Russia is considering the Su-75 aircraft as a platform for developing a new fighter for the Middle East.

Russia is considering the Su-75 aircraft as a platform for developing a new fighter for the Middle East.

The Russian promising single-engine fighter Su-75 Checkmate is considered by our designers as a platform for creating a new combat aircraft ordered by the countries of the Middle East. The general director of Rosoboronexport, Alexander Mikheev, spoke about this.

The Su-75 was originally designed as an open-architecture aircraft, so based on this project it is possible to create a fighter with specified characteristics for Arab countries. And such plans exist; the Arabs really want to have an inexpensive but quite powerful fighter. Today, this option is the most realistic, since the design of the aircraft already includes the possibility of developing complexes for solving various problems, including unmanned ones.

The fifth generation light tactical aircraft Checkmate (...) with an open architecture is today the most relevant product for building projects for the joint development of promising aviation complexes in the Middle East region

- leads TASS Mikheev's words.

The promising Su-75 fighter is being created in three versions: single-seat, double-seat and unmanned. The aircraft is being developed taking into account deliveries to both Russian aerospace forces and foreign customers. Declared characteristics: speed - up to 2M, flight range - up to 3 thousand km, combat load weight - 7,4 thousand kg. A radar with AFAR, a XNUMX-degree optical and radio reconnaissance system, a built-in electronic jamming system, an optical sighting system, and a wide-range communication system are installed.
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  1. +1
    7 February 2024 11: 48
    Can we saturate VKS with flashers 35? Chess is a long, long road.
    1. +1
      7 February 2024 11: 54
      Quote: Fatalist
      Can we saturate VKS with flashers 35?

      Somehow the Moscow Region is in no hurry to order them.
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 12: 21
        Quote: Piramidon
        Somehow the Moscow Region is in no hurry to order them.

        They do! The plan is to replace all Mig-29s with them.
        In terms of timing, I don’t know how quickly everything will be...
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 12: 33
          replace all Mig-29s with them - so they all seem to be based in Armenia, change so change!
          1. 0
            7 February 2024 15: 42
            Quote: vik669
            replace all Mig-29s with them - so they are all in Armenia

            Of course, they will be changed - in ALL countries that are interested and have not yet switched to more expensive SU aircraft.
          2. +1
            7 February 2024 16: 09
            Quote: vik669
            so they all seem to be based in Armenia to change so change!

            Yes, the only MiG-29 regiment is based in Armenia. But there is also a deck regiment for Kuznetsov, because the MiG-35S is based on the MiG-29K\KUB airframe. But it was stated that the MiG-35S had already been put into production both for the Aerospace Forces and for at least two foreign customers. And now we need to at least double the fleet of combat aircraft as quickly as possible, and the practice of 2 years of the Northern Military District has shown that the war may not be able to be carried out with heavy aircraft alone. And MiG has two factories that are not loaded, with ready-made lines for assembling the MiG-35S.
    2. +1
      7 February 2024 12: 01
      I wonder if it will ever be put into series or if it will just be shown at foreign exhibitions. recourse
      1. -1
        7 February 2024 13: 00
        Since foreigners are interested, there will be an order. So they will put it into series. There you look and it will go to our videoconferencing
      2. +1
        7 February 2024 23: 44
        At first it wouldn’t be a bad idea to just lift it into the sky.
    3. +2
      7 February 2024 12: 02
      Quote: Fatalist
      Can we saturate VKS with flashers 35? Chess is a long, long road.

      Next year, the first flight of the Su-75. In essence, this will be a light single-engine modification of the Su-57. Everything is the same, only the airframe design has been changed and there is one engine instead of two. So, taking into account the start of construction of the Su-57M, the Su-75 fighter should be brought into series production quickly. The MiG-35 is participating in the SVO and the decision on their serial production will be made based on the experience of their use in the SVO.
      1. -1
        7 February 2024 12: 38
        Mig-35s are participating in the SVO and Su-57s and many other things are also participating - just like in the Olympics, the main thing is not victory, but participation!
      2. -2
        7 February 2024 12: 43
        Taking into account the start of construction of the Su-57M, the Su-75 fighter should be brought into production quickly

        The Su-57 is currently being produced in single copies. This is unlikely to contribute to the serial production of the Su-75
        1. 0
          7 February 2024 19: 09
          However, there are already 22 Su-57s. About 2 dozen should be produced this year.
          1. 0
            7 February 2024 21: 53
            Where does the data come from that there are 22 and that 20 more will be released this year?
            1. 0
              7 February 2024 22: 13
              Answered a little lower. There are some links in the comments.
          2. 0
            7 February 2024 21: 57
            Where did you get these numbers from? This has never been stated anywhere.
            1. +1
              7 February 2024 22: 04
              There are no official data and there won’t be any soon. But according to various sources and forums this is the figure.
              And in terms of production, last year they produced 10-12 aircraft. This year they planned to double the output.
              We began to form the first Su-57 regiment.
              Here, for example:
              1. +1
                7 February 2024 22: 10
                And one more thing:
            2. 0
              7 February 2024 23: 58
              Actually yes, they answered below. This particular figure, in my opinion, comes from bmpd. They also provide justification for this figure according to official reports. In my opinion, it looks realistic, and even if the figure is suddenly overestimated, it’s not by much. And probably the Su-57 either can no longer be called a piece, or very soon it will no longer be possible to call it that...

              By the end of 2022, 11 production Su-57 fighters were built under this contract, of which, after the loss of the lead aircraft on December 24, 2019 at the final stage of factory testing, the Russian Aerospace Forces received ten aircraft. Including KnAAZ in 2020-2021 transferred four Su-57 aircraft to the Russian Aerospace Forces, and in 2022 - six more (two in May and four in December). Apparently, in total, about 2023 Su-11 aircraft were delivered to the Russian Aerospace Forces in 57.
        2. 0
          7 February 2024 21: 31
          57 will not be produced in any quantities until they receive the engines. There is no point
    4. -3
      7 February 2024 12: 06
      - to create a new combat aircraft ordered by the countries of the Middle East.
      How many planes were sold to the Middle East in light of the sanctions?
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 12: 14
        How might sanctions affect the supply of military equipment abroad?
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 12: 41
          -How can sanctions affect the supply of military equipment abroad?

          Back in 2017, the Yankees passed the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA),
          In 2014 - 2018 Russia exported 21% of all weapons in the world, and the United States - 36%, while in 2009-2013. these figures were 27% and 30% respectively.
          Today, the Russian Federation is in fifth place in arms exports. The secondary sanctions received by China and Turkey do not inspire optimism among potential buyers.
        2. 0
          7 February 2024 16: 28
          Quote from: neworange88
          How might sanctions affect the supply of military equipment abroad?

          How are the Yankees strangling everyone who buys our equipment, and Russian goods in general?
  2. -1
    7 February 2024 11: 54
    Maybe saturate with MiG-35 - but somehow it's not funny anymore, for how many years now everyone who is not too lazy has been saturating themselves and continues ... to saw, but unfortunately not the taiga in hand-to-hand combat! This was said by the general director of Rosoboronexport Alexander Mikheev - the circus has left, but the clowns remain
  3. +1
    7 February 2024 11: 54
    Too shy to ask...
    Or maybe it’s better if he doesn’t fly with us first?
    1. +2
      7 February 2024 12: 04
      The MiG-35 began to be created in the 2000s. The first rollout and flight of the MiG-35, created on the basis of the MiG-29M2, took place in January 2007 - today is February 2024, so you are not here!
    2. +2
      7 February 2024 12: 16
      Or maybe it’s better if he doesn’t fly with us first

      And this is the essence of capitalism. Could you imagine that during the Second World War the People's Commissariat of Defense Industry was developing military equipment for sale abroad
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 12: 27

        And this is the essence of capitalism. Could you imagine that during the Second World War the People's Commissariat of Defense Industry was developing military equipment for sale abroad
        But what about the supplies of Soviet-made aircraft to Spain in the 30s of the twentieth century?! By the way, Italian and German one-class aviation was satisfied. I understood it with a bang. The same cannot be said about the Spanish partisans.
        1. 0
          7 February 2024 12: 34
          But what about the supplies of Soviet-made aircraft to Spain in the 30s of the twentieth century?

          The comparison doesn't work. The bottom line is that the main task was to saturate our armed forces with the necessary equipment in a short time, and not to develop and produce military equipment for sale in order to make a profit
          1. +2
            7 February 2024 12: 45
            A striking example from the Soviet era MiG-23 and MiG-27 in the implementation of military-economic cooperation with India. But the story of the cessation of the functioning of MAPO "MIG" raises a number of questions. Of course, the aircraft of the Sukhoi Design Bureau are beyond praise, but for what purpose to destroy MAPO "MIG" is not entirely clear, as well as the creation of preconditions for the dismissal of employees from the MiG Design Bureau with their subsequent transfer to the Sukhoi Design Bureau.
            1. +4
              7 February 2024 13: 01
              but for what purpose to destroy MAPO "Mig" is not entirely clear, as is the creation of preconditions for the dismissal of employees from the Mig Design Bureau with their subsequent transfer to the Sukhoi Design Bureau

              I remembered how our president complained that Western partners do not comply with the principles of fair competition laughing
              Lenin, a hundred years ago, practically “chewed” that there is, in principle, no fair competition in the capitalist world
              1. 0
                7 February 2024 13: 03
                But what about slogans like: “We don’t abandon our own!” ?! Who needs slogans?! The question is of course rhetorical, but still.
            2. +1
              7 February 2024 13: 28
              Quote: oppozite28
              But the story of the cessation of the functioning of MAPO "MIG" raises a number of questions.

              Our country has no desire to maintain several design bureaus. Let them cook in the same pot and hatch only the same ideas... In our country, productive labor is not held in high esteem...
        2. +1
          7 February 2024 12: 50
          But what about the supplies of Soviet-made aircraft to Spain in the 30s?
          So... they were “supplied” together with combat pilots...
          1. 0
            7 February 2024 12: 52
            The very fact of aircraft supplies is indicative. Without taking into account some subtext, so to speak.
    3. +3
      7 February 2024 12: 44
      Quote: I dare_notice_
      Too shy to ask...
      Or maybe it’s better if he doesn’t fly with us first?

      Everything depends on the wishes of the Ministry of Defense. Currently, the VKS is supplied with the Su-57, which is not being sold abroad. If, after testing, the Su-75 is deemed a platform needed by the VKS, then it will also be purchased in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense. But for now, the VKS is betting on heavy fighters, which is not entirely correct. In the USSR Air Force, the ratio of heavy Su-27s to light MiG-29s was 1 to 3, in theory, the same ratio should be maintained when supplying the VKS with Su-57s and Su-75s, but how will they resolve the issue there?
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 12: 51
        Yes... They know better there... with whom we are going to fight.
  4. 0
    7 February 2024 13: 25
    Russia is considering the Su-75 aircraft as a platform for the development of a new fighter...

    Everything is fine, everything is great!
    Let's wait until 2025... That's when they promise to show us the brainchild in life-size with all the characteristics.
    And one more thing... There is a lot of chatter around deliveries abroad. It seems that the entire fleet of the Aerospace Forces has been updated, from transport aircraft to strategic (albeit updated) bombers, including the panacea for ills A-100...
    What is there for concrete shelters at field airfields?
    * * *
    How is it possible that for the sake of someone, and even for dollars, we will tear our own ass to the British flag...
    1. +3
      7 February 2024 15: 30
      Quote: ROSS 42
      How is it possible that for the sake of someone, and even for dollars, we will tear our own ass to the British flag...

      Do we need LMFI or not? Looks like it's needed.
      They made a new AL-51 engine (formerly “product 30”), equipped the Su-57M with it, the thrust-to-weight ratio increased to 1,17, and the flight range increased by 10%. Surely it will be installed on 75 cars, which will make them even more attractive to foreign customers.
      For these machines we receive payment in hard currency, for which we purchase high-precision systems for our industry from third countries, in particular for mechanical engineering, research institutes and design bureaus.
      We do not sell weapons and military equipment to everyone, but only to “friendly” countries, which undertake not to transfer them to third countries (USA, England, France, Germany, etc.)
      Then, the decision to sell export versions of the new weapons and military equipment is made “at the top.” And from above, I think, you can see better than from the bunker. Because the “tops” have a much larger amount of information to make an informed decision regarding sales abroad.
      1. -1
        7 February 2024 17: 17
        Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
        Do we need LMFI or not?

        Yes, we need the Su-57 to crush the Ukrainian air defense and carry out strikes using stealth technology...And what exactly is the Su-75 for? Will this make Arab countries dependent on supplies from Russia or...?
        * * *
        I was taught to always identify priority goals and objectives. Choose the ones with the highest priority. In the meantime, I see confusion and vacillation in the general line of EdRa.
        With half-hearted measures and liberal techniques, you can achieve another portion of slaps in the face.
        Even Dmitry Anatolyevich voiced the advantage of the West in the global conflict, and at the very top they decided that the West would “see the light” and turn to face Russia...
        1. -1
          8 February 2024 06: 07
          You never know what David Aaronovich voiced there, on his page in Telega. He lives in another dimension.
  5. +3
    7 February 2024 14: 48
    The promising Su-75 fighter is being created in three versions:

    Hmm...there is only one option for now - shaking the air! Lots of words and pictures.
  6. -1
    7 February 2024 21: 00
    The ongoing discussion about the SU-75 for our aerospace forces is not entirely clear. request In the article, it is written in black and white: "The Russian promising single-engine fighter Su-75 Checkmate is considered by our designers as a platform for creating a new combat aircraft according to order from the Middle East countries"Therefore, it is not a fact that this aircraft will be adopted by us. In recent years, the BV countries have been trying to develop high-tech production, and perhaps the production of the SU-75 will be localized there. what
    1. 0
      7 February 2024 22: 02
      So Sergey, you yourself answered your own question - the Su-75 Checkmate is considered by our designers as a “platform for creating a new combat aircraft” - a new aircraft created on the Su-75 platform for the Middle East and the Su-75 for the Russian Aerospace Forces.