Why is it so difficult for the truth to make its way to the minds of the Western man in the street?

Why is it so difficult for the truth to make its way to the minds of the Western man in the street?

Reader questions again. The river of comments regarding President Putin’s interview with an American journalist continues to flow. It is not clear to Russian people why the arguments of the Russian president, supported by documents and other facts, do not find a response in the souls of the Western public. Outwardly, especially according to our media reports and the publications of our bloggers, everything looks quite normal.

Somewhere, some politician approved of Putin’s words. In some countries, parliament drew attention to certain statements. In some cities there were even demonstrations or rallies in support of Russia. But on the whole, our president is right in his answer to the question about countering American propaganda. The information wave raised by Tucker Carlson is successfully extinguished by the “oil” of the Western media.

Today I will try to answer the question posed. Moreover, it became possible to link the answer to another important question. On arms supplies to Ukraine. And two employees who are often mentioned in the media, especially in Ukrainian, will help me with this. They are Dr Jack Watling, Senior Research Fellow in Land Warfare at the Royal United Studies Institute (RUSI), and Nick Reynolds, Research Fellow in Land Warfare at RUSI.

Both of these Western specialists are “pure” theorists. “White collar workers who specialize in analyzing military conflicts and predicting future events. To make it more clear, these are employees of the “university” who fulfill the order of the state. structures and form a certain public opinion.

The main task of such organizations and authors today is to make society believe in the effectiveness of what the West is doing in relation to Russia and Belarus, in all these sanctions, restrictions, non-admission of Russians to competitions and festivals... And secondly, the average person must be sure that a little more and Russia will fall apart, die, kneel... And then all the suffering of the common people in the West will end, and an era of prosperity will begin.

Why is Russia losing the war?..

I have already written about how people in the West are brainwashed. The technology is known to the smallest detail. The first and most important thing in this matter is to cut off a person from other sources, especially sources from the opposite side. Strange as it may sound in our time of the Internet and electronic media, most people are quite satisfied with information from local sources.

During dinner I watched some talk show where a well-known and popular analyst or politician was participating - and that was enough. Everything became clear and understandable. Why overload your brain with thoughts? There are enough problems of our own. Moreover, this is characteristic not only of the Western world, but also of us. Think about people you know who have a point of view opposite to yours. It is quite difficult to convince them of anything. Different sources of information and a complete lack of desire to think...

I'll start with the main thesis. Because the Russian Federation will soon die and disappear as a country. You can, of course, lie about the victories of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but no matter how you look at it, you can’t hide the surrender of positions and fortifications. How many materials have already been published where such messages are ridiculed. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are winning, and the Russians are taking villages and cities and moving forward.

Much the same thing happens with help to Kyiv. “All progressive humanity” supplies the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons and ammunition, and for the Russians things are at least no worse. And this is with “complete isolation of the aggressor.” The Russian economy quickly adapted to the conditions of war. And this is where a “scientific approach” is needed. The primitive Ukrainian “soon” is changing to the scientific “replacement of primitive Russian weapons” with “Western competence and powerful industry”:

“If Russia has no prospects for success in 2025, given its failure to improve the quality of its military for offensive operations, then it follows that it will be difficult to force Kyiv to capitulate by 2026. After 2026, worn-out systems will begin to significantly reduce Russia's combat power, while Russian industry may be largely undermined by this point, which will eventually worsen Russia's prospects."

I hope you understand what needs to be done. It’s simple: we urgently need to give Kyiv everything it asks for. It is necessary to introduce new sanctions and so on. All Russian victories will end if Ukraine holds out in the next couple of years. The West is obliged to do everything to ensure maximum “directed resistance”! We urgently need to help Kyiv mobilize, including those who fled to the West! And prepare them with high quality at NATO bases.

As soon as everything described above is carried out, Moscow will begin to ask the West to sit down at the negotiating table, and not just sit down, but speak on Kyiv’s terms! Well, one more important point. Moscow does not see the “correct trajectory of the war.”

The author's explanation is needed here. We, according to analysts from Britain, think that victory is when the enemy is defeated and the danger is eliminated. The modern understanding of victory is different. Victory means subordination of someone else's economy and politics! In principle, this is what the United States has been doing for many years.

The Russian Army is antique and vintage

I think that there are still those who are not convinced by the arguments of Western analysts. Then the already worn out, but perfectly working version of the antediluvian Russian technology and weapons will be used. This version passes simply because in the Western media you won’t see people stuck in the mud tanks or BMP. Moreover, you won’t see a Soviet “loaf” that drives where a “leopard” sits comfortably in a puddle and doesn’t think of getting out of there.

So, the Russians turned out to be unable to master the modern (understand - Western) system of army formation. The “brigade” contract has only partially taken root in the Russian army. The main part of the RF Armed Forces returned to the Tsarist system, when the army consisted of regiments, divisions, corps and armies... One word - vintage.

Russian tanks, guns and other aircraft look even scarier. What Russian soldiers are fighting with today is... Soviet weapons! Both tanks, artillery, planes, even ships. Everything is Soviet, which means it’s antique. And the fact that these antiques bear little resemblance to those Soviet copies does not bother anyone. Nor does it matter that most Western weapons come from the same ancient times.

The old age of weapons means rapid wear and tear. The resource is not infinite. But Russia will not be able to restore the quantitative composition after the inevitable “end” of equipment and weapons. Too large volumes. I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the numbers. Quote from the text of British authors:

“As for military equipment, the Russian group of troops has approximately 4780 cannon artillery units, of which 20% are self-propelled; 1130 MLRS; 2060 tanks; and 7080 other armored fighting vehicles, mainly consisting of MT-LBS, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers. They are still supported by 290 helicopters, of which 110 are attack aircraft and 310 are fast jets.”

There is another problem that simply cannot be ignored. This is Russian aviation, and aviation, which is a nightmare for the opposing side not only in the Northwestern Military District zone, but also along the entire border of Russia. But this problem actually doesn’t exist! But to understand the next thought, it is necessary to “become a citizen of any European country.” It is necessary to think on the scale of a European country. Russian aviation is a “colossus with feet of clay”:

“Russian aircrew casualties, including operators of the downed Il-20 Coot and A-50U Mainstay aircraft, amount to 159 people, which, given the uneven flight hours of Russian squadrons, amounts to a serious loss of combat effectiveness.”

And again, a simple conclusion that logically follows from the above data. Again about the supply of weapons and ammunition. Only now in an “applied” form. Literally an appeal to the US Congress and the parliaments of European countries. Give it at least 2024!

“While the quality of the Russian military is unlikely to improve as long as the Ukrainians can maintain significant attrition rates across all units, the Russians will be able to maintain a steady pace of attacks throughout 2024.”

You also need to be able to lie! (Colonel Day, “In War is Like War”)

I hope those who managed to put on the “skin of a European man in the street” received an answer to the question of why they trust their politicians and military. All conversations, scientific treatises and other opuses of Western propaganda are designed specifically for the Western man in the street. For a person for whom a “hut on the edge” is normal housing. For a person who, by and large, doesn’t care who dies and for what, if it’s far from his home.

Everything would work out if there was at least some kind of monolith in European and American politics. In principle, the vector of Western politics does not change, but not during the election campaign. During the election period, Western politicians become “understanding everything perfectly.” We are now seeing such enlightenment, for example, among US Republicans or the “alternative for Germany” in Germany.

Accordingly, much of what could easily have happened in normal times is not perceived as true before the elections. The revelations that are now being published in sufficient quantities, even if they are as fake as the media reports from the other side, play a decisive role in changing public consciousness. People are starting to ask! You also need to be able to lie!

And one last thing. By a strange coincidence, President Putin’s interview came at the most favorable moment for Russia. The Russian President answered the questions that Westerners began to ask. It turned out very beautiful. A sort of lump of yeast in grape juice...
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  1. +25
    24 February 2024 05: 45
    Information wave raised by Tucker Carlson

    The funny thing is that it was not possible to raise any waves, the interview turned out boring and meaningless

    Carson is a showman who made a name for himself through trolling and scandals

    Carson expected to see a seasoned ruler who would take the opportunity to win over all the ultra-right in the United States to his side!

    He will tell you about traditional values. Anything anti-LGBT. He will go through the entire leftist agenda. Laugh at Biden's weakness. He will point out the impossibility of trusting the entire American administration, because they are deceiving the Americans, and will hint at conspiracy theories about some kind of Covid, corruption. Simple and understandable topics for all Americans - those who believe Carson and will watch him with pleasure

    Instead of all this - a two-hour lecture about some Polovtsians and Pechenegs. The Western public was delighted. Just imagine if Xi Jin Ping had just as tediously talked about the Shin dynasty of the 14th century on Russian TV. It would take a long time to watch it

    Carson sits opposite, sadly looking at all this. With this look: " What are you doing, buddy? I give you profitable topics. And you drown us both". After all, after such an interview, it turns out that everything that the democratic US media said turns out to be true, what can poor Carson do, he was preparing a sensation
    1. -7
      24 February 2024 08: 19
      Quote: Santa Fe
      The reason for the laughter is that no wave could be raised
      Why didn't it work? Scholz, Johnson and Macron immediately began to refute something. These are not journalists or some deputies of unfamiliar parties. These are the celestials wink
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +4
          24 February 2024 21: 29
          it was not just written, but he himself voiced it in a mini-selfie report immediately after the interview, while he was “hot and emotional.”
          His very first words - I am AMERICAN - why did he tell me the story for FORTY minutes, I don’t need it! I tried several times to interrupt him and stop this historical excursion! But he still returned to history. I was angry, he was angry - that's how our first 40 minutes went.
          look online, everything is open and clear that Tucker didn’t need this story, so many Americans fell asleep or stopped watching without reaching the middle.
        2. +2
          25 February 2024 07: 24
          Staver just can’t seem to raise a pseudo-patriotic frenzy after this interview. Empty, as usual.
    2. +1
      26 February 2024 06: 53
      @Santa Fe: Hah hah, great comment! Bravo! laughing
  2. +15
    24 February 2024 06: 02
    And one last thing. By a strange coincidence, President Putin’s interview came at the most favorable moment for Russia. The Russian President answered the questions that Westerners began to ask. It turned out very beautiful. A sort of lump of yeast in grape juice...

    Would you like a lump of yeast in your grape juice? You are still trying to answer your questions: “Why?” and why?" ignoring one important feature in the international situation.
    No one is interested in how a weak new-capitalist country with an inflated economy and an interesting increase in GDP is trying to portray an irreconcilable fighter against world evil. Moreover, the outcome of such a struggle is predictable. first you need to leave the game according to the rules imposed by the trendsetter.
    For example, it is impossible to achieve success in de-dollarization of the economy by occupying the middle (closer to the edge) of the table of dollar-dependent countries.
    The USSR had a magnetism of attraction because it was fundamentally different from the existing world order. How is today's Russia different? An incredible number of “spikes” in the wheels of the economy and the same number of enemies?
    * * *.
    You can deceive part of the people all the time, and the whole people for some time, but you cannot deceive the whole people all the time.
    1. 0
      26 February 2024 17: 12
      Quote: ROSS 42
      The USSR had a magnetism of attraction because it was fundamentally different from the existing world order.

      Whose "magnetism" magnetized?The CMEA countries disappeared within six months - as soon as the freebies ended.
  3. +3
    24 February 2024 06: 27
    Why is Russia losing the war?..
    -It was possible not to humiliate ourselves about the Molotov-Ribentrop Pact, but to say loudly: we ourselves did and are doing what we need and want. And they did it right. Without apology to the psheks in tch.
    We ourselves got into their value system. Now in the article the author exposes their distortions in the number and quality of weapons.
    Teach the West, educate that Russia always has its own special opinion and must be taken into account.
    We won’t swallow everything for petrodollars.
    1. +3
      24 February 2024 08: 19
      Now in the article the author exposes their distortions in the number and quality of weapons.
      The author is right, they are distorting. We have the Armata, although it’s an expensive dog, it’s cheaper to modernize Soviet tanks and more than one, and we also have a model of the new Chess aircraft or whatever it is, that’s right.
      1. 0
        24 February 2024 21: 31
        Yesterday or the day before yesterday Medvedev spoke about Armata - it’s expensive! it's still being tested. Not ready yet, except for the parade.
        Make a Yandex request for these words, listen to his interview about it.
    2. +4
      24 February 2024 08: 21
      Quote: antivirus
      It was possible not to humiliate ourselves about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, but to say loudly: we ourselves did and are doing what we need and want
      This is how we need to talk not only about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
    3. +2
      24 February 2024 12: 35
      To please the West, it would be nice to even repent about certain “secret protocols” to this agreement, the originals of which (except for dubious photocopies) have not yet been presented by anyone
  4. +12
    24 February 2024 06: 30
    By a strange coincidence, President Putin’s interview came at the most favorable moment for Russia. The Russian President answered the questions that Westerners began to ask. It turned out very beautiful

    Thanks to the author for another election campaign, I’ll go vote on the 18th... For whom? Well, the author explained to us in detail who we should vote for, who has everything according to plan and who wins....
    1. +3
      24 February 2024 18: 58
      Mr. Staver is in his own style. Justify, praise and admire. Only by looking at the signature at the end of the article can you move on.
  5. -9
    24 February 2024 06: 30
    When someone says that there is always one truth, he means his own truth. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about the possible defeat of Russia. I think such talk is very harmful and unnecessary in the current period. The President presented all historical facts truthfully. But from the position of today. About the fact that Stalin distributed the lands to Ukraine. Now western Ukraine is alienated. And at the time when Stalin gave it Lvov, any Soviet person could go to these regions. And ride throughout the Carpathian region. Basically, the conversation with Carlson was aimed at the western the average person, who had already lost and had no idea about history and geography.
    1. +10
      24 February 2024 06: 48
      So the fact of the matter is that the Western man in the street found everything that Putin talked about, including history and geography, not interesting.
  6. +5
    24 February 2024 06: 56
    Volchars do not recognize the new wolf in Russia. Wolves need meat, not really sheep.
    1. +5
      24 February 2024 07: 17
      ...and not really sheep

      The West is cutting hair on the country thanks to the Kremlin (), but they are still beeering and beeering. If only the food was in a trough.
  7. +4
    24 February 2024 07: 21
    People are starting to ask! You also need to be able to lie!
    The author doesn’t succeed in the latter.
  8. +2
    24 February 2024 08: 13
    “They expected bloodshed from him, but he ate a siskin.” /Saltykov-Shchedrin/
    This would be nothing..... But if both are at the same time, then it becomes obvious absurdity and overkill.
  9. +5
    24 February 2024 08: 20
    The most offensive thing is that the problems that we now have were not created for us by the Americans or the Europeans. And we, with our own hands, In the 90s. Consistently yielding to the West in all matters. First, the Warsaw Pact was betrayed. Then the USSR was destroyed. And together with the Soviet Union, they destroyed the entire consciousness of our people. We want to fight the West, and at the same time, we ourselves want to be like it. And in many respects, we are the same. You can beat yourself in the chest as much as you like. But the coming changes are not just about that. We have stopped attracting working people all over the world to our side. And this is no less powerful force than rockets.
    1. +2
      24 February 2024 09: 08
      Conclusion: Russia needs its own Image, and working people should become the main ones.
    2. 0
      27 February 2024 16: 38
      We did not sell OVD. It was our former allies who sold us. And it was not we who destroyed the USSR, but the rotten elite of the CPSU and the external work of the West.
  10. 0
    24 February 2024 08: 49
    You can only cram what is being crammed into free space. This is about the brains of the West, that their brains, after the collapse of the USSR, filled the empty space in their brains with their long-standing dream, which they themselves turned into their “truth”, that it was Russia that was next after the USSR and should be destroyed. No propaganda is required for this. No amount of truth from Russia will help stop this. Only a Soviet soldier helped in 1945, and then only, it turns out, temporarily... He, the Russian soldier, should help in this now. And so on until next time, because Russia is naively trusting and too kind to its enemies.
    1. +1
      24 February 2024 13: 52
      Some have troubles from thieves and traitors, others from humanism and kindness. There is no need to substitute “the naivety of the people” for the “mental inferiority of leaders” - hypocrisy is a bad adviser.
  11. BAI
    24 February 2024 10: 45
    The losses of Russian flight personnel, including operators of the downed Il-20 Coot and A-50U Mainstay aircraft, amount to 159 people,

    Today another 1 A 50 with crew was added. I wonder what our air defense protects over the Black Sea? Are there objects worth more than 31 billion rubles? Maybe it’s cheaper to let Ukrainian missiles through than to shoot down your own planes?
    Those. the author missed another direction of the destruction of Russia in 2 years - self-destruction
    Shooting down 3 of your reconnaissance aircraft in 1,5 months is cool! And we also swore at the Syrian anti-aircraft gunners
    1. +3
      24 February 2024 21: 34
      Fine. remember the planes...
      and who blew up Prigozhin’s plane, allegedly carrying a bomb in St. Petersburg at the airport and there are not even suspects.. Identikit photographs, or what kind of official people? There is not!
      IMHO, and then the air defense worked. An airplane flying in a straight line from St. Petersburg to MSK with all transponders turned on... was “accidentally” mistaken for a Ukrainian missile or drone.
  12. +3
    24 February 2024 11: 27
    laughing laughing What truth should have reached the “Western man in the street”, eh, Author? What was mumbled in the interview is more interesting to watch and listen to in National Geographic. Or the average person should have realized how easy it is to deceive the Russian Federation and its leaders, right? laughing
  13. +1
    24 February 2024 11: 30
    Why is it so difficult for the truth to make its way to the minds of the Western man in the street?

    Because the speed of movement through a medium saturated or supersaturated with particles will be lower than the speed of movement in a homogeneous or vacuum.
    The Western average person does NOT live in conditions of scarcity (except perhaps a shortage of money) - there is an abundance of everything, products, ideas, opinions of different speakers mouthed like Carson, there is hellish competition in presentation and hosts of propagists rush like hungry wolves at every piece of information, starting to tear it up and somehow, to suit the perception style of your audience. Our presentation in such conditions will always be ONE OF. It’s in our stash that we are used to the fact that there is Ekaterina Andreeva on “Pervach” and she will tell you what and how, the same will be told by Nightingale and Kisel and other minions, with minimal differences (despite the fact that the characters will be different and they will have a style different), and the average person will sigh and say, “Well, that’s how it is..”. Well, like, since so many smart people are talking about this very thing.

    A good example is that at one time, if I’m not mistaken, in the 90s, Alla Pugacheva rushed to participate in Western Eurovision. Well, like, there was a hope that her talent, which was discussed here, would have the same life-giving and enthusiastic influence “there”. But, no, and at the Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition, the original Charlie “didn’t make it.”
    We don’t really understand how it should work - we extrapolate the rules and concepts of our cage to the whole world around us, well, to the extreme it seems to us that it’s worth buying some local for a buck, and he will tell and show them everything there, but they They will listen to it with their mouths open, as if they are seeing TV for the first time.
    Again - the people there are satiated with information, opinions, events, presentation. Our feed, without our traditional Soviet monopoly on feed, will be simply ONE OF THEM, maximum. She will have to compete, which is flexible, not to draw eyes in VTsIOM polls, not to carry suitcases wherever they need to go, but to compete in THEIR environment, on THEIR field.

    And one more thing - remember this scene from The Matrix, where Morpheus offers Neo two pills? Here you have, like, the truth, but here’s a sweet fairy tale. Neo, as befits a hero, chooses the kind of truth, but in real life (including here) a shitty mountain of ordinary people, without blinking an eye and without even thinking, will choose (unconsciously) a fairy tale, with heroic images, confrontation with the whole world, I don’t know , conspiracies of gay masons-liberals-reptilians. And the Americans will also choose - why did you decide that they NEED the truth? Maybe they want a suitable fairy tale, one that will imbue their boring lives with the light of messianism, the struggle of a beaver with a goat and cranberry images.
    The same thing that can stir up the cast iron behinds and bronze heads of our average person will also work there. For those who still want to know at least a little “how it really is,” of course.
    1. -1
      24 February 2024 18: 01
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      . Our supply, without our traditional Soviet monopoly on......

      Here you have, like, the truth, but here’s a sweet fairy tale. Neo, as befits a hero, chooses the truth, but in real life... they will choose... a fairy tale, with heroic images, confrontation with the whole world.

      Sovkovaya is smarter.......because for those who choose a bitter lie instead of the sweet truth, the place is exclusively in a psychiatric hospital....

      I had one such friend. He refused to smoke good cigarettes so as not to be disappointed later, so on principle he only smoked shit..... laughing

      It is the “soviet monopoly on truth” that is the main and sound principle of the West.
      Heh... heh... "Scoop" was in fact the most Western model of life, adapted for Russia...But if the brains are upside down in our heads, then the bitter will seem better than the sweet... ...
      1. +1
        24 February 2024 18: 32
        Ivan, you must understand that information today is also a commodity, and not just some raw material. It can be processed well or poorly, so that the product is organic and what is negative. It can also be tailored to the end consumer, like a semi-finished product, and then it will be easier for this consumer.
        The alternative to all this is the same “Soviet approach”, when they will do with an unfortunate information product the same as they did with many Soviet goods - they will not bother too much with design, ergonomics, functionality, seam quality, and so on. And, of course, they won’t bother at all with the fact that there are groups among the consumer - from the point of view of the soviet approach, the consumer is disgustingly homogeneous, and “they all” can be shoved the same thing, the main thing is to push it harder or more.

        Unfortunately, this attitude was inherited by us too - we still haven’t caught up very much. a lot about the product and information, without this we cannot broadcast “to the enemy” effectively and endlessly suffer from the fact that the enemy is effectively broadcasting to us.
        While our news will be more than full of collecting money for the sick and glorifying the Sun-faced One, for real news those who are not satisfied with this will go somewhere else, trample the paths and find it. We don’t catch up with this at home - so how can we catch up with it outside? :)
        1. +1
          24 February 2024 19: 50
          Again. You are mistaken in believing that everything that was in the “scoop” came from the “scoop”. If it were so, then the “scoop” would still exist. We are full of people who are convinced that Yeltsin is a communist who destroyed the USSR. Although it was he who banned the CPSU before its collapse.

          "Scoop" is the idea of ​​Marxism, created in the West and for the West, adapted in the 20th century for Russia. Even a collective farm is an agricultural cooperative, which originally appeared in the West.

          We in Russia do not and never have had our own ideas. We take someone else’s, done “with an A”, and then perform it with a “D”.... It was not “Sovok” that spoiled the Russians, it was the Russians who spoiled “Sovok”, and approximately the same thing happened to Orthodox Christianity even earlier... laughing
  14. -1
    24 February 2024 12: 26
    It is necessary to maintain the hope of the Western man in the street that Russia will soon be defeated, dismembered, and he will finally be called upon to rape, rob and burn. There is no need to mold this average person into a normal person, he has never been like that, Europe is not structured like that. And this hope will not die tomorrow. It is very secret, it forms part of the cultural code of a “normal European”. They will not break while the Ukrainian Armed Forces are withdrawing. Progress will begin no earlier than the Ukrainian Armed Forces run and begin to surrender en masse.
    1. -6
      24 February 2024 12: 32
      There is no need to mold this average person into a normal person, he has never been like that
      Do you know at least one Western European closely?
      Europe doesn't work like that.
      How many years did you live there?
      1. +1
        25 February 2024 09: 06
        Ugh, that's disgusting. What's a normal person to do?! Everyone who goes to live in Europe is spoiled. Some strongly, some a little, but all confused.
        I literally read some of their history. How this scum fought wars. As for executions, I organized a marathon “every Friday, kill anyone, preferably with terrible torture” in every city, and all sorts of other things. Nasty...
        1. -3
          25 February 2024 10: 06
          I read some of their history.
          Read some of yours.
          What is a normal person to do there?
          That's right, don't come here. Where you are not is usually good.
          1. +1
            25 February 2024 13: 01
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            That's right, don't come here. Where you are not is usually good.

            Why should I? The European authorities are calling Arabs and blacks to be your neighbors. Part of your salary is taken away for their free life, housing, again, so that lovely visitors are not distracted by work, but diligently raise the local demographics. They will already organize a sweet life for you without me. Now, you're already good...
            1. -2
              25 February 2024 13: 04
              they invite blacks to be your neighbors.
              They also push Kenyans for you - 20 thousand, it seems, to start with. And the Palestinians were given a lift wassat Taking into account the fact that the percentage of followers of one peaceful religion in Russia is already higher than in Europe, they will soon send a bill to pay the jizya.
              Only if 4 out of 5 uninvited guests fly out of here after being kept in the center of illegal immigrants, in a year they will already be full citizens.
              1. 0
                25 February 2024 13: 07
                This has already been sent to you, and not for the first time, right? You don’t have twenty, or even two hundred, the count goes into millions) Christmas has been banned, New Year has been banned, you no longer let women out into the street without a hijab. I'm telling you, it's paradise there. European.
                1. -2
                  25 February 2024 13: 08
                  ) Christmas has been banned, New Year has been banned, you no longer let women outside without a hijab
                  The most interesting thing is that you clearly sincerely believe in it.
                  the count goes into millions
                  Tens of billions Yes .
    2. 0
      24 February 2024 13: 06
      Yes, the average European man really dreams of raping, robbing and burning Russians every day. After all, poor Europe is known to envy rich Russia.
      1. 0
        24 February 2024 20: 29
        The standard of living there in the West is higher. And they are not going to be jealous. The Western man in the street doesn’t care about everything that happens in Russia, just as the Russian doesn’t care about everything that happens in the West.
      2. 0
        25 February 2024 09: 12
        Quote: Kmon
        The average European citizen literally dreams of raping, robbing and burning Russians every day.

        Well, not necessarily Russians. Whom will it reach? Any European war at any time is accompanied by such horror and nastiness that it makes your stomach turn. That’s why any European war ends with the locals brutally kicking them out, and after this abomination their henchmen flee, clinging to the aircraft chassis.
        This is how Europeans fight, this is how they conduct business in the occupied territory, that the ground under them always begins to burn. This is not the withdrawal of USSR troops from Afghanistan - with banners unfurled, with a completely prosperous regime left behind. If you didn’t kill Najibullah in your own country, Afghanistan would probably still be socialist.
  15. -2
    24 February 2024 13: 08
    There is safety in numbers. Carlson is alone, and media publications denigrating Russia and Russians come out in the thousands every day. So there is no “enlightenment” and there never will be.
  16. +1
    24 February 2024 16: 02
    Why is it so difficult for the truth to make its way to the minds of the Western man in the street?
    Their propaganda apparatus works with the same success as ours in the Soviet Union. Only an absolute minority bothers to look for alternative information on the Internet...
    1. +2
      24 February 2024 20: 31
      Not just propaganda, but actually a higher standard of living.

      As for “Soviet propaganda”, since the time of Khrushchev it was already half anti-Soviet...
  17. -1
    24 February 2024 21: 06
    "a gun* and a kind word are better than just a kind word"
    *- nuclear targeting, which has not worked since 1994
  18. +3
    24 February 2024 21: 14
    Any war, including information war, is lost by those who are weaker and stupider. This relates to the question “why is Russia losing?..”
    Yes, not Russia, but Russian propaganda.... She is now losing in Russia itself.
    1. +1
      25 February 2024 01: 01
      This is where I completely agree with you. The propaganda is large-scale, sticky, but weak and primitive, causing some rejection with its primitive importunity and arrogance.

      The “criticizing-suggesting” principle does not apply here - because, firstly, I am disgusted by any propaganda, and secondly, the current propagation model cannot be converted into something effective by cosmetic means. There is no such magic golden key that would return a human face to some Solovyov, Sheinin, Kuzichev, Skabeeva, Simonyan and so on.
      The system cannot just transfer these people en masse to positions at the “shitbearer” level; from its point of view, they worked by the sweat of their brow, not sparing their bellies, so to speak. Therefore, they must either be left to work like this, or transferred higher. Otherwise, the entire vertical will not understand. If they are transferred higher in the area of ​​their “professional activity”, then it will be a disaster and there will be no talk of any adequate improvement in affairs in the field of agitprop after that - it will be just right to tear hair from the armpits in other places. If you leave them where they are, they will do what they do (and as best they can), that is, continue to marginalize our point of view.
      So the situation is in some conceptual dead end..
  19. +3
    24 February 2024 22: 49
    because John from Iowa doesn’t really care about Ukraine and the Northern Military District.. that’s it at all.. he has a family, a harvest, a cup... and then someone is being killed somewhere.. yes, absolutely doesn’t care - someone is being killed somewhere all the time , US army, does not participate and it’s good.. I’m not sure that he knows the last name Carlson at all..
  20. 0
    24 February 2024 23: 45
    Again some kind of propaganda.
    I listened to part of the interview, my colleagues listened to parts of the interview, my personal experts listened to the entire interview, listened to the interview about the interview,...

    In general, about nothing. Template answers to template soft questions.
    And the Western public sees that their neighbor is being bombed, although Putin himself promised “there will be no war”
    And Biden named the deadlines. That is, Biden and Co. turned out to be right in the eyes of the average person.
    All. We've arrived.
  21. +1
    25 February 2024 00: 07
    Listen, tell me honestly - does it make sense to spend time watching this show?
    1. +4
      25 February 2024 01: 07
      What show? Interview ? Ahaha. No, of course not. Read the “most important” summary somewhere and from someone, there are plenty of them on the Internet.
      Well, or if you miss the Haute Couture lectures about the Pechenegs tormenting the body of our homeland, you can watch it. It’s just stupid interviews like this in recent years thousands_of them.
      There are no sensations, no revelations or epic announcements - Oliver Stone has already done everything.
  22. +1
    25 February 2024 07: 05
    Why is it so difficult for the truth to make its way to the minds of the Western man in the street?

    Because they are preparing speeches not at all for the “Western man in the street”, but completely for their own audience.
    I watched the president’s interview while on business right next to the main unfriendly country.
    And I had to discuss a lot with “Western citizens” of American origin...
    First of all - our snobbery, clearly expressed in this article - the “Western man in the street” with “brainwashed”.
    Sorry, I didn’t talk to truck drivers and “red necks” - engineers and senior managers. And if you are asked the question “what type of apples” and your answer is “green oranges are mainly used for juices” - the result will be “why is it so difficult for the truth to make its way to the minds.”
    The subtleties and thicknesses of Russian legislation prevent us from speaking more specifically...
    Sorry, author, but your version is not even incorrect, but simply perpendicular, at least to what I see...
    The conversation about how they really see our army and our successes and how much, alas, is also limited by law. Who knows what will come to Comrade Major's head...
    Sorry for the somewhat "mysterious" comment... laughing
    Why overload your brain with thoughts? There are enough problems of our own. Moreover, this is characteristic not only of the Western world, but also of us.
  23. -1
    25 February 2024 21: 53
    The president said everything correctly. - Are we having a serious dialogue or a show? - Serious. That was the beginning. That’s why I tried to convey the whole essence of the conflict to the common Western man. The narrow-minded people didn’t listen - that’s their business. This means they don’t need it at all. Those who needed it listened. Maybe they even understood something.
  24. 0
    27 February 2024 11: 39
    There is no truth in politics, there never was and never will be. A politician in any country first of all strives to present his actions in the right “sauce” for both internal and external audiences, thereby proving that the “truth” is different for everyone.
  25. 0
    27 February 2024 19: 46
    A sort of lump of yeast in grape juice...

    I'm afraid it's a slightly different substance...
  26. +1
    27 February 2024 19: 54
    A lot of words... Everything is actually much simpler:
    The entire development of the so-called Western civilization, all its considerable achievements, I agree, are based on continuous robbery.
    Including, first of all, the robbery of Russia. Therefore, with all their guts, intestines, including the direct line, the Western man in the street senses that Russia is returning its sovereignty. We can probably talk about gaining sovereignty; for the West it means the end of an undeservedly paradisiacal existence.
    That's it, period.
    But what can we say about the Western man in the street, when in our native VO there are a lot of either ragulians or victims of the Unified State Exam incapable of mental activity.
    Even in this thread.
  27. 0
    27 February 2024 23: 36
    Our international relations teacher told us, future diplomats and trade representatives, in 1989:
    There are 3 types: black propaganda, for example, children were taken away from USSR parents who were seen as disloyal to the USSR.
    Wow, the whole Western world is pissed. Then came the average propaganda, when the parents had some sins, such as selling records from the West, and theirs was tutu. And here comes the white one: and here they got it: boney-m in Moscow, ABBA in Moscow was already 99%...
    The world was changing faster than the attack of a perch on a spoon. Oh, if only our Politburo hadn’t caught on in time...
  28. 0
    29 February 2024 13: 03
    Why is it so difficult for the truth to make its way to the minds of the Western man in the street?
    Because the slaughterer doesn’t care about the truth. And we must treat them the same way if we want to survive.