Microgas turbine plants are exclusive for NATO and commonplace for Russia

Microgas turbine plants are exclusive for NATO and commonplace for Russia

Micro gas turbine installations ensure the operation of such weapons systems as MLRS, air defense systems, Iskander missiles, Msta-S self-propelled guns, tanks "Armata" and many other advanced models. Microturbines are capable of operating in the most difficult temperature and weather conditions.

In particular, it is microturbines that ensure the launch of Tornado-S MLRS missiles. Auxiliary power units are capable of supplying all power sources at the facility, including those associated with hydraulic and electric drives, radar systems and communication systems. Unlike a household diesel or gasoline generator, a microturbine is capable of producing a more stable current.

Despite the fact that the main type of fuel for microturbines is diesel fuel, they are also capable of running equally efficiently on kerosene and even alcohol, while producing at least 16 kW of electricity.

The layout of a gas turbine unit resembles a jet aircraft engine. The air taken from the atmosphere is compressed in a compressor, after which the gases from the burned fuel rotate the turbine, as a result of which the generator generates electricity.

Military equipment of NATO countries usually uses diesel generators to supply electricity, while in our country gas turbines are installed on all air defense systems, on all modern tanks, on all new self-propelled guns, on MLRS and Iskander missile systems. Thus, what is considered exclusive in the West has long become the norm in Russia. Microturbines are significantly superior to conventional diesel generators in terms of reliability and accuracy of output current parameters.

It is from such elements, invisible at first glance, that the strength of the Russian is formed. weapons.

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  1. 0
    April 2 2024 12: 24
    This is all great. And what about the IR range masking technology equipped with similar microturbines? It is clear that not all equipment needs and can be hidden. But anyway. In war it’s like in war. There are no trifles here.
    1. +1
      April 2 2024 12: 39
      This is all great. And what about the IR range masking technology equipped with similar microturbines? It is clear that not all equipment needs and can be hidden. But anyway. In war it’s like in war. There are no trifles here.

      Those who have less fuel consumption and higher efficiency are smaller and glow in the IR range. Distributing the glow is already a design. In theory.
      1. +2
        April 2 2024 12: 50
        That's exactly what is theoretical. The purpose of such power plants is to power military equipment without turning on the main engine. Do not unmask it ahead of time. It is clear that if a self-propelled gun or tank has the main engine turned on, it is visible very far away. Judging by the video, the microturbine produces exhaust at 400 degrees...
        1. +3
          April 2 2024 13: 43
          Quote: Observer2014
          The purpose of such power plants is to power military equipment without turning on the main engine. Do not unmask it ahead of time.

          A gas turbine engine has a high air flow rate. That is, the heat generated is greatly diluted by cold air. Unlike a turbine, a simple engine has a hot exhaust + hot air from the radiators of the engine cooling system.
          And here the question is, who glows more in the IR, a small turbine with a large flow of cold air, or the main engine of the car, with its exhaust and cooling system.
        2. +1
          April 2 2024 14: 19
          Don't unmask it ahead of time

          and not only: today we began to understand what a thermal imager is, and when it was created we thought only about saving the resource of the main unit
          1. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      April 2 2024 12: 41
      Previously, we started simply with “A”, now with “It’s all clear”...the evolution is obvious, but of course we haven’t forgotten about “A”.
    3. 0
      April 2 2024 12: 41
      I absolutely agree.
      But making pipelines that remove gases is a dubious idea.
    4. -1
      April 3 2024 13: 13
      IR masking

      How is diesel masked in this range?

      Answer: None. No matter how you disguise it, the efficiency of any heat engine is always less than 100%, therefore, it will always produce heat.

      As for using turbines to drive a generator, IMHO this is almost ideal. It is lightweight, much simpler to manufacture than a diesel engine, and very economical if it operates at constant speed (as a generator needs).
      1. 0
        4 June 2024 19: 06
        Answer: You expressed a widely held, but now outdated, point of view. If you have a desire to work in this direction, I can send a footnote to the relevant materials.
  2. +2
    April 2 2024 13: 50
    They also install similar things on airplanes. Interestingly, our fighters are fully equipped with such generators, and the aircraft can be launched even from a completely unequipped airfield. And for example, the American F-15 not only does not have such a generator, but it doesn’t even have batteries and it is impossible to start it without airfield equipment.
    1. +4
      April 2 2024 14: 05
      I’ll add about generators with gas turbine engines on airplanes.
      Most people consider the An-26 aircraft to be twin-engine, but in fact it has 3 engines: two main AI-24VT turboprop engines, and one RU-19A-300 auxiliary turbojet engine (thrust -900 kgf) An auxiliary RU19A-300 engine is installed at the rear of the right nacelle. It provides:
      additional traction when climbing;
      necessary thrust in case of AI-24 engine failure;
      onboard launch of AI-24 engines;
      on-board power supply aircraft parked with the engines not running;
      on-board power supply aircraft in case of starter-generator failure.
  3. -1
    April 2 2024 14: 17
    Despite the fact that the main type of fuel for microturbines is diesel fuel, they are also capable of running equally efficiently on kerosene and even alcohol, while producing at least 16 kW of electricity.

    so there is only one model for everything
    there is no variety to state:
    Microgas turbine plants are exclusive for NATO and commonplace for Russia

    and it was created not now, but in the USSR
  4. 0
    April 2 2024 15: 39
    The architecture of the microturbine is not very different from the same Capstoun, which means that the level of energy supply remains at a parity value. But a turbine in its fundamental design can provide a process that is orders of magnitude more efficient. All this means that the ping-pong continues and there will be no winners. This means that innovative breakthrough inventions in the field of turbine construction are not needed. Well, adults play like children - they beat each other up in turns and thank God.
  5. +1
    April 3 2024 23: 20
    Microturbines are significantly superior to conventional diesel generators in terms of reliability and accuracy of output current parameters.

    This is debatable.
    But in terms of fuel consumption they are ahead.
    They eat too much, which is why they are not liked in the West.
  6. 0
    April 23 2024 11: 50
    I would not so categorically insist on the exclusivity of our mini-gas turbine engines; on the contrary, in the West there are a bunch of civilian GT generators, General Electric, for example (from 15 kW), Abrams has an auxiliary unit, also a GT.
    It’s even strange that there are no offers for the civilian market from our manufacturers. There is nothing secret there, everything is secret in production. Mini gas turbine units are in demand; they have a niche in the market. Mass production makes it possible to reduce the cost of production. What's the matter?
    1. 0
      12 May 2024 07: 33
      You will see the price and not buy it. That's the whole secret.
  7. 0
    12 May 2024 07: 32
    And this allowed us to get to the point where they didn’t even try to make APU on civilian aircraft before the SVO. But it turns out that small-sized gas turbine generators are commonplace here.