Ruin in their heads

The scale of material damage suffered by the USSR during the Great Patriotic War: historical truth or ideological myth?

In the course of the most brutal war in the entire history of the world, the enemy could not inflict catastrophic damage on our economy. Including due to the brilliantly carried out evacuation. The statistics testifying about this does not diminish the great achievement of the country and its people. Symbol of war and victory Stalingrad Photo: RIA Novosti (

Vladimir Putin instructed the scientific community to write a “consistent” national history textbook. This work, admittedly, is largely Sisyphus. Indeed, on the one hand, our history is a building made up of reinforced concrete facts, and on the other, this historical “concrete” begins to crumble at the first serious scientific examination. This is especially true of the events of the Great Patriotic War. Take the seemingly most indestructible truth: the vast majority of Russians are sincerely convinced that by May 1945 of the year the USSR was in ruins, and then in just a few years the country made an incredible leap, literally, to the stars. In the textbooks of history, this era is called "Overcoming the post-war devastation." The concept, which initially became ideological, is still used by liberal economists and Orthodox communists to this day. The columnist for Itogi turned over the statistical reports of the worst war of the 20th century. And this is what came of it.

Truth in Pravda

There is the most important official document on the post-war devastation. In September, 1945, in Pravda, a message appeared from the Extraordinary State Commission (CPP) to investigate the atrocities of aggressors. We quote: “The German fascist invaders completely or partially destroyed and burned 1710 cities and more 70 thousands of villages and villages, burned and destroyed over 6 millions of buildings and deprived of shelter about 25 millions of people ... destroyed 31 850 industrial enterprises ... They destroyed and sacked 98 thousands of collective farms , 1876 state farms and 2890 machine and tractor stations; 7 million horses, 17 million cattle heads, 20 million pigs heads were slaughtered, taken away or hijacked to Germany. ” The damage caused to the national economy and residents was identified in astronomical 679 billion rubles. At the then exchange rate - 128 billion dollars. At today's prices, this is more than 3,3 trillion dollars, or the eight-year budget of Russia.

Under Brezhnev, the “clarified amount” of damage appeared in the multivolume “History of the CPSU”. Refined four times - upwards. Porn it turned out on 2,5 trillion then rubles. In other words, Soviet industry, agriculture, housing and infrastructure were definitely in ruins. How did the country with "self-reliance" manage to cancel the rationing system before England already in 1947, in August 1949, to test a nuclear device, and through 16 years after the war - to launch the first man into space? The labor enthusiasm of the people, the use of prisoners of war and the potential of the Gulag, of course, can not be discounted. But maybe everything is simpler and information about the catastrophic devastation taken from the ceiling?

Ruin in their heads

Zero City

Recall, according to the statement of CPG, exactly 1710 cities were destroyed. So, in 1914, in the Russian Empire, only 931 was listed as a town with city status. Today in Russia - 1100 cities. In Ukraine - 458. In Belarus - 113. Total: now on the territory of the former Soviet republics subjected to German aggression, there is 1671 city. Major settlements of Moldova and the Baltic states can be ignored, since the Germans, as we know, reached only the Volga, and we also counted all the Russian cities located east of it. Hence, the case is most likely a forgery. The fact that in the Stalinist commission with the "city losses" went too far, they were suspected a long time ago, but they did not dare to contradict the data published in the organ of the Central Committee. Soviet researchers began to play with numbers: in school textbooks, the destroyed cities of 1710 turned into “1710 cities and towns”. The edited 1945 quote of the year has migrated to modern manuals. In the book for 11 class Vladimir Shestakova "villages" were "workers' villages." In the middle of 2000's, Vladimir Putin first drew attention to the problem of the abundance of mutually exclusive points of view in teaching history. The author Alexander Filippov was recommended to compose the “correct” textbook. So he has "more than 1700 cities and towns" in general "disappeared from the face of the earth."

It seems that the authors of the textbooks do not have time to follow the historiographic novelties. And in vain. Back in 2003, in the collection of archival documents “Soviet Life. 1945 — 1953. ”The most interesting reference“ On the state of the urban housing stock in 1940 — 1952 ”was published. According to this document, the living space at the end of 1940 was 167,2 million square meters, and at the end of 1945 year - 158,3 million. Living space in the barracks has not changed - 12,5 million meters. It turns out that the losses of the city fund during the war years were less than 9 million "squares". Not houses (6 millions according to CPG and 5 millions - according to Filippov’s “modern data”), namely 8,9 million square meters of living space, where 25 millions of “homeless” people hardly lived. Well, it could not, with all the harsh Soviet reality with its seals, fall on one person 35 square centimeters of housing!

Go ahead. The urban living area of ​​the USSR, equipped with electricity, in 1940 was 91 a percentage of all buildings, and in 1945, 88 percent. So, during the war years, we lost three percent of electrified housing. There was no total devastation in the notorious closets. Before the war, 40 percent of houses were equipped with drains, and immediately after it, one percent more.

The official list of the cities most affected during the war on the territory of present-day Russia is limited to 15 names. In relation to these settlements 1 November 1945, a government decree was passed "On measures to restore the cities of the RSFSR destroyed by the German invaders: Smolensk, Vyazma, Rostov-on-Don, Novorossiysk, Pskov, Sevastopol, Voronezh, Novgorod, Velikiy Luk, Kalinin (Tver. - “Results”), Bryansk, Orel, Kursk, Krasnodar and Murmansk ”. For reference: Sevastopol was included in the list, because in 1945, Crimea was still part of the RSFSR.

With this seemingly indisputable devastation, everything is not simple either. There is such a nuance: go and know which part of the cities and villages was destroyed by the Nazi invaders, and which - by the Red Army and the NKVD. The fact is that when the Stalinist plan “to defeat the enemy with little blood on its own territory”, let's say, did not work, on November 17, 1941 (order No. 0428), the Stavka recommended other “measures for the defeat of the German army”. In particular, it was ordered "to destroy and burn to the ground all settlements in the rear of German troops at a distance of 40-60 km in depth from the front edge and 20-30 km to the right and left of the roads. To destroy settlements within the specified range, quit immediately Aviation, make extensive use of artillery and mortar fire. ” There is nothing supernatural in Stalin’s order: the tactics of scorched earth were invented in the first Patriotic War. Or here is another example of similar events of the Great Patriotic War. In July 1941, the leader teaches the head of the Central Committee of Ukraine Nikita Khrushchev what to do if the Soviet troops withdraw: “In the area of ​​the 70-verst zone from the front, all adult male population, working cattle, grain, a tractor should be removed ... which cannot be removed, destroyed without touching however, birds, small livestock ... Do not blow up power plants, but remove valuable parts ... Do not blow up plants, but remove all necessary valuable parts from the equipment. ” As a result, one and a half million wagons with property were taken to the rear from places that were threatened by seizure.

At the Potsdam Conference, Stalin complained to Churchill and Truman about the "difficult situation in Russia" and asked for at least one-twentieth of losses to be compensated. Photo: Interfoto (ITAR-TASS)

Soviet miracle

25 July 1945 at the Potsdam Conference Joseph Vissarionovich told Churchill and Truman that the USSR had the full right to compensation for material losses from property not only from the east, but also from the western occupation zone of Germany: “I’m not used to complaining, but I must say that our situation is even worse. We have lost several million killed ... If I began to complain, I am afraid that you would have burst into tears, to the dire situation in Russia. " Despite his dislike for complaints, the Generalissimo on July 31 repeated: “We lost a lot of equipment in this war, a terrible lot. We must reimburse at least one twentieth. ”

No less deplorable picture painted representatives of academic science. In the series “Academic School Textbook” (one of the project leaders is RAS Vice-President Valery Kozlov) a manual for school was published under the editorship of Academician Alexander Chubaryan, Director of the Institute of General History of the RAS The book says that during the years of the Great Patriotic War "the country lost 1 / 3 of all its material wealth". (In non-academic textbooks, it should be noted, they write about a third of the “national wealth”.) Chapter VII, written by the rector of the RSUH, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yefim Pivovar, also states that “in 1950, the country reached the pre-war level of production of the main industrial products ... rebuilt hundreds of cities ... you can often hear about the Japanese "miracle of restoration" ... but there was also a "Soviet miracle" ... a rapid post-war revival, our country can be as proud as the Victory itself. "

Well, what was really? In reality, the “Soviet miracle” is basically the wonders of statistics. Back in Soviet times, the monograph by Yakov Chadayev “The economy of the USSR during the years of the Great Patriotic War (1941 — 1945)” was published, refuting any arguments about “miracles”. According to the researcher, not after the war, but “in October 1944, the industry of the USSR reached the level of 1940 ... In general, for 1944, the gross output of industry amounted to 104% to the pre-war level, and military production - to 312%”. The findings of the scientist are based on data from the statistical collection "National Economy of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War 1941 — 1945.” In the USSR, it was kept for seven seals in a secret archive, but today, if academics again have a desire to delve into our unpredictable past, there is no need to go far - you can read the document on the Internet.

According to the table "Main indicators of the development of the national economy of the USSR", the products of industry as a percentage of 1940 in the war years were as follows: 1941 - 98, 1942 - 77, 1943 - 90, 1944 - 104, 1945 - 92. In Leningrad, already in 1945, output increased by 1944 percent compared to 80. By 1948, the gross output of the entire industry of the USSR surpassed the prewar level by 18 percent. In the 1950 year, about which Brewer writes, the production volume did not reach the pre-war level, but exceeded it by 73 percent.

Almost 32 thousands of enterprises destroyed according to official data, should also be attributed to statistical errors. According to various estimates, in Russia before the 1917 coup, the year was from 25 to almost 40 thousands of factories. The yearbook “Russia in the World” presents the dynamics of commissioning enterprises in the USSR from 1917 to 1 in June 1941 of the year - 11,2 thousands. That is, the maximum number of all industrial giants and dwarfs at the start of the war is 51,2 thousands. In fact, it is possible that much less, because there were only about 30 thousand plants even after 49 years after the war there were only about 30 independent plants. If we assume that we have lost a third of enterprises, it is 17 thousand. But it is known that 1941 enterprises were evacuated to the east from July to December 2593. From how many factories have partially removed the valuable equipment and taken to the rear, nobody knows. In any case, the Germans could destroy no more than 14,5 thousands of enterprises. Or boxes, where they were previously?

Incredibly inflated and damage in agriculture. The enemy, for example, could not have “killed, collected and hijacked” 20 millions of pigs, because before the war the whole USSR had 27,5 million pigs. As for the devastation and plundering of "98 thousand collective farms and 2890 machine and tractor stations", it should be borne in mind that in 1936, those were respectively 244 thousands and 5 thousands. It turns out that not a single collective farm or station has survived in the occupied territory, which is unlikely.

Reparations from Germany were exported by train: thousands of enterprises, hundreds of thousands of machine tools, power plants and scarce manufactured goods. Photo: Olga Lander (RIA Novosti)

Foreign countries will help us

Today, no one doubts the decisive contribution of the USSR to the defeat of fascism, although in the past such people have come across. One of them is Joseph Stalin. In his opinion, the USSR’s contribution to the Victory was exactly 50 percent. Here is how it was. At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill signed a protocol on the issue of reparations. The latter, according to the document, "should be received primarily by those countries that bore the brunt of the war, suffered the greatest losses and organized a victory over the enemy ... the amount of reparations ... should be 20 billion dollars and that 50 percent of this amount goes to the Soviet Union." No Stalin for the language is not pulled. 10 billions of dollars then - he personally approved the price of victory. But if we take into account that the material damage to the USSR, according to the data of the same special commission, amounted to 128 billion dollars, it turns out that the leader is a bad bargain. Or, the data of CPGs published in Pravda is sheer fraud, and 10 billion dollars is enough to cover the real losses of the USSR during the war? By the way, according to German historians, the total cost of reparations (excluding the "price" of thousands of German specialists and 1,5 million prisoners of war, USSR gains from uranium mining in Germany and German patents) was from 14 to 16,3 billion dollars - about 400 billion dollars in modern money . Judging by the pace of the restoration of our country after the war, this amount was quite enough to overcome the devastation.

From March 1945, within one year, the highest authorities of the USSR made almost a thousand decisions relating to the dismantling of 4389 enterprises from Germany, Austria, Hungary and other European countries. Plus, about a thousand more plants were transported to the Union from Manchuria and even Korea. According to the historian Mikhail Semyryagi, from Germany alone “no less than 348 thousand machines were taken to the USSR, which covered the USSR’s losses by half”. So much for the compensation of the “twentieth part” of losses. "In fact," writes Semireg, "reparation ... served as an impetus for technical progress in Soviet industry." Better, perhaps, to say: jerk. Soviet ministries and departments sent a specialist 9332 to Germany. They had to study the local scientific and technical achievements and then decide how to transfer all this German VDNH to the Soviet soil. As a result, in the Union in the shortest possible time appeared unprecedented factories producing nylon, artificial silk, synthetic rubber. Also disassembled in the USSR imported "96 power plants with a total capacity of 4 million kilowatts, 976 thousands of mobile power plants, 200 thousands of electric motors, 9340 power transformers."

World-renowned scientists came to the USSR with their families: Nobel laureate Hertz, Professor Riel, physicist von Ardenne, and dozens of other future Stalin Prize laureates.

The question is: should all these contradictory facts be reflected in a “non-contradictory” textbook? Of course, it is necessary! As well as the fact that in the course of the most brutal war in the entire history of the world, the enemy could not inflict catastrophic damage on our economy. Including due to the brilliantly carried out evacuation. Well, after the war an unprecedented economic spurt really took place, including at the expense of the German industrial potential. All these historical facts do not diminish the great feat of the country and its people.
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  1. fenix57
    19 May 2013 07: 14
    , Hello!
    Frankly, for me the exact number of destroyed cities and towns is 1710 or 1671. The damage was enormous and it is indisputable. How indisputable that Soviet people in the shortest possible time I was able to restore all this! And thanks to selfless work Soviet people The USSR for many years was the strongest state in the world. hi
    1. +20
      19 May 2013 07: 36
      Take the seemingly most indestructible truth: the vast majority of Russians are sincerely convinced that by May 1945 the USSR lay in ruins, and then in just a few years the country made an incredible leap, literally, to the stars.
      At the very beginning, the author apparently wants to say that the Germans built factories, but did not destroy, were engaged in agriculture, etc. Maybe the Germans also write thanks to write where the author lives and where he studied.
      There was one article last year, so there one really bent that aerial combat between fighters is a myth. Sat wrote and counted cubic kilometers of air and divided them into airplanes. Not the same author for an hour. It is a pity that I can only put one minus article.
      1. +30
        19 May 2013 09: 12
        Comrades spit on the spiteful. I went to congratulate you today on the day of the Pioneer Organization of the USSR, all who were and were not, too.
        1. S_mirnov
          19 May 2013 09: 34
          I always remember with warmth my pioneering youth !!! Be ready!
          1. +5
            19 May 2013 12: 21
            But the Svidomo author, even Stalingrad-Volgograd, was not on the list of destroyed cities.
          2. +7
            19 May 2013 15: 27
            Vladimir Putin instructed the scientific community to write a “consistent” national history textbook.

            What to compose? Take for example a textbook of the history of the USSR until 1991 to add the rest. And do not blame Stalin and glorify. Gorbachev Yeltsin to blame for the collapse of the USSR
            1. yurta2013
              21 May 2013 19: 45
              Here it is frankly. According to Stalin! And even simpler - take the textbook as a sample until 1953 and let the neostalists add it.
          3. dentitov
            19 May 2013 18: 56
            Always ready!!
      2. +7
        19 May 2013 12: 56
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        It is a pity that I can only put one minus article.

        You are not alone in Alexander. Recently, there have been many attempts to belittle the achievements of the USSR.
        1. Rrv
          19 May 2013 19: 03
          Quote: andrey777

          You are not alone in Alexander. Recently, there have been many attempts to belittle the achievements of the USSR.

          I read the post of Andrei777 and suddenly notice opposite him, in the right column, the red-haired face.
      3. Avenger711
        19 May 2013 16: 42
        On the issue of fighters. Departures really often took place without detecting the enemy, because the sky is big and the planes are small. But it’s not only the purposeful concentration of aircraft around the ground target to be hit, it does not take into account. :)
      4. -7
        19 May 2013 17: 15
        someone reads the article to the end and analyzes what has been read and who puts a minus to the article would you at least think with your head explain the article about how to shoe the west an example we take the enterprise away from the Volga and tell the Germans you destroyed the pay and you have to live now and not when you have money, we will pick up machines and specialists learn
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Take the seemingly most indestructible truth: the vast majority of Russians are sincerely convinced that by May 1945 the USSR lay in ruins, and then in just a few years the country made an incredible leap, literally, to the stars.
        At the very beginning, the author apparently wants to say that the Germans built factories, but did not destroy, were engaged in agriculture, etc. Maybe the Germans also write thanks to write where the author lives and where he studied.
        There was one article last year, so there one really bent that aerial combat between fighters is a myth. Sat wrote and counted cubic kilometers of air and divided them into airplanes. Not the same author for an hour. It is a pity that I can only put one minus article.
      5. +4
        19 May 2013 19: 46
        It is enough to see photographs of those Soviet cities and villages through which the front passed - and any insinuations like this article can be recognized as either meaningless or an attempt to deliberately distort history.

        The author is clearly not pouring water into that mill.
        He is trying to portray that does not belong to liberals or communists: - ".... this era is called" Overcoming the post-war devastation. "The concept, which initially became ideological, is still used by both liberal economists and orthodox communists."

        So who is the customer of these "bastards" ?!
        Could it be that in Europe, almost without fighting, who surrendered to Hitler, there were the greatest destruction? Was it not on the Western Front, where there were only a few dozen divisions, that the main burden of the battles lay? But in the East, it turns out, hundreds of humane German divisions fired idle in the air, so as not to accidentally destroy?

        And how surprising the author is the effectiveness of the Soviet economy!
        "... How, already in 1947, a country with" self-reliance "was able to abolish the rationing system before England, in August 1949 to test a nuclear device, and 16 years after the war - to put the first man into space?"
        Yes, in the same way that the economy of the Soviet Union came out on the second place in the world in the world (and in some respects on the first) in the pre-war period, after the First World War, revolution, civil war and foreign intervention by the same England, France and the USA with Japan! When from 1924 to 1940 the country rose from the ashes. We began to build the best aircraft in the world (how many aviation records of that period belonged to the USSR, remember!), The best tanks in the world, guns. The USSR of that period far outstripped the standard of living of the US population, which was shaken by the crisis of the 33rd year, the consequences of which America felt for a long time.
        Or according to the author of this economic miracle, too, was not?
        And there was no post-revolutionary devastation in Russia either ?!

        I realized that this is another opus in the style of "the commies are to blame for everything," who lied to the whole world, but in fact, none of this happened!

        The author and his customers are clearly sausage from the fact that the USSR and Russia are a powerful, richest country with an unbending people who successfully opposes attempts to destroy its entire united West. Despite the fact that they have been going on for more than one hundred years.

        Now, when the West is on the verge of a huge crisis on a scale, Russia, seemingly already kneeling, almost no breathing, suddenly rises again to its full height.
        That's what scares them!

        And every shusher like this dear author, having betrayed the country and the graves of his great-grandfathers, hangs noodles on the ears of young children.

        Oh, and you need a single textbook of history, and a law on liability for the distortion of historical facts! Urgently!!!
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. yurta2013
          21 May 2013 19: 40
          Quote: Skating rink
          Oh, and you need a single textbook of history, and a law on liability for the distortion of historical facts! Urgently!!!

          And why do you think that a single textbook will reflect exactly the Stalinist version of the history of the Second World War?
    2. +6
      19 May 2013 10: 49
      The Soviet economic miracle of the post-war period is a fact. The main incentive was laid in social policy - this is equality. The fact that in our time there is depression is the result of the stratification of society.
    3. Atlon
      19 May 2013 11: 08
      Well, since there are numbers, then you need to present them ... The list of participants in the war against us is known, counted in percentage terms, and present the bill in proportions to each European country! And taking into account inflation and interest. They will certainly not be paid, but ... For every dissatisfaction with something, or demands of something, remind about these accounts. Jews do not shun streach coupons for a fictional Holocaust? Also, ALL Jewish families with production in Germany received compensation from the USA and England for the destroyed factories during the Allied raids. Why are we shy?
      1. +6
        19 May 2013 11: 40
        Quote: Atlon
        Why are we shy?

        Because we WINNERS.In the Russian genome, the code is written GREATNESS to the defeated enemy.
        1. +3
          19 May 2013 17: 55
          Oh, these numbers ...
          Let's see even the statistics provided by the author.

          “Almost 32 thousand enterprises destroyed according to official data should also be attributed to statistical errors. According to various estimates, in Russia before the 1917 coup there were from 25 to almost 40 thousand factories. The yearbook“ Russia in the World Around ”shows the dynamics of commissioning enterprises in the USSR from 1917 to June 1, 1941 - 11,2 thousand. That is, the maximum number of all industrial giants and dwarfs by the beginning of the war - 51,2 thousand. In fact, perhaps much less, because factories that are on an independent balance sheet, even 30 years after the war, there were only about 49 thousand. Assuming that we lost a third of enterprises, this is 17 thousand. But it is known that 1941 enterprises were evacuated to the east from July to December 2593. How many factories were partially removed valuable equipment and taken to the rear, no one knows. In any case, the Germans could destroy no more than 14,5 thousand enterprises. Or the boxes where they were earlier? "
          Everything is cunning, we must not forget that the western and central part of the country was the most industrialized, yes, industry was also east of Moscow and beyond the Urals, but it got its main development after the war, just against the backdrop of the evacuation of enterprises and the development of the country after the war.

          “The enemy, for example, would not have been able to“ slaughter, collect and steal ”20 million pigs, because before the war there were 27,5 million pigs in the entire USSR. As for the devastation and plundering of“ 98 thousand collective farms and 2890 machine and tractor stations ” then it should be borne in mind that in 1936 there were 244 thousand and 5 thousand, respectively. It turns out that not a single collective farm and not a single station survived in the occupied territory, which is unlikely. "

          Throughout the USSR there were so many KILLY grunts, the fascists did not make out where the private pig was, where the collective farm. The nonsense of the doubting author that not a single collective farm has survived does not even want to comment, maybe the Germans still raised collective farms?
  2. +5
    19 May 2013 07: 27
    Numbers are a crafty thing. Take, for example, the average salary in the country (about $ 1000) and the real pay somewhere in the outback. And the fact is that it was the SELF-DEPENDENT WORK of the Soviet people who restored the country. And the slogan: "First think about the Motherland, and then - about yourself!" was a guide to action. This should be reflected in the textbook!
  3. +4
    19 May 2013 07: 31
    ... "With this seemingly indisputable devastation, not everything is simple either. There is such a nuance: go and know which part of the cities and villages was destroyed by the German fascist invaders, and which by the Red Army and the NKVD. The fact is that when the Stalinist plan “To defeat the enemy with little blood on his own territory,” let's say, did not work, on November 17, 1941 (Order No. 0428), the Headquarters recommended other “measures to defeat the German army.” In particular, it was ordered “to destroy and burn to ashes all settlements in the rear of the German troops at a distance of 40-60 km in depth from the forward edge and 20-30 km to the right and to the left of the roads. To destroy settlements within the indicated range of action, immediately throw aviation, make extensive use of artillery and mortar fire "...
    On the contrary, everything is very simple - if Nazi Germany hadn’t attacked the Soviet Union, they would not have had to destroy objects themselves during the retreat and offensive. The root cause is the attack.
    1. Hudo
      19 May 2013 07: 45
      Assumingthat we have lost a third of the enterprises - this is 17 thousand. But it is known that 1941 enterprises were evacuated to the east from July to December 2593. No one knows how many plants have partially removed valuable equipment and taken to the rear. In any case, the Germans could destroy no more than 14,5 thousand enterprises. Or boxes where they were previously?

      "If you admit ...", but I do not admit, damn the author! To remind the author of the common folk truth that two crossings are equal to one fire, and then drive the nasal out with your breath! So you can agree that the fascist occupation was a blessing and a stimulus for the economy and happiness for the executed and tortured people, joy for the orphaned ...
      The article is vile, the author is a bastard.
    2. +2
      19 May 2013 20: 25
      Quote: Vorchun
      With this seemingly indisputable devastation, everything is not simple either. There is such a nuance: go and know which part of the cities and villages was destroyed by the Nazi invaders, and which - by the Red Army and the NKVD. The fact is that when the Stalinist plan “to defeat the enemy with little blood on its own territory”, let’s say, it did not work, November 17, 1941 (order No. 0428)

      But in order not to be tempted to distort the objective reality to you the text of that very order -
      “The experience of the last month of the war showed that the German army is poorly adapted to war in winter conditions, does not have warm clothing and, experiencing enormous difficulties from the onset of frost, huddles in the front line in populated areas. The arrogant enemy was going to winter in warm houses in Moscow and Leningrad, but this was prevented by the actions of our troops. On vast sections of the front, German troops, having met stubborn resistance of our units, were forced to go on the defensive and settled in settlements along roads 20-30 km on both sides. German soldiers live, as a rule, in cities, towns, villages in peasant huts, barns, rigs, bathhouses near the front, and the headquarters of the German units are located in larger towns and cities, hide in basements, using them as shelter from our aviation and artillery. The Soviet population of these points is usually evicted and thrown out by the German invaders.

      To deprive the German army of the opportunity to settle down in villages and cities, to expel the German invaders from all settlements to the cold in the field, to smoke them from warm shelters and to freeze them under the open sky - this is an urgent task, the solution of which in many respects depends on accelerating the defeat of the enemy and its decomposition army.

      The Supreme High Command orders:

      1. Destroy and burn to the ground all settlements in the rear of German troops at a distance of 40-60 km in depth from the front line and 20-30 km to the right and left of the roads.

      To destroy settlements within the specified range, immediately drop aircraft, make extensive use of artillery and mortar fire, reconnaissance teams, skiers and partisan sabotage groups equipped with Molotov cocktails, grenades and subversive weapons.

      2. In each regiment, create teams of hunters of 20-30 people each for the explosion and burning of settlements in which [c. 283] the enemy troops are located. To select the most brave and politically strong fighters, commanders and political workers into the teams of hunters, carefully explaining to them the tasks and the significance of this event for the defeat of the German army. Outstanding daredevils for brave actions to destroy the settlements in which the German troops are located, represent the government award.

      3. With the forced withdrawal of our units in one or another area, take the Soviet population with them and be sure to destroy all settlements without exception so that the enemy cannot use them. In the first place, for this purpose, use the teams of hunters selected in the shelves.

      4. Military councils of fronts and individual armies systematically check how missions are being carried out to destroy populated areas within the above-mentioned radius from the front line. The rate should report in a separate report every 3 days how many and which settlements have been destroyed in the past days and by what means these results have been achieved. "
      The preamble of the order puts everything in its place.
      1. yurta2013
        21 May 2013 19: 32
        Well, the text of this document fully confirms the author’s arguments. I'm afraid our neostalinists will not forgive you for this.
  4. +8
    19 May 2013 07: 31
    Only Stalin could mobilize people for the restoration of the cities of factories and factories! My pride overcomes my grandfathers!
  5. +3
    19 May 2013 07: 37
    Incredibly inflated and damage in agriculture. The enemy, for example, could not have "slaughtered, collected, and stole" 20 million pigs, because before the war there were 27,5 million pigs throughout the USSR. As for the ruin and plunder of “98 thousand collective farms and 2890 machine and tractor stations”, it should be borne in mind that in 1936 there were 244 thousand and 5 thousand, respectively. It turns out that not a single collective farm or station has survived in the occupied territory, which is unlikely. And what about the pigs during the four years of the war in the occupied territories did not propagate the war? and God bless them, with pigs, the author gives data for 36 years. poorly imagining what the prewar five-year plan is.
    1. Hudo
      19 May 2013 07: 53
      I also thought about the same thing while reading the paragraph you quoted. The author simply jumps out of cowards in attempts to transfer the devastation from his sore head to the healthy heads of ordinary decent people.
      1. +3
        19 May 2013 08: 25
        totally agree with you.
  6. +3
    19 May 2013 07: 38
    Why are you this, Denis? I myself believe that our human losses in the war were less than representatives of the democratic regime claim. What is the author not happy with? Statistical errors beyond which immeasurable human grief? There is no benefit for us not in increasing, not in reducing damage. Russians, unlike some of them, do not sell their grief.
    1. +1
      19 May 2013 07: 48
      Tell me, why do you think that the death toll is actually overstated?
      and your numbers, approximately
      1. 0
        19 May 2013 08: 11
        Quote: Gleb
        Tell me, why do you think that the death toll is actually overstated?

        The losses were huge, probably about 20 million human lives. This topic is too voluminous for comment sizes. Demographic effects are visible even in our time. The extinction of many villages is a direct consequence of the war.
        There were villages in which not one of those drafted into the army returned. And you don’t have to turn everything into vodka, that she allegedly killed the village. Previously, they drank the same and not a little.
  7. mogus
    19 May 2013 07: 44
    My grandfather, five years after the victory, was engaged in the restoration of the economy in the Amur region. Only after that he returned home.
    1. yurta2013
      21 May 2013 19: 21
      It is interesting that he restored it in the Amur Region, in which there were no military operations during the Second World War?
  8. +7
    19 May 2013 07: 47
    Good morning! This article looks somehow strange and one-sided: we are talking about those distortions of our losses, or a hint of the results of our victory! What can we talk about: after all, we still feel human losses in this Great War. What figures can indicate the devastation when almost 28 million workers did not return from the war, notice in the prime of life. What other country could cope with such losses. And the author is trying to convict of fraud and the wrong numbers of destroyed cities and villages. Glory to our people who endured all the hardships and deprivations of this terrible war!
  9. +7
    19 May 2013 07: 49
    In general, the little article is not ours, but it smells .... Through doubts in numbers, to doubts about the results of victory.
    1. Hudo
      19 May 2013 07: 56
      Quote: kartalovkolya
      In general, the little article is not ours, but it smells .... Through doubts in numbers, to doubts about the results of victory.

      Yes, that’s the point. It didn’t turn out to smear our glorious past, the tragic pages of our history with liberal poison and shit, now this diverse adder is trying to do quiet glanders and achieve its vile initial goals.
      WE WILL BE SAME Vigilant!
    2. avt
      19 May 2013 09: 18
      Quote: kartalovkolya
      In general, the article is not ours, but it smells ....

      It does not smell - it smells, just against the background of what was done under the USSR, especially after the Patriotic War, the current successes of effective managers look ... Well, in general, here the flood protection will turn on. Well, since no matter how hard you try, you can't embellish real life, the old method, well tested in the humpbacked and 90s times, is turned on - everything was wrong, everything was bad and all this is propaganda. The next step is reparations to oppressed peoples and the return of property to Germany, that is, the gaypop union. Moreover, the proposal to support the former socialist countries in their difficult gay path has already been announced by the European bank. So a lot of "historical discoveries" with corresponding comments are still waiting for us. request
  10. Belogor
    19 May 2013 08: 10
    No matter what numbers, it is important that the country suffered tremendous damage to production capacities and productive forces (population). In Europe, this was not even close. And in spite of everything, everything was restored quite quickly and successfully.
  11. CCA
    19 May 2013 08: 23
    Cunning on cunning and cunning drives ... negative The data are given without reference to the source.
    Recall that, according to the statement of the ChGK, exactly 1710 cities were destroyed. So, in 1914 in the Russian Empire there were only 931 settlements with the status of a city.
    So by 1939. total urban settlements in the USSR numbered 2762, in fact with the status of "city" - 1194, and with the status of "urban-type settlement" - 1568 And from which sources did the author take the information that under Brezhnev the amount of damage was increased 4 times?!? Rather, it is necessary to adopt a law on liability for the disseminated information. And with special deceit and harm - criminal ...
  12. +8
    19 May 2013 08: 50
    The textbook has not yet been written, but the Nervous waves have already gone through the Swamp, you see how the author is eager to omit his country in at least something, even to make it false!
    1. +2
      19 May 2013 15: 26
      Quote: polly
      The textbook has not yet been written, but the Nervous waves have already gone through the Swamp, you see how the author is eager to omit his country in at least something, even to make it false!

      The main principle of all these lying gay liberals (Svanidze, Latinina, Mlechina, Rosman, etc.) is to slander, and then let them launder, discuss, justify, their heinous deed has already been done.
      Could be more correct legally punish slander against the homeland.
  13. k220150
    19 May 2013 08: 56
    The article is false through and through, the fewer living witnesses, the more direct deception and fraud - this is a global trend that means that the war is going on and will not end tomorrow. Such publications are supported at the very top - the authorities either do not want or cannot stand up for "MEMORY and HONOR" of their people. And maybe the people are not your own?
  14. +11
    19 May 2013 09: 29
    Author pig. I won’t say anything more.
    Victory price in dollars to measure ......
  15. +4
    19 May 2013 09: 33
    Custom article, not our person, author, not ours
  16. +6
    19 May 2013 09: 54
    "Chaos in the head." The author.
  17. +3
    19 May 2013 11: 04
    In most cases, we are surprised who was the only one who put a "minus" on the article, but on the contrary, someone alone put a "plus" (at 10-50).
    Regarding the calculation of cities - most of the district centers (and not only) are urban-type settlements, but for the population it’s just a city.
    The author is trying to accuse the army that she bombed and fired on our cities. That is, we should politely ask the Fritz to get out of the cities? Unfortunately, the author is not alone, I have to argue with those who claim that the bombing of the beginning of 44 was caused by the main destruction of Pskov. They say they might not have bombed (station, warehouses, anti-aircraft installations) - the city would have been more intact.
    1. Avenger711
      19 May 2013 16: 37
      It was necessary to destroy him in ground battles, at the same time losing many times more of their own from the Fritz who were not bombarded with bombs.
      The French, incidentally, who lived in the occupation better than the British, saw this landing in Normandy in a coffin after which a military tornado swept across their land.
      1. 0
        19 May 2013 18: 16
        Quote: Avenger711
        The French, in a coffin saw this landing in Normandy

        I can not vouch for absolute reliability. When landing in Normandy, the loss ratio was somehow 1: 3: 4 allies: Germans: French (local, civilian population).
  18. dmb
    19 May 2013 11: 41
    A very competent article. Literate in the sense that, unlike the idiot Gozman, the author of his vile ideas teaches under the guise of patriotism, although in fact he continues to trample on our ideals. Some "Vasya" will read such an article; There are many numbers, they are placed throughout the text, which means that the author is a smart person and wrote the truth.
  19. +5
    19 May 2013 12: 11
    The author of the article is wrong.

    A few questions.

    1) What does the author achieve with this article?

    In World War II, tens (!!!) of millions of our fellow citizens died. There were tremendous destruction, we are still recovering.
    I will explain. I live in Petersburg. For example, back in the 90s, 2-3 rooms were opened in the Gatchina Palace. Restored. And how many have not been restored?

    The author is playing with numbers. Very dangerous playing. And he writes nothing about the colossal loss of life. Is it strange?

    2) A small question to the author. According to statistics. Here were such numbers (for housing and industry) in 41 years. In 45 indicators increased compared to 41. So, we read between the lines of the author, the bad uncle Joe deceived everyone, and spread the poor allies, and robbed the poor Nazis.

    And now - attention, a question to the author.

    Did he take into account such indicators as the commissioning of housing and industry on lands unmanned by the Germans, through the construction of new factories and the evacuation of old enterprises?

    Did the author of the article take into account how much housing was restored in the territories liberated from the enemy from 1943 to 1945?

    In general, again the "crap" and "liberal" are playing with our historical memory, manipulating numbers.

    PS One would like to say: KG / AM! For those who do not know: "Creo (article) - g ... 0, author - m ... k!
  20. Dimkapvo
    19 May 2013 12: 51
    I completely agree - not our author. The article is nonsense or provocation.
    1. Hudo
      19 May 2013 13: 20
      Quote: DimkaPVO
      I completely agree - not our author. The article is nonsense or provocation.

      The author of the underwater snobber, at the behest of his kashrutoyatnyh owners, launched a trial ball - his vile fabrications will be rolled or not. It didn’t damage him, they washed him here in full, and then they tore up a heating pad like an ace. But neither the author nor his owners will be seduced, they will wriggle foul reptiles to crawl into fragile souls.
  21. +3
    19 May 2013 12: 51
    Article minus, did not even read this nonsense.
    In order to make fair assessments of this mountain, Babichenka had to survive that war himself.
    And how will he evaluate dozens of claimed human lives .....
  22. misham
    19 May 2013 12: 56
    Yes, there was a devastation. And great destruction in the housing stock. Ask your bitch relatives if they had light in apartments (communal rooms) or sewers. The author does not at all mention the destruction of 41 years during the retreat of our troops. In Zaporozhye, the Dnieper dam was blown up (the Germans did it in a couple of years and then blew it up again, but that's another story). It was blown up all the equipment of the plants that did not have time to take out. Everywhere where they managed to blow up and destroy bakeries and plumbing. Khreshchatyk was blown up in Kiev ..... Together with the inhabitants. So not only the Germans tried.
    In general, the destruction in Germany was no less than ours. But they recovered much faster. And it's not about Marshall’s plan. Not only we but also the allies exported from Germany mat values, equipment, technology and specialists. The main thing is human loss. In Germany they were smaller than ours. Human capital is the key to the success of post-war Germany.
  23. honest jew
    19 May 2013 13: 35
    Posted by Denis Babichenko ...... Drink Yadu Kill Up the Wall !!!!
  24. -2
    19 May 2013 13: 49
    Well, yes, there could not have been as many cities (not counting the villages, villages, etc.) destroyed, but whatever the devastation was from the western borders and to where the Germans were able to advance. Also, the Germans did not destroy all of me, they say, but ours had a scorched earth tactic and destroyed everything themselves, well, if the Nazis had not attacked us, we would not have had to do that. Incl. no matter how you say it, they are the aggressors, and therefore all our troubles are on their conscience. What Stalin said at the Potsdam conference to Cherchel, even if he exaggerated the devastation, well, so I can say - handsome, all in the "home", all in the "family."
  25. +5
    19 May 2013 13: 52
    It is impossible with capitalist instruments to approach the damage suffered by the Soviet people from the aggression of the whole of Europe of its industrial and human potential against the then unified people of the USSR. It is impossible to operate with square meters or cubic meters or evaluate the ruin of cities, villages, industrial and agricultural enterprises in any currency. What centimeters to measure the death of people. Deprive their future and interrupt their race. The demographic catastrophe put people on the brink of extinction.
    And if any of the current or past supreme rulers, except for Stalin, were in power, I’m not sure that the USSR, Russia would take place as a sovereign state.
    Stalin did not allow reasoning and debate about the damage caused. The commission called and this was voiced for everyone who wanted to hear. Stalin had a task and the issues of restoring the economy, building the state and the people carried out his tasks. And there was no place for demagogues in his politics.
  26. fenix57
    19 May 2013 14: 42
    Quote: S_mirnov
    I always remember with warmth my pioneering youth !!! Be ready!

    I am joining! Happy holiday, Born in the USSR!
  27. +2
    19 May 2013 15: 23
    Another enemy. The enemy is cunning, smart and, therefore, doubly dangerous!
  28. Best novel
    19 May 2013 15: 32
    Even a minus is a pity. If the author (the word "man" did not use due to great doubts) does not know how many square centimeters are in a square meter, but at the same time tries to manipulate the million-billionth numbers, what can you argue with?
  29. +3
    19 May 2013 15: 44
    -Development in the heads
    Not. In the author’s head.
  30. Avenger711
    19 May 2013 16: 23
    To begin with, it would be nice to decide on the concepts of a city / village / urban-type settlement and how it changed. Some drive-sized Ensk the size of a WoT map of the same name (several dozen two-story buildings) could well be listed as a city. Many of these Ensks could later not recover at all. So 1700 cities, towns, towns, urban-type towns are quite tangible.

    According to this document, the living area at the end of 1940 was 167,2 million square meters, and at the end of 1945 - 158,3 million

    Willingly believe, it was not rebuilt since 1945, just what is this square? Damaged house in which they still live, although all communications are missing?

    The urban living area of ​​the USSR, equipped with electricity, amounted to 1940 percent of all buildings in 91, and 1945 percent in 88. So, during the war years, we lost three percent of electrified housing. There was no total devastation in the notorious closets. Before the war, 40 percent of houses were equipped with sewage systems, and immediately after it, one percent more.

    But nothing that buildings could be rebuilt immediately according to modern plans?

    “In the region of the 70-verst strip from the front, the entire adult male population, working livestock, grain, tractors ... which cannot be taken out, destroyed without touching, however, birds, small cattle ... Do not blow up power plants, but remove valuable parts ... Do not blow up plants but remove all necessary valuable parts from the equipment. " As a result, one and a half million wagons of property were taken out of the rear to places that were threatened by seizure.

    As I understand it, the author regrets that they did not leave the Germans? By the way, guess what the Germans did with the male population of military age, especially when leaving.

    As a result, one and a half million wagons of property were taken out of the rear to places that were threatened by seizure.

    This is a miracle and an indicator of the super-efficiency of the leadership.

    The fact is that when the Stalinist plan “to defeat the enemy with little blood on its own territory”, let’s say, it didn’t work

    Author, get out of the story!

    In general, in 1944, the gross industrial output amounted to 104% of the pre-war level, and military production - 312% ”

    Well, in the rear they plowed the way the author could not stand a month. And if the share of military products has risen 3 times, then civilian has fallen, and strongly. As for food, the prices on the free market were sky-high. Although the Soviet money supply for the war was only 6 times swollen, in other countries things were much worse.

    industrial production as a percentage by 1940 during the war years was as follows: 1941 - 98, 1942 - 77, 1943 - 90, 1944 - 104, 1945 - 92.

    Logically, the production of tanks was immediately reduced, but there is no benefit to life from all these weapons. I don’t have a share of arms in GDP, but it is obvious that the output of civilian products, including category A, which was used to build factories and could not bring any immediate benefits to the population, hardly exceeded 60-70% of the pre-war period. Thousands of pieces of equipment in the near future after the war were simply disposed of without increasing the welfare of the countries by a dime.
  31. Avenger711
    19 May 2013 16: 24
    In Leningrad, already in 1945, output increased by 1944 percent compared to 80.

    After the blockade? No doubt. But during the blockade, these factories, even serviceable ones, stood by the lack of raw materials that were to be delivered to FIG. This, incidentally, is also a loss.

    How, already in 1947, a country with "self-reliance" was able to cancel the card system before England, to test a nuclear device in August 1949, and 16 years after the war to launch the first person into space

    Such that in the USSR there was a "totalitarian state", and not "effective managers" who profiled the same British Empire.

    The enemy, for example, could not have "slaughtered, collected, and stole" 20 million pigs, because before the war there were 27,5 million pigs throughout the USSR.

    My dear stupid author, a German will not just abandon a pig farm captured somewhere in July 41 in Belarus, he will put Russian women there, rake out manure, and until 44 he will carry meat to Germany, and then when everyone leaves They will take out the pigs, or even just burn them in the barn when they leave, so that the Russians don't get it. Even if a sow in those difficult conditions gives not 20, but 10 piglets a year. And each such pig is quite legally subject to inclusion in the list of exported, that is, stolen by "civilized Europeans."

    As for the ruin and plunder of “98 thousand collective farms and 2890 machine and tractor stations”, it should be borne in mind that in 1936 there were 244 thousand and 5 thousand, respectively. It turns out that not a single collective farm or station has survived in the occupied territory, which is unlikely.

    The collective farms actually disbanded the Germans, where the equipment went with the MTS, you have to be a complete idiot to not be bothered. Collective farms, by the way, are mainly in Ukraine, and in the western RSFSR, in other territories with other conditions, collectivization might not be continuous. The share of territories east of the occupation zone should not be exaggerated, their development is just connected with the War, or the post-war period, and so they did not know the Russian language in the villages.

    it turns out that the leader did a great job

    But he had nothing more to do than tell the true extent of the losses, and this could be removed from Germany only in decades.

    By the way, according to German historians, the total cost of reparations (excluding the “price” of thousands of German specialists and 1,5 million prisoners of war, the USSR’s gain from uranium mining in Germany and German patents) ranged from 14 to 16,3 billion dollars - about 400 billion dollars in modern money. Judging by the pace of recovery of our country after the war, this amount was quite enough to overcome the devastation.

    Apparently the Russian Ivan himself did not work ... However, the detuning for 5 years should not be surprising in the light of pre-war growth.
  32. Avenger711
    19 May 2013 16: 32
    According to historian Mikhail Semiryaga, from Germany alone "at least 348 thousand machine tools were taken out to the USSR, which covered the USSR’s losses in half." So much for the compensation of at least the “twentieth part” of losses.

    Author, go and pay it to the Germans at your own expense. And I believe that it was necessary not only equipment, each male German from 14 to 60, to mines in Siberia, children of the best quality up to 3-5 years old for Russification, girls more sympathetic to their brood, to eliminate all the rest. And what? I quite reason myself in a European way, the Germans did just that.

    World-renowned scientists came to the USSR with their families: Nobel laureate Hertz, Professor Riel, physicist von Ardenne, and dozens of other future Stalin Prize laureates.

    The poor people, they were not allowed to voluntarily and compulsively leave for the USA, they provided, as they gave their own, and even the highest prizes ... A plak-plak after their unfortunate fate. :(
  33. +2
    19 May 2013 16: 43
    "Let's take the seemingly most indestructible truth: the absolute majority of Russians are sincerely convinced that by May 1945 the USSR was in ruins, and then in just a few years the country made an incredible leap, literally - to the stars." - I DIDN'T READ FURTHER. The article was written by a person far from history, who does not even assume what kind of destruction the war causes. He had to go to Grozny in 1995, maybe then he began to understand something! The author of the article - 2 points.
  34. Diver
    19 May 2013 17: 10
    Good afternoon! I was very pleased that the Juda was identified almost immediately. It only upsets that such p ... s head departments in well-known magazines and can "crap" in each of their material on our Motherland, on history, on faith and on everything Russian. I really hope that he will be rewarded twice for his double-mindedness. Here is a link to his "works" soaked through and through with miasms.
    1. Hudo
      19 May 2013 18: 25
      Quote: Diver
      Here is a link to his "works" soaked through and through with miasms.

      Prolific bastard, there are many ugly eggs produced anally inflicted.

  35. +3
    19 May 2013 18: 54
    DEAR author, send me your geographic address in PM.
    I have the opportunity to take a vacation at any summer time, ready to enter into a personal discussion ...
    Lack of an answer tomorrow I will consider your defeat in this dialogue.
    1. 0
      19 May 2013 19: 42
      Yes, he is from Ukraine, probably. Only they can throw such a trick
  36. +2
    19 May 2013 19: 14
    Well here is another liberalist
  37. The comment was deleted.
  38. Rrv
    19 May 2013 19: 24
    I wanted to make out the "statistics" of this monster in detail, but judging by the comments here, they managed without me.

    I can say one thing - people need to learn to think, and then the result of such passages will be a blow to the author on the scoreboard, and nothing else.

    Article minus.
  39. +3
    19 May 2013 19: 39
    I have long had questions in my head.

    Why do they hate us so much?
    Why are everyone trying to spoil the good?
    Why spit in the well?
    Why are they trying to erase historical memory with manic persistence?
    Why do they consider us cattle?

    This is not about the imperialists, not about the Americans and NATO.

    This is me about our homegrown liberals, for whom Novodvorskaya and Rezun are icons. Etc.

    WHY? They grew up in the USSR!
  40. +1
    19 May 2013 19: 40
    The article is vile. Where do these parasites come from? I am a pensioner. When I was a schoolboy, in 1966 year I went to school by the ruined building in my city of Krasnograd, in Ukraine. Then he was restored.
  41. KononAV
    19 May 2013 20: 30
    Here truth can never be found by anyone.
  42. +1
    19 May 2013 21: 24
    The author does not quite understand the political background, one is to speak at official negotiations, the other is about reality (about Stalin’s statement about the losses incurred in the war).
    The second is about the division of the destruction done by the Wehrmacht and the Soviet army. This is generally an ugly formulation of the question (I apologize for the expression, but another simply does not come to mind when reading such an opus). So you can agree to the fact that the Union itself started the war, and Germany defended itself. Although why agree? The author fulfills, willingly or not, a certain order by such a formulation (for now) of the question, how much the Wehrmacht destroyed, and how much the Soviet Army (similar to artillery preparation on distant approaches). Peaceful tourists came to us, and we bast shoes with fright blew up our factories and plants. I grew up in Donbass and my grandmother and my mother were in the occupation and with their own hands they restored the metallurgical plant and mines in Makeyevka. So, I know about the state of factories and mines in the industrial center of the USSR not from Denis Babichenko's "reports", but from people who specifically restored enterprises after liberation. Such a lie can still be "pushed" after the death of the last participant of the Second World War and the restoration of the country, but now it is too much.
    A big minus to the author.
  43. +1
    19 May 2013 23: 53
    Author Denis Babichenko

    I want to tell the author a sick one, but I understand that this is not so at all. This is an enemy, an obvious enemy, and therefore not terrible, everyone counted him on the move. Much more dangerous are those who say the same and push in a more sophisticated form, pushing them into smaller textbooks into the textbooks on which our children learn. And it’s not for nothing that these Babichenka began to fuss, and during hi the president of Russia gave such instructions.
  44. albatross
    20 May 2013 02: 22
    AUTHOR-ON SOAP! How much did he estimate 27 million Russian people? Diagnosis: His parents are apparently from the "forest brothers". Recipe: Find and Disarm ...
  45. +1
    21 May 2013 18: 14
    The author is right, devastation in the minds.
    Here is the author’s statement about the export of equipment from Germany.

    As a result, in the Union as soon as possible there appeared unprecedented factories that produced nylon, artificial silk, synthetic rubber.

    And what do competent people write about the history of this rubber:

    The construction of the pilot plant was completed in January 1931, and in February the first cheap 250 kilograms of synthetic rubber were already received. In the same year, Lebedev was awarded the Order of Lenin and was elected to the Academy of Sciences. Soon, the construction of three more giant plants was laid under a single project - in Efremov, Yaroslavl and Voronezh. And before the war, a factory appeared in Kazan. The capacity of each of them was ten thousand tons of rubber per year.
  46. yurta2013
    21 May 2013 19: 03
    A very objective and informative, although not without some flaws historical article. Unfortunately, one of the very few non-Stalinist articles on this site. I won’t be surprised if it is stupidly criticized by the neo-Stalinist participants, who are the absolute majority here. In any case, she should not count on a good rating.