Danish pacifists opposed the US military presence in their country

Danish pacifists opposed the US military presence in their country

In Denmark, members of the pacifist movement held a protest against NATO's military presence and called on the country's authorities not to use Aarhus harbor as a springboard for war and rearmament.

According to the Danish publication Arbejderen, one of the reasons for the demonstration was the next shipment of military equipment to Eastern Europe. Pacifists oppose the transformation of Denmark into one of the “pawns” used by the United States and NATO for their military purposes.

Danish pacifists demanded the withdrawal of all foreign, primarily American, military personnel from the territory of their country. Protesters carried signs reading “Yankees Go Home.”

The organizers of the event recalled that Denmark and other European countries will have to live with Russia as a neighbor, and in the interests of the Scandinavian country's security policy, coexistence with Russia will be peaceful. By creating contradictions between Denmark and Russia, the United States earns billions of dollars. The American authorities are not at all concerned that in the event of an armed conflict with Russia, Denmark will inevitably be completely destroyed.

Under the terms of NATO membership, Denmark undertakes to provide the alliance with its transport infrastructure to support the Western military presence in Eastern Europe. The protesters emphasize that the US military refuses to disclose what weapon they bring and can place nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and other unconventional weapons on Danish territory.

It is worth noting that any actions against the American military presence in Europe remain unnoticed by the authorities. The US actually views Europe as one of its colonies. The authorities of the European Union countries will never refuse to receive income from membership in the alliance in favor of their national interests.
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  1. +1
    14 September 2023 10: 35
    Danish pacifists opposed the US military presence in their country -

    - Both? ...
  2. +1
    14 September 2023 10: 57
    any actions against the American military presence in Europe remain unnoticed by the authorities.
    Apparently there are so few of them that the authorities simply don’t pay attention.
    1. 0
      14 September 2023 11: 06
      So... the Danes themselves in that Denmark... weren’t very good either.
      But... the bug is small and stinky! (people's wisdom)
  3. +1
    14 September 2023 10: 58
    Danish pacifists demanded
    So the German “greens” WERE just for peace, for peace! As soon as they seized power, they immediately became more hawkish than all previous hawks!
    why such a metamorphosis???
    Although, if you think about it... no, the thought doesn’t beat, it’s lost in this fog....
    Although, don’t we care, everyone there has gone crazy and is following the lead of the arrogant Saxons.
  4. +2
    14 September 2023 10: 59
    carried signs that read "Yankees Go Home"
    This call has been heard for decades and in many countries, but naturally to no avail. This is not why the Yankees came to this or that country and then leave it at the request of the protesters. American militarism is so straightforward that it’s not even worth thinking about the consequences - everything is already clear.
    1. 0
      14 September 2023 11: 43
      Quote: rotmistr60
      carried signs that read "Yankees Go Home"
      This call has been heard for decades and in many countries, but naturally to no avail. This is not why the Yankees came to this or that country and then leave it at the request of the protesters. American militarism is so straightforward that it’s not even worth thinking about the consequences - everything is already clear.

      Nevertheless, they left the Manas base.
      And how they fled from Afghanistan from the opinions of the protesters....
  5. +1
    14 September 2023 11: 24
    It was a big social force in the 60s and 70s. Pacifists in Europe and in America itself made life difficult for the American military.
    Now, alas. Their voice is not heard at all.
  6. +1
    14 September 2023 12: 01
    Danish pacifists demanded the withdrawal of all foreign, primarily American, military personnel from the territory of their country. Protesters carried signs reading “Yankees Go Home.”
    Next their They will trample them with horses and pour gas on them. To sit straight and breathe on command. bully
  7. 0
    14 September 2023 12: 23
    Pacifists might as well demand that the beer be topped up after the foam settles drinks