in three American children is overweight
    - one out of six problems with study
    - one in nine has asthma
    - one in ten has immunodeficiency
    - one in twelve has food allergies
    - one in twenty has epilepsy attacks or other forms of seizures
    - one out of 54 boys is autistic
    - One in 88 children of both sexes suffers from autism.
    The reasons for this approach: a hundred years ago it became clear that in the United States in several generations it would cease to be a white majority country ...
    Now the United States is just a platform to reduce population.
    In the USA, everyone uses GMOs - that’s right, that’s democratic ...
  19. Anton Tarasov
    7 May 2013 18: 25
    Recommendation by Andrei Fursov:
    A large place in the work is given to the military and geopolitical issues of Russia's survival in the modern world. Many issues require a better understanding of the “protective” role of secret management technologies in our world and, accordingly, the role of external scientific and technical intelligence.
    Yu.A. Bobylov, Ph.D. in Economics, looks at the situation in the world taking into account the experience of long work in secret defense research institutes and design bureaus of the former USSR.

    The genetic bomb. Secret scenarios of high-tech bioterrorism
  20. Anton Tarasov
    10 May 2013 11: 29
    The genetic bomb. Secret scenarios of high-tech bioterrorism
    excerpt from the book
    In recent years, it was the “Russian patriotic movement” in Russia that has been subjected to great tests.

    A Russian officer, GRU colonel, a brilliant thinker, editor-in-chief of the Cossack Vedomosti newspaper Vladimir Naumov was shot, the editor-in-chief of the Ya Russky newspaper Alexander Ivanov-Sukharevsky was seriously wounded, writer Yuri Yekishev (Syktyvkar), publicist Igor Terekhov was thrown into jail. (Blagoveshchensk), editor of the Rodnaya Sibir newspaper Igor Kolodezenko (Novosibirsk), publisher of the Russian Host magazine Alexander Chervyakov (Moscow), the editor-in-chief of the Russian Bulletin of the Kuban newspaper Nadezhda Donskaya was conditionally sentenced, OMON is crippled by Russian human rights activist, doctor of legal sciences Oleg Karataev, trial and investigation director of the Vityaz publishing house Viktor Korchagin, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Russ Pravoslavnaya Konstantin Dushenov, director of the St. Petersburg club Russian Thought Tatyana Andreeva, head of the publishing house Tsarskoe Delo Sergey Astakhov (St. Petersburg), editor-in-chief of the Moscow Gate newspaper (Obninsk, Kaluga Region) Igor Kulebyakin, editor of Novorossi newspaper "For Russia!" "Sergey Putintsev, editor-in-chief of the Khabarovsk Kray newspaper Boris Tolshchin, the editorial board of the Russky Vestnik newspaper was blown up, the editorial board of the Patriot newspaper was burned up, under the possibility of banning the newspapers Duel, For the Russian affair, Orthodox St. Petersburg, Russian Siberia, under a flurry of warnings of closure, Algorithm Publishing House (Moscow), Zavtra newspaper (Moscow), Fatherland (Novosibirsk), New Petersburg, Volzhskaya Zorya (g Samara), the publishers Peresvet (Krasnodar), White Alves (Moscow) were defeated, under the prohibition of the prosecutor’s book of writers Yuri Petukhov, Andrei Savelyev, Boris Mironov, Oleg Platonov.
  21. 0
    16 January 2019 15: 57
    Of course, the provocateur Kvachkov
    But Chubais and all those who throw the social electorate, bribing him in increments of 1000 r per year, are true patriots, and those who vote for them (with increments) are your passionaries in the 7th generation))
    Well, the author opened our eyes to us ...
  22. 0
    5 August 2023 13: 11
    kvachok, old asshole .. according to all Russians