Guaranteed self-destruction mechanism

Guaranteed self-destruction mechanism

20 years ago, the USA introduced a mechanism of guaranteed self-destruction into the state system of the Russian Federation. Today, this mechanism is running at full capacity.

Only now the US State Department officially recognized that in 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, like a number of key laws of our country, was written by American advisers. Nobody could have imagined at that time what catastrophic consequences inevitably entail the inclusion of two fundamentally new provisions in the basic law of a state defeated in the Cold War: the 13 articles, 2 and 15 articles, 4. Only two articles of the American version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: the refusal of the Russian state to protect its traditional values ​​(ideology) and the recognition of the priority of international law over domestic law, today allowed outside to launch the mechanism of guaranteed self-destruction of our thousand-year state.

The winner always dictates his laws to the vanquished. The coup d'état of 1993 of the year in Moscow was no exception to this rule. Under the terms of the surrender, a classic raw materials colony was to appear on the spot of the second industrialized country of the world. Hitler, shedding a sea of ​​blood, was so unable to achieve this strategic goal. It was an external enemy. But what the external enemy could not achieve, in only twenty years, achieved an internal one. Yeltsin and Co., with the support of the American "fifth column", were able to destroy not only the USSR, but also all the competitive domestic industry, in practice having de-industrialized Russia.

But has the thousand-year civilization code of Russia changed? Has the faith, morality, and cultural orientation of the majority of the people, the fundamental foundations of our entire existence, changed? No, not changed. Moreover, our people for the most part did not accept the “reforms” imposed from the outside, perceiving everything that is happening as the deliberate destruction of the country, outright plunder and illegal seizure of the national property by criminal elements and compradors.

But why did the Americans undertake to rewrite our laws, it turned out just now. It was not at all that their advisers were concerned about building a democratic free Russia. The United States pursued a more ambitious goal than the destruction of the material bases of the national economy and ousting its main industrial competitor from world markets.

Their main goal was to obtain a guarantee that Russia could never be reborn. To this end, the externally controlled mechanism of guaranteed self-destruction of Russia as a civilized multinational state, ensuring the destruction of the fundamental humanitarian foundations of our entire existence, was built in advance into the Russian state machine. This time bomb should have worked in the event of a weakening of the United States or the emergence of any serious problems for the Americans in order to eliminate any potential possibility of revenge on our part. And this moment seems to be coming. The second “Great Depression” is not far off, which inevitably entails a global redivision of the world.

The specificity of the world repartition and the 21 wars themselves lies in the art of waging war with others. Today, global transformation strategists simultaneously use two forms of forceful influence on resource-rich countries: external and internal. At the same time, the “internal” unrest is intended to destroy the fundamental foundations of society, creating a nutritive protest environment for the supply of “cannon fodder” to Islamist radical networks for the implementation of an “external” aggression.

External force
today it is carried out in the traditional form of direct military aggression, but without the use of its own armies, with the exception of their intelligence, communications, transportation, logistics and management resources, including military instructors. In some cases, such as, for example, it was in Libya, using bomber and cruise missiles from the Air Force and Navy from a safe distance.

At the same time, the main focus of the external attack is on the use of cannon fodder from the ideologically motivated army of international Wahhabi terrorists (Salafis), formed from the totalitarian sects in Islam historically controlled by the Anglo-Saxons and their network combat structures.

Internal destructive effect based on the launch from the outside of the mechanism guaranteed self-destruction through the purposeful use of the force of state coercion and the institution of law. What is enough to reorient the national legal system and the state’s repressive mechanism ensuring it to the destruction of traditional spiritual-moral and national-cultural values, including the institution of the family. Instead of the primacy of collectivist principles, the principles of individualism must be built at the forefront. Old truth: it is difficult to break a bundle of brushwood, but breaking the twig behind the twig is easy to achieve.

The substitution of domestic law by falsely understood international law is, in fact, the process of replacing it with a special type of domestic colonial law imposed on the victor by the defeated party. The legalized priority of “international law” and the thoughtless borrowing from it of norms and customs that are alien to our people while the state refuses to defend its own traditional values ​​(national culture and ideology) allows the power of the repressive apparatus of the state to be used to destroy the very foundations of society. After that, the final destruction of the basic traditional values, the institution of the family, motherhood and childhood will, in fact, be carried out by our own hands - by the hands of the duped and disunited compatriots.

Given the special role and capabilities of the national legal system in the destruction and preservation of the country, only proven and loyal people were to be in charge of it. Because of this, it is not surprising that the legal and judicial system of the state was left to Dmitry Medvedev and his people, as well as the memorable reform of the system of national education and science. In this regard, far from being random and not so innocuous today are the statements of Dmitry A. Medvedev, who, when he was president of the Russian Federation, said that story Russian state has only ... twenty years. The predictable failure of his affordable housing program. The list can be continued.

I do not think that this statesman is so naive that he sincerely believes in the transmigration of souls or the possibility of changing national identity, demonstrating the desire of his team to forcibly Europeanize Russian and other indigenous peoples of Russia with all his actions. In essence, to make us Germans or Anglo-Saxons so beloved by their hearts ...
This is the fundamental difference between Medvedev's position and that of Putin, who in 2007 almost included our arguments in his message to the Federal Assembly when he spoke about the essence of the national idea. Then we openly warned liberals in the Kremlin that for years already 90 both Marxists and liberals chopped bitches under themselves, trying to impose on our people alien spiritual, moral and cultural values, which bears unacceptably high risks of destruction of our state. But the right words from the high Kremlin tribune were not followed by any real actions.

But, after all, it was our country that, with all its tragic history after 1917, helped discover and formulate the law of the irreducibility of social norms, paying for it with a lot of blood. The law is formulated as follows: A social norm of a higher order cannot be replaced by a norm of a lower order. However, only the entire set of social regulators (1. Religious 2. Moral 3. Culture as the positive experience of ancestors and the institution of the family - language, folklore, education, science, the institution of the family, etc. 4. The right of 5. Politics) together with the economic regulator of the lowest, the sixth level, in their inseparable unity, they allow to harmonize and harmonize relations in society.

It is completely obvious that the purposefully destroyed ideals, the values ​​of the intangible order and the national traditions proven by centuries will not replace anything new and cannot come. Breaking is not building. How can you never make a Russian German or an Englishman replace the Orthodox ethics with the Protestant, and replace the unknowable Russian soul, divine love and Christian morality with a bare rational calculation. After all, what is good for the Russian is death for the German. And no one has proven that the opposite is not true. With the British it is still more poorly and neglected.

Unlike these “advanced” bearers of island ideology, our “backward” men would never have guessed to do with their women what the “enlightened” Britons did to their trouble in practice when in the heat of fighting witches burned at the stake their beautiful women. But after all, as the classic said correctly, it is beauty that will save the world. Therefore, it is not surprising now that all subsequent generations of English men gave up on themselves and transferred relations with each other on a rational monetary basis, sincerely considering any local confused real lady, and an attractive-looking gay - her full-fledged and full-fledged, as it now turns out substitute. Having included their own bachelor's ideas and principles of behavior in the basic law of our country, the Anglo-Saxons, it seems, may soon try to require us to repeat their historical “feat” with regard to their better half, in order to force them to switch to same-sex marriages from hopelessness. Immediately make a reservation that this will not happen, because our beauties can enter the burning hut, stop the galloping horse, and sink any Briton into the hole. It is not them, the poor deprived, to teach us how to love women and have children.

Speaking seriously, the following is absolutely clear: if the state does not defend its values, including the institution of family, motherhood and childhood, others will do it (or will hypocritically declare what they will do). Moreover, when the state itself begins to destroy the basic values, then all those who disagree will begin to go over to the side of its enemies.

Our geopolitical opponents understand and use all this perfectly. Thus, the inevitable mass protest against the destruction of the very foundations of our existence, caused by the Anglo-Saxon “mine” laid down in the system of Russian domestic law, will create the necessary nutrient medium for filling the network of Wahhabi terrorist organizations spread by the same players with irreconcilable fighters.

External form of military aggression determines the need for constant replenishment of terrorist units with cannon fodder. War requires young fighters. Therefore, ideologists of totalitarian sects seek to attract young people to their ranks. Desirable obstinate, dark and uneducated young men and even adolescents, in work with whom it will be easy to reduce everything to primary human instincts and base passions.

Note that the principle of creating totalitarian extremist sects in different religious denominations is the same and is based on the pride of the fragile mind. The trap for young minds is the use by radicals of the same deceiving Protestant proposal to directly know the truth through the Quran or the Bible, eliminating the influence of all intermediaries (spiritual and moral authorities, the institution of a church or monasticism, icons, monuments of material culture and historical traditions, parents and loved ones ... ). Just as today, in different countries of the world, the Anglo-Saxons and the Israelis are trying to distort and destroy the meaning of basic social norms and regulators, focusing on the destruction of the institution of family, motherhood and childhood, morality and spirituality. After that, the young man easily becomes an object of ideologically motivated manipulation with a direct appeal to his basest instincts.

It is easy to seduce an impatient and intolerant young arrogant person by instilling in him the illusion of instantly resolving the most complicated contradictions with the help of ... the physical elimination of dissidents. No need to learn and work, especially to think. Kill the wrong, and all the problems accumulated in society will be resolved by themselves. Here, an alternative bet is placed on the instinct of domination - on the right of force for a person with a low educational qualification. The machine gun in his hands gives him the full right to dispose of the life and death of all infidels or their loved ones. And murder and violence, impunity quickly turns a person into a wild beast. The eternal human laziness, unwillingness to learn and work, a lot to master the profession of labor, contributes a lot to self-deception of neophytes.

A special role in attracting young people to Islamist radical networks is given to the free satisfaction of their sexual needs. The cynical use of the primary instinct of procreation in all its traditional and non-traditional forms and manifestations is carried out under the guise of "religious" fatwas (free sex, pedophilia, sodomy, violence against women and men ...). And here the well-known weakness of Islam plays into the hands of his and our enemies.

The rate of the Anglo-Saxons precisely on the radical currents of Islam is due to the varying degree of stability of traditional denominations - Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Islam - to the penetration of a particular kind of extremist heresy among believers.

It is known that totalitarian sects practically do not take root in Orthodoxy. History has convincingly shown that it is the most resistant to external influence religious faith. That is why they beat Orthodox Serbia, Greece, Cyprus, the cradle of Russian Orthodoxy in Syria ... Unlike Orthodoxy in Catholicism, it was possible to do this in previous centuries. In medieval Europe, Protestants and Catholics with weapons in their hands they took to the streets of cities and began mass-cutting each other. But today, even a sophisticated provocation with Breivik, in the draft of which an obvious Israeli trace can be traced, did not allow to model and launch the Christian version of jihad into a series.

And only in Islam - in the youngest world religion - totalitarian sects of Islamic radicals are now experiencing their rebirth. Perhaps this is the effect of the historical influence that British intelligence agencies have always had on the process of the formation and development of these radical movements. Let me remind you that back at the end of the 18 century, a close friend of the founder of Wahhabism, Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab, was a British spy, Mr. Humper, whose advice he always listened to. Many researchers point out that the Muslim Brotherhood organization, founded in 1928, with its institute of fidais (Islamic militants), as well as a number of its modern branches, was also always in the zone of strategic interests of Britain.

Today, the basis of both internal and external forms of power pressure on sovereign states is the same method. The enemy purposefully tries to discredit and destroy the three main social regulators of the traditional civilized state: religion, morality and culture (including language, folklore, literature, education, science, family institute, etc.). Replace the true values ​​of artificial, frankly cannibalistic surrogates, putting the ideology of individualism, permissiveness, sexual freedom and licentiousness at the forefront.

Under the pretext of the primacy of universal values, the absolutization of individual rights and the priority of international law, both Western and Russian countries were hit by a shaft of destructive legislative initiatives: juvenile justice, legalization of same-sex marriages, marriages with inanimate objects, with oneself or animals, legalization of pedophilia, the Bologna process destruction of national education systems and its “ill-conceived” reforms, the destruction of science, the law on culture, etc., etc.

The International Youth Forum “Moral imperatives in law, education, science and culture”, organized by the professor, Dr. of Law, passed the 16-17 in May of 2013 in Belgorod. Elena Safronova and her colleagues, perhaps for the first time, visibly and vividly revealed the presence of a dangerous systemic defect of our state machine - the presence in it of a mechanism of guaranteed self-destruction of the fundamental foundations of society and the state twenty years ago consciously incorporated by Americans into our domestic legal system, as well as numerous signs of the beginning start this dangerous process. The conference participants carried out a detailed analysis of various aspects and facets of the problem, which at the system level revealed the following. Today, in virtually all strategically important humanitarian areas and spheres of our life, an internally coordinated process of their conscious deformation is being launched by methods of state coercion. What contribute to the new rules of the Russian legal system, borrowed from the system of international law.

Thus, in just one package of legislative initiatives, experts Lyudmila Ryabichenko immediately discovered 9 bills aimed at destroying the institution of family, motherhood and childhood (on the initiative of B.Altshuller, two laws: No.1 and No.2. No.1. Law No. 42197-6 of the Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Implementation of Social Patronage and the Activities of Trusteeship and Guardianship” for the forced control of families and the removal of children from any family. No.2. Law No. 3138-6 of the Federal Law "On Public Control for Ensuring the Rights of Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care". On the initiative of E.Lahova (with 2003) and E.Mizulina (with 2008), Law No. 3. Law No. 284965-3 of the Federal Law "On State Guarantees of Equal Rights of Women and Men" ("On State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Freedoms of Men and Women and Equal Opportunities for Their Implementation"). Where the very concept of gender is blurred, like the concept of parenthood. No.4. Law No. 617570-5 FZ "On Culture in the Russian Federation"designed to destroy the moral component of culture and replace it with any abstract delights and distortions in the style of Marat Gelman, in order to replace culture with anti-culture. No.5. Law No. 38463-6 “On the accession of the Russian Federation to the Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Performance and Cooperation Regarding Parental Responsibility and Measures to Protect Children” (The Hague Convention 1996 g.). No.7. Agreement between the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly on cooperation in promoting reproductive health and rights with its line of population reduction. No. 8. Model Reproductive Health and Rights Act - the scandalous sexual education of schoolchildren, abortion. No.9. Draft Law of the Federal Law "On the Ombudsman for Children's Rights"). The list can be continued.

Main conclusions:
1. The Russian legal system has revealed a hidden, deliberately organized systemic defect that has an unacceptably high level of risk of starting the process of guaranteed self-destruction, the destruction of the fundamental foundations of our society and the state. Self-destruction begins with a targeted attack on the institution of family, motherhood and childhood.

2. A direct connection has been established between the process of the destruction of our traditional spiritual and moral and national cultural values ​​by methods of state coercion, with another negative process - the spread of terrorism and radical Wahhabi Islam in Russia.

To minimize the negative effects of these processes, it is necessary to make the appropriate changes to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, suspend the process of thoughtless borrowing of new norms of international law in the system of domestic law of the Russian Federation and conduct a thorough analysis of the risks of possible negative consequences of such borrowings; taking into account the problems identified above, create a system of interdisciplinary comprehensive examination of new legislative initiatives and law enforcement practice.

In conclusion, I repeat the obvious thought: if the state does not protect our traditional values, then its process will be headed by its implacable opponents.
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  1. pinecone
    1 June 2013 15: 32
    I wonder how all this can be changed when the current constitution of the Russian Federation has a "guarantor".
    1. Genady1976
      1 June 2013 16: 07
      Guaranteed to change the Constitution of the Russian Federation and.
    2. +14
      1 June 2013 16: 11
      Law No. 3138-6 FZ “On public control over ensuring the rights of orphans and children left without parental care”. At the initiative of E. Lakhova (since 2003) and E. Mizulina (since 2008)

      Law No. 3. Law No. 284965-3 FZ “On State Guarantees of Equal Rights for Women and Men” (“On State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Freedoms of Men and Women and Equal Opportunities for Their Implementation”) Where the concept of gender is blurred, as is the concept of parenthood

      Honestly, I didn’t quite understand how public control over ensuring the rights of orphansand State guarantees of equal rights for men and women and equal opportunities for their implementation undermine the foundations of our society and state. belay

      Movie on the topic.

      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +1
          2 June 2013 10: 07
          Quote: Skating rink
          So, after all, you can simply instruct some Lee Harvey Oswald to erase the smile ...
          I do not understand. There is so much terrorism in the world now, so many crazy loonies. In the States, once a month, someone on the street will open a fire, or blow something up. Could this scumbag come under a crazy bullet? Is it really that hard?

          The most unpleasant thing is that everything is according to Nekrasov: "If the master comes to us, the master will judge us." How disgusting for me to realize all this, but we are all built on the same principle. I wish someone would ...

          Yes, no one will touch them, because everyone also thinks about their shirt, which is closer to the body. So we will, shed tears on the Claudia and “with noble indignation” minus those who dared to speak about the real state of affairs. Apparently, until the new "Bironovism" does not thoroughly press down the causal places of the Russian peasants, this state of affairs will continue to push through. If only it was not too late later ...
        2. 0
          2 June 2013 13: 58
          The term for attraction has expired ... Here Putin has made it publicly available. More precisely propiar ...
        3. 0
          2 June 2013 14: 01
          And who will arrest! At that time all his friends and grabbers were in power, and Yeltsin drank; he did not give a damn about the state and people. They all worked for Amers, Yeltsin even danced in the states like a clown with a heavy drink.
        4. 0
          2 June 2013 14: 36
          Quote: Skating rink
          And why didn’t they arrest this red-headed ssuk in the studio, in front of the cameras? !!

          And why is Yeltsin praised, libraries are named after him, monuments to him? For what? For the fact that he, together with Gorbachev, collapsed and drank the USSR?
      2. +1
        2 June 2013 10: 38
        Quote: GreatRussia
        Movie on the topic.

        We did not collect money, but destroyed communism!

        In the first lines of the video.
        However, the poor fellow miraculously turned out to be a millionaire, the wave carried out a suitcase with money probably?
        1. 0
          2 June 2013 14: 04
          The wind blew out, and this dirty wind was his dirty hand.
    3. +15
      1 June 2013 16: 21
      Only two articles of the American version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: the refusal of the Russian state to protect its traditional values ​​(ideology) and the recognition of the priority of international law over domestic law, today allowed the outside to launch the mechanism of guaranteed self-destruction of our millennium-old state.

      What prevents the authorities from repealing these 2 articles of the constitution? After all, the GDP has all the power and the majority in the State Duma and the Federation Council, only want to. And if we do not cancel these 2 articles, then the authorities still depend on those who insisted on the adoption of 2 articles of the constitution. Unclear.
      1. Genady1976
        1 June 2013 16: 32
        No more clear
      2. annenkov242
        1 June 2013 17: 10
        Stalin became the master of the situation within the state in the middle of the Second World War II, but Putin still has to clean and clean the Augean stables, which sabotage the development of Russia as an independent state, starting with the constitution and ending with the Central Bank.
        And we MUST, in the name of the future RUSSIA, contribute to this process !!!
        1. +11
          1 June 2013 21: 32
          Why does he clean for a long time. More like an imitation.
          1. +10
            1 June 2013 22: 55
            Quote: Dilshat
            Why does he clean for a long time.

            Here the matter is the lack of the necessary equipment. Apparently, oars from the galleys, it’s bad to clean.
          2. +4
            2 June 2013 07: 18
            I agree completely about the imitation !!!!! maybe he was also recruited back in Germany. Nobody will know. Until he comes to the real bad, that there will never be Russia, which this mouse is red and sought ...
          3. sams
            2 June 2013 09: 29
            Quote: Dilshat
            Why does he clean for a long time.

        2. +10
          1 June 2013 22: 06
          Quote: annenkov242
          but Putin has yet to clean

          belay Let me ask: that is, until now, he has not yet done this?
          So many years in power, and he still "has yet to"?
          It seems to me that in 5-6 years he will only "have to" clean the Augean stables, fight (once again) corruption, raise agriculture, raise science to the world level, etc.
          Plans are huge! lol
          1. +4
            1 June 2013 22: 55
            Quote: Ribwort
            So many years in power, and he still "has yet to"?

            He / the state bodies are now really fighting, another question is why it is possible to shoot bribe-takers in China in Singapore, but we have not had 37 a year. We have a tower, but a freeze ...

            Vobschem there is a will, there is a force, but there is no willpower.

            And the fact that you cannot drag money with you into the coffin would be sobering to many. But the innocent people will also be sent under towers.
            1. SASCHAmIXEEW
              2 June 2013 15: 42
              There will be no wine lyalya, but people know their "heroes" by sight ... But 37g will not be, it will be 2014 !!!
              1. -1
                2 June 2013 16: 27
                Quote: SASCHAmIXEEW
                There will be no wine lyalya, but people know their "heroes" by sight ... But 37g will not be, it will be 2014 !!!

                Imagine you have a very beautiful wife and the highest official has laid eyes on her. From prison you / your relatives at least have a chance to prove that you are not a camel, but from the grave no longer.
          2. +5
            2 June 2013 07: 58
            I completely agree - where did Medvedev look at the "friend"? Doesn't he see the self-destruction already taking place? In the name of what does he create ??? Dont clear!! The chicks of the Yenltsin nest are predatory destroying Russia - what drives them ???
          3. +4
            2 June 2013 09: 21
            If the time span of 13 years does not tell someone about anything, compare the USSR for 1945 - 1958 (do not forget what state the country was in after the war) and Russia for 2000 - 2013. Just do not troll about ideology, the cult of personality and repression. Compare the economic state of the country, the ongoing social programs, housing construction, strengthening the army, improving health care, education, and authority in the foreign policy arena. Please do not forget about party and government officials. What did they do with them then for corruption and other crimes (was it at all?), And how they feel at ease now, in those free conditions that the GDP created for them. And then ask yourself, is VVP going to "clean the Augean stables" at all? Or is it just another "noodle" on the ears of putinoids and hamsters.
            annenkov242, you asked such a question?
            1. 0
              2 June 2013 14: 02
              Quote: Kombitor
              If someone is not told about anything by a time span of 13 years, compare the USSR for 1945 - 1958 (do not forget the state of the country after the war) and Russia for 2000 - 2013.

              In 2000, the country was no longer there. Russia was betrayed by Yeltsin, destroyed, plundered, devoid of industry, having lost a significant part of sovereignty. Incomparably weaker in both political and economic terms than the USSR who emerged victorious in World War II.
              Quote: Kombitor
              ... And then ask yourself, is VVP going to "clean the Augean stables" at all? Or is it just another "noodle" on the ears of putinoids and hamsters.

              Thank God, it already cleans, in spite of all Americanoids. Obviously, you are "not on the lip" ...
            2. 0
              2 June 2013 14: 03
              There is no time for PR moves ...
            3. SASCHAmIXEEW
              2 June 2013 15: 46
              And we will look at this on the Oboronservis case did not last long ... They will not be able to wait long! So let's see who is worth what: who is friend and who is enemy ..
          4. 0
            2 June 2013 14: 01
        3. +7
          1 June 2013 23: 18
          Quote: annenkov242
          Putin still has to clean and clean the Augean stables that sabotage the development of Russia,

          Yes, he already cleans with might and main. Ginger shit cleaned out in the nano corner. And to you, "newly hatched" (C) (Y. Boldyrev), he explained that this is not shit at all, but a valuable frame, deceived by the rooted crush. Green, ex-war crap, calls not to call it such, since we are not 37 years old.
          Quote: annenkov242
          And we MUST, in the name of the future RUSSIA, contribute to this process !!!

          Who are we? And where is the process? If you feel the obligation to participate in butophoria, go ahead and bleat. Just forming a new flock, under the loud name "People's Front". There you will talk and talk about the greatness of Russia, the bright future and the wise Pilot. And the GDP will shuffle the messy personnel deck, swapping the places of the liberals you hate so much.
          1. +6
            2 June 2013 00: 01
            Quote: Karabin
            Just forming a new flock, under the loud name "People's Front".

            What do you think can be avoided? Mikhail Arkadyev, a member of the Union of Composers of Russia, also did not want to, but he turned out to be a member. The Union of Architects of Russia rejected the proposal for joining the ONF, but they were late, they were already included in the list of members, without even notifying the leadership of the Union, in general, as before in the Komsomol, people with experience are the same from the former
            1. 0
              2 June 2013 14: 05
              As for the Komsomol, a mistake came out. Not everyone accepted ... Although most wanted to join.
          2. +3
            2 June 2013 06: 15
            Quote: Karabin
            Yes, he is already cleaning with might and main. Ginger shit cleaned up in the nano corner.

            Why, it’s very pretty! Grandmas are not microscopic and you can write off! negative
        4. ded10041948
          2 June 2013 00: 34
          We already had one with the slogan "The process has already started."
        5. +3
          2 June 2013 09: 12
          Putin is not going to clean your "stables". Not for that in 13 years he let in so many g..n in them, then to clean it all up. Do you still believe the Fuehrer?
          1. SASCHAmIXEEW
            2 June 2013 16: 12
            Combo is what that means? If a combinator, then we have half of the government, Jewish combinators (do not inspire confidence)! And with such a flag, you would go a field to hell ... Look for the Führers in your camp! You have rockefellers and other scum, through whose fault all wars begin! And at home, we’ll sort it out ourselves! This is when you drunk ebnashki you were able to MISS the Russian people, soon we will deal with the Zionists and traitors, it will not seem enough ....
        6. +3
          2 June 2013 11: 18
          Tell me, is it possible to believe Putin? The man who puts monuments to Akhmat Kadyrov in Moscow in honor of the person who called for the Russian genocide. Who congratulates Gorbachev on his birthday, a man who contributed to the collapse of the USSR? Maybe Putin is not quite his own? Some of his actions are understandable and cause sympathy, but some cause suspicion in the destruction of Russian identity.
          1. 0
            2 June 2013 14: 07
            The monument is probably for renaming Victory Avenue to Putin Avenue! And most importantly, without a visible reaction on his part. As a matter of course.
        7. +2
          2 June 2013 14: 39
          Quote: annenkov242
          but Putin still has to clean and clean the Augean stables, which sabotage the formation of Russia as an independent state, starting with the constitution and ending with the Central Bank.

          But in my opinion he does not clean them, but on the contrary litter!
      3. +6
        1 June 2013 17: 43
        Clearly written in the article
        But what the external enemy could not achieve, in only twenty years the internal has achieved. Yeltsin and Co., with the support of the American “fifth column”, were able to destroy not only the USSR, but also the entire competitive domestic industry, in practice by de-industrializing Russia.

        Twenty years, this is from 1993 to 2013. Everything goes the way, who signs the latest laws? The president, for example, in words speaking out against juvenile, the gdp quietly wraps up juvenile laws for the new year. That's it! You should not be led into external PR, we are gradually rotting, covering everything with patriotic rhetoric.
      4. +10
        1 June 2013 20: 51
        astra: What prevents the authorities from repealing these 2 articles of the constitution?
        If only TWO articles in the Constitution launch the "process of guaranteed self-destruction" of the country - maybe the problem is really not in the Constitution?
        PS If the constitution spelled out "the priority of international law over domestic law", this is already the constitution of not a sovereign power ...
      5. 0
        2 June 2013 13: 59
        Are there still doubters? DOUBT!
      6. +1
        2 June 2013 14: 34
        Have you read the preamble of the constitution? And what about the staff? Compare:
        R. "We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation,"
        A. "We, the people of the United States",
        It seems that although they are already beginning to divide into nations. But then ...
        A. "in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure internal peace, organize joint defense, promote common welfare and provide us and our offspring with the benefits of freedom, we establish and adopt this Constitution for the United States of America." - shorter - we, for ourselves... the subject wrote, without looking at anyone or anything. The criterion is the well-being of him and his offspring!
        R. "united by a common destiny on their land, affirming human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, proceeding from the generally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, honoring the memory of ancestors who transmitted love and respect for the Fatherland to us, faith in goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and affirming the inviolability of its democratic basis, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from responsibility for our Motherland before present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, we accept the CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. " - shorter - accept - part of the world community, the inviolability of the democratic basis, universally recognized principles, affirming rights and freedoms, united by a common destiny - wrote a subordinate object confirming its subordination to mythical "rights", "generally recognized principles", some kind of "democracy", etc.

        The whole comprador constitution needs to be changed. She has a colonial idea!
    4. +5
      1 June 2013 16: 51
      [I]The one who spreads this - distorts reality[How skillfully the author has distorted everything that can be done for the sake of someone’s interests, I do not advise anyone to order an article and read it, and the author, a well-known journalist Musin, did not expect such profanation from him. And since I do not believe that it was he who wrote this nonsense, I suspect that someone is setting him up and discrediting him.

      Article 14
      1. The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion can be established as state or mandatory.
      2. Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal before the law.

      Article 15
      1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation has the highest legal force, direct effect and is applied throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. Laws and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation shall not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
      2. State authorities, local governments, officials, citizens and their associations are obliged to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws.
      3. Laws are subject to official publication. Unpublished laws do not apply. Any regulatory legal acts affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen cannot be applied if they are not officially published for general information.
      4. The generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are [i] an integral [/ i] part of its legal system. If other rules are established by an international treaty of the Russian Federation than those provided by law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.
      1. +3
        1 June 2013 17: 15
        the article is sucked out of the finger apparently for the sake of PR, since our legal and judicial system has the traditions of the USSR and you can not argue with this, and these points introduced a new one into our lives:
        1) A person can be condemned if he violated the freedom of another.
        2) Tolerastia, which, thank God, is defeated.
        3) Many provisions of laws can be circumvented, but it is stupidly the fault of the Duma and non-punishment (corruption).
        4) In p.15.p.4 there is such an inconspicuous word - COMPONENT PART, which means one of, but not the only, and this is because in real life it is not the constitution that works, but the internal laws that the State adopts. Thought.

        The Constitution is a formal list of provisions, the main thing is the laws by which we live and by which the judicial system works.

        Why you need to inflate such a pipe is not clear. PR Musina? Someone framed Musin?
        1. +5
          1 June 2013 17: 31
          I support afire: if the international law is not ratified by the State Duma, then it will not be valid in the territory of the Russian Federation.
          1. 0
            2 June 2013 14: 11
            Tell me, please, what law proposed for ratification of GDP would not be approved by our corrupt DUMA?
        2. 0
          2 June 2013 00: 35
          Quote: afire
          the article is sucked out of a finger apparently for the sake of PR,

          I completely agree. I will take any law for you, even "On beekeeping in the Russian Federation", and I will prove that all enemies are pro-salipolymers, and bees are agents of the USA, Britain and Dragon Gugu.
      2. GG2012
        1 June 2013 17: 29
        Quote: afire
        The one who spreads this - distorts reality

        I agree with you 100%
        I consider it savagery and a cynical lie to identify the Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians) with Jewish mythology.
        Moreover, savagery is an attempt to make Jewish mythology Russian Ideology again!
        Sympathizers of Jewish Old Testament tales can attend Jewish-Russian churches, but why do they climb into State Power and organs ?!
        The Russian Orthodox Church is the same sect as everyone else.
        The state should be independent of religion !!!
        1. +1
          1 June 2013 21: 19
          Do not confuse Judaism with Orthodoxy
          1. GG2012
            1 June 2013 21: 39
            Quote: voronov
            Do not confuse Judaism with Orthodoxy

            Yah! But is it not the same thing, only in our wrapper!
            Whom do the "Orthodox" worship - the Jewish god Yahweh!
            I advise you to carefully read the Bible.

            Yahweh (the pronunciation of Hebrew יהוה accepted in modern science - Yahweh, Yahweh, a variant of Jehovah is found) - the name of God in Judaism and Christianity, is used in the Old Testament (Tanakh). According to the Bible, it was revealed to the Jewish people through Moses. In modern Russian, pronunciation with an emphasis on the first syllable is accepted, but for the Hebrew language, stress on the last syllable, that is, Yahweh, is typical [1].

            In Orthodox Christianity, the name Yahweh befits all three persons of the Deity. [19] , under the name Yahweh, the Son of God (Jesus before incarnation) appeared to Moses and the prophets [19]. Yahweh is called the Father, because He is the Creator, Lawgiver, protector, Deity, supreme and powerful Lord.
            The synodal translation, as a rule, transmits a tetragram (YHWH) with the word "Lord."
            The pronunciation "Jehovah" has been used in the Christian world for more than 200 years and is the most common in this pronunciation [source not specified 119 days], but is very rare in most Bible translations into Russian (Ex. 6: 3, footnote, Ex. 15 : 3) and replaced by other names (mainly the Lord).
            1. +7
              2 June 2013 00: 19
              Quote: GG2012
              Whom do the "Orthodox" worship - the Jewish god Yahweh!

              We are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and you are the prince of this world
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. -7
                  2 June 2013 10: 30
                  Quote: GG2012
                  Miss you ...
                  I have nothing to do with the Prince of this world, but the Russian Orthodox Church is his office.
                  Moreover, the repetition of empty phrases (which you did) ... does not add spirituality.
                  If added, ... the result would be visible, and so ... one zilch! Sorry for the truth!
                  That's all your Jewish spirituality!
                  And why, one asks ?!
                  But because everything that is written in the Bible is all FALSE!
                  Alas! bitter FALSE!
                  If it were true, I myself would become a true Christian!

                  And the biggest lie is Christ's Sermon on the Mount.

                  Especially points - do not kill, do not steal, do not desire good, your neighbor's wife, etc.

                  PS By the way, the main feature of the devil's servants is the denial of faith in God. So that...
                  1. -1
                    2 June 2013 11: 48
                    By the way, those who had to read the Sermon on the Mount about the Ten Commandments - they will be able to see them (almost one to one) in the moral code of the builder of communism.

                    You may not believe in God, but if everyone kept these commandments, our world would be the best.

                    PS God is in the soul, for each of us, it just comes, at different times and not to everyone.
                    1. TUMAN
                      2 June 2013 12: 01
                      Quote: skeptic
                      By the way, those who had to read the Sermon on the Mount about the Ten Commandments - they will be able to see them (almost one to one) in the moral code of the builder of communism.

                      All right! After all, here and here the authors are Jewish!
                      1. SASCHAmIXEEW
                        2 June 2013 16: 51
                        What the code of communism was written by the Jews, I strongly doubt it .. But they don’t have a bible, But I have no doubt that under the rule of stealing, don’t kill, any person will sign, and I think this is right !!! These are universal human norms, not because their Jews wrote ...
                    2. +1
                      2 June 2013 13: 39
                      Interestingly, the Satanists put the cons or simply by the principle - there is nothing to say, so even so ... ru?

                      Or does someone want to say that the words: "Thou shalt not kill, do not steal, do not covet the good of your neighbor" are no longer relevant and you can do chaos, only because there is no God for you?
                      1. 0
                        2 June 2013 13: 57
                        Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
                        Thou shalt not kill.
                        Do not commit adultery.
                        Do not steal.
                        You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
                        Do not covet your neighbor's house; do not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his slave, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nothing that your neighbor has.

                        By the way, whether you believe in God, or not, but only by adhering to these truths, we will be able to raise Russia out of the scum inflicted by Western "benefactors."

                        You can at least go wild, but I adhered to these truths and will adhere to, because this is the essence of our life.
                      2. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 14: 15
                        Quote: skeptic
                        Or does someone want to say that the words: "Thou shalt not kill, do not steal, do not covet the good of your neighbor" are no longer relevant and you can do chaos, only because there is no God for you?

                        Do not kill, do not steal, do not desire the good of your neighbor — this is non-national and non-religious wisdom. But, interspersing wise ideas in religious texts, makes a religious lie similar to the truth.
                        And the use of such an instrument as Faith makes religious false-fanatical conviction that justifies any insanity, such as: GOD wants it, and everything from God.
                      3. +2
                        2 June 2013 18: 10
                        Quote: skeptic
                        Or someone wants to say that the words: "do not kill, do not steal, do not covet the good of your neighbor" are no longer relevant

                        They were irrelevant in paganism, where murder was considered commonplace, it was a beautiful innocent entertainment. The poet of ancient Greece Homer admires the charm of this process.
                        Like longbirds, or like pigeons on the net
                        A whole flock, flying for the night, caught in close
                        They tremble with loops and their lodging for the night becomes a coffin.
                        All on the rope they hung head to head;
                        Loops were pulled around each neck, and death befell them.
                        Soon, with a little twitch of their legs, all at once subsided.

                        Here is the fabulously beautiful world of ancient Hellas
                      4. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 21: 22
                        Quote: Vadivak
                        Here is the fabulously beautiful world of ancient Hellas

                        Well, where does Hellas ?! I'm talking about the Slavs, let the Greeks even go upside down!
                      5. +2
                        2 June 2013 21: 39
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        I'm talking about the Slavs,

                        Ok here's a quote

                        And if we do not fulfill the foregoing ..., let us be damned by the God in whom we believe, Perun and Volos, cattle god, let us be yellow as gold, and let us be cut by our weapons.
                    3. SASCHAmIXEEW
                      2 June 2013 16: 43
                      I agree with you in everything! But God is in everyone’s soul ...
                  2. +2
                    2 June 2013 18: 03
                    Quote: skeptic
                    And the biggest lie is Christ's Sermon on the Mount.

                    Especially points - do not kill, do not steal, do not desire good, your neighbor's wife, etc.

                    First, find the differences between the 10 commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.
                2. not good
                  2 June 2013 14: 17
                  So YOU ​​just look for Christianity from the Jews, and you try to get to know it in the monastery, you will discover a lot of new things. And judging by your statement "studied the USSR in the Komsomol committee on the Great Soviet Encyclopia"
                3. +1
                  2 June 2013 14: 22
                  Well, now do you believe your yacht?
              2. TUMAN
                2 June 2013 01: 30
                Quote: Vadivak
                We are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and you are the prince of this world

                Please answer me the question: Here I am a Slav and I do not believe in Judeo-Christianity, as well as in Islam and other religions, but, in ancient times, my ancestors, then Slavs, worshiped their Gods, and had their own religion. If I do not believe in Judeo-Christianity, then I worship the prince of this world? Or I can not be a patriot of Russia?
                1. DeerIvanovich
                  2 June 2013 02: 10
                  the Slavs worshiped not gods, but equal ones - their great ancestors, and the main among equals was Rod, but unlike the ancestors, he was all that existed, while the great ancestors were the same as us, but glorified for centuries.
                  the fact that Islam, Judaism and Christianity came from one place and have one beginning is a fact.
                2. +1
                  2 June 2013 18: 15
                  Quote: TUMAN
                  Here I am a Slav and I do not believe in Judeo-Christianity, as well as in Islam and other religions, but, in ancient times, my ancestors, then Slavs, worshiped their Gods, and had their own religion.

                  Name the great learned pagan Slav. Not an atheist, but a pagan. This is the answer to the first question. Paganism is a dead end.

                  Quote: TUMAN
                  If I do not believe in Judeo-Christianity, then I worship the prince of this world? Or I can not be a patriot of Russia?

                  This I did not write about you, as for patriotism, of course you can, and about Judeo-Christianity. When you all understand that the Jews did not accept Christ. Moreover, some tried to kill him
                  1. TUMAN
                    3 June 2013 00: 05
                    Quote: Vadivak
                    Name the great learned pagan Slav.

                    The question is simply absurd, the fact that you asked such a question speaks about your mental abilities.
                  2. DeerIvanovich
                    3 June 2013 09: 30
                    to begin with, the Christian church is called pagan. those whom the church called among the Slavs pagans are actually Orthodox, for they called their faith Orthodoxy.
                    The Russian Orthodox Church appeared only under Stalin. And Christianity was called Orthodox only during the Nikonian reform! Before that, it was called Orthodox! And after a very long time - until the beginning of the 19th century it continued to be called Orthodox, well, Orthodox Christians did not want to be called Orthodox.
                    Before asking such questions, the fog of which is indicated as absurdity, you really need to take a little interest in history, otherwise there are so many mistakes in one question.
            2. -1
              2 June 2013 11: 26
              Do not dare to slander Russian culture, Orthodoxy and the Russian spirit (essence) worldview are not separable, all religions have something in common, but it is absurd to merge them into one heap.
              1. TUMAN
                2 June 2013 11: 54
                Quote: AntonR7
                all religions have something in common, but it’s absurd to merge them into one pile.

                Yah! Islam, Christianity and Judaism are twin brothers! hi
                1. -2
                  2 June 2013 12: 58
                  Read carefully - religions yes: there is a common thing (faith in God, good and evil), but they are essentially different.
                  1. TUMAN
                    2 June 2013 13: 13
                    Quote: AntonR7
                    but they are essentially different.

                    I agree! Different in essence! Yahweh teaches Muslims to cut their heads, Christians teach Yahweh not to resist when they cut their heads, and the Jews, the same Yahweh, teaches how to conquer and ruin peoples! These are the differences in essence! lol
                    1. -1
                      2 June 2013 13: 21
                      You are just an immoral and callous person, religion teaches goodness and decency; people like you pervert religion in their own way.
                      1. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 13: 30
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        You're just an immoral and callous person

                        You accused me of immorality! How is this expressed? Kindly give examples. If you consider yourself a well-mannered and moral person, then why are you poking me?
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        religion teaches goodness and decency

                        She seems to have taught you nothing.
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        religion teaches good

                        Is that good?
                        Gospel of Luke CHAPTER 14
                        verse 26. if someone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, and his wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and, moreover, his very life, he cannot be My disciple;
                        CHAPTER 12
                        verse 53. the father will be against the son, and the son against the father; mother versus daughter, and daughter versus mother; the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
                        verse 52. for henceforth five in one house will be divided, three against two, and two against three:
                        verse 51. Do you think that I have come to give peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but separation;

                        Matthew - Chapter 10
                        34 Do not think that I came to bring peace to the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword,
                        35 for I came to divide the man with his father, and the daughter with her mother, and the daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law.
                        36 And ​​the enemies of man are his household.
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        religion teaches good

                        Religion simply dulls people, makes them weak-willed, submissive and fanatical. People who do not know how to think critically.
                      2. +3
                        2 June 2013 13: 37
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Religion just dulls people

                        Yes, really, aren't you tired of running into faith? You do not like faith, so pass by do not hold back. Sectarians got
                      3. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 13: 50
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Yes, really, aren't you tired of running into faith? You do not like faith, so pass by do not hold back. Sectarians got

                        I do not run into faith, I try to understand its essence. For you personally comrade novels! Never, I didn’t enter a sect or enter !!!! You treat people with bias. And question yourself as a moderator! Hang tags on people and spread false information! I will write to the administration of this site about your compliance as a moderator! lol
                      4. GG2012
                        2 June 2013 15: 58
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Yes, really, aren't you tired of running into faith? You do not like faith, so pass by do not hold back. Sectarians got

                        Attention! In this commentary, especially for A. Romanov, I am giving a short educational course on the topic of "sectarians".

                        Sect (lat. Secta - school, teaching, from lat. Sequor - follow) - a concept (term) that is used to denote a religious group that has separated from the main religious direction.
                        “Sect” - any group (religious or non-religious, separated or new), having its own teaching and its practice, different from the dominant church.

                        S. I. Ozhegov: sect - 1) a religious association, separated from and opposed to some creed;

                        I. A. Glukhov, associate professor of the Moscow Theological Academy: “A sect is a religious society that is separated from the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church, its teachings and rites, and has a special, different teaching, worship, and structure, and lives a separate, independent life, trying to realize in their closed environment their religious ideals. ”
                        good good good
                        So. To summarize a brief summary.
                        To write the Fog and me, GG2012, into sectarians can only a very uneducated person who does not know and does not understand the meaning of this term.
                        Although, knowing Romanov, I can say that he enlisted us in sectarians only because he liked the word, ... and it doesn’t matter what it means ... Romanov wanted it all!
                      5. +1
                        2 June 2013 16: 05
                        Quote: GG2012
                        “Sect” - any group (religious or non-religious, separated or new), having its own teaching and its practice, different from the dominant church.

                        And now, so that I would not delve into your old posts, tell me what kind of God you advertised here.
                        Quote: GG2012
                        Although, ... knowing Romanov, I can say that he enlisted us in sectarians only because

                        Give your old komenty, so that I would not copy or display them.
                      6. DeerIvanovich
                        3 June 2013 09: 39
                        Romanov has this, write, I already wrote, it’s time for this fanatic to lose his authority: not only does he offend people, he also issues warnings out of the blue.
                      7. +4
                        2 June 2013 18: 19
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        quiet 26. if someone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, and his wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and, moreover, his very life, he cannot be My disciple;

                        Jesus simply meant less love for all this than for himself. Translation Features
                      8. +1
                        2 June 2013 19: 56
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        verse 26. if someone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, and his wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and, moreover, his very life, he cannot be My disciple;
                        Taoist parable

                        Mountain China, Zhouang Zhou Monastery. The year of the Nativity of Christ is 853rd.
                        Someone asked Linji:
                        - What is a mother?
                        “Greed and passion is the mother,” the master answered. - When with a concentrated consciousness we enter the sensual world, the world of passions and lusts, and try to find all these passions, but see only the emptiness behind them, when there are no attachments anywhere, this is called - KILL YOUR MOTHER. ******** ***************************************************** *****************
                        ************************************************* ************* Esoteric techniques of the whole world, the essence is the same, differ only as the Eskimo differs from the Zulu. It seems like completely different people, but the Consciousness inside them does not differ from one another. Therefore, the Awakened unit is all no matter what temple to go to to thank God. Yes, and the temple (religion-faith) they do not need, in general, their very life is a sacred prayer, because they SEE. And with sleeping is more difficult. They need a crutch of religion to get up and if you are lucky, then discard it as unnecessary. Therefore, throughout the history of mankind, reanimated people shared their knowledge out of mercy. From their lips it is like a diamond, but pulled out into the light immediately fades. And when passed from hand to hand, then it "sticks" to it anyrequest But this is the destiny of all the Founders. The Buddha loudly laughed when his statements were written and wept bitterly in loneliness from despair, he understood that they would not understand him. And Jesus wept in Heph. Garden and Veles and Bus. EVERYTHING.Therefore, it’s funny to me how you scold a diamond. We’ll steal it, it won’t make it. Well, it convinces you with conviction and faith in your rightness. What do you have about Romanov?
                      9. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 22: 20
                        Quote: Vadivak
                        Jesus simply meant less love for all this than for himself.

                        How do you know what Jesus meant?
                        Quote: Vadivak
                        Translation Features

                        You write off all the features of the translation! laughing
                      10. +3
                        2 June 2013 22: 31
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        You write off all the features of the translation!

                        You would have to talk with the Jews guys ..., excellent guys, by the way
                      11. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 22: 39
                        Quote: Vadivak
                        great guys by the way

                        Yes, excellent, hating everything Russian and Slavic. And promoting Western values.
                      12. +1
                        2 June 2013 22: 48
                        Quote: TUMAN

                        Oleg, you know very well that among the Jews there are both good and bad, and you all come together. winked By the way, Israel has always supported the efforts of Russia in the fight against terror in the North Caucasus. This should also be remembered.
                      13. -1
                        2 June 2013 18: 51
                        Well-mannered guy, read a gracious new covenant that Christ teaches, and what you cited as an example is simply taken out of context and if you think about what and what this verse is written about, it will be clear that we are talking about justice . I repeat, a person needs to be believed and let it be a better religion than utopian ideas like communism, when religion was replaced by ideology. Religion does not dull; any business must be approached without fanaticism.
                      14. GG2012
                        2 June 2013 15: 38
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        religion teaches goodness and decency

                        Thanks to you, I saw that religion teaches hysteria, malice, rudeness and mental imbalance.
                        You took and insulted the "Mist" without knowing it at all.
                        They insulted only because his views on Christianity do not correspond to your views.
                        And in accordance with good Christian customs, let's condemn the "Mist", put it in a wooden hut and burn it.
                        It was in this way that good Christians brought "love and the light of enlightenment" to us in Russia!
                      15. -2
                        2 June 2013 18: 56
                        He offended the feelings of Russian Orthodox people, I summed up his character, i.e. not without reason.
                      16. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 19: 30
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        He offended the feelings of Russian Orthodox people, I summed up his character, i.e. not without reason.

                        What did I insult? What I think is not like you?
                      17. 0
                        2 June 2013 19: 36
                        No, by that, look at your message about yahve and that religion fogs the brain. By this you insult Russian believers, if you are a Russian or a Slav at least as they put it, then do not write such things. Or do you consider billions of people ignorant?
                      18. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 20: 20
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        No, by that, look at your message about yahve and that religion fogs the brain.

                        But am I not right? A priest in a church does not offend feelings when he takes money from believers, or a priest does not offend the feelings of believers when a drunk in the insole of a foreign car makes an accident for 200 thousand dollars, and does not offend the feelings of believers when candles are not bought from the church; there is no charitable deed ? What are you making me here? Dear, did you decide to shame me? Go shame Kirillushka, who imported alcohol into Russia in millions of tons, shame the priests of perverts who molest minors! Shame the Patriarch, who calls you a barbarian, and a second-rate man! The moral decided to read about feelings and religiosity. Read to millions of burned alive, in the fires of the Inquisition! So dear!
                      19. 0
                        2 June 2013 20: 40
                        You are talking about people distorting the faith and replacing the correct interpretation, but people are not perfect, you should not be confused with a religion that brings good and people who use a good idea for the benefit of themselves.
                      20. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 21: 34
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        You are talking about people distorting the faith and replacing the correct interpretation, but people are not perfect, you should not be confused with a religion that brings good and people who use a good idea for the benefit of themselves.

                        You just rave! Why did you decide that you can interpret what is written in the Bible? Or to indicate how I understand what is written there, I read and see there an abomination, and you say that I misunderstand! Why is your opinion more correct than mine? And your interpretation is correct? If it doesn’t complicate you, be so kind as to explain to me the dark one, this!

                        “Destroy all the places where the nations that you possess
                        served their gods on high mountains and hills,
                        and under every branchy tree; destroy their altars
                        and crush their pillars, and burn their groves with fire,
                        and smash the images of their gods, and destroy their name from that place ”
                        (Bible, Deuteronomy 12: 2).

                        And here it is!
                        “If you despise My decrees, and if your soul is abhorred by My laws, so that you will not obey My commandments, breaking My covenant, I will also do this to you:

                        I will send you horror, weakness and fever, from which your eyes languish, and your soul will be exhausted, and you will sow your seeds in vain, and your enemies will eat them;
                        ... and you will fall before your enemies, and your enemies will rule over you, and run away when no one is chasing you.
                        ... and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as copper;
                        ... I will send field animals to you, who will deprive you of children, destroy your cattle and reduce you, so that your roads will be empty.
                        ... And I will bring upon you a vengeful sword in revenge for the covenant; if you hide in your cities, I will send an ulcer against you, and you will be betrayed into the hands of the enemy;
                        I will destroy the bread that strengthens man; ten women will bake your bread in one oven and give your bread in weight; you will eat and you will not be full.
                        ... And you will eat the flesh of your sons, and you will eat the flesh of your daughters;
                        I will destroy your heights and destroy your pillars, and I will cast your corpses into the fragments of your idols ...
                        I will make your cities desolate, and I will devastate your sanctuaries ...
                        But I will scatter you among the nations and draw your sword after you, and your land will be empty and your cities destroyed.
                        ... And you will perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies will devour you;
                        And those who remain of you will perish for your iniquities in the lands of your enemies and for the iniquities of your fathers they will perish;
                        ... etc.

                        Bible, Leviticus 26: 15-39
                        When explain, then we continue our debate!
                      21. -1
                        3 June 2013 12: 40
                        You are raving, everyone perceives and interprets any information in his own way, if an expert in one or another field does not explain to him how it is, we all perceive and interpret to the extent of our worldview. You interpret it so because you hate Russian culture, which would have been different without Orthodoxy, I am glad that we had Orthodoxy, I think it would have a beneficial effect on us, if we had Islam we would have it for sure.
                      22. TUMAN
                        3 June 2013 14: 52
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        You rave

                        So you explain to me the essence of the example I brought?
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        if an expert in a particular field does not explain to him how it is,

                        And what kind of religion is it that an expert interpretation is needed? If you are interpreted, then this is a dictate!
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        You interpret it so because you hate Russian culture, which would be different without Orthodoxy

                        That's what I’m talking about Russian culture, and not the hinged Jewish!
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        I am glad that it was Orthodoxy that we had, I believe it had a beneficial effect on us, if we had Islam we would have been different for sure.

                        Respected! Take the trouble to read the person who wrote above what Orthodoxy is, and what faith is ?! Do not show your ignorance in this matter! You are trying to talk about a topic in which you are a complete layman!
                        So what about the question I asked ?! I am waiting for your interpretation!
                      23. 0
                        3 June 2013 22: 41
                        I'm tired of explaining everything to you, maybe you have a Jewish culture, and we have Russians - Russian Orthodox. There are experts in every business if you need explanations about who these people are versed in issues that they have been dealing with all my life. I feel sorry for you. And to read the stupidities of people like you who want Russian culture is nothing, you read some verse from the Bible and understood it in your own way, since you were already hostile to religion and ready to see only a dirty trick, but as for the layman, I don’t think that a person like you knows more than me. Well, you brought a verse as an example, suppose I would give my vision of this verse, because I did not study theology and can give an interpretation as a philistine (that is what I spoke in my own way) so you would again begin to prove to me with foam at mouth, that all this is a plot of priests and smileys thinking that it emphasizes wit, although I think it emphasizes something else.
                      24. TUMAN
                        3 June 2013 23: 38
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        And to read the stupidities of people like you who want Russian culture is a void, so you read some

                        Where did I fault Russian culture? I talked about religion! Religion and culture are two different things! Yeah, I’m amazed, do you specially say black and white and black and white? !! If you don’t have a topic and there are no arguments, then there’s nothing to offend. Or is it trolling? In general, ....... as I did not immediately guess. What class did you go to?
                      25. -2
                        4 June 2013 11: 34
                        And Orthodoxy is a part of Russian culture. Since religion lays down some customs, holidays and a believer carries it through life. I don’t troll you, I have a simple request for you, if religion is alien to you, then there are no millions of people, do not offend them saying that it fogs the brain, etc. To each his own. I'm not in the subject ?! I think we are both off topic, as a child I read the bible (I finished school 13 years ago by the way :))
                        but I think it’s not enough in this matter, both of us are ordinary people, because clergy, theologians, philosophers, are professionally involved in these issues, do you agree? We expressed our vision of the religious issue, did not hear each other, let's bury the ax of war drinks . I believe in my own way i.e. I do not observe fasting, I believe that there is a higher mind and every religion explains it in its own way, I think religion is good, only people are weak and use their own interpretation or just spit on morals from that they do evil under the guise of God.
                      26. TUMAN
                        4 June 2013 12: 12
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        We expressed our vision of the religious issue, did not hear each other, let's bury the ax of war

                        Well said, I support. drinks
                        I just want to tell you that Orthodoxy is the Right to Glorify, and Faith is the Leader of Ra. And they have nothing to do with Christianity! With respect!
                      27. 0
                        4 June 2013 16: 38
                        I also want to add about the above concepts, does it seem to me from Zadornov? I am wrong?
                        After all, Faith is determined from Latin (Veras) - the truth,
                        and Greek Orthodox Christianity is a correct judgment.
                        P / S It was nice to discuss.
                      28. TUMAN
                        3 June 2013 15: 43
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        and interprets in his own way,

                        How can one interpret in one's own way?
                        “Destroy all the places where the nations that you possess
                        served their gods on high mountains and hills,
                        and under every branchy tree; destroy their altars
                        and crush their pillars, and burn their groves with fire,
                        and smash the images of their gods, and destroy their name from that place ”
                        (Bible, Deuteronomy 12: 2).
                        Well, explain to me, here it is, please !!!!!!
                        How should I understand? !!!
                      29. TUMAN
                        3 June 2013 20: 15
                        Quote: AntonR7
                        You rave

                        Anton! Well, I'm waiting for your interpretation! You are on the site, why do not answer the question? Or do you only know how to stigmatize ?! laughing
                        Well, just like priests, brand and defame a person who is slightly different from you! hi
                      30. +2
                        2 June 2013 21: 17
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        when drunk in the insole of a foreign car makes an accident for 200 thousand dollars,

                        Found an example. And the thousands of Christians who sacrificed themselves for their love for their neighbor? Forgot? Well then, take a look at the Orthodox calendar
                      31. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 21: 41
                        Quote: Vadivak
                        Found an example.

                        Yes, an example! Why can't I give this as an example? Or are these actions of the clergy a taboo? Double standards, right?
                      32. +3
                        2 June 2013 21: 49
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Yes, an example! Why can't I give this as an example?

                        These are single examples.

                        Read better Pushkin

                        “As far as the Western, Catholic and Protestant clergy served to corrupt the nations, which it was supposed to correct, so the Orthodox clergy, to its honor, served to the spiritual and moral exaltation of those peoples, to which its beneficial influence spread.”
                  2. +2
                    2 June 2013 13: 38
                    Quote: AntonR7
                    Read attentively

                    Do not mess with him is sectarians.
                    1. TUMAN
                      2 June 2013 13: 52
                      Quote: Alexander Romanov
                      Do not mess with him is sectarians.

                      Here you are, justify and give the facts! If not, then you are a respected liar!
                      1. +2
                        2 June 2013 14: 34
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Here you are, justify and give the facts

                        Quoting the necessary (separate) parts of the New Testament. that is exactly what the representatives of the sects do. This is exactly what you do!
                        Any mention of the Orthodox faith in an article is not acceptable for you and causes fierce criticism and this is a fact!
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        If I do not believe in Judeo-Christianity

                        Here is your EVERYTHING!
                        I will not say yet whose words your friends used as an example on this site, but as soon as they appear again, the reaction will be immediate.
                        Dislike, no respect for people who worship Orthodoxy. putting dumb pictures, pouring mud at everything and everything that is connected with Orthodoxy.
                        you are not the first and you are not the last to do it.
                      2. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 14: 53
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Quoting needed (individual) parts of the New Testament

                        Pop in the church also quotes the necessary parts, do you think he turns into a sectarian? !!!
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        that is exactly what the representatives of the sects do. This is exactly what you do!

                        I do not know what the representatives of the sects do, I show what is written, and it is written in black and white, then, you accuse me of sectarianism, only because I quoted the New Testament? !! Dear, this is not serious, where are your facts?
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Dislike, no respect for people who revere

                        Are you this for yourself ?! I agree with you, do you have such a flaw, didn’t think that you are so self-critical ?! Taking off my hat. hi
                      3. +1
                        2 June 2013 15: 10
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Pop in the church also quotes the necessary parts, do you think he turns into a sectarian? !!!

                        the necessary words are not quoted there, but there is a service and a full quotation of certain chapters, and not a selective one.
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Dear, this is not serious, where are your facts?

                        Well, tell us what kind of faith in replacement of Orthodoxy you are promoting here.
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Are you this for yourself ?!

                        Unlike you, I don’t give a damn about Catholicism or Buddhism and I don’t yell that their faith is not right. It’s not for you to decide what people believe.
                      4. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 15: 31
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        the necessary words are not quoted there, but there is a service and a full quotation of certain chapters, and not a selective one.

                        Dear Alexander Romanov! What is the difference, selective or complete, the essence does not change. If it says "Do not think that I came to bring peace to earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword," then this is so! And no matter how you try to prove that this is good, it will not become good! That's what I want to convey to you!
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Well, tell us what kind of faith in replacement of Orthodoxy you are promoting here.

                        I do not advance, I want you to think about why My Great Slavic people are called barbarian and second-class people. Why is the Church lying, why are they building churches and tearing people’s bribes off, and not building kindergartens, or clinics, why are the Priests getting fat and going to expensive foreign cars, and the people are starving ?! Why did you doubt me about the correctness of priests YOU novels immediately recorded in sectarians? This is what I want to convey to you!
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Unlike you, I don’t give a damn about Catholicism or Buddhism and I don’t yell that their faith is not right. It’s not for you to decide what people believe.

                        I do not decide what to believe for people, everyone decides for himself. But criminalizing the denial of Judeo-Christianity into legislation is too much! And yet, I believe that the Slavs are a great nation with a great many-thousand-year past, and not second-class people, as they are trying to prove to all of us here! Referring to the writings of Jews and other "historians".
                      5. 0
                        2 June 2013 15: 42
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        What's the difference,

                        Great! You need to read from the beginning, not from the middle, because the essence is changing. Simple people don’t understand what is what.
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Do not think that I have come to bring peace to earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword "then it is!

                        And thank God! Since many on this earth should be cut down for deeds "righteous"
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        This is what I want to convey to you!

                        you only convey what you want to see for yourself, and you are trying to impose it on others. You are not talking about good deeds that are being done. For you, they simply do not exist. You are looking for exactly what can be denigrated by Orthodoxy. Present any single occasion as massive and absolute. You reject the other.
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Judeo-Christianity is too much!

                        In Russia there is no Judeo-Christianity, in Russia there is Orthodoxy!
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Referring to the writings of Jews and other "historians".

                        Do not like it, go to another topic and leave Orthodoxy and believers alone. People without your help will figure out where is left and where is right. All the best, Ruslan.
                      6. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 15: 49
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Great! You need to read from the beginning, not from the middle, because the essence is changing. Simple people don’t understand what is what.

                        You just do not want to hear, remind me of a child who plugs his ears.
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        And thank God! Since many on this earth should be cut down for deeds "righteous"

                        And where is love, peace and good?
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        you only convey what you want to see for yourself, and you are trying to impose it on others. You are not talking about good deeds that are being done. For you, they simply do not exist. You are looking for exactly what can be denigrated by Orthodoxy. Present any single occasion as massive and absolute.

                        Orthodoxy has nothing to do with Judeo-Christianity! Orthodoxy is the right to praise. And to Christianity no side.
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Do not like it, go to another topic and leave Orthodoxy and believers alone. People without your help will figure out where is left and where is right.

                        Do you think it will be better with yours?
                      7. +1
                        2 June 2013 16: 07
                        All the best, Ruslan.
                        You apparently didn’t notice, I said goodbye hi
                      8. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 18: 02
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        All the best, Ruslan.

                        And all the best to you! I’m Oleg, apparently you are confusing me with someone!
                      9. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 20: 12
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        And all the best to you! I’m Oleg, apparently you are confusing me with someone!

                        Less for what? Looks like I'm Oleg ?!
                      10. +1
                        2 June 2013 21: 34
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        I am Oleg

                        And the nickname is correct, Fog
                      11. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 21: 44
                        Quote: Vadivak
                        And the nickname is correct, Fog

                        It looks like religion taught you rudeness. Hamit when arguments end?
                      12. +2
                        2 June 2013 21: 59
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        It looks like religion taught you rudeness. Hamit when arguments end?

                        Here they are, they called themselves and they called me a boor, however, I’m not warning you yet
                      13. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 22: 11
                        Quote: Vadivak
                        however, I do not warn yet

                        Use moderator status?
                      14. +1
                        2 June 2013 22: 16
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Use moderator status?

                        Oleg. Among other things, you behave defiantly. Didn’t notice yourself. No ?! winked I carefully monitor everything.
                      15. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 22: 47
                        Quote: Apollon
                        Oleg. Among other things, you behave defiantly.

                        Here I am accused of all mortal sins, called a sectarian, for no reason. If some members of the forum do not share my opinion, this does not mean that I am a sectarian. I blame immorality and many more troubles. Now am I breaking the rules? Please show? Maybe I'm not in the know, and the moderators are supposed to do more, well, like there in the service! You can brand me, but I can’t answer?
                      16. +2
                        2 June 2013 22: 52
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Please show? Maybe I'm not in the know

                        I’ll answer for myself Oleg! Why show when your PM is full of my warnings. Regarding sectarianism or accusations of immorality, there’s not a word in the rules about it. So I don’t see any violations.
                      17. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 23: 05
                        Quote: Apollon
                        I’ll answer for myself Oleg! Why show when your PM is full of my warnings.

                        Sorry, but I do not understand, "I behave defiantly" is for my past sins? Or for sins on this thread? If for the past, then when I'm guilty, I admit it, and do not resist the warnings. And if it concerns today, then I do not understand. I try to write within the limits of what is permitted. Sincerely.
                      18. +3
                        2 June 2013 23: 12
                        write in a personal there I will answer, the topic of the branch among other things "The mechanism of guaranteed self-destruction"
                      19. +2
                        3 June 2013 05: 54
                        Quote: Apollon
                        write in PM

                        Pancake ! I write in a personal what But it doesn’t reach you from Romanov when and how it will become normal for me fellow And from you messages come in 12 hours. Is it on my site or on? fool
                      20. +2
                        2 June 2013 22: 20
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Use moderator status

                        There are rules on the site, please stick to them in the discussion
                      21. +2
                        2 June 2013 21: 30
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Do not think that I have come to bring peace to earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword "

                        So it’s written about you, you have the Faith of Christ across your throat from here and the sword Christ knew how to take his disciples after they crucified Him
                      22. TUMAN
                        2 June 2013 21: 45
                        Quote: Vadivak
                        So it’s written about you, you have the Faith of Christ across your throat from here and the sword Christ knew how to take his disciples after they crucified Him

                        Is this your interpretation of the Bible ?! laughing
                      23. +2
                        2 June 2013 22: 02
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Is this your interpretation of the Bible ?!

                        I’m not an interpreter, I read it and retell it to you, he who has ears, let him hear, and even an otolaryngologist does not help those who have no ears
                      24. TUMAN
                        3 June 2013 23: 46
                        Quote: Vadivak
                        I read it and retell it to you, he who has ears, let him hear,

                        Let me ask you what you heard ?! Maybe grace has come upon you? If so, how is this expressed?
                      25. 0
                        4 June 2013 19: 03
                        Quote: TUMAN
                        Church pop

                        Hmm, for some reason, the association with "This ZhU is not casual."
                        That is, the use of the term POP is not casual. I think you are aware of the usual derogatory use of the word.
      3. not good
        2 June 2013 13: 33
        Oh, and I already read belay , unlike you, carefully. The author mentioned Article 13p2 and, unlike the cited Article 14, Article 13.2 It looks like this: "No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory" Or YOU inattentively read the comment or [quote = afire] [i]The one who spreads this - distorts reality
      4. not good
        2 June 2013 14: 02
        Oh, I already read belay , unlike you, carefully. The author mentioned Article 13p2 and, unlike the cited Article 14, Article 13.2 It looks like this: "No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory" Or YOU inattentively read the comment or [quote = afire] [i]The one who spreads this - distorts reality
        Please note that Article 13, Clause 2 speaks of STATE IDEOLOGY, but not a word about religion there.
    5. 0
      2 June 2013 11: 12
      It is very simple, the guarantor himself will change, but he was able to achieve a change in the term of office of the president and the Duma from 4 and 4 years to 6 and 5 years, respectively.
    6. w.ebdo.g
      2 June 2013 11: 15
      Here is a version of the technology how to resist the Amer invaders ...
      look, analyze, draw conclusions ...
    7. +1
      2 June 2013 13: 47
      Quote: pinecone
      I wonder how all this can be changed when the current constitution of the Russian Federation has a "guarantor"

      According to the constitution. The draft new constitution is submitted for discussion, and then finalized and approved by popular vote ...
    8. 0
      2 June 2013 13: 56
      Specify - "Guarantor" - what or who? Inviolability of relatives, friends, acquaintances, friends of friends, etc. The guarantor of the inviolability of the grabbed, grabbed? SO WHAT DO WE HAVE A GUARANTEE FOR?
    9. +1
      2 June 2013 14: 32
      Quote: pinecone
      I wonder how all this can be changed when the current constitution of the Russian Federation has a "guarantor".

      This "guarantor" just works for them!
    10. 0
      3 June 2013 07: 32
      Quote: pinecone
      I wonder how all this can be changed when the current constitution of the Russian Federation has a "guarantor".

      This means that the "guarantor" himself must amend the Constitution. The independence of a state begins with its Constitution.
  2. mogus
    1 June 2013 15: 41
    and again the 17th year is coming ... Where this time will we tear?
    1. +13
      1 June 2013 16: 04
      If we tear, it will definitely happen. And February 17th .... if now, given the current situation, the balance of power in society, to allow any revolution ... then the country will be torn to shreds. I am sure that the healthy forces of society (even having different views on the country's development path) will not allow us to repeat the February events ... or, for example, Syrian, Egyptian, Libyan.
      1. Genady1976
        1 June 2013 16: 15
        First you need to rid Russia of nuclear weapons. I hope the president will not do this under any circumstances, or even reduce the nuclear weapons itself.
        1. sanych your division
          1 June 2013 20: 47
          Amerikos missile defense just for this. they are almost at the final stage. growing social imbalance and interethnic hostility are two decisive factors in the repetition of the civil war in Russia. and GDP nichrome can not do. very cool directors put everything here. and when during each other’s massacre we get out of here and we need a missile defense system. something will fly but not all. and not there. The planet has been resettled and in their plans, as I understand it, to reduce the number of oxygen consumers. Satanic design.
          1. klyka1960
            1 June 2013 22: 23
            America itself is on the brink of civil war ....
            1. +2
              2 June 2013 15: 12
              It is necessary to help the states, to develop a civil war there on their territory.
        2. 0
          2 June 2013 14: 50
          1993 year. An agreement was signed between the Russian government and the US government on the use of highly enriched uranium extracted from nuclear weapons, according to which Russia this year supplies the last of 500 tons of weapons-grade uranium, almost the entire strategic potential of the country for this type of nuclear materials.

          "The agreement was signed on February 18, 1993. It provided for the sale over the next 20 years of Russian weapons-grade uranium in the amount of 500 tons to the United States of America for use in nuclear energy. The total price of the unique product was set at $ 11,9 billion. Weapon-grade uranium with a 90% enrichment in the U-235 isotope had to be diluted at Russian enterprises to 4,4% concentration, which corresponds to the level of fuel rods - fuel elements used in the A.E.C. There are 109 reactors at nuclear power plants in the United States, who, thus, received a supply of energy raw materials for many decades to come. "

          (The real price of our uranium sold in the United States is approximately $ 405 billion, or 35 times more than what we actually received.)

          But it is not only money - even very large money - that measures the value of weapons-grade uranium. Russia will never be able to accumulate such a quantity of it. We lost the previous uranium ore deposits left in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and in the territory of the former GDR. In Russia, only one mine has survived - in the Irkutsk region. Now there are no former enrichment plants either.

          The United States, which even in a dream dreams of “atomic sterilization” of the Russian Federation, has gained a huge advantage in energy supply for the long term.

          They dream of the onset of such times when “atomic teeth” will be pulled out of the Russian Federation and it will lose its ability to adequately respond to the deadly bite of its potential adversary.

          Weapon uranium reserves in our country and in the USA were approximately the same, between 500 and 600 tons. From this we conclude that we sold to the United States almost the majority of our uranium assets, which caused irreparable damage to the country's security. Referring to the data of the American press, government opponents claim that the United States estimated its uranium and plutonium reserves at $ 4 trillion, and bought our reserves for a ridiculous amount of 12 billion.

          So who in Russia is taking care of preserving and multiplying nuclear weapons? PUTIN? MEDVEDEV? or the USA?
      2. mogus
        1 June 2013 16: 44
        "litmus" gives the result ... It was a hundred years ago that there were no communications (the Internet), even judging by my grandfather (the kingdom of heaven to him), people believed everything they said. Now we have received so many "vaccinations" in a few years ...
        At the end of the struggle, it somehow happened that the enemy was losing territory (we push the boundaries of the hostile).
      3. -1
        1 June 2013 17: 46
        You missed "February 17th", that was 1993!
        1. mogus
          1 June 2013 18: 17
          in the 94th, from October, they should have been initiated into pioneers ... and remained. All childhood is perestroika, consider it was not (childhood).
          In '93 we retreated within the borders. Hope for an offensive am
        2. 0
          2 June 2013 15: 12
          Nothing, catch up.
      4. +1
        1 June 2013 23: 25
        Quote: smile
        I am sure that the healthy forces of society

        Interestingly, oligarchs or bankers are "healthy" forces?
        1. +5
          2 June 2013 00: 21
          Quote: zvereok
          Interestingly, oligarchs or bankers are "healthy" forces?

          The most healthy and rosy, because they eat well and lead a healthy lifestyle, mainly abroad
    2. +3
      1 June 2013 16: 45
      Quote: mogus
      Where will we tear this time?
      I would like to answer here that "everything is God's will." If there is Destiny, there is also God, the great director and programmer of our being. There was Wanga, Wolf Messing and other predictors, people reading the program code of history. Russia, it must be understood, has a great mission if we are faced with such tests that no other country and nation can withstand. "Vaccinations" have been made, we need to change our lives for the better, to everything as it turns out, and save the world from American Satanists and the world club of bloodsucking ghouls. Inevitably, you become an "idealistic materialist" who sees a way out in a strong party (communist or socialist) and your Russian Hugo Chavez, to live happily ever after in this OPTIMUS MUNDUS (the best of the worlds).
      1. +5
        2 June 2013 00: 25
        Quote: Per se.
        and peace from American Satanists

        Yes, and there are plenty of them, read how they slander Orthodoxy, the church prevents them from getting too small
        1. fartfraer
          2 June 2013 10: 59
          one question (only a question) is the Orthodox branch of Christianity the Russian faith?
          1. +1
            2 June 2013 13: 18
            Quote: fartfraer
            one question (only a question) is the Orthodox branch of Christianity the Russian faith?

            Like that. All over the world there are a lot of tank building schools, in Russia, too, there is, but its own Russian. Even using some of the groundwork of other concepts, a new one has been created that meets our requirements.
            1. +1
              2 June 2013 22: 16
              Quote: skeptic
              created its own, meeting our requirements.


              Orthodoxy literally “correct judgment”, “correct teaching” or “correct praising”) is a Christian movement that took shape in the east of the Roman Empire during the first millennium from the birth of Christ under the leadership and main role of the department of the bishop of Constantinople
          2. +1
            3 June 2013 06: 44
            Quote: fartfraer
            Orthodox branch of Christianity Russian faith?

            Faith and religion are not the same thing. Religions come and go, change, as civilization develops, but faith in man was originally there and will be. Any religion uses faith in one way or another, adapting it to the culture and social system of its country, of its people. If you look at the geography of world religions, with the exception of individual enclaves, you can see the preferences of various cultures, their religious choice. Orthodoxy, respected fartfraer, turned out to be closer to the culture of Russia, when Prince Vladimir made his historical choice. If in your question you are hinting that after the baptism of Rus, what was, what was believed in before was lost, then this is not so. Faith, by and large, can be not only Russian, but also your personal. This, of course, is only my opinion, according to the personal understanding of FAITH.
            1. +2
              3 June 2013 07: 41
              My opinion: RUSSIAN is not a nationality, but a territorial definition! And we are all Slavs, Bashkirs, Tatars and many others living here RUSSIAN! We have one Motherland!
              And religion is the path to self-awareness and everyone has his own.
              1. DeerIvanovich
                3 June 2013 10: 35
                but for me, Russians are those with blond hair.
  3. fisherman
    1 June 2013 15: 48
    Thanks for the interesting article ....
  4. avt
    1 June 2013 15: 55
    In principle, everything is so, but as long as our people have the concept of "fairness", not everything is lost, in this case, the law is like a pillar. laughing But the Shakhraev’s constitution and laws did not tablets of Moses and not God's Commandments and Vedas
    1. +21
      1 June 2013 16: 11
      And then there is the Russian proverb "The apple is from the apple tree, it does not fall far", which means that our children, whether our enemies like it or not, will still be like us and absorb the morality of our ancestors, there is also a Church that does not favor juveniles and same-sex, and I dare to assume that she will never favor, the same is the morality brought up by the USSR, I think that the vile West will break off its teeth about our people.
      1. +1
        2 June 2013 01: 46
        "And there is also the Russian proverb" An apple is from an apple tree, it does not fall far ", which means that our children, whether our enemies like it or not, will still be like us."

        Perhaps it’s certainly good, BUT - children of 8-9 years old in our house do not know why it is celebrated on May 9th.
  5. +11
    1 June 2013 16: 02
    Looking at what is happening in Europe and the West today, one must run away from the so-called "international norms of law" like fire.

    And, yes, I would like to believe that by the end of the year a part of the government headed by the "prime minister" will resign, maybe then there will be positive messages in the legislation. The main thing is that Putin would have qualified and not drugged replacement cadres for this case.
    1. +5
      1 June 2013 18: 58
      Looking at what is happening in Europe and Berezovsky in Russia requested! wink In the very same robbery, even in prison, but home.
      Then I came across in an internet his letter to Putin. I decided to share it. I won’t tell for reliability! wink One person tweeted

      “Don't ask me how it got into my hands. Don't ask how much it cost me. Difficult. Expensive.

      Anticipating this sensational document, which has not yet reached the hand of a single journalist, and a spokesman for Peskov said that the letter will not be published, I allow myself a short comment on the subject.

      Honestly, it was hard for me to read this letter. He was clearly written by a broken man, and all the more surprising and terrible that he was written by Boris Berezovsky, who always seemed to me a man of unbending will. This truly historical document:

      A letter from B. A. Berezovsky to V. V. Putin

      "Vladimir Vladimirovich! Mr. President!

      We both know the price of a word, the price of memory, especially when it comes to politics. I am ready to openly admit my mistakes, moreover, I admit them now, in this letter. Much of what I did, said, has no excuse and deserves severe condemnation. But, Vladimir Vladimirovich! I am 68 years old, I am an old man. I spent 12 years in exile. Really, my gray hair, my forced isolation from the motherland did not atone for my guilt? Vladimir Vladimirovich, I will tell you honestly, and ask you to believe me. I yearned for Russia from day one, and with each day spent in a foreign land, my longing deepened. Yes, I am a Jew, but born in Russia. I am Russian, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I would be glad to be different - then I would not have experienced this torment, but I am Russian. Separation from Russia is killing me.

      I ask you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, to forgive me for the misconduct and words that I have committed in blinding my anger. God sees, today I realized everything and never - never - would have done so. I would very much like to return to Russia, to my homeland. I want to die on my land. These are not empty words, believe me, Vladimir Vladimirovich. As an Eternal Jew, I am tired of wandering around the earth. Let me come back, Mr. President. I ask you to. I beg you.

      Sincerely yours, Boris Berezovsky. "

      1. +4
        2 June 2013 00: 28
        Quote: sergo0000
        and Berezovsky in Russia requested

        Salvage is over
        1. 0
          2 June 2013 06: 29
          Quote: Vadivak
          Quote: sergo0000
          and Berezovsky in Russia requested

          Salvage is over

          Greetings Vadim! hi
          Maybe so. But after all, for the second time to rob people here to him, who would allow it !? winked I think there is something in the soul of a person who has been raised and brought up in Russia that cannot be killed by any London or Courchevel. Or maybe the human soul is still alive only in Russia !?
          1. +1
            2 June 2013 07: 01
            But this whole story, a little, seems absurd to me. For so many years BAB was on the wanted list, the prosecutor’s office issued an arrest warrant, and here we can say that I was going to confess, so I would have to take it .... But no, and what kind of building then assumptions about what happened are not serious. There is no clear information and is unlikely to be.
  6. +14
    1 June 2013 16: 04
    If Western juvenile justice is still allowed to come to us, then it will be time to take up arms. Because the words of them (liberals) will not be stopped. They have their own perverted view of the family. And this cannot be allowed.
    1. +5
      1 June 2013 16: 33
      Well, who will you be the first to kill? Who is the second? Will you go with a machine gun to the committee for maternal and child health? to overtake? Regional court or KDN?
      If you take up arms (for any reason, even the most holy one), then you will have to kill those who protect the security and integrity of the state ... and they will have to neutralize you because the civil war in Russia now is her death ... and liberals will be just happy that the hated country is being destroyed ... by the way, you will probably receive help from abroad, with you shoulder to shoulder will stand up to the unbeaten Islamists ... really, in order to understand - "oh, I was deceived" it is necessary again to wash the country with blood and wash yourself?

      The introduction of juvenile justice Euro-sample is certainly unacceptable !!! But it is necessary to pass laws to protect children and their mothers. The main thing is not the name of the law, but its text, comments on it, clarifications of the Supreme Courts, analysis of law enforcement practice. There is nothing in the article. To make sure that the approach to the analysis of legislation is not entirely correct, it is enough to familiarize yourself with these laws .... and to draw conclusions on the names ..... not even funny.
      Of course, there are shoals in the laws, but to correct them automatically? ...
    2. 0
      3 June 2013 07: 49
      Juvenile justice kirdyk for everyone.
      Without continuity of generations, nothing good will come of it.
  7. +2
    1 June 2013 16: 50
    Only now, the US State Department officially recognized that in 1993 the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of key laws of our country, were written by American advisers.
    The Secret of Punchinel. In those years, no one even concealed that such assistance to us "uneducated, unwashed, walking in sandals with a balalaika" was provided by "virtues" from the United States.
    Today, both the internal and the external forms of force pressure on sovereign states are based on the same method. The adversary purposefully tries to compromise and destroy the three main social regulators of the traditional civilized state: religion, morality and culture (including language, folklore, literature, education, science, the institution of the family, etc.).
    I would not say that today. It has always been, and at all times, within our society, there are weak-willed, controlled elements. Yesterday we just discussed the topic of such traitors in an article Truth and fiction about the Battle of the Ice..
    Pskov knights managed to take with the help of treason. Some of the Pskovs, led by the posadnik Tverdilaya, decided to go under the arm of the Germans. They invited the Germans as military rulers of Pskov.
    I swear, but the faces are the same, even though 8 centuries have passed. Take these guardians for the people of Bolotnaya Square, just like Told.
    1. +1
      2 June 2013 01: 54
      Told to the swamp do not go, do not want to shine.
  8. +1
    1 June 2013 16: 52
    Under the pretext of the primacy of universal values, the absolutization of individual rights and the priority of international law, both Western and Russian countries were hit by a shaft of destructive legislative initiatives: juvenile justice, legalization of same-sex marriages, marriages with inanimate objects, with oneself or animals, legalization of pedophilia, the Bologna process destruction of national education systems and its “ill-conceived” reforms, the destruction of science, the law on culture, etc., etc.

    The Russian people have never been distinguished by either religiosity, or slavishness, or humility, or trust in the authorities, so it’s not so easy to fool us and remake us into Euros. Tsar Peter had already tried the Russophobic Russophobe, he only killed the people in vain, but achieved nothing, only he died, everything returned to normal. It will be the same with the liberals, nothing will come of them, only people will tyrannize and destroy in vain.
    1. lexe
      1 June 2013 17: 57
      The Russian people have never been distinguished by either religiosity or trust in power - a highly controversial statement
      For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland. With these simple words, our ancestors created the largest country in the world - everyone and everyone who stood in their way burned with fire and sword.
      1. -2
        2 June 2013 19: 13
        On the contrary, the people were religious, remember the battle of Borodino, when before the battle the whole army knelt before the icon, if I’m not mistaken, the Kazan Mother of God and prayed. These three words were important especially for the officers. And we didn’t burn everything with fire and sword, but carried culture and civilization; if this were not so, then there wouldn’t be Caucasians and Central Asians with industry.
  9. +14
    1 June 2013 17: 36
    And why do not we change these articles in the constitution? The Duma, deputies, open letters in the press, orders to deputies, and deputies with motivated proposals ?, or everyone is afraid of losing their places, life and tranquility. But what about the service to the people, the love of the motherland and these signs of a honest and honest person. Or to such degrees there is solid mucus at the top?, Huh? Hero of N.V. Gogol Taras Bulba about the people said everything is correct
    --- I want to tell you, panov, what is our partnership. You heard from fathers and grandfathers that everyone had our land in honor: they let themselves know to the Greeks, and took chervontsy from Constantinople, and the cities were magnificent, and princes, princes, princes of the Russian family, their princes, and not Catholic distrusts . Busurmans took everything, everything was gone. We only stayed, orphans, yes, like a widow after a strong husband, and our land is lilac, just like us! That is the time at which we, comrades, gave a hand to the brotherhood! That is what our partnership stands on! There are no holier partnerships! Father loves his child, mother loves his child, child loves father and mother. But that's not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only a person can become related by kinship to the soul, and not by blood. There were comrades in other lands, but there were no such comrades like those in the Russian land. You have happened more than once to disappear in a foreign land; You see - and there are people! also a man of God, and you will converse with him as with yours; but when it comes to telling a heartfelt word, you see: no, smart people, but not those; the same people, but not those! No, brothers, to love as much as the Russian soul — to love not only with the mind or with anything else, but with all that God has given you, whatever is in you, but ... ”said Taras, and waved his hand and shook his gray head , and with a mustache blinked, and said: - No, no one can love like that! I know that a vile thing has now begun on our land; they only think that they should have bread stacks with them, ricks and their horse herds, so that their sealed honey should be intact in the cellars. Adopt the devil knows what Busurman customs; abhor their tongue; he doesn’t want to speak with his own; he sells his own, as they sell the soulless in the trading market. The mercy of someone else’s king, and not the king, but the meager mercy of the Polish tycoon, who with his yellow forearm beats them in the face, more dear to them than any brotherhood. But the last bastard, whatever he may be, even though he fell all out in soot and worship, has that, brothers, a grain of Russian feeling. And someday it will wake up, and it will hit, miserable, on the floors with his hands, grab himself by the head, cursing his vile life loudly, ready to atone for the shame with torment. Let them all know what partnership means in the Russian land! Well, for that matter, to die - so none of them will ever die like that! .. Nobody, nobody! .. They don’t have enough of their mouse nature for that!
    1. stroporez
      2 June 2013 10: 35
      from it ----- classics read nada !!!!!!!!! super!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. +1
    1 June 2013 17: 43
    Yes, an interesting article. When I read the constitution of the Russian Federation, I didn’t pay much attention, but somehow it became sad. sad
  11. +4
    1 June 2013 17: 58
    Copy: "dTwo fundamentally new provisions: Article 13, paragraph 2 and Article 15, paragraph 4. There are only two articles of the American version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: the refusal of the Russian state to protect its traditional values ​​(ideology) and the recognition of the priority of international law over domestic law. "
    To convince, I quote both articles: 13.2 - No ideology can be established as state or mandatory
    15.4.- The generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of its legal system. If other rules are established by an international treaty of the Russian Federation than those provided by law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.
    So where is the mechanism of "guaranteed self-destruction of Russia" here?
    This article is pure provocation.
    © ConsultantPlus, 1992-2013
  12. +5
    1 June 2013 18: 01
    Reread the article again.
    Yes, visible threats.
    But the author Marat Musin aggravates the topic with threats to Russia.
    Pay attention to neighboring countries, their loss of cultural historical heritage, morality and morality promoted by their church. The loss of spiritual life and complete indifference not only to relatives, but also to their children. As a result of the helplessness, the introduction of juvenile justice.
    Remember the riots of Paris, London, Athens, yesterday's Istanbul protests. Remember two days ago, the events of hopelessness and the curse of Sweden that we are considering.
    Recall world debt of more than 223 trillion dollars, with a global GDP of 80 trillion. Thus, it turns out that all countries of the world have already borrowed such an amount of money that they can earn in three years.
    Draw your own conclusions.
    Not only the whole of Russia world has gone mad.
    However, I can not disagree with the author with his words:
    "If the state does not defend our traditional values, then this process will be led by its implacable opponents."

    And this is true Russia must be protected.
  13. +2
    1 June 2013 18: 04
    "It is not for them, the wretched disenfranchised, to teach us how to love women and bear children."

    I’m ready to subscribe to these words!
    - I don’t understand Russia,
    Arshin common can not be measured!
    - She’s special to become,
    in Russia you can only believe!
    Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev.
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. +15
    1 June 2013 18: 19
  16. 0
    1 June 2013 18: 23
    Do not bring the Almighty, but _ Blood is washed away only with blood.
    And the sea has already spilled blood. So what is needed _ An ocean of blood?
    1. +1
      2 June 2013 02: 04
      Russian-Soviet flaw, it was necessary to cut this crap and put under Pskov.
  17. gladiatorakz
    1 June 2013 18: 24
    All these constitutional, legitimate mines will remain in effect until Russia returns to Kopnyy Pravo. They will begin the power to choose the worthy, not the rich. Immediately, living conditions will begin to change in all areas. In the meantime, all these elections are held without a choice, the enemies will manipulate as they need.
  18. 0
    1 June 2013 18: 26
    Guaranteed destruction of the Russian Federation (USSR) was provided back in 1947. Now they will have to take care of themselves, how to resist. - Not only in the financial and military spheres, but also in other areas.
  19. -6
    1 June 2013 18: 32
    At all times, the Russian authorities sacredly followed one tradition. As soon as any law began to interfere with it, it was rewritten. And in this case the same thing will happen. The world community is lounging to wait for our self-destruction. And Russia also has a tradition to look for those responsible for their own stupidity over the hill .
  20. +2
    1 June 2013 18: 47
    Paranoia is blooming. Regarding the primacy of international law over national law, only one thing can be said - international treaties have no legal consequences for third parties. Well, since we don’t like the Convention on the Ban of Anti-Personnel Mines, we did not sign it and in general it doesn’t give us a decree. That is, what we ourselves agree on is the only thing we must comply with. All is fair.

    With the presentations to part 2 of article 13, it is also pretended. If here someone without the obligatory leading role of the party doesn’t live like that in this world, then you can only regret it. The presence and absence of ideology alone does not solve anything - only the will of the political elite decides. There will be will, there will be transformations.
    1. 0
      1 June 2013 18: 59
      I completely agree with you. Calculation of people who can not read and think
  21. gal
    1 June 2013 19: 42
    2.14. On the proposal to transfer from the Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations to the Committee on Family, Women and Children, draft federal law No. 284965-3 "On state guarantees of equal rights and freedoms for men and women and equal opportunities for their implementation" (adopted in the first reading April 16, 2003), appointing the Committee on Family, Women and Children in charge of the bill. Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations

    S.A. Popov

    With the Committee on Family, Women and Children Matters.
    Power changed on NOVEMBER 11, 2008 (The height of the global crisis)
  22. +2
    1 June 2013 20: 24
    No need to be clever, gentlemen-liberals .. Just think about the expression "mysterious Russian soul" and why there are no mysterious German French English ... etc. Above this many Russian and non-Russian writers, philosophers and, most importantly, the intelligence services of different countries break their heads and do not can understand .. It's just that we are unpredictable ... The Russian man silently watches all this confusion and then simply takes the pitchfork and destroys everyone and everything indiscriminately .. and our rulers know and understand it .. and the West senses it .. oh. .we will arrange a gay parade for them if that ... That's what I wanted to say so .. (shortly)))
  23. +4
    1 June 2013 20: 38
    It’s the Blow from the grave or Retribution * that’s what can stop the feral West, or make you think and start building New Plans. In a different way ... in Human terms, they DO NOT UNDERSTAND, considering this as WEAKNESS ...

    * See Perimeter System - because if We are sentenced, Our children are also sentenced - we WILL JUDGE the States - because exactly they and only they can bring about the end of our Motherland. that's about Exactly such an end our "PARTNERS" are afraid to think and only this ending they are afraid of - FREEDOM IN THE WORLD - only PARITY of the maximum weapon, and this is reality .... mln.
  24. 0
    1 June 2013 20: 55
    I would not want to survive the bloody Russian rebellion on a global scale .. And they poison us from all sides and climb into the soul ...
  25. Nevsky
    1 June 2013 21: 05
    So much news, and the administration "military review", and did not bother to make a temporary site (section) - "readers' news ", where you can quickly upload at least this:

    1. Erdogan’s cabinet resigned.

    2. The arrest of the mayor of Makhachkala.

  26. +1
    1 June 2013 21: 12
    Quote: Nevsky
    So much news, and the administration "military review", and did not bother to make a temporary site (section) - "readers' news ", where you can quickly upload at least this:

    1. Erdogan’s cabinet resigned.

    2. The arrest of the mayor of Makhachkala.


    A good idea!!! Efficiency should be .. At the expense of the mayor (there you need to put them all ..), in principle, we also .. bully
  27. +1
    1 June 2013 21: 22
    Good article
  28. 0
    1 June 2013 21: 25
    Well, in prince, as in the picture
    1. +1
      1 June 2013 22: 12
      Quote: Manager
      Well, basically, everything is as in the picture:

      good +
  29. 0
    1 June 2013 21: 26
    or here's the video [media = http: // http: // feature = player_embedded & v = u33Tfc
  30. -1
    1 June 2013 21: 36
    The article is really good, but only everything is very sad and blows hopelessness.
  31. DAOSS
    1 June 2013 22: 20
    I have not finished reading yet, but after 3 reviews, I want to say. WHAT FOR Nonsense !!!
    Especially the 1000 year history of Russia !!! I myself finally realized that I wrote ???
  32. DAOSS
    1 June 2013 22: 46
    I read it to the end! Bullshit!!!
    An article, a cheap semblance of American articles in the Times or the Washington Post
    As a conclusion, we can say that the article was commissioned by the Russian government, BUT it was written by kayarvo! Blooper on a blooper.
    Starting from Russia, which if you count from the founding of Moscow, which at the best is 865 years old and ending with a couple of laws that really could not affect the situation, do not be in power DEER !!!
    The article is an attempt to otmazyvatsya that they say we are not to blame, all that the Americans did!
    And then the question immediately, but you comrades, where were you? Why were they silent? Why didn’t you resist?
    After the fight they don’t wave their fists !!!
    1. TUMAN
      1 June 2013 22: 50
      Quote: DAOSS
      I read it to the end! Bullshit!!!

      You rave to see! And Russia is not alone, but thousands of years !!!!
      1. DAOSS
        2 June 2013 22: 11
        We are not talking about that Russia, the author speaks frankly about Russia, but covers it all with Russia.
    2. 0
      2 June 2013 11: 32
      The history of Russia does not begin with Moscow, but much earlier, by the way, respected Little Russians, Kiev is the mother of Russian cities, you are also part of our history, you are Russians!
      1. DAOSS
        2 June 2013 21: 58
        You yourself Little Russian !!! I am Ukrainian!
        And for that matter, then you gentlemen, today's Russians are part of our history, since Russia began with Kievan Rus.
        And pay attention, if I write nationality I write it with a capital letter !!!
        And since you called me Little Russian and didn't even bother to "shift" press, the conclusion is obvious, you consider yourself hereby Russian, and all the rest (Belarusians, Ukrainians) some lower level, the so-called malorosy!
        Yes, you have megalomania and I don’t need such a brother Rus !!!
        1. 0
          3 June 2013 12: 48
          Poles came up with Ukrainians in the 19th century, and you are the Russians like us, we have one root, you are part of the same body with us. drew attention, but our competent nationality is written with a small one since this is not a personal name and not the name of a city, country, etc.
  33. reichsmarshal
    1 June 2013 22: 50
    if the state does not protect our traditional values, then its process will be headed by its implacable opponents

    The state will never defend anyone. It acts in its own interests, and to be offended by it is simply stupid. The sad paradox is that our country is in fact occupied, and in my opinion, there is no difference in what colors the flags of the invaders are painted: white-red-blue or star-striped. In Russia, ordinary citizens are FORBIDDEN to carry weapons and generally defend themselves, i.e. Russian man is legally placed in the position of a serf. The sadness of the paradox is that the Russian people will in fact lose from the Russia / NATO conflict, regardless of who wins. The lord's whip will not be nicer from the realization that it is of domestic production, and not imported.
  34. Kirgudum
    1 June 2013 23: 14
    The article is wild nonsense, did not expect that Musin is already so bad.
  35. +3
    1 June 2013 23: 30
    Quote: Yuras222
    all the same they will be similar to us and absorb the moral of our ancestors

    The well-known oligarch Abramovich started his "business", shoveling from abroad to Russia that very "chatter" and alcohol "Royal" in millions of tons. But the main supplier of duty-free alcoholic beverages and tobacco has become the Russian Orthodox Church, having a license to do so. This process was led by the second person in the Church, now Vladyka Kirill.
    1. TUMAN
      1 June 2013 23: 43
      Quote: zvereok
      . But the Russian Orthodox Church, having a license for this, became the main supplier of duty-free alcohol products and tobacco. This process was led by the second person in the Church, now Bishop Cyril.

      Not only do they destroy the brain of the Slavs, the Judeo-Christian mental virus, So they are also the culprits of alcoholic genocide!
      1. -1
        2 June 2013 16: 21
        This is not about Orthodoxy; the Orthodox faith has always been a pillar of power in Russia. The fact is, what kind of power was in 90, in that there was no Orthodoxy in the church at that time, there were ceremonies and capitalism. And another small point - Orthodoxy is sacred, but the temple in the soul, as soon as people see that the priest really adheres to what he says (and this is rare but still rare) - they will go to him.
  36. 0
    1 June 2013 23: 44
    Quote: zvereok
    This process was led by the second person in the Church, now Bishop Cyril.

    In fairness, Cyril just covered this shop.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      2 June 2013 16: 24
      I hope the next church generation will be closer to faith than to a career. This will help our country.
  37. xzWhiteWolf
    1 June 2013 23: 58
    I started and didn't finish reading. Yes, somewhere true. But I want to say one thing: the USSR lost to itself. It was people who betrayed their homeland. I will say this, better stability than a sea of ​​blood and sweat for decades. Now the next young idiots who hardly know even our history do not know what is really going on here and in the world. They simply listen to what the "mercenaries of the word" paid by the US State Department say, like the Udoltsovs and others. If you start reading books, as you did in the USSR, and get detached from the Internet, in which virtually nothing can be trusted, start with history books. Just not those who write abroad and do not read Wikipedia, where our history has long been distorted, on purpose. And start by exploring the late 80s and early 90s. And the next time, before going to a rally, against a person who does at least something for the state (by the way, unlike 99% of you, people and non-people) and raises our country from its knees, read what the past marches have led for a freebie. Be human, not stupid cattle. Do you want big salaries? What are you doing for the state? Shit is not to turn up bags. Forgive me for my vocabulary. Most people can't even carry garbage to the trash bins and shout - how dirty it is here. Because it is not the state's fault, but you yourself. Appreciate what you have, remember it and honor our traditions. But strive for the best. Do you want the country to be clean? Don't litter. Do you want there to be no corruption? Don't pay the money yourself. Wait in line. In a year, there will be no point for local officials to queue up anywhere. And before screaming after the idiots that Putin is to blame, start with the fact that Putin is one person, and our country is the largest in the world ... Hit the local leadership, only they are responsible for something, Putin cannot do everything follow. Complain yourself, but you will tell me why, everything is useless. And real people who want everything to be better go to the end and hammer the local authorities. Why am I here in front of you ... Anyway, tomorrow you will again throw your cigarette butt on the ground, spit on the flowers, and when your rights are violated in the store, you will be silent.
  38. -1
    2 June 2013 00: 10
    Quote: GG2012
    He covered up when the condemnation of the actions of the Judeo-Russian church became critical! Roughly speaking, it began to spoil the image of the Church! In essence: there is a purely corporate interest in the actions of the church! And this is a fact!

    Stop smacking the blizzard. "Novaya Gazeta" started a fuss, the liberals raised a natural howl. Only then, not later, no one ever provided documents, signed by him.
    1. TUMAN
      2 June 2013 00: 22
      Quote: Russ69
      Stop flogging the blizzard.

      If you were even presented with these documents, you would not have believed it! There’s a video where Kirillushka calls us, second-class people and barbarians! Well, do you really believe that? No, of course, because Judeo-Christianity sits with you so deeply that it does not allow you to think critically. You’re constantly being told the same thing: The will of God, as the Lord wants, is what you believe.
  39. +1
    2 June 2013 00: 31
    Quote: knn54
    astra: What prevents the authorities from repealing these 2 articles of the constitution?
    If only TWO articles in the Constitution launch the "process of guaranteed self-destruction" of the country - maybe the problem is really not in the Constitution?
    PS If the constitution stipulates "the priority of international law over domestic law," this is already the constitution of a non-sovereign power.

    Well, for starters, who told you that now the zone of the USSR is sovereign state? I read the two paragraphs of this article, put a minus and only then read the rest. I will repeat it again We (former residents of the USSR) live in occupied countries (or all the same in the state?), Including the Russian Federation. Therefore, of course, there are problems in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but this is not the root of evil. For the past two years, information has constantly slipped that the Central Bank of Russia, before issuing rubles, must first buy dollars for this amount (I don’t know about other countries). But for some reason, few people pay attention to it. And what happens as a result, the more we earn, the longer Americans live. Here and hidden tribute from us, and in public - freedom of speech, democracy. Well, where does the Constitution go, She is still very far away.
  40. -1
    2 June 2013 00: 32
    Quote: TUMAN
    If you were even presented with these documents, you would not have believed it!

    Someone perceives their opinion as the ultimate truth and no evidence is needed, just so pleasant ...
    Quote: TUMAN
    You’re constantly being told the same thing: The will of God, as the Lord wants, is what you believe.

    No one invests anything in me, I simply treat the church with respect.
    And I admit that the church, like any society, has its own "businessmen".
    1. TUMAN
      2 June 2013 01: 22
      Quote: Russ69
      just so enjoyable ...

      Pleasant to whom? You?
  41. +4
    2 June 2013 00: 33
    Article 13, paragraph 2, states that according to the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, there can be no ideology in the country - but how can a state live and develop without ideology? Where to go, which way, with whom to go and why? That is why we now and there is no ideology in the state, shy away from side to side! Article 15 p 4 implies that after the adoption of any international treaties and their ratification, our state should be obliged to live according to these treaties! Consider the example of the victory of the buggers in Europe. Since same-sex marriages are legalized there, it is quite possible that we will be forced under pressure from outside them, if not legitimized, then at least recognize such marriages made in other countries as legal! It is right? My opinion is that it is necessary to conduct nationwide referendums on key issues of national politics and other vital issues more often in the country. Moreover, the decision of the national referendum should have the highest legal force. The last referendum was held, if my memory serves me, in 1991.
  42. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. TUMAN
      2 June 2013 01: 59
      Quote: Russ69
      Fool, don't pretend ...

      And I didn’t think! Why are you rude? Or is it when there is no argument, rudeness begins!
      1. -3
        2 June 2013 02: 07
        Uh ... am I rude?
        So I just didn’t see the facts, except for unfounded accusations ... When there are documents in the studio, specifically what Cyril knocked out quotas for alcohol and tobacco, then continue to argue further.
        In the meantime, calm down ...
  43. ded10041948
    2 June 2013 01: 37
    The meaning of the article in a few words:
    The prime minister picked up his environment and harms Russia as soon as he can.
    All to the aid of the President
    The mattresses and the Jews are to blame
    Orthodoxy is in danger
    They want to destroy Russia at all costs

    What kind of vinaigrette is this? A couple of painful questions were taken and passions were whipped up around them (under the slogan: "Everything is bad!"). The article stinks very much of an order, apart from the presence of clearly far-fetched arguments (I was surprised to learn that the cradle of Orthodoxy is Syria !!!) Despite the relevance of the article, the author has a minus for the presentation of the material. After reading, there was a desire to wash your hands with bleach.
  44. -1
    2 June 2013 02: 02
    Quote: GG2012
    Quote: Russ69
    Fool, don't pretend ...

    You guy keep yourself in control ...
    Here, as sharp as you, ... enough.
    They can offend you and a little answer!
    Moreover, you and yourself have something to ask: .......

    Look who's Talking...
    Already the threats have gone, the kindergarten is direct .. laughing
    with regards to ...., then everyone thinks to the extent of his depravity. For me it is the Tver region, but for you ...?
    1. GG2012
      2 June 2013 02: 14
      Quote: Russ69
      kindergarten direct ..

      Well, so ... choose a text ... and we will live together!
  45. 0
    2 June 2013 03: 09
    We have an occupational constitution. All state institutions are more or less subordinate to the Americans. The way out of this situation is gaining sovereignty. The process has already begun. We have no choice or a free Russia or the death of the state and people.
  46. 0
    2 June 2013 03: 39
    A lot has been noticed correctly. Just do not consider a couple of liberals of the Clinton spill America or even its representatives. They did not try to destroy Russia, but to introduce the ideas of liberalism and tolerance. And the fact that these ideas destroy everything that they touch, they not only do not understand, but they will crush howls if they say so. And they destroy not only Russia. What happened - the US Supreme Court will soon hear a case, the essence of which boils down to the question of whether marriage is an inalienable human right, regardless of orientation. And if, God forbid, they decide what is, then the consequences will be considerable. In particular, constitutional amendments from more than 30 states that marriage is solely the relationship between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN will be pushed where unconventionally oriented hollow. And these amendments, by the way, were put up for referendum. So democracy is good for liberals only when it pulls in their direction, and if not, then they will find council for democracy.
    Meanwhile, in the south and west of America, people are buying up trunks and ammunition - so, just in case, have not yet been banned. By the way, AK (not real, however, but Romanian and Yugoslav clones), SKS, and Mosin rifles are very popular.
    And again, maybe the ideas were proposed by the Americans, but the Russians approved them. And the State Dura also voted for the abolition of the criminal article for sodomy, and not Congress.
  47. aleksandr.k
    2 June 2013 06: 14
    Putin is corruption, and the church still sang this Yeltsin bastard.
  48. Tao
    2 June 2013 06: 32
    What was required to prove - when the country of the USSR was destroyed by internal enemies, the "great army" in the end was the Army of sheep, which did not care. So another question is who should be protected by a normal man.
    1. 0
      2 June 2013 14: 47
      Quote: Tao
      destroyed internal enemies, the "great army" in the end was the army of sheep, which do not care.

      You are right unfortunately! The KGB there ........
  49. 0
    2 June 2013 06: 41
    An article on the level "Hit them all, save the Race". Naturally, both the United States and other probable opponents of Russia are trying to weaken Russia by "peaceful means" as much as possible, and it would be strange if they did not try.
    But then there’s a catch in the river so that the crucian carp doesn’t doze off. Moreover, there is nothing new in this. So it was, is and will always be as long as there are states with different interests.
    But maybe instead of crying in a waistcoat and looking for enemies under your bed, you need to establish a clear work of the corresponding structures of the Russian state, especially since these structures live quite comfortably and get sickly salary. This is not Poplar to drive through forests and swamps. And it’s easier to fight enemies under the bed. I tied two three of the most noisy and you can write a report on work done with a risk to life.
    Why am I? And to the fact that it is time to stop hysterics and begin to work quietly and methodically. True, they are unlikely to be allowed to work like that. Suddenly they will not get to that, i.e. not to the one who is behind the "hillock", but to the one who is behind the Kremlin wall. And then what?
  50. Amateur
    2 June 2013 09: 07
    Looks like Comrade Comrade Vyshinsky in 1937.
  51. 0
    2 June 2013 10: 08
    “Only two articles of the American version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: the refusal of the Russian state to protect its traditional values ​​(ideology) and the recognition of the priority of international law over domestic law, today made it possible to launch from the outside a mechanism for the guaranteed self-destruction of our thousand-year-old state.”
    What is this?The author angrily persecutes.And brazenly. Equating “ideology” with “traditional values”, but there we are talking specifically about ideology as a party-political system. For those who are not in the know
    Article 13

    1. The Russian Federation recognizes ideological diversity.

    2. No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory.

    3. The Russian Federation recognizes political diversity, multi-party system.

    4. Public associations are equal before the law.
    5. The creation and activities of public associations are prohibited, the goals or actions of which are aimed at violently changing the foundations of the constitutional system and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, undermining the security of the state, creating armed groups, inciting social, racial, national and religious hatred.
  52. 0
    2 June 2013 10: 20
    Quote: sazyckin
    “Only two articles of the American version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: the refusal of the Russian state to protect its traditional values ​​(ideology) and the recognition of the priority of international law over domestic law, today made it possible to launch from the outside a mechanism for the guaranteed self-destruction of our thousand-year-old state.”
    What is this?The author angrily persecutes.And brazenly. Equating “ideology” with “traditional values”, but there we are talking specifically about ideology as a party-political system. For those who are not in the know
    Article 13

    1. The Russian Federation recognizes ideological diversity.

    2. No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory.

    3. The Russian Federation recognizes political diversity, multi-party system.

    4. Public associations are equal before the law.
  53. stroporez
    2 June 2013 10: 52
    I just can’t understand what a “multinational people” is............. Almost everyone, except Russians, have their own autonomies. It feels like Russia is not a state of Russian people. And has been for a long time .we are discussing the constitution here, but what does it have to do with the Russians??!!!if this scribble puts me and my children in the position of dumb cattle, I am convinced - this is not my constitution......... ...
  54. 0
    2 June 2013 11: 04
    Wherever you throw a wedge everywhere!! Well, it seems that the conclusion from the above is that you need to quietly pull the city towards the Duma during a meeting and hammer with direct fire, even though the task is for suicide bombers, the problem is more in weapons than in people.... 5-10 years or war, or revolution, or maybe final collapse. The problem is easy to state, but no one offers a solution for ordinary people, but we can do something about it.
  55. 0
    2 June 2013 11: 08
    Quote: gregor6549
    The article is on the level of “Beat them all, save the race.” Naturally, both the United States and other potential opponents of Russia are trying to weaken Russia as much as possible by “peaceful means” and it would be strange if they did not try. But that’s why there’s noise in the river, so that the crucian carp doesn’t doze off. Moreover, there is nothing new in this. It was, is and will always be so as long as there are states with different interests. But maybe, instead of crying into your vest and looking for enemies under your bed, you need to establish the smooth functioning of the relevant structures of the Russian state, especially since these structures live quite comfortably and receive a hefty salary. It’s not like chasing Poplars through forests and swamps. And it’s easier to fight enemies under the bed. I tied up two or three of the loudest ones and you can write a report on the work done at the risk of your life. What am I talking about? And to the fact that it’s time to stop the hysteria and start working quietly and methodically. It’s true that they are unlikely to be allowed to work like that. What if they don’t get to that point, i.e. not to who is behind the “hillock”, but to who is behind the Kremlin wall. And then what?

    Well, that’s what this article is actually about! The gentleman from beyond the seas and oceans explains to us that opposition (and not normal cooperation) from outside is actually normal! This is how it should be and apparently you shouldn’t pay attention to it! Our enemies turn out to be behind the Kremlin wall! This is who we must fight with and we will be happy! Like in Syria! Not so long ago you told us how Russia was unlucky in life with its rulers, citing as an example only one “progressive” tsar! Naturally Peter 1! They explained to us that, in principle, we should not be proud of our victories, since they are all feasts, and our marshals are bloodthirsty ghouls! Quite recently, they casually advised us how to properly celebrate Victory Day - more modestly and without pathos! And now you show us the enemy behind the Kremlin walls! The trouble with you and the entire “progressive-democratic” community is that you have too high an opinion of yourself and too little of the Russians and other peoples who do not share your values! You are constantly rewriting history, that’s why it doesn’t teach you anything! That’s why you live in a fictional world with illusory values! Well then, live in peace. Don't interfere with your teachings! This is a troublesome business! No one is going to cry into their vest (as you deigned to write), not in our tradition, and Syria is an example of this! There will be many more examples, no doubt!

    To those who are trying to throw mud at the Russian Orthodox Church on almost any topic, I want to say - I feel sorry for you in the deepest sense of this concept. Your soul, or whatever your self-awareness and sense of self will probably be clearer to you, is definitely your business!

    In Sudak, Crimea, there is a temple where at the entrance there is a cross badly damaged by fire. On the cross there is an inscription that this cross was set on fire by the enemies of the church and below - people do not crucify Christ with your sins!
  56. denn
    2 June 2013 12: 32
    You can argue over the article, you can agree or not, but the facts of interference by amers in the governance system of the Russian Federation (including the constitution) are undeniable. The Americans openly declared victory over the USSR, and there were awards for the performers (including Gorbachev). Some NGOs have openly stated that laws come to us from grant recipients. Does anyone really believe that these interventions were for the purpose of “all the best” for the Russian people? This is enough to understand why we are stalling, why Russia is not fully sovereign. The USA did not fight the USSR in order to leave Russia sovereign. Hence the president = Putin = director (manager) of the country. Hence the incomplete powers of the president. But who are the “shareholders” and where do they sit? The bearer of sovereignty is the people, therefore it is they who must initiate the process of returning sovereignty to the country. Those. on these issues I completely agree with E. Fedorov.

    I believe that the issue of sovereignty must be resolved before the next presidential election. I am more than sure that Putin’s candidacy will be blocked. If a liberal comes, the country will end = the end of perestroika. Somewhere further we will definitely be pitted against China, this is a classic of the Anglo-Saxon genre.

    My personal position, you may agree or you may not.

    Finally... Look what was found on the USAID website (here is an excerpt):
    "USAID-funded Rule of Law implementers helped draft the Russian Constitution, Part I of the Russian Civil Code, and the Russian Tax Code.
    USAID assistance led directly to the adoption of the 2001 Land Code which provided the right to buy, sell, and own urban and rural land in Russia."

    They openly talk about interference in legislation, the judicial system, and even in the Russian media, etc. and so on. You can also find a lot of interesting things on WikiLeaks.

    On the subject of laws, for those interested:
    youtube. com/watch?v=qMwsMYuyh2c
  57. 0
    2 June 2013 15: 01
    Russia must become a state with the priority of national interests and everything will fall into place. It is only necessary to eliminate corruption in the highest echelons of power and elect patriotic presidents - more than such presidents as Yeltsin and Medvedev, for whom personal vanity is more important than the interests of a multimillion-dollar country, cannot be elected.