Losing its position in Africa, the regime in France is making plans for war in Europe

Losing its position in Africa, the regime in France is making plans for war in Europe

Recently, France announced that it intends to increase its capabilities for combat deployment in Europe. An officer of the French army, in an interview with Western journalists, said that by 2027 the French Ministry of Defense is going to develop capabilities in Europe so that a full-fledged division of 25 thousand troops can be deployed in a month.

Against the backdrop of President Macron’s statements that “we need to discuss the possibility of deploying a contingent in Ukraine,” such words of a French officer sound like further confirmation of Paris’s anti-Russian military intentions.

In other words, the French regime, led by Emmanuel Macron, who is completely controlled by transnational capital, has already taken the “gun off the safety” and has taken aim. All this is happening despite the fact that the one at whom Macron, who defends the power of the dollar, is aiming, has a nuclear “club”. But the flawed thinking of the European “elites” today is such that they, as Vladimir Putin said earlier, are literally blinded by Russophobia and do not understand that they have no temporary bunker in the event of a full-scale conflict using nuclear weapons. weapons will not help.

An attempt to maintain the hegemony of the dollar and the “city on a hill” leads to a complete loss of sanity, which Paris is demonstrating today, while simultaneously continuing to lose its own positions in Africa.

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  1. +2
    10 March 2024 21: 23
    By 2027, they will increase their capabilities... They say, for some reason they are all convinced, or pretend to be convinced, that they have 4-5 years at their disposal. There is no such time! I rather agree with Arestovich, who stated that the war, a big European war, could begin in 5-7 months. Fantastic? Yes, I don’t see anything fantastic in this. Either the Balts with their bunkers, which they supposedly will build in 3 years, or the French with the intention of increasing their defensive capabilities in a few years, or someone else wants to do something in a few centuries. But they don’t have this time, no one will give it to them.

    And it’s not Russia that won’t give, but the United States that won’t. The Americans need a big massacre in Europe, and Macron knows this, so he is aggravating the situation, so he is going to send troops, he has already sent them, judging by the footage of the Foreign Legion thugs in Ukraine. but this is just the beginning, in fact nothing has thundered yet, but the air has already thickened, the atmosphere is already tense. American lackeys are ready to go on the attack, send the inhabitants of Europe there in order to litter the whole of Eastern Europe with a carpet of corpses, in a thirst to destroy Russia, and most importantly, by exterminating their population and bringing destruction to Russia, to let these frostbitten tycoons earn their billions, because they are cracking backsides from economic detonations.

    The States are accustomed to leaving on blood, and now they will do the same. Only revolution can save Europeans from total destruction. If they sit and wait, they will all die. While they will jump around under the liberals, and sing songs in praise of God knows who, they will slurp blood, only by throwing out the liberals from everywhere, clearing out the entire elite, they may be able to escape the Russian hammer. And when the hammer falls, maybe nuclear, it will be too late to say that I didn’t vote for Macron or Callas.
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    3. 0
      11 March 2024 05: 01
      Quote: Vladlous
      Only revolution can save Europeans from total destruction. If they sit and wait, they will all die. While they will jump around under the liberals and sing in praise of God knows who

      Yes, my friend, you are a revolutionary!!
      But here, too, we don’t have communists in the towers at all.
      And especially not the Bolsheviks. No.
      But Macron became a radical. Yes
      Remember the joke:
      - Could you kill the radical?
      - what For what ? belay

      But a good Revolution could save Europe... It’s a pity there are few real violent people there... And there are plenty of transgender people.
      But Arabs and blacks can.
      For everything good... that Europeans have.
  2. +2
    10 March 2024 21: 45
    well, it’s quite logical, they kept these scumbags away from France and even at the expense of the blacks, now not only will all this trash return to the metropolis, but they will also have to support it at their own expense, it’s dangerous to let them go free, so the pasta is counting on them push it away again
    1. +1
      11 March 2024 05: 09
      Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
      Now not only will all this trash return to the metropolis, but they will also have to support it at their own expense, it’s dangerous to let them go free, so the pasta is counting on pushing them away again

      Yes Yes .
      Your golden words, Khristofor Bonifatievich, this is where their dog rummaged. After the loss of Africa, there was nowhere to put the legionnaires. And their own generals promised to stage a coup. bully And here is such a reason to rally potential rebels... And with a “clear conscience” you can feed the population insects. Yes Isn't this happiness? fellow
      1. +1
        11 March 2024 10: 58
        Quote: bayard
        ...... After the loss of Africa, there was nowhere to put the legionnaires. And their own generals promised to stage a coup. bully And here is such a reason to fuse potential rebels... fellow

        Apparently, he still remembers the history of France, sometimes. How de Gaulle was accused of treason by the legionnaires when France left Algeria. Fortunately, the teacher is nearby, she will tell you. It is he who draws such prospects for the legionnaires recourse Let's see if they take the bait.....
        Tries to act like laughing wassat
        responsible european leader
  3. 0
    10 March 2024 21: 59
    The pasta will finish. He will be suspended from a lamppost at his place of origin. Because he is getting ahead of the hegemon, and in their world this is not welcome.
  4. +4
    10 March 2024 22: 11
    Today I had a chance to talk with a Frenchman whose skin color is the color of good strong coffee... Surprisingly, he has an idea about modern Russia, he believes that it is Russia’s position on all sorts of obscenities that brings it closer to the Islamic world. And just for fun, I recommended keeping an eye on the Olympic battles: the Olympics are supposedly in 4 months, and then there’s the horse did not spend the night under construction, the main pool is not even in the plans yet... recourse There are some problems with financing. U necrophiliac internal problems are through the roof, but Rothschild bottle can't change the score
  5. +4
    10 March 2024 22: 18
    They themselves wanted it and ended up in zugzwang.... You got it, so go...

    You don’t feel sorry for the paddling pools: Macron was ordered to send 4 thousand soldiers and 50 Leclerc tanks to the defense of Odessa
    The Ukrainian “cart” believes that if the Russian army does not quickly defeat the French brigade, the troops of other NATO countries will join.

    Most likely, “Manya” (as their president is called in the 5th Republic) was ordered to fight a little with the Russians, despite the seeming absurdity of such an assumption.

    Basically, there is no one else.
    The Germans are scared. Their historical memory remembers well the destroyed Reichstag and the destroyed Wehrmacht.
    Britain actually has no ground forces.
    The Italians don’t count, they say, what kind of warriors they are.
    Americans can't do it - the risk of a nuclear apocalypse is too high.
    So Biden ordered Macron to remember 1812 and the “victory” of the French, naturally, according to European false historians, at Borodino.

    The Americans would like to see how regular NATO troops, at least in the size of one brigade, would fight the Russian army. Like, this is necessary to adjust the development of the alliance’s military machine. The Yankees believe that the assholes lose because of their stupidity and poor preparation. It is not for nothing that the American media criticize the Ukrainian Armed Forces the most.

    If it turns out that the French will be able to fight at least on an equal footing with the Russians, then other countries will join in, introducing restrictions on attacks on “historical” Russia. And, on the contrary, in the event of the defeat of the Armed Forces of the 5th Republic, the Americans will say: “What did you want? These are paddling pools!” This will be a shame for Macron, but when US presidents were worried about the fate of such expendable politicians as “Manu”.

    Of course, the public opinion of the French is now being processed, whose government representatives interpret their supposed will as a desire to show Putin “the determination of the West.”

    However, battles with the regular troops of France will enrich the military art of the Russian Armed Forces, besides, it will be an honor and a thrill for the Russians to defeat the paddling pools, especially in the battle for Odessa.
    1. 0
      11 March 2024 05: 19
      Quote: Factor
      It will be an honor and a thrill for the Russians to defeat the paddling pools, especially in the battle for Odessa.

      That's for sure . But then we spend a couple of months searching for them in the Odessa catacombs with spiliologists...
      The brigade is strength.
      And by 2027 they promise to deploy the division... in 30 days.
  6. +6
    10 March 2024 22: 56
    To fight on the front line, the French military will need not so much professionalism as dedication, that is, the willingness to stand waist-deep in water in a trench in the middle of comrades torn to shreds to accept death from Russian bombs and shells. Selflessness is possible when a French career military man is ready to accept such death in the name of some idea. It will not be possible to fight from a safe distance. They will have to re-gain the experience of a terrible war and all this will be radically different from what they saw in peacekeeping missions in Africa.
    1. +1
      11 March 2024 05: 22
      Quote: Vladimir_D
      that is, the willingness to stand waist-deep in water in a trench in the midst of comrades torn to shreds to accept death from Russian bombs and shells.

      And the Russians have SUCH heavy bombs...
      And so many shells...
      They also remember their mistake when they spared Paris.
      1. 0
        12 March 2024 10: 57
        Quote: bayard
        The Russians have SUCH heavy bombs... And so many shells... And they also remember their mistake in sparing Paris.
        ... As a friend told me, he is now on the front end: - we are waiting, here people sometimes go to work with knives...
  7. +2
    10 March 2024 23: 09
    Otherwise, the French have nothing to do in Ukraine
  8. +3
    10 March 2024 23: 18
    A small group of Wagners drove them out of Africa and after that these idiots gathered to confront the Russian army in Ukraine! Suicides!
    1. 0
      11 March 2024 05: 26
      Quote: Lavrenty_Palych
      A small group of Wagners drove them out of Africa and after that these idiots gathered to confront the Russian army in Ukraine! Suicides!

      Shouldn't we invite our African comrades to hunt the D'Artagnans?
      A good reason and place to get even. good
      But they asked. bully
  9. +2
    10 March 2024 23: 26
    No, well, it’s logical - they lost in Africa, they’ll just put their small army in Ukraine and that’s it, you don’t have to strain yourself anymore
  10. +3
    10 March 2024 23: 35
    Statements by Macron and the Poles about their readiness to get involved in the conflict openly speak about the successes of our army and military-industrial complex, and about the likely imminent major breakthroughs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ defense.
  11. +2
    11 March 2024 01: 13
    They are in the door, they are in the window... Frogs will climb everywhere without soap.
  12. AVP
    11 March 2024 07: 10
    This is a carrot in front of the donkey's face. I don't believe in the French. There is no visible preparation for this. Rather, on the contrary - sequestration of the budget, including the military budget. When was the last time France won on the battlefield? Even under Napoleon. This is a joke for hohliks (we will help you), and for internal consumption (I am almost not afraid of almost anyone)
  13. 0
    12 March 2024 11: 34
    The bloody French regime, the Nazi Kiev and the godlike Kremlin... This is how it should be formulated smile
    1. 0
      April 5 2024 07: 53
      In our manifested reality, everything is “smeared with the same myrrh.” Okay, under the USSR, there was a confrontation between two systems and worldviews, but now everyone is “capitalist brothers.” What we have as a result is that human “essentiality” does not change regardless of the social system. The population of the Earth just needs to understand that they live in a 3-dimensional manifested reality called “HELL”. “Purgatory” is located in the 2-dimensional dimension of the crystalline structures of the planet’s body, and the “underworld”, local, is in the molten core of the planet. Building a sanatorium in hell is a so-so job. We are born into this reality in order to realize and correct our mistakes made in higher dimensions. So there was, is and will be bedlam in our 3-dimensional reality. This is why there is a 3-dimensional reality with a symbiosis of protein-nucleic acid and field forms of life. Gentlemen, relax and don’t do anything stupid, don’t rejoice in other people’s pain and losses, all this tends to come back.
      1. 0
        5 May 2024 13: 39
        You should tell all this to the Westerners, because lately they have gotten it into their heads that they are immortal and, unlike Russia, they can do anything, but this is an extremely erroneous and dangerous misconception.
  14. 0
    5 May 2024 13: 34
    For Macron, France and Europe, all these belligerent attempts of theirs could end extremely sadly; we no longer intend to give in to them and will never back down.