On the current state of Russian military and foreign policy

On the current state of Russian military and foreign policy In March, 2013, the board of the Ministry of Defense reviewed the results of a four-year military reform. The President of Russia V.V. took part in its work. Putin In his speech, he noted that the defense policy and the definition of military needs should be consistent with the country's existing resources and military-technical capacities.

Historically, the military policy of Russia has always been in the spotlight of the world community. After all, it influenced not only the security of Russia itself and its closest neighbors, but also the situation of the entire European-Asian region. At present, according to experts, this interest is due to the following circumstances:

- The confrontation with Georgia in 2008 showed that Russia can decide on the defense of its interests;
- military policy is directly related to all spheres of the life of the Russian state, and there are no changes for the better either in the army or in society, despite significant expenditures from the country's budget;
- Announced the completion of the first stage of the reform of the armed forces, but evidence of the increase in the level of security of the country is not very much observed;
- a critical situation has now been created - the old army does not exist, and a new one was not created (and there were no fewer military threats);
- Russia during the brutal financial and economic crisis retained its status as a subject implementing its policy at the global level. And although Russia is among the top ten leaders in military spending, it still lags behind other countries in developing new weapons and equipment;
- in the west and east of Russia there are subjects with a strong military potential (NATO and China), in the south the explosive regions are Asia and the Caucasus. In any military conflict, Russia can rely only on its own forces, so it is interested in ensuring peace and order along its border.

The military and political leadership of the country is charged with conducting sound, balanced military policies, making decisions on the implementation of measures in the field of military cooperation, developing the structure of the military organization of the entire state, and forming the country's armed forces in accordance with modern realities.

Thus, according to analysts, the presidency of D. Medvedev has introduced quite serious contradictions between military doctrine and the foreign policy of the Russian state. Dmitry Medvedev believed that Russia could cope with such difficult problems for the country as the modernization of democracy, building a new economy only together with the leading European countries - Germany, France, Italy, and the United States of America. Dmitry Medvedev believed that Russia did not have sufficient financial and technological resources to independently achieve a real recovery in the main directions of the country's life. Experts say that D. Medvedev considered the creation of modernization alliances with international partners as priorities of foreign policy. It’s not at all realistic, his words were voiced at the Rostov summit of Russian and foreign investors, where large-scale projects were offered to foreign businessmen for joint implementation, including those that were essentially re-equipment and modernization of the Russian industry.

On this basis, in order to gain the confidence of international partners, Russia made large enough concessions: a new START treaty was concluded, the supply of anti-aircraft missile technology to Iran was canceled, and agreement was reached to create, jointly with NATO, a new European missile defense system, the transit of military cargo through Russian territory in Afghanistan, Russian military units participated in joint exercises with Western European armies, etc.

But the Russian military doctrine existed at that time regardless of the country's foreign policy. The military doctrine was based on a policy of opposing the expansion of foreign alliances near the borders of Russia. The military recognized as dangerous for the country the steps of the leading countries of the world to militarize outer space, deploy European high-precision non-nuclear weapons near the Russian territory. weapons. And these far unfriendly steps towards Russia were made not by anyone, but by countries that were invited to participate in projects for the economic recovery of Russia.

The contradiction between the military tasks and the foreign policy of the country, according to experts, testified that the country's leadership did not control the formation of defense policy, and also pointed to the mismatch of various departments in developing effective and optimal solutions in the field of foreign and military policy.

The negative result of this imbalance affected almost immediately after the signing of the START Treaty, further negotiations between Russia and the United States of America were stalled. The parties have not been able to reach a mutually acceptable agreement on the issue of missile defense. Both sides continued independent development and deployment of missile defense systems. This led to the fact that D. Medvedev announced a number of measures to increase the level of offensive weapons of the Russian army.

The change of presidential team led to a new stage in the development of relations between Russia and the West.

Note that during his first presidency, V. Putin sought to establish good relations with the countries of Western Europe, Japan and the United States, based on equality and mutual respect. The increase in oil prices allowed the country's leadership to pay off foreign debt and raise the standard of living of the people. In 2000, the Duma, controlled by the country's leadership, ratified the START-2 treaty, and in 2004, the conventional arms treaty. These documents were a step towards the West.

After the September 11 attack on the US, 2001, Russia unconditionally supported NATO in the Afghan conflict, providing NATO transport with transit of military cargo through Russian territory. It must be said that these steps were not supported by the Russian political elite, but Vladimir Putin made a strong-willed decision. Despite the fact that neither the Europeans nor the United States were in no hurry to take reciprocal steps to discuss the expansion of the North Atlantic bloc to the east with the participation of Moscow, V. Putin proclaimed "the European choice of Russia."

According to analysts, rather all these steps of the Russian leadership were taken by NATO strategists as a manifestation of weakness. As a result: the United States defiantly withdrew from the ABM Treaty, the war unleashed by NATO members in Iraq, deprived Russia of the largest oil concessions, three former Soviet republics of the Baltic states were accepted into NATO, which allowed the bloc's military forces to approach significantly the borders of Russia. The US openly announced its plans to create military missile defense bases in the Czech Republic and Poland.

To top it all, far unfriendly actions, the West sided with the leaders of the Ukrainian and Georgian “color revolutions” who actively declared anti-Russian policies.

The open Georgian-Russian military confrontation in 2008 made it clear to foreign investors of "color democracies" that Russia intends to defend its interests even with arms.

During the third term of V. Putin’s presidency, there were changes in foreign policy relations — a course was set toward distancing and, in some areas, open confrontation with the West and the United States. Russian politicians have made it clear to their Western partners that the promotion of a “Eurasian policy” than a European one is more relevant for Russia. Russia has stepped up integration processes with Belarus and Kazakhstan. Finally, the realization came that neither the West nor the United States will participate in the modernization of the Russian economy. The Russian leadership proclaimed a new innovation doctrine of the country: the Russian military-industrial complex was designated as the driving force of positive changes in the creation of a high-tech society, and reference was made to the positive experience of the 30-s when the country made a breakthrough and entered the world industrial countries. The country's leadership proclaimed a strategic turn to the East. And an explanation was found: Europe was “stuck” in the financial and economic crisis, while the countries of the Asia-Pacific region were able to keep their economies at the proper level and conducted a thoughtful foreign policy with the states of other regions.

Between Russia and the West the time for uneasy relations has come. Nobody ever mentioned the “European choice” of Moscow. The process of partnership and cooperation in the European security system between the European Union and Russia was practically paralyzed. Work on the implementation of previously reached agreements on the reduction and limitation of conventional and nuclear weapons was halted. The contradictions between the US and Russia "buried" the process of limiting strategic weapons and nuclear weapons. This led to the intensification of the arms race and the high costs of upgrading and creating new types of weapons on both sides.

It must be said that while the great nuclear powers cannot find a common language, other countries bypass the nuclear non-proliferation regime - for example, Iran.

Another one of the biggest miscalculations of the United States and its European allies is the failure of their joint operation, called the Arab Spring. Power intervention in the affairs of sovereign states, split the great powers, the UN Security Council could not influence this situation. Washington has stumped the negotiation process with Russia on nuclear and missile non-proliferation, which put the world on the brink of disaster.

Analysts and experts say that the current leadership of Russia has removed the contradiction between military doctrine and foreign policy of the state. At present, the Russian foreign policy concept can be summarized briefly in the following theses: Russia is surrounded by enemies in the face of the United States and its allies, there is a real threat of Russia's loss of territorial integrity and natural resources, opponents of the country are organizing internal protest movements and numerous human rights organizations are involved. The Russian leadership believes that nuclear weapons possessed by the country are the key to its sovereignty and the preservation of its global status. Neutralize this main element of the Russian defense and the United States and its allies are trying. Deceiving the world community with calls for disarmament, NATO strategists, in fact, are doing everything to cover the territory of Russia with military bases and objects.

It is no secret to anyone that the military balance so far is changing not in Russia's favor. And this is at a time when potential opponents are cutting military spending, are working on a moderate modernization of weapons. In addition, the United States is focused on increasing its presence in the Pacific in anticipation of increased competition with China. Although the Soviet military minds constantly kept repeating about the upcoming global military confrontations, in reality, the Soviet and Russian military had to participate only in local conflicts: the suppression of the opposition in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the GDR, helped partners from developing countries, took part in peacekeeping missions in Tajikistan, Moldova and Georgia, fought against militant rebels in Afghanistan, Chechnya. And today, despite historical the lessons, some military prophets did not change their point of view, although they did not provide any reasonable justification for their opinion. One can only agree with them - the danger really exists.

Thus, the withdrawal of the NATO military contingent from Afghanistan in 2014 will most likely lead to the strengthening of the Taliban movement. Islamists can seize power not only in Afghanistan, but also in Central Asia and Pakistan. It is not known whether Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan will be able to withstand the onslaught of the Islamists. This zone of violence and terror could spread to the Middle and Near East, as well as the North Caucasus.

Another real threat is that radical regimes are acquiring their own nuclear missiles. This enemy is very dangerous for its extremist fanaticism and the provision of resources: financial, technical and human. This will allow them to fight with the leading armies of the world, causing them great damage.

At the present stage, Russia also faces the problem of preserving the integrity of the country: in the foreign policy sphere, territorial claims fell upon it, integration processes among the CIS countries cease, Russia's ties with traditional partners are weakened, armed conflicts in neighboring countries are increasing, great difficulties have arisen before the Russian side to control for migration processes, etc.

In addition, according to analysts, there is a gradual weakening of the Russian economy, its industrial and technical potential is decreasing, Russia is gradually becoming a world fuel and raw material source, Russia’s withdrawal from many foreign markets has become apparent, Russia has blocked access to advanced technologies, and the country has been drained of uncontrolled capital outflow and resources outside the state, etc.

The threats in the military sphere are no less than foreign policy and economic ones: constantly emerging new hotbeds of wars and local conflicts, unresolved issue of managing strategic forces of the RF Armed Forces, uncontrollability of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, lack of integrity of the control system, unresolved issues of state border with the Baltic countries, unresolved the legal status of the presence of the Russian contingent in the neighboring countries, the constant threat from they are terrorists.

One of the most important tasks of any state is to identify the likely adversary and identify those states from which we can expect “non-partner relations”. Without this, it is impossible to establish the exact purpose of the war and its character. The peculiarity of the modern military confrontation is that the armed struggle will go on simultaneously at the tactical, strategic and operational levels in several areas of war: outer space, land, water and air. Is Russia ready for such a war? If an error is made in determining a potential enemy, then all the work on planning and implementing the construction of the Russian Armed Forces will be nullified. Our country will not have time to correct the error.

Currently, the Russian defense policy is aimed primarily at preparing for a war with NATO and the United States. The goal of these opponents is quite clear: to prevent the economic, political and military revival of the Russia that will be able to independently ensure security and protect its interests at all levels. And to the threat from militant Islam, Russia is not ready either militarily or politically.

Already, Russia at any time may be involved in violent and bloody conflicts around the perimeter of its borders. It is possible that in the near future, Russia will face a progressive stagnation of the country's political, socio-economic and military course. In order to stay in the league of the world's strongest powers and ensure their own security, Russia must urgently lead the transformation of its industry and increase its contribution to the world economy through the introduction of innovative technologies. However, the hope that this will happen at the expense of the Russian military-industrial complex or with the help of state-owned corporations of the Skolkovo type, as experts say, is still unlikely.

In addition, the struggle for access to the natural resources of the former Soviet Union is intensifying in the world from day to day. And the forces involved in this fight plan to use them not for the good of Russia itself.

The reorientation of Russian energy exports to Asia may upset the West, but for Russia it also does not bode well. To become a raw materials appendage of China, India and other Asian countries will not raise Russia's economic and political status. It is noteworthy that the economies of Asian countries serve the innovative economies of the European Union, Japan and the United States.

So, none of the listed countries that actually use the resources of Russia are interested in investing their money in reforming the Russian economy. Russia needs to rely only on its own strength in order to make the transition from a raw materials economy to a high technology economy. As V.Putin said, economic freedom, a developed institution of private property and competition, a strong market economy should be at the head of this process. But to realize this concept will be very difficult. Only by becoming a truly strong technical and economic power, will Russia be an influential subject in the Asia-Pacific region. And then Russia will be able to interact with world powers on equal terms: Japan, the European Union, the United States, China, etc. Only close economic cooperation with the leading countries of the world will allow Russia to influence the process of nuclear disarmament, the reduction of modern offensive weapons, the limitation of conventional armed forces, as in Europe and other regions of the world. And to ensure the security and effective development of Russia, a thorough review of foreign and military policy is required, as well as a profound modernization of the entire Russian socio-economic and political system.

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  1. Lech from ZATULINKI
    6 May 2013 06: 38
    So, not one of the listed countries that actually use the resources of Russia is interested in investing their money in reforming the Russian economy. Russia needs to rely only on its own strength

    Hedgehog it is clear that RUSSIA needs the WEST as a raw materials appendage and supplier of slaves.
    Our independence is like a bone in the throat for democrats and attempts to DESTROY the STATE especially from within with
    FOREIGN AGENTS will continue on.
    Gorbachev alone was enough to inflict tremendous damage on RUSSIA - therefore, special attention should be paid ON THE HIGHEST LEADERSHIP OF THE COUNTRY - this is where they can strike us in the back (the activities of SERDYUKOV and his ilk are a threat to our national security)
    1. +13
      6 May 2013 07: 40
      D. Medvedev believed that with such difficult problems for the country as modernization of democracy...

      With us, Dmitry Anatolyevich, this democracy is by no means indulging in abundance, already overflowing over the edge.
      Just right to "export" to other countries following the example of the United States.
      It's time to switch to the economy.

      1. +14
        6 May 2013 07: 56
        What the hell is modernization of democracy ?! It is necessary to raise production, strengthen defense, raise the standard of living of the population, and DAM only thinks about democracy.
        1. +6
          6 May 2013 10: 04
          Quote: Deniska999
          What the hell is modernization of democracy ?! It is necessary to raise production, strengthen defense, raise the standard of living of the population, and DAM only thinks about democracy.

          And personally, I liked this phrase "that neither the West nor the United States will participate in the modernization of the Russian economy."
          Well, finally it came to our supreme elite!
          How is it in TWELVE CHAIRS; -Fasten -West with us, abroad will help us?
        2. Natalia
          6 May 2013 10: 16
          Russia needs a thorough review of foreign and military policy, as well as a deep modernization of the entire Russian socio-economic and political system.

          THANKS, CAP
        3. vadimus
          6 May 2013 13: 01
          Oh! Dima-iPhone politician say not so hot .... Storms it for various reasons ....
      2. Heccrbq
        6 May 2013 11: 26
        The iPhone is no longer funny, but disgusting stop
      3. AndreyAB
        7 May 2013 05: 53
        Yeah, and summits, olympiads and other extremely expensive and costly entertainment entertainments will not help us raise the economy from the penny, how many necessary industries could be built for one olympiad? I’m generally silent about the summit, it’s enough to do crap, it’s understandable, such events are very retreating and it’s not sticking to your hands, but for Russia it’s extremely ruinous and you won’t achieve prestige among such sworn partners of Russia and this is a historical fact.
    2. +10
      6 May 2013 11: 56
      Russian domestic and foreign policy can do nothing but a crude foul language for a normal Russian ... a huge period of time - Gorbachev-Yeltsin-Putin-Medvedev-Putin - is a time of missed opportunities ...
    3. minister
      6 May 2013 13: 09
      as you look at our top chenovs there is such a feeling that you still haven’t played enough in childhood. Medvedev is playing in the Duma. Putin don’t understand not ours, not yours, somewhere in the middle.
  2. annenkov242
    6 May 2013 07: 14
    "Of course, so it seems," - thought the traveler, looking at the morning sky: "Tired of the Kozyrevs, Nemtsovs, Udaltsovs, Serdyukovs ... well, so, and not put at the wheel of the economy of my Stolypin, again, my friend."
    1. Lech from ZATULINKI
      6 May 2013 07: 25
      if it’s a little pick, it’s better to put some SHVONDER or SHARIKOV behind the wheel of the economy — in a month you will run away to the NORTH POLE from it.
      1. annenkov242
        6 May 2013 07: 39
        Sorry, I missed the quotes, "Stolypin". Take a closer look.
        And they are standing behind the wheel.
  3. +14
    6 May 2013 07: 16
    Begin by clearing the agdey stables and stripping the 5 column. And quickly, yesterday.
  4. +8
    6 May 2013 07: 21
    Yes, not what is not changing here! It’s just that there used to be potential opponents, but now potential partners! But the attitude towards both is the same.
  5. +7
    6 May 2013 07: 22
    You can only rely on yourself, because Russia has two friends - army and navy.
    1. vladsolo56
      6 May 2013 07: 34
      Your position is very provocative and destructive. It is impossible to survive alone in the world, this was understood even in the powerful Soviet Union. And now without reliable allies all the more. Position: my hut from the edge, I do not trust anyone, will lead to the fact that all potential allies will simply be destroyed, and then Russia. Do not hope that you can fight off all at once, a large flock of jackals can easily kill the strongest lion.
      1. +5
        6 May 2013 09: 39
        It’s just that you have to keep your jackals on a short leash and bob more often so as not to scatter. And do not feed meat, as the USSR did.
        1. vladsolo56
          6 May 2013 10: 17
          Quote: alicante11
          It’s just that you have to keep your jackals on a short leash and bob more often so as not to scatter. And do not feed meat, as the USSR did.

          Who are you talking about? about China, maybe about Kazakhstan or Belarus? Venezuela there too. I’m wondering if a friend will keep you on a short leash, fool more often, how much will you value his friendship?
      2. +3
        6 May 2013 12: 01
        Quote: vladsolo56
        And now without reliable allies all the more. Position: my hut from the edge, I do not trust anyone, will lead to the fact that all potential allies will simply be destroyed, and then Russia

        and now it’s just such a situation .. Russia, in fact, long ago has not had any reliable allies, but generally no allies to count on ... Russia is now doing everything alone and in difficult times, no one help will not come ... not all mouth to allies. but just good friends like Serbia, Libya, Syria - slowly and devouring methodically ... and Putin can do nothing - for there is no mind ... except how to lay pipes - I learned nothing .. this is the result of foreign policy over the past 20 years old...
        1. +2
          6 May 2013 17: 48
          Quote: Krilion
          ..in Russia, in fact, a long time ago there wasn’t not only reliable allies, but generally no allies that could be counted on ...

          But what about Belarus? Consider throwing in difficult times? I think it will not throw! So there is an ally. The truth is only one.
    2. 31-RUS
      6 May 2013 09: 11
      Russia’s friends are the Strategic Missile Forces, the army, aviation and the navy.
      1. vkusniikorj
        6 May 2013 21: 00
        Yes, fuck you have no! no army, no navy, no aviation! there are definitely no allies. Belarus? you spread rot on her as the worst enemy! sprinkle on every occasion and for no reason, then she "sits on the neck" then "hangs with a weight". you need to watch the tongue! damn, when you open your eyes? it's time men, a little more and alles!
        1. 0
          7 May 2013 12: 45
          Quote: vkusniikorj
          Belarus? you rot it as the worst enemy!

          When? Who spread rot? If you retell your dream, then at least warn!
          Quote: vkusniikorj
          you need to follow the language

          And here you are right. Watch your tongue!
          Quote: vkusniikorj
          Yes, you have no fucking! No army, no fleet, no aircraft!

          You in Moldova, of course, know better!
    3. vilenich
      6 May 2013 09: 31
      Quote: omsbon
      You can only rely on yourself, because Russia has two friends - the army and navy.

      Now a third friend has appeared - the Air Force!
  6. annenkov242
    6 May 2013 07: 28
    Quote: FC Skiff
    Begin by clearing the agdey stables and stripping the 5 column. And quickly, yesterday.

    Yes, there was a good opportunity for stripping, on April 25, when it was possible to unite the people around them, they probably did not want to. It remains to live according to the rules of Krylov, which does not lead to progress.
  7. annenkov242
    6 May 2013 07: 48
    Quote: vladsolo56
    Your position is very provocative and destructive. It is impossible to survive alone in the world, this was understood even in the powerful Soviet Union. And now without reliable allies all the more. Position: my hut from the edge, I do not trust anyone, will lead to the fact that all potential allies will simply be destroyed, and then Russia. Do not hope that you can fight off all at once, a large flock of jackals can easily kill the strongest lion.

    You don’t need anyone. There is an army and a navy !!! Now we need to save our Slavic-Christian identity of Russia. And it always helped Russia, it is our raft. There are no friends in Russia, and there will be no, this is what our Russian story says!
    1. fartfraer
      6 May 2013 16: 46
      what are the right words spoken. and what about the Buryats, Dargins, Tatars, etc.?
  8. +6
    6 May 2013 08: 40
    “Russia needs to rely only on its own strengths to complete the transition from an export-raw-materials economy to a high-tech economy.” As V. Putin said, at the head of this process should be economic freedom, a developed institution of private property and competition, a strong market economy. "
    -------------------------------------------------- -
    If he believes that only speculators - private owners and the "market economy" will save Russia and restore its defense potential, then Serdyukov and Kudrin must be returned to strengthen the "government of speculators and owners."
    Everything is clear with this "commander-in-chief".
  9. +4
    6 May 2013 08: 44
    "In addition, according to analysts, there is a gradual weakening of the Russian economy, its industrial and technical potential is decreasing, Russia is gradually turning into a global fuel and raw material source, Russia has emerged from many foreign markets, Russia has been cut off access to advanced technologies, the country has been drained of uncontrolled export capital and resources outside the state, etc. "
    - this is correct, but I don’t understand, the author (s - sources) who is to blame? And what, during the Cold War, Russia was given "access to advanced technologies"? :))
    Well, the balance of military and foreign policy, returning to the title of the article, depends on the economy.
    According to http://www.rgo.ru/2011/03/dobycha-nefti-i-gaza/, the Russian Federation produces 12,9% of oil and exports 12,3%, gas - 19,0% production and 21,7% export (to the world) - absolutely not a little, but so apart from this we have nothing :(
    1. djon3volta
      6 May 2013 09: 04
      Quote: Egen
      The Russian Federation produces 12,9% of oil and exports 12,3%, gas - 19,0% production and 21,7% export (to world) - there are quite a few

      Tell economists in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore how they can do without oil and gas and they will make you a multi-billionaire. laughing
      1. djon3volta
        6 May 2013 10: 50
        what, tell us better how the economy of Germany or Japan, China, the United States will show good results without oil and gas. What will they produce their goods from, heat homes and enterprises? Many Japanese will stamp cars without oil and gas? And China?
        1. fartfraer
          6 May 2013 16: 49
          why do they need oil and gas if there is a Russian Federation? Well, the USA, having crushed the Gulf countries and other oil-donor countries, does not depend on Russian hydrocarbons at all.
        2. 0
          7 May 2013 05: 23
          Quote: djon3volta
          Tell economists in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore how they can do without oil and gas

          Yes, I'm not talking about how to get along, but about the fact that we are not the last ones in this market, but the sense is not noticeable :(
  10. +5
    6 May 2013 09: 10
    Quote: Deniska999
    What the hell is modernization of democracy ?! It is necessary to raise production, strengthen defense, raise the standard of living of the population, and DAM only thinks about democracy.

    In order to raise and strengthen something, it is necessary to solve a lot of issues, to do something. LADY is troublesome and not necessary. The topic of modernization of democracy can be procrastinated endlessly, especially without straining it.
    As the saying goes: "n ... do not roll bags ..."
  11. +2
    6 May 2013 09: 22
    If my memory serves me, then the only person elected in the entire history of Russia by the people themselves, it was B.N. Yeltsin, it was not before him, not after the elections, exactly how the ELECTIONS were not held and the people found themselves somewhere on the sidelines, when Yeltsin left, he chose Putin's successor, Putin, leaving in the twilight, pulled Medvedev from somewhere, and who he was, that no one knew that, just suddenly a man came out from somewhere with a sickly look, and I said your future president. Yeltsin was chosen by the people because the communists, Putin and Medvedev, no one chose them "chose" someone at the top, and why no one is considering the option that they are all just someone's henchmen, be it the world government, the CIA, mi6 and they do not act in the interests of Russia, why Everybody considers the scenario possible in relation to, say, some Panama or Laos or another banana republic, but in relation to Russia it is considered impossible, why? Just observing the results of their activities, you come to the conclusion that no pest would have done better. What kind of independent policy can we talk about? Military policy, don’t you laugh, is the purchase of ONE tank a year and a couple of helicopters an independent policy? And in foreign policy the role of Russia is now approximately equal to the role of South Korea, namely, we smile and wave, smile and wave.
  12. Without a dream
    6 May 2013 09: 30
    Today, the main type of struggle is information struggle. The institute of Soviet propaganda, unfortunately, was destroyed, but it was necessary to modernize it to suit Russian realities. Both TV and the Internet, at the moment, are working to form opinions about countries and the politics of these countries. And if American information propaganda is aimed at shaping the image of a strong country, the guarantor of democracy throughout the world, then Russian information propaganda is either absent altogether or is too weak to influence public opinion as a whole. As a result, we have America, which pokes its nose everywhere and everywhere, and the overwhelming majority of the world's population takes it for granted, aimed solely at fighting the "global evil" and helping the poor and unfortunate. And Russia, as soon as it twitches in the direction of improving its economy and improving its policy inside the country, is immediately presented in foreign news as a violator of democratic freedoms and guarantees of its own citizens. The most offensive thing is that our youth, looking at all this American propaganda, also begins to think that our president is the successor of Stalin's policy, imprisoning everyone indiscriminately, and in general what other villain to look for, and they can’t wait until they fly to our country their Superman, Batman, Iron Man, or at worst the special forces of the city of Angels and will save us unfortunate! Students drop out and go to Bolotnaya Square to live in tents, or generally spend whole days on the Internet, and demand "likes" for their anti-Russian statements. We urgently need to do something about this, otherwise we just ourselves, in 10-20 years, will give our country to the Americans, and we will also thank them for this!
  13. Alexander-81
    6 May 2013 09: 39
    [quote = Lech from ZATULINKI] So, not one of the listed countries that really use the resources of Russia is interested in investing their money in reforming the Russian economy. hi What for
    invest when they get everything for free (thanks) to our ALIGARHS VOGLOVA WITH THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE THE BEAR!
    1. Rrv
      6 May 2013 13: 02
      Quote: Alexander-81

      An iPhone is just one head of a mutant chicken, and not the most important one.
  14. k220150
    6 May 2013 09: 39
    Before THAT war, we have one ally - Mongolia, and today there is not even a traditional army and navy, - talk to the regular military. And as always, no one is responsible for anything. It's ridiculous to talk about some Russian "elite", just look at their "faces", for example. Shuvalov or ... Gloomy thoughts are plaguing - a new war is already underway, and we are failing in it. And foreign policy is sheer horror.
  15. nickname 1 and 2
    6 May 2013 09: 55
    That's when tar a little something like that and there is nothing like a scribble!

    And here is one tar! And this turns out. Saya mare slurping a bucket of mash of this does not compose!

    Well, for example: ***** - the completion of the first stage of the reform of the armed forces has been announced, but evidence of an increase in the level of security of the country has not yet been observed; ***** = UNTIL -? What evidence do you need to present?
    Or ***** - at present a critical situation has been created - there is no previous army, but no new ones have been created (and there have been no less military threats); **** = how does one fit into the other?
    or **** - military policy is directly related to all spheres of the life of the Russian state, and there are no changes for the better either in the army or in society, despite significant expenditures from the country's budget; **** = c.p. and changes for the better = who proved this interconnectedness and weighed ????
    etc Nonsense!

    And this is *****
    Thus, the withdrawal of the NATO military contingent from Afghanistan in 2014 is likely to lead to the strengthening of the Taliban. Islamists can seize power not only in Afghanistan, but also in Central Asia, Pakistan. It is not known whether Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan can withstand the onslaught of the Islamists. This zone of violence and terror could spread to the Middle and Middle East, as well as the North Caucasus. ******
    = most likely .... they can capture ... Pakistan ... I just want to add: they will take possession of the nuclear weapons of Pakistan and how they crave for India, they will capture Indian missiles and how ... in China they will take over China and ... like the Yankees ... they will give and capture and then the whole earth and then the whole GALAXY !!!
    And also = Baba Yaga comes to life and Koschey the Immortal with the Serpent Mountain! And the galaxies are rushing at each other! Kopets to all living things!

    I would go to analytics, let me teach! And what is there to teach? = Meli Emelya, your week! Kaka week - all life, aground and aground.
  16. +5
    6 May 2013 10: 07
    It is clear that the situation is deadlock. And what to do is also clear. But who will do it and will it be at all? The government feeds itself, but it doesn’t give a damn about the people. However, you can’t drag it from your feeder. So it turns out that the main enemy of the people is the government itself. And what about her?
    1. djon3volta
      6 May 2013 10: 46
      Quote: erased
      And what about her?

      but listen, who is the enemy and who is not the enemy.

      1. 0
        6 May 2013 14: 15
        Quote: djon3volta
        but listen, who is the enemy and who is not the enemy.

        Unfortunately, the “deaf” did not hear your appeal, “minus, hearty. There are also“ allergy sufferers. ”They have only protest moods, with a mind and logic - continuous tension.
        Thanks for the video!
      2. rolik
        6 May 2013 20: 32
        Quote: djon3volta
        Quote: erased
        And what about her?

        but listen, who is the enemy and who is not the enemy.

        Greetings. Thank you for the video. Really interesting to listen to SMART Westerners. And I try to correct the assessment. And then some, completely intelligent, individuals pass like mad rabbits.
    2. DPN
      6 May 2013 12: 01
      The authorities seem to need to be deprived of their immunity, but it must bear some responsibility for its rule, if everyone is eager to steer the country, the driver for an accident can get a term and it should be the same here.
      Serdyukov with Chubais as we see it also does not concern.
      1. Rrv
        6 May 2013 13: 08
        Yes, some people are trying to make the authorities accountable for their deeds, and the authorities safely declare these attempts extremism: wek.com.ua/article/50504/
  17. DPN
    6 May 2013 11: 40
    I read about the miscalculations of the United States, did not read further, they will have miscalculations when the United States ceases to exist! And this is not even visible on the horizon. They have "KUHARKI - that is, Artists RONALD REIGAN, run the country and ruin the USSR, Margaret TETCHER pointed out the place to Argentina.

    Our country is ruled by an elite. It basically licks the ass of the West, in a place with a fist or a rocket wisely ******, losing its allies. What is worth testing your missile defense in Iran, Syria. The West is in the way, which in 45 years our grandfathers wiped into powder. Zhirinovsky constantly reminds that a cook cannot rule the country, but perhaps not among them traitors like the EBN. Gorbachev, who lives with impunity, ruining the country, it is interesting to have done in the United States with such a president, if he had ruined the United States.? The country’s policy must be in order for it to flourish and the people in the world live, and for this we keep an ARMY. Why is the Army needed? if you are always on the way for the USA and the West to go.
    By the way, when people hang noodles on their ears, always citing the USA as an example, but not when they do not compare wages, the Russians simply do not know how to work, this is the arguments of our top leadership, while getting millions and taking them west.
  18. +3
    6 May 2013 13: 47
    They will want to return gold and foreign exchange reserves from the West and invest in industry, agricultural, transportation, medicine .... And the West will give 500 billion dollars? Of course not! Find the cause. And who will answer, why the country earned money kept from enemies? Nobody will try to start the investigation and send Kudrin under house arrest in Switzerland, just like Vasilyev’s elite apartment.
    It turns out that the country has long since gotten off the "oil needle", because the bulk of money for oil and gas does not feed our economy, and from 20% of fluctuations in oil prices, we are neither cold nor hot. It turns out that Russia is just a "banana republic", supplying its resources to its enemies for free. Now it is clear why the standard of living in the country is much lower than that of countries with similar GDP per capita?
    Type in the Internet "HDI" (Human Development Index) and "GDP per capita". And for fun, "Vasily Melnichenko. The level of delusion has exceeded the standard of living."
    1. ABV
      6 May 2013 14: 25
      [quote = My address]
      The Germans tried to audit their gold in the Fed ... they were gently sent ... and our gold reserves just will not give up, you are right ..
  19. ABV
    6 May 2013 14: 22
    "So, in the opinion of analysts, D. Medvedev's presidency has introduced quite serious contradictions between the military doctrine and the foreign policy of the Russian state ..."

    D. Medvedev's presidency has brought serious contradictions into ALL Russian society ... and personally - "in me"!
  20. +2
    6 May 2013 14: 50
    That's right, relying solely on one’s own forces and one cannot allow the United States, through idle chatter with our leaders / Medvedev / to gain a military-strategic advantage that can seduce them to the outbreak of war - then it will be too late to argue and philosophize.
  21. Rrv
    6 May 2013 15: 31
    Quote: My address
    Will the West give back $ 500 billion? Of course not! They will find the reason.

    Katasonov V.Yu. "USA: Will There Be a Default?" 08.06.2011/2011/06 ruskline.ru/analitika/08/XNUMX/XNUMX/ssha_budet_li_defolt/

    ... But there is a more beautiful scenario - the introduction of a "new" dollar. Suppose that a pink dollar is introduced into circulation (instead of the green we are used to). Washington announces its readiness to exchange green notes for pink in a 1: 1 ratio, but only on one condition: green dollars must be "clean". And it will be Washington itself and the organizations controlled by it (the IMF, etc.) to determine what is "clean" in the world. I think that the current campaign against money laundering and the financing of terrorism is a time bomb, in fact, directed against the largest holders of the American currency, including Russia.

    I am sure that hundreds of billions of dollars accumulated by the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Finance, banks, companies and ordinary citizens will be declared "dirty". Obligations will be "nicely" canceled, and mind you - no default! Yes, it will be a de facto default, but not a de jure default. By the way, this will be a legal write-off of obligations not of the state, but of a private organization - the FRS. There will be no official bankruptcy of a private shop with a signboard "FRS", it will simply switch from issuing green paper to pink paper ...

    US issued a new hundred-dollar bill: alphanewz.ru/168.html
  22. Ruslan_F38
    6 May 2013 16: 02
    Medvedev has long been a political corpse, he is not a politician, but a clown! He found friends in the United States and others. This liberal must be reminded that these are not friends, but our original enemies!
    1. Rrv
      6 May 2013 16: 11
      The iPhone is a chair heater and a scapegoat - no more.
  23. +3
    6 May 2013 16: 59
    <<< So, none of the listed countries, which actually use the resources of Russia, is not interested in investing their money in reforming the Russian economy ..... Finally, the realization came that neither the West nor the United States would participate in the modernization of the Russian economy ..... Russia needs to rely only on its own strengths to make the transition from a raw material export economy to a high-tech economy ... The Russian leadership has proclaimed a new doctrine of the country's innovative rise: the Russian military-industrial complex has been designated as the locomotive of positive changes in the creation of a high-tech society .. >>>
    The implementation of all these plans for modernization, innovation, etc. is stalled, because for their implementation people are needed, and not just people, but specialists - GOVERNMENT, Stolypin, if you want! .And we have an oligarchy, which the heck doesn’t need any modernization with innovations and bureaucracy, which stinks of liberalism and Westernism since the Gaidre times, which also doesn’t need any of this, they are already in shekolada! After all, it was necessary to think over to entrust Vekselberg and Chubais to engage in innovation and modernization! Solid humor! It’s the same as entrusting the goats with guarding the garden with cabbage! Therefore, what year has one trend been about modernization, about the need for the economy to get off the raw material needle. For the matter to move forward, a decisive cleansing of the power structures, the bureaucracy of the liberal chimera and personal responsibility for the implementation of the plans is necessary!
    1. Rrv
      6 May 2013 17: 11
      The biggest "joke" is that "our greats" explaining the country's problems with a "raw material needle" are modestly silent about the fact that countries with a high standard of living like Australia and Canada, as well as Russia, have a raw material economy.

      So the solution to our problems clearly consists in changing the neoliberal course, changing the system of distribution of benefits and introducing personal responsibility.
  24. -2
    6 May 2013 17: 20
    from the Don.
    This country needs a master. Any power in Russia since 17 is not legitimate. All are temporary workers. More to grab, write laws for yourself, listen and listen to Western shit-democrats -This is the real life of our thieves:
    RESTORATION OF MONARCHY -that is the salvation of Russia (read-Rus!)
    1. fartfraer
      6 May 2013 17: 52
      Nicholas2 drove RI into debt, into war, proving that the monarchy is not a panacea. The principle of separation of powers was not in vain invented, one person should not decide the fate of the state and its inhabitants and citizens.
      and you can agree to church tithe in a secular (at the moment) state.
    2. fartfraer
      6 May 2013 20: 30
      "Any power in Russia since 17 is not legitimate" -17. just made the power of the Bolsheviks legitimate as the victors in the civil war. citizens who supported the Bolsheviks defended the power for which they fought. The same elections, only bloody and terrible.
    3. +3
      6 May 2013 22: 47

      You, my friend, do not know the story well. Or rather, you don’t know at all.
  25. Docklishin
    6 May 2013 20: 48
    A positive decision on the transfer of the islands to Japan means the end of the career of any politician, regardless of his previous merits. And given the political instability, various protest sentiments, the presence of various NGOs, there may be an excellent chance to play the nationalist card and beautifully change the government for "the right people." It seems to me that no one will do this. But if it turns out to polish between China and Japan, this can bring some benefit. And, probably, more from the Japanese side. For example, We do not pay attention to territorial disputes over the Senkaku Islands, but we do something for it (more likely another contract on energy resources). Something like this...
  26. Docklishin
    6 May 2013 20: 51
    And on the other hand ... The Chinese put a little pressure on Japan, there was an accident at the nuclear power plant, a lot of natural disasters and voila ... The economy suffers multibillion losses. Where to find a sales market - right with Us. Why did so many big businessmen come.
    1. 0
      7 May 2013 05: 42
      Quote: DocKlishin
      Where to find a sales market - right with us

      No, unfortunately, it’s wrong :( For China, our market is very small. It was in many Chinese factories, in the aggregate it is such a huge industry, their demand for raw materials in some sectors exceeds the capabilities of the whole of Russia tenfold, respectively, sales of products are also Dozens of times more than the entire Russian market (for example, tires, fabrics, cars, motorcycles and large - these are the factories where I was.) It’s understandable, the people in China have a lot more life :) So, as I said, we are few for China interesting in any way :(
      Japan, of course, is a smaller country and GDP (in terms of gross product, is not yet equal to GDP which is in the Russian Federation :))) is smaller, but there is another side - in Japan, these same goods are better and more expensive for our market, junk like in China it’s just not there. In China, of course, there are also very high-quality things, for example, the same cars (they collect everything except Mercedes), but in Russia, the cheapest is on ...
  27. Docklishin
    6 May 2013 20: 52
    In general, however, it is insulting. Why can not they be sent in 3 letters. Who will say?
  28. +4
    6 May 2013 21: 35
    In my opinion, we completely forget one very important component of our current state - IDEOLOGY! In Soviet times, the "enemies-imperialists" spoke like this "in order to destroy the USSR, we first dress their youth in our jeans, make them sing our songs, teach them think like we do, and then they will do whatever we tell them! " The West was eager to implement all this, but there was another IDEOLOGY - sovetskaya in the way, and it had its own disadvantages, but it WAS! When he began to understand that the process was peddling, it was already too late, and the most important thing was that he did not have enough willpower or courage to make tough decisions, a lot could be stopped. And the ideology collapsed, and the state along with it.
    Now the question is, what is our current ideology in it? State ideology? What are we building? What are the priorities in foreign and domestic policy? In his election articles, Putin sketched the basics, but what’s it?
    In our information society, the main thing is information and what kind of information surrounds us. All news - incidents, murders, natural disasters, etc. And so on. If the guys watch films in batches, where dozens of people are killed, where Russia is an evil empire, where money decides everything, what do we want after that? The generation of the 90s was almost lost, but they did not draw conclusions. And after all, life itself confirms - well, democracy is not in our suit, not in our suit. The President said, we need to fix it, and after all, the whole thought ran to correct, although yesterday it was proving that everything is correct and right. And "United Russia" - well, the Communist Party and more!
    Well done Chinese! The Communist Party in power, the Komsomol and pioneers, drug addicts at a cost, bribe takers to the wall. Everything is tough and strict. And the Internet will be closed if they feel a threat! And most importantly, 2 the world’s economy, and after 5 years, the first one. That’s the ideology !However....!
    1. 0
      7 May 2013 05: 29
      Quote: MaKeNa
      we completely forget one very important component of our current state - IDEOLOGY

      Correct reasoning. In general, on this occasion there is a "sensual" trilogy of science fiction writer Oleg Vereshchagin "I'm going to look." In some ways she is childish, like all his books, but it takes her soul. It just describes such a "socialist who-wants-something and does" society, at first glance - freedom, but it turns out that behind it there are purposeful newcomers, by providing such freedoms destroying the people. This is of course fantastic, but the analogy is visible 100%.
  29. +2
    6 May 2013 22: 40
    The very first sentence in the article: "In March 2013, the results of the four-year military reform were considered at the Collegium of the Ministry of Defense."

    Sounds like an insult.

    The article is a plus. Nice attempt to analyze what is happening.
    But Mr. Prime Minister can only be advised - to remain silent and not to annoy the people with their democratic ideas.
  30. e-froloff
    7 May 2013 17: 57
    I myself work at an aircraft factory and I can say that it is the military-industrial complex that can influence the development of technologies in industry. They get money, buy the latest equipment, our design engineers make machines based on foreign ones, for their needs. All this is, even if it doesn’t happen so quickly and smoothly, but in the 3 years that I have been working there, the changes are enormous and for the better. A lot of young people come and they learn to do their job efficiently. You need to be patient and show Russian character and perseverance to achieve the task. I believe in Russia!
  31. 0
    7 May 2013 18: 53
    We need a nationwide idea, simple and understandable. As in the old days. "Give the electrification of the whole country!" Our business is just, it will be broken, victory will be ours! "" We will catch up and overtake America !!! "
    So now announce a competition for the idea. Offer men, we will help the Kremlin with the whole world! So much so that it takes a heart and a tear breaks!
  32. 0
    7 May 2013 22: 24
    Let’s take a sober look at things. When did Russia have allies for 500 years? Not when! Our allies: the army and navy, as it sounds banal ...
  33. The comment was deleted.