“I was signed up for a preacher”: the first data from the preliminary interrogation of a participant in the attack on Crocus City Hall has been published

“I was signed up for a preacher”: the first data from the preliminary interrogation of a participant in the attack on Crocus City Hall has been published

Videos of the preliminary interrogation of one of the detained alleged participants in the terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk are appearing online. The arrest, as previously reported by the FSB Central Operations Center, was made not far from Bryansk, near the village of Khatsun.

One of the detained terrorists answers questions from Russian law enforcement officers in poor Russian. According to him, an unknown person allegedly promised him half a million rubles for shooting people in Crocus City Hall. And he received half of this amount on the card, but lost the card. After the terrorist attack was carried out, they promised to transfer the rest of the money.

The detainee, who, according to Russian investigative authorities, is a citizen of Tajikistan born in 1998, stated that they contacted him via Telegram and offered to do what had happened the day before in Krasnogorsk.

Russian law enforcement officer:

But they don’t just make such a proposal - to kill people for money. Why did they keep in touch with you?

The terrorist stated that in the TG he communicated with a certain assistant to the preacher, whose name he “does not know.” And he ultimately made a proposal to carry out a terrorist attack.

From the preliminary interrogation:

What did they offer you?


They offered money to kill people. They gave me a place where to do it.

Who exactly did they demand to kill?


It doesn't matter who. Just.

The criminal was also asked where he got it from. weapon, to which he evasively replied that “they, with whom I communicated via Telegram, gave it.”

So far, no details have been provided about exactly how the transfer of weapons to the terrorist group took place, who is in charge, and how people were recruited into this cell.

Noteworthy are the words that they carried out executions for money. In this case, the scheme that the West is trying to present as an act of ISIS (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) completely collapses, because ISIS always, as its leaders claimed, acts for ideology.
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  1. +33
    23 March 2024 13: 44
    You have to impale him slowly...
    But he will quickly remember everything hi
    1. +17
      23 March 2024 13: 50
      Previously, at least terrorists killed and died for an idea, but now for the green ones on the map... Ewwww!!! What an abomination!!! It’s not enough to hang these nits, first quarter them as it was in Rus' (or staked...) I think there will be those willing... am
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          1. Tim
            23 March 2024 14: 13
            The Tajiks are clearly being framed

            How is this being framed? They killed and shot more than 100 civilians! Who pulled the trigger of a machine gun for 1 million rubles!
            1. -13
              23 March 2024 14: 34
              Quote: Tima
              They killed and shot more than 100 civilians!

              Many died not from gunfire, but from fire.
              But this in no way excuses the freaks.
              1. +10
                23 March 2024 15: 42
                What difference does it make, from a fire or from bullets? After all, they started the fire too.
                1. +2
                  23 March 2024 16: 10
                  Quote: Alex777
                  But this in no way excuses the freaks.

                  No difference. hi
                2. +22
                  23 March 2024 17: 09
                  They also started the fire.
                  It's not a fact that they are.
                  And by the way, this is extremely interesting to find out, because a thread most likely leads to the customers from those who set the fire.
                  It wasn't a haystack that was set on fire. The fire was contained by morning, about 13 thousand square meters were burning, more than 200 special vehicles were involved in extinguishing the fire.
                  The terrorists were in Crocus for probably no more than 10 minutes, during which time it was not easy to set up such a fire (from saiga and wild boars).
                  There, obviously, everything was ready for the fire even before the Tajiks.
                  P.S. If anything, then in my opinion, terrorists must be destroyed regardless of nationality.
                  And not only the performers, but also the customers, and, in my opinion, it’s easier to get to them through a fire than through a shooting.
                  1. +1
                    23 March 2024 19: 23
                    Quote: flicker
                    The terrorists were in Crocus for probably no more than 10 minutes, during which time it was not easy to set up such a fire (from saiga and wild boars).

                    By the way, yesterday was the anniversary of Khatyn. Coincidence?
                  2. +1
                    23 March 2024 19: 24
                    Quote: flicker
                    Most likely, a thread from those who set the fire leads to the customers.
                    I also think that the main goal was a fire, from which many more people died and suffered, and the Tajiks were hired to aggravate the national situation. conflicts.
                    1. +16
                      23 March 2024 19: 56
                      These Tajiks are not smart enough to know where to light a fire to set fire to the roof. They had to be helped by someone who knew how CROCUS worked and how the emergency exits worked.
                      1. +5
                        24 March 2024 07: 55
                        Quote: Sid09
                        They should have been helped by someone who knew how CROCUS worked
                        Of course, they weren’t the ones who developed the operation. But the conclusion about the need to tighten migration policy suggests itself.
                3. +3
                  23 March 2024 17: 09
                  Quote: Dmitry_Kuk
                  They also started the fire.

                  The version that they helped set the arson is being studied.
                  1. +2
                    23 March 2024 20: 26
                    There is usually no way to get to the roof from the shopping center. Most often, access is through a locked metal door or an external staircase. The Tajiks probably created a distraction with their terrorist shooting so that someone else could safely start the fire.
                    1. +6
                      23 March 2024 20: 28
                      It is quite possible. The top floor was set on fire.
                      It is unlikely to bring a lot of flammable materials to Renault. Only 18 min. And everything was already burning.
                      1. +6
                        24 March 2024 06: 52
                        In Moscow, in such establishments, all the cleaning and security are Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc. And in some shopping centers they live right there. There could very well be a second arson group that had access anywhere.
                      2. +2
                        24 March 2024 08: 45
                        Yes - this is also possible.
                        A total of 11 people have already been arrested.
                        Soon we will know the truth.
            2. +2
              23 March 2024 14: 35
              they substitute this means that those who organized all this found Tajiks to carry out the action, you can find scumbags among other nations, the same so-called Russian liberation army as an example, but they chose Tajiks, and right there on the networks there are a lot of indignant cries about diaspora, although the diaspora certainly did not hire them for this and did not arm them, it looks like an organized stuffing. As an option, an attempt by Western intelligence services to provoke interethnic conflicts in Russia, they love this and they have extensive experience in such matters, pitting nation against nation is a trick of the West.
              1. +18
                23 March 2024 14: 53
                Quote: Vovik
                they substitute this means that those who organized all this found Tajiks to carry out the action, you can find scumbags among other nations, the same so-called Russian liberation army as an example, but they chose Tajiks, and right there on the networks there are a lot of indignant cries about diaspora, although the diaspora certainly did not hire them for this and did not arm them, it looks like an organized stuffing. As an option, an attempt by Western intelligence services to provoke interethnic conflicts in Russia, they love this and they have extensive experience in such matters, pitting nation against nation is a trick of the West.

                The diaspora is always “more than that.”
                All recruitment of weak souls and subsequent restructuring and reprogramming of weak souls into radical extremists takes place through mosques.
                Only through mosques.
                Through them certain souls are found, whom various “preachers” then begin to teach correct Islam, and the most believers become warrior-martyrs
                So religion has something to do with it.
                I have been to mosques in Samara many times and have seen so many very strange faces there, who in no way can be considered believers.
                But to veteran recruiters, it’s very easy
                1. +5
                  23 March 2024 15: 49
                  They are not recruited by ministers (mosques), but by strangers who supposedly also pray. In fact, they are looking for suitable Muslims. A real Muslim (a true believer in Allah) will never do this.
                  1. +4
                    23 March 2024 17: 32
                    A true Muslim (who truly believes in Allah) will never do this.
                    Those. Do those who do this not believe in Allah?
                    1. +3
                      23 March 2024 18: 08
                      They believe in money if they do this.
                2. +12
                  23 March 2024 16: 09
                  Al, you are 100% right, assholes on our streets are not needed and are very harmful for the country
                3. -8
                  23 March 2024 16: 31
                  Quote: SovAr238A
                  I have been to Samara mosques several times and seen so many very strange faces there who cannot be classified as believers.
                  But to veteran recruiters, it’s very easy
                  Can you easily distinguish a believer from a veteran mosque recruiter by sight? Why don’t you offer your services to the FSB, you would benefit the country and save people. Or is it more interesting to write various nonsense about politics here?
              2. Tim
                23 March 2024 15: 27
                [/quote]but they chose the Tajiks, and immediately there was a lot of indignant cries about the diaspora on the networks, although the diaspora certainly didn’t hire them for this or arm them, it looks like an organized stuffing.[quote]

                For some reason, it was not the Russians, not the Buryats, not the Tatars who committed the terrorist attack, but the Tajiks! Watch the video of interrogations of detained terrorists!
                1. -2
                  23 March 2024 15: 46
                  The Russians took part in the attack on the Belgorod region, what next? You also say that the Ukrainians could not have staged a terrorist attack. Ukrainians chose their nationality in order to divert suspicion from themselves and to create a national squabble in Russia, and you are feeding into Ukrainian propaganda
                  1. Tim
                    23 March 2024 15: 55
                    So let them into your house or to their homeland for congresses! You will herd sheep in the mountains with them.
                    1. -8
                      23 March 2024 15: 56
                      Why should I let them into my home? I won’t invite you either, a Latvian or another Russian, why do I need you at my house?
                2. +3
                  23 March 2024 17: 23
                  For some reason, it was not the Russians, not the Buryats, not the Tatars who committed the terrorist attack, but the Tajiks
                  Are Tajiks also fighting against us in Ukraine? Do the Tajiks also abuse our prisoners?

                  Maybe nationality has nothing to do with it?
                  People of other nationalities could have been hired as perpetrators of the terrorist attack, but they chose Tajiks (this does not relieve them of responsibility) and this is not done by chance. Someone needs our conflict with the Tajiks (Tajikistan), and through it with Afghanistan.
              3. +2
                23 March 2024 16: 47
                Quote: Vovik
                An attempt by Western intelligence services to provoke inter-ethnic conflicts in Russia, they love this and they have extensive experience in such matters, pitting nation against nation is a Western trick.
                Since colonial times, the British have honed their skills as provocateurs. Fear and panic + ethnic conflict are better for them than just a terrorist attack. And thousands of bots disperse this across the network.
              4. +1
                25 March 2024 00: 21
                What's wrong with conflict happening? The problem of the lawlessness of migrants in the Russian Federation is long overdue and it is time to find a way out of this impasse before it is too late. You can start with the Tajiks, and yes, dispor definitely has something to do with it. Send away to the villages everyone who is not officially employed, who has a criminal past in their homeland, who has a criminal record here. Then take on the Uzbeks. And comb it there with a comb. And connect the imams by supplying them with pitchforks. Let them run around here like snakes. We need to do something, do it before it’s too late!!
                1. 0
                  25 March 2024 19: 02
                  1000% this needs to be done!!! Until it's not too late...
            3. -12
              23 March 2024 14: 55
              Those who killed are in the FSB, but those who organized and paid for this murder are in Kyiv and London. I'm waiting for the dance of death to be performed for the banderlogs.
          2. +3
            23 March 2024 14: 20
            ......maybe there was a second group that was waiting for the “Tajiks” and set fire to Crocus City under cover?

            It is clear that the matter is not simple. It is premature to draw conclusions; a multi-step approach is possible.
            1. +8
              23 March 2024 14: 34
              Quote: frruc
              It is clear that the matter is not simple. It is premature to draw conclusions; a multi-step approach is possible.

              I believe that they were definitely waiting to be liquidated, they should not have remained alive (who are they, and this stupid people wanted to release for meat) or this is a distraction group, but it didn’t work out, now they are playing plan “B”.
              1. +6
                23 March 2024 17: 36
                they shouldn't have stayed alive
                Or maybe, on the contrary, they should have stayed (they still know little about the customer) in order to divert attention from others (perhaps those who were preparing to set fire to the structure).
            2. +7
              23 March 2024 14: 38
              Quote: frruc
              It is premature to draw conclusions; a multi-step approach is possible.

              Yes. Biden's late-night call to the leaders of Britain, France, Italy and Germany was hardly random or routine.
            3. +2
              23 March 2024 17: 26
              multi-pass possible

              Yes, it is very possible.
          3. +33
            23 March 2024 14: 29
            The Tajiks are clearly being framed

            Do you need to live with your children among your Tajik neighbors to stop talking nonsense?
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              1. +22
                23 March 2024 14: 49
                How are you different from the Bandera Nazis?

                Are you suggesting that these terrorists, like the killers of the Northern Military District veteran, should simply be released?
                And I’m not a liberal, I’m against joining NATO, I’m against sabotage, I’m against goodwill gestures with enemies, and I’m against the importation of savages.
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                  1. +17
                    23 March 2024 15: 05
                    No and no again. These are people of a different mentality. In fact, they feel bad in the Russian Federation. Nobody likes living in a foreign land. Another thing is that some are integrated into our life (they learn the language, move from the regional compact settlement of immigrants from the republic, let’s be honest, the ghetto), children are taught to live exactly according to our rules, there are few of them, but they exist, but more than others, who, It’s even hard to say, they don’t want to assimilate here and they don’t want to go home. I don't feel sorry for them. They must be politely removed. The whole family
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                    1. -14
                      23 March 2024 15: 34
                      Well, the Balts don’t even give citizenship to Russians - Russians there have the status of “non-citizens”. Why are you taking it to the side? Instead of focusing on the real enemy - the Anglo-Saxons, are you promoting hatred towards the former Soviet republic? Do you think the US CIA will not be able to recruit killers from ethnic Russians? Can I remind you about RDK?
                      1. -1
                        23 March 2024 16: 44
                        Your syllable is strange, dear).
                      2. 0
                        24 March 2024 18: 53
                        How can they not give this?! They give! Learn the language, pass the citizenship exam. Much like in the Russian Federation for migrants. Or rather, the Russian Federation copies the rules from other countries.
                      3. 0
                        24 March 2024 20: 40
                        So you got burned.
                        “Russians in the Baltics” - they were born and raised there, this is their land and language since childhood. Why do they have to take some kind of exams?????
                        "Migrants" are newcomers.
                        And you equated migrants with indigenous people. Who are you after this?
                      4. 0
                        24 March 2024 21: 32
                        Who are you?! They were born and raised in the USSR. For the most part.
                      5. +2
                        25 March 2024 00: 27
                        After all, they tell you in Russian “Tajiks as an ethnic group historically hate Russians and will slaughter them at the first opportunity, as they have already done more than once or twice.” No, you are talking about some Balts, about the CIA, about recruitment. Tajiks do not need to be recruited; from birth they are all recruited by their culture, their historical past.
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                      4. -4
                        23 March 2024 19: 04
                        Quote: ramzay21
                        The root of the problem lies in betrayal and traitors, as well as in the criminal inactions of the leadership of the USSR
                        The root is that in the USSR they created “a new historical community - the Soviet people” instead of the traditional Russian union of peoples, united around the Russian state-forming nation. And they could, perhaps, have done without the Basmachi, interethnic hostility and the collapse of the Union in the 90s, if they had simply added the right of private ownership of the means of production and removed the CPSU from power.
                      5. -3
                        24 March 2024 20: 43
                        In Islam, as in other traditional religions, there is no hostility towards Russia. Moreover, in Islam it is written that “Christians are our brothers.” Thus, incitement against Russia can only be initiated by its enemies - the USA and Britain. Not a single educated Muslim will ever go against Russia if these countries do not stand behind him.
                  3. +1
                    23 March 2024 15: 35
                    People? Are you sure about that?
                  4. Tim
                    23 March 2024 15: 52
                    [/quote]Are they second-class citizens for you?[quote]

                    What do second-class people have to do with it? You simply don't know the mentality of Tajiks (I'm not speaking ill of them), their outlook on life and worldview are very different from ours, Russians. You should go to Tajikistan. Have you forgotten about Russian refugees from the Asian republics of the USSR? Have you forgotten about the dead Russians too? Now in the Asian republics of the USSR, several generations have grown up who don't give a damn about the laws and order of Russia. They come to Russia not to live, but to earn money.
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                      1. Tim
                        23 March 2024 16: 06
                        Dushanbe, Khujand, Bokhtar, Kulyab, Penjikent, Isfara, Istaravshan
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                      7. +5
                        24 March 2024 10: 27
                        You, as an accomplice of terrorists, cannot understand why a hero who enters into battle with terrorists hides his face and does not give his first and last name. He fears that these savages who have seized power in many cities will kill him and his family for what he did. What kind of country is this?
                        Personally, I don't want Tajiks to live here, because no one can guarantee that tomorrow some other preacher or mullah won't give these animals the order to kill Russians. And I don't care what it's called or what law the criminals who brought them in passed, the Kirienkos and Sobyanins live under guard and their children don't go to the same school with these savages.
                        They kicked the Russians out of their country, let them enjoy life without Russians there.
                      8. The comment was deleted.
            2. +3
              23 March 2024 17: 29
              I didn’t live with Tajik ones, but with other neighbors it’s not so simple. So it's not necessarily about nationality.
            3. +3
              24 March 2024 09: 32
              I suggest that lovers of Tajik, Uzbek, Kyrgyz and other diasporas should go with their whole family to live with their beloved “no nationality” friends who speak little Russian.
          4. +10
            23 March 2024 15: 02
            What exactly do Tajiks have to do with this? This ghoul is a Slav? Obviously a Central Asian. They were brought here uncontrollably. We won’t all be en masse. There is one method. Gather authorities from the diasporas and put them before a choice. Only those who they will personally support remain in Russia answer: Gather business representatives who use migrants at work. Present them with this choice. Either you answer with your head, or...
            1. +1
              23 March 2024 15: 36
              Maybe it would be easier to cancel the “Moscow Declaration of 1994” in order to put an end to the person who ordered this whole nightmare?
              1. 0
                23 March 2024 16: 01
                Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
                Maybe it would be easier to cancel the “Moscow Declaration of 1994” in order to put an end to the person who ordered this whole nightmare?

                Could you tell me how the declaration (which is not a fact that is still being observed) will help get rid of this whole nightmare?
                1. +2
                  23 March 2024 16: 06
                  Army General Baluevsky proposed restoring missile targeting to the United States
                  Moscow, February 20 - AIF-Moscow.
                  Russia needs to look for opportunities to sober up the West so that it stops supporting Ukraine. The Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces in 2004-2008, Army General Yuri Baluevsky, said this in an interview with aif.ru.

                  “In 1994, President Boris Yeltsin ordered the abolition of targeting our strategic nuclear missiles at specific targets in the United States. And this order is still in force. Maybe it’s time to restore such targeting,” Baluevsky added.

                  In his opinion, Only by becoming seriously frightened can the United States end the Ukrainian conflict.

                  “We need, figuratively speaking, to find that needle in the egg on which Koshchei’s life depends. And at least prick the Americans with this needle. Otherwise, the conflict of attrition will continue for a long time, and it will be difficult for us to exhaust Europe and the United States even with all our efforts,” the army general noted.
                  1. +1
                    23 March 2024 16: 10
                    Why are you telling me about the Declaration, which I also know about, if my question was to you
                    Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                    Could you tell me how the declaration (which is not a fact that is still being observed) will help get rid of this whole nightmare?
                    So they canceled it... and what kind of deliverance happened?
                    1. +1
                      23 March 2024 16: 13
                      I gave the answer to your question above General of the Army Baluevsky:
                      "Only by being seriously frightened can the United States end the Ukrainian conflict."

                      Did you read what he said? Still have questions?
                      1. +1
                        23 March 2024 16: 18
                        Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
                        Did you read what he said? Still have questions?

                        yes.. of course they remained.. they don’t conduct inspections now and I don’t think anyone complies with this declaration so.. but we announced it.. what makes you think that they will get scared and hide “under the rug”? they will simply also aim missiles at us (if they haven’t already) and everything will continue as it was..
                      2. +2
                        23 March 2024 16: 21
                        The Army General wrote - THE DECLARATION IS COMPLETED. What else do you need? This was confirmed by the Russian Foreign Ministry in December 2023.
                        And if it is abolished, American residents will feel like targets - with the corresponding consequences as in 1962.
            2. +1
              23 March 2024 15: 56
              Agree. The main thing is that they are all known. They are easy to assemble. Another thing is when to release it from the place where it was collected. All issues will be resolved in one SMS
            3. 0
              23 March 2024 16: 02
              There was such a good method called decimation!
            4. 0
              23 March 2024 16: 16
              Dmitry, are you a science fiction writer or make an appointment with Vice President Khusnulin, he and the guarantor will explain everything to you
              1. 0
                24 March 2024 05: 30
                In Russia, the first and last vice president was Rutskoi.
              2. 0
                24 March 2024 19: 24
                hi I’m not a science fiction writer, I just want to be fair. Although I understand that this is all in emptiness. There is a vacuum between two planets.. Yes, Deputy Prime Minister Khusnullin.
            5. +1
              24 March 2024 19: 12
              We don't need diasporas at all. Take the UAE's experience in terms of working with foreign labor. Diasporas are a legalized mafia and a parallel branch of government that does not obey Russian laws.
        2. +9
          23 March 2024 14: 08
          It is clear that the customers are Banderaites. But we must punish, first of all, those who bring potential terrorists to us without counting, who protect them and who support their diasporas. This is sabotage in its purest form, and Kiriyenko, Khusnullin and their accomplices must hang in a noose along with these freaks who killed about a hundred people. Death to the creatures!
          1. +1
            23 March 2024 14: 40
            And the customers of “Bandera” are the US CIA. They are the main ones behind all this.
          2. +6
            23 March 2024 14: 48
            It is clear that the customers are Banderaites.

            Maybe. I remember how they organized the bombing of the Crimean Bridge with the participation of a whole chain of intermediaries, through a number of states (Ukraine, Bulgaria, Georgia, the Russian Federation), and an unsuspecting truck driver with a truck and a train with fuel exploded. Who developed and implemented such operations?
            1. +11
              23 March 2024 15: 44
              Maybe. I remember how they organized the undermining of the Crimean Bridge with the participation of a whole chain of intermediaries, through a number of states

              That's it. First of all, we need to stop the mess with immigration in our country, ban dual citizenship, develop adequate and transparent laws regulating work visas and rules for obtaining them, introducing a visa regime with countries whose citizens regularly work illegally, and rules for obtaining a residence permit in our country, excluding obtaining a residence permit in our country, not to mention citizenship for people who do not know Russian, who do not share our values, as well as criminals and potential criminals.
          3. +3
            23 March 2024 14: 59
            Even if the investigation accurately identifies all the perpetrators of the terrorist attack and they confess to everything, it is necessary, before shooting them, to go through all the chains, identify all those involved, find them and punish them. Without this, confessions cannot be considered completely truthful, and evil punished.
            1. -6
              23 March 2024 15: 00
              Well, it turns out that this is the US CIA. So what to do?
              1. +1
                23 March 2024 16: 24
                Shtyn dwarf
                So what to do?

                Do you not know what to do with terrorists and mercenaries? Identify, catch and destroy everywhere. It is clear where the path goes.
                1. -2
                  23 March 2024 16: 26
                  Once again - for example, a customer of the US CIA. What to do with the customer? How are you going to destroy the CIA?
                  1. +1
                    23 March 2024 16: 31
                    I am not a member of the Security Council. In the meantime, destroy their branches here and in Ukraine.
                    1. -3
                      23 March 2024 16: 35
                      Yes, what you say is like a pellet to an elephant. The only thing they're truly afraid of is cancellation. "Moscow Declaration 1994"
        3. +12
          23 March 2024 14: 24
          Judging by publications in various sources, chaos is happening in Chelyabinsk.
          1. +1
            23 March 2024 16: 21
            Oleg, notice that in Chelyabinsk those judges and police are Russian, what does this mean? and the fact that everything was bought on the vine, which is unlikely, but the fact that the orders come down from the very top where the Russians need to be spread rot
        4. +9
          23 March 2024 14: 38
          She pours out a legend like a nightingale. They were not just recruited from the street as janitors, but people with training who had worked out their actions and there clearly must be a senior person who was in charge. In any case, they went to kill civilians, where they will die in a noose or in prison, it’s not so important, the tool can be thrown away. But the causative agents of this plague - the leaders - must be destroyed.
        5. 0
          23 March 2024 14: 48
          Rais is a popular name among Muslims. And among the Tatars, and among the Bashkirs...

          Judging one's nationality by one's patronymic - excuse me, but this is a sign of a narrow mind...
        6. +1
          23 March 2024 16: 05
          yes, even take away the business from Khusnulin and his family, but the guarantor does not abandon his own
        7. +2
          23 March 2024 17: 45
          Bring back the death penalty

          There is a petition, you can sign... https://www.change.org/p/cancel-the-moratorium-on-the-death-penalty-in-the-Russian-federation
          1. 0
            25 March 2024 20: 00
            I went to the link and there was nowhere to click...
        8. +5
          23 March 2024 20: 19
          Quote: Nikolai S.
          We must do as we did with the Georgians in 2008: deprive them of citizenship, take away their businesses - there is a law, deport the diaspora.

          No one will ever deprive of citizenship or deport all those who received it in different (even illegal) ways and members of their families. Good neighborly relations with the abu emirs of the “brotherly” states are at stake, so let’s be patient and not get in trouble. And our children will not peel off. Even if there are already millions of “new citizens”. By the way, the states of the Middle East will also not approve of deprivation and deportation.
          So our rulers put us under all these narrow-eyed and black-loined people so that we will no longer get out. They won't give it. No reason.
        9. 0
          24 March 2024 15: 29
          dear, look at these “monkey faces”, do you think that they could be planning something? Don’t tell me my laces... for these imbeciles, it makes no difference to dig a hole or bury someone there... from the testimony of these animals, they were offered a million and half of it was already paid, and with this money he could buy half of his aul, if not all of it. .. in general, all migrants should be allowed only to work not related to serving the population, but exclusively to construction sites and be brought and taken to work in an organized manner on buses without permission to wander around the cities! Who can organize this? Only state authorities, but they don’t care... where there is order, there is no black cash. Let's hope for the best, don't get sick friends!
      2. +1
        23 March 2024 13: 53
        I hope their kidneys and liver are in trouble! sad
        1. +10
          23 March 2024 14: 05
          And? Who will be better off from this now? And I hope that these organs will be crushed by those who organized this abroad. Even here, among the diasporas, they are untouchable. And let them consider me a racist.
          1. +3
            23 March 2024 14: 12
            Even if you kill me, I don’t believe what he’s saying! He pretends to be a jamshut, telling a legend.
            1. 0
              23 March 2024 14: 14
              What? Not a jamshut? A representative of an extraterrestrial civilization?..
            2. +1
              23 March 2024 14: 30
              Quote: Edik
              Even if you kill me, I don’t believe what he’s saying! He’s pretending to be a jamshot.

              Yes, I also somehow hardly believe that he was born in 98, that is, that he is 26 years old
            3. +5
              23 March 2024 14: 32
              Quote: Edik
              Even if you kill me, I don’t believe what he’s saying! He pretends to be a jamshut, telling a legend.

              Certainly. For now he says what he remembered during the briefing. Now they will catch him lying and “shame him”, they say, you, Mister Bandit, should be ashamed! And he will obviously die of shame.
        2. +1
          23 March 2024 14: 07
          Quote: Edik
          I hope their kidneys and liver are in trouble! sad

          First, they need to sing like a nightingale and swear by their mother that Budanov is their brother, and then they can go to porridge and hell and bake! am
          1. +11
            23 March 2024 14: 18
            I was always touched by such comments. Well, he admits that he is a “brother.” What next? Before that, we were in the dark that the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, like this territory itself, is a terrorist state? Damn! We have seen the light! And I’ll even say, nothing will change. Just as they were not recognized as terrorists, our higher powers will not recognize them. The way they behaved with respect towards the diasporas, so it will continue.. There is not enough evil for this impotence at the top
            1. -6
              23 March 2024 14: 25
              Quote from: dmi.pris1
              I was always touched by such comments. Well, he admits that he is a “brother.” What next?

              And then we need to put an owl on the globe and demand from high tribunes to recognize Urkaina as a terrorist entity, thereby cutting off the supply of Stale from the outside...
              1. -1
                23 March 2024 14: 38
                Do you understand what you wrote? It’s strange. It seems like we live in the same country..
              2. -8
                23 March 2024 14: 41
                Not this way. It must be admitted that Ukraine left the USSR illegally.
                1. +5
                  23 March 2024 14: 47
                  Well, then moreover, the Union was destroyed illegally
                  1. -1
                    23 March 2024 14: 56
                    This is true - "This was the decision of the leadership of the Soviet Union" (c) Putin in an interview with Tucker Carloson. What does the decision have to do with ILLEGAL.
                    And for 30 years now, TV has been telling us that the USSR just sort of fell apart on its own.
                    1. +2
                      23 March 2024 15: 07
                      Uh..The media have been saying the opposite for thirty years? Tell me, Putin declared the illegality of the collapse of the state to an American journalist. But it’s weak for him to do this in front of a camera and tell us publicly. By the way, for twenty years under him the media have been saying the opposite. It’s weak for him to remove immunity from those , who took an active part in the collapse? Right down to their descendants and families? To whom did he “promise something” at one time?
                      1. 0
                        23 March 2024 15: 12
                        Tucker asked him the same question - to which Putin said that the power of the United States in the media outweighs its capabilities (including in Russia) - and he would simply “expose” his sources.
                        But Putin, in fact, said directly to the camera that the USSR dissolved its leadership (illegally, as it turned out). By the way, a legal document stating that the USSR “disappeared” simply does not exist.
                      2. 0
                        23 March 2024 16: 08
                        Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
                        But Putin, in fact, said directly to the camera that the USSR dissolved its leadership (illegally, as it turned out). By the way, a legal document stating that the USSR “disappeared” simply does not exist.

                        legal, illegal .. this is already a lyric 30 years later, something had to be done right away - now the USSR no longer exists and will not exist, and what’s the point of talking about it .. today we have the Russian Federation, we need to think and live in the present.
                      3. -3
                        23 March 2024 16: 09
                        legal, illegal.. these are already lyrics after 30 years, something had to be done right away

                        Is this what you personally decided? And who are you?
                      4. +1
                        23 March 2024 16: 15
                        Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
                        Is this what you personally decided? And who are you?

                        I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, and once in my childhood I was a pioneer of the Higher Professional Education Union named after Lenin - living in the present and reality, and not believing in fiction, understanding that the probability of the revival of communism in the Russian Federation is approximately the same as the probability of the appearance of the Russian Federation within the borders of the USSR.. and this probability is .. well.. 5 percent out of 100 with the most optimism.. and by the way, so that you understand, I would not be upset if the USSR appeared, but I look at reality soberly.. who are you and how are you different from me?
                      5. 0
                        23 March 2024 16: 19
                        Who is talking about the restoration of communism? Russia, as the legal successor of the USSR, on the basis of Article 67.1 of the Russian Constitution, can conduct an investigation into the actions of the leadership of the USSR that led to the current situation. Everything is within the law. No "fantasy". And to make public that in 1991 the procedure for secession of the Ukrainian SSR was violated, which means that now in 2024 Ukraine is a disputed territory. If so, then all countries are legally obligated to stop supplying weapons there. Etc. and so on.
                      6. +3
                        23 March 2024 16: 31
                        there is an inverse relationship here, if the USSR was not dissolved in essence, and the Russian Federation also left the USSR with a violation in exactly the same way, then the Russian Federation is not a legal successor, how can one be a legal successor to an existing entity.. and the Tribaltic region somehow ended up in NATO.. if from jurisprudence.. then Ukraine is recognized by the Russian Federation and vice versa as an independent country.. as well as by the whole world, and at our suggestion as well.. You are confused that the Russian Federation is absolutely not equal to the USSR, but there is one of its 15 heirs recognized the main one is the legal successor .. but the same heir as, for example, Belarus, only they, without legal succession, limited themselves to inheriting territories ..
                      7. -8
                        23 March 2024 16: 34
                        You are confused in the TV and fake pieces of paper. I wish you not to get confused in the self-identification of your gender, otherwise they will convincingly tell you with scientific explanations that you are not a man, but a woman, for example. And since you believed in the story of the USSR, then you will believe it here too.
                      8. +1
                        23 March 2024 16: 46
                        dear man, I figured out my gender a long time ago .. but the USSR does not exist and will never exist, just as at one time the Russian Empire disappeared and another country, the USSR, appeared, basically on the same territory, but without Poland and Finland, but to state that RI still exists, of course, if you want... come to terms with the fact - it’s just a FACT... all the best to you, otherwise you’re getting personal, I have no desire to communicate further hi
                      9. -6
                        23 March 2024 16: 48
                        Show a legal document that there is no USSR? It must be published by an authorized body. Can you? Then it will be a serious conversation.
                      10. +2
                        24 March 2024 09: 26
                        Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
                        Show a legal document that there is no USSR?

                        so are you talking about jurisprudence or facts? You’ve already decided.. there is no such document other than the Belovezhskaya agreement.. the next step? You and I decided that the USSR exists and it appeared like a phoenix? oh.. well, since we decided, for example, go to the border of Kazakhstan and send everyone who is at customs.. ah.. it doesn’t work out? because the reality is different.. The USSR does not exist.. 30 years already.. 30.. My friend.. Where have you been all this time?
                      11. -2
                        24 March 2024 12: 45
                        Look - if you separated from your wife in different apartments, but the divorce was not filed in court, then even 50 years will pass - your marriage will still be in law. So it is here - if the “collapse” of the USSR is not formalized, or is formalized with violations, then Russia can call all the territories of the USSR as disputed*, since Russia = the USSR on the basis of the new Article 67.1, which appeared for the first time in 2020 in the new Constitution. This is a medical, legal, or whatever fact.
                        * and disputed territories are subject to a special regime; at a minimum, weapons cannot be supplied to such territories. And such territories have no sovereignty.
                      12. +1
                        24 March 2024 19: 07
                        All empires face one end - collapse. This is a historical axiom and those who do not understand this will experience cognitive dissonance completely.
                      13. +3
                        23 March 2024 21: 13
                        Quote from: dmi.pris1
                        Tell me, Putin declared the illegality of the collapse of the state to an American journalist. But it’s weak for him to do this in front of a camera and tell us publicly.

                        I said it for you personally!
                        MOSCOW, September 30. /TASS/. The decision to collapse the Soviet Union, made by representatives of the party elites contrary to the direct will of the majority of people in a referendum, turned into a national disaster. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated this on Friday, speaking at the ceremony for the admission of four new territories to Russia.
                      14. 0
                        24 March 2024 11: 00
                        Quote: Edik
                        The decision to collapse the Soviet Union, made by representatives of the party elites contrary to the direct will of the majority of people in a referendum, turned into a national disaster.

                        I also stated... both VVP and you... what next? They said, have a drink and calm down... or something else?
                      15. 0
                        24 March 2024 11: 05
                        It’s the TsIPSO that works up there) He urgently needs to be dissatisfied with Putin there.
                      16. 0
                        24 March 2024 11: 17
                        What does Putin have to do with it? Do you understand the meaning?
                      17. 0
                        24 March 2024 11: 20
                        Let me explain, click on the red arrow on my comment at the top and you will see who I was addressing and you will understand the meaning!
                      18. +1
                        24 March 2024 11: 21
                        I tried it.. based on my comment and brought it.. if not for me.. then fine drinks
                      19. 0
                        24 March 2024 11: 26
                        I know that if you say “sweet,” it won’t make your mouth any sweeter.
                      20. +1
                        24 March 2024 19: 09
                        Why didn’t he put forward raising the retirement age to a referendum?! This is just an example. And there are dozens of such examples!
                2. +6
                  23 March 2024 14: 50
                  It came out illegally... Like Russia, by the way... Contrary to the will of the people in the referendum.

                  Maybe it's time to carry out de-Elcinization?!
                  1. -4
                    23 March 2024 14: 59
                    Haven’t you heard that more than 450 signatures have already been collected for an investigation into the collapse of the USSR? The Supreme Court completely ignores this fact. There is even a website - "gorbsudrf". There, anyone can join the lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by lawyer Olga Smirnova.
                  2. 0
                    23 March 2024 15: 50
                    This is what we are talking about. But apparently “Zarathustra does not allow”
      3. +2
        23 March 2024 14: 02
        Quote: Lev_Russia
        Previously, at least terrorists killed and died for an idea, but now for the green ones on the map... Ewwww!!! What an abomination!!!

        This is an ordinary mercenary, there is also money for the idea.
        1. +1
          23 March 2024 14: 24
          Quote: ettore
          This is an ordinary mercenary

          Ordinary mercenaries do not carry out terrorist attacks. This is exactly the terrorist! Hope he won’t live long, because he has no use for it.
          Did you want to go to Allah with the Gurias? Well, send him to them, who are we to prevent him from joining, on the contrary, we need to speed him up.
          1. -3
            23 March 2024 14: 33
            Quote: K-50
            Ordinary mercenaries do not carry out terrorist attacks. This is exactly the terrorist!

            And what is the fundamental difference? In both cases the crime is committed in order to send a signal to others, the number of victims and the magnitude of the psychological effect differ. A mercenary can do for money what a terrorist does for an idea and money.
            A mercenary is a terrorist who has no religious or political idea, only money.
      4. +5
        23 March 2024 14: 05
        Quote: Lev_Russia
        Previously, at least terrorists killed and died for an idea, but now for the green ones on the map... Ewww!!!

        The investigation process is at the very beginning, it remains to be seen what details and details will come to light. Maybe now this “true believer” is simply lying that it’s only for money. When the rest are caught and turned inside out, then it will be possible to draw final conclusions. They really tried to shoot as many people as possible. It is ideological terrorists who do this. My personal assumptions.
      5. +2
        23 March 2024 14: 13
        The criminal was also asked where he got the weapon, to which he evasively replied that........

        Pendos doesn't say anything or is outright lying. The main thing is that they are not eliminated prematurely in solitary confinement cells. The investigation and search engines need to dig further.
        1. +5
          23 March 2024 14: 26
          Quote: frruc
          Pendos doesn't say anything or is outright lying

          Where did you get such experience with a machine gun? Looks like an ordinary janitor.
          1. +4
            23 March 2024 14: 33
            South Ukrainian
            Looks like an ordinary janitor.

            They will check this janitor for calluses on his fingers and for gunpowder fumes, and they will thoroughly investigate him. There are still a dozen detainees there. And the search engines continue to scour.
      6. +5
        23 March 2024 14: 20
        Quote: Lev_Russia
        It’s not enough to hang these nits, first quarter them as it was in Rus' (or staked...) I think there will be those willing...

        Maybe now the ban on the death penalty will be lifted, at least for such pogomies
      7. +4
        23 March 2024 14: 27
        and now for the green ones on the card...

        Not even for green ones, just for 500 thousand wooden ones, just like that...
      8. +4
        23 March 2024 14: 54
        I suggest carefully cutting off the feet and bandaging them so that they don’t become clogged from blood loss. Throw it to the hungry pigs. For those who don’t know, hungry pigs are worse than tigers. they tear apart and devour everything living and non-living. Being eaten alive is a worthy punishment.
    2. +7
      23 March 2024 13: 58
      Quote: Rage66
      You have to impale him slowly...
      But he will quickly remember everything hi

      Bamboo grows very quickly. The guilty person was seated on a seat above the bamboo and the sprout was tucked into his anus. The sprout grew right inside. East is a delicate matter... wink
    3. +5
      23 March 2024 14: 06
      Quote: Rage66
      You have to impale him slowly
      First interrogate thoroughly
      1. +3
        23 March 2024 14: 22
        First interrogate thoroughly
        ...no problem...a couple of doses of Amital...and all the info in your pocket...but a public execution wouldn't be bad...and not some kind of hanging...but for him to suffer in public...a dose of butulin right in the mouth
    4. +2
      23 March 2024 14: 09
      Hang him and feed the corpse to pigs.
      1. +4
        23 March 2024 14: 24
        Hang on the gates of the Tajik Embassy.
        1. +5
          23 March 2024 15: 37
          Better at the gates of the Moskvoretsky market.
    5. +5
      23 March 2024 14: 11
      Quote: Rage66
      You have to impale him slowly...
      But he will quickly remember everything hi

      And bury him alive, sewn into a pig skin, feed him only pork, and let him curse the day he was born. am
    6. +4
      23 March 2024 14: 29
      Quote: Rage66
      You have to impale him slowly...
      But he will quickly remember everything

      about “on stake”, I agree that he will remember, I deeply doubt it, a stupid animal that doesn’t know anything was used as a condom
    7. +2
      23 March 2024 19: 10
      Quote: Rage66
      You have to impale him slowly...
      But he will quickly remember everything hi

      Absolutely fair! This is exactly what I wanted to write about right away:

      He needs to start cutting his living member lengthwise! Then very quickly all these “I don’t know”, “I haven’t seen”, “I don’t know”, “I lost my card” will end. He will remember everything at once.
  2. +11
    23 March 2024 13: 45
    Well, going to kill for 500k rubles sounds like... ahem, not true.
    Although on the other hand there was an idea that this was actually the case. The curators at TG (whose handwriting is known) hired these, I don’t even know what to call these creatures, for a pittance, and they thought of organizing black PR. Like they’ll go shoot, maybe kill a couple of people, purely an action for the media. And these non-humans went wild. And when information began to emerge about how serious everything turned out to be, their eyes widened with fear and they began to panic. This is where the tsipso stuffing came from, this is where the escape with the banknote came from, this is where various excuses come from, and this is also where the hastily put together fake story about the responsibility of ISIS came from.
    1. +1
      23 March 2024 13: 54
      Quote: Mirakuru
      Like they’ll go shoot, maybe kill a couple of people, purely an action for the media.

      Moreover, they got their hands on the actions in the Belgorod region (if they are exactly who I think), the curators - RDK, similar handwriting... but did not calculate the scale of the problem and the consequences for themselves.
      1. +3
        23 March 2024 14: 02
        It says it came from Turkey. I have no more questions. These creatures were trained there, it is no secret that Türkiye is a training and transit hub.
      2. +4
        23 March 2024 14: 21
        Quote: Aleksandr21
        curators - RDK, similar handwriting..

        Can you talk about “similar handwriting” in more detail?
        The handwriting, by the way, is more similar to Muslim.
        1. 0
          23 March 2024 14: 32
          Quote: Krasnoyarsk
          Can you talk about “similar handwriting” in more detail?
          The handwriting, by the way, is more similar to Muslim.

          It’s similar in that they contacted the perpetrators via telegram and offered money (the Ukrainian special services are very fond of this) + after the terrorist attack was carried out, where did the militants go? Towards Ukraine, where, according to information from our special services, they had connections on the other side...

          Before this, RDK did almost the same thing: a PR campaign. resonance... I remember their first attacks, when they shot at cars with civilians and random passers-by) here, with minor differences, the picture is similar.

          Well, the Muslim handwriting... after all, there are more ideological ones, martyrs, but here they did the work for money - they didn’t want to die, and headed to Ukraine. So either the Ukrainian State Intelligence Directorate had a hand in this, or the curators from the UK... or maybe all parties.
          1. 0
            23 March 2024 16: 08
            Quote: Aleksandr21

            It is similar in that the performers were contacted via telegram and offered money (the Ukrainian special services are very fond of this) +

            Well, nothing can be done without money. Our intelligence officers over the hill also do not hesitate (and rightly so) to pay their informants.
            Let's imagine that you have your own Telegram channel. Can you recruit a group for a terrorist attack? To begin with, on what basis will you contact a Telegram user? A complete stranger to you. Or to everyone? At random. Some people will agree. So? Failure is guaranteed for you. This is the first. Second, please note that the detainees are said to speak Russian poorly. What about reading? Do they read well and understand everything they read? So? Oh-oh-oh. Well, third. Where would you run? To Turkmenistan? So it's far away. And the Outskirts 1. is closer, 2. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
            Of course, I don’t exclude that the Outskirts are involved here, but the worm of doubt still gnaws at the soul. It seems to me that the organizer is located on Russian territory.
            I hope the FSB will find out who he serves.
            1. +1
              23 March 2024 16: 21
              Quote: Krasnoyarsk
              It seems to me that the organizer is located on Russian territory.
              I hope the FSB will find out who he serves.

              No, this is more serious... what goals did the organizer (if he is in Russia) set? It is clear to anyone that after something like this the special services will dig their noses into the ground, but they will find absolutely anyone on the territory of the Russian Federation, so the organizer is definitely from abroad and this is not a private person, but some serious company. Because the militants were trained abroad + the international factor was used + the West's statements that it was ISIS (immediately after the terrorist attack) indicate that this organizer is connected with them, they would not shift the blame for someone else... and the fact that the US had information about the terrorist attack in early March (even though they were wrong about the timing) indicates that they knew the details...

              To this it is worth adding about the Ukrainian window that was being prepared for the militants, and without connections in Ukraine such an issue cannot be resolved... so this is definitely the work of either the Ukrainian or British intelligence services, who used migrants for their own purposes.
              1. +1
                23 March 2024 16: 34
                Quote: Aleksandr21
                they will find absolutely anyone, so the organizer is definitely from abroad and this is not a private person, but some

                When I said “Organizer,” I meant a person, or several people, who directly organized the technical execution of the act. And the idea, finances, etc., of course, were provided by foreign specialists. CIA, MI6, Mossad, US NSS, GUR, Siguranza (joke) here is work for the FSB. I'm sure they'll figure it out.
    2. +1
      23 March 2024 13: 54
      Quote: Mirakuru
      This is where the tsipso stuffing came from, this is where the escape with the bank account came from, this is where various excuses come from, and this is also where the hastily put together fake story about the responsibility of the Islamic State came from.

      And here there were already reports of strange movements of “professionals” around the hall...
      What a country we have, though. It also turns out that they lived in Russia BEFORE...
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Gavnyuk has difficulty remembering the “legend”.

      Most likely, he has difficulty remembering the Russian language...
    3. +4
      23 March 2024 13: 54
      I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that this is a cover group.
      Western media and the CIPs made a false start. They started shouting about Muslims when they hadn't caught anyone yet. They knew they would catch Tajiks.
    4. +5
      23 March 2024 13: 55
      I think that they were persuaded to kill on religious grounds, and the money was a bonus. The more stupid a person is, the easier it is for all sorts of “preacher’s assistants” to manipulate him.
    5. +2
      23 March 2024 13: 59
      They didn't have any panic. And they didn't go kill a couple of people. They carried incendiary mixtures with them to start a fire. They came clearly, did their job and left clearly.
      1. -3
        23 March 2024 14: 01
        It was not them who panicked, but the organizers, because the performers approached the matter with all their hearts.
        1. +2
          23 March 2024 14: 05
          Why were they given the task of starting an arson? To kill a couple of people? I'm not even talking about firing bursts from a machine gun at a crowd of people. Well, yes, we expected to kill a couple of people, yeah
      2. +3
        23 March 2024 14: 46
        However, after being caught, the animal did not behave so clearly - it was shaking like an aspen leaf, there was fear in its eyes. Go ahead and piss yourself (at least).
    6. +7
      23 March 2024 13: 59
      Quote: Mirakuru
      The curators at TG (whose handwriting is known) hired these, I don’t even know what to call these creatures, for a pittance, and they thought of organizing black PR.
      It’s strange, before this they said that the work was done by professionals. Staver wrote an entire article. And here for only 500...yes, their Renault costs more, not to mention the weapons...Some kind of dregs
      1. +2
        23 March 2024 14: 03
        This just doesn’t fit, in short, the main thing is for the FSB to shake everything out of them.
    7. +5
      23 March 2024 14: 03
      Do you live well in Muscovy, but do you work for the budget-Gazprom?
      and you don’t understand how people live in the other part beyond the Moscow Ring Road.
      Only recently in Khakassia a man (from the Shoigu people) with an ax beat one to death in the head, stabbed the second with a knife, pinned him with his legs and cut his throat like an animal.
      cause? I lost at cards for 10 or 20 tr.
      In my Moscow region, just recently, a man killed a man for 30 tr in debt. He was already on loans, and then a debt of 30 rubles flew in - and the roof was blown off.
      ridiculous amounts, right? for you. and people are capable of this because of them.
    8. +3
      23 March 2024 14: 16
      Quote: Mirakuru

      Well, going to kill for 500k rubles sounds like... ahem, not true.

      It turns out that they were bullied into Telegram, promised a small amount of money, indicated the object, were given some kind of “ruzho” and that’s all?
      But what about the words of an eyewitness: - “They acted harmoniously, skillfully, there was a clear sense of organization, everyone knew their place...”
      It doesn’t smell here, it stinks of untruth.
  3. +11
    23 March 2024 13: 47
    Gavnyuk has a hard time remembering the "legend". He needs to be gutted inside out, the FSB knows how to do that.
    1. +2
      23 March 2024 14: 15
      Quote: tralflot1832
      We need to gut him inside out, the FSB knows how to do that.

      They will learn the anthem with him am
    2. +1
      23 March 2024 14: 22
      The Russian has difficulty remembering, he is shaking with fear and cold.
  4. +4
    23 March 2024 13: 47
    We need to carefully check everything, all their testimony and so on. So that this is not a front group. But the real one is hiding and waiting to leave. I think they'll figure it out.
    1. +14
      23 March 2024 13: 56
      Well, yes, he’s sitting like that and here he gets a text message in a cart or a WhatsApp: “Listen dude, go kill someone, we’ll give you 500 thousand rubles”... He’s like: “Who should we kill?” To him: “yes, it doesn’t matter”...
      "And, where and when"? “We’ll send you the address and time.” “Where are the weapons and ammunition?” “Let the dudes come and bring them in a car, and you can eat together.” He’s like, “Oh, what a lot of money, I agree.” Is that how it all happened, judging by the article? winked
  5. +7
    23 March 2024 13: 48
    It's clear he's a ram for slaughter, the others who were riding in the car with him are also clearly suffering from a brain deficiency if they rode with weapons in the car, and didn't change the car that half the country was looking for for another one! Unfortunately, there are a lot of them now, recruit as many as you want! What are we even talking about if our chickens are burning relay cabinets on iron for thousands of rubles? And this scarecrow's brain was completely washed out, he thinks he's a hero, but the role of game was originally destined for him! And he didn't lose the map with the money - they stole their own to make money among themselves!
    1. -1
      23 March 2024 14: 14
      We've been looking for something for a very long time.
  6. +3
    23 March 2024 13: 49
    We are all eating almonds, looking for friends, but there are only enemies around. And there is a war, but those in power do not understand this. And teaches trotting lessons.
  7. +4
    23 March 2024 13: 49
    They killed for a long time and a lot. Not just - he shot for money and ran away. ....Maybe they were given a “plan” for the number of killed?....More likely, an “ideologically besotted” one, who is now pretending to be a cowardly lamb.
    1. +1
      23 March 2024 13: 57
      Quote: samarin1969
      They killed for a long time and a lot. Not just - he shot for money and ran away.

      It may turn out that more people died from the fire than from bullets... Already 115 victims...
      1. +3
        23 March 2024 14: 13
        Ross42 - unfortunately, almost 150 people died! Bodies are found in different places, many suffocated from smoke!
        1. +1
          23 March 2024 14: 38
          Quote: Thrifty
          Bodies are found in different places, many suffocated by smoke!

          This is exactly what I meant. The lesson is not going to waste... The building should not burn like a matchbox... And the fire extinguishing systems should work...
          But their installation is so expensive...
  8. +2
    23 March 2024 13: 50
    Where did you get the information from - Telegram. How did you communicate - via Telegram. How did you meet - via Telegram. Who and how gave the orders to start and conduct the action - via Telegram. "Honor and respect" to Telegram channels. Nobody reads Telegram channels, absolutely nobody, especially some "they" angels or devils, science and nature do not know in principle. Especially those who publish their reports on the work done in their so-called channels. Well done! am request good drinks hi
  9. +5
    23 March 2024 13: 51
    Only the death penalty.
    1. +3
      23 March 2024 14: 12
      Quote from JÜRGEN WEGNER
      Only the death penalty.

      Why is it so weak? The entire clan must be held accountable for such a large-scale terrorist attack. There must be consequences for all “believers in telegrams”... am
      1. +5
        23 March 2024 14: 17
        Publicly execute the customers and performers.

        You can, of course, force the murderer's mother to carry out her sentence.
        These scum know who they raised. And the father should be executed along with his son.

        All involved, regardless of rank and position.
  10. +9
    23 March 2024 13: 52
    Wahhabis, with a British flavor. And there are millions of them in Russia. I am sure that no one will be held accountable for this, and they will continue to import valuable specialists to Russia
  11. +1
    23 March 2024 13: 53
    Quote: Mirakuru
    Well, going to kill for 500k rubles is like that, it smacks...

    why not? For a Tajik, a fan from Gissar, this is a lot of money.
    Fr Forsyth's excellent novels about preachers - especially Kill List - according to communication with the preacher in the Internet - worshipers of Allah are killing people in the states and England - the preacher is included in the list of murders, which is reviewed weekly by the President of the United States.
    1. +5
      23 March 2024 14: 10
      БоTajiks can “earn” more money from SVO, which is what some of them do.
      At least 2,5 months.
      And if everything goes well, they will also receive Russian citizenship, and even honor, employment, etc.

      So this thing about money is some kind of fake. They have a different motive. Or intoxicated by the Rais and their other prophets.
      1. +2
        23 March 2024 14: 26
        Why did they pay in rubles, and not in hryvnias, if they were going to Ukraine or not in euro-dollars? What will he do with rubles abroad? And yes, half was transferred to the bank card that he lost (to which bank? Considering that all banks are disconnected not only from SWIFT, but also from MIR if the payment is abroad)... How was he going to get the money? Well, that's it....
        1. 0
          23 March 2024 15: 02
          Are you small, or do you think crypto is also under sanctions? or do you think in our country no one will cash for magar and transfer someone to someone who needs a certain amount? Transferring money is not a problem, absolutely, but weapons... and they didn’t work with Saiga or Veprem, but with AK 12mi, albeit in the first series, this is how the weapons got into the country and moved freely, it’s a question of questions, it’s a pity the numbers are all knocked down on the barrels anyway, I think where the Ak 12 could have come from is not difficult to guess
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. +9
    23 March 2024 13: 55
    Who let this creature into Russia? Who gave him the passport?
  14. The comment was deleted.
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  15. +1
    23 March 2024 13: 58
    not only telegrams, but also banks are accomplices, and there are plenty of non-humans.
    they don’t understand, but there is fear
  16. +14
    23 March 2024 13: 58
    Say thank you to Putin for his uncontrolled distribution of Russian passports to such “also-Russians” and “irreplaceable” specialists from Central Asia.
    No matter how funny it may sound, under Medvedev there was no such distribution and lawlessness. They worked for us, but had temporary residence permits and were deported in batches for any violation.
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  17. +11
    23 March 2024 13: 59

    Gives testimony through an interpreter.

    Product of migration policy.
    1. +4
      23 March 2024 14: 32
      Believe me, with a competent approach (and the people there know their business) in the pretrial detention center in Lefortovo, those who speak poorly start speaking in the language of Pushkin and Lermontov. Just put your fingers in the door frame and press lightly with the door. There is no need to feel sorry for them.
      1. +1
        23 March 2024 14: 36
        Nothing became clearer. There are more questions than answers from these ghouls.

        The Anglo-Saxons know how to cast a shadow on captivity and use the hands of others to create provocations and acts of terrorism.

        Somehow they immediately got involved and instantly gave a tip on the chock.
        1. +1
          24 March 2024 01: 09
          animal performers... but obviously the customers are different. The security officers will establish who and what, rest assured.
      2. +1
        23 March 2024 20: 21
        To confirm your words, a British mercenary sings the Russian anthem
        while he was waiting to see whether he would receive the death penalty in the DPR.

        then our great cunning leader Putin exchanged him for his beloved godfather Medvedchuk. And this Briton (surrounded by banned leaders from Azov, and his mercenary brothers), flying on Abramovich’s private plane, eating tiramisu cake on camera and calling his family in Britain from a brand new iPhone.


        and then the same British mercenary returned to Ukraine AGAIN and took selfies near Avdiivka, before ours finally took it.

        The moral of this story?
        If Putin had man balls, he would be a man. And I would not let these bastards escape punishment. And he would bring them to the death penalty or life sentences, if it cannot be applied.

        PS: I think this is the answer to everyone why I personally write Putin’s last name with a small letter. We have never had such a spineless president, except for Gorbachev and Yeltsin (but then it was obvious to everyone and everyone blamed them for it.).
        So many mistakes, so many “gestures of good will”, so many things in the style of “I’m a bourgeois and I do bourgeois things, but I was deceived” (c) September 2023.

        TWICE the Minsk agreements, when the militias went on the attack and they had a chance to make a breakthrough. And then the Merkel-Olands admitted that the Minsk agreements were a fiction and they deliberately deceived our gullible grandfather so that Ukraine could prepare better. Prepared. This is the second year we have been suffering with this hydra.

        Or the way he doesn’t keep his word - “how can you raise the retirement age? He worked and immediately went into a wooden mac?” and after a couple of years raises the penny. age as quietly and quickly as possible so that the people do not understand anything.
        Someday, people will see the light and based on the totality of his deeds and indecisiveness, deceitfulness, etc., they will draw the correct conclusions about his role in the history of our country.
        In 24 years, Stalin turned a country with a plow into a space power, having gone through the Second World War with the destruction of industry and people, and Putin, in the same 24 years, gave only our gold and foreign currency reserves to the West, and firmly built the entire economy of the country on the sale of timber, oil, gas, metals and grains Unfortunately, we do not produce anything else. They couldn't even land a rocket on the Moon without an accident. Eh.
  18. fiv
    23 March 2024 14: 00
    Bring back the death penalty. Bring back the death penalty. Bring back the death penalty, finally!
    Bring back respect for the Russian passport, especially among employees of the Federal Migration Service! Create a Russian Internet!
    1. -2
      23 March 2024 14: 55
      In my opinion, the issue is not the death penalty, but rather the stupid reshuffles of all sorts of ministers. For example, they will remove one, and then they will simply move him to another warm place. Fundamentally, new people are needed, with a different way of thinking. Well, let’s say Khusnullin’s head flies from one place, but they won’t take him anywhere, they’ll just move him to another. We do not raise people with fundamentally different thinking. We will execute 100 terrorists, and psy..a Khussnulin will bring in another 200 thousand during this time.
      1. fiv
        23 March 2024 15: 43
        Everything I said above plus growing new people. Whether you like it or not, ideology comes to mind. I agree with you, but only partially.
  19. +3
    23 March 2024 14: 04
    These guys are mentally different from those who were in Crocus
    To my mind
    1. +3
      23 March 2024 14: 18
      Quote: Rage66
      These guys are mentally different from those who were in Crocus
      To my mind

      It's really weird here. First they came in extremely professionally, staged a professional terrorist attack according to all the rules. They left in a flash without a trace and disappeared into the fog. After that it was a complete circus with horses. Where they are some kind of complete non-aholics and amateurs. Either my father and mother were hares like in the joke or they are the scapegoats that real bandits give to the security forces
  20. +6
    23 March 2024 14: 05
    Of course he’s lying, they love to pretend to be sheep. If from that group, then everything is probably deeper than this babble..... *I don’t know anyone, I haven’t seen anything.”
  21. +3
    23 March 2024 14: 05
    How did he get to Russia? Guest worker?
    1. +3
      23 March 2024 14: 13
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      How did he get to Russia? Guest worker?

      There was news that all citizens of the Russian Federation
      1. +2
        23 March 2024 14: 15
        Quote: tkoh
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        How did he get to Russia? Guest worker?

        There was news that all citizens of the Russian Federation
        But it was that they were citizens of Tajikistan
        1. +4
          23 March 2024 14: 28
          Quote: Dutchman Michel
          But it was that they were citizens of Tajikistan

          It does not interfere. Russian passports are distributed to Tajiks very simply
  22. +5
    23 March 2024 14: 05
    I don't know what else needs to happen so that the person responsible for the safety of citizens and possessing the necessary powers does not take measures to regularly strike at the decision-making centers? In my opinion, many mistakes have already been made due to inconsistency and cowardice since 14. And every day we are washing ourselves in blood more and more. But attempts at pacification, attempts to agree to calm down in no way can. And this paradoxical situation is more reminiscent of criminal negligence, failure to implement measures to ensure the safety of life and health of Russian citizens, rather than a cunning multi-move game.
    1. +1
      23 March 2024 20: 30
      Here, another one has received his sight.
      I wrote a detailed comment about this same thing above.
      but for now, we have 83% who have not seen the light or are covering their eyes with an indifferent hand at the creator of many of our misunderstandings or problems.
  23. +6
    23 March 2024 14: 06
    I can’t believe that this idiot took part in the terrorist attack. Possibly a false trail to hide the real performers, who are now quietly sipping coffee in a rented apartment.
    1. +3
      23 March 2024 14: 52
      Some of them are all small, in the first shots of the shooting they were taller and more like pros, but these seem to be from the market, pushing the “Arava” and shouting “mail, mail”.
      1. +5
        23 March 2024 15: 10
        Yes, I agree, because what happened was a very complex sabotage operation, carefully thought out and planned, where all the roles were distributed down to the seconds. Suicide bombers usually undertake such operations, but these even managed to GET AWAY!!! And for such an operation they attracted ordinary Tajiks from the market, in general, even for Tajiks for pennies??? I can’t believe it at all.
    2. +2
      23 March 2024 15: 25
      The same thought, perhaps he was a servant, or, alternatively, under the influence of something there. But the tangle needs to be unwound + there are still many witnesses left
  24. +3
    23 March 2024 14: 06
    The most important question is why did you end up in the Bryansk region?
    1. +2
      23 March 2024 14: 28
      The most important question is why did you end up in the Bryansk region?

      To then move to the Chernigov region. Perhaps he was deliberately set up for subsequent arrest in order to confuse his tracks.
      1. 0
        23 March 2024 15: 23
        Judging by the interrogation, they are not the smartest and it is not entirely clear to me whether they were performers. If you were at the border, then you can’t cross it so easily, you need to figure out how. I hope the information below will be conveyed to us.
        1. +1
          23 March 2024 15: 26
          Judging by the interrogation, they are not the smartest and it is not entirely clear to me whether they were performers

          I'm of the same opinion. The real terrorists could have been thrown out of the car along the road and are now free, but these are fake sheep.
  25. +9
    23 March 2024 14: 07
    Expel all Tajiks from Russia!
    Khusnullina - resign.
  26. +8
    23 March 2024 14: 07
    Quote: Mirakuru
    Well, going to kill for 500k rubles sounds like... ahem, not true.

    Law enforcement agencies, after they missed something like this, will work on a quick arrest. And finding "scapegoats" is easy. We need to figure it out! Instead of Chekatilo, people were shot and kept in prison. The leadership demanded results! hi
  27. +8
    23 March 2024 14: 07
    Somehow he doesn’t look much like the ruthless killing machine that was in the videos. It was clear that cold-blooded professionals were operating there, but this one was bleating and shaking like a donkey. Most likely a fake
    1. +3
      23 March 2024 14: 21
      He is not alone, but events change people very much, and besides, it is cold there, it is difficult to maintain composure. More information in tg channels of military correspondents
      1. 0
        23 March 2024 14: 58
        This is fear, and fear is adrenaline, so the animal shakes. Although I also have skepticism regarding the fact that it was he who participated in the execution.
      2. 0
        23 March 2024 15: 31
        To be honest, they don’t look alike at all, but there is still a type of people. Look at the interrogations of terrorists from Chechnya - you can see from the person that he is chewing his throat out and doesn’t particularly care about it. One of my former managers is a retired Alpha employee; he does not release adrenaline at all.
    2. +4
      23 March 2024 14: 25
      It's hard to judge from the video. They could pump them up with “combat chemicals” - that’s why they were ruthless. And the shaking may be because psychosis began after the drug stopped working.
      They don’t look like professionals - they would “lay low”, but these ran away, didn’t even change their car
      1. +4
        23 March 2024 15: 35
        A very well-thought-out terrorist attack and an absolutely unthought-out exit - it seems very strange so far. There is no change of car, no change of license plates, any group of schoolchildren after that fled and lay down for 3 weeks. For me, one of the main questions is why were there no masks in the center?
        1. +1
          23 March 2024 15: 49
          A very well-thought-out terrorist attack

          Remove the word very.
          50% thought out.
          not a well-thought-out exit

          Well, they did the best they could.
          Do you think bandits should be highly intelligent Navy SEALs?
    3. +1
      23 March 2024 15: 46
      Yes, they are like that: they are always ready to terrorize the weak, and when they take them, they shake.
  28. +2
    23 March 2024 14: 12
    I don't believe it's ISIS.
    More likely Ukraine.
    But they will all be gutted anyway.
    They will tell you everything.
    Modern chemistry works wonders.
    1. +2
      23 March 2024 14: 19
      They write that the coordinator of the terrorist attack could have been the Ichkerian field commander Shishani, who is now in the Kharkov region as part of the Armed Forces
      1. +2
        23 March 2024 14: 36
        Ichkerian Shishani

        Oil: “Ichkeria” - that’s what the militants called Chechnya, “shishani” - in Arabic “Chechen” (they don’t have the sounds “ch” and “e” - “tea” in Arabic “shay”).
        So essentially you wrote: "some anonymous person posing as a Chechen"
    2. 0
      23 March 2024 14: 37
      Why chemistry? There are many interrogation methods - and these are not torture. And a drug addict on chemicals will say something like this...
      Psychology can work wonders in the hands of a skilled investigator.
    3. 0
      23 March 2024 14: 48
      Chemistry works wonders, but they will say... or rather we will hear what is beneficial to our leaders, and since our leaders are for peace throughout the world, it will most likely be ISIS, which everyone dislikes, but they can’t get to, and with Ukrainians more negotiations need to be conducted... again, a favorable background...
  29. +5
    23 March 2024 14: 13
    According to him, an unknown person allegedly promised him half a million rubles for shooting people in Crocus City Hall. And he received half of this amount on the card, but lost the card. After the terrorist attack was carried out, they promised to transfer the rest of the money

    Eeeeh!? What is this, what kind of nonsense is this? The customer pays the contractor through the bank, so that it can be tracked later? The contractor loses a card with 500 thousand in money, and such idiots did the secret services? It's getting very alarming somehow.
    1. +4
      23 March 2024 14: 37
      These are stupid imbeciles, they are not able to think and think through. Why do many people think that bank robbers are cunning and smart action heroes, although in reality they kill and imprison everyone? And half of the others are stuck on nonsense.
      A bunch of our fellow citizens by birth sawed rails for pennies and blew up distribution cabinets, set fire to military registration and enlistment offices and Ministry of Internal Affairs buildings. And how many of them who fled abroad donate to Ukrainians, collect jars for making trench candles, and send money? How many such groups are there in a telegram with thousands of subscribers? Wake up, hello.
      And the execution at the training camp has already been forgotten in 22?
      1. 0
        23 March 2024 14: 42
        Quote from Arisaka
        These are stupid imbeciles, they are not able to think and think through. Why do many people think that bank robbers are cunning and smart action heroes, although in reality they kill and imprison everyone? And half of the others are stuck on nonsense.

        I am worried that the secret services have screwed up the preparation of these imbeciles for the terrorist attack. That is what my post is about. Such a terrorist attack cannot be organized spontaneously and quickly, especially since there were hints two weeks in advance.
        Or are they trying to make them look like imbeciles? But then even more questions arise.
        1. +2
          23 March 2024 14: 45
          I can’t even imagine how, in a city the size of another country, this can be prevented. The population has millions of legal firearms in their hands, how many were brought from 404 in a roundabout way, the population is millions. If in Israel you clearly see - this is ours, this is an Arab. Both Tajiks and natives of 404 are familiar to us. I, as a Muscovite, remember how during the second Chechen war we shied away from everyone in the subway. And even that didn't really help.
        2. -1
          23 March 2024 15: 54
          Quote: ettore
          Quote from Arisaka
          These are stupid imbeciles, they are not able to think and think through. Why do many people think that bank robbers are cunning and smart action heroes, although in reality they kill and imprison everyone? And half of the others are stuck on nonsense.

          I am worried that the secret services have screwed up the preparation of these imbeciles for the terrorist attack. That is what my post is about. Such a terrorist attack cannot be organized spontaneously and quickly, especially since there were hints two weeks in advance.
          Or are they trying to make them look like imbeciles? But then even more questions arise.

          Even the British and Americans gave us an official notification that within 48 hours a terrorist attack was expected in Moscow in crowded places, most likely in a concert building.
        3. +1
          23 March 2024 15: 55
          I'm worried that the security services squandered their preparations

          How do you think this could have been prevented?
          It's hard to keep track of everything.
          How many people, and each one needs to be controlled???
          It is not possible to control everything.
          Such a terrorist attack is not organized spontaneously and quickly

          What's so complicated?
          It's like robbing a bank.
          1. +1
            23 March 2024 16: 01
            Quote from stelltok
            What's so complicated?
            It's like robbing a bank.

            This is not a lone terrorist attack, it involves a group of people larger than the final number of participants on site. Obtain plans for the building, work out a clear, to the point of automation, scheme of movement and interaction, preparation of transport, weapons and explosives.
            1. +1
              23 March 2024 16: 14
              Get building plans

              It is not difficult.
              develop a clear, automatic pattern of movement and interaction,

              It is not difficult.
              preparation of transport

              We just bought a car.
              , weapons and explosives.

              Is this really difficult?
              In addition.
              You can't keep track of everything.
              1. +4
                23 March 2024 16: 20
                Training imbeciles, as we are shown, is not easy. I have experience of serving with similar ones in the USSR. It took a month to teach them to simply walk in an organized manner, not to mention complex conscious interaction.
  30. +5
    23 March 2024 14: 15
    This animal is carrying the blizzard. Based on the actions of the animals in the video, it is clear that the animals underwent training and training before this. But at the same time, it is clear from the way they hold their weapons that they did not participate in the hostilities.
  31. +1
    23 March 2024 14: 19
    They gave the money to the card, i.e. was the translation made? Who translated? Where the weapon was handed over, who else was with it. Some kind of baby talk And in the news it was that he was above average height and had war experience, somehow he didn’t look like
  32. 0
    23 March 2024 14: 20
    Cook! Shoot!!! am
    According to him, an unknown person allegedly promised him half a million rubles for shooting people in Crocus City Hall. And he received half of this amount on the card, but lost the card. After the terrorist attack was carried out, they promised to transfer the rest of the money.

    Where will Judas take you? because you lost the map. And, I hope, you will lose your worthless life. Those who make money from killing civilians do not have the right to their lives!
  33. +4
    23 March 2024 14: 20
    Does anyone really believe this lie? It is clear that he is either a fake or has not yet been interrogated using the right methods.
    Someone, somewhere, somewhere, lost the card...
    I would like to believe that he was later helped to “properly” remember.
  34. +4
    23 March 2024 14: 20
    The authorities are putting forward a lying Tajik in order to later cover up Kyiv. The terrorist attack itself was probably planned in Kyiv and Britain. But this is a holy country for our political impotents and tomorrow's traitors.
  35. The comment was deleted.
  36. +5
    23 March 2024 14: 22
    The criminal was also asked where he got the weapon, to which he evasively replied that “they, with whom I communicated via Telegram, gave it.”

    It's time to finally forget about the desired assimilation of migrants and stop talking about patience and a tolerant attitude towards their antics! Now it is very important to deal with all this corrupt bureaucratic evil spirits, which allowed and allows, including people like those detained for the murders in Crocus Hall, to come and stay in Russia without problems.
  37. +7
    23 March 2024 14: 23
    There are several peoples called “Tajiks”. They even differ in appearance.
    The residents of Kulyab are the most pro-Russian and relatively civilized.
    And this one is a typical Harmian. They are distinguished by their backwardness and Islamism.
    1. +1
      23 March 2024 20: 46
      The shawarma vendor I go to is a Tajik-Pamiri.
      in his words, at school from childhood they know = their native local, general Tajik, then they begin to study Arabic in the first grades (for the Koran), then in the middle of education, grades 5-8 = English, and the last 1-2 years = Russian (that’s why they know him so poorly). This is all - state. program.
      on the one hand, it is enviable that they know so many languages, on the other hand, it is dangerous (since almost all of these languages ​​are potentially our enemies). It turns out that they will find common words with anyone and come to an agreement.
  38. +1
    23 March 2024 14: 23
    What is there to discuss here? Disposable meat, fought somewhere in the Middle East, has experience in handling weapons. They most likely acted under psychostimulants. The waste was not thought out (which indicates disposability). They didn't even change the car. The bandits' actions seemed to be panicked - perhaps the psychostimulant had stopped working.
    In general, the testimony seems very strange - either the person caught is insane (possible psychosis from drug use), or they could have been dummies (they could have intimidated, bought, or drugged him). Time will tell, it’s too early to judge now.
    By the way, why was the whole gang caught so quickly? Couldn't the diaspora simply hand over the scapegoats?
    By the way, I beg you not to inflate that “aboo” topic. Terrorists have no nationality
    1. +7
      23 March 2024 14: 28
      Very convenient, they have no nationality. They still have it.
      1. -1
        23 March 2024 14: 30
        What does this have to do with the matter? A dog is a dog's death, regardless of nationality! And dog breeders too!
    2. 0
      23 March 2024 14: 58
      How is it that they have no nationality?
      All 4 Tajiks
      Isn't Tajik a nationality?

      How is this not relevant?
      They have a group based on nationality
      There are no Hispanics or Russians among them.
      1. 0
        23 March 2024 15: 05
        It was these 4 Tajiks who went to kill people for 500 thousand
        Not Icelandic or Russian
        1. 0
          April 13 2024 02: 02
          What will you say if an Icelandic or Irish terrorist or criminal comes to Russia? Will he be better than the Tajik?
          By the way, among the captured terrorists there are criminals. The question here is not about nationality, but why were criminals allowed through?
  39. +7
    23 March 2024 14: 25
    Those same "valuable workers" brought to Russia in millions. For 500 thousand rubles. This is what comrades call - they have arrived.
    Migration policy has led to a catastrophe. But business, which has merged with the authorities, doesn't care about this, the main thing for them is money, and what will happen in the country...
  40. +1
    23 March 2024 14: 26
    Suppose, completely for nothing, the completely crazy, frostbitten are trying... money always matters, in one form or another everyone else is trying for it.
    So, order...
  41. +3
    23 March 2024 14: 26
    Stupid ....... Now defenders from respected people will come forward, offers will begin after the trial to serve the sentence in their village...
  42. +2
    23 March 2024 14: 26
    As I understand it, they were paid less than half the money. Very similar to greedy Ukrainians)
    1. +2
      23 March 2024 20: 49
      and those who, at the call of a telephone call, set fire to ballot boxes or military registration and enlistment offices or transformer booths - they do not receive anything at all, they are only promised. This is from interrogations.
      but they get articles for this - not hooliganism (1-2 years of probation), but terrorism (from 10+ and above the real term).

      This is about the question of how little it takes for someone else to commit a crime.
  43. +1
    23 March 2024 14: 28
    Here are more gang members on the tg channels "Turned in the War" and "Colonelcassad"
  44. +2
    23 March 2024 14: 29
    We let in an array of people who are ready to do anything for money - and here it is.
  45. +6
    23 March 2024 14: 29
    And these bastards who killed almost 150 people will be fed and treated for life at our expense? All for the sake of the liberal nonsense that VVP is infected with.
  46. 0
    23 March 2024 14: 29
    Most likely, the guru of Ukrra muddied all this with someone else’s hands, that’s all! ishe and tried to break through to the border!
  47. +2
    23 March 2024 14: 32
    The most important question is how did these monkeys end up in Russia?
    1. +4
      23 March 2024 15: 06
      Ask the GDP and the economic bloc
      Well, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs too
    2. 0
      24 March 2024 15: 37
      They ended up in the country thanks to the policies pursued over decades by EdR and GDP. They all came to Russia LEGALLY.
  48. +2
    23 March 2024 14: 34
    With a telegram. Two have already been identified.
    About what was interrogated in the footage above - the first part.
    The second is about someone who was injured during detention.
    1. +4
      23 March 2024 14: 43
      third caught.
      99% of those who are Russian citizens do not speak Russian at all.
      1. +2
        23 March 2024 14: 54
        "Speak Russian"?
        What for?
        They are already allowed in and hired (although they can’t do it without the language)
        It’s better not to remember about citizenship at all
        500 thousand rubles - and they went to kill
        This is darkness
      2. +1
        23 March 2024 15: 14
        Is there no Russian language exam for migrants now?
        How did they give him a passport?
        1. +5
          23 March 2024 15: 27
          5-7 years ago, when VK was without censorship and strict moderation, I personally saw several videos about how the ceremony for obtaining Russian citizenship takes place.
          official video recording is underway.

          a Central Asian stands and reads out the oath in broken Russian. A woman with the rank of colonel stands next to him (according to protocol, she is some kind of head of a DISTRICT! or a district from the FMS, i.e. not an ordinary aunt, but a high-ranking official from this organization). The Central Asian reads out the oath, suffers, and journalists fly up to him so that he can share his impressions - but he doesn't understand anything in Russian and speaks "their language". There were several such videos - these were "unsuccessful" shots for a local report.
          As a result, they found a more or less talking person and made a hurray video with him about how happy he was to become a Russian.

          I tried half a year ago to find such videos (there was a discussion on Top Var, and I usually don’t conduct a conversation without evidence and links.) In the end, I couldn’t find it, neither on VK, nor on OK, nor just on the net.

          PS: moral of this tirade? woman, the head of the Federal Migration Service, doesn’t she herself see who she’s awarding citizenship to? She doesn’t understand that these specialists, purely theoretically, could ever hurt her family? understands. But something in her pocket prevents her from thinking about it and she closes her eyes. And this “something” is not conscience, unfortunately.
        2. 0
          24 March 2024 15: 35
          The Russian exam is only for ethnic Russians, so as not to be issued a passport of the historical Motherland for years. And everyone else needs a passport for 3 months. In case anyone forgot, a Kyrgyz man who blew up the Moscow metro several years ago was issued a Russian passport in a matter of months. And the Russians have been knocking on the doorsteps of the FMS for years.
    2. +2
      23 March 2024 14: 53
      Let's ask this "leader" (and it would be nice to look at her too) why she hired this monkey
  49. +1
    23 March 2024 14: 39
    Quote: Rage66
    You have to impale him slowly...
    But he will quickly remember everything hi

    Why: If I were interrogating him, he would sing like a canary: I would offer him a choice, a painful death in prison on a PLS or a quarter; if he continued to remain silent, he would inject him with scopolamine.
    1. +3
      23 March 2024 14: 50
      Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
      I would inject scopolamine.

      and he answered you the same way as on camera, do you really think that these people know something?!!
      the rams were sent to slaughter, the rams didn’t even understand it
      1. PPD
        23 March 2024 15: 19
        Yes, he understands everything.
        Plays Jamshuta.
        I "lost" the card because it is personalized.
        Looks like a fool.
        1. +2
          23 March 2024 15: 35
          Quote: PPD
          Looks like a fool.

          I'm afraid it won't cut, it's a one-time product
          1. PPD
            23 March 2024 15: 40
            No, it’s just mowing.
            It’s doubtful to come up with a lost card right away.
            A card is not a phone number.
            The bank gives the person a passport.
            And the translation is also done by someone.
            And he can call himself either Abdul or Obama.
            Yes, and persuade a stranger by telegram...
            Transfer to card. request
  50. 0
    23 March 2024 14: 39
    Quote: ettore
    so that you can track it later

    You can't track anyone, it's all done through left-wing drops. The ends are in the water. SBP and others, withdrawal through crypto, and there through a random person who was there and didn't know.
    Recently, qiwi was finally closed down, because all payments there were like that.
    1. +1
      23 March 2024 20: 52
      Treplova, as an example, was a typical drop.
      from her interrogations - she lived like this for almost 2 years, received a text message, went somewhere, took a package, kept it for a couple of days, gave it to another drop at another metro station.
      those “kopecks” that they paid her were enough to rent an apartment, a minimum of clothes and minimal amenities in the form of a telephone, a laptop and trips to cafes.

      How many more of these Darius Treplovs are waiting in the wings to go one way?
      1. 0
        23 March 2024 22: 51
        This is a pretty obvious dirty scheme. There are schemes that are much more innocent at first glance. A person lives abroad and is looking for someone to exchange rubles with. He receives cash euros/dollars, and he transfers rubles to the card. I sold a car, an apartment - it doesn’t matter. Few people think about where to go, what kind of map it is.
        1. 0
          24 March 2024 00: 11
          10 years ago, when there were only a few cards and there were 150 problems with them, I somehow used this scheme.
          I was not in my city, I needed a large amount of money. Came out to the gray people.
          I received the requested money from them here and now, and halfway across Russia my relative gave my cash to their person (with a big markup for the transfer-exchange).
          Then it helped me out.
          Now there are basically no problems transferring money. Share the commission for SPB with the bank and it turns a blind eye to the transfer of many millions. There are even banks where these limits are made up to 15-20 million per month.
          And from May 2024, every Russian will be able to drive up to 30 million rubles on the SBP without a commission. I immediately imagined how my grandparents would transfer their unfortunate 30-100k rubles to another bank for the sake of a better deposit, so as not to visit bank offices. Then for whom are such horse limits?
          That’s right, for Ksyusha Sobchak and other officials and pigs at the power troughs, for whom the usual 1 million per month current was not enough, that a new law was adopted.
  51. +5
    23 March 2024 14: 48
    Some kind of game: in the footage of the execution there is complete composure, but this one is shaking like a vibrator...
    1. +1
      23 March 2024 14: 55
      Are you hinting that this shitty Tajik is not from yesterday?
      Well, yesterday they could have been on heroin or something else.
      And now it’s a departure
      1. +3
        23 March 2024 15: 02
        There are no such recoveries from drugs. It all looks different. It's so pounding from adrenaline. And adrenaline can increase for many reasons. Have you seen many arrests on video where people were shaking like that? Usually people may be in shock and unable to speak properly. And this one sucks, but he is well versed in the conversation itself, despite the language barrier. Some kind of anomaly. More like an overwhelming fear.
        1. 0
          23 March 2024 15: 11
          They were filmed by hundreds of cameras
          There were no masks
          They will show you in good resolution - there will be no questions
    2. 0
      24 March 2024 15: 43
      There are plenty of videos of interrogations of brave Ukrainian Nazis who, once captured, tremble like a leaf, although just yesterday they heroically shot at the Russians.
  52. +1
    23 March 2024 14: 51
    500 thousand rubles
    For so many of them they were hired to kill people

    "Thank you" to the authorities for bringing these animals to our country
    Have more stuff to replace these
    1. +2
      24 March 2024 15: 45
      A bunch of creatures are ready to kill Russians for free if the “preacher” orders them.
  53. +1
    23 March 2024 14: 53
    Imagine this with a machine gun? face of the second tier, and even then it’s unlikely, people didn’t bother living and went to the movies
  54. +1
    23 March 2024 14: 56
    What's going on in their heads?!!!!
    1. 0
      24 March 2024 15: 47
      They have 30 years of Russophobic school in their heads in their Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. If you don’t know, in school history lessons they are directly told that the Russians are to blame for all their troubles, and not the local feudal masters. With such firmware they are going to hated Russia, because there is nowhere else to earn money for a bride price and a wedding.
      1. 0
        24 March 2024 18: 01
        So you justified them.... I meant something completely different with my question "I can't wrap my head around how anyone can kill! - especially for money - for any money!
  55. K_4
    23 March 2024 15: 03
    Where is our president anyway, why is he silent? Why didn’t you at least express your condolences? Previously, he acted like that, but now the whole country is on edge, and he’s a jerk? What's going on anyway?
    1. +4
      23 March 2024 15: 07
      What will he say?
      Excuse us for letting them in here?
      He won't say that
    2. +1
      23 March 2024 20: 56
      Do you really want to hear the words from the man who in 2022 personally pardoned 300.000 Tajiks and Uzbeks by the Federation Council, whom our Federal Migration Service expelled from the country for various legal and criminal offenses.
      Enter it into Yandex yourself and get acquainted with the person you voted for.
    3. +1
      24 March 2024 15: 49
      The Guarantor has already stated that terrorism “has no nationality.” The importation of millions of Islamist-Russophobes along with their families continues. It is very profitable to replace a local settlement with a new, more suitable one.
  56. Two
    23 March 2024 15: 08
    Put aside your emotions, two weeks ago Western intelligence services did not recommend their citizens to come to Russia, they knew about it. It’s stupid here, why should the Tajiks, if they carried out this terrorist attack, go to Ukraine, where only the Slavs will simply shoot their Nazis and that’s all. The Tajiks would go along the route first to Kazakhstan and then to their homeland, where it’s easier for Muslims to dissolve. A recent article in the popular US publication Politico. It describes the US attitude towards Russia for the next 6 years.
    According to the article, first the United States should strengthen ethnic separatism in Russia, as well as strengthen sanctions, including against third countries through which Russia purchases necessary goods. Continue attempts to untie Russia from Kazakhstan, Moldova and Armenia. In general, this whole scenario reminds me of the year 2000 when houses in Moscow were blown up with hexogen, the equation is the same, only the numbers are different.
  57. 0
    23 March 2024 15: 09
    These are not people. These are wild animals. One even has a bestial look. There is 0 humanity in these creatures. They deserve the most painful death.
  58. PPD
    23 March 2024 15: 11
    Yeah, he lost his card...
    They turned up and gave us weapons...
    Why go to him?
    What if it suddenly turns out that he doesn’t know how to use it? What if he runs to the FSB?
    The organizers seem to be complete idiots?
    Brings tales...
    1. -2
      23 March 2024 15: 27
      Your suggestions?
      Is Rafik innocent?
      1. PPD
        23 March 2024 15: 29
        Rafik is much more serious than he seems.
        People will be looking for one of the organizers at the construction site.
        Yes, and it’s clean, it hurts.
        Looks like there's a lot of stuff behind it...
  59. 0
    23 March 2024 15: 27
    Pass it on to Ramzan Akhmatovich. He knows how to deal with the devils. Otherwise our people will chew the substance again
  60. +4
    23 March 2024 15: 31
    is a citizen of Tajikistan born in 1998

    "Indispensable specialists"
  61. +1
    23 March 2024 15: 36
    What's up with the fab? According to Khryukov, according to Kuev, so that there is nothing left there, this terrorist semblance of ISIS, everything must burn.
  62. 0
    23 March 2024 15: 43
    Before us are the consequences of building the so-called. new Russia, which for some reason is called the “Russian World”.
  63. -1
    23 March 2024 15: 44
    Quote: ergh081
    Pass it on to Ramzan Akhmatovich. He knows how to deal with the devils. Otherwise our people will chew the substance again

    Did you mean Adik Kadyrov? So this pretzel didn’t burn the Koran. He killed infidels. Adik might like this.
  64. 0
    23 March 2024 15: 46
    No one wondered why the car with supposedly terrorists was leaked to the media? I think there were two groups. One group, after the shooting, changed clothes in some room, peeled off their beards, mixed with the crowd, and drove off in temporarily free taxis or private taxis. The second group, precisely consisting of these “intellectuals,” acted according to the instructions of the so-called “preacher.” Simply put, lambs to the slaughter. Or maybe they will suddenly leave? Reminds me of the scenario with the murder of Dugina. By the way, I think that that big-lipped woman, supposedly the performer, had a similar role, the only difference is that she successfully went beyond the cordon. A version of course, but still...
  65. +3
    23 March 2024 15: 46
    Quote: Ivan№One
    They are already allowed in and hired (although they can’t do it without the language)

    A week ago I was driving around Moscow with a taxi driver who couldn’t speak Russian well. I was looking for someone who was hard of hearing, but there was still music playing in the cabin. They sang something about “chikhildyr dyryldyren dyryl dyr.”
    1. 0
      24 March 2024 15: 52
      Everything is fine, don't worry. Vote for EdRo and GDP or for other capitalists. Everything will be fine. But the truth is not with us.
  66. +5
    23 March 2024 15: 50
    Quote: BAT-MENT
    The most important question is how did these monkeys end up in Russia?

    Quote: “The Russian economy needs migrants; now there are not many of them in the labor market. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated this at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF-2023) in Vladivostok.”
  67. Owl
    23 March 2024 15: 52
    It is necessary to punish those who promote and “protect” the import and entry of anti-Russian guest workers into Russia (those “guests” who do not want to accept the principles of the hosts’ house).
    1. +1
      24 March 2024 15: 53
      Should Putin be punished? :)))) He has repeatedly stated that the Russian economy needs migrants who do not speak Russian.
  68. +2
    23 March 2024 15: 56
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the rest of the detained terrorists were from Central Asia. It was painfully stupid to leave. I remembered a case from practice, the year 1998. In St. Petersburg, the owner of one establishment decided to soak his roof. He hired Tajiks, they soaked them. They wrapped the corpses in linoleum and loaded them into a Mercedes They took them out of town to bury them. But the engine stalled, they caught the Zhigul, and he dragged them away. The traffic cop saw the strange motorcade and stopped it. So, the crime was discovered without delay. And the driver of the Zhigul was interrogated with partiality, they thought he was an accomplice, although he was a Karelian by nationality. He turned out to be a friend of our fighter.
  69. +1
    23 March 2024 15: 59
    Are we not afraid that if we unravel the whole tangle of migration and the terrorist attack associated with it, that it will lead to the wrong place?
    1. K_4
      23 March 2024 16: 10
      And why unwind it, everyone knows who feeds from these diasporas: the top police and local bureaucrats. Hence, migrants receive preferential loans for entrepreneurship and trump cards for trade. Yes, they stupidly boast that they can beat up a Russian and nothing will happen to them because they will smear them, and they will be Russian policemen. Moreover, I don’t mean to tar everyone with the same brush. I have a Tajik friend - a wonderful person, a family man, a former Afghan. So he directly says that their diasporas are being milked, demanding a penny for the roof. So this is an organized crime group fused with the power without any yat.
  70. +1
    23 March 2024 16: 37
    No nos olvidemos que Rusia es un estado multicultural y racial.

    Acaso el malnacido que entregó el helicóptero y asesinó a sus camaradas era Ruso?

    Acaso los traidores Rusos que atacaron Belgorod no son Rusos?

    Que tayikos hayan sido "la mano ejecutora" todos sabemos quién dió y organizó está mierda.

    Si las pruebas sindican a los ucranazis, pues que aunque se tarden, esas lacras reciban su pasaje al infierno.

    Mis condolencias a las personas asesinadas y mi solidaridad al pueblo Ruso.


    Let's not forget that Russia is a multicultural and racial state.

    Was the scoundrel who delivered the helicopter and killed his comrades Russian?

    Are the Russian traitors who attacked Belgorod really not Russians?

    The fact that the Tajiks were the “executing hand”, we all know who arranged and organized it, is bullshit.

    If the trials unite the Ukrainian Nazis, then even if they are late, these misfortunes will have their way to hell.

    My condolences to the victims and my solidarity with the Russian people.

    We will win!
    1. 0
      24 March 2024 15: 55
      Let's remember that in 34 years not a single Russian has come to the republics of Central Asia and carried out a terrorist attack there. What do you say to this, lover of multinational terrorists?
      1. 0
        25 March 2024 14: 31
        En donde digo que soy amantes de los terroristas de otras culturas?

        Enaltezco una de las características más emblemática del pueblo Ruso que es la diversidad racial y cultural.

        Los hijos de p... que asesinaron a mansalva a nuestro compatriotas el 23/03 son unas mierdas que van a pagar caro su crimen.

        Pero no comamos la mierda occidental, tan dada al supremacismo y racismo!! Russia no es así!!!

        Pd : El infeliz que entregó el helicóptero, asesinó a sus dos compañeros, uno de origen "asiático"... Y ese infeliz, por lo que sé recibió 6 tiros y fue atropellado...

        El Checheno capturado, era militar en ucrania y tenía nacionalidad ucraniana.

        Los ucranianos de bandera, acaso son buriatos, Kazajos, uigures??? NO, son eslavos, eslavos RUSOS....

        Amante de terroristas? Me estás jodiendo?


        Where do I say that I am a lover of terrorists from other cultures?

        I emphasize one of the most characteristic features of the Russian people - racial and cultural diversity.

        The sons of... who killed the Mansalva of our compatriots on 23/03 are a piece of shit that will pay dearly for their crime.

        But let's not eat Western crap that is so devoted to superiority and racism!! Russia is not like that!!!

        Ps The unfortunate man who delivered the helicopter killed two of his comrades, one of whom was of “Asian” origin... And this unfortunate man, as far as I know, received 6 shots and was shot down...

        A captured Chechen, he was a military serviceman in Ukraine and had Ukrainian citizenship.

        Bandera's Ukrainians, are they Buryats, Kazakhs, Uighurs??? NO, they are Slavs, Russian Slavs....

        Terrorist lover? Are you kidding me?
  71. +2
    23 March 2024 16: 43
    Quote: Nikolai S.
    Bring back the death penalty.

    For officials who allow entry and lobby for the import of migrants into our country, is it necessary to do this?

    Or do they fill the labor market with cheap labor so that “court” construction companies, food markets of ethnic oligarchs, food delivery services, and taxi companies make profits like from selling drugs?
    The second, acute moment.

    By importing hordes of migrants, creating greenhouse conditions for them to obtain Russian citizenship, the list of the population is replenished.
    Without “migrant blood”, Rosstat will not be able to retouch the monstrous population decline caused by the economic policies of official undertakers or “effective managers”.

    Or Muscovites will not be able to live if the courier brings them a smoothie not in 10-15 minutes, but in 30 minutes?

    In what country in the world will they tolerate what is happening in Moscow?

    "MOSCOW, August 25 - RIA Novosti. Visitors make trips to Moscow 75% rape, 90% “Criminals come from Asian countries,” Mikhail Trubnikov, deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, said at the round table “Preventing and combating violence against women.”

    Imagine that Russian migrants would do the same in the capitals of the former Turkestan.
    The power of the Asian bais would not have lasted even two hours.
  72. +1
    23 March 2024 17: 35
    Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
    Show a legal document that there is no USSR? It must be published by an authorized body. Can you? Then it will be a serious conversation.

    Bush seemed to have signed a certificate for Yeltsin. No? Did Boris Nikolayevich lose it while drunk?
  73. 0
    23 March 2024 17: 53
    Fuck it, it's an obvious decree
  74. +3
    23 March 2024 18: 32
    Investigators will still figure out what happened, but “just sheep” will not agree out of the blue to go kill people for “five hundred thousand rubles.”
    The "rams" have double bottom which they are keeping quiet about for now - for example, the “Syrian experience”, these “sheep” could first have been recruited to “work in Syria”, undergo training, and then, left without work, agreed to a terrorist attack in “Krokukus”, they were hired by the same people organized an attack on the Belgorod region.
    И the main thing is that there is a whole NETWORK of accomplices around them, without which it is not possible to act successfully - each accomplice must be identified.
  75. bbb
    23 March 2024 19: 18
    This is just the beginning. They are not poor sheep, we must take everyone who was associated with them.
  76. +1
    23 March 2024 19: 31
    It’s strange that they carried out such a complicated operation and didn’t change the car; even a small child knows from movies that cars are changed after an operation.
  77. +3
    23 March 2024 19: 36
    Quote: cat Rusich

    И the main thing is that there is a whole NETWORK of accomplices around them, without which it is not possible to act successfully - each accomplice must be identified.

    In general, I agree, but the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and end up irritating yourself. Because the question will inevitably arise, why in a huge country there is no one to work and many millions and millions of guest workers have to be imported in order for the economy to flutter at least somehow. We will have to look for an answer to the question: why is our labor productivity in industry much lower than in developed countries, why is half the population receiving countless benefits when there are a record number of vacancies, why are unemployment benefits paid if there are not enough workers, why is the worker a day is 8 hours, not 12, for example, and vacation is 28 days, not 14.. For a well-fed and relatively carefree life, you have to pay: either work so hard yourself that your nose bleeds, or shift difficult and dirty work to migrants, but at the same time Tolerating them is not always a pleasant neighborhood. I don't know any other options
    1. +1
      24 March 2024 16: 03
      As a matter of principle, they don’t hire Russians to work in housing and communal services, because they can make a lot of money on migrants.
      Gender low productivity is a myth. Either it is due to bloated staffing, where a bunch of people are doing who knows what in the office, or outdated equipment in which the owners do not invest. In the real sector, people plow in part-time shifts, constantly working in reinforcements, experiencing chronic fatigue. We have a lot of working people who don’t get a bad salary. they produce NOTHING. There are a lot of examples when an unnecessary position, or even an entire department, is created for a specific godfather/matchmaker/brother. In reality, production in the country has not developed for years. Where will the millions of well-paying jobs come from? The entire country consists of speculators and monopolies that drive up inflation.
  78. 0
    23 March 2024 19: 50
    Many comments are filled with hatred towards the diaspora in general and Tajiks in particular, and often there is a reason for them.

    However, I would like to remind you that in the world of terror, organized crime and intelligence agencies, there is rarely anything that looks like this. A notable example is the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985.

    At that time, the whole world believed in an act of revenge on the part of the Palestinians, but in reality it was a black operation by the Mossad [1]. They supplied the group with money through the Italian mafia, weapons through the British channel and had a person in the chain of command who gave instructions.

    [1] https://swprs.org/ari-ben-menashe-on-israeli-black-operations/
    1. 0
      23 March 2024 20: 03
      Ari Ben Menashe's insider book "Profits of War" tells about many other cases of the global carousel of money, weapons, drugs, organized crime, terrorism and intelligence services.

      I wish your services every success in exploration and severe retribution.
  79. 0
    23 March 2024 21: 48

    They offered money to kill people. They gave me a place where to do it.

    Who exactly did they demand to kill?


    It doesn't matter who. Just.
    Don't shoot brother...
  80. +1
    23 March 2024 22: 34
    It is better to ask where he received training and training, titles, names and where the instructors are from. But this is natural only under terrible torture, otherwise they will not split, these are experienced, trained terrorists.
    1. 0
      24 March 2024 07: 10
      “under terrible torture” I bet that without torture I can talk: 1 “truth serum” was not invented today and has not been canceled.
      2) “Bukhanovsky effect”, the special services have their own “Bukhanovsky”
    2. 0
      24 March 2024 13: 47
      This is of no use. Modern “chemistry” has long advanced in these matters. Just an unconscious confession, without the possibility of deception, because... subconscious.
  81. -1
    24 March 2024 03: 17
    It all looks like a snowstorm. It looks more like attention was diverted and the main performers were pulled away.
  82. +1
    24 March 2024 04: 24
    What is primary is the shooter’s faith in the preacher, who must have the power of persuasion and be known among Tajik believers;
    Secondly, the preacher must instill in the shooter the highest merits for his actions;
    Third, the shooter must be freed from any remorse for what he did;
    And most importantly, the shooter must be confident in the guarantees of payment of money and the guarantee of a quick emergency exit after the operation, i.e. the safety of life.
    It seems that without personal contacts between the group leader and the customer (most likely with the participation of a preacher), it was difficult to convince them of the reality of the operation. It is quite possible that such a meeting could have taken place with the leader in Turkey.
    1. 0
      24 March 2024 07: 00
      Not necessarily Türkiye.
      Quite possibly in Tajikistan.
  83. +1
    24 March 2024 05: 08
    What do Tajiks and Türkiye have to do with this, and how is it connected with Ukraine?
    The Crimean Tatar power bloc of Ukraine, Muslims, often working under the protection of Turkish intelligence, easily fit into the role of assistant to the preacher or the preacher. And Turkey, as is known, has a strong staff of priests (preachers), where many people wishing to study go from the countries of Central Asia.
  84. +1
    24 March 2024 06: 50
    An act of terror cannot be punished with human punishment. This should be a demonstrative killing of a terrible beast. The people must see and know that the beast in human form suffered from our answer to it. This is true.
    1. 0
      25 March 2024 06: 55
      What about compliance with the law? Indeed, in this case, the state itself turns into a backer.
      1. 0
        25 March 2024 08: 06
        Laws are created by society for its members. Since the enemy of our society takes advantage of our civilization and exterminates us, then it is in our power and right to limit the rights of criminals, through whose actions we have lost some of our compatriots, especially foreigners. For executions in general, you can prescribe separate gladiatorial fights, so that the Murderer is from one country met in the arena with a gladium in hand against the Rapist from another, for example. On the Culture channel after 22 broadcast once a week. An excellent alternative to MMA fighting. And most importantly, everything is as it should be, according to the law. A huge educational moment and release of steam from the tension of society, the enemy will get what he deserves.
  85. 0
    24 March 2024 06: 56
    “They act for ideology” so you won’t be full of ideology.
    Market relations came to ISIS
  86. -2
    24 March 2024 09: 00
    Many commentators, as expected, focused on the nationality of the terrorists. Remember: there are no good and bad nationalities, there are only good and bad people. When trying to belittle someone based on their origin, don’t you first of all need denazification yourself?
  87. 0
    24 March 2024 09: 10
    Or maybe we shouldn’t believe that these creatures were signed to some preacher, serious work has been done, everything is timed, otherwise they want to put a false mark on us, squeeze these creatures well, other preachers will climb in
  88. 0
    24 March 2024 09: 28
    They showed only 4, but the conversation went on past 11. I sense that the most interesting thing is there.
  89. 0
    24 March 2024 14: 28
    I like. The author takes at face value everything that comes from the lips of a disgusting Islamist. If he said he saw a donkey flying after the author, would it be true?? If he said he did it because he had childhood trauma, would that be true?? Why should we believe that Islamic terrorists are always martyrs?? request
  90. 0
    25 March 2024 03: 00
    It seems that Khusnulin has already brought in extra Tajiks
  91. 0
    25 March 2024 06: 52
    It’s strange, a guy from a downtrodden village pronounces the word “preacher”, which is not used in their region (in everyday life), they usually say “sheikh” or “ustoz”.

    This is important, actually.
  92. 0
    25 March 2024 07: 50
    Here you are all writing armchair commentators, but which of you has at least once written about this to the authorities’ websites in Moscow? I wrote my opinion to the president and the Duma, but what did you do?
    Dear deputies! After the recent terrible events in Crocus City, I think the legislation of our country is too lenient in relation to the persons who committed such an atrocity. Therefore, I demand that it be changed in the direction of toughening, namely, I ask that the death penalty be adopted for terrorists! Stop looking at the opinions of the West and the former republics. We live in Russia, this is our country, our security. I ask you to show courage and courage, the people demand that there be order in our country. there was confidence in safety.
    the entire letter is not included here, so I ask everyone, let’s write to the authorities, let them see the degree of our indignation and hatred, this is a matter of 10 minutes, do not be indifferent, our lives depend on us.
    1. +1
      25 March 2024 09: 57
      Are you asking the bourgeoisie, who created this whole mess, to be bolder and more courageous? Very funny. Continue voting for EdRo.
  93. +1
    25 March 2024 09: 26
    Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
    Well, the Balts don’t even give citizenship to Russians - Russians there have the status of “non-citizens”. Why are you taking it to the side? Instead of focusing on the real enemy - the Anglo-Saxons, are you promoting hatred towards the former Soviet republic? Do you think the US CIA will not be able to recruit killers from ethnic Russians? Can I remind you about RDK?

    The Baltic states already give citizenship by birth to everyone born after 2012.
    Anyone with non-citizen status can obtain citizenship by passing a language exam.
    An ethnic Russian will kill people en masse for $5000? Is he really Russian?
    An Anglo-Saxon killed a veteran of the Northern Military District, an Anglo-Saxon stabbed a 17-year-old guy? Did the Anglo-Saxons shoot unarmed people for 100 bucks a head?
  94. -1
    April 1 2024 11: 38
    Quote: cast iron
    Gender low productivity is a myth. Either it is due to bloated staffing, where a bunch of people are doing who knows what in the office, or outdated equipment in which the owners do not invest

    In the first sentence you deny low labor productivity, and in the second you list its reasons: overstaffing, outdated and worn-out equipment, low qualifications of workers, insufficient staff motivation, ineffective management, etc.