Cossacks in the Northern Military District - a continuation of the glorious military history

Cossacks in the Northern Military District - a continuation of the glorious military history

It is an honor for a Cossack to protect the Motherland

Cossacks and military affairs have been inseparable things since the very birth of the class in Russia. At all times, the Cossacks defended the borders of the Russian state and expanded Moscow's possessions to the east. The freedom-loving and sometimes restive class invariably terrified the enemy. It is not for nothing that most propaganda pictures of Germany during the First World War depict the Cossacks as the most dangerous enemies.

By the beginning of the 4,5th century, the Cossack army was impressive - eleven troops throughout Russia, numbering almost five hundred thousand. In total, by that time there were XNUMX million Cossacks.

The military glory of the Cossacks dates back to the times of the Livonian War (1558–1583), when the detachment of Ataman Cherkashenin defended Moscow from the Crimean Tatars. Cossacks stormed Azov in 1695–1696 during the Russian-Turkish War. Peter I presented the Don Army in 1730 with a banner with the inscription:

“To the faithful subjects of the Don Army for the service they rendered during the war with the Swedes and for the eternal peace established with the Swedish crown.”

Six thousand Cossacks recaptured the southeastern part of Finland from the Swedes in 1741–1743. The Don, Chuguev and Sloboda Cossacks forever included themselves in the chronicles of the Seven Years' War.

Then came the XNUMXth century, in which not a single war or foreign campaign of the Russian army was complete without Cossack detachments.

Worthy of ancestors

After the actual eradication of the estate or “decossackization” in 1920, the glorious warriors were remembered only sixteen years later, when the Don cavalry units were formed. The Cossacks fought brilliantly during the Great Patriotic War. In memory of the feat, the famous painting “Cossacks in Berlin” was born.

It is not at all surprising that the Cossacks did not remain indifferent to the tragedy that was happening to the Russian people in Ukraine. In 2014, thousands of Kuban Cossacks went to Crimea to help the fraternal people. As a result of the events, 75 Cossacks were awarded state awards.

Modern Russian Cossacks are, first of all, strong family traditions and the original culture of their ancestors. The young are brought up in strictness, the old are honored and respected. For example, juniors cannot address elders without prior permission, and even the ataman himself could not sit down without the approval of the elders. This should be extended throughout Russia, as, for example, the requirement that young people not smoke in front of their elders.

Until recently, Cossacks rarely picked up weapon – according to the law, they were entitled to a maximum of checkers and a dagger. Cossacks actively participated in maintaining public order, helping law enforcement agencies, and educating young people according to Orthodox canons.

With the start of the special operation, volunteer Cossack formations stood up to defend the Motherland. Thus began a new page of glory stories Russian Cossacks.

You can’t confuse a Cossack with anyone: marked with bullets, marked with scars

The dynamics of the growth in the number of Cossacks on the fronts of the special operation is indicative - if in December 2022 more than six thousand volunteers fought as part of the Russian troops, then a year later there were already more than 25 thousand.

The Ermak and Don volunteer units were the first to take up arms and defend the people of Donbass. After combat coordination at the training grounds of the Western Military District, the Cossacks went to the front line. From the Cossacks of the military Cossack society "All Great Don Army" they formed the 6th Guards Motorized Rifle Cossack Regiment named after Platov, a company of the motorized rifle battalion named after General Baklanov, the volunteer detachment BARS-18 (Rostov) and the Aksai detachment.

Under the patronage of the Cossacks, humanitarian aid is delivered to the line of combat contact, and assistance is provided to the families of Cossacks who went to the front.

In memory of the Tula Cossack Konstantin Kondakov. Source: "Army Collection"

Unfortunately, this does not happen without losses. The death of the hero was accepted by the Tula Cossack Konstantin Kondakov. Being at the forefront, the Cossack was responsible for anti-tank defense. Bandera's men made another attempt to attack, but were ambushed and forced to roll back.

The magazine “Army Collection” No. 12 for 2022 describes the last minutes of a Cossack’s life:

“Having fought off a fierce attack by Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, Konstantin continued to control the battlefield in order to give his colleagues the opportunity to replenish ammunition and receive new instructions from commanders.

As had happened more than once, within minutes of the battle, intense artillery shelling began from the enemy side. All our soldiers had to leave their positions immediately. But Kostya remained at his observation post, knowing from experience that under cover artillery the enemy infantry will try to attack again.

A little time passed... And suddenly a mine exploded very close by. The Cossacks sitting in the trenches became wary.

- Kostya! – one of the Cossacks shouted loudly.

But there was no answer. All that could be heard was the sounds of shells exploding around.

Several Cossacks decided to check the observer's position and jumped out of cover, but it was too late. Cut by fragments of the Ukrov mine, Kondakov lay in position...”

The heroism and courage of the Cossacks were noted at the highest level - 1 fighters were nominated for the award, 621 Cossacks have already been awarded. Among them is the commander of the Cossack expeditionary battalion “Siberia” Oleg Likontsev, who was awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia by Vladimir Putin. Deputy commanders - Alexey Kaygorodov and Sergey Merzelikin received the Order of Courage from the hands of the president.

Linkontsev's battalion held back vastly superior enemy forces near Artemovsk. As the Hero of Russia later admitted, the Ukrainian Armed Forces threw one and a half thousand Banderaites with heavy armor against his 142 guys. The battalion commander was shell-shocked three times during the 16-hour battle.

Likontsev is a hereditary Cossack; his grandfather served in the First Chita Cossack Regiment during the First World War. The commander of the Siberia battalion came to the special operation from the Zvezda Center for Patriotic Education in Kansk. After the victory, he plans to return home and continue to educate future generations of Cossacks. Only now in the status of a veteran and Hero of Russia.

It is worth noting separately that the Cossack formations do not fight separately in different areas, but are concentrated into a single strike fist. Currently, a volunteer Cossack assault corps made up of four brigades is fighting the Nazis on the special operation fronts. The first - "Don" - includes the detachments "Aksai", "Egorlyk", "Manych" and "Khoper".

In July of the outgoing year, the Cossacks of the Aksai detachment and the Don brigade simultaneously received 42 awards. Due to the fact that the sector of responsibility is not simple and requires constant monitoring, the awards were presented to the fighters on the front line.

Vladimir Putin presents the Hero Star to the commander of the Cossack expeditionary battalion “Siberia” Oleg Likontsev

Let's move on through the glorious list of Cossack units in the Northern Military District. The “Dnepr” brigade consists of the “Ros”, “Laba”, “Khortitsa” detachments, the “Siberia” brigade with the “Yenisei”, “Irtysh” and “Angara” detachments. The Volga brigade was assembled by the divisions Listan, Pechora, Mius im. Alexandra Zakharchenko, “Lugan”. The “Terek” brigade consists of the “Skif”, “Baltika”, “Caspian”, “Terek” detachments, as well as a separate “Oskol” detachment and the “Skali” training center.

In addition, in the Northern Military District zone there is the 6th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Lisichansk Cossack Brigade named after. M.I. Platov, as well as battalions of the country's combat army reserve (BARS) - detachments "Ermak", "Fortstad", "Kuban", "Rostov", "Tiger".

Currently, the number of Cossack volunteers is steadily growing, and in the near future the brigades will be replenished with new detachments. The glorious work of our ancestors continued its life in the battles of the special operation, where the descendants of the heroes will more than once confirm the proud title of the Russian Cossack.
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  1. +12
    18 December 2023 04: 29
    After the actual eradication of the estate or “decossackization” in 1920
    If the Cossacks were completely eradicated in 1920, then from whom were the units created in 1936?
    1. +1
      18 December 2023 04: 36
      Quote: parusnik
      If in 1920 the Cossacks were completely eradicated, then from whom were the units created in 1936?

      Just as now there are Cossacks in spirit, and there are mummers, there was probably something in this spirit back then.
      1. +8
        18 December 2023 05: 05
        it was something like that
        Mummers? They exterminated everyone, but where did the Cossack SS divisions come from during the Second World War? The same mummers?
        1. +4
          18 December 2023 05: 17
          Quote: parusnik
          Mummers? They exterminated everyone, but where did the Cossack SS divisions come from during the Second World War? The same mummers?

          This is where the Vlasov units come from - from among the prisoners, as many as 2,5 units. And with corresponding successes.
          However, I’m not saying that the Cossacks were exterminated after the 20s of the last century, if that’s what you’re talking about...
          1. +6
            18 December 2023 05: 20
            I’m not saying that the Cossacks were exterminated after the 20s of the last century
            And I’m talking about this, the author claims that everyone was wiped out at the root. In our region, during the war, several villages greeted the Germans with bread and salt, and they remembered this for a long time. These are eternal fights at various regional gatherings, tourist and other with boys from schools in these villages. It was on this basis. I also saw it. It subsided by the mid-80s
      2. +4
        18 December 2023 08: 23
        Since I live in the Cossack region, I will note the following. The Cossacks as a phenomenon were not eradicated. As an estate, yes. The same cavalry units of the Red Army from where they were formed. About our time... Yes, there was a problem with the mummers. These are basically inadequate people. Now I think these mummers will be taken into account. Yes, they themselves will be afraid to stick their neck out
      3. 0
        18 December 2023 09: 41
        And there are Cossacks in essence. First of all, this is a military class. And then there is the officer Cossack class. 6 generations of officers, and ancestors from the line of atamans, from a family to which the Tsar granted nobility for faithful service to Russia. And for the Tsar and for the Fatherland, and for the Whites and for the Reds, and under execution for origin, and for slaughter during the defense of Crimea in the Great Patriotic War ... Great-grandfather is a Hero of the Soviet Union ... And they lead boxes at the parade, and in Cuba they help Fidel and teach foreign specialists and try to save the USSR army, destroyed by generals, at the All-Army Conference of representatives of officer assemblies in Moscow, and ... now they will pull out the SVO ...
        1. +1
          19 December 2023 11: 41
          Quote: Totvolk80
          and try to save the USSR army, which was destroyed by the generals, at the All-Army Conference of representatives of officer meetings in Moscow

          So here it is, Mikhalych! It turns out that the army of the USSR was destroyed by the generals, and the Cossacks saved it!
    2. -5
      18 December 2023 09: 16
      Comrade Sverdlov did not work properly. Cossack women still gave birth to Cossack children. What the hell is wrong with the site? I got out of the bathhouse and didn’t understand where to press what.
      1. +3
        18 December 2023 10: 09
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        What the hell is wrong with the site? I got out of the bathhouse and didn’t understand where to press what.

        Welcome to the new reality!
        1. +4
          18 December 2023 11: 36
          There it is... For a long time I was worried about the decision of Comrade Smirnov... recourse
    3. 0
      19 December 2023 16: 07
      From their descendants. They did not and could not have any relation to the Cossacks since there was no class division in the USSR.

      But the Cossacks who fought for Hitler just wanted the restoration of their class and, as a result, class rights and benefits.
  2. +12
    18 December 2023 04: 42
    It’s a pity that since the 90s, the Cossacks have been restored in an extremely archaic manner and have absorbed whatever they can and, most importantly, whoever they get...
    1. AUL
      18 December 2023 09: 29
      Will we restore estates? Or rather, legitimize it. The nobility has already been formed, all that remains is to formalize it into law. So are the Cossacks.
      1. -3
        18 December 2023 10: 34
        Quote from AUL
        Will we restore estates? Or rather, legitimize it. The nobility has already been formed, all that remains is to formalize it into law. So are the Cossacks.

        So it’s you who are restoring estates in Russia?
        Do you know that these are extremist actions in any republic? This is an article of the Criminal Code.
        As far as I understand, the Constitution of the Russian Federation is nothing to you, like sorting paper. And what will you restore in this case?

        Nothing but terrible lawlessness, a cross between oligarchic capitalism and serfdom. This is where the furry animal will come to us all. And then you'll be left scratching your head: They wanted the best... that the Tsar-sovereign, the dashing Cossacks in papakhas with whips... . laughing .
        1. AUL
          18 December 2023 11: 10
          Quote: ivan2022
          So it’s you who are restoring estates in Russia?

          I? belay
          Quote: ivan2022
          As far as I understand, the Constitution of the Russian Federation is nothing to you, like sorting paper.

          For me? belay You got me with no one hi do not confuse?
          Quote: ivan2022
          And what will you restore in this case?
          Nothing but terrible lawlessness, a cross between oligarchic capitalism and serfdom. This is where the furry animal will come to us all.
          And here I completely agree with you! But, alas, it very much seems that this is where everything is going. negative
          1. 0
            19 December 2023 11: 48
            Quote from AUL
            And here I completely agree with you! But, alas, it very much seems that this is where everything is going.

            All this is lies and the machinations of the enemies of the Russian World! Capitalism, Happiness................Pray!
        2. 0
          19 December 2023 11: 47
          Quote: ivan2022
          They wanted the best... that the Tsar-sovereign, the dashing Cossacks in papakhas with whips... . .

          And the priests would atone for everyone’s sins! And the slaves would work selflessly and unselfishly! And the main thing is that everyone has an innate respect for rank! What's wrong? Where is the extremism here?
      2. 0
        19 December 2023 11: 44
        Quote from AUL
        Will we restore estates? Or rather, legitimize it. The nobility has already been formed, all that remains is to formalize it into law. So are the Cossacks.

        I’m thinking: how about they sign up to become slaves voluntarily? Or will it be necessary to secure it? request
    2. +1
      18 December 2023 09: 33
      Well, now the time has come to clear the foam. And yes, there is a lot of it in the Cossacks.
  3. +7
    18 December 2023 04: 55
    Peter I presented the Don Army in 1730 with a banner with the inscription:

    After this phrase I stopped reading the article. Firstly, Peter I had been dead for 5 years, and secondly, he granted the Don people a seal with the image of a naked Cossack in a hat, with a musket and a saber, sitting on a barrel, next to which lay a glass. Although the real coat of arms of YELEN IS pierced by an ARROW.
  4. 0
    18 December 2023 04: 57
    There may be an opinion that a real Cossack sits around waiting for war, like Ilya Muromets. In peacetime, the Cossacks had military training. And they devoted the bulk of their work to work on their native land. There was no one to show off how great I was. Family structure and military editing decided everything.
  5. +1
    18 December 2023 06: 37
    Quote: parusnik
    the Cossacks were completely eradicated

    The author clarifies - estates...
  6. +6
    18 December 2023 06: 41
    with a thread, and for someone a rating.
  7. +5
    18 December 2023 07: 38
    So the Cossacks are "wide" in range. But since I will mention Platov's Cossacks, I do not accept the reproach - he who recalls bygone days will lose an eye. So, from Platov's Cossacks to Krasnov, Shkuro and Pannwitz's Cossacks. Why were the Cossacks so badly battered by 1920? Because they knew how loyal and devoted the Cossacks were to Nicholas II and how they respected the autocracy. Why did Stalin batter the Cossacks so much after the Great Patriotic War? Because he knew how devoted the Cossacks were to the German lackeys, their atamans Krasnov and Shkuro, not to mention the SS units led by Pannwitz. So you can breathe easy now, now there are no communists or Bolsheviks, and the throne is also actually occupied by an autocrat. Oh yeah, I forgot about Pugachev's Cossacks, how they took autocracy to heart... So the Cossacks have a wide range... Well, and who among them is now a Hero for Russia, only honor and glory to them, as well as to those Heroes of the USSR-Cossacks, from the trenches of WWII.
    1. +1
      18 December 2023 08: 30
      north, Pugachev was not against autocracy as a system and pretended to be Peter 3
  8. -1
    18 December 2023 07: 49
    Quote: north 2
    how faithful and devoted the Cossacks were to Nicholas II

    History does not agree with this, judging by the events of 1917-20.
  9. +1
    18 December 2023 08: 36
    in the photo with the award, there are some strange shoulder straps on the battalion commander, the Cossack units will have their own insignia, is there an order from the Minister of Defense on this matter or what?
    1. +1
      18 December 2023 19: 50
      I have a hard time imagining what Cossacks are and what their legal status is in today's reality? In whose name do they fight and receive weapons? We still haven't adopted a law on PMCs?
      about museum traditions, that's also a so-so argument, who will pay in case of injury or death?
      there is a defense ministry there are border troops
      to breed military formations - not even a year has passed since Povar ...
  10. +5
    18 December 2023 09: 19
    A hero is a personal hero, regardless of who he is - a Cossack, Kazakh or Chukchi.
    If it weren’t for the brilliant Mikhail Sholokhov, who glorified the Cossacks in his work, then they would have been no different from others.
    The light hand of I. Pyryev and his film “Kuban Cossacks” also took part in the formation of public opinion.
    p.s. when on TV they show the current Cossack atamans, hung with royal St. George crosses, the thought involuntarily arises - “mummers”
  11. BAI
    18 December 2023 09: 30
    Linkontsev's battalion held back vastly superior enemy forces near Artemovsk. As the Hero of Russia later admitted, the Ukrainian Armed Forces threw one and a half thousand Banderaites with heavy armor against his 142 guys. The battalion commander was shell-shocked three times during the 16-hour battle.

    16 hours. SIXTEEN. And help could not have been organized earlier? If there was one at all.
    Very much reminiscent of the Pskov paratroopers, when everyone stood nearby and watched them die. And only 2 people, in violation of orders, came to their aid. 2 people were able to do it privately, but not a single unit in an organized manner was able to
  12. +3
    18 December 2023 10: 00
    There are more questions than answers.
    What is the Cossacks now? Now there are no estates, Russian passports like everyone else. Public organizations? PMC?
  13. +4
    18 December 2023 10: 57
    For example, juniors cannot address elders without prior permission, and even the ataman himself could not sit down without the approval of the elders. This should be extended throughout Russia, as, for example, the requirement that young people not smoke in front of their elders.
    Yes, very important rules, you can’t do without it!
    P.S. Why just smoke? and drink? - let's ban it too
    As for Schweik, he was heroic.
    “Don’t spare me,” he encouraged the executioner, who was administering an enema to him. “Remember the oath.” Even if your father or brother were lying here, give him an enema - and nothing. Remember, Austria rests on these enemas. We will win!
  14. 0
    18 December 2023 11: 31
    [quote=Ivan2022][quote=AUL]B. And what will you restore in this case?

    Serfs, perhaps 300 souls each, were allotted in Little Russia...
  15. +3
    18 December 2023 11: 46
    Continuation of what story? Either the bourgeois government is promoting itself with Soviet achievements, presenting them as their own, or the history of Tsarist Russia. You cannot enter the same water twice.
  16. +1
    18 December 2023 11: 54
    An article about the Cossacks has appeared, and an article will appear about the noble militia, as a new class of Russia laughing
    1. 0
      19 December 2023 14: 01
      I’m afraid that after the so-called SVO, a class of veterans will appear. The future of the country will depend on what this class does.
      Ceterum censeo Washingtonum delendam esse
  17. -1
    18 December 2023 14: 37
    Peter I presented the Don Army in 1730 with a banner with the inscription:

    “To the faithful subjects of the Don Army for the service they rendered during the war with the Swedes and for the eternal peace established with the Swedish crown.”

    The quality of materials on the site is “falling rapidly.” The author does not even know the years of life of Emperor Peter the Great, not to mention how the history of the Cossacks developed during the reign of Peter the Great.
    Mitrofanovschina, Fedorovschina, Samsonovschina, Ryabovschina, like weeds in an ownerless garden, crowd out cultivated plants.
  18. +5
    18 December 2023 16: 16
    The class and religious divisions created by Putin will not lead to good... sooner or later it will burst into flames... The Cossacks, like religion, have always served the authorities, but not always the people and the country... For 600 thousand military personnel, there are about 2000 Cossacks. .....not funny, but not serious either...Dividing people is a vile thing...It might be worth creating the appearance of workers and peasants...civil servants and deputies....but what...let's see who truly loves and defends the Motherland...And it’s even better to pit atheists against believers, as our church is trying to do..
  19. +1
    18 December 2023 21: 49
    Who are the “Cossacks”? What are the “Cossacks”? What kind, Terek Kuban, Don, Yaik, Daurian? Clowns. The authorities are feverishly looking for a power base, PMCs have not justified themselves...
  20. 0
    19 December 2023 13: 57
    Peter I presented the Don Army in 1730 with a banner with the inscription:

    How? Peter I has been dead for 5 years
    Ceterum censeo Washingtonum delendam esse
  21. 0
    21 December 2023 21: 57
    This is not the case in the army. And so, in the villages, various Vasya and Fedya, having drunk strong liqueur on Saturday, out of nothing to do, promote themselves to esauls and captains.
    In St. Petersburg, recently there was one who immediately promoted himself to Napoleon. Now he's sitting...
  22. 0
    21 December 2023 22: 01
    Quote from Sadam2
    I have a hard time imagining what Cossacks are and what their legal status is in today's reality? In whose name do they fight and receive weapons? We still haven't adopted a law on PMCs?
    about museum traditions, that's also a so-so argument, who will pay in case of injury or death?
    there is a defense ministry there are border troops
    to breed military formations - not even a year has passed since Povar ...

    Legal status - zero without a stick. Something like vigilantes in the evening in the park with an armband from the movie "The Diamond Arm"
  23. 0
    23 December 2023 16: 10
    If the Cossacks have a "distinctive culture" and even a special costume (Caucasian, like the highlanders), are they a people? Or not a people? But probably not an estate, since our estates were abolished in February 1917... And who are they?

    It seems that amid the cries about “Bolshevik indigenization” of a century ago, they are starting to mold new “Russians with a + sign.”