Information noise around the Russian State University for the Humanities and Ivan Ilyin: why you shouldn’t fight the historical past

Information noise around the Russian State University for the Humanities and Ivan Ilyin: why you shouldn’t fight the historical past

One of the functions that journalists perform is the constant search for news stories that can interest and attract a mass audience. Sometimes these informational occasions really deserve attention, but more often they are created literally out of nothing and do not represent any informational value. Sometimes informational reasons are artificially generated, and subsequently the corresponding informational noise is deliberately created around them.

What is information noise?

These are messages and data that are of no value to the subject of the information. Actually, it is called noise because it acts according to the logic of acoustic noise: it distracts, interferes with concentration, imposes itself, interferes with the usual flow of affairs*. This is exactly how the author evaluates the discussions that have arisen in the public field and social networks around the opening of the Educational and Scientific Center named after the philosopher Ivan Ilyin at the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU).

In the author's opinion, all this story with a student petition against naming the center after Ilyin, is inspired by certain political circles, since it seems obvious that the rector of the state humanities university is unlikely to create an educational and scientific center named after Ivan Ilyin on his own initiative. The choice of the head of the center, Alexander Dugin, who had previously criticized Ilyin in his articles and books, is also interesting.

It seems that we are dealing with a political performance, an important part of which is the public speeches of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation deputies against Ivan Ilyin.

What’s interesting is that the Ivan Ilyin Higher Political School (HPS) was created last year, but before that students and deputies did not express any indignation, and only now they all suddenly burst out.

A logical question arises: for what purpose was this information noise created?

“All history is a struggle for its interpretation”

Before moving on to answering this question, I would like to clarify some historiographical points.

Each country is concerned with the study of its history. A holistic image of the past is a factor in the formation of national identity, a sense of belonging to a certain cultural and historical space. Not to mention the fact that the problem of understanding one’s own past on a national scale has long moved to the political plane. The influence of politics on history is, in fact, great, since the past is a means to legitimize the present.

The modern German historian Heinrich August Winkler once said that

“Every story is a struggle for its interpretation. Anyone who has greater opportunities to make political assessments has political influence. The more a party influences the public's perception of history, the closer it is to cultural hegemony. Achieving it is the goal of all politicians.”

In other words, the past is not a naturally occurring product of human activity that looks the same to everyone, but is always the subject of various attempts to interpret it in their own interests**.

Despite the fact that more than 100 years have passed since the end of the Civil War, the echoes of this extremely traumatic experience for Russia can still be heard today. Hence the polar assessments of various historical figures. For example, in such polemics one can often hear that the “whites” sold out to the Entente and sold the country to foreigners, while the “reds” were German agents, traitors and defeatists who viewed Russia only as a springboard for the “world revolution.”

In part, some of these accusations are fragmentarily true, but such a one-sided view of the past is biased and biased. The “Reds” at the first stage actually considered Russia as a springboard for the “world revolution” and acted under defeatist slogans in the First World War, but later they abandoned their policy of “war communism” and began building “socialism in one country.”

The “Whites” acted under the slogans of protecting the unity of Russia, and that is why, as historian Andrei Ganin rightly notes, they were unable to negotiate with the governments of limitrophe states (those that were formed on the outskirts of the former Russian Empire), because they denied their right to exist.

Throughout its centuries-old history, Russia has often stood at a “crossroads”, a “fork in the road”, before choosing a further path of development. There is a widespread point of view: “history does not know the subjunctive mood,” “talking about what would have happened if ... is not a scientific approach.” But in this case, it turns out that history is predetermined (I wonder by whom?)***.

In the end, the “Reds” won, which left a certain ideological imprint on history.

The figure of Ivan Ilyin, around whom the current controversy has arisen, is quite controversial, but he has authority in national-conservative circles. As historian Viktor Goltsov notes, the fact that Ilyin became the favorite philosopher of a number of Russian politicians played a bad joke on his legacy. His supporters in power are trying to make him a symbol of banal security, turn him into a tough ethcrat and statist, opponents of the authorities, in turn, point out that he is an ethcrat, a militarist and a “fascist”, for the sake of a “pin” - so, they say, look who is your favorite author.

What Ilyin really was like is of no interest to anyone. The thinker is literally torn to pieces, quotes are taken out of context, there is no talk of reconstructing the motivation for Ilyin’s conclusions****. In fact, everyone who writes about him is often not even familiar with his work.

In this material, the author will not engage in the reconstruction of Ivan Ilyin’s views or give him any assessments. Ilyin was an ardent anti-Bolshevik, but there is no doubt that he belongs to the space of Russian culture and became an integral part of the Russian intellectual heritage.

If we approach it from a quotation point of view, then those who present Ilyin as a defeatist and a “fascist” may find themselves in an unpleasant situation. For example, some, proving his “fascism”, quote his following words:

“Naive Russian emigrants expected Hitler to quickly defeat the communists and liberate Russia. They reasoned like this: “the enemy of my enemy is my natural like-minded person and ally.” In fact, the enemy of my enemy may be my most merciless enemy...
There is a general rule of international politics: when two enemies of my homeland begin to fight each other, then I should evaluate this struggle not from the point of view of international law, or justice, or sentimental sentiments, but from the point of view of the direct interest of my homeland and the economy of its forces. In such cases, neutrality is shown. The mass surrender of Russian soldiers in 1941 was such an instinctively found attempt to take a neutral position.”

[AND. Ilyin. "Our tasks"].

Ilyin’s words regarding the surrender of Soviet soldiers are considered defeatism and betrayal. However, here the author will allow himself to quote another very famous politician in Russia.

"Quit weapon, fraternize with the proletarians who are on the other side of the front border!”

["Lenin and the October Revolution: how V.I. Lenin lived and worked and what he wrote on the eve of October and in the October days", 1924].

“Brotherhood is a revolutionary initiative of the masses, it is the awakening of conscience, intelligence, and courage of the oppressed classes... It is good that the soldiers curse the war... It is good that, breaking the convict discipline, they themselves begin fraternization on all fronts.”

[Lenin V.I. (1969). "The Meaning of Fraternization"].

These are quotes from Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in which he calls on Russian soldiers in the First World War to throw down their weapons and fraternize with the Germans. Can they be called defeatist? I think the answer is obvious. Therefore, if you “cancel” Ilyin, then with the same success you can “cancel” Lenin.

The dispute about I. Ilyin as a distraction

The controversy surrounding Ivan Ilyin is noteworthy in that it does not carry any semantic meaning, except that the conventionally “left” and “right” have new reasons for public confrontation. That is, we are dealing with a typical “distraction of attention to an unusable object.”

Diverting attention from truly important issues is one of the key methods of propaganda - often this is done by saturating the information space with bright messages that cause heated discussion in society. In a huge flow of information, a person remembers mainly only what is simpler, clearer and more emotionally rich.

In addition, we should not forget that most people perceive television and the media, including analytical information, primarily as entertainment and distraction, for this reason it is not so difficult to manipulate them.

What are they trying to distract us from?

First of all, from the migration problem, which still has not lost its relevance. At the moment, we have not seen any effective measures against migration from Central Asia, although quite a lot of time has passed. People who proposed really serious steps in this direction - for example, State Duma deputy Mikhail Matveev - were completely excluded from the working group on migration issues, perhaps because this group does not plan to do anything other than chatter.

Meanwhile, incidents with migrants (a striking example of this is the murder in Lyublino) are not decreasing; foreigners still commit crimes and behave arrogantly and self-confidently. They are clearly not going to respect Russian culture and traditions, as officials are calling for.

Secondly, the situation with shelling in areas bordering Ukraine (primarily the Belgorod region) is also not significantly improving, but rather, on the contrary, tends to worsen. In light of the fact that the United States will provide Ukraine with further financial assistance, there is no reason to count on positive changes in the coming months. But they are trying to write and talk less about this - this is the new reality.

Is Ivan Ilyin, who was made the main fiend of evil on the eve of the May 9 celebration, to blame for all this?

* Quote from: Ignashin A. A., Kotlyarova V. V. The phenomenon of information noise. // Forum of young scientists. – 2019. – No. 6 (34).
** See Plenkov O. Yu. What remains of Hitler. Historical guilt and political repentance of Germany. – St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2019.
*** Arzamaskin Yu. N. Periodization of Russian history: transparent clarity or the most difficult puzzle? // Vestn. Samarsk legal in-ta. – 2013. – No. 2 (10). – pp. 81–84.
**** V. I. Goltsov. The First World War and the formation of the worldview of Russian intellectuals of the conservative trend of the 2th century (based on the works of I. A. Ilyin) // 2014th century and Russia: society, reforms, revolutions. Electronic collection. Vol. XNUMX. Samara, XNUMX.
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  1. -9
    April 23 2024 04: 45
    in national conservative circles he has authority

    You just need to understand that nationalism will lead to the death of Russia. Although Russians are the absolute majority and by any Western standards we are a monostate, we should not erase the culture of other peoples.
    So we, Russians, and other peoples will be stronger.
    And let philosophers and all sorts of priests go on their own and not confuse fragile minds.
    The only people who can philosophize are outstanding scientists: mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, virologists...
    Among them there should not be historians, economists, philosophers, priests...
    1. +15
      April 23 2024 05: 36
      You just need to understand that nationalism will lead to the death of Russia.

      National-brown Nazism will lead to the death of is happening now with Ukraine.
      In Hungary, Orban is an obvious Hungarian nationalist... but this did not lead to the death of Hungary.
      A normal nationalist always fights for equal rights and responsibilities for all nations living in the state.
      But here in Russia, some particularly quick-witted comrades and gentlemen decided that Russians have no rights... only responsibilities and believe that the Russian people do not exist, as does their culture.
      Which I categorically disagree with and will fight such views on all platforms.
      1. -11
        April 23 2024 05: 39
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Which I categorically disagree with and will fight such views on all platforms.

        For some reason, ardent Russian nationalists are usually half-breeds, for example Jews.
        There are practically no purely Russian nationalists among them.
        1. -6
          April 23 2024 05: 47
          I am always alarmed by people (including so-called Russian nationalists) who use Russian people for some of their own manipulations and purposes.
          Among the ultranationalists who call themselves Russians there are many provocateurs and decoys from the intelligence services, both ours and not ours.
          Therefore, I am very distrustful of radical statements among Russian nationalists... perhaps this is an attempt to drag the Russians into another bloody massacre with people of a different nationality.
          1. +4
            April 23 2024 07: 14
            So, interesting... It turns out that Russian nationalists have “occupied” the Kremlin? Judging by what is happening with migrants? belayYes, it is possible that indignation in connection with possible unpopular decisions will have to be diverted in a different direction...
            1. 0
              April 23 2024 19: 53
              It turns out that Russian nationalists have “occupied” the Kremlin?

              You need to know the hardware... :)
              1. +1
                April 23 2024 20: 12
                He's an empty talker. That's all his material part... Yes
            2. 0
              April 23 2024 20: 04
              If these Russian nationalists were further divided along national lines, many, if not all, would turn out to be not Russian at all.
              This means that you shouldn’t believe their concern for Russians at all. Because their task is rather different.
        2. +4
          April 23 2024 15: 25
          There are practically no purely Russian nationalists

          Do not lie. Firstly, where have you seen “purely Russians”? For a long time, for centuries, everyone has had all sorts of blood mixed in, including the British and the Turks. And secondly, healthy nationalism is a property of a healthy psyche. And the Russian nationalist Tatar))) is quite natural and normal, because he is his own
          1. -2
            April 23 2024 17: 53
            Quote: futurohunter
            Do not lie. Firstly, where have you seen “purely Russians”? For a long time, for centuries, everyone has had all sorts of blood mixed in, including the British and the Turks.

            This is liberal nonsense. There is DNA that shows everything. Russians have virtually no admixtures. For example, Poles have many times more Asian genes than Russians. The only thing is that there is a small percentage of Finn-Ugric blood, they just became Russified a long time ago and consider themselves Russian.
            Quote: futurohunter
            And secondly, healthy nationalism is a property of a healthy psyche.

            The property of a healthy psyche is to forgive twice, and then hit at once as if seven times.
            It will be in Russian.
            1. +4
              April 23 2024 17: 57
              Russians have virtually no admixtures

              Wow! What about Pushkin? I guess he had almost no Russian genes am Will you deny that he is Russian? And there are many of them! Or Lavr Kornilov? Very Russian face laughing

              liberal nonsense
              Turbo-patriots (or those who consider themselves such) play into the hands of liberals most of all.

              But you write Russian with errors and clearly don’t like your language am

              will hit you like seven times at once
              It is not necessary to count, the main thing is that there is a result))))
              1. -3
                April 23 2024 18: 14
                Quote: futurohunter
                Wow! What about Pushkin? I assume that he had almost no Russian genes. Will you deny that he is Russian?

                They distorted it. Remember at least one black person, nothing comes to mind.
                Then a lot of nobles had Tatar, Kalmyk and German origin.
                Quote: futurohunter
                It is not necessary to count, the main thing is that there is a result))))

                Yes, you are not very good with numbers. I’m talking about the people, and you’re talking about specific people. Remember also Ivan the Terrible. He is also practically not Russian. I’ll give you another thought, but you know how Russians differ from other Slavs, in that Russians have weak facial hair.

                Pushkin is the most Russian person. You shouldn't get him involved. He is a genius. Russian genius.
                1. +2
                  April 23 2024 18: 22
                  Then you contradict yourself. I didn’t write about genes
                2. +1
                  April 23 2024 21: 28
                  What about the Romanov dynasty, who had more German blood than Russian? There are plenty of examples.
              2. +5
                April 23 2024 18: 21
                Pushkin is 100% Russian in identity. And if you count by blood, which is quite stupid, then three-quarters Great Russian, one-eighth African and one-eighth German. Let me remind you that his great-grandfather, his mother’s grandfather, was African.
          2. -1
            April 23 2024 20: 16
            And secondly, healthy nationalism is a property of a healthy psyche. And the Russian nationalist Tatar))) is quite natural and normal, because he is his own

            Ilyin, recently, has generally been presented as an ideal for Russia. Such a “healthy nationalist. One who, even after the Nuremberg trials, did not turn away from fascism (?!)
            1. 0
              April 23 2024 23: 24
              And what does Ilyin have to do with it? Did I praise him somewhere?
              1. 0
                April 24 2024 00: 28
                I cited Ilyin as an example to your statement about “healthy nationalism.”
        3. 0
          April 24 2024 08: 56
          Quote: bya965
          For some reason, ardent Russian nationalists are usually half-breeds, for example Jews.

          For example, who? Will you name it, or did you just say it for a word?
          1. -1
            April 24 2024 17: 48
            Quote: BecmepH
            For example, who? Will you name it, or did you just say it for a word?

            Watch television on central channels.
            All these live broadcasts and information.
            My work is full.
            1. 0
              April 25 2024 06: 40
              Quote: bya965
              Quote: BecmepH
              For example, who? Will you name it, or did you just say it for a word?

              Watch television on central channels.
              All these live broadcasts and information.
              My work is full.

              Don't just throw words around if you can't justify it.
              1. -1
                April 25 2024 17: 54
                Quote: BecmepH
                Don't just throw words around if you can't justify it.

                I’ll write now, and in purely Jewish language, tell me that they are on the ropeway.
                Drain the water.
      2. +27
        April 23 2024 06: 04
        But for some reason, the nationality column was removed from passports not under the Soviets, which our nationalists are so furiously jumping on. It was the powerful sponsors of the current Kholmogorovs, who pray for Ilyin, who removed it. So, a small touch to the topic, nothing more
        1. +11
          April 23 2024 06: 17
          This column was removed even under Yeltsin, at that time I was just changing my passport based on age... I immediately remembered Yeltsin’s googolina with the exclamation... “Dear Russians!”
          Ugh, it makes me sick to even remember this crap.
        2. +2
          April 23 2024 09: 45
          It's all simple.
          Some people decided that all residents of the CIS (perhaps even the world) are also considered Russian.
          Therefore, whether a Slav, an Asian, or an African are the same thing - he is Russian.
          It is the Slavs who are the oppressed.
        3. -2
          April 23 2024 17: 44
          But for some reason, the nationality column was removed from passports not under the Soviets, which our nationalists are so furiously jumping on. It was the powerful sponsors of the current Kholmogorovs, who pray for Ilyin, who removed it. So, a small touch to the topic, nothing more
          How did you screw up everything with this column.... It was always written out of the blue by passport officers
          1. +3
            April 23 2024 17: 53
            She was always written out of the blue by passport officers

            Yeah, out of the blue.
            And the application for the issuance of a passport, where the applicant wrote the information required to fill out the passport fields, this is so, simply because “the paper industry worked well.”
            1. 0
              April 23 2024 18: 41
              And the application for the issuance of a passport, where the applicant wrote the information required to fill out the passport fields, this is so, if you were checked by a commission for purity of blood, then yes, you personally are not a fool.
              And the rest of the country wrote in this column what they considered necessary.
              A mixture of a bulldog and a rhinoceros - I gave examples above.
              In Kazakhstan, not only did Russians write to Kazakhs, but instead of, for example, Serikov Berkalievich, passport officers wrote them as Sergei Borisovich. Many old Kazakhs born in 1950-60 are recorded like this...

              I knew a person - with his parents’ passports he was Russian and Tatar - he was recorded as “German”. A very well-known figure in the narrow circles of Moscow in the 1980s...
              Knew a Man - mother, Russian, father, Uzbek, paternal grandfather, Chinese belay . Chistoprudny is Russian according to passport

              So, from the bullshit, whatever God puts on your soul...
              1. 0
                April 24 2024 14: 34
                if you were checked by a commission for purity of blood, then yes, you personally are not a fool.

                What does it mean “if I was checked by a blood purity commission”? Excuse me, but how did you get your passport - can you tell me without submitting an application? lol
                And the rest of the country wrote in this column what they considered necessary.

                The rest of the country (and I along with it) indicated information about the parents (from the birth certificate) in the application. Your example with “mother is Russian, father is Uzbek, father’s grandfather is Chinese. Chistoprudny is Russian according to his passport” is a direct confirmation of this and does not contradict the law at all - with mixed nationalities of the parents, the nationality of the child is at the request of the child. Therefore, with a Russian mother, it’s nothing strange that the child was recorded as Russian
                And if for some reason the passport officer turned out to be inadequate and wrote a gag, then I would have a question not even for him, but for someone who, upon receiving a passport, would see an arbitrary nationality and just leave everything like that.
                In Kazakhstan, not only did Russians write to Kazakhs, but instead of, for example, Serikov Berkalievich, passport officers wrote them as Sergei Borisovich. Many old Kazakhs born in 1950-60 are recorded like this...

                These are excesses of qualification. When an illiterate recipient illegibly scribbled his full name, and an illiterate designer made out in the scribbles not the actual, but the familiar. That's why they asked me to write legibly and in BLOCK letters.
                But what it’s like for those born in the 50s and 60s, that is, who received a passport in the 70s, and despite the fact that I myself was born in the 50s and 60s, already brings to mind whistling. As in the case of the German.
                Naturally, I put the hassle with documents in the first couple of decades of the USSR out of brackets; my parents were a year younger according to their passport. That's how we lived.
                1. -1
                  April 24 2024 18: 48
                  mixed nationalities of parents, the nationality of the child at the request of the child. This is exactly what I wrote about - that nationality was written from balds by parents' wishes.And the people moan - "Count, Count" - as if she was something iron confirmed

                  to someone who, upon receiving a passport, would see an arbitrary nationality and just leave it that way. previous decade (2010-20) to me еженедельно people came who in 1993-94 entered their full name into the land title certificate not as in the passport, but as in their on the collective farm or on the street.
                  After 20(twenty!!!) years, it dawned on them that if in the passport they are Vladimir Dmitrievich and in the certificate they are Vasily Petrovich, then this is not good. And they came running to us with their eyes bulging, “Fix it! We thought it was nothing!”
                  And only Komzem, liquidated 15 years before, could fix it...
        4. -1
          April 23 2024 19: 57
          Well, like this... :)
          These “powerful” people are still the same and still the same...
          Mostly snub-nosed...
      3. The comment was deleted.
        1. -1
          April 23 2024 09: 27
          It's you who are blatantly lying...
          Until recently, I believed in the friendship of peoples and internationalism.
          Until the massacre of Russians began in the Caucasus, in Tajikistan, when they began to expel the Russian-speaking population from the republics of Central Asia... when in the Baltic states local Nazis began to imprison WWII veterans.
          Now I see that every nation has its own vision of the future... and here there is no smell of friendship among peoples... everyone pulls the blanket under themselves.
          And to say something here about Russian nationalists who destroyed the USSR is a blatant lie and a deception of gullible people.
          The FSB officers crushed the party of Russian nationalist skinheads in the bud... so all the cries of the nationalists about this are an attempt to justify their own sins.
          The Communist Party of the USSR screwed up the great country from whose ranks such renegades as Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Shevardnadze, Yakovlev and many many other party functionaries emerged.
          1. P
            April 24 2024 17: 07
            what do peoples have to do with it? party leaders, criminals, shop workers and special services are not people at all, neither then nor now.
      4. 0
        April 23 2024 19: 55
        National-brown Nazism will lead to the death of is happening now with Ukraine.

        But don’t Ilyin’s ideas lead to a brown form of national fascism?
        The philosopher Dugin did not do what he was supposed to do.
        The most important task of the Higher Political School under his leadership and in conjunction with the Russian Orthodox Church will be training of vice-rectors of higher schools for educational work (?!)
        1. P
          April 24 2024 17: 09
          They don’t lead, but they appear. The White movement, as Ilyin himself stated, are religious fascists
      5. 0
        April 24 2024 00: 49
        Lesh, you're wrong.
        Any nationalism is a stupid point of no reference. Exactly like everything else in the same plan.
        When people have nothing to be proud of except the stamp in their passport, the nation of these guys is safely heading towards a dead end. And it doesn’t matter what nationality these people are.
        We had a victory in the Second World War, there was Gagarin, there was Lunnik... In Ukraine, many abandoned this. In my opinion, these people not only robbed themselves, but also threw them out of the history of our era.
        One can only feel sorry for them... and only....
    2. +16
      April 23 2024 07: 33
      nationalism will lead to the death of Russia

      To begin with, we must understand that nationalism is neither bad nor good. This is a natural reaction of any living society to the invasion of what it considers alien to itself. Well, like phagocytes in the body, running to the place where germs and other infections appear. Yes - inflammation, pus, pain - but no one prescribes medications to a patient to destroy phagocytes? Are they fighting the infection?

      It’s the same with nationalism - remove the reason for its emergence, and it will immediately disappear. Because if society does not react to the invasion, it means it is already dead. Just like an organism that does not produce phagocytes...

      For example, Western society is clearly on its last legs... And it is unlikely to recover. It is precisely because of the loss of natural reaction..

      Tolerance is an immunological state of the body in which it is unable to synthesize antibodies in response to the introduction of a certain antigen while maintaining immune reactivity to other antigens.
      1. +12
        April 23 2024 09: 06
        Great comment!
        I personally respect all peoples and nationalities when they live in their homeland and come to us as tourists.
        But when there are a lot of foreigners and they become a threat to the indigenous population, then this is a problem and it must be urgently solved.
        1. +13
          April 23 2024 09: 41
          drinks hi

          You know, somewhere I read a good commentary by someone like a Tatar on this topic.

          Multinational Russia is like being in a village. Everyone has a cow, and while they graze in the meadow, no one cares what they do there, who they belong to, or what color they are.
          But as soon as one of them climbs into the garden and tramples it, everyone will immediately become sharply interested in whose cattle it is that has done such a dirty thing here?

          So with us - as long as the character behaves like a human being - no one cares about his nationality. But as soon as it starts doing dirty tricks, everyone immediately becomes extremely curious about what kind of people raised such a scoundrel... And are there any others like them...
        2. -1
          April 23 2024 18: 10
          foreigners - the only question is who is considered a “foreigner”? Just take your time - in Moscow, our Kazakhs born in 1960-1970 here in Saratov are considered Tajiks. And they consider the police to be corrupt when they let them go after checking their passports - “They need to be expelled!! They are Tajiks”
          1. 0
            April 25 2024 00: 39
            your1970. (Sergey). Yesterday, 18:10. New. your - "...foreigners - the only question is - who is considered a 'foreigner'? Just don't rush - in Moscow our Kazakhs born in 1960-1970 here in Saratov are considered Tajiks...."

            You pointed out another NEGATIVE feature of the failed migration policy in the Russian Federation. bully
            Let's start with ourselves hi
            Let's imagine. what in Yakutia.. Buryatia for example SWEDOMA O.krainians have arrived.. am And speaking in pure Russian and with the physiognomy (which is not surprising) of a RUSSIAN. We started studying there. than in the Russian Federation "multi-disciplinary and tolerant" guests from Central Asia and Transcaucasia. am What is usually in the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB of the Russian Federation is “hooliganism” - beatings based on... murder. rape. illegal trade and counterfeit. drug trafficking and simply terrorism. How would the people THERE react!? Correctly, what nationality would THEY be mistaken for!? GUESSED IT!? bully
            And who are our “GUESTS”? How similar and similar in language are they to the INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF RUSSIA!? feel Thus, an artificial situation is being created that provokes confrontation among the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation on the basis of EXTERNAL ASSOCIATIONS!!! bully Plus, the “guests” also use the factor of common religion with our indigenous people.
            So. that the so-called "ERRORS" in migration policy, in addition to all the known troubles. quite a mine for undermining relations between indigenous.ASSISTANCE TO NATO AND O.Krayina bully
        3. +2
          April 24 2024 09: 05
          Quote: Million
          I personally respect all peoples and nationalities when they live in their homeland and come to us as tourists.

          Well said!
      2. 0
        April 23 2024 17: 23
        "Western Society"
        In the West, nationalism is completely suppressed by the state machine, but still it does not become less, only more.
      3. P
        April 24 2024 17: 11
        Migrants do not come just like that, they go to work along routes specially created by profit-makers. The reason is profit from disenfranchised labor. If you want Tajiks to stay at home, you will have to decide something with their employers
      4. 0
        April 25 2024 00: 03
        paul3390. (Paul). Yesterday, 07:33. New. yours - "...
        nationalism will lead to the death of Russia

        1. To begin with, you need to understand that nationalism is...
        2. Tolerance... let's repeat what you said...

        1.What is the difference between Nazism and nationalism?

        Although these are borderline concepts, but there is a difference between them.
        Nazism manifests itself in the fact that some people put their nation above others and consider representatives of other nations to be third-class people. am For example, the Hitler and his associates were the Nazis.
        Many people confuse Nazism and nationalism, but this is wrong, since these are different concepts, different feelings. fool
        Nationalism is a normal, healthy feeling of love for one’s nation, one’s traditions, one’s language. It is aimed at preserving national culture and is akin to patriotism hi . There is nothing wrong with nationalism.

        2. Now about tolerance:
        About “tolerance” from a medical point of view

        Tolerance is the absence or weakening of an immunological response to a given antigen while maintaining immunoreactivity to all other antigens. Initially, “tolerance” is a purely medical term that reflects whether foreign bodies are tolerated or not by the body. “Immunological paralysis”, “arsactivity”, “antigen overload” refer to different forms of tolerance.
        It turns out, what from medicine in psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, pedagogy the concept of “tolerance” is forcibly introduced so that the human psyche accepts a foreign (alien) psychological attitude, which under normal conditions a person would reject
        If translated into the accessible historical language of Russia. This -
        “A people that does not have a national identity is the manure on which other nations grow” - Stolypin P.A. (1862-1911) – statesman of the Russian Empire.
        The brilliant Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin understood the danger of diasporas from non-titular nations and fought against them at the legislative level.
        On January 20, 1910, Stolypin issued a circular that ordered the termination of registration of “foreign” societies formed on the principle of “national interests” and the closure of existing similar societies.
        According to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire, Pyotr Stolypin, such societies posed a threat to public peace and security. The document also regulated the closure of existing companies.
        Not only Ukrainian, Jewish, German national-cultural educational societies, but also religious associations fell under the scope of the circular.
        To implement the provisions of the circular, on February 12, 1910, Kiev Governor-General Fyodor Trepov turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire with a request to close three Polish and four Ukrainian societies.

        A great lesson for us.
    3. +12
      April 23 2024 09: 00
      It is necessary to distinguish the peoples of Russia: Russians, Tatars, Yakuts, etc. who have equal rights and Tajiks who have no relation to Russia.
      Russia and Tajikistan are separated by 2 thousand kilometers.
      And Tajiks are equally “loved” both in Moscow and Yakutsk
      1. +2
        April 23 2024 15: 22
        Ivan Seversky
        Russians, Tatars and Yakuts are our own. I recently came back from a business trip with the Yakuts - I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time))
    4. +3
      April 23 2024 12: 09
      Quote: bya965
      You just need to understand that nationalism will lead to the death of Russia.

      It remains to convey this idea to the diasporas and those who protect them. Just business... Diasporas love to rant about Russian nationalism as soon as Russians begin to defend their rights and promote their interests. As Russian MMA champion Vadim Nemkov said: “The problem is that others don’t like it when Russians unite and do something for the good of the Motherland, for the good of their people. This is one of the factors why a lot of indignation began. Many people like it when Russians walk alone...."
    5. 0
      April 23 2024 15: 21
      You just need to understand that nationalism will lead to the death of Russia
      The absence of healthy nationalism will lead to the disappearance of Russians as a nation. Healthy nationalism is one that protects the representatives of its nation, and does not declare others to be subhuman. Under the guise of “fighters against Russian nationalism,” the same Nazis are hiding, only in a different guise.

      we should not erase the culture of other peoples
      Why are you washing it? We are not. Everyone loves borscht, shish kebab, khachapuri, pilaf, Georgian and Abkhaz wine and understands “Assalamualaikum”. Russian culture is perhaps a unique example of a truly international culture. But you shouldn’t let anyone offend you either. And not only to the external aggressor, but also to any insolent “horseman”.
      1. -1
        April 23 2024 15: 28
        Healthy nationalism is one that protects the representatives of its nation

        Representatives of their (and any) nation are protected within the state by the LAW. The rest is from the evil one.
        1. +3
          April 23 2024 15: 30
          What, citizens don’t have the right to defend themselves, their interests and rights? The law itself is just a text, an abstraction. He doesn't protect anyone. Citizens use it to protect themselves.
          1. 0
            April 23 2024 15: 43
            What, citizens don’t have the right to defend themselves, their interests and rights? The law itself is just a text, an abstraction. He doesn't protect anyone. Citizens use it to protect themselves.

            1) Citizens in a state, in the event of a conflict of interests, exercise the right to protect their interests by transferring to the state the right to perform such a function. Why does the state provide appropriate mechanisms?
            2) Behind this “abstraction” there is a legal basis for the repressive activities of the state, agreed upon with citizens (their representatives).
            3) Citizens’ protection of rights and freedoms (and, accordingly, their formal existence) is a supranational concept that exists outside the specific personal “parameters” of a citizen. Well, if compasses for measuring skulls are not common in everyday life.
            1. +2
              April 23 2024 15: 46
              What do "compasses" have to do with it? Laws, in fact, are binding not only on citizens, but also on everyone on the territory of the state.
              ...And in general, everything that you wrote does not contradict my words at all. You look from the legal side, and I look from the moral side
              1. 0
                April 23 2024 15: 53
                What do "compasses" have to do with it?

                Despite the fact that this is a natural result of that same “healthy” nationalism. When someone begins to believe that the interests of his nation are infringed upon by representatives of other nations, and he (and his like-minded people), and not the law, has the right to correct this, in his opinion, injustice in the way that he (and his like-minded people) decide, and not the law provides.
                1. 0
                  April 23 2024 16: 00
                  Not this way. I am ready to protect myself and my people, and will not simply tolerate someone’s oppression - regardless of who it is - “my own” or “someone else’s”.
                  Healthy nationalism lies in the fact that I love my nation, my language, and will protect my people from persecution by anyone.
                  The law is not always applicable, and it is not always enforced, and protection does not necessarily mean violence
                2. 0
                  April 23 2024 16: 05
                  You stubbornly reduce things “to compasses.” But a nation is determined not by someone’s arbitrariness (this one is “ours”), but by a person’s self-identification as belonging to a certain nation. From this point of view, a black man is Russian if he considers himself Russian (although his father and mother may never have left Africa). Moreover, a representative of a large, strong nation can stand up for a representative of a friendly nation.
                  Look: there are Russians, Tatars, and even Yakuts. But people are friendly to each other, although everyone has their own self-identification. I would not be surprised if this Tatar and Yakut declare that they are Russians.
                  “Compasses” is not nationalism, but Nazism, when representatives of a nation begin to consider themselves superior to others
                  1. 0
                    April 23 2024 16: 16
                    You stubbornly reduce things “to compasses.”

                    It’s not me who stubbornly reduces it, it’s life itself that demonstrates over and over again that all the splendid fairy tales about good and correct nationalism ultimately end in “comasses.” That the belief that nationality will always be something that scoundrels manipulate in achieving their completely mercantile goals. In order to love your Motherland, your language, your land, you don’t need to be a nationalist.
                    1. +2
                      April 23 2024 16: 24
                      Without national identity and a certain amount of healthy nationalism, a nation dissolves into surrounding nations. In our world there are no people without nationality. If a person has forgotten his nationality, he still considers himself to be another nationality.
                      Accusations of “manipulation” - transferring from a sore head to a healthy one. The favorite pastime of manipulators of all stripes (and scoundrels) is to blame others for manipulation (calling them scoundrels).
                      If a person loves his language, healthy nationalism is already present in him. And in the same homeland and on the same land, representatives of different nationalities can live peacefully and amicably.
                      By the way, please note that you started talking about compasses, the Motherland and the land. Meanwhile, Russians, or let’s say Anglo-Saxons, can live in different countries, and this does not prevent them from loving their language, the land on which they live, and their Motherland (country of residence)
                      1. +2
                        April 23 2024 16: 54
                        In our world there are no people without nationality.

                        It’s interesting how you combine this with the fact that the question of nationality is just a question of self-identification, in your own words. Population censuses in different countries consistently count people without nationality separately.
                        If a person loves his language, healthy nationalism is already present in him.

                        Always amuses a kindergarten with a love of language. It's like showing off something you love, like a hammer. Completely equivalent. Language is just one of the toolabout communication between representatives of the human race. Express love to the instrument inherently irrational. Moreover, a person masters his native language at an unconscious age, when he does not identify himself with any nation at all.
                        For you personally, what does it mean to love your language?
                        Meanwhile, Russians, or let’s say Anglo-Saxons, can live in different countries, and this does not prevent them from loving their language, the land on which they live, and their Motherland (country of residence)

                        To exactly the same extent, this will not prevent them from considering themselves nationalists. So it’s not clear why you decided to do this.
                      2. +2
                        April 23 2024 17: 12
                        the question of nationality is just a question of self-identification, in your own words
                        Sorry, it's a little more complicated. Self-identification is sufficient only for Russians. Only those born of Yazidis can become a Yazidi. And a Jew is only if your mother is Jewish.

                        Population censuses in different countries consistently count people without nationality separately.
                        Differently. I remember how my parents and I were asked about our nationality. By the way, my dad is Ukrainian, and I am Russian (my self-identification). In general, this is normal. Strength is in diversity.

                        It's like showing off something you love, like a hammer. Completely equivalent. Language is just one of the tools of communication between representatives of the human race
                        I have no doubt that some person may prefer a hammer to a tongue as a means of communication am For how long?

                        And for some reason you write to me in Russian, and not in Chinese, and you don’t throw hammers))

                        A person masters his native language at an unconscious age, when he does not identify himself with any nation at all.
                        Over the course of his life, a person can master more than one language and change his national identification (within the limits of what is possible)... For some reason, I don’t know a single person who would answer the question: What is your nationality? - answered: “I don’t know.”

                        What does it mean to love your language?
                        I like it, I feel comfortable speaking it, I enjoy using it.

                        This will not prevent them from considering themselves nationalists to exactly the same extent
                        You are clearly confusing nationalism and patriotism.

                        Anything can happen, of course...
                      3. +1
                        April 23 2024 17: 44
                        Self-identification is sufficient only for Russians.

                        belay Where was this decided? It seems more like this is just your unfounded opinion.
                        And for some reason you write to me in Russian, and not in Chinese, and you don’t throw hammers))

                        Precisely because language is a tool. And I use it in communication with you not because I have some irrational feeling for it, but because you understand it too.
                        I like it, I feel comfortable speaking it, I enjoy using it.

                        1) What do you like about it? Well, so that this could serve as a reason for some special attitude towards language?
                        2) Comfort of use is just a direct consequence of not knowing other languages, or of an insufficient level of proficiency in them compared to Russian.
                        3) A person’s experience of pleasure is accompanied by very specific psychophysiological responses. Do your serotonin levels rise every time you speak? For some reason I doubt it smile
                        You are clearly confusing nationalism and patriotism.

                        A very unexpected statement. It's not the right address, so to speak. After all, usually nationalists tie nationalism to patriotism and reduce everything to the binary “not a nationalist means not a patriot, patriot means a nationalist”
                      4. +1
                        April 23 2024 17: 53
                        Where was this decided? It seems more like it's just your unfounded opinion.
                        What's the question? I wrote that for some nations, for example, the Russians, it is enough to declare themselves the same, and, by and large, no one will resist; for others, this is impossible (there are a number of strict restrictions).

                        And I use it in communication with you not because I have some irrational feeling for it
                        Do you have other communication tools? (hammers don't count laughing )

                        1) What do you like about it? Well, so that this could serve as a reason for some special attitude towards language?
                        I like the way it sounds, I like how I can play with words and meanings in Russian. And let’s say I don’t like German or Thai (although I treat Germans and Thais quite normally)))

                        Comfort of use
                        Without a doubt. Let's just say that I know some languages, but I don't speak them to the same extent as Russian, although I can joke in English.

                        Are your serotonin levels rising?
                        You know, sometimes it happens)) But from Arabic, it increases when I understand at least something)))

                        Usually nationalists link nationalism to patriotism
                        But this is manipulation.
                        A Negro may be a black nationalist and a patriot of the United States, but that does not mean that he is a white nationalist am
                        Moreover, we have a bunch of examples of nationalists and non-patriots, and non-nationalist patriots. Well, neither patriots nor nationalists)))
                      5. 0
                        April 24 2024 15: 03
                        Do you have other communication tools? (hammers don't count laughing)

                        Certainly. Just like you. I was talking about talking with you in Russian simply because you understand it, which means I don’t need to resort to other languages ​​that you probably also know (if you say that dad is Ukrainian, then I could talk to you in Ukrainian would like to communicate). These are verbal communication tools. In addition to them, there are also non-verbal ones. So your grin is a little premature. )
                        nationalists and non-patriots, and non-nationalist patriots

                        You yourself unexpectedly came to the conclusion that the attitude towards the fatherland does not depend on nationalism. Then why is this chimera needed? Yes, then, to divide and conquer. There is no need anymore. All the other functions attributed to it (the same patriotism) exist perfectly independently and without it.
                      6. 0
                        April 24 2024 18: 23
                        Foul skeptic
                        I can only understand part of the Ukrainian speech, but I cannot speak (like any Russian person, no more)))). Then English is better)
                        As for nonverbalism... How do you imagine it: on the phone? in this forum (emojis do not count)?

                        You yourself unexpectedly came to the conclusion that the attitude towards the fatherland does not depend on nationalism
                        I didn’t come, I didn’t deny it)) Common sense can’t be avoided)) Sorry, for some reason you made a logical connection between these concepts.
                        And they refer to different entities. Patriotism - in relation to a particular country. Nationalism is the prerogative exclusively of a group of people who consider themselves to be some kind of nation.
                        Any group and any state, like any system, must have its own stability - the ability to maintain its properties under external influences. Healthy (and only this kind!) nationalism is one of the components that makes it possible to maintain such stability.

                        And you think within the framework of the anarcho-liberal paradigm, which is harmful. Any person familiar with systems thinking will tell you the same thing.
                      7. 0
                        April 25 2024 10: 32
                        As for nonverbalism... How do you imagine it: on the phone? in this forum (emojis do not count)?

                        Why do I need to introduce her somehow over the phone, etc.? Of course, I can answer this too, there is no difficulty. But I don’t see the point in taking the conversation even further astray. After all, there was a question - Do you have other communication tools? And the answer has been given.
                        Forgive me, for some reason you made a logical connection between these concepts.

                        I understand that the conversation has gone on for a long time, and you may not remember the entire conversation.
                        And they refer to different entities. Patriotism - in relation to a particular country. Nationalism is the prerogative exclusively of a group of people who consider themselves to be some kind of nation.

                        Oh-ho-ho. Naturally to different ones. And now to your words. The country is not an empty vacuum. Let's turn to BRE - PATRIOTISM (from the Greek πατριώτης - compatriot, πατρίς - homeland, fatherland), conscious love for the homeland, to his people, its traditions.
                        Nationalism is ALWAYS a political construct. It appeared in the 18th century as a way to legitimize states under disintegrating monarchies. Therefore, talking about “healthy” nationalism is the same as talking about the “purity of political struggle.”
                        And you think within the framework of the anarcho-liberal paradigm, which is harmful.

                        “Anarcho-liberalism” exists only in the fevered imagination of Internet journalists from Zen, LiveJournal and similar “experts”.
                      8. 0
                        April 25 2024 16: 05
                        Foul skeptic
                        Let's turn to BRE - PATRIOTISM ... conscious love for the homeland, one's people, its traditions
                        There's a big ambush here...
                        What is considered a people? All people living on the territory of a state? But some of the nations in a multinational state will not agree, for example, the Jews (this is not an attack on them, this is their self-awareness). Or Bedouins. Do they belong to the people of, for example, Egypt? They would argue.

                        The country is not an empty vacuum
                        Yes, this is a territory)) A piece of land) And in different historical eras completely different peoples can live on it. For example, Slavs lived in a large part of Germany. Where are they now? Only in toponyms.

                        Nationalism is ALWAYS a political construct. It appeared in the 18th century as a way to legitimize states under disintegrating monarchies
                        What are you writing? The same Jews have had nationalism since the time of Moses, and the Arabs since the time of Muhammad. The concept of "nation" - yes, it appeared somewhere in the 18th century. And what does monarchy have to do with it? Actually, states as such began to appear in Europe around this time... a little earlier.

                        I explained about healthy nationalism. I don't want to repeat myself.

                        "Anarcho-liberalism" exists only in the fevered imagination
                        Neither Prince Kropotkin nor John Locke would agree with you))
                        And so, yes, the word “liberal” was originally a dirty word... and completely justified. For a liberal wants “freedom” exclusively for his own group of people - essentially the same thing as Nazism
                      9. 0
                        April 25 2024 16: 56
                        Neither Prince Kropotkin nor John Locke would agree with you))

                        The original method of argumentation is to name a supporter of anarchism and a supporter of liberalism. But what does non-existent “anarcho-liberalism” have to do with it? When you find such a formulation in Kropotkin or Locke, come back. I already spend too much time on this nonsense.
                      10. 0
                        April 25 2024 17: 20
                        non-existent "anarcho-liberalism"
                        Well, here you are demonstrating a mixture of anarchist and liberal points of view

                        I already spend too much time on this nonsense
                        Notice: you said it yourself laughing laughing laughing I didn't pull your tongue)))
                      11. 0
                        April 26 2024 16: 43
                        Well, here you are demonstrating a mixture of anarchist and liberal points of view

                        Once again, anarcho-liberalism is an oxymoron. It's like a living corpse or back to the future. Therefore, I cannot demonstrate something that does not exist in nature due to the very impossibility of coexistence.
                        Although, after equating Nazism with liberalism, I am no longer surprised by anything.
                        Note: you said it yourself laughing laughing laughing I didn’t pull your tongue)))

                        Naturally, I myself said that I spend too much of my time on your nonsense. You know, there is a principle that says that generating stupid things requires less effort than refuting them. As you can imagine, this puts me at a distinct disadvantage.
                      12. 0
                        April 26 2024 16: 59
                        anarcho-liberalism is an oxymoron
                        Yeah, especially considering that both of them are against the state. I have no desire to draw some kind of divide between them; in my opinion, both are “from the evil one.”
                        after equating Nazism with liberalism
                        I didn't come up with this either. Quite a lot has already been written about this, for example, the book “Liberofascism”. Or reports:

                        I myself said that I spend too much of my time on your nonsense
                        You didn’t indicate “whose” - it turned out that you meant yourself... What was written with a pen...
                        generating nonsense requires less effort than refuting it. As you can imagine, this puts me at a distinct disadvantage.
                        Firstly, you put yourself in some kind of “position” - this is your, and only your initiative laughing
                        Secondly, if you think something is stupid, isn't the proof that it is stupid even more stupid? Some kind of ouroboros?
                      13. 0
                        April 26 2024 17: 10
                        Yeah, especially considering that both of them are against the state.

                        This is not true and is a distortion.
                        I didn't come up with this either. Quite a lot has already been written about this, for example:

                        There are also a lot of things written on the fence.
                        You didn’t indicate “whose” - it turned out that you meant yourself... What was written with a pen...

                        No, it didn’t work out, since I say this in response to your quote, which I quoted before. But if understanding this still caused difficulties, then I believe the explanation in the subsequent message has dotted the I’s for you.
                        then isn't it even more stupid to prove that it's stupid?

                        Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
                      14. 0
                        April 26 2024 17: 19
                        There are also a lot of things written on the fence

                        Do you directly admit that your “evidence” is written on the fence?

                        Sometimes yes, sometimes no
                        You will decide what you spend your efforts on. laughing
                      15. 0
                        April 26 2024 17: 28
                        Do you directly admit that your “evidence” is written on the fence?

                        Listen, I immediately missed this point in editing the message:

                        So are you a KOB member?
                        Then the questions are removed.
                        All the best.
                        And hello to Lohse and his "flat earth"
                      16. 0
                        April 26 2024 17: 51
                        So are you a KOB member?
                        And who is it?

                        I just posted the first link I came across. As far as I understand, she herself was a copy-paste from another copy-paste - it’s a pity for the time to search for the original source))

                        Quote from Wikipedia, so beloved by liberals:
                        Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning - This is a Jonah Goldberg book., who was a columnist and editor-in-chief of National Review Online at the time.

                        Here are the scientific works:
                        Quite a lot has been written on this topic

                        Andrey Babitsky, journalist who abandoned liberalism:

                        I just can’t find the original lecture, where everyone is stealing pictures and abstracts from. Here's something like her summary:
                      17. +1
                        April 24 2024 09: 20
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        Expressing love to an instrument is inherently irrational.

                        I don't agree with you. I love the instrument. And after work I always wipe it and put it in its place. The tool is always ready for the next use. And someone, after working, throws it anywhere. And then he selflessly searches, freaking out, and puts it in order before work.
                      18. 0
                        April 24 2024 14: 39
                        I love the instrument. And after work I always wipe it and put it in its place. The tool is always ready for the next use.

                        This is called being careful. Love and caring are not at all equivalent concepts. People can be careful with their socks, for example. Does this suggest a certain love for socks? No, of course, it's just a caring attitude.
                      19. 0
                        April 25 2024 06: 38
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        This is called being careful.

                        I wrote specifically about love. Love presupposes a caring attitude.
                      20. 0
                        April 25 2024 10: 38
                        Love presupposes a caring attitude.

                        But caring does not imply love.
                        I wrote specifically about love.

                        Yes, I already wrote above about my love for... socks)))
                      21. 0
                        April 25 2024 12: 02
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        Yes, I already wrote above about my love for... socks)))

                        Your love is strange. Sublime... To socks... You no longer know what to love?))
                      22. 0
                        April 25 2024 12: 05
                        Your love is strange. Sublime... To socks... You no longer know what to love?))

                        How is this different from “love” for an instrument? lol
                        I know that caring does not equal love.
                        If this is too difficult for you, then continuing the conversation is pointless.
                      23. 0
                        April 25 2024 12: 09
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        I know that caring does not equal love.

                        And I know that love is a caring attitude, among other things. You consider yourself to be the most right, so you invert the meanings)), so
                        There is no point in continuing the conversation.
                        All the best, my dear))
                      24. 0
                        April 24 2024 18: 25
                        I love the instrument

                        Bravo! Plus!
                    2. +2
                      April 23 2024 17: 48
                      Whoever does not want to be a nationalist will become a nationalist. In your own country.
                      1. +1
                        April 23 2024 17: 54
                        Whoever does not want to be a nationalist will become a nationalist. In your own country.

                        Let's use empty chants to find another audience. I'm sure you will find it.
                      2. 0
                        April 23 2024 17: 59
                        There is no place for your universal fairy tales at VO.
                      3. -2
                        April 23 2024 18: 04
                        There is no place for your universal fairy tales at VO.

                        What kind of fairy tales do I have?
                        What kind of category is “universal”?
                        Why did you decide that you have more rights to decide what has a place and what doesn’t?
                      4. 0
                        April 23 2024 18: 22
                        You immediately wrote down my points into speeches and recommended other resources. Why am I worse? Moreover, my thesis is supported by real facts and observations, and yours is just your conceit.
                      5. 0
                        April 24 2024 14: 49
                        You immediately wrote down my theses into speeches

                        Your thesis is a speech. Empty. At least because from the first letter to the last contains a logical error argumentum ad baculum
                        and recommended other resources

                        I informed you that in my person you will not find an audience with such chants. That is, the relationship in my message was addressed on both sides - you and me. With your attack about the fact that my “fairy tales” (by the way, I never heard what the “fairy tales” are in) have no place on VO, you put yourself above not only me, but also all other VO users, for whom you decided whether they should have be able to choose for themselves whether to read me to them or not.
                        my thesis is supported by real facts and observations

                        1) I don’t know what you 1) considered “facts” 2) how you interpreted them.
                        2) Your thesis from the first letter to the last contains a logical error argumentum ad baculum
                        All the best.
                      6. -1
                        April 24 2024 19: 45
                        Timur, don’t pretend to be smart laughing .
                3. +1
                  April 24 2024 09: 12
                  Quote: A vile skeptic
                  What do "compasses" have to do with it?

                  Despite the fact that this is a natural result of that same “healthy” nationalism. When someone begins to believe that the interests of his nation are infringed upon by representatives of other nations, and he (and his like-minded people), and not the law, has the right to correct this, in his opinion, injustice in the way that he (and his like-minded people) decide, and not the law provides.

                  In your opinion, it turns out that if someone approaches you with a compass, then you should bow your head to take the measurement, and not pull your compass out of your pocket?
                  1. -1
                    April 24 2024 15: 05
                    In your opinion, it turns out that if someone approaches you with a compass, then you should bow your head to take the measurement, and not pull your compass out of your pocket?

                    No, in my opinion it doesn’t work out that way. How such a conclusion could be drawn from my text you copied is a big mystery to me.
                    1. 0
                      April 25 2024 06: 47
                      Quote: A vile skeptic
                      In your opinion, it turns out that if someone approaches you with a compass, then you should bow your head to take the measurement, and not pull your compass out of your pocket?

                      No, in my opinion it doesn’t work out that way. How such a conclusion could be drawn from my text you copied is a big mystery to me.

                      It's simple! You write that the law should protect you. But while he protects me, they will prick my whole head with a compass. Therefore, you need, first of all, to stand up for yourself, and then wait for justice.
                      1. 0
                        April 25 2024 10: 41
                        But while he protects me, they will prick my whole head with a compass.

                        Do you understand exactly what the “compass” is a metaphor for in this conversation? “stabbing your head with a compass” will be possible only with the very nationalism that you decided to defend.
                      2. +1
                        April 25 2024 11: 57
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        Do you understand exactly what the “compass” is a metaphor for in this conversation? “stabbing your head with a compass” will be possible only with the very nationalism that you decided to defend.

                        When using a compass is Nazism. Nationalism and Nazism are completely different things!
                      3. 0
                        April 25 2024 12: 02
                        Nationalism and Nazism are completely different things!

                        It's just an evolutionary process.
                      4. 0
                        April 25 2024 12: 07
                        Quote: A vile skeptic
                        Nationalism and Nazism are completely different things!

                        It's just an evolutionary process.

                        But I don’t agree!
                        The main principle of Nazism is a racial ideology in which the dominant nation (race) declares itself superior and has the right to subjugate others.

                        And nationalism is love for one’s people and country, the desire to preserve one’s culture and historical heritage. Nationalism emphasizes the importance of national sovereignty and self-determination.
                      5. 0
                        April 25 2024 12: 33
                        To somewhat reduce the flow of verbiage, I’ll just remind you of your past definition of nationalism lol
                        Quote: BecmepH, July 17, 2020
                        Those. For you, only someone who thinks the same way as you is good?)) This is nationalism.
                      6. 0
                        April 25 2024 13: 36
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        To somewhat reduce the flow of verbiage, I’ll just remind you of your past definition of nationalism

                        “stabbing your head with a compass” will be possible only with the same nationalism

                        In the second quote you pass off Nazism as nationalism. Please figure out the concepts yourself, and then rub others in the face...
                        Good luck to you!
                      7. 0
                        April 25 2024 13: 39
                        Do you even understand that what you copied... is not my definition of nationalism. This time. Does not contradict my previous statements. That's two.
                        In the second quote you pass off Nazism as nationalism.

                        Once again, these are just different stages of the same evolutionary process.
                        Even the historical origin of the word "Nazism" is a shorthand that the nationalists themselves came up with for NATIONALISM.
                      8. 0
                        April 25 2024 16: 19
                        Foul skeptic
                        You are just juggling concepts here, I assume that you are just trying to troll the respectable public here. At the same time, you take them out of context, simply copy-paste them from search engines, often without knowing their origin.

                        Nazism is a direct descendant of liberalism. In general, this word comes from “Nazi” - an abbreviated name for the fanatics of the National Socialist Party of Germany (NSDAP). They themselves did not call themselves that - only National Socialists (socialists are liberals).
                        The term was coined in the 20s by Konrad Hayden, a Jewish journalist and member of the NSDAP's rival Social Democratic Party (SOZI), to disparage NSDAP followers.
                        In the Austrian-Bavarian dialect there is a similar word "Ignatz", something like "Ivan-dddurak".

                        You are engaged in manipulation and are trying to declare that sunlight is dangerous, because it is the result of thermonuclear reactions. A thermonuclear reaction also occurs in a hydrogen bomb.
                      9. 0
                        April 26 2024 16: 30
                        You are simply juggling concepts here... taking them out of context, simply copy-pasting them from search engines, often without knowing their origin.

                        Well it goes without saying
                        Nazism is a direct descendant of liberalism.

                        With empty chants, this is for you to Boltorez, fill up his audience After this nonsense, I don’t even know how to take you seriously at all.
                        The term was coined in the 20s by Konrad Hayden, a Jewish journalist and member of the NSDAP's rival Social Democratic Party (SOZI), to disparage NSDAP followers.
                        In the Austrian-Bavarian dialect there is a similar word "Ignatz", something like "Ivan-dddurak".

                        Of course, I understand that Internet education in the era of chants is strength. But in your “harmonious” borrowed theory there are small wassat spaces.
                        Search Hayden's publications in the Frankfurter Zeitung (or anywhere) for the word Nazi in relation to the NSDAP until 1926, when it began to be used in the NSDAP. Does not work? lol
                        For that matter, outside of folklore and outside of the political context that the word acquired in the Weimar Republic, nazi was the name given to Austrians who immigrated to Germany after WWII.
                        If we return to politics, Goebbels transformed the long nationalsozialismus (and its derivatives), inconvenient for a propagandist, into a convenient short nazi, making reference to the “nationality” of the party. Because the people in the Swabian dialect - Nazio. And the functionaries of the NSDAP had no reason to be “afraid” of the diminutive from Ignatius, if only because with the same (in some regions) pronunciation (nat-si) it is written nazE (page from the dictionary available).
                        They didn’t call themselves that - only National Socialists

                        Yeah, they didn't mention it lol
                        Quote: Goebbels
                        Aber unser AA stützt ihn. Die SS und der SD stehen scharf gegen Ribbentrop, der den Führer nur unvollkommen unterrichtet. Weil er selbst kein Nazi ist. Er is ein Jeremias!

                        In Amsterdam und den Haag kleine Demonstrationen gegen uns und einige Streiks. Seyß geht zu zögernd dagegen an. Das alte Lied. Er is kein echter Nazi!

                        What can we talk about if the songbook published by the party was called "Deutschland Erwache!: Das kleine Nazi Liederbuch."
                        But this is all lyricism and a digression from the topic on the question of “do I pass off Nazism as nationalism.” Goebbels, already mentioned above, in a brochure called Der Nazi-Sozi answered this very directly, well, it’s about “cultivating the spirit of nationalism” and all that lol (I'm also attaching a picture). Therefore, only those who want to cover up their nasty insides with a splendid façade will look for the difference between nationalism and Nazism.
                        This, by the way, was clearly demonstrated by a conversation with your probably like-minded person, Western.
                        Any nationalist “for the masses” always voices sentimental things like
                        Quote: WesterN
                        ...nationalism is love for one's people and country, the desire to preserve one's culture and historical heritage. Nationalism emphasizes the importance of national sovereignty and self-determination.

                        And not for the masses, it extremely simply expresses the real essence of nationalism
                        Quote: WesterN
                        ...only the one who thinks the same as you is good - This is nationalism.

                        Therefore, fairy tales about love for one’s nation did not and do not prevent nationalists from destroying opposition representatives of their own nation, black sheep, so to speak. request History is full of examples.
                        You are engaged in manipulation and are trying to declare that sunlight is dangerous, because it is the result of thermonuclear reactions. A thermonuclear reaction also occurs in a hydrogen bomb.

                        Really? But I see that a hydrogen bomb is called harmless on the basis that the same reaction occurs in it as in the star that gives us light.
                      10. -1
                        April 26 2024 17: 17
                        You have not proven that nationalism inevitably leads to Nazism. But you prove with every fiber of your soul that your favorite liberalism (sozi) after adding nationalism turns into your favorite Nazism. This is not a paradox at all, but a phenomenon of the same kind that the Nazis, a significant part of whom bore Jewish blood, did not like Jews so much. Well, Zionism is the same Nazism. No contradictions. And German (and not only German) liberals, after Hitler came to power, quickly changed their shoes to Nazis. Without any remorse.
                        And you, apparently, do not know that Nazism did not grow out of nationalism, but precisely from liberalism. Mussolini, the founder of fascism, as we know, was initially a liberal himself, and came to power thanks to the liberals. And Hitler, the founder of Nazism, directly called Mussolini his teacher. Nationalism was only added to fascism during its transformation into Nazism, but was in no way its root cause.

                        So the evolutionary chain is here: liberalism -> fascism -> Nazism,

                        and not at all what you are trying to prove.

                        However, it is common for liberals to deliberately present lies as truth.
                        Here you are starting to bombard me with details, but you have proven nothing, you are only convincing yourself.
            2. P
              April 24 2024 17: 14
              the state is not abstract, it is an ordinary instrument and its actions are dictated by the interests of the ruling class that owns this instrument
              1. 0
                April 24 2024 17: 21
                So what? Did you see a contradiction between this and my words somewhere?
                Any ruling class benefits from having a working legislative and law-enforcement superstructure. The last thing any government needs is anarchy.
      2. 0
        April 24 2024 11: 31
        The absence of healthy nationalism will lead to the disappearance of Russians as a nation.

        So, according to some politicians, Russians are all residents of the CIS (and even the entire planet).
        This is the erasure of other nations.
        Healthy nationalism is one that protects the representatives of its nation, and does not declare others to be subhuman.

        Please tell me, the following ideology is being pursued in Russia now:

        1) All residents of the CIS are Russians (including all Central Asians, etc.)
        2) All inhabitants of planet earth are also Russians (Africans, Arabs, Asians, ...)

        we should not erase the culture of other peoples. Why are you erasing it? We are not.

        The man meant - the question is not about culture.
        If all the inhabitants of the CIS are Russian, then this automatically erases all other nations/ethnicities of the CIS.

        Everyone loves borscht, shish kebab, khachapuri,....
        Russian culture is perhaps a unique example of a truly international culture.

        It's not about the culture of other nations.
        Are all the inhabitants of the CIS Russians?
        But the fact is that
        Russian nationalists believe that Russians are only Slavs.
        But others believe that Russians are all nations of the CIS.
        Some politicians generally believe that Russians are all the people of the planet.
        Well, who is right???

        But you shouldn’t let anyone offend you either. And not only to the external aggressor, but also to any insolent “horseman”.

        If a horseman considers himself Russian. (You yourself claim that a person can identify himself as he wants.)
        And you consider yourself Russian.
        It turns out that a Russian offends a Russian.
        But at the same time you write "dzhigit"
        So is he still a horseman, or is he Russian???
        Don't you notice the contradiction here???
        1. 0
          April 24 2024 18: 32
          Russians are all residents of the CIS

          You have mixed such a mess here that you can find fault with any word. Excuse me, I won't. I will give only one characteristic - “flies mixed with cutlets.”
          Either you don’t know how to separate one from the other, or you deliberately mix everything up - it’s generally useless to refute provocations - this is exactly what the provocateur is waiting for
          1. 0
            April 24 2024 19: 23
            You have mixed such a mess here that you can find fault with any word.

            Where's the porridge?
            Russians are residents of the CIS, these are not my words.
            This is what some Russian politicians think.
            And some Russian politicians believe that all inhabitants of the earth are Russians. (What do they say there? The state of the Russian soul)
            1. 0
              April 24 2024 19: 28
              Anyone can count anything)))
              You don't even mention last names. What are we talking about anyway?
          2. 0
            April 24 2024 19: 27
            Or you don’t know how to separate one from the other

            That's exactly what I can do.
            But Russian politicians think differently.
            Why did Zhirinovsky want to annex all of Central Asia into the Russian Federation???
            Don't you understand?
            or you deliberately mix everything up

            So you still haven’t said who the Russians are? Are these all residents of the CIS? Or only Slavs? Or only whites? Or all the inhabitants of planet earth?
            1. 0
              April 24 2024 19: 37
              Why did Zhirinovsky want to annex all of Central Asia into the Russian Federation???

              I did not delve into the biography and speeches of Zhirinovsky. But, in general, it is quite logical. Most of Central Asia had no statehood until it became part of the Russian Empire. Actually, the economy there appeared only during the times of the Russian Empire/USSR, and until a certain point, even economically, the economy of the Central Asian republics was closely connected with the economy of Russia.
              These are fragments of the USSR, most of which are unviable without Russia.
              To put it very briefly, these territories were not once taken in order to give them away.

              So you still haven’t said who the Russians are?
              Russians are those who consider themselves Russian. Not to be confused with Russian speakers - people who speak Russian, but consider themselves representatives of other nations. By the way, I wouldn’t be surprised if a Bashkir or Yakut calls themselves Russian.
              There is a certain historically determined blurring of the concept of “Russians”:
              1. Unlike other nations, which are called by nouns, “Russian” is an adjective. Therefore, it is not a paradox when a representative of any nation calls himself “Russian”
              2. Generally speaking, the inhabitants of central Russia were called “Great Russians,” but then this word was forgotten, and just Russians remained.
              Have I answered your questions?
              1. 0
                April 24 2024 19: 48
                There is a certain historically determined blurring of the concept of “Russians”:
                1. Unlike other nations, which are called by nouns, “Russian” is an adjective.

                The fact of the matter is that there is a blur in the interpretation of who the Russians are

                1) Russian nationalists believe that Russians are only Slavs and no one else.
                2) Some politicians believe that Russians are all residents of the CIS
                3) Some Philosophers believe that Russians are a state of the Russian soul (What is the Russian soul?? there are many different explanations)
                4) Some right-wingers believe that Russians are all people of the white race and have a European skull.
                5) Some politicians generally believe that Russians are all the people of planet Earth.
                Have I answered your questions?

                1. 0
                  April 24 2024 20: 06
                  1) Russian nationalists believe that Russians are only Slavs and no one else
                  Only clinical nationalists think so. There are no “pure” Slavs, Germans, Turks, etc. (with extremely rare exceptions)

                  2) Some politicians believe that Russians are all residents of the CIS

                  Someone confuses Russians and Russian-speaking people. Some do this intentionally (and this does not mean that they are patriots), while others do it out of stupidity

                  3) Some Philosophers believe that Russians are a state of the Russian soul
                  I am inclined to believe that these are not philosophers, but poets))) Otherwise, there will be terminological confusion))

                  4) Some right-wingers believe that Russians are all people of the white race and have a European skull
                  This is already a psychiatrist))

                  5) Some politicians generally believe that Russians are all people of planet Earth
                  And these “politicians” probably don’t know Russian at all laughing laughing
              2. 0
                April 24 2024 19: 48
                I'll add. One of the reasons for one acute and protracted conflict is that they tried to force a huge group of people who are Russians (and at the same time Little Russians, that is, residents of the territory that was conventionally called Little Russia) not to consider themselves Russians
              3. 0
                April 25 2024 11: 32
                Most of Central Asia had no statehood until it became part of the Russian Empire

                Are you seriously?
                Unlike other nations, which are called by nouns, “Russian” is an adjective.

                Are you a polyglot? Maybe a linguist? Somehow you very categorically repeat what others have thought up. Russian as an ethnonym is an incomplete SUBSTANTIVE, that is, a NOUN derived from a motivating adjective. Just like, for example, sick or hot. Other peoples also use substantivized adjectives. The same Germans, for example, historically called themselves die diutisken. And this is an adjective.
                Another example of how the sleep of reason gives birth to monsters.
                1. 0
                  April 25 2024 15: 55
                  Most of Central Asia had no statehood until it became part of the Russian Empire

                  Are you seriously?
                  Do you consider the Zhuzes of Kazakhstan, the Kokand, Khiva and Bukhara Khanates to be serious statehood? You should also remember Tamerlane and Iskander the Two-horned...

                  Are you a polyglot? Maybe a linguist?

                  No. But I always wondered why we have “Russian”, and they have “Arab”, “German” and other “English”.
                  By the way, in their languages ​​the situation is completely similar. Compare Russian and Englishman.

                  Somehow you very categorically repeat what others have thought up
                  Only your own eternal question)) And what does this substantive of yours change? Initially, it was just an adjective! And you yourself admit it!

                  The same Germans, for example, historically called themselves die diutisken
                  But now they are deutsch!
                  And the English under Shakespeare was generally such that modern Englishmen most likely will not understand it, and the English of the times of William the Conqueror will not understand it for sure
                  1. 0
                    April 25 2024 16: 49
                    Do you consider the Zhuzes of Kazakhstan, the Kokand, Khiva and Bukhara Khanates to be serious statehood?

                    Oh, already the transformation from “had no statehood” to “do you consider serious statehood?” wassat
                    Let me tell you a little secret: the world has not been Eurocentric for a long time. Moreover, until Timur put an end to the development of Central Asia, it was its states that developed Western European scientific thought.
                    By the way, in their languages ​​the situation is completely similar. Compare Russian and Englishman.

                    Oh-ho-ho. This is called - tearing out a certain particular that fits the postulated thought, ignoring that the other particulars contradict this thought. You a) add other nationalities b) do the same in other languages. And the funny thing is that russian is an adjective, a noun and also an adverb! This is also a substantinate.
                    And what does this substantive of yours change? Initially, it was just an adjective! And you yourself admit it!

                    It changes EVERYTHING. And most importantly, it shows the complete incompetence of those who make this a sign of the “exceptionalism” of the nation. Initially, it was a stable phrase “Russian people, Russian people.” Where on the word “man, people” they trivially decided to save money - paper used to be expensive. And other words generally acted as ethnonyms. And it's all nouns lol
                    But now they are deutsch!

                    Oh-ho-ho. This is also substantinate - when the same word and noun is German and the adjective is German. If you don't believe me, check it in the dictionary lol
                    Maybe before you continue talking about linguistics, give this very linguistics a couple of years of your life?
                    1. 0
                      April 25 2024 17: 42
                      transformation from "had no statehood"
                      Oh, sorry, I forgot the word “practically”))) I did. A little more than nothing. Well, you know, Andorra or Vanuatu are also states. And what do they influence?
                      Your statehood in Central Asia is exactly like this. Zhuzes are not even states. And all these khanates owned tiny territories, essentially their own suburbs. Most of the people in the vast territories of Central Asia did not live in any states at all.

                      the world has not been Eurocentric for a long time
                      For some reason you attributed your thought to me. Did I really say that?

                      until Timur put an end to the development of Central Asia, it was its states that developed Western European scientific thought
                      Some kind of Western European “scientific thought”? I believe that orientalists will not agree with you)) It was Eastern scientific thought that came to wild Europe, and not only from Central Asia, but in general, from the territory of the former Arab Caliphate. If you mean ancient scientific thought (Greece and Rome), it is incorrect to call it Western European. You find fault with words, but you yourself are completely free with them.

                      Initially it was a stable phrase “Russian people, Russian people”
                      Are you arguing with yourself? You previously denied this. And there was another transformation. “Christian people” (peasants) eventually turned into “peasants.” And, the self-name of those who lived for several centuries in most of the territory of Rus'/Russia, and who are now called “Russians”, was precisely these “peasants”. Then, when there was a division into “2 peoples” - those “who are on the earth” and everyone else - those “who are on the earth” remained “peasants”. But in general, everything has become completely Russians. And in the popular consciousness it has been preserved, after all, as an adjective, and ask the first person you meet on the street, he will also tell you that it is an adjective.

                      Will you devote a couple of years of your life to this very linguistics?
                      Thanks for the advice, if you need it in life, I’ll give it to you. For now, the existing knowledge of linguistics is enough for me to develop software (believe it or not, there is linguistics there too)))) and the use of several foreign languages ​​(including oriental ones)
  2. +11
    April 23 2024 05: 07
    The author claims that the Communist Party deputy is talking about Ilyin so that the public forgets about migrants? The overwhelming majority of the public knows nothing about Ilyin or this deputy.....

    Original opinion. . Just like the author’s statement that at the beginning of 1918 the Bolsheviks signed the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty and created the Red Army in order to “make a world revolution.”... Elderberry in the garden, Zelensky in Kyiv...
    1. +6
      April 23 2024 05: 29
      topics of incidents with migrants

      the situation with shelling in areas bordering Ukraine
      Yes A. here both Lenin and Ilyin are heard...
    2. +11
      April 23 2024 06: 05
      Ah! That’s it! An order was received to turn off the noise. The Duma’s spmker also said so. And so, yes. They created an idol of Ilyin for themselves. Behind the big phrases, emptiness and worthlessness
      1. +4
        April 23 2024 06: 52
        Created an idol for yourself

        And if you dig deep into it, something will fall down that now they don’t know what to cover it with...
      2. +3
        April 23 2024 14: 04
        They created an idol of Ilyin for themselves. Behind the loud phrases, emptiness and worthlessness

        In general, there is no secret why modern Russia needs Ilyin and his ideas. His work “On Monarchy and Republic” is simply the quintessence of the aspirations of those in power for a “correct” world order.
        To have a Sovereign, you must love him. He who does not love his Sovereign loses him mentally and spiritually, turns away from him, is vitally separated from him by the depth of his sense of justice, and destroys his mysterious, creative, state connection with him. By law he remains subordinate to the monarch, he is still obliged de jure to obey him; but the main thing disappears. This will be a different obedience: formal, official, ostentatious, fragile - not “for conscience”, but “for
        fear." Outwardly, everything remains as usual: there is a monarch, and there is a subject. But in fact, the subject sees in the monarch either a sovereign official or dictator, or a despot, a rapist, a tyrant; and the monarch sees in his subject something else an indifferent layman, or perhaps a secret enemy - an unkind critic, a pretender, a half-submissive Protestant and, strictly speaking, not a free citizen, but a crafty and unfaithful slave.
        It is possible to have a Sovereign with love, heart, feeling. He who loves his Sovereign really, truly has him; and thus builds his own state. He who does not love him will pretend all his life to himself and to people that he is loyal; but he will not have a Sovereign. To love your Sovereign means to feel in him a good, kind force that sincerely wants good for his people and lives only for the sake of this good and this service.

        In general, it’s difficult for Ilyin to choose specific phrases for quotes. Because any of them can serve as an example of a very specific owl being pulled onto a very specific globe in an ecstatic trance.
        A Republican recognizes a person’s right to defend his interests, but does not recognize his calling - to love his country, its people, its army and the “officials” of his state, for example, the president, commander-in-chief, etc.

        Exactly with the same “logic” in the lecture “On Resistance to Evil by Force” it will be explained why it is Christian to kill, since the Sovereign wanted it. And in response to criticism write:
        It would be ignorant, stupid and pretentious to take credit for the invention of this rationale. It is already entirely contained in the Apostolic Epistles, and let everyone read what is written. With my philosophical views, I follow the church tradition.
        The Apostle Peter writes (1. 2. 13-16):
        “So, be submissive to every human authority for God: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to the rulers, as those sent by him to punish criminals and to encourage those who do good, for this is the will of God, that by doing good we should stop the ignorance of foolish people, as free people, not as using freedom to cover up evil, but as servants of God.”
        The Apostle Paul writes (Rom. 13:3-5):
        “For rulers are not a terror to good deeds, but to evil deeds. Do you want to not be afraid of power? Do good and you will receive praise from her. For the boss is God's servant, for your good. If you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain: he is God's servant, an avenger to punish those who do evil. And therefore one must obey not only out of fear of punishment, but also out of conscience.”

        PS For those who want to read Ilyin, I recommend looking for old emigrant publications. There is no "retouching".
    3. +9
      April 23 2024 06: 50
      Original opinion

      This is putting it mildly. The author compares fascists with communists, well, this is not surprising, a familiar werewolf of the modern public... We are already used to it, there is no point in proving anything to such people. You need to explain it to young people, and they will understand.
  3. +22
    April 23 2024 05: 17
    This is what I understand, this is an order! And how cleverly you can juggle facts! And Lenin and Ilyin are right there. He’s a fascist, you can’t wash a black dog white, no matter how hard the author tried.
  4. +9
    April 23 2024 05: 30
    What does society need to be distracted from? From floods? Because the population has sharply declined in some regions? Is this necessary for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation if it is not in power? There is a Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which ideology is prohibited in the country. And on this basis, some are not allowed to turn around, while others are given carte blanche. This cannot be understood otherwise. By the way, in the world community Ilyin has no rating. He's just a zero.
    1. +1
      April 23 2024 10: 00
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      What does society need to be distracted from?

      Because some people said that they “revered Ilyin.” Until now, this character was known only to archivists and ancient librarians.... as you correctly said Ilyin zero... there was zero until some people started reading him.
    2. P
      April 24 2024 17: 18
      Yes, there is a distraction, but the Communist Party of the Russian Federation does not have any interests of its own, because is not a political party, it is an ordinary auxiliary branch of the United Russia, such as caretakers or cleaners. Appeals to any laws are ignorant babble, because... class interests are primary.
  5. +5
    April 23 2024 05: 39
    In Kiselev’s Sunday news, Dugin himself explained, they say, the essence of this students’ petition, regarding the personality of Ilyin, after whom the Higher School led by Dugin is named. It is worth noting that if the students in the petition expressed dissatisfaction mainly because of Ilyin’s Nazi views and because he admired German National Socialism, then Dugin, while defending Ilyin from the students’ petition, did not say a word about the students’ dissatisfaction with Ilyin’s Nazi past. On the contrary, Dugin’s students’ petition was exposed as a wedge in the reconciliation between Reds and Whites in Russia, between the recent past and the present, between conservatives, between the “Reds”, between the “White” patriots of Russia. However, Dugin himself seemed very dissatisfied and disgusted with himself for such false information about the essence of the students’ petition, which can be assumed that it was not Dugin who chose the “idol” whose name to name this Higher Political School.
    I would not at all link this performance to the dissatisfaction of the current deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation who criticize Ilyin. Any opponent will shut their mouth about how their leader Zyuganov fell in line with Yeltsin, who is destroying our Motherland, the USSR, so as not to fight against this destroyer. Here you can still strongly argue whose views and behavior brought more harm to Russia - Ilyin because of the “hillock” or Zyuganov within Russia itself. Well, all that remains is to remind you who often quotes Ilyin... So today’s Zyugagov communists, feeding from the hand of the one who quotes Ilyin, criticize Ilyin will weigh the most meager and dosed, well... for the performance, so that their feeding hand The bourgeoisie would not suddenly be offended and would not refuse them caviar and butter...
    1. +1
      April 23 2024 06: 15
      Quote: North 2
      to the dissatisfaction of current deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation who criticize Ilyin. Any opponent will shut their mouth about how their leader Zyuganov lay down under Yeltsin destroying our Motherland, the USSR, so as not to fight against this destroyer.

      And then he lay down under Yeltsin’s successor! Do you seem to be calling for a revolution? Or why? But in any case, this is already extremism, which falls under a criminal article. Don't forget about this when you get carried away with accusations against the communists.
      1. +9
        April 23 2024 06: 26
        Don't forget about this when you get carried away with accusations against the communists.

        But what about the extremism of those who call on Russians to kill and slaughter on our streets?
        What to do with the extremism of those who throw mud at Russians every day... who speak disgustingly and disgustingly on the Internet about Russian women, children, men... I see this all the time in the media.
        Why is there not an uncompromising fight against perverted Russophobia in Russia?
        After all, Russophobia is already softly turning into an ideology... like there shouldn’t be Russians.
        1. +10
          April 23 2024 06: 34
          Yes, I wouldn’t let migrants in at all (en masse). Because it’s not even a mine, but a whole nuclear bomb. It was very short-sighted to lay it down, based on short-term tactical interests. Because strategically, this is a blow to our country from within. Why did you have to do this?
        2. +2
          April 23 2024 09: 51
          Why is there not an uncompromising fight against perverted Russophobia in Russia?

          Because in Russia, Russians mean all residents of the CIS (and in some cases, all residents of the world).
          After all, Russophobia is already softly turning into an ideology... like there shouldn’t be Russians.

          There is a different Ideology here - all residents of the CIS are Russian. (And residents of all of Central Asia as well.)
          In this case, the Slavs find themselves in an incomprehensible position.
    2. +16
      April 23 2024 06: 31
      Well, okay, let’s say that Zyuganov really fell in line with Yeltsin... And our uncontested one - where is he from? Where and under whom did you make a dizzying career? Ass? It’s not in vain, oh not in vain, that it was then that the Yeltsin Family, so hated by the people, chose him...
    3. +3
      April 23 2024 06: 34
      And I note. Here are the quotes from Ilyin and the Ilinists about the “neutrality” of our soldiers who were captured. People were confused, disunited, lost control, and even the absence of it.. Another thing is how they behaved in captivity
    4. +11
      April 23 2024 07: 25
      today's Zyugagov communists

      It’s interesting - from what do you draw the conclusion that the current Zyuganov Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a communist party? From the title?
      1. +5
        April 23 2024 09: 52
        Quote: paul3390
        It’s interesting - from what do you draw the conclusion that the current Zyuganov Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a communist party? From the title?
        Yeah, it's funny. Ilyich would have shot such “communists” first. Essentially, these are right-wing conservatives, only in red scarves and other external attributes
      2. 0
        April 23 2024 12: 00
        Probably from the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
        On January 19, 2024, Nikolai Kharitonov presented his election program, which included the nationalization of the mineral resource base and the introduction of a progressive taxation scale. Another point of the program is to increase salaries, pensions, scholarships and the minimum wage
        In general, the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation should be based on the Manifesto (where the Ghost walks around Europe - the ghost of communism).
        1. -1
          April 23 2024 12: 07
          Probably from the Communist Party program
          The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is convinced that the salvation of the Fatherland lies only in the revival of the Soviet system and following the path of socialism. History has once again confronted the peoples of our Motherland with the same choice as in 1917 and 1941: either a great power and socialism, or further destruction of the country and its transformation into a colony. The point is not about going back, but about moving forward, towards a renewed socialism, cleansed of the mistakes and delusions of the past, fully responding to the realities of today.

          As the systemic crisis deepens, indignation and resistance to the ruling regime are brewing among the people. The feeling of humiliation of the oppressed and disadvantaged merges with the pain of patriots for the desecrated honor of the state. On this basis, the people's patriotic movement for the country's independence is expanding.

          In the current conditions, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation sees its task as uniting the social-class and national liberation movements into a united popular front. Make it purposeful. The party fights for the unity, integrity and independence of the Fatherland, for the restoration of the fraternal Union of Soviet peoples, the well-being and security, moral and physical health of citizens.
    5. P
      April 24 2024 17: 20
      Ilyin is a fascist. The main complaint against him is precisely in fascism, as well as in solidarity, in the schizophrenic “sense of rank”
  6. +18
    April 23 2024 05: 41
    They are trying to whitewash Hitler’s henchman, well, well, it’s clear that there are plenty of other problems, but this is not an excuse, the article smacks of an order.
    1. +7
      April 23 2024 06: 51
      There is so much shouting, we need to draw conclusions from history, but the trouble is that in order to draw conclusions, you need to study it. But no one wants to study it. French fascists took part in the Resistance movement in France, there weren’t many of them, but they accepted. The Germans fundamentally disagreed on the national issue, they believed that it was necessary to completely slaughter the Germans, and some others too. smile
      1. +1
        April 23 2024 12: 19
        Quote: parusnik
        There is so much shouting, we need to draw conclusions from history, but the trouble is that in order to draw conclusions, we need to study it. But no one wants to study it.

        In fact of the matter. From all of history, only a few of the brightest and loudest slogans are remembered (and then, often formulated by the same amateurs from history), and they are thrust into place as the ultimate truth, in place and out of place. Such is the profanation of history as a science. fool
      2. P
        April 24 2024 17: 22
        the fact that some fascists fight against others does not mean that they do not need to be grounded
  7. -11
    April 23 2024 05: 54
    Reasonable, balanced article. Neither Ilyich nor Ilyin in any way influence the views and policies of the Russian elite. Ilyin’s quotes from the podium and in textbooks are “political snobbery.” For a flash mob they quote him, nothing more.
    But the course towards a “Russian Kosovo” is a real problem.
    1. +16
      April 23 2024 06: 40
      I partially agree. An attempt to fill with at least something the internal emptiness and wretchedness of those who hold power. If “Bloody Nicholas” had said a few abstruse phrases, they would have raised him like a banner.. About “Russian Kosovo”.... That’s so.. Even in liberated Mariupol, this appeared... Last year, my friends assembled a construction team to restore Mariupol. Shish! As a result, they didn’t take the dominance of Asians. Moreover, starting with the management of construction companies. I’m talking about the liberated areas of Donbass
  8. +2
    April 23 2024 05: 56
    Quote: Codett
    The article smacks of an order.

    smile Well, this is not a discovery...I see this all the time in Inosmi and in many other resources.
    In addition to advertising, the source of income for many authors is custom articles.
    It is much more difficult to decipher the true customer of such articles.
    The interests of the customer are usually visible in the nature and form of the content of the articles.
    1. +14
      April 23 2024 07: 21
      it is more difficult to decipher the true customer of such articles

      Perhaps someone who loves this fascist type of philosopher so much that he does not hesitate to quote him at every opportunity? Another thing is surprising - HOW can one and the same character simultaneously bow to Ilyin and bring millions of wild migrants into the country??? What kind of mess is in his head? What would his idol say looking at such a practice?
      1. +6
        April 23 2024 08: 03
        I don’t know what his idol would have said... But I guess he would have answered himself... “It happened,” well, like, “she drowned.”... am
        1. +8
          April 23 2024 08: 05
          Hmm ...
          The Herzen-Chernyshevsky uncertainty principle:
          It is impossible to simultaneously answer the questions Who is to blame? and What to do?...
  9. +15
    April 23 2024 05: 57
    The whole problem with our modern whites is that they are empty drums. Try to collect something concrete from Dugin’s works on which the Constitution could be built. It won’t work, it will be buttery jelly. There’s the chatterbox Kholmogorov, who’s jumping out of his pants, describing how communists are scoundrels, but when it comes to what the Russian national state is, about which the Kholmogoryans are so concerned, you won’t find anything concrete. Dugin, of course, is not a fascist, but all this brethren has nothing that they can put against the same Stalinist constitution. So they are tormented about where to get ideology. We found Ilyin. And Ilyin is an ideology where it is written about Russians, but all this has its roots in the Vatican, which today nurtures these nationalist movements. Everyone is sick and tired of this Westernism.
    1. +1
      April 23 2024 15: 14
      The whole problem with our modern whites is that they are empty drums

      Upvoted. You said it very well, I need to spread the quote)))
  10. +16
    April 23 2024 06: 27
    Brilliantly! Is it possible to ask the author to write an article in the same vein to justify, well, for starters, Goebbels? For some reason it seems to me that he will succeed...
    1. +7
      April 23 2024 08: 43
      And he wrote about Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, Pinochet, cool guys it turns out, conservative revolutionaries. In the author’s opinion, fascism is happiness for all peoples, is fascism better than communism? And by May 9 and May 9, articles will appear about how the Russian people (not even the Soviet people) broke the back of fascism. And these articles will be written by anti-Soviet people, fighters against communism. smile
  11. +12
    April 23 2024 06: 39
    It is clear who the author is from the first lines. There is a substitution of concepts: fascism and not fascism at all, but revolutionary conservatism. True, it is different. Nazism is ultra-revolutionary conservatism, but in the rest of the countries of Europe it is quite normal. smile
    At the first stage, the “Reds” really considered Russia as a springboard for the “world revolution”
    There was no world revolution. The capitalists are still dividing the world, pitting peoples against each other. By the way, the author, capitalist Russia, in an enemy capitalist environment, the capitalists want to seize the wealth of the capitalists of Russia, and make their slaves, the population of the country, their slaves. Why? But the world revolution did not happen. smile
  12. +2
    April 23 2024 06: 39
    Quote: paul3390
    Brilliantly! Is it possible to ask the author to write an article in the same vein to justify, well, for starters, Goebbels? For some reason it seems to me that he will succeed...

    Yes Yes... smile and at the end of the article, show a video of Goebbels’ burnt corpse in the ruins of Berlin... as a clear example of what happens to those who are carried away by the ideas of brown bottling National Socialism.
  13. +3
    April 23 2024 06: 44
    Quote from: dmi.pris1
    I'm talking about the liberated areas of Donbass

    Strange things are happening there... what An American volunteer was recently killed...and why is this ugly story being swept under the stinks of shit.
  14. +14
    April 23 2024 06: 48
    I went through Ilyin’s biography. The current government has jelly in its head. They profess the principle “this is different.” For example, they curse the current fugitives from Russia. But Ilyin is respected for fleeing Russia. The fact that he Ilyin welcomed fascism is all the same for today, because he fought so hard against Bolshevism.
    By the way, Dugin didn’t even say a hint about Ilyin’s fascism. But I considered him a patriot and traditionalist...
    The situation with Mannerheim and Kolchak is repeated.
    1. +6
      April 23 2024 07: 01
      hi Patriotism in Dugin’s understanding is still a thing; he himself is not far from Ilyin. As you read about embroidered caftans, scarves and braids..., but he himself wears nothing of this except a beard, Kholmogorov even dresses up in a blouse, but he looks funny, well, that’s okay, one advertising slogan immediately comes to mind, about the image laughing
    2. +10
      April 23 2024 08: 56
      But Ilyin is respected for fleeing Russia
      He didn’t run. We had preventive conversations with him, on the topic Alexander Ivanovich, it’s enough to drive a blizzard on the Soviet government, but Alexander Ivanovich ate reinforced Soviet rations and carried out anti-Soviet propaganda. Dzerzhinsky called, tried to talk in a good way, saying enough is enough already, get to work. But no, then Felix Edmundovich, from the desk drawer, took out a bottle of brilliant green and a ticket for the ship. Alexander Ivanovich, did not want to become a martyr, for the white idea in red Russia, he chose freedom, a ticket on a “philosophical” ship. He enriched European philosophical thought so much that in Europe they were embarrassed to erect monuments to him. smile
      1. +3
        April 23 2024 09: 13
        Well, I was in a hurry to say more, but you said more, and therefore more precisely. And for a bottle of brilliant green you get a double plus. good
  15. 0
    April 23 2024 07: 00
    Quote: Stas157
    Quote: North 2
    to the dissatisfaction of current deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation who criticize Ilyin. Any opponent will shut their mouth about how their leader Zyuganov lay down under Yeltsin destroying our Motherland, the USSR, so as not to fight against this destroyer.

    And then he lay down under Yeltsin’s successor! Do you seem to be calling for a revolution? Or why? But in any case, this is already extremism, which falls under a criminal article. Don't forget about this when you get carried away with accusations against the communists.

    what other calls for revolution are there in my comment?!!! . Revolutions happen when there are many hungry people. And in my comment at the end it is clearly written in Russian that the communists clearly have enough for both caviar and butter. By the way, how do you eat?
    If today someone else is not fed by power, then I don’t know what else they need. In Russia today, perhaps for the first time in a thousand years, everyone is well fed, including the Zyuganov communists. What other revolutions do you need...
    1. +5
      April 23 2024 07: 07
      And don’t say the current government is just magicians, without producing anything, it “fed” everyone. But now every family needs to have a biochemical laboratory in order to know what they are feeding.
    2. +6
      April 23 2024 09: 04
      In Russia today, perhaps for the first time in a thousand years, everyone is well fed
      And that’s why, in the past, cheap fish costs more than meat? You can’t make fish, like sausage, from scraps of chicken meat and pork skin, but maybe just crab sticks. It’s true that Ryaba’s chickens began to lay “golden” eggs. Simple miracles.
      1. +2
        April 23 2024 09: 37
        Quote: parusnik
        You can’t make fish like sausage from scraps of chicken meat and pork skin

        Well said.
        All these product processes are global in nature.
        Soon they will tell you that canned cockroaches are very tasty and healthy, and in general, pasta will be a delicacy. Here you have the pasta.
        1. +3
          April 23 2024 09: 40
          Here you have the pasta.
          What are you saying? How can this happen under capitalism? You slander capitalism, it’s a sin.
          1. 0
            April 23 2024 09: 46
            Quote: parusnik
            How can this happen under capitalism?

            And capitalism has nothing to do with it, this world is ruled by the devil, these are his jokes.
            1. +3
              April 23 2024 09: 51
              This world is ruled by the devil, these are his jokes.
              Wow! And socialism, as I understand it, was destroyed by angels, at the instigation of the devil? Are all bourgeois servants of the devil? Or just in places? This servant, this one is not a servant. Krch, Satan, rules the roost here, and people die for metal? Including the unfortunate oligarchs?
              1. 0
                April 23 2024 10: 02
                Quote: parusnik
                Are all bourgeois servants of the devil?

                Poverty and destitution are not a pass to heaven, and do not exempt you from serving the devil; money, as we know, spoils people, but its absence can also spoil a person. Oligarchs are truly unhappy people, I agree.
                1. +2
                  April 23 2024 10: 06
                  Oligarchs are truly unhappy people, I agree.
                  Yes, yes, they can’t get rid of the money, they try to invest it in the Russian economy, but miraculously, apparently not without the help of the devil, it flows into foreign economies. The devil helps the servants of the devil or is it God’s help?
      2. Msi
        April 23 2024 19: 48
        And therefore, at the earliest, cheap fish costs more than meat

        Well, this does not greatly prevent the population from gaining excess weight. They're probably plump from hunger. People eat like crazy... 63 percent of the population is obese (apparently from a bad life), childhood obesity is on the rise...
        1. 0
          April 24 2024 07: 16
          This is due to excess carbohydrates in the diet: bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes and drinks with sugar.
        2. 0
          April 24 2024 07: 50
          Well, this does not greatly prevent the population from gaining excess weight.
          In the USSR they starved to the point of exhaustion.
          1. Msi
            April 24 2024 07: 58
            In the USSR they starved to the point of exhaustion

            As my grandfather said: “... They ate poorly, but for some reason they didn’t have time to clean the (village) toilet...”
            Let's be fair. There are a lot of things I don’t like about the current government. As much as I can criticize, I can also justify the current government.
            1. 0
              April 24 2024 08: 07
              As much as I can criticize, I can also justify the current government.
              The position is the same as that of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and other systemic opposition parties. “We have never lived as well as we do now” (c), but we will overcome the capitalist collective West, we will live even better, in a renewed capitalist world. Where is the exploitation of man, man, will become even more sophisticated.
              1. Msi
                April 24 2024 08: 16
                Position like the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

                I vote for them.
                We have never lived as well as we do now."

                We went to the cemetery now, to the village where my parents are from. Outside the city, all the fields are built up with cottages. In the evening when I’m driving home by car, there’s only one problem: where will I put it...
                My father always says, who votes for him (for Putin) they say. I answer, look at the cottages, look at the expensive cars passing by, look at the electorate. If we do not live well, others live differently...
                1. +1
                  April 24 2024 08: 27
                  Yes, knsh, it’s easier to build up fields with cottages than to grow something in the fields, like we have for example. There was a state farm called Semenovodchesky, now they build cottages there, and before they grew tomatoes there. They didn’t buy them in Turkey and Azerbaijan. By the way, fish canning was made from its products the plant worked, and on local fish products, produced pike in tomato, pike perch, carp, bream, flounder, bull, sprat, sturgeon. In 1989, they produced 85 quintals of valuable species of fish per hectare, plus numerous fish farms. And now We have anchovy, “golden”. For 70 years, two republics could not catch, but two states managed to catch it in 30. And there are no fish farms, it is not a profitable business to grow carp and sturgeon.
                  1. Msi
                    April 24 2024 08: 34
                    Yes, sir, it’s easier to build fields with cottages than to grow something in the fields

                    And here, when you move further away from the cottage community, the fields turn green. The winter crops have probably sprouted. I don't know, I'm not an expert. And where else the tractor plows, lifts the earth.
                    And fish, for example, pollock fillet, is about 400 rubles, as is pork. Just as there are advantages to today’s life, there are also disadvantages.
                    1. +1
                      April 24 2024 08: 44
                      pollock fillet about 400 rubles
                      In our seaside town, they fed cats with it during the hungry Soviet times, they didn’t even serve it in canteens, they indulged in pike perch and trout, and there are almost no bones in the same mirror carp. But we don’t grow rice anymore, in our area there were three rice-growing state farms during the famine time, now they are also building cottages there and paid fishing, plus? Kanesh, plus, why do we need rice, we’ll buy it. We had a lot of things, but now plums are from Serbia, there are no others. And at the local RPK and other canning shops, they made various types of jam, marmalade. Now, no kanesh, the gardens were cut down, cottages were built .Plus? Plus, definitely, but we’ll buy jam abroad like the rest. Plus? Plus..
      3. -2
        April 24 2024 00: 29
        Because the fish have been knocked out to zero - its place in the ocean food chain is occupied by jellyfish, and restoration of the population is unlikely, even if all the fishermen are sent to the bottom. And meat is available thanks to industrial farming.
    3. +3
      April 23 2024 09: 33
      Quote: north 2
      In Russia today, perhaps for the first time in a thousand years, everyone is well fed , including the Zyuganov communists.

      Did you go hungry in the USSR??

      By the way, the area under cultivation in the RSFSR was almost twice as large as in the Russian Federation. Therefore, we can safely say that the development of agriculture is not thanks to the capitalists in the Russian Federation, but in spite of it. Thanks to the global development of agricultural technologies and planting materials.

      Quote: north 2
      What other revolutions do you need...

      What are you calling for then, blaming the communists for inaction? Can you expand on the topic?
  16. +9
    April 23 2024 07: 08
    The lack of ideology within the country has a detrimental effect on it. We have a small group of people gathered, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks, Essers, Whites, Reds, fascists, liberals, democrats. And everyone promotes their views in every possible way, trying to rewrite the history of others. Now, for example, the history of the USSR is being destroyed in every possible way, people are indignant because many still managed to live there, and they are quite rightly indignant. Figures of the current regime, including the same guarantor and will quote the same Ilyin, and the fact that he hated the USSR seems to be the same for the authorities, so they are on their way.... They will need to hate someone else, they will quickly change their shoes and start without a twinge conscience to quote Hitler, and African cannibals, and for some propagandists, Mussolini is already a hero, but we are fighting fascism.....
    1. +6
      April 23 2024 09: 07
      The lack of ideology within the country has a detrimental effect on it.
      Yes, okay. Wait, there will be an ideology, a monument has already been erected to the main ideologist.. The Ideology Center in Sverdlovsk is working.. forging personnel..
  17. -18
    April 23 2024 07: 11
    Ilyin, an outstanding Russian philosopher, and to the entire Jewish kahal, he is like a bone in the throat.
    I don’t think that all this squealing was caused by stupid students of a humanities institution; an experienced and competent hand is felt here.
  18. +5
    April 23 2024 07: 11
    The author awkwardly manipulates, trying to cover up the essence of the issue. For example, he equates fraternization with surrender. And the essence of the question is as follows.
    Fascism is a means of the national bourgeoisie to fight against the foreign bourgeoisie. For this purpose, the national bourgeoisie proclaims class peace and class cooperation within the country (corporatism). And he places all responsibility for the difficult situation of certain classes and social strata on the foreign bourgeoisie. The goal is to fight against the foreign bourgeoisie..
    Now in Russia the national bourgeoisie has defeated the comprador bourgeoisie (subordinate to the foreign one). Why did the foreign bourgeoisie start a war against the Russian national bourgeoisie? And the Russian national bourgeoisie began to urgently need a weapon of struggle against the foreign bourgeoisie - fascism. But due to historical practice, direct propaganda of fascism is impossible in our country. Our people have the memory of the struggle against European fascism. That’s why they are trying to bring in fascism secretly, under other names. And in particular under the name of “Ilyin’s philosophy”.
    1. +5
      April 23 2024 08: 21
      ....And the essence of the question is as follows.
      Fascism is a means of the national bourgeoisie to fight against the foreign bourgeoisie. For this purpose, the national bourgeoisie proclaims class peace and class cooperation within the country (corporatism)... .

      Dear Victor.

      I agree with your words.

      You clearly noted:
      “But due to historical practice, direct propaganda of fascism is impossible in our country. Our people have the memory of the struggle against European fascism. Therefore, they are trying to sneak in fascism secretly, under other names.”

      You truthfully and accurately defined the essence of today's domestic politics in Russia.
      This ideology is secretly promoted in modern Russia.

      The current migration policy easily fits into this.
      The uncontrolled import of migrants is necessary for subsequent pogroms.

      To your comment, I would also add the words of the respected Belisarius, which he expressed in the article “They want to turn Russia into a second Tajikistan”:

      "...The authorities of the Russian Federation and the owners of capital are ethnically, for the most part, non-Russian and experience a persistent hatred of the Russian working people - "In those troops, there is Family Revenge against the peasants...."
    2. +3
      April 23 2024 09: 12
      And the author specifically tries to explain to the large public, in addition, that fascism is nothing more than revolutionary conservatism, like all sisters in earrings: revolution on the left, conservatism on the right smile
      1. +6
        April 23 2024 09: 52
        This author has opened up in a new way.
        I was surprised by his statement.

        ...The “Whites” acted under the slogans of defending the unity of Russia, ...

        Very original.

        The “Whites” came out to defend the unity of Russia and for this they used intervention by foreign states.

        And these foreign states "... Fearing the prospect of the liquidation of the Eastern Front, on December 23, 1917 in Paris, France and England entered into an agreement on dividing Russia into spheres of influence...". (ts)
        1. +8
          April 23 2024 10: 02
          "Whites" came out to defend the unity of Russia
          This moment is especially interesting. The Supreme Ruler of Russia, of course the Russian Admiral Kolchak, asked the Russian General Mannerheim (as a Russian officer they hung a plaque on him?) to help occupy red Petrograd, and Mannerheim was a Russian patriot, demanded all of Karelia, the Kola Peninsula and the independence of Finland ,requirements, mind you, on a broad Russian scale. Question to the club: What? Where? When? Did the Russian white general Mannerheim stand for the unity of Russia? I still don’t remember the retinue general Skoropadsky, ataman Krasnov and the rest of the separatist atamans in different regions of Russia
  19. Msi
    April 23 2024 07: 32
    Secondly, the situation with shelling in areas bordering Ukraine (primarily the Belgorod region) is also not significantly improving, but rather, on the contrary, tends to worsen.

    You are lying, Mr. Biryukov. The situation can be said to be stable. There is no deterioration, that's for sure. Intermittent shelling, slight decline.
    You are already tired of your migrants. There is definitely a problem. But we can talk about other problems.
    I don’t know and haven’t read the quotes or works of Ilyin. Where can I briefly read them?
    1. +4
      April 23 2024 09: 26
      I don’t know and haven’t read the quotes or works of Ilyin [
      /b] “On Russian fascism.” His interesting work is “On the need to counteract the agents of the MGB-KGB” (from a series of articles for EMRO officials written in 1948-1954). But more simply, all his articles are permeated with the same hatred of the Soviet system and the USSR, like the articles of many commentators smile
  20. -6
    April 23 2024 07: 33
    They don't even let you breathe - they're trying to shake everything up and crap, now they scare you with white Czechs, now with Matilda, now with broken memorial boards, and this way and that, now we've reached Ilyin.
    Enough to muddy the waters, no one needs Ilyin, neither his neighbors, nor his colleagues, nor his friends - no one knows him and no one wants to know him.
    1. -4
      April 23 2024 07: 52
      All power to the Soviets!

      Quote: bober1982
      Nobody needs Ilyin

      hi Once Hitler's Mein Kampf was banned and fascism was revived (in Ukraine). It would seem that no one needs him either. But no. It turns out that there were those who revived it, but no immunity was developed from it.

      Ilyin is the ideological inspirer of the white movement. Do we have a vaccine against this? No. Otherwise, their flag would never have flown over our country.

      There is no need to ban anything, neither Mein Kampf nor Ilyin. It is necessary to study and explain what their verbiage led to. To develop immunity against people like them.
      1. -14
        April 23 2024 07: 59
        Quote: Boris55
        It is necessary to study and explain what their verbiage led to.

        Marx was an open Satanist and hated Russia, Herzen was a Satanist and hated Russia - a pedagogical university was named after him.
        How is this possible? Where are students looking?
        We need to develop this very immunity against their verbiage.
        1. +15
          April 23 2024 08: 09
          And Stalin personally ate a million children, but eyewitnesses after the 20th Congress said that it was a billion, but this is not certain. Herzen ate fewer children, but he was limited by the Rothschilds, who ate them themselves and had to share with Marx. That's how we lived lol
        2. +1
          April 23 2024 10: 09
          Do not confuse the Russian people of Russia and the Tsarist government of Russia. Marx wrote about the state, not the country.
        3. 0
          April 23 2024 12: 35
          All power to the Soviets!

          Video on the topic of Ilyin:

      2. +3
        April 23 2024 08: 24
        There is no way to allow the publication of the German Fuhrer’s opus.

        Because modern “patriotic” propaganda is built on his ideas about an inferior people. Who was always oppressed by everyone and was never able to build his own normal state on his own land.

        If readers see and compare that both the Fuhrer and our propaganda.... are the same thing, there may be awkward questions. ....
      3. +6
        April 23 2024 08: 47
        And when was this reading banned? And when was fascism revived? They revived exactly... And who will clarify the verbiage? The Chief Verbose himself? You, Boris, have a mess in your head..
  21. +8
    April 23 2024 07: 41
    Hey, young author! It turns out that there are different types of “historical past”. Some are “not worth fighting”, while others are not only worth fighting, but should!
    1. +4
      April 23 2024 09: 30
      Some are “not worth fighting”, while others are not only worth fighting, but should!
      Well, yes, fascism, then tea is better than communism smile
  22. +4
    April 23 2024 07: 49
    The situation with Ilyin in the media space could be observed for a very long time, but that was the lot of a few. And this moved to a public level for everyone after the naming of this highest political school. Personally, I am very sad because this clearly shows the problem of our country and the longer the war goes on, the worse it will be. I'm worried about what will happen in the end.
  23. +10
    April 23 2024 07: 51
    Any glorification of those who mixed with the Nazis, went into their service and glorified them is simply disgusting in our country. And attempts to whitewash such scoundrels are even more disgusting.
  24. 0
    April 23 2024 08: 17
    Ilyin is certainly a representative of Russian philosophical traditional thought. But can he be called the Glorious Son of the Fatherland? Not at all. And the same A.I. had much greater claims to the title of Glorious Sons of the Fatherland. Denikin and N.A. Berdyaev.
    1. 0
      April 23 2024 15: 10
      What kind of philosophy did Denikin have?
      1. +1
        April 23 2024 18: 06
        Philosophy of a Russian officer. Regardless of ideological trends, the Fatherland is the main thing... And nothing should pose a threat to it.
        1. +1
          April 23 2024 18: 21
          Where are Denikin's philosophical works? I don't remember any of those...

          Fatherland is the main thing
          Did Denikin invent this? Not before him, not after him, was there such a “philosophy”?
  25. Owl
    April 23 2024 08: 29
    The idiots (the compilers of the texts of the “guarantor’s” speeches) included the fascist Ilyin in a number of “favorite philosophers”, during his speech the “guarantor” voiced it, so there was a reason for some figures, some to try to “appropriate the name”, and for others - for a “funny struggle” with it. Professionals should write speeches for the President!
  26. +1
    April 23 2024 08: 39
    Thanks Gardamir! The whole essence of all the comments was expressed in his few words - *I skimmed through Ilyin’s biography...* :-))))
  27. +9
    April 23 2024 09: 06
    The Internet is full of analysis of Ilyin and Dugin with their pro-fascist quotes, speeches, reasoning, and actions.

    So an attempt to justify... ugh.
    And that students are just now... you can see the inertia. We looked, read these statements, and were imbued with them.
    Perhaps the remnants of honor in the young people's conscience leapt up.
    For the bosses who quote and publish Ilyin in the country that defeated fascism...everything is clear in their conscience...
    1. -2
      April 23 2024 15: 07
      How objective are such analyzes?
      And about Dugin - is there any other patriotic philosopher in Russia now? I can't hear anything. Recently there was a scandal around the “fifth column” at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
      1. +2
        April 23 2024 23: 33
        1) if people give direct quotes from works where Ilyin stands up for the fascists, calls himself a fascist.... this means something.
        2) Hitler can also be called a “philosopher of a patriotic orientation”, a good philosopher, or crap, but he wrote and reasoned something.
        Patriotism - everyone understands it in their own way

        Is there supposedly no other one for all 140 million people?
        according to the old joke - “Maybe something can be corrected at the conservatory”?
        1. 0
          April 23 2024 23: 52
          1. I discussed Dugin, not Ilyin.
          2. Hitler is not a philosopher, but a politician. And he's not a good writer. I wrote one book with the help of others, and that one is impossible to read.

          Another... well, show me... another!
          As for "fixing" - yes, there are enough people who want to... for other people's money
          1. 0
            April 24 2024 00: 52
            1) Dugin is more cautious in his judgments. In the quotes given, it seems that he only once called himself a “Russian fascist.” But in the 90s-0s, according to the quotes given, he wrote pro-fascist crap.
            2) this is for philosophers. So that they sort it out for you: patriots to the right, non-patriots to the left. There may be a bunch of them, but... they are not being promoted by the Kremlin.
            3) everywhere everyone sees other people’s money. Moreover, if oligarchs and rich people, officials at least have checks and property, photos with watches, then PR accusers of others often have no checks, no found property, nothing, except their own salary in silver pieces
            1. 0
              April 24 2024 08: 51
              1. I know something about what Dugin is writing now - I came across it. I am not a researcher of anyone's work, and I am not interested in what he wrote in the 90s or earlier. Mussolini, you know, was also a liberal and a social democrat, and even knew Lenin...
              2. Here one has already called Denikin a philosopher. Philosophers don’t “sort out patriots”, they only do this on sites like VO)) As for the heap - perhaps “heap”, but I haven’t heard how I’m still “not included” in the Kremlin)))
              3. You definitely said about the silver coins... At least some of them do not hide their yachts and palaces... And why are these ones with silver coins better than those “with palaces”?
              1. 0
                April 24 2024 09: 07
                1) It’s not interesting, it’s so not interesting. You can talk about everyone this way. I was supposedly a maniac, but now I seem to have corrected myself, we need to promote.... ugh.
                Repainting on the fly is a careerist tradition, IMHO.
                2) You are changing the topic.. We need an overview of Russian philosophers according to their views - obviously not here, but on thematic communities. ask there
                Before his promotion, few people knew Dugin.
                3) again off topic. a) and how they hide it. Fi, it's a shame not to know this
                And statements about opponents’ silver coins, without any evidence, have become commonplace: Especially from people with watches worth half a million bucks, propagandists on a hefty salary, and the like...
                As an example: the propagandists did not find anything from N. They were even too lazy to come up with evidence...
  28. +9
    April 23 2024 09: 13
    "Information noise around the Russian State University for the Humanities and Ivan Ilyin: why you shouldn’t fight the historical past"
    Why then are they fighting with the historical past of the USSR period, and the Author?
    1. +6
      April 23 2024 09: 38
      Why then are they fighting with the historical past of the USSR period, and the Author?
      It’s like one part of the past is bad, it has a harmful effect on the mind, you understand why, there was no sausage there and galoshes were issued, but the other part of the past is simply magnificent: the crunch of a French roll, the champagne flowing. smile You yourself understand that the galosh-sausage-free period is bad, so the author urges you to fight against it laughing
      1. +2
        April 23 2024 15: 09
        The author generally suggests fighting with oneself - in the article he got everything mixed up and dumped everything into a heap
  29. +7
    April 23 2024 09: 17
    So Vlasov fought the same with the Bolsheviks. And he was a supporter of a strong national Russia. And all this under the white-blue-red flag, by the way...
    When will we start whitewashing it? So to speak, a contradictory personality, a victim of Stalin's anti-human skating rink.
    1. 0
      April 24 2024 09: 58
      Why do “yours” keep mentioning Vlasov, out of place and out of place? The Vlasovites only had two clashes with the Red Army and are more like the Georgian collaborators who surrendered en masse in the battles in the Caucasus and went back to the side of the USSR. The Germans did not trust the Vlasovites and therefore did not use them directly on the eastern front.
      It’s like in the topic about the participation of Tajiks in the terrorist attack they immediately began to remember the RDK, whose crowds allegedly stormed the Belgorod region? If some traitors attacked Russian territory, it was clearly not en masse.
  30. +7
    April 23 2024 10: 06
    The article was written on request.
    If there were no SVO, it would have worked.
    Ilyin’s fault is not that he was against the Reds. His fault is that he supported HITLER and the NAZIS.
    If we are now fighting with the West, with Bandera’s Ukrainian Natsiks. Then any philosopher who supports the Nazis of World War II should be on the “black list”.
    I recently watched the video. The "Krasnov Museum" was searched, etc. After all, right from TV screens to the Northern Military District, Krasnov, a direct accomplice of Hitler’s Nazis, was praised. If there were no SVO, eulogies for Krasnov would still be flowing. It's time to remove Ilyin too.
    Denazification must also be carried out inside Russia.
    1. 0
      April 23 2024 15: 54
      You see, the enemy turned out to be much closer than we are led to believe...
  31. +4
    April 23 2024 10: 16
    Ilyin was an ardent anti-Bolshevik, but there is no doubt that he belongs to the space of Russian culture and became an integral part of the Russian intellectual heritage.
    So Krasnov appeared... belonged... and became... Moreover, the same "Empresses", quite a worthy novel. However, his collaboration with Hitler is beyond doubt, as is his well-deserved end.
  32. +5
    April 23 2024 10: 41
    Dear forum participants, open the link and look at the photo for the article on Zen, there, next to the inveterate Banderaite Korchinsky, there are curious characters who have now become media figures in our Russian Federation. Did the author of the article on VO decide to rehabilitate one of them?
    1. +6
      April 23 2024 11: 09
      Let me make it simpler and immediately insert this photo here.
    2. -1
      April 24 2024 09: 46
      There is no photo for the article on Zen.
      And those who are next to Korchinsky on the right hand, in the photo from the comment below, have nothing in common with Korchinsky’s views. Dugin cannot be called a supporter of Ukrainian nationalism, but the same, now deceased, Krylov openly and uncompromisingly sided with the DPR and LPR since 2014.
      1. 0
        April 25 2024 13: 04
        There is no photo for the article on Zen.

        It's in the comments under the article
        have nothing in common with Korchinsky’s views.

        It was you who didn’t listen to their joint speeches in 2005 lol
  33. +8
    April 23 2024 10: 45
    The author of this article passed the entrance exam to the guild union of representatives of the second oldest profession.
    1. +1
      April 23 2024 16: 16
      The author of this article passed the entrance exam
      And how well he started in 2014, articles about the defenders of the LPR, DPR... he wrote angrily about Ukrainian fascism... and only probably because the Ukrainian Banderaites forced them to speak in Ukrainian language, and probably before the Crimean and Donetsk events, they painted a swastika together
      1. 0
        April 23 2024 16: 27
        Costs of the chosen path
  34. +7
    April 23 2024 10: 46
    There is a cosmic difference between the calls of Lenin and Ilyin. Ilyin speaks of “mass surrender.” Lenin calls for “fraternization” with the “proletarians.” What does “defeatism” have to do with it? Lenin did not call for surrender. Moreover, he spoke of the need, together with the German proletarians, to turn arms against their own oppressors. Which is what eventually happened. Two revolutions took place in Russia and Germany. In Russia the revolution was victorious. Lost in Germany.
    In addition, I draw the attention of those who have a mess in their heads: Lenin calls for the fraternization of the proletarians. Not the people, not the soldiers, not the officers, not the generals. Not even workers and peasants. No! Precisely the proletarians.
    So Lenin is absolutely right here. And time has proven him right. Revolutions have happened.
    1. +4
      April 23 2024 13: 52
      I will add one fundamental point to your message - Lenin proposed fraternizing with the soldiers of the bourgeois state where the socialist revolution was maturing. And Lenin saw fraternization as the beginning of the revolution. Moreover, despite all its ambitions, this state did not intend to carry out genocide of any peoples, including the Slavs.

      Ilyin proposes to surrender to the Nazis and the Nazi state, which not only planned genocide, but carried it out with all its might. Including in the USSR.

      There is an enemy, and there is evil. And if the Kaiser's Germany was the enemy, then Nazi Germany was precisely evil.
  35. +5
    April 23 2024 10: 47
    Quote: paul3390
    it is more difficult to decipher the true customer of such articles

    Perhaps someone who loves this fascist type of philosopher so much that he does not hesitate to quote him at every opportunity? Another thing is surprising - HOW can one and the same character simultaneously bow to Ilyin and bring millions of wild migrants into the country??? What kind of mess is in his head? What would his idol say looking at such a practice?

    And his “idol”, that is, Ilyin, himself seemed to have a mess in his head, if you read some of his “philosophical” maxims. And in general, it is not clear who called him a “philosopher”, maybe the same “philosopher” is Dugin? laughing
  36. +4
    April 23 2024 14: 00
    SVD68, I quote:
    . But due to historical practice, direct propaganda of fascism is impossible in our country. Our people have the memory of the struggle against European fascism. That’s why they are trying to bring in fascism secretly, under other names. And in particular under the name of “Ilyin’s philosophy”.

    Of all the speeches that were delivered from the rostrum of this forum by my comrades, this is the best.
    good drinks hi )))
  37. -1
    April 23 2024 15: 03
    The author started about one thing, ended about another. Falsifications about Ilyin are carried out liberal "fifth column", and set a goal shake up the political situation and pit representatives of different political views against each other. Whose “order” is obvious. Taking into account the interest in Ilyin from the “top officials,” this is an attempt to cause negativity towards them as well.
    The author with “red and white” also hit the mark. Among both of them there was a wide spectrum of representatives of various political forces. White lost for three reasons:
    1. “Whites” did not defend any “unity” - they squabbled with each other. The “Reds” acted as a more or less united front, controlled from one center.
    2. The “whites” did not have any program for restoring the country. The “Reds” immediately announced it.
    3. "Whites", in the end, were abandoned by their sponsors, who realized their utter futility. By the way, there is some evidence that the “Reds” also received some support from abroad.

    As for the “Reds”, there were 2 warring forces, let’s call them “internationalists” (led by Trotsky), and “statists” (Lenin-Stalin). Actually, it was abroad that helped the “internationalists”. Until the moment of taking power and the end of the civil war, the “internationalists” and the “power leaders” acted as a united front, although the quarrels began even then. Lenin, as a brilliant politician, was able to come to an agreement. Then the “power powers” ​​won, and the international project was gradually curtailed.
    I don’t want to discuss Ilyin - let history judge him. I can say that he also has certain positive thoughts, which, in particular, are included in the collections “Russian Philosophy of War” - so far the only more or less intelligible attempt to provide a philosophical justification for SVO.
    For some reason the author brought the migration problem here. On the contrary, for liberals who “muddy the waters with Ilyin,” any problem is very beneficial, including migrants. But for Russia the problem is big:
    1. There are already a lot of migrants - you can’t just kick them out. And they are already integrated into our economy.
    2. The Russian authorities have to take into account the opinion of the Central Asian states - relations with them are very difficult to build.
    3. The federal authorities also have to take into account the opinion of the leaders of the Caucasus republics - again, relations are not easy to build. Although the “guys from the Caucasus” seem to be “our own”, there are no less problems with them than with Uzbek-Tajiks and other immigrants from Central Asia.
    And finally, the situation with shelling from country 404 is a completely predictable enemy action. And they will stop only after a military victory.
    So, on the one hand, thanks to the author, on the other hand, he wrote about the wrong thing.
    1. -1
      April 24 2024 10: 03
      Ilyin, one might say, is a little-known and irrelevant personality today. Only regarding Ukraine do his views intersect with modernity, and then only partially.
      And it’s unclear why you should get so excited about it. I had never heard or read anything about him before.
      1. 0
        April 24 2024 10: 34
        Well, this is the reason for another attempt by the “fifth column” to shake up the political situation in the country.
        Regarding Ilyin - you are absolutely right, I myself learned about him from sympathizers of the “fifth column”)))
      2. 0
        April 25 2024 22: 49
        Some people who are far from the last in the state not only read him, but also actively quote and promote his ideas. Water wears away stones. If you don’t react, you won’t notice how you won’t recognize the country.
        1. 0
          April 25 2024 23: 00
          It’s complete nonsense, talking and reading is one thing, but acting is completely different. There are other, much more integral and consistent philosophers in the past. But they are not mentioned. Real changes can take place if Zinoviev or Shafarevich are remembered and started being quoted.
        2. 0
          April 26 2024 09: 05
          An irrelevant topic, there is a quite successful N. Starikov, who periodically appears on television, whose books mean more many times over than Ilyin, who has completely lost his relevance.
          And if you need anti-Bolshevism, then the fugitive Mark Solonin will beat both Rezun and Ilyin combined in this.
  38. +4
    April 23 2024 15: 49
    Fascism in Germany in the 30s and 40s was based on nationalism and assumed the dominance of the Aryan nation, the rest of the nations were supposed to either be destroyed like the Jews or reduce their population so that it would be sufficient to serve the privileged nation
    Fascism, according to Ilyin, presupposes fascism with less reliance on Nazism, but with greater reliance on class differences. Roughly speaking, Ilyin speaks about the dominance of the “white bones” (bankers, oligarchs, those in power) as a class, such a class as communists, socialists, etc. must be physically destroyed. The class of workers and peasants is reduced (physically destroyed) to the minimum necessary to serve the privileged class

    That’s basically all the difference in approaches between Bandera, Hitler and Ilyin

    Why is he being promoted like this? It’s very simple. For 30 years, the figure of Ilyin has been the ideological idea of ​​the ruling class of the Russian Federation, this explains the growth of billionaires and the slow extinction of the country, and the same goes for the Northern Military District, while someone from the upper class is driving oil to the West and taking the money received over the hill, the less privileged class fold their heads in endless grinding
  39. +3
    April 23 2024 15: 54
    The electorate must be brought into line, the electorate must be looked after, and the electorate must be given a Great Idea, for the sake of which this electorate will climb on machine guns. To do this, the electorate is told a fairy tale about the so-called. a “corporate” state, where “a worker in a blue blouse, a peasant, a poet, and a landowner walk in the same formation” (C). And everyone is marching in this very general formation towards one common goal. And this goal is indicated by the Great Fuhrer, Duce, President, etc. And everyone in this system is the same, there is no class difference... But it doesn’t say who indicates the goal to the Fuhrer himself. And these are the same bourgeoisie who, in fact, bring the Fuhrers to Power. And it turns out that the electorate is vigorously marching, singing Giovinezza or Horst Wessel, towards the goal indicated by the bourgeoisie...
    ...And if you also season fascism with national flavor (Bourgeois know how to use all human feelings, including nationalism, for their own benefit. As an example - Ridna Nenka), then you get Nazism.
    ...Nowadays the bourgeoisie is having a hard time with ideology. People spit on Dugin’s brain squeezes and twirl their fingers at their temples; it’s not worth talking about Surkov’s exercises in philosophy, proposed by the so-called court ideologues. "Russian World" is not Russian, and does not inspire anyone. And people need to be nourished. We must lead him to the Great Goal - earning money for the bourgeoisie. So they remembered Ilyin. :)
    The essence of fascism is best expressed not by Ilyin, but by an Italian song:
    I Poeti e gli artigiani
    I signori ei contadini
    Con orgoglio d'italiani
    Giuran fede a Mussolini.
    Non v'è povero quartiere
    Che non mandi le sue schiere
    Che non spieghi le bandiere
    Del fascismo redentor.
    , 0 /
    1. +5
      April 23 2024 20: 28
      . And people need to be nourished. We must lead him to the Great Goal - earning money for the bourgeoisie. So they remembered Ilyin. :)

      Well said!
      good drinks hi )))
      I read all the comments. Friends, you are great!
      And my mood is heavy. Anxiety, it seems to hang in the air, everything is saturated with it.
      1. +2
        April 25 2024 10: 34
        Capitalists are people who will use all human feelings to maintain their power. And religious and love for their homeland. This use in Ilyin’s “works” is very noticeable.
  40. +1
    April 23 2024 23: 02
    Once upon a time there were some gnomes who substantiated and failed, created essences and got excited, tried to bring all the threads into one ball - but nothing good came of it.
    This is all you need to know about most philosophical research in its attempts to "embrace everything."
    Philosophers tend to complicate the simple and reduce the irreducible - all this interferes with the search for ideal parameters of compromise. Like religious figures, they write arch-wise books on which their followers rack their brains and do not waste this time and abilities on anything worthwhile, trying to find pearls in muddy water and silt. Most activities do not require a sophisticated philosophy - just a few good ideas and a quality plan drawn up by professionals. And yes, the understanding that a full gut is always better than an empty one and happiness is measured more by material parameters than by highly spiritual ones. All. Beyond this, any philosophy will be verbiage and a distraction.
    Man is given eyes to see what is wrong, given a mind to understand what is wrong, given a heart to feel what is wrong and hands to change it for the better with the support of the above.
    Those who do not have this, neither Plato nor Confucius will help them - they will understand their ideas as stupidly and flatly as possible, those who have this will not find anything new there.
  41. 0
    April 24 2024 11: 14
    Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
    There is no photo for the article on Zen.
    And those who are next to Korchinsky on the right hand, in the photo from the comment below, have nothing in common with Korchinsky’s views. Dugin cannot be called a supporter of Ukrainian nationalism, but the same, now deceased, Krylov openly and uncompromisingly sided with the DPR and LPR since 2014.

    How's that? And Dugin and the others climbed onto the podium to drink beer with Korchinsky? winked bully
  42. P
    April 24 2024 17: 00
    Ilyin is not a forgotten history, but an ideology imposed from above. Goals: solidarity (class peace) and waging wars, including internal ones to ensure ownership of assets and markets
  43. +2
    April 25 2024 10: 44
    Quote: spektr9
    Fascism in Germany in the 30s and 40s was based on nationalism and assumed the dominance of the Aryan nation,

    These are the details. The main task of fascism is to instill in the people the idea of ​​​​the need to build the so-called. "corporate" state. Those. a state where everyone is equal. Both bourgeois and worker and peasant. And all these people go towards the Great Goal, which is indicated by the Duce (Fuhrer, monarch, guarantor, etc.). It is clear that such a state is a utopia, because the Fuhrers are brought to power by the bourgeoisie, and they set goals for it. And ultimately, in a “corporate” state, in a single formation, peasants and workers march to the machine guns for the interests of the bourgeoisie.
    1. P
      April 28 2024 02: 40
      rather a dystopia, where the first victims are the workers of a fascist country
  44. 0
    April 25 2024 22: 41
    The harm of Ilyin’s ideas is undeniable. The only question is what we can do to combat the spread of these deadly ideas for humanity in our country.
  45. LCA
    April 26 2024 17: 08
    Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin devoted his entire life to the idea of ​​​​building fascism in Russia and fiercely hated Bolshevism in the USSR, for which the Russian intelligentsia honors him.

    Fascism is characterized not by one or another set of features, but by one single feature:
    The fascist culture of public self-government is built in such a way as to exclude the personal formation of newborns as carriers of an irreversibly human type of mental structure and thereby prevent the formation of a culture of humanity and the corresponding organization of social life.

    Regardless of whether the fascists themselves are aware of this fact or not, fascism is expedient precisely in the sense of preventing each individual from becoming a human being and thereby giving birth to humanity - a new quality of life for earthly civilization.

    At its core, this goal is “mystical” and stems from extra-social sources, and within society, the goal of fascisation is seen as the thirst for power in the interests of achieving parasitic domination over society by clan-oligarchic groups, which can be personified by hereditary or replaceable “leaders”, “national leaders” , “high priests”, “parliaments”, etc.

    If we characterize fascism in more detail and detail, then:

    Fascism is one of the types of culture of public self-government, possible only in a crowd-“elite” society.

    The organizational and political essence of fascism as such, regardless of what it is called, what ideas it hides behind and what ways it exercises power in society, is in the active support of the crowd of “little people” - due to their ideological conviction or lack of ideas based on animalism. instinctive behavior - a system of abuse of power by the “elite” oligarchy, which:
    • presents unrighteousness as supposedly true “righteousness”, and on this basis, distorting the world outlook of people, with all its power, cultivates unrighteousness in society, preventing people from taking place as a person;

    • under various pretexts, with all her power, she suppresses everyone and everyone who doubts the righteousness of her herself and the policy she is implementing, and also suppresses those whom she suspects of this.

    The crowd, according to V.G. Belinsky’s definition, is “a collection of people living according to legend and reasoning according to authority” (in A.S. Pushkin’s definition, “meaningless people”), i.e. a crowd is a multitude of individuals living shamelessly and essentially thoughtlessly - automatically or under the control of the behavior of its representatives from the outside.

    And it does not matter whether the ruling oligarchy acts publicly and ceremoniously, exalting itself above society (fascist dictatorships); either exalted by default or in unconscious pride, publicly portraying humility and service to the crowd, calling it the people (pseudo-communist regimes); or acts secretly, assuring society of its supposed non-existence and, accordingly, “non-existence” - of its inactivity, as a result of which everything in the life of society supposedly flows “by itself” (bourgeois-liberal “democracies”), and not purposefully according to conceptual scenarios powerful curators of the oligarchy.

    Fascism is generated by carriers of a demonic type of mental structure and is a culture of self-government of a crowd-“elite” society or some social groups within it that have not matured to humanity.

    Understanding the essence of fascism as a system of misanthropy is impossible without understanding the essence of man, i.e. without identifying those features that distinguish a held person from a humanoid that did not take place as a person; and also without revealing those features that distinguish the species "Homo sapiens" in all its races from animal species in the biosphere of the Earth.

    This is the Russian view of the essence of fascism.

    But with this vision of the essence of fascism, liberalism is not an alternative to real fascism (of the nakedly oligarchic-dictatorial type), but a kind of fascism.

    The moral and psychological background of liberalism is identical to the moral and psychological background of fascism of the oligarchic-dictatorial type.

    If in the above description of the system of public self-government under the rule of fascism the word “fascism” is replaced by the word “liberalism”, the description of the overtly fascist method of government will remain vitally valid:

    Liberalism is one of the types of culture of public self-government, which is possible only in a crowd- "elite" society.

    The organizational and political essence of liberalism as such is in the active support of the crowd of "little people" - according to their ideological conviction or lack of ideas on the basis of animal-instinctive behavior - a system of abuse of power by the "elite" oligarchy, which:
    • presents unrighteousness as supposedly true “righteousness”, and on this basis, distorting the world outlook of people, with all its power, cultivates unrighteousness in society, preventing people from taking place as a person;

    • under various pretexts, with all her power, she suppresses everyone and everyone who doubts the righteousness of her herself and the policy she is implementing, and also suppresses those whom she suspects of this.
    The difference between liberalism and fascism of the oligarchic-dictatorial type is only that:

    • liberalism, due to its vagueness of the norms of personal and social development, impedes the formation of a civilization of humanity by opening the gates of mass personal degradation, which entails the degradation of society;
    • and the fact that liberalism calls fascism (that is, fascism in a naked oligarchic-dictatorial form) hinders the formation of the civilization of humanity by the fact that although it blocks some of the degradation processes that they have identified, it nevertheless impedes personal development, imposing limiting dogmas.

    On the whole, liberalism and naked oligarchic-dictatorial fascism complement each other and help each other in the endless “struggle of the Nanai boys”, hindering the development of humanity and the building of a civilization of humanity.
  46. LCA
    April 26 2024 17: 20
    The question about the essence of man is a question to which the variety of answers gives rise to a variety of answers to the question about the normal way of life of human society, about human rights, and about fascism that tramples human rights.
    Even if the answer to this question has not been announced, then anyone who speaks of ignoring and suppressing human rights by fascism, somewhere in the depths of his psyche, has his own figurative ideas that there is a “normal person” and that there is a deviation from the norm, and how a society of “normal people” should live.
    • Liberalism believes that the norm is the absence of any specific norm, i.e. the norm is diversity, generally unrestricted by anything, except perhaps legislation aimed at protecting this diversity as the norm.

    • The fact that liberalism calls the term “fascism” (that is, it is not necessarily true fascism in one of its forms), declares its disagreement with liberalism and proclaims one or another specific norm, which it is trying to implement in relation to personality, and in relation to social organization.
    This is the essence of the differences and disagreements between liberalism and notorious fascism (i.e., fascism of a naked oligarchic-dictatorial type).

    What they have in common is that a vital answer to the question about the essence of an accomplished person is unknown either to liberals fighting fascists or to out-and-out fascists fighting liberalism and the depravity it generates.
    To be born a representative of the biological species “Homo sapiens” is not enough to become a human being: there is no alternative to appropriate upbringing; and education presupposes the presence of a certain goal - i.e. certainty in answering the questions:

    • what is a normal person?

    • what variations in personal development lead to the fact that the norm is not achieved in the process of growing up?

    • how to avoid the formation of variations in personal development during the process of conception, the prenatal period, and in education that do not allow one to achieve the norm?

    • how to eradicate from the culture of society factors that hinder or make it impossible to achieve the norm?

    However, liberalism is not interested in these issues and does not want to know the answers to these questions.

    From his point of view, the norm for society is the absence of any specific norm in the answer to the question “what is a normal person?”, i.e. the norm is a variety of answers, not limited by anything, except perhaps by legislation aimed at protecting this limitless diversity.

    In life, this diversity is expressed in a certain set of statistics, a set of characteristics that describe each individual in society, and in the dynamics of change in this set of statistics over time.

    However, if there is no certainty in the answer to the question “what is a normal person?”, then:

    • changes in the life of society can be identified,

    • but the answer to the question “is the development of society expressed in these changes or its degradation, is the level of its security growing or is it moving towards disaster?” - turns out to be impossible.

    Liberals are not interested in the answer to this question and see themselves and liberal civilization, if not as a standard of perfection, then as the least of evils.

    Nevertheless, both development and degradation take place in life:

    • degradation is expressed in the fact that an object, due to some internal reasons, prematurely ceases to exist, i.e. ceases to exist without completing its natural life cycle;

    • development is expressed in two ways:

    - an object goes through its entire life cycle in its entirety in natural terms and only upon completion of its life cycle ceases to exist;

    - the object passes into some quality of being, previously not characteristic of it, either before the natural completion of the life cycle, or upon its completion.

    But regardless of the definition of the meaning of the terms, “development” and “degradation” as objectively existing life phenomena are observable from the outside, perceptible in the life of society and can be understood precisely in the quality of each of them.

    And if an individual begins to realize the essence of both development and degradation, begins to distinguish between these processes and distinguish between their manifestations in life, then he is not a liberal; and if you were a liberal before such an insight, then you cease to be a liberal, and this is irreversible.

    However, in this case he becomes a “potential fascist” for liberals.

    For liberals, he becomes a “true fascist” if liberalism has plunged society into the process of degradation, and the individual begins to fight degradation and (to the extent of his understanding, which may be inadequate) eradicate its causes, one of which is liberalism with its immorality and depravity, expressed in the uncertainty of the answer to the question “what is a normal person and what is the way of life of a society of normal people?”

    The reality is that the structure of the personal psyche of representatives of the biological species “Homo sapiens” is not genetically programmed unambiguously, and can be different.

    This is the fundamental difference between humans and all other biological species in the Earth’s biosphere.

    Regardless of race and nationality, regardless of gender - according to the organization of information processing processes in his psyche, a representative of the biological species “Homo sapiens” can be:

    • similar to an animal, if all its behavior is unconditionally and unconditionally subordinated to instincts, which are hidden under various kinds of shells that have developed in culture;

    • similar to an automaton, which itself is not able to go beyond the limits of the program embedded in it and works it out under the influence of external and internal stimuli of various kinds;

    • similar to a demon, acting according to his own understanding without any moral and ethical restrictions on the principle “I do what I want” within the limits of the possibilities that objective social and natural factors beyond his control allow him to realize.
    • The above three types of mental structure may have some more modifications, but an accomplished person is only that representative of the biological species “Homo sapiens” who thinks about the objective essence of Good and Evil in the specifics of their manifestations in life, and makes his conscious choice in favor of Good , maintaining your loyalty to this choice in any circumstances in a meaningful, volitional manner.

    Those. The human type of mental structure according to the KOB is a meaningful will under the rule of the dictatorship of conscience based on faith in God.
    And accordingly, freedom is the guidance of conscience given by God.

    KOB does not imply any external certification of the population to identify the types of structure of the people’s psyche and determine on this basis their rights and obligations, and KOB directly warns against such attempts.

    The reason for this is that every individual - of any nationality, of any race, of any gender - regardless of the type of mental structure in which he understands the essence of the problem of “becoming a human being” is given the opportunity to become a human being in the process of his personal development; and only he himself and no one else (except God) can judge the type of mental structure under which he lived and acted in certain circumstances.

    The dictatorship of conscience is above all, but the work of conscience is an internal, secret matter - not amenable to certification from the outside.

    The difference between adults according to the types of mental structure is the result of a stop or distortion of personal development in the process of growing up as a result of improper upbringing in the family and the influence of a vicious historically established culture of society.

    Accordingly, the goal of human development at the current stage of history is to build a culture in which everyone (with the possible exception of a biologically unhealthy statistically insignificant minority from birth) will achieve a human type of mental structure by the beginning of adolescence.
    To refute the fact that in the psyche of every individual there are: 1) behavioral programs stemming from instincts, 2) programs stemming from historically established culture, 3) programs that are the result of the creativity of the individual himself, indifferent to the objective differences between Good and Evil , 4) the obligations arising from conscience to restrain the execution or carry out behavioral programs of the three categories mentioned earlier, depending on whether they are unrighteous or righteous in the current circumstances, are impossible.

    It is also impossible to refute the fact that depending on which of the 4 named categories has the highest priority in the individual’s psyche, as a result of which it has a decisive impact on his behavior.
  47. -1
    April 26 2024 17: 34
    Ilyin is not to blame.
    The anti-communists are to blame.
    J.P. Sartre wrote that anti-communism inevitably leads to Russophobia.
  48. LCA
    April 26 2024 17: 40
    Nazism and fascism. What is the difference?
    Talking about Victory
    Vladimir Putin said that this is a Victory over Nazism, not over fascism. Realizing that these are different phenomena, but
    also the fact that Putin did not directly want to say this - this needs to be clarified.
    Nazism is a product of nationalism or racism,
    which is expressed in attempts to destroy other peoples and their cultures.

    Nazism may also be based on intolerance
    to those of different faiths, since religion can be an integral component
    national culture.
    Internationalism is essentially the same as Nazism,
    but in the mafia execution of heterogeneous international diasporas, and not in the execution
    a nation that has fallen into Nazism and the statehood it supports.
    Fascism is a system of misanthropy,
    which prevents the formation of a culture in which an individual can take place
    like a real person.
    Yes we are
    defeated Nazism - nowhere in the world, at least not openly, are some
    peoples by others. And we celebrate this Victory. But we have not defeated fascism yet!
    readers, with your hand on your heart, answer for yourself sincerely whether you understood
    What do you mean by fascism and Nazism before reading this article?

    Or they believed that fascism
    - this is a kind of misanthropic ideology whose main attributes
    are: violence, atrocities and cruelty, and not at all what remains silent - culture and system
    formations that hinder the formation of a Human Society of freedom and
    But after all
    back on October 31, 1939 at an extraordinary meeting of the Supreme Council for
    Foreign Policy Problems Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and People's Commissar
    Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov said:
    Hitlerism (fascism - our
    note), like any other ideological system, can be recognized either
    to deny, this is a matter of political views.

    But anyone will understand that
    ideology cannot be destroyed by force, it cannot be ended by war.
    The countries of Russian civilization and the countries of other civilizations that gravitate towards it, and whose leaders honored our peoples with their presence, have shown that they are ready to be friends and cooperate with Russia - but much now depends on Russia itself: its peoples and its leadership.

    Russia must fulfill its historical mission and offer the whole world an Idea of ​​global significance, an alternative to fascism, including liberal fascism, which currently controls Russian culture, the education system, the administrative apparatus, the media of disinformation, and the legal system.

    The only win-win path for Russia is the implementation of the Russian version of globalization - globalization is not “for Russians”, but globalization for all, proposed by Russian people who want the whole world to live honestly, freely, in good conscience.
    From the perspective of this model, it is desirable that the standard of living for a multinational society and humanity as a whole be as follows:
    • it is necessary to achieve such a quality of culture that the majority of children achieve a humane structure of their psyche by adolescence:
    In the process of growing up, a child must go through all stages of mental development:
    when he is very small, he is indistinguishable from an animal; when he begins to copy adults, he acts automatically, without morally evaluating the behavior programs entering his psyche from those around him,
    when his intellect begins to actively evaluate others and situations - he is like a “little devil” - although not everyone,
    and when he comes to realize the boundlessness of life, which cannot be controlled by his own understanding, and he listens to the quiet voice of conscience within himself, restraining himself in this dialogue from committing evil - he enters the mode of normal functioning of the psyche of the “Homo Sapiens” species.

    • people should be characterized by national self-awareness, as a person’s conscious sense of the characteristics and originality of his culture, its differences from the cultures of other peoples.

    At the same time, the individual realizes the originality and significance of the cultures of other peoples for the history of human development, common to all peoples.

    This is the most correct version of the individual’s attitude towards other nationalities;

    • nationalism, racism, Nazism, internationalism and internationalism (both as a shell of internacism and as a “rootless cosmopolitanism”, to which - due to the loss of a sense of cultural and historical community with their people - are committed to “universal people”) should be reproached both in society and in public policy;

    • the policy of a multinational state should be aimed at ensuring that the tendencies towards nationalism, racism, Nazism, internationalism and internationalism in all its destructive manifestations, if they arise due to some single reasons, do not develop, but stall;

    • along with this, a multinational society cannot exist without any one (or several of the most common languages) being a means of interethnic communication and the basis of a cultural community of different nationalities, which allows to develop each of the national cultures and a culture that unites everyone regardless from the national origin of each.

    This is a necessary but not sufficient condition.

    Humanity (multinational humanity) is a society of people reproducing itself from generation to generation in a biosphere harmonious culture.

    A nation is the historically established stability of people that arose on the basis of: 1) a common language, 2) territory, 3) the meaning of life, expressed in the unity and integrity of the sphere of public self-government, 4) the mental structure, manifested in a common 5) culture.

    Only the presence of all the signs taken together gives us a nation.

    Nazism - the conscious destruction of other cultures and (or the peoples who created them).

    Wouldn't it be better to introduce the following concepts:

    National self-awareness is an awareness of the uniqueness (uniqueness) of the culture of one’s people and its differences from the culture of other peoples, which also have originality and significance in general to all peoples of the history of mankind.

    Nationalism is an awareness of the uniqueness of one’s own culture, combined with a denial of the uniqueness and significance of other national cultures for humanity.

    Multinational unity is the unity of a multinational society.

    Nationalism, racism, Nazism, internationalism based on ideological conviction are the product of the intellectual efforts of representatives of the “elite” and the diverse lumpen, with which the “elite” is morally and ideologically united: lust for both of them is parasitism, and the only difference between them is because lumpen is more shameless and frank in expressing this lust because of his primitivism, and the "elite" is more hewn by culture, better informed, and therefore knows how to present his parasitic inclinations to the rest of society in attractively beautiful packaging under the guise of progress, good, objective inevitability and what whatever.

    The word “Russian” characterizes not a national community of people, but a civilizational community of different peoples. Russianness is expressed precisely in the behavior of individuals and groups (communities, squads, artels) - carriers of the Russian spirit, representing some specific algorithms of individual and collective behavior of Russian people of different nationalities.

    The adjective “Russian” (Russian Tatar, Russian German, Russian Greek, Russian Jew, etc.) for them speaks specifically about their civilizational (Russian civilization), and not nationality.

    In our understanding, the terms “the kingdom of God on Earth”, “socialism”, “communism”, known from history, characterize the society of the future, in which the human mental system is recognized by everyone as the only normal one and which is reproduced in the continuity of generations as quantitatively suppressing all other types of system psyche and the dominant.

    We will build with all of humanity, but for this, first of all, we all need to become human - the vicegerents of God, who exists, on Earth.

    Become a person - a bearer of a humane mental structure - and always maintain oneself in a humane mental structure under the influence of all life circumstances with which God brings you together (God speaks to a person through conscience, shame, Discrimination, the language of life circumstances (events, through other people, works of art etc.).

    Everyone must go his own way from what he is, to the person who has taken place on his own.

    A person must develop meaningfully reasonably and achieve understanding of many things in Life himself.