Why Russia did not follow the path of China

Why Russia did not follow the path of China

The USA as the bearer of the “economic miracle” in satellite countries

Some countries suddenly became leaders of the world economy, having accomplished an “economic miracle” in their time.

Why did it suddenly arise in South Korea and not in Vietnam: what's the difference?

Before World War II, the United States helped the USSR, but also Germany, planning their clash, and after the war, it helped Japan, Germany, and South Korea as anti-socialist projects in defiance of the USSR. Despite the import of technology, the development of the USSR was exclusively a specific Russian product.

And Japan?

After the end of World War II, the United States governed Japan for almost a decade, which received about $1953 billion in loans from the United States until 4,5, invested in industrial development. During the Korean War (1950–1953), Japan's factories were overwhelmed with military orders for the US Army, which amounted to about $1,1 billion or 43,7% of Japanese exports. At the same time, the United States placed military orders in West Germany, helping the “German miracle.” From 1954 to 1959, the United States provided approximately $1,5 billion in subsidies and “development loans” to the Korean government.

Japan followed the same path as China, first copying, then developing its own technologies. But without markets in the US, all this was pointless. As now, the US feared the rise of Japan's power, contributing to its end. The overheating of the Japanese economy ended with the 1990 crisis, and the Japanese miracle became a thing of the past. But China is not Japan, and it is extremely difficult to destroy it.

Most importantly, the United States transferred technology, invested and opened its markets. Without this, there would simply be no “Japanese” or “Korean” miracle.

The Marshall Plan, the modernization of Poland in the 80s are all from the same series. Couldn't orders for the production of VCRs during perestroika have been placed in Russia instead of Poland? But the United States had its own plan: strengthening Beijing and weakening Moscow: that’s why they have an industrial workshop, and we have a raw materials quarry. However, after the showdown with China, US views are increasingly turning to India, which is increasingly reducing cooperation with us and looking towards the United States.

USSR and China: friendship forever?

The older generation remembers the slogan: China and Russia: brothers forever! While China was at war with Japan, the USSR helped them in every possible way. During the period of economic recovery of the PRC (1950–1952), the USSR provided technical assistance to China in the restoration, reconstruction and construction of more than 50 largest industrial enterprises. With the help of Soviet specialists, a five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the People's Republic of China for 1953–1957 was developed.

Of the 600 main national economic facilities built in the PRC during the First Five-Year Plan, 211 of the largest, which accounted for about 40% of capital investments in industry, were built with the assistance of the USSR. For the construction of 156 enterprises, which were the core of the first five-year plan, 50–70% of the main equipment was supplied from the USSR at prices on average 20–30% lower than American and English prices, and prices for heavy industry equipment were even 30–60% lower. Help from the USSR created the basis for the further development of the PRC.

In the 50s, the Chinese leadership took a friendly position towards the USSR and the entire socialist community as a temporary tactical step. This step, from Mao Zedong’s point of view, was necessary to initially strengthen China’s position. During the 1960s, relations between the USSR and the PRC after Khrushchev's exposure of Stalin deteriorated, economic ties were reduced, and things even turned into a direct clash on Damansky Island in 1969.

Soviet researchers came to the conclusion that in the period 1960–1966. There was an open turn in the policy of the CPC leadership towards the Soviet Union, its departure from the socialist principles of foreign policy, direct ideological and political attacks on the CPSU, the USSR and the entire socialist community.

America as the creator of the Chinese miracle

Unlike the USSR, China would never have risen to this level if it were not for importing technology from the United States. America is the creator and patron of the Chinese miracle.

The United States nurtured the Chinese miracle as an anti-Russian project.

How did reforms begin in China?

In May 1978, Z. Brzezhinski came to Beijing and met with Chairman Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping, Deputy Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China.

As the NYT wrote:

During the visit, officials said, Mr. Brzezinski sought to demonstrate that the United States and China had similar interests in countering Soviet influence around the world.
"On the first day, Mr. Brzezinski said: 'Friendship between the United States and the People's Republic of China is vital and beneficial to world peace'...
This was meant to emphasize that both sides consider normal relations to be strategically important to counter the Soviet Union."

In January 1979 there was historical Deng Xiaoping's visit to the USA, where he also received a very warm welcome. The PRC eventually took the place of the USSR in the world, and we were thrown far back.

China, EU and USA: only one should remain

The economies of the US and China are so closely linked that they were at one time called “Chimerica” (Niall Ferguson):

“This is a partnership between big saver China and big spender America.”

The United States provided investment and technology, in response, China increased its trade deficit with the United States and became the world's first holder of its public debt.

But the US didn't think China would be so successful. They not only copied, but also produced their technologies through the priority development of science and education. The Chinese are extremely cunning and enterprising. In Europe they know that not only their cars, but also souvenirs will definitely be copied in the Middle Kingdom. As eyewitnesses described: if an investor built a factory in China, a copy of it often immediately appeared. China is not a Christian nation, and its national characteristics fit perfectly into the model of capitalism with local characteristics.

At one time, the United States contributed to the crisis in arrogant Japan, now it is quarreling China and India, offering the latter cooperation in development. Obama started moving industry back to the US, Trump started trade wars. The US is using the Taiwan issue to escalate tensions between countries.

Globally, the United States faces three main tasks, the solution of which, in their opinion, can support its hegemony.

1. Knockout of Europe as a potential economic competitor due to excommunication from trade with Russia and the war in Ukraine. The game was a success, the US has fairly decent economic growth, and the EU is in recession. Business from the EU is pouring into the US.

This is how, according to the website ru.tradingeconomics.com, the GDP growth rates of the USA and the EU year on year look like.

US GDP growth rate

EU GDP growth rate

2. Fragmentation of Russia as the main ideological competitor through sanctions and war in Ukraine (Statfor report, 2016). Sanctions accomplish the dual goal of reducing our export earnings and depriving us of needed goods by restricting imports and isolating trade.

Sanctions will not be able to destroy Russia, but the blow to Russia’s resource-based economy will be quite painful. Here are the Federal Customs Service data: our foreign trade balance for January–November 2023 decreased to $126,9 billion from $310,1 billion for the same period in 2022. Russian exports during this period decreased by 40% – to $385,9 billion from $538,1 billion. Russian gas supplies abroad over the 11 months of 2023 decreased in physical volume by 34% in annual terms, revenue from Russian gas supplies year-on-year decreased by 69%, and oil by 7%.

In order to help exporters and the budget, the ruble was devalued in the second half of 2023 by approximately 30%, which led to the Bank of Russia raising the rate to 16%, which will cause a reduction in GDP growth rates in 2024 to the usual 1,0–1,5%. In turn, inflation increased, hitting the growth of household incomes.

Added to this is the problem of settlements with India, whose rupees we do not need due to their illiquidity. There is another problem: at the end of 2023, our gold and foreign exchange reserves amounted to almost 600 billion dollars, despite the fact that our gold and foreign exchange reserves in Europe were stuck in the amount of 330 billion dollars or 55%.

Having become dependent on imports, we have become too dependent on them, and even the 8-year period since 2014 has not given us the opportunity to restore our technical and industrial potential in the most important areas. And the period of the Northern Military District, although it dispersed our military-industrial complex, but what was previously bought in the West is now in the PRC, and the automobile market is a clear confirmation of this. We cannot start production of our aircraft, although there are developments. During the 80s, the West was able to bankrupt the USSR, and the inability to rebuild the economic model led us to a huge commodity deficit, which caused discontent among the population, to whom both privatization and the market were sold.

3. Slam China as the main economic competitor - through trade wars, attacks on financial markets and stimulation of a slowdown and crisis in the PRC against the backdrop of creating tension in Taiwan. This is what China's economic growth looks like (y/y).

Trade with the US fell under Trump in 2019-2020 due to trade wars from the summer of 2016 to 2019, as well as the coronavirus pandemic. But already under Biden in 2022, the volume of trade in goods between the United States and China reached a four-year record level - the total value of imports and exports of goods amounted to $690,5 billion, which is higher than in 2018, when the peak was recorded. Trade with China is in deficit: US imports from China are $536,75 billion, exports are $153,84 billion.

But by the end of January–November 2023, trade between China and the United States decreased by 12,2% in annual terms, amounting to $607,01 billion. The EU economy is slowing and imports are falling. The Chinese economy is focused on exports to the USA and the EU, and with a fall in exports, production also falls, the PRC economy slows down, and at the same time imports also fall. The PMI index is clearly falling.

China PMI Index

Therefore, the factor of weakening the EU also plays against China: the United States has calculated everything. The growth of trade with Russia compensates for losses in exports, but the USA and the EU are China’s key markets.

The PRC is catastrophically dependent on the United States: the presence of a huge volume of government securities, trade, including the import of equipment, and investor funds in the stock market. Until 2018, China was the largest holder of US government debt - with more than $1,1 trillion in bonds, but already in 2019 it gave way to Japan. Now this figure is gradually decreasing and has reached about 782 billion dollars. Taiwan's problem is, first of all, a battle for the possession of unique technologies for the production of microelectronics, primarily chips.

The PRC understands the complexity of the situation, both with trade wars and Taiwan. The PRC is trying to solve the problem, both through the growth of the domestic market and through external expansion in Africa, in the BRICS organization, where it is pushing its currency as the main one; Shanghai cooperation and expansion into Russia, i.e. the creation of its own pole of the world.

China is reducing trade turnover with the United States and increasing it with other countries, including Russia. The states are increasing imports from Mexico and Vietnam, moving production to Latin America and Mexico. But the US dependence on imports from the Middle Kingdom remains critical.

The main hope of the PRC is that America, under the weight of the burden of the hegemon and insoluble internal contradictions, can collapse, and then the PRC can become the “mistress of the mountain.”

India was also once our “friend” - it bought weapon, collaborated in various fields. But India, critically dependent on trade with the United States and dreaming of becoming a second China, is quite realistically turning towards the United States, buying oil from us for now because it is profitable.

America began to openly attack China after they realized that the Celestial Empire began to really compete with the United States in the field of microelectronics. Back in 2008, the US government accused Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE of posing a threat to American security. Many sanctions were imposed against China, which prohibit the sale of Chinese equipment to the United States, and bans were also introduced for some large companies from China to use the services of companies from the United States. Many restrictions were introduced against the largest Huawei, which was prohibited from collaborating with all manufacturers of components for smartphones; Google also refused to work with them.

In December 2017, in the new US National Security Strategy, the threat posed by China was placed on the same level as international terrorism, and China, along with Russia, was named as the main strategic competitors and threat to the security of the United States.

Epilogue: the decision on development is always a political decision

Why was the USSR an empire, the second economy in the world, and China at that time was a poor, backward peasant country? Why has China now become number 1 in the world in terms of PPP, India – number 3, and Russia – only number 5 and, at the current pace of economic development, will never be able to make a breakthrough?

Russia is an amazingly rich country, the reserve of the world's most necessary resources of oil, gas, metals, gold, uranium, wood, water and grain production is so large that it is possible to live without “buying everything abroad.” But China and India do not have such a “paradise”. Therefore, India is one of the leaders in economic growth rates, but we are not. Therefore, in space we are losing our leadership position, and India is approaching us.

We need to produce something, that is, develop. But development requires a source of technology, which the USA became for both the USSR and China. The decision to develop is always a political decision. Elites can always parasitize their country, such as backward African and Latin American regimes, but the decision to develop is a matter of wisdom, ideology and vision.

The secret of the PRC's success is the creative use of the experience of the USSR and the Asian "tigers", which made it possible to build a regulated economy and financial system in which there is a powerful public sector that ensures low production costs, and a powerful private manufacturing sector. Unlike Russia, the Chinese elite used Keynesian and neo-Keynesian approaches as the basis for managing the economy, rather than liberal dogmas.

On the contrary, initially Russia and its elites agreed in the 90s to a model of external control and colonization of the country, which led its economy to degradation, geospace to compression, and population to extinction.

The experience of the PRC shows that the main thing in the economy is not the issue of ownership, but the principle of management. There was no privatization as such in the PRC. The public sector was preserved and transferred to the private sector with extreme caution. Instead of our reformers' dead-end idea of ​​privatization, which actually produced nothing, the Chinese stimulated the development of new businesses. You want to become millionaires - we will give you land and money, but we will not give you ready-made assets. Create assets: build factories and produce - and then only get rich.

The thinking of our business elites is the export and development of raw materials, low-processed products, including grain, investments in real estate, seizure of assets and their primitive conversion. And for the country to become rich, it is necessary to produce goods with added value: there is none in raw materials. The same agriculture: the fruits of the earth. With raw materials, everything is simple: it is “eating up” natural rent or capital.

In Moscow in the 1990s–2000s, everything was bought up, factories were destroyed, land was obtained, and shops and business centers were built. All the land is being developed, and developers continue to receive decent rent. Moscow is already not enough, they expanded it to the Kaluga region. The so-called “humanitarians” – people are uncomfortable, but it’s good for business – the density of “revenue” is high. Everything is being built up. But the number of enterprises being built is miniscule. Sooner or later this will end in transport or infrastructure collapse. We have so much territory, why put all your eggs in one basket: we need to develop the regions.

China is developing its economy through the development of science, education, new technologies and products - we are developing through land and real estate, oil, gas, metals and grain growing. Wasn’t it the same in Tsarist Russia, where land was also the main asset?

There was no shock therapy or sharp price increases in China. On the contrary, our liberals, together with the IMF, bankrupted the country and deprived the population of savings, so that there was no business or investment, but everything was bought up by foreigners and local nouveau riche. This is how initial capital arose in Russia: but it did not bring any benefit to the country.

America used China as an industrial workshop to increase the profits of its companies and destroy its own middle and working class, at the same time displacing the USSR. Therefore, China has grown, but our population is declining, development is marking time.

The average rate of economic development of Russia for the period from 1992 to 2023 was only 0,89%, while the average growth rate of the economy of the Russian Federation within the USSR from 1950 to 1990 was 6,6%.

Over the same period, China's GDP grew 14,5 times, and US GDP almost quadrupled from $4 billion to $5 billion.

From 2013 to 2021, the PRC economy grew at an average of 6,6% per year, and the economic growth rate of India's GDP from 2000 to 2017 was 7,1%. Average growth rate of the world economy for a sample of 250 countries for the period 2013–2021. amounted to 2,5%.

At the end of 2022, the excess of Russia’s GDP level over the 1991 figure was only 30%. Russian industry in 2023 for the first time in 33 years has crossed the mark of 100% of the 1990 level.

Russia’s share in world GDP is continuously decreasing; if in 1992 our contribution was 4,854%, then in 2022 it will be 2,918%.

There are many changes for the better in Russia.

There has been an advantage in our direction in the Northern Military District, and arms production has increased. There is a construction boom in the country, excellent roads and infrastructure are growing. The shops are full of everything.

But we still cannot move on to the active development of industry and technology. The population is declining. Large cities are developing - the horse is not lying in the outback. More than 60% of the population is surviving rather than living. People's nostalgia for socialism is growing. The continuation of the raw materials economy and a turn to the East will cause further degradation of the economy.

Russia has in many ways challenged the West and is waging a direct war with it for its ancestral Russian lands. This is a huge, colossal step forward, and it will take us to the restoration of our former greatness.
141 comment
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  1. +15
    17 March 2024 05: 28
    What nonsense about the USA as a source of technology for the USSR, or rather as the main source, but the author clearly means this.

    The decision to develop is always a political decision. Elites can always parasitize their country, such as backward African and Latin American regimes, but the decision to develop is a matter of wisdom, ideology and vision.
    This is the main source, not of technology, but of Russia’s problems.
    1. +18
      17 March 2024 06: 37
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      What nonsense about the USA as a source of technology for the USSR,

      The same nonsense about the fact that the West bankrupted the USSR:

      . During the 80s, the West was able to bankrupt the USSR

      Where did the author get this from? Are there any sources? Or is this just the author's IMHO?
      1. +6
        17 March 2024 06: 54
        Quote: Stas157
        Where did the author get this from? Are there any sources? Or is this just the author's IMHO?

        To paraphrase the immortal: “I’m a writer, I see it that way!”
        But not as a reproach to the author. It’s just our job to analyze and criticize, if necessary.
        1. +10
          17 March 2024 07: 55
          I consider it necessary to note to the author, who puts the United States at the head of transformations in the economies of different countries, that this is the whole “beauty” of financial (economic) pyramids.
          Russia has been destroyed, is being destroyed and will continue to be destroyed by shameless theft (legalized profiteering). In our country they decided to invent a new economic formation - state speculative capitalism. Costs and expenses are paid by the state by introducing various taxes on producers and individuals. That is why the lion’s share of income remains in private, dexterous hands of people close to power.
          Why bother creating private ownership of the means of production, raising yourself a “grave digger” in the form of hired workers, when you can simply sell “nobody’s” subsoil and resources, buy cheap abroad (when allowed) and sell at exorbitant prices within the country. And what freedom there is in various stock exchange and banking speculations!!! This is precisely what showed that it is impossible to achieve a successful (prosperous) life in a short period of time with your own work...
          Only in this case it is necessary to warn lovers of freebies, fraud and other tricks with economics and finance: the existence of pyramids is fleeting, and the ending is always the same. You can also live to a state where a sip of water and a piece of bread will be more valuable than gold and diamonds.
          Soviet people were asked in which state they wanted to live. But did the criminal and political elements who seized power as a result of the criminal coup take note of this? This is why we are reaping the fruits of our political myopia. That is why they are trying to prove to us that we have begun to live better thanks to GDP growth and eternal inflation.
          And no one will give us relief from our own economic illiteracy, and the younger generation will remember forever that we need to live for today and take care only of ourselves.
          1. +4
            17 March 2024 17: 30
            A set of slogans that have nothing to do with reality.
          2. +4
            17 March 2024 21: 52
            Quote: ROSS 42
            Only in this case it is necessary to warn lovers of freebies, fraud and other tricks with economics and finance: the existence of pyramids is fleeting, and the ending is always the same.

            the finale is usually a comfortable life in London, Geneva, Cyprus, or at worst in Thailand.
          3. +1
            April 1 2024 21: 13
            ROSS 42. (Yuri Vasilievich). 17 March 2024. 07:55. - yours - "..Expenses and expenses are paid by the state by introducing various taxes on producers and individuals. That is why the lion's share of income remains in private, deft hands..."

            To your answer - "...Why didn't Russia follow the path of China..."
            I'll continue. There is a work - "The role of personality in history." especially in the history of the state. if the “personality” is in charge...
      2. +2
        17 March 2024 07: 41
        Quote: Stas157
        Where did the author get this from? Are there any sources? Or is this just the author's IMHO?

        Well, the author clearly took a superficial approach to writing the article. Where are the facts and figures? It turned out to be a story on a bench.
        1. +7
          17 March 2024 11: 18
          Absolutely right. The topic - why Russia did not follow the path of China - is not touched upon at all. Where is this “China’s way”, what did it start from....? A set of general phrases without a comparative analysis of the economies of the stated countries... A bit weak. Personal opinion, nothing more.
          1. 0
            17 March 2024 14: 28
            Here are serious analytics and justifications with numbers and facts! Which can be verified, and if you don’t agree, you can contact me for help! Just based on the fact. This is not something that is usually sold to ordinary people.
            1. 0
              18 March 2024 17: 21
              and what is the ratio of government debt to GDP in the USSR in the 1960s and further by year before the collapse? And the second question, do I understand correctly that the State Bank of the USSR only turned on the printing press during the war and for 3 years in total, not during industrialization or electrification earlier?
              1. 0
                18 March 2024 18: 07
                No, just as the machine was turned on in 60, they pushed the paper until it collapsed. In 82, the money supply exceeded the volume of the economy by more than 50%. I’ll find the ratio and post it.
                1. +1
                  19 March 2024 11: 07
                  In fact, the United States is now in a similar situation, they are also printing money in the trillions, but no miracles are happening, they are only getting worse. It’s just that their economic system is more stable than in the USSR, and I think they will be able to balance on the brink for a long time, and maybe they will even come up with some trick to deflate the bubble
                  1. 0
                    19 March 2024 11: 16
                    I searched, but did not find accurate data; the USSR had an opaque economy. We have to delve into this archive, reluctantly. feelI found data from the tabloid press. It’s absolutely true, economic laws are the same for everyone. It’s just that the United States is spreading this inflation to the whole world through the dollar. Around 2038 they will have a paragraph. Well, that is if they don’t rob someone again.
        2. +3
          17 March 2024 19: 16
          Well, the author clearly took a superficial approach to writing the article. Where are the facts and figures? It turned out to be a story on a bench.

          Vice versa. More than numbers. Moreover, those that are not usually published. Yes
      3. +4
        17 March 2024 09: 47
        The author did not describe what I think. Regarding technology - well, the first Stalinist five-year plans, large factories were built with the participation of Albert Kahn, Inc, information can be found. Also in other factories, something was copied, something could be stolen, and something could be bought. Which at that time was a reasonable step (since the First World War, a civil war, had passed, in which personnel were lost, others left, plus a country with a pronounced agricultural economy.) And then, in relatively calm years, they bought, for example, a plant, the future AvtoVAZ. Historically, it happened this way: we buy ready-made imports - we are forced to do our own thing, buy/steal technologies - we learn to do our own - we export ours - we look again to the West, we delude ourselves - we bury ours - we buy imports, the circle is closed.
        And regarding bankruptcy, I think the author meant that when they got hooked on oil, they received foreign currency while oil was expensive, then the quotes collapsed between the Americans and the Saudis, and this also added a good amount of problems, Hunchback made a lot of loans.
        1. +3
          17 March 2024 16: 19
          Quote: T-100
          Regarding technology - well, the first Stalinist five-year plans, large factories were built with the participation of Albert Kahn, Inc, information can be found. Also in other factories, something was copied, something could be stolen, and something could be bought.

          The development of the USSR did not stop in 1945; what technologies did the USA supply to the USSR after 1945? The author is clearly extrapolating the experience of the 30s to the entire history of the USSR.
          1. 0
            17 March 2024 19: 17
            The development of the USSR did not stop in 1945; what technologies did the USA supply to the USSR after 1945? The author is clearly extrapolating the experience of the 30s to the entire history of the USSR.

            Nuclear. Have you seen Oppernheimer?
        2. +2
          17 March 2024 21: 57
          Quote: T-100
          And regarding bankruptcy, I think the author meant that when they got hooked on oil, they received foreign currency while oil was expensive, then the quotes collapsed between the Americans and the Saudis, and this also added a good amount of problems,

          oil prices fell immediately after the gas pipeline to Europe was turned on, when the Europeans converted a bunch of their power plants from fuel oil to gas. The USSR, plus or minus, remained with its own money, the budget deficit was insignificant. And it’s difficult to consider what followed as a crisis; after perestroika there was a real crisis, and more than one. And the USA floundered throughout the seventies in not the best conditions. This is the only precedent in history when a country responded to a slowdown in development by collapsing and tearing itself apart.
    2. +16
      17 March 2024 07: 48
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      What nonsense about the USA as a source of technology for the USSR

      And not only this
      During the 80s, the West was able to bankrupt the USSR, and the inability to rebuild the economic model led us to a huge commodity deficit, which caused discontent among the population, to whom both privatization and the market were sold.

      The shortage was artificial, man-made. No “discontent” of the population led to the collapse of the Union (the referendum is proof of this); there is no need to drag the people into the treacherous plans of the elites.
      Taiwan's problem is, first of all, a battle for the possession of unique technologies for the production of microelectronics, primarily chips.

      The "Taiwan problem" is the problem of China's free access to the open ocean. Without Taiwan, democrats with satellites will be able, if they really want to, to tightly seal the “barrel of the South China Sea”; this will not work with Taiwan. But the democrats will still not give Taiwanese chips to China, in any scenario of reunification - peaceful or military...
      The secret to the success of the PRC is the creative use of the experience of the USSR

      The secret of the PRC's success is mainly the patriotic leadership, which sees its children and grandchildren in their prosperous country, and not in the Bahamas or London...
      1. -9
        17 March 2024 10: 38
        Quote: Doccor18
        The shortage was artificial, man-made.

        Quote: Doccor18
        No “discontent” of the population led to the collapse of the Union (the referendum is proof of this), there is no need to drag the people into the treacherous plans of the elites

        That is, you don’t understand that if the deficit was man-made at the district/city level, then it was not Musk’s Partocrats who betrayed it - but your neighbors from the city trade/district trade...
        Quote: Doccor18
        The secret of the PRC's success is mainly the patriotic leadership

        Which has been forced for 27 years to shoot corrupt officials at all levels, including the Chinese government, who are quite taking their children and grandchildren to Landon.
        And there is no clear break in the shootings - others take the place of those shot for some reason....
        1. +5
          18 March 2024 08: 41
          Quote: your1970
          that if the deficit was man-made at the district/city level, then it was not Musk’s Partocrats who betrayed it - but your neighbors from the city trade/district trade...

          From the district level? laughing That is, there was a tobacco shortage (after the sudden closure of almost all factories in the country) and a sugar shortage, and district committees were set up in the two capitals? Aren't you funny?
          Quote: your1970
          Which has been forced for 27 years to shoot corrupt officials at all levels, including the Chinese government

          That's the thing, she shoots them. He identifies and shoots. This, among other things, is what the patriotically minded supreme power is doing. And he finds runners-thieves in Europe and Southeast Asian countries, and then returns them and judges them publicly, while not forgetting to return the loot as much as possible. This is probably why in China, and not here or in India/Brazil, over the past thirty years the average level of wages has increased significantly, industry produces almost the entire range of goods, the fastest trains in the world run, etc. and so on...
          1. +1
            18 March 2024 09: 02
            Quote: Doccor18
            sugar deficit in two capitals as well

            I would be fine with Feng Shui for the food shortage in 2 capitals, if it weren’t for us, 1200 km from Moscow.
            And yes - a piece of paper “Close all tobacco shops in the country”, which were in almost every city, including Saratov??
            Believe more in this crap about “close 26 out of 28 factories for repairs”

            Quote: Doccor18
            And he finds runners-thieves in Europe and Southeast Asian countries, and then returns them and judges them publicly,
            this is true - 92% are returned, tried and shot.

            Quote: Doccor18
            while not forgetting to return as much of the loot as possible.
            but this is not so. Not at all. You can return no more than 3% - read about the “Celestial Network”. This figure barely pays for the work of the “Celestial Network”.

            Quote: Doccor18
            This is probably why in China, and not here or in India/Brazil, over the past thirty years the average level of wages has increased significantly, industry produces almost the entire range of goods, the fastest trains in the world run, etc. and so on...

            And in Japan - not They've been shooting for 27 years in a row, but it's all there.
            Don’t you find it strange that for 27 years it hasn’t dawned on Chinese corrupt officials - what kind of corruption are they making extra holes in their heads??? Where is the place of patriotism among Chinese corrupt officials at all levels???
            1. +3
              18 March 2024 09: 29
              Quote: your1970
              I would be fine with Feng Shui for the food shortage in 2 capitals - if we didn’t have it too - 1200 km from Moscow

              And many others also like Feng Shui, but it is very naive to assume that such actions could be the result of excessive independence of local leaders (even now this is incredible), and during the time of the Union...
              Quote: your1970
              in Japan they haven’t shot for 27 years in a row, but it’s all there.

              Japan has not produced much for a long time (and, in principle, it has never strived to produce everything), in addition, the Japanese mentality and self-discipline make comparisons with anyone with them not entirely correct (lifetime contracts with one company, you are unlikely to see this anywhere else. ..).
              Quote: your1970
              Don’t find it strange that 27 years before the Chinese corrupt officials

              Let us remember what happened in China before these 27 years? Centuries of poverty and endless civil strife, occupation, torture of the people, the communist push-pull of Mao and Deng’s slogan “get rich” that fell on the heads of the people... And now what is there? A strange hybrid of CCP power and a parade of billionaires?
              What Lenin said: “We can build communism only from the sum of knowledge, organizations and institutions, with the reserve of human strength and resources that are left to us from the old society...” What is 27 years? This is just one drop in the sea of ​​Chinese history. Many, having seized upon money, cannot cope with its attraction and decay. Is there a recipe? I think that the Chinese rulers are groping for it: time + education + steady improvement in the quality of life + total control + strict and inevitable punishment for any violation. I am not idealizing China at all (there are a lot of problems and inconsistencies there), but in comparison with other rulers, they are at least doing something, and with an eye to the future.
      2. +4
        17 March 2024 21: 58
        Quote: Doccor18
        The secret of the PRC's success is mainly the patriotic leadership, which sees its children and grandchildren in their prosperous country, and not in the Bahamas or London...

        I wouldn't be so sure about the latter; in London the Chinese have been the main buyers for a very long time. But I agree about the very top, lovers of London real estate are shot there, and not sent to negotiate with enemies
    3. +5
      17 March 2024 08: 13
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      What nonsense about the USA as a source of technology for the USSR
      Remember Albert Kahn, whose company designed and built 600 turnkey enterprises, including 90 metallurgical plants. And there were others wink
      1. -1
        17 March 2024 16: 20
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        Remember Albert Kahn, whose company designed and built 600 turnkey enterprises, including 90 metallurgical plants. And there were others

        Quote: T-100
        Regarding technology - well, the first Stalinist five-year plans, large factories were built with the participation of Albert Kahn, Inc, information can be found. Also in other factories, something was copied, something could be stolen, and something could be bought.

        The development of the USSR did not stop in 1945; what technologies did the USA supply to the USSR after 1945? The author is clearly extrapolating the experience of the 30s to the entire history of the USSR. What's not clear here?
        1. +1
          17 March 2024 17: 59
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          The development of the USSR did not stop in 1945; what technologies did the USA supply to the USSR after 1945?
          After the end of the war, no technologies were supplied to the USSR, but thanks to the enterprises with technological processes founded in the 30s, the USSR continued to develop further. In the pre-war years, the impetus for development was laid
          1. -1
            18 March 2024 03: 37
            Quote: Dutchman Michel
            . In the pre-war years, the impetus for development was laid

            No impulse would be enough to create a nuclear power plant or jet aircraft (Nin-Derwent, of course, but they abandoned it almost immediately). So after the 45th it’s all on your own. (Almost)
            Well, we can safely assume that the impulse, and a considerable one, was extinguished by the post-war devastation...
    4. +1
      17 March 2024 10: 56
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      What nonsense about the USA as a source of technology for the USSR,

      The Stalingrad Tractor Plant smiles at your words, like 900 other enterprises built with the assistance of A Kan.
      Where did the German specialist in “The Golden Calf” come from, for whom “they paid in foreign currency”?
      Where did the pharmaceutical industry come from? Is Germany out of business?
      Watches?"Factory equipment Duber Hampton was intended for the production of pocket and wristwatches. On its basis, the 1930st State Watch Factory began operating in Moscow in September 1. On plant equipment Ansonia in 1931, also in Moscow, the 2nd State Watch Factory began producing alarm clocks, wall clocks and electric clock systems. "
      And so, wherever you turned, imported ears stuck out everywhere at the beginning. And not only that, 70% of passenger ships were built in capital countries.
      1. +2
        17 March 2024 11: 37
        Quote: your1970
        Stalingrad Tractor Plant - smiles at your words
        I only spoke about American specialists, and even then not about all of them. In total, with their help, if I’m not mistaken, about 1600 industrial enterprises were created
      2. +1
        17 March 2024 16: 22
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        Remember Albert Kahn, whose company designed and built 600 turnkey enterprises, including 90 metallurgical plants. And there were others

        Quote: T-100
        Regarding technology - well, the first Stalinist five-year plans, large factories were built with the participation of Albert Kahn, Inc, information can be found. Also in other factories, something was copied, something could be stolen, and something could be bought.

        The development of the USSR did not stop in 1945; what technologies did the USA supply to the USSR after 1945? The author is clearly extrapolating the experience of the 30s to the entire history of the USSR. What's not clear here?

        Quote: your1970
        Imported ears stuck out everywhere at the beginning.
        That's right, at the beginning. Soviet nuclear power plants, for example, who provided the USSR?
        1. -2
          17 March 2024 16: 31
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          Soviet nuclear power plants, for example, who provided the USSR?

          And no one denies that separate the industries were at their best. Tanks, nuclear power plants, satellites and ballet were the best in the world, the people were good, everything else.....
          I repeat, for example, 70% of passenger ships in the USSR were built in capital countries.
          1. +1
            17 March 2024 16: 39
            Quote: your1970
            Tanks, nuclear power plants, satellites and ballet were the best in the world, people were good, everything else.....
            Aircraft manufacturing, machine tool manufacturing, electronics, chemistry, even the automotive industry were at the world level - give or take. Yes, everything, even the agricultural sector, taking into account the devil’s climate.
            Oh, Bunshaaa... In order to build a nuclear power plant, everything must be developed, from chemistry to electronics. What technologies did the US supply to the USSR after 1945?
            1. -1
              17 March 2024 20: 01
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              machine tool industry
              therefore in average the factories had all sorts of DIPs and machine tools from the times of the 3rd Reich.
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              This is what every second person here criticizes about the military equipment of the USSR. Yes, for 1950 electronics were almost modern, for the 1970s they were already a little wretched. Our battalion commander had a captured ballistic artillery calculator, which replaced ALL our entire platoon topographic mapping complex. The accuracy was the same - only it weighed a couple of kilos and was about the size of an iron - versus our COMPLEX on 3 UAZs....
              Quote: Vladimir_2U

              So the whole world was watching color films before WWII, and we only crawled to 1970 after 40 years. And even then the filmmakers preferred Kodak together with Tasma and Svema
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              automotive industry
              - is this poor 2106? Or the no less wretched Moskvich?
              The unfortunate diesel engine - vital for the UAZ - could not be made in principle. The Ural, which consumed 96 liters per 100 km, could exist only with us. It’s simply indecent to remember Colchis. Only 2 cars - KamAZ and Niva - were relatively good.
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              agricultural sector
              do you mean the agricultural sector of Canada or homosexual (another word!!) for the sake of chair in the Politburo who slaughtered all the cattle in Ryazan?
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              In order to build a nuclear power plant, everything must be developed, from chemistry to electronics.

              I don’t know about large reactors, but in Dubna at JINR in the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at the accelerator MC 400, U-200 and U-400 in 1992 when I worked there
              there was "electronics" feel 1950-60s. Reactors in another laboratory had electronics from the 1970s
              1. -2
                18 March 2024 03: 34
                Quote: your1970
                therefore, on average, factories had all sorts of DIPs and machine tools from the times of the 3rd Reich.

                No need for fairy tales, on average. On average, there was domestic equipment, I also visited production, you know.

                Quote: your1970
                .The accuracy was the same - only it weighed a couple of kilos and was about the size of an iron - versus our COMPLEX on 3 UAZs....
                Whose trophy is this, what are you sculpting? Did this trophy provide a topographic reference?

                Quote: your1970
                - is this poor 2106? Or the no less wretched Moskvich?
                Yes, at least they are, just if you compare not with Mercedes, but with cars from India, Brazil, and even England, from the corresponding price segment.
                Quote: your1970
                The Ural, which consumed 96 liters per 100 km, could exist only with us.
                Hand face Ural 4320 - 20-40 liters. This is your level of arguments, which must be divided two to five times...
                1. +1
                  18 March 2024 07: 34
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  Whose trophy is this, what are you sculpting? Did this trophy provide a topographic reference?

                  Afghan trophy, Japan. Naturally, I didn’t draw on the map; it gave out the coordinates of the position after entering the initial ones. The only drawback was that the batteries were old, apparently they ran out in a day. We had enough BUiAR to ensure shooting and carry out our tasks.
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  Yes, at least they are, just if you compare not with Mercedes, but with cars from India, Brazil, and even England, from the corresponding price segment.
                  Why not the Trabant? Almost a car too? Quite a self-running stroller...
                  I hope you remember that at that moment (late 1960-1970s) semi-colonial India did not have its own automobile industry. And the Brazilian auto industry is still unknown to me
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  Hand face Ural 4320 - 20-40 liters.

                  Yeah, only there was trouble in front of him petrol Ural 375 - produced until 1993. But even for the USSR - which drained gasoline into ravines at the end of the quarter - this beast ate too much.
                  Hand face - if you didn’t know about the main GRAD machine before 4320.
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  No need for fairy tales, on average. On average, there was domestic equipment, I also visited production, you know.

                  That’s why they still sell USSR machines to private owners - but whysomething like 1950-1960s. No 1980s......

              2. 0
                18 March 2024 14: 41
                I don’t know about large reactors, but in Dubna at JINR in the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at the accelerator MC 400, U-200 and U-400 in 1992 when I worked there

                An unexpected new page in your biography
                1. 0
                  18 March 2024 15: 24
                  Quote: A vile skeptic
                  I don’t know about large reactors, but in Dubna at JINR in the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at the accelerator MC 400, U-200 and U-400 in 1992 when I worked there

                  An unexpected new page in your biography

                  “Didn’t you know? You’re messing around, major!!” (c)
                  I worked there for 2 years, and then guarded it for 3 years - in science it became really sad with money + my health did not qualify for the ARVU
  2. -4
    17 March 2024 05: 33
    There are just a lot of Chinese, that’s the main reason.
    1. +5
      17 March 2024 08: 51
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      There are just a lot of Chinese, that’s the main reason.

      There are also a lot of Hindus, but so far the development of India has left much to be desired, now it is certainly gaining momentum, but success is not only in population size.

      Therefore, I completely agree with the author that the main problem of Russia is the thinking of the Russian elites... after all, even under capitalism it was possible to show success, albeit with local specifics, but still.

      After all, what distinguishes the United States and China from other countries of the world? Huge markets where you can create some kind of product/technology - sell it and recoup the costs. In our country, with 145 million consumers, you won’t run far, no matter the creation of a domestic car, or the construction of industrial semiconductors, chips, etc. – you will have to invest a lot, but who will buy it?

      This is where we come to what we needed the EAEU for - sales markets for Russian products + with the cooperation of states, everyone would earn money and raise the standard of living as a whole in the association. Of course, this would require creating barriers for foreign goods to Russia, so that our manufacturers would receive advantages and a guaranteed sales market + at the legislative level, oblige the countries of the association to give advantages to the goods of the participating countries... somewhere along the line of security (chips, software, computer hardware, etc.) etc. – we don’t want the USA/China – to control sensitive areas) somewhere else like... duties/barriers/laws, etc.

      But we were unable to realize the potential of the unification... In Russia, since the 00s, preference was given to the oil and gas industry, and almost all financial flows revolved around the sale of natural resources and processing of raw materials... and when they started thinking about creating an industry (in the last year or two), the train had already left, as is usually the case (which is the case with Ukraine since 2014, as in other areas) ... our neighbors have found a new patron in the person of the PRC, which has become a key economic partner of the countries of the association, and we decided not to fight over sales markets, but simply integrate into the Chinese system.

      Could it have been different? Could... we could be the core of the association, and be the #1 partner of our neighbors, taking into account industrial cooperation with Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan/Kyrgyzstan, etc. would have repeated the experience of the USSR but on a capitalist basis... but there was not enough effort and thinking, as I see it. No one in our government really strived for this.
  3. +9
    17 March 2024 05: 37
    Some kind of cumbersome article, just like a scientific monograph, is difficult to read; when you reach the end, you forget what happened at the beginning.
    The insight of the PRC leadership that something needed to be changed in the country came after the defeat from the invasion of Vietnam in February 1979. How is it that a great nuclear power could not win a local conflict? And then the search began for ways to rebuild the entire society and the search for new allies and their technologies.
    1. +7
      17 March 2024 07: 49
      Is there anything that doesn’t remind us of this? How is it that a huge nuclear country can’t defeat Ukraine on the battlefield? The hope is that those at the top will come to their senses. The article is interesting and correct in many ways, but there are inaccuracies.
      1. -17
        17 March 2024 08: 35
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        How is it that a huge nuclear country cannot defeat Ukraine on the battlefield?
        The huge nuclear country is not at war with Ukraine, but is conducting a military offensive against it. You write nonsense because you don’t want to see the difference. If they had fought, there would have long been a great ashes in the place of its cities and villages. And the remaining part of the people alive would have to be destroyed, because they would certainly turn out to be neo-Banderaites, hating Russia even without stories about ancient Ukrainians.
        1. +14
          17 March 2024 08: 55
          I see that many people are dying. Both on the right and wrong sides. Isn’t this a war? And the terminology is from the evil one..
          1. -15
            17 March 2024 08: 58
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            And the terminology is from the evil one
            Your comments are from the evil one. And terminology is a means of calling things by their proper names.
            1. +6
              17 March 2024 09: 08
              It’s clear, you have nothing to argue with - the comments are worthless. Yes, and by the way, why isn’t neo-Banderaism in full bloom there now? There are no waiting people, both in the liberated territories and within the country? I want this evil spirit to be destroyed in the bud. But those at the top apparently plan to put this on the shoulders of our grandchildren and great-grandchildren..
              1. -11
                17 March 2024 09: 28
                Quote from: dmi.pris1
                nothing to argue
                There's nothing to object to. Maybe this:
                Quote from: dmi.pris1
                I see that many people are dying.
                Where do you “see”? “A lot” is how much: more than in the Second World War for the same period, or less than in Chechnya? That’s why I write: “Your comments are from the evil one.” Throwing crap at the fan.
        2. +1
          17 March 2024 12: 31
          It’s interesting how you imagine this, at least technically. Because no one has canceled air defense, and the supply of missiles is not at all large enough to demolish cities.
  4. -1
    17 March 2024 05: 47
    In fact, Brussels bureaucrats can easily count the growth of +-0,5% of GDP as a victory. After the inflation shock at the beginning of last year, this is still a very good result. Well, the departure from the policy of zero rates may well (should) be a plus for the EU.
  5. +7
    17 March 2024 06: 10
    Starting right means doing half the job. Russia and China started their paths differently. In China, at the beginning of the path, everything was subordinated to economics. We spent a lot of money on anti-Soviet rhetoric. We still haven’t decided on a progressive tax. In China, this became the main thing. In China, only business people could afford to be luxurious. In our country, the entire elite got involved in this. I’m not even talking about the sale of state property. Which we have in the 90s Over the years it has become so widespread that people are bashfully silent about it. Different approaches to state building.
    1. +2
      17 March 2024 08: 02
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      We still haven't decided on a progressive tax.

      Is it only with him?
      I decided not to go to the polls just because I followed the saying:
      #FF0000]Don't feed me what I don't eat!
      It’s the same as if a non-smoker was offered “Belomor”, “Prima”, “Stolichnye” and “L&M” instead of bread...
      1. -10
        17 March 2024 09: 59
        Quote: ROSS 42
        I decided not to go to the polls only because I followed the saying: Don't feed me what I don't eat!
        You are not alone: ​​there are many people for whom elections are food; if there is no personal gain, there is nothing to do there.
        1. +5
          17 March 2024 10: 07
          Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
          if there is no personal gain, there is nothing to do there.

          Mercantile interests have nothing to do with it.
          I do not take bribes. It's a shame for my power.
          I have no desire to choose between sturgeon of the second (fifth) freshness and “freshly baked bread” that has already been eaten once.
          1. -11
            17 March 2024 10: 23
            Quote: ROSS 42
            Mercantile interests have nothing to do with it... I have no desire to choose between sturgeon of the second (fifth) freshness...
            I am writing about the food supply ("bread", sturgeon, etc.). Your metaphors are at the stomach level and below. And in elections we need considerations about the welfare of the people and the future of the country. Customs officer Vereshchagin’s phrase here is pure self-promotion and does not fit in with the “justification”.
            1. +5
              17 March 2024 11: 18
              I won’t even continue the conversation or convince a person who doesn’t know the concepts of anything:
              Allegory - artistic representation of abstract concepts and generalizations with the help of specific figurative embodiments. The artist depicts and represents faith, love, soul, justice, discord, glory, war, peace, spring, summer, autumn, winter, death and similar concepts with living beings and concrete images.
              Sarcasm (from the Greek σαρκασμός, from σαρκάζω, lit. “tear flesh”) - one of the types of satirical exposure, caustic ridicule, the highest degree of irony.
              Sarcasm states one thing, but implies the opposite - for example, through mocking hyperbole or intonation...

              You don’t even (probably) understand what sturgeon of the second and fifth freshness is...
              Theory, my friend, is dry,
              But the tree of life turns green.
              1. -12
                17 March 2024 11: 26
                Quote: ROSS 42
                You don’t even (probably) understand what sturgeon of the second and fifth freshness is...
                I realized that you are only good at sausage scraps, but not at state building, so you have nothing to do at all in the elections. Perhaps if Navalny were a candidate, they would give you a little money for a photo of a correctly voted ballot, they would definitely go. But there’s nothing to take from Kharitonov, even though he’s against capitalism, that’s not for you.
                1. +4
                  17 March 2024 11: 29
                  Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
                  I realized that you are only good at sausage trimmings,

                  I'm a little familiar with acronyms. It's time for you to change it on the pennant:
                  "Man of the Ministry of Education"
                  1. -7
                    17 March 2024 11: 35
                    Quote: ROSS 42
                    I'm a little familiar with acronyms. It's time for you to change it on the pennant: "Man of the Ministry of Education"
                    I’ll think about it after you change the Victory Banner on your avatar to a rainbow flag.
                    1. 0
                      18 March 2024 17: 40
                      In his photo it is not the Victory Banner, but a staged photo on the roof of the Reichstag staged by Khaldei. The Victory Banner looks different.
                      1. 0
                        18 March 2024 17: 51
                        Quote from solar
                        What he has in the picture is not the Victory Banner, but a staged photo
                        I read about the production, but I don’t remember about the banner. Is Egorov not there either?
  6. +2
    17 March 2024 06: 32
    The article was written chaotically and without editing. request It's impossible to read...
    Unlike the USSR, China would never have risen to this level if not for the import of technology from the USA.
    belay The pre-war USSR rose precisely on US technologies and equipment from Europe. The crisis in Europe in the 30s was such that we bought equipment from Germany and England for a third of the price. ... request
    America is the creator and patron of the Chinese miracle.
    fool fool fool This can be written about all the “wonderful” countries - the USSR (1925-1939), China (1970-2010), Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines.... Not America, but the USA. ....+ Western Europe
  7. +1
    17 March 2024 06: 39
    It’s just that in China, from the very beginning, they understood the fact that only a strong China would ensure the safety of their capital, and no one was a millionaire abroad.
    1. +4
      17 March 2024 13: 05
      Quote: Dart2027
      only a strong China will ensure the safety of their capital, and no millionaire is a millionaire abroad.

      Khe khe.

      That’s why Chinese millionaires bought up half of Australia and half of California.

      The dictatorship of the Communist Party is not a social system that can and, most importantly, wants to protect the rights of millionaires. Yes, anyone's rights.
      1. -2
        17 March 2024 13: 57
        Quote: Negro
        That’s why Chinese millionaires bought up half of Australia and half of California.

        They have the Chinese state behind them, and they keep their main assets at home.
        Quote: Negro
        The dictatorship of the Communist Party is not a social system that can and, most importantly, wants to protect the rights of millionaires.

        They have not been building any kind of communism for a long time.
        1. +1
          18 March 2024 08: 09
          Quote: Dart2027
          They have the Chinese state behind them, and they keep their main assets at home.

          They are building a reserve airfield in case their home country suddenly wants to eat people again. So yes, “the state is behind them,” but in a slightly different sense.
          Quote: Dart2027
          They have not been building any kind of communism for a long time.

          No one is building communism at all, but dictatorship does not need the mechanisms of law. Therefore, it cannot defend anyone’s “rights” - there is simply no such concept in dictatorships.

          There are examples closer to China, by the way.
          1. +1
            18 March 2024 19: 12
            Quote: Negro
            No one is building communism at all, but dictatorship does not need the mechanisms of law. Therefore, it cannot defend anyone’s “rights” - there is simply no such concept in dictatorships.

            There is no democracy in nature. Any state is a dictatorship of elites.
            1. 0
              18 March 2024 19: 25
              Quote: Dart2027
              There is no democracy in nature.

              Democracy is a mechanism for rotation of power involving the arbitration population. It's available in quite a few places, for now. But lately it’s been malfunctioning, it’s worth noting.
              Quote: Dart2027
              Any state is a dictatorship of elites.

              The question is how many elites there are in this state.
              1. +1
                18 March 2024 19: 32
                Quote: Negro
                Democracy is a mechanism

                images of rotation of power. It was possible in ancient tiny city-states, but in our time a real change of power will lead to the paralysis of this power for at least a month, and then God knows how long it will take to return to normal.
                1. +2
                  18 March 2024 20: 06
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  but in our time, a real change of power will lead to the paralysis of this power for at least a month,

                  You are confusing power as a bureaucratic apparatus and the specific personalities of politicians. And the rotation of power takes place one way or another. In some places, scarves, snuff boxes, and some other similar means are used for this, and in others, elective procedures. It is believed that the second option makes the system more stable.

                  Although there are also negative examples, of course.
                  1. 0
                    18 March 2024 20: 53
                    Quote: Negro
                    You are confusing power as a bureaucratic apparatus and the specific personalities of politicians.

                    Can you imagine how much information, the very existence of which only those who are supposed to have these specific personalities should know?
                    1. +1
                      19 March 2024 05: 59
                      So what?

                      You overestimate this "information". Thanks to the Democrats' attempts to imprison Trump, we learned that every American president trucks away documents with any stamps from the database and dumps them in some closets or in garages.

                      Grated trash is still trash.
                      1. 0
                        19 March 2024 19: 03
                        Quote: Negro
                        Thanks to the Democrats' attempts to imprison Trump, we learned that every American president trucks away documents with any stamps from the database and dumps them in some closets or in garages.

                        Do you seriously believe in this circus?
                      2. 0
                        20 March 2024 08: 07
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Do you seriously believe in this circus?

                        Which one exactly?
                      3. 0
                        20 March 2024 19: 09
                        Quote: Negro
                        Which one exactly?

                        The fact that some secret documents were taken somewhere. A simple question - why?
                      4. 0
                        20 March 2024 20: 22
                        Why leave it?

                        I would burn it all en masse, but Americans have their own traditions.
                      5. 0
                        20 March 2024 21: 10
                        Quote: Negro
                        Why leave it?

                        This whole circus was invented as an element of black PR in the struggle for power of the local elites.
                      6. 0
                        20 March 2024 21: 12
                        You see, the fact that all presidents, upon dismissal, remove all paper from the database, including toilet paper, is a well-known fact, clearly not invented for Trump.
                      7. 0
                        21 March 2024 06: 16
                        Quote: Negro
                        You see, it is a well-known fact that all presidents, upon dismissal, remove all paper from the database, including toilet paper.

                        Will the source be?
                      8. 0
                        21 March 2024 10: 43
                        You see, I am giving you this information. I don’t need to convince you, I won’t waste my energy on it. If you don't want to, don't believe it.
                      9. 0
                        21 March 2024 18: 47
                        Quote: Negro
                        If you don't want to, don't believe it.

                        That is, it won't. Where does the information come from then?
  8. +6
    17 March 2024 06: 40
    The development and growth of the Russian economy is a complex problem. This includes education, driven under the plinth, the problem of the poverty-stricken hinterland and the tax system.
    Correct me if I'm lost...
    In China the tax is 1% on turnover, I don’t know about other taxes. What is the Russian VAT worth, which takes 10-20% of income out of the population’s pocket?
    The population is the final consumer of goods and services; they have no one to submit taxes to for compensation. I think this is why there is no industrial growth in Russia.
    1. +3
      17 March 2024 10: 10
      In China the tax is 1% of turnover, I don’t know about other taxes
      And there are also a lot of other taxes and they are not cheap (although quite tolerable).
    2. +1
      17 March 2024 10: 47
      Quote: aviapit123
      In China the tax is 1% on turnover, I don’t know about other taxes.
      Didn't have time to check it out?
      China's tax system consists of the following parts:
      VAT (31%)
      Corporate income tax (19,4)
      Business tax (15,1)
      Other taxes (9,1)
      Consumption tax (8%)
      Income tax for individuals (6,6%)
      Transaction tax (2,9%)
      Tax and repair and construction in cities (2,6%)
      Customs duties (2,5%)
      VAT and consumption tax on imports (2,1%)
      Resource tax (0,6%)
      Why talk nonsense about 1% is understandable, but short-sighted: it’s easy to check.
  9. +1
    17 March 2024 06: 52
    Following 2022 of the year excess of Russia's GDP level over 1991 year amounted to only only 30%. Russian industry in 2023 for the first time in 33 years has crossed the mark of 100% of the 1990 level.
    Did it exceed the GDP of 1991, even in 2022? And in 2023 they fell... request Children's Unified State Examination, or something. Eclecticism. feel
  10. 0
    17 March 2024 06: 58
    we still cannot move on to the active development of industry and technology. The population is declining. ....
    ...... This is a huge, colossal step forward, and it will take us to the restoration of our former greatness.

    the last paragraph is clearly superfluous, if there is greatness, it will be in the form of “Eastern Babylon”, learn Turkic languages, urgently!
  11. -3
    17 March 2024 07: 04
    it doesn’t matter how you pose the question, or “Why didn’t Russia follow the path of China,” or “Why didn’t China follow the path of Russia,” but in order to look for a serious answer, you preferably need to be a sinologist, not to mention the fact that at least five times You must have been to China in the last ten years. Sinologist because the “coups” in China and the “coups” in Russia over the long history of both countries have always had huge specific differences. Well, if, without having visited China several times, you write a fundamental article about the development of China, it will turn out the same as licking honey through glass, and saying to others - oh, how sweet. I do not ask the author whether he is a sinologist or how many times he has recently visited China. But anyway... ! By the way, the question “Why didn’t China follow the path of Russia” would be much more interesting, well, in the sense ... “We are going there ourselves, we don’t know where and why you Chinese are not following us either”... especially if you ask it to the Chinese .
    1. -9
      17 March 2024 11: 04
      Quote: north 2
      question... why don’t you Chinese follow us too? "... especially if you ask it to the Chinese
      Comrade Xi has already answered this: China is moving together with Russia. Those. not for, not before, but together.
      Now there are changes that have not happened for 100 years. And together we are driving these changes.
      1. -6
        17 March 2024 11: 11
        PS 100 years means since the creation of the USSR, a little something.
  12. +1
    17 March 2024 07: 16
    In general, the article is correct; indeed, both the “German miracle” and the “Japanese miracle” and the “Chinese miracle” were caused by financial influences and the transfer of technology from the United States. The American bourgeoisie combined their technology with cheap labor - resulting in explosive industrial growth.
    Now the West has withdrawn its capital from China and limited the transfer of technology, as a result of which the Chinese stock index has reached a historical low.
    However, I will note a few minor inaccuracies in the article.
    1. The USSR really had the largest reserves of uranium, they were located in Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Ukraine, but now in the Russian Federation there are much smaller mines in Transbaikalia and the Urals. We export a lot from Kazakhstan. But uranium processing is one of the few technologies in which we have left overseas people in the back.
    2. The author constantly pushes through the idea of ​​population reduction, trying to link the reduction in production with population decline. Here the dependence is more complicated. The inverse relationship is well known: rising living standards and urbanization reduce the birth rate. At the same time, China was developing rapidly with a declining population (one-child-per-family policy). So there is no direct relationship here. The only thing that really affects the development of high technologies related to population size is the “brain drain”, which has caused enormous damage to the Russian economy since the collapse of the USSR (the greatest emigration of the intellectual elite was in those years), and now also due to well-known events "IT leak" has become threatening.
  13. +2
    17 March 2024 07: 17
    Because in China there were leaders with a strong will, they crushed their liberals and democrats with tanks in the square. Because China had its own Yeltsin and Gorbachev, but one was imprisoned for life, the other was expelled from the country forever. Because China was watching the USSR and did not want such an end. Because China really wants to take revenge on Western countries for its past humiliations, but it will take revenge gracefully, economically. In addition, China benefits from the current situation, remaining aloof from the conflict and resolving the issues of production decline. In China, the historical period is 1000 years and not 100. Therefore, little by little, China will become the most powerful country on planet Earth in the foreseeable future!
    1. -1
      18 March 2024 17: 44
      Because in China there were leaders with a strong will, they crushed their liberals and democrats with tanks in the square.

      First they crushed them, and then they did exactly what they demanded.
      1. +1
        18 March 2024 17: 46
        There was no perestroika in China!
        1. 0
          18 March 2024 17: 54
          It depends on what you call perestroika. Obviously, modern China is far from the China of 1989, so perestroika was quite a thing.
          1. +1
            18 March 2024 17: 56
            I mean in the classic Gorbachev sense.
            1. +1
              18 March 2024 18: 07
              I don’t know how old you are, but in those days there was a concept of “acceleration”, as a set of economic reforms put forward by Gorbachev.
              Before this, the issue of acceleration was raised by Andropov and Chernenko, so the situation with this issue was obviously ripe, it was not a far-fetched thesis.
              It was with “acceleration” that everything began; perestroika, glasnost - that was only later.
              1. 0
                18 March 2024 18: 12
                In China there was no acceleration; they took a different path, not the path of scientific and technological revolution.
                1. 0
                  18 March 2024 23: 30
                  NTR was popular long before Gorbachev. And “acceleration” is something like Khrushchev’s “catch up and overtake”, it began with that.
                  “Perestroika” was a later term.
              2. +1
                18 March 2024 18: 16
                Yes, I remember everything. Everyone says what is perestroika? Do your job honestly. Remember?
    2. 0
      18 March 2024 21: 36
      but one was imprisoned for life

      Are you talking about Bo Xilai?
  14. +5
    17 March 2024 07: 19
    Russia has in many ways challenged the West and is waging a direct war with it for its ancestral Russian lands. This is a huge, colossal step forward, and it will take us to the restoration of our former greatness.

    Those. As long as the SVO lasts, the more will the military-industrial complex accelerate, to the detriment of other branches of production? But the military-industrial complex, thanks to the SVO, is accelerating not only here, but also in the West. It turns out that SVO is beneficial to the warring parties for a certain long period and a fleeting victory is not beneficial to either side?
    1. +6
      17 March 2024 08: 16
      the more the military-industrial complex will accelerate, to the detriment of other industries

      I’m afraid that even this option “does not threaten us”... increasing the production of equipment of the last century, purchasing missiles from “allies” and assembling drones from Chinese components is definitely not “accelerating the military-industrial complex”
  15. 0
    17 March 2024 07: 20
    In Russia and the USSR they did not read Sun Tzu, but in China they read:
    The path is that which determines the appeal to the fundamental principle and the return to the original. Debt is what determines the performance of actions and the achievement of results. Prudence is what determines the avoidance of harm and the acquisition of benefit. Intelligence is what determines the maintenance of the work and the safety of what has been done.

    If a person’s actions are not consistent with the Path, and his actions are not consistent with duty, then even if this person is among the great, is among the noble, still, trouble will certainly overtake him.

    Therefore, a perfect person leads people to good through the Path, controls them through duty, guides their actions through norms, and attracts them through humanity.
  16. +3
    17 March 2024 08: 12
    The first reason for Russian “successes” is the degeneration of the elites due to their closed nature. We do not have a national elite, China does.
    1. +2
      17 March 2024 12: 30
      Quote: Alexander Ra
      We do not have a national elite, China does.

      Yes, that's true, but that's not all. The Russian "elite" is inherently anti-national in nature. It replaces the Russian population with tens of millions of alien migrants.
  17. -2
    17 March 2024 08: 46
    The economic miracle of the PRC essentially appeared after in 89, the PRC authorities wrapped their orange coup on the tracks of tanks...
    The economic miracle of the USSR ended with the arrest by representatives of the Orange coup of the State Committee of Emergency in 1991, and the shooting of the White House in 1993...

    Conclusion: those who were able to escape from the influence of the United States, mastered the economic miracle, those who fell under the influence of the United States became the second CAR
  18. +6
    17 March 2024 08: 49
    “Why didn’t Russia follow the path of China?”
    Weird question. Because a coup d’etat took place in the USSR and proteges of the West and Vlasovites who were not defeated came to power. With the goal of making Russia a raw material appendage of the West.
    "for our primordially Russian lands..."
    I recently had an argument with a Muslim. He defended the migrants, saying that they are all, or the majority, for Russia. I simply answered him that if they were for Russia, then in their republics they would not ban the Russian language, television, and schools. They wouldn't kick Russian businesses out of their countries. And then business would create jobs for them. But the West's goal is to tear Russia apart. That’s why they bring this hatred to us in Russia. In the hope that they will repeat the 90s here in Russia. There is only one director. Africa is being resettled in the EU, Central Asia and China are being resettled in Russia. And the goal is the same everywhere. In case of non-subordination of governments, organize riots and overthrow the government.
    1. 0
      19 March 2024 12: 22
      and who brings Latinos and Africans to America? and whole areas of the same Chinese
  19. +4
    17 March 2024 09: 42
    The article contains some correct provisions, but is chaotic and does not answer the main question. This article does not refer to the main periods of power.
    1 Why didn’t the USSR (RSFSR) follow the path of the PRC in 1987-91?
    The PRC carried out economic modernization and suppressed the political component. In the USSR, stupid Gorbachev was pushed towards political modernization and he created the conditions for the collapse of the USSR.
    2 Why didn’t the Russian Federation follow the path of the PRC in 1991–2000?
    In the Russian Federation of this period, power belonged to groups of outright robbers and saboteurs, interested only in robbery and destruction.
    3 Why did the Russian Federation not follow the path of the PRC in 2000 - 2022?
    During this period, power in the Russian Federation was gained by groups that were not as malicious as in the 90s, but narrow-minded and under the intellectual influence of the West. Their slogan was “We will buy everything.” They were unable to understand the tasks of modernization and development of the country.
  20. +8
    17 March 2024 10: 04
    IMHO, the author, yes, missed the mark a little.
    In the USSR, it was drummed into me right in school that Imperialism and neocolonialism are technologies developed in the Metropolis, control centers there, and production transferred to the neocolonies.
    Moreover, it is quite high-tech. For example, chips from Taiwan and Malaysia.

    And here this ordinary thing is presented as something unknown....

    Well, the facts of the numbers - you can’t argue against them. Money is being withdrawn from Russia, 5 oligarchs have demonstratively renounced their citizenship, many have dual citizenship, many children live in NATO (not at all in China).
    Well, the current government cheerfully reports on its successes, when people are saving more and more on food... (statistics were given here)
  21. 0
    17 March 2024 10: 18
    for that. so that the USSR follows the path. known now. like “the way of China”, the USSR should have had its own Zhou En Lai, but it didn’t exist, and it couldn’t exist - they needed LOYAL ones, like Gorbachev, who couldn’t do anything on their own (unless his wife sang something in his ear )
    so there’s no need to even “rub” it
    1. 0
      18 March 2024 18: 07
      You are confused with Deng Xiaoping, it is thanks to him that China has become the second economy in the world now.
      1. +1
        19 March 2024 00: 35
        Deng Xiaoping, indeed, claimed that he was influenced by the ideas of Zhou Enlai. The first limited economic reforms (self-financing, etc.) began to be carried out at state-owned enterprises of the PRC back in the mid-70s, under Zhou.
  22. +1
    17 March 2024 10: 51
    The PRC is catastrophically dependent on the United States: the presence of a huge volume of government securities, trade, including the import of equipment, and investor funds in the stock market.
    The American national debt and the stock exchange are just zeroes in a computer. China has ALREADY taken the equipment. The furious work to educate and motivate their engineers has long since yielded results; in some weeks the Chinese launch two rockets into space. Even Iran is far ahead of us here.
    Trade - yes. Critical. We'll have to work on the domestic market. Which in China is colossal. And the Chinese are smart and skillful, they will do everything in the best possible way, which is far from the most difficult task. Well, the reason... the Chinese chose to study and work. Our “elites” steal, steal and steal. What other reasons are there...
  23. +2
    17 March 2024 12: 17
    The overheating of the Japanese economy ended with the 1990 crisis, and the Japanese miracle became a thing of the past.

    I don’t know what has become a thing of the past, 4th place in world GDP, as many as 2 of our own lithographic and chip manufacturers with their own technological line, negative inflation or so. Still a forge of high technologies. Even if it’s one of them. For a country practically without its own resources, they live well - the growth potential has, yes, been exhausted. But not due to some hidden American emanations - the country is not so big, everything is very crowded and rested on a cap, as in the case of the Germans.

    Most importantly, the United States transferred technology, invested and opened its markets. Without this, there would simply be no “Japanese” and “Korean” miracle

    Here I would argue with the author - the Japanese, with their breakthrough in the 19th century, showed what they could do. Before BB2, they had a fairly good development of their own technologies and a powerful scientific school - all this was organized in two and a half generations, practically from 0. They could have easily managed it themselves, especially since the gap in technology in the world was not as significant as it exists now. Of course yes, it would have taken longer - but with all my dislike for the Japanese, I must admit that they are hellishly persistent and purposeful there.

    Couldn't orders for the production of VCRs during perestroika have been placed in Russia instead of Poland?

    Post where? At dual-use enterprises, where the American delegation would simply not be allowed to inspect the capacity and ability to fulfill the order?)

    In January 1979, Deng Xiaoping made a historic visit to the United States, where he also received a very warm welcome. The PRC eventually took the place of the USSR in the world, and we were thrown far back

    I don’t know who was thrown back far, until 1988, the USSR was the second economy in the world in terms of GDP (then the second will be Japanese, and the USSR will be third). Before the collapse of the USSR, what places did the PRC trample under its red moccasin? What were they doing - sewing slippers? UNTIL the mid-80s, the country was clearing up the layers of stupidity of Mr. Mao and his idiotic foreign policy and was under fierce competition from South Korea, Japan, European and American goods. The fact that they had some kind of production located there at that time only gave them bread; they were still incredibly far from butter for this bread, as well as from competition with the USSR.

    Russia has in many ways challenged the West and is waging a direct war with it for its ancestral Russian lands. This is a huge, colossal step forward, and it will take us to the restoration of our former greatness

    The conclusion really amazed me.

    And so it all started well - such a clickbait headline with a hint of analysis “why Russia didn’t go...” and in the end an article by the boys on the topic “the insidious Americans are twisting everything.”
    The question is not “why didn’t Russia follow the path..” - the question is why, after the collapse of the USSR, we lost our share in the global market. What, the demand for what we did disappeared right away?) Nope. We just wanted to bring everything to completion - and we did. They buried the empire and let it go, one might say. They buried industry and brought science to a standstill. Instead of modernizing all this for capitalism (when something already exists and is much easier to deploy than to create from scratch), we “couldn’t” and/or didn’t want to. South Korea, Japan, China - they understood what they had to do to live well. But we did not have and still do not have this understanding, instead there are myths, political rhetoric and some defective constructions in the style of “global confrontation”.
    1. 0
      18 March 2024 17: 46
      Before BB2, they had a fairly good development of their own technologies and a powerful scientific school - all this was organized in two and a half generations from almost 0

      Do not exaggerate. Germany was spinning like a top to bring Japan within the framework of the Anti-Comintern Pact to a digestible level in a short time. And I still couldn’t.
      Why did we lose our share in the global market after the collapse of the USSR? What, the demand for what we did disappeared right away?) Nope. We just wanted to bring everything to completion - and we did. They buried the empire and let it go, one might say. They buried industry and brought science to a standstill. Instead of modernizing all this under capitalism

      Well, in general, what you described is “modernization for capitalism”
      defective constructions in the style of "global confrontation"

      Denying it is even stupider than shaking tin foil hats. All the countries you listed (Korea, Japan, China) with the same understanding and without the participation of the United States (on very specific conditions) would remain at the level of the Philippines.
      1. +1
        18 March 2024 20: 40
        Do not exaggerate. Germany was spinning like a top to bring Japan within the framework of the Anti-Comintern Pact to a digestible level in a short time. And I still couldn’t

        I don’t understand how you can write something like this seriously. The Germans to the extreme, until 1936-1937, in their formations considered China as an eastern ally (which was proven by their diplomacy and activities in it, including at the level of military advisers), Hitler despised the Japanese and did not consider them interesting, nor a loyal ally. And speaking of cooperation since 1937, one must understand that Japan ALREADY built and laid down a large fleet participating in BB2 (aircraft carriers, battleships) - the Germans did not have such experience in creation because they were bound by Versailles for a long time. The same “Zero” as an aircraft was designed and made by Japan itself. The tank program also proceeded without Germany, and although the tanks turned out to be absolutely weak, the Japanese themselves considered them sufficient for the theater of operations and confrontation with colonial troops until the middle of the war. In terms of small arms, Japan also had competencies that allowed them to produce and design their own samples or exploit patents from Interbellum and WW1 times - again, Hitler’s Germany 1933+ had nothing to do with this at all. The scanty Japanese atomic or bacteriological program also proceeded without the Germans, using their own specialists and capacities. If I’m not mistaken, the Germans tried to transfer part of the reserves for it (heavy water, uranium) to them only at the very end of the war, as in general, the documents for the Messer and Tiger, transferred only in 1944 (with one or a couple of disassembled "Messers" transported on submarines). Any kind of cooperation was very difficult since 1939, i.e., de facto, the Yaps + GG could only more or less communicate in the period from 1937 to 1939, then they were increasingly interfered with.

        Well, in general, what you described is “modernization for capitalism”

        This was not modernization for capitalism. We had controlled markets and ready-made production connections, but we stupidly leaked it - it was an absurd absurdity. It’s like if you run out onto the balcony and throw all your money into the street, and then break both your arms and your head so that you can’t earn any more. Capitalism is just a focus on the money line, if possible. There was an opportunity - these were not capital decisions but outright nonsense.

        Denying it is even stupider than shaking tin foil hats. All the countries you listed (Korea, Japan, China) with the same understanding and without the participation of the United States (on very specific conditions) would remain at the level of the Philippines

        Pre-war Japan was already the flagship in Asia, which was held back only by restrictions on free markets due to colonialism. After WW2, they still had production, and the collapse of the colonial system would give them access to markets and the flow of resources. They would tighten their belts, the Japanese knew how to do this no worse than in the USSR - as already noted, they did this extremely successfully in the 19th century. And ourselves. Another thing is that the Americans themselves did not want this development and they stupidly fed them in order to prolong the post-war occupation and ensure that Japan was not divided into zones a la Germany (as was generally planned in Yalta).
        Before the turnaround in the 1970s, China was developing quite successfully (if we ignore the Kyrgyz Republic), taking into account the depth of their lag behind developed countries and the wildest devastation, of course. Since 1956, we have had zero cooperation with him and there has been no cooperation with the United States - however, this did not stop them from stirring up their nuclear and missile programs and launching a jet aviation program. This was clearly not the level of the Philippines.
        Korea, yes, they fed it to the fullest. It could not have been otherwise after the division.
        1. 0
          19 March 2024 12: 37
          I don’t understand how you can write something like this seriously.

          Well, probably based on accumulated knowledge.
          The Germans to the extreme, until 1936-1937, in their formations considered China as an eastern ally (which was proven by their diplomacy and activities in it, including at the level of military advisers), Hitler despised the Japanese and did not consider them interesting, nor a loyal ally.

          Is this a counterargument to my words?
          you need to understand that Japan ALREADY built and laid down a large fleet participating in BB2 (aircraft carriers, battleships)

          Why should it be surprising that an island country is traditionally good at building ships? What does this have to do with “good development of technology and a powerful scientific school”?
          The further text “about airplanes, tanks, small arms” makes no sense - it does not make it possible to assess the technological capabilities of Japanese industry in the context of “good development of technology and a powerful scientific school.” I could kind of spend time analyzing each point, but I don’t like sheets of text. McCormack's 1945 report on technical assistance provided by Germany to Japan has long been declassified; you can study 400 pages of interesting information without my help..
          Any cooperation has been very difficult since 1939

          Are you laughing or what? Look at the map. Direct transit through the USSR until July 1941. The transit condition was agreed upon at the stage of signing the pact. Not to mention Sweden, which continued to act as a mediator.
          This was not a modernization for capitalism... Capitalism is just a focus on the money line, if possible.

          1) “Money making” is not synonymous with production. You can “make money” in a lot of other ways. And those who chose in the 90s are completely “capitalist”. Just because you don’t like this kind of “capitalism” it doesn’t cease to be it.
          2) Oh, this modest postscript “if possible” lol
          Again, in order not to write sheets of text, I simply advise you to familiarize yourself with the works of Paul Baran, Andre Frank or other economists who contributed to the development of “Dependency Theory”.
          And as homework, I recommend finding out why the GDR enterprises that produced products that were competitive, of equal quality and more profitable for consumers, were destroyed by the German concerns that bought them after the reunification. This is a more understandable example (not diluted by the “global confrontation”) of the operation of the mechanism of protectionism under capitalism.
          Pre-war Japan was already the flagship in Asia

          It was not at all difficult to be a flagship in pre-war Asia, among the colonies and being a colonist yourself.
          They would tighten their belts

          I didn’t know that diet is the key to NTP. For some reason it seems to me that the cooperation of Yoshio Kodama, Nobusuke Kishi and the CIA played a greater role in the post-war development of Japan.
          Before the turnaround in the 1970s, China was developing quite successfully (if we abstract from the Kyrgyz Republic)

          “Quite successfully” China began to develop since 1980, coincidentally feel , that this period included such events as China’s permission to install DER stations against the USSR in Xinjiang and the United States’ permission to sell dual-use civilian and military technologies under the agreement on cooperation in the field of science and technology of January 31, 1979. .
  24. +3
    17 March 2024 12: 34
    As the Chinese themselves said: they have grown wiser, we have grown stupid.
  25. +2
    17 March 2024 13: 32
    Alexander, in the mass of your data and conclusions I did not find an answer to one, but very fundamental, for me, question concerning the main thesis of Marxism. This thesis states that the level of development of the productive forces MUST correspond to the quality of the state of social-production relations. Social-production relations are developed and brought to qualitatively new levels by either a social state or a socialist one. Or the subjects of this very state destroy these very relations, destroying the total productive forces of the country, as in Russia in the 90s and 2000s(... Who, today, is able to form revolutionary and the most advanced social socio-productive relations, without which neither production nor the infrastructure for its support and maintenance can function, much less develop? Who will be these “other people” that you wrote to me about in your response to my comment to your previous article? And what to do with “these” robbing and stealing from the country for more than 30 years by mafias around the government? Which political economic entity is now, in order to achieve the goals of economic development, able to nationalize the market-valuable property of these bastards, convict them, deprive them of assets and capital created through scams , frauds and crimes of the 90s, the use of political, administrative, legal, and power resources of SOVIET power during privatization and corporatization of state-owned socialist property? Or maybe there are such entities abroad? But neither China nor India needs Russia’s advanced scientific and industrial development. They only need markets and sources of cheap resources and minerals. Therefore, they will continue to interact with the regime of the Russian financial and trade oligarchy, which, over the past 30 years, has turned us into a country of Papuans and Indians. Who today is able to carry out those “quantitative” changes that revolutionize the qualitative state of science, industry, political, social, legal, administrative relations of existing forms of property and the state?

    PS "-You can change your face,
    Only the soul - NO FUCK!..."
    Igor Talkov.
  26. +3
    17 March 2024 13: 42
    In the immortal work “Das Kapital”, Marx analyzed and revealed the laws of change of social formations, but did not describe what and how to do, because this is impossible without taking into account the specific conditions that in each individual case have their own political-economic, geographical, national and other characteristics.
    After the Second World War, the USSR devoted all its efforts to the development of the nuclear missile program to the detriment of all others; it was impossible to do otherwise. The downside was that Group B industries and living standards lagged behind in competition with the capitalist West.
    N.S. Khruchev and all subsequent leaders of the USSR were formal Marxists, appealed to V.I. Lenin, but lived off the legacy of I.V. Stalin, which began to dry up with the arrival of M.S. Gorbachev. A classic revolutionary situation arose when the upper classes could not govern in the old way, and the lower classes did not want to live in the old way. M.S. Gorbachev understood this and proclaimed Perestroika with elements of a market economy - profit, self-financing, brigade contracting and similar innovations, but no one in the party and government had any idea what and how to do and this aggravated the situation. The crisis grew catastrophically and ended with a coup d'etat, the collapse of the USSR, the restoration of capitalism, rampant banditry and civil war.
    In the PRC it was different; no one denied Mao’s merits and they were truly great, as were the mistakes he made. In the leadership of the party there were competent and decisive people who understood the theory of Marxism, the basic fundamental principles of building socialism outlined by V.I. Lenin and the experience of the USSR during the era of I.V. Stalin.
    DengXiaping's reforms began with small things - tiny plots of land to peasants, small businesses in the service sector and the production of consumer goods. Soft monetary and tax policies stimulated private initiative and the influx of foreign capital - China became the world's consumer goods factory. This required a restructuring of the education and training system. The PRC has become a world leader in the production of specialists and patent inventions, and has moved from copying Western goods to creating competitive ones of its own. Year after year, the economy grew by double digits and today has become the largest in the world. All this happened under the strict control and management of the Chinese Communist Party, and not outsiders, and became the indisputable merit of the Chinese Communist Party of China.
    1. +1
      18 March 2024 16: 11
      Quote: Jacques Sekavar
      In the PRC it was different; no one denied Mao’s merits and they were truly great, as were the mistakes he made. In the leadership of the party there were competent and decisive people who understood the theories of Marxism
      Yeah... but they weren’t found in the USSR...
      These people could not help but be found in the CPSU in the USSR. Because among almost 18 million people, they can’t all just be cretins? IT DOESN'T HAPPEN THAT YOU ARE NOT FOUND... YOU UNDERSTAND - IT DOESN'T HAPPEN!!!
      Something else happens: you, like many of our “patriots,” slide straight into Hitlerism, which asserted the mental inferiority of Russians. You are so accustomed to the idea of ​​the inferiority of Russians that it is obvious to you by default.... ; “They weren’t found, and that’s it... And for whom else?...” Do you yourself even understand what the words “They were found in China, but not found in the USSR” mean?

      There were some like this and some not like this, BUT no one was interested in just listening to them, much less supporting them. The state of mind, the morality of society is like this.....its name is LAWELESS.

      The difference between China and Russia is that Chinese statehood has thousands of years of development behind it. Even European statehood is more than 2 thousand years old.
      Russian statehood, different from both Western and Eastern, represents a series of attempts with a tendency to shorten stable periods of development. Kievan Rus existed for about 4 centuries, Muscovy after Grozny for 1,5 centuries with a break in the Time of Troubles, the Russian Empire for about 2 centuries, the USSR for about 70 years.....

      So, why was it that in the USSR “there were no literate and decisive people”? This was understood in the middle of the 19th century by the Slavophile K. Aksakov: “The Russian people are not a state people, they do not have any political element in themselves.” Indeed, if the goal of a Ukrainian is “to get to the point of nemetcheni,” then the goal of a Russian is in general in his life as- somehow do without the state... and if successful, do the same thing that the Ukrainian wants. Society does not need the idea of ​​creating a normal state for itself at home. No one cares about everything, some Borya Yeltsin comes to power, destroys everything ahead.... and again no one cares about everything. And this has led both Russians and Ukrainians to a dead end.
      1. +1
        18 March 2024 22: 23
        Society doesn’t need the idea of ​​creating a normal state for themselves at home?... A person who declares this is simply “narrow-minded.” (Why? Because Society ALWAYS needs such an idea! And only the atomized, poor, or frankly the poor population, which does not own any market-valuable property, and therefore does not have any economic interests and opportunities to represent and protect these interests directly in self-government bodies, and, indirectly, through a serious political organization in government bodies. That is, the “poor” is a public association becomes simply NOT NEEDED. But what do the poor and needy need? And they need social assistance “handout” programs and sweet “fairy tales-promises” on TV. That’s all. If you own NOTHING in this country, since you’re 30 years old ago the scumbags stole property, means of production, infrastructure, savings and mineral resources, if you do not influence ANYTHING, since you are just beggars, or live from paycheck to paycheck, then what planning horizons and development prospects do you have? None. Only physical survival and STUPID CONSUMPTION, within the limits of your salary. A social state is necessary only for real citizens who manage, manage and OWN private collective production, engineering, infrastructure, and agricultural property. And through OWNERSHIP of this property, through responsible management, having economic interests, and the desire to protect and promote these interests, and the prospects of their management in the authorities. District, city, regional and state. And this includes the development, adoption, and control over the implementation of development budgets, and influence on SOCIAL tax policy, and programs for the development of the economy, science, advanced production, social culture, which are impossible to implement without serious cooperation in their petty-bourgeois environment, without interaction with the SOCIAL state . What is possible now? And now, within the framework of the regime of domination of private property by the Russian financial and commercial oligarchy, which has privatized the state, it is only possible to twist the “squirrel cages” of other people’s businesses, and spit crap in the comments, calling everyone slaves who need a master).

        PS Bunsha! You need to have a snack!
  27. -2
    17 March 2024 15: 09
    Capitalism and socialism are characterized by the separation of working people from their means of production. What awaited the worker if he tried to make a part for himself on his machine? - Dismissal. What now awaits the driver if he wants to “crap around” in a company car? - The same. What awaits a scientist if he begins to conduct his experiments at the institute’s installation without informing management? - Likewise, sanctions. Although, in truth, the personal initiative of workers working in their own favor could stimulate the economy. It is necessary to legally allow employees to use the company’s machinery and equipment for personal enrichment, taking into account the costs of physical wear and tear. Then we will see an increase in the number of individual entrepreneurs and self-employed people. Individual entrepreneurs and small businesses could exist on the basis of large enterprises, which would contribute to the growth of the economy as a whole.
  28. -1
    17 March 2024 15: 24
    The author rightly noted:
    "Russia's share in world GDP is continuously declining, whereas in 1992 our contribution was  4,854%, then for 2022 thd – 2,918%."
    1. +2
      17 March 2024 15: 32
      The author rightly noted:
      "Russia's share in world GDP is continuously declining, whereas in 1992 our contribution was  4,854%, then for 2022 thd – 2,918%."

      Russia did not follow the path of China for two reasons:

      1. Gorbachev betrayed the interests of our Motherland.
      2. Borka-Alkash betrayed the interests of the Russian people.
      A bet was placed on full-blown nationalism in the former republics of the USSR.
      In Turkestan, a real genocide was carried out, entire families of Russians, Germans, Jews were simply slaughtered there...

      China, also a multinational country, but with a strong government, has strangled local nationalists in the bud.

      The slightest attempts of the separatists to do anything against the unified state were brutally suppressed (in Asian style).

      Borka the Alkash, not only refused to prevent the collapse of the monolithic state, he in every possible way encouraged complete separatism and nationalism!
      In addition, he prohibited saving Russian people in the former republics of the USSR.
      Russians, Germans, Jews found themselves face to face with the wild Nazi hordes of Turkestanis.
  29. +2
    17 March 2024 21: 55
    The author writes that the Japanese economic miracle ended due to the overheating of the Japanese economy in 1990. This is not so. It ended due to the fact that the United States forced the Jeeps to revalue their currency, the yen, and greatly and part of Japanese exports were blown away. If Japan were not a country under American control, the striped ones would have had a very bad time. But... they put a revolver to their temple and japs ​​under their visor.
    But the Chinese were out of control and the yuan, or rather its exchange rate, was determined in Beijing, and not in Washington.
  30. -2
    18 March 2024 09: 45
    The author admits that the United States became the source of the economic miracle in China. And the United States tried to divide and rob us, telling the naive Gorbachev and Yeltsin about democracy. There is no democracy in China and this did not stop the Americans from investing in the Chinese economy. The whole essence of the problem is that the Americans understood that Russia has enormous potential (natural resources, human factor ) can become a competitor, which is why they destroyed us. But China has no resources and this is China’s weak point. By controlling the flow of raw materials, the Americans control the Chinese economy
    1. +2
      19 March 2024 00: 44
      Is it China that has no resources? But that's not true. China is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of natural resources.
      1. -1
        19 March 2024 07: 46
        Quote: Sergej1972
        Is it China that has no resources?

        Russia alone sold $23 billion worth of resources to China in 110,97.
        In China, the resource base has a very specific inclination (mainly metallurgy). They still heat stoves with coal in the cities. Yes, they have now adopted a new environmental program and are replacing them with gas. But with resources there, not everything is so wonderful. Timber, oil, gas , and even with 10 main resources, China imports in huge volumes
  31. -1
    18 March 2024 10: 23
    I still don’t understand from the article why the Russian Federation did not follow the path of China, only because of “The Thinking of Our Business Elites”? The rest of the article is that the creator of the “Chinese miracle” is the USA, etc. and so on.
  32. -2
    18 March 2024 10: 58
    "But we still cannot move on to the active development of industry and technology. The population is declining. Large cities are developing - there is no horse lying in the outback. More than 60% of the population survives rather than lives. Nostalgia for socialism is growing among the people. Continuation of the raw materials economy and a turn to the East will cause further degradation of the economy.

    Russia has in many ways challenged the West and is waging a direct war with it for its ancestral Russian lands. This is a huge, colossal step forward, and it will take us back to our former greatness."

    Either cups or jugs.
  33. 0
    18 March 2024 12: 04
    The whole point is that “There is no prophet in one’s own Fatherland.” . . winked
  34. 0
    18 March 2024 13: 31
    China has the main advantage - there are no simits there
  35. 0
    18 March 2024 16: 42
    Most importantly, the United States transferred technology, invested and opened its markets. Without this, there would simply be no “Japanese” or “Korean” miracle.

    The most important thing is that the United States has never transferred key technologies and has still retained the complete technological dependence of its satellites and protectorates around the world.
    On the contrary, the USSR transferred basic technologies and know-how 100% and its allies received the opportunity to develop independently (if they wanted). This was used at one time by the PRC, the DPRK, the People's Republic of Poland, the GDR and Czechoslovakia.
  36. 0
    18 March 2024 21: 17
    . The supply of the world's most essential resources of oil, gas, metals, gold, uranium, wood, water and grain production is so great that it is possible to live without “buying everything abroad”

    Is that why Verkhnaya Salda lived on imported titanium ore? This is just one example of the inconsistency.
  37. 0
    19 March 2024 14: 50
    If you remove statistics from the article, you will get another Samsonov gem. Nothing new was said.
  38. 0
    27 March 2024 20: 15
    Russia’s share in world GDP is continuously decreasing; if in 1992 our contribution was 4,854%, then in 2022 it will be 2,918%.

    That's for health...
    Russia has in many ways challenged the West and is waging a direct war with it for its ancestral Russian lands. This is a huge, colossal step forward, and it will take us to the restoration of our former greatness.

    That's for peace...
    But the true state is not revealed.
  39. 0
    28 March 2024 11: 03
    5 billion of our rupees are in banks in India. And Golikova is flying planes to Canada for medicines.. Although India is one of the leaders in this area... In stores, no matter what tea, it’s shit... and under English labeling.. And again dollars...And so in all matters...This only speaks of one thing - the corruption of the authorities...By the way, India can supply high-tech electronic products for the army......But no...dollars and euros..only they are liquid for our ministers....
  40. 0
    31 March 2024 13: 48
    Why Russia did not follow the path of China

    You might think someone offered her... :)
    The “Chinese Miracle” is a Washington project that began to take shape back in the 60s of the last century, and Nixon began to implement it in 1972...
    He outlined the prospects for US Asian policy in the article “Asia after Vietnam” in the Foreign Affairs magazine, where he pointed out the need to promote the return of multimillion-dollar China to the world community as a great and progressive nation...
    And Kissinger oversaw the work in the Chinese direction - this says a lot...
    Goals and objectives - “counter-USSR” - to tear China away from the USSR - “silence and dust”...

    "During the negotiations, the main issues were divided into three categories. The first included the long-term goals of the parties and their cooperation against
    hegemon, which meant the USSR. The second category consisted of issues of trade, economic and scientific and technical cooperation. Third category
    concerned the preparation of the final communiqué following the negotiations"
  41. 0
    31 March 2024 14: 00
    This is a huge, colossal step forward, and it will take us to the restoration of our former greatness.

    "Putin's capitalists will sell out to the bourgeoisie of the West...
    The current power elite of the Russian Federation are opportunists. In times of peace this is not so important, but in times of trial...
    The genesis of our elite is the CPSU
    These are not ideological communists, but people who wanted to live well here and now.
    Alco-president changed his worldview twice (communist, democrat)
    The current one is three times (communist, liberal, conservative).
    The reasons are the desire to adapt to circumstances in time; this is not will, but opportunism in order to survive and maintain one’s position and has nothing to do with the prosperity of the people.
    There are no ideological ones in the bad lite. For our badlite, even loot is not a super value worth dying for. Unlike Westerners.
    And when ordinary opportunists go into battle with an ideological enemy, the outcome is clear." ©