How the United States is turning an outdated 70-year-old Mk-80 aerial bomb into a precision weapon

How the United States is turning an outdated 70-year-old Mk-80 aerial bomb into a precision weapon

Air bombs of the Mk-80 family appeared in service with the US Armed Forces in the early 50s of the last century. The family included four basic models of standard calibers (the caliber of aerial bombs is indicated by their nominal weight): Mk 81 - 250 pounds, Mk 82 - 500 pounds, Mk 83 - 1000 pounds, Mk 84 - 2000 pounds.

One of the main features of the above-mentioned unguided bomb is its modular design. This is precisely what made it possible to create on its basis a high-precision weapon, which is still used today. Moreover, not only the American army.

In particular, in the 90s of the last century, the JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) system was adopted. According to some reports, it is these adjustable bombs that the IDF, among other things, use to bomb Gaza.

How did the Americans manage to turn an unguided 70-year-old aerial bomb into a precision weapon?

The transformation begins with the removal of the tail section of the old ammunition. Instead, a section is installed in which an inertial guidance unit, a GPS satellite navigation system receiver and a stabilizer control mechanism (composite ribs) are built in.
The position of the latter changes, directing the bomb precisely to the target.

But the evolution of the outdated Mk-80 does not end there. A laser-guided module is installed in the nose of the bomb. Finally, to increase the flight range of the “smart bomb,” a module with folding wings was added to it. This know-how increases the destruction range three times - from 24 to 72 km.

The JDAM system works as follows. The target coordinates can be loaded into the on-board equipment of the carrier aircraft before takeoff and, if necessary, changed by the crew before launching the munition.

When dropped, the “smart bomb” opens its wings and switches to internal control, as well as GPS. In turn, the inertial system monitors the position of the ammunition and controls a mechanism that changes the position of the stabilizers, maintaining a given course.

If necessary, at the final stage of the flight the bomb is aimed at the target using a laser installed in the nose.

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  1. +5
    22 February 2024 07: 33
    Cheap and angry ...
    Everyone else follows this path.
    1. +1
      22 February 2024 07: 55
      They did the same thing in the sea mine version. An old bomb with a new body turns into a modern mine weapon.
      1. 0
        22 February 2024 08: 00
        During the Cold War, a lot of weapons were produced; simply disposing of everything and making new ones is probably not justified for various reasons.
        Modernization, deep modernization and weapons meet modern requirements and the tasks that will need to be performed.
        Everything is logical and probably economically justified.
        How the military themselves feel about this... opinions vary, but, in any case, they will use what they have.
        1. +1
          22 February 2024 08: 32
          Few military people think about the future, especially since all this requires money. This is normal for such a system.
        2. +3
          22 February 2024 18: 25
          Quote: rocket757
          Modernization, deep modernization and weapons meet modern requirements and the tasks that will need to be performed.

          It seems that it’s not exactly modernization! This is most likely (and it will probably be more accurate) to use part of the case with the charging compartment to obtain a new, high-precision product. Because electronics, kinematics, laser sight and GPS receiver, carrier system - everything is much more expensive than the carcass of an old type 80 FAP.
          It’s like in a joke:
          Ekaterina and Radzevil make love. And suddenly the Pole was flooded:
          - Finally, Russia is under Poland! - the partner blurted out proudly.
          - What are you talking about, Radzivilushka! This part of Poland became part of Russia - Catherine retorted.
          (Sorry, the joke belongs to the category of salon political jokes regarding the composition of the lands of the Russian Empire) feel
          1. +1
            22 February 2024 18: 49
            So jokes are an integral genre of folk, mass creativity... if not off-the-cuff, off-the-cuff, most often!
          2. 0
            27 February 2024 17: 02
            electronics, kinematics, laser sight and GPS receiver, carrier system - everything is much more expensive than the carcass of an old type 80 FAP.

            But it is much cheaper than any new adjustable high-explosive bomb or missile.
  2. 0
    April 18 2024 01: 39
    Quote: wladimirjankov
    electronics, kinematics, laser sight and GPS receiver, carrier system - everything is much more expensive than the carcass of an old type 80 FAP.

    But it is much cheaper than any new adjustable high-explosive bomb or missile.

    Discussion of this issue without presenting at least some price lists is empty chatter.