The West paints a picture of paradise for Zelensky, offering to agree to a truce with Russia

The West paints a picture of paradise for Zelensky, offering to agree to a truce with Russia

If just 3-4 months ago only a lazy political scientist and official in the West did not say anything about “Ukraine’s imminent victory over Russia” and “the imminent defeat of Russian troop during the Ukrainian incredible and unbelievable counteroffensive”, today everything is different. Now only the lazy in the West does not speak and write about the fact that Ukraine has not achieved and will not achieve its goals, that the West’s arsenals are not rubber, so that Ukraine can endlessly supply weapon and ammunition. And also – constant statements that Ukraine needs to “outlast Putin,” going for a “temporary truce” for now, which will allow the Ukrainian army to once again make up for its losses and damages. armies.

In other words, the new idea of ​​the West is to offer Ukraine and Zelensky what already existed, namely, the next options of either “Minsk” or “Istanbul”, when Russia will be promised anything, but no one will carry out this “anything” from the very beginning doesn't plan.

Zelensky even began to draw pictures of paradise, promising a “second South Korea,” declaring that it is better to give up 15 percent of its territories now than to continue to fight to the point of attrition.

There is a serious flaw in all this Western logic. It consists in the fact that no one is again going to take into account the opinion, position and interests of Russia. Nobody. And if no one is going to take this into account, then they can offer anything, only Russia is not going to ask anyone in the West and Ukraine what they think there if it accepts the Istanbul-2 proposal and does not accept it.

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  1. +10
    19 November 2023 19: 35
    Why should we, and in general, let them talk and draw to whomever they want. Give up Odessa and Kyiv
    1. +13
      19 November 2023 19: 41
      Let them give everything back, except for the Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. There will be a reserve for Ukrainians within Poland.
      1. +8
        19 November 2023 21: 51
        Quote: nobody75
        Let them give everything back, except for the Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

        And who will feed the rest, the impoverished regions, where every second person either died or fought a relative and at least three-quarters of the population hate Russians.
        1. 0
          20 November 2023 04: 48
          they will go to the EU...or to Western lands, under the protectorate of Poland
          1. 0
            20 November 2023 09: 04
            Yes, a long time ago it was necessary to conduct behind-the-scenes conversations with Poland, about the fact that part of the western lands would go to them. The Poles, out of greed, will abandon even the amers they now love. And behind them are the Romanians, and I’m not even talking about the Hungarians. You see, logistical problems with arms supplies to Ukraine will begin immediately
        2. +5
          20 November 2023 06: 11
          You won’t believe it, but there is such a region - Kaliningrad. There were Germans there until 1945. And I guess they really didn't like Russians. However, I don’t think that this area is disloyal now.
          So there are ways to solve the issue. For example, relocation of disloyal people, brainwashing, boosting the local economy, etc.
          1. 0
            20 November 2023 09: 12
            That’s all true, but hanging the collapsed huge Ukraine around our necks is also a victory for the West
            1. +2
              20 November 2023 16: 00
              Two choices:
              1. give it to the West.
              2. take it yourself and yes, you will have to rebuild it.

              And I agree, there is already some victory for the West, or rather the United States. And it lies in the fact that they forced the Slavs to kill each other once again.
              But! The capture of Ukraine and the pacification of its population is a strategic defeat for the West in this war. Yes, we were stupid for letting it come to this, but a positive outcome of this war is in every way better than NATO tanks at Belgorod.
          2. 0
            21 November 2023 09: 33
            The Bolsheviks reformatted the non-loyal Republic of Ingushetia. Show people a fair life and you won’t be happy. Long and hard, yes, but they solved the problem.
        3. +1
          20 November 2023 08: 37
          There is no need to restore the former territories of Ukraine in full. 5 - 10 million people maximum. All former prisoners who did not surrender - to Galicia or to Europe.
          To this and goes.
          1. -1
            21 November 2023 18: 54
            Why have they already taken the Kuevs, the surrender has been signed, and are you packing up the prisoners? It's easy to win from the couch.
      2. 0
        20 November 2023 08: 05
        My respect, but why are the people of Kiev better than the Westerners? See election results.
    2. 0
      19 November 2023 19: 47
      Odessa and Nikolaev. Let them keep Kyiv for themselves. Kyiv has already gone completely wild, completely. Pots, embroidered shirts, busty raguliks and raguliks with undisfigured faces and intelligence.
      1. +3
        19 November 2023 21: 15
        Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
        Kyiv has already gone completely wild, completely. Pots, embroidered shirts, busty raguliks and raguliks with undisfigured faces and intelligence.

        Eh no! Kyiv was and will remain a Russian city. And all the stew will quickly rush to the west.
        1. 0
          20 November 2023 07: 49
          Egoza, I really hope...) Let them go to their Kryzhopolis and Zhmerynki.
        2. +1
          20 November 2023 09: 07
          Let Kyiv remain a Russian city, but not the capital of post-war Ukraine. Only regional division.
      2. +2
        19 November 2023 21: 38
        Kyiv has already gone completely wild, completely.
        This is temporary. Kyiv, like Nikolaev and Odessa, was and will be a Russian city. And those who come in large numbers will go back.
        1. +1
          19 November 2023 22: 55
          Quote: Svetlana
          Kyiv has already gone completely wild, completely.
          This is temporary. Kyiv, like Nikolaev and Odessa, was and will be a Russian city. And those who come in large numbers will go back.

          I remembered that after the liberation of Odessa from the Nazis, in my opinion, the NKVD troops did not enter the city for three days... And that’s all! When they entered there, not a single collaborator was alive, not to mention Bandera’s supporters. The residents themselves figured it out.
          1. +2
            20 November 2023 10: 43
            Quote: Clear
            I remembered that after the liberation of Odessa from the Nazis, in my opinion, the NKVD troops did not enter the city for three days... And that’s all! When they entered there, not a single collaborator was alive, not to mention Bandera’s supporters. The residents themselves figured it out.

            Well, yes, on Privoz they can’t even tell such stories... laughing
            Or did you remember this from personal memories? belay
    3. -1
      20 November 2023 07: 40
      You'll have to pick it up, there's no other way.
  2. +9
    19 November 2023 19: 42
    From the article: “There is a serious flaw in all this Western logic. It consists in the fact that again no one is going to take into account the opinion, position and interests of Russia. No one.” Actually, it is Russia that has been “begging for an agreement” since March 22. Well, these 15% of territories will be given to Russia, and then what? If Russia agrees to another “negotiation”, it will most likely end in tears for it. That’s why they’re hitting the same Avdeevka head-on, leaving a 9 km corridor for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to transport L/L train ammunition. After almost 2 years of war, we practically “don’t touch” strategic objects in Ukraine... In 22, when asked why we don’t destroy the bridges across the Dnieper, the answer from our Ministry of Defense was that we should restore them later, you might think that when the Ukrainian Armed Forces retreat, they won’t be blown up.
    1. +2
      19 November 2023 20: 02
      In fact, an agreement has been asked for at least since 2021, when grandfather Bidon threatened not for some Ukraine, but for the most holy Alexei Navalny himself, who has now been forgotten as the main messiah of 2020, Floyd. There were some negotiations in Geneva, after which, by the way, Musk immediately said that Russia is good and wants to build a Tesla plant. In return, they apparently demanded to fight with China until the last Russian, but apparently they did not agree.
      1. -1
        19 November 2023 20: 17
        You are probably right, in your article the citizen of Marmots proposes that the West fight for its interests with the Global South (China?) until the last Russian...
    2. +5
      19 November 2023 23: 00
      Quote: Vladimir M
      the answer from our Ministry of Defense is that we should restore them later, you might think that when the Ukrainian Armed Forces retreat they will not be blown up.

      And one of Putin’s last statements that “...those who left (artist-traitors) have the right to express their point of view...” I personally don’t accept No. .
      How is that? How can Peskov kiss the hand of a runaway singer?
      1. 0
        20 November 2023 10: 06
        Quote: Clear
        How can Peskov kiss the hand of a runaway singer?

        It seems very likely that soon she will no longer be an “ex” or a “runaway.” In my opinion, the necessary information background is now being set up for her return. In any case, the rotation of her songs on the radio has increased by orders of magnitude. And if all last year it was good if something from her repertoire was played once a week on Retro FM, now her songs are played several times a day - and not in rotation, but different all the time.
        This does not happen just like that, without a corresponding “change of wind” at the very top. Especially in a country whose people this old witch called slaves and signed her hatred towards them...
      2. 0
        20 November 2023 10: 22
        Do you know she is a Family Friend and Whose Wife?
  3. +1
    19 November 2023 19: 42
    But I don’t have the slightest confidence that ... the proposal of “Istanbul-2” will be accepted and not accepted... Taught by bitter experience. Oh, yes, unconditional surrender with all the ensuing consequences.
  4. +2
    19 November 2023 19: 42
    In other words, the new idea of ​​the West is to offer Ukraine and Zelensky what already existed, namely, the next options of either “Minsk” or “Istanbul”, when Russia will be promised anything, but no one will carry out this “anything” from the very beginning doesn't plan.
    . To say that this is something new, unexpected... probably not.
    What will happen??? Who knows? request
  5. +6
    19 November 2023 19: 45
    Only Russia does not need this truce... Not because it wants blood, but because any agreements with the West and its minions are tantamount to defeat. Why conclude agreements, no matter what favorable points they contain, if tomorrow these agreements will be violated by the West and its lackeys. This situation is a little reminiscent of Napoleon Bonaparte's attempt to make peace with Russia, when he, frozen and disappointed, stuck in Moscow, sending messengers to Kutuzov with a proposal for peace. Exactly the same here. The West, eager to destroy Russia, to deprive our children of their lives and Motherland, realized that its plan in this direction had failed, now it needed a respite so that later, having gathered its strength, it would attack Russia again. Perhaps, by the hands of the same Ukraine.

    Therefore, there can be no negotiations with them. Drive them to hell all the way to Lvov. And this liberalism, when business is done against the backdrop of war, should not have happened a long time ago; it could end very badly - both for the authorities and for the people. The life of a Russian soldier cannot be worth more than the lives of hordes of Banderaites who fiercely hate everything Russian. The more they stand on ceremony, the more they become Satanic and brutal, mistaking humane behavior for weakness.

    We have no right to forget that they want to dismember Russia and destroy the Russian people, quarreling everyone among themselves. They are already shaking maps on which the territory of Russia is divided between neighboring states and European countries. That's all their peaceful initiatives ultimately are. For the Russians, for all the indigenous peoples of Russia, these Zionists and their minions are preparing the fate of slaves, everything that Hitler prepared, they are preparing camps, preparing prisons, preparing lawlessness. They are behind all these illegal immigrants, corrupt businesses, hordes of leftist NGOs calling on sons to kill their mothers and copulate with their sisters. That’s all their peaceful agenda is, they want to relax and temporarily change the focus on internal terror in Russia. They are enemies - more dangerous than Hitler, because we do not take them so seriously. And many people inside Russia sing along with them...
  6. -6
    19 November 2023 19: 57
    The Bolsheviks, even in the most difficult year of 1919, did not accept any conditions. And in 1945 the buffer areas were moved far to the West.

    But now the time is different!! Insanity, the dominance of traitors and eccentrics are incredibly strong. Three decades of clinical outwardly political idiocy.......they cannot be written off.
    Perhaps at the moment of “enlightenment” we will have to recognize the conditions of the West.

    The main thing is that in 500 years the Russian people have acquired so much that even complete eccentrics have not been able to pimp everything to this day. As a last resort, you can retreat deeper into the country so as not to lose it completely.
  7. 0
    19 November 2023 19: 59
    It’s better to give up 15 percent of your territories now than to continue fighting a war of attrition.

    Marriage of love is not a hindrance.
  8. +4
    19 November 2023 20: 16
    no one is again going to take into account the opinion, position and interests of Russia. Nobody. And if no one is going to take this into account, then they can offer anything, but Russia is not going to ask anyone in the West and Ukraine

    Sounds beautiful, of course. Only now we remember very well how our propagandists are able to change their shoes in a split second, then explaining to the electorate the need for difficult decisions and what they resolutely rejected yesterday as defeatism, this is a successful success, a victorious victory, and this is exactly what was envisaged by that plan , along which everything went and goes. So the Parade to commemorate the Victory in the Northern Military District in Moscow will take place anyway, even if the demarcation line runs along Perekop and the Donetsk Okrug. After all, who now remembers about “Kherson - forever with Russia”, but it’s not comme il faut to remember about the Russian regional center Zaporozhye.
  9. 0
    19 November 2023 21: 04
    Quote: Vladlous
    Only Russia does not need this truce... Not because it wants blood, but because any agreements with the West and its minions are tantamount to defeat. Why conclude agreements, no matter what favorable points they contain, if tomorrow these agreements will be violated by the West and its lackeys. This situation is a little reminiscent of Napoleon Bonaparte's attempt to make peace with Russia, when he, frozen and disappointed, stuck in Moscow, sending messengers to Kutuzov with a proposal for peace. Exactly the same here. The West, eager to destroy Russia, to deprive our children of their lives and Motherland, realized that its plan in this direction had failed, now it needed a respite so that later, having gathered its strength, it would attack Russia again. Perhaps, by the hands of the same Ukraine.

    Therefore, there can be no negotiations with them. Drive them to hell all the way to Lvov. And this liberalism, when business is done against the backdrop of war, should not have happened a long time ago; it could end very badly - both for the authorities and for the people. The life of a Russian soldier cannot be worth more than the lives of hordes of Banderaites who fiercely hate everything Russian. The more they stand on ceremony, the more they become Satanic and brutal, mistaking humane behavior for weakness.

    We have no right to forget that they want to dismember Russia and destroy the Russian people, quarreling everyone among themselves. They are already shaking maps on which the territory of Russia is divided between neighboring states and European countries. That's all their peaceful initiatives ultimately are. For the Russians, for all the indigenous peoples of Russia, these Zionists and their minions are preparing the fate of slaves, everything that Hitler prepared, they are preparing camps, preparing prisons, preparing lawlessness. They are behind all these illegal immigrants, corrupt businesses, hordes of leftist NGOs calling on sons to kill their mothers and copulate with their sisters. That’s all their peaceful agenda is, they want to relax and temporarily change the focus on internal terror in Russia. They are enemies - more dangerous than Hitler, because we do not take them so seriously. And many people inside Russia sing along with them...

    Everything is correctly interpreted. The question is what kind of s*** is minus???
  10. +1
    19 November 2023 21: 05
    Another propaganda nonsense. Cheap and obvious. If instead of a head there is a saucepan (I’m talking about the EU), they will hit the wall until the last moment
  11. 0
    19 November 2023 22: 04
    The interests of Russia and the interests of its so-called. The “elites” have very little in common, so don’t delude yourself.
  12. +2
    19 November 2023 22: 50
    However, Leontyev has aged. And apparently he hasn't been around for a long time request
  13. +2
    20 November 2023 00: 03
    About Leontiev and Zelensky - it’s unlikely that much attention will be paid.
    Much more important is the endless duping of the population by the media. Because It's just stupid.
    “The West is drawing pictures of paradise,” “the West is preparing to replace, the West is encouraging, preparing to clean up, the West is pushing in the back, the West is preparing to merge,” etc. replace each other.
    Although Zelensky is just a switchman. Not a military man, not an oligarch, not a diplomat, economist or scientist.
    Talking head.
    But you know who really controls under imperialism
  14. +2
    20 November 2023 06: 36
    The interests of the Russian people and the interests of the rulers of the Russian Federation do not coincide, to put it mildly.
    And THEY will act, as always, based on their own interests, not the people.
  15. 0
    20 November 2023 20: 54
    Mr. M. Leontyev once again paints an information picture, wishful thinking... winked
  16. 0
    20 November 2023 22: 34
    Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
    Odessa and Nikolaev. Let them keep Kyiv for themselves. Kyiv has already gone completely wild, completely. Pots, embroidered shirts, busty raguliks and raguliks with undisfigured faces and intelligence.

    No. Kyiv is ours. Anyone who doesn’t like us there can go to Europe, and these territories are our outskirts.
  17. 0
    21 November 2023 09: 39
    The West paints heavenly tabernacles Zelensky

    And what "Paradise" heaps“The West promises the lobbyists around the Kremlin that Russia will begin negotiations with this fascist?
    The people of Russia will not accept any other outcome of the negotiations other than the unconditional surrender of the current Kuiv regime! But the West is unlikely to agree to this.
  18. 0
    16 December 2023 21: 36
    And I think the authorities will negotiate! Why? Look who is in power and what has changed!