History of one photo

History of one photo

For many years now, in memoirs, in analytical publications, in articles of the respected newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, etc. etc., devoted to catastrophes and accidents of submarines, the authors regularly use a photograph of the Soviet submarine missile cruiser of project 667-B, according to the NATO classification "MURENA", with a remarkably damaged nose and a well-wrinkled wheelhouse. Everywhere it is presented as a collision of a submarine with an American submarine in the training ranges of the North Fleet. Neither the time nor the place of this episode, indicated in these sources, coincides with the essence of what happened. It is also intriguing that in no documentary list of accidents and collisions of submarines known to me there is any information about this episode. As if "the sea keeps its secrets."

Let the sea keep a lot of secrets, but this strategic nuclear-powered nuclear vessel crumpled by military labor somehow disagrees with that role similar to that determined by some specialists.

Submariners and those interested history submarine fleet, unwittingly because of the scarcity of information, there are very far from the truth assumptions and speculations about this mysterious episode of the cold underwater war. But inside the crumpled iron were 144 submariner, and none of them respected authors have thought to somehow clarify what was in fact. It would not be a sin to talk with the captain of the ship, he is still alive. On my attempt to prompt the author of the books where this photo regularly looks to the reader, to Mr. Mormul NG about the true state of things, I received a wonderful reply: “I have already forgotten about this incident!” You forgot this, dear Nikolai Grigorievich, because you were not present there, but let me remember this to the crew and, sorry, the nuclear-powered ship commander.

So here. Let the respected submariners forgive me for the intriguing beginning of my introduction. I will try to clarify how things really happened.

I, Captain I rank Batayev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, now retired, commanded this ship in the same campaign when there was a collision with something unknown, but less massive than my underwater vehicle, the external consequences of which are recorded in this photo. In the capacity of the commander of this project of the SSBN, this was my eighth military service. I have been in command of this ship for six years.

Our crew was an experienced, well-rallied team, and I still bow low to all sailors, midshipmen, officers for having the honor and the fortune to command them and successfully go to any latitude wherever the Battle Command brought us. Thank you guys!

In that year, 1982, our ship was supposed to enter combat service in the month of March according to the cyclical schedule of the combat service of strategic submarines. The crew fully worked and passed all the required coursework tasks. He performed practical, rocket and torpedo firing with excellent assessments and was completely ready to go to sea for combat service. Military patrol areas and crossings were not known to us, because they were determined by the Battle Order of the General Staff and the Civil Code of the Navy. Usually, our ships (SSBNs) carried combat service singly, observing maximum secrecy, being in the command preparedness of the missile weapons.

By the time the preparations for the departure to the sea were completed, we learned that by decision of the General Staff of the Navy, our boat will have to go part of the march as part of the tactical group of submarines. According to the plan, our submarine cruiser at the transition was supposed to protect the submarines of the 705 "K-123" project. This is an atomic-powered vessel from a series of semi-automatic machines with a liquid-metal reactor and a crew almost entirely composed of officers. Its task was to divert the antisubmarine forces of a potential enemy, to destroy them with the start of hostilities, to help the SSBN to detach from the enemy's TAP forces in order to further accomplish the strategic task. This idea is not new, but it was tested very rarely, only on the scale of naval exercises. It did not exist and, I am afraid, does not exist and, until today, there is no clear technical possibility by our hydroacoustic tools when detecting a noisy underwater object: “I am My own.” This is called an identification system. The pilots did not have such a problem, they also have a technique, but also their eyes, but we only have completely non-musical ears and a stamped list of classification acoustic signs of noisy targets.

Any noisy object became the subject of careful analysis and was considered as a possible adversary. Question for the sixth grader: There were two, three became. Who is a stranger? How to determine the "Cossack"? Shore, Moscow will give all the answers, but then in the conclusions, having scouted the truck with the same naval documents, they will catch some inconsistencies and then at the Arbatskaya or Lermontovskaya metro will scream about the stupidity of the commander of the “samotope” when his acoustics and he himself could not recognize the noisy object. Experts are illiterately classified, and the commander, without chewing, swallowed their report. And the acoustics, by the way, are qualified engineers-engineers, graduates of the All-Russian Academy of Pedagogical Education named after Popova, but they do not have daily training, and only a person whom the Lord or nature has noted with this gift can listen and distinguish between noises. I’m not even talking about the radio operator’s rumor, a good acoustics from a different incarnation, this phenomenon is a piece of talent. The draft commissions in the military registration and enlistment offices sent the guys not always distinguishing the noise of a locomotive from the roar of a jackhammer to this military specialty. How many such bulldozers in civilian specialty had to be called acoustics. A commander may trust an experienced hearing officer - a foreman or a midshipman, but he is not free to ignore the report of their commander - the head of the Radio Engineering Service. In the underwater language, this is called a target classification. And the commander approves or does not approve what the head of the RTS reports to him, complying with his knowledge, experience and tactical situation at the moment and making his decision.

Upon the arrival of the K-123 PLA to our base of Gremikha, the unforgettable memory of the commander of the 11 submarine flotilla, Vice Admiral Ustyantsev Alexander Mikhailovich invited me and the commander of the K-123, Captain I rank Bulgakov V.T. for instructing and resolving tactical issues raised by the boat commanders. The commander of the SSBN was appointed senior in the tactical group, i.e. I. For the sake of safety, the submarines were echeloned in depth: the upper echelon for SSBNs and the lower one for SSNs. Required to observe the complete radio silence. Communication - if necessary, acoustic (ZPS - sonar communication) in the code mode, using the table of conditional signals. When driving, if possible, be in the zone of acoustic audibility of mutual noise. In this mode, and follow to the point of divergence. Further, each submarine follows its own plan.

The database checked the practical compatibility for the mutual work of sonar systems SSBM MGK-100 "Kerch" and PLA SAC "Yenisei". Everything worked great.

After going out to sea and meeting at the designated point, the group, having conducted identification by the LPS, moved as a general direction to the Arctic Ocean. Swimming was calm. Periodically SSBN listened for PLA noises. that is, “spinning” at different distances around SSBNs. performed its security functions.

The chronological moments and some details are somewhat blurred in my memory, but the sequence of actual events has been preserved clearly and distinctly.

Unexpectedly, on the third day the same digital coded signal was received from the PLA four times. In our particular case, each codogram was not decoded, but out of the four codograms, the information was obtained using the matching method: “Crash. I need help! It is worth noting that the speed of an acoustic signal in water is 200.000 times slower than a radio signal. In this case, the unpredictable involvement of objective interference increases dramatically.

Noise PLA was not heard for about one and a half hours. Our requests in the direction of incoming signals remained unanswered. The situation demanded taking measures to clarify the situation, and I made a decision, breaking the secrecy, to surface under the periscope. I am a sailor, and the received codogram is a signal similar to SOS. The time is peaceful, and the staffs will survive this decision that violates my secrecy.

I assumed that the submarine in a severe emergency floated to the surface position and gave an emergency radio signal through the fleet. SSBN emerged under the periscope and opened radio watches in general and emergency radio networks. In the first networks, the usual work was going on, while in emergency the complete radio silence reigned. Surfacing under the cabin, repeatedly examined the horizon by a radar station on all distance scales. No surface targets were found.

This calmed me somewhat and I, staying at the periscope depth, continued to follow my route synchronously with the planned moving point. A few hours later, at first we heard faint, then intensifying noises of our precious disappearance. Acoustics classified the noise as the noise of the K-123 PLA. Our requests for the ZPS PLA did not respond, but nevertheless the alarm subsided: the smoking-room is alive!

Sighing with relief, plunged and went on. Already closer to the point of separation the contact was finally lost, and the SSBN went its own route. Only after returning to the rumor base they learned that the submarine had serious problems with the nuclear power plant and was towed to Severodvinsk. In 2002, after meeting with the commander of K-123, I asked him to clarify the past episode. The commander was very restrained, and I understand him.

Further, the Franz-Victoria chute went into the Arctic Ocean under powerful ice fields and continued combat patrols, shifting towards the north towards the general direction.

The crew in previous combat patrols had accumulated a considerable experience of swimming under the ice (my periscope photographs of the surface ice situation illustrate well the memoirs of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Chernavin VN and Mormul NG), and I was well aware that the ice shell over my head was two to three thirty meters requires a respectful attitude towards oneself, and only a competent and precise fulfillment by each submariner of his professional duties will help to exclude even minor blunders and unpredictable accidents.

Started patrolling in the Arctic Ocean. I will not consider the entire system of navigation support navigation in these areas. Own inertial system of the navigation complex "Tobol-5" and partly space navigation allowed to swim with sufficient accuracy. I will stop on one.

After crossing the course to the north of a certain latitude, the navigational road maps for patrol areas ended. They simply do not exist in our hydrography. But it does not matter. Transferred to the number of maps grid. Not to me first, not to me last it was necessary and it is necessary to swim on them. This is a blank sheet of chart paper with a designated latitudinal scale. Longitude causes the navigator, depending on the longitude of the navigation area. This is a common practice when crossing the oceans, where the depths have long been measured, and sailors in the ocean are free from the possibility of finding themselves in unexpected shallow water.

Another thing is the Arctic Ocean. If near the northern islands, measurements were made over the course of a century, and they can be trusted with a certain degree of caution, then closer to the polar regions such confidence decreases significantly. Repeatedly including an echo sounder, you expect the depth of 1000 m on the GenCard, and you get 300 m at your own depth of immersion 150 m. They say correctly that “the ocean is fraught with itself ...”, but the ship with crew is “fraught with itself ...” that our hydrographs and oceanographers decided that the Lomonosov Ridge was found, named, and then do not worry, it was deep all around. So, not so. Ask live commanders and submariners for this. Probably, you will hear something interesting and folklore. Of course, it is more convenient for our oceanologists and hydrographs to work on the Great Barrier Reef from Australia than in the fourth ocean, which is called the Arctic Ocean, taldych from primer to encyclopedias, that it is ours, my dear, Pomor. Well, swim native underwater people without maps, and for only one sovereign fishing. I agree, if only for ice-cold fish, but where to put these “Mom, do not spoil” in rocket mines and torpedo tubes. But what to do, where sent, there and spin! Caution and caution again. Therefore, the choice of immersion depth was dictated by the optimal 90-120 range. The echo sounder and echo sounder were used quite often, and the MT-70 television system was used to observe what was above the boat all the time. We should not forget that swimming under the ice began at the very beginning of April, when the polar day is short, the horizon's illumination is low, and the winter ice is still strong. According to the task set by the SSBN, it is necessary, especially before a communication session, to actively search for openings or thin ice and emerge into a connection in this place to receive orders or information.

The organization and method of approaching such a heavy ship was worked out flawlessly, and the touch of the bow of the ship and felling on the ice occurred tremulously and tenderly. The commander of the BS-5 captain 2 rank Guzhov Boris Petrovich always did it masterfully, and I am a joke: “Petrovich! Upon returning from me, 150 with a trailer and a Pyatnitsky chorus ”, which meant: 150 of vodka, a beer mug and a jar of spiced salted beer - noted this skill.

In the interval between communication sessions when the boat was moving, careful observation of the ice situation was carried out; thin ice, polynya and divorces, their size and configuration were plotted on the map. But it should be noted that within an hour after fixation, when returning to this place, we did not find them, because the movement of the ice completely changed the picture. The accuracy of swimming in this time span was high. The navigator, led by experienced navigator captain 3 rank Kuznetsov Mikhail Mikhailovich, the kindest man with unusually smart hands, summed up the change in the ice situation as a "Brownian movement."

Here I would like to dwell on the hydroacoustic monitoring tools available on the ship, which will make it possible to understand the subsequent course of events.

As already mentioned, on the SSBN, a hydroacoustic complex (SAC) of the MGC-100 "Kerch" is installed, which consists of several hydroacoustic stations of various purposes, logically combined and controlled from one command and information console. At the time of development and its installation on the first ships, this was a significant step forward, and operation in marine and oceanic conditions showed good results: the range of detection of noisy objects increased dramatically, which means that the freedom of maneuver of our submarines increased when attacking surface and submarine targets or deviations from anti-submarine forces of the enemy.

By the 80 years, it was significantly out of date, and our technical and technological lag in the field of underwater acoustics was obvious (I don’t presume to say this in terms of scientific research), but the fact that we were technologically in a very soft place is for sure. The complex did not have a technical classifier of targets. The classification of moving targets was carried out by acoustics by frequency ranges, propeller turns, the nature of the engines, the pitching period, and was approved by the submarine commander, consistent with the tactical situation. By the way, our opponent already had the technical ability to record and keep in memory the “acoustic portraits” of all our ships, even of the same type, with their individual acoustic features.

No matter how bitter it may be to admit, the enemy’s detection range of our submarines was 2 - 5 times higher than the capabilities of the Soviet submarine fleet, which allowed foreign submarines to follow our submarines absolutely calmly. And since the acoustic complex on the submarine is more than the ears (paradoxically, but the submariners "look" with their ears), then our nuclear-powered vessels received from the enemy unflattering definitions for us: "roaring cows", "gangsters blindfolded" - due to the unpredictability of maneuvers during checks for lack of tracking or other maneuvers - “mad Ivan”. And "Ivan" neither by dream, nor by spirit does not know that his boat is "pastured."

This brief excursion into the world of the technical capabilities of our hydroacoustics was carried out in order to make more clear the distinction between swimming in the open sea and in the arctic and polar regions. Ice fields are not stationary. In motion, the floes and the fields rub against each other, horny, turn over, split and all this is accompanied by an acoustic disturbance of the aquatic environment, i.e. noise. The display of noise on electronic indicators GAK turns on the screens into a continuous illumination on all frequency ranges. On the electrothermal paper recorders is a thick spotted strip. The audible indicator of the central post produces sounds in the entire range of audibility frequencies of the human ear: from a mosquito peep to a puffing locomotive through a nightingale trill, howling of a pack of wolves, gnashing of teeth, a storm of applause, turning into an ovation, and so on. Acoustics shift the headphones to the back of the head, change on the watch after 2 hours instead of 4-x, the audio indicator turns off. Only the paper of recorders obediently tolerates everything, being covered with blackness, and the Kometa tape recorder winds up this acoustic chaos to the best of its chances. Here there is a real 99% chance of not hearing the “useful noise” i. noise from the target.

According to the accepted provisions, the submarines, while on patrol, should conduct reconnaissance of the hydrological profile along the depth, dive to the depth and measure the speed of sound propagation in water with a special station, but it is different at different depths and the pattern of its change is not fully understood. Based on the obtained measurements, a graph is constructed, the type of hydrology is determined, and the optimal depth of navigation is selected depending on the tactical need (its stealth, detection of surface ships, submarines, attacks, etc.). Our SSBN also performed this legitimized action document, and we were given sharp jumps in the speed of sound. The pen of the recorder ran from edge to edge of the scale, fixing the speed of sound propagation (these are changes up to 50 m / s) for a few meters of immersion. After the depth of 60 and more, the changes became less abrupt and chaotic, but the ice kingdom continued its endless concert and the cacophony that became a “conscious need” did not diminish.

Swimming continued calmly. The acoustic riot kept the central post in tension, while the rest of the warriors gulped. The charter schedule of underwater camping life, and she was following the routine. In accordance with the schedule established by the Battle Order, we sighed to communication sessions, if possible, to thin, from 3-4 meters thick, ice, if found in preparation for icing, and received current operational and political information from the command.

Zampolit spent the day ideological and educational work with the people and wrote his report on PolMorSose (political and moral status) of this people in the Political Department.

The Specialist, mostly on nights, did his even more difficult work and also wrote his report to the Special Section.

A start-up wrote to the commander of the ZHUS (event log), previously this document was called ZhBD (combat log), since we are doing the Battle Service, then you should not confuse Events with Actions, because the first thing that happened and the second manifestation of energy activities. And so would not be cunning. And daily training plans.

The rest wrote and read each his own. Both readers and writers sailed in this way until April 9. These and subsequent events memory tenaciously and forever preserved in us.

In 03 hour. 57 min. on training anxiety prilegnilis on the next communication session. Ice thickness 4.5 - 5.0 m. Under the keel of the 1000 m. They accepted the information and began to dive, making a reconnaissance of a hydrological section. Speed ​​boat 9.0 knots. Somewhere in the 4 hour. 26 min. operator BIUS capitalist Alexander Georgievich Minaev reported: “Tov. Commander, depth 96 m, isothermal with 60 m "(the speed of sound in water is constant). I ordered the boatswain: “Keep the depth of 100 m. Right rudder” and set the course for the route. A little earlier, the special person Vanya Ryakhovsky, a very decent man, came to the central post and, may God bless him for many years, sat down in a safe next to the commander’s seat and jokingly said: referring to the training training emergency alarm). I replied to him jokingly: “That you are upset, now we will play!”.

The boat has already laid down on the course, the depth of 99 is m. We are sitting, waiting from radio operators for forms with received radiograms. Seconds through 30 after my humorous response from a strong double blow in the bow, I flew out of the chair into the open door of the central post. Hours showed 4 hour. 31 min.

It took me a few seconds to “fly in” back into the CPU and grab onto the cable of the astronavigating periscope. The boat sank with a trim of 18 degrees on the nose. The depth of immersion increased. Speed ​​dropped to 7.0 nodes. He commanded: "Turbines reverse (full back), bubble in the nose, steering on the ascent." At that moment I had, as a test pilot Mikoyan SA, aptly defined his condition during an emergency. "Transparency of thought." Everything around was seen sharply and distinctly. Time, it seemed, was impermissibly slowed down; manipulations of the boatswain and the operator of the control panel of the ship's systems were made as if the film was scrolled slowly, people talked was stretched. I physically wanted to speed things up. I had the same feeling later, in a different place and time, during rocket shooting, when the rocket with the engines already working in the mine began to think longer than the allotted time before parting with the ship and crew. Submariners will understand what this can mean. In the current situation, there were also enough fears.

Most of all, I was afraid that an emergency, including 1 of the kind, protection of reactors, turbines and turbine generators could have worked against impact. But due to the vibration of the boat, according to the testimony of tachometers and a drop in speed, I felt that the turbines were working on the reverse. Later it turned out that the emergency protection signals had been dropped, but the officers-managers of the BC-5 had correctly blocked them and excluded the creation of a catastrophic situation. Especially distinguished cap. lt Butsaev Vasily Nikolaevich. Long life to him.

The boat got stuck at a depth of 186 m, leveled the trim and began to slowly emerge. At a depth of 45, the commander of the BCh-5 cap.2 of the rank Guzhov B.P. kept the boat almost on the "foot". Echoledomer showed the thickness of the ice 1.5 - 2.0 m. It was possible to priladnyatsya to look around carefully in the compartments. I did not want to move far from the place of collision, because The first thought about the cause of the blow was: iceberg.

Slipping and blowing the middle group of ballast tanks, cutting ice broke. From the place of impact the boat moved to 4.5 - 5.0 cable. After accepting reports from the compartments and from the commanders of the combat units on the condition of the material part and not receiving particularly disturbing reports, I decided to visually inspect the horizon through the commander’s periscope.

With caution, very slowly, controlling the tension of the cables with their hands, they raised the commanding periscope. Inspected the horizon. It was an early morning. The sun height 6-7 degrees shone through the frosty haze. Icebergs across the horizon were not observed.

He gave the command to flush the middle group in order to rise higher, not to risk a periscope break, and to look more thoroughly on the horizon. Dropped the top manhole, went to the bridge. It was very frosty, and somehow completely north silence rang. Only the cabin was raised above the ice; no bow and stern could be seen. On the rocket deck, such “little house” piled up ice flocks weighing tens of tons. The upper part of the nose of the fencing of the cabin was heavily wrinkled, fragments of window leaves and top fire littered. Powerful covers covering the shafts of sliding devices remained closed, but had dents with a deflection up to 3's, see. Icebergs were not observed. Around there were ice rutting fields.

To document the surface situation, I asked our good amateur photographer cap. Let Levchuk Rostislav make a panoramic survey of the entire horizon through a periscope with fixing the limb of course angles and a compass scale. Part of the submariners through the periscope admired the "white silence".

Staying long in this position because of the compression of the ice was dangerous and, "knocking out" the air reserves, plunged to a depth of 90 m, following the plan.

From the reports of commanders of combat units, it became clear that there were no serious damage to weapons and mechanisms. The fourth torpedo with a very serious torpedo was filled with water, but the flow was insignificant, from 15 to 50 l / min, depending on the depth of the dive. The underwater acoustic environment was still the same. Native cacophony lived.

The thought didn’t come out of my head: what did we “kiss”? In perplexed interrogative views, the political officer and the special person felt that they were haunted by the professional question: “When will YOU give radio to the command of what happened? After all, there are documents according to which you are obliged to do this! ” I understand that they are also “Tsar's people” and also bear their own measure of responsibility. Yes, I answer, there are documents, and I will violate them under my responsibility, and here's why:

You know that there is no serious damage. The crew is both physically and morally healthy. Report on the collision at this latitude, at a depth of 100 m with an unknown object in the absence of, as you have seen, icebergs, just for the requirements of the documents? We will certainly be returned to the base, even if we indicate that we do not need help and are ready to continue the performance of the combat mission.

Imagine how much trouble there will be in the Ministry of Defense, the Navy, the Kremlin, how many questions will be sprinkled from all team bags. Answers should be given while on the surface. Crush ice to hell. The submarine is an egg, it withstands great outboard pressure, but it can crack from compression with ice floes. And then no atomic icebreaking fleet will help us; it will not break through here. Duplicate "Chelyuskin" and Chelyuskin residents do not want either in tragic or heroic terms.

At best, ordered to return on their own. Let's go back in shame. Themselves. We will do a little fad, we will arrange the universal alarm, but in the eyes of smart and competent submariners we will look like a non-commissioned officer widow. Do not worry. We will come - we will report. And there let them decide who we are and what we stand for. For now we will consider, analyze, prepare reporting documents for this bad luck. Both understood me and agreed with me. And they began to analyze.

To begin with, I asked the whole crew to write a report in my name and indicate their location at the time of the collision, which teams were sent from the central post and in the compartments, how they were performed and everything that everyone considers necessary to report.

After reviewing the reports, we did not find the wrong actions of the personnel. This is the crew's fusion, when the teams are executed correctly, and the crew competently acts in an unusual situation.

Further. The personnel of the stern compartments did not mark any blows in the stern of the ship. When surfacing, I already noted that the absence of any icebergs even more confirmed me that the subject of the “kiss” was different. The serviceability of the electric chains of the stern anchor light at the top of the stabilizer of the vertical steering wheel also indicated that the stabilizer had not touched anything. And the most important thing. A blow even on the lower part of the iceberg, as a slightly deformable object, would be crushing for SSBNs, as If this colossus is motionless, then with the resulting trim a stabilizer strike would be inevitable.

Some time after the immersion, the foreman of the hydroacoustics team midshipman Alexander Shcherbakov reported (how did he manage to hear !?): "I hear the sound of screws, I suppose, of a submarine." The recorder against the background of blots and stains over a period of 3-4 minutes drew a regular trajectory of bearing change. Then the noise and target mark disappeared. The noise was recorded on a tape recorder, and later, on returning to the base, the films were transferred to the acoustic laboratory of the Fleet headquarters in Severodvinsk.

I, together with the navigator, art. lt Petrov and Andrei Vladimirovich, later commander of the newest submarine strategic missile carrier (TYPHOON), who at that time had a sophisticated calculator and his own bright head, sat down for calculations and analysis of previous events, surrounded by governing documents.

Two days later, in a regular communication session, he received an intelligence report of the following content: “Time, Latitude. Longitude (District of North Cape). British nuclear submarine should be on the surface. Course 210, speed 6 nodes. It was here that I remembered about where the little dog might be buried, and what happened began to appear at a slightly different angle.

The following looked through: the half-forgotten "Cossack" recalled. A foreign submarine found our tactical group back in the Barents Sea. Taking advantage of her hydroacoustic complex, she identified for herself the main goal - the SSBN and set behind it a covert surveillance, the purpose of which was to identify the routes and areas of our patrols and destruction in the event of the outbreak of hostilities. Thoughts are inscrutable. Continuing tracking already under the ice, the commander of a foreign submarine somewhere did not calculate the distance. It is possible that due to the same acoustic cacophony. And on foreign submarines, the sonar complexes are also not perfect. In addition, he probably forgot that “Mad Ivan” is also deaf-blind, and therefore did not have time to dodge.

The dynamics of the collision looms next for me. SSBN hit the PLA (it is two times smaller with a displacement) in the lower part of the hull and added fencing and a deckhouse roof. PLA, having received a push up, began to emerge, and SSBN dive. The actions of the SSBN are described above. Then, the submarine, obviously having damage, emerged from under the ice to clear water and moved towards the ports of its ally Norway or home in a surface position.

Our submarine cruiser continued its combat cruise in the polar region and, according to the Combat Directive, on the 78 day from the start of the cruise surfaced in the surface position in the area of ​​its base and moved to its native pier. After entering the internal raid from the bridge, we noticed that the tug, meeting the boat to assist with mooring, abruptly darted to the side, and a team led by the cook poured onto its deck, pointing in our direction. When mooring to the pier, the orchestra, playing joyful music, corresponding to the solemn moment of the meeting, choked and fell silent. The clear line of officers of the two headquarters, the rear and others, led by the chief of staff of the Flotilla, Rear Admiral Loginov Vladimir Pavlovich, crumbled, and each was personally dumbfounded.

Mooring and getting off the ship, I briefly reported on the arrival, on the fulfillment of the mission, on the health of the crew. There were few ordinary hugs and handshakes; a dumb question stood on their faces: “How did you manage to do that, dear?”. Vladimir Pavlovich asks me: “Glory, did you see your face?” Having understood it correctly, I replied that I could not see anything from the bridge. "Get in tow and admire." Together with the photographer, the same cap. L-volume Levchuk RP we walked around the boat in tow and took pictures of our sufferer. So this photo appeared. All the documentation, photos, and maybe even someone's thoughts, took my favorite department, and I have a few pictures left from the number attached to the report.

This was followed by "debriefing." Reporting documents were ready, a detailed analysis of navigation is also ready for submission.

The next day, a commission headed by Deputy Admiral Ryabov, Deputy Commander of the Fleet, flew in from Severomorsk. and began an almost weekly trial of the incident. The Vice-Admiral Ustyantsev Alexander Mikhailovich, the Flotilla Commander, said: "Glory, the ship has led, I have not lost people, the rest is our life." During the week, the crew answered all sorts of clever, and not so, commission questions. As a result, the chairman of the commission, Vice-Admiral Ryabov, asked me one single question: “Commander. Do you consider yourself guilty? ”, To which I replied:“ Neither I nor the crew consider ourselves to be guilty. ” "We also came to the same opinion," summed up the chairman of the commission. The commander of the flotilla was brief: "Hand over the report, hand over the ship, just put it in the dock and go with the crew on vacation."

After the commission’s work, all reporting documents, recorder tapes, tape recordings, coursegrams tapes, part of damaged metal structures were sent to the Fleet headquarters, Rubin Design Bureau and to the General Staff and the General Staff of the Navy.

While on vacation in Moscow, I met a friend who attended the report on this very serious incident, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral of the Fleet of the USSR Gorshkov SG As usual in such cases, organizational conclusions follow for the commander first. The pens of personnel officers as a means for cutting off the head and something else significant for the peasant were on “get it!”. The commander said three words: "Do not touch the commander!". Obviously, he owned more extensive information on this fact. I will not hide that, perhaps, this decision was also influenced by my lack of report from the sea.

After the vacation, the crew took on another SSBN and, after the usual training and testing of the tasks and practical shooting already mentioned, he again went to the next military service in the Atlantic, along with me, the newly appointed commander of the RNSCN went to work with me. my former senior assistant Kryzhevsky Alexey Alekseevich. Upon returning from this hike, the crew received their native SSN K-1983 from factory repair in the fall of 465 and in the summer of 1984 we left for the next, my last, tenth commander's military service, partially also under ice, but to the shores America. I will try to tell about this campaign some other time. It was a very difficult trip.

But the attention of the fleet headquarters to me in the form of a reprimand for the above-described under-ice cases was rendered to me. With the wording: "For the wrong choice of the depth of the dive." Well, in headquarters, the choice of depths in the Ice Ocean is always determined easily and always accurately. The higher the headquarters, the safer the choice. That's the whole story of this photo.
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  1. +28
    16 May 2013 08: 34
    Pancake! Heroic people! Health to you!
  2. +16
    16 May 2013 08: 36
    You know, colleagues, there’s nothing special to say ... Good, real men are Soviet submariners! ..
    Glory to the Navy!
    I will save this story in a personal archiver for children and grandchildren.
  3. dv-v
    16 May 2013 08: 38
    well, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" especially after its passage from a certain girl by the name of Skobeida - all the more does not deserve the adjective "respected".

    on the topic - the Yankees were on duty near our bases without any relief, the English, apparently, were training allied, but the French, I wonder, were visiting there?
  4. +7
    16 May 2013 08: 55
    I admire the heroism and skill of the crew. good good good
  5. +4
    16 May 2013 09: 01
    Very interesting, I learned a lot!
  6. +8
    16 May 2013 09: 20
    Here is the script for a good movie!
  7. +6
    16 May 2013 09: 30
    Thank you for the detailed and interesting story from a direct participant in the events. The more we know about these episodes, the better.
  8. +12
    16 May 2013 09: 51
    Not an article, but a work of art! I read it in one go. Thank you for your courage and professionalism.
  9. +9
    16 May 2013 10: 06
    A good commander must be able to quickly make a decision in any situation and make his subordinates execute it!
    If the decisions turn out to be correct, then this is an EXCELLENT commander!
    1. +5
      16 May 2013 12: 50
      Quote: Sukhov
      If the decisions turn out to be correct, then this is an EXCELLENT commander!

      The commander has the right to make a mistake; he has no right to hesitate.
  10. +8
    16 May 2013 10: 22
    Many thanks to the author! It is read voraciously. I learned a lot, I will wait for a story about a trip to America.
  11. schta
    16 May 2013 10: 23
    A violent thought from the series "crashed? Shoot!" Comes to my mind alone.))))
    Comrade commander is competent and reasonable. There is reason for pride.
    1. +5
      16 May 2013 12: 36
      Quote: schta
      A violent thought from the series "crashed? Shoot!" Comes to my mind alone.))))

      There in the text there is a sacramental phrase "torpedo with an interesting charge" - I'm afraid not for peacetime. Endurance and courage are simply amazing, well done.
  12. +8
    16 May 2013 10: 31
    Quote: dv-v
    Turbine reverse (full back), a bubble in the nose, rudders on the ascent "

    If you manage the country with such clarity!
  13. +5
    16 May 2013 10: 36
    Amazed calm heroism our submariners! Thank you very much for the interesting story.
  14. +4
    16 May 2013 10: 52
    In the history of the Soviet and Russian Navy, there were more than two dozen submarine collisions with foreign submarines.

    Collisions in the Northern Fleet:
    1. 1968, the K-131 submarine with an uninstalled US Navy submarine.
    2. 1969, the K-19 nuclear submarine with the US Navy Gato submarine;
    3. 1970, the K-69 nuclear submarine with an uninstalled US Navy nuclear submarine;
    4. 1981, the K-211 nuclear submarine with an uninstalled US Navy nuclear submarine;
    5 1983, the K-449 nuclear submarine with an uninstalled US Navy nuclear submarine;
    6. 1986, the TK-12 nuclear submarine with the Splendid nuclear submarine of the British Navy;
    7. 1992, the K-276 nuclear submarine in our territorial waters with the Baton Rouge nuclear submarine of the US Navy;
    8. 1993, Borisoglebsk nuclear submarine with the US Navy Grayling submarine.

    In the Pacific:
    1. 1970 g. In the training ground near Kamchatka nuclear submarine "K-108" and nuclear submarine "Totog" US Navy;
    2. 1974 in the same area of ​​the K-408 nuclear submarine with the Pintado nuclear submarine of the US Navy;
    3. 1981 g. In the Gulf of Peter the Great nuclear submarine "K-324" with an unidentified nuclear submarine of the US Navy.
    And these are only officially recognized and how many are still unannounced.
    "Do you remember how it all started
    Everything was first and again
    How boats were built and boats were called
    faith Hope
    How amicably chopped ropes
    And the earth went into the distance
    And the waves sang to us and every fifth
    Usually at the helm
    I drink to the bottom for those who are at sea
    For those whom the wave loves
    For those who are lucky
    And if the goal is one in joy and sorrow
    That one who did not get scared and did not throw oars
    He will find his land
    In vain the storms scared us
    Any sailor will tell you
    That you should hardly be afraid of a storm
    In essence, a storm is a trifle
    Hands are only stronger in the storm
    And the sail will help and keel
    Much harder not to go crazy with boredom
    And withstand the calm
    I drink to the bottom for those who are at sea
    For those whom the wave loves
    For those who are lucky
    And if the goal is one in joy and sorrow
    That one who did not get scared and did not throw oars
    He will find his land
    I drink to the bottom for those who are at sea
    For those whom the wave loves
    For those who are lucky
    And if the goal is one in joy and sorrow
    That one who did not get scared and did not throw oars
    He will find his land
    He will find his land, he will find his land " hi
  15. +1
    16 May 2013 10: 55
    Looking forward to the next story!
    A lot of interesting things here: http: //avtonomka.org/
  16. ded10041948
    16 May 2013 11: 24
    I can not evaluate. Not my troops. According to internal feelings: The commander and crew are professionals, there are no shame for such people, they will not shame the Flag!
    One question comes up: Why didn't the fleet's reconnaissance department take an interest in what kind of nuclear submarine of a potential enemy is crawling home from "slowly and sorrowfully" on the surface? But it should not have been jokingly put on the ice with the wheelhouse. Or did they seize all the photographic reconnaissance equipment from the naval aviation? And the foreign intelligence service has a ready task!
    The article and the crew - a line of pluses, and intelligence one, but a minus minus.
    1. +1
      16 May 2013 11: 37
      It has always been easier to punish your
      1. +2
        16 May 2013 13: 19
        Quote: mhpv
        It has always been easier to punish your

        Well, it's like the saying: "Hit your own, so that strangers would be afraid."
        Although, he never considered this saying fair.
        And the men - well done, always with respect and respect to our submariners. Bravo!!!
    2. +2
      16 May 2013 13: 33
      The fate of this English submarine is interesting. Well, I do not believe that our foreign intelligence did not study this incident and did not find out what happened to the Britons
  17. +1
    16 May 2013 12: 13
    You read, and frost on your skin! Glory to the submariners!
    Well, the fact that the headquarters and ministries are the most-most experts, so GIRAFFE BIG. HIM VISIBLE!
  18. +7
    16 May 2013 12: 18
    Good story! But this is what haunts me ...
    then our nuclear submarines received from the enemy unflattering definitions for us: “roaring cows”
    These boats got such a name not for noisiness (although it was), but for the peculiar sound made by the launching crews of the Kyrgyz Republic.
    and the commanders of our submarines, due to the unpredictability of maneuvers when checking for lack of tracking or other maneuvers, are “frantic Ivanes”
    Interestingly, do they hear our boats from the stern corners? Or the toad presses that they themselves are not capable of such a maneuver?
    from a strong double blow in the bow, I flew out of the chair into the open door of the central post
    As far as I remember the location of the commander’s seat, he could fly out the door only by demolishing a part of the control panel of the torpedo fire, and return thoroughly entangled in the conning tower ladder.
    What do we have in the bottom line? The fact that some journalist once again "literary" reworked (or what is it they call it?) An interesting story of an honored military officer ...
    1. +1
      16 May 2013 12: 50
      Quote: Old_Kapitan
      What do we have in the bottom line? The fact that some journalist once again "literary" reworked (or what is it they call it?) An interesting story of an honored military officer ...

      100% agree. I am now tormented by another question: "Turbines on the reverse, a bubble in the nose ...". When the boat is submerged with a trim on the bow, these two commands seem to be mutually exclusive, because when submerging on the bow, you need to either keep the ship forward and move the rudders to the ascent (bubble by itself), or give the turbines a reverse and pull it out in reverse. The team somehow does not fit. This is reminiscent of the commands given on the Titanic when the iceberg was discovered. If only a reverse had been given there, they would have crumpled the nose, but they would have stayed afloat, and if they had left the forward movement, they would have simply bypassed the iceberg, because at high speed the ship obeys the steering wheel better
      1. +3
        16 May 2013 13: 45
        I am now tormented by another question: "Turbines on reverse, a bubble in the nose ..."
        God only knows ... There were also rudders for ascent. In this position, the chopping rudders will "press" on the nose. And the bubble, as it were, compensates for this pressure. Meanwhile, the stern ones work out the trim on the stern. Maybe the commander had to urgently remove the trim (the limitation is somewhere around 30 degrees, then the mechanisms will fly from the beds)? I would like to talk to the commander, otherwise after the literary corrections you will understand a hell of a lot ...
        I also "liked" that the emergency protection dropped out, but it was blocked in time. AZ does not fall out and falls! And almost instantly. We had. They managed to flounder about 80 meters. And the main thing for the manager is not to block it - this is not real, but to work back as soon as possible. Ours had time (cap. L-t Korenev).
      2. -1
        16 May 2013 23: 46
        In general, it’s not true if it’s not a plane, it will give a drawdown that will go out of the working range of depths. The teams are correct.
  19. +3
    16 May 2013 12: 25
    Professionals. And in spite of everything above, they fulfilled their duty to defend the Motherland! Sailors !!
  20. +6
    16 May 2013 12: 39
    I read the recollection of the submarine commander, and it somehow became incomprehensible to me in my soul. Why?
    You know, my father worked all his naval officer life on diesel submarines, and when I was small, I heard about how5 my father and his friends from the boat discuss certain issues, BUT never, NEVER in their conversations or memories they do not passed in front of a potential enemy. They never complained that "the enemy is stronger than us", "we are deaf, and they always hear us", on the contrary, they believed that they were capable of performing their tasks not only in peacetime, and did not consider themselves disposable ships. I saw the same thing in the memoirs of other diesel submariners (for example, A.I.Shtyrov). Although, for example, my dad, before getting into Komsa (test crew) at the ZLK, served on pr. 629 (3 years), project 641 (6 years), 877 (year).
    However, our atomic officers (at least those who publish their memoirs) have a completely different approach: just to complain about the industry and designers, just to say how unhappy they are that they went to the sea to the graves .... It was as if they had to recharge the batteries in sea state over 5 points, or breathe gases when following the RDP.

    I don’t understand why so, Comrade 1st-Class Captain V.M. Bataev was hurt by the fact that his photograph was used by other sailors when covering the naval service in the USSR Navy.
    Well, now put me "red numbers", I know I didn't like it.
    1. +6
      16 May 2013 13: 55
      Do not be offended by nuclear submariners. It’s not they who write like that, it is they who are so ruled. Well, how is it now without passion-faces? The creepy, the better for sale. So they invent that it wanders into the mind, without asking the author.
      And Batayev was wounded not by the fact that the sailors (where did you see them in the "Komsomolskaya Pravda"?) Are using, but that they poke about and without reason, without even indicating what kind of ship and what happened to it. Bataev is a worthy person. We served in the same division at that time. Of course, we didn’t know personally: where I am and where he is, but the crew’s reviews mean anything, right?
    2. -1
      16 May 2013 23: 55
      Apparently, dear Fuzeler, a different educational level, people understood that the enemy is not an enemy at the moment, and their own ship poses much greater danger, and for all of humanity. hi
    3. Containers
      16 May 2013 23: 56
      They don't even complain. They are simply stating a fact. And they know and know how to deal with it. How many times it has been discussed how "roaring mad ivans in earflaps" made their way into the AUG warrant, how they attacked these super-duper-mega-invulnerable aircraft carriers, how they were discovered only when they left the patrol area to the base. Our captains just objectively assess - "Yes, here we are inferior, and even often very much. Yes, here they are better, here we are better. But here we are definitely superior." This is the essence of a real professional - to know the strengths and weaknesses of both your own and your potential opponent and not to fantasize.
      And the fact that the current "Kozlomolskaya Pravda" and the like are broadcasting there and how "the interviews are interpreted artistically" ... so the works of our writers must be very carefully filtered. otherwise, you can mentally move away from mutually exclusive paragraphs.
  21. cool.ya-nikola
    16 May 2013 14: 10
    Quote: Old_Kapitan
    What do we have in the dry residue?

    Dear Valery, but in the "bottom line", in my amateurish opinion, we have a very interesting, meaningful story about the events of the undeclared war that has been going on for decades, between the two superpowers. And, unfortunately, about which we ordinary people were not ordered to report anything. And, after all, in that "cold war", there were losses, and exploits, and our heroes, and for some reason they were silent about all this, although in my opinion, we should be proud of this, and evaluate and reward the heroes what they deserve! Therefore, dear Valery, believe me, without questioning your professionalism at all, I cannot agree with you in your harsh assessment, a "literary revised" (by some journalist), in general, an interesting story (this is your assessment!) Of an honored military officer ...
    You see, that for you, as a professional, it seems both unreliable and somewhat familiar and trivial, for many of us knowing about the life of the fleet only by hearsay, such stories, to some extent, reveal that we (amateurs!) are interested in and touches and cares! Indeed, this is both our army and our fleet, and all who serve (and served!) In these sovereign services are worthy of all honor and respect! Yes, and I think you will agree with me, - The country must know its history and is proud of its heroes!
  22. +7
    16 May 2013 14: 30
    Quote: cool.ya-nikola
    The country must know its history and is proud of its heroes!

    Dear Nikolay, I absolutely agree with you! And therefore, in spite of all the comments, I gave the article a well-deserved plus. so there can be no question of any harsh assessment. It would just be even more interesting to read it live. I'm sure.
    Threat. I also dabbled in the epistolary genre. And he wrote a story about a simple village guy who had the honor to serve in a submarine, to participate in an ice-hike with a case of ice breaking and firing rockets (photo on the avatar - from there). You should have seen what the editors did! Thank God, a good man was found, a former naval officer, and printed the story in his magazine without cuts.
  23. smershspy
    16 May 2013 15: 55
    Glory to the submarine fleet! Heroic people! Glory to the Navy!
  24. iulai
    16 May 2013 17: 03
    Glory to the submariners !!! But in our honor people like Chubais. I hope so far.
  25. +4
    16 May 2013 17: 12
    I’m a land man, but looking at the damage on the boat’s hull, and then imagining it somewhere there in the Arctic Arctic, at a depth exceeding 100 and under the ice, and this is for 2 months, yes it’s possible! Glory to the Soviet submarine fleet! I would like to hope that not everything has been lost yet and in our time there are such commanders and such crews! Navy URA !!!!
    1. +5
      16 May 2013 17: 32
      but looking for damage on the boat's hull
      That's the commander’s wisdom that after hearing reports from the compartments, Bataev decided not to report anywhere, but to continue to carry out the combat mission. Wisdom and courage. And the courage is not to walk with such injuries, but that it is still unknown how they will react to this upon return.
      And the damage ... Well, they squeezed the light body, so this is not critical. Of course, the 3-th TA for its intended purpose, a case of which it would hardly have been possible to use - the cover there pretty much turned off. Well, at high speeds, the noise would have added. And so ... Easy to get off. Another thing that could be ...
  26. +3
    16 May 2013 18: 13
    Quote: Old_Kapitan
    That is the commander’s wisdom

    Yes, not wisdom, this is too arrogant. High PROFESSIONALISM + EXPERIENCE + MIND, what is required from a sailor in general and from a submariner in particular!
    1. +2
      16 May 2013 18: 30
      Yes, not wisdom, this is too arrogant. High PROFESSIONALISM + EXPERIENCE + MIND, what is required from a sailor in general and from a submariner in particular!

      All right! You just said a few words, I expressed it in one. And what is arrogant ... Do not be shy of beautiful words ...
      1. 0
        17 May 2013 13: 03
        Thanks for the trust from the sailor.
  27. +1
    16 May 2013 19: 36
    Thank you. For what you are.
  28. +1
    16 May 2013 19: 37
    ++ Courage, professionalism, honor and glory to our submariners. Well, the presentation of the material is on the conscience of the "journalist". Once I was giving an interview, and then my colleagues read this newspaper and sulked at me. Having met this person of the pen, having presented him with a complaint about the content of the article, its submission, to which he received the answer, "It's my business how to submit the material."
  29. +1
    16 May 2013 21: 03
    Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, thank you very much for your article and for your work. Very interestingly written. Thanks again.
  30. 0
    16 May 2013 21: 58
    A minus article put the one that is from the highest headquarters ...

    I join in the good wishes made to the author.
  31. +1
    16 May 2013 22: 36
    Thank you so much! Living word! It was very interesting to read.
  32. -1
    17 May 2013 00: 11
    But it didn’t seem to me that the editor got excited, it was easy to read, fascinating. I respect the first one, I name all the subordinates, secondly, I try to supplement the word about the person with some kind of positive characteristic. We are looking for him for many years, health, and we are waiting for the article. By the way, dear Old_Kapitan from you, too, publish as is, I promise you to put a plus in any situation. good
  33. vanderhaas
    17 May 2013 04: 22
    Such a man, as the author of the article, a mentor and teacher. There is something to learn from such people, even reading. Thanks for the material provided.
  34. -1
    17 May 2013 04: 53
    Yes, the Navy’s submariners are famous, of course, but there are some nuances.
    In my opinion, this is not heroism, but a direct official crime, for which it is possible under the tribunal.
    1. The commander didn’t have to, he was obliged to report a clash, because:
    A. He didn’t go for a walk, but for military service;
    B. Not a fighter steers, but an SSBN;
    V. Not a "eight" on a wheel, but collided with an unknown underwater object;
    D. A detailed inspection of the hull was not carried out, and no one knew that there was an "interesting" torpedo with the warhead.

    Simply put, my opinion: 3 chiefs have agreed: Commander, Zampolit, Specialist - not to report anywhere, because on early return, a lot of material and interesting things will be covered, plus they will lather all the "withers", and maybe they will trample from the service. And after fighting, and returning - "the winners are not judged."

    PS And if the "Englishwoman" sank as a result of the collision, having managed to convey about the collision, and ours would not be a dream, not in spirit, then what? A year later, the "Korean" was shot down over their waters - what began, and then the nuclear submarine.
  35. -1
    17 May 2013 04: 54
    Yes, the Navy’s submariners are famous, of course, but there are some nuances.
    In my opinion, this is not heroism, but a direct official crime, for which it is possible under the tribunal.
    1. The commander didn’t have to, he was obliged to report a clash, because:
    A. He didn’t go for a walk, but for military service;
    B. Not a fighter steers, but an SSBN;
    V. Not a "eight" on a wheel, but collided with an unknown underwater object;
    D. A detailed inspection of the hull was not carried out, and no one knew that there was an "interesting" torpedo with the warhead.

    Simply put, my opinion: 3 chiefs have agreed: Commander, Zampolit, Specialist - not to report anywhere, because on early return, a lot of material and interesting things will be covered, plus they will lather all the "withers", and maybe they will trample from the service. And after fighting, and returning - "the winners are not judged."

    PS And if the "Englishwoman" sank as a result of the collision, having managed to convey about the collision, and ours would not be a dream, not in spirit, then what? A year later, the "Korean" was shot down over their waters - what began, and then the nuclear submarine.
    1. +2
      17 May 2013 08: 53
      1. The commander didn’t have to, he was obliged to report a clash, because:
      A. He didn’t go for a walk, but for military service;

      That's it! Commanders and interesting combat services would be interesting if, after each sneeze, they were in a hurry with reports. Yes, and they explained to you Russian in white, what threatened the ship with a report in that situation.
      B. Not a fighter steers, but an SSBN;
      That's it, and I'm about the same. He is the commander of the SSBN, not a muscular young lady.
      V. Not a "eight" on a wheel, but collided with an unknown underwater object;
      Well? Successfully completed the BS and safely returned to the base. Or disrupt the BS on a practically operational ship and with a healthy crew?
      D. A detailed inspection of the hull was not carried out, and no one knew that there was an "interesting" torpedo with the warhead.
      The fact of the matter is that they examined it. From the inside. There is such a command - "Look around in the compartments". Or in the Second World War, after the bombing with depth charges, every time they surfaced "to inspect the corps"? And what does the inspection of the hull have to do with the state of the warhead of an "interesting torpedo"? Especially considering that they lie peacefully on the shelves and are charged as a last resort. And the usual ones are charged, and even those only in the 1st and 2nd TA.
      And if the "Englishwoman" sank as a result of the collision, having managed to convey about the collision, and ours would not be a dream not in spirit, then what? A year later, the "Korean" was shot down over their waters - what began, and then the nuclear submarine.
      And no one knew what they were faced with, including and the British. Even in this story, the commander only ASSUMES. And the report of the sunken submarine from under the ice ...
      because a lot of material and interesting things will be covered upon early return
      Not going to minus - well, comrade does not understand! But for this - a solid minus.
      1. -4
        17 May 2013 11: 21
        1. This is not a sneeze, but a collision with an unidentified underwater object, which led to quite substantial damage. And I repeat this once again, not a Lisaped, but an SSBN with a ballistic missile with thermonuclear charges. No need to explain to me "in white"! An early return to the base threatened a big showdown, so they did not report. There is no need to talk about "patriotism" and "craving for service" and "other fanfare". Whoever served in the Soviet Armed Forces even as a soldier, and worked and works in enterprises, and not at the table sorting through pieces of paper, he already understood everything. Gathered in the commander's cabin, the three chiefs on the boat and decided everything ... In theory, all three should have been driven from service, if not brought to justice.

        2. Here you are, just "Russian on white" in the article brought that there was water filtration in the 4th TA, with a torpedo with a nuclear warhead located in it. Perhaps this is an editor's slip, but that is - that is.

        3. "Examined from the inside" .... Well, yes, well, yes ... And outside? And if the torn light body began to tear and crumple under pressure, and then strong?
        Posthumously reward the crew?

        4. The British then just apparently knew. Having a better GAS, and purposefully following our ship, they realized that they had not entered the iceberg, and even the iceberg arrived from below ....

        5. "From under the ice, report ...." And what if our periscope saw the emerging nuclear submarine (which then hypothetically went to the bottom), what would they do? surfaced nearby?

        6. Minus can be hot on your forehead. After yours: "a practically serviceable ship with a healthy crew" and "muslin lady", frost on the skin tears ... the delirium of a madman.
        1. -1
          17 May 2013 11: 53
          7. It would be very interesting to see which record was made on guard duty, and which records were made later, based on the inspection.
          I’m not a submariner, I don’t know if the readings of the depth gauge are automatically recorded, I think that the ship did not fall below 30 meters for the entire service time after the collision. It was terrible for the body.
          1. 0
            17 May 2013 14: 19
            7. It would be very interesting to see which record was made on guard duty, and which records were made later, based on the inspection.
            I’m not a submariner, I don’t know if the readings of the depth gauge are automatically recorded, I think that the ship did not fall below 30 meters for the entire service time after the collision. It was terrible for the body.

            That's it - you are not a submariner, but you think. In this case, before making meaningful statements, it is better to ask those who know.
            I already wrote above - we broke the ice with the hull and the boat thoroughly crumpled. After surfacing on a crumpled fencing, a block of ice of decent size and a meter and two and a half thickness remained. You will not believe it, but no depth restrictions have been made. Yes, and this is unrealistic: in some places along the way the thickness of the ice field reached 80-100 meters, which means that under water 70-90 meters.
          2. 0
            17 May 2013 15: 30
            Quote: AZB15
            I’m not a submariner, I don’t know ...

            In this case, they revered, made conclusions for themselves and modestly kept silent ...
            1. -2
              18 May 2013 02: 02
              Teach your wife how to cook cabbage soup!
              1. 0
                18 May 2013 10: 12
                I'd like to send, but the rules do not allow, so choose your own path.
        2. +2
          17 May 2013 14: 02
          1. This is not a sneeze, but a collision with an unidentified underwater object, which led to quite substantial damage. And I repeat this once again, not a Lisaped, but an SSBN with a ballistic missile with thermonuclear charges. No need to explain to me "in white"! An early return to the base threatened a big showdown, so they did not report. There is no need to talk about "patriotism" and "craving for service" and "other fanfare". Whoever served in the Soviet Armed Forces even as a soldier, and worked and works in enterprises, and not at the table sorting through pieces of paper, he already understood everything. Gathered in the commander's cabin, the three chiefs on the boat and decided everything ... In theory, all three should have been driven from service, if not brought to justice.

          I, too, did not sort out pieces of paper at the table. I served on the K-447 SSBN of the same project, the same division, and I better know what and how. Therefore, leave your dirty speculations to yourself.
          2. Here you are, just "Russian on white" in the article brought that there was water filtration in the 4th TA, with a torpedo with a nuclear warhead located in it. Perhaps this is an editor's slip, but that is - that is.
          I repeat once again - torpedoes with SBC are charged only in special cases. Hello to the editor. By the way, do you know what filtration is and how it differs from water intake?
          3. "Examined from the inside" .... Well, yes, well, yes ... And outside? And if the torn light body began to tear and crumple under pressure, and then strong? To award the crew posthumously?
          Are you raving How do you imagine this? A year earlier, already on assignment, we (K-447) were breaking pack ice with the hull and firing 2-i missiles. The boat, too, was very crumpled then, but no one made a tragedy of it.
          4. The British then just apparently knew. Having a better GAS, and purposefully following our ship, they realized that they had not entered the iceberg, and even the iceberg arrived from below ....
          You do not have the slightest idea about the hydro-acoustic situation under the ice, where you can only find a boat against it. That is why we stubbornly crawled under the ice and after our campaign the databases under the ice of the nuclear missile carriers became permanent.
          5. "From under the ice, report ...." And what if our periscope saw the emerging nuclear submarine (which then hypothetically went to the bottom), what would they do? surfaced nearby?
          Have you surfaced in the ice? I popped up and no matter how I write about it here. Believe me, it’s not easy even a normal boat, not like an emergency.
          6. Minus can be hot on your forehead. After yours: "a practically serviceable ship with a healthy crew" and "muslin lady", frost on the skin tears ... the delirium of a madman.
          This is just the ravings of a madman. And I have the opinion of a man with two BS and the fulfillment of the special task of the Soviet government.
          1. -3
            17 May 2013 15: 41
            1. If "hello to the editor", then hello. I know what filtering is.
            2. About the pressure. I have no words. Teach physics. What does shock and compression have to do with it? The ice breaks the fencing, but not the hull.
            3. About hydroacoustics under the ice ... Are you serious about impossibility, etc. etc.?
            4. Two BS, task ... and in what position and rank? Matroza? Quietly the water murmurs in the latrine, I like the underwater service ....
            1. ded10041948
              17 May 2013 16: 33
              Do not be ham, you will be healthier!
        3. ded10041948
          17 May 2013 16: 29
          Can’t you be more polite? Not traders at the bazaar!
      2. The comment was deleted.
  36. +4
    17 May 2013 12: 30
    Dear AZB15 !!
    If the Englishwoman sank, then, believe me, in those circumstances, NO ONE would know about the cause of the death of the British multi-purpose. Why? I explain:

    1. comrade cap 1st rank (the commander of our RPK SN) in his article clearly wrote that ONLY the cutting of our nuclear submarine, bow and stern could not be pulled out on the surface because of the layered ice that lay in pieces (well, the commander writes something more literate than me) .

    2. CONSEQUENTLY, the ice layer was strong, and the British, on the submarines of that generation, did not have life pods (IF I’m not mistaken, but even if there were, they would hardly be able to break through the ice)), respectively, in this case , "ends in the water" (it would flop to the bottom, and there, according to the circumstances: either the English sailors would suffocate in a strong hull, or they would die under the ice from hypothermia / end of the oxygen resource in cylinders, or, the "best" boat crushed their boat It would be IMPOSSIBLE to transfer the RDG from a submerged position, without using special devices, so everything would be "normal" with the Englishwoman (as with our K-400 in 129m).

    In general, you, at least imagine the situation: PKK SN is withdrawn from combat duty. Neither Diesel submarine pr. 613, and not even submarine pr. 671RTM, and RPK SN pr. 667B - i.e. unit of the main means of deterrence. CONSTRAINTS a probable adversary. This is not a local scale emergency; here we are talking about the security of an entire country. Therefore, in the circumstances, the commander, assessing the amount of damage, made the absolutely correct decision: to continue military service.
    I already said that my father served on diesel engines, and so they, on avenue 641, it seems that an emergency situation occurred in the South China Sea (on the way from Kamran to Vladivostok) (I will not describe in detail, because I am afraid that my technical knowledge is not enough to describe it correctly), was associated with the flow of seawater (the boat was 28 or 29 years old), but the commander then also made a decision - "to continue the assigned task" (they simply limited the depth of immersion, i.e. then 60, or 90 meters did not dive).
    To judge something honored officers are all masters, but to understand ....
    1. -1
      17 May 2013 14: 31
      and the British, on the submarines of that generation, did not have life-saving capsules (IF I DID NOT MISTAKE, but even if they were, they would hardly be able to break the ice

      You are not mistaken. You are not mistaken in the fact that it would not have penetrated a thinner layer either - the buoyant force acting on it is no compared to the submarine, and even it is not easy for it to do so. One of our attempts:

      I already said that my father served on diesel engines, and so they, on avenue 641, it seems that an emergency situation occurred in the South China Sea (on the way from Kamran to Vladivostok) (I will not describe in detail, because I am afraid that my technical knowledge is not enough to describe it correctly), was associated with the flow of seawater (the boat was 28 or 29 years old), but the commander then also made a decision - "to continue the assigned task" (they simply limited the depth of immersion, i.e. then 60, or 90 meters did not dive).

      The entire military service went under sliding emphasis after the power connector burned out from the shore.
    2. -1
      17 May 2013 15: 31
      Dear Fuzeler!
      In my opinion, I did not write anything about the capsule ... I wrote that the "Englishwoman" could emerge, radio about a ram and sink like a boat, people would go out on the ice. And since Our "kept silent", how should the leadership of NATO and the USSR react to the report of the British nuclear submarine commander about the ramming of the Soviet submarine?
      I repeat once again, precisely because it is not a submarine, not a nuclear submarine, and not a lazaped, but the matter is about the country's security, the commander was OBLIGED to report to the headquarters about the clash. And it is not up to him to decide whether to continue to do military service or not.
      1. 0
        17 May 2013 15: 53
        Your "superprofessional" comments have long been defined by the people with a proverb: With a pig's snout in a Kalashny row.
        Surely you cannot fart without the Highest Permission?
        gave a "+" to your comment because of an annoying oversight. I ask you to consider this plus a spit in your direction, because I do not respect gray reinsurers. And not only do I disrespect, but despise!
        I am a purely civilian person, a builder with experience, and am ready to kneel before the heroes of the events described. And I bless Bshog that it was not you who commanded the cruiser. Under your leadership, the country would remain undisclosed due to a splinter in your little finger.
        1. -1
          17 May 2013 18: 03
          Quote: mejik

          Surely you cannot fart without the Highest Permission?
          , because I do not respect angry reinsurers. And not just do not respect, but despise!
          I am a purely civilian person, a builder with experience, and am ready to kneel before the heroes of the events described. And I bless Bshog that it was not you who commanded the cruiser. Under your leadership, the country would remain undisclosed due to a splinter in your little finger.

          Dear Vitaly Anatolyevich, I hasten to inform you that no one is allowed to fart in the army and navy without permission from the authorities, much less make a decision on the continuation of combat duty in an emergency.
          You have the right to kneel down whenever you want, but do not confuse heroism and idiocy. A commander can risk a ship and crew lives only when combat tasks, in other cases its "independence" is severely limited. hi
          1. 0
            17 May 2013 18: 32
            A commander can risk a ship and crew lives only when performing a combat mission
            You, as an old rocket launcher, should know that combat duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission. The submarine autonomy is called - combat service. Unlike control exits, exercises, tasks, etc.
        2. 0
          18 May 2013 01: 28
          Listen, you, a builder with experience .... It’s just like you who send you to weld one welded one in the wells without control and they will sling anyone, not the slinger. And at the height of you and your kind, people without belts work.
          I am also a builder, and with experience, and now I'm building - bridges and roads. I'm building well. And the TB in my facilities if it is violated, the foreman suffers in full. It is broken of course, but without fanaticism. But you, apparently, are building, just like writing. Illiterate.

          At that moment, when you spat in my direction, the wind blew from me. So DIRT with your spit and DRESS !!! And watch your knees do not erase, crawling on them.
      2. 0
        17 May 2013 16: 01
        Dear AZB15 !!
        "PS And if the" Englishwoman "sank as a result of the collision, having managed to convey about the collision, and ours would not be in a dream, what then? A year later, the" Korean "was shot down over their waters - what started, and then the nuclear submarine." -Your words? I answered you based on them. And I spoke about the capsule so that there would be no additional topics.
        Emergency surface, radio, and drown? Do you, in general, imagine the process of radio communication between a nuclear submarine and the "shore"? In addition, most likely it was an Englishwoman of either the Churchill type or the Swiftshur type. With all their hydroacoustic armament and low noise, they have less survivability than their colleagues from the USSR Navy. Therefore, if something happened to the British, it would have happened for sure, and it would be unrealistic to break through with a flooded compartment through that layer of ice. Only if the British commander not only blew out all the tanks, but was also able to gain full speed and, through full speed and blowing the tanks (at the same time), already break through to the surface. In Arctic conditions, this is basically unrealistic, because you already run the risk of colliding with not only the Soviet "steel swallow", but also with blocks of ice (after all, in order to accelerate, you need to travel some distance, and at full speed the boat simply stalls hopelessly) ... If you don’t believe a moment, then look at such terms as one, one and a half and two-hull submarine. Look at how our boats were divided and divided, like American and British, what the buoyancy of our and their submarines is.

        And by the way, AZB15, please don’t get personal. In the end, Old_Kapitan is only your interlocutor, and we all just talk here, discuss. No need to insult with those words what you say about latrines, etc.
        1. 0
          18 May 2013 01: 50
          Dear Fuzeler!

          The conversation goes into a purely technical plane. It requires professional knowledge on the theory of buoyancy, shipbuilding practices, etc. etc. I do not have them, and I will not get involved in this topic.
          Please understand me correctly. I have the opinion, and I support him, that the reasons that forced the boat commander - not to report the collision - were caused not by some "fanfare", but by much more vital needs. And decided everything was a get-together in the captain's cabin. It happened and is happening always and everywhere, everyone understands everything, and there is no need to make any pathos out of it. Everything is vital. Only in my opinion, this trinity has committed - malfeasance.
          I might have kept silent, but it was too painful for the people to dissolve the "pink snot" from the "calf" delight, no one knows why.

          Now about the "insult". I asked Old_Kapitan a question: position and title in the studio, please. Without any surnames. After all, he flapped his wings in my direction ... I, yes I ... the head from the synchrophasotron, the whole bottom is in shells. Let him show the reasons for waving. Let's see how "Old" he is, and how "Captain".
          And about the "water and latrine" .... Do not understand? I know this saying since school (80s). The only thing is that it was given in context, well, here, too, excuse me "for a word of mouth" .....
        2. 0
          18 May 2013 02: 09
          Dear Fuzeler!

          I propose to leave alone the submarine of the British Navy.
          The conversation goes into a purely technical plane. It requires professional knowledge on the theory of buoyancy, shipbuilding practices, etc. etc. I do not have them, and I will not get involved in this topic.
          Please understand me correctly. I have the opinion, and I support him, that the reasons that forced the boat commander - not to report the collision - were caused not by some "fanfare", but by much more vital needs. And decided everything was a get-together in the captain's cabin. It happened and is happening always and everywhere, everyone understands everything, and there is no need to make any pathos out of it. Everything is vital. Only in my opinion, this trinity has committed - malfeasance.
          I might have kept silent, but it was too painful for the people to dissolve the "pink snot" from the "calf" delight, no one knows why.

          Now about the "insult". I asked Old_Kapitan a question: position and title in the studio, please. Without any surnames. After all, he flapped his wings in my direction ... I, yes I ... the head from the synchrophasotron, the whole bottom is in shells. Let him show the reasons for waving. Let's see how "Old" he is, and how "Captain".
          And about the "water and latrine" .... Do not understand? I know this saying since school (80s). The only thing is that it was given in context, well, here, too, excuse me "for a word of mouth" .....
        3. 0
          18 May 2013 05: 03
          What's the problem with emergency radio communications? Apart from high-latitude interference, what else? Yes, even if "they" had taken the emergency buoys on the ice with them, "them" would have been tracked down by the Canadian and Norwegian tracking stations anyway.
          Now about the actions of the English cap. Remember the cow in "Features ...." If you want to live, you will not be so hot.
  37. +2
    17 May 2013 13: 16
    Quote: Fuzeler
    To judge something honored officers are all masters, but to understand ....

    The commander acted on the basis of experience, guided by instructions and common sense. As a result, everything turned out tip-top.
  38. Oksana
    11 June 2013 19: 52
    With respect to all of YOU !!! Gentlemen OFFICERS - SUBMERSIBLE !!! Listen to V. Semyonovich's song "Save our souls" !!! Murashiki on the skin! Glory to YOU ​​and greatness!
  39. 0
    6 May 2017 09: 03
    And I was the lieutenant who drove the clippings from the hull and the cabin for examination at RUBIN. I attended every meeting, and the conclusion was as follows: An analysis of the kinks and kinks of the fragments presented does not allow us to detect particles of foreign inclusions (because after the collision, the submarine carried a DB for more than 40 days), but we can conclude from the nature of the metal kinks that the density is indistical contact materials, which is not possible in the event of a collision with low-density ice.