Chasov Yar as another operation of the Russian army. Conversation with rushers

Chasov Yar as another operation of the Russian army. Conversation with rushers

Once again I am faced with how our readers “take” oporniks and even cities before our army. I understand the desire to speed up victory. But you shouldn’t wishful thinking. Today we will talk about the “taking” of the Clock of Yar. I don’t even want to count how many materials are now devoted to this. But, paradoxically, the majority is based on... past victories of our army.

The feeling is that in the minds of some authors all Ukrainian cities are twins. You have worked on one and you can work on others using the same tracing paper. The only difference is the size of the settlement. And this despite the fact that sufficiently informed people are talking about this. Not the grandmothers on the nearest bench, but those who watch every day the news from the NWO zone.

At the beginning of the material, I will answer those who often write about the strategic task of our army for the summer campaign. This is how I personally see the situation developing in the coming months. To some extent, this will also be the same “wishful thinking”.

Thoughts on the tasks, military and political, that it's desirable to be decided in the summer campaign of 2024.

Based on the actions of our army at the present time, we can conclude that we continue to solve the problems of demilitarization of Ukraine. We are destroying the military potential of Kyiv. In addition, it is also clear that Zelensky deliberately engages in provocations, the purpose of which is the desire to provoke a response from Russia and strike the civilian population. Thanks to our soldiers and commanders for the jewelry strikes. Objects are destroyed with minimal casualties among the civilian population.

It is no secret that the main factor that may prevent us from strangling the Zelensky regime is the situation with the elections in the United States. For some reason, everyone decided that immediately after the elections the situation could change. At the same time, forgetting that until the inauguration of the new president, the country will be led by President Biden. So, nothing will change until October 7th.

What can become a real victory for Russia?

I believe that for this it is enough to take the Left Bank, even with a blockade of large cities, and the coast - Odessa and Kherson.

Thus, we will completely close the issue of the wishes of NATO and the United States in Ukraine.

I think President Putin’s words about the threat of Ukraine losing its own statehood have begun to come true...

There are no ports, there is no possibility of placing military facilities near the Russian border, there is no possibility of using Ukrainian airfields for basing NATO aircraft and UAVs. This means that Ukraine is turning into a state that no one needs and, alas, is completely deprived of the opportunity not only to wage war, but also to live an independent life.

Moreover, I admit the division of Ukraine.

Some of the land will go to Romania, some to Hungary, and some to Russia. I don’t think that Russia and Belarus will agree to “give a piece to Poland.” So the Poles will get a big hit.

I think it’s too early to develop the topic. That’s why I write about what is desirable, and not about the tasks at hand.

Chasov Yar is not a stronghold, but a fortress

Let's return to the topic of today's material. Chasov Yar.

If you don’t remember that the construction of fortifications in this city began back in 2014, if you don’t know that the distance from Artemovsk to this city is only 10 km, if you don’t take into account that the difference in heights in different areas of the city is 110 meters, and the city rises above the surrounding area, then the town of 12 thousand (in peacetime) is a fairly easy “prey”.

I don’t think I’ll say anything new if I cite a number of factors that will “help” the Ukrainians defend it. This is, first of all, the same physical geography. The elevation changes and the location of the city on a hill make it possible for enemy artillery to seriously complicate the movements of the advancing troops.

And taking into account the fact that the garrison of Chasy Yar consists not of newly recruited “volunteers”, but of elite units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this task becomes extremely difficult. Well-prepared units that have been fired upon in many battles in strongholds that are quite seriously equipped in terms of engineering are able to hold the defense for quite a long time. Alas, we have to admit that the principle of “not a step back” is inherent not only in the Russian, but also in the Ukrainian army.


Chasov Yar is smaller, for example, than Avdeevka, but still the city is quite large in area. Moreover, there are so many types of buildings mixed in there that your head is spinning. In addition to modern high-rise buildings, there is a fairly large private sector, industrial zones, etc. And all this in combination with hillocks and ravines... Of course, taking advantage of the fact that air defense and aviation The Armed Forces of Ukraine are now “half dead”, we are trying to destroy the defense with FABs. But…

Firstly, the FAB, no matter how you modernize it, is still an aerial bomb. And a decently powerful bomb. Now there is a lot of talk about FAB-3000. “We will iron” the supports. I already wrote once about how even a shock wave incapacitates soldiers. But there are also civilians in the city... So we won’t go anywhere from the FAB-500. FAB-3000 is a one-piece product for especially stubborn dead people...

Above I wrote about the elite units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It's no secret that drones They annoy our soldiers the most. So, according to some information, there are now 11 such units in the city and surrounding areas! I think there is no point in developing this topic. Everyone understands the problems they create. That is why the fighting is so fierce. Hence the pace of advance. Prepared defense and knowledgeable and motivated attackers...

We must not forget that the garrison of Chasov Yar also has its own repair base, arsenals, warehouses with fuel and food supplies. That is, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to return damaged units to service. Tanks and armored vehicles, to replenish ammunition not only for riflemen, but also for artillery and tanks. This is another task for our soldiers.

I already wrote that it would be difficult to take such a fortress head-on. And not very smart from a tactical point of view. What we see today is a necessity.

I read from some analysts that “the city is in a semicircle”... That’s how it is. What is this, a boiler without one wall? Siege does not include the word "semi".

That is why our fighters are now fighting on the flanks. That’s why they lay down their lives so that this very “semi” does not exist. To make it easier for those who directly storm urban buildings. Conversely, those who storm the city save the lives of those who end up surrounding it. They are saved by the fact that the enemy cannot remove even a small unit and transfer it to the flanks.

And the last.

When will we take Chasov Yar?

Let me start with the fact that if a cauldron is formed, the value of the Clock of Yar will sharply decrease. But this does not mean that the formations located there, and these are four brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, although one is seriously battered, will surrender the city and stop resistance. Alas, but, in my opinion, Chasov Yar is even more important for the Ukrainian Armed Forces than those cities that we have already liberated.

More important for two reasons.

I already wrote about the first above. For almost ten years the city was one of the most important logistics centers. Hence a sufficient number of warehouses and arsenals and the ability to conduct long-term defense.

And the second, no less significant. If the city is abandoned, the brigades will have to retreat almost across open terrain, along lowlands, without serious support to the Kramatorsk-Slavyansk line. I don’t think that the Russian army will miss such a “celebration on their street”...

So, don't shout about victory anytime soon. We will slam the lid of the boiler. But slowly, preserving personnel and equipment.

I will repeat for the hundredth time. The meat grinder will work properly...

The result?

I’m using an outdated word that few people know today. First of all, I want to please those who are enraged by my words that everything is going according to plan. So, everything is really going according to plan. Look at materials from 3-4 months ago. VO already predicted the approximate course of events.

So what's next?

I think that further tasks will be set in the vein that I wrote about in the first part. Tactics are just part of strategy. When and where hostilities will intensify will depend on the situation at that particular moment. Where it's thin, that's where it breaks. So we’ll look for where it’s subtle.

Chasov Yar is a really serious problem. But this is not a global problem. This is just one of the operations that take place almost constantly. There were Mariupol, Bakhmut, Avdeevka... Then we also talked about something global... Now Chasov Yar... There will be a Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration... There will be many more cauldrons and cauldrons.

Exactly until the moment when Kyiv will sign the surrender...
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  1. +27
    April 14 2024 06: 05
    I think President Putin’s words about the threat of Ukraine losing its own statehood have begun to come true...

    Dear author, allow me to add a little fly in the ointment to your ointment.
    Dear VVP recently, at the instigation of Lukashenko, started talking about the new Istanbul agreement... what was it and how to understand it?
    Further...the author is not embarrassed by the appearance of the French in Slavyansk...even though the message is not verified, but who can guarantee that NATO is not preparing a surprise for us in the event of a further retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the west.
    Remember how the French helped the Poles repel Tukhachevsky’s attack on the way, the future president of France appeared there as a military adviser to the Polish army.
    In general, despite the strong pressure of the Russian army on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it’s too early to talk about some kind of radical change in the Northern Military District.
    Zelensky’s powers as President of Ukraine will soon end and he will lose the legitimacy of power... what an interesting thing VVP will do... will he give the command to eliminate him as a terrorist or will he still try to conclude some kind of Istanbul deal with him?
    1. +6
      April 14 2024 06: 33
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Dear author, allow me to add a little fly in the ointment to your ointment.

      I think you have greatly underestimated the proportions of honey/tar in favor of honey, but it’s really too early to shout “hurray”.
      However, it is never too early and never too late to shout “hurray”.
      1. -1
        April 14 2024 10: 42
        belay A. Staver has received a new order. It doesn’t work out with the “shapas higher”... But what are the tasks? Yes, to get out of this situation with the least losses, and to preserve what we have. However, the GDP itself stated that everything will be to be determined on the battlefield. The only thing that prevents them from curling up is the sheepish stubbornness of the Kievs.
    2. 0
      April 14 2024 16: 49
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Zelensky’s powers as President of Ukraine will soon end and he will lose the legitimacy of power... what an interesting thing VVP will do... will he give the command to eliminate him as a terrorist or will he still try to conclude some kind of Istanbul deal with him?

      He needs to be captured and “emergency gutting” carried out in the style of Bogomolov’s heroes in “In August 1944” and then tried on a live Internet channel!
      1. 0
        April 14 2024 18: 53
        Quote: Starover_Z
        He needs to be captured and “emergency gutting” carried out in the style of Bogomolov’s heroes in “In August 1944” and then tried on a live Internet channel!

        It won't work in Bogomolov's style.
        In the style of "EVE Universe" perhaps...
        On space assault bots, with large-caliber plasma guns...
    3. +1
      April 15 2024 09: 19
      In general, despite the strong pressure of the Russian army on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it’s too early to talk about some kind of radical change in the Northern Military District.

      I have written many times that the further course of events depends on the availability of weapons in the reserve of trained troops. It’s one thing when there are 50 thousand armed and trained reserves, and another thing when there are 250-350. From 50 thousand to the Dnieper we will crawl for a long time and it is unknown whether we will crawl. So, it’s too early to talk about a radical change. Waiting for you. Window of opportunity 3 - 6 months.
  2. +16
    April 14 2024 06: 21
    There will be a Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration... There will be many more cauldrons and pots.

    The Russian Federation has not organized a single “cauldron” or “cauldron” since the time of Mariupol. Everywhere and always the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to leave at the last moment, namely Zolote, Lisichansk, Bakhmut, Avdveevka.
    1. +2
      April 14 2024 11: 16
      One involuntarily recalls the amusing regiments of Peter the Great.
      First, some build fortresses, while others watch and then take these fortifications. So it took 8 years to build and 2 years to take. No “boilers” are needed here. And then everything is new and vice versa - “Surovikin line”, offensive, counter-attack, offensive again?

      And who's having fun here?
    2. +2
      April 15 2024 13: 17
      Everywhere and always the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to leave at the last moment

      I would say differently - no one really tried to slam the lid of the boiler.
      Because there is NO strength to slam it and hold it in time.
      That is why the tactic of squeezing out is used, rather than complete encirclement.
      To push out, you need fewer available troops. Although yes, in the end there will be fewer enemy losses and, possibly, more of our own losses, since the enemy troops have left and are going into battle again.
  3. +32
    April 14 2024 07: 10
    Once again I am faced with how our readers “take” oporniks and even cities before our army.
    Some kind of strange attack on VO readers in the first part of the article. “And here some people began to allow themselves to sew on patch pockets and tighten sleeves - we won’t allow this!” (c) I don’t remember articles from readers about the capture of Chasovoy Yar and hat-throwers sentiments about this.
    So, don't shout about victory anytime soon.
    But the author himself spoke about this most of all, both when they occupied Zmeiny Island and when they occupied Kherson, and then they read explanations of why they had to be abandoned.
  4. +22
    April 14 2024 08: 18
    “If you don’t remember...... that the fortifications of the ChY began to be built in 2014...." -It's something strange

    How can we remember this, if until 2022 we were told on TV that Ukraine was only building an anti-tank ditch on the border with Russia. And the money for this big ditch is constantly stolen by the hohli themselves?

    We don’t need to be told in hindsight that we must “remember”, we already remember that the entire course of the Northern Military District is riddled with a network of oddities, starting from the Istanbul agreement in 2022 and invulnerable Ukrainian bridges and tunnels, and that according to the Ukrainians themselves, trade turnover with Russia last year was in the $6 billion....and no one denied this.
    1. +13
      April 14 2024 08: 50
      ....this is a fortress...

      Continuous “fortresses” and “fortified areas” on the way.
      1. BAI
        April 14 2024 10: 14
        And this is indeed true. There is continuous urban development there. Settlements border each other
  5. +20
    April 14 2024 08: 51
    Articles on VO have become similar to the TV show “Guess the Melody.”
    If they say "I can guess the melody from two notes", then here they guess the author from two lines)
    1. +5
      April 14 2024 10: 14
      The worst thing is that even Roman adjusted to this level. He used to admire Western technology, the articles were reliable and neutral, then he disappeared for a while and from a certain point became a propaganda praiser, like Staver. Well, these are the times. At the moment, the greatest objectivity is only in the “history” section.
      1. +7
        April 14 2024 11: 50
        Obviously, the “comrades” in gray suits explained to Comrade Skomorokhov that there are still empty seats next to Comrade Strelkov/Girkin and here either don’t write or write - “became a propaganda praiser,” and what a bullshit democracy is, not like a “totalitarian scoop.”
      2. +2
        April 14 2024 18: 55
        Quote: Little Bear
        At the moment, the greatest objectivity is only in the “history” section.

        I doubt it... A country with an unpredictable past... laughing
  6. +14
    April 14 2024 10: 08
    There are so many praises in the article for a village of 12 thousand inhabitants! Well, almost Koenigsberg in miniature! But in fact - forefield of the main line of defense Slavyansk-Kramatorsk-Druzhkovka-Konstantinovka. So, apparently no comments about future plans, if Chasov Yar is such a serious problem.
    Let me start with the fact that if a cauldron is formed, the value of the Clock of Yar will sharply decrease.

    Even now it doesn’t have much significance, and about boilers it’s no longer funny.
    We will slam the lid of the boiler. But take your time, preserving personnel and equipment.

    Apparently the enemy laughing . “Encirclement and destruction” operations are not carried out slowly, there will be no one to surround, the enemy will “leak” from the cauldron.
    In short - “We won’t surrender Kherson.”
  7. BAI
    April 14 2024 10: 12
    Look at materials from 3-4 months ago. VO already predicted the approximate course of events.

    It's easy to predict when nothing changes.
    And if you look at the forecasts for the period when the SVO began? Ukraine has a few days left to live, everyone is in ruins, etc.
  8. +8
    April 14 2024 10: 31
    For what purpose has Ukraine built its most powerful “fortified areas” since 2014?

    The author simply didn’t think of starting the article with a convincing explanation of this fact? It would be better for him to simply not tell us about the affairs “since 2014..”. no one pulled his tongue.
  9. +12
    April 14 2024 10: 37
    Having removed the emotions about the “ideological approach” and “fluctuations in the general line of the party,” we can state the following:
    - There is a bloody battle in which both sides suffer losses. The advance of our troops is insignificant;
    - Gradual squeezing of the enemy from fortified areas through fire was chosen as an operational art;
    - Encirclement operations are not carried out, both due to the lack of sufficient forces to organize deep breakthroughs, and the lack of troops to create a dense encirclement. There is a reason for this, since when creating a festung in the depths of our defense with a numerical superiority of the enemy, there is a danger of a crushing counter-offensive with closing the encirclement ring due to a breakthrough of the front and counter actions from an unsuppressed focus in our rear;
    - We do not envisage a strategic offensive due to the lack of sufficient conventional forces and logistics problems. The use of nuclear weapons for the decisive defeat of the enemy and the victorious end of the confrontation is not considered for political reasons.
    - All the hopes of the political leadership are connected with the conclusion of a peace acceptable to the Russian Federation. The collapse of the Second Reich in the First World War convincingly showed how such hopes turn out.
  10. +6
    April 14 2024 11: 06
    There will still be a problem with the capture of the left bank cities, because the Ukrainians will work in these cities like Papa Carlo, stupidly “from everything”, which will cause nightmares to the local population and will cause damage to the military stationed there. You will also have to create a significant security zone for them, otherwise there will be blitzes a la “counter-offensive” with fortifications and urban battles. This is an absolutely bad thing - so simply clinging to the other bank of the Dnieper is not an option. We need to make significant progress there right away - and here we need people.
    1. +1
      April 14 2024 11: 57
      There will be enough people, since neither Russia nor Ukraine have yet announced a general mobilization. People and equipment on both sides arrive strictly according to schedule in quantities optimal for the goals set.... Everything is going according to plan.

      It was only Girkin in February 2022 who spoke about the need for urgent mobilization for victory. He probably didn't understand something......

      As stated in Gogol's story "Viy"? “Panov, how many oxen do you need to pull a cart?” - - “A sufficient amount is needed.”
      1. -1
        April 14 2024 16: 27
        Ivan, everything is correct, but let me point out that a cart with one ox or two will still move slowly, it all depends on the driver. A driver is needed not for an ox cart, but for a dog team, it is faster.
  11. -3
    April 14 2024 13: 44
    Well, there is another factor in any war: morale.
    For example, according to the admission of our forces that took Mariupol, and personnel, and reserves of weapons, ammunition, food, water, medicine, well, there was definitely another two or three months. But they gave up.
    And this year, when we established fire control around Avdeevka, and the group itself was cut up through the “Tsar’s Hunt,” it seemed to me, by analogy with Bakhmut, that another five or six weeks - that’s all! But they fled in the second week of the assault.
    I’m afraid to frighten away the thought, but...we now have commanders and generals who feel with their fingertips how and when victory can be achieved, what penny and in what place, at what moment should be thrown on the scales.
    This is Suvorov-style, Skobelev-style, Rokossov-style.
    You can’t buy it, you can’t teach it, only a real war can show such qualities among hundreds and dozens of other generals and officers.
    1. 0
      April 14 2024 17: 04
      "My thoughts, my horses"
      Mine did not reach either Suvorov or Skobelev and stopped at Rokossovsky. When Rokossovsky commanded the front, Supreme Commander Stalin spoke about the surrender of Germany as the main factor in Victory. Now the president is saying that we are open to negotiations. The president, like the Supreme Commander, has all the information about the progress of the military defense, the number of military personnel, weapons, strategic reserves of the country and vision of all the problems voiced and upcoming ones. In my opinion, when talking about peace, the president means that further continuation of the North Military District is not beneficial for us, and it is not possible to quickly achieve victory without unacceptable losses. We need a way out in the form of a negotiation process and the conclusion of a peace treaty. This is the message, but the West is still trying to ignore it.
      1. +4
        April 14 2024 17: 51
        Excuse me, since all the information was there, then why did they all start?
        1. +1
          April 15 2024 16: 58
          um... the situation is changing, isn't it? ) something was not taken into account, something was not predicted, some cards were not played...
          It’s not like the pattern is cut out with one hand, there are many sides, each “with all the information” is played with the intention of achieving success...
        2. 0
          April 15 2024 18: 55
          Probably like in chess, White starts but does not necessarily win, he can strive for a draw and lose, despite the fact that all the available information is on the chessboard. Nevertheless, the party has been appointed, and it must take place.
      2. +2
        April 14 2024 22: 11
        This is the message, but the West is still trying to ignore it.

        They notice everything, they’re just smarter than geostrategists-chess players, and as long as this war is beneficial to them and does not carry any risks, they will continue
        1. 0
          April 15 2024 18: 58
          Yes, I agree that “notice” is not entirely accurate; “ignore” is more appropriate.
      3. 0
        April 15 2024 16: 57
        Quote: Sergei Fonov
        When talking about peace, the President implies that further continuation of the Northern Military District is not beneficial for us

        Yeah, it’s a pity that he doesn’t listen to the militant commentators on this site, otherwise he would have learned how to fight and win uncompromisingly and brutally...))
      4. 0
        April 16 2024 17: 16 is impossible to achieve victory quickly, without unacceptable losses. We need a way out in the form of a negotiation process and the conclusion of a peace treaty. This is the message, but the West is still trying to ignore it.

        The West will continue to try not to notice. Since the concept of unacceptable losses does not exist for him. On the contrary, the more we kill each other, the better the West will be. But the weapons there are far from over yet, no matter what anyone says.
    2. -1
      April 14 2024 22: 12
      They fled in the second week of the assault.

      We retreated to minimize losses...
      1. +2
        April 15 2024 01: 14
        Particularly unexpectedly, the Azovites withdrew from Koksokhim... well, to minimize it.
        Syrsky didn’t even have time to compose an order.
  12. 0
    April 14 2024 16: 48
    Interesting gatherings you have here. There seem to be a lot of people who served here. Discussion without having 100% information to guess what and how will happen. In February 2022 there was only one information (partially incorrect) and there was one task. We might find out about her after all this is over. It’s not like driving Georgians into the mountains where they didn’t stand on ceremony. The flywheel was spun back then. Try to understand - when they built hospital buildings around the country by military engineering troops with a shortage of medical workers in existing government institutions - why did they do this?! They began to study drones in earnest only when they began to be used locally. Everything has changed in 2 years. Fight a hunger strike against the cook...
  13. -2
    April 14 2024 17: 23
    It’s funny - the sofa strategist is also trying to reason - with a serious look laughing
    1. -2
      April 15 2024 17: 00
      if you don’t even try, you will never succeed... but he will receive your structured corrective feedback - and next time it will turn out better)
      1. -2
        April 15 2024 17: 01
        Can he do better? - a funny, naive assumption
  14. +3
    April 15 2024 00: 14
    There are no ports, there is no possibility of placing military facilities near the Russian border, there is no possibility of using Ukrainian airfields for basing NATO aircraft and UAVs.

    The author is not aware that Ukraine and NATO have enough land borders?
    Moreover, I admit the division of Ukraine.

    Some of the land will go to Romania, some to Hungary, and some to Russia.

    This is completely outright fantasy. Europe will never agree to such redrawings of borders between countries; they were already so endowed in the 20th century that under no circumstances will they support this.
    1. 0
      April 15 2024 19: 19
      Well, why, literally before our eyes, the former Yugoslavia was divided, then Kosovo, agreement on new borders is achieved by military force. Only France, after WW2, gave Germany in a referendum part of its territory that it had received under the Treaty of Versailles. This is roughly how everything was planned here in 1991, but all the Union Republics considered that the territories of the Russian Federation that they inherited within the USSR belonged only to them, and did not care about the results of the referendum. They declared independence, and Moscow, during the period of collapse, reconciled. At that time, the collapse of the USSR provided an opportunity to achieve personal power in a single state.
      1. 0
        April 15 2024 19: 55
        agreement on new borders is achieved by military force

        There has been nothing like this for a long time; after World War II, nothing like this has been recognized in Europe, and recently in the world.
        Well, why, literally before our eyes, the former Yugoslavia was divided, then Kosovo, agreement on new borders is achieved by military force.

        read carefully
        border boundaries between countries

        In the former Yugoslavia, there were attempts to redistribute the territory between the countries that were part of the former Yugoslavia, but none of them succeeded.
        Kosovo also did not go to any country.
        The prohibition on the forceful redrawing of borders between countries was officially prohibited in the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in 1975 (Helsinki Accords) and has been fully implemented since then.
        all Union Republics considered that the territories of the Russian Federation that they inherited within the USSR belonged only to them

        This was written down in the Belovezhskaya Agreements on the creation of the CIS, adopted at the proposal of Russia, Article 5. “Union republics” according to the Constitution of the USSR are independent states. During the USSR, their borders were determined according to the Constitution of the USSR, after the collapse - according to international laws.
        they didn’t care about the referendum results

        there was nothing written about the redistribution of borders between the republics
        1. +1
          April 15 2024 21: 09
          The 1975 Security Conference recognized the SFRY and the USSR, so the collapse of these states can be considered a violation. The borders of the USSR Republics upon secession were determined by Law No. 3 of April 1990. The Helsinki Agreements of 1975 did not provide for foreign interference in internal affairs. Well, a referendum, according to the Constitution, is the highest form of expression of the will of the people, who, according to the same Constitution, have power.
          1. 0
            April 15 2024 23: 45
            The 1975 Security Conference recognized the SFRY and the USSR, so the collapse of these states can be considered a violation.

            The Helsinki Agreements prohibited the forceful redistribution of borders between existing states; they did not concern the disintegration of unions of states into separate ones.
            The USSR ceased to exist, as did Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia. There was no foreign intervention during the breakup. Do not confuse the disintegration into republics and attempts to redraw borders between them in violation of the Helsinki Agreements..
            The borders of the USSR Republics upon secession were determined by Law No. 3 of April 1990.

            No one left the USSR under this law, the USSR simply ceased to exist, this was stated in the Belovezhskaya Agreements, signed on Yeltsin’s initiative.
            We, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation (RSFSR), Ukraine as the founding states of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which signed the 1922 Union Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the High Contracting Parties, state that the Soviet Union, as a subject of international law and geopolitical reality, ceases to exist.

            Please note that they are stating a fait accompli, and not making a decision to cease to exist.
            Well, a referendum, according to the Constitution, is the highest form of expression of the will of the people, who, according to the same Constitution, have power.

            There was no such thing in the USSR Constitution.
            Article 2. All power in the USSR belongs to the people. People
            exercises state power through the Councils of the People
            , constituting the political basis of the USSR.

            The Constitution did not provide for anything else; power was only through the Soviets.
            Although there was an article about the referendum, there was not a word about the “highest form”.
            Article 5. The most important issues of state life
            submitted for public discussion, and also put on
            popular vote (referendum).

            As for the question in the referendum, it was formulated extremely clumsily.
            “Do you consider it necessary to preserve the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics, in which the rights and freedoms of people of any nationality will be fully guaranteed?”

            This is an oxymoron - a federation does not imply the sovereignty of individual parts. There cannot be a federation of sovereign republics.
            1. 0
              April 16 2024 18: 12
              The 1991 referendum was held in accordance with the Law “On the procedure for the withdrawal of Union Republics from the USSR” Law No. 3 of April 4, 1990. In the United States, there is state sovereignty, where the State Constitution, on the territory of the state, has the highest legislative force, but states do not have the right to freely secede from the United States. As far as I remember, we also did not have an exit procedure, for this purpose Law No. 3 of 04 1990 was adopted. The law is the right of the strong, if the state does not have the opportunity to demand compliance with its laws, on its territory there will always be forces seeking to fill the legal vacuum on the pseudo-legal basis. After all, different comments can be written on one law and interpreted in your own way.
              1. 0
                April 16 2024 21: 01
                The 1991 referendum was held in accordance with the Law “On the procedure for the withdrawal of Union Republics from the USSR” Law No. 3 of April 4, 1990.

                nothing like this. There was a law on a referendum, but in any case the Constitution of the USSR had supreme power.
                In the USA there is state sovereignty

                does not exist. States have no sovereignty.
                A subject of a federation is a political entity that has a number of characteristics of a state, but does not have state sovereignty.

                The state constitution, within the state, has the supreme legislative force

                Nothing like this. Dont Have. The US Constitution has the highest priority.
                Article I
                Section 1. All legislative powers are hereby
                installed, belong to the United States CongressWhich
                consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

                We also did not have an exit procedure, which is why Law No. 3 of April 04 was adopted.

                Yes, there were attempts to exit under this law, but no one completed the procedure until the collapse of the Union.
                1. 0
                  April 16 2024 21: 24
                  I don’t remember in which state, during the presidential elections, the state prosecutor said that if invited observers from Europe appeared closer than 100 meters or 50, I don’t remember exactly, from the polling station he would arrest them. Thus, observers invited by the US government were unable to observe the voting procedure. The state's attorney cited state laws and the state constitution. I think it was in California.
  15. +2
    April 15 2024 19: 36
    I believe that for this it is enough to take the Left Bank, even with a blockade of large cities, and the coast - Odessa and Kherson.
    The author is in a hurry... Be careful not to tear your pants...
    You walk widely, and then you are surprised by other hurryers hi
  16. +3
    April 15 2024 21: 55
    The Commander-in-Chief, who speaks not about the victory of his army, but about an agreement, is anyone, but not the Commander-in-Chief. A shameful peace will bury both Putin and his vertical, and sow confusion in Russia, with an unpredictable outcome.
  17. +1
    April 15 2024 23: 56
    Auto RU! Shall we share the skin of an unkilled bear? Isn't it too early?
  18. 0
    April 16 2024 00: 17
    Chasov Yar is a really serious problem. But this is not a global problem. This is just one of the operations that take place almost constantly. There were Mariupol, Bakhmut, Avdeevka... Then we also talked about something global... Now Chasov Yar... There will be a Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration... There will be many more cauldrons and cauldrons.

    The liberation of Chasov Yar is associated with the advance from Avdeevka, in the direction of Ocheretino, Kramatorsk, along a sparsely populated corridor between agglomerations. Taking and clearing this corridor will deprive the Ukrainian Armed Forces of the opportunity to freely use artillery and they can only flee to the West, or die in the network of boilers.
  19. +1
    April 16 2024 11: 25
    Mr. Starover, how many kilometers are from Bakhmut to Chasov Yar.
  20. +1
    April 16 2024 14: 38
    I’m using an outdated word that few people know today. First of all, I want to please those who are enraged by my words that everything is going according to plan. So, everything is really going according to plan.

    not only goes according to plan, but ahead of it!
    a certain citizen Shoigu will not let you lie, he often said this before.
    and now I don’t listen to him, but I think that now he also speaks.
    Talking is not moving bags, as they say.