Summer and autumn 1919. Information from the newspaper "Izvestia"

Summer and autumn 1919. Information from the newspaper "Izvestia"
One of the paintings by I. A. Vladimirov. This is how he saw the socialist revolution in the Russian village...

– Why are you going if they tell you to “fight”?
You can be torn apart by a bomb,
you can die for your land,
but how to die for the common?
- A wife, an apartment, and a current account.
this is the fatherland, heavenly places!
For the sake of such a fatherland
We would understand both death and youth.

V. Mayakovsky “Good”

Unknown Wars. So, we continue our journey to 1919 through the pages of the Izvestia newspaper! Today we have autumn on our pages. But even before autumn it was a difficult summer.

And in the summer of 1919, the Red Army retreated for a year. Denikin’s men were marching towards Moscow, carrying salt for sale on an “officer” armored train, in a word, the prospects were excellent. And then, in order to finally finish off the Red Army, it was decided to send the Red Cavalry Corps of General Mamontov to the rear.

The goal is to disrupt transport routes in the area of ​​Tambov and Kozlov, Yelets and Voronezh, destroy railway stations, warehouses, headquarters and, of course, raise an uprising of local peasants dissatisfied with Soviet power. The corps consisted of 9 horsemen, also had 000 guns and several armored vehicles. The front was broken through, and an avalanche of Cossack cavalry rushed towards the red rear.

On August 18, 1919, the Cossacks captured Tambov without firing a single shot, and its garrison fled. The Cossacks dispersed the rear units that were preparing to be sent to the front, robbed and destroyed Soviet institutions, and their workers, and those simply sympathizing with the Soviet regime, were shot en masse.

But the front itself was not broken through. Denikin did not have the reserves to move after Mamontov. The Cossack cavalry was shot from airplanes, and the routes for advance and retreat were cut off by arriving fresh troops.

Well, the horses themselves... They are not made of iron. They get tired quite quickly, they need long rest and good feeding. Where could all this be obtained behind the Red lines?

As a result, the corps went back, losing up to half of its strength and exhausting its horses to the limit. So the success of the raid was purely tactical; it was not possible to develop it. But the reports about the atrocities committed by the Mammothites came at just the right time. Here, as they say, there would be no happiness - but misfortune helped: the choice between whites and reds became more and more obvious among the masses.

Information from the Izvestia newspaper about human casualties during the First World War

But what was happening in Ukraine at that time?

And then the Reds gathered their strength and began to defeat Denikin. And here, as in the case of Mamontov, the traditionality and inertia of thinking of the White Guard command and the rank and file had an impact.

Cossacks... During the raid, according to their ancient tradition, they became carried away with robbery. And although Mamontov himself did his best to prevent the convoys from fouling his corps, he could not do anything. And even worse, Denikin publicly declared his commitment to “non-predetermination.” Like, let’s beat the Reds, then we’ll decide what the country will be like and what kind of power there will be in it. That is, he was for preserving the empire within its old borders.

As a result, he received a front in the Caucasus, where he had to maintain considerable forces against the mountain separatists. He received a front in the rear - Father Makhno operated there. The Poles also did not support him, and all because they received the statehood they had long desired from the Soviets. And the same thing happened with Yudenich and the Finns.

But you could promise everything to everyone, and then... not give what was already promised. But doing this was completely impossible for Yudenich and Denikin. And that's why they lost. What if they promised? Then the question of land remained, and that’s where they would all definitely stumble!

One of the serious problems of the Red Army was the problem of desertion. In this regard, many World War I veterans were even worse than young recruits. During the war years they had seen enough of everything and at the first opportunity they thought about how to get out. And they fled from both the Reds and the Whites!

Pilots, for example, “ran” with airplanes all the time

But prisoners were also actively used. Of course, they tried to eliminate all the ideological ones, but the peasant soldier was usually lucky, both among the whites and the reds

Well, what difficulties did the Reds have at that time?

There were many and serious ones. But the most important thing they did was give land to the country’s peasant population. And this was the positive general thing that outweighed any negative particulars.

Like any war, the Civil War gave society its heroes

And examples of heroism at the front

It is interesting that it was at this time that people who were sensitive to the wind began to join the party. Here at VO they like to criticize those who have changed their shoes, but they appeared already then. And there were a lot of them. And here one important, I would say theoretical, question arises: why exactly are careerists in the party bad? After all, in order to make a career with its help or in it itself, one should... shout louder, work harder, go bolder, but what is really in a person’s soul, then how is it known. A person might not approve of all the innovations of modern times, but, as an intelligent person, he accepted and used them, both for his own personal benefit and for the benefit of the state.

Information in Izvestia about Mamontov’s raid. The newspaper called it a “raid,” and there’s hardly any better way to describe it.

They fought the Mammothites not only with bombs and machine guns, but also with leaflets like these

One little detail is important here - if personal interests prevailed in the work of a party member, and this was noticeable to others, then... it was bad, and, as a rule, such stupid people were quickly identified and got rid of them. But if the public was in the first place, and the personal in the second, then this did not cause any protest from anyone (you can’t look into a person’s soul), and he made a career step by step with a party card on his chest. Well, stupid people, like smart people, have always been and will be. They existed at that turbulent time, and Izvestia wrote about them - they were expelled from the party.

To strengthen revolutionary discipline, special Cheka trains were sent to the front line!

The newspaper wrote quite a lot about Trotsky and wrote practically nothing about Stalin... Of course, the popularity of the former during the Civil War was significantly higher than the popularity of the latter...

Some, let's say, exceptions to this rule are interesting. And they always have been and will be. And here is one of them, based on personal, or rather, family memories.

I don’t know for what reasons my grandfather joined the RCP(b), but he joined in the summer of 1918 and was immediately sent with a food detachment to get bread in the village, because at that time he was an inspector of public schools and was responsible for rural schools in the villages the provinces knew him. But sometime in November his mother dies, and there are no relatives to organize her funeral.

This is revolutionary and, above all, party discipline in action!

And here, as always, “immediately go with the detachment.” Who will bury the mother? "The revolution is in danger!" “And why does she have to lie on the table in the middle of the house?” “And now it’s cold, nothing will happen to her! But if you come back, then bury it. Or... put your membership card on the table!” My grandfather got angry and... put down his party card. He buried his mother, did everything honorably, as it should have been, and went for bread with the next food detachment.

Revolutionary tribunals were also active at this time...

Then they drained the gasoline, and they are draining it now...

Just the topic for us today. Even then, such people joined the party. Stupid but cunning. Only the trick was quickly revealed, they were given the nickname “selfish” and kicked out of the party in three necks! Here is the same “comrade Mosolov”... “He worked little and poorly!” What if he worked “hard and well”?! No one would say a bad word to him! How does the Bible say: “By their works will you know them?” It’s just that in times of war, certain things are required, and in times of peace, others. And people, accordingly... are different!

Extension stories "Comrade Mosolov"

He joined the party for the second time already in 1940 and, what is most interesting, he was accepted, and no one blamed him for this episode: “Such were the times!”

That is, the party as an organization is certainly required in order to take power and retain it, but as soon as power is taken, the process of its degeneration from “combat” begins weapons” into a means of career growth, that is, it turns into something like a Masonic lodge. What, by the way, was very clearly shown in 1991.

But, it is clear that in 1919, no one could even think that this was what awaited the Bolsheviks ahead...

And of course, one of the “enemies” of the army was... scabies

And typhus, the causative agent of which was discovered precisely then!

To be continued ...
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  1. +7
    3 February 2024 07: 41
    . I don’t know for what reasons my grandfather joined the RCP(b), but he joined in the summer of 1918

    The grandson clearly does not share the views of his grandfather. I can’t know, he says, what motivation prompted such “madness”! But thanks for the article. It was interesting.
    1. -7
      3 February 2024 08: 29
      Bolshevik propaganda, as well as all official historical science, did not mention in a word that the Reds owed their successes in the fight against Denikin’s white troops primarily to Makhno’s allied army and these successes occurred precisely in 19.
      1. +10
        3 February 2024 13: 46
        “... the Reds owe the success of the fight against the white Denikin troops primarily to the allied army of Makhno” - the Reds owe the success of the fight against all opposition primarily to themselves, their leaders, commanders, the iron leadership of the RCP (b), united throughout the vast country, enjoyed the support peasants and workers (albeit not all). And here are various green-gray-brown-crimson bandits and muddy anarcho-fathers.
        In 1919, the Red Army had more than 3 million bayonets, one First Cavalry with up to 30 thousand sabers. Couldn't they have done it without Makhn?

        In 1919, Makhno actually pulled part of Denikin’s grab-army onto himself, painfully pecking at the “warrior” of the former accountant Petlyura and the operetta poupen-hetman Skoropadsky. But these were mainly partisan raids in the rear; the Makhnovists did not hold the front. They dashed off in a hurry, including and large cities, such as Yekaterinoslav, but they were also quickly surrendered when it burned, having previously scammed the banks and treasuries, the local bourgeoisie.
        When Dad finally gave up on the Bolsheviks, his terror against the Reds (1921) turned into the most rabid banditry, the bloody agony of the doomed. There are a lot of documents on this topic - take a look at Yakovlev’s Internet archive, there’s a lot of interesting stuff there, all documents - not blah blah blah...

        That’s the truth, it’s true, dad fled abroad in what he was wearing, perhaps the little piece of gold drowned while crossing the Dniester into Romania under machine-gun fire. The Rumaneshta border guards, like Ostap Bender, could have taken away all his “branzulettes” from Makhn. In Paris he lived very poorly, on a modest pension, which was collected for him by his anarchist admirers all over the world...
        1. -5
          3 February 2024 19: 43
          Quote: Timofey Charuta
          turned into the most rabid banditry,

          The bandits are primarily Bolsheviks who took food from the peasants by force.
        2. +2
          3 February 2024 19: 49
          It seems to me that you are too categorical towards Makhno. He was an ideological anarchist. It is clear that over time he did not get along with the Bolsheviks. But he would never take the side of the whites! So he declared that the Bolsheviks are revolutionaries, like anarchists, and there is nothing to do together with the rest. By the way, the war between the Makhnovists and the Reds began with the execution of Karetnik’s fighters. And before that, they helped a lot during the assault on Perekop, defeating Wrangel’s last reserve - Barbovich’s cavalry. Many Red Army soldiers did not approve of this reprisal against their former allies, so the remaining Makhnovists were released from Crimea. And the raid on Melitopol greatly complicated Denikin’s offensive. Slashchev’s corps had to be removed from the front. hi
        3. +1
          3 February 2024 22: 33
          Quote: Timofey Charuta
          In 1919, the Red Army had more than 3 million bayonets, one First Cavalry with up to 30 thousand sabers. Couldn't they have done it without Makhn?

          But at the same time, the unfortunate “rebel Czechoslovak corps” with a measly 42 people, and even stretched over roughly 000 km, put the ENTIRE Red Army on its ears...
          With a balance of forces of at least 1 Czech for 20 Red Army soldiers.
          Don't find it strange?
    2. +1
      3 February 2024 10: 53
      Quote: Stas157
      I can’t know, he says, what motivation prompted such “madness”!

      I didn’t write anywhere that this is “madness,” but I really can’t know its motives. But he himself didn’t tell me about it.
  2. -1
    3 February 2024 07: 43
    Thank you Vyacheslav, wonderful article.
  3. -1
    3 February 2024 08: 00
    The enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people lie even contrary to logic and common sense, they have proven that they will falsify any fact, even an indisputable one, to their advantage for their vile and criminal purposes.
    Now, immediately after the October Revolution, the enemies of the Bolsheviks began to create armed armies with the aim of starting a war against the Bolsheviks, and the interventionists occupied Russia in order to rob it and help the Russian enemies of the Bolsheviks with weapons.
    But the enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people brazenly claim that it was the Bolsheviks who started the Civil War, and drag in Lenin’s phrase from 1914 “let’s turn the imperialist war into a Civil War” to the situation when the Bolsheviks had already seized power.
    1. -11
      3 February 2024 08: 17
      Quote: tatra
      and the interventionists occupied Russia in order to plunder it

      The interventionists did not occupy Russia, but controlled the seaports so that raw materials, food and weapons would not be exported to Germany after the shameful Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty for Russia.

      Quote: tatra
      they drag in Lenin’s phrase from 1914 “let’s turn the imperialist war into a civil war”

      Didn’t Ilyich say this? By the way, remind me how many people died in the civil war, which Lenin turned from an imperialist war?
      1. +10
        3 February 2024 09: 03
        Is this Ulan-Ude (Verkhneudinsk) a seaport or something? Or Chita?
        1. +5
          3 February 2024 09: 55
          Quote: Tlauicol
          Is this Ulan-Ude (Verkhneudinsk) a seaport or something? Or Chita?

          Don’t stop fans of crystal bakers from raping history. Sometimes they themselves do not understand what they are sculpting, but they always do it with a smart look, because “that’s the way it should be”...
      2. 0
        3 February 2024 12: 12
        Well, the enemies of the USSR can be exposed a million times, but they are unbreakable in their pathological deceit and hypocrisy for their own benefit.
    2. -10
      3 February 2024 08: 33
      seized power in Petrograd, and in order not to die of hunger, the Bolsheviks had to use surplus appropriation and other repressive actions against the rest of Russia. This is a civil war.
      1. +16
        3 February 2024 08: 44
        Nikki introduced surplus appropriation in the country.
        1. -7
          3 February 2024 09: 03
          but the peasants did not rebel against the tsar, but against the Bolsheviks there were uprisings of the Kronstadt sailors, the Antonov uprising, and the Chembarnik uprising. This means that the tsarist and Bolshevik food surpluses are different categories.
          1. +9
            3 February 2024 09: 46
            As long as people have the illusion that power is strong, people are afraid to rebel. This was the case until February 1917. As for the Bolsheviks, roughly speaking, until the end of the so-called civil war, the Bolsheviks did not have all power and not everywhere.
          2. +3
            3 February 2024 12: 17
            And what's surprising about this? The people on the territory of the USSR, all 106 years after the October Revolution, are divided into pro-Soviet and your, anti-Soviet, who, all these 106 years, have done, said, written, prove that they longed to take the country away from the pro-Soviet people, but your anti-Soviet people have never proven that he wants to do something useful for his country.
            And your cowardly ideology about everything that you have done over these 106 years - and we have nothing to do with it,
            It's all others' fault.
            1. -5
              3 February 2024 12: 35
              Quote: tatra
              The anti-Soviet people have not proven that they want to do something useful for their country.

              There will be an article about this, talking about the renovation of schools in Penza. There was also material about what was done in a number of schools by September 1st. And the volumes of allocated amounts. If this is not useful for the country, then what is it?
            2. -3
              3 February 2024 19: 47
              Quote: tatra
              The people on the territory of the USSR for all 106 years after the October Revolution were divided into pro-Soviet and your, anti-Soviet

              Revolutionary sailors in 21, driven to starvation by the Bolsheviks, marched on Petrograd under the slogan SOVIETS WITHOUT BOLSHEVIKS.
              The Bolsheviks brazenly clung to Soviet power.
          3. +3
            3 February 2024 13: 42
            Quote: Trinitrotoluene
            but the peasants did not rebel against the king,.....

            And against whom? First Russian Revolution of 1905?
            But then his closest circle in the Republic of Ingushetia turned against the tsar. And the British relatives turned away.
            1. -1
              3 February 2024 15: 26
              Quote: Reptiloid
              And against whom? First Russian Revolution of 1905?

              Dmitriy! Take a closer look... We were talking about the events of the First World War... then there was an allotment, but they did not rebel. In 1905-07 there was no allocation, but there was a Russian-Japanese one.
              1. +5
                3 February 2024 15: 44
                I need to look at who I was responding to. Just as the first surplus appropriation was not from the Bolsheviks, so the peasant uprisings were against the tsar earlier, and not against the Bolsheviks later.
                1. 0
                  3 February 2024 15: 57
                  Quote: Reptiloid
                  were against the king before

                  Certainly! Both Razin and Pugachev were... This is a fact! And the chapan uprising is also a fact, and there are many more... These are also facts.
              2. +4
                3 February 2024 15: 52
                Why didn’t they rebel, and why did Nikolashka fly off the throne?
                1. -1
                  5 February 2024 00: 29
                  Actually, he recanted.
                  but the heirs of Ilyichka and Yoska just flew away.
                  they tried to rock the boat, but... they got wrapped around
        2. +6
          3 February 2024 13: 39
          Quote: Gardamir
          Nikki introduced surplus appropriation in the country.

          Aha hi back in 1916! And then the Provisional Government. As always happens --- it started with them, and the Bolsheviks are to blame
          1. 0
            3 February 2024 15: 23
            Dmitriy! You should at least read the responses to comments from people like you... This is what I wrote to Tatra. Read:
            Quote: Reptiloid
            Quote: tatra
            they did not want to give grain to the townspeople for food.
            So they didn’t want to give it to the Soviets either!!! Have you read the newspaper? But only the royal power failed to take grain from them. But the Soviet one did it. That's the whole difference!

            Where - “the Bolsheviks are to blame”?
            1. +3
              3 February 2024 15: 47
              The answer, Vyacheslav Olegovich, is repeated for me. You need to look at the arrow. After all, I answer someone as I read, and not after I’ve read everything. I may not read all the comments to the end at once if I’m not at home!
              Where should the comment go? request don't guess
      2. +3
        3 February 2024 12: 09
        Well, firstly, surplus appropriation was first announced by Nicholas II at the end of 1916, and then by the Provisional Government, but they failed because the peasants, especially the kulaks, praised by you, the enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people, did not want to give grain to feed the townspeople .
        Secondly, the enemies of the Bolsheviks, who unleashed the Civil War, occupied the main grain-producing regions - the South and Siberia, and did not allow food to enter the industrial Center, controlled by the Bolsheviks.
        If the Bolsheviks had not announced food appropriation, the townspeople would have died out, and you, the enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people, would have thought that the Bolsheviks staged a “famine” for the townspeople
        1. +1
          3 February 2024 12: 32
          Quote: tatra
          they did not want to give grain to the townspeople for food.

          So they didn’t want to give it to the Soviets either!!! Have you read the newspaper? But only the royal power failed to take grain from them. But the Soviet one did it. That's the whole difference!
  4. +3
    3 February 2024 08: 06
    And here one important, I would say theoretical, question arises: why exactly are careerists in the party bad? After all, in order to make a career with its help or in it yourself, you should... shout louder,
    And this is purely Freudian.
  5. +6
    3 February 2024 08: 21
    The article is interesting, but there is no central core, throwing from one to another.
    I would suggest that the author either consider an event from beginning to end or track all the events of some small time period using media publications and, as an option, add newspaper clippings from that side.
    For me, the second option would be preferable.
    1. 0
      3 February 2024 10: 16
      Quote: Arkadich
      option to add newspaper clippings on that side.

      No need to laugh...
      1. +4
        3 February 2024 10: 20
        No need to laugh.

        I assure you, I didn’t even think about laughing. hi
        It would be really interesting for me to read periodicals from the other side.
        I suspect there were fierce debates about the future of Russia, because the white movement united too many different forces.
        1. +4
          3 February 2024 10: 50
          Quote: Arkadich
          from that side.

          But where can I find you... “on the other side”? Maybe such newspapers exist in some central archives. But I don’t leave Penza anywhere, especially to work in the archives. It's very expensive and doesn't pay for itself. But in Penza there are no White Guard newspapers.
          1. +3
            3 February 2024 11: 07
            It's a pity. Then the offer is cancelled, but maybe you’ll still take note? Now the archives are being digitized.
            1. +3
              3 February 2024 11: 45
              Quote: Arkadich
              The archives are being digitized.

              It's happening... but it's not the process that's important, it's the result. And before him it’s like before the moon.
              1. ANB
                4 February 2024 12: 38
                . But it is not the process that is important, but the result.

                Your words are in the ears of managers.
                I see very few examples of work for results. Mainly for the sake of the process.
  6. +6
    3 February 2024 09: 04
    Shpakovsky looks for and finds only the negative when it comes to the Bolsheviks.
    Manipulates the consciousness of VO readers.
    He will write several more or less interesting articles not related to politics, gaining some respect, and then pour out a barrel of dirt on the period 1917-1991.
    1. +2
      3 February 2024 10: 18
      Quote: Million
      barrel of dirt

      Did Izvestia shed dirt on the Bolsheviks? Or did they write only negative things? The passages present a wide variety of information.
      1. +1
        3 February 2024 10: 21
        This is not Izvestia, but you are looking for everything bad in Izvestia.
        1. -2
          3 February 2024 10: 46
          Quote: Million
          This is not Izvestia, but you are looking for everything bad in Izvestia.

          Do you think there is something “good” there? Naive! Go look! There should be a regional archive in your city. Anyone can come there, write a statement and... get access to old newspapers. Go for it! I personally will only be glad if you are able to find something in Izvestia that can be considered positive IN YOUR OPINION. The VO editors will publish this immediately!
          1. -1
            3 February 2024 15: 20
            Wow, as many as FIVE (the word is prohibited in VO for ethical reasons) signed that they cannot raise their seats, go to the archive or regional library, take a binder of Izvestia there, and write material on it for the glory of the “dear Soviet” . Well, wow, defenders. It’s only good to put minuses on the quiet. But moreover, the intestines are thin! A shame!
            1. +1
              5 February 2024 01: 02
              wow defenders.

              not in the eyebrow, but in the eye
  7. +4
    3 February 2024 09: 17
    A civil war has many components. On the fronts, in my opinion, victory was achieved primarily thanks to the Red commanders and Red commissars. Accordingly, the whites lost at the fronts thanks to the white generals, atamans and priests. But in the rear, in the village, it was already emerging when a slave freed from slavery first of all wants to have slaves and rule over them. This is perfectly illustrated by the first photo in the article with a painting by Vladimirov, where an impudent-looking man with a gun, moreover, with intelligence or minimal education and an unspoiled physiognomy, i.e. yesterday’s slave, already arrogantly stands in front of the peasants, presenting them as his slaves. Well, accordingly, this is the man in the leather jacket. If both the Red commanders and the Red Commissars on the Civil fronts had been like this, victory might not have gone to the Red Army.
    And the article, in my opinion, is good.
  8. +2
    3 February 2024 09: 54
    Thank you! Go through the archives, and then convert it into an article... Thank you!
    At the beginning of the article, edit the name of the armored train. Not "officer", but "Officer", probably.
    Or was it written like that?
    1. +2
      3 February 2024 10: 19
      Quote from Fangaro
      "An officer"

      "Officer", of course. Wrong. Happens...
  9. +1
    3 February 2024 10: 24
    looks for and finds only negativity when it comes to the Bolsheviks

    Write your article about the Bolsheviks, I’m waiting, for example, for the promised article about the poets of the revolution and how they ended their days...
    1. +2
      3 February 2024 10: 48
      Quote: Vladimir80
      the promised article about the poets of the revolution and how they ended their days....

      Is this what I promised you? If I forgot, I'm sorry. A lot of work...
      1. +3
        3 February 2024 12: 10
        No, Vyacheslav, I’m waiting for Comrade Ryzhov’s article
    2. 0
      3 February 2024 12: 29
      Well, yes, it’s about time that the enemies of the Bolsheviks found a bunch of “enemies of the people” among their creative people.
      1. 0
        3 February 2024 15: 16
        Quote: tatra
        enemies of the Bolsheviks

        But it was the Bolsheviks who shot poets and artists. When they were in power... in 20-3 years. Or even then there were “enemies of the Bolsheviks” in power. So when did the enemies come to power? At 20,30... 40 years old?
        1. +1
          4 February 2024 10: 53
          The enemies of the Bolsheviks themselves have already done everything that, with their hypocritical “philanthropy” and “righteous anger,” they framed for crimes those from whom they took away the USSR for the purpose of personal enrichment, including political murders and repressions against scientists and creative people. And yes, of course, after almost 100 years - in the “light” version.
  10. BAI
    3 February 2024 12: 11
    after all, you could promise everything to everyone, and then... not give what was already promised

    The quote is distorted. The original does not mean “give”, but “hang”.
    We quote the Ukronazis, however.
    1. +3
      3 February 2024 12: 29
      Quote: BAI
      We quote the Ukronazis, however.

      And there are many similar phrases. Hitler also said: The destiny of a leader is modesty. The duty of a leader is to accurately match promises and fulfillment. Well said, isn't it? Although Hitler...
  11. 0
    5 February 2024 00: 21
    Quote: your1970
    Do not find it strange?

    if you remember how Slashchev’s building over and over again beat multiple red units, then there is nothing strange about it.
  12. 0
    5 February 2024 00: 24
    Quote: Gardamir
    people are afraid to rebel

    that is, you don’t remember a single riot before the VOR revolution?
  13. 0
    5 February 2024 08: 25
    Thanks to the Author for the interesting material.

    The author is right that Denikin, as a politician, acted incorrectly - he did not act as a politician at all. The White movement did not have its own Lenin by this time.

    I think that the victory in the civil war was won, first of all, by Lenin’s talent, his ability to adapt to the situation, use the current moment, change political and ideological attitudes and, most importantly, never miss the main goal of the politician. namely, taking and maintaining power.
    1. -2
      5 February 2024 18: 06
      Lenin's talent

      this “talent” can be described in a few words - lie, lie and lie again.
      promise one thing, another another, and then lie again.

      yes, you can call this figure a politician, but it would be more accurate to call him a liar