Latin American Renaissance

Latin American RenaissanceWho woke Chavez?

Chavez tried to create a state that would pursue an independent foreign policy and take into account the interests of the poorest masses (the Comandante himself came from the people). I must say that in Latin America this was not the first attempt of this kind. And among the predecessors of the Venezuelan Caudillo were both left and right politicians (for example, Argentine President Juan Domingo Peron or Brazilian leader Getulio Vargas).

In Guatemala at the end of 40-x - the beginning of 50-s, presidents Juan José Arevalo and Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán conducted socially-oriented patriotic policies. The first introduced a labor code and a new school system, which made it possible to raise the literacy rate of the population. The second nationalized land owned by the American corporation Unites Fruit, and distributed them to the peasants. True, in 1954, he was removed from power in a coup organized by the United States.

In Nicaragua, the leader of the national liberation struggle is General Augusto Cesar Sandino, who in 1926, opposed the American marines occupying the country. The Americans were forced to get out, but left their "looking": the National Guard of President Anastasio Somoza. In 1934, Somoza began peace negotiations and lured Sandino to the presidential palace, where the general was killed. The banner of Sandinism was picked up in 1979 by young revolutionaries led by Daniel Ortega. They managed to come to power and implement large-scale reforms. However, the economic mistakes made by the Sandinistas allowed pro-American liberals to win the 1990 parliamentary elections of the year. In 2008, the patriots took revenge and came to power again in Nicaragua.

In Costa Rica, in 1948, oligarchs who were oriented toward Washington disrupted presidential elections, and this led to civil war. The winner was José Figueres, the founder of the National Liberation Party. In the 1953 year, he was elected president of the country, and then confirmed his credentials twice more (for the last time in the 1970 year). According to historians, Figueres sincerely sought to create a society of social justice, equality and mutual assistance in the country.

In Panama, left-wing nationalist policies were pursued by General Omar Torrijos, who came to power in a military coup in 1968. Torrijos belongs to the concept of a military path to socialism. To expand the social base, he created the National Guard: detachments of workers who were supposed to restore order in the country. The general established close relations with Cuba, entered into a political alliance with Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico, and in 1973 secured the adoption of a UN Security Council resolution that obligated the United States to free the Panama Canal zone. In 1978, Torrijos entered into an agreement with Washington, according to which, twenty years later, the Americans were to transfer the canal to Panama. Having achieved this decision, Torrijos said that his main mission was completed and left the presidency (although as commander of the National Guard, he retained a significant influence on the situation in the country). The general died as a result aviation disaster in 1982, and many experts are inclined to believe that the accident was rigged by the American intelligence services.

In Brazil, Jetulio Vargas, who led the Movement for the Economic and Political Improvement of the country, first began to pursue a sovereign policy. At the beginning of 1930, as a result of the worldwide crisis, the price of a pound of coffee fell from 22 to 8 cents per pound, and this caused a deep economic depression in Brazil. In 1937, Vargas came to power with the slogan Nuevo Estado (new power). He conducted a constitutional reform, as a result of which Brazil turned from a loose confederation of states into a centralized state, limited the influence of the latifundists and ensured the country's energy independence, transferring the oil fields to state companies. He encouraged Brazilian entrepreneurs by putting obstacles in the path of American expansion. True, he constantly had to maneuver between the military, coffee planters (the old oligarchy) and the left. As a result, in 1954, he committed suicide, unable, as he wrote in his suicide note, to endure "pressure from the international financial community."

In Argentina, a symbol of national independence, of course, is Colonel Juan Domingo Peron, the leader of the junta, who came to power in a military coup in 1943 year. The coup was a reaction to the so-called "inglorious decade" (1930 – 1943), when the country was ruled by a corrupt oligarchy that neglected national interests. Perona, who took the presidency in 1946, is usually portrayed as a right-wing politician, since he encouraged national capital and provided refuge to fugitive Nazis. At the same time, during his rule, the rights and powers of the trade unions, which had become an influential player on the political scene of Argentina, expanded unprecedentedly. In one of the provinces, Peron conducted an experiment on the creation of people's committees, endowed with full power (analogous to the Russian Soviets). He managed to develop the country's light industry and lay the foundations of nuclear energy. Peron pursued an independent course in foreign policy, and this could not forgive him influential businessmen and the military, guided by the United States. They provoked a coup in 1955 and overthrew the president. And although at the beginning of 70 for a short time he managed to come to power again, the epoch of Peron ended then. It should be noted that the current president of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, has always been considered a committed Peronist and at the same time actively supported the political initiatives of Hugo Chávez.

And finally, in Peru, the sovereign policy is associated with the government of General Juan Velasco Alvarado, who came to power as a result of a bloodless coup in 1968 year. Alvarado nationalized strategic sectors of the economy: electric power industry, oil industry, mining and processing of non-ferrous metals, telecommunications. The left-wing military conducted an agrarian reform in the interests of the Peruvian peasantry, which they considered to be the “backbone of the state”. The authorities of Peru have established partnerships with the USSR and Cuba (they purchased Soviet weapons for the astronomical sum of 2 billion dollars for those times). Alvarado considered Moscow as a natural ally in the fight against American hegemony. And it is not surprising that when his government was overthrown in 1975, the country's foreign policy changed drastically.

Some errors

What prevented Latin American charismatic leaders to bring the matter to the end? Why none of them managed to defend their independence? It seems that they made a number of mistakes, which were almost imperceptible at first, but in the end turned out to be fatal. Most patriotic leaders did not seek to create mass parties or popular support movements, and therefore it was easy for opponents to challenge their conquests. This lesson was fully taken into account by Chavez, who united all the left and patriotic movements of the country into the United Socialist Party of Venezuela.

As a rule, the local oligarchy removed the Latin American nationalists. Indeed, despite the fact that the rights and opportunities of businessmen were significantly limited, they managed to preserve the economic and political influence that they used to put a spoke in the wheels of supporters of the real sovereignty of South American countries. As noted by Argentine philosopher and geopolitics, Minister of Labor in the second government of Peron, Professor Alberto Buela, “even during the war for independence, the masses and revolutionary leaders (the most prominent among them, Simon Bolivar, the political symbol of Chavism) fought for the freedom of the continent, while like the comprador bourgeoisie, for free trade. ” Back in the 19th century, big businessmen opposed the political unification of South America, defending the project of “small births”, completely dependent on patrons in Washington, London or Paris. And only Hugo Chavez managed to pull out the Venezuelan oligarchs teeth, putting them before a choice: either to obey the will of the people, or to get out in Miami.

The predecessors of the Venezuelan leader for the most part came from the military environment and, giving the army paramount attention, were confident that the officers would not dare to challenge them. However, experience has shown that they were captured by illusions. Chavez, unlike them, fully took into account the ambitions of Latin American generals - each of them dreams of becoming a caudillo - and began to pursue a flexible personnel policy. As a result, the army was forced to put up with its subordinate position and did not even think about challenging the gains of the Bolivarian revolution.

And most importantly: before Chávez, patriotic politicians tried to confront Washington’s imperial ambitions alone. Of course, these attempts were doomed to failure in advance, because the power of the United States obviously exceeds the capabilities of each individual Latin American state. But by agreeing to integration and creating a single political organism, South American peoples can protect their sovereignty. In this regard, Chavez, in full agreement with the geopolitical concepts of “large spaces” of Friedrich List and the “pan-ideas” of Karl Haushofer, put forward a project of a continental union - the Bolivarian Alternative (ALBA), which was supported by his colleagues: presidents of Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Brazil, Ecuador.

"Miscarriage of Europe", or an independent civilization

One of the main ideologists of the geopolitical unity of South America is Alberto Buela mentioned above. He does not like the term “Latin America”, calling it an invention of Parisian left-wing intellectuals, and prefers the name “Ibero-America” (the peoples of the continent speak Iberian languages: Spanish and Portuguese). The Argentine professor claims that sooner or later Iberoamerica will become a single political entity, which, however, will not include Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean islands, in any case, to the North American United States (he explains the success of the Cuban experiment ). Iberoamerica Buela views the geopolitical space as a diamond, the tops of which are Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and Peru. “It is on these countries that the situation on the continent depends,” he notes, “and in order to successfully promote integration projects, a strategic alliance between Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Lima and Caracas is necessary. Such a union can lead to the formation of a single economic and political space, and then South America will become an independent pole of the world, a sovereign player in international relations. And this will mean the end of the anti-colonial war, which has lasted for more than two centuries. ”

It is worth noting that the policy of continental nationalism is perfectly combined with the Indian Renaissance, which has been observed recently in many countries of South America. The ideologist of this process was the founder of the APRA Peruvian Party (American Revolutionary People’s Alliance), Ayia de la Torre, who called for an end to the cultural colonialism of the West. And the most prominent representative of the Indian revival in politics, of course, is the modern Bolivian President Evo Morales. He defends the interests of the Indians, who constitute the majority of the population of Bolivia, but for a long time were considered second-class citizens. He proclaimed Quechua and Aymara as state languages ​​and began to support the religions of the indigenous population. Many remember how barefoot, dressed in ritual clothing Morales brought the sacred oath to the ancient Indian goddess Pachamam near the pyramid of Acapan (shortly afterwards he was elected the supreme leader of all the Andes tribes).

The Indian tribes were also supported by the late Hugo Chavez, who, by the way, was himself half Indian. At one of the summits in Caracas, the Venezuelan president proposed not to celebrate Columbus’s Discovery of America more, but to replace it with Indigenous Day. Thus, he wanted to emphasize that Latin America is not a “miscarriage of Europe”, that it is an independent civilization, developing according to its own laws, story which began not with the "great geographical discoveries." “The eternal confrontation between the Indians and the white conquerors,” notes The Nation, “has now grown into a clash between the northern and southern continents.”

Of course, Chavez was one of the most prominent figures of the Latin American Renaissance. He set a very powerful impulse, and although with his death, Venezuela will no longer be the integration leader in the region, a country dependent on energy exports, but an economic giant like Brazil will hardly turn the Burning Continent off the path set by the Venezuelan commandant.
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  1. +5
    April 27 2013 16: 43
    You will re-read the history of South America, and you will think that Russia and the CIS countries are very nice and honestly behaving.

    And having thought a little, you understand, everything is still ahead of the CIS countries ... There will be time to collect stones.
    1. +11
      April 27 2013 16: 49
      So we need to draw conclusions, and revive our culture, our values, the benefit of our culture is very rich! And do not worship Western imposed principles. This cult of consumption and general neglect of each other will not bring to good.
      1. +4
        April 27 2013 17: 43
        Quote: р_у_с_с_к_и_й
        to revive our culture, our values, good, our culture is very rich! And do not worship Western imposed principles.

        When the main value of modernity is $ 100, what is the revival of culture? At the highest level, we are being dumb consumers. Look at the TV !!! Read the press, what is taught at school ?? ........ but these are the basics of perception !!
        And what kind of discussions are going on in the Duma ?? ........ some kind of circus of absurdity !!
      2. 0
        April 27 2013 18: 34
        Are Russians prevented from reviving culture?
        1. +6
          April 27 2013 18: 53
          Quote: Burbulator
          Are Russians prevented from reviving culture?
          - formally do not interfere. In reality, the Minister of Education in education (the one who is unsuccessfully trying to resign and cannot be forced out) honestly and cynically declared that his task was not to educate the creative engineer, who was needed in the USSR and really needed now, but a competent consumer who knows how to very well understand the things he consumes. Like, this type is more adequate in the new conditions and the younger generation will thank him for these efforts. It’s real - when T. Bekmambetov gets the financing he needs to shoot a film in a pro-Western style, and another director doesn’t get a penny for his project to create a documentary about Russian cultural achievements. So think for yourself who quietly interferes with real actions, maybe you will understand
          1. +5
            April 27 2013 21: 54
            Quote: aksakal
            naturally and cynically declared that his task was not to educate the creative engineer, who was needed in the USSR and was not needed right now, but a competent consumer who knows how to understand the things he uses very well. Type, this type is more adequate in the new conditions and the younger generation will thank him for these efforts.

            Scientist Arnold V.G.
            “American colleagues explained to me that the low level of general culture and school education in their country is a conscious achievement for economic purposes.
            The fact is that after reading books, an educated person becomes the worst buyer: he buys less washing machines and cars, begins to prefer Mozart, or Shakespeare, or theorems to them. The economy of the consumer society suffers from this, and above all, the incomes of the owners of life - so they strive to prevent culture and education (which, in addition, prevent them from manipulating the population as a herd deprived of intelligence) ”
            This is what we see throughout the entire space of the former USSR. However, I doubt that it is necessary to say "Thank you" for this, and I really hope that our youth will understand this with our help.
            1. 0
              April 28 2013 09: 50
              Quote: Egoza
              , and I really hope that our youth will understand this with our help.

              I read that your grandchildren are joining the army, so you have enough experience in this area.
              Do you believe that yourself?
              After all, my children are part of this society and I see directly how they become its EQUAL PART. They become consumers, soulless robots who are unaware of.
              I do not want to say that they are bad - I want to say that the reform was a success unfortunately!
              1. +1
                April 28 2013 10: 09
                Quote: APASUS
                After all, my children are part of this society and I see directly how they become its EQUAL PART. They become consumers, soulless robots who are unaware of.

                Or maybe it makes sense to change something personally for you, because your children are primarily part of your family.
                1. +2
                  April 28 2013 11: 21
                  Quote: saturn.mmm
                  Or maybe it makes sense to change something personally for you, because your children are primarily part of your family.

                  Do you really think that I will teach children bad? It's just that I can’t change the environment that is around us! I have to live in the forest, so as not to give in to its influence. And at the same time I want the children to be sufficiently educated and modern people.
                  That education upsets me at all .... !!!
                  1. +1
                    April 28 2013 14: 02
                    Quote: APASUS
                    And at the same time I want the children to be sufficiently educated and modern people.
                    That education upsets me at all .... !!!

                    It is necessary to constantly engage with children, to communicate, not to prohibit but to send quietly (all this is not easy, though) and then, most likely in any environment, they will find their right path and fellow travelers.
                    Quote: APASUS
                    That education upsets me at all.

                    Create parent groups of schools and then district associations, and fight for the education of your children, because no one else will do this.
              2. 0
                April 28 2013 10: 42
                Quote: APASUS
                Do you believe that yourself?

                Dear Apasus! I not only believe, but also see the result. I cannot say that my grandchildren (elders) "are unaware robots." They always manage their pocket money very wisely and do not chase after the "super duper". In addition, the senior who graduates from the technical school and will go to the army (we hope will have time) always worked part-time during the holidays. Parents were allowed on one condition - just not at paid rallies. so I dragged brochures and laid them out in a PO box, and worked as a courier. But the MAIN THING (and well done, my sons) NEVER hayat the USSR, they always have great respect for the veterans of the Second World War. They can also fight back in disputes with nationalists. It is really WORK with them on family history. For the rest, they also like to listen to music, and sit in the internet and get worn out. However, again about the elder ...
                A luxurious car drove into the narrow street where our old Khrushchevka is located, drove wobbling - clearly the driver was drunk, and began to run into the grandmothers who were sitting on the bench. the grannies screamed, and this driver jumped out and grabbed the drin from the front garden, went to the grannies, because his "lady" (also drunk) yelled: "Kill this old thing." then the grandson with a friend comes out of the entrance. He jumped, rushed forward at the peasant. He managed to push him away and knock him down (fortunately, my son taught him some techniques), but he was hit with this stick, and this bastard hurt him. In short, history has already gone on there. Why am I - someone who has been brainwashed, even with our omitted education, will never go to defend the weak, if the concept of good, evil, duty, responsibility is not laid down at home. But all is not lost with you. Can you judge your own too harshly? If not, try to catch up. There is still time. hi
                1. -1
                  April 28 2013 11: 22
                  Quote: Egoza
                  . Maybe you judge your own too harshly?

          2. 0
            April 28 2013 10: 29
            Quote: aksakal
            So think for yourself who quietly interferes with real actions, maybe you will understand

            I’m sitting on the Internet and drinking beer with chips, I’ll go outside and look, nothing has changed, I’ll go to the store to take a beer and chips and go online again, maybe the next time I go out something will change for the better.
    2. 0
      April 27 2013 20: 07
      Quote: zvereok
      You will re-read the history of South America, and you will think that Russia and the CIS countries are very nice and honestly behaving.

      You can pick up warmer epithets: kindly, affectionately, cordially, with a table filled with drinks and dishes, etc., etc.
      True, the "flaming continent" born in Africa is called.
      Or am I behind life?
    3. +1
      April 28 2013 09: 29
      Quote: zvereok
      You will re-read the history of South America, and you will think that Russia and the CIS countries are very nice and honestly behaving.

      And having thought a little, you understand, everything among the CIS countries is yet to come ... There will be time to collect stones.

      There will be time to collect LAND !
  2. +6
    April 27 2013 17: 23
    You read the history of American countries and, sympathizing with them, rejoice, how lucky they are that the Europeans couldn’t arrange there what they did in Africa ... from which it is unlikely to come out .... cause genuine respect for peoples stubbornly striving for independence, actually fighting with the incomparable power of the United States, which operate there as in its garden ... and, moreover, now almost without any external help .....
    1. +6
      April 27 2013 18: 34
      Quote: smile
      how lucky they were that the Europeans could not arrange there what they did in Africa ...

      The local population of both Americas was much less fortunate than the Africans. They were practically exterminated or assimilated.
      1. +2
        April 27 2013 19: 34
        Not everything is clear. The term “Europeans” applies to ALL Europeans, not just the Spaniards, the British and the French. Indeed, about 80% of the Indians died, but not all were killed. Plague raged in Europe in the 14th century. 30% of the population died. The rest developed immunity to this strain. Subsequent generations turned into a carrier where the infection did not manifest itself in any way. But as soon as the Europeans contact the Indians who did not have immunity to this microbe, the disease literally wiped them out. It is also absolutely wrong to represent the natives as "lambs of God". In the pre-Columbian era, mass human sacrifices were widely used. This is far from an invention of the Spaniards, but a well-proven fact, by the way, the Indians themselves admit it. The level of Indian "civilization" can be judged by that they did not know the wheel! A similar situation was in Africa. Of course, you can be indignant at the sometimes inhumane treatment of the aborigines by white people, but they were children of their time. Today we can talk pathetically about their shortcomings. (What are gladiator fights in Rome, which did not prevent them from creating the GREATEST EMPIRE IN THE WORLD, carrying the civilization and culture known today as European civilization) I repeat, we have no right Do not separate the actions of the first colonialists from the customs of those centuries. By the way, there is nothing wrong with the word colonizer (means a settler). The Europeans brought literacy, culture, the benefits of civilization, science to the indigenous peoples. And the so-called "vices" imply drunkenness, avarice, etc. hit everyone, not just the aborigines. Fact-Whites created and turned South Africa into a developed and advanced country. After the control was transferred to the blacks, the country turned into a hotbed of crime and lawlessness.
        1. +4
          April 27 2013 19: 42
          Throwing blankets of smallpox patients looked especially humane and civilized.
          1. 0
            April 27 2013 19: 52
            One can argue about this. Many of these, if I may say so, "facts" got a start in life during the struggle against imperialism.
            1. wax
              April 27 2013 22: 37
              White barbarians deliberately destroyed huge herds of bison (millions and millions of animals!), The hunting of which was the basis of life for the steppe tribes, they gave the Indians infected with smallpox blankets, after which catastrophic epidemics flared up among them. All this led to the fact that entire tribes were dying.
              Reservations are a purely North American phenomenon, the colonizers have never thought of in either Asia or Africa. The reservation system has become the apotheosis of white hatred towards the Indians, the last step on the path to the physical and moral destruction of the indigenous people of North America. According to experts, before the discovery of America, up to 3 million people lived in the territory of the modern USA and Canada. By the end of the nineteenth century, their number was reduced to 200 thousand.

              In the name of Christ and the Virgin Mary, “noble hidalgo” converted Indians into slavery, burned their villages, killed women and babies, physically exterminated entire tribes.

              The discoverer of America was struck by sincerity, sincere purity, kindness, honesty and simply unprecedented hospitality of “savages”. He wrote to the Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella: “These people are so obedient, so peaceful, and I could swear to Your Majesties that there is no better people in the world. Each of them loves his neighbor as himself. "Their speech is always pleasant and calm, with a friendly smile, and although it is true that they are naked, their morals are decent and deserve praise."
        2. +1
          April 27 2013 21: 01
          Whites destroyed the nascent African statehood, corrupted the undestroyed local "aristocracy" by reorienting it to a more lucrative occupation - slavery to sell their neighbors and fellow tribesmen to whites, bleeding the coastal territories taking out millions of slaves, almost half of which did not survive the inhuman conditions of "transportation" ... while admiring South Africa, you forgot that it was a state of whites and for whites ... apartheid is a kind of fascism ... if you keep a person in a cage from the moment of his birth, reducing him to the state of a semi-animal, then what happens if will you one day forget to close the door? ... and who will be to blame for this, you or your prisoner? This happened in South Africa ... and it happened in the 19-20 centuries, and not in hoary antiquity ...
          and songs about the blessings of the state sound very tempting against the background of their mortality ...
          To call modern European Christian civilization the heir to the Roman Empire ... this is a myth, not very justified - almost all the values ​​of Europeans are antagonistic to the values ​​of antiquity .. this is how to call maggots the heirs of the dog, in the corpse of which they have bred .... they are only now beginning to be consonant with them moral values ​​of the sunset era of the Roman Empire ...
        3. hermes
          April 28 2013 10: 46
          I support you !
      2. +1
        April 27 2013 19: 46
        Quote: zart_arn
        They were practically exterminated or assimilated.

        In Central and South America, not everything is so bad, in some countries there are very many Indians, in Bolivia more than half and the president is an Indian. But in North America the situation is sad.
        1. 0
          April 27 2013 19: 52
          Bolivia escaped the fate of genocide due to its remoteness. In Argentina, for example, the situation is no better than in North America.
          1. +3
            April 27 2013 20: 04
            There are only 3 countries in South America with a predominant European population — Argentina, Chile and Colombia. Brazil has about 45%.
      3. 0
        April 27 2013 20: 39
        A fair answer, but nevertheless the peoples inhabiting present Central and South America are not reduced to such a state as Africans ...
        1. +2
          April 27 2013 21: 07
          By Africans, you most likely mean blacks. But doesn’t it seem strange to you that with such a wealth of mineral resources, under ideal conditions for agriculture, they starve ... what, does evil white interfere? Most likely they are lazy, unmanaged, not adapted to intellectual activity. WATSON ONE OF DNA RESEARCHERS SAY ABOUT THIS. Already he knows what he is saying.
          1. +1
            April 27 2013 22: 13
            Yes, I meant exactly that part of Africa that is populated by blacks. About the legendary laziness of the blacks and the disruptiveness of their armed forces have heard enough. Firsthand, from people who both worked with them and fought ... including from two Cubans who fought there (one of them is black as a boot) ... my stepfather went to sea, more 20 years of Africa is probably enough to form an opinion about the local .... but there are many reasons for this, including external ones ... and do not discount the influence of the white masters, who were always in the position of slave owners ... I don’t think that at least one nation will benefit from the fact that it is artificially reduced to the position of an animal during the time when planes fly ... which has been bled for centuries by taking people out for sale, which have been robbed for centuries, taking out all the resources ... you think this in no way affected the unfortunate blacks? If from birth you will beat a child, humiliate, keep him locked up, take away his property, toys, clothes, and when he grows up, expel naked and barefoot into the street, leaving finally a fingal under his eye - who will get it, what will he do? Then, too, you will begin to study his DNA, meticulously searching for the reason that he became a juvenile delinquent in his very coolly primed gene pool?
          2. wax
            April 27 2013 22: 43
            Stephen Rose, professor of biosciences at the Open University and founder of the Society for the Social Responsibility of Science, said: “Watson is acting like a notorious brawler. He used to say things like this about women, but I have never heard him run into racism as he does now. If he was familiar with the literature on this issue, then he would realize that he is incompetent in this area scientifically, not to mention socio-political. "

            The Supreme Court, part of the UK Supreme Court, has adopted a fundamentally new decision, which could have serious consequences for the adoption of children by believing families. The court expressed the opinion that Christians with traditional views on sexual ethics are not suitable for the role of foster parents - their beliefs may be unfavorable for children.

            This position of the British court was reflected in the decision of February 28, 2011 in case No. CO / 4594/2010, a copy of which is the Institute of Religious Freedom.



            It is more likely that whites (Anglo-Saxons) have genes for psychic abnormalities.
            1. +3
              April 28 2013 08: 46
              Well, if the Nobel Prize winner, the discoverer of DNA is not an authority for you, then please answer DO YOU KNOW AT LEAST ONE NEGROW-GOOD PHYSICIST, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS, COMPOSER, CIRCULATOR, AT THE SKIN END where you need a GOOD SPHERE FUTER? and tell me if you agree with this, when a white man is called white, and a black man (in Latin, black) is "African American" (the word was invented an idiotic one). That in the films everything is, rapists, white villains, and heroes, ingenious programmers, good people, soft and fluffy-negros, who for breakfast, lunch and dinner are sleeping with white girls and white can not have a black, because it "racism." Finally, do you believe in genetics? It has long been proven that aggressiveness, stupidity, low intelligence, ugliness are in the genes. And different attacks on Watson are from the evil one. Like, not "politically correct" Why the hell would I be politically correct if I can't call snow white, and coal black?
              1. OTAKE
                April 28 2013 09: 36
                An example of this is the homeland of apartheid - South Africa, there are still settlements labeled "only for whites" - a nigga can stay there only until sunset. Now these settlements exist not as a sign of racial superiority, but as an attempt to maintain elementary order in a particular territory. For most of the African countries from where the whites were driven out instantly slide into a primitive communal system, and niggas immediately remember that less than 1% of the difference in genotype separates a person from a monkey, and immediately slide into a familiar state with weapons, drugs and other temptations to the side of the road to civilization. The humanitarian aid provided by the evil usurpers, Europeans and Americans, is successfully cut by the leaders of the "tribes" who have a Kalashik and touch for him, and those who really need help are left with nothing
              2. OTAKE
                April 28 2013 09: 56
                Quote: xetai9977

                Well, here I do not agree) Barack Obama, Condoleezza Rice, Stevie Wonder (25-time Grammy Award winner), James Brown (Godfather of soul, a significant figure in the music of the twentieth century), Jimi Hendrix, Muhammad Ali (Boxer, I'm not afraid of this word - Century), Mike Tyson (I won’t even comment here) and even the same Eddie Murphy - I doubt that the people on this list are intelligent or dumb, it seems to me that it all depends on the conditions in which the person is, African, having arrived in The United States or Europe can manifest itself fully, no matter what, it is only necessary to give the necessary conditions, and just as importantly, freedom, the same can be said about the Arab countries, if in Muslim countries, the Persian Gulf the influence of religion was not I’d be so tough in relation to youth, I’m 100% sure that many talented guys would seem to the world, even now such trends are noticed, many Arab DJs appear, many directions from music, cinema appear, give a little more more freedom and then really the world would have looked there differently
                1. +3
                  April 28 2013 12: 15
                  My dear Rodion! I said, "areas where the need intelligence" .Pet, dancing, shaking his fists, how many intelligence required? Show me a nigger-good engineer, physicist, chemist, mathematician, architect .... And about the Arabs, I agree The Arabs are not like Negroes, they are a Semitic people belonging to the Mediterranean type of the Caucasian race, they taught the Crusaders, and through them and the rest of Europeans, hygiene, mathematics, chemistry, comfort ...
                  1. OTAKE
                    April 28 2013 18: 22
                    Quote: xetai9977
                    My dear Rodion! I said, "areas where the need intelligence" .Pet, dancing, shaking his fists, how many intelligence required? Show me a nigger-good engineer, physicist, chemist, mathematician, architect .... And about the Arabs, I agree The Arabs are not like Negroes, they are a Semitic people belonging to the Mediterranean type of the Caucasian race, they taught the Crusaders, and through them and the rest of Europeans, hygiene, mathematics, chemistry, comfort ...

                    Are Mozart, Bach, Beethoven not intellectual people?) Are Lennon, Bob Marley, Frank Sinatra also small-minded people? :)
                    1. +2
                      April 28 2013 19: 06
                      Mozart, Bach, Beethoven are representatives of classicism, and classic is the pinnacle of music, and here you need a great intellect, a special mentality. I'm afraid this is not for Negro minds. and comparing FUGI BACH and reggae strumming is not entirely correct.
                      1. OTAKE
                        April 28 2013 19: 11
                        Quote: xetai9977
                        Mozart, Bach, Beethoven are representatives of classicism, and classic is the pinnacle of music, and here you need a great intellect, a special mentality. I'm afraid this is not for Negro minds. and comparing FUGI BACH and reggae strumming is not entirely correct.

                        And jazz, rap? - without these currents you can’t imagine modern music)
          3. Town Guard
            April 30 2013 18: 15
            Quote: xetai9977
            But doesn’t it seem strange to you that with such a wealth of mineral resources, under ideal conditions for agriculture, they are starving ... what, does evil white interfere?

            The French invasion of Mali refutes your statement. The whites periodically interfere, yes. Although it is unlikely that the colonial influence was lost for such countries. Those who really got rid of colonial dependence with the help of the USSR were really free. secretly their elite still works for the colonial master.
      4. +2
        April 28 2013 14: 45
        smile: The local population of both Americas was much less fortunate than the Africans.
        Only the Indians of Alaska were lucky. Well, the Russian "invaders" did not give blankets infected with smallpox, as the "progressive" Yankes did.
        Latin American countries have a lot of problems: extreme poverty, overpopulation of cities, excessive foreign debt, no funds for socio-economic needs,
        environmental problems due to deforestation of the Amazonian forests ... There is a certain difference in the perception of each other, Spanish-speaking Argentina and Portuguese-speaking Brazil, populated by European emigrants, where in the XNUMXth – XNUMXth centuries. brought tens of thousands of slaves from Africa and where African roots are still felt and which has seized the role of the "older brother from the United States, which does not suit the same Argentina and a number of countries themselves claiming regional leadership. There are territorial disputes, many of which are still not resolved. A big difference in economic potential and level of development. The United States has influence in the armed forces of the countries of the continent, whose generals and officers were trained in the United States. A lot depends on the Catholic Church ...
        And Chavez and Gaddafi became the SOCIAL Leaders, which the West did not like very much.
  3. +7
    April 27 2013 17: 31
    All the same, it's time for Latin America to recall its story ....
    "First, let's list the facts and try to guess which country we are talking about:
    All power in the country belongs to the state, which is consistently pursuing a course towards building a completely independent, self-sufficient economy based solely on its own resources with minimal imports.
    Having ousted the national bourgeoisie from the economic and political spheres, the state assumed the exclusive role of the formation and development of the nation, and the distribution of national incomes.
    The country has no external debts. All foreign trade is in state monopoly. At the same time, exports consistently exceed imports, which makes it possible to make large investments in industry and agriculture, without resorting to foreign loans.
    Instead of foreign capital, the state attracts foreign (European) specialists who receive a good salary and help establish advanced, high-tech industries, transport and communication infrastructure.
    The state pursues a tough protectionist policy, supporting domestic producers (by introducing high import duties and at the same time reducing export duties).
    The national currency is completely stable.
    The country has established modern telegraph communication, railway communication, river transport.
    Thanks to state support, the country is experiencing a powerful economic upswing, and new production facilities are being built for the steel, textile, paper, printing, and shipbuilding industries.
    Irrigation work, construction of dams and canals, new bridges and roads contribute to the rise of agricultural production.
    Illiteracy is completely defeated in the country - almost the entire population of the country can read and write.
    Free education (universal compulsory primary education), free medicine.
    98% of the country’s territory is public property: the state provides peasants with land for unlimited use for a nominal rent in exchange for an obligation to cultivate these plots without the right to sell.
    Along with private agricultural producers there are large state agricultural and livestock farms - “estates of the Motherland”.
    The country has set a price ceiling for basic food products.
    This is the only country on the continent that does not know poverty, hunger, corruption.
    Virtually no crime.
    All of the country's income goes to industrialization, agricultural support, the development of the social sphere and the modernization of the army. The country lacks commercial intermediaries, speculators, parasitic classes and layers.
    Well, then, the normal socialism of the USSR model of the 1930's.
    It would seem nothing special. But another thing is surprising, namely, the historical era - all this happens in the early 1860's!
    Oh my God, what kind of country is this that has overtaken even Russia by seventy years, where this became possible only in the era of the Stalin five-year plans, not to mention the rest of the world! Where is it?
    In South America. Yes, yes, in South America. And this country is Paraguay. "
    Read more here -
    That's how they remember - and go the right way. And it’s not a sin for us to remember this. The history of Paraguay and its destruction is painfully reminiscent of the collapse of the USSR. Only here the story goes in a spiral! It was not possible to completely repeat this scenario. And it is necessary that it does not happen again. Neither for us nor for Venezuela.
    1. +2
      April 28 2013 05: 36
      An exhaustive comment, and there is nothing to add ... You are smart! By the way, I was terribly surprised that you already have a granddaughter .... :)))) According to the texts - you are very young .... :))) forgive me, villain, for switching to personalities .....
      1. +4
        April 28 2013 05: 40
        Quote: smile
        By the way, I was terribly surprised that you already have a granddaughter .... :)))) According to the texts - you are very young ...

        Shaw, your hopes collapsed laughing
        1. +1
          April 28 2013 09: 06
          Alexander Romanov
          Yeah ..... but how did you, wicked kind of thing, guessed? .... :)))) I won’t climb into the ditch for hope ... and he laughs ... not good .... here I’ll return Odessa girl to her I'm gonna get you!
          1. +1
            April 28 2013 10: 17
            Quote: smile
            ..that will come back Odessa woman, I’ll hit her on you!

            And her computer flew laughing
            1. 0
              April 28 2013 10: 27
              Alexander Romanov
              If you reckon that this will save you, you are mistaken! :) Here I will get my hopes, wash, fix ... and we'll see who is who !!! !!!))))
      2. +4
        April 28 2013 05: 52
        Quote: smile
        An exhaustive comment, and there is nothing to add.

        There is something - all this during the reign of Stroessner and he was not particularly liberal with all scum hi
        1. +2
          April 28 2013 06: 29
          Lounged fool mixed up century request laughing
      3. +1
        April 28 2013 10: 47
        Quote: smile
        You are smart! By the way, I was terribly surprised that you already have a granddaughter .... :)))) According to the texts - you are very young ....

        Thank you, smile! Actually, I have 5 grandchildren (five) - two large and three small. But what my years! so do not lose hope! laughing
    2. 0
      April 28 2013 16: 12
      Elena: ... And this country is Paraguay. "
      Paraguay was a beggar and a wild country. Stroessner wanted to create a full and competitive state.
      Relatively managed to pull the country out of poverty and savagery. To do this, he established relations with the United States and for a long time and cunningly manipulated the Americans, using their interest in the natural wealth of Latin America. True, this coin has a downside - it literally sold Paraguay.
      Stroessner always hated the communists. And “guilty” of this was a Russian emigrant named Alexander Andreev. After talking “with a friend Sasha,” he knew everything about the Communists. When he came to power, the first thing he did was to open the "red" hunt. The hunt was conducted by the secret police and very successfully: almost every fourth Paraguayan served in prison. The most "red" were in the camps - there were about twenty of them in Paraguay - these are real concentration camps! There were even separate camps for pregnant women and camps for young children. Children were taken away from the "communists", and they lost them forever. Well, the most implacable "reds" were shot ...
      Already in the late forties, Paraguay was overrun by the Germans, and Stressner liked it. The more real Aryans (Nazis!) Will be in Paraguay, the faster the country will get out of the garbage pit ...
      Stroessner organized the genocide of the Indians. These unfortunate dictator literally destroyed: of the two hundred and fifty thousand of them only thirty remained. Under Stroessner, Indians as wild people, almost like monkeys, could be shot, skinned and handbags and other wardrobe items were sold, and Indian babies could be sold as souvenirs at an affordable price of $ 80-120 per piece. Under him, safaris were organized on the Indians, just like crocodiles. They shot from jeeps, hunted dogs, drowned in swamps.

      More details - “THE LAST FUHER OF AMERICA”

      PS Opinion of the modern average citizen of Paraguay, who did not push the time of the dictator’s reign: under Stroessner, there were discipline, peace and order in the country, everyone knew his sixth and “did not stick his head out”. Not only now - and demonstrations, and strikes, and the seizure of land by peasants, and the constantly emerging scandals with corruption and smuggling, are all dissatisfied with something, they are always demanding something. And before there were neither these trade unions, nor these countless political parties rushing to power ...
      1. 0
        April 28 2013 18: 18
        Quote: knn54
        Stroessner wanted to create a full and competitive state.

        You have not mixed up the years?
        "Jose Francia, the first President of Paraguay to come to power in 1814, and subsequent presidents Carlos Antonio Lopez and Francisco Solano Lopez (1862 - 1870) gave the nation a dream, and this dream began to come true before our eyes!
        There was something to stir Britain.
        Indeed, by doing so, Paraguay opposed itself to world imperialism, primarily to English capital.

        Moreover, Francisco Solano Lopez prohibited English merchant ships from entering the Paraguay River, and this is already a direct attempt on the holy of holies - the World Order established by the British Empire, according to which everyone was obliged to buy English goods. All the social and economic conquests of Paraguay were achieved without participation world capital, relying only on their own, national resources. That was an example. "Read the links in detail!
        1. 0
          April 28 2013 18: 47
          Elena: You haven’t mixed up the years? Yes, a mistake has come out. And then it’s been just a century ago:
          On May 5, 1954, with the support of the army, Stroessner staged a coup and declared himself president and ruled until 3.0 2.1989
  4. +4
    April 27 2013 17: 51
    Well done Latinos. And the United States wants to stay there with nothing. However, not only there, but everywhere.
  5. +2
    April 27 2013 19: 55
    fool It is time for Russia to mount missile defense facilities in those parts in order to protect correctly developing countries from possible aggression from North Korea, Iran, and maybe even Moldova. am
  6. +1
    April 28 2013 03: 54
    Historically, the countries of Latin America do not owe anything to the United States - immigrants from Britain did not discover and develop the territories of their continent, and the formation of states in the Americas went almost simultaneously ...
    1. Nicotine 7
      April 28 2013 14: 19
      There is one common feature between the two Americas: by means of coups (revolutions), the masses came to power, and in fact remained.
  7. +1
    April 28 2013 06: 36
    South America is so close to the Russian Federation, the United States will strengthen in South America, the Russian Federation will weaken so much.